Who doesn't know what paper is? We write dozens of pages every day! Statements, reports, powers of attorney, deeds, business and private correspondence... Can all this exist without paper? And how much of it goes into publishing newspapers, magazines, and advertisements! Add to this the huge circulation of books - textbooks, works of classics, modern writers, translated literature, among which very popular reading is detective stories.

Where do you come across such an ordinary thing as paper! Without her, our life is now completely unthinkable. Is it possible to imagine the literary process, teaching, book publishing without paper? But there was a time when people managed without it.

Clay and waxed plates, birch bark and silk strips, and carefully leveled boards were once used for writing. But they were inconvenient and unsuitable for long-term storage. Imagine a book depository that collects manuscripts of this kind. How much space will be required to accommodate them! It is not difficult to guess that this situation could not continue in the conditions of cultural progress


How did paper appear? Who invented it?

The paper was created by an unknown master in China, traditionally isolated from the rest of the world. The paper was initially produced in strict secrecy. Bamboo, soaked in water for a long time, was boiled until it turned into a loose mass. The composition, diluted with water and well mixed, was then bleached in the sun. Dried and pressed, this paper was of low quality.

On modern factory high-quality paper is obtained from deciduous wood and coniferous species. Crushed, soaked special composition, tree trunks boiled at a special temperature must be turned into a fluid mass. Then the knots that have not yet been fully cooked are separated from it, and it is almost ready. The structure of paper is special: it consists of fibers, densely intertwined and closely interlocked with each other.

In our age of scientific and technological progress, materials more convenient than ordinary paper have already been found. Almost no different from her in appearance, not burning in fire, not decomposing, not absorbing moisture, the new “paper” becomes a true miracle. Even buried in the ground for a long time, it remains the same and does not lose its strength.


– where do you come across such an ordinary thing as paper?

– paper loses patience essay

- essay about a sheet of paper

- essay about paper

- essay on paper

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Who doesn't know what paper is? We write dozens of pages every day! Statements, reports, powers of attorney, deeds, business and private correspondence... Can all this exist without paper? And how much of it goes into publishing newspapers, magazines, and advertisements! Add to this the huge circulation of books - textbooks, works of classics, modern writers, translated literature, among which detective stories are very popular.

Wherever you come across such an ordinary thing as paper magic! Without her, our life is now completely unthinkable. Is it possible to imagine the literary process, teaching, book publishing without paper? But there was a time when people managed without it.

Clay and waxed plates, birch bark and silk strips, and carefully leveled boards were once used for writing. But they were inconvenient and unsuitable for long-term storage. Imagine a book depository in which manuscripts of this kind are collected. How much space will be required to accommodate them! It is not difficult to guess that this situation could not continue in the conditions of cultural progress of mankind.

How did paper appear? Who invented it?

The paper was created by an unknown master in China, traditionally isolated from the rest of the world. The paper was initially produced in strict secrecy. Bamboo, soaked in water for a long time, was boiled until it turned into a loose mass. The composition, diluted with water and well mixed, was then bleached in the sun. Dried and pressed, this paper was of low quality.

The Chinese tried to maintain a monopoly on the secrets of the paper industry, but nevertheless the secret became clear. They say that these secrets were revealed by Chinese prisoners of war. These legends, however, remained unconfirmed. Material from the site

At a modern plant, high-quality paper is produced from deciduous and coniferous wood. Crushed, impregnated with a special composition, boiled at a special temperature, tree trunks must be turned into a flowing mass. Then the knots that have not yet been fully cooked are separated from it, and it is almost ready. The structure of paper is special: it consists of fibers, densely intertwined and closely interlocked.

In our age of scientific and technological progress, materials more convenient than ordinary paper have already been found. Almost indistinguishable from it in appearance, not burning in fire, not decomposing, not absorbing moisture, the new “paper” becomes a true miracle. Even buried in the ground for a long time, it remains the same and does not lose its strength.

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Who doesn't know what paper is? We write dozens of pages every day! Statements, reports, powers of attorney, deeds, business and private correspondence... Can all this exist without paper? And how much of it goes into publishing newspapers, magazines, and advertisements! Add to this the huge circulation of books - textbooks, works of classics, modern writers, translated literature, among which very popular reading is detective stories.

Where do you come across such an ordinary thing as paper! Without her, our life is now completely unthinkable. Is it possible to imagine the literary process, teaching, book publishing without paper? But there was a time when people managed without it.

Clay and waxed plates, birch bark and silk strips, and carefully leveled boards were once used for writing. But they were inconvenient and unsuitable for long-term storage. Imagine a book depository that collects manuscripts of this kind. How much space will be required to accommodate them! It is not difficult to guess that such a situation could not continue in the conditions of cultural progress of mankind.

How did paper appear? Who invented it?

The paper was created by an unknown master in China, traditionally isolated from the rest of the world. The paper was initially produced in strict secrecy. Bamboo, soaked in water for a long time, was boiled until it turned into a loose mass. The composition, diluted with water and well mixed, was then bleached in the sun. Dried and pressed, this paper was of low quality.

At a modern plant, high-quality paper is produced from deciduous and coniferous wood. Crushed, impregnated with a special composition, boiled at a special temperature, tree trunks must be turned into a fluid mass. Then the knots that have not yet been fully cooked are separated from it, and it is almost ready. The structure of paper is special: it consists of fibers, densely intertwined and closely interlocked with each other.

In our age of scientific and technological progress, materials more convenient than ordinary paper have already been found. Almost no different from it in appearance, not burning in fire, not decomposing, not absorbing moisture, the new “paper” becomes a true miracle. Even buried in the ground for a long time, it remains the same and does not lose its strength.

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The main raw material is wood pulp. It is obtained by chemical processing of coniferous or hardwood trees. There are 2 methods: sulfate and sulfite. The first method uses wood of any species. Wood crushed into chips is processed by cooking in sulfate liquor containing 9-10% NaOH at a temperature of 165-170 ° C and a pressure of 0.6-0.8 MPa. This is the most common method. Sulfite is used mainly for coniferous species. The chips are treated with sulfite liquor, which contains sulfur and sulfuric acid in the form of sodium, magnesium, calcium and ammonium hydrosulfites, at 130-135 ° C and a pressure of 0.5-0.8 MPa. In both cases, cooking lasts at least 5-7 hours. After this, mechanical impurities are removed from the cellulose pulp and, if necessary, subjected to additional chemical treatment - bleaching. Bleaching is carried out with chlorine-containing oxidizing agents (chlorine or its acid anhydrites) or compounds containing active oxygen (peroxides). The latter processing method is more environmentally friendly. This operation is important from a quality point of view, since bleached pulp is used to produce high-quality grades of paper and cardboard.

During the production of cellulose, wood is removed most of lignin, which increases paper stiffness but reduces paper quality, and other substances. The yield of cellulose after processing is 50-60%. Sulfate cellulose serves as a semi-finished product in the production of packaging types of paper and cardboard, and its content largely determines the strength properties of the container. It is more expensive than sulfite pulp and darker than it (unbleached types). Sulfated cellulose - main

semi-finished product for the production of sack and wrapping paper, grade A (has high strength properties).

To reduce the cost, wood pulp is added to the composition of the pulp - a product of wood abrasion, and thermomechanical wood pulp obtained by grinding steamed wood chips. Its addition makes the paper plump, stiff, reduces strength properties, durability, and fracture rate. Wood pulp is used in the manufacture of packs and cardboard boxes. Also used as additives are semi-cellulose (crushed product of incomplete processing of wood), natural cotton fibers - cotton, flax, hemp and jute.

In production, waste paper is used to reduce the cost. It is distinguished by the multiplicity of fibers used. Primary or return is waste from papermaking, the cleanest. Second-generation waste paper that has undergone printing is a printing waste. Waste paper extracted from solid household waste or recycled paper - the least clean. It requires special sanitary treatment. Layer of paper or cardboard in contact with food products, must not contain waste paper.

Raw materials and semi-finished products for cardboard production depend on the type of cardboard and its purpose. For the production of flat cardboard, primary raw materials are used - bleached or unbleached cellulose. To reduce the cost of cardboard, refined waste paper and wood pulp are added to the components.

In the production of corrugated cardboard, sulfate or sulfite unbleached cellulose, wood pulp, cellulose sorting waste, paper pulp from sorted waste paper, unsorted waste paper.