"Deniska's Stories" is a series of short, funny and instructive works telling about the boy Denisk, his family and friends. Written by Soviet writer Viktor Dragunsky.

He is alive and glowing summary

Deniska is waiting for her mother in the yard. Mom is delayed somewhere, and Deniska is left all alone in the yard. It gets dark quickly. Deniska begins to feel hungry. And sad thoughts begin to come into my head

He is distracted from his unhappy thoughts by a friend, Mishka, who comes out into the yard. Mishka is very interested in the dump truck that belongs to Deniska. Mishka begins to ask to exchange toys, offering Deniska his various riches. But Deniska does not agree, citing the fact that this was a gift from her dad before leaving.

Then Mishka offers a box for exchange. Deniska sees a small star inside the box. It turns out it's a firefly. Deniska is amazed by the sight of the firefly and, delighted, gives away the dump truck.

When my mother returned, she asked how the dump truck was doing. Deniska said that he exchanged it for a firefly and immediately demonstrated it. Mom was also impressed by Firefly. But she asked Deiska if he felt sorry for the dump truck. To this he replied that he was not sorry at all. When mom asked why a firefly is better than a dump truck. To this Deniska replied: “He is alive and glowing.”

You must have a sense of humor summary

One day Deniska and Mishka were doing their homework. At the same time, Deniska was telling a friend about lemurs, what they look like and how they behave. Then the guys decided to test each other and exchanged notebooks. Seeing what Mishka wrote Deniska burst out laughing. Mishka took Deniska’s notebook and did exactly the same.

Pointing out to each other the mistakes made during execution homework. The guys decided to rewrite it. Having finished writing the assignment, the guys decided to assign each other tasks. At that moment Deniska’s dad joined them.

Denis was the first to ask the problem. He suggested to dad and Mishka: divide two apples equally among three. The correct answer turned out to be, you need to cook compote.

Then dad decided to ask Deniska the problem in response. The task turned out to be very long and confusing, and the question was not at all what was expected. It was necessary to recognize the boy from the problem, who spends a lot of time waking up, stretching and getting dressed, as a result of which he is late for school. The answer was obvious, the boy from the problem was Deniska. Deniska didn’t like the task, because he’s not like that at all, and leaving the room and sitting in the closet, he decided to leave - to punish the virgin lands. And then dad will understand how wrong he was. But then, dad looked into the closet and explained that he did not mean Denis, and such a boy did not exist at all. And no matter what a similar misunderstanding happens to Deniska next time, you need to have a sense of humor. After the explanation, dad burst out laughing, and Deniska laughed with him.

Slava Ivan Kozlovsky summary

Deniska laments that he is an excellent student, but he is bad at penmanship. Blots constantly appear, no matter how hard he tries. And Deniska is an excellent student, only he got a C in singing, and this is how it happened. During a singing lesson, the whole class sang: “There was a birch tree in the field.” But the singing teacher did not like the way the choir performed the song, so he decided to work with each student individually.

Mishka sang individually first. He sang in a very thin voice: “Like thin ice...”. Deniska thought this was funny and burst out laughing. Thus, drawing attention to yourself. Now it was his turn to sing. He chose to perform the revolutionary song “Lead Budyonny, we are bolder into battle,” asking Boris Sergeevich to play as loudly as possible. Taking air into his lungs, Deniska screamed a song. After finishing singing, Deniska asked the teacher how he assessed him. “Monsterly”: Boris Sergeevich answered and rated Deniska’s efforts three points. Deniska was very puzzled by this and offered to perform another piece. But the teacher asked him to refrain.

When mom picked up Deniska and asked Boris Sergeevich about Deniska’s successes. He replied that he could become anyone, a scientist, a writer, an athlete, but he would not find the glory of Ivan Kozlovsky. Walking home, Deniska wonders if Ivan Kozlovsky really sings louder than him.

A drop kills a horse summary

One day Deniska's father fell ill. The doctor called reassured the family, saying that it was just a cold, but advised Deniska’s father to quit smoking. Mom supported the doctor, beginning to lament how many problems were caused by cigarettes. Mom reprimanded dad for a long time for smoking, but he did not agree with her. Then my mother said: “A drop of cigarette poison kills a horse.”

Deniska could not understand how a drop could kill a horse. And why, then dad doesn’t die. With such thoughts, he could not fall asleep for a long time. But on Saturday dad recovered and guests came to them. Uncle Yura with Aunt Katya, Boris Mikhailovich and Aunt Tamara. Aunt Tamara, who accidentally oversweeted Dad's tea, gives him a cigarette case to make amends. But dad refuses, saying that the cigarettes he smokes simply won’t fit into it. But, in order not to offend Aunt Tamara, he sends Denis to shorten the cigarettes so that they fit into the cigarette case.

Deniska, who was worried that his dad would start smoking again because of Aunt Tamara’s gift. He fulfilled the request of the scales in a unique way: he cut off the part in which the tobacco is located, leaving the mouthpieces unharmed.

This caused laughter from the guests and irritation from the parents. They did not scold Deniska, but sent him to another room. Without understanding the intentions with which he committed this act.

Red ball in the blue sky summary

One day Alenka, Deniska’s neighbor, called him to a large store where a spring market was to be held. Not quite understanding that it is Deniska who goes with her. At the entrance they are greeted by doll barkers inviting everyone to the spring market. The guys thought for a long time about how the dolls worked, Alenka suggested that there were artists sitting inside, but Deniska objected that the radio was probably screaming in the dolls, and there were no artists inside.

The next person they met was a man offering to play in the clothing lottery and try to win a Volga car. Then Alenka was “scented” with perfume. And the children got drunk on kvass. At the exit of their market, Alenka bought herself a balloon. On the way home, Alenka gave Deniska the ball to hold. And he, succumbing to curiosity, let go of the ball. View of someone flying away blue sky The ball fascinated not only Deniska, but also the upset Alenka. The children looked at the flying ball for a long time, Deniska enjoyed the beauty of the ball’s flight until it disappeared from sight. Not knowing how to express their delight, the children silently walked home. Saying goodbye, Alenka said: “If I had more money, I would buy another ball for you to release.”

Puss in Boots summary

At the end of the term, class teacher Raisa Ivanovna announces that during the holidays there will be a matinee and a masquerade ball. Returning home, Deniska and Mishka discuss who will be who at the masquerade. Mishka decided to dress up as a gnome, but Denis didn’t decide, leaving the choice for later.

It so happened that Deniska, completely forgetting about the upcoming holiday, was not prepared for it at all. Mishka, who came in the form of a gnome, was surprised that Deniska was not ready. And he admitted that his mother had left, and he had completely forgotten about the suit. Then the friends decided to make a costume from scrap materials, right away.

From shoe covers (large boots), a hat and a tail from an old boa, the “Puss in Boots” costume was made. Which, thanks to its originality, brought Deniska victory in the competition, and two books as a prize. Deniska gave one of them to Mishka.

Returning home, Deniska discovers that there are only three days left before her mother returns.

The Battle of a Clean River summary

All the boys from the parallel first grades of Deniska’s school had scarecrow pistols at their disposal. As befits boys, they did not part with them for a minute. All the guys liked it, but it didn't last long.

One day the teacher announces that all three classes will go to the cinema on Sunday, to see the film " Scarlet Stars". Deniska was really looking forward to the trip, and even slept poorly at night. Once in the cinema hall, all the guys were very excited by the plot of the film. And at one dramatic moment, when the “reds” began to be surrounded by “whites”. The guys, led by Deniska, began to shoot from scarecrows at screen.

All visitors arrived in shock at what the boys had done. And the teacher was there with the usherettes, trying to stop the chaos. But they didn’t succeed. The guys calmed down only when help arrived on the screen for the “red” ones and they were able to repel the “white” attack.

For this behavior on Monday, all the boys were given a verbal reprimand. And all the weapons had to be handed over to the school director. But the guys were happy, because they helped the good heroes.

Childhood friend summary

When Deniska was six years old. He didn’t know what he wanted to become; he liked all professions. He wanted to become: a sailor, an astronomer, a subway driver. Then Deniska dreamed of becoming a traveler, like Alain Bombard, but then he changed his mind, since Alain lost 25 kilograms during the trip, and Deniska weighed only 26.

After watching the European boxing championship, and then the boxers’ training, Deniska wanted to become a boxer. He asked his dad to buy him a punching bag. But dad did not take this request seriously. Seeing how his father’s refusal upset Deniska, his mother found a teddy bear in his old toys. The bear was large and thick, making it an ideal substitute for a pear.

But remembering everything that Deniska experienced with the bear. He almost burst into tears, realizing that he would never be able to hit his old friend. And when his mother asked what was wrong with him, he replied: “There’s nothing wrong with me... I just changed my mind. I’ll just never be a boxer.”

Dymka and Anton summary

In the summer Deniska rested at the dacha. There he studied big amount interesting activities. But most of all he liked his friendship with dogs. To make it easier to figure out who bit whom, the dogs were called by their first and last names: Zhuchka Bredneva, or Tuzik Murashovsky, or Barbos Isaenko.

Deniska had a dog, Dymka, at her dacha. Deniska really liked her. One day, Mom gave Dymka a big bone. And just as the haze began to take over her, she saw Murzik the cat. Having thrown the bone, Dymka began to chase Murzik around the yard until she drove him onto the roof of the barn. While Dymka was busy, another dog named Anton ran into the yard, grabbed a bone and hid it. Returning to the bone, Smoky did not find it.

Then Deniska called Anton over and told him that he had seen everything and if he didn’t admit it himself, then he would tell everything. Anton seemed to understand everything and a minute later he brought the bone. Haze sniffed the bone, but did not eat it, then looked at Anton as if smiling. Denika realized that Dymka had forgiven Anton. After which, they ran together to the river. So close, it was as if they were holding hands.

Analysis of the work by V.Yu. Dragunsky "Deniska's stories"

“Deniska’s Stories” are stories by the Soviet writer Viktor Dragunsky, dedicated to incidents from the life of a preschooler, and then a junior school student, Denis Korablev. Appearing in print since 1959, the stories became classics of Soviet children's literature, were republished many times and were filmed several times. They were included in the list of “100 books for schoolchildren” compiled in 2012. The prototype of the main character of the stories was the writer’s son Denis, and one of the stories mentions the birth of Denis’s younger sister Ksenia.

V. Dragunsky did not combine his stories into a cycle, but unity is created by: plot and thematic connections; the image of the central character - Deniski Korableva and secondary characters - Deniski's father and mother, his friends, acquaintances, teachers, also move from story to story.

In the stories of Viktor Yuzefovich main character– Deniska says different cases from his life, shares his thoughts and observations with us. The boy constantly finds himself in funny situations. It’s especially funny when the hero and the reader have different assessments of what Deniska tells. Deniska, for example, talks about something as if it were a drama, and the reader laughs, and the more serious the narrator’s tone, the funnier it is for us. However, the writer included in the collection not only funny stories. There are also works in it that are sad in intonation. Such, for example, is the wonderful lyrical story “The Girl on the Ball,” which tells the story of first love. But the story “Childhood Friend” is especially touching. Here the author talks about gratitude and true love. Deniska decided to become a boxer, and his mother gave him an old bear as a punching bag. And then the hero remembered how he loved this toy when he was little. The boy, hiding his tears from his mother, said: “I will never be a boxer.”

Dragunsky in his stories wittily recreates characteristics children's speech, its emotionality and unique logic, “general children’s” gullibility and spontaneity, which set the tone for the entire narrative. “What I love” and “...And what I don’t like!” - two famous stories Dragunsky, in the name of which the child’s own opinion is put in first place. This is stated in the enumeration of what Deniska likes and dislikes. “I really like to lie on my stomach on my dad’s knee, lower my arms and legs and hang on my knee like laundry on a fence. I also really like to play checkers, chess and dominoes, just to be sure to win. If you don’t win, then don’t.” Deniskin’s “I love” - “I don’t like” are often polemical in relation to the instructions of adults (“When I run along the corridor, I like to stomp my feet with all my might”). In the image of Deniska there is a lot that is typically childish: naivety, a penchant for invention and fantasy, and sometimes simple-minded egoism. Inherent childhood“mistakes” turn out to be the subject of humor and jokes, as always happens in humorous story. On the other hand, Dragunsky’s hero has traits that indicate a fully developed personality: Deniska is resolutely opposed to any falsehood, he is receptive to beauty, and values ​​kindness. This gave critics the right to see in the image of the main character the autobiographical features of Dragunsky himself. A combination of lyrical and comic - main feature stories by V. Dragunsky about Denis.

The content of Deniska's Stories is related to incidents from ordinary life A child’s life includes events in class, household chores, games with friends in the yard, trips to the theater and circus. But their commonness is only apparent - comic exaggeration is necessarily present in the story. Dragunsky is a master of creating the most incredible situations using everyday, even ordinary, material. The basis for them is the often paradoxical logic of children and their inexhaustible imagination. Deniska and Mishka, being late for class, take credit for incredible feats(“A fire in the outbuilding, or a feat in the ice”), but because everyone fantasizes in his own way, inevitable exposure follows. The boys are enthusiastically building a rocket in the yard, when launched, Deniska flies not into space, but through the window of the house management in the work “Amazing Day”. And in the story “Top down, diagonally! the children, in the absence of painters, decide to help them paint, but in the midst of the game they pour paint on the house manager. Which one incredible story described in the children's work “Mishkina Porridge”, when Deniska doesn’t want to eat semolina porridge and throws it out the window, which lands on the hat of a random passerby. All these unthinkable coincidences and incidents are sometimes simply funny, sometimes they imply a moral assessment, sometimes they are designed for emotional empathy. The paradoxical logic that guides Dragunsky's heroes is the path to understanding the child. In the story “Green Leopards,” children comically talk about all kinds of diseases, finding in each of them advantages and benefits “it’s good to be sick,” says one of the heroes of the work, “when you’re sick, they always give you something.” Behind the seemingly absurd arguments of children about illnesses there is a touching request for love: “when you are sick, everyone loves you more.” For the sake of such love, a child is even ready to get sick. The children's hierarchy of values ​​seems deeply human to the writer. In the story “He is alive and glowing...” Dragunsky, in the words of a child, affirms an important truth: spiritual values ​​are higher than material ones. The objective embodiment of these concepts in the story is an iron toy, which has material value, and a firefly that can emit light. Deniska committed an unequal adult point exchange of vision: he exchanged a large dump truck for a small firefly. The story about this is preceded by a description of a long evening, during which Deniska is waiting for her mother. It was then that the boy fully felt the darkness of loneliness, from which he was saved by the “pale green star” in a matchbox. Therefore, to my mother’s question, “how did you decide to give such valuable thing, like a dump truck, for this worm,” Deniska replies: “How come you don’t understand?! After all, he is alive! And it glows!..”

A very significant character in Deniska’s Stories is dad, a close and true friend his son, a smart teacher. In the story “Watermelon Lane,” a boy is capricious at the table, refusing to eat. And then the father tells his son one episode from his military childhood. This restrained but very tragic story turns the boy’s soul upside down. Life situations and the human characters described by Dragunsky are sometimes very complex. Since the child is talking about them, individual details help to understand the meaning of everything that happens, and they are very important in Deniska’s Stories. In the story “Workers Crushing Stone,” Deniska boasts that she can jump from a water tower. From below it seems to him that doing this is “easy.” But at the very top, the boy is breathless with fear, and he begins to look for excuses for his cowardice. The fight against fear takes place against the background of the incessant sound of a jackhammer - down there, workers are crushing stone while building a road. It would seem that this detail has little to do with what is happening, but in fact it convinces of the need for perseverance, before which even a stone retreats. Cowardice also receded before Deniska’s firm decision to make the jump. In all his stories, even where we're talking about When dealing with dramatic situations, Dragunsky remains faithful to his humorous manner. Many of Deniska’s statements seem funny and amusing. In the story “Motorcycle Racing on a Sheer Wall” he says the following phrase: “Fedka came to us on business - to drink tea,” and in the work “The Blue Dagger” Deniska says: “In the morning I couldn’t eat anything. I just drank two cups of tea with bread and butter, potatoes and sausage.”

But often a child’s speech (with the reservations characteristic of it) sounds very touching: “I really love horses, they have beautiful and kind faces” (“What I love”) or “I lifted my head to the ceiling so that the tears would roll back…” (“Childhood friend”). The combination of sad and comical in Dragunsky's prose reminds us of clownery, when behind the funny and absurd appearance of a clown his good heart is hidden.

Stories about Denis have been translated into many languages ​​of the world and even into Japanese. Victor Dragunsky wrote a sincere and cheerful preface to the Japanese collection: “I was born quite a long time ago and quite far away, one might even say, in another part of the world. As a child, I loved to fight and never let myself get hurt. As you understand, my hero was Tom Sawyer, and never, under any circumstances, Sid. I'm sure you share my point of view. I studied at school, frankly speaking, it didn’t matter... From the very beginning early childhood I fell in love with the circus and still love it. I was a clown. I wrote a story about the circus, “Today and Everyday.” Besides the circus I really love little children. I write about children and for children. This is my whole life, its meaning.”

“Deniska’s stories” are funny stories with a sensitive vision of important details; they are instructive, but without moralizing. If you haven't read them yet, start with the most touching stories and the story “Childhood Friend” is best suited for this role.

Deniska's stories: Childhood friend

When I was six or six and a half years old, I had absolutely no idea who I would ultimately be in this world. I really liked all the people around me and all the work too. At that time there was a terrible confusion in my head, I was kind of confused and could not really decide what to do.

Either I wanted to be an astronomer, so I could stay awake at night and watch distant stars through a telescope, and then I dreamed of becoming a sea captain, so that I could stand with my legs apart on the captain’s bridge, and visit distant Singapore, and buy a funny monkey there. Otherwise, I was dying to turn into a subway driver or a station master and walk around in a red cap and shout in a thick voice:

- Go-o-tov!

Or my appetite was whetted to learn to become an artist who paints white stripes on the street asphalt for speeding cars. Otherwise it seemed to me that it would be nice to become a brave traveler like Alain Bombard and sail across all the oceans on a fragile shuttle, eating only raw fish. True, this Bomber lost twenty-five kilograms after his trip, and I only weighed twenty-six, so it turned out that if I also swam like him, then I would have absolutely no way to lose weight, I would weigh only one thing at the end of the trip kilo. What if I don’t catch a fish or two somewhere and lose a little more weight? Then I’ll probably just melt into the air like smoke, that’s all.

When I calculated all this, I decided to abandon this idea, and the next day I was already impatient to become a boxer, because I saw the European Boxing Championship on TV. The way they threshed each other was simply terrifying! And then they showed them training, and here they were hitting a heavy leather “bag” - such an oblong heavy ball, you need to hit it with all your might, hit it as hard as you can in order to develop the power of hitting. And I looked at all this so much that I also decided to become the strongest person in the yard so that I could beat everyone, if anything happened.

I told dad:

- Dad, buy me a pear!

- It’s January now, there are no pears. Eat your carrots for now.

I laughed:

- No, dad, not like that! Not an edible pear! Please buy me an ordinary leather punching bag!

- And why do you need it? - said dad.

“Practice,” I said. - Because I will be a boxer and I will beat everyone. Buy it, huh?

- How much does such a pear cost? – Dad asked.

“It’s just nothing,” I said. - Ten or fifty rubles.

“You’re crazy, brother,” said dad. - Get by somehow without a pear. Nothing will happen to you. And he got dressed and went to work. And I was offended by him because he refused me so laughingly. And my mother immediately noticed that I was offended, and immediately said:

- Wait a minute, I think I came up with something. Come on, come on, wait a minute.

And she bent down and pulled out a large wicker basket from under the sofa; It contained old toys that I no longer played with. Because I had already grown up and in the fall I was supposed to buy a school uniform and a cap with a shiny visor.

Mom started digging in this basket, and while she was digging, I saw my old tram without wheels and on a string, a plastic pipe, a dented top, one arrow with a rubber blotch, a piece of sail from a boat, and several rattles, and many other toy items. scrap. And suddenly mom took out a healthy teddy bear from the bottom of the basket.

She threw it on my sofa and said:

- Here. This is the same one that Aunt Mila gave you. You were two years old then. Good Mishka, excellent. Look how tight it is! What a fat belly! Look how it rolled out! Why not a pear? Better! And you don't need to buy! Let's train as much as you like! Get started!

And then they called her to the phone, and she went out into the corridor.

And I was very happy that my mother came up with such a great idea. And I made Mishka more comfortable on the sofa, so that it would be easier for me to train against him and develop the power of the blow.

He sat in front of me, so chocolate-colored, but very shabby, and he had different eyes: one of his own - yellow glass, and the other large white - from a button from a pillowcase; I didn't even remember when he appeared. But it didn’t matter, because Mishka looked at me quite cheerfully with his different eyes, and he spread his legs and stuck his stomach out towards me, and raised both hands up, as if he was joking that he was already giving up in advance...

And I looked at him like that and suddenly remembered how a long time ago I never parted with this Mishka for a minute, dragged him everywhere with me, and nursed him, and sat him at the table next to me for dinner, and fed him with a spoon semolina porridge, and he got such a funny little face when I smeared him with something, even the same porridge or jam, then he got such a funny, cute little face, just like he was alive, and I put him to bed with me, and rocked him to sleep , like a little brother, and whispered different tales to him right into his velvety hard ears, and I loved him then, loved him with all my soul, I would give my life for him then. And here he is now sitting on the sofa, my ex best friend, a true friend childhood. Here he sits, laughing with different eyes, and I want to train the strength of my blow against him...

“What are you talking about,” said mom, she had already returned from the corridor. - What happened to you?

But I didn’t know what was wrong with me, I was silent for a long time and turned away from my mother so that she wouldn’t guess by her voice or lips what was wrong with me, and I lifted my head to the ceiling so that the tears would roll back, and then, when I had strengthened myself a little , I said:

-What are you talking about, mom? Nothing wrong with me... I just changed my mind. I'll just never be a boxer.

About the author.
Victor Dragunsky lived a long life, interesting life. But not everyone knows that before becoming a writer, in his early youth he changed many occupations and at the same time succeeded in each: turner, saddler, actor, director, author of small plays, “red-haired” clown in the arena of the Moscow circus. He treated every job he did in his life with equal respect. He loved children very much, and the children were drawn to him, feeling in him a kind elder comrade and friend. When he was an actor, he willingly performed in front of children, usually as Santa Claus during winter holidays. He was a kind, cheerful person, but irreconcilable with injustice and lies.

Victor Yuzefovich Dragunsky is a man of amazing destiny. He was born on November 30, 1913 in New York into a family of emigrants from Russia. However, already in 1914, shortly before the start of the First World War, the family returned and settled in Gomel, where Dragunsky spent his childhood. Together with his stepfather, actor Mikhail Rubin, at the age of ten he began performing on provincial stages: he recited couplets, tap danced and parodied. In his youth he worked as a boatman on the Moscow River, as a turner at a factory, and as a saddler in a sports workshop. By a lucky coincidence, in 1930, Viktor Dragunsky entered the literary and theater workshop of Alexei Diky, and here an interesting stage of his biography begins - acting. In 1935 he began performing as an actor. Since 1940, he has been publishing feuilletons and humorous stories, writing songs, sideshows, clowning, skits for the stage and circus. During the Great Patriotic War, Dragunsky was in the militia, and then performed at the fronts with concert brigades. For a little over a year he worked as a clown in the circus, but returned to the theater again. At the Film Actor's Theater he organized a literary and theatrical parody ensemble, uniting young, underemployed actors into the amateur troupe "Blue Bird". Dragunsky played several roles in films. He was almost fifty when his books for children with strange names: “Twenty years under the bed”, “Neither bang nor bang”, “Professor of sour cabbage soup”... Deniskin’s first stories by Dragunsky instantly became popular. Books from this series were printed in large editions.

However, Victor Dragunsky wrote prose works for adults as well. In 1961, the story “He Fell on the Grass” about the very first days of the war was published. In 1964, the story “Today and Everyday” was published, telling about the life of circus workers. The main character of this book is a clown.

Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky died in Moscow on May 6, 1972. The Dragunsky writing dynasty was continued by his son Denis, who became a very successful writer, and his daughter Ksenia Dragunskaya, a brilliant children's writer and playwright.

Dragunsky’s close friend, children’s poet Yakov Akim, once said: “A young man needs all the vitamins, including all the moral vitamins. Vitamins of kindness, nobility, honesty, decency, courage. Viktor Dragunsky generously and talentedly gave all these vitamins to our children.”

Korablev Denis is the main character of the cycle of children's stories by the famous Soviet writer V. Dragunsky. This character is one of the most popular in literature, as evidenced by the fact that he became the main character of several film adaptations dedicated to these stories. This and " Funny stories" (1962), and "Deniska's Stories" (1970), and short films based on individual stories from the book of the same name in 1973, and "A Secret to the Whole World" (1976), and "The Amazing Adventures of Denis Korablev" (1979 It is known that the prototype was the author’s son, for whom he wrote his works.

general characteristics

The events of the main part of the stories take place in Moscow in the late 1950s - early 1960s. Korablev Denis in most works is a boy preschool age. He lives with his parents, next to the circus, which is mentioned in one of the essays in this series. Subsequently he had younger sister. The narration is told from the perspective of the main character, which is the charm of these works. The writer showed the world through the eyes of a child, many of whose judgments are striking in their truthfulness, prudence and directness.

Besides, great place The images of his parents play in the stories, and his closest friend and comrade Mishka also plays a significant role. Minor, episodic characters periodically appear on the pages of the stories, whose presence, nevertheless, plays a large meaning role (for example, a school singing teacher).

In all his stories, Denis Korablev talks about his adventures, funny stories and just episodes of his life. They are interesting because they are all very different from each other, and each event seems to reveal the main character with new side. Some of the works are funny, others, on the contrary, are very sad. Thus, the author shows the complex inner world a child who experiences everything that happens around him very keenly and vividly. The writer skillfully included the most significant events of his era: for example, in the story “An Amazing Day” Titov’s flight into space is mentioned.


Denis Korablev periodically finds himself in various funny situations, which he narrates with childish simplicity and naivety, which makes the story even more interesting. For example, in the story “Exactly 25 Kilos” he drinks too much syrup in order to win an annual subscription to a magazine, and in another story he plans to spend his entire life under his bed. A lot of funny incidents happen to his parents and friends. For example, quite a few funny episodes are associated with his dad, who once accidentally drank an explosive mixture of various drinks prepared by the boy. In another story, the hero tells how his parent tried unsuccessfully to cook chicken for dinner.


Denis Korablev is especially attractive because he is an extremely sensitive boy with a romantic attitude. In one of the stories he talks about what he likes and what he loves most, and from this long list we learn that this child has a lively mind, prudence and a passionate imagination. He loves music and singing, which is played out quite funny in several stories. The boy likes it animal world, as we can judge from the story “White Finches,” he is attached to all living things: in one of the works, he exchanged an expensive toy for an ordinary glowing bug only so that this insect would not become fun in the hands of his friend. Thus, Denis Korablev, whose films were among the most popular in our country, became the favorite of many readers.

Quite a lot funny stories is devoted to the description of the protagonist's acquaintances, friends and neighbors. For example, he talks about the neighbor girl Alenka and his yard friend Kostya, with whom he often spent time. In Dragunsky’s cycle there is also one of the most touching and sad stories, “The Girl on the Ball,” in which the boy had to endure the pain of parting. Particularly memorable is the work dedicated to Dad’s story about his wartime childhood, which made such a strong impression on the child that he stopped being capricious. Dragunsky makes references to other works of world literature: for example, one of his stories is called “The Ancient Mariner”, named after one of the characters of D. London.

So, one of the most popular heroes of children's literature is Denis Korablev. The actors who played the role of the main character (Misha Kislyarov, Petya Moseev, Volodya Stankevich, Sasha Mikhailov, Seryozha Krupennikov, Seryozha Pisunov) perfectly embodied this image in Soviet films. And numerous film adaptations testify to how popular Dragunsky’s works are in our country.

The collection of Dragunsky's stories tells about various funny and interesting situations of the main character, Denis Korablev. These short stories show the attitude of the heroes towards each other, their actions. Every child, after reading these stories, can recognize himself in them.

One day Denis was waiting for his mother to come home from work, but she didn’t come. It was already dark outside. And Deniska had a dump truck in his hands, so he periodically played with it.

Neighbor Mishka approached him and asked him to play with a dump truck, but the boy refused because it was a gift. Then Misha showed him the firefly, Denis immediately liked it, so he gave away his toy for good. It was the small glowing worm that brightened up Deniska’s time while he was waiting for his mother, sitting in his yard (It’s alive and glowing).

There were stories related to school, how Deniska always received B marks in writing due to the fact that blots always appeared from somewhere in his notebook. And once I got a C in music. He sang his favorite song so loudly that he didn’t realize that he was singing something completely wrong. He was surprised that Mishka, who sang quietly, was given a five, and he was given a three (Glory to Ivan Kozlovsky).

One day Denis’s father fell ill, the cause was smoking. Mom scolded her husband for not taking care of his health and said that a drop of smoking tobacco would kill a horse. Deniska didn’t like this at all, he didn’t want his father to die. One day guests gathered in Deniska’s apartment.

Aunt Tamara gave a cigarette case to his father because she accidentally ruined his tea. Father asked Deniska to cut his cigarettes so that they would fit into this small case. And Denis cut so much that there was no tobacco left. The boy showed intelligence, because he was so afraid that a drop would kill a horse (One drop kills a horse).

How Deniska went to a masquerade party. It was announced at school that a prize would be awarded for the best costume. But Deniska had nothing, her mother left and could not help. However, he and his friend Mishka took fishing boots, mother's hat and an old fox tail from a neighbor. The result is a costume - Puss in Boots. At the matinee Deniska received a prize - 2 books for the best costume. He gave one to Mishka because he was the funniest gnome (Puss in Boots).

Deniska also visited the cinema, where the whole class watched a film about civil war. The boy could not stand it and shouted for everyone to get it toy guns. Chaos erupted in the hall, all the boys shot at the whites with whatever they could, they wanted to help the reds. And in the end the Reds won. It seemed to Denis that if it weren’t for them, then perhaps the Reds would not have won (The Battle of the Clear River).

Deniska, when he didn’t go to school yet, couldn’t decide what he wanted to become. And the idea of ​​becoming a boxer settled in his head. He asked his father to buy him a punching bag, but he refused because it was too expensive. But mom came up with the idea of ​​​​making a pear from an old bear. At first the boy was happy, but remembered that once he and the bear were not parted. After that, he changed his mind about being a boxer (Childhood Friend).

Deniska managed to shame the dog (Anton) when she took a bone from another and hid it somewhere. The boy looked at Anton and said that he knew everything, and after these words the dog took the bone to its place (Dymka and Anton).

A funny story about how Denis took third place in swimming. My father praised that third place was also good. But it turned out that the first two places were taken by one person each, and the third by everyone else, that is, 18 people (Third place in the butterfly style).

One of the stories says that Deniska wanted to get into the Kremlin, but he needed to eat porridge first. But no matter how he tried, nothing worked. So the boy threw the porridge out the window and told his mother that he had eaten everything. But it was not to be, a man came on whom this mess spilled out (The secret becomes clear).

One day Deniska and his friends saw painters doing their work near their house. After which the workers gathered for lunch and left the paint on the street. The friends decided to paint everything that came their way. After that they got seriously into trouble.


A funny story happened with Deniska’s friend, Pavley. He studied English for two months, and when he came to visit Denis, he told his family that he had studied foreign language all this time, that’s why I didn’t come in. But, it turns out, over the summer he only learned the word Petya in English (Pavel's Englishman).

Deniska loves her parents, so she is always ready to help them. So my mother had to help when she said that she was tired of washing dishes. Then the boy came up with the idea that everyone would eat food from the same device, but in turns. However, dad came up with an even better idea, he simply said that you need to wash the dishes yourself (Tricky way).

Deniska and his friend Mishki went to the club, and there was an amusement room there. Friends came in and saw the scales. A person who weighs 25 kilos will receive a subscription to the Murzilka magazine. Denis stepped on the scales, but he was 500 grams short. So he drank lemonade and gained as much weight as needed. And then he received the long-awaited subscription (25 kilos).