A.S. Griboedov is a famous Russian playwright, a brilliant publicist, a successful diplomat, one of the smartest people of his time. He entered the list as the author of one work - the comedy "Woe from Wit". However, Alexander Sergeevich’s creativity is not limited to writing the famous play. Everything that this man undertook bears the imprint of unique talent. His fate was decorated with extraordinary events. The life and work of Griboedov will be briefly outlined in this article.


Griboyedov Alexander Sergeevich was born in 1795, January 4, in the city of Moscow. He was brought up in a wealthy and well-born family. His father, Sergei Ivanovich, was a retired second major at the time of the boy’s birth. Alexander's mother, Anastasia Fedorovna, bore the same last name as a girl as she had when she was married - Griboyedova. The future writer grew up as an unusually developed child. At the age of six he already spoke three foreign languages. In his youth, he began to speak fluent Italian, German, French and English. (Ancient Greek and Latin) were also an open book for him. In 1803, the boy was sent to a noble boarding school at Moscow University, where he spent three years.


In 1806, Alexander Sergeevich entered Moscow University. Two years later he became a candidate of literary sciences. However, Griboyedov, whose life and work are described in this article, did not abandon his studies. He entered first the moral and political department, and then the physics and mathematics department. The young man’s brilliant abilities were obvious to everyone. He could have made an excellent career in science or in the diplomatic field, but war suddenly burst into his life.

Military service

In 1812, Alexander Sergeevich volunteered to join the Moscow Hussar Regiment, commanded by Pyotr Ivanovich Saltykov. Young cornets from the most famous noble families became the young man’s colleagues. Until 1815, the writer was in military service. His first literary efforts date back to 1814. Griboyedov's work began with the essay "On Cavalry Reserves", the comedy "Young Spouses" and "Letters from Brest-Litovsk to the Publisher."

in the capital

In 1816, Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov retired. The writer’s life and work began to develop according to a completely different scenario. He met A.S. Pushkin and V.K. Kuchelbecker, became the founder of the Masonic lodge "Du Bien" and got a job in the diplomatic service as a provincial secretary. In the period from 1815 to 1817, Alexander Sergeevich, in collaboration with friends, created several comedies: “Student”, “Feigned Infidelity”, “Own Family or Married Bride”. Griboyedov's creativity is not limited to dramatic experiments. He writes critical articles (“On the analysis of the free translation of the Burger ballad “Lenora”) and composes poetry (“Lubochny Theater”).

On South

In 1818, Alexander Sergeevich refused to work as an official in the United States and was appointed secretary to the tsar's attorney in Persia. Before his trip to Tehran, the playwright finished work on the play "Sideshow Trials". Griboedov, whose work was just gaining fame, began keeping travel diaries on the way to Tiflis. These recordings revealed another facet of the writer’s sparkling talent. He was an original author of ironic travel notes. In 1819, Griboedov’s work was enriched with the poem “Forgive me, Fatherland.” Around the same time, he completed work on the “Letter to the Publisher from Tiflis dated January 21.” Diplomatic activities in Persia were very burdensome for Alexander Sergeevich, and in 1821, for health reasons, he moved to Georgia. Here he became close to Kuchelbecker and made the first rough sketches of the comedy "Woe from Wit". In 1822, Griboyedov began work on the drama "1812".

Capital life

In 1823, Alexander Sergeevich managed to leave the diplomatic service for a while. He devoted his life to creating, continued to work on “Woe from Wit”, composed the poem “David”, the dramatic scene “Youth of the Prophet” and the cheerful vaudeville “Who is Brother, Who is Sister or Deception after Deception”. Creativity of Griboyedov, short description presented in this article was not limited to literary activity. In 1823, the first edition of his popular waltz "e-moll" was published. In addition, Alexander Sergeevich published discussion entries in the magazine "Desiderata". Here he polemicizes with his contemporaries on issues of Russian literature, history and geography.

"Woe from Wit"

In 1824, a great event took place in the history of Russian drama. Finished work on the comedy "Woe from Wit" by A.S. Griboyedov. The work of this talented person will forever remain in the memory of descendants precisely thanks to this work. The bright and aphoristic style of the play contributed to the fact that it was completely “dispersed into quotations.”

The comedy combines elements of classicism and realism and romanticism, innovative for that time. The merciless satire on the capital's aristocratic society of the first half of the 19th century was striking in its wit. However, the comedy "Woe from Wit" was unconditionally accepted by the Russian public. From now on, everyone recognized and appreciated Griboyedov’s literary work. A brief description of the play cannot give a complete idea of ​​the genius of this immortal work.

Back to the Caucasus

In 1825, Alexander Sergeevich had to abandon his intention to travel to Europe. The writer needed to return to service, and at the end of May he went to the Caucasus. There he learned Persian, Georgian, Turkish and Arabic. On the eve of his trip to the south, Griboedov completed the translation of the fragment “Prologue in the Theater” from the tragedy “Faust”. He also managed to compile notes for the work of D.I. Tsikulina "Unusual adventures and travels...". On the way to the Caucasus, Alexander Sergeevich visited Kyiv, where he talked with prominent figures of the revolutionary underground: S.P. Trubetskoy, M.P. Bestuzhev-Ryumin. After this, Griboyedov spent some time in Crimea. Creativity, a brief summary of which is presented in this article, has received a new development these days. The writer conceived the idea of ​​creating an epic tragedy about Epiphany in Rus' and constantly kept a travel diary, which was published only thirty years after the death of the author.

Sudden arrest

After returning to the Caucasus, Alexander Sergeevich wrote “Predators on Chegem” - a poem created under the impression of participation in the expedition of A.A. Velyaminova. However, another fateful event soon happened in the life of the writer. In January 1926, he was arrested on suspicion of belonging to the secret society of the Decembrists. Griboedov's freedom, life and work were under threat. A brief study of the writer’s biography gives an idea of ​​the incredible stress he was under all these days. The investigation was unable to find evidence of Alexander Sergeevich’s involvement in revolutionary movement. Six months later he was released from arrest. Despite his complete rehabilitation, the writer was under secret surveillance for some time.

last years of life

In 1926, in September, A.S. Griboyedov returned to Tiflis. He again took up diplomatic activities. Thanks to his efforts, Russia concluded the beneficial Turkmanchay Peace Treaty. Alexander Sergeevich himself delivered the text of the document to St. Petersburg, received the post of Resident Minister (Ambassador) in Iran and left for his destination. On the way, he made a stop in Tiflis. There he met his friend’s grown-up daughter, Nina Chavchavadze. Struck by the beauty of the young girl, the writer immediately proposed to her. He married Nina a few months later - on August 22, 1828. Alexander Sergeevich took his young wife with him to Persia. This gave the happy spouse a few more weeks of life together.

Tragic death

In Persia, Alexander Sergeevich had to work hard. He constantly visited Tehran, where he conducted diplomatic negotiations in a very tough manner. The Russian emperor demanded inexorable firmness from his ambassador. For this, the Persians called the diplomat “hard-hearted.” This policy bore its tragic fruits. In 1929, on January 30, the Russian mission was destroyed by a crowd of rioting fanatics. Thirty-seven people died at the embassy. Among them was A.S. Griboyedov. His torn body could later be identified only by his left hand, which had been injured in his youth. This is how one of the most gifted people of his time died.

Griboyedov never had time to complete many literary projects. Creativity, a brief description of which is offered in this article, is replete with unfinished works and talented sketches. One can understand what a gifted writer Russia lost at that moment.

A table of Griboyedov’s life and work is presented below.

Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov was born.

1806 - 1811

The future writer is studying at Moscow University.

Griboyedov joins the Moscow Hussar Regiment with the rank of cornet.

Alexander Sergeevich retires and begins social life in the capital.

Griboyedov becomes an employee


The playwright writes his first comedies, independently and in collaboration with friends.

Alexander Sergeevich takes the post of secretary of the Russian diplomatic mission in Tehran.

The writer finished work on the poem "Forgive me, Fatherland!"

Griboyedov is involved as a secretary in the diplomatic unit under General A.P. Ermolov, commander of all Russian troops in the Caucasus.

Alexander Sergeevich is finishing work on the comedy "Woe from Wit".

1826, January

Griboyedov is arrested on suspicion of connections with Decembrist rebels.

Alexander Sergeevich is released from custody.

The Russian-Persian War begins. Griboyedov goes to serve in the Caucasus.

Conclusion of the Turkmanchay Peace Treaty, signed with the direct participation of Griboyedov

1828, April

Alexander Sergeevich is appointed to the post of Plenipotentiary Minister-Resident (Ambassador) to Iran.

Griboedov is married to Nina Chavchavadze. The wedding location is Tiflis Sioni Cathedral.

Alexander Sergeevich dies during the defeat of the Russian mission in Tehran.

Even an abbreviated sketch of Griboyedov’s life and work gives an idea of ​​what an extraordinary personality Alexander Sergeevich was. His life turned out to be short, but surprisingly fruitful. Until the end of his days he was devoted to his homeland and died defending its interests. These are the people our country should be proud of.

Start creative biography Griboyedova

The famous Russian playwright, author of “Woe from Wit,” Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov was born on January 4, 1795 (the year of birth, however, is disputed) into a Moscow noble family. His father, retired Second Major Sergei Ivanovich, a man of little education and modest origin, rarely visited the family, preferring to live in the village or give himself up to card game, which exhausted his funds. The mother, Nastasya Fedorovna, who came from another branch of the Griboyedovs, richer and more noble, was a powerful, impetuous woman, known in Moscow for her intelligence and sharpness of tone. She loved her son and daughter, Maria Sergeevna (two years younger than her brother), surrounded them with all sorts of care, and gave them an excellent home education.

Portrait of Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov. Artist I. Kramskoy, 1875

Maria Sergeevna was famous in Moscow and far beyond its borders as a pianist (she also played the harp beautifully). Since childhood, Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov spoke French, German, English and Italian and played the piano excellently. Prominent teachers were chosen as his tutors: first Petrosilius, compiler of catalogs for the Moscow University library, later Bogdan Ivanovich Ion, a graduate of the University of Göttingen, then studied in Moscow and was the first to receive a doctorate in law at Kazan University. Griboedov's further upbringing and education, at home, at school and at university, went under the general guidance of the famous professor, philosopher and philologist I. T. Bule. From early childhood the poet moved in a very cultural environment; together with his mother and sister, he often spent the summer with his rich uncle, Alexei Fedorovich Griboyedov, on the famous Khmelity estate in the Smolensk province, where he could meet the families of the Yakushkins, Pestels and other later famous public figures. In Moscow, the Griboedovs were related by family ties to the Odoevskys, Paskeviches, Rimsky-Korsakovs, Naryshkins and were familiar with a huge circle of the capital's nobility.

In 1802 or 1803, Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov entered the Moscow University Noble Boarding School; On December 22, 1803, he received "one prize" there at a "smaller age." Three years later, on January 30, 1806, Griboedov was admitted to Moscow University at the age of about eleven. On June 3, 1808, he was already promoted to candidate of literary sciences and continued his education at the Faculty of Law; On June 15, 1810 he received the degree of candidate of rights. Later, he still studied mathematics and natural sciences, and in 1812 he was already “ready to be tested for admission to the rank of doctor.” Patriotism drew the poet into military service, and the field of science was abandoned forever.

On July 26, 1812, Griboyedov enlisted as a cornet in the Moscow hussar regiment of Count P. I. Saltykov. However, the regiment did not get into active army; all autumn and December 1812 he stood in the Kazan province; in December, Count Saltykov died, and the Moscow regiment was attached to the Irkutsk hussar regiment as part of the cavalry reserves under the command of General Kologrivov. For some time in 1813, Griboyedov lived on vacation in Vladimir, then reported for duty and became adjutant to Kologrivov himself. In this rank, he took part in recruiting reserves in Belarus, about which he published an article in the “Bulletin of Europe” in 1814. In Belarus, Griboyedov became friends - for life - with Stepan Nikitich Begichev, also Kologrivov’s adjutant.

Having not been in a single battle and bored with service in the provinces, Griboyedov submitted his resignation on December 20, 1815 “to be assigned to civil affairs”; On March 20, 1816, he received it, and on June 9, 1817, he was accepted into the service of the State Collegium of Foreign Affairs, where he was listed along with Pushkin and Kuchelbecker. He arrived in St. Petersburg back in 1815 and here he quickly entered social, literary and theatrical circles. Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov moved among the members of the emerging secret organizations, participated in two Masonic lodges (“United Friends” and “Good”), became acquainted with many writers, for example, Grechem, Khmelnitsky, Katenin, actors and actresses, for example, Sosnitsky, Semenov, Valberkhov and others. Soon Griboedov also appeared in journalism (with the epigram “From Apollo” and anti-criticism against N. I. Gnedich in defense of Katenin), and in dramatic literature - the plays “Young Spouses” (1815), “One’s Own Family” (1817; in collaboration with Shakhovsky and Khmelnitsky), “Feigned Infidelity” (1818), “Test of Interlude” (1818).

Theatrical hobbies and intrigues drew Griboedov into difficult story. Because of the dancer Istomina, a quarrel arose and then a duel between V. A. Sheremetev and gr. A.P. Zavadovsky, which ended with the death of Sheremetev. Griboyedov was closely involved in this case, he was even accused as the instigator, and A.I. Yakubovich, a friend of Sheremetev, challenged him to a duel, which did not take place then only because Yakubovich was exiled to the Caucasus. Sheremetev's death had a profound effect on Griboyedov; He wrote to Begichev that “a terrible melancholy came over him, he constantly sees Sheremetev before his eyes, and his stay in St. Petersburg became unbearable for him.”

Griboyedov in the Caucasus

It happened that around the same time, Griboyedov’s mother’s means had become greatly weakened, and he had to seriously think about serving. At the beginning of 1818, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs organized a Russian representation at the Persian court. S.I. Mazarovich was appointed Russian attorney under the Shah, Griboedov was appointed secretary under him, and Amburger was appointed clerk. At first Griboyedov hesitated and refused, but then accepted the appointment. Immediately, with his characteristic energy, he began to study Persian and Arabic languages at Prof. Demange and sat down to study literature about the East. At the very end of August 1818, Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov left St. Petersburg; On the way, he stopped in Moscow to say goodbye to his mother and sister.

Griboyedov and Amburger arrived in Tiflis on October 21, and here Yakubovich immediately challenged Griboyedov to a duel again. It took place on the morning of the 23rd; the seconds were Amburger and N. N. Muravyov, famous Caucasian figure. Yakubovich shot first and wounded Griboyedov in the left hand; then Griboyedov shot and missed. The opponents immediately reconciled; The fight went well for Griboyedov, but Yakubovich was expelled from the city. The diplomatic mission remained in Tiflis until the end of January 1819, and during this time Griboedov became very close to A.P. Ermolov. Conversations with the “proconsul of the Caucasus” left a deep impression on Griboyedov’s soul, and Ermolov himself fell in love with the poet.

In mid-February, Mazarovich and his retinue were already in Tabriz, the residence of the heir to the throne, Abbas Mirza. Here Griboyedov first met the British diplomatic mission, with which he was always on friendly terms. Around March 8, the Russian mission arrived in Tehran and was solemnly received by Feth Ali Shah. In August of the same 1819, she returned to Tabriz, her permanent residence. Here Griboedov continued his studies in oriental languages ​​and history, and here he first put down on paper the first plans for “Woe from Wit.” According to the Gulistan Treaty of 1813, the Russian mission had the right to demand from the Persian government the return to Russia of Russian soldiers - prisoners and deserters who served in the Persian troops. Griboyedov ardently took up this matter, found up to 70 such soldiers (sarbazov) and decided to bring them to Russian borders. The Persians were angry about this and hindered Griboedov in every possible way, but he insisted on his own and in the fall of 1819 he led his detachment to Tiflis. Ermolov greeted him kindly and presented him with a reward.

Griboedov spent Christmastide in Tiflis and on January 10, 1820, set off on the return journey. Having visited Etchmiadzin on the way, he established friendly relations with the Armenian clergy there; in early February he returned to Tabriz. At the end of 1821, war broke out between Persia and Turkey. Griboyedov was sent by Mazarovich to Ermolov with a report on Persian affairs and on the way he broke his arm. Referring to the need for long-term treatment in Tiflis, he asked, through Ermolov, his ministry to appoint him as secretary for foreign affairs under Alexei Petrovich, and the request was respected. From November 1821 to February 1823, Griboyedov lived in Tiflis, often traveling with Ermolov around the Caucasus. With N. N. Muravyov, Griboyedov studied oriental languages, and shared his poetic experiences with V. K. Kuchelbecker, who arrived in Tiflis in December 1821 and lived until May 1822. The poet read “Woe from Wit” to him, scene by scene, as they were gradually created.

Return of Griboyedov to Russia

After Kuchelbecker left for Russia, Griboyedov became very homesick and, through Ermolov, applied for a vacation to Moscow and St. Petersburg. At the end of March 1823 he was already in Moscow, in family of origin. Here he met with S. N. Begichev and read to him the first two acts of “Woe from Wit,” written in the Caucasus. The second two acts were written in the summer of 1823 at Begichev’s estate, in the Tula province, where a friend invited Griboyedov to stay. In September, Griboyedov returned to Moscow with Begichev and lived in his house until the following summer. Here he continued to work on the text of the comedy, but already read it in literary circles. Together with the book. P. A. Vyazemsky Griboyedov wrote the vaudeville “Who is brother, who is sister, or deception after deception,” with music by A. N. Verstovsky.

From Moscow, Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov moved to St. Petersburg (in early June 1824) in order to achieve censorship permission for “Woe from Wit.” A brilliant reception awaited Griboyedov in the northern capital. He met here with ministers Lansky and Shishkov, member of the State Council Count Mordvinov, Governor General Count Miloradovich, Paskevich, was introduced to Grand Duke Nikolai Pavlovich. He read his comedy in literary and artistic circles, and soon the author and the play became the center of everyone's attention. It was not possible to bring the play to the stage, despite influential connections and efforts. The censorship allowed only excerpts into print (act 7 - 10 and the third act, with large cuts). But when they appeared in the almanac F. V. Bulgarina“Russian Waist for 1825”, this caused a whole stream of critical articles in St. Petersburg and Moscow magazines.

The brilliant success of the comedy brought Griboedov a lot of joy; This also included a passion for the dancer Teleshova. But in general the poet was in a gloomy mood; he was visited by attacks of melancholy, and then everything seemed to him in a gloomy light. To get rid of this mood, Griboyedov decided to go on a trip. It was impossible to go abroad, as he thought at first: his official leave was already overdue; then Griboyedov went to Kyiv and Crimea to return to the Caucasus from there. At the end of May 1825, Griboyedov arrived in Kyiv. Here he eagerly studied antiquities and admired nature; of my acquaintances met with members of the secret Decembrist society: Prince Trubetskoy, Bestuzhev-Ryumin, Sergei and Artamon Muravyov. Among them, the idea arose to attract Griboedov to the secret society, but the poet was then too far from political interests and hobbies. After Kyiv, Griboyedov went to Crimea. For three months he traveled the entire peninsula, enjoying the beauty of the valleys and mountains and studying historical monuments.

Griboyedov and the Decembrists

The gloomy mood, however, did not leave him. At the end of September, through Kerch and Taman, Griboyedov traveled to the Caucasus. Here he joined the detachment of the general. Velyaminova. In the fortification of the Stone Bridge, on the Malka River, he wrote the poem “Predators on Chegem,” inspired by the recent attack of the mountaineers on the village of Soldatskaya. By the end of January 1826, to the Grozny fortress (now Grozny) with different ends gathered: Ermolov, Velyaminov, Griboyedov, Mazarovich. Here Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov was arrested. In the commission of inquiry into the case of the Decembrists, Prince. Trubetskoy testified on December 23: “I know from the words Ryleeva“that he received Griboedov, who is under General Ermolov”; then book Obolensky named him on the list of members of the secret society. The courier Uklonsky was sent for Griboedov; he arrived in Grozny on January 22 and presented Ermolov with an order for the arrest of Griboedov. They say that Ermolov warned Griboedov so that he could destroy some papers in a timely manner.

On January 23, Uklonsky and Griboyedov left Grozny, on February 7 or 8 they were in Moscow, where Griboedov managed to see Begichev (they tried to hide the arrest from his mother). On February 11, Griboedov was already sitting in the guardhouse of the General Headquarters in St. Petersburg, together with Zavalishin, the Raevsky brothers and others. Both during the preliminary interrogation by General Levashov, and then at the Investigative Commission, Griboedov resolutely denied his membership in a secret society and even insisted that he knew absolutely nothing about the plans of the Decembrists. Testimony of Ryleev, A. A. Bestuzheva, Pestel and others were in favor of the poet, and the commission decided to release him. On June 4, 1826, Griboyedov was released from arrest, then received a “cleansing certificate” and travel money (to return to Georgia) and was promoted to court councilor.

Thoughts about the fate of his homeland also constantly worried Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov. During the investigation, he denied his membership in secret societies, and indeed, knowing him, it is difficult to admit this. But he was close to many of the most prominent Decembrists, undoubtedly, he knew perfectly well the organization of secret societies, their composition, action plans and projects government reforms. Ryleev testified at the investigation: “I had several general conversations with Griboedov about the situation in Russia and gave him hints about the existence of a society aimed at changing the way of government in Russia and introducing a constitutional monarchy”; Bestuzhev wrote the same thing, and Griboyedov himself said about the Decembrists: “in their conversations I often saw bold judgments about the government, in which I myself took part: I condemned what seemed harmful and wished for the best.” Griboyedov spoke out for freedom of printing, for a public court, against administrative arbitrariness, abuses of serfdom, reactionary measures in the field of education, and in such views he coincided with the Decembrists. But it is difficult to say how far these coincidences went, and we do not know exactly how Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov felt about the constitutional projects of the Decembrists. There is no doubt, however, that he was skeptical about the feasibility of the conspiracy movement and saw a lot in Decembrism weaknesses. In this, however, he agreed with many others, even among the Decembrists themselves.

Let us also note that Griboyedov was strongly inclined towards nationalism. He loved Russian folk life, customs, language, poetry, even dress. When asked by the Investigative Commission about this, he answered: “I wanted Russian dress because it is more beautiful and calmer than tailcoats and uniforms, and at the same time I believed that it would again bring us closer to the simplicity of Russian morals, which are extremely dear to my heart.” Thus, Chatsky’s philippics against imitation of customs and against European costume are the cherished thoughts of Griboedov himself. At the same time, Griboyedov constantly showed dislike for the Germans and the French and in this he became close to the Shishkovists. But, in general, he stood closer to the Decembrist group; Chatsky is a typical representative of the progressive youth of that time; No wonder the Decembrists vigorously distributed lists of “Woe from Wit.”

Griboedov in the Russian-Persian War 1826-1828

June and July 1826 Griboyedov still lived in St. Petersburg, at Bulgarin’s dacha. It was a very difficult time for him. The joy of liberation faded at the thought of friends and acquaintances executed or exiled to Siberia. Added to this were concerns about his talent, from which the poet demanded new high inspirations, but they, however, did not come. By the end of July, Griboyedov arrived in Moscow, where the entire court and troops had already gathered for the coronation of the new emperor; I.F. Paskevich, a relative of Griboyedov, was also here. Suddenly news came here that the Persians had violated the peace and attacked the Russian border post. Nicholas I was extremely angry at this, blamed Yermolov for inaction and, in order to diminish his power, sent Paskevich (with great powers) to the Caucasus. When Paskevich arrived in the Caucasus and took command of the troops, Griboyedov’s position turned out to be extremely difficult between two warring generals. Ermolov was not formally removed, but he felt the sovereign’s disfavor in everything, constantly came into conflict with Paskevich and finally resigned, and Griboyedov was forced to go into the service of Paskevich (which his mother asked him to do back in Moscow). To trouble official position Physical malaise also added: upon returning to Tiflis, Griboyedov began to experience frequent fevers and nervous attacks.

Having assumed control of the Caucasus, Paskevich entrusted Griboyedov with foreign relations with Turkey and Persia, and Griboyedov was drawn into all the worries and difficulties of the Persian campaign of 1826-1828. He conducted Paskevich’s enormous correspondence, participated in the development of military actions, endured all the hardships of camp life, and most importantly, took upon himself the actual conduct of diplomatic negotiations with Persia in Deykargan and Turkmanchay. When, after Paskevich’s victories, the capture of Erivan and the occupation of Tabriz, the Turkmanchay Peace Treaty was concluded (February 10, 1828), very beneficial for Russia, Paskevich sent Griboyedov to present the treatise to the emperor in St. Petersburg, where he arrived on March 14. The next day, Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov was received by Nicholas I in audience; Paskevich received the title of Count of Erivan and a million ruble reward, and Griboedov received the rank of state councilor, an order and four thousand chervonets.

Griboedov in Persia. Death of Griboyedov

Again Griboedov lived in St. Petersburg for three months, moving in government, public and literary circles. He complained to his friends of extreme fatigue, dreamed of rest and office work, and was about to retire. Fate decided otherwise. With Griboedov's departure to St. Petersburg, there was no Russian diplomatic representative left in Persia; Meanwhile, Russia had a war with Turkey, and an energetic and experienced diplomat was needed in the East. There was no choice: of course, Griboyedov had to go. He tried to refuse, but it did not work, and on April 25, 1828, by the highest decree, Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov was appointed resident minister in Persia, and Amburger was appointed consul general in Tabriz.

From the moment of his appointment as envoy, Griboyedov became gloomy and experienced heavy forebodings of death. He constantly told his friends: “There is my grave. I feel like I won’t see Russia again.” On June 6, Griboyedov left St. Petersburg forever; a month later he arrived in Tiflis. Here an important event took place in his life: he married Princess Nina Alexandrovna Chavchavadze, whom he knew as a girl, gave her music lessons, and supervised her education. The wedding took place in Zion Cathedral on August 22, 1828, and on September 9 the departure of the Russian mission to Persia took place. The young wife accompanied Griboyedov, and the poet wrote enthusiastic letters about her to his friends while on the road.

The mission arrived in Tabriz on October 7, and Griboedov was immediately burdened with heavy worries. Of these, there were two main ones: firstly, Griboedov had to insist on payment of indemnity for the last campaign; secondly, to search for and send to Russia Russian subjects who fell into the hands of the Persians. Both were extremely difficult and caused anger equally among both the people and the Persian government. To settle matters, Griboyedov went to see the Shah in Tehran. Griboedov and his retinue arrived in Tehran for the New Year, was well received by the Shah, and at first everything went well. But soon clashes began again over prisoners. Two Armenian women from the harem of the Shah’s son-in-law, Alayar Khan, turned to the patronage of the Russian mission, wanting to return to the Caucasus. Griboyedov received them into the mission building, and this excited the people; Then, at his own insistence, Mirza Yakub, a eunuch of the Shah’s harem, was accepted into the mission, which overflowed the cup. The mob, incited by the Muslim clergy and agents of Alayar Khan and the government itself, attacked the embassy premises on January 30, 1829 and killed Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov along with many others...

Monument to Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov on Chistoprudny Boulevard, Moscow

Personality of A. S. Griboyedov

Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov lived a short but rich life. From his passion for science at Moscow University, he moved on to a carefree life in military service and then in St. Petersburg; Sheremetev's death caused an acute crisis in his soul and prompted him, according to Pushkin, to a “sharp turn”, and in the East he inclined towards self-absorption and isolation; when he returned from there to Russia in 1823, he was already a mature man, strict with himself and people, and a great skeptic, even a pessimist. The social drama of December 14, bitter thoughts about people and homeland, as well as anxiety for his talent caused Griboyedov a new mental crisis, which threatened to be resolved by suicide. But late love brightened up last days poet's life.

Many facts testify how passionately he could love his wife, mother, sister, friends, how rich he was strong will, courage, hot temperament. A. A. Bestuzhev describes him in the following way in 1824: “a man of noble appearance, of average height, in a black tailcoat, with glasses on his eyes entered... In his face one could see as much sincere participation as in his methods of ability to live in good society, but without any affectation, without any formality; one can even say that his movements were somehow strange and jerky and with all that decent, as could not be more... Possessing all the secular advantages, Griboedov did not like the world, did not like empty visits or stately dinners, nor the brilliant holidays of the so-called best society. The bonds of insignificant decency were unbearable to him even because they were bonds. He could not and did not want to hide his mockery of gilded and self-satisfied stupidity, nor his contempt for low seeking, nor his indignation at the sight of happy vice. The blood of his heart always played on his face. No one will boast of his flattery, no one will dare to say that they heard a lie from him. He could deceive himself, but never deceive.” Contemporaries mention his impetuosity, harshness in address, bile, along with softness and tenderness and a special gift for pleasing. Even people prejudiced against him succumbed to Griboedov's charm. His friends loved him selflessly, just as he knew how to love them passionately. When the Decembrists were in trouble, he did his best to ease the fate of anyone he could: Prince. A. I. Odoevsky, A. A. Bestuzhev, Dobrinsky.

Literary creativity of Griboyedov. "Woe from Wit"

Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov began publishing in 1814 and from then on did not leave literary pursuits until the end of his life. However, his creative legacy is small. There is absolutely no epic in it, and almost no lyrics. Most of Griboedov's work contains dramatic works, but all of them, with the exception of the famous comedy, are of low merit. The early plays are interesting only because they gradually developed the language and verse of Griboyedov. In form they are completely ordinary, like hundreds of plays of that time in the genre of light comedy and vaudeville. In terms of content, the plays written after “Woe from Wit” are much more significant: “1812”, “Radamist and Zenobia”, “Georgian Night”. But they have reached us only in plans and fragments, from which it is difficult to judge the whole; it is only noticeable that the dignity of the verse in them is greatly reduced and that their scenarios are too complex and extensive to fit into the framework of a harmonious stage play.

Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov entered the history of literature only with “Woe from Wit”; he was a literary one-minded man, homo unius libri (“a man of one book”), and into his comedy he put “all the best dreams, all the bold aspirations” of his creativity. But he worked on it for several years. The play was completed in rough form in the village of Begichev in 1823. Before leaving for St. Petersburg, Griboedov gave Begichev a manuscript of the comedy, a precious autograph, which was then kept in Historical Museum in Moscow (“Museum Autograph”). In St. Petersburg, the poet reworked the play again, for example, inserting a scene of Molchalin flirting with Liza in the fourth act. The new list, corrected by Griboyedov, was presented by him in 1824 to A. A. Zhandru (“Zhandrovskaya manuscript”). In 1825, excerpts from the comedy were published in Bulgarin’s “Russian Waist,” and in 1828 Griboedov gave Bulgarin a new list“Woe from Wit,” revised again (“Bulgarin’s list”). These four texts form a chain of the poet’s creative efforts.

Their comparative study shows that Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov made especially many changes in the text in 1823 - 1824, in the Museum autograph and the Zhandrovsky manuscript; Only minor changes were made to later texts. In the first two manuscripts we observe, firstly, a persistent and happy struggle with the difficulties of language and verse; secondly, the author shortened the text in several cases; Thus, Sophia’s story about a dream in Act I, which occupied 42 verses in the Museum’s autograph, was then reduced to 22 verses and benefited greatly from this; the monologues of Chatsky, Repetilov, and the characterization of Tatyana Yuryevna were shortened. There are fewer inserts, but among them is as important as the dialogue between Molchalin and Liza in the 4th act. As for the composition of the characters and their characters, they remained the same in all four texts (according to legend, Griboyedov first wanted to introduce several more persons, including Famusov’s wife, a sentimental fashionista and a Moscow aristocrat). The ideological content of the comedy also remained unchanged, and this is quite remarkable: all the elements of social satire were already in the text of the play before Griboyedov became acquainted with social movement in St. Petersburg in 1825 - such was the maturity of the poet’s thoughts.

From the moment “Woe from Wit” appeared on stage and in print, history began for him in posterity. For many decades it exerted its strong influence on Russian drama, literary criticism and stage personalities; but until now it remains the only play where everyday pictures were harmoniously combined with social satire.

Born on January 15, 1795 in Moscow. Griboedov's parents were of noble origin.

Griboedov was educated at home, then studied at the Moscow University Noble Boarding School.
From 1806, he studied for six years at Moscow University at the Faculty of Literature, the Faculty of Law, and also attended classes at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. While still studying, Alexander Sergeevich began to write poems, try himself in different literary genres. Griboedov dreamed of teaching law and was preparing to take exams, but in 1812 he volunteered for the army (Moscow Hussar Regiment) in connection with the Patriotic War.

In 1816, Griboyedov retired and served at the Collegium of Foreign Affairs in the city of St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg society captivates Alexander Sergeevich with its reformist sentiments; he communicates with the Decembrists, with those who are not indifferent to the fate of Russia. By this time, Griboyedov was already publishing, gaining a reputation as an interesting writer. Alexander Sergeevich's main genre was plays.

Since 1818, Griboyedov has been working in Persia as a diplomat. Thus, the Russian government got rid of Griboyedov, whose views were reformist and did not coincide with the policies of the authorities. In Persia, Griboyedov actively resolves diplomatic issues, his political weight is quite large, he is considered as an extraordinary and strong person.

In 1822, the government transferred Griboyedov to Georgia (Tiflis). There he continues to fulfill his diplomatic mission, works actively, while simultaneously pursuing literary creativity.

From 1823 to 1825, Alexander Sergeevich spent his holidays in his homeland, it was during this time that he wrote his best play, which brought him wide fame, “Woe from Wit.”

In 1825, after Griboyedov returned to the Caucasus, he was arrested and taken to St. Petersburg. Alexander Sergeevich guessed that his arrest was connected with his close relationship with the Decembrists. Griboyedov manages to burn all the incriminating materials, as a result of which he is released four months later.

In 1826, Griboyedov again worked in the Caucasus, where he had to resolve many civil conflicts, which he did brilliantly.

After 1828 (the end of the war between Russia and Persia), Griboedov was again sent to Persia, where he now works as a minister. Alexander Sergeevich himself is upset by this appointment and considers it a political exile. Before arriving in Persia for his duty station, Griboyedov married Nina Chavcha-vadze (daughter of a Georgian poet) in Tiflis.

In Persia political situation things are heating up; after the war with Russia, the Persians’ attitude towards Russians is quite aggressive. Griboyedov works in an environment of acute conflicts and political contradictions. The life of Alexander Sergeevich ends tragically: a crowd of Persians smashes the Russian embassy, ​​killing the diplomats there, including Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov. Griboyedov was killed on February 11, 1829, he was buried in Tiflis.

Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov was born on January 15, 1795 into a wealthy family of nobles. A man of exceptional talent, Alexander Griboedov could play the piano brilliantly, composed music himself, and knew more than five foreign languages. The Russian figure graduated from the Moscow University Noble Boarding School (1803), and then from three departments of Moscow University.

Griboyedov served in military service with the rank of cornet from 1812 to 1816, after which he began to realize himself in the journalistic and literary fields. Among his first works are the comedy “The Young Spouses,” which he translated from French, and “Letter from Brest-Litovsk to the Publisher.” In 1817, Griboedov joined the Masonic organization “United Friends” and took the post of provincial secretary at public service. Griboedov continues to write, and the comedy “Student” and “Feigned Infidelity” are added to his work. At the same time, the gifted figure met Alexander Pushkin and his entourage.

Griboedov traveled to Persia twice on behalf of the government - in 1818 and 1820. Service in the east weighed heavily on him, and Griboyedov moved to Georgia. During this period, work began on his most famous work, “Woe from Wit.”

In 1826, the Russian writer was accused of belonging to the Decembrists. Griboyedov remained under investigation for about 6 months. But his involvement in the conspiracy could not be proven, and Griboyedov was released.

In 1828, he married Nina Chavchavadze, but their marriage was short-lived: Alexander Sergeevich was killed by a rioting crowd on January 30, 1829 during a visit of the Russian embassy to Tehran.

Biography 2

A great writer, competent diplomat, musician and composer is not a complete list of Alexander Griboedov’s merits. An inquisitive boy of noble origin. The best scientists of that time were involved in his upbringing and training.

Sasha's abilities knew no bounds; he easily mastered six foreign languages. Since childhood, he played musical instruments and wrote poetry.

He really wanted to prove himself in combat conditions, and he enlisted in the hussar regiment, but the war with Napoleon had already begun to end, much to Alexander’s chagrin. So he was never able to take part in the fighting.

His mother, Anastasia Fedorovna, saw her son as an official, but Griboyedov did not want to serve at all, it seemed boring to him. At this time he became interested in theater and literature, writing comedies. Young and hot, he soon gets into trouble and becomes a second. Duels at that time were not only prohibited, but you could go to prison for participating in them. Anastasia Fedorovna did a lot to save her son from imprisonment. And he had to leave Russia and go to Persia.

Being in foreign lands, Alexander was very bored. After some time, he seeks a transfer to Georgia. Here he begins to write his famous comedy. At the same time, he writes poetry and plays and continues to study music.

Alexander Griboyedov not only knew Ivan Krylov, he read “Woe from Wit” to him. The great fabulist liked the work, but he said with regret that the censorship would not let it through. This turned out to be true. Moreover, the play was not only banned from being staged in the theater. But also print. It had to be rewritten secretly.

Soon Alexander returned to the Caucasus, where he continued to serve at Ermolov’s headquarters. At this time, the Decembrist uprising occurred. Griboyedov comes under suspicion and is arrested.

Before in last time Alexander got married to go on a diplomatic mission to the capital of Iran. The happiness of the young did not last long, only a few weeks. Going to Once again on a business trip, no one could have imagined that it would be the last.

It took half a century for people to start talking about Griboyedov and his role as a diplomat, writer and just a person.

Option 3

A.S. Griboedov is an outstanding Russian playwright, poet, composer and pianist. He was considered one of the smartest and most educated people of his time. He did a lot of useful things for Russia in the diplomatic field.

He was born in 1795. He was a representative of an old wealthy family. The mother, a harsh and domineering woman, loved her son very much. He answered her in the same way. However, conflicts often arose between them.

Alexander's learning abilities manifested themselves in childhood. Already at the age of six he could communicate fluently in 3 foreign languages, and by teenage years mastered 6 languages. At first he received an excellent home education under the guidance of experienced tutors, then he was enrolled in the Moscow University boarding school. Further, having graduated from the verbal department of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow University, a thirteen-year-old teenager receives a Candidate of Science degree. Then he continued his studies at the Faculty of Law, after which he received a candidate of laws degree at the age of 15.

Interested in mathematics and natural sciences, he not only diligently attended lectures, but also took private lessons from some scientists, because he wanted to receive a doctorate degree. He also managed to engage in literary work, but, unfortunately, his early works have not survived.

In 1812 Because of the outbreak of the Patriotic War, Griboyedov abandoned his studies and literary studies and, under the influence of patriotic ideas, enlisted in the hussars. But he did not have the chance to fight, since his regiment was sent to the rear. Soon Alexander was appointed adjutant to the commander and transferred to Brest-Litovsk.

In 1814 publishes his articles for the first time. Begins to write for the theater. In 1815 resigns, and after 2 years enters the civil service at the College of Foreign Affairs.

Living in St. Petersburg, Griboyedov takes an active part in the activities of the literary and theater circle. Writes and publishes several comedies.

In 1818 receives appointment to the post of secretary of the Russian mission in Iran. Leads travel notes. Shooting with A.I. in Tiflis Yakubovich. After this duel, a finger on his left hand was forever mutilated.

In Iran, he is working for the release of captured Russian soldiers and personally accompanies their detachment to their homeland. In 1820 begins work on the play "Woe from Wit".

Since 1822 to 1823 Serves under General Ermolov. He writes musical vaudeville, which premiered in 1824. Leaves the service. He is trying to get “Woe from Wit” published and staged, but to no avail.

In 1825 returns to service. In 1826 was arrested in the Caucasus. He was accused of having connections with the Decembrists, but no evidence was found, so he was released.

In 1828 Griboedov married, and in 1829. was killed by religious fanatics in Tehran.

Biography by dates and interesting facts. The most important.

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Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov(January 4, Moscow - January 30 [February 11], Tehran) - Russian diplomat, poet, playwright, pianist and composer, nobleman. State Councilor (1828).

Griboyedov is known for his brilliantly rhymed play “Woe from Wit” (1824), which is still often staged in Russian theaters. It served as the source of numerous catchphrases.

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    Griboyedov was born in Moscow, into a wealthy, noble family. It is mistakenly believed that Griboedov comes from the Polish Grzhiboski family. Sergei Fomichev, in his book “Alexander Griboyedov. Biography,” refutes this hypothesis, citing the fact that under Alexei Mikhailovich, Griboyedov nobles were not uncommon. Under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, Fyodor Akimovich Griboyedov was a clerk of the rank and one of the five compilers of the Council Code of 1649.

    According to relatives, as a child Alexander was very focused and unusually developed. There is information that he was the great-nephew of Alexander Radishchev (the playwright himself carefully concealed this). At the age of 6, he was fluent in three foreign languages, and in his youth already six, in particular, fluent English, French, German and Italian. He understood Latin and Ancient Greek very well.


    The enthusiastically lyrical “Letter from Brest-Litovsk to the Publisher,” published in the “Bulletin of Europe,” was written by him after Kologrivov was awarded the “Order of St. Vladimir Equal to the Apostles, 1st degree” in 1814 and the holiday of June 22 (July 4) in Brest-Litovsk , in the cavalry reserves, on this occasion.

    In the capital

    In 1815, Griboedov came to St. Petersburg, where he met the publisher of the magazine “Son of the Fatherland” N. I. Grech and the famous playwright N. I. Khmelnitsky.

    In the spring of 1816, the aspiring writer left military service, and in the summer he published an article “On the analysis of the free translation of the Burger ballad “Lenora”” - a response to N. I. Gnedich’s critical remarks about P. A. Katenin’s ballad “Olga”.

    At the same time, the name of Griboedov appears in the lists of full members of the Masonic lodge “United Friends”. At the beginning of 1817, Griboyedov became one of the founders of the Masonic lodge "Du Bien".

    In the summer he entered the diplomatic service, taking the position of provincial secretary (from the winter - translator) of the Collegium of Foreign Affairs. This period of the writer’s life also includes his acquaintance with A. S. Pushkin and V. K. Kuchelbecker, work on the poem “Lubochny Theater” (a response to M. N. Zagoskin’s criticism of “Young Spouses”), and the comedies “Student” (together with P. A. Katenin), “Feigned Infidelity” (together with A. A. Gendre), “One’s own family, or the Married Bride” (co-authored with A. A. Shakhovsky and N. I. Khmelnitsky).


    In 1817, the famous “quadruple duel” between Zavadovsky-Sheremetev and Griboyedov-Yakubovich took place in St. Petersburg.

    Griboyedov lived with Zavadovsky and, being a friend of the famous dancer of the St. Petersburg Ballet Avdotya Istomina, after the performance he brought her to his place (naturally, to Zavadovsky’s house), where she lived for two days. Cavalry guard Sheremetev, Istomina’s lover, was in a quarrel with her and was away, but when he returned, incited by the cornet of the Life Ulan regiment A.I. Yakubovich, he challenged Zavadovsky to a duel. Griboyedov became Zavadovsky’s second, and Yakubovich became Sheremetev’s; both also promised to fight.

    Zavadovsky and Sheremetev were the first to reach the barrier. Zavadovsky, an excellent shooter, mortally wounded Sheremetev in the stomach. Since Sheremetev had to be immediately taken to the city, Yakubovich and Griboyedov postponed their fight. It took place the following year, 1818, in Georgia. Yakubovich was transferred to Tiflis for service, and Griboedov also happened to be passing through there, heading on a diplomatic mission to Persia.

    Griboedov was wounded in the left hand. It was from this wound that it was subsequently possible to identify the disfigured corpse of Griboedov, killed by religious fanatics during the destruction of the Russian embassy in Tehran.

    In the east

    In 1818, Griboyedov, having refused the position of an official of the Russian mission in the United States, was appointed to the post of secretary under the Tsar's charge d'affaires in Persia, Simon Mazarovich. Before leaving for Tehran, he completed work on “Sideshow Trials.” He left for his duty station at the end of August, two months later (with short stops in Novgorod, Moscow, Tula and Voronezh) he arrived in Mozdok, and on the way to Tiflis he compiled a detailed diary describing his travels.

    At the beginning of 1819, Griboedov completed work on the ironic “Letter to the Publisher from Tiflis on January 21” and, probably, the poem “Forgive me, Fatherland!”, and then went on his first business trip to the Shah’s court. On the way to the appointed place through Tabriz (January - March), I continued to write travel notes that I started last year. In August he returned back, where he began to advocate for the fate of Russian soldiers who were in Iranian captivity. In September, at the head of a detachment of prisoners and fugitives, he set out from Tabriz to Tiflis, where he arrived the following month. Some events of this journey are described on the pages of Griboyedov’s diaries (for July and August/September), as well as in the narrative fragments “Vagin’s Story” and “Ananur Quarantine”.

    In January 1820, Griboedov again went to Persia, adding new entries to his travel diary. Here, burdened with official chores, he spent more than a year and a half. His stay in Persia was incredibly burdensome for the writer-diplomat, and in the fall of the following year, 1821, due to health reasons (due to a broken arm), he finally managed to transfer closer to his homeland - to Georgia. There he became close to Kuchelbecker, who had arrived here for service, and began work on the draft manuscripts of the first edition of “Woe from Wit.”

    Since February 1822, Griboyedov was the secretary for diplomatic affairs under General A.P. Ermolov, who commanded the Russian troops in Tiflis. The author’s work on the drama “1812” is often dated to the same year (apparently timed to coincide with the tenth anniversary of Russia’s victory in the war with Napoleonic France).

    At the beginning of 1823, Griboyedov left the service for a while and returned to his homeland, for more than two years he lived in Moscow, in the village. Dmitrovsky (Lakotsy) Tula province, in St. Petersburg. Here the author continued the work begun in the Caucasus with the text “Woe from Wit”, by the end of the year he wrote the poem “David”, a dramatic scene in verse “Youth of the Prophetic”, vaudeville “Who is the brother, who is the sister, or Deception after deception” (in cooperation with P. A. Vyazemsky) and the first edition of the famous waltz “e-moll”. It is customary to attribute the appearance of the first entries of his “Desiderata” - a journal of notes on controversial issues of Russian history, geography and literature - to the same period of Griboyedov’s life.

    The following year, 1824, dates back to the writer’s epigrams on M.A. Dmitriev and A.I. Pisarev (“And they compose - they lie! And they translate - they lie!..”, “How magazine brawls spread!..”), the narrative fragment “Character my uncle,” the essay “Special Cases of the St. Petersburg Flood” and the poem “Teleshova.” At the end of the same year (December 15), Griboedov became a full member of the Free Society of Lovers of Russian Literature.

    On South

    At the end of May 1825, due to the urgent need to return to his place of duty, the writer abandoned his intention to visit Europe and left for the Caucasus. Subsequently, he will learn Arabic, Turkish, Georgian and Persian languages. The first teacher who taught Griboedov the Persian language was Mirza Jafar Topchibashev. On the eve of this trip, he completed work on a free translation of the “Prologue in the Theater” from the tragedy “Faust”, at the request of F.V. Bulgarin, he compiled notes to “Extraordinary Adventures and Travels...” of D.I. Tsikulin, published in the April issues of the magazine “Northern” archive" for 1825. On the way to Georgia, he visited Kiev, where he met prominent figures of the revolutionary underground (M. P. Bestuzhev-Ryumin, A. Z. Muravyov, S. I. Muravyov-Apostol and S. P. Trubetskoy), lived for some time in Crimea, visiting the estate of his old friend A.P. Zavadovsky. Griboedov traveled through the mountains of the peninsula, developed a plan for the majestic tragedy of the Baptism of the ancient Russians and kept a detailed diary of travel notes, published only three decades after the author’s death. According to the opinion established in science, it was under the influence of the southern trip that he wrote the scene “Dialogue of Polovtsian Husbands.”


    Upon returning to the Caucasus, Griboyedov, inspired by participation in the expedition of General A. A. Velyaminov, wrote the famous poem “Predators on Chegem.” In January 1826, he was arrested in the Grozny fortress on suspicion of belonging to the Decembrists; Griboedov was brought to St. Petersburg, but the investigation could not find evidence of Griboedov’s membership in a secret society. With the exception of A.F. Brigen, E.P. Obolensky, N.N. Orzhitsky and S.P. Trubetskoy, none of the suspects testified to the detriment of Griboyedov. He was under investigation until June 2, 1826, but since it was not possible to prove his participation in the conspiracy, and he himself categorically denied his involvement in the conspiracy, he was released from arrest with a “cleansing certificate.” Despite this, Griboyedov was under secret surveillance for some time.

    Return to duty

    In September 1826 he returned to service in Tiflis and continued diplomatic activities; took part in the conclusion of the Turkmanchay Peace Treaty (1828), beneficial for Russia, and delivered its text to St. Petersburg. Appointed as Resident Minister (Ambassador) to Iran; On the way to his destination, he again spent several months in Tiflis and married there on August 22 (September 3) to Princess Nina Chavchavadze, with whom he only lived for a few weeks.

    Death in Persia

    Foreign embassies were not located in the capital, but in Tabriz, at the court of Prince Abbas Mirza, but soon after arriving in Persia, the mission went to present itself to Feth Ali Shah in Tehran. During this visit, Griboedov died: on January 30, 1829 (6 Sha'ban 1244 AH), a crowd of thousands of religious fanatics killed everyone in the embassy, ​​except for the secretary Ivan Sergeevich Maltsov.

    The circumstances of the defeat of the Russian mission are described in different ways, but Maltsov was an eyewitness to the events, and he does not mention the death of Griboyedov, only writes that 15 people defended themselves at the door of the envoy’s room. Returning to Russia, he wrote that 37 people in the embassy were killed (all except him alone) and 19 Tehran residents. He himself hid in another room and, in fact, could only describe what he heard. All the defenders died, and there were no direct witnesses left.

    Riza-Kuli writes that Griboyedov was killed with 37 comrades, and 80 people from the crowd were killed. His body was so mutilated that he was identified only by a mark on his left hand, received in the famous duel with Yakubovich.

    Griboyedov's body was taken to Tiflis and buried on Mount Mtatsminda in a grotto at the Church of St. David. In the summer of 1829, Alexander Pushkin visited the grave. Pushkin also wrote in “Travel to Arzrum” that he met a cart with the body of Griboyedov at a mountain pass in Armenia, later called Pushkinsky.

    The Persian Shah sent his grandson to St. Petersburg to resolve the diplomatic scandal. To compensate for the shed blood, he brought Nicholas I rich gifts, including the Shah diamond. Once upon a time, this magnificent diamond, framed with many rubies and emeralds, adorned the throne of the Great Mughals. Now it shines in the collection of the Diamond Fund of the Moscow Kremlin.

    At the grave of Alexander Griboyedov, his widow, Nina Chavchavadze, erected a monument with the inscription: “Your mind and deeds are immortal in Russian memory, but why did my love survive you!” .


    According to his literary position, Griboyedov belongs (according to the classification of Yu. N. Tynyanov) to the so-called “younger archaists”: his closest literary allies are P. A. Katenin and V. K. Kuchelbecker; however, the “Arzamas people” also appreciated him, for example, Pushkin and Vyazemsky, and among his friends there were such different people, like P. Ya. Chaadaev and F. V. Bulgarin.

    Even during his years of study at Moscow University (), Griboedov wrote poems (only mentions have reached us), created a parody of V. A. Ozerov’s work “Dmitry Donskoy” - “Dmitry Dryanskoy”. In 1814, two of his correspondences were published in the “Bulletin of Europe”: “On cavalry reserves” and “Letter to the editor.” In 1815, he published the comedy “Young Spouses” - a parody of the French comedies that made up the Russian comedy repertoire at that time. The author uses the very popular genre of “secular comedy” - works with a small number of characters and an emphasis on wit. In line with the polemic with Zhukovsky and Gnedich about the Russian ballad, Griboedov writes an article “On the analysis of the free translation of “Lenora”” ().

    Techniques of parody: introducing texts into everyday context, exaggerated use of periphrasticism (all concepts in comedy are given descriptively, nothing is directly named). At the center of the work is a bearer of classicist consciousness (Benevolsky). All knowledge about life is gleaned from books, all events are perceived through the experience of reading. Saying “I saw it, I know it” means “I read it.” The hero strives to act out book stories; life seems uninteresting to him. Griboyedov will later repeat the lack of a real sense of reality in “Woe from Wit” - this is a trait of Chatsky.

    "Woe from Wit"

    Musical works

    The few musical works written by Griboyedov had excellent harmony, harmony and conciseness. He is the author of several piano pieces, among which the most famous are two waltzes for piano. Some works, including the piano sonata, are the most serious musical composition Griboyedov, they didn’t reach us. Waltz in E minor of his composition is considered the first Russian waltz that has survived to this day. According to the memoirs of contemporaries, Griboyedov was a wonderful pianist, his playing was distinguished by genuine artistry.



    • In St. Petersburg, the monument to A. S. Griboedov (sculptor V. V. Lishev, 1959) is located on Zagorodny Prospekt on Pionerskaya Square (opposite the Young Spectator Theater)
    • In the center of Yerevan there is a monument to A. S. Griboedov (author - Oganes Bejanyan, 1974), and in 1995 an Armenian postage stamp dedicated to A. S. Griboyedov was issued.
    • In Alushta, a monument to A. S. Griboyedov was erected in 2002, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the city.
    • In Moscow, the monument to A.S. Griboyedov is located on Chistoprudny Boulevard.
    • In Veliky Novgorod, A. S. Griboedov is immortalized in the monument “Millennium of Russia”, in the group of sculptures “Writers and Artists”.
    • In Volgograd, at the expense of the Armenian community of the city, a bust of A. S. Griboedov was erected (on Sovetskaya Street, opposite clinic No. 3).
    • In Tbilisi, the monument to A. S. Griboedov is located on the Kura embankment (sculptor M. Merabishvili, architect G. Melkadze, 1961).
    • In Tehran, near the Russian embassy there is a monument to A. S. Griboedov (sculptor V. A. Beklemishev, 1912).

    Museums and galleries

    • State Historical, Cultural and Natural Museum-Reserve of A. S. Griboedov “Khmelita”.
    • In Crimea, in the Red Cave (Kizil-Koba), a gallery was named in honor of the stay of A. S. Griboedov.


    in Ukraine -

    as well as in the cities of Balti (Moldova), Almaty (Kazakhstan), Batumi and Tbilisi (Georgia), Ashgabat (Turkmenistan),



    • Library of National Literatures named after A. S. Griboedov.
    • Central Library named after A. S. Griboyedov Centralized library system#2 Central Administrative District of Moscow. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the library, a memorial museum was opened in it. The A. S. Griboyedov Prize is awarded.

