IN last years many citizens of our country began to engage entrepreneurial activity, therefore, almost all niches in the market are occupied by experienced businessmen. If you want to open your own profitable business, you need to find an area in which there is not yet much competition. We bring to your attention several new business ideas in Russia in 2019, which are perfect for budding entrepreneurs.

Sale of used building materials

This is a fairly profitable idea for a new business in Russia. It can be successfully implemented in rural areas, where there are many abandoned houses, farms and other buildings that need to be dismantled. Before doing this, explore the nearest villages to find the owners of old buildings. Agree on a price with them and get to work. New objects for subsequent disassembly can be found through advertisements in local newspapers and the Internet.

The profitability of this new business idea from scratch largely depends on the cost of the material and on what price you can sell it for. The final cost of used building materials, as a rule, does not exceed 70% of their original price. For example, a pack of 1000 red bricks will cost you about 350 rubles. If you add to this all the costs of loading/unloading, transportation and wages to workers, you get 500–550 rubles. A package of red brick can be sold for 1100-1200 rubles. Accordingly, the net profit will be 600–700 rubles. During the day, a team of five workers collects 5-6 packages. From their sale you will earn 3-4 thousand rubles. Used building materials are always used in great demand, so if you can’t find it, try your hand at this area of ​​activity.

Production of mobile holiday houses

Looking for new business ideas in Russia? There are many tourist centers in our country. Since they are used only in the summer, during the cold season the holiday houses are empty and, accordingly, do not generate income for their owners. If you make this temporary housing mobile, you can make money from it all year round not bad money.

The production of mobile houses for vacationers is one of the best new business ideas of 2019. Such buildings are gladly rented by tourist centers and private entrepreneurs who do not have the time and funds to build permanent housing for vacationers. When the business begins to develop and generate solid income, you can purchase or rent land plot in the resort area and open your own camp site there.

Another option is to rent out a mobile home to private individuals with delivery to your vacation spot. Many people like to relax in places where there are no tourist centers or hotels, so they are happy to use this service.

To start such a business, you will need 2–3 million rubles.

Main expense items:

  • Design of buildings;
  • Purchase of materials;
  • Training of masters.

If you manage to organize your business correctly, all initial investments will pay off within 1-2 years. The production of mobile holiday houses is one of the most suitable for budding entrepreneurs living in resort areas.

Living notebooks

This is one of the new business ideas that has not yet been taken up by other entrepreneurs. Such an amazing product as living notebooks has appeared on the market relatively recently, but it is already extremely popular. main feature living notebooks is that various characters, depicted on their cover, can come to life. All you need to do is point your tablet or phone camera at them, and fairy-tale heroes come out of the cover and begin to communicate with the owner of the notebook. This is a real miracle that delights not only children, but also adults.

Everyone knows that notebooks sell in the millions during the school year. They are always in consistently high demand. Every child dreams of living notebooks. The number of people wishing to purchase such a product is increasing geometric progression. You can become the first entrepreneur to offer such products on the domestic market. To implement this idea for a new business from scratch you will not need a large start-up capital. You can return all investments in literally 1–2 months.

Organizing speed dating

This new idea for business with minimal investment Perfect for people with organizational skills. All that is required of you is to provide the conditions so that two lonely hearts can meet and chat at a table in a cafe. For this, event participants pay you a certain amount. In order to start such a business, you do not need start-up investments. All you need are organizational skills and creative thinking. Such a new business idea for beginners has not yet become widespread in our country, so there is practically no competition in this area.

The best place for express dating is a recently opened cafe that does not yet have regular customers. You can agree with its owner on mutually beneficial cooperation. It is desirable that such an establishment be located in the city center, close to business centers. Usually in such places the largest influx of visitors is observed during the lunch break and after the end of the working day. There are practically no customers in the evening hours, so you can organize such parties without any problems. Express dating is a great option, literally from scratch.

To organize one such event for 30–40 people, you will need approximately 10 thousand rubles. Money is needed to purchase light drinks, coffee, fruit and sandwiches. Advertising will require another 10–20 thousand rubles. Questioning of express date participants and sale of entrance tickets is carried out via the Internet. Such a new idea for a small business from scratch brings not only profit, but also a lot of positive emotions because you are doing a noble cause - connecting lonely hearts.

Mobile cafes

Modern people are constantly in a hurry, so they do not have time to eat properly at home. Most often they have a snack in small street cafes with a cup of coffee with a hot dog or hot pie. Such establishments bring good profits to their owners, since they never suffer from a lack of customers.

A mobile cafe on wheels is a new idea for creating a business in the catering industry. To increase the profitability of the project, move your establishment from one point to another. For example, during the day you can start trading near business centers or educational institutions. In the evening, the café on wheels should be moved to a park or entertainment center. In the future, it is possible to create a whole network of mobile cafes, since one point will not bring much profit. According to experts, such a new big business idea opens up broad prospects for budding entrepreneurs.

Venture fund

If you are ready to risk your money for a good profit, open in 2019. Its essence is to finance new business project ideas. In exchange, the venture investor receives a portion of the company's shares. In a few years, if things go well, you can make decent money by selling shares. As a result, you will get back all your initial investment and make a tangible profit. If the project fails, the investor has the right to sell part of the company's assets.

Experts believe that today in our country the most favorable conditions for the development of venture business. If you are looking for ways, take up this risky, but at the same time, quite profitable business.

Country night club

When searching for new business ideas, many budding entrepreneurs lose sight of the countryside. But here you can easily open your own promising business with small investments.

One of the villages is the opening of a small nightclub. Such an establishment will be very popular, since in rural areas there is usually no entertainment. Rent a suitable premises from the village administration, make repairs in it, purchase the necessary equipment and get to work. In order to open such an establishment, you will need 100–150 thousand rubles. The profitability of a business depends on the number of visitors. On average rural night club brings monthly 50 thousand rubles of net income. This is a good new business idea that any beginner can implement from scratch.

Video on the topic Video on the topic

Production of double-glazed windows

Are you interested? Pay attention to such a promising area of ​​activity as the production of double-glazed windows. Such products are purchased by companies that assemble metal-plastic windows.

In order to implement a new business idea for the production of double-glazed windows, you will need special equipment. Assembly production line finished products will cost you 35 thousand euros. In addition, you will need equipment for sealing double-glazed windows. You will spend another 30 thousand euros on us. To understand

For almost a month now, 2016 has become another page in history. For some it was a stage of success, for others it was defeat, and still others were unable to decide on anything, and remained, as they say, “with their own people.” One way or another, we, the team of the “Own Business” blog, congratulate all our readers on the beginning of a new year, full of hopes for everyone, we wish that the coming year will definitely be better than the last, and that the business ideas of 2017 will meet all your expectations for you.

Modern business requires entrepreneurs to have constant control over their business, energetic activity, search for new ways of development, and the introduction of innovative technologies. This is the only way to stay afloat in this difficult time for all businesses. In today’s review, we will show you the best new business ideas of 2017, which, in our opinion, promise to reach the top 10 in terms of profit and demand. This includes popular business ideas in Europe, America (read the top 9 business ideas from the USA), and projects suitable exclusively for our country.

What business is relevant in 2017?

In the process of rapid changes in the global trade market and complex economic relations Between countries, it is quite difficult to confidently predict which business ideas will take leading positions in 2017. For this, it will not be enough even to conduct a thorough analysis of the target audience of market segments, knowledge of the investment opportunities of potential investors, and drawing up an ideal marketing strategy– everything is too unpredictable now.

Formation of new trends in various spheres of life, business, science, etc. forces businessmen interested in success to always be aware of all market opportunities. But in any case, when making a forecast, most experts use data for the outgoing year. We will do the same.

Business ideas 2017 with minimal investment

First of all, as always, we focus on implementing business ideas with minimal investment - today this is the most pressing topic in small and medium-sized businesses. In 2016, questions about how to get a loan from a bank or from a private investor lost their relevance. But others have become important, for example, everything related to investments:

  • where to invest half a million rubles, one hundred thousand rubles, a million
  • and many other similar topics

But not everyone has financial opportunities for investment; most novice entrepreneurs are looking for opportunities to open their own business with minimal investment. And many business ideas of 2017 meet these criteria.

Vape bar

We were told so often from TV screens, magazine pages, and on Internet sites about the dangers of smoking that people finally believed it! But believing is one thing, giving up a bad habit is another. And therefore, electronic cigarettes replaced regular cigarettes.

Omitting discussions about benefit or harm this lesson, let’s say that vape bars are the name of establishments where you can find “like-minded people” and calmly let off steam.” Vape bars replaced hookah bars, which were banned after the introduction of the law prohibiting smoking in public places, and are absolutely legal from a legal point of view.

Selling food in traffic jams

Almost every person living in a densely populated city knows firsthand what traffic jams in Russia actually look like. Standing in a traffic jam for just 1-15 minutes causes irritation, but it happens that the waiting time drags on for a much longer period.

Surely many car owners have irritably brushed aside offers from annoying grannies or unkemptly dressed teenagers scurrying between cars, trying to get run over, and offering pies and other pastries, hot tea and coffee in winter, drinks and ice cream in summer, etc. . It’s a completely different matter if the same assortment is offered by a young man (girl) in branded clothing with a mini-fridge in his hands. Actually, clothes and a refrigerator will account for all the necessary expenses for the implementation of this business idea.

Trading in traffic jams - a current business in 2017 is most suitable for sale to young people - high school students, students, or people who are temporarily unemployed.

At first glance, an unprepossessing business idea, according to the street sellers themselves, up to 5-7 thousand rubles of net income. The range of products offered can be not only food, but also all kinds of car accessories - cheap Chinese fans (especially a popular product in the summer heat), car heaters - in winter, flash drives with audiobooks (if you're going to kill time in a traffic jam, then use it!), charging device for phones, etc.

You can purchase products at wholesale warehouses, enter into contracts with stores, sell your own goods (pies, baked goods, etc.), involving your mother, grandmother, sister in your business, or order on AliExpress.

The only “gap” in the implementation of this business idea is its legal registration. Legalize street trading in traffic jams in accordance with Russian legislation it won't work out. Therefore, you will have to work at your own peril and risk. Although, in practice, the most that police officers do to traders in traffic jams is threaten them with punishment and drive them off the road.

Sale and delivery of environmentally friendly products

Huge demand for environmentally friendly products in Lately can only be compared with sales of essential medicine during an epidemic. Numerous television reports and printed publications about violations in the production and sale of food products.

Organization of delivery service

Of course, everyone knows that everything new is well forgotten old. And therefore, the current business of 2017 has taken over best projects passing year. So, for example, the delivery service organization “roams” from our top best ideas for business for 3 years, each time acquiring new features.

Delivery of food, building materials, medicines, etc. Due to the general shortage of time, it is in increasing demand. In 2017, the number of customers may increase sharply due to offline and online stores, which, often without their own deliveries, resort to the services of third-party organizations.

The undoubted advantage of implementing this project is that there is no need for substantial initial capital. You can start a business with an old car and doing delivery personally. You can even advertise your company at minimal cost. You can find out ways of inexpensive and effective advertising.

Considering the main problem of Russian city roads (besides their condition, of course!) - traffic jams, it would not be out of place to buy a moped, scooter, or bicycle for greater mobility. This will advantageously distinguish the company from its competitors.

The most important thing is to remember that responsible execution of instructions will allow for the most short time significantly expand your business, which is confirmed by a clear example:

Video about what delivery services there are:

Opening of EMS fitness studio

EMS fitness studios appeared relatively recently. Previously, most fitness clubs used old, heavy and uncomfortable wired EMS (EMS) machines, which hindered movement during training and caused inconvenience.

In the summer of 2016, wireless EMS simulators for training and fitness appeared in Russia for the first time - such as the i-Motion wireless EMS suit. Over the past six months, more than 150 fitness studios have opened in Moscow alone. Based on this, you can see a big trend in the growing popularity of this type of business.

People who lead a healthy lifestyle and are concerned about the beauty and health of their body are now paying attention primarily to EMS training. Exercises with EMS equipment are much more convenient and effective than conventional exercises. The principle of EMS training is that you exercise in a special i-Motion suit for only 20 minutes, which is equivalent to 4 hours of intense training in the gym.

Do you have EMS fitness studios in your city? Most likely not yet, so hurry up to open yours and be one of the first. In this business, it is very important to choose the right EMC equipment. Pay attention to Spanish EMS equipment, namely the i-Motion wireless EMS suit - This is an example of high-quality EMC equipment for such training. The i-Motion EMS simulator is certified in Russia, and you do not need a medical license to work with it. The official representative of the manufacturer in Russia offers full service, free education you or your staff, assistance in starting a business.

As for the approximate income from this type of fitness studio, it is quite easy to calculate. The cost of one 20-minute EMS training varies from 500 rubles. up to 3500 rub. (depending on the city, prices vary). Up to 25 EMC workouts can be carried out per day, since underwear sets are provided for each client, and the suit has an antibacterial coating and does not require a long time for its maintenance between workouts different people. Accordingly, the potential income is up to 75,000 rubles per day from one suit. It is also possible to conduct group training for 10 clients at once. This increases your earning potential by 10 times!

The sphere of children's hairdressing services in the country is currently at the stage of development. Nevertheless, its popularity is growing every year, and in 2017 it promises to become one of the most promising areas of small business. Those readers who have ever been to an ordinary hairdresser with a child will immediately understand that this project is simply doomed to success.

Business on the Internet in 2017, just like last year, attracts those who want to start their own business like a magnet. The secret of such attractiveness is simple: firstly, an Internet businessman is his own boss, and secondly, despite the need for special knowledge to make decent money on the Internet, “pushing buttons” on a keyboard is not for you at a machine 12 hours a day stand!

However, to each his own. And no one bothers the same “hard worker” at the machine to learn how to “poke buttons” wisely, master Photoshop, start creating websites, or something else like that. Although at the moment the most profitable income on the World Wide Web is considered to be the creation and sale of training courses.

Each of us is, if not a pro, or even a specialist, then at least good at something. Cross-stitch, plant indoor flowers, masterfully play the guitar or trombone, stand on your hands, read a book upside down, whatever!

To the person himself, his skill may seem insignificant, but in fact, thousands of people quite possibly want to master the same skill. What is important is that people are willing to pay money for it. All you need to do is choose the format for presenting the necessary information, create a video course, and start selling it.

Home repair services

This business idea requires special knowledge and skills. However, having found out how much developers earn mobile applications(up to 200 thousand rubles per month, and this is not the limit!), you can spend a year or two in parallel with your main job on studying.

If you think that this is impossible, think about the fact that you are simply too lazy to build your own in 2-3 years. own business, acquire some knowledge, but it’s not at all a burden to go to a boring job for 30-40 years! Did you like it? Then this is the place for you! Follow the link you will find Full description business ideas for mobile application development.

It's no secret that the economic crisis primarily hit ordinary people. This shows not only the general decline in living standards, but also the increased popularity of pawnshops.

Everyone probably knows what a pawnshop is. Technically, implementing such a business idea is no more difficult than, say, opening a car service or tire repair shop. The only significant obstacle that may arise is the moral and ethical side of the issue, which everyone determines independently.

Gastronomic brand of the locality

Everyone knows what Tula gingerbread is, Vologda butter, Leningrad ice cream, Smolensk grits, Kiev cutlet, Shchebekin pasta. There are a lot of similar “goodies”, the names of which are “tied” to some locality.

However, we think that the essence of the idea has already become clear. Any locality in Russia, be it a large city or a small village, is famous for its culinary product. And if not, then it doesn’t matter. You can come up with such a dish. The most difficult thing remains - to “promote” it in the country’s food market. How to do this - read in one of our next publications, which we will definitely devote to this original business idea.

Popular business ideas 2017 in a private home have very wide range various directions. But the most popular, as always, are those that require the least investment. Such ideas include the sale of homemade preparations - pickles, jams, marinades, etc.

Selling homemade products as an excellent help for retirement is suitable for retirees who have enough free time to care for the garden. The demand for such products is quite stable. Well, if the taste of the product does not disappoint, then we can assume that we have regular customers!

Fixed price store

Cheap is not always bad. This truth has been successfully confirmed over the years by the Fix Price chain stores, the lesser-known Zaodno, Odezhda 3000, and some others. Despite the fact that the shelves of these stores (to be honest!) are filled with outright Chinese consumer goods of the lowest quality, these retail outlets are always full of visitors, and daily revenue in cities with a population of 20 to 50 thousand people “goes off scale” for 50 thousand rubles

The range of such stores is extremely wide - from food and clothing to automotive goods and plumbing tools. Suppliers wholesalers from China. According to Fix Price employees, the average purchase price for goods sold in fixed-price stores in China is 3.7-4.3 rubles.

Taking into account logistics costs, customs duties, VAT, and some other expenses, the cost of this product in Russia rises to 5.9-6.6 rubles. On store shelves, a fixed price is set, for example, 50 rubles. The profitability is simply colossal!

The budget of the whole undertaking will not exceed the opening of a regular store with children's clothing, and the profit is many times greater. By the way, the top American business ideas 2017 and business ideas from Europe 2017 also contain this project.

Probably every woman who wants to start a business has considered the idea of ​​opening her own beauty salon. There is no doubt about it - the business is very profitable and pays off, with proper business management, in literally 10-12 months.

But the pace of life modern society becomes so large that many women simply do not have time to go somewhere to get a manicure, hairstyle, anti-aging procedures, etc. Judge for yourself: in the morning you go to work, in the evening you go home, where you need to spend time with your family, relax, and... that’s it. And the next day - everything is all over again.

This direction is a new word in the opening of gyms in Russia, while in Europe and America EMS fitness is already quite widely developed. First, let's decipher what the abbreviation EMS means. From the English “electric mio stimulation” this literally translates as “electric myostimulation”. The word "myo" here is borrowed from the Greek language - "muscle". That is, the effect of electrical impulses on human muscles, which stimulates them, creating the effect of a full workout.

First of all, EMS fitness is aimed at those people who have little time to visit the gym. Unlike a 1.5-2 hour lesson in gym, a special training suit allows you to work out your muscles in 20-25 minutes with exactly the same effect! Always busy business people will appreciate the EMS simulator.

Implementing such a business idea is not cheap. Not only will you have to organize a fitness club in its usual sense for the average person (you never know who will want to work out in the usual format), plus you will also have to buy an EMS suit, the price of which starts (as of January 2017) from 230 thousand rubles And such a suit will obviously not be needed in a single copy in a fitness studio. However, there is the option of renting such suits or paying for leasing.

The “passions” with the economic sanctions imposed against Russia are beginning to subside, the borders of all states are again open to our compatriots, but the real drop in income is forcing us to turn our attention from attractive foreign resorts deeper into the Russian expanses.

Over the past 2 years, domestic tourism in the country has grown by as much as 35%! One can only imagine what an increase in profits the owners of hotels, mini-hostels, hotels, and other similar establishments received. The question of how to open a hostel - a budget mini-hotel - has become extremely relevant among entrepreneurs.

In terms of tourist attraction, you can choose almost any corner of our vast homeland - almost every locality has its own attractions, various conditions for relaxing and just having a good time. You can find the hostel business plan at this link -


Every cloud has a silver lining - this proverb was very well confirmed by the same economic sanctions against Russia, which raised the domestic agronomic market to a completely different level. Breeding cattle, breeding pigs has again become a relevant business,

Anyone can start their own business small, without major financial investments. The most important thing is to find profitable direction activities. In this article, we have collected several new business ideas for 2019 with minimal investment that will help you make your choice.

Installation of electric fireplaces

Many modern people install fireplaces in their homes, which are a symbol of warmth and home comfort. However, they prefer electric fireplaces. When such a device operates, no smoke or soot is emitted. In addition, they are completely safe and easy to use. For an apartment this is a big plus, since it is quite difficult to install a fireplace in an apartment building.

Installation of electric fireplaces is interesting business an idea with minimal investment that is highly profitable. All you need to implement it is to find reliable suppliers of such devices and study the features of their installation. If you are not starting from scratch, but with a small starting capital, you can hire qualified craftsmen who will install fireplaces, and you will take care of all organizational issues. If there is no budget as such, you will have to independently study all the intricacies of the fireplace installation process.

For those who want to open a business with minimal investment, the idea of ​​installing electric fireplaces will be the starting point for developing their own profitable business. The cost of work ranges from 500–5000 rubles, depending on its complexity. On this moment this niche in the market is practically free, so if you are looking for new business ideas that are not yet occupied, you can safely begin implementing this project.

Of course, some companies provide such a service, but if you offer consumers more favorable conditions, there will be no end to customers. Customers can be found on the Internet, on thematic forums or on social networks. You can also take your business cards to stores that sell electric fireplaces. Overall, installing electric fireplaces is a good idea for a profitable business with minimal investment, which deserves more detailed study.


  • Small investment;
  • Fast start;
  • Decent profit;
  • Low competition.


  • Seasonality;
  • Responsibility for the quality of installation.

Children's electric car rental

As a rule, almost all of the newest business ideas in 2019 are distinguished by their simplicity. For example, in all major cities You can find a rental point for children's electric vehicles. This is one of the best business ideas with minimal investment that can be implemented in any region of our country. A novice entrepreneur who does not have a large start-up capital can initially purchase 6-7 machines and gradually replenish the assortment, thereby expanding his business.

One electric car pays for itself literally after 5 days of operation. Of course, such a new business idea from scratch is considered seasonal, but if you try hard, you can earn money over the summer and open a children’s cafe next to the rental site, which will operate all year round.

A children's electric car costs 12–20 thousand rubles. In addition, you need to purchase several spare batteries and hire a technician to service your “vehicle fleet”. If each unit is occupied for 5 hours per day and the average cost of 10 minutes of rental is 100 rubles, you can earn 3 thousand rubles from each electric vehicle. Agree that this new idea will bring good income. This is a great option.


  • Fairly high income;
  • Small investment;
  • Development prospects;
  • Fast payback.


  • Seasonality.

Child psychologist's office

Looking for fresh ones? A good option is a children's psychological office. With proper promotion, such a business can develop into quite profitable business with special specificity.

The office of a child psychologist should be located on the ground floor of any building, but the room should have its own separate entrance. It is advisable to create a play therapy area in the room. Rendering psychological assistance is not considered a medical service, therefore, to implement this new business idea in 2019, you will not need a special license. But only a qualified specialist with a diploma of specialized education can conduct an appointment in a psychologist’s office.

Work with clients can be carried out in the following areas:

  • Resolving disputes between parents and adolescents;
  • Resolving family conflicts;
  • Social relations;
  • General services.

You will spend approximately 100 thousand rubles on paying for rent, advertising and purchasing office equipment. The profitability of this idea for small business with minimal investment depends on the professionalism of the psychologist. The more competent the specialist, the higher his image and, accordingly, the greater the financial return. On average, a consultation in a psychologist’s office costs 300–500 rubles. If a specialist accepts 5 clients per day, this new business idea in Russia 2019 will pay for itself in 2–3 months.


  • Fast payback;
  • Small investment;
  • High demand for the service.


Making sleep masks

Recently, many people who want to start their own business are interested in... Experts recommend that aspiring entrepreneurs take a closer look at the idea of ​​starting a business with minimal investment - sewing sleep masks. All you need for work is an ordinary sewing machine, your imagination and a little free time.

The sleep mask consists of three layers:

  • Soft natural fabric;
  • Dense layer of soft fabric;
  • Decorative fabric.

Since sewing a mask does not require a lot of fabric, the cost of such a product will be low even if you sew it from expensive material. To decorate the mask, you can use beads, ribbons, sequins, various funny appliqués and funny inscriptions.

One seamstress can sew 5–10 masks per day. Such products cost about 700 rubles on the market. The price of exclusive models reaches 2 thousand rubles. As you can see, with the right approach they can generate decent income.

This has not yet become widespread, so novice entrepreneurs have every chance to achieve great success and take its place in this market segment.


  • Lack of competition;
  • Minimum investment;
  • Simple technology.


  • Difficulties in selling finished products.

Liquorice candies

Among large-scale business projects, a new idea for the production of licorice candies stands out for its originality and quick payback. Various medicinal herbs are added to these sweets, so they are considered dietary. In addition, licorice candies are used to improve immunity, as well as treat various respiratory diseases.

If we focus consumers' attention on medicinal properties products, this idea of ​​creating a new business will become popular and quite profitable. In order to start the production of licorice sweets, you will need a spacious room and special equipment:

  • Industrial oven;
  • Cooking device;
  • Packing machine;
  • Drying;
  • Belt conveyor.

You will spend about 650 thousand rubles on the purchase of industrial equipment. Another 200–300 thousand rubles will be spent on the purchase of raw materials and other additional expenses. In general, you will need 1 million rubles to implement this new, relevant business idea.

Finished products can be sold through confectionery stores and supermarkets. Try to organize sales in different regions of our country. The retail price of licorice candies is 1 thousand rubles per 1 kg. If you sell at least 500 kg of finished products per month, the revenue will be 500 thousand rubles. Such a new idea for a start-up business, with constant sales of finished products, pays for itself in 1–1.5 years.


  • Good income;
  • Low level of competition.


  • Large capital investment.

Design Studio

Some believe that during the crisis there is a lull in the market for design services. Citizens who buy housing try to quickly make inexpensive repairs, so they do without the help of “apartment stylists.” But, despite this, the top business ideas with minimal investment, compiled experienced experts, includes a project to open a design studio. It's about about the services of designers specializing in economy class renovations. They provide clients with quality home design projects at affordable prices. Any aspiring entrepreneur, due to its versatility and affordable prices, can take its place in the design market.

Design studio is an idea ready-made business with minimal investment. All you need to implement it is your knowledge and creativity, as well as an Internet resource with which you will promote your services. Since such a business does not require significant expenses, it will make a profit almost immediately. Design development costs an average of 1 thousand rubles per 1 sq. m. meter. That is, if you design at least one apartment with an area of ​​50 square meters every month. meters, you can earn 50 thousand rubles.


  • Fast start;
  • Lack of large capital investments;
  • Short payback periods.


  • High competition;
  • Difficulty finding clients.

Sturgeon farm

If you watch videos of new business ideas on the Internet, you will probably pay attention to such an interesting and quite profitable activity as sturgeon breeding. This breed of fish is valued not only for its caviar, but also for its incredibly tasty meat, which has very few bones. Some sturgeon breeds can be bred in freshwater reservoirs and even at home. This is the newest business idea that is perfect for aspiring entrepreneurs living in rural areas.

Everyone knows that fish farming is a fairly profitable activity, but in order to organize sturgeon farm, you will need large starting capital. In fact, for purchase necessary equipment, fry and feed you will spend only 4–5 thousand dollars. Typically, sturgeon are grown to 500–600 g and sold in bulk to restaurants. Big fish they are reluctant to buy it, so there is no point in growing it to large sizes. One fry costs 2–3 dollars. Adult fish, weighing 500–600 g can be sold for 10–11 dollars. If you subtract all expenses, you get 5 dollars of net income from each individual. As you can see, they really show good profitability.

There is constant demand for certain types of goods and services, and new relevant business niches are emerging in 2017.


The number of small businesses in the country is growing every year, despite the forecasts of skeptics. From August 1 this year, the Federal Tax Service opened for common use The Unified Register of SMEs, and as of this date there were 5,523,765 entries in it. As of December 1, there were already 5,841,509, that is, over 4 months their number increased by almost 6%. This suggests that the flow of people wishing to open their own business is not decreasing. To understand what business is relevant in 2017, we will note the niches in which there is an increase in business activity and present expert forecasts.

Current business model: Opening a company for renting handymen, income 1.7 million rubles. in year .

A brief overview of statistics: how small businesses fare

According to Rosstat data in 2015, a significant part of SMEs are engaged in the field of trade and personal services related to the repair of household appliances and personal items (Fig. 1).

It is interesting that an analysis of the number of unprofitable enterprises shows minor fluctuations over the past three years (Table 2). From the data presented we can conclude that this value is rather stable for each type of activity. So, better results in wholesale, retail trade, and, oddly enough, in construction.

Table 2. Share of unprofitable small enterprises as a percentage of the total number according to financial statements. Source: Rosstat directory, 2015.


Agriculture, hunting and forestry

Fishing, fish farming


Manufacturing industries

Production and distribution of electricity, gas and water


Wholesale trade, including trade through agents

Retail trade, except trade in motor vehicles and motorcycles

Repair of cars, motorcycles, household products

Hotels and restaurants

Transport and communications

Real estate transactions, rental and provision of services

Scientific research and development


Health and social service provision

Provision of other utility, social and personal services

There are no data for the last two years yet, and it is clear that the situation in the economy during this time, at least, has not improved. The RSBI Support Index, compiled quarterly based on a survey of entrepreneurs, helps to assess which industries show greater business activity. Its normal value is 50% and above. The graph shows that since January of this year, all areas of activity have shown growth (Fig. 2).

Where is it better for an entrepreneur: trade, services and production

Despite the relative recovery, all indicators are below normal; things are slightly better in manufacturing business. Over the three years, trade and services showed the largest decline in profitability. Real income population in the 4th quarter of 2015, when the minimum activity was observed, fell by 9.8% compared to the previous December.


Gradually, retailers adjusted to the changing demand of the population, and according to the survey, in the 3rd quarter of this year, 19% of entrepreneurs noted an increase in revenue (13% in the second), and the share of those for whom it fell decreased to 33% (from 43%). Of course, food stores have an advantage. The change in demand by product groups and types of services for 6 months (Q4 2015 - Q1 2016) is shown in Figure 4.

The rise in prices did not compensate for the drop in demand (almost 30%) for household appliances and electronics, accessories, cosmetics. Children's clothing and goods suffered less than others (6-7%). As a result, most retailers are seeing a drop in revenue. However, against this pessimistic background, promising trends are also noted.

Internet trade and its services

There is an increase in sales in online stores. According to Yandex.Market, in 2015, 23.5% more goods were sold than the year before. The flow of buyers from regions remote from the center is growing especially rapidly: the Urals, Siberia. Thus, when thinking about what kind of business to open in 2017, you should pay attention to everything related to online trading, including storage and delivery of goods. Thus, according to the director of SDEK (operator, Novosibirsk), for 9 months of 2016 the increase in applications was 76% compared to the same period of the previous year. In the delivery industry, you can open a franchise business.

SDEK franchise

The main activity is express delivery of goods and documents. Proposals from all cities, including small ones, and CIS countries are considered. Investment size from 200,000 rubles, lump sum contribution - 150,000 rubles, royalties with deferred payment after 6 months - 10%.


In this area, services aimed at the end consumer have become less in demand. People's demands have become more modest, catering business sank, the demand for educational courses for adults has decreased. At the same time, the needs in the B2B segment are constantly growing - business to business is more relevant than ever. Promising niches It's worth looking in this direction. Among services directly for the population, three niches can be distinguished that are successfully developing despite the crisis.

1. Fast food cafe, fast food

In 2015, the fast food market showed an increase in turnover by 4%, while in general catering - by 1% (data from NPD Group). In the 1st quarter of 2016, restaurant traffic fell by 14%, while coffee shops and fast food outlets increased by 4% and 3%, respectively. Over 9 months, restaurant income decreased by 1.4% in monetary terms, their share in the total volume of catering enterprises - from 38% to 34%, and fast food expanded to 39% (from 35%).

2. Protecting the interests of bank borrowers

A study by the Sequoia Credit Consolidation company showed that over 9 months of this year, banks sold to collectors record amount debts - 245 billion rubles. It exceeded last year's figure for the same period by 42%. At the same time, the share of mortgage loans sold increased to 6% (1% a year earlier). Considering the recently introduced institution of bankruptcy individuals, it is promising to open a business to protect the rights of borrowers. As successful example You can cite the STOP LOAN company from the city of Ufa, which in 2015 opened 10 franchise enterprises throughout Russia. This business is relevant, and a legal education is not necessary for the organizer.

Editor's note: You can find out more about the proposed business model in the article “Business for protecting the rights of a creditor”.

3. Opening a specialized pharmacy

Sales medicines, as can be seen from the “Store Store” study (Fig. 4), are at a level above average - 6.3 out of 10. The chain pharmacy market is heavily monopolized, and it is becoming increasingly difficult for an individual entrepreneur to survive. Imported medicines have become more expensive, so people are starting to buy more inexpensive Russian medicines from trusted manufacturers. In this situation, a good solution may be to switch to a franchise of a well-known brand. For example, it is offered by the domestic company Evalar. According to Vladimir Blinke, the first franchisee who came under the wing of this brand in 2013, in Novosibirsk over the past couple of years, competition in this market has increased 3 times. At the same time, he maintained his position, opened 5 new pharmacies, and the average bill increased by 30%.

As for development in the sphere of services for enterprises (B2B), outsourcing of all types continues to actively develop: IT services, accounting and tax consulting. The turnover of these types of businesses in monetary terms in 2015 increased by 8%. A relatively new promising direction has emerged - the provision of services by third-party organizations in the field of labor protection, technical safety, and industrial safety equipment. Here are two areas that are still poorly developed, and the need for which will grow.

  1. Removal and processing of MSW


As shown above (Figure 2), manufacturing small businesses show the highest business activity index over the past two years. Regional subcontracting (production of parts based on orders from large enterprises) and agriculture are actively developing. Below are two promising directions for small businesses.

1 Production of children's toys

Sales of children's toys grew by 8% in 2015, and although this is less than in previous years, there is still demand for them. The problem is that they are expensive, since the goods are mainly imported from abroad (70% from China). Only 10% of them are produced in Russia. The owner of the Market-Igrushka children's goods chain, Oleg Vitkovsky, turned to Chelyabinsk entrepreneurs with a request to organize their production under the store's brand. So far, 10 enterprises have responded to the offer. Everything is required: children's furniture, plastic cars, construction sets. The company's head office is located in Yekaterinburg.

2 Food production

Food products are always in demand and do not require advertising. It’s difficult to call this niche free, but people’s needs are so diverse that there is a place for everyone. This is evidenced by the history of the creation of meat snacks for healthy eating.

Two young entrepreneurs Kirill Prudnikov and Dmitry Kolesnikov drew attention to the fact that most of sweet “snack” products: nuts, candy bars, and we decided to produce snacks from jerky. The business was started in mid-2015, with 500,000 of their own funds invested. In December they found two sponsors who invested about 8 million rubles in the project. Now low-calorie “Smeat” is sold in 150 points of Moscow and St. Petersburg, in fitness clubs, gas stations, and mini-cafes. Revenue in 2016 amounted to 1.7 million rubles. Interestingly, the business took an unexpected turn. “Culinary” experts told the entrepreneurs that the product turned out to be “Asian taste”, and in soon friends are going to present it in China at the Russin Gastro exhibition in Beijing.

Experienced businessmen say that the key to success in the manufacturing field is the golden rule: “don’t look for a way to sell what you make, but make what sells.” In most cases this is true, but the last example is rather an exception. Meat snacks hardly have a chance to become a mass product in Russia, but thanks to their “exotic” taste, they can become a profitable export product.

Thus, the question: what business is profitable to open in 2017 has many answers. The main thing is to find a suitable option for yourself, and one that others need.

To get a high income, it is not necessary to invest several million rubles in a business. Even with minimal expenses you can organize a profitable business.

In the article we have prepared examples of profitable businesses with minimal investments, relevant for Moscow and other Russian cities.

The most profitable business with minimal investment: what is profitable in 2017

Analysts note positive trends in the development of Russian business. It is expected that pre-crisis market turnover will recover by the fall of 2017. Therefore, now is the right time to start your own business, even with a small amount of funds.

Follow these rules to open a profitable business with minimal investment:

  • Choose a business area that does not require expensive money or bulk purchases. Look for a business that requires a minimum of equipment and consumables.
  • The smaller the area of ​​the premises, the lower the rental costs. The cheapest option is to work without an office or retail space. For example, on the Internet.
  • Minimum staff. There are business formats in which the owner can work himself.

Profitable business on the Internet: online projects with minimal investment

The Internet is a universal platform for entrepreneurs. Through the website and other resources you can sell, provide services or train. The main advantage of doing business on the Internet is a wide target audience and a minimum of material assets.

The cost of running an online business is minimal. You can make a website or page yourself on a free resource. If this is not possible, order website development from IT companies or freelancers. contextual advertising will help you quickly make yourself known, and SEO promotion will help you get to the top positions in search engines.

Profitable online business: trading with minimal costs

The most common type of business is online stores. You don't need any special knowledge or experience to trade. The working mechanisms are simple and clear: I bought goods cheaper, sold them at a higher price, and kept the difference for myself.

But new sellers often don’t have the funds to purchase goods, and some are afraid to take risks. If you fail to sell the batch, over time you will have to sell it cheaper and lose potential profits.

There are two options to reduce the risks of online trading:

  • Purchase small quantities of trendy goods. This will allow you to quickly respond to market needs.
  • Work using the dropshipping system. You establish contact with a reseller or manufacturer and accept orders for their products. In this case, you do not need to maintain a warehouse and purchase goods with your own money. You pay the supplier only after the client pays. You do not invest your funds and do not risk going into the red.

How to open a profitable business on the Internet with minimal investment

Use your knowledge and experience. The most popular areas of business on the Internet are IT companies. Creation and promotion of websites, applications for mobile phones, advertising - these services will be in demand in 2017 and subsequent years. Design your website, post your portfolio and accept orders.

Through the Internet, you can tutor remotely, teach online courses in foreign languages, cooking, musical instruments, develop and conduct individual sports training. Investments in business are only needed to create a website and advertise it.

Business with small investments: profitable business in trade

Profitability point of sale depends on several factors:

  • Demand for goods
  • Volume trade margin
  • Rental, equipment and payroll costs

To cut costs, you need to find an in-demand product at a low wholesale price, rent a small space and hire minimal amount workers. The retail island format fits all these parameters perfectly.

Trading islands are located in areas with high traffic, but occupy a small area. The only equipment needed is shelving and cash machine. Trade requires only two workers, and to increase profits, the owner can go behind the counter himself.

The main thing is that your products are in demand among a wide target audience. As a rule, these are trendy products. In 2016, these became electronic cigarettes, as well as sports nutrition. In 2017, the demand for these goods will continue, but there are already enough sellers on the market with an established customer base. The new player will face high competition.

Business in the service sector: current for 2017

In the service sector business, the main place is occupied by the skills of employees and the result of their work. There are several business ideas for which in the first stages of work you will only need a small office and computer equipment.

For example, recruitment agencies. They search for employers and select employees.

In 2017, demand for services to the population and business will continue. If you are looking for a direction with minimal investment, consider these ideas:

  • Cleaning companies. To operate, you need cleaning supplies and a couple of employees.
  • Call centers. Your employees can work remotely. Costs are only for advertising and communications.
  • Repair service. This is a popular business; it is profitable to open it both in the city center and in a residential area. Repair what you know - shoes, bags, phones, computers. There will always be clients. The main thing is to find a reliable supplier of parts at low prices.

In public catering with minimal investment

Most business formats in public catering require significant investments. But if you know how to profitably organize a business, you can get by with up to 500,000 rubles.

Coffee to go is a business format that requires a small area, a coffee machine and a skilled barista. Place all this in a place with high traffic and the investment will pay off in just a couple of months.

Street food is a small point on the street where they sell fast food. Two employees can work in shifts, prepare hot dogs, burgers or waffles, and sell drinks. This format will require small investments.

Beauty: a relevant and profitable business

All people want to look attractive, so the beauty business remains one of the most popular areas. If you are just starting a business and are not ready to risk large investments to open a beauty salon, consider more budget formats, for example, a nail bar or a brow bar. Their advantages:

  • Saving on rent. All you need is a small area in a shopping center.
  • Small staff. 2 - 4 craftsmen working in shifts are enough.
  • Low costs for equipment and materials.

What is the most profitable business in Russia now?

Business without investment is a myth. In any case, you will have to spend money on registering an individual entrepreneur and pay state fees. But you can always find new areas of business that have just begun to develop, create demand among buyers, but do not require large investments.

Monitor public interests and business trends. I miss the moment when a product or service comes into fashion. Low competition in the new market will help you quickly make a profit.