Appearing on the World Wide Web statuses about spring lift the spirits of all users, informing them that the warm season of flowering and love is just around the corner. Nature wakes up after a long stay in hibernation, awakening the creative imagination of romantics.

In spring, people feel a special surge of energy thanks to the bright colors, delicate aromas and unique sounds of nature. It is at this time that the long-awaited school holidays begin for students, providing an opportunity for young talents to demonstrate their creative talent in the virtual world, not limited to banal school topics.

As a rule, they exhibit their short but succinct works of authorship in in social networks in the status in the form of statements, quotes, aphorisms and phrases, attracting the attention of friends, acquaintances and other users. This opportunity also exists on the site, while other participants can not only read and enjoy them, but also express their opinions, as well as vote for the best spring statuses. There is an opportunity to choose best quotes about spring for a certain period of time, for example, a week or a month.

Spring time is multifaceted, so phrases about spring cover various directions. First of all, this concerns romantic feelings that arise under the influence of the incredible spring freshness and beauty of awakening wildlife. Placing such a phrase in your status makes it much easier to express the state of your soul. For shy people this option of disclosing your feelings towards another person will be ideal.

Many aphorisms about spring directly related to natural phenomena observed during the transition period cold winter V warm spring. Only at this time can you see the snow melting and hear the sound of spring drops. It is especially pleasant to look at the birds welcoming the arrival of spring with excellent singing. The appearance of the first green grass and the first buds on the trees also leaves no one indifferent. Fresh air, clear sky, bright sun and even spring rain or downpour will help cope with any depression or bad mood, bringing joy and fun into life.

A special place in creative activity are occupied by sayings about spring related to flowers. As you know, it is the first spring flowers that have pristine beauty and amazing aroma. Despite the fact that spring pleases with a huge variety of flowering plants, the statuses are dominated by snowdrop flowers, which are a symbol of purity, tenderness and love. No less relevant for statuses are tulips, mimosas and other flowers. Therefore, each user can choose a flower status for themselves in accordance with their taste preferences and, of course, symbolism.

Thanks to the romantic and funny statuses Any user will have a truly spring mood, which will allow them to recharge with the necessary energy and enjoy life limitlessly, forgetting about everyday problems.

People who helped spring come and ate snow! Why did you eat the asphalt along with the snow????

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

Ohh...spring...Where is my mind?..I live by feelings...

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

A sign of spring - if your palm itches, a love line may be forming on it.

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

It's spring again, streams are flowing... Children have snot... Men are drooling...

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

Early in the morning I woke up from sleep, a fierce spring was raging outside the window.

Spring! It became warm. On the street, two types of originals were identified. The former still wear down jackets, while the latter are already in T-shirts and shorts.

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

It’s spring outside, summer in my soul, I want warmth and ultraviolet light, on the seashore, with a glass of alcohol.

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

Spring has come, goodbye hats, your head needs styling! Out with the scarves, in with the boobs! Bye - studies, hello - whiskey!

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

Spring is coming and we can’t sleep, can’t sleep, can’t sleep...

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

Well, that's it, girls, spring has come. It's time to do sports: walking in stiletto heels, shooting with your eyes and jumping over goats.

Snow on my back, snow on my mouth, snow on my ears and stomach, snow on my face and snow on my eyes... Spring has hit us!

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

-Can I recommend a doctor to her? - No, it’s useless... spring doesn’t heal!

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

Spring... The first knees are timidly emerging from under their skirts...

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

Spring has come, I’m too lazy to study, I’m sitting at my desk like a deer.

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

Spring. The first scales appear from under the beds.... starvation diets begin...

I love thunderstorms in early May, but only IF THE SNOW HAS MELTED!

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

Spring is walking across the planet, and we are again sitting on the Internet))

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

Spring is the best time of the year, great mood and even the slush on the roads seems so pleasant)

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

Spring will show who shit where))

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

Frosty morning. The sun is behind the clouds. The wind drives snow flakes. Silence. You can only hear the birds that have already returned from the south swearing angrily. Spring…

Spring...the body needs to be strengthened with “Vitamin C”!!! PivTse, Vintse, SalTse, kebabsTse...

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

Spring... Girls solve the problem: How to put a miniskirt on a maxi-ass and pull it on Wellingtons on crooked legs!!!

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

Spring has come... The “yabyduls” have woken up...

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

Spring! I really want to fall in love... but my husband is against it.

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

It's spring, or whatever you want to call it. Come in for tea so you don't sleep together until the morning.

The ice is successfully melting on the river, although we don’t even have a river, the snowdrop is blooming in the forest, so says the Internet.

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

No appetite or sleep? - Apparently spring has come! Are you hungry and sleepy? - that means the session is back!

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

I know why spring doesn’t come... because not everyone has lost weight yet!

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

Spring... It's getting warmer... The cockroaches and flies in my head woke up and started a fight for “a place in the sun”...

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

This spring, while cutting through the minefield of our city’s roads, I finally understood why I taught the “Snake” exercise in driving school.

Beautiful statuses about spring

It's spring again, flowers again, dreams come true again...

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

Spring has arrived, shining with magic. It is possible to compare her with a deity. Hurry to breathe, hurry to hug her, accept your love from her lips...

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

Love in the heart, spring in the soul and on the street, a smile on the face and in the eyes! What else is needed for happiness?!

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

And I need your eyes so that I can soar in them like a bird. When it's SPRING outside, you need to fall in love!!!

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

It’s spring, but it’s not surprising that I’m sick... I’m sick of you...

Spring is not so much a season as it is a state of mind...

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

Feelings are wide open, heart is wide open and at night in general there is no time for sleep. Eh, love would like to have a glass of love now, it’s just these days - it’s spring outside...

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

A feminine Spring carries within itself - Beautiful and tender, slightly perky. It will fill the earth with colors, love will awaken in the heart. She will warm your soul tenderly - that's why she's a woman.

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

She walks alone along the alley, burning all her thoughts and words, she waits for it to get warmer and for spring to come in her heart.

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

Spring... Sun... Smiles of strangers...

Sad statuses about spring

In March, when the cats start screaming, the cats begin to scratch their souls.

Spring melted everything around. Except your heart.

(T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T)

Try to become the most important reason to live someone's spring.

(T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T)

The sun is shining, spring has come, but for some reason you are not nearby...

(T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T)

I've been waiting for you for so long. And finally you are here. Come on... Don't stand on the threshold, come into my life!!! Yes, it's a little cold here... But you'll warm me up, right? Spring…

For some, spring is the time for love, but for others it is time to replant a flower in a new pot.

(T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T)

Spring... it seems like the wound in my heart has passed... I want new love...what kind of bastard will I come across this year?

(T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T)

I want to bring back our happy spring, but I must move towards a new summer without you.

(T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T)

Come on, don’t be stupid and this spring will be ours???

(T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T)

It’s just that this spring is like a new life... Without illusions... Without tears... Without you...

(T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T)

There will be spring, there will be coffee and birds. And coming back is a bad habit.

Hello, spring exacerbation! There's a pair for each creature, and I'll have some vodka, please.

(T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T)

When will this damn spring come? But not according to the calendar, but in the heart...

(T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T)

You stand at the window, in tears, with a cigarette, and think: maybe spring will save you from this torment...

(T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T)

I heard that spring is coming here, motherfucker. But I never learned to survive alone, without you.

(T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T)

Forgive me for that spring and everything that happened between us. Forgive me for being silent - the melancholy cannot be expressed in words...

(T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T)

There are two types of depression: spring - "nobody loves me" and autumn - "Fuck you all"!

How can you not love spring, when everything is in bloom, the birds are singing and the sun warms the still cold earth.

With our weather in Russia, spring will be distinguished from winter only by one single sign: the sun rises earlier. And even this sign will not mean anything with the transition to daylight saving or winter time.

Spring has come - the time for green nature and aromatic kebabs. The sun warms up, the wind caresses your cheeks, and maybe everyone will fall in love, eh?

If you love me as much as I love the wonderful time of spring, then our happiness will know no bounds.

Best status:
How long can we talk about the fact that spring has gotten lost somewhere? Summer will come, and again you will whine about the heat and drought.

Have you noticed that the sun has begun to shine brighter, the birds have begun to sing, and the buds have swelled? Yeah, you have an exacerbation too!

Only in spring people are divided into two types: those who still wear winter jackets and those who have already put on a T-shirt and flip-flops.

You know that spring has come when you take out an old windbreaker from the hanger, and in it there are candies and money. A small thing, but nice. It's like a gift for surviving a harsh, snowy winter.

Another spring, another try

Spring - flowers from your loved one, summer - sea, autumn - rain and you under an umbrella with your loved one, winter - coffee in bed from your loved one, how wonderful this LOVE is!

Spring...Everything is blooming: flowers, hair, hands.

On the other hand, you can get used to everything... I think that by August somewhere I will stop being surprised by the snowstorm outside the window.

try to become the most important reason to live in someone’s spring...

The world has become brighter.. spring has come, I love you.. and you are near... My simple feminine happiness...

Meet, brothers, here she is!

Tomorrow is the first day of spring - it's time to clean up the Christmas tree!

Maybe that’s why winter is so long, so that we understand how beautiful spring is.

Spring is just around the corner... who the hell should I fall in love with?!?!?!?

Love will come unexpectedly, And all the brains will be ruined again! Your emotions are on the edge, It’s like spring in autumn

And this new spring will not return to us everything that we have lost...

In winter, we dream of seeing the warm sun, exposing a smiling face to its rays, and only with the arrival of spring do we realize how much we missed the rain

Spring - well, here it is, finally the long-awaited spring. We can take off these shapeless jackets and boots and put on something spring or summer... wake up in the morning from the rays of the sun and shimmering greenery, throw on a sweater and run out into the street... to meet new love...

Spring is coming...I want to fall in love!!!

How I want to see you: it’s already spring. How I want to hear you: your voice in dreams. He comes and sings in my ear. Everything will work out, and I will come to you. How I want to come to you: but no, it’s impossible. How my heart breaks: days without you. And how I scold myself for giving my word. That I won’t rush the time, and will wait for our happy ending.

Hurray! Spring))) Girls, our day is coming! =)))

We tried to get out into the forest in the spring - far away from the asphalt and the crowd - and, falling backwards on the already dry ground, spread our arms and listen to life, concentrating under eyes closed? Love to all!

Today I went outside, and there was the sun... my mood immediately lifted... spring is approaching)))

Spring is spring, but rain and snow are on schedule

This year in March, even Siberian cats did not start serenading. Apparently they were afraid of freezing their eggs.

Spring, like love, you really look forward to, but it always comes unexpectedly

You go out in early spring outside, inhale full breasts the smell of freshness surrounding you - and your face naturally breaks into a smile. And it’s not about spring or the sun – today is another pay day!

It's spring back again!

Spring has come and I’m too lazy to study, you’re sitting on the floor like a fucking horned deer!)

Spring is the time when you want ice cream...and fall in love!

It's going to be a hard spring; she has to go to work on Monday this year)))

Spring, the first knees timidly peek out from under skirts...

Every cell of the soul wants warmth) I was waiting for you spring... - in

Do you know what I was thinking? Spring begins on Monday... So I’ll start new life, without getting hung up on an idiot who doesn’t love me. Life is still beautiful =)

Have you ever seen spring? This is a beautiful slender girl in a light semi-transparent dress, with light curly hair, clean blue eyes and a heart made of snowdrops

this spring will drive me crazy before it even ends.

...finally the long-awaited spring has arrived..soon there will be the first lilies of the valley, the first warmth, this snow will melt and she will walk along unfamiliar streets smiling and simply because spring has come..

In spring, men's hunting instinct awakens, and not only for ducks

And the world becomes colorful - it’s Spring

There are probably only 28 days in February so that spring comes as soon as possible...

And this is how I celebrate spring. I get up early on a sunny morning, walk around the city, look into the eyes of passers-by and smile. Do you think you've gone crazy? No. I am so happy!

Spring... the buds are swelling... the arms are opening

Take it away left hand from the face, to the right of the mouse, straighten your back and say: “Hurray, spring has come!”

I stopped freezing. -Probably love. - No, it’s spring..

someday he will remember about you.. he will look at the photos in contact and want to return you, but it will be too late.. it’s spring outside, you are walking hand in hand with someone else, you kiss tenderly at the entrance and you don’t want to let go..

There is peace in my head. Beautiful and only my world, kind and forever alive, a world where there is always spring.©

I think February specifically only has 28 days. so that spring comes as soon as possible.

The world has become brighter.. spring has come... - spring statuses

Spring is a time of life, not death.

I know that often you don’t want to endure the intrigues of a cold and chilly winter. But how can we fully realize the beauty of the coming spring without it?))

Spring came! Do you hear her tramp slender legs? Open your heart to her, otherwise she will burst through the window and drag you out into the street by your throat.

spring will come and you will see in full glory what you lost, but it will be too late..

The snow has can immediately see Spring has come

Soon, soon it will all begin! The world will wake up from winter! We will wake up and shake ourselves, in the midst of the spring chaos... we'll clap our eyes, stamp our feet... we'll rummage through chests... well, hold on, guys!

Spring, a sea of ​​fascination without much meaning... spring has driven us all crazy... (c)

You have zero new emails. You have zero messages on VKontakte. You have zero comments in your diary. This means only one thing: spring has begun and everyone went out from the Internet onto the streets and finally began to live their own lives.

Spring is coming... I promise, everything will be different: I will stop staying up on the Internet and start running in the morning... to replace the sneakers, I will buy myself elegant shoes and probably change my haircut... and I will also stop crying and maybe even fall in love... But first of all, I will forget about to you.. Spring... Everything will be different!!

And no damn blizzards, no snowfalls, no blizzards could overcome our spring...

Spring has arrived: boys are swelling, girls are blooming

And it’s spring now in Chernobyl :) the grass is turning blue, the birds are barking

He calls me a baby, a bastard and a miracle... He goes into ICQ and immediately writes to me... He taught me to love and in the spring he will teach me to play the guitar... And I would really like to remove him from my friends in contact... And add him to a new column in my life called “Favorites in spring”

Spring has come and nothing has changed. I'll just wait for summer now.

This year, the word “spring” somehow rhymes in a special way with the words “FUCK IT!”

spring is the only revolution in the world...

If there is melted dirt on your coat, it’s not spring yet. Spring is when dirt gets on your jeans. Because you don't have a coat

Spring, come in, what if it’s not dear?

The sun is shining, spring has come, but for some reason you are not nearby...

I painted my nails with bright pink polish... It REALLY lifts your mood!!!=) just try it! After all, it’s almost spring! You need to rejoice and believe in the best! Good luck to you!

What kind of study can there be if it’s spring outside?

My associations with spring in words)) [Spring]=>>[Love]=>>[New Life]=>>[Family]=>>[Communication] =>>[Flirt]=>>[Joy]=> >[Smiles]=>>[Friends]=>>[Happiness]=>>[Warmth]=>>[Lilac]=>> [Romance]=>>[school]

Today I realized that spring is when you walk and talk on the phone, and your hand doesn’t get cold!

In spring, even trees whisper something tender in each other’s ears.

And in the city, spring is slowly but surely coming...)) it’s warm, the snow is melting... But with you, my love, spring always blooms in my soul =* regardless of the weather outside...))))

A sign of spring - if your palm itches, a love line may be forming on it

Spring, in my opinion, is a very romantic and cute time of year. Either tears or icicles are dripping...

Spring - real woman. Everyone has been waiting for her for a long time, and she has just washed her hair, painted her nails and is now sitting and slowly applying makeup, getting ready to go out...

Try to become the most important reason to live in someone’s spring...

Spring has come... -... to fall in love or something...)

I look out the window, and there is happiness... warmth, sun and long-awaited spring..

girls, there’s just a little bit left, and spring will come!! we’ll wear heels.. we’ll let our hair down.. we’ll smile.. and we’ll be happy.. all these goats are evil.. because of which we suffered this winter..

Can you at least smile in the spring? Look at the sun. Look at the trees, at the birds, at the grass... Like this. Right. Do as they do

Comrades! spring tomorrow!!! we survived this winter)

tomorrow is spring..) so tender and long-awaited.. it’s strange that the year doesn’t start with spring..

Spring has come - a vacation for the mind.

In the spring you will regret that you were not with me in the winter.

Score 1 Score 2 Score 3 Score 4 Score 5

Cool statuses: Spring is coming

The best spring statuses

Spring is approaching... The first scales appear from under the beds.

There is a month and a half left until spring. Whoever bought the fur coat is already furious.

Spring is coming soon! Soon streams will flow through the streets... children have snot... men are drooling...)))

Deff girls! Spring is coming! Are we losing weight? Or do we remain beautiful?

There are probably only 28 days in February so that spring can come as soon as possible...

Spring is coming. Birds do it. Bees do this. And even butterflies do it! But you - forget it! People can't fly!

Now Spring has called! Drunk, happy... I ask her: -Where are you? She: -Yes, I’m coming, I’m coming!

Tomorrow everyone’s status will say that spring has come, because no one knows about it...

Is it really spring tomorrow?

Soon the birds will return from the south, tanned with photos and souvenirs.

Spring is coming! Way to spring!)))

Don't rush spring - let it last! Otherwise, once or twice it’s autumn... let spring prolong the pleasure!

Spring is coming, spring is coming. Soon these nights of restless sleep... Spring again, love again... Blood will sparkle in our veins again...

Tomorrow is spring... first on my monthly to-do list.– FALL IN LOVE. =))

Spring was calling: “I’ll be there soon!”

I'm with good newsOne Monday left until spring!

February. Next stop- spring.

What time is it now? ...Five minutes to spring...

February is always full of hope. February– It's almost spring! And in spring absolutely anything is possible.

I can’t even believe that in just a couple of days it’s spring and we’ve survived this cold winter.

More like spring. Sneakers, leather jackets, no tights, no hats, no down jackets. There's a month left to live.

Spring... It's getting warmer, even warmer, hotter, already hot... The season of mini-bikinis, ice cream and mojitos is coming soon...

Wife: -Darling, spring is coming, it’s time to get rid of the trash. Husband is scared: -I won’t leave!

22-00 I’m sitting in the kitchen enjoying some tea, my wife runs in and goes to the refrigerator. I picked up two hands and ran. I followed her: “Spring is coming!” She came back and put everything back.

All that remains is to survive February and dissolve into spring.

With the approach of spring, the general hysteria about the extra pounds that have stuck tightly since the New Year is beginning to gain momentum!

Just a little bit left, and spring will come! We will put on heels, let our hair down, smile and be happy to all these evil goats because of whom we suffered this winter!

You’re sitting in front of the computer now, chewing something... And tomorrow, by the way,- SPRING!

Y’all: “frost, cold”! Spring is coming! Don't believe me? Our dwarf rabbit ask. He is with early morning The cage was so weak that it had to be released. The big-eared one ran around the apartment for an hour, stirring up toys, gnawing on the legs by the bed... He was apparently looking for the rabbit!)))

How do people become addicted? It's simple! Just like you! Just like me! We are a whole Country together! We are together with you the whole world! Well, spring is coming soon...)))

Hooray! New Yearhas arrived! No, first I always wait for December 21stday winter solstice, because from December 22 a day is added... Even if it’s for a fraction of a second, it’s added! Then I wait for the New Year... And from January 2nd you can safely say: “Hurray! Spring is coming!" And every day find confirmation of this: in the lengthening day, in loving glances, in the brightness of the sun, in the chirping of birds... So that: “Hurray, people! Spring is coming!"

The most beautiful time is Spring. The cold is receding, the snow is melting. The sun is shining more often, and the promise is for us to go for a walk. Trees awaken from sleep, birds fly in - life begins all around. The winter blues go away and are replaced by a feeling of love. You too Spring mood? Then share it with friends, set statuses about spring.

  • If freckles appear on your face, spring has come.
  • Spring will come...February will go...and I’m not sorry...I’m not sorry for anything...
  • Spring has come, grandma is planting seeds.
  • If there are a lot of men in cosmetics stores, it means spring has come.
  • Spring is the time for avatars with glasses.
  • If you are walking along the sidewalk and a passing car splashes you with dirty snow, it means spring has come.
  • In spring, even a boot whispers something tender in your ear.
  • Spring has come - the summer residents have arrived.
  • Spring is when it comes to the skating rink, and it melts.
  • How wonderful this spring is!
  • Spring is when you want to take off your hat, but when you take it off, you immediately get sick.
  • Spring-freckles. Oh, I just wish I didn’t fall in love again...
  • Spring is when you walk down the street and your mood is just great.
  • I'm walking down the street and grinning like shit. Well, let everyone watch, spring has begun for me.
  • Spring, spring - there is a song in the soul, and a sparkle in the eyes.
  • Trees get dressed... Girls undress...
  • Spring, how much hope there is in this word for the quick arrival of summer.
  • Spring has come, 90 days and summer will come. Oh, summer, how I'm waiting for you.
  • And I need your eyes so that I can soar in them like a bird. When it’s spring outside, you really want to fall in love!
  • Love in the heart, spring in the soul and on the street, a smile on the face and in the eyes! What else is needed for happiness?
  • Spring is a time of positivity and new shoes.
  • Only in spring does the heart open to love.
  • Lights appeared in the eyes, mini pants instead of trousers, shoes instead of boots, and a chic hairstyle instead of a hat. This is why I love spring.
  • Autumn, 13 degrees: “Where is the coat, boots, scarf, sweater, tights, hat?” Spring, 13 degrees: “Great, I’ll go in a T-shirt!”
  • Spring is the lightest and brightest time of the year, we all look forward to it, we are waiting for bright sun, warmth, and most importantly, a sunny mood.
  • If the sun looks into your window, it means spring has come.
  • Did your neighbor's cat piss all over your door? Rejoice, spring has come!
  • Spring has come - let's fly to Egypt together!!!
  • Spring. The first scales appear from under the beds... starvation diets are coming...
  • —Can I recommend a doctor for her? -No, it’s useless, spring doesn’t heal...
  • Ducks are returning from the south, and schools of tourists are heading south!
  • A sign of spring - if your palm itches, perhaps a love line is forming on it...
  • Snow in my back, snow in my mouth, snow in my ears and stomach, snow in my face and snow in my eyes... Fuck off, spring is here!
  • Spring has arrived, and with it an inherent feeling of dissatisfaction...
  • Spring - good time of the year! You can go crazy for good reason!
  • Spring has come, spring has come, libido has risen from sleep.
  • Spring has come - it's time for love... Whom did you
  • Open the window, jump out of bed, and there’s a splash from above - a piece of shit, The asshole rooks have arrived, but what the hell can you do - SPRING!
  • I'm walking... smiling... spring...
  • I’m walking, a guy runs up and gives me a mimosa. I’m standing there,’s nice...thank you spring.
  • Oh! finally it’s SPRING! the birds are SINGING, the flowers are GROWING, but most importantly, in 1 month, HOORAY!
  • It’s spring again, flowers again, dreams come true again...
  • Spring is the time when love finds its unimaginable boundaries...
  • I really want spring...rain. and a huge bouquet of tulips...and you.
  • I’m sitting at work, looking out the window, the girls are walking, but I can’t. I’ll close the office and go for a walk... Spring is beautiful - no need to yawn.
  • Medvedev abolished winter time. Winter took offense and canceled the spring weather.
  • It’s spring outside, summer in my soul, I want warmth and ultraviolet light, on the seashore, with a glass of alcohol.
  • It’s a shame that summer, autumn, spring come once a year, and winter twice – the first time at the beginning of the year, and the second time at the end...
  • It’s like spring, the reptiles started licking, today I saw a snake, a lizard, my ex...
  • Spring has come, goodbye hats, the head needs styling! Out with the scarves, in with the boobs! Bye - studies, hello - whiskey!
  • Didn't manage to start a new life on the first of January? Start with March... Spring is another chance.
  • Spring is just outside the door... Who the hell should I fall in love with?!
  • Spring again... Hormones again... All the money is spent on assholes again...
  • Spring... Everything is blooming: flowers, hair, hands.
  • There are probably only 28 days in February so that spring can come as soon as possible!
  • An optimist believes that flowers bloom in spring and people fall in love, while a pessimist believes that dog poop thaws...
  • Spring is a time when even trousers cannot hide your high spirits!
  • Spring is coming. Birds do THIS. Bees do THIS. And even butterflies do THIS!!! Forget it - people can't fly!
  • If your cat marks your shoe, it means spring has come!
  • Hurray for spring... the buds are swelling, the arms are blooming...
  • It's spring again. rooks again. I won't give it again. jerk off again.
  • Spring is walking across the planet, and we are again sitting on the Internet...
  • Spring, spring outside, spring days! The tram bells are ringing out like birds.
  • For us it’s just spring, but for Viagra sellers it’s a wet nurse.
  • Spring will show who walked where with their dog.
  • Ehh! Spring...condoms and pregnancy tests will be Best Sellers again!
  • Spring...the first knees appear from under skirts.
  • Spring is when children heal their broken knees with saliva, and adults heal broken hearts wine...
  • Spring. Sluggish male demand is wildly suppressed by female supply.
  • Ready to start, attention...MARCH
  • Spring has come: the boys are swelling, the girls are blooming.
  • Spring! Time for amazing discounts on winter swimwear.
  • I realized that spring had come when, while reading Knut, I stuck for a long time on the word “DIVIDE”.
  • Spring supplies us with a whirlwind of desires.
  • Spring, in my opinion, is a very romantic and cute time of year. Either tears or icicles are dripping...
  • Spring is the solvent of winter.
  • Spring is breaking in again, and the seeds are ripe, I ask you, let's reap my harvest!
  • Spring. I have goosebumps in my stomach: either love or diarrhea.
  • In spring, men are not concerned about beauty female legs and their presence!
  • If your Comte screams in a heart-rending voice at night, rejoice - spring has come!
  • No matter how long you wait for summer, spring will still come first.
  • Spring is the time to get naked and get drunk.
  • Spring has come, and I, like the March cat, am wandering down the street in search of a Beautiful Kitty! Meow…
  • Nothing lifts the spirit more than the arrival of spring!