Alena Alekseevna Shishkova, now known as Timati's ex-wife and a popular Russian model, was born on November 12, 1992 in the Siberian city of Tyumen. Creative abilities began to appear in the child very early in life. early age, although there were no special prerequisites for doing modeling.

Childhood photo of Alena Shishkova

The girl sang and played the guitar, however music career It never happened for Alena. IN adolescence she tried herself as a model and found her calling in this profession. Since then, Alena Shishkova has taken part in various events- first in the Tyumen competition “Image-2008”, then in international project"Cover Beauty Look-2011". And finally, she reached the first serious peak of her career as a finalist of Miss Russia 2012.

Alena Shishkova and her mother


After receiving the title at the Miss Russia competition, Alena’s biography began to attract the attention of not only her fellow countrymen, but also the whole country. And although the girl did not manage to get first place, she was remembered by the audience for her original answer to a question from the audience from the audience.

Alena's 2 minutes of shame

Her beauty played no less role in Shishkova’s popularity, captivating both ordinary fans and celebrities such as.

Participation in the prestigious Moscow competition not only made Alena Shishkova famous, but also provided her with new opportunities. For example, immediately after Miss Russia, the girl was offered a job at the Renaissance modeling agency in the capital. And later they began to invite us abroad - to Milan and Tokyo.

In December 2015, Alena Shishkova’s photo appeared on the cover of the popular men’s magazine Maxim.

Style and appearance

Speaking about Alena's appearance, it is impossible not to focus on the changes that have occurred with the model in Lately.

The girl herself does not hide the fact that in 2011 she enlarged her lips and changed the shape of her nose, and later got 2 tattoos.

Alena Shishkova VS Megan Fox

Meanwhile, even before the operations she looked quite attractive, and she decided to improve her appearance in an effort to become like American actress Megan Fox and match the appearance of many other modern models.

Alena Shishkova before and after plastic surgery

In addition to surgical changes, the girl dyes her hair, going to famous European salons for this, and constantly goes on a diet, maintaining a weight of about 55 kg with a height of 175 cm.

In clothes, Alena Shishkova prefers such popular brands as Christian Louboutin, LouisVuitton and Dolce&Gabbana.

Although, as can be seen from her numerous photographs on the Internet, almost any outfit suits her - from leggings to evening dresses.

Personal life

Maxim Koval and Alena Shishkova

For the first time about personal life Alena Shishkova started talking after she met Maxim Koval, the goalkeeper of the Kyiv football team"Dynamo".

The couple found each other on the Internet, after which they began a correspondence that ended in a personal meeting and a small romance. At that time, Alena was making a career in the Russian capital and at the same time studying correspondence department Tyumensky state university, so I traveled a lot around the country. At the same time, the model also managed to visit Kyiv, where she was often spotted with Maxim. The relationship did not last too long, but was remembered by Shishkova’s fans.

Timati and Alena Shishkova

In 2012, Alena first met the singer (Timur Yunusov), who was then at the very peak of his fame. By January 2013, everyone knew about the beginning of the romance between the model and the rapper domestic stars, and after their joint appearance on “Song of the Year” - the whole country. At the same time, the girl was not on stage with him, but only appeared with him arm in arm backstage a few times.

In March 2014, Shishkova gave birth to a daughter, who received the name Alisa from her parents. But a year later Alena broke up, although the singer continues to take part in raising the child. The breakup did not go too smoothly, especially since even before the divorce, the model almost openly dated another football player, this time from Dynamo Moscow - Anton Shunin.

Anton Shunin and Alena Shishkova

And by the end of last year, information appeared on the Internet about Shishkova’s relationship with Russian actor Andrey Chadov.

Andrey Chadov and Alena Shishkova

Evidence of the beginning of the romance was a photo of a kissing couple at a concert of the group “Spleen”.

In the spring of 2016, to celebrate his daughter’s second birthday, the rapper himself spent the whole day on vacation in the Dominican Republic, where the model lived for some time.

The ex-spouses did not hide the temporary warming of relations and posted photographs from the holiday on their pages on social networks. It seemed that they were practically reunited, but there were no comments on the questions asked by Alena Shishkova and Timur about the resumption of the romance.


Like many domestic stars, model Alena Shishkova became a participant in more than one scandal. The very first was a rather strange answer from a girl to a question from “Miss USSR 1990” at the Miss Russia competition. This moment was called “two minutes of shame,” although, most likely, the participant was simply worried.

Subsequently, changes in Alena’s appearance were criticized, including the results of her plastic surgery and diets. On one of latest photos Shishkova is unrecognizable after she lost several kilograms.

The most scandalous photo turned out to be the “lift look” - a photograph in an elevator. Instagram users accused the model of being too thin and even called her tongue, which Alena showed into the smartphone camera, thin.

In July, she received criticism from fans because of her online publication of her dancing on the roof of an SUV. Standing with her hands raised on the Gelendvagen, Shishkova signed the photo with the word “Friday!”, for which she was showered with insults and advice to raise a child and not go on night walks. However, the model also had defenders who believed that even young mothers need to rest.

Despite continuing to work in the modeling and advertising business, social life and novels, Shishkova also shows herself in the role of a mother. Although, due to lack of time, from last fall to the end of this spring, her daughter Alisa spent more than six months in the Dominican Republic with her mother Timati.

Now the girl lives with Alena again, although she spends a significant part of her time with her father and both grandmothers. And among the model’s usual Instagram posts from photo shoots and parties, pictures of her with her child began to appear.

Alena Shishkova with her mother and Alisa

Shishkova also posted several photos with her mother on the Internet.

Intimate photo sessions of Alena Shishkova

An enviable Russian groom, rapper Timati, managed to reach heights not only in the musical field, but also on the love front. His girls in different time became the most beautiful women capital Cities. And although the performer does not like to talk too much about his personal life, nevertheless, fans are concerned about who the ladies next to him are. Most big victory Timati can be called a civil marriage and the birth of a daughter. And although it was not possible to save the relationship, Timati still considers his wife and daughter to be his closest ones. ABOUT ex-wife rap artist, as well as her life after divorce in this article.

short biography

Alena was born in November 1992. Since her parents had no more children besides her, she and early childhood got all the best. In general, the girl grew creative personality. She played the guitar a lot and sang quite well. As a teenager, she was lucky enough to be on the cover of a glossy magazine. He turned her life around and gave birth to Alena’s new dream - to become a model. From an early age, Shishkova’s appearance attracted the attention of others, so she had all the data to make this dream come true in her pocket.

Modeling career

Having finally decided to devote my life modeling business, a young girl, like all aspiring models, tried her hand at local beauty contests. Taking first places, she became more and more convinced that she was on the right path.

Having passed all sorts of small competitions, Alena decided to try her luck at the Miss Russia competition. Then she did not win the main prize and the winner's crown, but was able to take second place of honor. The judges and spectators really liked the blond beauty, who amazed everyone with her spontaneity and openness.

After participating in the Miss Russia competition, many roads were opened for the model. She began to be invited to film shoots and shoot for magazine covers. The girl even signed a lucrative contract with one Moscow modeling agency. Subsequently, I traveled abroad more than once, because... liked not only Russian fashion gurus, but also foreign ones.

Plastic surgery

Timati's ex-wife never made a secret of what operations on her appearance she resorted to throughout her life. The model honestly admits that at one time she had rhinoplasty and lip augmentation. And although Alena’s appearance was very attractive even before plastic surgery, the girl believes that the changes benefited her, and she became even more confident. In the article, the photo shows Timati's wife before and after plastic surgery.

Meet Timati

The story of how the Russian rapper and model met began at the end of 2012, on the set of the artist’s video. According to him, then quite a lot of girls came to the shooting, and since the scene was supposed to be quite explicit, the girls had to be in lingerie. Even before filming began, the models tried to impress the artist. good impression, so they arrived in miniskirts and high heels.

Among the decorated young ladies was future wife Timati - Alena Shishkova. She stood out from everyone else. She was wearing sneakers and practically no makeup. With its simplicity and beautiful appearance, it attracted the rapper. At the end of filming, he found her phone number and decided to ask her on a date. But it was not there. The singer, accustomed to excessive female attention, was turned away. The model simply did not answer the call.

Subsequently, they corresponded for several months only via SMS, without communicating in person. Alena delayed the meeting with Timati, telling him that she was either in Paris or Milan. Three months later, luck finally smiled on him, and the girl agreed to a date.

But Timati decided to take revenge on her for the months of waiting and disappeared after the first meeting, deciding to check how Shishkova would behave. Alena wrote to him herself. From that moment on, they never parted.

Birth of a daughter

Six months after they met, Alena found out that she was pregnant. And although she was not Timati’s wife, the rapper, having learned about the imminent addition, was incredibly happy. The couple decided to give birth to a child in one of the hospitals in the Dominican Republic. During childbirth happy father was next to his beloved. And he even cut the umbilical cord of his child. The baby was born quite large by standard standards - 4 kilograms. Timati and his wife came up with a very fabulous and beautiful name for the girl - Alice. The new parents doted on their baby, pampering and caring for her. Alisa’s paternal grandmother, Simon, also made a big contribution to the girl’s upbringing.

Parting with Timati

Despite the rather tender relationship between the spouses, in 2015 the couple announced their separation. Alena Shishkova, Timati’s wife, told the press that she and the father of her child decided to end the relationship on a good note. Both decided not to talk about the reasons and personal experiences, saying that their personal life is personal for that reason, so as not to advertise the details.

After the separation, Timati’s ex-wife shared that the rapper was actively involved in Alice’s life. He supports her completely and often spends time with his beloved daughter. Also, Timati’s ex-wife, daughter and the performer himself celebrate birthdays together, organizing beautiful holidays.

Alena herself is not deprived of attention ex-husband, every now and then receiving pleasant, expensive gifts from him.

New relationship with Dynamo football player

After the “divorce,” Alena Shishkova, in her usual manner, decided to once again keep silent about her new relationship. But the astute paparazzi declassified the name of the new lover ex-wife Timati. New passion Dynamo football player Anton Shunin became the girl. The couple relaxed together at the sea, posting joint photos. Shishkova introduced Shunin to her daughter Alisa. And everyone began to prophesy that she would finally find family happiness and an official marriage. But just a couple of months later, this relationship with the model ended.

Rumors about an affair with Pavel Durov

After Shunin, Alena was credited with several more novels with famous people. To the surprise of many, one of them turned out to be a businessman, as well as the founder social network"VKontakte" Pavel Durov. The reason for such speculation was certain facts. For example, Durov was actually present at one of the birthdays of model Alena Shishkova. To prove this, there are photographs in which young people stand side by side. Moreover, in the hands of Alena luxurious bouquet roses, presumably given by Pavel.

Before the talk about photography had died down, Durov again added fuel to the fire of passions and posted a video that described the new capabilities of his application. In this video on the phone screen, as an example, there is a correspondence with Alena Shishkova. After this gesture, users were even more convinced that there was something between these two.

Shishkova also posted photos near the plane. Attentive subscribers discovered that the plane belongs to Durov. The girl herself did not comment on such messages.

And to top it all off, the journalists got photos taken by a photographer in Paris, which depict two lovers, very similar to Durov and Shishkova. It is quite problematic to say for sure whether it is them, since the people in the photo are standing with their backs turned, but based on some details, they were able to be identified.

Until now, Alena has not given any explanations about her personal life, which worries her subscribers so much. And he still remains silent, making rare hints.

How is life as a model now?

More recently, Alena and her friend opened a beauty salon in the capital. On her Instagram, the model shared the good news with her fans. When she opened her beauty corner, the girl did not expect the response that she received literally within a couple of hours after the publication of the post. The number left under the post about the salon simply began to receive calls from those wishing to sign up for procedures. Alena, realizing that the demand for the salon was clearly emerging, said that she would work at double the speed to satisfy everyone.

Timati's wife's growing daughter and her grandmother on this moment live in the Dominican Republic. Despite this, little Alice sees her mom and dad quite often. Timati does not forget about his beloved heiress and, if possible, spends several days with her.

Having learned that the girl was being raised by Simone's grandmother, many subscribers were very indignant, vehemently expressing their opinions. Timati’s mother is a very active woman, and also quite young, she loves her granddaughter very much and devotes all her time to her so that Alice’s parents can develop and work in Moscow.

The rapper's heiress even has her own page on Instagram, which is run by her grandmother Simone on her behalf. She is the one who tells the world about how the baby is developing, what her hobbies are, and also about her health.

As you know, Alice has some problems with her eyes. Timati's mother said that when the girl was just born, she immediately saw that one of her eyes was squinting. But since doctors insist on simple observation until the age of two, since the optic nerve is not yet formed, the parents decided to wait. When the baby turned 2 years old, the doctor prescribed her glasses. The girl wore them with pleasure. Alisa’s grandmother says that now, in addition to glasses, she does eye gymnastics for the girl. And she assures that it is only a matter of time, and soon Alice will be completely healthy.

More recently on the photo strip on Instagram Timati, his wife and daughter were together. However, at the beginning of 2015, the star couple announced their separation. What caused the collapse of the relationship of such a beautiful couple?

Timati: brief information

If you try to make a list of the biggest stars of Russian hip-hop, then Timati will be one of the first lines. This is not only a Russian, but also a world-class performer who has collaborated with the largest professionals in his genre. In social life, he is known for his shocking behavior, which has earned him not only fans, but also haters.

He founded his first group while still at school. In 1999, he managed to appear in the video of the then king of Russian-language rap, Decl. However, since then they creative ways separated. Five years later, Timur joined the main cast of the Star Factory and created the Banda group. In 2006, he released his debut album, and in 2012 he made people talk about himself as a world star with the English-language album “SWAGG”.

Personal life of one of the largest Russian stars has long been under the radar of the yellow press. Among his most famous companions:

  • Alexa- the daughter of a major Ukrainian businessman, with whom he began dating back at the Star Factory. But the affair was relatively short-lived;
  • Ksenia Sobchak- Timati allegedly had an amorous relationship with her, but, most likely, this was a journalistic “duck”;
  • Masha Malinovskaya- singer, actress and model;
  • Victoria Bonya- the heroine of one of the rapper’s videos. Whether they were actually a couple remained a mystery;
  • Sofia Rudyeva- a professional model, one of Timur’s few serious hobbies. There were even plans for a wedding, but they were not destined to come true;
  • Among his later hobbies - M Ila Volchek and Angelina Bashkina who are neither actresses nor singers.

However, the only girl who gave him a child is Tyumen model Alena Shishkova.

Alena Shishkova: who is this?

The girl who gave birth to the rapper’s child is almost ten years younger than him: she was born in 1992 in Tyumen. Since childhood, she has participated in beauty contests and successfully won them. Among her achievements:

  • Miss Hope (2008);
  • Miss Dream (2008);
  • Miss Little Sunshine (2008);
  • Miss Sunshine (2010);
  • "Supermodel" (2010).

However finest hour For the girl, 2012 was the year when she took second place in the Miss Russia competition. From that moment on, she turned from an ordinary fashion model into a socialite. She began to be invited to social events, where top officials were present Russian show-business.

The girl’s career is constantly developing: she can rightfully consider herself a world-class model, being a welcome guest in modeling agencies in Russia, the USA, Europe and Asia. In particular, in 2013 she graced the catwalk at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week.

Love story

The romance of one of the largest hip-hop artists in Russia with a promising socialite carefully hidden from prying eyes. It is only known that Timur had to make a lot of effort and give more than one bouquet of roses to the Tyumen beauty before she agreed.

The public was given knowledge only of those facts that the couple themselves wanted to disclose, which is why information about them is extremely fragmentary. Among what became known:

  • They met in November 2012 in Ukraine during the filming of a video for Timati’s song. Alice amazed the rapper there with her beauty (shortly before this she had undergone plastic surgery in America);
  • The relationship was kept secret until 2013, when the girl accompanied her lover to the “Song of the Year” competition;
  • After some time, Timur introduced his beloved to his parents, and then they began to live together.

What is the name and age of Timati’s daughter?

The girl’s pregnancy was also kept in the strictest confidence: in order not to give food to the paparazzi, Alena prudently flew to Dominican Republic, where the mother-in-law took care of the offspring. Although gossips they say that migration was only a mercantile way to give the unborn child citizenship of this sunny country.

Be that as it may, the birth of the baby was a bolt from the blue for the unsuspecting Russian bohemia.

A girl was born on March 19, 2014. The father was not afraid to be present at the birth of the child and even cut the umbilical cord. According to witnesses, brutal in ordinary life Timur shed a tear when he saw his daughter.

girl named after mother - Alice.

The couple spent a few more months in the Dominican Republic, and then returned to Moscow. There, Timati, to celebrate, gave the girl an expensive toy - a Mercedes jeep worth the price of a good Moscow apartment. And after some time, the beauty showed off a watch worth more than ten thousand dollars on her hand.

Alena Shishkova forbade Timati to see her daughter?

However common child did not turn cohabitants into spouses. In March 2015, there were already rumors that there was discord in the family, although in public the couple demonstrated a cozy family idyll. The first sign of the celebrity separation was that Alena stopped posting photos of her husband and daughter on Instagram.

In May 2015, information leaked to the media that the girl had found a new boyfriend - this time footballer Anton Shunin, goalkeeper of Dynamo Moscow. First time in this company young man she appeared at the opening ceremony of the Exit Casino quest.

However, this affair did not last long: the girl is allegedly dating Alexei Chadov, a famous actor.

There were rumors that after the separation, Shishkova did not let her father near her daughter. However, this is not so: the couple maintained friendly relations. Moreover, Timati still does not lose hope of reuniting his family and gives his ex expensive gifts.

Who does Timati's daughter live with?

The daughter spent the first year of her life with her family. Timur tried his best to help the young mother in caring for her daughter:

  • On his instructions, a wardrobe was built in the house especially for the baby;
  • The father also worked on the girl's visual style. True, with varying degrees of success: Instagram subscribers have repeatedly noted that the baby looks very much like a boy. In addition, some elements of clothing completely aroused the indignation of commentators (for example, skulls were printed on the girl’s shoes);
  • Timati took care of his daughter when common-law wife I was at work, not allowing nannies even close.

However, after the separation of the star family, the question hung in the air: with whom will the baby live?

As it later became known, the upbringing of the child was left to relatives on Timati’s side, and Alena returned to professional modeling. The mother sees her daughter so rarely that she cannot recognize her, as one of the online videos posted by mother-in-law Simona Yunusova shows.

According to Simone, in raising her daughter, she does not adhere to any dogmas and does not shy away from innovative ideas in education.

The yellow press in Russia never tires of washing out the details of Timati’s personal life. His wife and daughter are not together, but the rapper does not give up hope for a family reunion. In the meantime, Timur’s mother is giving the child an excellent upbringing.

Video about Timati and Shishkova

In this Periscope broadcast, Alena Shishkova herself will answer questions about her relationship with Timati:

But there is no smoke without fire. Very often they see football player Anton Shunin. It is also interesting that while her husband is recording videos, he attends all sorts of social events with the football player.

Anton Shunin and Alena Shishkova

While Timati is away, the girl drives around in her lover’s Bentley, who has found solace in the model. Surprisingly, it has only recently passed since the missus is already cheating on her husband.

But why this luxurious couple broke up is still not known.

Just recently I again resorted to breast augmentation surgery.

The fact is that after giving birth, the star’s chest became slightly deformed.

Therefore, she had to re-turn to the best surgeons. It’s surprising that the lover of an advanced football player, who prefers vacationing in Monaco and driving around Moscow in a Bentley, ordered the most affordable implants, which cost her only 280 thousand.

She performed her first such operation shortly before she found out about her interesting position. But after deciding to breastfeed her daughter, she took on ugly shape.

But fans star couple one has to hope that Alena Shishkova's wedding was not in vain, and the lovers will soon be together again. It turned out that they would not be together.

Journalists took advantage of the moment and took a photo while Alena Shishkova was absorbed in voluptuous hugs and kisses with Andrei Chadov. Meanwhile, Timati enjoys the sounds Indian Ocean, conquering the wavy current on the surf. Star show business still does not suspect that the mother of his daughter Alice is Once again“plunged” into the world of love pleasures.

After Alena Shishkova broke off relations with Anton Shunin, a famous football player, the 23-year-old blonde chose new victim for a romantic time. She turned out to be Andrei Chadov, who, by the way, is 35 years old. The lovers were so busy with mutual hugs and tender kisses that the paparazzi easily managed to capture such an idyll. It turns out that the couple is not at all shy about their feelings.

Shishkova answered compromising questions from journalists in monosyllables: “We communicate, nothing more. We are friends. I would not like to disclose the details of my private life. We communicate well with Andrey. All!!!" - explained the fashion model. Chadov himself refused to give any comments at all. This is the latest news on website. And we will continue to follow the stars of Russian show business.

News of the day the Internet is broadcasting everywhere about Alena Shishkova. It became clear that the girl distinguished herself at the Miss Russia 2012 beauty contest; bloggers are mercilessly ridiculing Timati’s former fiancée, who gave the rapper a daughter. The show business star “with a crown on her head” left Timati a few months ago for some football player Anton Shunin (despite the fact that they have a child together!). A staggering number of followers are now watching her actions on social networks, wondering how she could!

That’s why a video from Shishkova’s recent past has now gained immense popularity. A series of intellectual questions ex-fiancee Timati couldn’t pass with dignity, that’s a fact.

Photo gallery of Alena Shishkova

Popular rap artist. The relationship with model Alena Shishkova changed the star’s life - the girl was not only a muse for him, but also gave him a daughter, Alice.

Unfortunately, the marriage did not last long, and last year the young couple separated.

Immediately after the breakup of the promising model, Alena was credited with more than one affair - according to those around her, the chosen ones included actor Andrei Chadov and goalkeeper of the Dynamo football team Anton Shunin.

The ex-spouses did not communicate for some time, but Alena did not interfere with her daughter’s meetings and communication with her father. Timati himself is a man of few words; he flatly refused to comment on the details related to the divorce and did not answer incriminating questions from the press. It should be noted that, despite all the troubles, the couple managed to maintain friendly relations for the sake of little Alice.

Timati is currently conducting most time with his daughter and, apparently, it brings him great pleasure.

IN present time the relationship situation has changed better side. The singer's fans are sure that Alena and Timati have made peace.

They made this conclusion after the singer posted a photo with his daughter on Instagram and commented on it with the caption: “Alice Timurovna is picking out a New Year’s gift for her mom.” In the photo, the little girl is choosing a surprise for Alice, most likely it will be a branded handbag.

Alena Shishkova native Tyumen region. Even as a very little girl, she dreamed of becoming a model. The parents did not contradict little Alena, but her mother, on the contrary, helped and facilitated this in every possible way. Every year, my mother took Alena Shishkova to fashion castings; many doubted her success, but fate smiled on the girl.

The first serious beauty contest, held in 2012, made Alena famous. Then she received the title “Vice Miss Russia 2012”. During the competition, Shishkova became famous not only for her model data, but for her ridiculous answers that she gave to competition questions.

But modeling agencies noticed the girl and turned a blind eye to her inexperience, because in this business, appearance is the most important thing. After some time, she began to appear in public more and more often, and many learned about her as a successful model.

But it wasn’t just modeling agencies that were interested in the girl; they saw a woman in her. After some time they started serious relationship, and Alena gave birth to his baby.

But the marriage did not last long, and the young people divorced. At the moment, the ex-spouses maintain friendly relations, and Timati’s mother is raising her daughter.

A few days ago, Shishkova told her fans that she had posed for the fashionable men's magazine Maxim.

On the pages of the next issue you will see candid photographs where the model poses in underwear, and she also took pictures in front of fishing gear while sitting on a boat.

Recently, the news was heatedly discussed on the Internet that Timati and Alena Shishkova decided to get together for the sake of their daughter. Alena's fans are happy for her, but her detractors believe that this is just another PR. Where, the truth is, probably only Timati and Alena know, it is only known that they are on excellent terms. But it’s no secret that the girl likes to experiment with her appearance.

Thinner Alena

Alena regularly shares any changes with her subscribers. The other day she posted on personal page on Instagram a photo in which she poses in a black bikini on the Black Sea coast. Alena went to rest on best resort Georgia – Batumi. A few hours later, Alena’s followers began to discuss the candid photo. People's opinions are divided into two categories: some are sure that Alena Shishkova looks great, while others consider her forms disgusting.

This is what Shishkova’s subscribers say: “How beautiful, you look wonderful,” “Alena, I adore you, you are my ideal. Beautiful, successful, gave birth to a wonderful daughter - you will never be left alone. I don’t know if you’re in a relationship with Timati, but if not, I’m sure he regrets breaking up with you,” “Super. Alena, you are unique, don’t listen to anyone. And if anyone doesn’t like it, screw them!”

But those who believe that Shishkova went too far with her thinness are much more numerous: “What a nightmare, it feels like she’s from a concentration camp.” “But it seems to me that she removed her ribs, because there is such an operation,” “No, well, this is clearly too much with thinness. Alena, stop before it’s too late, anorexia is not far away”, “This is a nightmare, just bones!”, “Why be so dead?”, “Very ugly, the waist in relation to the hips is very wide”, “This girl gave birth to Timati’s child, It’s unclear what he found in her,” “I urgently need to get better,” “Alena, it’s already disgusting to look at you. Just six months ago you looked like a model, but now it’s unclear. Gain a little weight”, “Swimsuit is fire, which can’t be said about a girl”, “You urgently need to see a doctor, this is not losing weight!”

This is what Alena looked like before losing weight

In a word, subscribers stars of Russian show business, not the most in the best possible way speak about the girl’s new image. Do you think Alena Shishkova deserves classes, or is this too much?

Alena Alekseevna Shishkova. Born on November 12, 1992 in Tyumen. Russian model, in the Miss Russia 2012 competition she won the title of second Vice-Miss Russia.

As a child, she was actively involved in music and academic vocals, and plays the guitar.

However, her passion for music was cast aside after her first filming as a model.

WITH modeling career Things turned out well for Alena. She moved to Moscow, and the famous Renaissance modeling agency signed a contract with her. Then Shishkova really gained fame when she began performing on the fashion catwalks of Tokyo and Milan.

Alena Shishkova in childhood

Alena Shishkova in her youth before plastic surgery

Alena Shishkova is the owner of all sorts of titles: “Miss Charm”, “Miss Dream”, “Miss Hope”. But the greatest success was brought by the Miss Russia 2012 competition, in which she received the title of second Vice-Miss Russia.

A video with Shishkova’s ridiculous answers at the competition is popular on the Internet.

Alena Shishkova at the Miss Russia 2012 competition

Alena Shishkova's height is 175 cm.

Alena Shishkova for AnnaBella

Alena is not a natural blonde. She dyes her hair with ammonia-free Essential Color from Schwarzkopf, shade 205. She focuses on the fact that she has her own eyebrows, not a tattoo.

Shishkova resorted to surgical interventions many times to improve her appearance. Although, according to many, Alena Shishkova was more beautiful before plastic surgery than she is now. She performed lip augmentation and also performed rhinoplasty.

In addition, Alena Shishkova underwent breast augmentation surgery. As she explained, after giving birth her breasts became slightly deformed. Therefore, she had to turn to surgeons. Interestingly, the model ordered very modest implants, which cost her only 280 thousand rubles.

Personal life of Alena Shishkova:

At one time, Alena Shishkova had an affair with Dynamo Kyiv goalkeeper Maxim Koval.

Alena Shishkova and Maxim Koval

Since the end of 2012, Shishkova began dating the rapper. But the public learned about their romance only at the beginning of 2013. They first appeared together at the New Year's concert “Song of the Year” in 2013.

On March 19, 2014, Alena Shishkova gave birth to Timati’s daughter Alisa. The baby's weight was 4 kg, height - 53 cm.

Alena Shishkova and newborn daughter Alisa

Alena Shishkova and Timati

In the spring of 2015, Timati and Shishkova broke up.

After the breakup, Timati reminded Alena Shishkova of her betrayal. A few years before the divorce, the rapper broke his spine. “It was at this moment, when I spent two weeks horizontally, on a bed, that my ex packed her things and went in search of better conditions))) I had the opportunity to see the attention of those people who really cared about me, and for myself to note those “close ones” who didn’t even call (I know many of them will read this)", Timati later said on his Instagram.

While not yet divorced from Timati, Shishkova openly had an affair with football player Anton Shunin.

Alena Shishkova and Anton Shunin

In the fall of 2015, information appeared about the romance of Alena Shishkova and actor Andrei Chadov. In particular, paparazzi were photographed after attending a concert of the group “Splin” in Moscow.