Some believe in the evil eye, others consider it medieval superstition. However, medicine does not explain why, despite excellent tests, a person experiences constant headaches, nausea and fainting. It’s quite easy to jinx it; you don’t have to wish the person harm. A fleeting glance from a passer-by disrupts a person’s energy, and illness begins. To date, much experience has been accumulated in the fight against this mysterious disease.

Water takes away negative energy. Water procedures will help:
  • Take a contrast shower, be sure to wet your head. The “waterfall effect” will cleanse energy channels.
  • Take 500 g sea ​​salt and add to the bath with warm water. Lie in it for 15 minutes. Imagine how a black ball goes out of you into the sky. Rinse off in the shower.
  • In Rus' they cleansed themselves of unclean things with the help of a bath. Steam yourself with birch brooms in a well-heated bath or sauna.
  • If a child is exposed to the evil eye, then spray his room and crib with holy water. Take your clothes, soak them in water and dry your baby's face.
You will need two fresh ones chicken eggs. Take the first one and lift it up above your head. Say: “If there is in me dark force, manifest yourself.” On the table, twirl the egg 3 times and break it into a plate. If you see various veins, black stripes, then this indicates the evil eye. Take the second egg and roll it over your head. Say the words for 5 minutes: “Spin the egg, remove the disease.” The next day, check the result with an egg and, if necessary, repeat the egg torsion procedure. Light a large candle in a dark room. Ask for help from the fire, mentally imagine how your troubles, problems and fears burn out in it. Stare at the flame for a few minutes. Breathe slowly. Take a candle and move it at a distance of 20 cm from your body. In areas where the flame fluctuates strongly, stop and hold the candle for a while. Thank the fire for its help, put it out and close your eyes for 5 minutes. Buy several pots of geraniums and place them throughout the apartment. Cats feed on black aura, pet your pet often. Go to church, buy some candles. Place one and pray. Light another church candle in the bedroom in the evening.

Herbalists use folk recipes. Place 2 tbsp in a saucepan. chicory or plantain herbs. Pour in 400 ml of water. Close the lid and place on low heat. Cook for 15-20 minutes. Turn off and remove from stove. Let it brew for another 15 minutes, strain. Drink 2-3 times during the day. To consolidate the effect, go into the forest and hug a tree. Imagine how evil goes to its roots. Feel new strength.

Rituals will have a positive effect if you have faith. Then the evil eye will disappear, and your thoughts will become calm and clear, health and good luck will return.

The evil eye is nothing more than the negative impact of one person’s energy on another. Every day we are faced with a huge amount people, some of whom are not very kind to us. But the cause of the evil eye can be not only fierce hatred. Sometimes just an unkind look is enough, and the evil eye is guaranteed. Therefore, many people ask questions: what to do so as not to be jinxed? And if you’ve already been jinxed, what should you do? Should I run to healers, light a candle in church, or should I try to do something on my own?

How to get rid of the evil eye

If you are sure that the reason for your troubles is precisely that you have been jinxed, then the main thing you should do is not to panic. Most often, the evil eye goes away on its own in two to three days, without any effort on your part. But if you are still determined to get rid of it as soon as possible, or two or three days have passed and you still feel unwell, then you can try to do it yourself at home.

  • Any energy boost for the body is great way get rid of the evil eye. Therefore, take a contrast shower, go to the bathhouse, or simply do some heavy lifting. physical work. Just know when to stop. After all, your body is already exhausted energetically after the evil eye.
  • If a cat lives in your house, then this is also a definite plus. After all, cats are excellent at removing other people’s negative energy from their owners and taking it upon themselves. And don't worry about the cat, she'll be fine. After all, these amazing creatures in some inexplicable way they are able to transform negative energy.
  • Another way to get rid of the evil eye is geranium. Buy several flowerpots and place them in the places where you spend your time most often.
  • Church bells (not recorded) also help well with the evil eye. All you have to do is go to the church and listen to him. You need to celebrate the Mass by saying prayers at this time. And if you suspect who has jinxed you, you can light a candle for him “for good health.”
  • Finally, you can take holy water, rub it on your face and body, and then take a shower. Light a candle before going to bed. Sit in front of it for about 15 minutes. Look at the flame and read “Our Father.”

A child has been jinxed: what to do?

Any loving mother tries to protect her children from all the troubles of life, including the evil eye. But what to do if your baby has already been jinxed, and now he cries a lot, is capricious and behaves restlessly for no apparent reason? Don't worry, there are several methods that will help you get rid of the evil eye.

  • Take holy water and sprinkle it on the room and crib in which the baby sleeps. Then the mother should take the same holy water, stand in doorway and read “Our Father” three times. Next, you need to wash the baby three times and wipe his face with the hem of your clothes.
  • Fill a cup with water (you can use any water, but it is preferable that it be clean). Take clean spoons (any: tea or tablespoon) and rinse them in this water. The number of spoons should be equal to the number of family members. Take this water into your mouth and sprinkle it on your child in a cross pattern. The effect will be almost immediate.

And you can always protect your baby from the evil eye with the help of a pin, which is attached to the inside of the clothing with the head down.

In this article:

What is the evil eye is a popular question today, thanks to overall growth humanity's interest in magic in general, and negative rituals in particular. The evil eye is a very simple type of induced negativity, which is a clot of energy attached to a person’s biofield.

This type of magic has such a strong hold on a person that it can be compared to a strong virus or a leech that sucks out vitality. Such negativity affects both the physical and psychological state of a person.

The evil eye is a negative energy that can be placed on a person involuntarily. Women and young children are most susceptible to the influence of negativity, since they are the ones who attract the most glances from other people.

During the first year of life, children completely lack their own energy protection, they are protected only by the mother’s biofield, but this is not always enough.

Due to the lack of protection for children from negative influences, most nations had a rule - not to show a newborn to strangers.

Our ancestors believed that during the first year, the baby should see and communicate only with the closest relatives.

The first signs of the evil eye

The evil eye can manifest itself in different ways, but there are the most common signs on the basis of which one can make an initial conclusion about the presence of a negative magical effect on a person. Most often, under the influence of the evil eye, a person’s normal emotional state is disrupted, and manifestations of excessive irritability, inexplicable anger, tearfulness, or general dissatisfaction with one’s life.

In case of powerful impact, manifestations on physical level: heat, stomach upsets, headaches, heart problems, blood pressure, and much more.

Those most susceptible to the effects of the evil eye are people who, due to their main activity or some other reason, are forced to constantly be in public. Sellers, teachers, doctors, artists and people in professions that involve communicating and meeting with other people are at risk.

The evil eye is one of the most common phenomena found everywhere

In addition, all young, beautiful, healthy and successful people are at risk, that is, all those whom others may feel envious of. If successful man suddenly begins to experience difficulties on all fronts, at work and at home, in relationships with the opposite sex, then we can say with confidence that this black streak appeared due to a powerful negative influence, the evil eye or damage.

What helps against the evil eye

The evil eye is a simple type of negative impact, therefore anyone can protect themselves from it on their own; for this it is not at all necessary to seek help from professional sorcerers. But before you start building protection against negative magic, you need to make sure that there is no induced energy on you now.

It is important to remember that almost every resident of a large metropolis already carries negative energy.

The power of the evil eye can be very weak, plus each person has his own reserve internal energy, therefore, negative magic may not manifest itself in any way until its concentration in the body reaches a certain limit.

Therefore, first of all, you need to carry out one of the available diagnostic rituals and, if necessary, a ritual of cleansing from existing negativity. Only after this can you begin to create powerful protection against the evil eye.

The easiest way to protect yourself from the evil eye will be for sincere believers. If you find solace in your faith and draw strength from it, then you simply will not need any additional rituals and amulets. If you follow the spiritual and ethical commandments, read prayers and behave correctly, you will be completely protected from any induced negativity.

But if there is no real and sincere desire for Christianity in your soul, then the power of the church will not help you in any way. Any spiritual energy has power only if you yourself sincerely believe in it.

To reduce the likelihood of receiving a charge of negative energy, try to remove from your life people who can spoil you, those who do not have the most positive feelings for you, evil people, envious people, slanderers, etc. Try to pay attention to your state after communicating with friends.

There are often cases when, even after a short meeting with a certain person, we feel a sharp loss of strength and a change in mood. In this case, we can say with complete confidence that this acquaintance is energy vampire, and although he himself will not be able to leave an imprint of negative energy on you, when communicating with him your natural protective field will constantly weaken, which will lead to a sharp increase in the likelihood of the evil eye.

Many professional magicians say that protecting yourself from the evil eye on your own is very simple, you just need to be attentive to yourself when appearing in public. In a dangerous energetic situation, your body should be in a protective position - arms crossed on your chest, one leg resting on the other leg. In addition, if you feel that a stream of negativity is being directed towards you from a certain person, try not to look at the aggressor, turn away from him, but under no circumstances turn your back on him. Alternatively, you can also clench your palms into fists and look more at the ground.

Every person must have amulets against the evil eye, mental or material.

Various prayers, mantras and conspiracies have much more power than the methods described above, but, as already mentioned, they will only be effective if you yourself sincerely believe in their power.

It doesn’t matter which egregor the conspiracy is addressed to, on what beliefs it is based and what words are used in it, all the power will come only from you, and if there is no confidence in success, then no ritual, even the most powerful one, will bring the desired result.

There are many ways to protect against the evil eye and remove already induced negative energy. You need to choose among this variety of options based on personal preferences and intuition. Try to study as many similar rituals as possible, and perform the one that you like most, will find a response in your soul, the power of which you will believe.

It is quite possible to fight any negative energy on your own, but if none of the tried rituals led to the expected result, then you should contact a professional.

What to do if you have the evil eye

The evil eye is far from the most dangerous negative magical program, but it can also lead to a wide variety of problems, and therefore such negative energy must be dealt with in the early stages. IN ideal, it is better not to fight the evil eye, but to prevent its occurrence. There are many methods to prevent the imposition of negative energy, the simplest and most effective are presented below:

    • If you feel that the person walking behind you is looking at your back unkindly, quickly turn to face him, and hold your hand behind your back or in your pocket, folding your fingers into the “goat” sign - squeeze the middle, ring and thumb, A forefinger and little fingers extended;
    • A simple medium-sized safety pin can also help prevent views with negative feelings; it needs to be pinned with inside clothing in such a way that it is as close to the heart as possible;
    • If you feel a threat from a person, try to imagine in your thoughts a mirror that stands between you, imagine that the mirror pushes back all the negativity directed in your direction, and also whisper: “Whatever you thought bad about me, it will happen to you.” remains, it will be returned to you”;
  • Small bandages on the left hand made of red threads or ribbons can also protect you from the evil eye; they will absorb all the negativity directed against you;
  • If you are about to meet with a bad person who treats you unkindly, try to drive away fear from yourself and when you meet, look this person in the eyes and mentally say: “Salt on your tongue, salt in your eye, don’t touch me.” Take everything that is yours, amen”;
  • To protect your home and family from the evil eye, you can hang it over front door a bag with a collection of dry herbs, the bag must contain: bay leaf, garlic, St. John's wort, onion, thistle, dandelion;
  • Iron and objects made from it have good properties of protection against negativity; so that the evil eye does not stick to you, you can lightly touch any iron object, for example, a coin;

Ritual of cleansing from the evil eye with salt

To get rid of the negative effects of magical energy, you can perform a special ritual with salt.

Salt is most often used in cleansing rituals

Sprinkle some salt in glassware, light a church or natural candle, move the candle clockwise around the bowl of salt and read the words of the spell 12 times:

“Unclean spirits, unclean power, get away from me, servant of God (name), do not hold me, do not torment me, neither in the morning, nor in the white day, nor in the red sunset, nor in the black night. You came from the darkness, into a dark forest and return, you came from the water, plunge into the water, you came from a bare-haired girl, or from a long-haired woman, or from an old gray-haired woman, or from an old man, or from a peasant, so return to them, torment them , take strength from them, and get away from me, the servant of God (name). Leave me once and for all, wherever you go, you will be salted there. Go where people do not walk, where the winds do not wither for centuries, under an old stump and under a log, into quicksand swamps, into greying swamps, where a man cannot pass, where a horse cannot pass, where the rivers are fast, where the streams are rough, where the forests are dark. and the animals are evil. Get away from me, everyone, don't break my bones, don't pull my veins. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh".

After pronouncing last words spit over your left shoulder three times, throw the charmed salt out the window and quickly close it.

Salt water cleansing

If you don't have practice magical rituals, then you can use this simple method of cleansing negative energy. Prepare 500 grams of salt and pour it into a bath of warm water, immerse yourself in this water and try to relax as much as possible. The salt will draw out all the accumulated negative energy from your body.

Lie in the water for 15-20 minutes, mentally imagining how everything unnecessary and unnecessary leaves you and dissolves in the water.

After this, drain the water and wash off all the salt from yourself in the shower, since the negative energy that was just washed off can be retained on the remaining salt.

Flushing is one of the most simple ways getting rid of slight negativity

In the same way, negative effects can be washed away in a bath; according to some magicians, a ritual in a bath works even better.

What to wear against the evil eye

To protect yourself from negativity magical influence, you can always carry some special protective amulets. You can use a bag of simple salt as such a talisman. If at any moment you feel that there is something near you evil person who takes from you vital energy or thinks badly of you, then you will need to quietly take some salt out of the bag. Clamp her in right hand, touch the solar plexus area with your left hand and say mentally: “you won’t take it.”

It is also important to remember that the evil eye is an energetic clot of negativity that can be formed from any unpleasant feelings and emotions, and it does not matter from whom exactly these feelings come. That is why there is one of the most unpleasant forms of the evil eye, namely the self-evil eye.

We can inflict this type of negativity on ourselves.

The danger of such a negative impact is that most cleansing rituals return the imposed negativity to the person from whom it originally came, thus, trying to remove the negativity received from ourselves, we do not get the desired result. To prevent self-evil eye, try to be more patient with yourself, don’t get too angry with yourself and under no circumstances curse yourself.

Stable lifestyle begins to collapse, excellent health gives way to a series of unpleasant diseases, and good mood literally disappeared, leaving apathy and irritability? Most likely, this “black streak” is evidence of the evil eye! The result of other people's (and sometimes your own) negative thoughts is noticeable within a few minutes! In this article we will look at what the evil eye is and whether it is the evil eye itself, and discuss how to get rid of this scourge!

What is the evil eye?

“Damage from the eye” - this is how the word “evil eye” can be deciphered. This is one of the most simple types magical intervention. Both sending and earning the evil eye is as easy as shelling pears, because it does not change fateful programs and is not a curse. Strong enough to cause the evil eye negative emotion, which will distort the usual course of vital forces. By the way, distortion depends on the strength of emotion inner world- if the impulse was powerful, the person who was jinxed will feel it more acutely.

How to recognize a strong evil eye: symptoms

Where it is thin, it breaks - this is the main motto of any evil eye. For those who suffer from chronic diseases, aggravation occurs after the evil eye. People who have problems with blood pressure begin to experience characteristic ailments. There are also common symptoms:

  • headache, migraine;
  • dizziness accompanied by darkening of the eyes;
  • severe fatigue and drowsiness;
  • colds;
  • absent-mindedness;
  • irritability.

If you leave the first symptoms unattended, the evil eye will continue to negative impact. Passivity and lethargy will eventually turn into depression. What else can the evil eye lead to? Symptoms in adults, magicians note, can become more and more dangerous! When a person does what he loves, he moves away from loved ones. Headache does not stop for a minute, “voices” may appear in the head. Another dangerous symptom- the desire to “drown” your sorrows in wine and drugs. Thoughts about suicide often appear. All these signs continue to appear until the negative program is changed.

Who is at risk?

More often than others, public people, those who often communicate with people, are exposed to the influence of the “evil eye”. For example, vulnerable medical workers, teachers, sellers, actors and singers. All those whom others may feel envious of are also at risk. That is, in order to receive the evil eye, you don’t even have to do anything. It is enough to be strong, healthy, beautiful and successful!

Often the negative impact concerns certain things: material well-being, attractive appearance, success in work and business, family relations, new things. In this case, it is very easy to determine the owner of the “evil eye” - you need to remember with whom you shared your achievements and joy.

Addictions and strange behavior: symptoms of the evil eye in men

Even a powerful male biofield can suffer from the bad thoughts of another person. How does the evil eye manifest itself? The symptoms in adult men are quite terrible. For example, auditory hallucinations appear: men may think that they are talking with deceased relatives or acquaintances. Another sign is increased irritability. By the way, it’s not just family members who are annoying – even random people often become victims of aggression. Even teetotalers suddenly go on a binge and start using narcotic substances.

By the way, it is worth paying attention to how a man behaves during a conversation. Under the influence of the evil eye, representatives of the stronger half of humanity look away, close their eyes, and stop accepting any criticism. By the way, a symptom of the evil eye can be disturbances and malfunctions digestive system. Lack of appetite or excessive consumption of food indicates a magical effect!

Women's reaction to the evil eye

Symptoms of the evil eye in a woman are slightly different from those experienced by representatives of the stronger sex. External influence hurts ladies more. Women may lose sleep, and if they manage to fall asleep, they are tormented by nightmares until the morning. Another sign of the evil eye is watery eyes. Attractiveness also suffers - women experience worsening skin condition, weight problems, and hair may fall out. Nails and teeth deteriorate greatly. Often there is not enough strength for even the most primitive actions, such as taking a shower. It is worth noting that among the symptoms of the evil eye in women is a significant decrease in sexual activity.

Who can jinx it?

Most often, the role of the owner of the “evil eye” is played by a person who is not mentally stable. Irritable and “flare up” and “cool down” very quickly. In this case, negative energy is released. Even more harm can be caused by balanced people driven into a state of rage. Holding back for a long time, they accumulate negativity.

It is easy to get an energy breakdown during a conversation in a raised voice, when one interlocutor is energetically superior to the other. One outburst of anger is enough for one person to receive the evil eye, and for another to be discharged. The first one feels as if he has been trampled into the mud, and the second feels an inner emptiness.

Grandmothers gathering at the entrances can also jinx them. After all, by whispering bad words and curses at their neighbors’ backs, they inflict energetic defeats on them.

Damage or evil eye: how to determine?

In addition to the evil eye, there is another type of adverse energy impact - damage. It differs from the evil eye in that it is induced intentionally. With its help, a negative program is introduced that harms not only to a certain person, but also to his entire family. Harsh words or bad thoughts are not enough to cause damage. The help of a magician is needed. Photos, hair, personal belongings - it is with their help that damage is caused. The effect of this program is more powerful than the usual “evil eye”, because it can even lead to death.

Now you understand what the evil eye and damage are. How to determine what exactly caused the “black streak” in life?

The first signs of damage

Initially, you should pay attention to your health status. The presence of damage is indicated by ailments that doctors cannot explain. Another sure sign- feeling unpleasant odors, for which there is also no explanation. In case of damage, the attitude of not only loved ones, but also animals changes: they begin to bite, hiss or whine. Sleep disorders, increased anxiety, obsessive states - all these are symptoms of strong magical interference in your life.

How to get rid of the evil eye

If you have the evil eye (symptoms in adults helped diagnose it), you can get rid of it yourself. This can be done using a regular mirror. To remove the evil eye, you will also need a candle. At night you need to stand in front of a mirror with a lit candle. There should be no other light sources in the room. Looking at your reflection, you need to ask mirror world take the evil eye with you and never let it go back to you real world. It is better to leave the candle in front of the mirror until it burns out.

What to do if you have jinxed yourself? Wildflowers and herbs will come to the rescue. However, there is one condition: they must be collected on the most magical night of the year - the night of Ivan Kupala! Three bouquets need to be dried. The ritual of getting rid of the self-evil eye is carried out at dawn: you need to stand facing north and set the flowers on fire. Required with eyes closed! At the same time, you need to remember all your failures and mentally burn them.

What to do if a loved one has been jinxed? The church will help believers. It’s worth coming, praying and lighting a candle for the health of the one who has been jinxed. It is prayers that carry great power. True, they will be effective only if there is sincere faith.

Other ways to combat the "evil eye"

You have identified the evil eye (the symptoms in adults are already familiar to you), removed it and are now concerned about the question: “What to do to avoid becoming a victim of bad thoughts again?” We offer unusual ways of prevention!

  1. Wear red ribbons or threads on your hands. They will absorb all the negativity directed at you.
  2. Hang a bag with a mixture of dried herbs over the front door: St. John's wort, laurel, thistle and dandelion.
  3. To repel the evil eye from yourself, while communicating with unpleasant people touch metal objects. A regular coin will do!

Now you know what the evil eye is. The symptoms in adults (we told you how to remove the negative) are quite characteristic, so it will not be possible for vigilant people to confuse them with signs of any disease and ignore the problem. Take care of yourself and strengthen your inner integrity and energy strength!

It turns out that you can suffer from the evil eye not only because of someone envious person looked askance at the other. You can jinx yourself too. Even those who do not believe in the evil eye and the evil action of otherworldly forces, when talking about something good towards themselves, can secretly spit over their left shoulder three times or, as if jokingly, knock on wood. And they do it right. This was invented by our ancestors, and works well against the destructive energy of others. There are other measures that help in this case to insure yourself.

What is self-evil eye

Of course, already in ancient times our ancestors knew about the self-evil eye. There are even proverbs that prove this, for example, that there is no need to divide the skin unkilled bear. Most often, those who generally have such a negative gift in relation to other people can jinx themselves. But even those who do not have such abilities can destroy their biofield. After all, this is nothing more than its “breakdown”.

Our thoughts and feelings are types of energy that can be directed both at other people and at ourselves. Black, negative thoughts do not just move in space and time, they are capable of delivering a truly tangible blow. This is what damages the energy body - the shell, which is the biofield, or aura. Every person has a biological field. The breach, or more simply the hole that is formed due to such a negative attack, is the evil eye

Their abilities allow psychics to sense a hole in the biofield using their palms. They thus feel that in some place the elastic surface of the field is damaged: heat is felt there.

Why? Because the energy of human life flows into the resulting damage. It is no coincidence that the one who has been jinxed (including if the person has created such negativity for himself) feels very physically unwell over time. To put it simply, he begins to suffer from physical ailments. But before the shell can be broken through with the help of the evil eye, it must be thoroughly weakened. Our energy flows away through self-doubt, doubt, disappointment, anger, hatred and other negative feelings.

How can a person prevent himself from realizing his plans?

Thinking badly about yourself is unacceptable! Because it’s as easy as shelling pears to harm your biological field precisely with negative thoughts that a person directs at himself. We, in fact, will not cut ourselves with a knife or scald ourselves with boiling water (in our right mind, of course). But, unfortunately, people think little about the fact that they do the same with the biofield. But it protects a person, gives him the strength to live normally.

Such negative self-programming is our main enemy. Self-destruction is completely unacceptable! By the way, the self-evil eye only affects adults, because they are the ones who worry (and, therefore, depend) on their failures and are not confident in themselves.

By talking about oneself, “what a fool I am,” “what a bungler,” and the like, a person thereby programs himself for failure. And you have to try very hard not to do this. You need to generate bright energy with your thoughts, and not multiply joyless thoughts.

If you don't expect trouble, then most likely it won't happen. And vice versa. If something bad happens, it should be perceived as life lesson, and not attack yourself with reproaches. After all, it is much easier to admit to yourself that you made a mistake and that everything can be corrected - this will not have a negative impact on the aura, and the self-evil eye will be avoided. Also, don't brag. After all, when you talk about something, you thereby reveal information about yourself, and it destroys the aura.

If you lose a loved one, let him go to another world, sad, but not grieving. It’s not for nothing that they say that sadness is light. And grief “ties” you to heavy energy.

Don’t be afraid of not getting what you want, and if your dream begins to come true, don’t brag about it. Boasting can become a source of one’s own, and what seemed like yesterday’s victory turns into failure. You only have yourself to blame for this. But you shouldn’t do this either. You need to admit mistakes and think about how to correct them. And, of course, do not repeat your mistakes.

How to identify the self-evil eye: signs

You can jinx yourself in relation to any area that concerns you: work, study, health and others. Let us repeat that it can even jinx close person without meaning to.

Speaking about the evil eye, one must at the same time understand that failures are not always “his doing.” It is quite possible to determine the self-evil eye, because it affects physical condition and health. Several signs indicate a negative influence on oneself. Moreover, they must all appear - then this is the evil eye.

A person will feel constant fatigue day after day. He will be exhausted even after quite sufficient sleep under normal conditions, he will not get enough sleep and feel energetic. Because of this, drowsiness may persist throughout the day. Another manifestation may be persistent insomnia. A person’s mood will change sharply, often towards the negative, and sometimes for no reason at all. But the person either never realizes this, or then wonders to himself why, in fact, all the fuss.

Another of the “bouquet” of the self-evil eye will be a weakening of memory and attention. Moreover, this condition is observed not only in elderly people.

Absent-mindedness concerns not only everyday life, but also the performance of duties at work, which, of course, can lead to failures in it. Also, the person absolutely cannot tolerate loud sounds. They don't just irritate, they unsettle you for a long time. As, by the way, bright light, as well as strong odors. All this brings real torment, whereas before it did not cause trouble. The state of depression is from the same “opera”.

These signs may also accompany exacerbation of chronic diseases. If a person has not been ill, then, having jinxed himself, he may, in addition to the listed conditions, “earn” health troubles. After all, with the loss of energy, vitality also weakens. Sometimes doctors will not even be able to diagnose the “disease” that has arisen. May dream scary dreams, there is constant anxiety. A person becomes dumbfounded, may faint, or experience pressing sensations in the navel, heart, head and other organs.

How to remove the self-evil eye: 9 steps to cleanse yourself of negativity

1. You need to sit comfortably in a chair or on the sofa and relax. You can read a prayer to yourself.

2. Then imagine that a cloud has appeared six meters above your head, from which a weak vortex gradually appears - something between white fire and fog.

3. Observing the inside of the vortex, you need to “turn” it into a funnel. Its diameter should be such that you can pass through it.

4. But there is no need to move up the funnel. You just have to imagine how it rotates clockwise.

5. During the rotation process, you must internally observe how it touches the aura (this usually happens at a distance of 70 centimeters to 1.5 meters from the head). Watch how the vortex absorbs negative imprints of energy. These are negative thoughts about yourself.

It also removes from your biofield any remaining thoughts about, grievances towards loved ones and acquaintances in general. It also “sucks in” negative intentions, such as smoking or drinking. Then you watch as all this negativity is burned in the funnel.

6. You need to not just be an outside observer of these processes, but literally try to physically feel how this spiritual whirlwind of fire surrounds your biofield and also passes through your entire body.

7. You need to understand what is happening, namely to realize that fiery energy cleanses your energy body of the negative energy that you created through your thoughts, and, possibly, actions.

8. At a certain moment you will feel that your aura has been cleansed. Then you need to imagine (and allow) how the funnel passes through the top of the head through the whole body and exits through the feet - into the Earth.

9. Trying to remain as relaxed as possible, you need to observe how the fiery funnel moves negative energy into the Earth, deeper and deeper - so that they cannot rise and penetrate your dreams.

Conspiracy to remove the self-evil eye

You can remove the self-evil eye by resorting to the help of a conspiracy: “The servant of God (name) stood up, blessed himself, crossed himself, went out into the yard, and from the yard he went into an open field. Behind the open field there is a rough blue sea, but there is a quiet backwater where the gray goldeneye lives. Neither water nor dew sticks to the bird. Likewise, the servant of God (name) is not subject to any teachings, moral teachings, unkind words, or malicious slander. Let it be so forever and ever, amen.”

Prevention of the self-evil eye: affirmations

We must remember that the power of intention works wonders. If you don’t give way to bad thoughts and don’t speak bad words, then the biofield will remain strong, and the evil eye will not be able to damage it. And by and large, we ourselves can and must solve our problems.
And in order not to attract, at any time, you can, for example, make it a regular practice to perform a simple ritual, thus protecting yourself from negative influences, and therefore from all sorts of troubles.

When washing your face every morning, say the following words: “I treated myself with superiority, I scourged myself, I will treat myself.” You need to repeat the words three times, with a pure heart, with conviction.

Of course, you need to believe in the spoken words, otherwise they will not gain power. Again, every morning, after drinking a glass of blessed water (it can also be from a natural spring or treated with silver), say (aloud or mentally): “I deserve the best! This day will bring me joy. Let it be so!