The last novel written is always the most important for a mature writer. For Anatoly Kim, such a novel, long-awaited and iconic, is “The Joys of Paradise.” This is exactly what I want to talk about in the writer’s anniversary year.

– Literary scholars and critics have already written a lot about your work. But perhaps it would be most appropriate to talk about last novel"The Joys of Paradise" Throughout the novel, the hero Akim, experiencing many reincarnations, overwhelmed by the “endless itch of the universal road,” moves through time and space (the unit of measurement of which together is a kilometer hour) in search of the joys of paradise, some sweetest joy X. What is it? And how do you feel it in the context of your 75 years?

Main character and other heroes of “The Joys of Paradise” are not looking for some “sweetest” earthly joy X. But they rush along the dizzying serpentines of reincarnation in search of what they have never lost - the joys of heaven (RARA). In the “context of my 75 years,” I suddenly began to clearly understand that it was impossible to accept the gift immortality, if an ocean of heavenly joys does not splash inside its endless space. The most brilliant wonderful world without super-miracles will be unbearably boring. The joys of heaven are something, I don’t know what, it’s going there, I don’t know where. This is something super desirable, something greater than even itself immortality. This is the eternal unsatisfaction of the human heart, which has learned all the futility and inexplicability of its appearance in any world: this world, the other world, parallel, three-dimensional, four-dimensional. Heavenly joys are a great compensation for extreme existential despair, this is atonement for a person’s self-curse, expressed by the well-known maxim: “It would have been better for me not to have been born.” RARA is the drying of the tears of September 11, 2001, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Indonesian tsunami. All experienced and future great catastrophes on Earth, marked by millions of human casualties, will be in the hands of RARA.

The joys of Paradise are the illogical extraterrestrial consolation of humanity, which has given all the power of its genius to the cause of its own destruction, and the bright hope that this will not happen after all.


Anatoly Andreevich Kim was born on June 15, 1939 in the village of Sergievka, South Kazakhstan region, Kazakh SSR. He studied at the Moscow Art School in memory of 1905, graduated from the Literary Institute named after. A.M. Gorky. Author famous novels“Squirrel”, “Father Forest”, “Onlyria”, “Mushroom Picking to the Music of Bach”, “Island of Jonah”, stories “Lotus”, “Onion Field” and many others. Author of the recently published novel “The Joys of Paradise”. Academician Academy of Russian Literature. Awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor (1984), awarded by the magazines “Friendship of Peoples” (1980), “Youth” (1997), the Evangelical Church of the Rhineland (1981), and. Y. Kazakova PEN Club of Kazakhstan (2000), “Yasnaya Polyana” (2005). Since the end of 2004 he lived in Kazakhstan. Now he lives in Peredelkino.

– The main character of the novel belongs to the ancient human race Homo insightful. What kind of race is this and is there any real life such people?

Homo the visionary and just seers- This is truly a special race of humanity. They all fully understand each other and speak the same language of communication. This language allows a relict dandelion to talk to a scientist lady from the University of Hawaii, giant octopus with a tiny fish Zemfira, a mouse with the Apostle Andrew the First-Called, etc. Seers there were both historically reliable persons and literary heroes famous works writers different eras. In the process of natural evolution, historical figures and fictional literary characters in novels gradually turned into one and the same community, because historical figures died in their own time and immediately turned into literary characters, henceforth existing only on paper, in the verbal world.

Seers were a race immortals, they were not threatened with the heavy sleep of death in the suffocating chamber of some advanced marginal era. They could jump from century to century, back and forth, from top to bottom and from bottom to top, along the Tree of Eternity, like frisky squirrels. Among living people I met real seers - the Indian Maharaja Gabindan Baba Ji, and the Russian Orthodox elder from the Borovsky Pafnutievsky Monastery, Father Vlasiy, and my godfather Innokenty Mikhailovich Smoktunovsky, and also Nikolai Mikhailovich Lyubimov, translator of Marcel Proust, “The Decameron,” “ Don Quixote”, “Gargantua and Pantagruel”...

– One of the most paradoxical ideas in the novel is the idea thaththe body is mortal, but the soul, on the contrary, is mortal. Moreover, it is important to write exactlyhdeath, through the letterh. A very bold statement. Can you justify it?

– A person is born in the material world and receives an immaterial soul. This is how God gives. The body is eternal with the eternity of matter. The soul is eternal by the eternity of the World Spirit. Man is material and spiritual, which means he is eternal. He was eternal before his birth on earth - in before life- and will be eternal in afterlife. Homo the seer after his bodily death he moved to another material form and, according to the law of conservation of energy and matter, continued his life in a different form - a butterfly, an elephant, an ant, a dolphin, a new dalailama. Yes, miracles of metamorphosis, yes, reincarnation.

The body after death remains on earth in the eternity of matter, passing through many, many types of metamorphoses, so it immortal. The soul leaves the material world forever, therefore it is mortal for the earthly world.

– According to Kim, time is the greatest misconception. And periods before life And afterlife- no less important than the actual period of existence. How is all this interconnected and how does it relate to eternity?

– What is called eternity? This is the stillness of time. So, we live with the conviction that there is time that flows. But where and when did time begin to flow? And where does it flow? Time is eternal, and endless, and without beginning. Prove to me that this is not so. Where and when did it start and when should it end? So, eternity cannot have a beginning and cannot have an end. Eternity is motionless. Therefore, time does not flow from anywhere. And in general - it does not exist, time cannot be measured like space, it cannot be weighed like matter, it does not have temperature characteristics. What is there? There is our anxious idea that time flies, passes by, disappears into the sand, flows through our fingers, that there is a one-way movement of time, that you cannot enter the river of time twice.

Why did I need to “dump” the concept of time in my novel? Yes, only in order to call for a revolution the best minds of humanity against the power that has endlessly and savagely oppressed us throughout history. I mean the power of Death. No, I’m not saying that death doesn’t exist or that it’s not scary, I’m saying that for a person there is death - both natural from disease and unnatural, violent - from torture and execution, but this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that there is death, there is death h death. It is much more significant for a person in his unity with eternity. Be h The mortal existence of each of us is that we already existed before our birth - and will exist after our death.

I spoke about all these things in “The Joys of Paradise” in the language not of reason, but of feelings and created special system emotional advancement of thought through the philosophical jungle, through the thickness of inert material of abstract concepts and schemes. To gain the necessary power of persuasiveness, I used the logic of dreams, according to which anything can happen - any collisions, meetings, surreal fusions and time shifts. And this logic, used as a method of organization literary composition, gave the most unexpected results and a delightful, never-before-experienced feeling of freedom!

– The philosophical conversation with Tsiolkovsky about the spiritualized cosmos, about the evolution of the cosmos as a series of transitions from the material to the energetic, radiant state, in which Konstantin Eduardovich now resides, is interesting. Apparently, you share his theory...

– Tsiolkovsky is better known in the world and in Russia as the father of astronautics, author and developer rocket ships for interstellar travel. But he is very little known as the creator of an amazing philosophy. This philosophy stands among the teachings of such outstanding Russian natural philosophers as Fedorov and Vernadsky. The theory of monism, Tsiolkovsky’s doctrine of a living, united universe, amazes the imagination with incredible beauty and optimism. According to Tsiolkovsky, the cause of the appearance of the cosmic universe and everything that is adjacent to it, including such a small thing as intelligent humanity on one tiny planet, is the cause and goal of all evolution alive The Cosmos is the Universal Love of the Creator of the universe, whom Tsiolkovsky calls Supreme Mind and which is incomprehensible to the human mind. The Universe was created according to the laws of heavenly Love, thanks to which the stars in space love each other and treat each other with care and, law-abidingly following the rules of gravity, do not collide, but rotate around one another in gallant orbital dances. View starry sky therefore it is so joyful and beautiful that the round dance of the Universe is in the great happiness of eternal harmony.

– If we talk about the religious component of the novel, then “The Joys of Paradise” is a kind of merging of Christianity, Buddhism and Hinduism, as well as pagan beliefs and atheistic scientific hypotheses. In your opinion, doesn’t all this come into conflict with each other or, on the contrary, is a complex, difficult to understand and necessary harmony of worldview being built?

– No matter how many religious systems there are in humanity, no matter how different they look, they all boil down to one thing: to the relationship of people to the One Whom Tsiolkovsky calls the Supreme Mind, Christians - the Father in heaven, Muslims - Allah, Buddhists - Buddha, Hindus - Brahma. Everyone turned to to one God with a plea to protect them from the forces of darkness, fraught with terrible threats, from the insurmountable troubles sent by these forces - and to intercede before the treachery and malice of Death. There is no connection or splicing in my novel different religions, nor mixing any scientific hypotheses with them. Such eclecticism is unacceptable for a writer who does not consider himself a thorough philosopher, but allows himself to philosophize - he has such a weakness. The novel reflects some of the provisions of the world's religious and philosophical systems you listed, but all these mental efforts are directed in one common direction - to mention eternal hopes people for the highest justice and prayers and protection before the treachery of death.

The Christian motif in the novel was also directed in one direction - I wanted to see in Christianity with its main idea - God is Love - a connection with the law of universal Love. The stars love each other - this is the basis of the Universal House.

– Stylistically, the novel “The Joys of Paradise” is quite complex. There is a change of narrative perspectives, a change of narrators (although the voice of one, the main one, predominates), and the overlapping of temporal and spatial layers, and the polyphony of several realities: mythical, folklore, magical, cosmic and everyday. Was it difficult to write the novel? And what is the main ethical message?

– The novel looks complicated, but I will answer this with the words of a character from the movie “Beware of the Car,” in which my godfather I. Smoktunovsky played the main role: “Comrade judges! Detochkin is guilty before the law... But he is not guilty!” And the novel was written very simply and joyfully, with great joy of the soul and not at all difficult. Isn't this felt in the cantilena of language and style?

I wrote this novel to say No The Big Lie that thinks it bought human world. I wrote to say No the established self-confident opinion that Big Luck books are a lot of money that will be paid for it. I wrote to answer Yes to those ill-wishers who will tell me: do you really believe that in our market age of brilliant bestsellers people will read your grandiose cosmic meta-novel that does not fit into any market gates, overloaded with starry dreams, a thousand and one nights of verbal magic, and full of creative freedom ? Yes, I will answer, I believe.

Conducted the conversation Anastasia ERMAKOVA

Three required questions:

– At the beginning of the twentieth century, critics vied with each other to say that the writer was shredding. What can we say about the present time?

– I didn’t live at the beginning of the twentieth century and I don’t know why critics said that then. Although what kind of “grinding” could one talk about when L. Tolstoy, A. Chekhov, I. Bunin were still alive? Strange critics! Maybe they considered themselves such giants that everyone there, L. Andreev, was just a midge for them? And offhand, Knut Hamsun, Bernard Shaw, Thomas Mann, Akutagawa Ryunosuke were on the world stage?..

What can we say about our time? I can say such a thing that critics will hang me on the literary branch on which I sit. Therefore, I will not say anything about other writers, whether they are small or not. I'd rather tell you about myself.

One writer, my peer, who has long been considered great, once told me: “I am a Russian writer, I am in the service of my people. I am committed to my people. But you are not a Russian person and you can easily go out into the world.” By this he wanted to say that I have more creative freedom, and therefore I am better. But it turned out almost like in one old popular saying: “I eat, yes, my own, and you stand next to me.”

Well, I tried to reach out to the “world” and wrote a lot of books while rotating in this orbit: “Father-Forest”, “Squirrel”, “Island of Jonah”, etc. - and here is a new one - “The Joys of Paradise”.

So am I now a big writer or one of the small ones? I can’t say anything either in my own defense or in self-praise.

– Why did writers cease to be “masters of thoughts”? Can you imagine the situation of “literature without a reader” and will you continue writing if this becomes a reality?

– Writers cease to be masters of thoughts when these “thoughts” do not enter the heads of their contemporaries. How can you become the rulers of something that does not exist? I can safely say that the restructuring of socialism into capitalism, the plunder of a great state by the giants of new Russian democracy, the emergence of thousands of billionaires against the backdrop of millions of poor pensioners do not awaken any special thoughts in thinking heads, except for those that annoyingly revolve around the word how much. How much dollars? How many euros? How many rubles? What percentage? How much can you sell for? Buy? Betray? Kill? Be in love? This word totally dominates people’s brains. modern society. But if there are still writers who are not preoccupied with such thoughts and have their own thoughts, they will remain with them. And the writer will finally become the ruler of thoughts - his own, of course.

If it turns out that as a result of all this the writer will be left without a reader, and he doesn’t want to write “for how long”, he can stop writing and go to work for building managers. If the housing and communal services take it, of course...

– What question would you like to answer, but I didn’t ask you?

– I would like to answer the question: “What do you think about the future of Russia?”

I answer in the words of one of the “visionary ones,” Maharaja Baba Ji from India, by whom I was received in his ashram in Old Delhi.

I asked him the same question, and the Indian sage replied: “Spiritual revival and the highest rise in the spirituality of mankind will occur in Russia.” (Maharaja Baba Ji visited Russia twice - during the times of Gorbachev and Yeltsin.) I want to believe in this - in spite of everything and at all costs.

Smart, beautiful and goodwill ambassador Angelina Jolie, of course, has something to dislike. This is especially true for close friends of Jennifer Aniston. They can't forgive Jolie for taking Pitt away from their friend.

TV presenter and actress Chelsea Handler does not mince words at all and has been actively expressing her position in relation to Angelina Jolie for a good ten years, starting with Jolie’s kiss with her brother after the Oscar ceremony in 2000.

“She can collect children from all over the world, but I won’t trust her one bit. In an interview she says that she doesn’t have any friends at all, it’s because she’s such a bitch!” – this is how Chelsea once described Angelina. Of course, Jolie is not happy with such loud accusations. And in turn, I also don’t have a high opinion of Handler.

“English roses” and thorns: Sharon Osbourne VS Madonna

The reason for the conflict between these two ladies is not known for certain, but it can be assumed that sometime during the time stormy youth Madonna spoke in an unflattering way about the Ozzy Osbourne. The musician apparently forgot to think about what happened, but his sharp-tongued wife has a less selective memory.

For example, about literary creativity Madonna, namely about the children’s book “English Roses,” Ms. Osborne responded literally as follows: “And she also writes these insanely stupid little books, and our children read them! If my mother came to me with similar works...” What follows in the quotation are statements that are not at all intended for publication.

It is worth noting that there were no comments in response from Madonna herself, only the singer’s representative stated that Madonna does not have the slightest idea why Sharon decided to make such caustic statements.

In a fight over Brad Pitt

Everyone knows this story: the beautiful Jolie entangled family man Pitt, who left his wife Jennifer Aniston after five years of marriage. The office romance, which began on the set of the film Mr. and Mrs. Smith in 2004, ended for Pitt with a ten-year marriage to Jolie and six children. Aniston's fans still cannot forgive Pitt for cheating, and 10 years ago the battle between the armies of the two beauties reached its peak and allowed T-shirt manufacturers to make good money (remember T-shirts with the inscriptions Team Aniston and Team Jolie?).

However, recently thunder roared in paradise: 40-year-old Angelina discovered correspondence with ex-wife! Jolie was furious that her husband did not tell her about these messages, although he simply considered it polite to congratulate Aniston on her wedding.

Kelly Osbourne and Christina Aguilera

Making fun of each other's weight


Enmity forever is about these star girls. The tension between the artists has been going on for more than ten years: in 2003, at the MTV ceremony in Edinburgh, Christina Aguilera threw darts at Kelly Osbourne's posters behind the stage, and during the broadcast she was not afraid to take a swipe at her enemy, calling Osbourne “poor, sad and angry child" “Darling, if you want to get into fights, you need to learn to accept change!” - Aguilera said into the microphone. The most interesting thing is that no one really knows what initially caused the quarrel, but the girls still grin at each other. When Osbourne lost weight and changed her image, and Christina, who always criticized appearance Kelly began to gain weight, Osbourne said that now Christina is finding her true face as a “fat bitch.”

Nicki Minaj and Mariah Carey

They fought over who was more important in the show.

The producers of the 12th season of American Idol were either unaware of the intricacies of the relationship between the two divas, or they subtly calculated how much attention would be focused on the project due to the constant squabbles of the two singers who were appointed judges on the project. Carey considers Minaj to be an outright freak who is unable to adequately evaluate real talent. Every time Nicki expressed her opinion about one or another participant, Carey broke out in a rash and could not hide her irritation, which is why Minaj repeatedly disrupted filming by simply leaving the studio. Mariah insisted that “that crazy woman” threatened to shoot her, and Nicki, in turn, called her colleague “her damn highness.” The season finale was a real celebration for the entire show team.

They couldn’t stomach each other on the set of “The Notebook”

Oh yes, of course, we dreamed of being in the place of the heroes of the 2004 melodrama “The Notebook”. Heroes, but not the actors who played the main roles in the film. These two hated each other! Ryan Gosling, who was approved for the project earlier, asked director Nick Cassavetes to find him another partner, but he did not follow the actor’s lead. As a result, the entire filming process was accompanied by quarrels between Gosling and McAdams, which the film’s teams preferred “not to notice.” The most interesting thing is that after filming ended, the former enemies began dating! The romance lasted three years with a break for separation, and in what terms the actors separated is not known exactly.

They hate being compared to each other

Despite similar fates, the girls hate each other. It all started two years ago with the arrest of Amanda Bynes in her Manhattan apartment after complaints from neighbors. According to them, the girl often rolled a joint right in the entrance and talked to herself. Amanda met the police squad extremely unfriendly, which was the reason to send her for a psychiatric examination. Afterwards, numerous of the girl’s colleagues were convinced of the need for treatment. Bynes, who had gone off the rails, not only behaved strangely (attempted strangers, came to court in a wig), but also began insulting celebrity acquaintances. Amanda's wrath fell randomly on the most different stars: Rihanna turned out to be “ugly”, Cher - “old woman”, Jay Z - “disgusting”. The stars who fell under the hot hand preferred not to comment on Amanda’s statements in any way - she was clearly not herself. But Lindsay Lohan couldn't stand it. “Why the hell is this starlet still free!” LiLo wrote on Twitter. The actress mentioned that she was punished for drunk driving and served time in prison, and Bynes, in addition to drunk driving, did a bunch of crazy things and is still walking free. Of course, Bynes did not ignore the caustic remark, calling Lindsay a bitch. However, LiLo was angry ahead of time: Bynes was still “prescribed” for compulsory psychiatric treatment.

Quarreled over tennis player's statement

The childish spontaneity of the former tennis player played a cruel joke on the athlete. Back in 2000, Kournikova said in an interview with Vogue magazine that she once ran into actress Elizabeth Hurley at a social reception, and she turned out to be “such an ugly person.” British journalists came to the defense of their favorite, but she only joked about Anna’s words: “Well, what can you expect from a child with a face like a potato.”

They think each other isn't stylish enough

Quarrels between two British beauties are also a thing of the past. Ten years ago, Naomi, known for her quarrelsome and uncooperative character, suddenly snapped at the singer, who was known under the nickname “Posh” during the Spice Girls’ era. “And in what place is she gorgeous?” - Campbell asked. In response to this, Vicky, who is known for her love of dieting and her emaciated figure, called the model a “cow”. After exchanging pleasantries, the girls try to avoid each other in society, and during casual meetings they behave in English with restraint and coldness.

Hollywood stars who hate each other.

Hollywood actors are on the other side of the screen from us, but while admiring them, we do not always remember that they are people just like us, subject to violent passions and experiencing the same simple human feelings: love and hate. Especially hatred.

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It's always sad when a couple, previously madly in love, begins to loudly and ugly insult each other.

Kim and Alec were one of the most beautiful families Hollywood, but due to disagreements in raising their grown-up daughter, their relationship grew colder and colder, until one fine day an angry Alec, unable to reach his daughter by phone, sent her an SMS with such vile content that the girl almost committed suicide . Kim did not forgive her husband for such an insensitive act, and this was the beginning of mutual hatred, burning so much that now these two cannot even be placed in the same room. A scandal with curses and assault will be guaranteed.

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Shannon is known in Hollywood not only for her quarrelsome character, for which, by the way, she paid for her leading role in the Beverly Hills 90210 project, but also for her greed for other people’s men, which has brought her trouble more than once.

As a matter of fact, the main role in "Charmed" was taken away from her for the same reason. A whirlwind romance broke out on the set between Alyssa Milano and Julian McMahon. Well, how could Shannon pass by and not participate? And she was not even embarrassed by the fact that Julian at that moment had already been taken away from his legal wife by Alyssa. That’s how poor McMahon became twice taken away, Milano has been trying to pounce on Doherty with his fists as soon as he sees it, and what McMahon’s legal wife thinks about all this is unknown.

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The story of hatred between these two handsome guys is as old as time. As one said famous pirate, “It was not alcohol that destroyed them, not the dichotomy of good and evil, but women.” It all started with the fact that Justin deigned to invite his wife Orlando on a date, and she, turning out to be a frivolous girl, agreed.

A few days later, Orlando repaid the offender by publishing racy photos of his girlfriend, which he took personally. How this story ended was witnessed by frightened visitors of a fashionable restaurant in Ibiza, when security pulled Orlando and Justin to different corners of the establishment, and the latter, wiping his broken nose, called Bloom “vile Legolas.” To which “Legolas” promised that someday he would rip off Bieber’s ears.

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Many of the fans of the film “The Notebook” have more than once wished to be in the shoes of the main characters and experience the same exciting and ardent love. But God forbid that we confuse our desires and end up in the place not of the heroes, but of the actors who played them.

In reality, Ryan and Rachel simply couldn't stomach each other. Moreover, this hostility reached such proportions that in the midst of filming, the producers even considered kicking them both out and hiring other actors. But fortunately, both Ryan and Rachel are professionals and played their roles so well that none of the viewers even guessed about their real feelings.

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It is difficult to assess this relationship as mutual hostility, because there are no bad actions on the part of Michael Bay towards Megan. But Megan, on the contrary, does not behave very nicely, periodically speaking about Michael in very bad terms.

The reason for her hatred was her dismissal from the Transformers project after she called Michael “a real Hitler.” Since then, she has been offended by Michael and does not even take into account the fact that it was not he himself who fired her, but Steven Spielberg, who was the executive producer of the project and was outraged by her behavior on the set.

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Sienna Guillory is an aspiring actress and there are still not enough stars from the Hollywood horizon. This fully explains her envy of already established actresses, but does not in any way justify her habit of constantly saying various nasty things about her colleagues. And if most women in the film business prefer not to react to her attacks, then Kate Beckinsale was very offended in response to Sienna’s statement that Kate allegedly has fake breasts. However, Kate did not humiliate herself to her level, but only modestly noted that instead of doing stupid things, it would be better if Sienna worked more on her acting skills, then she would be successful.

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Rupert, so to speak, practically gives Jennifer no rest, constantly criticizing her work. Relatively recently, for example, he spoke to the BBC television channel: “Actresses like Jennifer Aniston should not be on the A-list of actors.” Celebrities like her play the same characters year after year and receive large fees due to past achievements. At the same time, if such actors are on set, the whole world begins to revolve around them.” This sounds even more offensive when you consider that Rupert has never acted with Aniston and does not even know her personally.

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The enterprising Russian beauty Oksana Grigorieva has already shown herself in all her glory, winning Timothy Dalton, giving birth to his daughter and abandoning him. But Timothy was not at all offended and, according to rumors, was even happy.

Journalists around the world understood exactly what he was happy about a few years later, when the beauty began a noisy divorce from Mel Gibson, whom she took away from the family and to whom she also gave birth to a child. She exposed all of Gibson’s “dirty laundry” to the public, exposed him as a domestic tyrant and tyrant, and then sued for astronomical alimony and half his fortune. Mel did not remain in debt, suing her for disclosure intimate secrets, and sued for my money back. Now this couple remembers each other exclusively in obscene terms.

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Once, in an interview with a certain publication, Handler suddenly burst into an angry tirade about Angelina, ending it like this: “She can collect children from all over the world, but I won’t believe in her feelings for a penny. In an interview she says that she doesn’t have any friends at all, it’s because she’s such a bitch!”

It would seem, how could Angelina Jolie herself offend a little-known comedienne? The reason for the anger was revealed a little later, when everyone remembered that Chelsea is a close friend of Jennifer Aniston, who at one time had to “give up” her husband to Jolie. Well, now Angelina doesn’t miss the chance to tease her opponent.

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The feud between the former youth stars began over nothing. Both beauties have long been distinguished by intemperate behavior associated with various vicious addictions. They are both big fans of noisy sprees, various invigorating potions, and they both love to take a breeze along the highway after heavy libations. And if Lindsay was repeatedly punished for such hooliganism, then Amanda was somehow lucky.

One day, Amanda was caught red-handed drinking alcohol while driving her car. The court reprimanded her and then sent her home to think about her behavior. Lindsey broke down and wrote on her blog: “What the hell? I would have been imprisoned for this, but this, sorry, star is still free?” Amanda could not stand this, and now the stars are waging an active Internet war, and their subscribers are happy to take part in it and comment on the battles.

Everyone is used to positive ratings: “top of the best” married couples, top most famous mothers of many children, the top most beautiful and smartest stars." But in show business, not everything is so smooth, and next to the positive there is always back side- hatred. Many celebrities fiercely hate their colleagues. Sometimes hatred goes so far that filming is disrupted, producers suffer millions in losses, and destinies are ruined. Today we present a ranking of stars who can't stand each other.

Gwyneth Paltrow and Madonna: Female friendship doesn't exist?

It would seem that what can unite these artists? One is all so correct, sweet, aristocratic, acts in the right films, wears the right clothes. And the other is a provocative woman, the inimitable Madonna. She was never afraid to challenge society, she always created fashion and history herself. But these two stars for a long time were very good friends. Gwyneth even called Madonna hers older sister. But suddenly the ten-year history of friendship came to an abrupt end.

Today, ex-girlfriends can't stand each other. They try not to cross paths at social events and not to participate in projects together. None of them clarifies what caused this turn of events. But the friendship came to an end after Madonna's divorce from Guy Ricci. Earlier celebrity couples We were friends with our families, but after the divorce, friendly gatherings stopped. Apparently, in this situation, Gwyneth took Guy Ricci’s side.

Kim Basinger and Alec Baldwin: Love as a reason for hate

A beautiful couple, a happy family, a beautiful baby daughter - this is how it all began in the Baldwin/Basinger story. The star union lasted for 11 years, in which Island, blonde as her mother, grew up. The couple's family chronicle ended with loud trials, mutual accusations and washing dirty laundry in public. How this weight affected my daughter - only God knows. But since then, Basinger has become furious at the mention of the name of her ex-husband, let alone the communication between former lovers. Although more than ten years have passed since all the events, passions have not subsided, and the hatchet of war has not been buried. Baby Island has turned into an adult girl with complex character. Perhaps not last role Her parents, who hate each other, played a role in this.

Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie: What is karma

Only the lazy person doesn’t know about the mutual hatred of these two beauties. Back in 2005, Jolie without hesitation took Brad Pitt away from his family, managed to give birth to three children, marry him and divorce him. All this time, Aniston followed the fate of the Brangelina couple and kept waiting for the boomerang that was supposed to overtake the beauty Angie, a hunter of other people's husbands. Although Aniston also managed to marry Justin Theroux, her life was not as eventful as that of her ex.

And then karma finally caught up with Jolie - she and Brad divorced, despite six children and universal love to their couple. Rumor has it that Jennifer began to communicate with her ex-husband, console him and give advice. Today Angie is nervously smoking on the sidelines, looking at how ex-husband increasingly appears in public with Aniston.

Sarah Jessica Parker and Kim Cattrall: Hate in the City

The Sex and the City stars played best friends on screen, but few people knew that behind the scenes they couldn't stand each other. That's what it means acting! Their far from warm relationship was previously unknown general public, but Kim Cattrall’s brother recently died, and Parker sent her public condolences. Kim's answer stunned everyone - she called Sarah a hypocrite and asked not to disturb her family anymore and not to try to publicize her grief. Cattrall also wrote on the page social network that Parker is not her friend and never has been.

Rumor has it that Kim Cattrall initially did not fit into the company - Kristin Davis, Sarah Jessica Parker and Cynthia Nixon. This happened due to the age difference, because Samantha is not only the oldest of her friends in the series, but in real life she is 10 years older than the other actresses from the four.

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard: From passionate love to fights

Johnny Depp was literally smitten by Amber Heard. Like a boy, he lost his head and plunged into a whirlpool of passion with his 24-year-younger Amber. And she twisted it as best she could. This beautiful blonde reminded Depp of himself in his youth, in those days when he went against everything, was a rebel and an unpredictable person. For the sake of the fatal Heard, he abandoned the sophisticated and faithful Vanessa Paradis, forgot about the calm family life and suddenly married the object of his passion. And this was precisely the passion that is often mistaken for love.

After just 15 months, the marriage ended. Amber filed for divorce, claiming that her husband regularly raised his hand to her in a drunken stupor. Of course, Depp denied everything, but his missus was convincing. She provided photo evidence of his assault in court and called witnesses. After such public humiliation ex-spouses there was simply no chance of saving even the slightest bit a good relationship. Even today Depp does not want to hear anything about the beautiful Heard, calling their marriage a big mistake.

Amanda Bynes and Lindsay Lohan: Bad girls don't like their own kind

The fates of these two actresses are very similar: they both at one time were addicted to drugs, alcohol, started brawls and found themselves in ridiculous situations in an inadequate state. But the separations did not intersect with each other until a certain time. The thing is that Amanda Bynes wanted to throw a bucket of dirt at her colleagues in show business, and she gladly went through not only Lindsay, but also other celebrities.

Rihanna, Cher, Jay Z and others, who fell under the hot hand of the tireless Amanda, chose to ignore her attack. They knew that Amanda was probably not herself. But Lohan did not swallow the insults and expressed her bewilderment that Bynes was still at large. After all, the actress has been accused of drunk driving and other dangerous behavior more than once. Apparently Lindsay's prayers were answered and Amanda was sent to compulsory treatment to a psychiatric clinic.