Individual lessons with children preparatory group"Gifts of Autumn"

Ponomareva Maria Vladimirovna, teacher - psychologist of the municipal government preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 8 Ostrogozhsk, Voronezh region.
Description: The material is useful for preparatory group teachers kindergarten, teachers - psychologists, speech therapists, defectologists.
Target: develop logical thinking
- consolidate knowledge about autumn fruits and vegetables; seasons
- expand your horizons about the world around you.
- develop memory, attention, thinking, imagination;
- promote enrichment vocabulary, articulatory apparatus.
Preliminary work:
- acquaintance with changes in nature that occur in autumn, fruits and vegetables.
Equipment: didactic material“Seasons”, drawing of shaded objects, teaching material “Fruits, vegetables”, colored pencils,
Used Books:
1. Finger games and gymnastics for kids E. Novak
2. Complex relaxation activities for preschoolers

Progress of the lesson:

- Hello, do you know what time of year it is?
(Child answers)
- That's right, autumn. (The teacher-psychologist points to the game cubes, where the drawing is not assembled correctly, summer is confused with autumn). Help me put the cubes together correctly, I think I got something mixed up.

- Well done. Do you know that in autumn people collect the last vegetables and fruits before winter? Let's take a short walk through the garden and collect the remaining fruits. But for this we need to collect inventory. (The teacher-psychologist gives the child a drawing and colored pencils). Find all the items we need to take with us.
(The child completes the task)

You completed the task. Also, we have a lot of hard work ahead of us. Let's stretch our fingers and chop the cabbage.
Finger gymnastics “Cabbage”
What kind of bush is this? (We put our fingers in a lock)
What kind of crunch is this? (We knock with our palms in the lock)
How can I live without crunching (we spread our hands)
What if I'm a cabbage?
We chop the cabbage - chop it (we hit the table with the edges of our palms)
We mash and mash the cabbage. (Clench and unclench your fists)
We salt and salt the cabbage (sort it with our fingers - “salt”)
And three or three carrots. (Three fists touching each other)
We put it in the tubs (with outstretched arms, we press our palms onto the table)
And we'll take it to the basement. (fingering)
- They stretched their fingers. (The teacher-psychologist gives the child a bag of fruits and vegetables). This bag contains fruits and vegetables, take it out and see if everything is collected correctly. If not, tell me why.
(The child completes the task. Collected in a bag different fruits and summer vegetables and autumn period)

- Right. Today we worked well, we can rest.
Exercise "Fists".
Target: tension and relaxation of arm muscles.
Hands on your knees
Fists clenched
Firmly, with tension
Fingers pressed, (clench fingers)
We squeeze our fingers harder -
Let go, unclench... (unclench) (2 times).
Exercise "Springs".
Target: tension and relaxation of leg muscles.
Our hands try so hard, even if our legs relax.
We place our feet on imaginary springs. And we raise our toes and heels one by one. We press on the springs - lower our toes, raise our heels - bend over.
What kind of strange springs rest against the shoes?
Put your socks down
Press the springs...
No springs - rest!
Hands are not tense
Legs are not tense
And relaxed...
The lesson is over. Duration 20 minutes.


Educational psychologist classes

MBOU TsO No. 27 of the city of Tula

Orekhova M.A.

Topic: “Autumn motives”

Purpose of the lesson:

Develop emotional responsiveness to the beauty of autumn.


Expand children's knowledge about the features of the autumn period in nature,

Develop observation skills

Develop memory,

Create a positive emotional state for children,

Develop an interest in nature.

Materials and equipment:

Sheets of paper, paints for each child, interactive whiteboard, laptop, presentation “Autumn”, ball.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Introductory conversation.

Hello guys. You know that you and I are lucky to live on a very beautiful planet.

Each season decorates it with its colors and fills it with special sounds and smells.

Getting to know and admire nature is not an easy task. Therefore, today we will talk about one hall of nature - autumn.

2. Mysteries and characteristics of the autumn months.

Tell me which ones autumn months You know? To do this, listen to the poems and name the month discussed in this poem:

1. Empty in the swift’s house -

Flew away, poor thing,

And, like a hedgehog’s umbrella,

Yellow maple leaf. (V. Stepanov)


September combines summer and autumn. Blazing with a cold fire birch groves Rowan bonfires are burning and leaves are falling off. In ancient times, September was called Zhovten - for the yellow color of the foliage. Frowning - for frequent bad weather.

2. The spider knits webs,

The wind drives the clouds.

The chipmunk became sad

About last summer.


In October reigns cold wind It rains often. The days are shorter and the nights are longer. Crimson and gold foliage. The forest is already visible through. This month was called Gryaznik.

3. There is a hollow in the frost,

Rowan in the lights.

The woodpecker beats with its beak -

Waiting for winter to visit.


November is a harsh and gloomy month. Short and dull days. There is not enough white light. First frost. Snow mixed with mud. It used to be called jelly.

Well done, they completed the task and named all the autumn months.

3. Characteristics of autumn.

Do you know that autumn has its own color?

Autumn color is the color of autumn leaves, the sky, the harvest.

Autumn has its own smells. What do you think autumn smells like?

Now let's be silent and listen to autumn.

What sounds do you hear?

What is the autumn air filled with?

(Students name the sounds characteristic of autumn nature:

the rustle of falling leaves, the scream of flying cranes, the sound of rain)

4. Game “What Autumn”

Now let’s take a closer look at autumn and play a game called “What Autumn.” To do this, let's stand in a circle. I will throw you a ball with a question about autumn, and you remember and answer, throwing the ball back to me. Is everyone clear? Then they started:

How is it raining in autumn?

What is foliage like in autumn?

What is the sky like in autumn?

What's the weather like in autumn?

What's autumn like?

4. Reading the poem “Autumn Water”

Late fall

It's timid near the shore

Thin ice is forming.

sad gray cloud

Floats along the bottom of the pond.

Harsh breathes in autumn

Clear water.

The trees have dropped their leaves

Facing the cold.

Who can tell what the water in the river or lake is like in the fall?

Do you want to swim in it? What words can you use to describe autumn water? (Cold, gray, chilly)

In what form do we find water in the fall? What do we need if it rains?

5. Listening to the song “Autumn”

And now I invite you to listen and look at autumn in the song-clip “Golden Autumn”. You can stand near your chairs and slowly move and dance to the beat of the music.

(Children listen and watch the song and perform dance moves to it)

6. Drawing “Autumn leaf”

We talked a lot about Autumn and its colors.

Think about why very often poets and writers, together with the word autumn, say the words “fire fire leaves are burning”?

Yes, that's right, because the leaves have very bright colors in the fall, especially maple leaves. I suggest you now paint the maple leaves with paints.

(Children complete the task)

7. Completion of the lesson.

Well done, guys, you turned out beautiful and bright leaves. A leaf is like a piece of autumn in your hands, which will remind you of such a wonderful time of year as autumn.

Tell me, what did you like most from our conversation about autumn?

(Children's answers.)

Well done. Until next time.


- lay the foundations of morality in children through familiarizing them with the content of the fairy tale.

- promote the unification of children into a team and creating a positive atmosphere in the group (exercises “Heart-sun” and “Trees”).

To develop in children the ability to express their own opinions.

Develop imagination, auditory attention and memory, coherent speech, elements logical thinking, the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships.

Develop creative imagination while drawing.

Equipment: four dolls in costumes that reflect different times of the year, musical accompaniment, paper, paints.

Progress of the psychologist's lesson in the senior group:

: Children, let's hold hands and stand in a circle.

Exercise “Heart-sun”

Now, let's say hello with our palms. You feel the warmth of your comrades with your palms, so give them all the warmth that is in your heart. Rays are now coming from your hearts, which means that there is sun in your soul. The rays of your love, your smiles come from your heart. Now press the “Heart-sun” tightly to your heart so that it absorbs all your best feelings, all the love, warmth and pass them on to each other.

(A gentle melody sounds, the children take turns passing the “heart-sun” to each other, pressing each one to their chest.)

: So we gave solar heat our hearts. And every day we are warmed by the sun that shines in the sky.

Children, at what time of year does the sun warm us, the earth, the most? What time is the least? What other seasons do you know? That's right, the year has four seasons:

Winter comes first

She leads the New Year.

Spring is coming second

Decorated with flowers.

The third summer is coming to our region,

The harvest is ripening.

And the fourth - autumn is coming

She brings a loaf of bread.

Fairytale therapy with children

Today I will read you a fairy tale about these four seasons. It's called "The Tale of the Four Daughters of the Year."

So, everyone, sit down comfortably,

Keep your arms and legs free.

And listen carefully,

A wonderful fairy tale.

Reading "The Tale of the Four Daughters of the Year"

Download the fairy tale.

Conversation with a psychologist on the content of a fairy tale

Psychologist: Children, which of the sisters did you like best? Why?

Is there anyone in the fairy tale who you don't like? Why?

Which are the most best gifts give us Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn?

Why do you think people felt bad without the daughters of the Year?

(A screen opens and four dolls appear, dressed in outfits corresponding to the seasons - winter, spring, summer, autumn).

Psychologist: Children, did you find out who came to us? Yes, these are the daughters of the Year - Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn. Now listen carefully to the riddles and guess what time of year they tell about:

The forest is covered with a white blanket,

And the bear is sleeping in the den.

Snow like a white border.

Who was in charge? Winter

I open my buds

into green leaves.

I dress the trees

I water the crops,

Full of movement

my name is... Spring

The meadows are turning green,

There is a rainbow-arc in the sky.

The lake is warmed by the sun:

Everyone is invited to swim... Summer

Empty fields

The ground gets wet

The rain is pouring down.

When does this happen? Autumn

(Children guess riddles, choose a doll whose outfit is suitable for a given time of year, examine it and fix the signs of this time of year).

Drawing with children on the theme “Seasons”

Psychologist: Now, children, sit down at the tables and try to draw winter, spring, summer and autumn. Draw the time of year that you like best, depict what you remember most, and we will use your drawings to make a calendar in the form of a book.

(Children draw. Talk about their drawings)

Psychologist: Children, you and I already know how nature changes at different times of the year. So let's play the game "Trees". Stand in a circle, raise your hands and imagine that we are trees.

Psycho-gymnastics “Trees”

(The psychologist turns on the music and speaks)

Here is the forest. All the trees in the forest are young and beautiful. There is different trees: birches, oaks, poplars. It's winter in the forest. It's snowing, the wind is blowing. The trees are cold. (Children show how the trees sway in the wind, how cold and sad they are) But then the wind subsides. It stopped snowing. The sun came out. It's spring. (Children straighten their “twig arms”, show how the buds swell (with their hands) and enjoy the sun). The sun is getting warmer and warmer. The buds have already blossomed and the whole forest has turned green. All the trees are happy that summer has come. (Children show). But then a cloud appeared in the sky, it blew strong wind, the first drops of rain fell. The rain began to rain more and more. The trees rejoice in the rain. But gradually the rain became cold... A cold wind blew. It's autumn. The trees become sad, their leaves fall off. The trees are falling asleep.

(The children show all this as they imagine or by repeating after the psychologist. They squat, cover their faces with their hands. The psychologist praises the children for behaving like real trees).

Lesson summary

Psychologist: Our meeting with the fairy tale has ended. Now let’s take a closer look at the drawings again and make a little book out of them - a calendar.

Corrective and developmental lesson

Subject: " Seasons. Autumn".

Goals and objectives:

Learnspeak out on the topic of the lesson,build logical reasoning;

Development of worldview, education careful attitude to nature and living objects;

Clarification, expansion and activation of the dictionary on the topic “Autumn”; replenishment of passive vocabulary relative adjectives;

Development of fine and gross motor skills, coordination of speech with movement, development of visual perception; prevention of written speech disorders;

Formation of goodwill, independence; nurturing love and respect for nature.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Greetings

Hello guys. Let's greet each other.

Participants stand in a circle. I throw the ball to the player and say his name, the child returns the ball and says his name.

And now I want to know in what mood did you come to class?(Children say in what mood they came to class).

2. The beginning.

In the morning we go to the yard,

Leaves are falling like rain,

They rustle underfoot

And they fly, they fly.

Guys, tell me when does this happen?

That's right, in the fall.

Today in class we will talk to you about autumn and perform various tasks.

What time of year was it before autumn?(Summer)

How is summer different from autumn?(Children's answers)

By what signs can you tell that autumn has arrived?(Children's answers).

3. Main part.

Exercise 1. “Tale about Autumn.”

Let's look at the picture(pictures depicting autumn are shown).

Early autumn called “golden” - grass, leaves on trees and shrubs turn golden. The air is cool and silver threads of cobwebs fly in it. There are fine sunny days of short Indian summer" But the sun no longer rises high, the days become shorter and the nights longer. There are light, cold rains and fog in the morning. Gusts of wind tear yellow, crimson and purple leaves from the trees, which cover the ground with a colorful carpet. The leaves are starting to fall.

Exercise 2. “Leaf fall.”

I suggest you guys also arrange a leaf fall.

Here is a picture with leaves (Appendix 1). You need to find identical leaves and color them.

4. Physical training

Finger exercise

Children imitate collecting leaves and pronounce them.

1 , 2, 3, 4, 5 We will collect leaves.

We will collect a birch leaf, a rowan leaf, a poplar leaf, an aspen leaf, and oak leaves. We'll collect an autumn bouquet for mom.

5. Main part (continued).

Exercise 3. “Autumn Bouquet”

Here is a picture with an autumn bouquet (Appendix 2). You need to complete the dots and color them to get a real autumn bouquet for your mother.

Exercise 4. Autumn riddles.

1.The red maiden came

And sprinkles the leaves.

What's her name?

Who, children, can guess?(Autumn)

2.In the park, in the square and in the forest

In the waltz it's quiet in the wind

Yellow leaves are swirling.

What is this?(Leaf fall)

3. The field, forest and meadow wet,

City, house and everything around!

He is the leader of clouds and clouds,

You know this is...(Rain).

4. The clouds are catching up,

Howls and blows.

Prowls the world

Sings and whistles(Wind).

5. Following August comes,

Dances with the falling leaves

And he is rich in harvest,

Of course we know him!(September)

6. Not snow, not ice,

And with silver he will remove the trees.(Frost)

7. Hanging on a branch

Gold coins(Autumn leaves)

Exercise 5. Graphic dictation.

Let's try to draw an autumn leaf ourselves.

Exercise 6. Rain.

6. Summing up

Annex 1.

Appendix 2.

Appendix 3.

Autumn art therapy session The story of “Yellow and Red”

Yellow and red undeniably represent the color scheme of autumn. And it is important to conduct classes using these flowers in mid-autumn.
Yellow is a color that lifts your spirits, gives vigor and energy; it charges you with positive energy even during the autumn blues.
Red is the color of activity. It gives us a charge of energy for work and liberates us.
Also, this therapeutic activity is very helpful for children in those periods when the weather outside is extremely rainy, unsmiling, and when it is impossible to go for a walk.
Art therapy sessions often give children a breath of joy and Have a good mood, which is so important during the autumn lull.
We also use materials created by children based on the results of the lesson to decorate the kindergarten premises.
Purpose of the lesson- development emotional sphere children's personalities.
1. Relieving nervous tension.
2. Sensory development children.
3. Creating a positive emotional background in the group.
4. Development of children's creative potential.
5. Receipt empirical knowledge about flowers and their formation.
Materials and equipment.
A3 size watercolor paper, brushes (thick), red and yellow acrylic, wax crayons, water, sponge, stereo and recordings (gentle music for creativity, smooth composition).

Classes are held in subgroups depending on age, the size of subgroups is from 6 people to 10 - 12 people.
Age: 3 years and older.

Lesson notes.
Warm-up, introduction.
At the beginning, we conduct a personal greeting with the children and get ready to work in a group. This introductory part classes. It can be taken as typical for a given group of children.
I recommend the “Pass a Smile” exercise.
For this exercise, we stand in a circle and hold hands.
"Hello! I’m so glad to see you!” Smiles at all the children in the circle.
“When we rejoice, what do we do?” Children's answers.
“And when we are happy, what is on our face?” Children's answers.
“Let’s now pass our gentle smile and good mood to our neighbor in a circle, like this!” The presenter shows and the children do it.
“Here we are a little charged with a good mood! Let's convey a little of this mood in a drawing! Ready? Then I invite you to the table. Today we will draw a wonderful story! Listen to me carefully, history will tell us what we will do!”
Next we turn to the tables where sheets of paper are prepared.
Paint is given to children in stages.
The text for the work of an art therapist is given in the story. The text provides instructions for the actions of the art therapist and children.
The presenter turns on the background music.
Presenter: “Now you and I will draw a story about Yellow and Red. But to make our history come alive, I will lubricate our sheets with this living water (I wet the sheets of paper with a sponge and water).
Once upon a time there lived a yellow color in a jar (we open jars with yellow). And so Yellow decided to take a walk, he grabbed a brush and headed towards a piece of paper.
When Yellow appeared on the sheet, it immediately splashed in different directions and poured the whole world. "Oh!" - they all said and even closed their eyes. And Yellow laughed and began to dance and jump!
(Open jars with red color) Red color was bored in the jar and suddenly he saw Yellow color and rushed to him. Everyone was afraid that he would completely eat Yellow, but Yellow was happy (he was happy about everything!) and ran towards Red.
- I am bright! - Red threatened.
- How interesting! - Yellow exclaimed.
- I am fire! - Red boiled.
“Me too,” answered Yellow and ran up to Red so close that he touched him. Red was taken aback, stopped hissing and also touched Yellow. He touched it and immediately felt how happy he was. At first he was even a little scared: “What kind of nonsense is this!” But then he couldn’t stand it and laughed.
- Ha-ha-ha! Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! And Yellow laughed and sang:
- La-la-la! La-la-la!
Orange appeared out of nowhere and let’s laugh and sing along too:
- Ha-ha-ha! La-la-la! And so they laughed and sang until the evening, until they were tired.”
At the end of the work, we lay out the sheets to dry, carefully and gently. And while looking at the sheets, we conduct the reflective final part of the lesson.
The lesson ends with reflection.
Leading: Let's look at what we got out of this whole story?
Children answer what they see in the sheets, what the sheets look like in their opinion.
Leading: Let's see how yellow met with red, who won?
Children: nobody.
Host: And what was born from their interaction?
Children: new, new color, orange.
The presenter and the children formulate a conclusion.

Children really like these exercises, they liberate them, give them a charge of good mood and strength. The exercise relieves anxiety and negativism. An additional advantage can be considered that we used the received works with older children (with their consent) to decorate the hall, offices, from them we cut autumn leaves and decorated windows and walls with them. It turned out very stylish!