On this moment Marvel is the largest comic book publisher in terms of sales market, but behind this company, with a slight margin, is another organization with no less competitive material for release - DC comics. In order to take an honorable second place, she had to find talented people, with the help of which a truly large mass of interesting and charismatic characters were created. It is her creations that will be discussed in this article. We present the top ten most famous characters created under the auspices of the giants of the comic book industry - DC Entertainment.

A character that everyone first saw in a special episode dedicated to Batman. His occupation is Commissioner of the Police Department. Gordon begins his journey from the very beginning of comics. Initially, he served in Chicago, which was famous for its incredible scale of corruption, while Gordon was distinguished by his incorruptibility. Further, after an incident with the capture of one of the respectable criminal groups, he is transferred to the city of Gotham, and it is there that he moves with his wife. He continues his activities under the leadership of Gillian Loeb, who was on the hook of the leader criminal world Gotham - aka Carmine Falcone.
Jim's honesty doomed him to a most unpleasant relationship with the Gotham City Police Department. They worsened after Gordon was appointed head of the task force, whose main task was to capture the key character - Batman. Sarah Essen was on his team and she was perfect for general activities with James. After a short time, feelings flared up between them, but despite this, Gordon remained faithful to Barbara. People from the police department obtained a photo of James and Sarah, with which they intended to blackmail Gordon. He did not follow their lead, and the result was that Barbara became familiar with the photograph. Sarah intended to leave Gotham so as to no longer provide grounds for blackmail and extortion.
When the blackmail failed, the criminals stole the recently born baby James, but Batman intervened in this situation, the little son was saved, and this was the beginning joint activities Commissioner and Dark Knight. Together they rid the police department of corrupt personnel, for which James was awarded the rank of captain. Prosecutor Harvey Dent joined their alliance, and the trio began activities to capture Falcone and his associates.
James Gordon has nothing in the category of mystical abilities, but it is worth noting his analytical mind and excellent command of firearms, as well as natural leadership skills.

Another character created by the talented DC. Her aliases are Batgirl and Oracle, which reflect the heroine's activities. Little is known about her life - her father and mother died in an accident, and it was James Gordon who took custody of her, and after a short period of time he adopted the orphan. When Barbara grew up, she became a fan of Batman's activities and created an outfit for herself that was stylistically reminiscent of the Dark Knight's costume. At a themed masquerade ball, Barbara managed to thwart an assassination attempt on Wayne by the Mothman, completely unaware that Bruce was the one hiding under the mask of Batman. Soon, Wayne invited Barbara to join the ranks of the defenders of Gotham City, and she did not refuse. For a long time, she successfully performed the role of a crime fighter. And so, one evening, the Joker visits Gordon’s apartment, where Barbara lived at that time. The criminal's goal was to kidnap the commissioner and further blackmail Batman with his help. However, a girl opens the door for the Joker, and he, without hesitation, shoots the heroine. The bullet hit the spinal region, which caused paralysis of the lower extremities.
However, this did not become a reason to end his crime-fighting activities, although such an injury did not allow him to engage in operational activities. With her incredible intelligence and hacking skills, she became an invaluable aid to Batman and Robin through radio communications as the "Oracle", thereby providing up-to-date information and analyzing evidence and facts.
From the list of her abilities, it is worth noting extensive knowledge in the field of close combat, increased agility and endurance, impressive mental abilities, excellent hacking skills, as well as detective competence and an innate photographic memory.

He is also known as Walter Kovacs, a character in the limited series of comics "Watchmen". From his biography it is known that he was born on March 21, 1940. His legal representatives were Sylvia Kovacs, who was engaged in prostitution, and Charles, whose last name remained unknown. Throughout his childhood, he was tortured by his mother. Her aggression was motivated by the fact that it was because of Walter that she had to go into this type of activity. He constantly had to be an involuntary witness to his mother’s “meetings” with clients, and constantly endure beatings.
In the summer of one thousand nine hundred fifty-one he was placed in Orphanage after an incident involving an attack on older boys, the consequence of which was the partial loss of vision of one of the opponents. There he was able to prove himself in the humanities and show confident results in sports. After the shelter, Walter got a job in a store dealing retail sales textiles It was here that the young man got hold of the material from which he made a mask and his second “face.” The matter was synthesized with the help of the works of Doctor Manhattan. On the title part of the mask, between two layers of latex there are two substances, black and white in color. They migrate permanently depending on temperature and pressure, forming uniform spots similar to Rorschach tests.
The beginning of his anti-crime activities was the case of the rape and murder of a certain Kitty Genovese. Due to people's inaction, he became disillusioned with them, considering them selfish. At home, he recreated his “true face” and, taking the Pseudonym Rorschach, began to exterminate crime.
Rorschach's list of abilities does not include anything mystical or supernatural, but his arsenal includes knowledge of combat in street conditions, acrobatics, martial arts. Also, he is characterized by amazing ingenuity, which allows him to construct means of defense and attack from everyday items.

- one of the seven so-called Eternals that characterize certain zones DC Universe and endowed with unlimited power in their respective spheres. In this case, the character’s name speaks for itself - his path is dreams and daydreams.
The appearance of a Dream is subject to metamorphosis depending on who sees it, i.e. Africans see him as black-faced, the Japanese see him as Asian, etc. Clothes are directly dependent on the era in which he lives.
The arsenal of Sleep's abilities includes the ability to change appearance, invisibility as an opportunity to control the reality subject to it. In the comic, he is depicted as a very thin, tall young man with strikingly white skin and long hair raven wing His eyes have no pupils, and two twinkling stars are hidden in their depths. Their color varies depending on the character's mood.
The power of Sleep includes absolute control over dreams, daydreams, and dreams, and it also has the ability to influence the opposite of sleep - reality. He has no need for food, water, air, due to his immortality. In addition, he has three artifacts with which he can more effectively control the power entrusted to him:

  • A bag of sand with which he can induce sleep.
  • Spine and skull helmet the most ancient god, struck down by the Dream.
  • Rubin D'orilar, it contains the most large quantity powers of sleep.

This is the pseudonym that was given to several characters from a single series of comics related to Batman. The task of such heroes was to help the Dark Knight. Most often, Robin was only the main character's partner, but a couple of issues were released where he appeared as an independent character.
If we turn to the very first comic in the issue, we learn that the real name of the cannon assistant is Richard Dick. From early childhood, Rich performed with his family in the circus, taking part in acrobatic acts. And during the next performance, the boy’s parents are killed by Zucco’s boss. After this, the notorious Bruce Wayne takes Richard under his protection.
Over the next nine years, the two men developed a very strong, family-like relationship. And, giving up revenge, Robin becomes the Dark Knight's faithful assistant.

- this name has been shared by several fictional characters (Jay Garik, Barry Allen, Bart Allen), so Flash is more of an image than a person. Flash is able to reach speeds exceeding the speed of light and he has reflexes that are thousands of times superior to humans, which makes him resonate with certain laws of physics.
It is worth paying attention to several biographies, because... The nickname Flash has been used by many characters. The most popular are Garik, Allen and West.
Jason Garik previously attended college. In the winter of 1940, having woken up in the laboratory, due to an absurd incident, he inhaled vapors of heavy water. He later noticed that he was able to develop super speed and upgrade his reflexes. When his short career as a football player ended, he created the image of the Flash (a red shirt with a golden lightning bolt and a helmet made of metal with wings located on the sides, which makes reference to greek god Hermes). For a long time, Jay did not need a mask, since his movement at such a speed did not allow his real face to be seen or captured on camera.
Henry Allen was a scientist on the police force. He gained the reputation of an inert person, because he regularly arrived at work at the wrong time. This greatly irritated his girlfriend, Iris West. One night, before leaving home from work, lightning struck the set chemical substances, and they landed on Henry's body. He soon noticed his ability to cover vast distances in a minimum time, as he could develop high speed, and this also had a positive effect on his reflexes. Having acquired a red tight-fitting jumpsuit, he gave himself the name Flash, and began to oppose crime.
Wally West is the nephew of Iris West and Henry Allen. At the age of ten, he visited his uncle's police laboratory, where an incident similar to Allen's occurred - charged chemicals came into contact with Wally's body. Gaining abilities similar to those of his uncle, he finds a replica of the Flash costume and becomes a teenage crime fighter, taking on the alias Kid Flash.
As has been said more than once before, Flash’s main ability is his amazing speed, and it manifests itself not only in movement, but also in his thinking. He also has the ability to oscillate at such a speed that gives him the ability to penetrate hard objects. He has higher speed recovery due to rapid metabolism, but he needs to consume a large number of food, especially sweets, to replenish glucose reserves. Flash is not affected by alcohol or narcotic substances– the liver is able to block their intoxicating power in an instant. However, Flash is not susceptible premature aging due to their adaptation to new operating conditions.

This pseudonym also belongs not to one specific hero, but to several people replacing each other. Despite the obvious differences between each other, each superhero had and common features. Basically, these are superpowers that they possessed and used. For example, a ring of power is an artifact that gives the owner almost complete control over the physical part of the world.
Period from the date of publication of the first issue – recent months one thousand nine hundred and forty-one, and until the end of the first volume - June one thousand nine hundred and forty-nine, was called the Golden Age of Green Lanterns. But in the years after World War II, sales of comic books featuring absolutely all superheroes fell sharply, and the character Alan Scott, Green Lantern, disappeared from the DC universe.
However, with the beginning of the Silver Age in the world of comics in the fifties of the last century, Green Lantern returns to the public in a new role. Now we meet Hal Jordan - the founder of an organization called the Justice League.
And since then, the creators have released as many as four volumes of entertaining adventures of these characters - which in total amounts to more than five hundred issues! With all this, today new comics are being published that anyone can purchase.

One of the first superheroines in this universe. She first appeared before readers in December 1941, and since then has gained the status of a permanent DC character, appearing in various stories over the course of seventy years.
This heroine is none other than the leader of the real Amazons. In her homeland, the girl is known as Princess Diana. She is incredibly resilient, experienced and possesses superhuman strength, which makes her a skilled warrior. Also, the list of abilities of this character includes the ability to communicate with any animals, and the unique power to force a person to tell the truth. True, Diana is helped in this by a unique artifact - the Lasso of Truth. The seriousness and severity of Diana as a warrior does not overshadow her positive sides - the girl is very kind, friendly and always ready to help. The princess became one of the most popular characters and quickly won the love of fans. After World War II, there were only five characters in the entire universe whose stories continued to be published, and Wonder Woman is one of them.
It was the dedication of fans that brought the superheroine to fifth place in the top “one hundred best comic book characters of all time” in the spring of 2011.

One of key figures in DC. Built around this character great amount stories, with him intertwined many lines with other superheroes and their stories. His appearance was marked in May one thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine.
The original version tells us that the superhero Batman is the secret alter ego of a successful billionaire named Bruce Wayne. Even as a small child, he experienced the death of his father and mother, and even became an involuntary witness to this, little Bruce makes an oath to himself, the whole later life he will fight evil in all its manifestations.
And, having become a little older, Wayne begins active preparations for his plan. Having devoted a lot of time to his physical and mental preparation, he creates a costume that is designed to resemble bat, begins to patrol hometown. The fictional American city of Gotham combines common character traits Chicago and New York.
In such a difficult task one cannot do without partners and assistants, which Batman also has. These are his devoted Robin and James, described above, and the butler Alfred.
The peculiarity of this character is that, unlike most other superheroes, Batman does not have any magical abilities, and in the fight against his many enemies he is guided only by his extraordinary mind, considerable scientific knowledge, the ability to spy. The main negative characters that Wayne fights throughout many comics are the Joker, Two-Face, Penguin, Catwoman and some others.

Who among us doesn't know Superman? Even the most ignorant in the comics industry has heard at least a little about such a cult character. Superman is one of the very first creations of DC artists; he came out from their pen in the early summer of one thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight.
Over the years of his existence, Superman not only fell in love with children and teenagers, he gained the status of an icon of all American culture. Having gained incredible success, this hero spawned many films, TV series and paraphernalia associated with his name and personality.
The very first comics tell the story that Superman was born on the vastness of a certain planet Krypton. However, soon after his birth, Krypton was attacked, and just a few minutes before his disappearance, the hero's father sent the baby to Earth. There he was discovered by a Kansas farming family. Keeping the boy with them, they named him Clark Kent and carefully looked after the child throughout the future superhero’s childhood. And when Clark was found unusual abilities, he was determined to use them only for the benefit of humanity.
Over the almost eighty years of his existence, Superman was able to win the favor of not only children, but also respected critics and even scientists who closely studied the influence of this character on

The most powerful superheroes 2017

4.4 (87.43%) 35 votes

The most powerful superheroes of all time, who are they and what skills do they have? These questions concern many fans of TV series and films about superheroes, who time after time save humanity from terrible disasters. There are many opinions regarding the strongest and most powerful superhero of all times and universes. Every fan of full-length cartoons and films about heroes has personal preferences. Therefore, it is quite difficult to assess this issue objectively. But we will try to compile a list of the most famous and popular superheroes, as well as characterize them. And of course, you can find the latest trailers for films in which our strongest superheroes will save the world in 2017.

The most powerful superheroes - Hulk

The talented doctor Bruce Banner, who ordinary life specializes in

  • biology,
  • physiology,
  • chemistry,
  • engineering,
  • nuclear physics,
  • gamma radiation,

He is one of the strongest and most famous superheroes.

When an outstanding scientist begins to get very angry and irritated, he turns into the green Hulk. In this incarnation he has:

  • possessing fantastic power,
  • excellent speed,
  • incredible endurance,
  • ability to recover.

The Hulk's strength directly depends on the degree of anger. In an angry, excited state, he can destroy megacities, throw military fighters and pose an impressive danger to his enemies. At the same time, in his ordinary life, Dr. Banner is a person unprotected from dangers.

The most powerful superheroes - Flash

One of the most powerful superheroes among the existing ones. He is capable of moving at fantastic speeds, significantly exceeding the speed of light. In a split second, Flash can get to any point not only on Planet Earth, but also in the Universe. However, the uniqueness of the superhero is not limited to this.

He can also:

  • pass through any obstacles without problems,
  • move in time
  • and also read quickly,
  • think,
  • acquire new knowledge,
  • gain endless mass.

Flash also has a powerful blow, exceeding in strength a similar characteristic of other popular heroes. No one is able to catch him due to his incredible speed and reaction.
In 2017, Flash will appear in the film about superheroes and, of course, saving humanity “Justice League”. The film is expected to be beautiful, watch the trailer:

The most powerful superheroes - Superman

The most powerful superhero of all time, who regularly saves the Earth and its inhabitants from obvious threats. A young guy raised in a family of farmers actually turned out to be an alien. This is the reason for his outstanding abilities. Superman's powers and capabilities are limited only by his mind.

It has:

  • amazing power
  • invulnerability,
  • endurance,
  • speed,
  • superintelligence,
  • super vision,
  • super hearing.

This superhero can fly, create icy wind and burn out his eyes. His diverse superpowers are simply amazing.

The main advantages of Mrs. Gray include the possession of god-like powers. This makes her the most powerful and amazing being in the Marvel Universe.

She is fluent in:

  • telekinesis,
  • telepathy,
  • has unlimited potential for psychic abilities.

These qualities allow Jean Gray to capture objects in Earth's orbit and manipulate hundreds of components directly in the air. Her powers, growing to incredible levels, will allow

  • fly in space,
  • survive in almost any atmosphere,
  • easily rearrange matter
  • and even resurrect the dead.

All this is just small part possibilities of the great and frightening Jean.

The most powerful superheroes - Doctor Strange

A powerful wizard and skilled martial artist, Doctor Strange regularly wins serious battles.

Magic skills help him:

  • fly,
  • teleport,
  • stop and change the direction of time,
  • revive yourself from the dead,
  • make yourself invulnerable.

Strange's abilities are limited solely by his imagination. However, the doctor also has a weak trait inherent in people - he is susceptible to emotions.

The most powerful superheroes - Nova

The leader of the intergalactic police, Richard Reader, is the owner of the Nova Force, an incredible source of energy. Thanks to this, he is endowed with a number of superpowers, among which stand out:

  • incredible strength,
  • endurance,
  • speed,
  • invulnerability,
  • agility and regeneration.

In addition, Nova has access to the combined mind of all the inhabitants of Xandar, containing the knowledge and experience accumulated throughout its existence. The main drawback of this superhero is his predictability.

The most powerful superheroes - Thor

The mighty son of Odin has incredible strength and is considered the strongest in the Avengers team.

  • practically invulnerable
  • has increased endurance,
  • can fly
  • summon lightning.

With his main weapon Mjolnir, the list of superhero abilities is even greater:

  • teleportation,
  • creating an impenetrable shield,
  • absorption and redirection of energy,
  • as well as healing and resurrection.

With just one blow of his hammer, he can easily cause an earthquake throughout the entire planet. Their magical powers Thor invariably directs other useful things to the fight against evil.
In 2017, he will also direct him to fight against evil in the new film Thor Ragnarok, the trailer for which can be viewed now:

The most powerful superheroes - Martian Manhunter

One of the most influential members of the Justice League is Jonn Jonzz, who is a loyal ally of earthlings.

Martian Manhunter can:

  • fly,
  • become invisible
  • change the density of your own body,
  • pass through obstacles
  • and take the form of different living beings.

This hero also owns:

  • x-ray vision,
  • telekinesis,
  • telepathy,
  • excellent endurance,
  • amazing power
  • and speed.

J'onn J'onzz has repeatedly demonstrated abilities related to generating energy, manipulating energy beams, and controlling heat. Almost nothing is impossible for Martian Manhunter.

The most powerful superheroes - Doctor Manhattan

At one time, Dr. Jonathan Osterman in the laboratory disintegrated into tiny particles, and was reborn already in new entity Dr. Manhattan. This powerful member of the Guardians is one of the most powerful, but most importantly smart superheroes.

Jonathan is able to:

  • control matter at quantum levels,
  • is able to change the density and size of his body,
  • endowed with the gift of foresight,
  • has a number unique abilities– levitation,
  • teleportation,
  • telekinesis.

If desired, Dr. Manhattan can destroy entire worlds.

The most powerful superheroes - Silver Surfer

The Silver Surfer used to be an astronomer on the planet Zenn-La. He agreed to become one of Galactus' messengers, who endowed him with incredible cosmic power. From that time on, the hero's body was transformed into a practically indestructible metallic substance. He is a member of Fantastic Four"and moves around the universe with the help of a silver board.

Capabilities Silver Surfer let him

  • move at hyper speed,
  • control the energy of the universe,
  • pass through matter
  • see through time
  • detect objects at a distance large number light years.

A member of the valiant team of heroes "X-Men", Henry McCoy is actually intelligent and a kind person, although it inspires fear, horror and despair.

The superpowers and superabilities of the Beast include:

  • excellent athletic ability,
  • phenomenal mind,
  • possibilities of regeneration and restoration.

The most powerful superheroes - The Thing

A very tough and practically indestructible hero named Benjamin Grim was once human. He fell into electromagnetic radiation on one of the planets and turned into a monster with indestructible skin. However, feelings were preserved in the soul of the sand-colored stone sculpture. Thanks to this circumstance, Ben became a member of the Fantastic Four. He is a professional pilot and martial artist.

The most powerful superheroes - Wonder Woman

Diana of Themyscira is a sweet, beautiful and sophisticated princess with a whip. She is able to resist any anti-heroes and withstand the onslaught of an entire army. Thanks to her qualities, Wonder Woman is deservedly included in the famous “Justice League”.

TO special forces this superwoman belongs

  • inhuman speed,
  • ability to fly,
  • seduction

New film about Wonder Woman this year, watch the trailer:

The most powerful superheroes - Quicksilver

A very fast superhero known as Pietro Maximoff. It moves faster than sound and has very strong character. Quite an interesting and memorable personality.

Mercury can quite easily

  • overtake Formula 1 racers,
  • able to travel through time
  • change your appearance using a special crystal.

The most powerful superheroes - Mister Fantastic

Intellectual Reed Richards is a doctor of science who was able to graduate from four universities. One of the best superheroes grew up an ordinary person. He dreamed of discoveries in the fields of mathematics and geometry. But he had to perform feats in the name of saving humanity as part of the Fantastic Four.

The features of Mister Fantastic are

  • genius,
  • flexibility,
  • resistance to damage.

The most powerful superheroes - Luke Cage

Born in New York's famous Harlem neighborhood, difficult teenager Luke was never distinguished by outstanding abilities, a bright mind or high intelligence. However, the guy always took the path of goodness and justice. That is why he became the defender of a large metropolis.

  • great endurance,
  • agility,
  • ability to rapid recovery tissues after wounds and burns.

The most powerful superheroes - Drax the Destroyer

Previously, this superhero, part of the Guardians of the Galaxy team, was a completely ordinary person. However, the tragic circumstances associated with the loss of his family changed him greatly. In order to confront the villain Thanos, the great god Kronos makes a strong superhero out of a man.

He endows him

  • great strength
  • extrasensory abilities,
  • ability to throw knives,
  • has the ability to release energy discharges.

The most powerful superheroes - Black Widow

A very seductive person, Natasha Romanova, comes from Russia. She can “frame” not only the generals of the Russian army, but also aliens from other Galaxies. The main purpose of the beautiful heroine on earth is to work in the Avengers team. Natasha is fluent

  • martial arts,
  • different types of weapons,
  • espionage skills

and also endowed with superpowers:

  • hypnotic influence
  • slow aging
  • incredible immunity...

The most powerful superheroes - Iron Man

One of the founders of the famous heroic team "Avengers" is known as Tony Stark. He is a brilliant inventor and designer, as well as a wealthy industrialist with a daring character. He sees his main goal believes in protecting planet Earth and destroying its enemies. A high-tech armored suit equipped with weapons helps him solve these problems. Iron Man can also invent “toys” that are dangerous for opponents directly during battle.

The most powerful superheroes - Batman

Successful industrialist Bruce Wayne, who took the path of eradicating crime and fighting for justice. He was prompted to do this by the massacre of his parents, which he witnessed. He is ready for the most incredible and heroic deeds to protect the city of Gotham and its citizens.

Batman makes great use of

  • own intelligence,
  • knowledge in sciences,
  • martial arts skills.

This hero is endowed with an unbending will and is able to instill panic in his enemies.

The most powerful superheroes - Captain America

The sickly young man Steve Rogers, thanks to the influence of an experimental serum developed by military scientists, loses his previous appearance and reaches maximum physical strength. Captain America uses newly emerged non-human intelligence to protect US security and aid military operations. The hero has a unique indestructible shield, which, if necessary, can be used as a weapon.

The most powerful superheroes - Wolverine

A true romantic, young man James Howlett became a superhero and acquired superhuman abilities after a successful experiment. His skeleton has become virtually invulnerable to any damage, and his hands are equipped with long, dagger-sharp claws. Wolverine has incredible regeneration, which allows him to survive serious damage.

Also, James

  • very dexterous
  • hardy,
  • endowed with truly bestial instincts,
  • not susceptible to aging,
  • He is excellent at martial arts.

The movie Logan is coming out in 2017, watch the trailer about your favorite superhero:

The most powerful superheroes - Ant-Man

This is truly the smallest superhero endowed with outstanding abilities. Talented scientist Hank Pym gained fame after shrinking to the size of an ant and acquiring super powers and unique qualities. He is endowed with the broadest knowledge of biology and chemistry, and also knows how to control his growth.

The most powerful superheroes - Spider-Man

Ordinary teenager Peter Parker received superpowers. After that, he became a desperate fighter against criminals in New York.

Spider-Man has

  • increased agility,
  • unique fighting style,
  • spider sense
  • as well as the ability to soar in the air and deftly jump on skyscrapers.

In addition, Peter has the highest intellect and can throw any villain into panic.
Of course, the world cannot live without Spider-Man for long, so in 2017 he returns home:

These are the most powerful superheroes, ready to protect humanity from any danger. Only the viewers and readers of our site can decide which of them is the strongest. But one thing is clear: with such defenders, humanity has nothing to fear. At least in the Marvel and DC universes. Write your opinions about which superhero is the strongest in the comments.

Female characters of DC Universe Online. Cosplay, short biographies and some art.

Female characters of DC Universe Online. Cosplay, short biographies and some art.

Female characters of DC Universe Online. Cosplay, short biographies and some art.

Female characters of DC Universe Online. Cosplay, short biographies and some art.

Female characters of DC Universe Online. Cosplay, short biographies and some art.

Female characters of DC Universe Online. Cosplay, short biographies and some art.

Female characters of DC Universe Online. Cosplay, short biographies and some art.

Female characters of DC Universe Online. Cosplay, short biographies and some art.

Female characters of DC Universe Online. Cosplay, short biographies and some art.

Female characters of DC Universe Online. Cosplay, short biographies and some art.

Female characters of DC Universe Online. Cosplay, short biographies and some art.

Female characters of DC Universe Online. Cosplay, short biographies and some art.

Female characters of DC Universe Online. Cosplay, short biographies and some art.

Female characters of DC Universe Online. Cosplay, short biographies and some art.

Female characters of DC Universe Online. Cosplay, short biographies and some art.

Female characters of DC Universe Online. Cosplay, short biographies and some art.

Female characters of DC Universe Online. Cosplay, short biographies and some art.

Female characters of DC Universe Online. Cosplay, short biographies and some art.

Female characters of DC Universe Online. Cosplay, short biographies and some art.

Female characters of DC Universe Online. Cosplay, short biographies and some art.

Female characters of DC Universe Online. Cosplay, short biographies and some art.

Female characters of DC Universe Online. Cosplay, short biographies and some art.

Female characters of DC Universe Online. Cosplay, short biographies and some art.

Female characters of DC Universe Online. Cosplay, short biographies and some art.

Female characters of DC Universe Online. Cosplay, short biographies and some art.

Female characters of DC Universe Online. Cosplay, short biographies and some art.

Female characters of DC Universe Online. Cosplay, short biographies and some art.

Female characters of DC Universe Online. Cosplay, short biographies and some art.

The DC Universe is so huge that creators and fans add the prefix “multi-” to it. Arising as a result big bang, it contained many parallel worlds and realities. The main events of most comics take place in the main world called Earth 1. Next to it fit Earth-2, Earth-3, etc.

Today the DC Universe has more than 20 thousand characters. Among them you can find gods, archangels, heroes, villains, antiheroes and civilians. At the same time, the publisher applies great effort, so that the list of residents increases every year, and creatures from different worlds met on the pages of the same issue.

DC Multiverse imprints

It was DC that invented drawing comics about superheroes. The very first character endowed with superhuman strength was Superman in 1938. Its authors were Joe Shuster and Jerome Siegel. He was followed by Batman in 1938 and Wonder Woman in 1941. Over more than half a century of history, the images, biographies and surroundings of the main characters have repeatedly changed and transformed. To justify the violation of canonical images, DC editors created the Multiverse. Here, in parallel realities, the editors placed all the protagonists.

Over time, Gotham, Star City, Metropolis, Smallville and Central City began to appear on the world map. According to DC Comics canon, none of these cities should be destroyed as a result of the confrontation between good and evil. While fighting crime in the fictional world, DC superheroes have made invaluable contributions to the fight against evil in real story. For example, wartime issues were full of anti-fascist propaganda. The heroes destroyed one after another Nazi troops and raised the morale of the American army.

Superman of that time was the standard protagonist. Many publishers (Fox Comics, Fawcett Comics) have gotten burned trying to copy Joe Shuster's signature style. His Superman turned out to be such a successful idea that he still occupies first place in the ranking of the most popular characters DC. Behind him were Batman, Green Lantern and Flash. Among women best places Wonder Woman and Barbara Gordon received this category.

Supervillains from DC Comics

Having mentioned the heroes, it is worth talking about their antagonists. Despite the fact that during the Great Depression, comics were published for the amusement of the public, the first villains actively promoted the cult of violence. For example, when he first appeared in 1940, the Joker mercilessly kills other characters.

But further experiments in this direction came to naught. The infamous Comics Code is to blame for it all. state document, which prohibited describing scenes of drug use, violence and murder. The conservative masses considered comics to be child's play. From the mid-50s to the end of the 80s, DC villains could not compete with superheroes and the confrontation between the parties was reduced to comical skirmishes.

In the 1990s, the code was repealed, and ratings for stories about corrupt government and moral turmoil skyrocketed. Some villains became so popular that DC's editorial team barely had time to write new issues about their adventures. This happened with Harley Quinn, Joker and many others. Today, IGN's list of supervillains is headed by Magneto, Joker and Doom. The top five also included Lex Luthor and Galactus.

Aquaman's lover and later queen of Atlantis is a trained assassin and powerful telekineticist. She sacrificed her former life to start a new one on land with Arthur Curry, but she still had to get involved in the political squabbles of her native kingdom. A native of the underwater kingdom of Xebel, an ancient colony of rebellious Atlanteans, she was taught to be a brutal killer and to hate Atlantis. Despite this, she...

Tigress is a pseudonym used by several supervillains from the DC Comics Universe. The character debuted in June 1938 (Action Comics #1). The first Tigress was a nameless thief - an opponent of the magician Zatara. Having put together a gang of thugs, she traded in robbery and blackmail. According to conflicting reports, Tigress was the mother of Paula Brooks and the grandmother of Armetics Croc. Total…

Sandy Hawkins began his career during World War II, becoming a partner Sandman Wesley Dodds. A deft acrobat and fighter, Hawkins learned all the secrets of the detective's craft from his brilliant partner-mentor, but then an accident occurred. During a laboratory experiment designed to improve their crime-fighting arsenal, Sandy was accidentally transformed into a huge, furious sand monster...

Manhunter is a character in the DC Comics Multiverse, under whose mask there were several characters. Among them were heroes, anti-heroes, and an army of androids - the predecessors of the Green Lantern Corps. The rise of the Manhunter began when Dan Richards' brother was accused by denunciation of a crime he did not commit. Vowing to find...

James Corrigan is the last person to become the bearer of the Spectre, the magical embodiment of God's wrath. Torn between his thirst for vengeance and his destiny as a defender of justice, Corrigan battles the evils of the world around him and his own human instincts. Gotham cop Jim Corrigan, with the help of the Phantom Stranger, found his kidnapped bride. In fact, the Stranger - without knowing it...

June Moon is the bearer of a magical essence named Enchanters, which gives the girl amazing magical abilities, but has a detrimental effect on her sanity. As the Enchantress, June sometimes turns into a villain and sometimes into a heroine trying to atone for her crimes. When Zantanna separated Moon and the Enchantress, the former became insane, and the Enchantress unleashed deadly magic to...

When brothers Hank and Don Hall learned that criminals were going to kill their father, Don wished they had the power to save him. The Gods of War and Peace responded to the prayer. Furious and aggressive, Hank transformed into Hawk, the embodiment of War. And the quiet and reasonable Don is a Dove, the embodiment of Peace. They…

Triumph was a superhero who controlled the electromagnetic spectrum. He joined the LSA to fight the alien Plasma, which caused damage to the space-time continuum, and Triumph disappeared, changing history irrevocably. He appeared a decade later and sold his soul to the demon Nero to return Lost time. Then he fell under the influence of the evil Thunderbolt named Lkz and died in battle...

The mercenary Bolt was a special effects master turned hitman. Fighting heroes such as Blue Devil, Captain Atom and Starman, Bolt began to demand more and more money, despite numerous failed orders. At some point, he joined a group of assassins, including Deadshot and Merlin, called the Assassin Elite. Then he was a member of the Squad for some time...

Lightning Lad is one of the founders of the Legion of Super-Heroes. A passionate and stubborn hero often acts first and thinks later, but his electrical superpowers still often bring victory to the team. His twin sister, Lightning Girl, who was also part of the Legion, has the same powers, as well as their older brother Mekt, who entered under the name of the Lord of Lightning...

When Ted Carson - ex-boyfriend movie star Cindy Cook - was found dead in a burned-out building, everyone thought he was a murder victim. At the same time, a certain arsonist began to destroy everything connected with Cindy in Gotham. The villain turned out to be Firefly - a man in a burning metal suit. When Nightwing and Barbara Gordon decided to investigate...

Allen was one of the fastest, roughest and most obnoxious motorcycle couriers in Metropolis, and often pocketed the items he was supposed to deliver to customers. But Joshua's life changed forever after he encountered a protoplasmic monster on the street. Enraged, he attacked the green bubble, was electrocuted by a downed power line... and lost consciousness. Boy…

Alix Harrower's husband Lance was working on the Smart Skin project, which turns soft skin into a metal material stronger than steel. Wanting to preserve youth not only for himself, but also for his 27-year-old wife, Lance personally tried the invention, but suffocated. Dying, he touched Alix, giving her the Smart Skin. She went through the bonding process and then learned that Lance was possessed by a superheroine from...

The past of Karen Beecher-Duncan and her superhero alter ego Bumblebee is shrouded in mystery due to memory loss. The wife of Malcolm Duncan, an award-winning film composer, seemed to have completely forgotten her superhero adventures and involvement with the Teen Titans. Karen believed that she first met her husband when he was writing music for the film Crash Site...

Frankenstein is an M.R.A.K. agent who sometimes collaborates with the Justice League Dark. The creature created by Victor Frankenstein acquired its own consciousness and turned against its creator. Having freed the prisoners who were supposed to be victims of Victor's experiments, the creature set off to explore the world. During his travels he had to come to terms with his nature. He took the name Frankenstein and, having met the head of "M.R.A.K." Father...

At the tender age of five, Christopher Schmidt witnessed the death of his father, an Austrian Nazi, who committed suicide to avoid trial. Christopher's mother took him to America and changed his last name to Smith. The boy grew up and joined the US Army, and there he became the commander of a detachment that massacred an entire Vietnamese village. He was accused of a crime, but was offered early release...

This is the world's greatest hero. He tirelessly protects the innocent and restores justice not only within the city of Metropolis, but also in other parts of the planet that shelters him, and even throughout the entire universe. With his ever-growing arsenal of powers and abilities resulting from exposing the cells of an alien organism to the energy of Earth's yellow sun, Superman is a powerful...

A robotic being from the future, Brainiac 8 (a descendant of the original Brainiac), has gone back in time to impersonate a heroine named Indigo. By "accidentally" releasing a broken Superman robot, Indigo caused the death of Donna Troy. She then joined the Outsiders, but later, when it was revealed that Indigo was the one who killed Donna, the Outsiders and the Teen Titans defeated her.

When Tatsu was a child, her best friends There were brothers Takeo and Maseo. Growing up, both fell in love with her, but in the end she chose Maseo and married him. The brothers were members of the Sword Clan, one of the Outsider gangs, a secret organization created to maintain harmony and destroy evil. When Tatsu saw Takeo and Maseo arguing...