Q Why do people hug!!! What do hugs mean?

Few people thought about this. But I wonder, is a person born with this feature, or does he acquire it during his life? The answers to this question may vary. Just like there can be different types of hugs. But one thing is clear: over the years, people’s need for them increases.

“A person needs four hugs every day to survive, eight to keep himself in good shape, and twelve to develop further.” Something like this, if you convey the meaning, said the famous American writer, public figure, and home therapist Virginia Satir. Her books, and indeed all her activities, were devoted to the study of human relationships in the family and in society as a whole. So why is a person given the ability to hug and why does he do it? Let's try to get into the topic based on some examples.

Hugs expressing greeting. They may be different. When people do not know each other closely, their hugs can resemble one thing light touch tel. A discreet kiss on the cheek or a regular handshake, of course, will be much more formal than such a hug. On the contrary, if people have not seen each other for a long time, then the hugs will be very strong and full of joy from the long-awaited meeting.

Replacing a kiss with a hug. This gesture would be most appropriate on a date if, for example, one person expresses his intention to kiss the other, but he is not in the mood. then it can be beautifully replaced with a hug. Almost always this is perceived and everything falls into place. This smart move helps avoid a showdown on this moment and leaves them for later. Well, then we’ll see.

Feel closer to someone. Very often the desire to hug someone comes suddenly, without even having to think about it. This can serve as confirmation that this movement comes instinctively, and is probably inherent in a person by nature itself. You’re walking along the road with your interlocutor, and suddenly, as the conversation progresses, the desire comes to stop and hug him right in the middle of the road, completely forgetting that there are other people around.

Expression of approval, admiration. Strong, friendly, intermittent hugs that say “well done” when they are proud of a person for being like this, or for achieving another success. There are different reasons - acceptance for Good work, the birth of a child in a family, receiving a long-awaited diploma and other events that occur in a person’s life relatively rarely and for which he has been waiting for a certain time.

Expressing sympathy and support. IN difficult moments In life, when trouble happens, natural disasters, strong hugs are very important, because they make it clear that there are other people nearby and they will help, if necessary, no matter what happens. Even without saying a word, but simply hugging another person in a difficult moment for him, you let him know that he is not alone.

Hugs that say goodbye!. When you lose a loved one, loved one, and you know that you will never see him again. This could be the separation of two lovers who must separate for certain reasons. This is the last hug of a loved one, since his life in this world is over and he has a long journey ahead to other worlds.

The happiest hugs. A young mother holds in her hands a newborn whose birth she has been waiting for so long. Her hands are shaking, there are tears of joy in her eyes, and she is trembling all over from the emotions overwhelming her. The embrace of two people passionately in love, who seem to grow into one another and nothing can separate them.

It becomes clear that a person simply needs the ability to hug. This is another of his natural ways of expressing his emotions. But I really want there to be as many of all the happiest hugs as possible!!!

It would seem that a hug is just a manifestation of sympathy or affection for a person. But in reality they carry more power than might seem at first glance. The benefits of hugs are to improve people's mental and physical well-being. After the manifestation of this form of intimacy, a general improvement in a person’s mood is noted.

In the ancients eastern scriptures hugs are said to be a very important action for any person, which has a healing and rejuvenating effect. When a man and woman hug, an exchange of energies occurs - the couple becomes closer friend to friend. All life on Earth awaits warmth and kindness. Let's look at the power of hugs in more detail.

Health benefits of hugging

  • strengthen the immune system,
  • disease prevention,
  • speed up the healing process,
  • improve heart function,
  • normalize blood pressure,
  • increase hemoglobin levels,
  • contribute to the healthy development of children,
  • relieve menstrual pain in women,
  • have a rejuvenating effect,
  • promote the release of happiness hormones,
  • charge with positive energy,
  • lift your spirits,
  • make a person happy
  • strengthen nervous system,
  • calm down
  • reduce stress,
  • eliminate depression,
  • relieve insomnia,
  • relieve internal tension,
  • create a feeling of security and safety,
  • eliminate fear and anxiety from life,
  • strengthen relationships and bring people closer together,
  • increase self-esteem.

Women are more dependent on hugs than men, but both sides need them. :)

Everyone has long known that most diseases begin to develop in the human body from negative and pessimistic thoughts. Hugs are an excellent preventative against them. And all thanks to oxytocin, which begins to be produced in the hypothalamus when people touch each other. It helps reduce stress, anxiety and improve quality of life.

Oxytocin is also responsible for longevity in married people. It has long been noted that family people live longer than single people.

In addition, hugs promote the production of the hormones serotonin and dopamine. They have a calming effect on a person, causing feelings of well-being and calm. Interestingly, this effect still persists for a long time after touching.

As mentioned above, representatives of the fair sex need hugs more than men, but they will be beneficial to both parties. Hugs are not a whim of girls, it is a feature of their nature. Women who hug a lot tend to be in a state of harmony. They are happy, friendly and calm. They feel loved and therefore confident. Thanks to this, women trust their partners, value them and care about them. Result - happy men. :) Everyone is fine and everyone is happy!

The meaning of hugs for a child

In addition to women, children have a greater need for hugs. Touch is like air to them. When mom and dad hug the baby, he feels “at home” - this Big world It’s not so scary for him anymore.

In addition, this display of affection improves the relationship between parents and children. They interact better with each other and are more intimate. A child who is hugged regularly trusts his parents.

It has been proven that tactile contact between parents and children contributes to their healthy development.

A properly “loved” child is often in a good mood, he is more inquisitive, sociable and intellectually developed.

If you hug children a lot (of course, within reasonable limits :)) in their early age, then they will grow up to be people capable of love. Children who are not hugged before the age of 7 often grow up withdrawn and incapable of feeling. They will be at odds with society. As a rule, due to the lack of affection in childhood, cruel individuals grow up. And there is a lot of evidence for this.

How many hugs does a child need?

It makes no difference whether you have a girl or a boy. The need for hugs is absolutely the same for both. Psychologists recommend hugging children up to 30 times a day. During tactile contact with your child, speak pleasant and gentle words to him.

But of course, there is no need to count how many times you have already hugged your child today. Everything must come from the soul and from a pure heart. Love your child! Hug as often as possible: when reading a book together, singing songs, while playing, talking, watching cartoons, etc.

Hug therapy

There is such a thing as “hug therapy.” Many trainings use hugs to relieve withdrawal, treat depression and other mental disorders.

According to many psychologists, modern society lack of physical intimacy. Suitable for hugs close person, and a pet (favorite pet). The absence of this simple and innocent contact robs a person of the joy of life, leads to isolation and loss of intimacy with environment and people. Hugging is a must.

How many hugs should you hug a day?

According to one of the founders of the self-help movement, Louise Hay, to survive, a person needs to hug at least 4 times daily, 8 times to support life, 12 times for growth and development.

Hugs are truly vital for a healthy and happy life. They bring pleasure, lift your spirits, and make you smile. Touch helps perfectly both psychologically and physically.

If someone is sitting next to you right now (your loved one, mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, daughter, son, sister, brother, your favorite cat or dog) or is in the next room, don’t be lazy to come up and give them a big hug. strong. Don't be shy, snuggle up to him for at least 2-3 seconds. Relax and forget about grievances. Immerse yourself in the world of a person (or your pet:)), give him your warmth, love, and you will remember the feeling of mutual cosmic kindness for a long time.

Hug, love each other and be happy. ;)

Video Flash mob Free hugs

▫ Hugs are much more useful than they might seem at first glance. Research shows that hugging helps people both psychologically and physically.

▫ According to Louise Hay, we need four hugs a day for survival, eight hugs a day for support, twelve hugs a day for growth and development.

▫ In the 1970s, researchers began studying chemicals called endorphins, which were found in the human circulatory and nervous systems. Endorphins are morphine-like substances that reduce pain and cause a feeling of euphoria. Research shows that the amount of these natural drugs produced by the brain and nervous system increases when we hug.

▫Psychologists often say that to modern man lacks physical intimacy with another living being, no matter whether it is dear person, a stranger or just a cat. The absence of such innocent, asexual contact deprives a person of the joy of being, leads to the fact that a person withdraws into the cage of his personality, loses the feeling of closeness with all humanity and contact with reality.

▫ There is an area of ​​the brain that actively works in response to touching human skin. If a child is not hugged enough, part of his brain atrophies and his immune system suffers.

▫ Hugs in early childhood make us capable of love. Children who grow up to age 7 without hugging may find themselves unable to love others. As a rule, they grow into psychopaths, sociopaths, i.e. people who are at odds with society and prone to antisocial behavior, as well as pathologically unadapted to life.

▫ In-depth research demonstrates this astonishing discovery. Societies where people hug each other less become more aggressive.
Research conducted by neuropsychologist James William Priscott strongly suggests that children who are not held or cared for have a very high chance of growing up to be killers.

▫ Hugs bring joy and help both psychologically and physically not only to those who are hugged, but also to those who hug:

  • - hugs strengthen immune system;
  • - stimulate the central nervous system;
  • - improve sleep;
  • - give strength;
  • - rejuvenate;
  • - relieve stress;
  • - increase the amount of oxytocin, a hormone that relieves depression, and also reduces blood pressure, that is, reduces the risk of heart disease;
  • — increase the level of hemoglobin, which strengthens the entire body, strengthens the immune system and accelerates recovery from illnesses;
  • - increase self-esteem;
  • - bring positive emotions;
  • - relieve internal fears, depression, loneliness.

▫ In the ancient writings of the East, hugs are described as a very important action for any person, which has a healing and rejuvenating effect, in which an exchange of male and female takes place. feminine energies. All creatures around are waiting for our warmth and kindness.

▫ Find a person next to you, snuggle up to him and, at least for a couple of seconds, stop thinking about what you usually occupy your brain with. Immerse yourself in his world, give him your silence, and you will not forget this feeling of mutual warmth and cosmic kindness for a long time.

For centuries, people have explored love by creating works of art: painting, poetry, music. IN Lately our knowledge about love is replenished with the help scientific knowledge about the chemistry and biology of love.

The hormone of happiness - oxytocin

Central to our responses to love and affection is the hormone oxytocin. Most xytocin is produced in an area of ​​the brain called the hypothalamus. Some of it gets into the blood, but most of remains in the brain and acts on the dopamine reward system.

Dopamine is different Chemical substance, which plays a key role in how we perceive pleasure. Problems with the reward system can lead to serious depression and other mental illnesses.

Scientists confidently say that physical contacts affect oxytocin levels. Oxytocin researcher Dr. Kathleen Light of the University of North Carolina says that people who receive a lot of hugs and other expressions warm relations houses tend to show the most high levels oxytocin in the laboratory. The same is true for mothers and babies: they both show higher levels of oxytocin when they touch each other.

More hugs - lower blood pressure

The hormones that are released in the body after hugs help improve well-being. When someone touches you, the sensation on your skin activates pressure receptors called Pacinian corpuscles, which then send signals to the vagus nerve, an area of ​​the brain that is responsible for lowering blood pressure.

Hugs ease our fears

A study on fears published in the journal Psychological Science found that hugging and touching significantly reduced our anxiety about death. Even hugging an inanimate object (like a teddy bear) can help calm you down.

Hugs are a natural antidepressant

When we hug, we immediately reduce the amount of stress hormone cortisol. Hugging also helps our body relieve tension and send calming messages to the brain.

Hugs relax muscles

With hugs we can relieve tension in the body. By increasing blood circulation to the soft tissues of the muscles, hugging soothes pain. In addition, they calm heart rhythms by an average of 5-10 beats per minute.

Warm hugs make you feel more confident when the relationship is just beginning, or you have been a couple for some time. Getting used to this simple action, a person often catches himself thinking that it is hugs that he lacks at a moment of loneliness. Few people know that there is a scientific basis for this need. Do you want to know about the secret, as well as some amazing facts hugs?

1. Hugs release oxytocin.

Oxytocin is a hormone of joy and happiness that can make a person feel good. In the act of pressing the bodies of two people against each other, this hormone is produced in the body of those hugging and has the final significance in the feeling of a warm relationship.

2. Oxytocin can boost the immune system

People in love often experience euphoria, a feeling of invincibility comes to them, a feeling that they can cope with any situation. This occurs due to the influence of the hormone described above and the fact that the person feels completely protected. The realization that nothing can harm the general condition, in turn, increases immunity. However, this works not only at the subconscious level. Scientists have proven that in the body of a lover, the number of hormones that can resist infection actually increases.

3. Hugs relieve pain

Oxytocin, released in the body when hugging, can also relieve physical pain. Remember how you mechanically rub the bruised area, and the pain really goes away. Remember how a mother hugs a fallen child, and he immediately stops crying.

4. The warmth of a hug can strengthen a relationship.

Without basic touches, it is impossible to develop the warmth of a relationship, it is impossible to develop the connection that has arisen. Sensory experiences are fundamental to strengthening connections. External influences and stress received at work can bring disharmony into relationships at the end of the day. Hugs will return everything to its place. To do this, you don’t need to cuddle with your partner all evening, just 10 minutes is enough. Moreover, these 10 minutes can accumulate over a day in total. And this will be quite enough to stop thinking about work, get psychological relief and at the same time further strengthen the relationship.

5. Touching can lead to intimacy.

Even touches that are not initially erotic can suddenly ignite a spark of passion. It is known that any touch produces dopamine, a hormone responsible for sexual desire. In this case, a gentle hug or massage given to your partner at the end of a busy day would be useful. Hugs that result in intimacy further strengthen the relationship. Sex can also relieve stress and act as some kind of physical activity.

6. Oxytocin bonds mother and child

Breastfeeding is very important for the formation of an invisible bond between mother and child. So, what we describe chemical compound arises not only in the relationship between a man and a woman, but also during childbirth and subsequently during breastfeeding. No matter how hard it is and what sleepless nights, during feeding, oxytocin helps a woman completely relax.

Have you noticed how children love to hug, how they gravitate towards it on a subconscious level and how they enjoy a new portion of hugs? This is how children manifest their need for love and affection, the need to realize complete security.

7. Hugs reduce social anxiety

How else does the chemical compound produced in the body during warm touch work? This hormone inspires a person to positive thinking and develops an optimistic view of what is happening around. Here is one case that confirms what has been said. When you show up at a party where the vast majority are strangers, you are not at all confused. As soon as you hug when meeting someone you know, your worries and fears immediately fade into the background. You feel a surge of optimism and happiness, and a new social environment no longer looks intimidating. Now you can easily become the star of a party with strangers.

8. Oxytocin fights stress

It is obvious that this amazing hormone is the most powerful and effective weapon in the human body. If we put together all the favorable factors listed above, we will get a reinforced concrete response to any stressful situation. If a person feels a strong connection with his partner, he automatically feels happier in the social environment.

9. The risk of heart disease is reduced

Minimal amount negative emotions experienced by a person, in turn, reduces the risk of heart disease. In addition, a heart that is happy in a relationship simply cannot fail on a physiological level.

10. Hugs should not be with the same partner.

It is not right if you make it a habit to hug only your lover. Hugs should become an integral ritual when meeting old friends, relatives and even unfamiliar people. Pets can also contribute to the formation of this healthy habit.