Yulia Baranovskaya is one of the most famous TV presenter. She's for short term was able to prove her talent and originality. For two years, the woman has invariably appeared in the television program “Male and Female” in company with Alexander Gordon.

The TV presenter managed to survive in a difficult time of lack of money, when she and her children did not even have enough money for food. Julia communicates with her ex-husband only occasionally. She urges Andrei not to forget the children.

Height, weight, age. How old is Yulia Baranovskaya

The mother of three children is feminine. She is pretty and thin. Recently, a popular TV presenter spoke about her life, providing all the information about herself, including her height, weight, and age. You can easily find out how old Yulia Baranovskaya is by visiting the website of the First TV Channel, where she works. The young woman recently celebrated her 33rd birthday. She is incredibly impressive and attractive.

Yulia Baranovskaya, whose photos in her youth and now make men stop and women envy, weighs 57 kg with a height of 168 cm.

My physical fitness the popular TV presenter supports with daily plastic exercises and aerobics. She assures that this is what helps her to always be in a good mood.

Biography of Yulia Baranovskaya

Julia was born in the city on the Neva. The father was an engineer, the mother taught children at school. The girl went to 1st grade at the age of 7. She liked to learn something new. From the first grade, the girl was among the best students. So that no one would think that Yulia’s grades were inflated, she did not study at the same school where her mother worked. WITH youth The little girl figured everything out on her own. At the age of 10, Julia faced her first drama - her father’s departure from the family. The man met new love and decided to enter into a new relationship. This was the reason why communication between the daughter and father was interrupted for 15 years.

A few years later, Julia’s mother married for the second time. In this union the sisters of our heroine appeared. The girls still communicate and celebrate all holidays together.

In high school, the girl thought about connecting her life with journalism. But having received her certificate, Yulia listened to her mother’s advice and began studying management. After studying one course, the girl took an academic leave, but she never recovered.

For several years, the biography of Yulia Baranovskaya took place in the UK. Without knowing the language, Baranovskaya was able to get comfortable in a foreign country. After the betrayal of her loved one, Julia and her children were left without a livelihood.

Soon the girl began working on television. She currently hosts the TV show “Male and Female” together with Alexander Gordon.

Personal life of Yulia Baranovskaya

The personal life of Yulia Baranovskaya was full of ups and downs.

Julia met Andrey at strange circumstances. One day, a girl and one of her friends were sunbathing on the banks of the Neva. Sun rays They burned mercilessly, so they were burned for a short time. Returning to the car, Baranovskaya noticed fresh scratches on its surface. To calm down, a friend persuaded Yulia to take a walk along the river. On Nevsky Prospekt, the girl accidentally collided with one of the famous Zenit forwards, Andrei Arshavin.

After a short bouquet and candy period, the young people began to live together. A few months after their first meeting, the lovers travel together to Andrei’s new place of work. At this time he was invited to play for Arsenal. The promising young man It was not possible to play abroad, so he decided to return back to St. Petersburg, as soon as the management of his native Zenit called him.

While living in the UK, the family had two children - a son and a daughter. The husband left when the young woman was in a delicate situation for the third time. Soon Julia became the mother of a wonderful boy, but her husband did not accept him. He called the woman and informed her of his decision to leave the family. Left without a livelihood, she decides to return to Russian Federation. She was still thinking about improving relations with her ex-husband.

When Baranovskaya arrived in St. Petersburg, she found out that Andrei was already dating new lover. Julia believed that the father should take part in the fate of the children. She unsuccessfully tried to urge him to pay child support and communicate with the children. Tired of waiting, the woman defended the interests of the children in court.

Currently, the forward does not meet with children, but regularly pays child support.

Yulia Baranovskaya, personal life, who she is with now 2016 which was often discussed in the media mass media, says she lives happily with her children. Men have no place in her life yet. But if someone comes along who makes her happy and can accept her children, then she will try. Well, let's wait and see.

Family of Yulia Baranovskaya

Yulia Baranovskaya's family supported her during a difficult period when she was left alone without a livelihood.

The TV presenter is currently communicating with her father. She, having experienced the betrayal of her husband, was able to understand him, who left the family. Now she sometimes dates a man, allowing her to communicate with her children.

Mom and sisters help the woman in all her endeavors. The mother helps with raising the children. The sisters celebrate all family holidays with her.

Julia likes to stay at home with the children. During this time, she tries to fulfill all their needs. Baranovskaya checks lessons with her elders, sculpts and draws with her youngest son. The popular TV presenter posts everything done by children on her Instagram page. In this idyll, the only thing missing is a beloved spouse, but many of her admirers believe that this won’t last long: such a beauty cannot but have a loved one.

Children of Yulia Baranovskaya

The children of Yulia Baranovskaya are raised in love. The popular TV presenter tries to give everything to her children so that they do not have to feel the inattention of their father, who rarely appears in their home.

Currently, Baranovskaya is raising three children, whose father is the famous Zenit forward Andrei Arshavin. The couple became parents for the first time in 2005. They had a little boy, who was named Artyom. Then a charming daughter, Yanochka, was born. In mid-2012, the woman became a mother for the third time. She gave birth to a son, whom she named Arseny.

Currently, women spend all their time outside of work on their children. She takes children to various talk shows for children.

Son of Yulia Baranovskaya - Artyom Arshavin

For the first time, the popular TV presenter found out that she was expecting a child while she was happily living with Andrei in the UK. They postponed the wedding celebration for a while. The wedding was supposed to take place after the birth of the first child, but happy troubles again postponed the event.

The son of Yulia Baranovskaya, Artyom Arshavin, studies at one of the St. Petersburg gymnasiums. He comprehends all sciences, attends sections and clubs. The boy likes to play football. He dreams of becoming a football player as famous as his star father. Andrey sometimes comes to visit the children. He says with surprise that his eldest son is strikingly similar to him.

Son of Yulia Baranovskaya - Arseny Arshavin

In mid-2012, the popular TV presenter became a mother for the third time. She is raising her son alone. His father did not recognize the boy. He accused his wife of treason, saying that his son was born from another man.

The son of Yulia Baranovskaya, Arseny Arshavin, will celebrate his sixth birthday in 2018. He is healthy and cheerful. The boy doesn’t think about his dad’s absence at all. Currently, Arseny is preparing to enter first grade. He learns to read and write. The little boy likes to draw and sculpt.

Daughter of Yulia Baranova - Yana Arshavina

The daughter of Yulia Baranova, Yana Arshavina, is the second child in the star family. The girl, like her older brother, began studying at one of the London schools. Currently, the girl is a student at the St. Petersburg gymnasium. She studies excellently, trying not to upset her beloved mother.

IN free time the girl attends clubs at school. She plays sports and performs at various school events. Yana helps her mother with upbringing younger brother Arseny, with whom he sculpts and draws.

Former common-law husband of Yulia Baranovskaya - Andrei Arshavin

Julia met a young man during his successful game for the St. Petersburg football club Zenit. The man has been one of the best Russian football players for 20 years. She played for several years in the UK, but did not achieve much success there.

Former common law husband Yulia Baranovskaya - Andrei Arshavin currently works in Kazakhstan in one of the local football clubs.

After breaking up with ex-wife the man was officially married. A daughter was born in the marriage. Currently, the football player does not live with his second wife.

For several years Andrei did not communicate with his children, born to a popular TV presenter. In 2017, Arshavin began to appear regularly in the company of the elders Artyom and Yana. The man still treats the younger Arseny coolly.

Photos of Yulia Baranovskaya in Maxim magazine created a sensation. Men literally salivated at the sight of a naked young woman. She looked forward without hesitation, showing her beautiful body. On the cover, the popular presenter appeared in a swimsuit. Her appearance set the tone for the entire publication.

The star of the “Male and Female” program appeared at a fashion show made by fashion designer Inna Zhirkova. She appeared on the catwalk during the show in a translucent dress. It seemed to the audience that she was almost naked. The beauty walked with her head held high and without embarrassment.

Baranovskaya sometimes posts candid photos on her Instagram page. Fans often view pictures, leaving likes and positive reviews.

Instagram and Wikipedia Yulia Baranovskaya

Instagram and Wikipedia of Yulia Baranovskaya, like many popular people, There is. The presenter here openly and honestly talks about everything that happened in her life.

Wikipedia tells how it went life path TV stars. Here you can read how she met Arshavin and how she became famous.

Yulia Baranovskaya is registered in in social networks. She is most active on Instagram. Here he often posts photos with his friends and family. On the page you can see things made and drawn by her children. Julia also posts photos from various events both among colleagues and quiet family holidays. Article found on alabanza.ru

For six years now, Alisa and Andrei Arshavin have been happy together. Grow up common daughter Yesenia, as well as Alice’s two children from her first marriage. ex common-law wife football player Yulia Baranovskaya built a career on television and wrote a book. And of course, she is a wonderful mother of Artem, Yana and Arseny, born from Andrei Arshavin.

It would seem that everyone is happy, but people will not calm down. They cannot forgive the football player for leaving Baranovskaya, who at that time was pregnant with her third child.

“Someone has to protect me. You can’t only read nasty things from fake pages,” Alisa explained to her subscribers. But it seems that she did not expect so much anger towards her. The haters blame solely Alice for the fact that Baranovskaya was left alone.

“I have no time to feel sorry for myself”

How does a woman feel after such an atrocity? Purely feminine curiosity, asked a certain Galina.

“He feels fine,” answered Alice.

– Would it hurt you if your loved one left you while you were pregnant? – the subscriber did not let up.

- No, it wouldn't hurt. “I answer,” Arshavin assured.

- Alice, anyone else would be in pain, but you won’t... Isn’t it strange? Is it really all about the money?

- Anyone, but not me. I have enough money to support my children, myself and my loved ones. My ex-husband helps a lot. He is a wealthy man. Thanks to him. It just doesn’t hurt, because pain is feeling sorry for yourself. But I have no time to feel sorry for myself, I have children, work.

– Would you have chosen Andrey if he were not a football player? Hardly...

“I chose him when he hadn’t played like that yet.” 12 years ago,” Alice answered.

“Someone got a loved one, someone got fame on TV”

- Everyone is climbing! “Leave the girl alone,” one of the subscribers stood up for Alice.

“It’s all about the former and her loyal subjects,” Arshavina wrote. – If anyone was married at that time, it was only me. Andrey made an offer, and I went for him. Which, I think, is absolutely natural when people love each other.

Alisa complained that she was already quite tired of the topic of the relationship between Arshavin and Baranovskaya.

“They’ve been procrastinating for 6 years now,” says the footballer’s wife. – But Yulia herself is talking too much. She constantly gives interviews about the same thing for so many years. God knows, I treated her normally and still do, and even sat with very little Arseny, he was barely more than a year was. And we went on vacation with Yana and Artem. Therefore, believe me, I have no gloating. I believe that the time for resentment has passed. Everyone got what they wanted, some a beloved man, some fame on TV. And I wish Yulia, in addition to her career, to meet a man who will appreciate the most in her. good qualities and will love her babies.

“Andrey loves his children”

Alisa's daughter from her first marriage calls Arshavin dad. The girl (her name, like her mother’s, is Alisa) was only 10 months old when the couple started living together. My own father Alisa and her older brother Alexey are seen very rarely. He now has another family, a child was recently born. And the children and their father live far from each other.

Arshavin also does not see children from previous relationships. And this is another reason for subscribers to hate. However, Alisa blames Baranovskaya for the fact that the children do not see their father.

– I can’t interfere in their relationship with Yulia. But if she decided not to give or to give under certain conditions, this is her right,” Arshavina admitted.

In another comment, she responded more harshly.

- Think, ex-wife brought their separation to such an absurdity that it is not possible to see the children. Only by phone. Well, then they are in Moscow. And he is in Almaty.

At the same time, Alice assures that her husband did not leave his first family without money.

– Andrey loves his children very much. And I wouldn’t allow them to be without a means of subsistence,” says Arshavina. “I helped them from the first day of leaving.” And it still helps to this day. Every month.

“I haven’t forgiven anyone for cheating”

Two months ago, news spread across the media: Andrei cheated on Alice! The footballer was turned in by a family friend, who told reporters about secret romance Arshavin with a certain model Ekaterina. They said that their relationship lasted a whole year until Alice found out about them. However, she found the strength to forgive Arshavin.

Now the football player’s wife denies everything.

– I didn’t observe betrayal, I didn’t forgive. No one begged for my forgiveness. There was no betrayal,” she put an end to Arshavin’s question.

She was born into an ordinary St. Petersburg family. Her parents' marriage broke up when the girl was just ten years old. Yulia’s mother remarried, but Baranovskaya’s relationship with her father remained tense for a long time.

Yulia dreamed of enrolling in the journalism department after graduating from school, but her mother dissuaded her daughter and insisted on studying for a degree in Management. However, Baranovskaya was never able to complete her education: a chance meeting intervened, which changed her whole life.

It was a sunny summer day in 2003, Yulia and her friend went for a walk along Nevsky Prospekt. It was here that the then just beginning football player Andrei Arshavin and Yulia Baranovskaya met.

Development: everything for the sake of children

The relationship between the young people developed very rapidly and very soon the couple began to live together. In 2005, Yulia became a mother for the first time: a boy was born, who was named Artem. Baranovskaya had to forget about her studies, because Small child constantly demanded her attention.

Three years later, another joyful event occurred in the lives of the lovers and Julia gave Andrey a daughter, Yana. Of course, having two children left no hope of completing their education.

In 2009, the life of this couple changed dramatically: Arshavin was invited to play in England in football club"Arsenal". Refuse this advantageous offer the football player simply could not and the entire family moved to London.

In numerous interviews, Yulia more than once had to answer questions about why the relationship with the father of her children was not officially registered. Baranovskaya repeatedly answered that at that time she did not see any need to register the marriage, because they had always been together, lived like real family, and she herself felt married. Andrey Arshavin he called marriage an empty formality.

“I lived absolutely happy 9 years. No fears, no saving for a rainy day. I gave birth to three children without being officially married, without having anything written down on myself - am I completely crazy? Fallen from the moon? I was just completely sure that this would be forever. I had no idea that this could happen,” says Yulia.

The family lived in London until 2012, until Arshavin’s contract expired and he had to return to Russia to the Zenit team. The first time in London was very difficult for Yulia: after all, she practically did not know the language and was essentially alone in a foreign country with small children. However, even then one could notice the steely character of this fragile girl, who was able to adapt to a new place in a fairly short time, establish relationships with the beloved colleagues of Arshavin at Arsenal and make friends in Foggy Albion.

Climax: Low blow

When Andrei Arshavin returned to St. Petersburg, Yulia decided to stay with her two children in London, so as not to suddenly tear them away from their studies, beloved friends and familiar surroundings. At first everything went well and it seemed that nothing had changed in the life of the family.

Julia and her children came to Russia on vacation and the family again happily spent time together, enjoying every day. Another addition was expected very soon: Yulia Baranovskaya was five months pregnant when suddenly everything in the life of this family changed dramatically literally in one second.

Andrei Arshavin left his common-law wife, despite nine years life together and two children, announcing his decision simply during telephone conversation. Later, in an interview, the football player commented on this act as follows: “I just met a woman and realized that I wanted to live with her.”

“He constantly called me from St. Petersburg. We were in touch all the time. Then I flew to St. Petersburg with the children for the holidays. For two weeks we did not part for one second. He just trained without me. Then we signed an agreement with the designers to renovate the house. I flew to London, and a week later he said he was leaving. The next day I found out that my mother was sick. The baby is in the belly, the husband said he was leaving, the mother is sick. It was scary. God forbid someone should experience this,” this is how Yulia later recalled this time.

Of course, this situation is not uncommon in modern world However, most often, women have to experience one thing. This could be the departure of a loved one, a husband leaving his wife and children, care during pregnancy, or refusal to pay alimony. Julia had to face all this at once and in one moment. On top of everything else, her mother’s serious illness was added, which the girl found out about just after Arshavin left.

The betrayal of a once loved one, the father of three children, the absence financial assistance and support during pregnancy - all this fell on Baranovskaya’s shoulders in a foreign country. Probably, many in Yulia’s place would simply be lost and would not know what to do next. However, for the sake of the children and the future baby, who has not yet been born, Yulia Baranovskaya I found the strength to live on and not just live, but live a truly happy, rich and fulfilling life.

Denouement: a breath of air

Spring 2014 Yulia Baranovskaya appeared in Andrei Malakhov’s program “Let Them Talk”: it was here that she first openly spoke in detail about the breakup with Arshavin.

Julia did not accuse the father of her children of anything, but she characterized his act as a betrayal, not wanting anyone to face something like this: “I could not imagine that he would leave. I lived and didn’t think about controlling him. I trusted him, after all, we lived together for so many years.”

Yulia describes the first time after Andrei’s departure as “empty pages,” but then these pages gradually begin to fill up again, and soon a real breakthrough happens: Baranovskaya becomes a TV presenter.

It all started with the show “Bachelor” on TNT, then there was the program “Girls” on channel Russia 1, and since the fall of 2014, Yulia has become co-host of Alexander Gordon in the program “Male/Female”.

Arshavin's former common-law wife moved the children from London to Moscow, they had to get used to a new life in their native country, and Yulia had to learn to combine work and raising Artem, Yana and Arseny. Alexander Gordon stressed more than once that he could not discuss the merits and demerits of Baranovskaya after he met her three children.

In addition to building a career and realizing that she was left alone, Yulia had to endure another unpleasant act by the father of her children. For a long time the couple could not agree on the payment of alimony, because the marriage was not officially concluded, and even despite the presence of three children, it was very difficult for Yulia to prove their rights to material support father.

“That’s what’s scary civil marriage that the woman is not financially protected. It’s very unpleasant when you have to sue the father of your children!” - says Baranovskaya.

However, this conflict was put to an end: the St. Petersburg court ruled that Andrei Arshavin was obliged to pay Baranovskaya half of his income every month.

If you look at Yulia’s microblog on Instagram, it becomes clear that now she is truly happy and self-sufficient woman, whose life has a unique balance between her career and caring for her children.

Yulia Baranovskaya faced many trials, which she was able to pass with dignity and, of course, emerge victorious, because she has three beloved children who are always next to their mother and one look at them is enough to forget about everything and get a new one. breath of air.

Many felt sorry for Andrei’s ex-wife and condemned him for new novel. Who would have thought that this fragile girl with difficult fate it turns out creative personality, will become famous TV presenter and a completely happy person.

Childhood and parents

Baranovskaya is from Leningrad, she was born on June 3, 1985. Her mother worked as a school teacher, and her father was an engineer. At school she was a diligent and responsible student.

When Julia was ten years old, she first encountered male betrayal - her father left the family.

After this, communication with him ceased for fifteen years. Soon her mother remarried and gave birth to two daughters in her new marriage. Julia adores her younger sisters, who always support her.

Dreaming of being a journalist, Baranovskaya nevertheless chose the Faculty of Management at the insistence of her mother. Studying at the University of Aerospace Instrumentation was not easy for her, because Yulia was creative nature. She did not finish university, after academic leave Baranovskaya did not recover.

Meeting Arshavin and betrayal

In 2003, while walking with a friend, Julia met a young athlete. Then he played in St. Petersburg Zenit. Their relationship began to develop quickly, and within a month they began to live together. In 2005, their son Artem was born, and three years later their daughter Yana was born. The second birth was difficult; doctors had to perform a caesarean section.

Family always came first for her, so Julia did not think about a serious career, believing that it should be built by someone who is truly good at it. She consciously became an exemplary mother and wife, a housewife and keeper of the family hearth.

Yulia and Andrey never signed. Baranovskaya believed that this was not necessary, because they would always be together regardless of the stamp in the passport. How wrong she was then!

In 2009, her husband was offered a contract with Arsenal, and the family moved to London.

It was difficult for Yulia to get used to a foreign country. Over time, she learned the language and became involved in the life of the city. She had the idea to open courses for those who came to live in England. I never managed to realize my dream.

With Andrey Arshavin

In 2012, Arshavin returned to Russia to play for Zenit again. His children began studying in Britain, and Yulia was expecting another child and was five months pregnant. Soon the football player announced that he was leaving her, and rumors began to spread about his new romance.

Arshavin left his wife for journalist Alisa Kazmina, who at that time already had two children from her first marriage. At the same time, Julia learns about her mother’s illness. The betrayal of a loved one, the lack of his support - a pregnant girl faced all this.

The first time she commented on the breakup with Andrei was in Malakhov’s program “Let Them Talk.” She did not condemn him, but still called such an act a betrayal. She admitted that she didn’t even think about controlling her husband, because they lived together for more than one year and completely trusted each other.

For a long time ex-spouses could not reach a consensus on the payment of alimony. Due to the lack of a stamp in her passport, Yulia had to prove her rights to financial support from the football player. In St. Petersburg, the court ordered Arshavin to pay half of his income monthly.


Even before meeting Arshavin, Julia worked at Radio Chanson in St. Petersburg and was a co-host of the “T-shirt” program about sports. In 2011, she held presentations for the Kudo World Cup. For many years, Baranovskaya hosted the Russian Maslenitsa festival, which took place every year in London.

After loud breakup with her husband Baranovskaya became famous person. At one of the star parties she met Pyotr Sheksheev. This producer helped Yulia get onto the silver screen. Her debut took place on the TNT channel in the post-show of the program “Bachelor. What Men Want.”

Baranovskaya acted there as an expert. She began attending star parties and popular shows, and appeared on the cover of many glossy magazines.

In 2014, Yulia acted as the host of the “Girls” program, which was broadcast on Russia-1. Soon she became the host of season 4 of “Reloaded” on TNT. Baranovskaya helped the show’s heroines get rid of fears and complexes and gave advice on self-development.

Julia fit into this role perfectly, because she herself had to go through a similar reboot. In the same year, she, along with her two sons and daughter, returned to Moscow and began hosting the “Male and Female” program together with.

Baranovskaya is constantly moving forward and does not stop there. The TV presenter attended a photo shoot as a bride for a wedding magazine. In 2015, she starred as a model for new collection clothes of Inna Zhirkova.

In the summer of 2016, her book “Everything is for the Better” was published. These are frank and touching episodes of her life. The book talks about the experiences of being betrayed by an ex. common-law spouse. It is dedicated to women who have fallen into difficult situation and can't find a way out.

In addition, in the fall of 2016, Yulia Baranovskaya took part in the sixth season of the TV show “ Glacial period", broadcast on Channel One. The presenter performed in tandem with Maxim Shabalin, Honored Master of Sports of Russia and bronze medalist of the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver. The couple dropped out of the project at the fourth stage of the competition.

For two years in a row, in 2016 and 2017, Yulia hosted the Fashion People Awards ceremony, which traditionally recognizes the most fashionable and talented representatives of domestic show business. Baranovskaya herself can also boast of an award - in 2017 she received the “Topical Style Awards” fashion award from the fashion magazine “Moda Tropical”.

The TV show “Baby Riot”, launched on air in 2017, became another milestone creative path Yulia Baranovskaya. Five famous women, each with its own destiny, discussed world news and scandals of domestic show business with guests in the studio. In addition, Julia periodically appeared in the “Fashionable Sentence” program.

Personal life and children of Yulia Baranovskaya

In 2013, Yulia was spotted in the company of actor Andrei Chadov. They were seen together at social events and movie premieres, they posted joint photos in Internet. Their love relationship Andrey and Yulia denied. Soon rumors appeared in the press that Baranovskaya was dating Evgeniy Sedym - famous stylist and TV presenters.

With Evgeny Sedym

The star says she dreams of someday becoming a bride, wearing White dress. Despite a large number of fans, she is in no hurry to plunge headlong into a new romance, but she also does not deny that she has a man with whom she spends time.

Julia is always there for her children. Arshavin, after parting with them, practically does not see them, but the TV presenter calls him a good father and talks about the reverent attitude of the children towards Andrei. They have a striking resemblance to their father and, like him, love sports. Artem studies in a theater studio, Yana goes to dances and is one of the participants in the Todes ballet.

With kids

Despite the fact that Yulia carried and gave birth to three children, she has a slender, fit figure that can be envied. Many admire her masculinity, some condemn her. But, despite many tests, Julia was able to pass them with dignity. She pulled herself together in time.

What is the height and weight of singer Nina Shatskaya?

We did not find any information about the height and weight of singer Nina Shatskaya, so we will find out approximate data by comparing photographs with people whose height and weight are known to us.

In the photo on the right is Nina Shatskaya, shod in 9cm heels and next to her stands Andrei Derzhavin with a height of 179cm and shoes adding 2cm. In total, it turns out that Nina Shatskaya, shod in 9cm heels, is higher than 181cm by about 2-3cm. Accordingly, from 184cm we subtract 9cm and we get Nina Shatskaya’s approximate height of 175 cm. Externally, Nina Shatskaya’s weight looks 70-75 kg

Nina Shatskaya's height is 175cm

Weight Nina Shatskaya 70-75kg

What is Irina Nizina's height and weight?

Irina Nizina is famous Russian actress theater and cinema, winner of the “Seagull” and “Moscow Debuts” awards. The actress’s greatest fame came from such film works as New life detective Gurov and Lawyer. On the Internet, the actress is credited with a height of 174 cm and a weight of 65 kg.

Nobody knows for sure how reliable and accurate the height and weight of Irina Nizina are.

Irina Nizina's height is 174cm

Irina Nizina's weight is 65 kg

What is Nadezhda Obolentseva's height and weight?

Nadezhda Obolentseva was born in Moscow on July 24, 1983 and became best known as a socialite.

There is no information about the height and weight of Nadezhda Obolentseva, so we will roughly estimate the celebrity’s parameters.

In the photo, Nadezhda Obolentseva and Svetlana Bondarchuk are 177 cm tall. Based on the photo, it follows that Nadezhda Obolentseva’s height is about 174-175 cm, and her weight is 59 kg

Nadezhda Obolentseva's height is 174-175cm

Weight Nadezhda Obolentseva 59kg

What is Tatyana Denisova's height and weight?

Tatyana Denisova was born on February 11, 1981 in the Kaliningrad region of the RSFSR. She gained the greatest fame as a Ukrainian choreographer, founder and director of the dance group “JB ballet” in Germany; one of the permanent jury members and choreographer of the Ukrainian television project “Everybody Dance!” , as well as a mentor and choreographer of the Russian show project “Dancing”.

On the Internet, the famous choreographer is credited with a height of 166 cm and a weight of 58 kg. Whether these declared parameters correspond to real data, no one knows in reality

Tatiana Denisova's height is 166cm

Tatyana Denisova's weight is 58 kg

How tall and weight is Anton Makarsky?

Anton Makarsky was born on November 26, 1975 in the city of Penza. The actor gained the greatest popularity and fame thanks to his roles in films such as Smersh, Poor Nastya, and also numerous roles in theater and cinema.

On the Internet famous actor a height of 177-178 cm and a weight of 79 kg are attributed. No one knows how reliable and accurate the stated data is

Anton Makarsky's height is 177-178cm

Anton Makarsky's weight is 79 kg

What is the height and weight of Sergei Kucherov?

Sergey Kucherov was born on August 22, 1989 in the city of Magnitogorsk. He achieved the greatest fame thanks to his sporting successes in the field of bodybuilding and the TV project Dom2

On the Internet, Sergei Kucherov is credited with a height of 178-179 cm and a weight of 88 kg. Whether these stated parameters correspond to reality and reality, no one knows for sure

Sergei Kucherov's height is 178-179cm

Sergei Kucherov's weight is 88-90kg