Prayer is the very thread that connects a person with the Lord. It is not God who needs prayer; even without human requests, he knows what and who needs it. Prayer is necessary for the person himself; it gives him peace and confidence. It is prayer that gives strength and strengthens faith. This is the meaning of the phrase that what will be given to those who ask.

There are quite a lot of prayers, and each of them has its own place and time. This does not at all mean that you need to memorize any texts and pronounce them in front of a certain image at a specific hour. This means that for each life event or situation in the church there are its own types of prayers, for example, for health or for repose.

What kind of prayer is this?

Many have heard that there is a special prayer for health. Not everyone understands what it is, when and why it is needed. Meanwhile, pure prayer is traditional variety components of the liturgy. It is pronounced at the personal request of the believer and can concern not only health, but also other life aspects or problems.

Prayer is ordered from clergy in any church, monastery or other parish. It will be read by the serving priest within the part of the liturgy specially designated for the needs of the parishioners.

How is it different from other prayer services?

The main difference is clear from the name, if you think about it, prayer is intense. This means that a person asks the gentlemen for something purely, that is, on purpose. As a rule, such prayers are dedicated to asking God for help in resolving a specific problem in the life of a person or his loved ones.

Another difference between this prayer service is that it is read by the clergyman in accordance with the need of the believer. This means that the more terrible and the problem is more serious, those longer time During the service there will be a section dedicated to reading prayers.

What kind of prayer is this?

In order to order a special prayer, it is not at all necessary to wait for the moment at which a tragedy occurs in life. It is enough just to feel the inner need for such prayer.

As a rule, a special prayer is read in connection with the needs of the following:

  • admonishing children or loved ones, instructing them on the righteous path;
  • help in family matters and in preserving the marriage;
  • the granting of heirs and the birth of strong children;
  • ability to learn, disclosure of talents;
  • protection from evil intrigues and slander;
  • healing from harmful passions.

Nowadays, women who ask for special prayer most often order peace of mind and forgiveness of the sin of infanticide. It's about about abortion, because not every woman is able to mentally and emotionally endure this event.

Accordingly, such a prayer is a deep petition to the Lord about what is important to a person. There are no restrictions on the reason for it.

Many clergy are puzzled by the attitude of their flock to custom prayer services. What worries priests is that, having ordered the reading of a prayer, many people consider their participation completed. That is, they do not consider it necessary to work on their own soul, to pray on their own, or even to do anything to correct the life situation for which the prayer was ordered.

This is a general trend that clergy everywhere are worried about. People lose spirituality and come to churches as if they were going to shops. This attitude is not only wrong, but also harmful. A prayer that the person who ordered it does not care about and does not trust in will not bring any benefit.

How long should you read such prayers?

The Lord hears only requests filled with sincere faith and spoken with hope; pure prayer is no exception.

Based on practice, clergy recommend reading during at least twelve liturgies. But sometimes you need to read a prayer for thirty or forty services. Its effectiveness depends on the spirituality of the person asking and, of course, on the sincerity of this person’s faith. Of course, there is also a dependence on the complexity of the life situation.

For example, if a prayer is ordered for deliverance from drug captivity loved one, then not twelve services will be required, but much more. Although the Lord is omnipotent, demonic temptations are also not weak, and the soul of a drug addict is in the devil’s captivity and often does not consider it necessary to leave him.

It is important to understand that it is not its effectiveness in the literal sense that depends on the timing of the prayer, but the spiritual strengthening of the person praying and the firmness of intentions. That is, this is a kind of self-hypnosis, as psychologists call such actions. Of course, the stronger a person’s faith and the firmer his conviction, the faster and easier he will get the desired result. After all, as they say, to those who ask, it is given.

Does anything need to be done?

The Lord Himself does not need any actions from man; God only needs faith. But the person himself often needs to do something, undertake something in his own Everyday life.

It is easier for people to mentally join the ordered prayer act if they do:

  • consecration of your home;
  • comprehend the commandments and their daily actions;
  • they remember the dead in church;
  • ask for the health of loved ones in the temple;
  • attend services;
  • repent of sins - both involuntary and intentional.

Deliberate sin is the scourge of the soul modern man. The point is that, knowing that an action is bad and goes against God’s commandments, a person commits it anyway. And then, as people say, “the cats are scratching at his soul.”

Often it is precisely such actions that lead to the need for custom prayer, specific or otherwise.

Where can I order such a prayer?

The place does not matter, so that in a difficult life situation, prayer can help. Whether it will be a monastery or a temple next to the house is not so important. The main thing is faith and conviction in your actions, as well as sincerity in your intentions. If a person orders prayer services, but at the same time continues to lead a sinful life, then such duplicity will not lead to anything good.

However, given that in our country most of the monasteries and temples were closed and, in principle, desecrated, the question of location matters. Before ordering a prayer service, you need to go to the temple and stay in it for some time, stand and listen to yourself. If this church is not particularly cozy mentally, you want to leave it, or even irritation sets in, then there is no need to order prayers in this church, regardless of which clergy work in it.

The temple, which has preserved the centuries-old energy, is felt immediately and unmistakably. In such a church, peace and tranquility comes to the soul, and when leaving the church, a person seems to glow from within. He smiles and is open to everything good and bright. It is in such a temple that you need to order prayer services.

What is the difference from a litany?

A special litany is a large general prayer. It is correct to call the litany not a prayer, but a section of the liturgy, which consists of petitions to the Lord from the parishioners of the temple.

Literally, “litany” is translated from Greek language like "long prayer". But it is not a prayer, but constituent element content of the service, its integral part, section.

The litany consists of prayers and, depending on their types, as well as the general nature of the service, can take various shapes. Prayer is devoid of this; it is subordinated to one thought and goal.

Is it possible to pray purely without an order?

Many religious people are confused by completely commercial advertisements that you can transfer payment for prayer and order it in a monastery or church that a person has never been to. These are indeed a little strange proposals on the part of temples, since they go against the basic tenets related to custom prayers. However, similar proposals can be found in various sources information.

Of course, there will be no benefit from such a prayer service. If it is not possible to personally come to the temple, then, understanding what a special prayer means and in what cases it is read, you can ask the Lord on your own.

The text of the prayer could be like this:

“Lord Almighty, have mercy on me, your servant (proper name). Send me wisdom and humility, teach me what to do, do not leave your great one without help. Lord judge me with (listing or short description life situation, the essence of the request). Show me the right path, enlighten me and instruct me. Grant, Lord, health and patience. Help the sick and strengthen the healthy. Give bread to the hungry and fill the well-fed with compassion. Do not leave your children in difficult times and me, your servant (proper name), among others. There is nothing greater than my faith, nothing greater than my humility, but there is much grief and suffering in the world. In the midst of great concerns for the suffering, strengthen my spirit and grant me to wait for the glorious moment, the sight of help, amen.”

Prayer is a conversation between a person and the Lord, a thread that connects the believer with God. In some ways, prayer is akin to visiting a psychotherapist’s office, because a person shares in it the most painful, hidden, deeply personal. It is not without reason that after visiting a temple and saying a prayer in front of the images, people feel a surge of spiritual strength, peace, and confidence in the future.

There are many variants of prayers in Orthodoxy, but each of them is said for a specific reason. Many of them are, as they say, “by hearsay.” For example, it is rare that a person has not heard of prayer “for health.” But what exactly this prayer service is is not clear to everyone.

About prayer

An individual prayer to the Lord, said during a church service, is a special litany. It is one of the traditional prayers that make up the liturgy. In the part of the service in which individual petitions are read, more than one or even two such prayers may be said. Accordingly, these petitions affect the duration of church service.

The special litany at the liturgy is pronounced not only for health. This prayer can touch on almost any aspect of life that is important to the believer. You can order a reading before the service at any Orthodox parish- temple, monastery, chapel, cathedral.

How does the litany differ from other prayers? The opinion of the priests

The main difference is obvious even to those far from Orthodox culture to a person. It is contained in the title, you just need to read it carefully - “a special litany,” that is, personal, individual and special, special, thematic. In such a prayer, the believer turns to the Lord purely, that is, for a specific, specific reason, in connection with a need that has arisen.

According to the priests, an important difference from other prayers is one more nuance. Petitions at the special litany are read by church ministers in an order corresponding to the needs of the believers. That is, the more terrible a person’s problem, the more desperate he is, the sooner his petition will be read. Also, the time devoted to reading depends on the complexity of the problem with which a person turns to the Lord.

For what reasons is such a prayer read?

Of course, there is absolutely no need to fall into severe life situation or wait for something terrible to happen in order to come to church and order such a prayer.

As a rule, a special litany is read in accordance with the following topics:

  • health;
  • admonition;
  • family preservation;
  • instructing children;
  • gift of a child;
  • help in life;
  • protection;
  • redemption;
  • deliverance.

Prayer can also be ordered in connection with other needs. Each such prayer is a person’s request addressed to God about what is important to the believer. Of course, there are no restrictions on the reason for the petition.

Church ministers today are concerned about the attitude that the special litany for health evokes among some parishioners. Many new believers sincerely believe that this is a kind of financial offering. Having submitted a note and paid the required amount, people believe that their own participation in prayer ends there. Not everyone can even remember what exactly they asked for in the submitted petition.

The clergy complain about the misunderstanding by newly converted parishioners of the very essence of the prayer. Like any other prayer, it cannot be effective without the direct participation of the believer. Special petitions at the special litany will be completely useless for people who are not trying to improve themselves spiritually and make efforts to solve life’s problems.

Modern people, according to the opinions of many clergy, are losing spirituality or are not at all familiar with this concept. Coming to the temple, as if to a supermarket, and buying a place in the liturgy, and sometimes additional petitions at the special litany, you should not expect that life circumstances will change. Prayer, even if ordered, will not be effective if there is no faith in a person’s soul. In prayer, a person trusts in the Lord, and does not acquire a miracle from him.

Is it possible to pray without submitting a note? On one's own?

Questions about whether a special litany, the notes for which were purchased in a church shop, can be read or even sung independently, outside the church, are often asked to priests. As a rule, this question concerns churchgoers who understand the details and intricacies of divine services.

Such reading or singing of the litany is not prohibited. Especially in situations where a person is not able to come to church. For example, if we are talking about a disabled person who is unable to move, or about a cancer patient who cannot get out of bed. However, in such very difficult circumstances, loved ones of someone who needs prayer should talk to a priest. If necessary, clergy never refuse to visit believers and pray with them.

How long should the litany be read?

The effectiveness of prayer depends on the strength with which a believer places his trust in it. It is impossible to say how long it takes to read this prayer. In one case, a single reading is enough, while in another it takes months.

As a rule, litanies for twelve liturgies are ordered. Many believers claim that petitions at the special litany for Peter and Fevronia are heard much earlier than the twelfth service. However, the duration of reading varies from person to person. If any questions arise when submitting a note with the petition, you should ask them to the clergyman.

In some situations, if the problem in the life of a believer is very serious, priests advise long reading. Sometimes thirty liturgies are required, forty, or even more. For example, if someone asking the Lord is concerned about delivering a loved one from an addiction - alcoholism, card games, drug addiction, then, of course, it will be necessary significant amount readings.

Very important point is the understanding that the effectiveness of the prayer depends not on the number of its repetitions, but on the strength with which the believer trusts in the litany. Repetitions only strengthen the faith of the person praying, strengthen this person spiritually, and give firmness to his intentions.

Do I need to take any action?

After a special litany has been ordered, many people feel confused and wonder what they should do now. Maybe something needs to be done or is it necessary to be present at the reading, to make some kind of vow? These disturbing questions come to people filled with anxiety.

Concern, as a rule, arises not because of doubts in the power of the Lord, but because of the lack of information about what to do when ordering a prayer service.

The Lord Himself does not require any action from man. God needs only boundless, unconditional and absolute faith. But the person himself really needs everyday actions that strengthen his spirit and give strength to his faith.

What to do after ordering a litany?

It is important for a believer to feel his participation in prayer, to express zeal, to join in the reading spiritually. If you do nothing, then anxiety begins to consume your soul, followed by doubts.

Church leaders often advise parishioners to do the following:

  • cleanse and sanctify own house;
  • reflect on everyday actions, emotions and compliance with their commandments;
  • remember the departed by placing a candle in front of the icon;
  • confess;
  • visit the temple.

These are quite simple actions that can fill a person’s heart with confidence, peace and tranquility.

Where is the best place to order a prayer reading?

But if a person does not go to church, does not pray and, in principle, does not consider himself a deeply religious person, then the choice of place becomes important. In this case, the temple must be “prayed.” The spiritual energy of the very room in which believers for centuries have asked the Lord for something and praised him will give strength to prayer.

The best option for choosing a place is a kind of “insight”. As people say, the legs brought it. This means that a person unconsciously, wandering through the streets in thought, suddenly notices that he has approached the entrance to the temple. Such accidents cannot be ignored. Such a situation can be called in different ways - a sign from above, an accident, a coincidence, or something else. But no matter how a person calls the fact that he finds himself in front of the entrance to a church, he should not pass by this temple. It is there that you need to order the litany.

Of course, the temple does not always “find” the person who needs to visit it. Usually, the believer himself has to decide on the church, if he wants to order a prayer service or if this action is necessary.

Although there is no place special significance, do not forget that most of temples in our country have completely lost their special aura. Churches have been desecrated for decades. And the need to order a litany, as a rule, arises in very difficult life circumstances. How many people would trust the treatment of their illness to an ill doctor in a hospital lacking equipment? Probably no one. This example is also true for a church building. Special, intense prayer should be ordered in a temple that has spiritual energy, and not in one that is being restored after desecration.

7.1. What is prayer? Prayer, according to the definition of Saint Philaret (Drozdov), is the lifting of the mind and heart to God. Prayer is a conversation between a person and God, in which he pours out his heart’s desires, requests, and sighs. 7.2. Why do you need to pray? Through prayer, a person is united with God, that is, to a certain extent, the purpose of a person’s purpose is realized - his deification. After sincere, faith-filled prayer, the soul becomes peaceful, calm, prayer brings inner clarity. 7.3. When should you pray? The Apostle Paul bequeaths: "Pray without ceasing"(1 Thess. 5:17). “Be constant in prayer, watching in it with thanksgiving.”(Col.4:2). A Christian must pray daily: morning and evening, before and after eating food, before starting and after finishing any task. It is good to accustom yourself to mentally pray throughout the day with short prayers.

7.4. What types of prayers are there?

– There are prayers of petition, thanksgiving, and doxology (praise). In petitionary prayers, they ask God for forgiveness for sins: for bad deeds, words and even thoughts, for help in various needs and illnesses. The shortest petitionary prayer: “Lord, have mercy!”

In prayers of gratitude, they thank God for all His blessings, for example, for health, well-being, for having found faith and the meaning of life. The shortest thanksgiving prayer: "God bless!"

Prayer of praise is the purest highest form prayers. Angels in the Kingdom of Heaven praise God. The shortest doxological prayer: “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts!”

Prayers can be communal (in church) or private (at home).

7.5. What should be the mandatory daily prayer rule?

- IN Orthodox prayer books“Morning Prayers” and “Prayers for the Future to Sleep” were printed, which constitute the obligatory daily prayer rule.

With the advice of a priest, this prayer rule can be increased. When determining the scope of a prayer rule, the life circumstances and spiritual experience of a Christian are taken into account. Time and energy should be distributed so that there is enough for both prayer and diligent performance of household duties. “If anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those at home, he has renounced the faith and is worse than an infidel.”(1 Tim.5:8).

7.6. What reading can replace morning and evening rules?

– Morning and evening prayers That is why they are called a rule because they cannot be replaced by any other reading. For beginners in church life and the weak, Orthodox prayer books contain abbreviated versions of morning and evening prayer rules. A reduction or increase in the prayer rule must be agreed upon with the confessor.

7.7. What can you ask God for?

– You should ask for the forgiveness of sins, for cleansing from passions, for the reconciliation of warring parties, for healing, for spiritual gifts (for the gift of prayer, patience, humility, repentance), for the salvation of the soul.

In prayer, seek not earthly, but heavenly blessings. The Lord knows best what is good for man. Therefore, it is good to pray like this: “I surrender, Lord, myself, my children and all my relatives to Your holy will.” Before starting anything, it’s good to ask for help. God's words“Lord bless!” While doing the deed - “Lord, help!”, and after completing it - “Lord, glory to You!”

7.8. How do you imagine the one you are praying to?

– When praying to God, you don’t need to imagine Him in any way, but only believe that He is close and sees and hears everything. The Holy Fathers categorically forbid imagining anything or anyone during prayer, since this can lead to a painful spiritual state called delusion.

7.9. Why doesn't God fulfill all requests?

– The Lord fulfills requests if they come from the heart and benefit the soul. He will never allow an evil wish to come true. And if something evil happens, then it is not from God, but by His permission for the benefit of man, which he sometimes does not see. Prayer should be combined with fasting, good deeds.

Not everything that a person asks from God is useful for him, but everything that God sends (even difficult trials) is beneficial for his soul. There is God's Providence for every person, but people's actions and desires do not always agree with it, which is why it seems that the Lord does not fulfill what was asked, as if he does not hear. A person must understand that everything sent by God is aimed at his benefit and the salvation of his soul, even though at times it seems cruel. This is the law of life, established, again, not by man, but by the Creator of all things, that is, the Divine law, the understanding of which is often beyond the control of the limited human mind.

7.10. What is important in prayer and bowing?

– We must remember that it is not a matter of words and bows, but of raising the mind and heart to God. Prayer should be peaceful; before prayer, you need to make peace with your neighbors. You must have a feeling of repentance, recognize your unworthiness and guilt before God. Prayer must be performed with diligence, with attention, in silence and calmness, delving into the words of the prayer, driving away evil thoughts and directing the mind to God.

7.11. How should we pray for soldiers?

– About patronage Orthodox warriors and the armies pray to the holy blessed Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky, the Great Martyr George the Victorious, the Martyr John the Warrior, and the Venerable Sergius of Radonezh. Prayers to these saints can be found in Orthodox prayer books and collections of akathists.

7.12. What is the difference between a prayer service and a memorial service?

– At prayer services they remember and pray for the living, and at memorial services for the deceased.

7.13. What is a prayer service?

– After the Liturgy, a prayer service is usually served - a special service during which they ask the Lord, the Mother of God and the saints to send mercy or thank them for receiving benefits. A prayer service can be of thanksgiving, for the sick, for those traveling, and you can order it for the Savior, Mother of God, saints. You can order a water blessing prayer - in this case, a small blessing of water is performed, which is then distributed to believers.

7.14. What types of prayer services are there?

– The most common are general prayers - requests for help to the Lord, to the Mother of God and the saints, prayers for the healing of illnesses, for help in traveling, in creating good deeds, thanksgiving. The service of prayers can be combined with the reading of akathists - touching hymns to the Lord, the Mother of God or the holy saints of God.

Prayer services also include the rites of consecration of icons and other shrines, as well as apartments, cars, fields, etc. A special kind prayer service is the blessing of water. The Blessing of Water can be great (on the feast of the Epiphany) or small, which can be served in any conditions and at any time at the request of believers.

7.15. What is a memorial service?

– A memorial service is a special service consisting of prayers for forgiveness of sins and peace in the Kingdom Heavenly shower deceased Orthodox Christians. A memorial service is served before the eve. Around the eve, an offering can be left on a special table in memory of deceased loved ones.

7.16. What is a litany?

– Litany is a Greek word and means “diligent prayer.” Litany is a prayer of a very special nature. It is designed to fatigue attention as little as possible and to constantly stimulate it. In view of this, the whole prayer is divided into a number of short fragmentary petitions, which are interrupted by the singing of even shorter prayer exclamations: “Lord, have mercy,” “Give, Lord.” The name litany is given to this type of prayer because they are especially fervent prayers offered by all believers. After the reading of the Gospel, litanies are performed, at which custom notes about health and repose are read. Each litany ends with a cry from the priest glorifying the Most Holy Trinity.

7.17. Why go to church for prayer if God is in your soul and you can pray to Him at home?

– God is truly always there ( “I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”(Matthew 28:20)) and you can pray to Him anywhere. However, for many millennia people have been visiting churches - places of the special presence of God. God Himself commanded this: “And they will build a sanctuary for Me, and I will dwell in the midst of them; Do everything as I show you, both the pattern of the tabernacle and the pattern of all its vessels; do so"(Ex.25:8,9). It takes place in the temple common prayer, for which people should gather together according to the example of the apostles: “And they remained always in the temple, glorifying and blessing God”(Luke 24:53).

Anyone who says that he can pray at home usually does not pray at home. And if he does not turn to God, then what kind of faith, and therefore the presence of the Divine in his soul, can we talk about? Faith presupposes that a person does not rely on himself, he is not self-sufficient, but depends on God, whose will he must follow. A person cannot be completely autonomous and independent, especially when it comes to such an important issue as the salvation of the soul. If a Christian does not go to church, then there is a danger that he will lose true communion with God, which he must partake of and learn where communion with God actually takes place, that is, in church.

Only in the temple are the Sacraments performed, only in the temple does Christ call everyone every day, offering His Body and Blood. And who refuses the Holy Mysteries? “He who is not with Me is against Me”(Matthew 12:30).

To be a Christian and not go to church means to consciously distance yourself from what Christ gave - cleansing from sins in repentance, unity with Him in the Eucharist, healing from illnesses in, grace-filled communication with saints and many spiritual gifts that people find only in temple.

Christian faith presupposes a corresponding life, and life manifests itself in concrete forms. A Christian is saved only in unity with the Church.

– It’s good to know by heart the “Creed” and the basic prayers: “Our Father”, “Virgin Mother of God, Rejoice...” There is no such church rule for memorizing prayers by heart. If you perform morning and evening daily prayer rules, then they will be remembered by themselves. The main thing is to read the prayers reverently, carefully, with a feeling of repentance.

7.19. Is it possible to pray completely without a prayer book and the Psalter in your own words?

– Of course, you can address God in your own words, but the question is, will a person find such words for God to hear him? Will he not ask God for something that is not at all useful for the salvation of the soul? Most likely, this will happen: after all, he wants, first of all, earthly goods, success in this life, physical health. All this is not harmful, but should be in the background, in the first place is what contributes to spiritual growth, purification and salvation of the soul. This is why prayers are given to us, the words of which, at the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, were compiled by saints. These are some samples of petitions, what you need to ask from God in order to be heard and get what you want, if this desire corresponds to God’s Providence.

So, before praying in your own words, you need to learn to address God correctly, to ask for what is useful for the salvation of the soul, and not the body - this is precisely why the prayers of the saints exist - examples of lifting up the mind and heart to God.

A practical guide to parish counseling. St. Petersburg 2009.

Miraculous words: a special prayer for health in full description from all the sources we found.

deep prayer

In chapter Religion, Faith to the question Do you read Sorokoust every day? What other prayers can be ordered in the morning before the service for the health of someone in a coma? given by the author Anastasia Malykhina The best answer is to order the “Unfailing Psalter” service about health at the monastery. There they read prayer day and night. Imagine, the name of the person for whom they are praying will be pronounced in prayers (unfortunately I don’t remember exactly, but), it seems, 50 times a day. Also, to all my friends and relatives who care, too, to send their prayers to the sick, no matter what their faith. You can even agree to read prayers for everyone at the same time, so I think the energy of the prayers will be stronger.

Give a magpie for health and for proskomedia. Prayer service to the Mother of God, St. Nicholas, Blessed Matrona of Moscow, Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg.

a custom proskomedia or for the Doctor of souls and bodies in monasteries there is an Indestructible Psalter, names are read every three hours

Order a formal petition. According to this requirement, the serving priest will pray at the altar at the Liturgy for the sick person. Ask at the store; usually all churches accept such requests. And it is best if you prepare for Communion, confess and take communion, and after Communion you yourself also pray for the sick. A person’s prayer after communion is incomparable to anything.

40 days every day.

this is the most powerful.

You can say a prayer for health at least every day, read a prayer for health - look in the prayer book.

What is the “Subba Litany”?

Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko answers:

First, let’s define the meanings of the words “litany” and “prayer service.”

Litany (from the Greek “zeal”, “extension”) is a series of prayer requests pronounced by a deacon or priest on behalf of all those praying during the service. The litany begins with a call to prayer, followed by various petitions and ends with an exclamation glorifying God (pronounced by the priest). After each petition, depending on its content, the choir sings “Lord, have mercy,” “Give, Lord,” or “To you, Lord.”

The august litany (from the Slavic “subgubiti” - “strengthen, double”) - begins with the words “rtzem vse with all our soul, and from all our thoughts rtzem” (“rtzem” means “let us speak”). The name of this litany indicates intense prayer (that’s why it is called “the litany of diligent prayer”). Contains mainly petitions about persons: the Patriarch, the ruling bishop, the country (rulers and troops), about deceased Christians (primarily the creators of the temple), as well as about all those who perform divine services in it and perform various obediences, and also about upcoming ones. To each petition pronounced by a deacon or priest, the choir responds with three times “Lord, have mercy.”

A prayer service is one of the types of private worship. It is short and has a pleading or grateful nature. Those praying ask the Lord, the Mother of God or a saint to send mercy or thank them for receiving benefits.

There are public and private prayer services. The first ones are performed, as a rule, on the days of temple holidays, on New Year, before the beginning school year, at natural disasters, epidemics, etc. Private prayers are performed at the request of individuals: for example, for the blessing of a house, for the consecration and blessing of food, for the sending of spiritual and physical health. IN different temples There are certain days for performing such prayers.

Thus, the special litany is not a prayer service, but can be included in the sequence of the prayer service. In some parishes there is a tradition of inserting petitions for the sick, for those traveling, etc., as part of the special litany.

Sincerely, Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko.

Serious prayer for health





Commemoration at the proskomedia for health and repose (with the removal of a piece):

for 40 days – 100 rubles

for 6 months – 150 rubles

for 12 months – 300 rubles

for 40 days – 100 rubles

for 6 months – 150 rubles

for 12 months – 300 rubles

Donations are accepted for a brick for health and repose.

There is nothing higher than almsgiving!

By donating to the restoration of the monastery, you light unquenchable candles in heaven for yourself and your family. A donation for a brick is an eternal remembrance for the special litany in the rank of builders. By donating to people, we hope for their gratitude; by sacrificing to the Lord, we trust in his mercy towards us and those for whom the sacrifice is made.

For problems that are chronic in nature, the most effective prayer is during the liturgy, during which the priest not only prays for the health of the one for whom this demand is offered, but also specifically (purely) asks the Lord for a solution to this specific problem.

The following special prayers are possible:

– About admonition and guidance on the righteous path

– About spiritual and physical health

– About help in arranging a marriage

– About the gift of a child

– About help in learning

– On resolving the housing issue

– About assistance in performing military duties

– About protection from demonic attacks

– On forgiveness of the sin of infanticide

– About recovery from alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling and smoking

The time during which a special prayer is performed is determined depending on the complexity of the problems that need to be solved, determining the complexity of solving the problem, and the person himself, its long-standing nature, decides on the number of special prayers required for him. Usually, for positive changes, it is recommended to perform intense prayers during 12-40 liturgies. But sometimes (in difficult spiritual situations) intense prayers are performed for six months or even a year.

It is important that the person ordering the special prayer himself joins in the prayer act. After all, without your own work on yourself, on your soul, salvation is not possible.

From time immemorial there have been rules of spiritual life, the neglect of which leads to spiritual death. We recommend that ordered prayers be accompanied by the following actions on your part:

1 First, it is necessary to comprehend the commandments, which are the spiritual rules of our life, and begin to live according to the commandments.

2 Bless the house (apartment) in which you live.

3 Pray for the departed. Order the commemoration of all deceased relatives. By begging for the departed, we help their living relatives.

4 It is necessary to comprehend your life, your actions, thoughts, words and come to deep repentance. After this, it is necessary to confess and receive communion. Repentance, confession and communion are the path to spiritual, and often physical healing!

5 It is necessary to help and do alms and goodness to the people around you who so need your love! There is nothing higher than charity in the eyes of God. Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy. The simplest, but also the most effective alms to God is for his temple: for a brick.

It is necessary to pray for a solution to your problem not only to the priest performing the prayer at the liturgy, but also to you, at home. Your prayer is communication with God. Be sincere in this communication, be humble, be grateful, be full of love! And just as it is impossible to constantly turn to a father, although loving, only with requests, so it is necessary to turn to God not only with requests, but also with gratitude! Thank the Lord for what you have! And Lord, how loving father, to whom you turn with your request, will give you if it is healing for your spiritual life (or the lives of those for whom you pray).

Very often, the cause of the sins and problems of the living are the unresolved sins of deceased relatives up to the 3rd or 4th generation. Therefore, it is advisable to simultaneously order the magpie and the Psalter about them for 40 days. It is also very useful to order memorial services for the deceased.

A simple funeral service costs 80 rubles

A customized funeral service according to the ancient Christian tradition with an offering of wheat (flour), wine (Cahors) and oil (oil) as a sacrifice on the eve - 450 rubles (the price includes all offerings).

Money indicating the names, purpose of the demand and its quantity can be sent by postal order to the address: 172840, Russia, Tver region, Toropets city, st. Eremenko, house 7, Svyato-Tikhonovsky convent. To the abbess of the monastery, nun Ioanna (Kalashnikova).

Or you can send Bank transaction, by writing in advance by email or calling.

In 2008, on the territory of the monastery, under a century-old oak tree, on a historical stone removed by an excavator from under the foundation of the restored temple, a memorial plaque was installed in memory of the 90th anniversary of the murder royal family(consecration of the plaque by Bishop Victor), stating that a monument to all New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia will be erected on this site.

Save Christ

A special prayer service

Prayer service- this is a small separate divine service, usually performed in the middle of the church by a priest, during which believers ask the Lord, the Mother of God or the Saints for God’s mercy or thank the Lord. The prayer service can be accompanied by the rite of minor consecration of water, an akathist, and a canon.

The prayer service can be served as follows: general principles, and on an individual basis. The rites of prayer services are varied in purpose; in other words, prayer services can be thematically oriented or general.

The general prayer service does not specify the topic, it mentions various petitions, it is universal.

And thematically oriented prayers can be, for example: for the sick, for love and the eradication of all anger, for the new year, before the start of any business, for any petition, and so on. Thus, prayers are sung only for the living and for their needs.

If a canon or akathist is attached to the prayer service, then the prayer service is filled and decorated deep meaning glorifying the one to whom the canon or akathist is dedicated. The one who listens attentively is imbued with this deep meaning.

Worshipers can order a prayer service both during the service and for prayer in absentia. Only names are submitted for the prayer service about health.

I would recommend, of course, to be present at prayer services, and then prayer will have more meaning, and the power of prayer will increase and approach pure prayer. All names submitted will be read publicly. You can also ask the priest to serve an individual prayer service upon request.

Always be with us!

Website Orthodox priest Priest Nikolai Osipov

Place of service: Temple of “Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia”

Temple address: 443010, Samara, st. Chapaevskaya, 136

When prayer is needed

Industry: Religious organizations

About this community

– Write to which monastery or temple you need to send a note (preferably in a personal message or on email)

– The note itself with the names of only Baptized people

– Donations can be sent to a Sberbank card

No. 4276 4000 1083 9125 and immediately inform us about the shipment so that we can make a transfer to the temple through the fund’s current account and hand over the notes! If you cannot transfer donations due to financial difficulties, then we will transfer the notes anyway.

– You can also send exciting questions for mothers and fathers who are in seclusion

Please forgive me if I am not acting according to the rules of the user agreement. If I violate something, I will definitely delete the community.

So, this is what your letter will look like:

– Pass a note about Mary’s health to the Epiphany Monastery to the Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God. Maria is pregnant.

– I sent donations. so many. Or I didn't send it.

– You can contact me by email.

Join the business network and get the opportunity to take online training absolutely free!

Being rich is your birthright.

This group is created for entrepreneurs, looking for partners on joint creation, management and development of business. They can also be posted here.

“Business Club” is the most numerous and active community of the business network. BC's topics range from discussion.

At the Career Development Center we are glad to see everyone who wants to find or change a job and reach the top of their career, who is self-employed.

Serious prayer for health

What to look for?

News archive….

The Church Shop accepts memorial notes that you would like to send to the Holy Land (with a group of our parishioners). Details in Advertisements..

Procession of the Cross “The Path” St. Sergius” this year was moved to September 30, Saturday. Details in Advertisements..

Support “Merciful Heart” - the project of St. Nicholas Church in the competition of the governor of the Moscow Region. Details in Advertisements..

A trip to Pskov-Pechersky Monastery. Details in Advertisements..

Father Boris will serve in St. Nicholas Church. Details in Advertisements..

The service was added on December 24, 2015 at 8:00 am. More details in Announcements.

From November 10 to 17, in the St. Nicholas Church in the village of Rogachevo there will be an icon with the relics of the Matrona of Moscow

A new section has been added - Theological courses.

Photos added procession“On the path of Rev. Sergius."

Added photos of the bike ride to the Nikolo-Peshnoshsky Monastery.

The Sunday School work schedule for the 2015/2016 school year has been updated. year.

Last news….

It is submitted with a request to make prayers for a person’s physical and mental health, for his well-being. All living baptized people for whom you wish health, salvation and prosperity are recorded here.

It is submitted with a request to perform prayers for the repose of the souls of deceased people. Church commemoration makes it easier for the soul to go through ordeals after leaving the body.

ο entering the name of a living person in the note “about repose” no one

Who can you submit notes about?

ο anyone can be mentioned in a note (not just a relative

or an acquaintance), provided that Church rules allow

submit a note about him.

Who should you not submit notes about?

The Church does not commemorate the following people:

ο not baptized in Orthodox faith(atheists, heterodox, people of other faiths);

ο deceased, numbered to the saints :

For example: Blessed Matrona, Blessed Ksenia.

The reason is simple: being at the Throne of God it is they

o convinced atheists and atheists, even if they have been baptized

You should not submit notes about them.

Commemoration of suicides in the Temple is possible only if following conditions:

ο if there is an official medical report,

indicating that a person committed suicide in a state of

insanity, in a state of insanity;

ο and if available bishop's blessing for their funeral and church

To receive it you need to contact your bishop

diocese. Only the diocesan bishop can give permission

for funeral services for suicides;

ο a funeral service without such a blessing will be unauthorized

Possible commemoration of suicides at home:

ο The Optina elders allowed commemoration of suicides only at will

close relatives and only short prayer, which is approximately

should look like this: “Lord, if You can, have mercy on Your servant

What should you do if you submitted a note about a person who, according to Church rules, cannot be commemorated in the Temple?

ο if this happens, you must tell the priest about it

Filling out the note is a spiritual component of this process:

ο when writing down the names of the living and the dead, remember them in the process of writing

with a sincere desire for their good, from a pure heart, trying

remembering the person whose name you are entering is already

prayer for him.

The order of writing names in memorial notes:

ο desirable – legible handwriting. Best of all - printed

ο the name is written in full, incl. and children's names, without abbreviation

and diminutive forms;

ο the name of the person commemorated is written in genitive case : about health,

about the repose of “who?”;

ο all names must be given in church writing, i.e. just like the name

mentioned in the Saints:

If the name of the person about whom the note is submitted is not in the calendar

(Not Orthodox name; a name coined during the Soviet period),

then (better at home in advance), before submitting the note, you

it is necessary to find out whether this person was baptized in

Orthodoxy and what name was given to him at baptism.

This name should be mentioned in the note you submit;

If you find out the name given at baptism, it does not seem

possible, but you know for sure that the person was baptized

into Orthodoxy, then you can indicate his non-Orthodox name

(secular) and next to it, in brackets, indicate for the priest

information that the person being remembered was baptized

If you don't know the full Christian name person and

not sure if he was baptized, refrain from entering his name

in a note until the facts are clarified. In the meantime, remember him

in their private prayers.

ο if you want to remember large quantity people (more than ten),

please submit multiple entries if possible. Not good

long notes the priest has the opportunity to read

The sequence of listing the people remembered in the note:

ο the names of the clergy are entered first, indicating their rank:

Patriarch...., Metropolitan...., Archbishop....,

bishop ...., protopresbyter ...., archimandrite ....,

archpriest - abbot ...., hieromonk ...., priest ....,

archdeacon...., protodeacon...., hierodeacon....,

deacon ...., subdeacon ...., monk (nun) ....,

novice (novice) ....; reader....;

instructs you, takes care of the salvation of your soul, prays to the Lord for you;

ο then children's names are listed:

Baby (baby)…. – a child under 7 years of age;

The youth (youth)…. – a child from 7 to 14 years old;

ο now the names of all other adult laity are entered:

at first male names, and then female:

Names of your family members, loved ones and relatives;

The names of your benefactors;

ill-wishers, offenders, envious people and enemies;

ο according to pious tradition, after the list of names they usually write the phrase

“All Orthodox Christians”, which says what you want

salvation to all, without exception, Orthodox Christians, names

which you may have forgotten or not known.

During what period of service is it best to submit notes?

ο so that the priest has time to remove the particles in remembrance of the living

and the deceased, notes should be submitted before the start of Divinity vein

Additional information that do not do it indicate in notes:

ο not specified:

Last names and patronymics,

Ranks and titles,

The degree of your relationship;

ο “old woman”/ “elder” is not written, but a specific title is indicated

the clergyman you remember;

ο as a complement to the name you can write (in clear

Pregnant (not idle) - (not idle).

ο in notes “On repose” they do not write:

Killed, etc. - such records have no meaning for the soul

Additional information that you you can indicate in notes:

ο in the notes “On Repose” they add:

newly deceased- deceased within 40 days after

ever-memorable(worthy of everlasting remembrance) -

a deceased person who has a memorable date on this day:

And the birthday of the deceased.

Deadlines for notes on commemoration in our Temple?

In our Temple you can submit a note:

o about a one-time commemoration;

ο about commemoration for a period: month, six months, year.

Is it possible to submit health notes for an unborn child?

It is forbidden. The unborn child has not yet received Holy Baptism, and only the names of baptized Orthodox Christians are written in the notes.

What is further fate notes after the priest read them?

In the evening, all notes read during the day are burned.

Notes are submitted for commemoration:

For those traveling or seriously ill

When they want to pray for success

doing a good deed.

Only about the newly deceased and only on

On Sundays, on holidays,

forefeasts and afterfeasts on the day

memory of a saint or holiday when

served as polyeleos or doxology

service, commemoration of the dead “on a special day”

Brief description of the commemoration at the proskomedia:

bread and wine for the Sacrament of Communion;

ο commemoration according to ordinary notes takes place in the Altar, without reading

ο first of the five liturgical prosphoras, after special prayers,

the priest takes out the particles and places them in a certain

order on the paten (a round dish on a stand, symbolizing

the manger in which the Savior was born):

"Agnichnaya" the particle serves for Communion;

“Virgin Mother of God”, is taken out in honor of the Mother of God and placed

By left side from the Lamb;

“Nine-day” particles are taken out in honor of the saints:

Martyrs and Saints,

And that saint whose name

They are placed on right side from the Lamb, three in a row;

From the 4th prosphora they take out particles about the living - about the Patriarch,

bishops, presbyters and deacons;

From the 5th prosphora they take out particles about the deceased -

Patriarchs, temple creators, bishops, priests.

ο then in Altar memorial notes are read believers and, after

reading each name, the clergyman takes out a particle from

prosphora (not liturgical, but served by believers), saying:

“Remember, Lord, (indicate written name)“. These particles

are also placed on the paten. This is the first commemoration of those

whose names are written on the briefs filed;

ο the particles lying in this order on the paten symbolize the whole

The Church of Christ, gathered around the Lamb;

ο it should be remembered that particles removed during reading

memorial notes, don't serve to cleanse sins those who are

submitted notes. They, after the end of the Sacrament of Communion, will

brought into the chalice (along with the rest of the particles taken out of the 4

liturgical prosphora). Being near the Body of the Lord (“lamb”

particles), they will all be saturated with Divine blood, filled

shrines and spiritual gifts - sending them down to the one about whose names

prayers were offered. That is, believers whose names are written in

notes, will receive grace, sanctification and remission of sins from

the cleansing sacrifice offered on the Throne.

oh so during the commemoration of the living and the dead in the Church,

at the liturgy, the blood of Christ cleanses the sins that

the people we remember do and have done.

Prosphora served at the proskomedia:

ο each prosphora is two-part, as a sign of the two natures of Christ: divine

and human; the priest takes out particles from one prosphora

both for health and for peace;

ο thus, you can easily order only one prosphora;

ο the opinion that for proskomedia it is necessary to order two prosphoras:

about health and peace - this is a pious custom;

ο the opinion that the more prosphora you order, the better - it is erroneous, because

the number of prosphoras ordered does not affect the quality of the commemoration.

ο the litany is not a prayer in itself, it is a call to those praying in

in the temple to pray about this or that case, deed, person;

oh so – when ordering a commemoration “on a special occasion”, you ask the community members

pray for this or that person in need;

ο on the note you must write:

Indicate the occasion for which you are asking for the prayers of the community:

newly deceased, seriously ill,

Brief description of the commemoration at the special litany:

ο names from registered notes are pronounced at prayer shortly after reading

ο a special (intensified) litany begins:

A general call to God, a threefold “Lord, have mercy!” Deacon

calls: “Rtsem (that is, let’s say, let’s pray, talk)

Breathe with all your soul and with all your thoughts!”

In two petitions, believers strenuously ask the Lord to hear

their prayer and have mercy on them: “Lord, Almighty, God

our father, pray (that is, pray to You), hear and

Everyone in the church asks for the Patriarch, for the bishop, for

clergy (parable of the church) and about everything “in Christ

our brethren”, about the authorities and the army...;

The Church prays for mercy (so that the Lord will have mercy on

us), about life, peace, health, salvation, visitation (that is,

so that the Lord would visit and not leave with his mercies),

forgiveness, forgiveness of sins of the servants of God, holy brethren

In his last petition, the deacon calls for prayer for

bearing fruit and doing good (about the benefactors of this

Temple), those who labor (for the temple), those who sing and those who are coming

people expecting great and rich mercies from God;

ο during litanies the deacon pronounces the names of those indicated in the order

Then the priest says a prayer before the Throne, calling loudly

ο on certain days the special litany is followed by a special litany about

the dead, in which they pray for all the deceased, asking the Lord to forgive them

all sins, voluntary and involuntary, put them to rest in the villages

righteous and, recognizing that there is no person who has not sinned

their lives, they beg the Lord to grant the departed the Kingdom of Heaven,

where all the righteous find peace.

ο Prayer service is a fervent prayer for the living in various everyday situations

New Year, before the children start school, when

natural disasters, epidemics, etc.

ordered by you. At the same time, do not forget to say in

Church shop, which one:

Or water-blessed- small things are done

blessing of water, after which it

ο Prayers can be performed before or after the Liturgy, as well as after

Ordered note about health with Prayer service:

ο in addition to removing the particle from the prosphora of the deacon publicly is reading

the names of those commemorated in the litanies;

ο then these names are repeated by the priest before the throne;

ο after the end of the liturgy, a prayer is offered for them at the prayer service, special

A worship service in which:

They ask the Lord, the Mother of God, and the saints to send mercy;

Or they thank God for the benefits already received -

ο Sometimes a person ordering a prayer service does not wait for it to be completed and

leaves the temple, leaving only a note. The Lord accepts all

sacrifice, but it is much more effective to pray with the priest,

rather than leave him to plead with God for us. .

Features of filling out a note for a prayer service:

ο first I point out, to whom a prayer is offered:

To the Savior (thanksgiving, for the sick, for those traveling

Mother of God (her various icons);

ο then it is written whether it is about health or repose;

ο and now the names of those for whom the prayer service will be offered are listed

ο this is a funeral service;

o it is performed only on those who have been baptized;

ο The Orthodox Church does not offer prayers for the dead, deliberately

those who rejected God, who fell away from Orthodoxy into schisms, heresies and sects,

excommunicated from the Church, as well as suicides.

Ordered note of repose with Panikhida:

ο in addition to removing particles from the prosphora with naming names

The deacon publicly pronounces their names at the litanies,

Then the names are repeated before the Altar by the priest,

And then the deceased are remembered at a memorial service, which takes place

after the end of the Liturgy.

Ordered note to Sorokoust:

for forty days with daily removal of particles from

ο is submitted about the repose or health (especially of seriously ill people);

ο as a rule, the magpie of repose is ordered in the very first days after

Features of Sorokoust about Health:

ο in modern Orthodox Church the practice has taken root in Russia

order of the magpie about the living;

ο such Sorokoust is not mentioned either in the Church Charter or in church

ο The Orthodox Church Abroad strictly adheres to this issue

Church Charter, performing magpies only for the newly deceased.

Thank you for participating.

Your feedback has been received and sent to the administrator.

Often people come to the church shop with some urgent need (sick dear person, relationships in the family or at work are not going well, a serious matter is ahead) and the question “What can be done besides lighting a candle?” And you can do the most important thing - pray and order the required food. Ordered, special petitions, magpies - what is what? How to choose and order the right requirement?

The word "requirements" comes from "needs". All requirements can be divided into two groups. Proskomedia, customized and special petitions and the magpie are directly related to the Divine Liturgy. Lithiums, requiem services and a wide variety of prayer services are performed by priests outside the Liturgy.

Orders for health or repose and a special request

The names written in the registered note are remembered both at the proskomedia and publicly during the special or funeral litany at the Liturgy. Serious petitions are different needs: about the sick, about those traveling, before starting a good deed, about those in prison, and so on. If you order a special petition, for example, “for the sick,” then inform the employee of the church shop about this so that the remembered name is included in the note “for the sick.” For the person being remembered, the priest not only takes out a piece during the proskomedia, but also prays for him with special prayers.

Sorokoust- this is a remembrance for Divine Liturgy within 40 days. Sorokousts are ordered for both health and repose. Liturgical commemoration is especially important for a newly departed Christian, that is, in the first forty days after death, when the soul goes through ordeals.

The magpie about repose should not be confused with the private home reading of the Psalter for the deceased. In the first case, particles are taken out for the deceased during proskomedia. In the second case, loved ones pray intensely for the deceased at home.

A magical attitude towards this requirement is unacceptable. Sometimes relatives of the deceased believe that if they order magpie in three, ten or forty churches, the deceased will benefit more. Or they think that the magpie about health in the three churches is “one of the most powerful remedies against damage, negativity and for improving health” and so on. Coming to church and ordering services with such motives is a mortal sin of blasphemy.

Attention! Ordered, special petitions and magpies are ordered only for faithful Christians, that is, for those who have professed themselves to be Christians and have participated or are participating in the Sacraments of the Church.

If the person for whom you want to submit a registered or special petition does not go to church, is indifferent to the faith and does not participate in church sacraments, then it is better to choose a request from those that will be discussed below.

At litia, memorial service and during prayer services everyone is remembered baptized people. These services are precisely intended for prayers not only for faithful Christians, but also for all those who are baptized but lost. These include our relatives and friends who were baptized, never came to the temple, or came only to “light a candle.”

Prayer service- a divine service in which believers ask the Lord, the Mother of God or the saints to send mercy or thank God for receiving benefits. Some prayer services belong to public worship and are performed on church holidays or at specially established times; sometimes they are combined with the rite of minor consecration of water. Others are performed at the request of individuals (thanksgiving, before the start of a good deed, for the increase of love, for travelers) or in times of disaster (war, drought, illness). A prayer service can take place in a church, in a house, during the consecration of crops - in a field, and so on.

To order a prayer service, you need to go to the church shop and submit a note with the names of those people from whom (or for whom) it will be performed, indicate your name if you are thanking for what was sent to you or asking for yourself. It is wrong when a person orders a prayer service, but does not come to it himself, if he has such an opportunity. After all, no one will pray for your loved ones or for yourself with such faith, hope and love as you.

Lithium(from Greek - fervent prayer) - a short funeral service that can be served daily. She can be served at the Liturgy, being part of it. Or it may be part of a burial and memorial service.

Traditionally, when ordering a litiya, Russian people brought some food to the temple as alms for the soul of the deceased. When food arrives at the temple refectory and is used to prepare food for the priests and temple staff, a prayer is also performed for the deceased before each meal. Products are usually brought to the funeral table - a square or rectangular table with a crucifix and many candlesticks.

Memorial service(from Greek - all-night vigil) - a funeral service for the dead, at which the departed are prayerfully remembered and, trusting in God’s mercy, they ask for forgiveness of sins and blessed immortal life. Requiem services are held both before the burial of the deceased and after - on the third, ninth, fortieth day after death, on his birthday, namesake, and on the anniversary of death. In addition to memorial services for individual deceased, the Church also performs so-called ecumenical or parental memorial services. They are served on special days called Parental Saturdays.

If one of your relatives and friends died unbaptized, then the soul of this person can be helped by alms - donating money for the restoration of the temple, food for the funeral table, as well as deeds of mercy.

General rules for filing demand notes:

If possible, those who order a prayer service, lithium and memorial service should come to the temple to pray for their family and friends. After all, the priest very often does not know the people whose names are written in the notes. Therefore, the one who ordered the request can pray with all his heart for the people he knows.