Salmon (Salmo salar) or Salmon noble

From here it enters for spawning in the rivers of Europe, from Portugal in the south to the White Sea and the river. Kara in the north. Along the American coast, salmon are distributed from the Connecticut River in the south to Greenland in the north. There are several species of the genus Salmo in the Pacific Basin, but they are few in number compared to the Pacific salmon of the genus Oncorhynchus. Previously, salmon were extremely abundant in all rivers of Europe, where there were suitable spawning grounds. Walter Scott mentions the times when Scottish farm laborers, when hiring, made it a condition that they should not be fed salmon too often. Hydroconstruction, pollution of rivers with household and factory wastes and mainly overfishing have made this condition easy to satisfy in our time. The number of salmon has now sharply decreased, and artificial breeding is widely used to maintain the herd in special fish hatcheries. The passage of salmon into rivers is rather difficult. In our rivers flowing into the Barents and White Seas, from August until freezing there is a large autumn salmon. Her reproductive products are very poorly developed. The course is interrupted with the onset of winter. Part of the autumn salmon, which did not have time to enter the rivers, winters in the estuarine spaces and enters the river immediately after the ice drift (mid - end of May). Such a salmon is called "ice". Autumn salmon spends a year in the river without feeding, and only the next autumn comes to spawning grounds. It seems that this form needs a rest period at a low temperature. Our largest ichthyologist L.S. Berg called this form winter by analogy with winter cereals. Following the ice-freeze in June, salmon-"cut-off" enters the rivers, mainly large females, with already significantly developed reproductive products. In July, it is replaced by summer salmon, or "low water", in which caviar and milk are well developed. Cutting and low water reach spawning grounds and lay eggs in the same autumn. This is a spring form. Along with the low-water period, the rivers include "tinda" - small (45-53 cm in length and 1-2 kg in weight) males, which matured in the sea in one year. Many (sometimes up to 50%) male salmon do not go to sea at all. They ripen in the river and have mature milk already at a length of 10 cm, therefore, females predominate among autumn salmon, dry season and low water. In some rivers, along with the autumn salmon, there is a "leaflet" - a small form, similar to tinda, but among which there are females. Having been in the sea for only one year, it returns to spawn and spawns in the same autumn, not needing a rest period. In our Kola Peninsula and in the White Sea basin, salmon passages are compressed in 4-5 summer months and are interrupted by freeze-up. A different picture in the rivers of Western Europe. There, the course stretches for the whole year: salmon, corresponding to our autumn salmon and freezing, goes to the Rhine in November, cut-off and low-water season - in May, tinda - in July. Summer run prevails in Norway; presumably the same can be said for the salmon of the American coast. Apparently, the winter form of salmon cannot turn into the spring form, and vice versa. Similarly, it is not known whether both spring and winter salmon can develop from the eggs of one female. Salmon spawns in autumn (September - October) in the north and in winter in more southern regions. The female pulls out a large (up to 2-3 m long) hole in the sandy-pebble soil and buries fertilized eggs in it. Here is how the subtle observer Fritsch describes salmon spawning: “The female lies down in the hole, resting her head on a stone at the edge of it. A male swims up to her in the evening or early in the morning and stops, holding his head near her genital opening. As soon as the female, irritated by the presence of the male, releases some eggs, he rushes forward, touching her with his side, and releases milk. Then he stops about 1 m in front of the female and gradually releases a stream of milk onto the eggs, which now run out of the female in a whole stream; the latter at the same time throws eggs with sand and pebbles with lateral movements of its tail. Spawning salmon swim downstream, emaciated from a long hunger strike, wounded, with frayed fins. Some of them, especially males, die from exhaustion, but those who have reached the sea again acquire a silvery color, begin to feed and restore strength. Although death after spawning is not necessary for the noble salmon, like in chum salmon and pink salmon, rare fish spawn again. The only case of five-time spawning was recorded. The more developed the fishery in the river, the lower the percentage of re-spawning fish. The water temperature at the salmon spawning grounds in winter does not exceed 6 ° C, so the eggs develop slowly. Only in May do juveniles hatch from eggs, and then live in fresh water for a long time. Young salmon do not resemble adult fish and have even been described earlier as an independent species. These are lively and agile fish, variegatedly colored, with dark transverse stripes on the sides, with a dark back covered with brown and red round spots. In our north they are called "parr". Parrs feed on caddis larvae, crustaceans, insects that have fallen into the water in rivers. They descend very slowly to the estuaries. After 1-5 years, reaching a size of 9-18 cm in length, they go out to sea. At this time, dark stripes and spots disappear from them, and the body is covered with silvery scales. This transformation is often called smoltification from the accepted English name for the silver stage - "smolt". But not all parr swim to the mouth and turn into smolts. A significant part of them remains in spawning grounds and matures there. These are dwarf males, which have already been mentioned. They take part in the spawning of fish that came from the sea, when the main male, standing next to the female, begins to drive away large rivals. Females need to migrate to the sea for maturation; they usually do not mature in rivers. But if a female at the smolt stage is transplanted into a pond and provided with abundant food, then in the end it is possible to achieve her maturation. Salmon grows extremely fast in the sea. If in 3 years of life in the river the parr grows by 10 cm, then in one year of life in the sea 23-24 cm are added (data on the Ponoi River). Salmon is a fast and strong fish and can take very long journeys. So, on August 10, 1935, a salmon was caught in the Vyg River, marked with a Norwegian mark on June 10 of the same year, near the Trondheims Fjord. In other words, she swam 2500 km in 50 days at an average speed of 50 km per day! LAKE SALMON (S. salar morpha sebago) is a special lacustrine form of salmon that exists in large northern lakes (Lake Vener, Lake Labrador, we have in Ladoga and Onega, and a number of others). This form does not go to sea, but feeds in the lake and spawns in the rivers flowing into the lake. Landlocked salmon are usually smaller than anadromous and more spotted, with spots on the sides even below the lateral line. The origin of the lake form will become clear if we remember that the lakes in which it is found, as a rule, are bays separated from the sea. Often other inhabitants of the sea live in them - the four-horned slingshot (Muohocephalus quadricornis) and brackish-water crustaceans. But in general, the tendency to the formation of residential forms in the noble salmon is much less than in the closely related species, the brown trout.

A well-known joke says that "every salmon is a salmon, but not every salmon is a salmon!" Let's try to understand this difficult issue with the utmost scrupulousness and precision.

"Who is Hu" in our fish menu

First of all, let's find out what ichthyology says about this: indeed, from the point of view of a strict scientific classification, "salmon" is a collective name for a whole genus of fish, and it certainly sounds like this: the genus is salmon ( Salmo), family - salmon ( Salmonidae), detachment - salmonids ( Salmoniformes). And this genus includes the following industrially harvested / farmed "treats": salmon proper (Atlantic / lake salmon - Salmo salar) and then a whole range of about thirty species under the unifying name "trout" (all of these fish are often called "real salmon") ...

However, if you “climb a little up the fish family tree”, then pink salmon ( Oncorhynchus gorbuscha), and chum ( Oncorhynchus keta), as well as a long, long list of fish that are much less known to the general consumer, but from this no less pleasing to the ear with their names (omul, whitefish, chinook salmon, coho salmon, sockeye salmon, taimen, grayling, lenok - and further down the list). And therefore, it will be almost endless to argue about “which of the salmon is the most salmon”.

Why are such different fish often referred to in everyday life in a similar / the same way?

The riddle is solved quite simply if you look on the map at the geographical areas of distribution of each of the mentioned species and at the same time keep in mind that they are biologically very related to each other: accordingly, in countries / regions located at a great distance, they tend to call that fish relative ”that lives right on their territory (well, or at least closer to the borders). After all, it is only now that you can fly in less than nine hours from Norway (one of the main breeding grounds for Atlantic salmon) somewhere in Anadyr (Kamchatka, the habitat of the Chinook salmon - Pacific or “Royal” salmon) and bring back or forth with you a “delicious fish "- and at the beginning of the twentieth century such an expedition would have taken at least a year.

Moreover, confusion is often introduced "with the best of intentions": in the same Kamchatka, you can catch mykizha fish, better known as "Rainbow Trout" and (surprise-surprise!) "Kamchatka Salmon", which is now successfully acclimatized and successfully grown in many countries the world.

Unexpected "fruits of progress"

In order to finally "upset" the reader, let us pay attention to the following nuance, which is usually simply ignored silently: after all, not just "salmon" is waiting for him in the supermarket, but as a rule "salmon of artificial breeding", who spent his whole life first at a fish hatchery, and then - in a nursery cage somewhere near the coast. And the point here is not so much what he ate and where he “fattened up” - it's just that this fish is typically no longer a “pure genetic line”, but to some extent a hybrid specially bred for more successful breeding in industrial conditions and accelerated weight gain.


From the resulting mini-study, the following disappointing conclusions can be drawn:

The use of the term "salmon" for precise identification is meaningless at once for a number of reasons:

  1. Firstly, this is a generic name, under which, with a "narrow" interpretation, at least three dozen different types of trout fall - and with a "wide" one, the number of species indiscriminately attributed to salmon can already be in the hundreds.
  2. Secondly, for everyday (domestic) use, the name "salmon" is typically used by locals to refer to fish closely related to salmon, geographically living near their borders - which, given the presence of a developed industrial fish farming industry and the transportation of the finished product literally around the world, confuses the situation even more.
  3. Thirdly, fish sellers / suppliers are deliberately rebranding the finished product under the name that, in principle, provides them with the greatest profit in a given territory: as shown above, it is technically correct to call the same fish both salmon and Atlantic / lake salmon. - and if the first name immediately seems to have something dear, "stately merchant", then in salmon (especially Atlantic) one can hear "wonderful fish, overseas!"

And the joke about salmon and salmon put forward at the beginning can be considered both true and not very true: formally and strictly scientifically, it is, but taking into account the existence of "Kamchatka salmon", which clearly does not belong to the genus Salmon, everything is not so simple ... Truly, the mysterious country of Russia!

Red fish salmon (the second name is salmon) is a favorite delicacy of the average Russian, which is very useful for human health. Baked, lightly salted, smoked, boiled - in any form, the meat of this fish is present on the tables in every home at the celebration. Salmon is a type of salmon fish from the class of lechery fish, the length of which can reach 1.5 meters and weigh up to 40 kg. Atlantic salmon live in the waters of the Atlantic, the Arctic Ocean, during the spawning season, they swim into the water bodies of Portugal, Finland and the Scandinavian Peninsula. Lake salmon lives in the water bodies of Karelia, Norway, Sweden, the Baltic and White seas, Ladoga and Onega lakes. Salmon is an anadromous fish that can travel vast distances from ocean to seas and rivers and vice versa. There are two genera, depending on the time of reproduction - spring (spring) and autumn (winter). Salmon lives in the sea, and swims in rivers for spawning for 1-2 years. An amazing phenomenon - salmon do not feed at all in river reservoirs, but survive due to the accumulated energy reserves.

Distinctive features of salmon from other varieties of red fish:

  • has a large and pointed head;
  • he has an elongated carcass (in the form of a torpedo);
  • salmon has large silvery scales;
  • pale pink fish meat.

Nutritional value of the product

To calculate an individual chart of calorie content and daily intake of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for each product for a person, there is information about its nutritional value.

  1. Macronutrients: (protein 22.5 grams (38%), fat 12.5 grams (19%), saturated fat 2.3 grams (10%), carbohydrates 0, water 56.5 grams, cholesterol 0.108 gram).
  2. Vitamins: (A - 0.03 grams (3%), E - 2.5 grams (17%), B1 - 0.15 grams (10%), B2 - 0.2 grams (11%), PP - 10 gram (50%)).
  3. Minerals: (potassium - 0.221 grams (9%), calcium - 0.04 grams (4%), magnesium - 0.06 grams (15%), sodium - 2.97 grams (228%), phosphorus - 0.243 grams ( 30%), Iron - 0.0025 grams (14%)).

Atlantic salmon or lake salmon are very tasty and have a number of beneficial properties. To preserve them, it is recommended not to fry the salmon, but to bake it in foil. The main benefit of salmon meat is its rich protein content.

100 grams of meat contains half the daily protein requirement of the human diet.

Also, red fish, in comparison with white, has a higher calorie content. The same 100 grams of fish contains about 220 calories.

Beneficial features

  • Salmon is easy to digest. Within an hour after taking it, the release of nutrients to the body occurs.
  • Omega-3 fatty acid improves the functioning of blood vessels, reduces the risk of thrombosis and cardiovascular disease
  • Regulation of stress hormones helps relieve emotional stress and fatigue, prevent depression, increase efficiency and mental alertness
  • Salmon meat contains special fats that benefit a woman's figure, not harm. They control cholesterol levels, make vessels elastic by nourishing the walls. Useful fatty acids in salmon meat contribute to weight loss. They do not harm the figure, since they are not deposited in the body in the form of fatty accumulations.
  • The use of salmon in nutrition leads to an increase in immunity, which reduces the risk of various diseases.
  • Red fish meat benefits the girls' appearance. It strengthens nails, hair follicles, promotes rapid skin regeneration and acne healing.
  • The content of methionine in fish prevents the development of diabetes mellitus and liver diseases.
  • Salmon meat, rich in beneficial vitamins D and PP, is recommended for pregnant women. Their content improves the functioning of the bone skeleton of newborns and prevents the onset of a disease such as rickets.
  • The benefits of red fish in the human diet include the production of melatonin, which has sun protection and anti-aging effects.
  • Salmon, thanks to the easily digestible amino acids contained in its composition, is useful for men and women involved in sports. Red fish in the diet quickly restores muscle tissue, helps to recover from injuries and illnesses.
  • Salmon caviar is used by cosmetologists as a component of masks and creams for girls to restore skin condition.
  • Vitamin B 6 allows men to solve the problem of infertility.
  • The use of salmon in the diet is recommended for the health of women during menopause - vitamins and fatty acids allow you to absorb more calcium to prevent osteoporosis.
  • Insulin, pancreatin and other drugs are obtained from salmon components.
  • Red fish meat is useful in the complex treatment of diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.


To give a rich red color to salmon meat, unscrupulous manufacturers add to the feed unsuitable coloring pigments, which can harm the human body in the future. There is also a scientific suspicion that salmon tends to accumulate mercury. The more the fish grows, the more this substance is in it. This circumstance causes great harm to the offspring of salmon and leads to mutations.

Salmon meat is a perishable product, so everyone needs to know how to store it.

Common options are:

  1. Pickling - There are many interesting recipes for making pickles. In this state, the fish will be stored longer and retain more useful properties.
  2. Use for storage of food grade paper instead of plastic bags.
  3. Before freezing, the fish is cleaned, washed and dried, after which it is wrapped in foil or paper and stored at -25 degrees.
  4. Cooked salmon is kept in the refrigerator at different temperatures: slightly salted - at 0 degrees, smoked - at -4 degrees.

Use for weight loss

The salmon meat contains special easily digestible fatty acids that do not harm the figure, since they do not settle in the form of fatty deposits. As a result of the consumption of salmon during the diet, the body receives useful substances necessary for full functioning, even with a greatly reduced menu.

100 grams of boiled salmon contains only 167 Kcal.

Therefore, while losing weight, a person will not experience discomfort associated with hunger and disorders of the condition of hair, nails and skin. For the dietary menu, salmon is cooked boiled or steamed, which allows you to preserve the beneficial properties of fish and reduce calorie content.

Salmon fish is considered one of the most valuable species. With its delicious meat, Atlantic salmon is an adornment of any festive table. Salmon is a welcome trophy for fishing enthusiasts. But it is often necessary to catch this fish “at the end of the earth”. What is the difference between this representative of salmonids and their relatives?

Salmon belongs to the salmon family, which also emphasizes the appearance of the fish. The body has an elongated, run-through shape, small round scales have a comb edge. It gives the fish a silvery color and the characteristic dark specks of salmon all over the body. However, the color of the scales can change with age and sexual maturity.

  • In young individuals, a dark body color is observed, on which transverse spots are clearly visible.
  • A distinctive feature of an adult salmon is its white belly. The sides are silvery and the back can be bluish or green.
  • the body of the female becomes bronze, red spots are clearly visible on it.

Belonging to the noble family is also emphasized by the small adipose fin, which is located between the tail and the dorsal fin. The elongated head has a wide mouth with many small teeth.

On a note! Young individuals have no teeth or they are fragile. Only when you reach puberty do strong bone formations grow in the mouth.

You can also identify salmon by the characteristic X-shaped spots located above the lateral line. The average lifespan is limited to 13-15 years, at this age Atlantic salmon can be 1.5 m long and weigh 45 kg.

Several types of salmon have the name salmon.

  • Atlantic salmon is usually called a sea fish that lives in the northern waters of the Atlantic and the western waters of the Arctic Ocean. This includes the Pechora salmon.
  • The large northern lakes of Russia are home to a freshwater form of Atlantic salmon. This is a lake salmon, which feeds fat in a stagnant reservoir, and goes to spawn in the rivers flowing into it. The lacustrine form differs from the anadromous form in its smaller size and a large number of spots on the body.
  • Kamchatka salmon is actually a representative of the Pacific salmon. This fish has a basic name. In its natural habitat, P. mykiss gains a mass of 1-1.5 kg with a body length of up to 50 cm.
  • You can often find Norwegian salmon on store shelves. This fish is farmed artificially in Norway and exported in large quantities. In terms of its gastronomic qualities, Norwegian salmon is much inferior to natural salmon.

Attention! Scientists from different countries have found that when a large amount of salmon is grown in limited water areas, diseases appear. To cope with them, many drugs and chemicals are thrown into the water. Fish grown in Norway is 5 times more toxic than natural fish.


The habitat of salmon is wide enough. The fish is found in the sea waters of Scandinavia, Great Britain, in the north of Portugal and Spain, on the northwestern coast of Russia. A large population of Atlantic salmon has been recorded off the coast of the United States and Canada. Salmon spends most of their life in the sea, where they feed and grow. But for spawning, sexually mature individuals rush into the rivers. Atlantic salmon prefers to stay close to the coast, where the depth of the water area does not exceed 120 m.

Photo 1. Coastal waters of the Atlantic.

Freshwater salmon acclimatized in the large lakes of the Scandinavian countries, Karelia and the Kola Peninsula, as well as in the Onega and Ladoga lakes. The fish spends its whole life in a stagnant reservoir, and goes to spawn in the rivers flowing into the lake.


All members of the salmon family are considered predators. Salmon is no exception. Only young individuals, being in rivers, feed on plankton, larvae, crustaceans and insects that have fallen into the water. As they grow, shells, crustaceans and juveniles of other fish species appear in the diet.

Feeding adults requires a lot of animal food. In sea waters, salmon most often hunt sprat and capelin, and herring, and gerbil. The Atlantic salmon feed especially actively before spawning. For some individuals, this period becomes the last zhory in life.

Behavior by seasons of the year

The entire life cycle of a salmon can be divided into several defining stages.

  • Young animals under 5 years of age live in the sea or lake, where they feed and grow. This period is interesting for anglers only in terms of cognition.
  • Fishing enthusiasts pay much more attention to the pre-spawning run. Sexually mature salmon are usually divided into two groups according to their behavior before the spawn. Spring or "spring" fish enter the river from spring to early autumn, and in the same year they spawn. The autumn or "winter" species is distinguished by a later course, from the end of August to October. This salmon is in the river for a year, and only in the next season it spawns. In most domestic rivers, both varieties are found. But in small rivers only spring salmon spawn, on the contrary, in the upper reaches of large rivers (Pechora) only the "winter" group lives.


Salmon spawning, like some other members of the salmon family, is shrouded in unsolved mystery. Scientists have split into two camps, putting forward opposite hypotheses.

  1. Some believe that salmon used to live in the seas, where they successfully spawned. To protect the clutch from predators, they began to arrange nests at river mouths, and then move upstream. Salmonids could not live in fresh water for a long time, so caviar began to ripen on its own in sand or pebbles.
  2. Another hypothesis is based on the assumption that salmon have always lived in rivers. But due to insufficient food supply, they had to go to sea. And in salt water, the eggs could not survive due to the low concentration of oxygen. Therefore, the fish have to return to the rivers to spawn.

In salmon, the breeding period is as follows. The female makes a long hole on the spawning ground, in which she is placed, resting her head on a stone. In the evening or in the morning, the male appears, which forces the female to release a portion of eggs. She is immediately fertilized, after which she is covered with sand or pebbles. Salmon spawning occurs from September to November. Depending on the size of the female, 10-26 thousand eggs are born. Each of them has a diameter of 5-6 mm.

After spawning, a hungry salmon rolls into the seas or lakes, where it recovers its strength. Some males die from exhaustion in the rivers. Atlantic salmon are capable of breeding 3-5 times.

Fishing methods and lures

Amateur fishing for salmon has certain limitations. Each region has its own rules governing the purchase of a license and a time-limited fishing period. There are two most popular fishing methods.

  1. In fast rivers, Atlantic salmon is successfully caught. They allow you to float downstream artificial baits that mimic fallen insects or small rodents. Fly fishing implies the availability of not only reliable tackle, but also the appropriate equipment that will allow you to spend a long time in cold water.
  2. On flat stretches of rivers, on rifts and in lakes, salmon can be harvested using a spinning rod. Commonly used are devons, alky, wobblers, etc. Uniform wiring is used for animation. Fishing can take place both from the shore and from a boat.

Tackle used

You can successfully catch salmon both for spinning and. It all depends on the preferences of the angler.

  • The fly rod and line are selected according to the fishing conditions. Typically a 2.7-3.5 m rod is used. It should be rated to use a grade 9-12 line. A medium sized coil (10-12 cm) should be reliable. The thickness of the leash ranges from 0.3-0.5 mm; for making underbrush, a 0.4-0.5 nylon thread with a length of 2-3 m is suitable.

Photo 2. Fly fishing salmon.

  • Spinning rod for salmon is completed on the basis of a rigid rod with a length of 2.1 to 2.7 m. The test load of the blank should be 10-40 g. The rod is equipped with a spinning reel. Depending on the size of the possible trophy, a monofilament line with a diameter of 0.3 to 0.6 mm is selected. The line stock on the spool is limited to 100 m.

Photo 3. Salmon spinning.

A fisherman who decides to catch a salmon has to overcome many difficulties. Long distances and spartan living conditions can only be overcome by true fans of fishing. And their reward for all the hardships will be gambling Atlantic salmon and delicious fresh fish meat.

Many salmon species fall under this name. But what is found on the counters of markets, specialized fish stores or hypermarkets is most often of the cage type, and sea salmon is quite a rare occurrence here. And to a person who does not have special knowledge, it is not clear how to distinguish a salmon grown in captivity from its wild relative.

Places where salmon is found

All salmon are northern fish species, therefore they are found in cold or bordering cold seas and oceans. They are also found in the Black Sea, which most likely became possible during the geographical period when this sea was associated with the Arctic Ocean. Salmon live permanently in the sea or ocean. However, during the spawning season, the shoals go up to the rivers, where they catch salmon, if there is a special permit for that. Because, like all salmon species, it is protected by the fishing industry. This means that river salmon is either a migratory sea or oceanic, or simply a regional name for a salmon that lives in a certain place.

How to choose the “right” salmon color?

You can see salmon on the shelves in all sorts of shades. But it's better to know than to guess - is it possible to eat salmon of bright red color, rich burgundy or orange hue? Although it is customary to know that this is a salmon red fish, natural pink is still considered the norm, guaranteeing the quality of the fish, and that it has not been overfed with food with dyes. But an excessively pale color is also an indicator that the fish is of poor quality. And is salmon, frozen, subjected to repeated defrosting and freezing and having a loose structure useful? - Definitely, no! A quality dish will not come out of it.

The benefits of salmon

It is difficult to overestimate all the benefits to the body from the use of this type of fish. It contains a lot of melatonin, which is involved in the process of body rejuvenation at the cellular level. In addition, when he is normal, a person passes well from a state of wakefulness to sleep. So everyone who suffers from insomnia or sleep disorders needs to introduce it into their diet and the problem will be removed. The composition of trace elements improves brain performance and reduces the risk of heart disease. Omega-3 polyunsaturated acids will lower cholesterol levels and strengthen arteries, improve the health and appearance of skin, hair, eyes and nails. If you plan to stay in the sun for a long time, then Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids will increase the skin's resistance to burns, or help fight their consequences, improving the regeneration of the epidermis. This is just a small list of what salmon is useful for.

Can salmon be harmful?

Of course, salmon meat is more of a delicacy than a daily food, therefore, when choosing, you need to approach the product with all possible care so as not to get harm instead of the desired benefit. Excessively red meat should be the first warning against unwanted purchases. Of course, this fish was grown in artificial conditions, in the feed of which there was a large number of food colors such as canthaxanthin. This dye will have a detrimental effect on the health of the whole organism as a whole, and first of all, the person's vision will be at risk. Therefore, you should not buy such fish, although the color looks very tempting and appetizing.

Salmon in the diet

If the menu includes salmon, the calorie content of the diet will increase by 140.4 kcal per 100 grams of this type of fish. However, all of the omega acids in its composition will help keep the level of leptin, the hormone responsible for metabolism, normal. Therefore, you can often find salmon in the diets of those who are losing weight, despite the high content of fat in it. And only 70 grams of natural salmon per week will be enough to replenish the norm of trace elements.

Standards for how much salmon is stored

  1. Fresh... Fresh, recently caught salmon requires the most careful storage, if it is necessary to prepare a dish from fresh, not frozen fish. It is 7-10 days 0-2 ° C.
  2. Fresh frozen... Here the period is longer - 3-4 months, and the temperature is below –20 ° C. But before cooking it will still need to be properly defrosted. This means that it must be moved from the freezer to the refrigerator with a temperature of -5 ° C.
  3. Smoked... It is stored in refrigerators, at the temperature indicated on the package, for an average of 5-6 days.
  4. Slightly salted... If these are homemade types of salted salmon, then the storage period is 2-3 days. If industrial salting, then depending on temperature and type of packaging - on average from 30 to 45 days. However, after opening the packaging material, the product should only be stored in an airtight container and in the refrigerator for about 2-3 days.