HOLY FATHERS ABOUT MEDICINE. “When reading medical books or asking someone about them, do not forget that without God no one receives healing. So, whoever devotes himself to the art of medicine must surrender himself to the name of God, and God will give him help. The art of medicine does not prevent a person from being pious; but do it as if you were doing handicraft for the benefit of the brethren. Whatever you do, do it with the fear of God, and you will be preserved by the prayers of the saints” (St. Abba Dorotheos) “Nothing prevents you from inviting a doctor during illnesses. God foresaw that there would be a need for healing art, and deigned that it would finally be compiled on the basis of human experience; For this purpose he gave existence in advance to medicines in the series of creations. However, the hope of healing should not be placed on them, but on our true Doctor and Savior, Jesus Christ" (Blessed Diadochos) "For the joy and healing of the body, to satisfy its needs, the Lord gave medical means to worldly people... because they are not in I am still able to entrust myself completely to God” (St. Macarius of Egypt)

Saint Basil the Great about medicine: “Like any aid of the arts, medicine against the infirmities of nature is given to us from God, for example: agriculture because what naturally grows from the earth is not enough to satisfy our needs; the art of weaving, and similarly architecture, because the use of coverings is necessary for decency and for the sake of the harmfulness of the air; so is the art of medicine. Since our body, which is disturbed by everything, is subject to various types of damage, both occurring externally and generated internally by the food taken, and is brought to exhaustion by both excesses and shortcomings, then God, who controls our entire life, has allowed us the art of medicine, which, as an example of mental healing, has the goal of ridding us of unnecessary things. and make up for what is insufficient. As if we were still living in a paradise of sweets, we would have no need for agricultural inventions and labors; so if we were not subject to suffering due to the gift that was given to us at creation and was preserved by us until the fall, then we would not need the benefits of the medical art to relieve ourselves. But as after our exile to this place, after it was said: in the sweat of your brow, bear your bread (Gen. 3:19), in order to alleviate the sorrowful consequences of the curse, through long-term experience and many labors on the earth, we developed the art of agriculture, because God has given us intelligence and the ability to comprehend this art, so, since we were commanded to return again to the land from which we were taken, and since we are associated with painful flesh, which for sin was condemned to decay, and through this we were subjected to these infirmities, then it was given to us the help of medical art, although to some extent provided to those suffering from illness. For the herbs that are useful for this or that disease did not grow by themselves, but, obviously, by the will of the Creator they were produced for the purpose of serving for our benefit. Therefore, the properties contained in roots, in flowers, in leaves, in fruits and in juices, and in metals and in the sea of ​​openly usable flesh - all this is similar to the invention of what is eaten and drunk. But what is refined, unnecessary and requires long labor, and as if turns our whole life into caring for the flesh, should be forbidden to Christians. And we must try to use art in such a way, in case of need, that it is not in it alone that the cause of health or a painful condition is identified, but that we accept the benefits it offers for the glory of God and as an example of caring for the soul.” “It would be bestial nonsense to hope to get health solely from hands of a doctor, which, as we see, other miserable people are subjected to, who are not ashamed to call doctors their saviors. But even this will be stubbornness if, in any case, you avoid using the medical art” “... Just as one should not avoid the medical art at all, it is also inappropriate to place all one’s hope in it.”

Saint Theophan, the Recluse of Vyshensky about medicine: “...God gave doctors, and it is God’s will to turn to them.” “...Don’t be angry with doctors. They don't heal themselves. And they are cured when God blesses" "...If you, trusting in God and from Him for help, and not from a doctor and medicines, turn to natural means of healing, then there is no sin" "...God created doctors and medicines . Using them does not mean going against the orders of God." "Everything is from God; He allows us to get sick, and He surrounded us with healing methods.” “You don’t have to get treatment in the expectation that God will heal; but this is very boldly daring. You don’t have to undergo treatment to exercise patience and devotion to the will of God, but this is very high, and at the same time everyone - oh! - will be blamed, but only grateful joy is appropriate...” “Whoever does not feel the courage to endure an illness... it is better to resort to doctors, still expecting help from God, for He admonishes doctors.”

Sayings of the Holy Fathers ABOUT DISEASES*

* Spiritual warfare. M, Pilgrim, 1993. P. 28-303.

DThe enemy tempted zealous Christians with tormentmi, and the current ones - with illnesses and thoughts.

Prp . Ambrose Optinsky

TOjust as medicine benefits the body, so and illness - to the soul.

Hthen she’s sick, it doesn’t matter: sinful peoplethis is purification; how fire purifies ironfrom rust, just as illness heals the soul.

Prp . Anatoly Optinsky

Billness relieves many mentalpassions. The Apostle Paul says: ...if our outer man... is smoldering, then our inner man... is being updated.

(2 Cor. 4, 16)

Git not only strikes the soul, but also those lo.

In other cases it is quite obvious; Vothers, although it is not so clear, but the truth remains I share the truth that illnesses of the body are all and allyes from sins and for the sake of sins. I commit a sinresides in the soul and directly makes it sick, butSince the life of the body comes from the soul, then from a sick soul, of course, life is not healthy.

Already one but the fact that sin brings darkness and darkness(cm. grieve– approx. A.P.), must but has an unfavorable effect on the blood, inwhich is the basis of bodily health. But when you remember that he is separated from Bo ha - the Source of life and places a person indiscord with all laws in force andin himself, and in nature, then still marvelit is necessary how a sinner remains alive after sinHa. This is God's mercy awaiting repentance tions and appeals.

Therefore, the patientbefore anything else, we must hurrycleanse yourself from sins and in your conscience withmake peace with God. This will pave the wayto the beneficial effects of drugs.

From it is known that there was some significant doctor who did not begin treatment,until the sick person confesses and receives communionXia Holy Mysteries; and the more difficult the illness was,the more insistently he demanded it.

St. Feofan the Recluse

BIllness is a mercy for a person God's.

And if a Christian accepts like Bohomo sent for the benefit of the soul and the goodit will be good to endure his painfulstanding, then he goes straight to heaven...Diseases - threshing: the more blows, theThe more grains will be knocked out and the richer the grind will be.Then you need grain for the millstones, then flour in mixing the dough and leavening it, then inin the form of bread - into the oven and, finally, for the meal God's

St. Feofan the Recluse

Bthank God that you are on good terms ty: your illness is a great gift from God. Dan but nightly for this and for everything you praise and goodgive - and your soul will be saved.

Elder Arseny of Athos

TOwhen will they bother you inconvenientlypain or painful suffering, or somethingor similar, then try not to missfrom the memory of the words of Holy Scripture: Mno With these sorrows it is fitting for us to enter Tsarst Vie Heavenly.

Prp . Ambrose Optinsky

Bog does not require the patient to perform heroic deedsforest, but only patience with humility and thanksgiving

Prp . Ambrose Optinsky

TOwhen, for example, the patient settles downbear your illness complacently and not carries...

The enemy, knowing that in this way he utbelieves in the virtue of patience, he begins to upset such goodwill. Formany things begin to come to his mindgood deeds that he could do,if I were in a different position. ANDtries to convince him that if he were healthy,how well God would work and how muchI would bring zy to myself and others: I would go to church, have conversations, read and write inedification of neighbors and under.

Noticing that suchthoughts are accepted, the enemy brings more oftenthem on the mind, multiplies and colors, provosreaches the point of feeling, evokes desires and impulsesto business topics, imagining how well things wentif he had this or that business, and excitingpitythat is bound hand and foot by disease nuyu.

Little by little, with frequent repetitionI love such thoughts and movements in my soul, I wishdissatisfaction turns into dissatisfaction and annoyance.

The former complacencypatience, that's how it iszom, gets upset, and the disease representsno longer as a medicine from God and a fieldfor the virtue of patience, but as something notcommitted to the cause of salvation, and the desire to masterthe fear of it becomes uncontrollable, still in the form of obtaining through this space for doing good and pleasing God in every way.

Having brought it to this, the enemy steals from his mind andhearts this good goal of desire to get betterniya and, leaving one wish for health ashealth, makes you annoyed to look at illness not as an obstacle to good, but assomething unpleasant in itself. This causes impatience, which cannot be cured. good thoughts, takes power and moves into grumbling, and deprives the patient of his former peacefrom complacent patience. And the enemy rejoicesthat managed to upset him.

Invisible abuse

Bwhether you are old or poor, be patient.

Neither What does God require from you other than patience?By enduring complacently, you will not beuninterrupted in good deeds. Whenever he looks atGod will see you, what you do is goodro or remain in goodness if you are complacentbut you endure, whereas a healthy thing has moreSome come at intervals.

Why [therefore],wanting a change in your situation, you wantedeat to exchange the best for the worst.

Invisible abuse

Blonely and poor - don’t complain and don’t murmurcabbage soup to your fate, to God and people, not forsee other people's happiness, beware of despondency andespecially despair, submit completely to the Providence of God.

One old man who suffered from water sickness nuyu, spoke to the brothers who came to him with a desire to treat him: “Fathers, moTake care so that you don't get sick like thisneither my inner man, but as for the real illness, I ask God that He does not suddenly free mefrom her, because how much our outer man ...smoldering,so internal...updating (2 Cor. 4, 16)

Prp . Seraphim of Sarov

ABOUTone old man spoke about poor Lazar:“Not a single virtue is visible in him, buthe would have done. And only one thing is found dil in him - that he never complained aboutLord, as if he were not showing mercy to him tee.But he endured the illness with gratitudehis own, and therefore God accepted him.”

Patericon of Athos

INIt’s a great feat to endure patientlydiseases and send them among them thanksgiving songs God.

WITHtarets to his sick friend grandsonshal: “We need to pray more often: “Lord! mi Here is patience, there is forgiveness."

EIf you've had enough here, you won't tolerate itin the next world of eternal torment, but, on the contrary, you willenjoy such bliss in front ofFor whom present happiness is nothing.

INverily, bodily illnesses of the souldraws closer to God.

St. Gregory the Theologian

Psomehow came to visit Fr. Abbot Anthonyone sick with his legs and says: “Father,My legs hurt, I can’t lay downus, and it confuses me.” O. Anthony answeredtold him: “Yes, the Scripture says: son,give me a shoutMi heart, not nose."

Prp . Ambrose Optinsky

NSome woman has an illness in her chestdi, called cancer, and hearing about Abba Longinus, she was looking for an opportunity to meet him.

He lived nine miles from Alexandria to the westdu. When the woman was looking for him, it happenedblessedtherefore to collect firewood by the sea;and, seeing him, the woman says to him: “Ab va“Where does Abba Longinus, the servant of God, live?” –not knowing that it was himself. He said: “What what do you want from this deceiver? Do not goto him, for he is a deceiver. What do you needBut?" The woman showed illness. Elder,signifyingsign of the cross that place, released her, saying: “Go, the Lord will heal you. Longinus cannot help you.”The woman left, believing her word, and would soonLa is healed. When did I tell someabout this the signs of the old man spoke, they learnedthat it was Abba Longinus himself.

Patericon of Athos


By the way, they also kill lies.chi from ignorance of the patient’s illness, drinkgiving him harmful drugs.

Those who do not want to be treated or treat pain also killnogo who needs the help of a doctor.

Ubi are those that irritate a patient for whom irritation is fatal, for example, a person susceptible to consumption, and thereby accelerate it death.

They kill those who do not serverum of time, due to stinginess or otherwisegood reason, medical benefits hurtmu, bread to the hungry.

BRat asked Abba Arseny: “There is someone those are good people. Why are they on time? death are subject to great tribulation, beingstricken with bodily illness?”

“Because,” answered the elder, “so that we, as if saltingHaving finished salting here, we went there clean.”

Patericon of Athos

ABOUTDean from parish priests didI am sick, and, already approaching death, seemade his bed surrounded by demons whowere preparing to kidnap his soul and bring him down to hell.

Then three Angels appeared. One of themstood at the bedside and began to argue about the soul withthe most cunning demon who held froma full book in which everything was written downsins of the priest.

Meanwhile a friend camegoy priest to admonish a brother.Confession began; sick, directing hisfrightened glances at the book, pronounced his sins with selflessness, as if spewing them outfrom myself. And what does he see? Sees clearly thathardly uttered any sin like this sindisappeared into the book, which left a gapinstead of recording. Thus, confessionhe blotted out all the sins from the demonic bookhi, and, having received healing, spent the rest of his days in deep repentance, telling his neighborshim for their edification, vision, sealednew miraculous healing.

St. Ignatiy Brianchaninov

Eshe also said (blessed Syncletikia):The devil has many sharp weapons.

When it's not okay he poor the soul with poverty, brings richessusceptibility to seduction.

He did not overcome her with insults andvilification - lavishes praise on her and glory.

A person is not defeated by health - thoselo he is affected by diseases. Because you couldn'tto seduce him with pleasures, attemptsto seduce the soul with involuntary labors, it’s timepresses a person with serious illnesses due to the fact thatthrough this, in the careless, the love for God.

But whenever the body is struck yours or ignites with a strong fever,also languishes with unbearable thirst - if yousinner, then bear it, remembering the boo future punishment, eternal fire and execution court and don't neglect real [punishment yami] ( Eur. 12, 5). But rejoice that God hasTil you, and repeat this beautiful sayingtion: The Lord punished me severely, but death didn't betray me(Ps. 117, 18). You are iron and fire will cleanse your rust.

If you, boo being righteous, he fell into illness, then through this from With less you succeed with more. Yougold - and through the fire he became purer.<...>

Are we losing our eyes? - let's move it withoutburdens, because through this we are deprived of opgans of gluttony and enlighten ourselves internally with early eyes.

Have we gone deaf? - We willthank God that we are completely sweatingthey shouted vain rumors.

Have your hands become weak? – But we have hands inside ourselves, destinedready to fight the enemy.

Weakness will prevail whole body? - But because of this, on the contrary, ageThere is health according to the inner man.

Patericon of Athos

WITHthe taret said: like unheated wax and unsoftenedcannot accept cash on deliverythere are stamps on it, so is a person, if notthe child is tempted by labor and illness, cannotaccept the power of Christ. That's why Lordsays to the divine Paul: enough for you of My grace, for My power has perfected is in weakness.And the Apostle himself boasts,vorya: And therefore I will be much more willing to praise pour out your weaknesses so that you may dwell in the power of Christ to me (2 Cor. 12, 9).

Patericon of Athos

WITHthe Tartar said: “Do not be faint-hearted whenmay bodily illness befall you. Because, esIs it the Lord's pleasure that you should suffer in body,then who are you, burdened by this? Isn't heis everything about you? Isn't it Him you live by?

So, bear the disease and pray to Him, yes yesHe works everything for your benefit, that is, according to His will;sit (in the cell) patiently, eating alms."

Patericon of Athos

ABOUTfather will not give children stones instead of breadand snakes instead of fish.

If natural father doesn't do that, especially since he won't do thatdo Heavenly Father. And our petitionsoften resemble the petition of a snake and a stone.It seems to us that “this” is bread and fish, what we ask, but the Heavenly Father sees that what we askthere will be a stone or a snake for us - and it won’t give requested.

Father and mother pour out before BoGod's warm prayers for his son, may he arrange the best for him, but at the same time they also express thatconsider it best for their son, namely,so that he is alive, healthy and happy. StateGod hears their prayer and arranges fortheir son is the best. Just not according to the conceptshining, but as it really is fortheir son: sends a disease from which you die son barks.

For those who are running out of thingsreal life, this is not hearing, but dedefiance or provision of face, oto whom they pray, his fate; for believersbut real life is just in preparationto another life, there can be no doubtknowledge that the son for whom they prayed was ill anddied precisely because a prayer was heardand that it was better for him to leave here,than to stay here.

You say: so what?and pray? No, you can’t help but pray, butIn prayers about certain objects, one must always contain in one’s thoughts the condition: “If,Lord, You Yourself find this saving.”

St. Isaac the Syrian advises shortening every prayer like this: “To you, Lord,I know what is good for me: createwith me according to your will.”

Set. Feofan the Recluse

Nsomeone lived somewhere far away in the desert.

Behind his insides ached: whether his lungs, orheart, or liver, or all together. Pain, at leastdie. There is nowhere to expect human help,I ran to God with all-powerful prayer.

Us the Lord heard. One night, falling asleep, he sees such a vision. Two Angels came withpressed, cut it, took out the diseased parts,cleaned them, washed them and lubricated them with something. Then they put everything in its place and sprayedsomething, and - everything grew together, as if there was no call.

Having woken up, the elder stood uphealthy, as if I had never been sick,new, like a young man in his prime.

St. Feofan the Recluse

... Rgreat harm to the soul in both cases - andwhen the flesh is rebellious, from excess healthindulging in violent impulses, and whenexhausted from painful illnesses, relaxed on and motionless.

Because the soul is therethe state of the body does not have time to transportgazes at grief, but when necessary, is occupied with the sensation of pain; and weakens, suppressed by the suffering of the body.

All Let life be a time of prayer.

St. Basil the Great

Z“Health is a gift from God,” said the saint. XieRafim Sarovsky, - but this gift is not always useful: like any suffering, illnesshas the power to cleanse us from spiritual filth,make amendssins, to humble and soften oursoul, make you think again, realize yourweakness and remembering God. Therefore the diseaseneither we nor our children need.

BIt happens that illness seizes to awaken a sleeping soul.

Nit is impossible that when we walk the pathtruth, sadness would not have met us,the body would not be exhausted in illness and labor,and remained unchanged, unlessWe love to live in virtue.

BIt happens that God covers others with illnessfrom trouble, which they would not have escaped if they had been healthy.

INillness, before any other matter,must hasten to be cleansed of sins in Tathe ministry of repentance and accept in your conscience fight with God.

St. Feofan the Recluse

IN dangerous diseases, take care first of clearing your conscience and peace of mind of your soul.

BOur illnesses mostly occurredfrom sins, why the best remedy to preprevention and recovery from them consists ofso as not to sin.

INall the most severe sorrows and misfortunesare carried more easily by people than serious illnessesbodily. An undoubted expert in the field of tormentsuffering, torment of people - Satan - before the face of God Himself testified that the bodynew diseases are more unbearable than all othershappiness, and that man, courageously and innocentlyhe who endures other calamities may weaken in his patience and waver in his devotion to God, having undergone severe pain. climb.

GThis is why the Lord sends illnesses,to remember death and from memory newsso that the sick person is concerned aboutend, and preparation for death.

MThe Lord heals many diseases throughdoctors and other means. But there are diseasesfor the healing of which the Lord imposes forrushes when he sees that the disease is more necessary forsalvation than health.

TOwhen illness weighs us down, there is no needwe must grieve that from pain and ulcers wewe cannot sing psalms with our lips. Becausepains and wounds serve to destroy lust ny, and both fasting and prostration are prescribedWe need us to conquer passions. If illnesses also drive away these passions, then not about than to care.

Billnesses reconcile us with God and indraw back into His love.

St. rights John of Kronstadt

BSome people need to console themselves by readingDivine Scripture and the suffering of Spa holder.

TThe Lord accepts the patience of illnessthen fasting and prayer.

B uduchisick, don't force yourself throughstrength to church, and lie under the blanket and yours ri Jesus prayer.

Prp . Anatoly Optinsky

ABOUThowever, at those hours when he goes to churchyou service, it’s better not to lie down, but to sit onbed, leaning, if infirmity overcomesyes, to the wall, and so pray intelligently and heartily,with full desire and cheerfulness of spirit.

St. Feofan the Recluse

Bhaving killed the weak, and the rule, as I canyou eat it, fix it, even at ten o’clockemov. When the head is unhealthy, bow to the ground don't put new ones.

NDon’t grieve if sometimes you don’tyou can fulfill the prayer rule, andthank God for the disease, for it is the sameWhat is prayer if without grumbling and with gratitude? we tolerate nothing.

Elder Arseny of Athos

Gthe main cause of cowardice and murmuring on God in days of suffering many people havelack of faith in God and hope in HimDivine Providence. True chrisTheanin believes that everything that happens toWhat we do in life is according to the will of God; Whatwithout the will of God and a hair from our headsdoesn't fall to the ground. If God sends him suffering and sorrow, then he sees in this either punishment sent to him from God for his sinshim, or a test of faith and love for Him. And therefore he is not only not faint-heartedand does not grumble against God for this, but humbles himself underthe mighty hand of God, still thanks Godfor not forgetting him; what about merciful diyu With all God wants temporary sorrowwe replace the eternal ones for him; affectedsorrow, he speaks to the righteous David:It is good for me, Lord, for you have humbled me, so that I'm studying your justification.

Hwe eat more in this life we ​​suffer fromillness, persecution, enemy forces orpoverty, the more we will inherit rewards in the hereafter.

Blzh . Jerome

GGod sent you illness for a reason, and notas much as punishment for previous sins, asout of love for you, to tear you away from a sinful life and put you on the path to wellnessSenia. Thank God for this, who takes care of you.

Hegumen Nikon (Vorobiev)

ABOUTthe ease of fasting for the weak is permissible according to the church rule (Apostle, 69th rule).

St. Filaret, Metropolitan of Moscow

BIt happens that some patients useThey eat fast food as medicineand then they repent of this, whichthe diseases violated the rules of the Holy Church aboutpost. But everyone needs to watch the actionact according to your conscience and consciousness... Better of lean food, choose a nutritional supplement for yourselffresh and digestible to your stomach.

BSometimes there is temptation when you are sick.Prp. Simeon the New Theologian says: “DuSha cannot free himself from temptationwhat, as calling on Jesus Christ and runningto the spiritual father."

INI do not want to show bodily illnessesthere is sin, but there is humility.

Prp . Barsanuphius the Great

EIf you are sick, then invite an experienced doctorcha and use the remedies prescribed by himstvami. For this purpose, they arise from the groundso many beneficial plants. IfIf you reject them out of pride, you will speed upyour death and you will become a suicide.

Eif you are in long-term painclimb and have any consolation fromserving you, then look at those who those inside suffer grief and sadness, outsidethe lives are covered with wounds, and have no one to help themserved, fed, gave drink, raised, washedwounds - and they endure.

St. Tikhon Zadonsky

Bbeware lest the hater of goodnesslure you into ingratitude or murmuring, thenyou will lose everything.

St. rights John of Kronstadt

Eif a person grumbles about illnessnor sorrow, will look for the culprit for thissorrows among people (bewitched, made), demons, circumstances, will become all meanswe try to avoid them, then the enemy will helphim in this, will show him the imaginary culpritskov (bosses, orders, neighbors, etc., andother). Arouse enmity and hatred in himtowards them, the desire to take revenge, insult and about what, and through this will lead the soul of such a person century into darkness, despair, hopelessness, desirego to another place, hide even underground, just not to see, not to hear imaginaryenemies, but actually listening and delightinghis actual mortal enemy -the devilwho instills all this in him and I wishto destroy him.

Gout of love the Lord sends usthe strength of each illness and sorrow, but also gives them patience, so that we too may participate kami From my suffering; who is not scared heregave for Christ's sake, he will have remorse in the next century, - after all, it was possibleshow your love for Christ by patience I eat illness and sorrow, and [you] did not do this, trying to evade and avoid anysorrow... Not in anger, not for punishmentThe Lord sends us illnesses and sorrows, and from love for us, although not all people and do not always understand this.

WITHsuffering, if it makes you more embitteredgo, without transforming it, without giving goodnessno reaction [corrections and thanksgiving] –only pure evil.

WITHIt should also be mentioned thatThese fathers offer to sanctify what is receivedmedicine: yes, Venerable Barsanuphius VeLykiy recommended to one student to takemother's medicine - rose oil with holy waterdoy. The same old man does not advise against illnessesstrenuously ask for healing, for we do notwe know what is good for us.

IN illness, don’t wish yourself death - it’s sinful.

TOwhen we see someone who is sick, we won’tbefore explaining to ourselves the cause of his illness, but we will try to console him.

Pvisiting the sick on their beds and delivers those possessed by the sorrow of the flesh fromthe demon of pride and fornication.

PVisit the sick, may God visit you.

RThe sick person and whoever serves him receives the same reward.

Prp . Pimen Multi-painful

Ethere are severely ill patients (after surgery,severely exhausted by illness, with overworknervous system, etc.), which gravitateare eager to visit and suffer when people visit themask questions, inquiries, etc.more talk. Therefore, before youto treat a patient, you need to find out firstfromclose to him, will they be pleasedvisiting a sick person.

XIt’s also a good thing to care about painnykh and visit them, but you need to have ajudgment: where the mental structure is damagedIf you appreciate it, then the matter will work out without you.

GLord, the lack of our good deedsreplenishes either illnesses or sorrows.

St. Dimitry Rostovsky

WITHthe best gratitude to God for yourecovery from illness is toserve Him the rest of your life to the fullestignorance of His commandments.

Illness in human nature is a consequence original sin. Private illnesses occur from physiological reasons; A person’s health is also influenced by his lifestyle, “for disease comes from overeating, and... many have died from satiety, but he who is abstinent will add more life to himself” (Sir. 38: 33-34). And in general, “abstinence from passions is better than all medicines, and it gives a long life.”

But often real reasons diseases lie in the spiritual sphere. Saint Basil the Great writes: “There is no small danger of falling mentally into false thought, as if every illness requires medical assistance, because not all illnesses occur naturally and happen to us either from an incorrect lifestyle, or from some other material principles, in which cases, as we see, sometimes medical art is useful, but often illnesses are a punishment for sins, imposed on us to induce conversion."

So, one of the main spiritual causes of illness is sin, and specifically the personal sins of sick people: “Why are you crying about your wounds, about the cruelty of your illness? Because of the multitude of your iniquities I have done this to you, because your sins have multiplied” (Jer. 30:15).

However, illnesses are not always a punishment for sins. This truth is revealed in the book of Job and in the conversation of the apostles with the Lord about the man born blind (see: John 9: 1-7). The Holy Fathers pointed out several spiritual reasons for human illness: “Do you really say that all illnesses are from sins? Not all, but most. Some happen from carelessness... Illnesses also happen to test us in goodness.” “God sends other things as punishment, as penance, and others as a discipline, so that a person will come to his senses; otherwise, to save you from the trouble that a person would get into if he were healthy; otherwise, so that a person shows patience and thus deserves a greater reward; other, to cleanse from some passion, and for many other reasons.”

The meaning of the disease

For a Christian, physical health is not the main and self-sufficient value; it is secondary in comparison with spiritual health, therefore it is quite logical to perceive physical illness as one of the ways to achieve spiritual health. According to the Orthodox understanding, illness can be beneficial for a person. Illness makes sense.

Often the meaning is to admonish a person: “Now, being crushed, he began to leave his great arrogance and come to knowledge, when, by God’s punishment, his suffering intensified every minute” (2 Mac. 9: 11).

“Illness is sometimes sent to cleanse sins, and sometimes to humble the ascension.” Then the disease “afflicts the flesh so that the soul can be healed.” The Monk John Climacus testifies: “I saw those who were seriously suffering, who, through bodily illness, as if by some kind of penance, got rid of spiritual passion.”

It often happens that “when a person is sick, then his soul begins to seek the Lord.” “Illness involuntarily makes one remember future life and not get carried away by the delights of the world, and the mind after illness becomes cleaner and more transparent, it also replaces the lack of our deeds,” wrote the Monk Macarius of Optina. “Illness is a teacher of many good things; Moreover, she is a message from God in return and replenishment of our insufficient deeds."

Remembering the story of righteous Job, St. John Chrysostom says: “God often allows you to fall into illness, not because He has abandoned you, but in order to glorify you more. So, be patient." And through illness you can serve God, and through illness God can glorify His faithful servant, as can be seen, for example, from the words of the liturgical magnification to the holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian: “... and we honor your illnesses and labors, in which you labored in the gospel of Christ.”

“Although illness weakens the body, it strengthens the soul... [the soul] learns humility, patience, the memory of death and from it zealous repentance, prayer, contempt for the world and worldly vanity... Oh, illness is bitter, but a healing remedy! Just as salt prevents the rotting of meat and fish... so any illness preserves our spirit from the rottenness and corruption of sin and does not allow passions... to arise in us. Your illness is for you, and not against you... If you endure your illness with gratitude, it will turn for your good.”

Ascetic attitude towards illness

In general, a weakening of ascetic deeds is allowed for patients; in particular, the severity of the fasts prescribed by the Church is softened. However, there is one nuance that determines when relaxation in illness is not beneficial.

The ascetic experience of Orthodox ascetics testifies that a painful state can be sent not only from God for one of the above reasons, but also from the devil, who does this so that, under the pretext of illness, the monk weakens his exploits. The Monk John the Prophet teaches the difference between illness from God and a painful state caused by demons: “When a person feels illness and passion does not bother him, then such illness is from God and destroys [spiritual] warfare, and then it is necessary to show some leniency to the body. When passion also bothers you during an illness, then there is no need to indulge the body, for this illness comes from demons, and indulgence multiplies passion.”

Since illness often has spiritual causes, it requires efforts on the part of the patient to bring his spiritual structure into proper order: “When someone is sick, then he must especially heed the testimony of his conscience in order to free his soul from all condemnation.”

The most important means for correcting the spiritual causes of illnesses is prayer and repentance. "My son! in your illness do not be careless, but pray to the Lord, and He will heal you. Leave your sinful life and straighten your hands, and cleanse your heart from all sin. Bring up the fragrance and from the seven-stone a memorial sacrifice and make a fat offering, as if already dying; and give a place to the doctor” (Sir. 39:9-12).

The Holy Fathers have repeatedly given advice on what kind of spiritual mood a sick Christian should be in order to endure illness with dignity and for the benefit of the soul.

This is what St. Barsanuphius the Great advises: “Those who want to please God must go through minor sorrows. How can we please the holy martyrs for the suffering they endured for God’s sake, if we ourselves cannot bear fever? Tell your grieving soul: is not a fever better for you than hell? Let us not weaken; we have a merciful God, who knows our weakness more than we do. If, as a test, He allows illness to befall us, then we have healing from the Apostle, who says: “God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond your ability” (1 Cor. 10:13).”

Saint John of Kronstadt shows high value patience: “And in the event of strong blows or writhing illnesses, trust that God is able to deliver you not only from illness, but also from death itself, if He pleases; do not spare, do not love your corruptible body for Him, but give it voluntarily and wholly to the Lord, like Abraham did his son Isaac as a burnt offering... without losing heart, without giving your lips madness to God, who is supposedly punishing you unjustly, - and you will make a great sacrifice to God like Abraham or like a martyr."

Saint Niphon also says: “Just as gold, kindled by fire, is cleansed of rust, so a person suffering from illness is cleansed of his sins.”

The Holy Fathers not only call upon one to show patience during illness by not grumbling, but also, above all, through thanksgiving: “From the bed of illness, bring thanksgiving to God... Thanks to gratitude the severity of the illness is dulled! Thanksgiving brings spiritual consolation to the sick!”

Many saints had illnesses, even incurable ones, including the Apostle Paul. As an example Orthodox attitude the testimony of St. Gregory the Theologian can be cited about illness: “I suffer from illness and am exhausted in body... I don’t know whether this is a consequence of abstinence, or a consequence of sins, or some kind of struggle. However, thanks to my Ruler! This might be better for me. But forbid illness, forbid it with Your word, Your word is salvation for me! And if you don’t forbid it, give me patience to endure everything.”


The Lord Jesus Christ walked throughout Galilee, not only preaching, but “healing all manner of sickness and all manner of infirmity among the people” (Matthew 4:23). And not only did He heal Himself, but also, “having called His twelve disciples, He gave them power... to heal every disease” (Matthew 10:1). And he not only gave power, but also commanded: “Heal... the sick” (Luke 10:9), and the apostles fulfilled this command (see: Acts 19:12; 28:9).

The above applies to miraculous healings, but, according to Scripture, “natural” healing and medicine are also a good deed: “Honor the doctor according to the need for him, for the Lord created him, and healing comes from the Most High... The Lord created medicine from the earth, and the prudent man will not neglect them” (Sir. 39: 1-2, 4).

Many saints were doctors, including the Evangelist Luke, whose profession the Apostle Paul specifically mentioned: “Luke, the beloved physician” (Col. 4:14). The Church especially glorified as saints unmercenary doctors such as Cosmas and Damian, Cyrus and John, Panteleimon, Agapit of Pechersk and others who treated people for free.

So, neither healing nor resorting to the services of doctors is forbidden for a Christian. However, one must avoid the danger of placing all hope of recovery on doctors, medications and medical procedures. The Holy Scriptures criticize the Israeli king Asa, who “in his illness sought not the Lord, but doctors” (2 Chron. 16: 12).

“Just as one should not completely avoid the art of medicine, it is also incongruous to place all one’s hope in it. But just as we use the art of agriculture and ask the Lord for fruits... so, when we bring in a doctor when our minds allow it, we do not give up our trust in God.”

The Christian must remember that whether he is healed miraculously or through doctors and medicines, healing in any case comes from the Lord. Therefore, “in medicines and treatment one must submit to the will of God. He is strong both to reason with a doctor and to give strength to medicine.” And, accordingly, spiritual means have priority in treatment: “In illnesses, use prayer before doctors and medicines.”

To avoid the above-mentioned danger, Hieromartyr Arseny (Zhadanovsky) instructs: “He who is sick, have such a disposition of heart: everything is in the hands of God - both my death and life. But you, Lord, have given everything to serve man: You have given us both medical science and doctors. Bless, Lord, to turn to such and such a doctor and give him the strength to help me! I firmly believe that if You, Lord, do not bless me, then no doctor will help me.”

Whether to turn to doctors for treatment or to limit healing to prayers and fasting - every Christian is free to decide according to his own understanding. Moreover, if he chooses the second path, then he should not be arrogant, as the Monk Barsanuphius the Great warns: “Those who resort to doctors and those who do not resort to them, do so in hope of God. Those who come running say: “In the name of the Lord, we entrust ourselves to doctors, so that through them God will give us healing.” But those who do not resort to His name in hope do not resort to them, and He heals them. So, if you use [healing], you will not sin; and when you don’t use it, don’t be arrogant. Know that although you will resort to doctors, only what will happen is what pleases the will of God.”

Some holy fathers said that lay people can resort to the help of doctors and medicines, but not monks, who, when ill, should be treated only with the means that faith provides. The Monk Macarius the Great wrote about this in detail, saying that God “gave medicinal remedies to worldly people and to all external people; He allowed them to use these means; because they are not yet able to completely entrust themselves to God. And you, a monk who has come to Christ... must acquire some new and extraordinary faith, concept, and life before all worldly people.”

There are known saints who did this when they were sick, but there are also known saints among monks who, however, used medical means, and the Monk Barsanuphius, in the answer quoted above, justifies both. It can therefore be said that the principle indicated Venerable Macarius, was and remains the highest standard that those monks who have sufficient boldness and faith are free to choose for themselves and to which they are equal, without any coercion of everyone else to it.

In itself, a person’s desire to recover and get rid of an illness is quite natural, and is not a sin: “It is permissible to seek and ask God for healing with the firm intention of using the returned health and strength in the service of God, and not in the service of vanity and sin.”

However, “there are diseases whose healing the Lord prohibits when he sees that illness is more necessary for salvation than health.” Therefore, “if doctors do not help or the doctor has not correctly identified the disease and the disease does not stop, then do not rush to recklessly consider this or that circumstance as the reason for the failure of treatment and do not look for other reasons for this, except that God does not want me to recover, or He I want to continue my illness... And when [the patient], after using many healing remedies, does not receive recovery, he can be sure that it is God’s will that he endure a very long and severe illness.”

There is another temptation that often confronts seriously or terminally ill people - to turn to sorcerers, psychics, conspiracies, amulets and rituals of other religions for cure. Scripture warns against such a grave sin: “And when they say to you: turn to those who call the dead and to sorcerers, to whisperers and ventriloquists, then answer: should not the people turn to their God? Do they ask the dead about the living? (Isa. 8:19).

And St. John Chrysostom exhorts: “When you are subjected to a serious illness and many will force you to alleviate the suffering: some with spells, others with amulets, others with some other magical means... and you, for the sake of the fear of God, courageously and firmly endure the severity of the illness and choose It’s better to endure everything than to decide to do something like that - this will give you the crown of martyrdom.”

“Are you looking to demons for healing? If the demons had already driven the pigs into the sea when Christ allowed them to enter, will they spare human body?.. This is ridicule and fables. Demons only know how to plot and harm, not heal. They do not spare souls; really, tell me, will they spare the body?.. Do you really want to heal the body in order to destroy the soul? Your profit is not good: you ask your ill-wisher to heal your body, and you irritate God, who created the body!.. Demons do not heal. If sometimes, by God’s permission, they do some kind of healing, like people, then such permission happens for your test... so that you learn not to accept healing from demons... Let us be sick: it is better to remain sick than to be freed from illness fall into wickedness. The demon, even if it heals, will do more harm than good... let the demon promise a thousand times to deliver you from the evils that have befallen you: do not bow down, do not give in... decide it is better to endure the disease than to lose faith and the salvation of your soul. God often allows you to fall into illness, not because He will abandon you, but in order to glorify you more.”

Feofan the Recluse, saint. Letters. III. 477.

Works like those of our holy father Basil the Great, Archbishop of Caesarea of ​​Cappadocia. Sergiev Posad, 1901. T. 5. P. 172.

Cm.: John Chrysostom, saint. Conversations on the Gospel of John. 38. 1.

Holy Fathers about illness

Health is a gift of God, but this gift is not always useful: like any suffering, illness has the power to cleanse us from spiritual filth, atone for sins, humble and soften our soul, make us come to our senses, realize our weakness and remember God. Therefore, both we and our children need diseases (St. Seraphim of Sarov).

We must thank the Lord for illnesses and temptations, for in them we are tested in love for the Lord, we become closer to Him, and this is the whole purpose of a Christian’s life - to march towards Christ, our Savior.

Illness is a cross, a good yoke that leads to eternal bliss. Therefore, be complacent in the midst of excitement, surrender yourself to the will of God, endure illness with joy and gratitude, knowing that the soul is healed by bodily illnesses.

We must seek consolation in illness and sorrow in Jesus Christ: otherwise we will seek consolation in vain.

The rank of one who is sick and giving thanks is great before God and is equal to one going through a desert life. Thank you, sick person, to the Lord, who has given you the closest means to salvation.

It happens that illness seizes to awaken a sleeping soul.

It is impossible that, when we follow the path of truth, we would not encounter sadness, the body would not become exhausted in illnesses and labors and remain unchanged, if only we love to live in virtue.

Just as medicine benefits the body, so does disease benefit the soul.

Illness is not a misfortune, but a lesson and a visit from God; sick St. Seraphim was visited by the Mother of God; and we, if we humbly endure illness, are visited by higher powers.

Illness relieves many spiritual passions; The Apostle Paul says: but even if our outer man is decaying, our inner man is being renewed day by day (2 Cor. 4:16).

Diseases are sometimes allowed to us because of our sins, and sometimes by the Grace of God, so that through them we may gain eternal bliss in heaven.

Illness is a school of humility, this is where you see that you are poor, and naked, and blind.

When you are bothered by inconveniences, or painful suffering, or something similar, then try not to lose sight of the words of the Holy Scripture: Through many tribulations it is fitting for us to enter the Kingdom of Heaven (St. Ambrose of Optina).

In illness, before doing anything else, one must hasten to be cleansed of sins in the Sacrament of Repentance and in one’s conscience to be reconciled with God (St. Theophan the Recluse).

Our diseases for the most part come from sins - why the best way to prevent and heal from them is not to sin.

It is a great feat to patiently endure illnesses and, among them, to sing songs of gratitude to God.

We are brought closer to God by sorrow, cramped conditions, illness, and labor. Do not grumble against them and do not be afraid of them.

Although illness torments your flesh, it saves your spirit (St. Tikhon of Zadonsk).

All the most severe sorrows and misfortunes are endured by people more easily than serious bodily illnesses. An undoubted expert in the matter of tormenting and tormenting people - Satan - testified in the face of God Himself that bodily illnesses are more unbearable than all other misfortunes and that a person who courageously and meekly endures other disasters can weaken in his patience and waver in his devotion to God, subjected to a serious illness.

If you have endured it here, you will not endure eternal torment in the next world, but, on the contrary, you will enjoy such bliss, before which present happiness is nothing.

Whoever does not have joy here and endures it patiently can fully hope that there, in the future life, he will receive great and unspeakable joy (St. Ambrose of Optina).

The elder inspired his sick friend: “We must pray more often: Lord! Give me patience here, and forgiveness there.”

The Lord sends illnesses for this reason, in order to remember death and from memory lead the sick person to finally become concerned with preparing for death.

It happens that God shields others with illness from a misfortune that would not have escaped them if they had been healthy.

He who gratefully endures bodily ailments and suffers various kinds of sorrow due to illness is not far from dispassion, and therefore joyfully awaits death, as the culprit of entry into eternal life (Blessed Dia-doh). A person cannot patiently endure sorrow if he does not have in his mind his death, endless torment and the joy of the Kingdom of Heaven.

The Lord heals many diseases through doctors and other means. But there are diseases, the cure of which is prohibited by the Lord, when he sees that illness is more necessary for salvation than health.

Illness for a person is the mercy of God. And if a Christian accepts what is sent by God for the benefit of his soul and complacently endures his painful condition, then he goes on the direct path to Paradise. At the sickbed there is threshing: the more blows, the more grains will be knocked out and the richer the grind. Then you need grain for the millstones, then flour for mixing the dough and leavening it, then in the form of bread for the oven and, finally, for the table of God (St. Theophan the Recluse).

Health and illness are in the hands of God; Providences are the means to salvation when both are used in the spirit of faith. But they lead to destruction when they are treated capriciously.

The All-Good Lord allows a person in this life various insults and embarrassments, illnesses, and so on, all this in order to cleanse the soul of sins and instill in eternal life.

When illness weighs us down, we do not need to grieve that due to pain and sores we cannot sing psalms with our lips. For illnesses and wounds serve to destroy lusts, and both fasting and prostrations prescribed for us to overcome passions. If illness also expels these passions, then there is nothing to worry about.

Truly, through bodily illnesses the soul approaches God (St. Gregory the Theologian).

If illness seizes you, do not be discouraged and do not lose heart; but thank God that He intends to bring good to this disease (Abba Isaiah).

A certain elder was often exposed to illness. It happened that he did not get sick for one year; The elder was very sad about this and cried, saying: “My Lord has left me and has not visited me” (Ancient Patericon).

Those who are dangerously ill are attacked more strongly by the devil, knowing that he has little time.

In dangerous illnesses, take care first of clearing your conscience and the peace of your soul.

Thank God that you are on a good path: your illness is a great gift from God; Praise and give thanks for this and for everything day and night - and your soul will be saved (Elder Arseny of Athos).

Sick and poor - do not complain or grumble about your fate, about God and people, do not envy someone else’s happiness, beware of despondency and especially despair, submit completely to God’s Providence.

Illnesses reconcile us with God and bring us back into His love (St. John of Kronstadt).

Reflect on the fact that everything here is fleeting, but the future is eternal.

The sick person must console himself by reading the Divine Scripture and the suffering of the Savior.

The Lord accepts patience with illness instead of fasting and prayer.

When you are sick, do not force yourself to go to church, but lie under the blanket and say the Jesus Prayer (St. Anatoly of Optina).

Being weak and prayer rule, do it as best you can, at least in ten steps. When your head is unwell, do not prostrate.

The main reason for cowardice and murmuring against God in days of suffering for many is a lack of faith in God and hope in His Divine Providence. A true Christian believes that everything that happens to us in life is done according to the will of God; that without the will of God not a hair from our head falls to the ground. If God sends him suffering and sorrow, then he sees in this either a punishment sent to him from God for his sins, or a test of faith and love for Him; and therefore, not only is he not faint-hearted and does not grumble against God for this, but, humbled under the strong hand of God, he also thanks God for not forgetting him; that, out of His mercy, God wants to replace eternal sorrows for him with temporary ones; struck by grief, he speaks to the prophet David: It is good for me (Lord), for Thou hast humbled me, that I may learn by Thy justification.

Treatment by hypnosis should be alien to the Christian faith: we do not see this either in the Holy Scriptures or in the teachings of our fathers. The use of hypnosis is a branch of sorcery.

He who is treated with the hope of God's help, and not of medicine and a doctor, does not sin.

The Lord created doctors and medicines. Treatment cannot be rejected (St. Theophan the Recluse).

During illness, everyone should think and say: “Who knows? Maybe in my illness the gates to eternity are opening for me?”

In diseases, care should be taken to cure them.

In illnesses, before doctors and medicines, use prayer and the Sacraments: Confession, Communion and Unction.

If you are sick, then invite an experienced doctor and use the remedies prescribed by him. For this purpose, so many beneficial plants arise from the earth. If you reject them out of pride, you will hasten your death and become a suicide.

Spiritual wealth lies in patience.

In illness, learn: humility, patience, complacency and thanksgiving to God (St. Theophan the Recluse).

Patience means to endure whatever happens generously: not to despair in illness, not to be unduly despondent in misfortunes, not to be sad in poverty and not to grumble about insults.

The more in this life we ​​suffer from illness, from persecution, the power of enemies or poverty, the more we will inherit rewards in the future life (Blessed Jerome).

In addition to prayer, you should have a spiritual interlocutor who distracts you from sorrow and despondency.

Don’t grieve too much about the fact that you can’t be in church due to illness, remembering the life of Pimen the Many-Sick: how he didn’t leave his cells and didn’t even want to get well.

The Lord sent you illness not in vain and not so much as a punishment for previous sins, but out of love for you, in order to tear you away from a sinful life and put you on the path of salvation. Thank God for this, who takes care of you (Hegumen Nikon).

However, during those hours during which there is a service in church, it is better not to lie down, but to sit on the bed, leaning, if infirmity overcomes, against the wall, and so pray intelligently and heartily, with full desire and cheerfulness of spirit (St. Theophan the Recluse) .

Under the pretext of illness and fatigue, do not abandon your prayerful home rule even for one day, as long as you have breath.

Lightening fasting for the weak is permissible according to church canon (Apostle, 69th canon) (St. Philaret, Metropolitan of Moscow).

A person imbued with hope in God looks at things with highest point vision and says to himself: “Now I can give people a good example of patience and be useful to them. I am ready to endure everything in order to earn Heaven. God will arrange everything for my good. He speaks to the prophet: The Lord is good to those who endure Him in the day of trouble, and know those who fear Him (Nahum. 1:7).

I'm very sorry that you are so relaxed. Be patient... This is the first virtue that you should now perform. The second is thanksgiving to God, who arranges everything for our good. Third - be complacent, seeing this mercy of the Heavenly Father towards you. This is good for sufferers. If they endure it complacently, without grumbling, condemnation, or anger, then they will participate in the rite of martyrdom.

That she is sick, writes St. Anatoly Optinsky, - it doesn’t matter: for sinful people this is cleansing; Just as fire cleanses iron from rust, so illness heals the soul.

It happens that some patients eat fasting food as medicine and then repent of this, that due to illness they violated the rules of the Holy Church about fasting. But everyone needs to look and act according to their own conscience and consciousness... It is better to choose from lean foods that are nutritious and digestible for your stomach.

Are you saying that you are sometimes weak and unhealthy? In this case, give yourself relaxation and rest, and when you feel healthy, then you can fast and stand in prayer (Archimandrite Barsanuphius, Alexander-Svirsky Monastery).

If in illness you sometimes become weak-hearted and lose heart, then do not despair, but resort to repentance, for the Lord allows you to humility.

If you have to indulge yourself due to illness, then that’s okay. And if under the pretext of illness, then it’s bad (St. Theophan the Recluse).

Suffering, if it embitters the sick person without transforming him or giving him a beneficial reaction (correction and thanksgiving), is only pure evil.

If you can’t go to church due to illness, then don’t go, just don’t complain.

Thank those who console you in illness and those who serve you in it and pray to God for them, even while lying down. The Lord accepts patience in illness instead of fasting and prayer.

Anyone recovering from an illness, especially a serious and dangerous one, must feel and say: “I have been granted reprieve from Above, so that I may repent and correct my life according to the commandments of Christ.”

Good for those who have illnesses and sorrows. They cleanse sins. But if, purified by God through illness and sorrow, we continue to sin, then we must be careful lest the mercy of the Lord, who thirsts for our repentance, be exhausted on us.

The best gratitude to God for recovery from illness is to serve Him the rest of your life in fulfillment of His commandments.

When you are sick, do not wish yourself to die - it is sinful.

Let the sick remember that they are being served for the sake of God, and let them not sadden the brethren who serve them with their unnecessary demands. However, even such people must be patiently endured, because through this a rich reward will be gained.

If you hear about a sick person, do not be lazy to visit him and serve him diligently, if there is no mental harm to you.

Do not forget to write letters of comfort to those who suffer for the faith of Christ and suffer in illness or are in prison and sorrow.

Help your sick neighbors, but do not think that you are doing good, but out of love and compassion.

If you are worthy to serve the sick, thank God for this, but not beyond your strength and not at the cost of losing your health.

Do not withhold from yourself what you have to console the weak, the needy, and the mourning.

Do it for the sick, the old, etc., but do not desire retribution for your activities.

Be ready to visit every person when he is in suffering, labor and sorrow.

Care for the sick with all patience and diligence, with heartfelt sympathy, comforting the sufferer with a kind, gentle, exhorting word or short prayer. Seize favorable moments to read something Divine for the patient.

He who neglects the sick will not see the light; Whoever turns his face away from someone who mourns, his day will be darkened.

The sick person must be consoled with Divine Scripture and the suffering of the Savior.

When we see a sick person, we will not poorly explain to ourselves the cause of his illness, but we will try to console him.

One should not refuse to help the sick for fear of contracting their disease.

Visiting those lying on their beds who are sick and possessed by the sorrow of the flesh delivers from the demon of pride and fornication.

There must be prudence in visiting the sick.

There are seriously ill patients (after surgery, severely exhausted by illness, with an overworked nervous system, etc.) who are burdened by visits and suffer when people turn to them with questions, inquiries, and conversations in general. Therefore, before visiting a sick person, you need to first find out from your loved ones whether their visit will be pleasant for the sick person.

Visit the sick, may God visit you.

The sick person and those who serve him receive equal rewards (St. Pimen the Many-Sick).

Try to console the sick woman not so much with services as with a cheerful face.

Although it is a good deed to take care of the sick and visit them, one must have reason; Where your spiritual structure is damaged, things will get by without you.

The Lord makes up for the lack of our good deeds either with illnesses or sorrows (St. Demetrius of Rostov).

Of everything that happens in earthly life, only one sin should grieve a Christian.

Anyone who sins and is not punished here is the same unfortunate person (St. John Chrysostom).

We have illnesses from sin, they weaken passions, and a person comes to his senses, and whoever endures illnesses with patience and thanksgiving is credited with them instead of heroic deeds and even more... At the same time, we must believe and hope that if the Lord God pleases If a person experiences illness, He will give him the strength of patience (St. Seraphim of Sarov).

Monday, May 16, 2016 10:11 + to quote book

Diseases, their origin and ways of Healing

Disease and death entered human life as a result of the Fall. Before this, the person was not sick and did not know death. Likewise, in the life of the next century there will be no illnesses and old age. A person will be forever young, happy, full of creative forces. But it's there in eternal life. And here, on this sinful earth...


Experiencing pain and suffering, a person begins to understand how imperfect and fragile he is in this world and that sooner or later he will have to leave here.

Man is spirit, soul and body. And this hierarchy is reflected in all his life activities, including various kinds of diseases that visit his life. Illnesses in the spiritual field necessarily affect the psyche and somatics of a person.

By violating God's commandment, a person disrupts the integrity of his body, as if turning on the mechanism of internal self-destruction. And the pain that arises here is often a signal that not everything is in order with us, that we have lost our way.

For example, in the case of alcoholism and drug addiction. The horror and intensity of the suffering of these unfortunates literally forces them to look for a way out. Often the search itself is painful, and this is due to the fact that a person searches as if in the dark, groping, stumbling, falling and getting up again. When this way out of the impasse, from the desperate situation is found, then a person can no longer be ungrateful to the pain and suffering that prompted him to active action, forced him to tirelessly knock on the doors of God’s mercy. “Seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you"(Matthew 7:7), teaches us Holy Gospel, and every sincere seeker will not be abandoned. It turns out that it is simply useful for an alcoholic and a drug addict, it is literally necessary to feel pain and remember the pangs of a hangover and withdrawal symptoms - they can stop him from breakdowns, remind him of future eternal torment.

Due to their occurrence, all existing diseases can be divided into two groups:

1. Diseases arising due to violation natural laws nature.

2. Diseases arising due to violation of the spiritual laws of the Universe.

The first group includes diseases caused, for example, by poor nutrition, hypothermia or overheating, overwork, etc.

The second group includes diseases caused by violation of God's commandments.

While medical care can be quite successful in treating natural diseases, diseases resulting from sinful actions cannot be treated medically.

Here is what St. Basil the Great writes about this: “Diseases come from material principles, and here the art of medicine is useful; There are illnesses as punishment for sins, and here patience and repentance are needed; There are illnesses to fight and overthrow the evil one, like Job, and as an example to the impatient, like Lazarus, and saints endure illnesses, showing everyone humility and the limit of the human nature common to all. So, do not rely on medical art without grace and do not reject it out of your stubbornness, but ask God for knowledge of the reasons for punishment, and then deliverance from weakness, enduring sections, cauterizations, bitter medicines and all the healing of punishments.”

“The cause of illness is sin, one’s own will, and not any necessity,”- said the Monk Ephraim the Syrian. And at the same time, according to the holy Apostle Peter, illness often leads a person away from sins: “Christ suffered for us in the flesh, then arm yourself with the same thought; For he who suffers in the flesh ceases to sin, so that the rest of the time in the flesh he may no longer live according to human lusts, but according to the will of God.”(1 Peter 4:1-2).

According to Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh, there are very fragile souls who the world can break, cripple. God protects such a soul with a veil of madness or some kind of alienation or misunderstanding. The soul matures in the silence of its inner world and enters eternity mature, mature. And sometimes this “cover” is removed, and the person recovers.

Disease, according to the thoughts of the saints, does not allow passions to arise: “Every illness preserves our spirit from rottenness and spiritual corruption and does not allow passions, like spiritual worms, to arise in us.”, writes Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk. “I saw those who were seriously suffering, who, through bodily illness, as if by some kind of penance, got rid of spiritual passion,”- John Climacus points out.

Illness brings the sick person closer to God through prayer: - exhorts Saint Nile of Sinai. The torment of a sick person moves his neighbor to compassion and prayer.

Illness is often attributed to a patient sufferer instead of a heroic deed: “Whoever endures an illness with patience and thanksgiving is credited with it instead of a feat and even more.”, - stated Saint Seraphim of Sarov. Illness has the power to soften hearts and make people aware of their weakness. Sometimes it is only when we ourselves are seriously ill, in a state of helplessness and suffering, that we fully begin to appreciate human complicity and care. “Saint Athanasius the Great, coming to Saint Niphon, who was lying on his deathbed, and sitting down next to him, asked him: “Father! Is there any benefit from illness? Saint Niphon answered: “Just as gold, kindled by fire, is cleansed from rust, so a person suffering from illness is cleansed from his sins.”

That is, a disease, if treated correctly, can bring considerable benefit to a person.

So, based on all of the above, we can draw the following conclusions.

The Lord allows people to suffer from illness and sorrow:

1. For sins: for their redemption, for changing the vicious way of life, awareness of this viciousness and understanding that earthly life- this is a short moment, behind which there is eternity, and what it will be like for you depends on your earthly life.

2. Often for the sins of the parents children get sick (so that grief crushes their crazy life, makes them think and change). In these cases, no matter how cruel it may seem to the modern speculative (that is, indifferent to religion) a person brought up in the spirit of humanism (a spirit that deifies the body and places its needs and desires above all else), but the words ring true: such people need illness to save their souls! For, first of all, the Lord cares about the salvation of man’s eternal soul, and for this man must become a new being, the way he was intended by God, for which he must change, cleanse himself of passions and vices. God and the commandments of Christ should be at the head of life, and not temporary, transitory health, well-being, abundance of food and clothing. All this is the golden calf, for which the ancient Jews often exchanged their Eternal God, just as many modern Christians betray Christ.

3. Due to special life calling child.

4. Often to cultivate our humility and patience, so necessary for eternal life.

5. To prevent evil and disastrous actions. There is a parable about the Lord. One day Jesus Christ was walking with his disciples along the road, and they saw a man legless from birth asking for alms by the road, and the disciples asked why he had no legs? Christ replied: “If he had legs, he would have crossed the whole earth with fire and sword.”

6. Often, in order to save us from a larger one with a small nuisance. For if in this situation we had remained healthy and acted as usual, some greater misfortune could have happened to us, but by tearing us out of the normal course of life through illness, the Lord saves us from it.


Now let's talk about possible ways of healing from diseases that appear for spiritual reasons, and about the forces by which they are accomplished. First, let's look at this type of healing: healing by divine power, which, like insight, given to a person with a purified heart, to end devoted to Christ, mostly an ascetic and ascetic. Such, for example, are the holy great martyr and healer Panteleimon, the unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian, the holy martyr Cyprian, the holy righteous John Kronstadtsky and others.

Take a look at their lives. They treated the soul first and only then the body. For the soul is an eternal thing, much more valuable than a temporary, transitory body. And the people they healed had their lives changed, their faith strengthened, their souls cleansed of passions.

So, if we look at the healings that were performed by the power of God, we will see that The saints acted not by a biofield, not by pumping energy, but by the Holy Spirit. In this case, first of all, the moral causes of the disease, if any, were eliminated. In the Gospel of Matthew, in the case of the healing of the “paralytic” (sick) by our Lord Jesus Christ, we see that he was first told: "Your sins are forgiven"- and then "get up and walk"(Matthew 9:5).

One can also cite many cases of healings of the sick that took place near the relics and clothes of saints. Here is one case from personal practice: a mitten that belonged to St. John of Kronstadt was put on the hand of a completely paralyzed patient, V., after a prayer service I had performed. Immediately after this, the patient began to move the fingers of her paralyzed hand and was soon able to walk. The attending doctors were amazed at such a quick healing.

So, The Christian attitude towards illness is:

- in humble acceptance of the will of God;

- in the awareness of one’s sinfulness and the sins for which the disease was tolerated;

- in repentance and changing lifestyle.

It is very important to confess purely and often, not to have in your soul serious sins, since sins are the very window through which, penetrating, the unclean spirit acts on our soul and body. Periodic communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ fills our hearts with Divine grace and heals mental and physical ailments. In the Sacrament of Anointing (unction), forgotten sins are forgiven, soul and body are healed. Holy water and prosphora, taken in the morning on an empty stomach, also sanctify our nature. Bathing in holy springs, anointing with blessed oil taken from miraculous icons. Frequent reading of the Gospel and Psalms enlightens our soul and drives away the pathogenic influences of fallen spirits.

Prayer, fasting, almsgiving and other virtues propitiate the Lord, and He sends us healing from illnesses. If we go to doctors, then we need to ask for God’s blessing for treatment and trust them to treat the body, not the soul. You cannot trust your soul to anyone except God.

Having received a miraculous healing from an illness, many did not pay attention to God’s good deed and their duty to be grateful for the good deed, began to lead a sinful life, turned the gift of God to their own detriment, became alienated from God, and lost salvation. For this reason miraculous healings are very rare, although the carnal wisdom respects them very much and would very much like them. “You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, but so that you may use it for your lusts.” (James 4:3).

Spiritual reason teaches that illnesses and other sorrows that God sends to man are sent out of God’s special mercy as bitter healing treatments for the sick; they contribute to our salvation, our eternal well-being much more surely than miraculous healings.

In addition, many diseases arise as a result of the influence of unclean spirits, and the results of these demonic attacks are very similar to natural diseases.

From the Gospel narrative it is known that the crumpled woman had a spirit of infirmity (Luke 13:11-16). She was not possessed, but her illness came from the action of an unclean spirit. In this case, any medical art becomes powerless. That is why Saint Basil the Great says: “Just as the art of medicine should not be neglected at all, it is also inappropriate to place all hope in it alone.” For such diseases are healed only by the power of God, by expelling the spirit of malice. This happens as a result of the correct spiritual life of the sick person, and if necessary, then a lecture performed by a cleric who has been specially blessed for this by the clergy.

Many Holy Fathers wrote about the correct attitude towards illness. And many of them came to a paradoxical conclusion for a secular person. They recommended rejoicing in illness. Here is how the holy righteous John of Kronstadt explains it: "My brother! Take sincere advice from me: endure your illness generously and not only do not be discouraged, but on the contrary, if you can, rejoice in your illness. What is there to be happy about, you ask, when it breaks far and wide? Rejoice that the Lord has punished you with temporary punishment, “for the Lord punishes whomever he loves, and smites every son whom he receives” (Heb. 12:6). Rejoice that you are bearing the cross of illness and, therefore, walking the narrow and sorrowful path leading to the Kingdom of Heaven.”

The saints prayed during illnesses like this: “I thank You, Lord, for everything that You deigned to send me for admonition and correction. Lord, glory to You for everything that is happening to me! Thy holy will be done. Do not deprive me of Your mercy! Make this illness a cleansing of my sins!”

According to the teachings of the Holy Fathers, to those who endure an illness with patience and gratitude, it is credited instead of a feat and even more. For a little suffering in earthly life a person will receive great reward in eternal life. If you don't deal with pain spiritually, it can become bitter. If you take it as medicine from the hand of God, then the person receives Divine consolation and will be counted among the martyrs.

"God is faithful,- encourages the Apostle Paul, “Who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but when you are tempted, He will also provide the way of escape, so that you can endure it.”(1 Cor. 10:13).

When a person does not complain, but gives thanks for suffering, he is awarded great glory and is equal to the ascetic desert. But if illness is a very common phenomenon, then the ascetic feats of desert dwellers are the lot of a few.

At the same time, the Holy Scripture testifies that “the health and well-being of the body is more valuable than any gold, and a strong body is better than countless riches; There is no wealth better than physical health. Better death rather than a sorrowful life or a constantly continuing illness” (Sir.30:15-17). The Lord protects a truly believing and repentant person from illness. “If you obey the voice of the Lord your God, the Bible instructs, and do that which is right in His sight, and pay heed to His commandments, and keep all His statutes, then I will not bring upon you any of the diseases that I brought upon Egypt.”(Ex. 15:26). The Lord gave this general promise not only in relation to the “Egyptian plagues.” He promised to remove all infirmity from believers, to deliver them “from the destructive plague... the plague that walks in darkness, the plague that devastates at midday” (Ps. 91:3,6). The Slavic translation of this psalm says absolutely unambiguously: “Evil will not come to you, and no wound will come near your body, for His angel commanded you to keep you in all your ways.”(Ps.90:10-11). The wisdom of God saves those who serve her from troubles (in the Slavic text - “deliver from illnesses”) (Wisdom Sol. 10:9). As already mentioned, health is the original norm of human existence, and illness is the result of the Fall. Therefore, one can and should desire health, but at the same time an appropriate Christian attitude must be developed towards illness.

“My son! .. pray to the Lord, and He will heal you,- teaches the biblical sage. - Leave your sinful life and correct your hands, and cleanse your heart from all sin... And give place to the doctor, for the Lord created him too, and let him not move away from you, for he is needed... Whoever sins before Him who created him, let him fall into the hands of a doctor !(Sir.38:9-10,12,15). The Holy Fathers of the Orthodox Church also wrote about the need for treatment. “I am saddened by your illness,- St. Nektarios of Aegina wrote to his spiritual daughter. - You caught a cold because of the dampness in your cell, since it was impossible to repair it with meager funds. Why didn't you write to me? I would send money... No need to freeze anymore, don’t endanger your life... Illness hinders the spiritual growth of those who have not achieved perfection. You need health for spiritual work. Anyone who is imperfect and who goes out to battle will be defeated, know this, if he is not healthy, for he will lack that moral strength that strengthens the perfect. For the imperfect, health is a chariot that carries a fighter to the victorious end of the battle. That is why I advise you to be reasonable, know the limits in everything and avoid excesses... Let P. together with A. take you to the doctor to make sure that your cold has not left any consequences. You should heed his instructions. If you are in good health, you will be able to grow spiritually, otherwise your efforts will be in vain.”

“You don’t have to get treatment while waiting for God to heal,” Saint Theophan the Recluse said, - but it's very brave. You don’t have to undergo treatment to exercise patience and devotion to the will of God, but this is very high, and at the same time every “oh!” will be blamed, but only grateful joy is appropriate.” So, Neither healing nor resorting to the services of doctors is forbidden for a Christian. However, one must avoid the danger of placing all hope of recovery on doctors, medications and medical procedures. The Holy Scriptures criticize the Israeli king Asa, who “in his illness sought not the Lord, but doctors” (2 Chron. 16:12).

A Christian must remember that whether he is healed miraculously or through doctors and medicines, healing in any case comes from the Lord. Therefore, according to the words of the Optina Elder Macarius, “in medicines and treatment one must surrender to the will of God. He is strong both to reason with a doctor and to give strength to medicine.” And accordingly, spiritual means should be placed at the forefront of treatment: “In illnesses, use prayer before doctors and medicines,”- teaches Neil of Sinai.


Man is a holistic being. Consciousness and body, soul and spirit are indivisible parts unified system. To achieve complete healing, you cannot treat only the symptoms of the disease, you need to treat the whole person. It is necessary to determine what disorders at the spiritual, mental and physical level led to the onset of the disease. That's why The most important thing for a sick person is reconciliation with God, restoration of correct spiritual life. The second stage of recovery is gaining spiritual integrity, peace of mind, peace with yourself, awareness of responsibility for your illness. In the Holy Scriptures we find a number of indications of the connection between passions and illnesses: “Jealousy and anger shorten the days, but care brings old age before its time.”(Sir.30:26); “Do not indulge in sadness in your soul and do not torment yourself with your suspiciousness; the joy of the heart is a person’s life, and the joy of a husband is a long life... Comfort your heart and remove sadness from yourself, for sadness has killed many, but there is no benefit in it.”(Sir. 30:22-25).


According to the patristic concept, the center of a person’s spiritual life is the heart. This is what the Gospel says about this: “For from within, from the heart of man, come evil thoughts, adultery, fornication, murder, theft, covetousness, malice, deceit, lasciviousness, the envious eye... All this evil comes from within and defiles a person.”(Mark 7:21-23). The Psalter says this: “Sacrifice to God is a broken spirit; You will not despise a broken and humble heart, O God.”(Ps. 50:19). The heart is the feeling part of the soul and is considered by the Holy Fathers as the center of a person’s spiritual life. “The heart here is not meant to be natural, but allegorically, as an internal human condition, disposition and inclinations." “A heart poisoned by sin does not cease to give birth from itself, from its damaged nature, sinful sensations and thoughts,”- writes Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov. Therefore, “the whole strength of Christian life lies in the correction and renewal of the heart,” accomplished through repentance.

Also, many foreign psychologists believe that the heart is closely connected with the area of ​​feelings. In traditional cultures, the heart was seen as a symbol of love, the center of human vitality. The heart beats with joy, contracts with pain, people take many things to heart... It is customary to talk about coldness of heart, heartlessness, kindness. The heart reacts to emotional shocks by changing its rhythm.

We must understand that the heart is probably the most sensitive organ in the body. Our existence depends on its steady rhythmic activity. When this rhythm changes even for a moment, for example when the heart stops or jumps, we experience anxiety about the very essence of our life.

I will briefly repeat the Orthodox point of view on the relationship between passions and heart disease.

Payback for anger (anger)- hypertension, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, strokes, urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, neurasthenia, psychopathy, epilepsy.

Payback for vanity, which is usually accompanied by anger, are diseases of the cardiovascular system and neuropsychic diseases (neuroses, manic states).

Coronary thrombosis and angina pectoris are increasingly causes of suffering for those people possessed by obsessive states and heightened remorse, who are entrusted with great responsibility (medics, lawyers and industrial administrators) - they, according to A. Lowen, are almost occupational diseases. The causes of heart disease are also:

1) fear that I will be accused of not loving;

2) feeling of loneliness and fear. Constant feeling that “I have shortcomings, “I don’t do enough,” “I will never achieve success”;

3) expulsion of joy from the heart for the sake of money, or a career, or something else;

4) lack of love, as well as emotional isolation. The heart reacts to emotional shocks by changing its rhythm. Heart disorders occur due to lack of attention to own feelings. A person who considers himself unworthy of love, who does not believe in the possibility of love, or who forbids himself to show his love for other people, will certainly encounter manifestations of cardiovascular diseases. Finding contact with your true feelings, with the voice of your own heart, significantly alleviates the burden of heart disease, over time leading to partial or complete recovery;

5) ambitious, goal-oriented workaholics are more likely to experience stress and are at increased risk high blood pressure and heart disease;

7) a tendency to excessive intellectualization combined with isolation and emotional impoverishment;

8) suppressed feelings of anger.

Heart disease often occurs as a result of a lack of love and security, as well as from emotional closeness. Heart disorders occur due to inattention to one's own feelings. A person who forbids himself to show his love for other people will certainly encounter manifestations of cardiovascular diseases. Learning to get in touch with your true feelings, with the voice of your own heart, greatly eases the burden of heart disease, eventually leading to partial or complete recovery. Orthodoxy always calls for sincerity, openness, and spontaneity in expressing one’s feelings. "Be like children"- says Jesus Christ (Matthew 18:3). And children, as long as they are not spoiled by improper upbringing, are always sincere and whole. When they feel bad, they cry, when they are happy, they laugh, love and talk openly about everything. This turns out to be necessary to maintain mental and physical health. You can’t push your feelings and emotions inside. They do not disappear, but according to the law of conservation of energy, they rush into the subconscious, from where they have a destructive effect on the person as a whole. One may ask: what to do with negative emotions? Shouldn't they be overcome? Of course, we need to work with them. At the same time, we must remember that hidden, for example, malice, envy or lust have a destructive effect on the sinner’s body. You need to get rid of them. How? For example, by heartfelt prayer and repentance before God. It’s good to bow to the ground and read loudly repentance prayers. To improve your body health, you can do heavy lifting. homework or sports. Brisk walking or jogging until you sweat, for men - shadow boxing or sport games contribute to the conclusion negative energy. Any kind of creative activity, playing musical instruments or singing will also be useful in this situation. It's all for the body and soul. But we must begin, as we have already said, with spiritual work. If you do not repent of your sins and existing passions, do not resist and overcome them, everything else becomes useless. Since the root of illness, sorrow and misfortune will remain untouched. And temptation will constantly repeat itself, taking possession of a person and destroying him.


Psychosomatic reasons. Interruptions in the functioning of the heart indicate that you have lost your own rhythm of life and an alien rhythm that is not typical for you is imposed on you. You are in a hurry, hurrying, fussing somewhere. Anxiety and fear take over your soul and begin to control your feelings.

Path of Healing- in a change in activity. You need to start doing in life what you are really interested in, what brings you joy and satisfaction. Find time to be alone with yourself, calm your feelings, stay in prayer longer.

BLOOD PRESSURE DISORDERHypertension (high blood pressure)

A person with high blood pressure may appear friendly and reserved on the surface, but it is easy to discover that these surface traits are reactive formations aimed at suppressing aggressive impulses. That is, external goodwill is not sincere, but superficial, covering up internal aggressiveness. The latter, having no external outlet, bombards the cardiovascular system with accumulated energy, causing an increase in pressure. Hypertensive patients who are chronically ready to fight have dysfunction of the circulatory system. They suppress free expression of hostility towards other people out of a desire to be loved. Their hostile emotions seethe but have no outlet. In their youth they can be bullies, but as they get older they notice that they alienate people with their behavior and begin to suppress their own emotions. If they do not have repentance, prayer, or a directed struggle against their passion, then self-destruction will continue more and more intensely. Unresolved, including old, emotional problems can also cause high blood pressure. It is imperative to find them out, perhaps resorting to the help of a psychologist, bring them out, experience them, rethink them and thus resolve them.

Hypotension (low blood pressure)

Psychosomatic reasons. Often this is despondency or a defeatist mood: “Nothing will work out anyway,” as well as a lack of faith in oneself, in God’s help, in one’s strengths and capabilities. A person suffering from hypotension often tries to avoid conflict situations, avoid responsibility.

Path of Healing. Need to live active life, set realistic goals and achieve them, learning to overcome obstacles and possible conflicts. We must remember that despondency is a mortal sin. “I can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens me”- said the Apostle Paul (Phil. 4:13). And every believer should make this statement his credo. The Lord is omnipotent. And if He is love incarnate, and I am His beloved child, what is impossible for me? The Lord provides for every person: “And a hair of your head will not be lost”- said by Jesus Christ in the Holy Gospel (Luke 21:18). Therefore, there is no place for despondency in the life of a believer. And if one is found, it means there is a demonic attack, which should be resisted through prayer, confession, reading the Holy Scriptures, and communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. Hypotension can also be caused by a lack of love in childhood. If a child did not receive enough maternal love, was lonely, spiritually and emotionally abandoned, at the bodily level this can be expressed in hypotension. Again, a full spiritual life, saturated with love, when a person knows how to give and receive love, is the fundamental basis for healing from this disease. Physically, exercise, massage, leisure- everything that will make life richer and more fulfilling.


Dr. Flander Dunbar of New York Presbyterian Hospital was convinced that certain diseases affected people with certain personality types. People of the “gastroulcer type” may outwardly appear ambitious, strong-willed and persistent, but underneath this they hide weak will and character. That is, a person, violating his natural nature, adopts a style of behavior that is not typical for him. He wants to appear to be something other than what he really is. And he constantly forces himself to do this. This emotional discomfort and the experiences associated with them, even if driven into the subconscious, give rise to disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract at the bodily level. Complete healing is possible only with awareness and repentance of one’s sinful tendencies (pride, vanity, conceit), humbly accepting oneself as one is, and in natural, sincere behavior expressing true emotions and feelings.

Stomach problems: ulcerative colitis, constipation, according to psychotherapists, are a consequence of being “stuck” in the past and unwillingness to take responsibility for the present. The stomach reacts sensitively to our problems, fears, hatred, aggressiveness and worries. Suppressing these feelings, unwillingness to admit them to yourself, an attempt to ignore and forget them, rather than comprehend, realize and resolve them, can cause various gastric disorders. Prolonged irritation, manifested in a state of stress, leads to gastritis.

Often people suffering stomach diseases They try to prove to others that they are indispensable, experience envy, and are characterized by a constant feeling of anxiety and hypochondria.

People with peptic ulcer disease are characterized by restlessness, irritability, increased efficiency and a heightened sense of duty. They are characterized by low self-esteem, accompanied by excessive vulnerability, shyness, touchiness, self-doubt, and at the same time increased demands on themselves, pride, and suspiciousness. It is noticed that these people strive to do much more than they can. They are characterized by emotional overcoming difficulties combined with strong internal anxiety. Such people constantly control themselves and their loved ones. Rejection of the surrounding reality and hostility to anything in this world, constant fears, an increased sense of disgust can also lead to peptic ulcer. The path to healing lies in strengthening faith in God and trust in Him. It is necessary to learn to endure, forgive and love, enjoy life more and not focus on it. negative manifestations, cultivate positive emotions, love and tranquility.

Nausea, vomiting

Psychosomatic reasons. There is something in the patient’s life that he does not accept, does not digest, and from which he wants to free himself. It is characterized by intransigence, a categorical reluctance to accept one or another state of affairs, and subconscious fears.

Path of Healing. It is necessary to accept everything that happens as God’s Providence, to draw positive lessons from everything, to learn to assimilate new ideas, to fulfill God’s commandment about love for enemies.

Motion sickness in transport (sea sickness)

Psychosomatic reasons. The disease is based on subconscious fears, horror of the unknown, and fear of travel.

Path of Healing. It’s about learning to trust yourself and the person driving. Believe in God’s deep providence for you: and a hair will not fall from your head without the will of your Heavenly Father.


Constipation indicates an excess of accumulated feelings and experiences that a person cannot or does not want to part with. Their reasons are as follows:

1) reluctance to part with outdated ways of thinking; getting stuck in the past; sometimes sarcastic;

2) accumulated emotional worries and experiences that a person does not want to part with, cannot or does not want to get rid of them, making room for new emotions;

3) sometimes constipation is the result of stinginess and greed.

Path of Healing. Let go of your past. Throw out old things from your home and make room for new ones. Work on the psychological attitude: “I’m getting rid of the old and making room for the new.” Remember God's Providence for you, His love and care. Accept everything that happens as if from the hand of God. In confession, talk through the thoughts and experiences that torment you. Overcome the love of money, develop in yourself non-covetousness and love for your neighbors.


Flatulence is often a consequence of constriction, fear and unrealized ideas, the inability to “digest” the growing mass of events and information. Path of Healing in developing calmness and consistency in actions.

Learn to set goals for yourself and achieve them. Make a plan and take action, but don't get carried away with the little things.


Its causes include animal fear, horror, restlessness, as well as constant dissatisfaction and complaints.

Path of Healing in strengthening faith in God and His good Providence for every person, regular confession and communion, developing humility in oneself.

Diarrhea, colitis

Psychosomatic causes manifest themselves in strong fear and anxiety, a feeling of the unreliability of this world.

Path of Healing: When fear sets in, pray to God and the Mother of God. Read Psalm 90 many times. Learn to trust in God. Bring fears and worries to confession as manifestations of sin.


Heartburn, an excess of gastric juice, indicates repressed aggressiveness, as well as various kinds of fears. The solution to the problem at the psychosomatic level is seen to be the transformation of the forces of suppressed aggression into an active life position, as well as creativity and those ways of overcoming aggression that were indicated above.

INTESTINAL DISEASESDiseases of the mucous membrane of the large intestine

The cause of this disease may be the mental sphere of a person. A layer of old experiences, sinful daydreaming, thinking about past grievances and failures, a kind of trampling in the viscous quagmire of the past - all this can contribute to the development of this disease. We must remember that our mental sphere is constantly exposed to violent influence from the demonic world. And if we are not sober, that is, we uncontrollably accept all the thoughts that come to us, then we find ourselves defenseless against the destructive influence of fallen spirits. You need to constantly cultivate good thoughts in yourself, and drive away evil ones with prayer and repentance in confession.

Hemorrhoids, abscess, fistula, cracks

Psychosomatic reasons manifest themselves in difficulties in getting rid of the old and unnecessary in life. Anger, fear, anger, guilt about some past events. The pain of loss, unpleasant emotions driven into the subconscious.

Path of Healing. Calm and painless getting rid of the old. Work on the attitude: “What comes out of my body is something that I don’t need and that bothers me. This is how things that interfere and hold back spiritual development leave my life.” It is necessary to develop trust in the good Providence of God.


The kidneys symbolize the ability to free ourselves from what can poison our lives. Causes of kidney diseases - psychosomatic. They are based on a combination of such negative emotions as harsh criticism, condemnation, anger, anger, resentment and hatred with strong disappointment and a feeling of failure, as well as low self-esteem, seeing oneself as an eternal loser, a feeling of shame, fear of the future, despondency and unwillingness to live in this world.

Path of Healing. Controlling your thoughts, overcoming fear and anger, increasing self-esteem, developing patience, humility and love for others.

Kidney stones, colic

Psychosomatic reasons: aggressive emotions driven into the subconscious, anger, fears, disappointments. Renal colic is a consequence of irritation, impatience and dissatisfaction with the environment and people.

Path of Healing in the development of humility and patience, trust in God and His good Providence.

Urinary tract inflammation, urethritis, cystitis

Psychosomatic reasons consist of irritation and anger towards the opposite sex, anxiety and restlessness.

Path of Healing. Trust in God, the ability to forgive, endure and love.


Psychosomatic reasons:

1) too strong a reaction to disappointments and failures;

2) feeling like a worthless loser who does everything wrong;

Path of Healing. We must accept everything that happens as a condition for our salvation, as a medicine sent by God Himself. We must realize: “I can do all things through the Lord who strengthens me” (Phil. 4:13). Psychological work to increase your internal self-esteem.

Adrenal diseases

Psychosomatic reasons. Depressed mood; an overabundance of destructive ideas; disregard for oneself; sense of anxiety; acute emotional hunger; self-flagellation.

Path of Healing. It is necessary to cultivate a creative spirit within oneself, to develop the ability to love and sacrifice oneself for the sake of one’s neighbor. Participate regularly and church services, actively promote works of mercy. Be realistic, tune in to positive thoughts and emotions.


Psychosomatic reasons. Acute rejection of people, events, situations; anger and feelings of hopelessness; loss of joy of life.

Path of Healing. Developing love, patience and compassion for people; trust in God in everything and life according to God’s commandments.


There are two types of diabetes. In both cases, the blood sugar level is elevated, but in one case insulin administration is necessary, because it is not produced in the body, but in others it is enough to use sugar-lowering substances. In the latter case, it may be caused by atherosclerosis. Diabetes most often occurs in older people who accumulate a lot of negative emotions in the subconscious: grief, melancholy, resentment towards life. They get the impression that there is nothing good (sweet) left in life; they experience a severe lack of joy. Diabetes is terrible for its complications: glaucoma, cataracts, sclerosis, narrowing of blood vessels in the extremities, especially the legs. Often the patient dies from these complications. The basis of these diseases is a lack of joy.

Ways to Heal enclosed in faith in God as the source of life, joy and love; in trusting in Him; thanksgiving for everything; in repentance for all past sins. It is necessary to remember and implement the words of the Apostle Paul: “Always rejoice. Pray without ceasing. Give thanks for everything"(1 Thess. 5:16-18). Learn to rejoice, see the good, and ignore the bad. Learn to give joy to others.


On a psychosomatic level The basis for eye problems can be a reluctance to see something, a rejection of the world around us as it is, as well as the accumulation of negative emotions in the soul: hatred, aggression, anger, anger. The eyes are the mirror of the soul, and if the indicated sinful passions are alive in the soul, then they cloud the internal and then external vision. To overcome this tendency, we must remember God's Providence for every person and for the entire existing world. Everything that the Lord has allowed can play a positive role for our salvation if we perceive it correctly. The sinfulness of other people should be perceived with pity, love and compassion. By committing a sinful act, they destroy themselves first of all, moving away from God and surrendering to the power of demons. An Orthodox Christian should not turn away and hate, but endure and pray for them. With this attitude, the cause of psychosomatic illness will disappear. At the same time, people often say: “I hate you,” “my eyes wouldn’t see you,” “I can’t see you,” etc. Pride and stubbornness prevent such people from noticing the good in the world around them. Mistaking demonic thoughts for their own, they see the world in a black light, through the eyes of fallen spirits. Naturally, with such a vision, their vision is destroyed. It is necessary to cultivate good thoughts in yourself, without accepting demonic ones, to live in communion with God, and psychosomatic reasons will be removed.

Dry eyes

Dry eyes (conjunctivitis, keratitis) can be caused by our evil gaze; reluctance to look at the world with love; sinful attitude: “I would rather die than forgive.” Sometimes the reason can be gloating. The stronger the negative emotions (anger, hatred, resentment), the stronger the inflammation of the eyes. According to the “boomerang law,” aggression comes back and hits its source in the eyes. Accordingly, healing from this disease occurs along with the eradication of sinful actions and attitudes, repentance in confession, development of kindness, the ability to forgive and benevolence towards everyone around you.


Psychosomatic reasons. Most likely, you look at the world with evil eyes. Inside yourself, you cultivate anger towards someone.

Path of Healing. It is necessary to reconsider your attitude towards a hated person or circumstances. Learn to forgive, endure and love. The eyes are the mirror of the soul, and their condition largely depends on thoughts. Learn to accept good thoughts and drive away evil ones.


Psychosomatic reasons. One-sided view of things. Strabismus that occurs in childhood reflects certain parental behavior. Most likely, they are in deep conflict and act contrary to each other. For a child, parents are the two most important people in the world. And the conflict between them literally tears the child’s soul in half, which can also manifest itself in eye diseases.

Path of Healing. Reconciliation of parents and immediate relatives, like-mindedness of father and mother, their love and attention to the child.


With this disease, intraocular pressure increases and severe pain appears in the eyeball. It becomes difficult for the patient to look at the world with open eyes.

Psychosomatic reasons. A person’s subconscious is pressed by some old grievances against people, fate, circumstances. Constantly present heartache and unwillingness to forgive. Glaucoma signals to a person that he is subjecting himself to strong internal pressure, bombarding his nervous system negative feelings.

Path of Healing. You need to learn to forgive and accept the world as it is. In prayer, turn your feelings and thoughts to God, ask Him for help and intercession. Don't be afraid to express your positive emotions. Wash your eyes with holy water several times a day, ask the Mother of God and the saints for help. I can recommend a light one physical activity, long walks fresh air, taking air and water baths, some breathing exercises.


Most often occurs in older people.

Psychosomatic reasons. Lack of hope for a happy future, gloomy views of the future, anticipation of old age, illness, death. This is how self-programming for suffering in old age occurs.

Path of Healing. Belief in God and immortal life. Understanding that God is love and will reward everyone who chooses the path of light with joy and happiness. The realization that there is a need and its own charm at every age.


Today, these diseases affect many people. Anyone who does not find sufficient strength in himself to overcome the disease is, in fact, simply avoiding responsibility for his own life. Behind all this lies distrust of God, fear of making mistakes, and lack of boldness. The beginning of getting rid of asthenic manifestations will be the realization that God is Love. He provides for every person. Opening up to His holy will and living in accordance with it is the task of every Christian. And when you are with the Lord, nothing is impossible for you.

Mentally Asthenia may be the result of past unsuccessful endeavors. Having been defeated several times, a person labels himself a loser and in advance gives up the idea of ​​​​the possible success of his intentions. As a result, low self-esteem dominates his entire life.

Here you need to increase your self-esteem. We need to remember our successes and successful endeavors. Connect them with the upcoming activity and tell yourself: “As it worked out for me then, so it will work out today.” And after praying to God, start your own business. To avoid self-confidence, which can also be a cause of failure, a person must constantly remember that he is neither better nor worse than others, but like everyone else. And if others succeeded, then he will succeed too.


Cancer for a long time was considered a disease beyond individual control, irreversible and incurable. Cancer strikes without warning, and the patient seems to have little control over the course or outcome of the disease. Lately There have been several well-publicized attempts in scientific circles to change this perception. According to modern theory of this disease, every body constantly produces cancer cells. The immune system successfully resists, flushing them out of the body, until one or another factor reduces the body's resistance, causing susceptibility to cancer. Much evidence suggests that stress reduces resistance to disease by affecting the immune system and hormonal balance.

According to the psychosomatic theory, cancer is generated by unforgiven grievances, excessive fixation on some loss, hatred, loss of the meaning of life. Hidden grievances of the past, anger and malice, hatred and the desire for revenge literally devour the body. This is deep internal conflict. The place of manifestation of the disease also depends on spiritual reasons. For example, damage to the genital organs indicates that our femininity or masculinity is affected. Damage to the digestive tract is associated with rejection of events and unwillingness to forgive; respiratory organs - with deep disappointment in life.

Path of Healing. To avoid this disease, you just need to live according to Christian commandments, be able to endure, forgive and love. Jesus Christ Himself commanded this in the prayer to God the Father, which He gave to people. “And forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors.” Just as the Lord forgave everyone everything and even prayed for His crucifiers, so He commanded His followers to do the same. For healing, a complete change of one’s worldview to a Christian one is necessary. You need to take responsibility for your life, illness and health. Determine the meaning of your life and rid your consciousness of everything alien. Try to enjoy life more.


Nervousness often manifests itself as a state of internal restlessness - urges and impulses for disorderly activity due to chaotic emotional outbursts. A person is aware of the need for change, but does not understand what exactly he should change. Being nervous, he experiences internal pressure, constantly feeling that reality is not what he would like. He either rushes about in search of solutions to problems, or painfully adapts his requests to reality. Most often this happens because a person has not gained faith in God and has not rebuilt his entire life in accordance with God’s commandments. Nervousness can also arise due to a discrepancy between what is desired and what is actual.

In this case, the person should calm down and analyze the reasons for his nervous state. Having found out, take spiritual and spiritual actions to overcome them.


Let us now consider the main types of psychopathy and their moral reasons, indicated by Academician D.A. Avdeev.

1. Excitable psychopaths, epileptoids: the cause is pride, passion of anger, malice, intolerance, rage.

2. Hysterics: the reason is pride, the passion of vanity. Common signs are the desire for external effect, posturing, capriciousness, egocentrism.

3. Schizoids: the reason is the passion of pride, emotional coldness, alienation, lack of contact, lack of love, preoccupation with oneself.

4. Unstable psychopaths: the reason is the passion of pride and anger. Extremely strong criminal orientation, lack of any mercy.

5. Cycloids: the reason is pride, despondency, vanity. (Change of phases - increasingly shorter than the phase of euphoria and longer than the phase of depression. Lack of moral guidelines, their replacement by moods.)

A serious mental illness that darkens the mind and will frees one from responsibility for one’s actions. People suffering from Down syndrome, mental retardation, autism, schizophrenia and similar diseases are judged differently by God than those who are mentally healthy. And what is forgiven first, will not be forgiven second. Therefore, one of the ways to save the soul that the Heavenly Father chooses is a congenital pathology of the brain, which limits or completely deprives one of legal capacity. Elder Paisius the Svyatogorets speaks very categorically on this matter: mentally underdeveloped children are saved. “They go to heaven without much difficulty. If parents look at this matter in this way, spiritually, then they themselves will benefit and will have a spiritual reward.” In one of the letters of St. Theophan the Recluse there is a remarkable phrase about feeble-minded people: “Idiots! Yes, they are idiots only for us, and not for themselves and not for God. Their spirit grows in its own way. It may happen that we, the wise, will turn out to be worse than idiots.”

Epilepsy, seizures, convulsions, spasms

Psychosomatic reasons. Often these diseases are caused by severe mental stress, which can be generated by causeless panic fear, persecution mania, a feeling of strong internal struggle, and a desire to commit violence. A person inflates himself so much with “his” thoughts that the body at times refuses to listen to him and makes disorderly movements. During a seizure, consciousness is partially or completely lost. This once again emphasizes that the causes of the disease are hidden in the subconscious and external influences. Often, but not always, these attacks are the result of obsession and demonic possession. Epilepsy is often found in adolescence, just when it starts puberty. This is the so-called crisis adolescence when children have minimal control over emotions and thoughts. Patients often experience high level subconscious aggression towards the surrounding world and other people. This aggression can be expressed in hatred, contempt, jealousy. All this testifies to the deep spiritual defeat of such people.

Path of Healing. Awareness of one's sinfulness. Deep repentance. Overcoming the passions of pride, anger, rancor. Control over your thoughts and feelings. Prayer, participation in church sacraments. Verbalization of your feelings and experiences, developing openness to the world and people, trust and love for others.

Hyperactivity, nervous tics

Psychosomatic reasons. Common reason diseases - parents’ rejection of their child for who he is, their lack of trust in him and lack of love. Perhaps the mother of such a baby had abortions in the past, or the parents considered the pregnancy untimely and unwanted. Perhaps, after the birth of a child, parents were visited by thoughts that the worries that had arisen were preventing them from being realized in life, moving up the career ladder, or arranging their personal life. Often the cause of a child’s illness is resentment, mutual claims, and lack of love for each other among his mother and father.

Path of Healing. When parents change their behavior and begin to truly love the child and each other, the child calms down and relaxes. Prayer for the child, giving him communion in Church, teaching him holy water, spiritual reading and prayer helps a lot.


Psychosomatic reasons. Fears, anxiety, struggle for a “place in the sun,” vanity, strong emotional experiences. All this makes it difficult to relax, calm down and disconnect from the worries of the day. A bad conscience and feelings of guilt can also contribute to the formation of insomnia.

Path of Healing. It is necessary to change the approach to solving emerging problems. Learn to trust yourself, other people and, most importantly, God. Trust in His good Providence, transferring oneself completely into His hands makes a person free from fear. You need to cleanse your soul with repentance, make peace with your neighbors, and your sleep will improve.


Asthma and lung problems are caused by the inability (or unwillingness) to live independently, as well as a lack of living space. Asthma, convulsively holding back the air currents entering from the outside world, testifies to the fear of frankness, sincerity, and the need to accept the new that every day brings. The skill of accepting God’s Providence in sad and joyful circumstances of life, trusting God and, as a result, gaining trust in people are an important psychological component that contributes to recovery.

We will only list some typical causes of asthma.

1. Inability to breathe for one's own benefit. Feeling depressed. Holding back sobs. Fear of life. Reluctance to be in a certain place.

2. A person with asthma feels like he has no right to breathe on his own. Asthmatic children are usually conscientious. They take the blame for everyone else.

3. Asthma occurs when the feeling of love is suppressed in the family. The child suppresses crying, experiences fear of life and does not want to live anymore.

4. Compared to healthy people Asthmatics express more negative emotions, are more likely to be angry, offended, harbor grudges, and seek revenge.

5. Suppressed sexual desires and at the same time mental immersion in them. On a spiritual level, repentance for impure desires and thoughts is necessary here. When they attack, it is necessary to read the Gospel, Psalter or the Theotokos rule (read “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary” 12 or 33 times). It is also necessary to channel sexual energy into creative channels.

6. Asthma in children is most often caused by fear of life, strong unmotivated fear, reluctance to “be here and now,” and self-blame.

Pulmonary diseases

Their psychosomatic reasons- depression, sadness, fear of taking life as it is. Patients often consider themselves unworthy to live a full life, have very low self-esteem. The lungs are also a symbolic ability to take and give life. Those who smoke a lot usually deny life. They hide their feelings of inferiority.


Psychosomatic reasons. Depression, excessive sadness, despondency, severe melancholy, originating in subconscious aggression aimed at the world and people, life and fate. Lack of a full life and meaning of existence, fear of breathing deeply.

Path of Healing. Finding faith and spiritual meaning life. The ability to forgive and seek God’s Providence in everything. Self-development

Series of messages " ": Traditional medicine

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