It is known that female models, as a rule, have above average height. But Ekaterina Lisnaya from Penza has simply extraordinary growth. Today, the 29-year-old model is considered the tallest woman in Russia. Her height is 2 meters 10 centimeters. Ekaterina also claims to be the tallest model in the world. Former basketball player and Olympic medal winner Ekaterina Lisina now works as a model.

Today, Amazon Eve is considered the tallest model, her height is 2 meters 7 centimeters, that is, she is shorter than me. I really want to get into the Guinness Book of Records and I think that I have every chance. The length of my legs is 1 meter 33 centimeters, and this is more than the current record,” says Ekaterina.


Catherine's unusual beauty has won her many fans all over the world. Men who like Amazon women tall, crazy about her. She is often stopped on the street and asked to take a photo.

In addition to the above, Ekaterina is the owner of another record: she has the largest foot size among women in Russia. She wears size 47 shoes.


I love attention. I hope when I get the titles I deserve, it will attract even more attention to me. I think my legs will help in my modeling career, because there are not too many models in the world with such long legs!


At the age of 16, Ekaterina had to make a choice between her childhood dream - a modeling career - and big sports. Then her basketball career was going up sharply, so she decided to postpone dreams of the podium until better times. The girl became a professional athlete: she played in a number of Premier League teams, including Dynamo Kursk and CSKA Moscow. In 2008, Ekaterina Lisina, together with the Russian Olympic basketball team, won a bronze medal at Olympic Games in Pekin. At the same time, even against the backdrop of her tall teammates, many fans remembered Ekaterina.


In 2014, Ekaterina left big sport and decided to realize her dream of modeling. In addition, a few years ago, Ekaterina became a mother - her son will soon turn six years old. According to her, pregnancy and the birth of a child taught her to love her own body. True, the relationship with the child’s father did not work out and she is raising the boy alone.


I got in shape during pregnancy and I loved it. I used to feel like a tall teenager, but now I feel like a woman. And for me my height is not a problem. I like him.


Catherine’s parents are also tall: her father is 198 centimeters, her mother is 188 centimeters. According to Vladimir Lisin, Catherine’s father, they noticed their daughter’s extraordinary growth from birth.

Already when we took her from the maternity hospital, we noticed that she was very long, with unusually long legs,” he says.


According to Sergei, Ekaterina’s brother, she was often teased at school for her tall height. But his subsequent sports, and now modeling career She proved everything to everyone a long time ago.

I remember that she was teased at school for her height. But she quickly realized that he gave her an excellent chance to reach athletic heights, and she seized on it. So I don't think being tall has caused her much trouble in life.


Since all of Catherine’s relatives are tall, in their family tall people are taken for granted. True, in everyday life this creates some inconvenience for the girl.

For example, as Catherine herself says, for a long time it was difficult for her to choose clothes.


It was not easy for me to choose clothes. I always understood that I was different from others. It wasn't until I turned 24 that I realized I was pretty. I have always been tall, with an athletic figure. But in the end, I realized that being tall is beautiful and that it attracts men. So now I don’t have any problems with the perception of my own body.

Size matters especially when it comes to a girl's height. Many representatives of the fair sex dream of being tall, but some of them would give a lot to be smaller than they really are.

The top 10 included tallest women in the world throughout history.

Height 202 cm

The tallest Russian woman is 202 cm tall. She is a Russian volleyball player and two-time world champion. Already at the age of 11, Katya’s height was equal to the height of the average man and was 172 centimeters. It was then that the girl finally decided on her professional purpose. Throughout her volleyball career, Gamova has received numerous awards. In the spring of 2016, the champion announced that she was leaving big-time sports for health reasons.

Height 205 cm

(real name Erica Ervin, born in 1979) is the tallest American woman today, her height is 205 centimeters. A native of California (USA), already at the age of fourteen she surpassed all her relatives and friends in height. The model herself later said that it was very hard time in her life, since then she stood out unfavorably among other girls with normal data. At the age of 32, when Eva had already become famous, she was included in the Book of Record Holders as the most tall model. She dreamed of making a career as a model since childhood, and her body proportions and height helped her dream come true. The model gained particular popularity after she decided to take part in photo shoots for the publishing house Zoo Weekly. A photo shoot was arranged for her with one of the shortest fashion models, just over one and a half meters tall. Amazon Eve is jokingly called Babyzilla, which stands for "baby" and "Godzilla." The model dreamed of trying herself as an actress, but she was never offered a worthy role. Now Eva’s career has come to an end, but the woman is not at all upset about this, because she has finally found her soul mate and lives happily and prosperously.

Height 206 cm

The tallest girl living in Brazil. In 2009, she was recognized as the tallest teenager with a height of 206 cm. At that time, the girl was only 14 years old. Now Elisani is 22 years old, and she is happily married to a man who is almost half a meter shorter than her.

Height 208 cm

The tallest female from Thailand, listed in the Guinness Book of Records in 2009. Her height today is 208 cm. At the age of nine, doctors discovered a brain tumor in the girl, which caused the development of gigantism. Doctors say that the problem is unlikely to be solved surgically. The only way out is expensive injections that inhibit growth. But the family doesn’t have that kind of money, so the girl has to rely on God’s will.

Height 218 cm

One of the tallest women in the world. A Lithuanian by nationality, a former USSR basketball player and three-time world champion became famous not only for her merits in sports, but also due to her height, which is 218 cm. The athlete has many achievements and awards behind her. Today she is recognized as the best Latvian basketball player of the 20th century. This year the legend of Soviet basketball will celebrate his 65th birthday.

Height 218 cm

One of the tallest athletes in the world. The professional Polish basketball player was 218 centimeters tall. She began her career at the age of twelve and throughout her time has managed to win several awards. Not only Dudek’s professional, but also personal life was going well. She married successfully and gave birth to two children. Death overtook the woman suddenly. On May 11, 2011, Molgorzata lost consciousness and was subsequently hospitalized. For seven days she was in a coma, from which doctors were unable to bring her out. The basketball player died at the age of 37 on May 19, 2011, being 4 months pregnant.

Height 232 cm

The tallest American woman is 232 cm tall. The woman was born in 1955 in Indianapolis. Her abnormal growth began to clearly manifest itself in the tenth year of her life, when the girl reached a height of almost 2 meters. In 1974, she dared and wrote a letter to the Guinness Book of Records with an unusual request - to introduce her to a person suffering from gigantism, like her. After this, Sandley became the object of everyone's attention. Soon the girl decided to undergo brain surgery, which did not produce successful results. Sandley Allen became not only the tallest among female representatives, but also the longest-liver among people with the same diagnosis. The record holder died at the age of 53 in 2008. Relatives and friends remember Sandley as a cheerful and optimistic person whose motto was the words: “Life is short, but I am not.”

Height 236 cm

One of the three tallest women in the world. A Chinese woman was born in 1972 with normal height and weight, but the girl was subsequently diagnosed with a pituitary tumor, as a result of which she began to grow very quickly. Already in the eleventh year of her life, her height was close to 2 meters. As an adult, Yao began performing in the circus to somehow earn a living. Subsequently, she decided to undergo brain surgery, but the pathological process could not be completely stopped. Yao Defen died at the age of 40. At that time, her height was 236 cm.

Height 241 cm

The tallest English woman was 241 cm tall at the time of her death. The woman was born in 1895 and during the first 11 years of her life she was no different from other children and was a healthy, full-fledged child. But in 1906, tragedy struck: Jane suffered a serious head injury after falling from her bicycle, resulting in damage to her pituitary gland. After this, the girl began to grow rapidly, and by her 21st birthday her height was 2 meters 41 centimeters. Banford was included in the Guinness Book of Records due to her unusual height. By the age of 26, the woman was diagnosed with severe curvature of the spine. Jane could no longer move independently without a wheelchair. In 1922 she died, which was caused by her illness.

Height 254 cm

The most tall woman in the world throughout history, whose height was 254 cm. The person was born in 1616 in the city of Edam (Netherlands) in the family of the Dutch spyker Cornelis Keever. Her mother was Cornelis's servant until 1605, after which they married and had a daughter, Treintje, 11 years later. After being born, the girl began to grow rapidly and already at the age of nine she could easily reach with her hand the base of the roof of a one-story house. The girl became the subject of general attention, which parents began to take advantage of: they showed their child at carnivals and fairs for a fee. Trentier died at the age of seventeen, when her parents brought her to another fair show. There are versions that the girl suffered from acromegaly. Today, the branch of the Edam Museum houses a portrait of Trentje Keever, painted by an unknown artist. Not far from the portrait rest size 54 shoes that previously belonged to the “Big Maiden” - this is exactly the nickname the record holder received at one time.

It just so happens that for some reason tall girls are considered the most beautiful. They walk on catwalks, act in films and become idols of millions. But there are ladies who would give a lot to become at least a little shorter. It is them that we will talk about today, since the topic of our article will be the tallest girls in the world in history.

10 Katerina Gamova

Following tradition, TOP 10 tallest women in the world we will begin to consider from the 10th position, which this time was occupied by our compatriot Ekaterina Gamova. The height of this pretty girl is 2 meters and 2 centimeters. Like most healthy girls with similar physical characteristics, Katya is an athlete, known in Russia and abroad as a volleyball player. Extraordinary growth and great shape coupled with her assertiveness allowed Ms. Gammava to become a two-time world champion, and this is a very serious achievement.

Katerina’s extraordinary physical characteristics began to appear at the age of 11; even then it became noticeable that she was too tall. IN adolescence The girl’s height was 172 cm, it was then that she discovered volleyball and began to play it professionally. The tall athlete had a dizzying career, but last spring, in 2016, she officially announced her retirement. Rumor has it that this was due to health problems.


American Erica Ervin, better known under the pseudonym Eva Amazon, is also one of the ten tallest women in the world. As of today, a lady born in 1979 is the tallest resident of the United States, because her height is 202 cm.

Erica (aka Eva) was born in California, grew up and developed normally as a child, and in her pre-teen years she suddenly “jumped up” so much that she outdid everyone she knew. It’s interesting that everyone in the girl’s family is short, and at first she was very embarrassed about her appearance. But the beauty’s height turned out to be to her advantage and helped her fulfill her childhood dream - Eva became famous model. At the age of 32, her name was even entered into the book of records as the name of the tallest representative of the beauty industry.

Universal recognition and fame came to the beauty after her participation in a photo shoot for famous publishing house Zoo Weekly. Then, according to the photographers' idea, the girl was photographed together with the miniature model. The photographs turned out very impressive.

Now Babyzilla, as fans jokingly call Eva, dreams of trying herself in cinema, but so far they can’t find her a suitable role. Although modeling career Miss Amazon ends, she is not at all upset about it, living a happy, fulfilling life.


The eighth place in the ranking was unanimously assigned to the Brazilian Elisani Silva with a height of 2.06 meters. She is not only one of the tallest women in the world, but also the tallest teenager according to 2009. The reason for the girl’s unusual external appearance was a tumor of the pituitary gland, after the removal of which da Cruz Silva stopped growing. Today this 22-year-old beauty is happily married and family idyll Even the fact that Elisani’s chosen one is 50 cm shorter than her does not interfere.


Our list of the tallest girls continues with a native of Thailand, Mali Duangdi, with a height of 2 meters 8 cm. The woman’s name is also listed in the Guinness Book of Records. She is seriously ill - she suffers from a tumor of the pituitary gland, which has caused not only abnormal growth, but also excess weight. Mali weighs 130 kg and recently lost her sight. Delete malignancy surgery is not possible - the tumor is inoperable. The only way out is to give special injections, but they are very expensive, and the girl’s family is poor and there is not enough money for treatment.


Ulyana Semenova, a Lithuanian by nationality, recently celebrated her 65th birthday. This tall, stately lady, who looks great even at such a respectable age, is a legend of Soviet sports, the best basketball player of the last century in Latvia, a multiple world champion, an idol of millions. Semenova has hundreds of high sports awards and achievements. His dizzying career the woman owes much to her height, which is 2 m 18 cm.


Another one of the tallest women on the planet was the American Malgorzata Dudek. Her height was 2 meters and 18 centimeters. It is noteworthy that tallness is a Dudek family trait; everyone in her family was different impressive size. Małgorzata was a famous basketball player; she began building a dizzying career at the age of 12. The woman found her soul mate, managed to give birth to two children, was waiting for the birth of her third baby, but suddenly fell seriously ill and, after a week in a coma, died at the age of 37. This happened in May 2011.


Fourth place in the ranking of the tallest representatives of the fairer sex also belongs to an American, this time Sandy Allen, whose height was 2 m and 32 cm. A native of Indianapolis, she was born in 1955 and at first was no different from ordinary children. Gigantism manifested itself at the age of 10, when the girl suddenly suddenly grew to two meters. When Sandy turned 19, the world learned about her, and this happened on the initiative of the girl herself. She wrote to the Guinness Book of Records and asked to introduce her to someone who suffered from the same vice. This caught Miss Allen's attention.

A couple of years later, the woman decided to undergo surgery, which was supposed to stop the rapid growth, but the procedure did not bring the desired effect. Sandy died at the age of 53, and with this, posthumously, she broke another record - she became a real centenarian among people with a similar diagnosis.

Doctors say that such an impressive life expectancy for this disease is associated with the woman’s inexhaustible optimism and her motto, which read “Life is short, but I’m not!”

3 Yao Defen

The TOP 3 tallest women in the world is opened by Chinese Yao Defen. Tallness is an unusual trait for representatives of this nationality, however, Yao’s height is 2 meters and 36 centimeters. Its cause is the same neoplasm on the pituitary gland that appeared in childhood. At the age of 11, the baby’s height reached almost two meters, which sharply distinguished her from her peers. Having matured, the girl decided to turn the disease to her benefit and began performing in the circus. A couple of years later, she agreed to surgery, the tumor was removed, but even this did not stop the growth completely. Yao grew up until her death, which occurred at the age of 40.


Englishwoman Jane Banford takes silver in the highest ranking. At the time of death, her height was 2.41 meters. The cause of the pathology is a fall and damage to the pituitary gland at the age of 11. The girl began to grow rapidly, despite the fact that before the tragedy she was an ordinary and even slightly frail child. At 21, Jane’s height reached 2 meters and 41 cm, and at 26 she stopped walking due to severe curvature of the spine, which chained the unfortunate woman to wheelchair. Miss Banford died in 1922 due to an illness caused by teenage trauma.

God only knows why some women are born small, while others surprise others with their size. With a height of more than 2 meters, some women find their calling and live happily in marriage, others spend their lives as disabled people and die alone. Here's the 2015 version of the world's tallest women.

Yao Defen , a Chinese woman, did not live to see 40 due to health problems. With a height of 233.68 cm, she weighed more than 200 kg. Poor family couldn't provide the girl good nutrition, because already at the age of 6 she demanded food like an adult man. With age, problems with joints and blood vessels began, which led to bleeding in the brain, which became the cause of death

2nd place

The story is just as sad Sandy Allen , the owner of a height of 232.41 cm, who until 2008 held her title of the tallest woman on the planet in the Guinness Book of Records. The cause of her growth was a pituitary tumor. The girls' family tried their best to save Sandy, they even decided to have an operation, but nothing helped. Sandy died.

3rd place

The list of unique women continues with a native of Poland Małgorzata Dydek . Her height of 218.44 cm did not become a problem for the girl; she won titles not only as a famous basketball player, a member of the Polish national team, but also as the happiest tall woman on the planet, because Małgorzata has two children and a boyfriend.

4th place

From a Pakistani girl Zainab Bibi her relatives refused because of her height of 218.44 cm, so the woman moved to England, she was allowed to live for free in a municipal apartment, although she applied for permanent place residence was denied.

5th place

Ulyana Semenova , the Latvian famous basketball player with a height of 213.36 cm managed to get married and become active public figure in Latvia. The winner of 15 European European Cups has repeatedly shown excellent results on the world stage. For many tall girls, Ulyana has become an example of how to learn to live happily even with a height of more than 2 meters.

6th place

Geetika Shrivastava from India, with a height of 210.82 cm, she found her calling in sports. The worthy daughter of her father, whose height is 223.52 cm, has repeatedly won the basketball cup. The daughter and father were members of the national basketball team.

7th place

208.28 centimeter tall Thai girl, Mali Dangdi, made her the owner of 7th place in the list of the tallest women on the planet and 2nd place in Asia, but this does not make her happy. A huge tumor shortens the girl’s life, and expensive medications are beyond the means of a poor family.

8th place

German beauty Caroline Welz is proud of her height of 205.74 cm. Always cheerful, well-groomed, and having found her calling, the tall girl serves as an example to other owners of enormous height on how to live fully even in such a situation.

9th place

Rita Miniva , a native of Zimbabwe, with a height of 203.2 cm, became a famous American basketball player. It is the great height that makes the Zimbabwean girl talented, famous and rich.

10th place

The 196.85 centimeter resident of Los Vegas is considered the “baby” among female giantesses. Heather Green. The American is proud of her height, she has become very popular in America, and she has no problems with clothing or health, except for minor problems with maintenance.

Heather Green, a tall woman from Las Vega, is popular in the United States. She is called the “baby” among giantesses, despite the fact that she is only 197 centimeters tall.

Heather does not have any complexes about her height, she is always active and cheerful, and is in excellent health.

Problems that arise during maintenance can upset her.

Ekaterina Gamova - 202 cm

Ekaterina Gamova, a famous volleyball player, was recognized by the audience as the best athlete in 2010. Six years later, Catherine left big sport, retaining the title of two-time world champion, Honored Master of Sports of the Russian Federation.

Her journey into sports began at the age of eight. At 14 (her height at that time was 172 centimeters) she was enrolled in the city team of one of the sports clubs in Chelyabinsk, and at the age of 16 she won her first cup. Sports career continued at the Ural Academy of Physical Education, in the Uralochka team, where the tall student was invited by team coach Nikolai Karpol. Then there were several victories at the Russian championships, a move to Dynamo Moscow and winning the Russian champion title three times. Dynamo Kazan won five volleyball championships.

Gamova’s successes became possible thanks to her perseverance and height – 202 centimeters, which she inherited from her grandfather. Ekaterina Gamova has shoe size 49, which creates great difficulties for her.

Today she is an elegant woman, a youth team coach. Married, happy.

Maria Stepanova - 203 cm

Maria Stepanova is a famous center of the Russian basketball team. She won bronze medals at the Olympic Games twice, won the World Cup three times, and the Russian Cup eight times.

She started playing basketball at the age of 10. Traveling to training was tiring and time-consuming. If it weren’t for the coaches, the Trzheskal couple, Maria would have quit the sport. She did not reach the heights of fame right away. In an Olympic basketball match in 1992, Maria scored 11 points in 14 minutes. Subsequently, she scored up to 16 points per game. It is difficult to list all the achievements of the basketball player.

Spectators admire her talent not only at European tournaments, but also overseas. Maria – extraordinary woman, who, with a height of 203 centimeters, allows herself to walk in heels.

Rita Miniva Besa - 203 cm

Another famous basketball player is Rita Miniwa from the country of Zimbabwe. Her height is the same as Maria Stepanova.

Maybe he brought talented girl from an African country fame, wealth. Today Rita lives in the USA and plays for one of the basketball teams.

She has many admirers not only among the audience, but what else could a young girl dream of.

Lindsay Kay Hayward - 203 cm

Already at the age of 13, Lindsay Hayward was the tallest girl among the students at a school in Miami. She hated herself for these 203 centimeters and 100 kilograms of weight.

She was given many offensive nicknames when she walked down the street, passers-by froze with silent questions. Lindsay's salvation was the basketball team, where she stopped being ashamed of her height, because there were people like her nearby. The girl was distinguished by her perseverance (her zodiac sign is Leo). She set herself a goal - to become the best of the best.

Today the American has a nickname that she no longer rebels against - Amazon Isis. Female wrestler, Lindsay Kaye Hayward, can lift 320 kilograms while lying on her back. All fears regarding her enormous height have passed; she is not embarrassed by the size of her own leg - 46 cm. In numerous photographs on the virtual network, next to Lindsay is a young man whose height is 2 meters 11 centimeters.

Elizabeth Cambage - 203 cm

Liz Cambridge was born in London. Her mother, after divorcing her Nigerian husband, left with her three-month-old daughter for Australia.

Liz Cambage's childhood was the same as that of her predecessor, Lindsay Hayward. The ridicule of her classmates did not stop for four years: at the age of 10, the girl’s height was 183 cm, at 14 – 196.

Basketball, where her mother brought her, saved her. He became her calling. Today, Elizabeth Cambage is a professional player for the Australian basketball team.

Caroline Weltz - 205 cm

Caroline Welz is the tallest beauty in Germany, 205 cm tall. She has never experienced any complexes about the fact that she is much taller than those around her.

Tall stature and striking appearance brought her to model business. The girl is very cheerful and cheerful.

Her huge shoe size, like a giantess's - 49 cm - does not prevent her from feeling happy and living a vibrant life.

Elisani Silva - 206 cm

Eighteen-year-old Elsani da Cruz Silva has been distinguished by her charm and beautiful appearance since childhood.

IN primary school was much taller than her neighbors on the desk. She began to grow rapidly, according to her mother, from the age of 11. At the age of 14 she was 2 meters 5 centimeters tall. She was recognized as the tallest teenage girl. Today she dreams of becoming a model and lives an independent life.

Her chosen one, Francinaldo da Silva, 23 years old, is 40 cm shorter than her, but this does not prevent the couple from feeling happy. The young people live in Brazil, in Salinopolis. TO cherished desire Elisani has one more thing to gain – to become the mother of a charming baby.

Erica Erwin - 208 cm

Amazon Eve is the nickname of fashion model Erica Irwin, who lives in California. The tall fashion model still suffers from nicknames today. The most offensive thing is Babzilla (the literal translation into Russian is “baby Godzilla”).

How not to fall into despair when guests called a fashion model with this nickname at a party taking place in Hugh Hefner's mansion. To go against public opinion, Erica Irwin decided to pose nude for Playboy magazine.

Erica's fame came after her first photo shoot conducted by Zoo Weekly magazine. On the glossy pages of the magazine, next to Erica Irwin, there is another model, whose height barely reaches 160 centimeters.

Mali Duangdi - 208 cm

The height of the Thai girl Mali Duangdi is 208 centimeters, weight is 130 kilograms. She is only 19 years old.

On the pedestal of the tallest women globe Mali ranks seventh, but this does not make Mali or her parents happy. A Thai woman has a brain tumor that is quietly taking away hours of her life. Due to illness, Mali went blind. The operation to remove the tumor requires a fabulous sum, which the Thai family does not have.

Mali’s mother said that as a child, the family did not realize that their daughter was very tall for her age. After the mother accidentally saw the girl next to her peers, she became worried and took the girl to a specialist. It turned out that she would grow all her life.

Ekaterina Lisina - 210 cm

The next owner of tall height is the famous basketball player Ekaterina Lisina from Penza, who decided to achieve official recognition that she has (133 cm) and the most big size female legs(size 47).

The beauty loves to be the center of attention, and believes that the titles she receives will arouse even more interest in her.

Although fans of Ekaterina Lisina are not attracted by this, but by her achievements in basketball and her striking beauty.

Gritika Srivastava - 211 cm

Gritika Srivastava does not attach as much importance to her height as Ekaterina Lisina.

Gritika, a tall girl from India, became a professional basketball player and is grateful to fate for the chance she gave her.

Gritika’s growth surprises not only the people of India, but also her teammates. Tall basketball players look like “dwarfs” next to her.

Ulyana Semenova - 213 cm

Ulyana Semenova is the oldest among the female giants on the planet. She recently turned 62 years old.

Her life is a role model. Fifteen times the basketball player from Latvia amazed the judges with her results. On the podium she was awarded not only European but also world cups.

After retiring from sports, he has been at the head of the Olympic Committee for two decades. social fund. Happily married. Ulyana Semenova, with her height of 213 cm, has no pathologies associated with gigantism. This is what allowed her to live a full, rich life.

Zainab Bibi - 218 cm

The fate of a gigantic girl from Pakistan, Zainab Bibi, at whom teenagers threw stones on the street because of her height, is striking.

The family couldn't resist public opinion and abandoned Zainab. She appealed to governments European countries. Britain provided Zainab Bibi with asylum, a free council apartment.

Today Zeinab walks the streets without fear, she feels that a glance is flying in her direction, but it is no longer a stone.

San Feng - 221 cm

Tallest woman in the world this moment- Chinese woman San Feng. Her height is 221 cm. The girl is very similar to the giant woman Yao Defen, who died in 2012.

Why are there women in the world? different heights, No one knows. Just because of growth a lot of suffering arises. Short people worry because they want to reach a little longer in order to achieve model growth. Giant women, on the contrary, want to become a little shorter in order to live ordinary life and avoid a lot of problems.