It's no secret that numbers are very meaningful to people. Birthdays, New Year and many other dates - everything is determined by numbers. How old is a person - a number, house number, apartment number, index - numbers, computer programs - consist of numbers, and whatever you touch - there are numbers, numbers everywhere. And if this is so, then isn’t it possible to use numbers to improve your life, make it better, more abundant, and happier? It turns out it is possible, and many have been using it for a long time great success the magic of numbers for your benefit. Let us also consider this topic and become rich and prosper.

Let's start with the moments when numbers literally haunt a person. This is what one friend told me. “Lately, I have been haunted by numbers, but not specific ones, but repeating and even numbers. For example, I come to the store, they weigh me candies, I asked for 300 grams, on the scales 300 grams. The saleswoman throws up her hands in surprise, this is exactly what happens when the buyer is very good man, she says. I smile, saying that sellers always have a “good person” buyer. I go to another department, ask them to weigh out 500 grams of minced meat, the scales again show exactly 500. And so Lately, often. And when I look at the clock (this has been going on for several months now), the numbers keep repeating (amazing!), for example: 21:21, 15:15, 11:11, 17:17... etc. and so on. And when my friend found out, she said that (according to science: Numerology) good luck in business and finance should accompany me. And indeed! I recently bought my mom lottery ticket, so she won a very impressive amount, at work two months ago my salary was doubled (they didn’t even explain the reasons!), my husband recently brought such a bonus that we were immediately able to buy a new TV and refrigerator (and there was still money left!). And I’m lucky in everything, good luck accompanies me in everything! Numerology! I love numbers!
And also, if you constantly or often come across combinations of identical numbers, for example: 111,222,333...999 - this is a sign that you need to listen to yourself, take a closer look at events, perhaps change something in yourself or in your actions... But let's take a closer look at the combinations of numbers:
Combination 000 - these numbers allow a person to believe in himself and his luck, as well as more often pay attention to his desires, remember his dreams.
999 is the number of completion and therefore change. That is, these numbers indicate that a certain period of your life is most likely ending, therefore a new one is beginning, and this naturally brings changes.
888 is a symbol of new life, renewal.
777 - Absolutely miraculous numbers: when repeated frequently, they indicate miracles in your life that will certainly happen very soon.
666 - They indicate that if you want troubles to disappear from your life, begin to develop spiritually, and temporarily discard thoughts about the material sphere.
555 - Change is coming! Don’t forget, thought is material, therefore, what you think about is what you get. Dream carefully! After all, a dream can come true!
444 - Symbol of protection. Follow your dream, go where your heart tells you, don’t turn off the road on the way to your goal. And good luck awaits you!
333 - Ask for help in difficult, difficult periods of life and your Guardian Angel will hear and definitely help. Your Guardian Angel is always next to you!
222 - Very soon your plans, your ideas will come true. You need to wait a little (of course, not passively!), the main thing is not to panic, not to show impatience and distrust of the Guardian Angels.
111 - What you sincerely desire will happen very soon! Your wishes and dreams and plans will come true incredibly quickly!
Well, if you are “haunted” by numbers, this means good luck in all matters. And we will also talk about the magic of numbers.

How to make any wish come true with the magic of numbers.

Be sure to use the magic of numbers to make your wishes come true. Here is one of many ways. This is the easiest to perform and perhaps the most effective way. So, take the alphabet (for example, write it in a column on a piece of paper), and write any number opposite each letter. Of course, the easiest way is to number them in order (A -1, B - 2, C -3, etc.), but the best thing, of course, is to be more creative and purely intuitively put the numbers opposite the letters. After all, you are doing this for yourself, which means digital cipher must be individual. Done? Now on a separate small piece of paper (about 5x5 cm) Briefly write your desire, on back side write a leaf digital code your desire. That's all. You have translated your desire into magic numbers, which will now work for you. And you can put your magic leaf in your wallet, safe, envelope (preferably red, which will energetically fuel your desire), and once a week, take out the leaf and say your magic code out loud three times. The main thing is not to forget to do this and you will be guaranteed good luck in any endeavor!

How else can you use the magic of numbers?

Repeat the number 21 more often - then luck will accompany you always and everywhere. If you were born on 21, or your apartment is number 21, or you often come across (haunt) the number 21, then you are lucky and luck is always with you.
If you want to significantly increase your wealth, income or your luck - your lucky numbers- 1 and 7. Seven is a symbol of good luck and a mysterious action. And 1 is the goal, energy. So you want to increase something (for example, income, communication, number of friends or fans...) - these two numbers are for you. And these numbers add up to 8 - the infinity symbol.
And if you want to “stretch” time so that time lasts longer, say more often the number 91. Nine means the end, and 1 means the beginning. Since these numbers cover the entire time period, the cycle, you can thus extend the time.

Along with astrology, it is a metaphysical science that studies the influence of numbers on a person and his destiny. It has long been noticed that a combination of numbers obtained on the basis of a person’s date of birth affects his future life path, and using these data it is possible to construct a numerological personality diagram, which contains information about strengths and weaknesses personality, natural motivation and much more.

In this case, it becomes possible when correct use this information, correcting your life path in the direction in which a person can maximize his natural potential.

Each number has its own vibration and rhythm. For the ancient Egyptians, each number combined all combinations of functions that caused a given number (or phenomenon). People believed that as a result of the interaction of numbers, various phenomena of physical reality arise along with manifestations of physical experience.

In the resonance of the rhythms of the cosmos, people with symbols, places, periods of time - in general, absolutely everything that exists in our world can be described using digital terms. It turns out that in reality all processes with objects that occur in our reality are essentially numbers.


This is not even the number itself, but a certain essence of the concept “number”. The unit acts as absolute, non-polarized, vectorless energy. It is believed that one does not belong to either an even or an odd number, because if you add it to even numbers, it will turn them into odd ones and vice versa.

It turns out that the number one is the union of two opposites - even and odd numbers, as well as other opposite things in the Universe. The unit is something perfect, eternal, unchanging, and has polarized energy.


Two also has polarized energy. The number “two” has the properties of polarity, which manifests itself in the division into “one” and “second”. Two acts as a unit having a polarized state. Moreover, polarity affects absolutely all phenomena of our Universe. This may include the following types of opposites:

  • male and female energies;
  • even and odd numbers;
  • negative and positive;
  • activity with passivity;
  • good with evil;
  • truth with lies and so on.

In our world, one of the opposites constantly replaces the other, cyclical changes occur - day gives way to night, sleep gives way to wakefulness, life gives way to death. Ultimately, all opposites unite and the two become one - one whole.


Three abstractly characterizes the types of spiritual relationships between two types of opposites. For example, in a couple of a man and a woman, there must be something to hold on to - there must be a spiritual relationship in it. The presence of love or desire is important for this spiritual relationship to occur. The Bible speaks about the metaphysical role of the troika (the phenomenon of the Holy Trinity), and also in religious teachings ancient Egyptians and other world religious movements.


It acts as a number that characterizes the composition of a substance - its structural and compositional characteristics. The ancient inhabitants of Egypt also associated the creator god of the Universe with the four. It is also not by chance that in Ancient Egypt they turned to the power of the 4 elements (fire, air, earth and water) for help.


The Egyptians depicted the number five in the form of a two (II), inscribed on top of the three (III), or, alternatively, in the form of a star. The number five performs the function of uniting the principles of polarity (number two), as well as their reconciliation (number three).

Absolutely all of the phenomena of our world differ in polarity from nature and triplicity. This means that the number five represents the key with which a person can understand the secrets of our Universe.


Six - acts as a cosmic number of the material world, which was used by the inhabitants Ancient Egypt to denote the concepts of time and space. IN modern science Many scientists are convinced that there is a very close connection between space and time. This connection is so close that it is difficult to imagine both concepts separately; they are two different sides of the same coin.


In ancient times, seven combined spirit (the number three) and matter (four) and was therefore written in a similar format. One of the forms in which seven was usually expressed is a pyramid with a square base (symbol of the four elements) and triangular sides (symbol of the spirit).

Seven is associated with constant development, growth, as well as the cyclical aspects of the Universe, which form the basis of the universe. The number seven is often considered in the context of explaining the principles and sequences of human development.

For example, the menstrual cycle of the fair sex consists of 4 weeks multiplied by 7 days. There are seven days in a week, seven notes in a musical series, and seven shades in the color spectrum. Similar associations can be seen in different areas human life.


Eight is the number of the four pairs of primordial forces known as the forces of Night, Darkness, Mystery and Eternity. It turns out that eight elements are combined in the figure eight (4 pairs each).


The development of the baby from the moment of conception to birth is 9 months. This information is significant in the interpretation process semantic meaning, invested by the ancient Egyptians in this figure. Nine is associated with the emergence of life itself on planet Earth. Also, nine is the number of a completed pregnancy, and it also completes each of the cycles of numbers. It is also a number from one scale (the numbers from one to nine) to another scale (which starts from ten). It turns out that the number nine symbolizes a beginning, similar to the birth of a baby after 9 months.


Ten is the number of the Absolute, which harmoniously combines one and ten. For the people of Ancient Egypt, nine was associated with completion and perfection, since this number stands at the very end of the series of basic numbers and reduces them back to one. This is both new power, and a new return to the beginning of all beginnings.

The magic of numbers numerology is very interesting topic, which we can talk about for a very, very long time. From the following video material you will get even more useful and interesting information regarding how numbers really rule the world and what impact they have on human life:

The magic of numbers to attract money will help improve your financial situation and get rid of debts. Learn how to work with numbers correctly in order to attract money.

In the article:

The magic of numbers to attract money in monetary amounts

The numerology of money manifests itself in all situations that are related to expenses, purchases, and finances. So, for example, there is a number of monetary amounts. It is calculated when operating with a certain amount of funds - both to purchase something and when receiving income. Let's look at this method with an example. Let’s assume that we have 17,000 rubles to purchase a smartphone for work. Let's carry out numerological calculations, summing up all the digits of this monetary amount:

Now let's see what the resulting figure means.

1, 2 or 7 are symbols of spiritual wealth and do not contribute to making a profit. Applying to our example, a smartphone purchased for this resulting figure would not be conducive to communication with clients and business partners.

3 is the number of increased income and active business development. The amounts that this number gives in calculations can be safely lent - they will definitely return, and will also bring benefits in the form of interest or friendly gratitude for the help. However, you shouldn’t put that amount of money aside, otherwise it will quickly go away. In our example, the number 3 would be a good choice for purchasing a communication device for communicating with clients - the smartphone would quickly pay for itself with the profit received from them.

4 is the number of hard work and stability, which does not promise large incomes. Not the worst option for our example, but there are better ones.

5 and 9 are numbers for charity and useless spending. With a high probability, in our example, games would be launched from a smartphone more often than important calls would be made.

6 - stability and savings. It is good to spend such amounts on regular payments, ranging from replenishing your SIM card account to utilities or mortgage payments. This number is quite suitable for our example.

8 is the number of the bravest and unusual projects, but, in general, one of the most favorable for monetary amounts. It was this that became the number of the monetary amount in our example. This means that calls that will be received on this smartphone may contain non-standard offers, but they will certainly turn out to be extremely profitable.

What should you do if the amount of money you intend to spend or receive contains an interpretation that does not suit you? Let's assume that the smartphone in the example costs 70,000 - this amount gives the number of money 7, one of the most unfavorable for our example. To turn it into a more suitable eight, you just need to add one unit. Leave 1, 10 or 100 rubles more in the store - and money luck will smile on you.

In the same way, you can calculate money numbers for everything that has to do with your income. This could be the number of your office, the building of your enterprise, as well as the number of your work car and even telephone - all this in one way or another affects the financial situation and direction of monetary energy.

Numerology of money for creating a talisman for wealth

Knowing how magic numbers work to attract money, you can do... Almost everyone knows what it is irredeemable bill or coin- This strong amulet, capable of lifting any person out of poverty. This is the name of a coin or bill that has been enchanted in a special way. It is stored in your wallet and is not spent under any circumstances.

Numerology for attracting money is directly related to the creation of such money talismans. Each banknote has a code. If you add up all its numbers, you can get the number of this bill - a numerological indicator that will tell you whether this bill is suitable for creating a talisman for you. Before speaking to her, check whether she will work in the right direction.

Typically, in such calculations, all numbers are reduced to a single-digit form, and the meanings of numbers from 1 to 9 can be found above. However, in this case it is permissible to leave the numbers 11, 22 and 10 - they have separate meanings. Ten is a number money luck, but one cannot expect stability from it. 11 is the number of profitable acquaintances, and 22 is stability in financial matters.

Magic numbers for attracting money - the right timing

Another money number in numerology may be associated with the date of an important financial transaction. If you take out a loan, borrow a large sum, or invest money in a business, choose the time that is suitable for this. Knowing the meaning of each number, let's try to analyze this technique using an example. So, let’s assume that on November 5, 2016 we plan to lend a large amount. Let's make standard numerological calculations by summing up all the numbers of this date:

Let's reduce the number to a single-digit form:

7 is the number of spirituality. On monetary transactions it does not have a positive effect. In this case, the situation can develop in different ways, and it will always be disadvantageous for both parties. In this case, you can reschedule the meeting, for example, to the next day, which will give the number 8. Eight - a symbol of wealth and increase in income. In our example, the money will be returned quite quickly, and the situation will benefit both parties.

Numerology for attracting money - simple rituals

Eight is the symbol of infinity

Numerological rituals will help you attract money energy and make friends with. They are quite simple - numbers whose influence is necessary in this moment, written on paper, hand, used as screensavers for the monitor. The main thing is that from time to time they catch your eye. In addition to numbers from 1 to 9, as well as 10, 11 and 22, there are several more money numbers that are especially effective in numerological rituals.

15 contributes to the activation of a person’s creative energy, as well as the disclosure of abilities and talents. If your work involves creativity, use this number. It is drawn on the pulse of the left hand before exams and interviews, as well as business meetings. However, before practicing numerology rituals, make sure that the number on your hand does not look like a cheat sheet.

21 is responsible for activity in all its manifestations, and also contributes to the emergence leadership qualities. It must be used by all people who occupy leadership positions. The number 21 will help someone who has such a desire to take such a position. This is the number of salary increases and promotions career ladder, power and ambition.

Many people love to play the lottery. For some, this is a relatively inexpensive way to have fun, but for others, it is a real hope for better life. In order to increase your chances of winning, you can use numerology. The properties of the numbers 3, 6 and 8 have already been described above - they attract luck and monetary energy.

Numerology of money by date of birth

Date of birth also helps attract money

The magic of numbers for attracting money also relates to your date of birth. It contains a lot of information. Almost everyone knows about the magical Pythagorean square, which is able to tell about a person’s inclinations, his talents and even his abilities for witchcraft, which are present from birth.

Money numerology by date of birth divides people into nine types depending on the number on which they were born. In order to calculate your money number, sum up all the numbers of the day on which you were born - so that the result is unambiguous. For example, the number 1 is true for those born on the 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th.

1. U units, no aptitude for financial success. There are people who get all the benefits without much effort on their part. You are not one of them.

2. Deuce indicates that in money matters you're not having too much luck. Lucky spells will help you find financial well-being. In addition, you need to stop paying attention to helping those in need - think about yourself first and stop giving to others what will be useful to you.

3. Number 3 indicates that you do not know how to save money. What appears in your wallet, or is spent immediately, sometimes goes into circulation. You are active and open to new ideas, and you tend to strive for more without stopping there. Chances of monetary success available if you learn to build long-term goals.

4. A sign of stability. People born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd or 31st rarely boast of large savings. Most likely, you will prefer a smaller but constant income. You won’t have to live in poverty, but you won’t even dream of having a personal island. In order to change the situation, you need to think outside the box.

5. People with money figure equal to five, do not like to procrastinate cash. They spend it as soon as they receive it. Such people spend their money both on pleasure and on useful investments. In order to change the financial situation in better side, you need to spend less time on entertainment and more time on work.

6. Six attracts money, but this does not mean that people born under it receive all the benefits without effort. They are forced to face constant challenges and limitations. You can only get rich if you put your knowledge and abilities into practice. A decent education and considerable experience in your chosen field of activity will become your passport to the life of your dreams.

7. Born under number 7 prefer spiritual wealth to material wealth. If your financial situation causes too many troubles, you will have to distract yourself from the development of spirituality. Your knowledge can be a good source of profit.

8. Eight- another monetary figure. Almost all of your ideas related to receiving money are successfully implemented. You must not stop there. It also doesn’t hurt to learn how to make a profit from several sources - you are quite capable of more than one project.

9. Nine indicates a person who is far from the material world. You are interested in knowledge and the hidden meaning of life. Perhaps this is your purpose, but you still won’t be able to realize it without a penny in your pocket. In order to improve your financial situation, you need to pay more attention to ways to make a profit.

In many mystical directions the great magic of numbers- the fundamental basis of the universe. Each number keeps its own secret. Those to whom this mysterious veil was revealed were lucky enough to learn the secret of success and find their happiness.

Since ancient times, numbers have been associated with divine entities. They were used as protection from otherworldly forces. The magical meaning of numbers was kept under a huge secret - after all, this sacred knowledge could not only protect, but also lead to chaos.

And although today almost all information is in open access– it is impossible to obtain absolutely all knowledge about the magic of numbers.

We have never learned to separate the important from the unimportant, the significant from the insignificant. It’s easy to lead us down the wrong path – which is what our ill-wishers take advantage of.

Therefore, be very careful with the magic of numbers, do not use it for every occasion.

Magic numbers to attract good luck

Many people wonder what the magic of numbers means in white magic? Light wizards most often use it as a tool to attract good luck.

If you want to increase your luck and attract fortune, remember the magic number - 21. Repeat it anywhere and everywhere: going to work, taking a bath, working out in the gym. This is an excellent talisman.

If you are worried before starting important event– meeting or exam – say “forty forty” out loud or silently. Believe me, your plans will come true.

Magic numbers for attracting money

What is the magic of numbers and how does it affect financial side life? It is important to know and feel which numbers will bring you profit and which ones will result in losses.

  • 1 – is an empty symbol that is considered only in combination with others;
  • 2 - deception, everyone is considered dangerous sums of money, containing this sign;
  • 3 – starting a new business;
  • 4 – strong position among competitors, stable income;
  • 5 – easy parting with money (such amounts should be taken with you on vacation);
  • 6 – limited finances;
  • 7 – an unlucky number that attracts poverty;
  • 8 – money movements;
  • 9 – financial problems that provide experience in the future.

The magic of numbers in numerology

  • Unit (1)

This is the first number in the series - it serves as the basis for everything. If you analyze the entire numerological system, the conclusion emerges: it is based on the number 1.

Those born under one demonstrate strength of character. They will never be led by other people's opinions. Before committing an act, they think through everything to the smallest detail.

Astrologers say that these individuals are overly ambitious - even a little selfish. But it is precisely these character traits that allow them to reach the highest peaks.

But there are also a number of disadvantages. For example, they cannot concentrate on one activity. Trying to cover more things, they are unable to truly concentrate. And energy is wasted.

Many creative people were born under this symbol - musicians, artists, actors.

  • Deuce (2)

At the heart of the figure is a constant confrontation. “Two” is a struggle between two entities, an eternal contrast, opposites.

Playing the role of the birth number, two endows a person with good internal tact and harmony. Thanks to their excellent acting skills, they can hide their inner experiences.

If on the outside a person looks threatening and causes fear, on the inside he can be very vulnerable and sensitive. Or vice versa.

  • Three (3)

A symbol of confidence - it indicates great talent, potential, unique abilities. These people show very good results in any area of ​​life. Whatever they undertake, everything turns out perfectly.

Those born under this sign have a very advantageous skill: they will be able to find a way out in any situation.

  • Four (4)

In numerology, the number four has a reputation as a reliable symbol. It symbolizes the eternal desire for order.

The number in the date of birth declares a balanced and harmonious personality.

As you know, in nature there are exactly four elements - different in energy and strength. Sometimes they create something, sometimes they destroy.

Such people are distinguished by their hard work, desire for self-development, and responsibility. They are very careful and will never take up a task that they are not confident in. They enjoy a good reputation among friends - you can always rely on them.

  • Five (5)

This is the opposite sign, carrying impermanence and instability. But the fate of such a person is very favorable to him. Every day he receives some gifts - sometimes even undeserved ones.

They have an open character, are active and enterprising. They are easy-going, so they are ready to travel every day. They manage to find mutual language even with the most harmful interlocutors. They feel at home anywhere on the planet.

  • Six (6)

Those born under the number six are magnetic in nature. They attract with one glance. You want to be friends with them and share secrets.

Since childhood, they have been patient, diligent, and love to see any task through to the end.

But not only charm is their tool. These people are intellectually developed and quickly absorb any information.

  • Seven (7)

Philosophers and analysts are born under this symbol. Thanks to their good imagination, they can easily calculate many possible outcomes of events.

They have one significant drawback - with a lot of opportunities, they cannot come to the right decision. From the very early years More and more roads are opening up for the “Sevens”. But they may not notice them point-blank, as they are busy with a bunch of other things.

  • Eight (8)

The presence of the number eight in the date of birth indicates that this is a fearless person. He likes to take risks and, sometimes, this attracts failures.

Representatives of this group differ from the rest. They are different - externally and internally. They are immediately noticeable in the company.

For example, young people decided to go to a bowling club. Nine out of ten diligently throw the ball, and one of them thoughtfully sat down with a book - this is an eight. Independence from other people's opinions often leads them to success.

  • Nine (9)

Nine is associated with financial success. Such natures will never complain about low salaries or unprofitable business.

Their success in commercial activities simply dizzying.

The magic of numbers according to the lunar calendar

Our distant ancestors noticed that the moon changes its image over the course of thirty days. In addition, many natural processes depend on the current phase of the heavenly queen.

Today, astrologers decipher magical meaning numbers by lunar calendar in the following way:

  • 0 – this is a sign of emptiness;
  • 1 – patronizes strong and courageous natures;
  • 2 – female symbol;
  • 3 – creativity, muse, creation;
  • 4 - physical development;
  • 5 – changes;
  • 6 – tactile sensations;
  • 7 – sixth sense, supernatural abilities;
  • 8 - Infinity sign;
  • 9 - human connection with the divine world.

Alena Golovina— white witch, master of Cosmoenergetics,author of the site


For a long time, people have been looking for a mystical connection between numbers and what happens to humans and nature.

They believed in magic, magic and that everything around is subject to some kind of force, which can be learned about with the help of numbers. This belief formed the basis of the most ancient system of knowledge, from which numerology was then formed.

The founder of numerology as an independent science is considered to be Pythagoras, a mathematician and philosopher who lived in Ancient Greece in the 4th century BC His works combined mathematical knowledge with ancient philosophical knowledge about the world around us and man’s place in it.

The essence of numerology

In numerology, each number is endowed sacred meaning, specific meaning. The magic of numbers is calculated by general scheme: All digits of any number are mathematically added until a single-digit value between 0 and 9 is formed.

The method belongs to the Pythagoreans. It was the followers of the ancient Greek mathematician who came up with the abbreviation of complex numbers ordinary addition its constituent numbers. The single-digit number obtained as a result of calculations, according to numerology, carries magic and contains sacred meaning throughout human life, and can even reveal the secrets of the universe.

You can determine a person’s fate not only by the numbers of the date of birth, but also by using letters. Each letter of the alphabet has its own number, which is used in calculations.

It is enough to simply write down the numbers of the letters of the first and last name, add the resulting numbers and reduce them to a single-digit value in order to find out about all future and past events, strengths a person and his weaknesses, predict twists of fate or warn of danger. All this is provided by the mystical magic of numbers.

Number predictions

Numerology can predict events that will happen on a trip just by the numeric code of the ticket. We even choose clothes, equipment and other things, subconsciously relying on the internal sensations of numbers.

Remember how you chose a SIM card for your phone or applied for a card at the bank. Surely, in the end you chose the one whose number you liked more. In fact, even when choosing the simplest things, we choose not things, but our future.

This is the magic of numbers, which Pythagoras discovered to humanity many centuries ago and which then, having undergone many changes, came to us in today’s simple and understandable form. Numerology has been a constant companion of Freemasons, Kabbalists, Anthroposophists and others secret societies. The adherents of each of them put their own meaning into the interweaving of numbers, but they all relied on the teachings of Pythagoras.

What's the benefit?

Numerological calculations are often used by couples in love to determine the degree of compatibility with each other and build relationships. the best way. The magic of numbers also allows us to calculate the best date for a wedding, trip or other important event, choose a reliable business partner, and predict the consequences of our choice.

The meanings of birth date numbers help to learn more about a person, determine his talents and inclinations, predict the future, and warn of difficulties or dangers. Fate numerology gives us the opportunity to understand why we were born and what the main objective our life.

Whether it's magic or science, numerology has a powerful influence on a person's entire life. Author: Valentina Levadnaya