Greetings to all! In previous articles, I talked in detail about what it is and how you can learn it. Today I propose to practice managing your time, and time management training exercises will help us with this.

Before you start doing the exercises, I advise you to understand the very essence of the system. After all, only intrinsic motivation and the realization that you really need to change something in your life now will help you learn how to correctly perform these time management exercises .

First, let's highlight the basic rules of the system.

4 golden rules on the path to effective time management

  1. Realize what's important.
  2. Throw away everything unnecessary.
  3. Learn to refuse.
  4. Accept help from others.

Exercise No. 1 “Learning to set priorities correctly”

Basic rule effective management time management is all about separating the most important things from all the unnecessary things. Only this helps you realize how important this point is for you and how much effort you are willing to spend on its implementation. Therefore, the time management exercise is carried out as follows.

We take 10 blank cards and write 10 vital values ​​on them.

For example: career, wealth, children's health, own health, interesting trips and travel, a good car, learning a foreign language, sports, hobbies, own house(repair).

After you have filled out all the cards, place them in exactly the same order as each item is important to you. Now ask the question: “Is wealth really more important to me than my own health?”

If the answer is positive, leave the cards in their places; if negative, swap them. Ideally, the picture should look in such a way that you honestly answer all questions: “Yes!”

This exercise can be done at time management training sessions, or you can do it with yourself at home. It helps you identify your true values ​​and understand what you should spend your time and effort on and what you shouldn’t.

Many may object to how you can write in one column material values(home, repairs, cars) and spiritual (health, study, travel). But in fact, behind any spiritual desire and value is our time, expenses, and resources.

This is what we are sometimes willing to spend to go on a trip. As for health, think about how often you sacrificed a trip to the south, fruits, vitamins in order to quickly finish repairs or buy household appliances.

Here's your answer. It's all about values ​​and priorities. They are different for everyone and this exercise will help you identify them.

Exercise No. 2. "Antilenta"

Again, I repeat that the exercise can be carried out at a seminar or training master class, or you can sit down and figure it out on your own. Each of us is full of unfulfilled desires and unachieved goals.

For example, I dream of going fishing. You need to sit down and write a short essay in reverse order. “I didn’t go fishing because I don’t have money. I don't have money because I spent it on TV. I bought a TV, so I decided not to go on vacation, etc.)

Take your life apart. This way you will get to the bottom and understand where the failure occurs that does not allow the plan to come true.

Exercise No. 3. "Learn to feel time"

This is a very important skill that allows us to properly manage our time resources. How often have we looked at the clock and could not understand where half an hour, an hour, or even two went? Train your “temporal intuition.” During the day, try to guess what time it is without even looking at the clock.

What does this time management exercise do? It teaches punctuality and a sense of time.

Exercise No. 4. "Timekeeping of the day"

Many who work in offices are familiar with the concept of “working day photography.” This was especially popular in the Soviet Union at large enterprises, where the personnel department rationed the working hours of specialists, trying to determine efficiency and productivity.

But if, during such a check, people often underestimate or overestimate the time spent, then be honest with yourself here. Try to record the time you spend on each activity throughout the day. For example:

Watching TV – 2 hours.

Talking with a friend on the phone – 40 minutes.

Food preparation - 1.5 hours.

Taking a shower - 30 minutes, etc.

What does this time management exercise do? You will learn to automatically identify time spent “usefully” and “wasted.” You will become more disciplined and organized.

Exercise No. 5 “What am I doing”

Try throughout the day (not every 10 minutes, of course) to ask yourself the question: “What am I doing now and why am I doing this?” This will make you realize how important matters you're in this moment are you studying and not wasting your time?

Time cannot be accumulated, it can only be spent

Successful time management consultants say that many people who take only their very first steps in this system do not fully understand the importance and essence. But time is a resource that you cannot accumulate. You can only spend it. Let's say you spent a thousand rubles in a restaurant yesterday! This is not scary, because you know that you will work well today and earn this money.

If only everything were so simple over time. In fact, we are allotted a specific number of hours and how to manage them depends on ourselves. In this regard, I want to recommend you the excellent film “Time” (with J. Timberlake in leading role), which shows an interesting look at time as our vital resource.

If you want to become a real time management guru, be sure to visit website , where in a simple form you will be given the knowledge that we unfortunately did not receive at school, completely free of charge.

If you know other effective and interesting time management exercises, don’t be shy! Share in the comments and via! Readers will enjoy practicing the art of time management!

Time is the main resource of every person, and our fate largely depends on how we treat every hour and minute of our lives. Time management, or the science of time management, offers all sorts of techniques and techniques that allow you to save precious time, distribute it more rationally and thereby achieve your goals faster. The book describes ways effective planning time at personal, team and corporate levels, as well as methods and rules for achieving personal effectiveness through self-motivation and prioritization. You will be able to study the concepts, essence, and tasks of time management techniques, and then apply them in practice.


Exercise 1. Read the manager's reflections on the day ahead and the day's plan he created below.

Well, today is the day! It’s only nine o’clock in the morning, and there’s so much to do that it seems like there’s not enough time.

An angry customer called: he didn't receive his order on time. We should call him back, clarify all the questions, calm him down. Materials for the exhibition need to be prepared: the opening is in two weeks, but there are no slides or text for advertising brochures yet. And it’s time to get puzzled about printing, call and order the production of materials - all sorts of calendars, leaflets, booklets, souvenirs, posters, otherwise, as always, at the last moment we realize it, and again - a bare stand and two pathetic leaflets. A shame!

Negotiations with the supplier are scheduled for 13.00 - this is a sacred matter, you have to go yourself. I just wonder what? I never found time to pick up the car from the service center, but I should have. Metro? Or order a taxi? Wow – we still have a presentation today! Well, of course, it starts at 18.00, and the team is neither sleepy nor in spirit. We urgently need to gather everyone for instructions. It would be nice to edit the text of the article in the Economic Bulletin, otherwise it’s been lying somewhere in the table for a month. Speaking of the table, it wouldn’t hurt to sort out this chaos, otherwise you’re always digging for half an hour until required document you will find it. And I really wanted to go to the gym today and warm up! Well, that's unlikely. If we also take into account the accumulated volume of customer information not included in the database... But this is the company’s potential profit.

Well, the secretary called - in half an hour there is a meeting with the boss, attendance is required. You need to have time to at least sketch out a plan for the day, otherwise half of the tasks will fly out of your head again. So, what is the most important thing for us today?

1. Review your thoughts and plan. Note any mistakes that were made. What principles and rules of day planning do they violate?

2. Analyze how accurately the day planning algorithm was executed.

3. Create your daily plan for this manager. Explain why you planned your affairs and tasks this way? Support your answers with references to the material in the chapter.

Task 2. Read the stories below. Answer the questions at the end of each text in writing.

1. One day, David Curtin, sitting in a hotel room, held a glass of water in his hands. He was in a terrible mood, and in addition he was very thirsty. He had already raised the glass to his lips, but then he remembered that because of poorly washed glasses, many people get sick... Why aren’t there disposable glasses? Probably because there is nothing cheaper than glass. And suddenly it dawned on him - paper! Disposable paper cups! He spent the entire day trying to make a cup that was simple and would hold water. Finally he succeeded. So in 1910, David Curtin invented a disposable paper cup and earned the equivalent of € 1 million from it.

Answer the questions:

What helped Curtin make his discovery?

What type of contexts can this circumstance be attributed to? Justify your answer.

2. Wally Amos, entrepreneur, “king of chocolate biscuits,” could not start his own business for a long time. But one day at a party, his friend said that she knew people who were ready to invest in the production of sweets. With this money, Amos began making biscuits and opened his first store. His friend and neighbor, artist Tony Christian, helped Amos design new shop, having developed a unique interior design that gave the store a distinctive and memorable look. To attract customers, Amos hired girls who handed out free biscuits to passers-by in Beverly Hills and Hollywood and took orders for their production. Wally Amos and his biscuits quickly became famous. Within five years, he opened a chain of stores in Los Angeles, Santa Monica and Hawaii.

Answer the questions:

What helped Amos start and grow his business?

What type of contexts can these circumstances be classified into? Justify your answer.

3. At the end of the 1980s. This is a time of significant disruption for some US airlines. During this period there were changes in policy government regulation air transportation. The government has reduced its intervention in airline operations. Many of them, having lost valuable rights and benefits, deprived of a significant share of government funding and support, suffered greatly. But there were also those who managed not only to maintain the previous volumes of air traffic, but also to increase them, achieving prosperity.

Answer the questions.

What influenced the collapse of some companies and the success of others?

4. Henry Ford was an authoritarian entrepreneur, prone to loneliness, headstrong, despising theories and “meaningless book reading.” He considered his employees to be “helpers.” If the “assistant” dared to argue with Ford or made a decision on his own, he immediately lost his job. In 12 years, Ford transformed a tiny company into a giant industry. However, loyalty to the Ford corporation tradition, according to which only one person - the head of the company - can command and make decisions, ultimately failed. The needs of Americans changed, and the Ford empire simply could not keep up with the situation, could not flexibly respond to the changes taking place, implement new concepts, or implement new ideas. Ford Motor's market share declined sharply, and by the end of the 1920s. it began to occupy only 10% of the automobile market.

Answer the questions.

What influenced the change in Ford's position?

What type of contexts can these factors be attributed to? Justify your answer.

Task 3. Read the problem statements below.

Go to the gym.

Institute, test.

Find the keys to the apartment.

Call the client.

Talk to Ivanov.

Design title page for an abstract.

Discuss the project with the team.

Make an action plan for tomorrow.

Time management assignment.

Interview at 14.00.

Give the CD to your neighbor.

Have lunch.

Mail. Inbox folder.

Project work.

Questions about the diploma.

Arrange a time for consultation with the teacher.

Solve five difficult math problems.

Mobile. Money.

Job, resume, agency.

Complete the following tasks.

Divide a sheet of paper into two parts.

In the left column, write down those tasks that are compiled in a result-oriented form. Explain which tasks and why you considered appropriate for the results-oriented form? Support your answer with references to the text of the chapter.

Reframe tasks that you believe are not results-oriented so that they fit the results-based planning formula. Write them down in the right column. Explain which objectives you reformulated. Why? Support your answer with references to the text of the chapter section.

Training: Time management for a leader

Prepared by:


MBOU "Petrovskaya School No. 1"

Koval Inna Viktorovna,


MBOU "Krasnogvardeyskaya school No. 1"

Gazeikina Natalia Alexandrovna


Purpose of the training : Teach teenagers to use time more efficiently. Increase personal effectiveness, allowing you to achieve greater results and achieve significant goals with less time and energy.

Equipment: “Time Pie” diagram for each participant, a rainbow of expectations and results, clouds for filling out expectations, blank sheets of paper, a list of reasons for absorbing time, green and blue cards, a to-do list, colored pencils, forms with a clock, pens.
Contents of the training

Introduction to the training objectives (10 minutes)

“The art of keeping up”, time management, time management is one of the most necessary arts for modern man. There is more and more varied information. Events are happening faster and faster. You need to react in time and meet increasingly tight deadlines. At the same time, somehow find time for relaxation, hobbies, family, friends...If we lose 1000 rubles, we will make up for it, since we can earn money. If we lose 10-20 hours, then we will never be able to make up for this loss.
Specifying expectations from the training (15 minutes)

Discussion and adoption of work rules (10 minutes)

Exercise 1 .Exercises for personal sense of time

Target: definition individual characteristics perception of time.

Performance. All participants close their eyes. After the coach's command, they need to mentally note the moment when a minute has passed. You can't mentally count down seconds. Everyone opens their eyes and raises their hand after what they think is a minute has passed.

The exercise shows a wide range of results. The adequacy of time perception is individual. Results that fall within the range of 55 to 65 seconds are considered optimal.

If it turns out less, it means that you are in too much of a hurry and there is a danger of rapid exhaustion. Time actually moves slower than you think.

If it is more than 66 seconds, you prefer not to rush, but sometimes you still need to speed up your perception of time, otherwise you may not have time to do anything.

Exercise 2. “Time Pie” (20 minutes)

Goal: Understanding the concept of “time capital” through visual technology.
- Let's look at one more picture (see diagram “Pie of Time”). Let's try to shade the time pie in accordance with our time resources, which we still have. So, put a point on the circle and from this point.
Count the number of sectors equal to your age. Shade. This is what you have already lived. There are 60 sectors in this circle (the average duration of a person’s energy is up to retirement age). Now let's look at what's still ahead of us. If we spend 8 hours sleeping. This is a third of the day. Is not it? There are 24 hours in a day, 8 hours is 1/3 of it. So, we spend a third of our life sleeping.
Count and shade 1/3 of the sectors for sleep. Now let's see how much of our time we will spend on some aimless waiting, during which we can neither read nor listen to music. These, unfortunately, may be periods of illness.
Give it another 3 years. Shade in too. (Discussion in a circle.)
Look how much is left. A very, very small piece of the pie. For a couple of cups of tea. Our task is to stretch this pie. Make it as tasty as possible, as nutritious and healthy as possible. We will now deal with those that we need as much as possible.
Scheme "Pie of Time"

Exercise 3. “Time Wasters” (25 minutes)

Goal: Identifying time sinks
Think and write down all the activities that can be defined as “sinks” of time. Count how much time they took from you during the week? Who distracted you the most? What prevented you from finishing what you started in one go?
Now that you have a list of the main “sinks” of your time, think about what measures you can take to eliminate them?
It will be easier for you to complete this task if you identify the reasons that lead to loss of time. I offer you a list of the most common reasons. Mark those that are typical for you.
Reasons for wasting time:
I don’t know how to separate important matters from unimportant ones;
I don’t pre-plan my day;
personal disorganization (clutter in desk, in the room, etc.);
I don’t always know what to do;
distracted by phone calls(for a long time) ;
I don’t know how to say “no”;
my personal indiscipline;
I don’t finish what I started;
I hesitate for a long time at the beginning of each task;
I spend a lot of time on small and routine work, but don’t get around to important things;
I don’t know my personal rhythm of physical and mental activity;
I get distracted very easily (for example, by noise).
Don't let it bother you a large number of tagged by you weak points. Identify “your” 3 most expensive ones and figure out a way to eliminate them. By overcoming the three most important time sinks, you can significantly reduce wasted time.
Exercise 4 “Rigid and flexible”

Goal: to teach how to identify flexible and rigid cases.

Required materials: green and blue cards, to-do list.

Instructions for participants: In order to effectively plan your day, you need to become familiar with such concepts as rigid and flexible tasks.

Rigid tasks in the day are those that have a clearly defined start time. What examples can you name? (school lessons, cool watch, clubs and sections, the beginning of a movie show, etc.)

Besides this, we still have a lot of things to do that don’t have to be done at certain hours, we just need to have time to do it. Such cases are called “flexible”.

You have a green circle (soft things) and a blue square (hard things). I will pronounce on the 1st case. If it's a "hard thing", raise the blue square, and if it's a "flexible" thing, raise the green circle.

Exercise 5 “My life goals"(35 minutes)

Goal: Clarification of life goals
Everyone knows that clarity is the key to effectiveness. Most common cause waste of time and the main obstacle to success is the inability to concentrate on the necessary task. That's why important stage in managing your time is to clearly define your goals and distribute them in order of importance.
Select any important areas of your life. Write their names on separate pieces of paper.
Now, from these three areas, choose the one that is most important to you. Place the piece of paper on which you wrote down its name in front of you and ask yourself the question: what do I want to achieve? You can close your eyes and sit for a while, thinking about them. After this, write down all the thoughts and images that arise in your mind. Write down everything that comes to mind.

From the remaining spheres, select the one that is in second place in value, do the same.
Take the third piece of paper. Read the name of the area of ​​your life and ask yourself the same questions.
Take the first list of goals and read it. What else can you write? Maybe you'd like to cross something out? To correct?

Rank all your goals in order of importance from 1 (the most important) to N (the number of the last goal, not the most important). Set the list aside.

Read the first three paragraphs. Ask yourself: Is this really the most important thing for me in this area? If the answer is yes, then turn the sheet over and write them on the other side. If in doubt, choose from the items that follow the one that you consider important, and then transfer it to the other side of the sheet.

Do the same with the second and third lists.
Place all your lists with your top three goals in front of you. Now you have a clearer picture of what you want. Read your notes again and think: How important are these goals to me? Is this what I really want? How realistic are these goals? How consistent are they with each other? Don't they contradict each other? Often people set themselves significantly more tasks than they can actually accomplish. They simply do not have enough strength, time, or abilities to achieve everything they want. Therefore, it is necessary to set priorities, that is, decide: Which goals are the most important? Which ones can you hold off on? To achieve what goals should you direct your resources, that is, time, abilities, skills?

Now prioritize A, B, C for each of the nine goals you have selected from the three most important areas of your life.
A. very, very important goals.
B. very important goals.
C. just important goals.
Take Blank sheet paper and write down priority A goals first, then B and C. Look at the list of priority A goals. This is what you want. This is what you need to focus your strength and energy on. Are you ready to start implementing them now? What will be your first step?
Analysis option “Hours of my achievements”

Purpose: to analyze how useful the time spent at the training was for each participant.

Required materials: forms with clocks, pens.

Instructions to participants: Our lesson lasted 1 hour. I invite you to evaluate how useful the time spent at the training was. To do this, on the “Hours of my achievements” form, indicate the time that you spent on this or that type of activity during the lesson. If you have your own option, mark it in the empty box.


Have you noticed that time has begun to pass much faster than 5–10 years ago? The development of communications, Internet technologies, even more “intelligent” office equipment than before - everything is designed to simplify communication and other aspects of human activity. However, as they say, “to whom much is given, much will be required.”

Society places increasingly high demands on its members, sets tasks one more difficult than the other, and in order to get everything done we have to call on time management for help - a strategy that helps organize time management.

Why do we need this?

Time is a resource, just like money and raw materials. Only, unlike raw materials and finance, time is a non-renewable resource, it is becoming less and less. Having mastered the basics of time management, you will receive:
  • Simplification of the work process,
  • The efficiency of the work process will increase,
  • A significant time resource will be freed up,
  • You will learn to spend time on the most important things, set priorities,
  • You will be able to organize your time exactly in accordance with your goals.
The main thing that you need to understand at the initial stage, while studying the basics of time management, is that this strategy will not teach you how to do everything, but it will teach you how to do the most important things, without time pressure and loss of quality.

How to manage time

Experts who are professionally involved in time management claim that by mastering its rules, you can save a third of your time and your life. Basic principles of time management: In addition to the basic principles, there are other rules of time management that help put work time management on a regular basis. You can get acquainted with them by widely using time management tools:
  • Specialized literature on the topic “time management”,
  • Trainings, seminars, courses,
  • Computer programs.
By the way, an ordinary notebook, pen, diary and organizer can also be called tools, thanks to which time management methods organize the workspace.

Exercises for training on time management

  • "Values ​​and Priorities". This exercise requires two participants. Everyone writes down on small pieces of paper the ten most important fundamentals and values ​​of life, ranking them in order of importance. Participants take turns asking each other questions about the importance of a particular value, ultimately rearranging the list of priorities.
  • "Time Sinkers" To complete this exercise, you need to build a table listing 5-6 time sinks, possible reasons this loss, measures to eliminate it. First, the table is discussed in pairs, then in the whole group.
  • "The Connecting Thread" For this exercise, the training participants need to take turns wrapping a thread from a skein of thread around their finger, voicing the goal they want to achieve. The purpose of the exercise is to realize that when one goal is achieved, other areas of life will inevitably suffer.
Having mastered time management methods, using its tools, and performing training exercises, you can find time resources to engage in self-development, communicate with loved ones, and find pleasure in every moment of life.

Time management exercises (time management).

Target: participants’ awareness of the problems of time distribution, its perception, and its use. Teach participants to use time more effectively, increase personal efficiency, allowing them to achieve significant goals with less time and energy. Clarification of life goals.
Time spending: in the training on the topic “Time management. Time management”, these exercises will relate to the main block, therefore, they can take 30-40 minutes of the entire training. The time for each exercise is indicated. You can arrange the exercises you like as you wish.
Notes: time management exercises contain information in the form of mini-lectures, which must be spoken in order to fully understand the topic.

Exercise “If the clock spoke...”

Each participant needs to prepare (5 minutes to prepare) and deliver a monologue about himself, on behalf of the watch (wristwatch hanging over the head of the bed, alarm clock - choice - by the training participants). If my watch could talk, it would say:
*Do I, their owner, know how to manage my time?
*How much time do I think about time?
*My attitude to time.
*What do I manage to do in a day?
*Do I love my watch and why?
*What do I think about the future.
*Am I happy with the way I have lived my life so far.
*How much time do I spend on work, and how much time do I spend on rest?
*How much time am I willing to give to others? To whom? What are you ready to do at this time?
* My time flies or barely lasts.
Time spending: 15-20 minutes.

Exercise "Squirrel in a Wheel"

The presenter calls a volunteer. He asks him whether the participant has a lot of routine things in life that are not very pleasant, boring, but obligatory. As the participant names these cases, the facilitator writes them down with a marker on separate sheets of paper. Having finished compiling a list of routine tasks, the facilitator places the cards in different corners of the training room (with the inscriptions facing up). Next, the presenter raises all the participants and invites them to “live the life” of this volunteer. The presenter names things in random order. Participants must all move together to the card on which the case is written and stand next to it. After waiting for all the participants to group, the leader calls the next case. It is advisable to strive to ensure that participants move from place to place as quickly as possible, constantly accelerating the pace. Having run up, the participants sit down for a while. The laid out cards are removed. Another volunteer is called. The procedure is repeated. At the end it is carried out discussion: Did you manage to feel at least a little “in the shoes of another person”? What emotions did you have during the “running”? What are your emotions now? What is the best way to live so as not to remind yourself of “a squirrel in a wheel”?
Props: sheets of paper, marker.
Time spending: 15 minutes.

"Pareto principle" (rule 80:20)

Presenter: 80% of our business gives us only 20% of our profit, and 20% of our business gives us 80% of our profit. In this case, it’s worth figuring out where the 80 percent is and where the 20 percent is? This can be done in different ways. For example:
1. Analysis of the structure of time consumption by item:(time 5 minutes)
Each participant writes down their own time expenditure items on the sheet, point by point (the presenter writes these points on the board for clarity).
Instructions: Highlight your standard “time expenditure items” and calculate how much time per week you spend on each of them. It is desirable that there be no more than 7 ± 2 large “expense items”. These items may include subitems.
Time consumption items:
1. Sleep
2. Work
3. Household chores (cleaning, cooking, laundry, grocery shopping)
4. Entertainment (TV, Internet, parties, games, recreational reading)
5. Study
6. Transport
7. Self-care (food, hygiene)

Analysis of the structure of time consumption by utility.(time 5 minutes)

Divide all your time expenditure items into three large groups: “useful time”, “technical time” and “time sink”.
"Useful time"- the time that works for your goals contributes to achieving desired results. This time works to create something new, to develop.
"Technical time“I” is the time spent on maintaining and restoring the body and environment (sleeping, eating, cooking, cleaning, etc.) This is time with zero “bottom line,” although all the actions on this list are necessary. Only, unlike the cases in the first group, they work not to create something new, but to maintain current state.
"Useless Time", "Time-Sink"- empty entertainment, this time also has zero bottom line, but unlike the second group, these costs are not necessary. For example:
Useful time: Work, Study
Technical time: Self-care, Household chores, Transport
Time sink: Sleep, Entertainment
Note: Be honest when dividing your activities into these groups. For some, “work” really is “Useful time”, because there he constantly learns something new, develops, and grows as a person. And for some, “work” is simply a way to earn money to “feed” and “cloth” themselves. Then it would be more honest to classify “work” as “technical time”.

Analysis of the structure of time use by direction(time 5 minutes)

With this analysis, you need to divide all your time into three parts. Namely, the time spent “for oneself”, “for loved ones” and “for great life».
For myself- this is the time you spend personally on yourself.
For loved ones- this is the time that you spend to give something to your family, friends and acquaintances (for example: you helped your mother, a classmate.)
For a great life- this is the time that you use to give something to all other people, humanity and life in general (for example: you took your grandmother across the road, helped unknown woman carry a bag, plant a tree).

Checking whether the current state matches your strategic goals. (time 5 minutes)

Leading: In order for you to use your time successfully, first of all, you must have clear goals and objectives. If you really want to achieve something specific, then it's time to write down your strategic goals for the main areas of your activity: What do you want to achieve at work? What do you want to become? When? What do you want to achieve in your personal life? What do you want to achieve in sports, in studies? And after that, answer the question for yourself: “Does the existing time structure work to achieve these goals?” To achieve your goals, you need to learn how to plan your activities throughout the day. Planning principles:
1. Make a to-do list
2. Prioritize them (ABC)
3. Estimate how much time you will need to complete the task
4. Reserve time for unexpected events
5. Schedule work to be completed when you are at your peak.
6. At the end of the day, monitor what you accomplished and what you didn’t.
7. Make a plan for the next day at the end of the previous one.
Discussion: What new have you learned about own characteristics time distribution? Are you satisfied with your results? What time management tools will you use?
Props: A4 sheets for each participant, pens, board.
Time spending: 25 - 30 minutes.

Exercise “My Time Capital”

Leading: How much time do we have? (participant responses). Everyone has their own time. But let’s roughly answer the question: “What is my time capital?” (see table 1.)
Table 1.


My age

Average duration life (approximately)

My time capital in years (“2” minus “1”)

My time capital in days (“3” multiplied by 365 days)

Number of hours of sleep needed per day

Number of active hours in a day (24 hours minus “5”)

My time capital in hours (“4” times “6”)

Note: The presenter records the participants' answers on the board, and the average results are taken.
Leading: Now compare the resulting time capital with the number that you told me when I asked. On average, we got 200,000-400,000 hours. Alas, we are not capitalists. This is the first conclusion we must draw. If we lose 1000 rubles, we will make up for it, since we can earn money. If we lose 10-20 hours, then we will never be able to make up for this loss. (Discuss the results in a circle.) When 100 rubles are stolen from us, we get nervous. When hours of our lives are stolen, we reason philosophically: “Well, what should we do…. How to deal with this..."
Props: board
Time spending: 30 minutes

Exercise “Time Wasters”

Leading: Think and write down all the activities that can be defined as “time sinks” (for the definition of “time sinks”, see exercise 3). Count how much time they took from you during the week? Who distracted you the most? What prevented you from finishing what you started in one go? Now that you have a list of the main “sinks” of your time, think about what measures you can take to eliminate them? It will be easier for you to complete this task if you identify the reasons that lead to loss of time. I offer you a list of the most common reasons. Mark those that are typical for you.
Reasons for wasting time:
  • I don’t know how to separate important matters from unimportant ones;
  • I don’t pre-plan my day;
  • personal disorganization (clutter on the desk, in the room, etc.);
  • I don’t always know what to do;
  • I get distracted by phone calls (and for a long time);
  • I don’t know how to say “no”;
  • my personal indiscipline;
  • I don’t finish what I started;
  • I hesitate for a long time at the beginning of each task;
  • I spend a lot of time on small and routine work, but don’t get around to important things;
  • I don’t know my personal rhythm of physical and mental activity;
  • I get distracted very easily (for example, by noise).

Leading: Do not be confused by the large number of weaknesses you have noted. Identify “your” 3 most expensive ones and figure out a way to eliminate them. By overcoming the three most important time sinks, you can significantly reduce wasted time.
Props: sheets for each participant, pens.
Time spending: 25 minutes.

Exercise “My Life Goals”

Leading: Everyone knows that clarity is the key to effectiveness. The most common reason for wasting time and the main obstacle to success is the inability to concentrate on the necessary task. Therefore, an important step in managing your time is to clearly define your goals and distribute them in order of importance. Choose 3 important areas of your life. Write their names on separate pieces of paper.
- Now, from these three areas, choose the one that is most important to you. Place the piece of paper on which you wrote down its name in front of you and ask yourself the question: what do I want to achieve? After this, write down all the thoughts and images that arise in your mind. Write down everything that comes to mind. From the remaining spheres, select the one that is in second place in value, do the same. After that, take the third piece of paper.
- Take the first list of goals and read it. What else can you write? Maybe you'd like to cross something out? To correct?
- Rank all your goals in order of importance from 1 (most important) to N (number of the last goal, not the most important). Set the list aside.
- Read the first three paragraphs. Ask yourself: Is this really the most important thing for me in this area? If the answer is yes, then turn the sheet over and write them on the other side. If in doubt, choose from the items that follow the one that you consider important, and then transfer it to the other side of the sheet.
- Do the same with the second and third lists.
- Put all the lists with three main goals in front of you. Now you have a clearer picture of what you want. Read your notes again and think: How important are these goals to me? Is this what I really want? How realistic are these goals? How consistent are they with each other? Don't they contradict each other? Often people set themselves significantly more tasks than they can actually accomplish. They simply do not have enough strength, time, or abilities to achieve everything they want. Therefore it is necessary set priorities, that is, decide: Which goals are most important? Which ones can you hold off on? To achieve what goals should you direct your resources, that is, time, abilities, skills?
Now set priorities A, B, C, for each of the nine purposes , which you have selected from the three most important areas of your life.

  • very, very important goals.
  • very important goals.
  • just important goals.

Take a blank piece of paper and write down priority A goals, then B and C. Look at the list of priority A goals. This is what you want. This is what you need to focus your strength and energy on. Are you ready to start implementing them now? What will be your first step?
Requisites: sheets for each participant (3 sheets), pens.
Time spending: 35 minutes.

Exercise “Five Fingers” (according to L. Seiwert)

Note: preferably at the end of the lesson to summarize and obtain feedback.
Leading: For achieving your goal to become a reality, you must constantly ensure that you stay on course. To manage such a “subtle matter” as time, control is especially important. Lothar Seiwert offers a very simple and convenient method for daily final TM control (however, the method can also be used for intermediate control over the implementation of individual tasks during the day) - the so-called “five fingers” method. The method is an elementary mnemonic technique in which one of the controlled parameters of the quality of goal achievement is assigned to each of the fingers. Just look at your palm right hand and by the first letters of the names of the fingers, remember the parameters on the basis of which control is carried out. These are the parameters (in a slightly modified form compared to those proposed by L. Seiwert):
M (little finger)- Thoughts, knowledge, information. What new did I learn today? Have I learned anything new about my time? Have you come up with new “tricks” to manage it better?
B (unnamed)- Proximity to the target. What operational tasks have I solved today that bring me closer to achieving important goals (long-term strategic ones)?
C (medium)- State. What cases were particularly interesting? What was associated with positive emotions and high motivation? On the contrary, what things were boring, subjectively difficult, or done “through force”?
U (index) Service, help, cooperation. Whom did I help, whom did I provide a valuable service to, with whom did I find mutual language, with whom did you work well?
B (big)- Cheerfulness. What tasks did I spend the most energy on? physical strength? What have I done today to maintain my health and physical fitness?
Try right now, at the end of our lesson, to look at your right palm and monitor the result, for example, of the information received:
-Can you name a few of the most important ideas that interested you during the lesson, what thoughts arose in your mind (little finger)?
-Will the knowledge gained during the training help you achieve your current life goals, your proximity to the goal (unnamed)?
-Were there any exercises during the training that changed your condition (average)?
-Did the lesson help you understand yourself better? Were you able to change yourself in some ways, and in others accept yourself as the person you are (index)?
-Was the lesson hard and difficult? Did understanding the material presented (major) tire you out?
Time spending: 20 minutes.