Who died still young, not even reaching the age of 40. We saw some of them in films and TV series more often, some less often, but all of them were very talented, and if not for death, we would have seen many more films with their participation.

Nikita Mikhailovsky (27 years old). Nikita grew up as a talented boy, from the age of six he worked as a fashion model and fashion model, and was engaged in drawing. Mikhailovsky played his first role at the age of eight in the film “Night on the 14th Parallel.”

After the release of the film “You Never Even Dreamed of...” in 1981, tenth-grader Nikita suddenly fell into incredible fame. Between 1985 and 1990, Mikhailovsky played nine more screen roles.

In 1990, the actor was diagnosed with leukemia, so very soon Nikita went to England for treatment. He needed a bone marrow transplant, and the whole world raised money for the operation.

Some of the funds for treatment famous actor sent by Boris Yeltsin, Garry Kasparov and even Margaret Thatcher, but the operation was not successful.

Shortly before his treatment, Nikita, together with his wife Ekaterina, organized an exhibition of his own artwork, the proceeds from the sales of which went to the treatment of Russian children with cancer.

Talgat Nigmatulin (35 years old). Soviet film actor, best known for the films "Pirates of the 20th Century", "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn" and "Wolf Pit".

In the early 1980s, Talgat Nigmatulin joined a sect led by pseudo-scientist Abai Borubaev, a native of the city of Frunze. The sectarians professed a doctrine called the “Fourth Way,” which was a mixture of Zen Buddhism and esotericism.

At the beginning of February 1985, a split occurred in the “school” of Mirza and Abai. Abai decided to invite Nigmatulin to his place so that he could “extort” money from the recalcitrant, but Talgat refused to participate in the racketeering, for which he paid with his life.

On the night of February 10-11, 1985, in the center of Vilnius, five “healers” with particular cruelty beat and kicked an actor who did not resist until by noon on February 11, 1985, death occurred from injuries incompatible with life. internal organs

Yan Puzyrevsky (25 years old). He played his first film role at the age of 10, and by the age of 20 he had taken part in the filming of fifteen films, including “The Mystery.” Snow Queen”, where he played the role of Kai.

Ian's successes at work contrasted with his troubles at work. family life. The actor got married at the age of 18, but the marriage was unsuccessful, and the couple decided to divorce.

On April 3, 1996, Puzyrevsky came to his wife’s apartment to see their one-and-a-half-year-old son Istvan, after which he picked him up and jumped out of the 12th floor window with him. The child remained alive, but Ian himself fell to his death. He was buried on Vagankovskoe cemetery.

Igor Nefedov (33 years old). He began acting in films as a third-year student. The debut was Nikita Mikhalkov's film "Five Evenings". He played a prominent role in the film "Accident - the Cop's Daughter."

Until 1988, he was popular and starred with famous directors. But then they stopped inviting Igor. The actor started drinking, started skipping rehearsals, and was eventually fired from Tabakerka.

On the morning of December 2, 1993, after another quarrel with his wife, he hanged himself. He was buried at the Kotlyakovskoye cemetery in Moscow.

Alexey Fomkin (26 years old). Alexey starred several times in the popular children's humorous film magazine "Yeralash", where director Pavel Arsenov noticed him and offered him the main role in feature film"Guest from the future", which became his finest hour.

Continue acting career Alexey did not want to, went to serve in the army, after which he nevertheless went to work at the Moscow Art Theater. Gorky, but three months later he was fired for systematic absenteeism. He went to work at a construction site as a painter, but soon quit and went to live in the village.

On February 22, 1996, Alexey and his wife were invited by friends to celebrate the Day Soviet army. On the night of February 23-24, 1996, the apartment suddenly caught fire, everyone except Alexei managed to escape. He is buried near Vladimir, at the Ulybyshevo city cemetery.

Sergey Shevkunenko (35 years old). The actor's most famous role is Misha in the film "Dirk". At the age of 17, he went to prison for the first time for a fight. After that he went down the criminal path.

He was killed in his apartment along with his mother. The crime was not solved, but it is associated with the actor’s criminal past.

Sergei Tikhonov (21 years old). Soviet young actor, leading actor in films of the 1960s, among which the most famous roles are the leader of the Redskins and Malchish the Bad Boy.

After filming the film "Dubravka" he tried to enter VGIK, but was not accepted. Served in the Soviet Army. After demobilization, he became a regular at the hippodrome. Sergei, due to his fame and sociability, very quickly became his own person there.

But this did not last long. A conflict arose that cost him his life. Late in the evening of April 21, 1972, not far from the hippodrome, he was pushed under a passing tram. Sergei died before the ambulance arrived.

Dmitry Egorov (32 years old). The son of actress Natalya Kustinskaya, who is best known for the film “Scarecrow”, in which he played Dima Somov. His parents were against him going into the acting profession. The boy obeyed.

At school he was an excellent student, he knew very well English language, graduated from the Faculty of Economics of MGIMO and never returned to show business.

On October 20, 2002, Dmitry Egorov went out for a walk and did not return. The mother received a call from the police and was told that he had died. The death certificate says it was from “heart failure,” but, according to some sources, Egorov’s temple was pierced.

Mikhail Epifantsev (30 years old). He made his film debut at the age of seven in the film “We Are Together, Mom,” then, at the age of 9, in the legendary television series “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed” he played the role of a boy - an accidental witness to a store robbery.

Without entering the theater school, he got a job as an optics salesman in a store. His personal life did not work out: his wife left with their child, who had cerebral palsy. Epifantsev later learned that his son lived in an orphanage. The father took the boy, but could not cope with the onset of depression and began to drink. In 1998, his heart stopped.

Irina Metlitskaya (35 years old). Soviet and Russian actress theater and cinema, memorable role class teacher in the film “Doll”, as well as theatrical works.

The actress died of leukemia on June 5, 1997. Buried at Troekurovskoye Cemetery in Moscow.

Maria Zubareva (31 years old). She worked at the Moscow Theater named after. Pushkin. She became widely known after her work in the film "Face" and leading role in the first Russian series "Little things in life".

However, the discovery of cancer did not allow him to continue working in the series.

Evgeny Dvorzhetsky (39 years old). He is known to viewers primarily for his role as Edmond Dantes in the film “The Prisoner of the Chateau d'If.”

Since 1999, he has been the host of the “Seven Troubles - One Answer” program on ORT. In 1999, he hosted the game show “Understand Me” on the NTV channel. He also hosted the programs “Golden Ball” on REN TV, “Endless Journey” on RTR, “About Photo” on the TV channel “Culture”.

On the morning of December 1, 1999, Dvorzhetsky drove his VAZ-2109 car for a consultation at the Institute of Immunology: doctors suspected he had asthma, but the diagnosis was not confirmed. On way back the actor died when his car collided with a truck. He was buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery in Moscow.

Vladimir Smirnov (about 40 years old). He played the role of Kolya Bazin in Karen Shakhnazarov's film "Courier".

According to one version, the actor died in a car accident; according to another, Fyodor was killed in line for beer and beaten by the police.

Oleg Dal (39 years old). An extremely famous Soviet theater and film actor. Author of poems and theatrical productions.

In 1980, the actor had a conflict with the management of the Mosfilm studio, which Dahl experienced very hard. Friends and colleagues commented that Oleg looked like recent months life was very bad, I was in a state of nervous and physical exhaustion.

The actor abused alcohol and took measures to overcome his predisposition to alcohol. According to Oleg Ivanovich’s widow, Elizaveta, he had poor health and a bad heart. Despite this, he worked “exhaustively” and often clashed with directors.

Oleg Dal died on March 3, 1981 in a hotel room, during a creative business trip in Kyiv. According to the popular version, heart attack was provoked by the consumption of alcohol, which was contraindicated for the patient, “wired up” with an anti-alcohol capsule. The actor's widow denies this information.

Yuri Kamorny (37 years old). Soviet actor theater and cinema, starring in more than 30 films.

At noon on November 27, 1981, Kamorny’s neighbors in a communal apartment suddenly heard heart-rending female screams coming from his room. The actor’s face was distorted, his lips whispered: “...they will kill you... you shouldn’t go out... I’d rather kill you myself...” Deciding that the actor had fallen into delirium tremens, the neighbors immediately called a doctor by phone -narcologist.

When the doctor and the police arrived at the scene, Kamorny continued to go on a rampage and, waving daggers, did not let anyone near him. The police decided not to risk it and used weapons.

The actor was killed by a police officer in his own room in a communal apartment on November 27, 1981 under unclear circumstances. As the examination later established, the deceased did not have a single gram of alcohol in his blood. They did not find any changes in his brain.

Elena Mayorova (39 years old). The actress died under tragic circumstances on August 23, 1997; the official version was an accident, although some talk about suicide.

Accidentally or intentionally, she set fire to her dress while on the staircase at the entrance of her house, and, having reached the service entrance of the Mossovet Theater, which was located in the courtyard of her house, she lost consciousness.

When Mayorova was taken by ambulance to the Sklifosofsky Institute, she was still alive. But 85 percent of her body was covered in severe burns. A few hours later, the actress died in intensive care. She was conscious all this time. It is unknown whether the actress's death was the result of suicide or an accident.

Alexey Zavyalov (36 years old). Theater actor and main character from the series "Cop Wars".

Alexey had an accident while jumping with a parachute. The injuries were serious and he died in hospital on August 7, 2011.

Vladislav Galkin (38 years old). The Soviet and Russian theater and film actor has been acting in films since childhood. Known to viewers from many films and TV series.

Vladislav was found dead in his own apartment. According to varying reports, the actor’s body was found in bed, or on the floor, he was lying face down. During the initial external examination of the body, no signs of violent death were found.

An examination showed that the actor died approximately two to three days before the discovery of the body, and the cause of death was named acute heart failure with cardiac arrest.

The father of the late actor Vladislav Galkin, director and producer Boris Galkin, revealed strange details about the death of his son. In particular, he stated in the Channel One program “Man and the Law” that Vlad could have been killed because of money.

Sergei Bodrov Jr. (30 years old). Russian actor and director, son of director Sergei Bodrov Sr. He was married and raised two children. Sergei managed to play in only 14 films, the most successful of which were “Brother”, “Brother-2” and “Bear Kiss”

As a director, he managed to shoot the film “Sisters”, although he began filming “Svyaznoy” in July 2002; in September the film crew flew to the Caucasus

The actor died on September 20, 2002 in the Karmadon Gorge, where one of the scenes of the film was to be filmed.

According to the official version, Sergei Bodrov Jr. and the entire film crew died as a result of a rock collapse. Rescue work lasted about a month.

Daniil Pevtsov (22 years old). Son of actor Dmitry Pevtsov. A year after graduating from school, Daniil entered the Russian University theatrical arts, and in the third year of study he transferred to VGIK.

While still studying at VGIK, he gradually began acting in films. His first one was successful big job- in the serial film "Angel in the Heart", which gained great popularity among viewers.

In September 2012, life young actor ended tragically: he fell from a third-floor balcony and died in hospital a few days later from his injuries. He was only 22 years old...

It's no secret that foreign divas spend millions on their appearance. Our stars' fees are more modest and in a different currency. Nevertheless, Russian women are famous throughout the world for their beauty for good reason. Here's your proof. Our review includes Russian and Hollywood stars of the same age who are over 40.

1975, 41 years old

Tatyana and Charlize are blonde beauties, luxurious women who have achieved certain heights in the professional sphere. But in the personal life of our Tanya, luck smiled, and Charlize cried loudly, and not because she dropped a ball into the river. Firstly, the actress has never been married: she is simply pathologically lucky with scoundrels. And secondly, Hollywood star no children of their own - only an adopted boy from South Africa named Jackson and a dark-skinned girl, Augusta, from the USA.

Tatiana Navka (photo on the left) and Charlize Theron (photo on the right)

1975, 42 years old

Looking at Yana’s figure, it’s hard to believe that she is the mother of three children, the youngest of whom is only three years old. Evgeni Plushenko's wife is in excellent shape and even on vacation does not forget to look at Gym. Looking at Angelina, you can’t help but think that she forgets to eat. Exhausted, almost on the verge of anorexia and nervous breakdown The actress evokes sympathy instead of admiration. Fans around the world are worried: if Brad Pitt's wife continues in the same vein, then by the age of 45 she will either disappear completely or turn into a decrepit old woman.

Yana Rudkovskaya (photo left) and Angelina Jolie (photo on the right)

1971, 46 years old

Winona has always been a slender, big-eyed brunette with huge eyes. But any natural gift must be supported and developed, but over the years the actress began to neglect herself. Anita, on the contrary, at 45, realized that a healthy lifestyle was just beginning in these years, and now she looks better than ever.

Anita Tsoi (photo left) and Winona Ryder (photo on the right)

1969, 47 years old

Jennifer threatens that she will still wear a bikini in retirement. Certainly, beautiful body- a simple matter, especially with the money of the star of the series “Friends” and taking into account the fact that Aniston did not give birth. Evelina does not throw such words to the wind: she simply posts juicy and bright photos herself in a swimsuit and enjoys life, thereby motivating all mothers. Let's take an example from Evelina!

Evelina Bledans (photo left) and Jennifer Aniston (photo on the right)

1968, 48 years old

Emma Sjoberg (Wiklund), the blonde Petra from the Taxi films, now looks like a successful copy of herself, created by hand plastic surgeons. Alika looks like a successful and happy woman. Overweight? They give the actress's figure appetizing roundness.

Alika Smekhova (photo left) and Emma Wiklund (photo on the right)

1967, 49 years old

Nicole Kidman never talked about her hobby. But we see everything: there is no breast, but there is one, and then it has disappeared again. Miracles? No, good job surgeons It’s the same with wrinkles: they say that the actress now even has difficulty smiling - everything is so tight on her. Our Renata is not like that. It seems that once she found her style, she stopped time. And now her 14-year-old daughter Ulyana looks like hers younger sister, and not Litvinova, like Kidman’s age.

Renata Litvinova (photo left) and Nicole Kidman (photo on the right)

1964, 52 years old

Just as the white and black queens are not alike, Taisiya and Monica are completely different. Luxurious women who, if they knew each other, would compete with each other. And so - each of them divides and rules on its territory. And yet our gentlemen prefer blondes.

Taisiya Povaliy (photo left) and Monica Bellucci (photo on the right)

1962, 54 years old

At 53, Jodi looks like a chemistry teacher: strict and reserved for her age. She lives quietly with her wife Alexandra Hedison and has two sons. Alena quiet life not to my liking. At 53 years old, the singer does not shy away from stylish experiments that inspire even her young colleagues.

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Olesya Sudzilovskaya

Maria Poroshina

Ilze Liepa

It's never too late for those who know how to wait, and proof of this is famous couple Anton and Victoria Makarskie. Stars Russian musical lived together for 13 years before they had their first child. My first pregnancy in my life occurred when I was 38 years old,” says Victoria. - Despite rumors and speculation in the yellow press, we did not use any modern medical advances. Two years after the birth of her first child, daughter Masha, Victoria was pregnant with her second child, son Vanya. She was already 42 then. Natural pregnancy“It never happens too late,” says the actress. - Of course, if you have been disorderly since the age of 15 sex life and poison the body birth control pills, then even at 25 it may be too late to give birth. The body is worn out. And if the lifestyle is correct, then why not? My great-grandmother gave birth to her fifth child at 45 and always told me that with each pregnancy the body gets younger. And my grandmother lived to be 94 years old, being of a clear mind and strong memory.

Victoria Makarskaya - gave birth to her second child at 42 years old

The later a woman decides to have a child, the more she is exposed to all sorts of alarmists with their fears, doubts, and warnings concerning everything from the health of the unborn child to purely everyday difficulties. Actress Olga Kabo gave birth to a son, Vitya, at the age of 44, when she eldest daughter Tanya was almost 14. You always go through the path of a “young mother” as if it were the first time, says Olga. - And the degree of responsibility and concern the second time is the same as the first time. The actress not only was not afraid to give birth “late”, but also fully nourished her Vityusha breast milk. This creates absolute unity between mother and child, not to mention how important this is for the health and immunity of the baby..." says Olga. And adds with a smile: "And my husband affectionately called me “House in the Village.” Actress Olga Kabo considers the birth of a child a recipe for peace in her family. And many mothers agree with her on this - both young and older. After all, you just have to look at the baby, and all the sorrows go away and the grievances are forgotten.

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Click on the photo to view the gallery Olga Kabo - gave birth to her second child at 44 years old


Text: / Photo: Anna Temerina, Vladimir Shirokov, Olga Litmanova, Kirill Nikitenko, Instagram.com, Vlad Loktev, Albert Plekhov, Alexander Dzhus, Dmitry Iskhakov

In our time reproductive age women, like youth, becomes an elastic concept. The heroines of the HELLO! material, including Olesya Sudzilovskaya, Maria Poroshina, Victoria Makarskaya, Ilze Liepa, Olga Kabo and Alena Khmelnitskaya, prove by their example that being a young mother when you are a little over 40 is very cool.

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Click on the photo to view the gallery Olesya Sudzilovskaya - gave birth to her second son at 41

One of the actress's greatest acting successes Olesya Sudzilovskaya You can name the role of Lyubov Orlova in the series “Orlova and Alexandrov”. As you know, her brilliant heroine achieved success in cinema that one can only dream of, but Lyubov Petrovna was not destined to become a mother (“She didn’t want to at first, and then she couldn’t,” critic Vitaly Vulf quoted her husband, director Alexandrov) . Fortunately, actress Sudzilovskaya did not repeat the fate of the film star. Olesya has two children, two sons, and a second boy (whose name we don’t know yet) was born at the beginning of this year.

Star of the series "Always Say Always" Maria Poroshina Also at the beginning of the year she gave her husband, actor Ilya Drevnov, a girl - Glafira. Now the actress has four daughters: Seraphima, Agrafena, Glafira and senior Polina, born in marriage to actor Gosha Kutsenko. Four children - in our time this in itself is worthy of respect, but if the youngest child is born when the mother is just over 40, then you can directly say: “Hats off!” Every time a child is born, the world turns upside down, and you already relate to people differently. With warmth, with tenderness. You see only the good in every person,” says the actress, and there is no doubt in her words. Colleagues and fans speak of Maria as one of the nicest, gentlest and most friendly women and affectionately call her Poroshinka.

Maria Poroshina - gave birth to her fourth daughter at 42 years old

It is generally accepted that being a mother is the highest privilege of a woman, but some modern ladies still do not share these ideas. Supporters of the childfree movement defend the right of women not to love children, to be proud of their childlessness and to be considered happy due to their achievements in other areas of activity. In some professional communities, it is customary to delay motherhood due to the so-called “specifics of production.” This includes, for example, models, athletes, ballerinas... In the ballet world, childlessness for a woman for a long time was considered almost unnatural. Pavlova, Karsavina, Ulanova, Plisetskaya, Margot Fonteyn and other greatest stage stars had no children; Pavlova generally called herself a “nun of art.”

However, now the situation is changing even in ballet: modern Giselles and Odettes-Odiles no longer agree to put their lives entirely on the altar of art, and Ulyana Lopatkina directly states that “giving life to a new person is much more important than dancing Swan Lake.” Ballerina Ilze Liepa, who became a mother after 40 years, believes that everyone has their own path and should not judge who has a higher path. About myself I can say that for me my daughter Nadya is the greatest happiness, reward, God’s grace,” says the ballerina. Ilse waited for her only child for many years, worried, upset, but never despaired. "We prayed, hoped and believed. And our hope came true," she says.

Some of them famous women and after 40 years, in some incomprehensible way, they managed not only to maintain their beauty, but even began to look younger than at the beginning of their career. Of course, some of American actresses looks young thanks modern achievements plastic surgery, however, there are those whose attractiveness after 40 is not associated with such manipulations.

How Hollywood stars manage to stay forever young? Maybe the reason is healthy way life, vegetarianism or yoga, which is recommended for women to do to prolong youth? Or is it a matter of good heredity? In this review you can see photos of young-looking Hollywood stars and simply famous women who are already 40 years old. And if you have given up on yourself and come to terms with the onset of aging, perhaps these examples will become an incentive to also begin anti-aging procedures and devote more time to your appearance.

So what do they look like famous actresses who are approaching or have already passed 40 years of age.

Angelina Jolie (born June 4, 1975) will soon be 41, but she still looks great.

November 11, 1962) looks no worse, and yet she is already 53 years old!

The next star is 47-year-old Jennifer Aniston (February 11, 1969), who has not changed a bit over the past 15 years.

Eva Longoria (March 15, 1975), of course, is younger, she is only 41 years old, but is it possible to give her more than 35?

August 30, 1972 (age 43)

Reese Witherspoon (March 22, 1976) has just entered the ranks of 40-year-old stars, but who can believe it - Reese has managed to maintain her youth and beauty so well that it is difficult to give her her age.

Her contemporary Alicia Silverstone (1976), who will celebrate her fortieth birthday on October 4, also looks 10-15 years younger than her age.

September 30, 1964 (age 51)

November 1, 1972 and after 40 he never ceases to amaze.

July 24, 1969). What might JLo look like at 46? Of course it's fresh and delicious!

December 3, 1960). You may or may not love this actress, but you can't help but be surprised to learn that this young-looking woman is already 55!

And how beautiful is the beautiful Michele Pfeiffer (April 29, 1958), who was born even earlier (she is 57 years old).

And finally, Meryl Streep ( June 22, 1949) - an example of how well-groomed and young a woman can remain not only after 40, but also after 60 (the actress is now 66 years old).

You can talk as long as you like about the fact that famous Hollywood actresses are rich, they can afford best creams and anti-aging procedures, that they do plastic surgery, they are done by the best cosmetologists and stylists, etc., etc. But all this is in favor of the poor. Such arguments are just an excuse for one’s own laziness and unwillingness to work on oneself and one’s appearance. If you want to look good at 40 and older, believe me, it is possible. Treat yourself with love, take care of yourself, devote time not only to your loved ones, but also to yourself - your hair and body. And most importantly, never allow yourself to feel old.

Many of us react quite sensitively to questions about age. The stars are no exception. Some of them do their best to hide the true year of their birth (just remember Paris Hilton, whose driver's license and this date does not match in the passport). Add to this the wonders of plastic surgery, which helps adult ladies look #like a girl, as well as a healthy or unhealthy lifestyle, which either enhances the effect of beauty procedures or, conversely, nullifies all efforts. So it turns out that very often we cannot guess how old a particular star actually is. Some at 30 look like 40, others even at 50 manage to maintain sparkle in their eyes and smooth skin without a single wrinkle. We decided to compare our and Western stars of the same age, and we invite you to evaluate which of them looks younger and more well-groomed.

Surely each of us has had stories when we met classmates, or even girlfriends kindergarten, which after for long years separations were recognized with difficulty, if at all. Indeed, age is reflected on the face of each of us in its own way. Likewise, celebrities of the same year of birth often look completely different. Whether you are surprised or not, Renee Zellweger and Tatyana Bulanova are both 47 years old, and Renata Litvinova is the same age as Pamela Anderson. In our gallery we have collected 54 photos of domestic and Hollywood stars of the same age that will surely surprise you.

Alicia Vikander and Paulina Andreeva, born in 1988 (29 years old)

When the producers decided to film new version game “Lara Croft”, Alicia Vikander was chosen for the role of the young heroine (previously played by Jolie). It’s not surprising, because thanks to her teenage figure and childishly chubby cheeks, the actress can be considered to be in her early twenties. Do you think Paulina Andreeva, who will also turn 29 this year, looks just as young?

Gwyneth Paltrow and Elena Korikova, born in 1972 (45 years old)

It seems that Gwyneth Paltrow refuses to grow old - it is too difficult to accept the fact that the actress will turn forty-five this year. In every second interview, Gwyneth never tires of saying that she began to take care of herself only after 39 years. It turns out that instead of cream, Paltrow uses cold-pressed sesame oil. Maybe her peer, Elena Korikova, should try this recipe?

Keira Knightley born in 1985 and Olga Buzova born in 1986 (32 years old)

Her fans started talking about the fact that Olga Buzova became interested in filler injections a year ago. The lips of the former TV presenter became plumper and her cheekbones more expressive. However, the question is: did “beauty injections” serve a good purpose? Or maybe it's the shade of the hair? We are accustomed to Olga the blonde, as well as Kira the brunette. In any case, it’s up to you to decide who looks more natural and younger.

Pamela Anderson and Renata Litvinova, born in 1967 (51 years old)

It looks completely different now than it did even a couple of months ago. This is all due to anti-aging procedures and blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), which ultimately transformed the entire face in a radical way. Her contemporary Renata Litvinova, at 50 years old, works with her own appearance so competently and subtly that she looks, on the one hand, stunningly young, and on the other, absolutely natural. Aerobatics!

Jennifer Lawrence and Regina Todorenko, born in 1990 (27 years old)

Yes, yes, the star of the film “The Hunger Games” Jennifer Lawrence was born in the same year, 1990, as the host of the program “Heads and Tails” Regina Todorenko. To be more precise, then Hollywood actress even a month and a half younger than Regina.

Anne Hathaway born in 1982 and Ksenia Borodina born in 1983 (35 years old)

Ksenia Borodina, like Anne Hathaway, always looks young and fresh. Moreover, both stars, unlike many of their colleagues, are sure that at their age it is too early to resort to injection procedures; it is enough to use effective beauty products. Which one of them do you think looks younger?

Margot Robbie and Nyusha, born in 1990 (27 years old)

Margot Robbie impresses many as an adult, experienced lady. But thanks to her bright makeup and outfits, Nyusha also looks older than her 27 years.

Miranda Kerr and Svetlana Khodchenkova, born in 1983 (35 years old)

Stately and luxurious Svetlana Khodchenkova in her youth seemed more mature than peers. Maybe it’s the serious roles or the talent of a truly “adult” actress? But at some point, Svetlana began to systematically grow younger year by year. But Miranda Kerr continues to look like a young flirt. So this round of the battle between domestic and foreign stars, in our opinion, is especially interesting.

Meryl Streep and Nadezhda Babkina, born in 1949 (68 years old)

Meryl Streep is not one of those celebrities who struggles to maintain youth by reshaping her face and “tightening” her skin in various places. The actress prefers to age naturally. But her peer Nadezhda Babkina clearly believes that such a position is yesterday, and is boldly testing the merits of fillers on herself. Who is right in the end?

Shakira and Dana Borisova, born in 1977 (41 years old)

We can only guess how Shakira manages to look like she just graduated from university, so Dana Borisova will most likely lose this battle. However, the fact remains that both are 40 years old.

Scarlett Johansson and Maria Kozhevnikova, born in 1984 (33 years old)

The actresses have a lot in common: both started their careers by filming humorous films, are involved in politics, devote a lot of time to their children and... look great with their crazy work schedules! How they manage to do this is anyone's guess.

Demi Moore and Ingeborga Dapkunaite, born in 1963 (55 years old)

Ingeborga Dapkunaite admits that her daily beauty ritual is not original: cleansing, moisturizing and thorough sun protection. Demi Moore is a lover of “heavy artillery.” They say that the actress has already undergone facelifts several times in order to maintain her clear oval and smooth skin. It's up to you to decide who looks better.

Jennifer Lopez and Evelina Bledans, born in 1969 (48 years old)

They usually say about such people: “Women without age.” Indeed, to believe that Jennifer Lopez and Evelina Bledans are 48 years old, you will have to consult the cold-blooded Wikipedia. It feels like they have been “mothballed” for the last 10 years and are not changing.

Jennifer Aniston and Tatyana Bulanova, born in 1969, (49 years old)

Many fans of Jennifer Aniston are sure that now, at 48 years old, she looks even better than at 35. She naturally has healthy color faces and smooth skin, not to mention luxurious, still thick hair. However, quality care no one canceled. According to rumors, Jen spends about a thousand dollars a week on special placenta face masks alone. Our compatriot Tatyana Bulanova probably doesn’t skimp on beauty either, but whether she manages to look just as young is up to you to decide.

and Irina Bezrukova, born in 1965, 52 years old

Both actresses never age in body or soul! Over the past 15 years, Irina Bezrukova and Elizabeth Hurley have remained virtually unchanged.

Sharon Stone and Elena Kondulainen, born in 1958 (60 years old)

Despite the fact that Elena Kondulainen will forever remain in our hearts as the “Russian Marlene Dietrich”, one cannot help but notice that in her 59th position she lost some ground. The actress practically does not appear on the screen and looks somewhat tired. But her peer Sharon Stone definitely uses some kind of effective elixir of youth. To be convinced of this, just look at latest photos actresses. The difference, so to speak, is obvious.

and Maria Shukshina, born in 1967 (50 years old)

Both actresses look decent. However, if Kidman has already registered in the cosmetologist’s office, then our compatriot prefers to fight with age-related changes on your own. “I think that it is important for an actress to remain as she is at any age and to age naturally,” Maria admitted in an interview.

Eva Mendes, born in 1974, and Natasha Koroleva, born in 1973 (44 years old)

Selfies of Eva Mendes and Natasha Koroleva without makeup are gaining hundreds of thousands of likes - not surprising, because they look much younger than their years. Both are happy with the men they love, both are sure that strong feelings- deposit female beauty. But who does passion warm more effectively?

Megan Fox and Pelageya, born in 1986 (31 years old)

Can you believe that Pelageya and Megan Fox are both 31 years old? We don’t argue that Megan looks great, but her skin is suspiciously smooth and toned, and her facial expression is a little frozen. This means that the actress abuses injections. Pelageya looks much more “alive”, so to speak. In the age of Botox, this is especially valuable.

Kate Upton and Alena Shishkova, born in 1992 (25 years old)

Kate Upton regularly appears on lists of stars who look much older than their years. But Alena Shishkova, in our opinion, looks as it should at her tender age. The appearance correction that this platinum blonde resorted to also, of course, has an effect.

and Slava, born in 1980 (37 years old)

Kim Kardashian is a well-known lover of anti-age procedures. The reality TV star regularly does anti-aging peels, injections, masks made of 24-karat gold... About plastic surgery Let's just keep quiet. Our compatriot, singer Slava, is no less sensitive to her appearance, but does not abuse beauty procedures. At the same time, she looks no worse than her American counterpart. Give it naturalness! Do you agree?

Britney Spears and Ksenia Sobchak, born in 1981 (36 years old)

Of course, now Britney Spears is trying her best to return to her previous figures (it should be noted that she is succeeding), but at times it is difficult to say how old the singer really is - 33 or 43... But with Ksenia Sobchak, on the contrary, everything is clear: she looks year after year it gets cooler and younger, well done!

Born in 1981 and Vera Brezhneva born in 1982 (36 years old)

Two blondes with Slavic roots, two strong personalities. But the challenge has been thrown: Ivanka or Vera?

Natalia Oreiro and Anfisa Chekhova, born in 1977 (40 years old)

Every new photo of Natalia Oreiro and Anfisa Chekhova delights great amount fans. Many people don’t understand how you can remain so radiant and cheerful on the threshold of your 40th birthday! Apparently, it’s all about a natural positive attitude, thanks to which Natalia and Anfisa look great. But who is leading?

Kate Hudson and Victoria Bonya, born in 1979 (38 years old)

About secrets perfect skin Only the lazy don't know Victoria Boni. Almost every day, the star posts self-care tips on her Instagram page. And indeed, a beauty blogger at 38 manages to look 25. For which, of course, we can thank not only genetics and proper care, but also filters... Kate Hudson, by the way, also knows how to use them, but she looks great even without Photoshop.

Angelina Jolie and Chulpan Khamatova, born in 1975 (42 years old)

Talented, generous, wise, beautiful by nature, they do not talk about the secrets of beauty in interviews, but prefer to focus all their attention on the problems of the disadvantaged. Such a human position cannot but ennoble, and yet, who is better preserved?

Lisa Kudrow and Lolita Milyavskaya, born in 1963 (54 years old)

Lolita and Lisa Kudrow are a perfect example of how you can age in different ways. Today's Lisa only vaguely resembles that perky and cheerful girl from the series "Friends", and Lolita, on the contrary, looks even better than 20 years ago.