As a true animal lover, I have long wanted to get myself a decorative rat.

Fortunately for me, it was given to me for my birthday with a small cage.

Why would I recommend getting a rat?

At first, these are very intelligent animals, they are well trained, they are very mobile and can occupy any person for a long time.

Secondly, they are very clean animals.

Thirdly, the food is not whimsical.

My rat care:

1.Food: although the animals are not whimsical in food, they eat everything, but they cannot eat many products: fatty, sweet, salty. In order for my pet to have the right diet, I buy food for rodents. Food for rodents is not expensive, from 18 to 50 thousand Belarusian rubles. A 500 g package of feed is enough for my pet for a month. You can also add fresh fruits and vegetables to the feed. Important, so that the animal receives enough vitamins, because. there may be problems with the coat. Vitamins can be purchased at any pet store, prices are about 30 thousand rubles. A small bag of vitamins is enough for my pet for two to three months

Total: I spend about 50 thousand on food a month.

2.Teeth: Like any rodent, the rat constantly needs to grind its teeth.

Usually rats grind their teeth on the edge of the cage. To prevent this from happening, it is enough to put a twig from a cherry or apple tree. Also, you can buy a special sharpener for teeth in a pet store. I have it represented by a salt sharpener with vitamins. The cost of about 10 thousand sharpeners are enough for a long time.

Total: 10 thousand


I use cat litter and a 6kg pack is enough for two months.

The filler absorbs odors well, there is no need to frequently change the filler (2 times a week).

I do not recommend using a newspaper or the like. , since every day you will have to change the paper to avoid unpleasant odors. Cat litter (the cheapest) costs about 20 thousand.

Total: 20 thousand

4.Water: I use a drip tip, the water needs to be changed once a day.

5. Water procedures: many rats do not like to swim. It is advisable not to wash the rat. If you nevertheless decide to wash the rat, you need to be careful, so that water does not get into the ears and eyes.

Total: I spend about 80 thousand on a pet in 1-2 months.

In my opinion, keeping a rat is very beneficial.

Rats (lat. Rattus) Is a genus of rodents of the mouse family. Includes at least 64 species.

General information

Body length 8–30 cm, tail length equal to or greater than body length, weight from 37–39 grams (Rattus exulans) to 400–420 grams (some specimens of the gray rat can reach 500 grams). The body color is dominated by dark gray or gray-brown tones, but there are yellow, red and orange shades. The toes are mobile - this compensates for the insufficient development of calluses necessary for climbing. Two synanthropic species are widespread - gray and black rats. The rest of the species are common in Southeast Asia, New Guinea, Australia, and the islands of the Malay Archipelago. Another synanthropic species, Rattus exulans, was introduced to many islands in Oceania and Hawaii. Non-synanthropic rat species live mainly in tropical forests, including mountain ones. In Australia, rats are found in savannas and pastures. In a fossil state, the genus Rattus has been known since the Middle Pleistocene.


Decorative rat breed Standard (Standart)

The most popular type, with a normal build, short, smooth and glossy coat. The short hairline is the original form. All other varieties are derivatives of it. Although rats were bred with different types of coat, short-haired individuals predominate.

Breed Standard

The Standard rat is a rather massive animal with a long body. The body length is about 200-300 mm. The average weight of the female is 300g, and the male is 500g. The tail is long, about 200 mm, thick at the base, gradually tapering towards the tip. Standard rats have proportional, silky-coated paws. On the front legs there are 4 toes, on the hind legs - 5. The ears and tail of this variety are covered with short silky hair. The head is relatively long. The eyes are bright, lively, round and clear. The ears are wide, rounded, squat, but not too large. The coat is short, smooth, shiny, tight-fitting, without bare spots in places that are usually covered with it. The coat should not be sparse. They are bred in the entire color range.

Satin Rat

This is an animal with an elongated, thin and shiny coat. The satin variety of decorative rats was discovered relatively recently, first described in the United States. This variety has the same body structure as individuals with normal wool.

The hair cover of satin rats is somewhat elongated, smooth, with a deep shine. The coat is dense, very pleasant to the touch. The shine of the coat is the main distinguishing feature and advantage of this variety of decorative rats. Satin rats are bred in the full color range.


Dumbo (Dumbo) - the ears of this species are larger and more rounded, located lower than usual (hence the name for the baby elephant from the cartoon). Dam rats are one of the newest achievements of breeders. Bred in California in 1991. This type of rat got its name from the elephant from the Disney cartoon. These rats stand out for their low-set and more rounded ears. The unusual shape of the ears is a typical characteristic of the breed. They should be as large as possible.

Rex rats

Known from the cartoon "Ratatouille"), the rats differ from the rest only in the wool that curls, and the rest of the characteristics are similar to standard rats. The animals have beautiful, slightly rough, curly hair that is slightly longer than that of standard rats. The coat does not lie smooth, but sticks out slightly.

Sphinx Rats

Completely hairless. Only a small amount is allowed on the head, abdomen and legs. The skin should be clean, free of scars and blemishes. Bald rats may have small twisted vibrises (in common use - whiskers) or not have them at all. Two types of rats are allowed to the exhibitions: completely hairless or with small tufts in certain places.


Rats with a congenital absence of a tail. A variety is the result of a mutation. The first individuals were discovered in the United States in 1942. The first tailless rat was bred by an amateur in 1983. Rats are active, intelligent, sociable. Most of them do not suffer from the lack of a tail. The only exceptions are those individuals who have other bone deformities - these animals are disqualified. The body shape in animals of this species is somewhat different. Tailless rats should have a pear-shaped body and no tail remains.

Species Rattus rattus - black rat

Includes several subspecies. According to the number of chromosomes, they are divided into two groups. Representatives of one of the groups are distributed mainly in Southeast Asia, North China, partly in India and Afghanistan. Representatives of the second group are cosmopolitan. They live in Europe, most of Asia, Africa, America and Australia.

Gray rat

The dominant rat in Europe and North America. This animal belongs to a species that lives on the shores of various reservoirs. The gray rat is very capable of synanthropy, that is, it tends to become closely attached to human life and activities. This, as well as quick learning, fertility, omnivorousness made it possible for the gray rat to adapt well to anthropogenic life. The gray rat is perhaps the largest species of the rat genus: body length 17-40 cm, tail up to 20 cm (usually shorter than the body), weight 240-460 g. The muzzle is oblong, wide. The ears are small, covered with hair.

White rats

They are the result of crossing albino stray rats with steeplejack rats, and not the direct heirs of an exclusively albino gray rat. When white rats were crossed with colored rats, laboratory rats of different colors were obtained, and the crossing of the bred individuals gave even more color diversity: rats with a black back and a white belly, beige, silver, brown rats, as well as white animals with colored spots. The most interesting colors of rats can be obtained by breeding rats and at home.

Blue rat

Considered an aristocrat and valued more than others. The hair is dyed all the way down to the base, with a dark blue undercoat. The color of the paws is the same and corresponds to the color in general. The belly is painted in three colors - gray, blue and silver. Rat lovers sometimes compare the color of the blue rat with the color of the grayhound dogs and the color of the Russian blue cats.

Wild, street rats

In nature, they live in burrows, which are a nest connected to the surface of the earth by a short tunnel (in the simplest case), but usually rats have a complex system of tunnels, passages and chambers. The size and volume of the burrow depends on the size and structure of the colony using the burrow as a hiding place. The entrance to the hole is located in a protected or invisible place for enemies. Rats sometimes cover the entrance with a cork made of grass or earth. Outside the burrow, rats prefer to move along well-established trail systems - this allows them to quickly react in the event of an attack and hide in a burrow or other shelter.

An ultrasonic rodent repeller will save you from uninvited wild guests. It is better not to experiment with pets, otherwise they may not like such a neighborhood and they will run away.

Habits and habitats

In central Russia, there are mainly two types of rats: black and gray.

Black rat

Black rat, or roof, attic, ship rat. The color of "black" rats is very diverse - from pure black, black-brown with gray to reddish, reddish-gray, typically pasyukovaya coloration and ashy. Young animals are colored more uniformly than adults. Black rats are inferior in size to gray rats, but large old animals, especially from pigsties, can reach 350-380 g. This is a thermophilic, tropical species. Climbs very well, in nature it often leads a semi-arboreal lifestyle, swims reluctantly and rarely. It is active mainly at night.

Black rats live in groups, which include adults of both sexes and young animals. Within the group, hierarchical relationships are established with the dominance of one male. Two or three females usually dominate the rest of the group with the exception of the older male. Black rats are less aggressive than pies; females are more aggressive than males. In case of danger, they try to hide from the pursuer and only when caught do they use their teeth. Over the past 100 years, the black rat's habitat has sharply declined and fragmented. It is believed that the black rat is being replaced by a more prolific and hardy pasuk.

Gray rat

So, in our country, the most common gray rat, it is also called the barn rat, red rat or parsyuk. This is the largest and most vicious rat that lives in our country. In common habitats, where they compete for food and shelter, the gray rat always wins and drives out the black one. The gray rat is strong, cunning, unusually daring and dexterous, lives in cities, villages, in residential buildings (more often in basements), in warehouses, in the fields, in the gardens of gardeners, lives even in forests. You can also see it at the railway station, as well as at the pier, the garbage dump and the surrounding area are also a favorable environment for its habitation, they like to live near food waste dumps, that is, gray rats live wherever there is food. In addition to plants, rats happily eat meat products, feed on garbage. They also eat the corpses of animals and the bodies of dead people left without proper supervision. And one of the reasons for sitting near the deceased (so that he does not remain alone) is rooted in this very circumstance. This is because rats are very attracted to the fresh, cadaverous odor. Rats also attack completely living creatures: young chickens, geese, piglets, puppies, ducks, in a word, all small animals that cannot defend themselves, including helpless little human cubs.


In cities rat habitats are closely related to humans. They are usually found in basements and on the first floors of buildings. With a large number of rats, they can also penetrate the upper floors, up to the attic. In the warm season, animals often settle in earthen holes in open areas: in gardens, parks, lawns and other places. With the onset of cold weather, the rats return to the buildings. However, Pasyuk is not widespread everywhere, but only in those areas of the terrain that meet its main requirement: the presence of a sufficient amount of water and food. With a lack of food, the rat in search of it can move up to 3 km from the nest. To get inside the room, the rat uses any destruction around the inputs of technical communications, faulty windows, doors and hatches. Indoors, rats move along walls or shelters. They can sometimes move through the sewer pipes, emerging from the toilet and returning through it back to the basement.

Rats are mainly animals with a night and twilight type of activity. During daylight hours, they lead a secretive lifestyle, being in their shelters or other shelters. The life of a gray rat is associated with its home, in which it finds not only protection from predators and adverse environmental influences, but it serves it to feed its offspring. Basically, rats prefer to dig holes in the ground at a depth of 50-60 cm, and the total length of one rat hole can reach 2-5 meters. Sometimes rats live in nests, located directly among the bags with various products, in various voids, under sheds, in construction waste, etc.

Rats can live in the same buildings without moving to neighboring ones. Resettlement can only be associated with the destruction of the structure, its overhaul. At the same time, they scatter close (300-400 m) and hide in neighboring (often unfinished) buildings. But if necessary, they can move several kilometers, which contributes to their widespread settlement. As a rule, Pasyuk live in small families, groups or clans of 5-15 individuals. Each group occupies its own part of the territory (approximately 40-50 sq. M), within which the animals find all the necessary conditions for their existence: food, water, shelter. The rat site boundaries are marked with urine. On it, the rats arrange movement paths, underground passages, shelters. The number of rats in residential buildings, as well as in other buildings, undergoes regular seasonal changes, increasing in the spring due to the mass release of young animals and in the fall due to the arrival of young spring litters, as well as individuals of other groups.

In wild nature

Gray rat, lives near water, preferring gentle banks with soft soil, where you can dig a long (up to 5 meters) hole. When, in a flood, this shelter floods, the rats move into the hollows, and if they are not there, then they build temporary nests on the nearest trees. They are not afraid of water at all, they swim and dive perfectly (there are small swimming membranes on the hind legs of the animals), they get food in the water - mollusks, swimming beetles, frogs, and, on occasion, fish. In general, a rat attacks any prey, from insects to a pigeon and a water vole, which is not inferior in size to a pike (it is not for nothing that the vole is better known as the "water rat"). But the latter greatly loses to him in intelligence and dexterity. Under natural conditions, Pasyuk usually live in large groups, sometimes in colonies, zealously defending their ancestral territory from strangers. At the same time, family members do not distinguish between their numerous brothers "by portrait." And the point here is not a bad memory - when solving the problem of passing the labyrinth, the pasyuk can keep in his head a more difficult route than a person. The rat identifies "friends" and "aliens" by smell: all members of the colony are blood relatives, constantly maintaining bodily contact with each other, their smell has a common component. Everything else does not matter: if you hold the pasyuk on a mat left over from a stranger's group, and then release it to his relatives, they will tear him apart, smelling an extraneous smell.

Needless to say, the same fate awaits the true outsider. Within the group, violent clashes are also not uncommon, although there are almost no deaths in them. By the way, their fights are stimulated by nature itself: male pies have an interesting physiological mechanism - after each successful fight, the winner rat grows up a little and gains weight (in principle, pasyuk are able to grow all their lives). And since the outcome of the fight depends primarily on the ratio of the size of the fighters, the most successful fighters grow until those who want to measure their strength are transferred. Such champions become dominants and fathers of most of the rats in the group.


The gray rat differs from most rodents in its increased animal-eating capacity - it certainly needs animal proteins in its diet. In nature, among animal feed, fish and amphibians, as well as mollusks, are in the first place; in the Far East, Paces actively hunt small rodents and insectivores, and destroy ground-based bird nests. Rats living on the shores of non-freezing seas feed on marine waste all year round. From plant foods, seeds, grain, and juicy parts of plants are used. Next to humans, the pasiuk eat all available food products, as well as garbage, livestock and poultry feed; fecal type of food is not uncommon. Stocks are made quite rarely.

Each rat consumes 25–20 g of food per day, and 7–10 kg of food per year. Gray rats tolerate starvation hard and die without food after 3-4 days. They die even faster without water. Each rat drinks 30–35 ml of water per day; eating wet food reduces the need for water to 5-10 ml per day. Experimentally, it was possible to find out that rats can live normally when consuming food containing more than 65% moisture. If the moisture content of the feed is 45%, the rats die after 26 days, and at 14% - after 4–5 days.

Decorative rats: content, nutrition, health, communication

On average, rats do not live very long, usually in the region of 2-3 years, 4 years for a rat is already more than old age, and few survive to it.

The maximum recorded lifespan of a decorative rat is just over seven years.

Male adult rats usually weigh 400-500 grams, rarely their weight reaches 800-850 grams. By nature, males are usually calm, some are even real phlegmatic, according to statistics, they are easier to get used to hands and quite calmly allow themselves to be stroked.

Females decorative rats usually weigh from 250 to 500 grams, they are more independent, restless and playful in character, unlike more active males.

Acquiring a rat

The best thing is the purchase of rats from professional breeders, since they are more interested in the birth of healthy offspring. They also communicate with young rats from birth, so by the time of purchase, such rats have already become accustomed to humans and have gone through socialization.

Rats bought from local pet stores can also be wonderful pets, but you should definitely check the health of such a rat. Many rats bought from pet stores have not been tamed to humans, and therefore it can take more than one week to tame them. Check the rat for gender, because many pet store employees are not able to do this accurately (large testicles of males are clearly visible in rats from three weeks of age). It is advisable to buy not one, but 2-3 rats, because they are collective animals.

Female or male

It doesn't matter what gender your rat is, because they are all wonderful pets. Females are much smaller, they are less active than males, their fur is softer. On the other hand, males love to sit on your knees when you scratch their heads.


Any new rat should be isolated from others for 2-4 weeks. The rat can be placed in another cage, but in the same room, although some viruses can be carried from room to room. If you cannot isolate the new rat from the old ones in a separate building, then there is no guarantee that the new one will not infect the old ones. To prevent infection, you must follow the appropriate rules: wash your hands after interacting with a new rat, change your clothes to communicate with it, watch the animal carefully for signs of illness, and also watch your old rats.


Rat cages with fine lattice or mesh, high, several stories high. For the animal, it is advisable to make a house where no one will disturb him, they prefer fabric hammocks in cold weather, warmed with rags or toilet paper, soft, non-scented paper napkins, with wooden and plastic ones. You can make such a hammock yourself or purchase it at a pet store. It should be placed at the top of the cage in a suspended state.

The bedding in the cage can be either sawdust or hay. You can just use toilet paper, but it will not absorb the smell at all. Woody cat litter can be a good option. Unlike hamsters, rats very rarely dig or scatter sawdust. Some decorative rats are so intelligent that they do not even gnaw on anything except food and specially designed wooden sticks.

25 facts about rats

  1. Rats appeared on Earth 48 million years earlier than humans.
  2. On average, there are 2 rats for every inhabitant of the planet.
  3. If the mouse is enlarged to the height of a human and the skeleton is straightened, then it turns out that the joints of mice and humans are arranged the same, and the bones have an equal number of parts.
  4. In the Middle Ages in Europe, at the direction of one of the bishops, rats were excommunicated from the church.
  5. A rat can swim for 3 days in a row, swim several kilometers (the recorded record is 29 km) and drown if it does not find an opportunity to get out.
  6. Gray rats are able to move at a speed of 10 km / h, jump up to a height of 80 cm, and in an aggressive state - up to 2 meters in height.
  7. In a rat, the heart beats at a rate of 500 times per minute, in a house mouse, the heart beats 700–750 times per minute.
  8. The finest hairs covering the rat's tail are used in ophthalmology for eye surgery.
  9. Rats dive well and climb well on ropes, pipes, trees. During the day, rats are able to overcome from 10 to 50 km.
  10. The teeth of rats grow all their lives, so they chew on something all the time to grind them down.
  11. The rat easily gnaws through solid substances such as concrete and metal.
  12. Rats emit a whistle in the ultrasonic range, which allows them to communicate with each other without attracting the attention of predators. And they whistle not with their lips, but with their throats. They are also capable of suddenly changing the frequency of signals.
  13. Rats have the richest vocabulary of calls with special meanings.
  14. At the moment of stress, the rat makes a sound that is equal in volume to a pneumatic jackhammer, although due to the fact that it has an ultra-high frequency, the person does not hear it.
  15. It only takes a rat 50 milliseconds to figure out where the smell is coming from.
  16. The rat senses X-rays with the part of the brain that controls the sense of smell.
  17. A rat consumes about 12 kg of food per year, but this is incomparable with the amount of food that it makes useless. Statistics say that every sixth farmer does not feed people, but rats.
  18. Rats are able to distinguish poisoned food from ordinary food even when the concentration of the poison is one part per million.
  19. A rat can live longer without water than a camel, and generally longer than all mammals.
  20. Rats withstand very high levels of radiation, but can die from mental shock or prolonged stress.
  21. The rat is the only mammal other than humans that can laugh.
  22. Rats have dreams too.
  23. The rat family owns a plot with a radius of about 150 m.
  24. Scientists have put forward a version that rats could cause the extinction of dinosaurs. Rats - egg lovers - massively sucked out the contents of dinosaur eggs, thereby stopping the continuation of their kind. This seems to be true, as already today in Ireland, rats have eaten all marsh frogs.
  25. During the Great Patriotic War, during the bombing, people hid in houses where rats ran away.
  26. In Illinois, under threat of a $ 1,000 fine, "it is forbidden to hit rats with a baseball bat."


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Marked colors: .

Uniform (self) colors

Homogeneous colors are characterized by the fact that all hairs have the same color and tone.

Black / Black

Smooth, saturated coal-black color, without blotches of other colors and ashy shade. The hair is black from root to tip, the undercoat is as dark as possible. The eyes are black.

Genetics: aa


Smooth gray with as strong a blue tint as possible. From steel blue (English or British Blue) to very light bluish blue (Slate Blue). The hair is colored along its entire length. The eyes are black.

Genetics: aa ggaa

Russian Blue

A very dark gray-blue color with a metallic sheen; due to the fact that the pigment is concentrated in the hair shaft, there is a slight effect of unevenness and ticking of the color, but this is not a color defect. The hair is colored along its entire length to the base, the undercoat is dark blue. The color of the paws corresponds to the color in general. The belly is gray-silver-blue. The eyes are black. In general, this color resembles the color of cats of the Russian blue breed.

Genetics: aa dd

Powder Blue

Light gray-blue color. The base of the hair and the undercoat are of a light silvery color. The eyes are black (or dark ruby).

Genetics: aa gg (according to the lightened undercoat)

Mink / Mink

Smooth brown-gray color with bluish tint. The hair is colored along its entire length. The eyes are black or dark ruby.

Genetics: aa mm

Mock Mink / American mink

Warm deep brown color. The eyes are dark ruby, in harmony with the color of the coat in general.

Genetics: aa mm Rr or aa momo (where mo is American mink) - modification of mink color

Platinum / Platinum

The color is light gray with an icy blue tint. There should be no cream, brown or strong blues. The hair is colored along its entire length. Eye color ranges from light ruby ​​to almost black. A bright ruby ​​eye color is preferred but should not be too light.

Genetics: aa gg momo (where mo is American mink, i.e. mock mink)

Beige / Buff / Beige

Warm color of slightly tanned skin (to warm magnolia at buff). The color should not be dull, unnecessarily yellow or gray. The hair is colored along its entire length, down to the base. Eye color ruby ​​to black, preferably as dark as possible.

Genetics: aa rr

Albino / Pink Eyed White / Albino / White with red eyes

Pure, bright, brilliant white. The hair should be pure white along its entire length. The color of the belly and coat on the paws is white. The eyes are bright, light red (pink).

Genetics: ss or a combination of several lightening genes (eg Siamese + red-eyed ...).

Champagne / Cream / Champagne

Very light, slightly pinkish beige color. Should be neither too yellow nor too gray. The hair is colored evenly along its entire length. The eyes are pink.

Genetics: aa pp

Russian Silver / Russian Silver

Katerina vantala

The main color is a delicate gray-blue with a slight purple tint. Indistinct light ripples or subtle pseudo-citing, typical for all colors based on Russian blue, is the norm for this variety. The hair is colored unevenly, the pigment is concentrated in the upper part. Undercoat color - as dull as possible. The presence of brown, yellow or pinkish tints is a disadvantage. Eye color is black.

Genetics: aa dd gg

Russian Dove / Dove(Not standardized)

The main color is warm, pinkish gray. Indistinct light ripples or subtle pseudo-citing, typical for all colors based on Russian blue, is the norm for this variety. The hair is not uniformly colored, the pigment is concentrated in the upper part. The color must be significantly different from Platinum or Lilac. The color of the belly corresponds to the color as a whole, the color of the undercoat is dull gray to the base. Eye color - black or dark ruby.

Genetics: aa dd mm

Chocolate / Chocolate(Not standardized)

Genetics: aabb

Russian Beige / Russian beige(Not standardized)

Genetics: aaddrr

Caramel(Not standardized)

There is currently no description of the color.

Genetics: aabbrr

Lilac / Lilac / Blue chocolate(Not standardized)

Gray gray mixed with brown. The eyes are dark ruby ​​or black.

Genetics: aa bb gg

Ticked colors

Ticking is an uneven coloration of the hairs, that is, there are zones on the hair that are painted in different colors. Among the zonally colored hairs, uniformly colored guard hairs are interspersed.

The most native and natural color for rats - "agouti" - just ticked.


Intense chestnut color, guard hairs are black. Short to medium length hairs should have a yellow-orange (preferably as warm as possible) band. The base of the hair is dark gray. The tips of the hairs are black. The belly is silvery gray. The eyes are black.

Genetics: A-, no mutations

Blue Agouti / Opal / Blue Agouti

Each hair is gray-blue at the base, with a reddish-brown band at the top of the hair. The guard hair is light blue. The color of the paws corresponds to the color as a whole. The belly is light gray-blue interspersed with silvery hairs. Eye color is black.

Genetics: A / - gg

Platinum Agouti /Platinum Agouti

A vibrant blend of light gray and creamy colors with a uniform icy blue tint. The base of the hair is light blue. Each strand is marked with a cream belt. The color of the belly is light silver. The color of the paws is light gray. The eyes are light to dark ruby.

Genetics: aa gg momo (mo - American mink, i.e. Mock Mink)

Amber / Amber

Light yellow-orange color, each hair is marked with a silvery-beige belt (ivory color). The guard hairs are silvery. The color of the undercoat is cream. Belly color is light beige. The eyes are pink. Rats with the lightest eyes are preferred.

Genetics: A- pp (pink-eyed agouti)


The main color is reddish brown interspersed with chocolate guard hairs. Short and medium-length hairs are marked with a bright golden-red belt. The base of the hair is medium-intensity gray-brown. The color of the paws corresponds to the color as a whole. The color of the belly is silvery gray, like that of agouti, but in a lighter variation. The eyes are black or dark ruby.

Genetics: A / - mm (Mink agouti)

Fawn / Dark Topaz / Orange / Fawn

Intense golden brownish-orange color, maximally bright, with a uniform dissemination of silvery guard hairs. Ticking is weak, of the same reddish-gold hue. The undercoat and base of the hair are light gray or bluish up to the base. The belly is creamy-silvery. The color of the back and sides should be uniform. The line between the back / sides and belly should be clear. The base color should not appear dusty or greyish. The eyes are dark ruby, the darkest possible color of the eyes is preferable.

Genetics: A / - rr

Topaz / Topaz

The color is similar to the “fawn” color, but less saturated and with a lighter, dull undercoat.

Genetics: A- rr + other clarifying genes

Pearl / Pearl

A very light silvery color that turns into a creamy hair base. The tip of each hair is lightly marked with light gray. Gray can be a warm shade and sometimes even closer to purple in tone. Belly color - light creamy silver. Eye color - black (or dark ruby, depending on the modifications).

Genetics: aa mm Pepe (dominant) or aa momo pepe (where mo is American mink; it is likely that the pearl gene behaves like a recessive gene in combination with the American mink).

Cinnamon pearl

The color of the coat is based on a combination of three colors (from the base of the hair up): cream, bluish gray and orange. The guard hair is silvery. Overall color impression: golden with a silvery tint. Belly color is light silvery gray. The color of the paws corresponds to the color as a whole. The eyes are black (or dark ruby, depending on the modifications).

Genetics: AA mm Pepe or Aa momo pepe

Platinum Pearl / Pearl blue

Light creamy gray with a blue tint. The tip of each hair is marked with blue-gray. Gray can be a warm shade and sometimes even closer to purple in tone. The gray-blue color of the upper part of the hair passes to the cream color of the hair base and undercoat. The belly is creamy bluish gray. The eyes are black (or dark ruby, depending on the modifications).

Genetics: aa mm gg Pepe (dominant) or aa momo gg pepe (where mo is American mink; it is likely that the pearl gene behaves like a recessive gene in combination with the American mink).

Silvered colors

Silver can be any of the recognized colors, uniform or ticked. A feature of the colors of this section is the alternation of silver and colored hairs in equal amounts. Each silvery hair should be as white as possible, although a dyed tip is acceptable. Silvery colors should give an overall impression of sparkling, shine. Interspersed with a few white hairs, the color is not considered silver. The silver color must be pronounced so that the silver color cannot be confused with pearl (Pearl) or any homogeneous (Self).

Belly color in silver agouti and cinnamon should be judged against the uniform agouti and cinnamon standard, but in a lighter variation. The belly coloration of other silvery varieties should match the overall coloration.

Silvered Black

A dark charcoal color, as black as possible, with even interspersed silvery hairs all over the body. The eyes are black.

Silvered Blue

Gray-blue color with silvery-white hairs evenly distributed throughout the body. The undercoat is light bluish to almost white (the lighter undercoat is preferred). The eyes are black.

Silvered Mink

Smooth gray-brown color with a blue tint. The number of silvery and non-silvery hairs is equal. Each silvery hair should be as white as possible (or creamy silvery white), although a dyed tip is acceptable. The eyes are black.

Pointed colors

This includes colors consisting of a combination of two or more colors (other than white) distributed over the body in accordance with the standard.

This section includes: Siamese colors (Shaded) - Himalayans, Siamese, Burmese, as well as marble variations of colors (Merle).

Seal Point Siamese / Siamese

The main color is beige, gradually darkening on the croup in the direction from the loin to the tail and from the abdomen to the upper back; the darkest color at the base of the tail. The tail is colored along its entire length. Dark brown markings are also on the muzzle (to eye level or slightly above), ears, front and hind legs (to the elbow and ankles). There should be no sharp boundaries between the painted areas and the beige body color. There should be no white or very light areas on the body, legs, or tail. The eyes are red to light ruby.

Genetics: c (h) c (h)

Black Eyed Siamese

A variety of color variations are possible, like the Siamese with red and ruby ​​eyes. Color distribution follows the same pattern. The eye color is black.

Genetics: Be- c (h) c (h) (two copies of the Himalayan gene plus one copy of the black eye gene)

Blue Point Siamese

The main color is silvery-beige, gradually and evenly darkening on the rump. The darkest deep blue color is at the base of the tail. The tail is colored along its entire length. On the muzzle, the darkening goes towards the nose. Dark blue markings should also be on the ears, front and hind feet. There should be no sharp boundaries between the areas painted in deep blue and the silvery-beige color of the body. There should be no white or very light areas on the body, legs or tail. The eyes are ruby ​​to dark, almost black.

Genetics: c (h) c (h) gg

Russian Blue Point Siamese / Siamese Russian blue

The main color is beige, gradually and evenly darkening on the rump; the darkest brown color is at the base of the tail. The tail is colored along its entire length. Dark-colored deep brown markings should also be on the face (to eye level or slightly above), ears, forelegs and hind legs (to elbows and ankles). There should be no sharp boundaries between the dark colored areas and the beige body color. There should be no white or very light areas on the body, legs, or tail. The belly is light beige. The eyes are red to light ruby ​​or black.

Genetics: c (h) c (h) dd

Golden siamese

No information available at this time.

Himalayan / Himalayan

The main color is white, without shades of other colors and spots, uniform throughout, with marks of a deep dark brown color. The eyes are red. Painted areas: nose - mark does not rise above the eyes; ears - the color does not go beyond the boundaries of the ears, does not go over the head; the front legs are colored no higher than the elbows; hind legs - coloration does not extend beyond the ankles; the tail is colored along its entire length, the mark does not go beyond the base of the tail; feet - solid color over the entire surface, without white.

Genetics: c c (h)

Black Eyed Himalayan

The main color is white with beige markings on the nose, paws and base of the tail. Beige "darkening" does not extend on the muzzle above the eyes, beyond the elbows on the front legs and beyond the ankles on the hind legs. The ears and tail are slightly pigmented. Eyes are black

Genetics: presumably c (h) c + black eye gene (BE)

Burmese / Burmiz / Burmese

The main color is a uniform deep brown, without an ash tint, silvering, blotches of other colors, with darker points of the same shade. There should be a pronounced contrast between body color and points. The eyes are black.

Genetics: aa c (h) c (h) Bubu, aa cc (h) Bubu

Sable Burmese / Sable Burmese / Sable

Body color - warm rich dark brown (otter color) with slightly darker markings (points) on paws, ears, muzzle, tail. There should be no dusty shade, silvering, blotches of other colors, spots. The contrast between the color of the points and the body should not be too strong. The black color in the color of the points is a disadvantage. The eyes are black.

Genetics: aa c (h) c (h) BuBu, aa cc (h) BuBu

WheatenBurmese / Agouti Burmese / Wheat Burmese

Body color - sand, points should be much darker than the main color. The base of the hair is light brown. Short and medium length hairs have a yellow belt. The color of the belly is light silver-gray. The eyes are black.

Genetics: A- c (h) c (h) Bubu, A- cc (h) Bubu

  • Marking is a pattern, a certain combination of white and colored areas. Colors that are a combination of whites ...
  • Quick navigation Variety by body type: Standard / Standard, Dumbo / Dumbo, Manx / Tailless Variety by type of coat: Standard / Standard, Rex / Curly, ...
  • Since ancient times, people began to tame rats, and since the beginning of the last century, the first decorative species of rodents appeared, which are now considered pets. Rats are endowed with great intelligence, special cunning, quick-wittedness, good memory, thanks to which they are among the popular pets. What are the types and breeds of decorative rats in modern society?

    In medical experiments, rats are often used to conduct various kinds of experiments and experiments. Thanks to these animals, more than one drug has been developed that helps us - people overcome diseases, and their role in this is difficult to overestimate.

    Like the rest of our smaller brothers, rats also have their own subspecies and breeds. Some types of domestic rats have borrowed their name from cats, dogs, or other rodents.

    Basically, each breed of rat differs only in size, presence and types of wool. Life expectancy in all breeds is approximately the same.

    Representatives of the breed of decorative rats, the standard are quite widespread due to the popularity of this type of rodent. Rats of this breed are endowed with a smooth coat that has a glossy sheen. The body is elongated and large, up to 24 centimeters long. The weight of representatives of this breed reaches half a kilogram. The tail is long and thickened at the base. The length of the tail is 20 centimeters or more. The ears are round, small, squat.

    Tailless rats

    In 1983, the first specimen of representatives of tailless rats was bred by an amateur. As it becomes clear from the name of the species, its representatives do not have a tail; even small rudiments of it are unacceptable for this breed. Tailless rats have a slightly different body shape than their standard breed. For tailless, a pear-shaped torso is characteristic.

    Rats of this breed are endowed with a matte coat, it is coarser than the representatives of the Standard breed. Less shiny, but at the same time denser and curly coat is typical for representatives of this species. Rex mustaches are short and curled. The number of axial hairs in the wool is insignificant.

    Satin decorative rats

    Satin representatives of the breed of decorative rats have a thin and long coat that resembles satin in all its appearance, hence the name of these crumbs. Even the most avid skeptics will love the smooth, shiny blue wool and will not leave anyone indifferent. It is the irresistible shine of the coat that is the main advantage of this species. The body shape of the Satins is the same as that of the representatives of the standard breed.

    Breed of hairless rats

    Representatives of this species have no wool at all. Even the slightest presence of wool on the body of an animal is considered unacceptable. The rodent's body should have a bright, shiny color. A small amount of cannon is allowed above the eyes, on the cheeks, wrists and on the ankles of the pet.

    Dumbo rats

    This breed dates back to 1991 in California. The representatives of this species received their nickname in honor of the cartoon elephant named Dumbo. These pets have large, low-set, rounded ears. Dumbo differs from other breeds in a wider head shape with a pointed muzzle. The body shape in Dumbo rats is pear-shaped, like in tailless rats, but shorter.

    Downy breed of decorative rats or Fuzz rats

    Representatives of this species boast the presence of thin downy fur on their body, which creates a translucent cover over the entire body. The hairs are short and sparse. Guard hairs not available. The whiskers are short, curled in shape.

    Husky rats

    Another breed of mouse, which does not have a monochromatic coat color. Combines gray and white. Babies initially have one color - white, but over time they change their colors. Black eyes are not typical of the husky breed, they are characterized by shades of red. The body structure and size of the Husky are no different from other breeds.

    Double Rex breed

    Domestic rats of the Double Rex breed are characterized by the presence of a double hairline. The fur of the animal is rather short, the skin of the rat is clearly visible. The rodent's fur twists a little in the form of a spiral. Soft downy and hard guard hairs are scattered throughout the body. Representatives of this breed are subject to frequent shedding, during which there may be no hair at all in some areas of the animal's skin. The color of the coat can be different. The mustache is short and curled.

    Pet rat colors

    Breeders are constantly working on breeding new types of rats. This is due to both the medical component of their use and the decorative characteristics of rodents. As a result of breeding work, different breeds of decorative rats were crossed among themselves, due to which hybrid varieties were obtained, for example, Dumbo-Double-Rex or Dumbo-Sphynx.

    The breeds of decorative rats have a wide variety of color options:

    • White,
    • black,
    • Gray,
    • Orange,
    • Brown,
    • blue,
    • beige and so on.

    At the same time, certain eye colors correspond to each coat color.

    For example, blue rats have ruby ​​eyes, white rats may have black or red eyes, and black rats always have black eyes. Also, in the color of decorative rats, a variety of patterns and markings can be present: for example, simsky, husky, solid hood, and the like.

    And we discussed which rodent to give preference to, a rat or a cute hamster in

    We know very little about the time of the appearance of the first domestic animals, there is practically no confirmed information about them. Neither legends nor chronicles have survived about that period in the life of mankind when we were able to tame wild animals. It is believed that already in the Stone Age, ancient people had domesticated animals, the ancestors of today's domestic animals. The time when man received modern domestic animals remains unknown to science, and the formation of today's domestic animals as a species is also unknown.

    Scientists assume that every domestic animal has its own wild progenitor. Archaeological excavations carried out on the ruins of ancient human settlements are proof of this. During the excavations, bones belonging to domestic animals of the ancient world were found. So it can be argued that even in such a distant era in the life of mankind, we were accompanied by domesticated animals. Today there are species of domestic animals that are no longer found in the wild.

    Many of today's wild animals are man-made feral animals. For example, take America or Australia as clear evidence of this theory. Almost all domestic animals were brought to these continents from Europe. These animals have found fertile ground for life and development. An example of this is the hare or rabbit in Australia. Due to the fact that there are no natural predators dangerous for this species on this continent, they multiplied in huge numbers and became feral. Since all rabbits were domesticated and brought by Europeans for their needs. Therefore, we can say with confidence that more than half of wild domesticated animals are former pets. For example, wild city cats and dogs.

    Be that as it may, the question of the origin of domestic animals should be considered open. As for our pets. Then, with the first confirmation in the annals and legends, we meet a dog and a cat. In Egypt, the cat was a sacred animal, and dogs were actively used in the ancient era by mankind. There is a lot of evidence for this. In Europe, the cat appeared in its mass after the crusade, but firmly and quickly occupied the niche of a pet and a hunter of mice. Before them, Europeans used different animals to catch mice, for example weasel or geneta.

    Domestic animals are divided into two different types.

    The first type of domestic animal is farm animals that directly benefit humans. Meat, wool, fur and many other useful things, goods, as well as used by us for food. But they do not live with a person directly in the same room.

    The second type is animal pets (companions), which we see every day in our houses or apartments. They brighten up our leisure, entertain us and give us pleasure. And most of them for practical purposes are almost useless in the modern world, for example, hamsters, guinea pigs, parrots and many others.

    Animals of the same species can often refer to both species, both farm animals and pets. A prime example of this, rabbits and ferrets keep them at home as pets, but are also bred for meat and fur. Also, some pet waste can be used, for example, the wool of cats and dogs for knitting various items or as insulation. For example, dog hair belts.

    Many doctors note the positive effect of pets on human health and well-being. We can notice that many families that keep some animals at home note that these animals create comfort, calm down, relieve stress.

    This encyclopedia was created by us to help pet lovers. We hope that our encyclopedia will help you in choosing and caring for a pet.

    If you have interesting observations of the behavior of your pet or have a desire, share information about some pet. Either you have a nursery, a veterinary clinic, or a hotel for animals near your home, write to us about them at the address so that we can add this information to the database on our website.