There are not many places where you can fly to relax in October from Russia. When we became interested in this issue, many reference books recommended visiting distant countries and continents. Only a few resources flashed information that in addition to Turkey, Tunisia and Egypt, there is a delightful island where the second month of autumn delights with beautiful weather, and the sea resembles fresh milk.

Weather conditions in October Cyprus

Unfairly forgotten by famous travel portals, Cyprus welcomes tourists all year round, because the island is sunny 364 days a year. Even the beginning of November allows you to swim. Rainfall in these parts is not uncommon, but usually short-lived.

The sea has warmed up so much that it is more comfortable to swim than to sunbathe. The evenings are already cool, but moderate. My husband and I dined on the outdoor patio every day without having to throw a jacket or sweatshirt on top. However, after 21.00 it will not be superfluous to take care of minor insulation.

Where to go on the island in October

While planning independent excursions, we noticed that different resorts in Cyprus offer interesting programs for curious vacationers. Our task was to select the optimal routes without special costs, since the budget was limited. In general, October is considered a continuation of the season here, although prices are already lower than in summer. The streets, cafes, and museums are not crowded with tourists - it’s time to start sightseeing. Our family is staying in Ayia Napa, which is fun, noisy and great.

From Ayia Napa it is convenient to visit:

  1. Cape Greco - this is where you can admire the stunning sunset;
  2. Larnaca - a wonderful embankment for walking, colorful small churches, monasteries, luxury shops.
  3. Nicosia - ancient city, be sure to visit the Laiki Gitinia quarter.

We traveled to all of the above places by bus, since Cypriot gasoline is expensive and it is not profitable to rent a car together. The most expensive ticket cost 5 euros per person. Don't forget that mid-autumn allows you to catch the Cypria festival, which takes place in all major cities X.

In the middle of autumn, when it is damp and cool outside, you really want to plunge into the warm sea water again and remember the passing summer. Aphrodite Island is perfect for this.

When planning a beach holiday in Cyprus in October, you should take into account not only tourist reviews, but also the opinion local residents. Cypriots call average month autumn is “two in one”, since its beginning and end are often completely different from each other.

If you want to see the real one the Velvet season, then the end, beginning of October - perfect time. During the day the air warms up to +25-28°C, sometimes reaching +30°C; at night the thermometer rarely drops below +18-20°C. The temperature of the water, which has not had time to cool down after the hot summer, is +24-25°C. Is it worth telling how comfortable it is to swim in the sea, warmed up almost to the air temperature...

However, the thermometer readings are far from main factor making the beginning of October best time for holidays in Cyprus. Even the small amount of rain that fell in September is enough to revive nature. Summer stuffiness gives way to the freshness emanating from the newly blooming leaves, mixing with the aroma of spices growing everywhere. A tourist leaving the hotel territory will see fragrant flora instead of scorched summer sun dull desert.

When going on a beach holiday in Cyprus in October, try to capture the first half of it. Then comfortable bathing in warm sea water and an even tan is guaranteed. It rains rarely during this period and they are usually short-lived. The only caveat is that the prices for tours, like the weather, continue to be “summer”. If you can save on cost, it will be a little, 10-20%. If price is a decisive factor, then it is better to move the vacation to the second half of the month.

Weather in Cyprus at the end of October

The closer to last numbers months, the more a beach holiday resembles a lottery. Yes, the chances of winning are quite high. Taking into account the experience of previous years, the probability that good weather will continue until the end of October 2019 is approximately 80/20. However, you need to be prepared for the possibility of unexpected cold snaps, which will lower the water temperature and make a long stay on the beach uncomfortable.

As a rule, the second half of the month continues to please autumn warmth. The water temperature gradually drops to +21-23°C, which is quite tolerable. Daytime air temperatures are also in no hurry to decrease, remaining around +22-25°C. But the nights are getting colder, the thermometer drops to +16-18°C, and in mountainous regions to +10-11°C.

The undoubted advantage of such weather is the absence of the risk of getting sunburned and the possibility that will remind you of autumn Cyprus for a long time. Therefore, instead of sunscreen It’s better to take a couple of sweaters with you, or even a light jacket. Evenings can be quite cool, especially in coastal zone, where a serious wind can blow up.

Towards the end of October, the temperature drops, the number of tourists noticeably thins out, and some hotels and nightclubs begin to close. Of course, there will always be entertainment in the resort area, however last days seasons are more suitable for lovers of quiet, relaxing leisure.

What will you remember about your holiday in Cyprus in October?

Great weather and warm water- important, but not the only reason spend a vacation on the island in mid-autumn. Almost all tourist reviews about holidays in Cyprus in October contain mention of the huge abundance of fruits. Oranges, lemons, mangoes, bananas, figs, peaches - all this variety can not only be bought, but found and picked from the tree.

Velvet season is the perfect time to combine beach holiday with excursion. The rare cold or rainy days can be spent usefully learning about the history of Aphrodite Island. Fortunately, there is something to see.

If you have little interest in museums and ruins, dedicate free time joining modern culture islands. In the fall, several events take place here, including the famous music festival " Cypria", with performances and concerts throughout the country. October 1 - Cyprus Independence Day, the beginning of which is celebrated on a special scale in Nicosia, and in resort towns accompanied by a variety of shows.

Considering the small size of the island (by Russian standards), you can even get around on a rented bicycle. However, to fully explore the sights, it is better to rent a car.

In October, the velvet season continues in Cyprus, although rains, winds and slight cold snaps are no longer excluded, especially towards the end of the month. But there are also advantages - there are fewer vacationers, and prices are lower. Read on the Tour Calendar what Cyprus can delight you with in October!

Weather in Cyprus in October

The weather in October is mostly warm and dry, sometimes it can be hot. The average air temperature is around +25 °C, and at night it is also warm - about +20 °C. It doesn’t change from year to year, but sometimes it can rain, even with thunderstorms, or cloudy weather, a storm or unpleasant windy weather is possible. Against this background, the air temperature may drop to +20 °C and below. Please note that this option is possible, but not required. For example, something like this early autumn was observed in 2011. And still tune in good weather After all, October is the time of the velvet season! By the way, the water in the sea, warmed up over the summer, is still warm and will only cool down by November. In addition to summer clothes, we recommend taking warm clothes; even a jacket can come in handy in bad weather.

Nicosia Ayia Napa Limassol Famagusta Larnaca Paphos Protaras

The weather in October in Cyprus continues to be conducive not only to beach holidays, but also to wonderful long walks along the sea, along nature trails or around the city. October - beautiful time for trips to the mountains, through picturesque villages, or to visit historical and archaeological sites on the island.

Beach holiday

Most days in October are perfect for relaxing on the beach, but sometimes there may be an unpleasant wind or the sky will be covered with clouds - at such times the beach will not be particularly comfortable. True, days like this will be the exception, so grab your swimsuits, swimming trunks and sunglasses and go full speed ahead! The sea in October is usually warm - about +24°C, because it has been warming up for 5 whole months and will only cool down by November.

It’s extremely rare in October for things like this to happen. natural phenomena, like a tornado, but let's face it, you are unlikely to be so “lucky”.

Entertainment and excursions

If the main summer fun there were parties on beaches and in nightclubs for young people, and families with children were content with beach holidays and trips to water parks and attractions, then October in Cyprus is a holiday time for lovers of a leisurely romantic holiday, because there are significantly fewer tourists on the island in mid-autumn. October is also a great time for fishing; this is when fishing competitions take place on the lakes, which are finally a little replenished with water after the rains. You can also go to sea ​​fishing where bigger fish are caught.

But this does not mean that life in Cyprus has come to a standstill; many entertainments are still present on the island. In October, attractions and water parks are open, including Waterworld in Ayia Napa, Fasouri Watermania in Limassol, Fun Park Waterpark in the Protaras area and Aphrodite in Paphos. Night life is still going on, although, of course, not as vigorously as in the summer, because the young people have long left and have already sat down at their desks. In the evenings, the singing fountain shows, beloved by both adults and children, continue in Protaras.

In October, there are winds in Cyprus and there is freedom for lovers of such aquatic species sports like windsurfing and kitesurfing. However, there may not be any winds, depending on your luck. Apples, pears, grapes, oranges, peaches, plums, and even mangoes and bananas continue to ripen - a delight for fruit lovers!

Holidays and festivals

Cyprus in October still delights with a variety of colorful holidays and events. On October 1, Cyprus celebrates Independence Day, celebrated especially magnificently in the capital Nicosia, where military parades, theatrical performances, street concerts and others take place holiday events. The Cypria Arts Festival, which started in September, also continues in October. Various interesting cultural events, which attract actors, singers, musicians from all over the world, are held in major cities of the island, such as Limassol, Paphos, Larnaca, Nicosia. Something important is happening in Limassol sporting event for Cyprus - Lemesia, where runners, boxers, shooters, cyclists, and even dancers compete.

October in Cyprus: a fairy tale month and a dream season!

In Europe, real autumn has begun with rain, cold and winds, and in Russia snow begins to fall, along with it comes ice, traffic jams and queues at tire service centers. In Cyprus, the summer heat is finally leaving. The soft velvet season is coming into its own.

Water and sea temperatures in Cyprus in October

The average daily temperature is about +25°C: it can be hot in the sun, but as soon as you step into the shade, the refreshing sea breeze will cover your body with goosebumps.

It doesn’t matter, you can always warm up in the sea! Yes Yes. Throughout September-October, the water accumulator carefully stores summer warmth for you: the water temperature in early October is confidently above twenty - about +24°C.

Swimming in the evening at sunset brings special pleasure. The sun's disk touches the horizon around 6 pm. The coastal layer of water is heated during the day and it is noticeably warmer in the water than in the air. Sunset rays paint the world in bizarre colors, you are not floating, but soaring between heaven and earth...

It's fresh in the evening. Warm blankets, sweaters and windbreakers are taken out of the closets. The night temperature drops to +16°C, and in the evening it is usually slightly below +20°C: ladies and gentlemen feel comfortable in elegant evening dresses.

Weather in Ayia Napa in October

The velvet season is marked by a decrease in day and night air temperatures. Entertainment venues are closing, but numerous taverns and restaurants in Ayia Napa are still operating.

The beaches of Ayai Napa are becoming much calmer, and rare beach parties can only be found on one of the most popular beaches in southern Cyprus - Nissi Beach. Numerous young people are being replaced by the older generation and families with children. The average daytime air temperature in October in Ayia Napa becomes 3 degrees less than in September and is +23°C, the average night temperature drops to +19°C.

Weather in Protaras in October

October in is last month work of most restaurants and bars. The winds start to blow and clouds appear, but most days are still comfortable for visiting the beach. At the end of October, the likelihood of precipitation increases.

The sea temperature in Protaras in October is around +25°C. The evenings are becoming noticeably cooler, which makes walking around Protaras in the evening more comfortable than in the hot summer season.

Weather in Larnaca in October

In October it is still quite warm, but tourist activity here is noticeably decreasing. October in Larnaca is a time for a calm and quiet holiday.

In October, Larnaca maintains pleasant temperatures throughout the day. The average daytime temperature can reach a maximum of +27°C, and the minimum night temperature drops to +16°C. The sea water in Larnaca in October warms up to approximately +24°C.

Weather in Limassol in October

Mid-autumn is one of the best periods year to visit. As a rule, in October in Limassol it is quite warm during the day, around +24°C - +26°C, and thanks to the autumn sea breeze it is cool in the evening, and the night temperature drops to +18°C.

In October, precipitation begins to fall in Limassol, with an average of about 4 rainy days in October. Duration is reduced daylight hours and intensity of sunlight.

Weather in Paphos in October

October is a great month for those who want to enjoy the warm sunny weather, avoiding the crowds of tourists that the island attracts in the summer.

During October average temperature in Paphos is +22°С possible increase up to +27°C during the daytime and an average minimum of +16°C at night. Such a big difference in temperatures requires light summer clothes to avoid overheating during the day, as well as a pullover or even a jacket to avoid freezing in the evening.


This is a constant companion for a person living in Cyprus. The long-awaited clouds after a bright sunny summer are increasingly decorating seascape: the hand of an invisible author paints the sea and sky with a magical range of shades with confident strokes. The sun hides behind the clouds for just a short while and shines again, warming you with its warmth and inspiring confidence in the future.

Rain in October in Cyprus

There are practically none. Rare drops of moisture falling to the ground in October are perceived as a gift from heaven.

Tourist areas of cities are emptying. There are fewer and fewer tourists with children and fewer tourists in general. Taverns are preparing for the winter season, when some establishments on the island close until spring. Streets, squares, squares and embankments are getting ready to relax.

Nature in Cyprus in October is like a popular diva, who, sparkling with makeup and the lurex of her pop costume, enters the dressing room, sits down at the mirror and, still in character, prepares to relax. At this moment she becomes herself - a tender and vulnerable woman. About the same this year autumn period feels like nature in Cyprus.


The winds are still warming up for the winter season, and the sea surface is mostly calm. In October, you can enjoy a boat trip on a boat or yacht - this is an ideal time for diving and yachting.

Many hotels have significantly reduced prices, and you can save on your vacation.

Cyprus in October: welcome to summer!

What's good about October in Cyprus?

Holidays in Cyprus in October 2018, i.e. in the velvet season, may become the most happy time Of your life. In mid-autumn, the island is no longer so hot, there are fewer tourists, and prices for goods and services are seriously reduced, so true connoisseurs of Cyprus fly here in October. October in ours northern latitudes– this is rain and slush, a heavy gray sky and a stamp on the soul, and this is a real Russian warm, sunny and happy “Indian summer”.

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What is the weather like in Cyprus in October?

This time is perfect for a beach holiday, daytime temperatures and temperatures sea ​​water– about 25-27 degrees Celsius. Unlike many other Mediterranean resorts, there are no winds or rains in Cyprus, but all the delights Mediterranean climate especially manifested. Therefore, it is simply impossible to disrupt your vacation due to weather conditions in October here.

In autumn in Cyprus there is simply a sea of ​​​​delicious and fresh local fruits - oranges, grapefruits, pomelo, figs, grapes, pomegranates, mangoes, papayas, guavas and more. You definitely won’t buy fruits with such taste and aroma anywhere in Russia. And, of course, you will be delighted by the exquisite and incomparable Cypriot Mediterranean cuisine.

What are the holidays in October in Cyprus?

You will be pleased to combine the most gentle Cypriot October weather with local national and folk holidays.

  • October 1 – Independence Day.

This is the most main holiday Republic of Cyprus, which in significance can be compared with our Victory Day. On this day, a military parade is held in Nicosia, the capital of the republic, with soldiers in full national ceremonial parade walking through the streets. military uniform, this is a magnificent sight.

They are proudly greeted by thousands of Cypriots who come to Nicosia with families on this day, as well as tourists from all over the world. Then, all day long until late in the evening, theatrical performances are held on the streets of Nicosia, selling National dishes and sweets, you can listen to national music and see national dances.

  • October 28 – Ohi Day (Greek national holiday).

On this day in 1940, the Government of Cyprus said its famous “No” to the entry of fascist Italian troops into Greek territory. On this day, beloved by all Cypriots, mass processions and military parades are organized on the island, as well as street exhibitions and theatrical performances.

Thus, tourists, in parallel with their vacation in Cyprus, will learn the main milestones in the history of this wonderful and freedom-loving island, and will receive a lot of positive emotions and impressions for life.