When purchasing a product, the consumer does not always immediately pay attention to quality and suitability for use. It is also not uncommon to find an expired product. Such situations require citizens to be attentive, because Consumption of expired products threatens health deterioration. Stores that do not comply with sanitary and consumer standards must be punished. Because of this, you need to know where and how to complain.

This article will fully cover the question of how to write a complaint against a store regarding expired food, noise and other pressing issues.

The portal provides consultations with lawyers who will help you draw up applications free of charge, tell you how to properly file a complaint, etc.

Every consumer should have the knowledge of where to file complaints if their rights are violated. After all, non-compliance with the law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” can come from a store, a financial institution, a beauty salon, etc.

The responsibilities of Rospotrbenadzor include many functions, for example:

  • Monitoring sanitary compliance and established standards in all public companies: schools, cafeterias, grocery stores, office premises and more.
  • Control over the quality of prepared food products, incl. level of radiation and exposure.
  • Epidemiological monitoring of the situation both within the Russian Federation and checking of foreign nationals arriving in the territory of our country. Vaccination, information alert, etc.
  • Buyer protection.
  • Protection in the field of service provision.
  • Protection against fraud in promotions and lotteries.
  • Control of financial institutions additional services lending.
  • Control over collection entities.
  • Licensing.
  • Other responsibilities.

If you have doubts about whether the situation is suitable for contacting Rospotrebnadzor, you can consult with the competent lawyers of our portal. We remind you that consultations are free and are carried out 24 hours a day.

Questions to contact the regulatory authority

The list of reasons for contacting Rospotrbenadzor is presented in official document by this organization, where all functionality is described. If the rights of the buyer are violated, if the store makes noise that interferes with proper rest, or the seller has not fulfilled the requirements for replacing the goods, you can safely contact Rospotrbenadzor.

This organization has the full range of capabilities to force the store to eliminate the noise and fulfill the customer's legitimate demands. Poor quality of services and food are the main reasons for writing complaints about stores.

The second main reason is various violations in the housing and communal services sector. These usually include illegal increases in tariffs, poor quality of services, violation of sanitation standards and other aspects. For example, if in apartment building there are cockroaches, and Management Company does not take measures to combat it, then you can file a claim against the Criminal Code with Rospotrbenadzor.

Complaint procedure

The first step when purchasing a low-quality product is to file a verbal complaint with the store administration. A cash receipt serves as proof of purchase. The buyer has the right to demand an exchange for a quality product or a refund.

If you receive a refusal to the above requirement, it is recommended to draw up a complaint (2 copies) and submit it to Rospotrbenadzor. The first copy with the date of receipt and signature of the employee remains with the client, the second with the organization. Branches of the institution are located in every city and most villages. This organization is authorized to conduct various inspections.

You can also complain about a store through Russian Post, by phone number hotline or through the website. How and where to contact via the Internet will be described in the following sections.

Registration of the appeal occurs within 3 working days from the date of its submission. The consideration of the complaint must be carried out within the framework of calendar month. If your application is refused, you can complain to the prosecutor's office or the Federal Surveillance Service.

Often there are situations related to the underweight of food products or a price that does not correspond to the price tag. These situations also require contacting a regulatory authority with a complaint against the store. These organizations include the Department for Combating Economic Crimes. The claim is submitted at the consumer's location.

On the portal you can download a sample of the following documents for free:

Filing a complaint via the Internet

Where and how to contact if it is not possible to visit Rospotrebnadzor in person? With the development of IT technologies, citizens can contact the regulatory authority via the Internet with a complaint about the store. To do this, follow the instructions:

  • visit the official website - rospotrebnadzor(dot)ru;
  • select the appropriate section;
  • attach the completed application;
  • enter information in the appropriate fields;
  • leave your contact details.

Don't forget about territorial location store, because In the absence of this data, consideration of the application will take a long time. You should also clearly follow the instructions on the website in order for your application to be accepted for consideration.

On official portal organizations you will find full information about the scope of activity of the body, how and where to file a complaint, forms for online appeal, regulations and much more.

By the way, on that website you can also find contact information for all state reception offices regarding your question. In addition, you can find territorial authorities that you can contact via the Internet. Regardless of the application form, the answer will be sent in a way convenient for you.

Important consumer information

As mentioned above, you can contact the regulatory authority in case of violation of all consumer rights - be it a low-quality product or service, violation of food storage standards, running cockroaches and other situations.

If the following violations are detected, each consumer has the right to contact Rospotrebnadzor:

  • rendering poor quality services or sale of such goods;
  • on safety issues for human health and the environment;
  • knowingly false information about a product or service;
  • in case of any violation of the client’s rights provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Remember that only a conscious attitude towards your health and safety environmental situation, will allow regulatory organizations to bring violators to justice. Otherwise, their activities may go unpunished.

Reasons for refusing to consider a complaint

The main reason why a claim may be refused is the lack of competence of the organization in this matter. In this case, the application should be redirected to another department. This will be indicated in the response letter to the appeal. The response should be expected no later than seven days after registering the complaint.

Also, if contact information was not indicated in the appeal:

  • passport number and series;
  • almost shipping address;
  • registration address.

That application will also not be considered and, accordingly, there is no need to wait for a response.

Another factor in the refusal is the legal battle with Rospotrebnadzor on another issue. If there are threats, blackmail, abuse, insults and disrespectful treatment, no response will be given. A complaint will be rejected if its text cannot be read or a return mailing address cannot be established.

If the rules allow you to give an answer and the return address is readable, then even if there is a refusal, the consumer will receive an appropriate notification that will describe the reasons for the impossibility of considering the application.

You should contact Rospotrebnadzor promptly in the event of a violation. A complaint against the store is registered within three days. The response is received within a calendar month. Experts in the field of consumer protection advise visiting the regulatory authority in person and filing a complaint under the guidance of a representative of the organization.

Want to complain about a store because of noise? Brief instructions

In today's realities of life, it is difficult to surprise a person if the store is located on the first and semi-basement floors of an apartment building. Often this is the reason why conflict situations, the main reason for which is noise: industrial air conditioners, unloading and loading in the silence of the night, operation of refrigeration units, etc.

What to do in such a situation and where to go? The main destination is the same Rospotrebnadzor. The scheme of actions is the same:

  • We formulate applications addressed to the main manager in the territorial department.
  • We describe the current problem.
  • We attach the evidence base (photos, video report).
  • Indicate your request for noise measurements (necessary for further litigation).

In addition to the application, it is very important to provide evidence that will be significant when going to court. For example, these could be similar noise complaints from neighbors (class action lawsuit). It is also possible to conduct pre-trial measurements.

Important information!!! IN The impact of noise and vibration waves on the central nervous system and autonomic system was recorded from 40 to 70 dB. Research in this area has shown that when exposed to noise, a person’s performance decreases by 10%, the level of perception of illness increases by 15%, and the causes of insomnia are recorded in 45/100 cases.

A sample noise complaint statement can be downloaded on the portal for free:

After the application is submitted to Rospotrebnadzor, its employees set a day to measure the noise that comes from the specified facility. This procedure carried out after coordination of actions with the prosecutor's office. The defendant or his official representative must be present during the measurement.

If the measurement shows that the standards and rules for maintaining this equipment are exceeded, an order will be issued to eliminate it. Thus, the defendant is obliged to eliminate the source of noise within the specified period.

Practice shows that these instructions are often ignored by the defendant. In this case, you should write another statement. But if this application remains unanswered and the violations are not eliminated, you can safely go to court to eliminate the equipment and receive compensation for moral and physical damage.

The complexity of the situation may be due to the lack of a response from the regulatory authority or the measurements being taken on a date other than that indicated in the response. It must be remembered that the inaction of this institution can be appealed by sending a letter to the head of the territorial unit or to the court.

Proceedings through the court

Often, noise litigation ends up in court. Direct statement of claim on the fact of violation by the store of the conditions of SanPiN and the reasons for which harm to health is caused.

The following must be attached to this document:

  • letters sent to Rospotrebnadzor;
  • noise measurements taken;
  • photographs and video report of the object;
  • turn to independent expert organizations, and the results should also be attached to the claim.

The harmful effects of noise on the human body, both physical and moral, are quite difficult to prove in court. To do this, you should include a medical examination, involve the doctors who performed the diagnostics, and also collect written testimony from neighbors.

As a rule, the result of a lawsuit is a proposal by the defendant for a settlement, in which guarantees will be given to eliminate the causes of noise. Otherwise, the defendant will be held accountable according to the administrative code and fines will be imposed.

If in this case there is no reaction (and this will in fact be the case), you need to send your complaint to the Mandatory Fund Health Insurance(MHIF). After all, they are the ones who finance our medicine, and their doctors listen carefully, because... “Whoever pays the money calls the tune.” Well then extreme case, last resort - federal Service for supervision in the field of healthcare and social development. Everyone is afraid of them. One mention of this “institution” named Roszdravnadzor can solve a lot. You can file a complaint on the official website - http://www.roszdravnadzor.ru or in regional departments Federal Service. ... about the insurance company Complain about Insurance companies you can and should contact the Federal Insurance Supervision Service.

How to properly file a complaint against a store with Rospotrebnadzor?


Another case is if you are an entrepreneur. You need to obtain permission to operate the building from the fire department. But to obtain such permission you are required to pay a bribe. What to do in these cases? Recently, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, speaking at the Small Business Forum, instructed the prosecutor's office to check all regulatory and inspection bodies for corruption.


And the prosecutor's office, like bloodhounds, began to look for cases of corruption. Therefore, if you come to the prosecutor’s office with a request to check the local branch of Rospotrebnadzor or the Fire Supervision Authority for corruption, you will be received as if you were one of their own. Based on your complaint, they will immediately begin to work. You can also submit a request on the special “Law Enforcement Portal Russian Federation» - http://www.112.ru - here employees of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation will receive your complaint.

Where to complain when buying an expired product in a store

It has become a practice all over the world that if someone deceived you or treated you poorly, you should definitely complain to higher authorities. That is why in Western countries There is practically no such chaos in stores, on the roads, there are no greedy police officers, etc. Any service organization or official knows that if something happens, they will certainly complain about him where necessary and all kinds of checks will be provided.
Here in Russia they also like to complain. But not on business and where necessary, but in conversations with each other, throwing mud at a careless official from the fire department or a salesman in a store who slipped spoiled yogurt. Meanwhile, the offender continues to fool and deceive citizens, because he is almost sure that no one “will complain for a hundred rubles.” But it would be necessary. One will complain, another, a third, and the supervisory authorities will take action.

Where to complain about a store if the employees are insolent

Despite the fact that expired goods should not be on store shelves, in practice no one is safe from this. In supermarkets, products with expiring dates are usually placed in a prominent place, and then may not be removed in time. Read about what to do for residents of the Moscow region who, through inattention, have bought a product that can no longer be used, on the portal “In the Moscow Region”.

The cause of more than 30% of diseases in Russia is the quality of food. Study the law First of all, do not be afraid to return the goods to the store. In this case, the law “On Protection of Consumer Rights” is on your side. According to the law, the consumer has the right, if defects are found in a product, to demand replacement of a product of the same brand or a refund.

Where can I file a complaint about a store? procedure

The placement of such price tags in stores is carried out by cunning sales consultants working on the sales floor to display goods. In such a situation, it is necessary to act clearly and quickly. Take out your phone and take a photo of the product along with the price tag; if the price on the price tag is actually lower than the market price and the product is right for you, feel free to take as much as you need and pay at the indicated price.

At the checkout it will be enough to show a photo on your phone and threaten with a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor and Tax office. In the event that the cashier-seller does not want to comply with your legal requirement to release the goods at the specified price, but instead starts arguing with you or runs to put the correct price tag and says that they just made a mistake, feel free to take the complaint book (usually on a wall stand at the exit of the store) and make a note. In your complaint, describe the current situation and the seller’s response to your request.

Expired and low-quality food products

Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”); if you demand compensation for losses, the claim must be accompanied by documents confirming the amount of losses caused (a receipt, and if you were poisoned by an expired product, a doctor’s certificate and a receipt for medications); — indicate what documents are attached to the claim (copy of sales or cash receipt, etc.). — the claim can also mention the intention to appeal to Rospotrebnadzor or to court to protect your rights if the seller refuses to voluntarily satisfy the claim. – Full name, signature of the applicant and date. Sanctions have been removed from Russian stores expensive products - Rospotrebnadzor The claim must be prepared in two copies. The claim can be presented in person by arriving at the store. One copy must be handed over to the seller, administrator or other authorized person (the manager must accept the claim personally legal entity is not obliged to).

What to do if you were sold expired products

When purchasing a product, the buyer does not always pay attention to its expiration date, and later discovers that the product is unfit for use. In addition, it happens that the expiration date has not expired, but the product is damaged. In such situations, you need to remember that the sale of substandard products is prohibited by law, and also know where to complain about the store. First of all, a buyer who has purchased an expired product must contact the administrator or store owner and upon presentation sales receipt demand that the damaged goods be exchanged or returned cash. If the store refuses to return the money or exchange the goods, you should take the application in 2 copies (the 1st remains with the government agency employee, the 2nd is stamped with acceptance) to Rospotrebnadzor, whose powers include inspecting retail outlets carrying out trading activities.

I have a right!

For employees of the patrol service - to the head of the police department in whose territory the patrol service is located. Regarding the decisions of interrogators and investigators (refusal to initiate a criminal case, termination of a criminal case, arrest and prosecution), a complaint in the form of a statement is written to the prosecutor's office in whose territory the interrogator or investigator works. But in addition to the above, you can also complain to the “Most important authorities: - Department of Internal Security of the City Main Internal Affairs Directorate; - Department of Internal Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (if the Internal Security Department of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate of your city did not help); - Federal Security Service (if the Internal Security Department of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate and the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not help ) First you need to try to resolve the issue lowest level(through the heads of the internal affairs department) and if this does not help, then only after that complain to the Department of Internal Security.

Where to complain about expired products in the store

Where to complain about a store: Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare: Rospotrebnadzor Citizen Appeal Form

  • Central reception of Rospotrebnadzor: B. Zlatoustinsky lane, 7, 2nd floor, room. 7 (for legal issues and consumer protection) Grafsky lane, 4/9 (for sanitary and epidemiological issues) Tel.: (495) 621–25–74, 621–70–76
  • Reception of Rospotrebnadzor in the Northern District: St. Admirala Makarov, 10 Tel.: (495) 452–38–18
  • Reception of Rospotrebnadzor in the North-Eastern District: St.

    Bochkova, 5 Tel.: (495) 615–96–51

  • Reception of Rospotrebnadzor in the North-Western District: St. Academician Kurchatova, 17 Tel.: (499) 190–48–15
  • Reception of Rospotrebnadzor in the Eastern District: St.

You can also write a letter to Rospotrebnadzor with a complaint about the store on the official website of the supervisory authority. By the way, it is worth taking photographs of the damaged goods and attaching these photographs to the letter. In addition, the Rospotrebnadzor hotline will tell you what to do in case of emergency. specific situation, for example, if the consumer is not satisfied with the quality of the purchased product or the service provided.


The hotline number: 8-800-100-0004 is open every weekday from 10.00 to 17.00 (break from 12.00 to 12.45). The call is free from anywhere settlement Russia. Sausages without meat are money down the drain: the problem of bad products in Moscow How to properly file a claim Claims regarding the quality of a purchased product that has expired can be submitted to the store in writing.

If a buyer is sold a low-quality product, he has the legal right to demand that it be replaced with products with similar functionality or to terminate the sales contract and return the money.

But the buyer does not always encounter a conscientious seller who follows the law. In this case, the buyer will have to defend his rights.

What is a defective product?

The quality of a product means the totality consumer properties, which meet the needs of the buyer and exclude harm to him, subject to proper operation, consumption, storage and transportation.

Although, from a legal point of view, all goods are of proper quality, the law does not contain direct definition, which product is considered to be of low quality.

A low-quality product can be defined as a product that does not comply in its properties and functions with accepted norms and standards, which is why the consumer cannot use it for its intended purpose.

According to the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” and Article 469 of the Civil Code, low-quality goods do not have certain properties, which were assumed by the concluded sales agreement between the buyer and the seller. This means that this product does not comply with the conditions and requirements of special legislation, samples and descriptions; characteristics that allow this product to be used for the purposes that are usually pursued by customers when purchasing a product of this kind.

A low-quality product is not capable of performing the functions for which it is intended. The vast majority of conflicts between seller and buyer arise due to the purchase of low-quality goods.

Article 18 of the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” indicates the following legitimate ones to whom a defective product was sold:

  • terminate the sales contract and return the money;
  • product for the same proper quality (same model and brand);
  • exchange the product for a similar one with the same functionality(for example, to a phone of a different brand or model) with cost recalculation.

At the same time, the choice optimal solution Whether to return the product or exchange it for a similar one remains at the discretion of the consumer. The seller has no right to impose his opinion.

The buyer can also make a demand for the return of low-quality goods in relation to goods that are approved by special resolution Governments (this includes a wide range of household appliances and electronics). Such goods may be returned to the store within 15 days after purchase if any defects are found. After the specified period, the product is returned to the store only if it is in stock.

According to the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, the absence of a cash register or sales receipt cannot be a reason for refusing to return a low-quality product.

According to Art. 21 of the Law, the seller is obliged to replace a low-quality product within 7 days after its purchase, subject to the availability of an analogue in the warehouse. But in the absence of such goods, the terms for exchange are extended (up to 30 days).

According to current legislation, goods with inadequate quality can only be exchanged for a new one that has not been previously used. In this case, the seller’s warranty obligations should be revised, and the start date should be the date of transfer of the new product to the buyer.

If during the time that the faulty product was with the seller, the price for it increased, then he does not have the right to demand that the buyer pay the difference for the product when exchanging it. This is confirmed by Art. 24 of the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, which states that the cost is not recalculated when replacing a product with an analogue. But when the consumer agrees to replace a low-quality product with another with a different model, brand, article, etc., then he is obliged to pay the seller the difference, provided that the cost of the product purchased in return is higher.

When mentioning a low-quality product, the Civil Code and legislation on the protection of consumer rights provide language about a defect and a significant defect. A product of poor quality always has one of these shortcomings.

The difference between these concepts is that a significant defect is understood as one that cannot be without disproportionate costs or time costs, or one that has repeatedly manifested itself after its elimination, or similar deficiencies.

For example, a heated seat that doesn't work can be considered simply a "fault" since it does not prevent the car from being used for its intended purpose. But if the heating is repaired, and then the defect manifests itself again, then it will become significant.

All shortcomings can be divided into obvious ones, which can be detected during the initial inspection, and hidden ones, which can only manifest themselves during operation.

According to another classification of product defects, there are design, manufacturing, prescription and other defects.

How to file a claim for a defective product

To return a low-quality product, the buyer should contact the store with written complaint. A unified form for such a claim has not been developed; it is drawn up in a free format.

The store must have a written form: it can be written by hand or typed on a computer. The claim may consist of the following sections:

  1. The buyer's full name must be written in the header of the document.; the name of the store to which the complaint is being filed.
  2. Document's name: “Claim.”
  3. The descriptive part describes in detail the circumstances of the purchase.: date of purchase, what product was purchased ( serial number, model and trademark), what defects were discovered by the buyer in the product and when, under what circumstances they arose (to eliminate the possibility of operational defects of the product); if there are witnesses to the incident, information about them is indicated.
  4. The reasoning part specifies the basis for filing a claim with the store.: for example, with reference to Article 18 of the Law on “Protection of Consumer Rights”.
  5. In the petition part you need to indicate the consumer’s requirements: , exchange the product for another or the same new one.
  6. Other evidence of the fact of purchase in this store may also be used as attachments to the claim. If at the time of filing a claim the consumer has already carried out an examination regarding the occurrence of deficiencies, then its results should also be attached. Then, in the requirements for the store, the buyer may additionally demand compensation for the costs of.
  7. Date of filing the claim and the buyer’s signature and its transcript.

A sample complaint for a defective product to a store can be downloaded from. The claim can be submitted by the buyer personally to the store administration or sent by mail by registered mail.

What to do if the store refuses to refund your money

The seller has the right to legally refuse to return the goods:

  • if the product is included in the product list, return;
  • if the buyer violates the established return rules;
  • if fraud is suspected(for example, that the buyer replaced the product with a counterfeit);
  • in the presence of defects that arose due to the fault of the buyer.

But if the seller refers to the absence of a sales receipt, money in the cash register for a refund, the absence of another product for exchange, that the product is not allowed to be exchanged due to its purchase during the discount period, and that the product is not subject to exchange by law (although the product is not included in the list from Government Decree No. 55), then the seller’s actions are illegal.

If the store refuses to comply with the buyer’s legal requirements, he should adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Contact the store with a complaint. The buyer must keep one copy of the claim with a note from the store confirming its acceptance. If the store in every possible way prevents you from receiving the claim, then it must be sent to the store’s legal address (it can be found in the buyer’s corner).
  2. Wait for the results of the claim. The results of its processing must be transferred to the buyer in writing and contain the reasons for refusing to return the defective product.
  3. In the event of an unlawful refusal, the buyer has the right to seek protection of his interests in. Based on the results of consideration of the appeal, the department must conduct an unscheduled inspection of the store. If store management violates current laws, they may be required to pay a large fine.
  4. The buyer also has the right to sue. Here he can demand not only compensation for the cost of the goods, but also moral damages.

Thus, the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights” protects the rights of buyers when they purchase low-quality goods. They have the right to exchange defective goods for a new one of high quality or similar from another manufacturer, as well as to terminate the sales contract and return the money for the purchase. In order for the buyer’s demands to be fulfilled, he should contact the store with a written complaint. If the consumer’s demands are ignored, he can complain about the store to Rospotrebnadzor or go to court for compensation.

In accordance with Part 5 of Art. 18 of the Law, the absence of a consumer's cash receipt or sales receipt or other document certifying the fact and conditions of purchase of goods is not grounds for refusal to satisfy his requirements. In accordance with Art. 493 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the consumer’s absence of these documents does not deprive him of the opportunity to refer to witness testimony in support of the conclusion of the contract and its terms. Thus, if you do not have a cash receipt, but have claims against the seller, you need to obtain testimony from people who can confirm that you actually purchased the goods at this outlet. The seller states that the low-quality product is not available for sale. You should find the shelf with the product you purchased, check the batch number, article number and production date.

Return of low-quality food products

Therefore, be prepared for the fact that, when arguing his actions, the seller will resort to tricks, refer to non-existent articles of the law, or simply stall for time, hoping that the angry buyer will spit on everything and leave the store with “ empty handed" Therefore, it is worth remembering that, at the buyer’s request, the seller is obliged to provide not only the complaint book, but also the text of the law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” dated 02/07/1992 N 2300-1, Article 18 of which regulates the procedure for terminating the purchase and sale agreement.

If you purchase a low-quality product on the basis of this article, you have the right to return it to the seller in exchange for the money paid or a similar but serviceable product. If a product has a warranty period, it can be returned within the warranty period.

Where to file complaints about low-quality goods - tips for consumers

  • demand a reduction in the purchase price of the purchased product in accordance with the criticality of the detected defect and, as a consequence, the return of part of the amount paid for the product (while the purchase itself remains with you);
  • demand replacement of the purchased product with a similar one, but of acceptable quality;
  • insist on replacing the purchased product or service with another product from the same supplier of your choice (subject to full compensation for the resulting price difference).

It is important to know: to prove that a defective or expired product was purchased in the exact store where you are trying to return it, any methods not prohibited by law (for example, testimony of independent witnesses, photos or videos) are suitable.

How to return a product of inadequate quality, where to file a claim?

If in your case we are talking about any large retail outlet where the staff values ​​​​the reputation of the establishment and their jobs, just a verbal appeal will be enough to get your money back or at least replace the product.

  • If a store employee, for one reason or another, refuses to satisfy your demands on the spot, file a complaint statement addressed directly to management. point of sale(to be sure, use a ready-made form or sample that can be found on the Internet). Wait for a response. By law, the store management is required to give at least some response to your request within a maximum of 10 days.
  • After the expiration of the above period, your claim will either be satisfied or postponed pending the results of an independent examination appointed in this case.


    According to the law, you can exercise your right to return your purchase and receive compensation for goods of inadequate quality only within 2 years after the conclusion of the transaction (unless the contrary is stipulated in the purchase and sale agreement or one of the special laws).

  • Having proven your case through the court, you have the right to immediately demand from your unscrupulous seller not only an exchange of goods or a refund for it, but also compensation for moral damage, as well as all material costs (fees for examination, legal services, etc.).

You always have the opportunity to ask Rospotrebnadzor to protect your rights. To do this, it is enough to send a written complaint to the above-mentioned body (it can be drawn up in any free form or using any of the samples found on the Internet).

Algorithm of consumer actions when purchasing a low-quality product


Law) and nothing else, and the lack of spare parts cannot be grounds for extending the repair period. If you are not satisfied with the new repair period, you have every right to demand a refund of the money paid for the goods (Part 1 of Art.

18 of the Law). They sold you sour milk. Having bought milk, you discovered at home that it was spoiled. Out of habit, the check was thrown next to the cash register. In most cases, we prefer to curse sellers without leaving home, vowing never to buy anything from that store again.
But if the bitterness of resentment prevents you from sleeping peacefully at night, then you will return to the store and explain to the seller that, to put it mildly, the store is wrong for selling damaged goods. In this case, you either change the product or get your money back.
However, this is not always the case. The seller asks you for a cash receipt, but you don’t have one, and on this basis he states that he will not change anything and will not return the money.

What to do if you bought a low-quality product

Any complaint in the book or personal complaint to a regulatory organization will cost the seller a decent amount, a thorough inspection, and even the closure of the store. You can complain to the Inspectorate for Trade and Quality of Goods of the Russian Federation.

There are generally specialists working there for each product group: bakery, fruits and vegetables, alcoholic beverages and others. They are required to listen to all complaints and verify that standards are being met.


At the Inspectorate for Trade and Quality of Goods, specialists conduct their own mini-investigation, weigh, inspect the packaging, and conduct an organoleptic examination (color, taste, smell). If a complete analysis of products is necessary, product samples are sent for laboratory examination.

Stand up for your rights. If you bought moldy bread or rancid butter, don’t be lazy, go back to the store and file a claim with the seller.


If poisoning occurs with expired goods, then you must save everything written documents, indicating that you were in the hospital, purchased medications, and take them to the store with a request to reimburse the costs of treatment. In case of refusal, you have the right to go to court. You must have all the documents with you: cash receipts, doctor’s certificates and prescriptions, receipts for purchased medications, etc.

As a result, you may be refunded the cost of the product, the cost of the examination, treatment, and a small amount for compensation for moral damage. Knowledge of the Russian Federation Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” (Law on Consumer Rights) dated 02/07/1992 N 2300-1 will be useful to you.
Here are some excerpts: Article 7. The consumer’s right to the safety of goods (work, services) clause 4.

Where to go if you bought a low-quality product

They, as well as manufacturers, Russian legislation bear full responsibility for the quality of the goods sold. And even if the receipt is lost, the buyer is still always right. The seller insists on the freshness of the moldy bread; invite her to try a piece in person. It didn’t work - promise an examination, a department visit consumer market, trade department, National Fund for the Protection of Consumer Rights, Consumer Union and others.
And through the court, the injured buyer has the right to demand compensation for moral damages for the purchase of an expired product. If the purchase of the product is completely over food poisoning and even if there is a doctor’s report, then there is a direct road to court. If you insist and go to the end, the result will justify the time spent.

Where to go if you bought a low-quality product

Legal advice How to return goods of inadequate quality, where to file a claim? Often, in order to avoid unnecessary losses, some unscrupulous sellers do not remove expired and (or) damaged goods from sale. And no matter how careful you are when going to the store, it is impossible to 100% “insure” yourself against purchasing a low-quality product.

Fortunately, there are special federal laws aimed at protecting consumer rights. According to one of them, any citizen has the right to return a previously purchased product to the seller if it does not meet the declared quality, and to receive a refund of the money paid for it.