Mikheeva Alla Andreevna was born on February 7, 1989 in Lugansk regional center Molodogvardeysk. She was the second child in the family. In infancy she was transported to Western Siberia, after which the family moved to Kemerovo. In the end, Alla ended up in St. Petersburg.

Alla's dad worked in a prosperous tourism business, offering numerous tourists to go along the extreme routes of Siberia. By the way, the girl in early age I rafted down wild rivers with my father. Mom headed the technical institute of the city of St. Petersburg.

Alla Mikheeva's family was very friendly, although a little patriarchal. Little Allochka was daddy’s favorite, but he didn’t let her down and didn’t make any concessions to her. Both sisters with early years They cooked food, cleaned the apartment, ironed and washed clothes. For excellent behavior and obedience, the girls were rewarded with a small amount of money.

The father of the future actress was really looking forward to the birth of a son to continue the family name, but the girls did not let him down in any way. Alla was a real tomboy, she knew how to light a fire at strong wind and catch fish for lunch. The girl was very artistic, she skillfully manipulated those around her and loved organizing concerts for adults. By the way, Alla didn’t like her name; she preferred to be called by her last name.

The girl graduated from music school with excellent marks in piano and took up fencing.

After graduating from school, Alla tried to enroll in theater academy, but failed the exams.

The girl's second passion was clothing design. She even entered the Clothing Engineering School of the northern capital. Alla could be seen at every event held in this educational institution. She was very bright, beautiful and noticeable, but her fellow students did not like her, unreasonably considering her to be arrogant and an upstart.

The girl never stopped dreaming of a career as a TV personality. When the casting for the role of a teenage girl in “OBZh-2” was announced, Alla easily qualified for the role of Suzanna Milonova. It was the role of a self-confident girl who weaved intrigues and constantly quarreled everyone.

After that, Alla did not stop. She was noticed and accepted for a cameo role in the TV series “The Rainy Season.” However, unfortunately, the episode with her participation was subsequently cut from the series.

The girl tried to enter higher theater schools educational establishments. For the third time, she still managed to enter the St. Petersburg Academy of Theater Arts. Alla's parents were quite skeptical about her choice of profession, but did not contradict her. Her sister Anya, by the way, chose the profession of psychologist.

The bright beauty, a second-year student, was quickly noticed and invited to broadcast on Channel 5 and participate in productions of the BUFF theater in the northern capital. The girl danced in a cabaret troupe, in the play “Eliza”, and in the production “Doctor of Philosophy” she played two roles at once.

It is worth noting that no one has ever taken the cheerful and slightly simple-minded Allochka seriously. Even her director strongly doubted that the girl would find her place in the theater, cinema or television. However, he was very mistaken, since Alla’s determination could be sincerely envied.

Cinema in the biography of Alla Mikheeva

Many films in which Alla starred were either shelved or episodes with her participation were cut out. However, strong girl I’m not used to being upset and perceive these failures as invaluable experience.

In the biography of Alla Mikheeva, one can highlight such works as “The Golden Ratio”, “Alien District”, “Bet on Love”.

The girl began to host the popular column “Acute Report” as part of Ivan Urgant’s program. Took part in " New Year's Eve on Channel 1”, the TV show “Big Races” from the Russian team, “Together with the Dolphins”, and also in one of the seasons of the program “ glacial period" In 2016, she became the co-host of the latest show program.

After Alla began appearing on Ivan Urgant’s show as a “television fool,” they stopped offering her to star in TV series. However, the girl herself does not consider this a big problem.

The cute beauty starred for the cover of Maxim magazine and also became the face of the cameraman cellular communications Beeline.

Who is Alla Mikheeva's husband?

Alla Mikheeva is a rather beautiful and cheerful blonde, whose television role does not at all repel men from her. At the beginning television career the girl had a short affair with cameraman Sergei Kancher. However, serious relationship And Alla chose a fast-paced television career over love.

Currently, Alla Mikheeva does not have a husband. She has a lot of wealthy, famous and not always free from family ties fans. They generously give the girl expensive gifts.

Alla often claims that her ideal man is her beloved daddy. She considers herself a chaste girl who will marry and give birth to a son only from her loved one.

In contrast to the yellow press, we note that Mikheeva and Urgant never had any relationship other than official ones.

Children of Alla Mikheeva: yes or no?

Alla Mikhailova’s children are not even in the project yet.

She adores her three children older sister Anna. Alla doesn’t see them often, however, she likes to pamper them with gifts when she meets.

The dazzling blonde Alla Mikheeva, with her spontaneity and sweet frivolity capable of giving Olga Buzova herself a head start, is officially unmarried. Moreover, nothing is known for certain about her personal life, and there are not many rumors surrounding Mikheeva’s men.

Rumors and speculation

She is credited with having affairs exclusively with her colleagues in the television workshop: with Ivan Urgant himself, with “Evening Urgant” cameraman Sergei Kancher, partner in the “Ice Age” project Maxim Marinin and advertising campaign colleague Sergei Svetlakov.

Most likely, these are just rumors. Alla calls Ugranta exclusively Ivan Andreevich, and calls their marriage with Natalya Kiknadze a role model.

They say that cameraman Sergei Kachner really helped Mikheeva to gain a foothold in “Evening Urgant” at first, and later, having gained fame, the insidious Alla resigned the gentleman. However, it is known for certain that Ivan Urgant himself invited the charming blonde to his project after her participation in the Golden Gramophone award. He was struck by the girl’s spontaneity and openness, and the “Acute Report” format was born.

Gossip about relations with Marinin and Svetlakov does not stand up to criticism at all. They talk about this simply because there is nothing more to talk about. She did not appear with any young man at any of the official events, none of the secular reporters caught her with any admirer, and there is also little information on social networks.

Only a few photos on Instagram about a joint holiday in Courchevel with businessman Timofey Mayorov prompted subscribers to suspect their affair. Timofey Mayorov is engaged in the construction business and designs wooden houses.

By the way, Mayorov previously met with Olga Buzova in 2009. After this novel, he does not advertise his personal life, as does Alla. Alla explained to her subscribers that Timofey is just a friend.

Dating questionnaire in Mikheevsky style

The TV personality herself claims that she does not see a single compelling reason to get married. These are the reasons she names loneliness, financial position, having a child, social status. She believes that she deserves love and is waiting for it.

She considers herself a monogamous and very chaste woman, so she does not talk about her personal life. From an interview with Alla Mikheeva, it is never clear whether she is speaking seriously or joking. Here is the ideal man according to Alla Mikheeva:

  • He must be able to stand on skis, but if Alla loves him very much, she will teach him herself. And if he doesn’t love you very much, then this skill will come in handy and will greatly increase the applicant’s chances;
  • A man must be smart. If he is smart, he will find words to explain why standing on skis is not at all necessary;
  • A man must be a little sinful in order to understand why God sent him such punishment.
  • A man may be younger, but only so much that Alla cannot be imprisoned.
Interesting notes:

Here’s what the future husband should know about Alla, based on the interview:

  • Alla attends courses to train her mind, but this does not help her at all;
  • Allah never lies. On Channel One, no one ever lies; when applying for a job on Channel One, everyone swears about it on the Bible;
  • Alla loves dresses very much. She buys them from all over the world, and chooses her friends based on the number of dresses in her wardrobe, so that she can change. As soon as the dresses run out, the friendship fades away.
  • Nobody recognizes Alla on the street; she doesn’t wear dark glasses. This is all because the TV makes her fat by 28 kilograms.
  • She believes that becoming smarter is not beneficial for her, since she will earn less.
  • Alla, in her own words, does not have a very large skull and does not have a very thick layer of protective fat, so at the North Pole, where she did the “Acute Report,” she was very cold.
  • Alla greatly values ​​the opinions of elders, wise people, and what’s more, old people.

Speaking seriously, Mikheeva is only 28 years old, and she is simply not ready for marriage. For example, she doesn’t know how to cook at all. When Alla cooked dumplings from a package for the first time, it seemed to her that she was preparing something enchanting. In addition to dumplings, the girl knows how to cook buckwheat - her parents taught her on Skype. In the meantime, she calls the city of Moscow her husband. Yes, yes, because he feeds her, waters her, clothes her, protects her and never offends her.

In a funny, bright and fiery video, the showman and singer himself appeared in several unexpected images.

Photo: DR

Timur Rodriguez has always had a passion for transformation. The viewer is well aware of his work in the show “One to One”, where he tried on many images: from Lyudmila Gurchenko to Michael Jackson, as well as the transformation for his own video - for the song “You - you - you”. The artist decided not to stop there!

In the new video “Tamara,” the showman and singer appeared in six different roles: superman, macho, and Criminal authority, and a prince on a white horse. And all this for the sake of her - Alla Mikheeva, who became the main character video!

This is the debut for the star of the Sharp Reports of “Evening Urgant”; she has not previously acted in videos. Timur praised her work:

Alla is a talented actress with a rare sense of humor and incredible self-irony. I must say, these are the qualities I value most in people! We had a lot of laughs on the set! Even the pony I rode in one of the key scenes never neighed so loudly!

At the end of filming, Rodriguez, who has long been called a holiday man, was given a new diagnosis - “a person with multiple personalities.” Watch the clip below!

"Tamara": Alla Mikheeva in Timur Rodriguez's video, who starred as his mistress on the advice of his wife

Today, Timur Rodriguez’s video for the song “Tamara” premiered online, which is especially notable for the main female role. It was performed by the star of "Acute Reports" in the show "Evening Urgant" Alla Mikheeva. According to Timur himself to HELLO! magazine, his wife Anna chose the candidate for the role of his on-screen lover.

As a rule, singers choose actresses or models in a video either without paying attention to the opinions of their wives, or to spite them. And it was my wife Anya who advised me to invite Alla,” Timur said.

The filming of the video took place in St. Petersburg and lasted several hours. During this time, Timur had the opportunity to enter the images of six fatal men: from Tony Montana, Al Pacino's famous character from the movie "Scarface", to fairy prince on... ponies. According to the plot, all these characters appear in the imagination of the heroine of the video named Tamara.

Alla Mikheeva and Timur Rodriguez in the video "Tamara"

Alla is a talented actress with a rare sense of humor and incredible self-irony. We had a good laugh at film set. Even the pony I rode in one of the key scenes never neighed so loudly! It’s a pity that it was never possible to clarify what was the reason - jokes or the rider,” Rodriguez said.

Famous Russian artist and participant" Comedy Club"On May 11, he presented his new clip for the song "Tamara". The main role in the singer's music video was played by the star of "Evening Urgant".

New video by Timur Rodriguez "Tamara" - Alla Mikheeva in leading role

Timur Rodriguez's new video "Tamara" was published on the singer's official YouTube channel and on his page in Instagram. In the first two hours after its publication, the video was viewed by several tens of thousands of users who highly appreciated Rodriguez’s clip.

According to Timur himself, his wife Anna chose the candidate for the role of his on-screen lover - it was the official wife who advised Rodriguez Mikheeva, whom she considers a very bright and talented actress with a rare sense of humor. It is noted that the filming of Timur Rodriguez’s new video took place in St. Petersburg and lasted several hours.

According to the plot of the video, Timur appeared before the audience in the images of six fatal men - from Tony Montana, the famous hero from the film "Scarface", to a fairy-tale prince on a pony. Rodriguez played all these characters in the imagination of his beloved Tamara, played by Alla Mikheeva in the video.

Timur Rodriguez - new video "Tamara" (video):