Everyone has heard and read that sharks attack people. But there are also predators in the sea, no less ferocious and no less toothy - these are killer whales. Much less is written about the attacks of these predators on people (I have never read about such cases), but this does not mean that an encounter with killer whale the sea is not fraught with danger for humans. An acquaintance told me that when killer whales once came into Avacha Bay, he took girls in his motorboat to look at these predators. According to him, they came very close to the whales, “you could touch them with your hand,” not realizing the danger they were exposing themselves to.

This is the story that happened to my good friend last September at sea, not far from Petropavlovsk.

He went on his sea boat to film a poaching brigade that was stationed in a small bay in the south of Avacha Bay. The brigade stood there all summer, and all summer, from time to time, as the fishermen needed it, he brought them food, then vodka, then salt, or took out caviar and fish from them - in general, he was on errands. I must say that my friend doesn’t pay much attention to killer whales, or other sea animals - well, whales and whales. Probably because he has been sailing for quite a long time: fifteen years at AKROS and on the boat for eight years. So there was nothing exotic left for him in the sea.

The brigade was stationed quite far from the city; it took ten to eleven hours to get there, i.e. all daylight hours. My friend loaded up with everything he needed and walked away slowly. The weather was good, and it seemed that nothing should interfere with the journey. But at sea you can’t promise anything and you must always be prepared for various surprises, especially when you’re going the wrong way. big ship, but on a small nine-meter shell with a stunted engine, and even in such an unpredictable ocean as the Pacific.
In general, everything was fine almost until the very end. But there is such a Cape Povorotny in the south of Avacha Bay - a disastrous place, very similar to the entrance to the underworld ( East Coast Almost everything in Kamchatka has a stern and gloomy appearance, but here it’s generally a guard). This cape has a constant crush of waves - no matter from which direction the wind blows (even in absolute calm). The water boils as if in a cauldron, and suddenly a swell appears in a calm sea. The direction of the current here changes to perpendicular or opposite, it seems, every hundred meters. Povorotny has a lot of underwater and surface rocks; the cape itself is a tall, gloomy, gray and brown rock, two hundred, maybe more meters high, without any vegetation. The nearby rocks are also no better than the rocks on the cape. Again, the wind here can suddenly blow from any, most unexpected direction, and the gusts can be quite strong, even if the sea is calm. In general, a bad place. And there was no way to go around this cape, or rather, it was possible, but for this it was necessary to lose about an hour of time, but I didn’t want to. So my friend swam all summer through this air-water crowd.

My friend passed here more than once and therefore was not particularly worried about unusual conditions swimming. But danger came to him from where he could not have expected it. When approaching Povorotnoye, a friend of mine saw killer whales grazing near the cape. Well, killer whales and killer whales, you never know who swims in the sea. True, they were surprised at first a large number of- about twelve to fifteen, usually these predators travel in groups of three or four individuals - no more. But as soon as my friend approached the cape at some distance, three whales swam in his direction, separating from the entire pod.

At first, he did not pay attention to this - you never know what the need is and where the whales are swimming. But when, about a hundred meters from the bot, he saw predators rushing towards him at full speed, he became a little worried. The actions of the whales showed a clear intention to attack the ship. Having never encountered something like this in my life, my friend at first thought that the courses of the whales and his boat simply coincidentally intersected. He turned back, walked for some time - the whales fell behind.
Considering the incident to be over, my acquaintance turned back to his previous course, but as soon as he approached the cape at some distance, again either the same or another group of killer whales headed in his direction. And again he had to turn around and swim back. This happened several times.
My friend was somewhat confused. He had never encountered such behavior from killer whales before. He immediately remembered that these animals are also called killer whales, and he remembered two encounters with them that eyewitnesses told about. Even at the beginning of his work at sea, he, a young third navigator, was told by an experienced captain that he saw with his own eyes how three killer whales tore a large whale to pieces. According to the captain, it was some kind of fantastic sight: the whale was circling on the surface of the water, fighting off the attacking predators with all its might with its fins and tail, and killer whales, like torpedoes, flew at it from different sides and tore at its powerful body. The sea for ten meters was red with blood. Only when the ship almost ran over the whale did the killer whales leave it alone.

I remember another incident. My friend couldn’t remember who told it, but the gist was that either fishermen or polar explorers who were on the ice floe were attacked by a pod of killer whales. Moreover, she attacked so competently that even a person would not have thought of such a thing right away. The ice floe was small, the killer whales first walked around it several times, then four predators entered from one edge, and one remained from the opposite. And these four hefty carcasses began to simultaneously jump onto the ice floe, tilting it in their direction. People had a choice - either slide down the ice floe right into the mouths of four predators, or fall off the ice floe into the teeth of a killer whale loitering beneath it. The ice floe was also breaking off under the weight of several tons of whale meat, becoming shorter and shorter. In general, if the helicopter had not arrived, people would have ended up in the teeth of predators.

My friend immediately remembered all this. By all appearances, the meeting with predators did not bode well for him. But it was necessary to pass the cape. After thinking a little about the current situation, my friend, it seems to me, chose a purely Russian option for getting out of this situation. Having sincerely prayed to God, he sat down on the deck of the boat, deciding that if the killer whales did not see him, they would stop pursuing him, opened a bottle of vodka, thought of a simple snack and pointed the boat straight at the killer whales.

The killer whales, contrary to my friend’s expectations, did not leave the bot alone. They circled him as he walked through their lines. My friend says that it was some kind of fantastic dance of huge fins around a small boat. The whales came very close, one killer whale came in from the starboard side, five to seven meters from the boat, lay down on its side, showing its white belly, and, probably, walked at that distance on a parallel course for two or three minutes. My friend looked out several times and clearly remembered the huge black eye of a predator, which was carefully watching the bot. According to a friend, these were the most terrible moments of his life - the killer whale that was chasing him was no smaller in size than his bot.
But everything ended well: the killer whales nevertheless decided not to add variety to their menu with unfamiliar food, which, moreover, was inside a piece of metal that stank of diesel fuel. My friend walked back far to the sea from Cape Povorotny; he did not want to meet the killer whales again.

Sergey TURKOV.

What prompted me to write this article? In fact, I was inspired to create this text by the familiar and beloved Word. And the backstory is this. I was asked to write an article about killer whales. Yes, specifically about killer whales, those that, according to Wikipedia, are distributed throughout the World Ocean.

And what happened? In fact, killer whales, and quite a lot of films have been made about them, for example, “Free Willy”, “Death among the Icebergs”, The correct name should be not ORCA, but ORCA. Before this, this question, like many of you, was of little concern to me. But having come across it closely, I decided to figure it all out, and at the same time write an article to protect my blog readers from such mistakes.

What does Word have to do with it? The whole point is that He underlines the word killer whale with a red stripe and passes it off as an error. In addition, he suggests replacing it with a killer whale. However, this is where the text editor gets it wrong. Why? Read more about it.

Killer whale or killer whale. Who is the killer whale

killer whale is a marine mammal that belongs to the order of cetaceans, the suborder of toothed whales, and the dolphin family. And the killer whales known to us are the only representatives of their kind.

The Latin name for the killer whale is orca. But a more popular name is the killer whale - orca received in the 18th century, and it happened by mistake. The thing is that some “expert” incorrectly translated the Spanish name of this animal, which in the original meant “whale killer.”

But the killer whale is Russian name this mammal. Where did it come from? Presumably, the word “killer whale” was formed because the dorsal fin of males resembles a scythe in its outline.

It is difficult not to recognize an orca, and it is also difficult to confuse it with a dolphin - these representatives of carnivorous dolphins differ from all others in their black and white coloring. However, the white spots of killer whales are strictly individual, and this is what makes it possible to distinguish one individual from another and even give names.

However, in the Pacific Ocean, killer whales are sometimes found without white spots, that is, they are completely black. These are called melanists. But there are also completely white orcas - albino.

What do killer whales eat? This is very interest Ask. Each individual population prefers its own food. For example, one of the populations of killer whales from the Norwegian Sea likes to eat herring, but the second population, which lives in the same sea, prefers pinnipeds for lunch. At the same time, it is fair to call “killer whales” only those killer whales that are called rogue killer whales. They are the ones who prefer to eat dolphins, whales, pinnipeds, sea ​​lions and even deer and elk trying to swim across coastal channels. In order to feel in in a great mood, one killer whale should eat up to 150 kg of meat per day.

As for attacks on humans, in natural environment there was not a single reliable and documented case of habitat.

Now the question of how to correctly write the name of the “killer whale” - orca or killer whale - no longer arises. The only thing correct writing of this word - ORCA. Now it remains to figure out who the killer whale is or is this a Word error again?

Killer whale or killer whale? Who is a killer whale

It's hard to believe, but the killer whale is a barn swallow, which is also called the killer whale swallow. The weight of this bird is only 17–20 grams, and they can be found almost throughout the territory globe, except Australia and Antarctica. Another feature of the killer whale is that it is a migratory bird.

Now imagine that you are writing an article about a “killer whale”, but printing its name as ORCA? It seems to me that it is simply impossible to imagine anything more absurd than this! The barn swallow, which lives in the seas and oceans and eats pinnipeds... Therefore, before good author The question of how to write correctly killer whale or killer whale and in what case it is worth using this or that word should not arise.

Or another example. In some black and white films you can find such an address to a woman as “you are mine orca”. It is the killer whale, that is, the bird, and not the same “killer whale”.

By the way, I came across another very interesting answer to the question of how to correctly spell orca or killer whale. Some believe that killer whale and orca are the same word, and can be written either with a or o. And it means only one animal - the killer whale, that is, the killer whale.

Reputation killer whales as black and white as their skin. These predatory whales are considered merciless killers with a penchant for cannibalism. But at the same time, in aquariums they are recognized “stars”, sociable and intelligent “artists”, causing constant admiration of the public.

Their sound is whoosh! hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! heard from afar. The water surface “bursts,” and fountains of glossy black, perfectly streamlined heads soar above the waves like boiling geysers. This amazing and somehow unearthly sound, full of power and freshness, is called “blow-through” by whalers. And the creatures that publish it have always and everywhere been called killer whales.

In the zoological reference book you can read: " Orcinus orca, the killer whale, the most ferocious and dangerous of the ocean predators, attacks even large whales: "

Killer whales belong to the order Cetacea, the suborder of toothed whales, and the dolphin family. They have 40 or 48 teeth. Males reach 7 meters in length and weigh up to 4 tons, and sometimes their length reaches 10 meters and weighs 8 tons. The dorsal fin has no bones, its height in males is up to two meters, in females - half that. This circumstance makes it easy to distinguish the sex of the animal. Killer whales are found in all areas of the World Ocean, but it is quite rare to see them.

A pack is a family union in which the entire life of this animal passes from birth to death. Males live about 50 years, females much longer - 70-80 years. This explains the significant predominance of the “fair sex”. The birth rate of killer whales is extremely low: 4-5 percent, which is only slightly higher than natural level mortality. But in pods that have become very thin due to the capture of killer whales or hunting them by whalers, the birth rate increases sharply, sometimes even doubling. Females lose the ability to mother at the age of 40-50. The childbearing period usually lasts only ten years.

Matriarchy reigns in pods of killer whales. From large mammals Only elephants adhere to such a social order. But, unlike elephants, male killer whales remain close to their mother throughout their lives. There are flocks where there is not a single male, and if a single male is found, this means that his mother has died or been caught. Of course, some flocks die out over time, others arise.

It is unknown how this all happens. But, probably, sometimes one of the daughters, along with her children, grandchildren and nephews, leaves the old pack and becomes the founder of a new one. The oldest female - usually a “grandmother” who is no longer interested in matters of her own marriage - is the recognized and absolute head of the killer whale community. There are no problems with authority. There is also no struggle for dominance. Either killer whales really don’t have conflicts, or they solve all problems in some other way, but never fight with each other either for territory, or for prey, or because of females. In battle with the enemy they are terrible and merciless!

On one October day several years ago, in the area of ​​the Farallon Islands, a grandiose scene of a fight between two of the largest and dangerous creatures seas - killer whale and great white shark. The result of this fight - the unconditional victory of a five-meter female killer whale over a sharp-toothed and bloodthirsty competitor - showed who really is the master of all seas and oceans. Until now, it was believed that sharks and whales generally avoid encounters with each other. The fight captured on film proved otherwise.

The female killer whale was accompanied by a calf about half her length. During his mother's attack, he was at a safe distance, apparently learning the science of obtaining food. The attack took only a few seconds, after which all its witnesses were simply stunned to see a killer whale surface with a three-meter shark in its jaws, which it began to torment and tear into pieces - a common behavior towards its victim.

Having finished with the shark, the mother called her son over, intending to offer him, apparently, the most tasty victims - liver.

The depths of the sea and ocean are fraught with many mysterious and mysterious things, sometimes very dangerous for people. Many representatives of the fauna live there, some of them are very large in size. The killer whale belongs to the category of such animals. Many of us have heard about it most horror stories, watch films and exciting programs about animals. What is a killer whale, what does it look like, how much does it weigh and what does it eat?

Is a killer whale a dolphin or a whale?

This large animal is to marine mammals of the order Cetaceans, family dolphin, suborder of toothed whales. She sole representative cetaceans, feeding not only on fish, but also on warm-blooded marine animals. Among aquatic predators it is the largest in size.

The photo clearly shows that the killer whale’s body has a characteristic black and White color. This immediately distinguishes her from other representatives depths of the sea. The back and sides of the killer whale are black; there is a longitudinal line on the belly and throat. white stripe. Behind dorsal fin a gray saddle-shaped spot passes through. White spot located above each eye. In the north Pacific Ocean meet rare individuals black and albinos (white).

The killer whale is often called the “killer whale.” which is confusing. In fact, the killer whale is predatory dolphin, but only very large sizes. In aquariums, killer whales seem harmless and peaceful. In fact, it is formidable and merciless sea ​​predator. It hunts not only fish, it also happens that it attacks sharks and even huge whales.

Male killer whales can grow up to 10 meters in length and weigh about 8 tons. The dorsal fin of this formidable animal can be up to one and a half meters high. Females are smaller in size, they are almost half the size. They differ from dolphins in having wide and rounded fins. As can be seen in the photo, they have a heavy and massive head, inside of which there are rows of large teeth. Teeth sizes reach 10-13 cm to attack others large inhabitants seas. Killer whales can reach speeds of up to 60 km/hour while hunting. Their lifespan can be up to 35 years.


Killer whales are found in all oceans from the Arctic to the Antarctic, and they go far into floating ice. They like to swim offshore, although they can be seen close to land while hunting seals and penguins. Their habitat is the seas and oceans of the entire planet. They usually swim on great depths but sometimes they can swim into river mouths. They prefer cold seas and oceans, so they are most often found in cold and temperate waters. They appear extremely rarely in the tropics.

They hunt in packs and live in groups. Matriarchy reigns in their environment, despite the fact that males are much larger than females. During the hunt, females with cubs are kept at a safe distance, but can take part if there are few males. It is always peaceful and calm in a group of killer whales. Often groups can come together to successfully go on a hunt.

What do killer whales eat?

These predators are different wide range food, For example, those living off the coast of Norway can feed on herring, so they migrate in search of fish after it. There are populations that prefer to hunt pinnipeds. Scientists have identified two populations:

  • "tramps";
  • "homebodies"

The second variety feeds mainly on fish:

  • cod,
  • herring;
  • halibut;
  • mackerel;
  • tuna;
  • salmon;
  • cephalopods.

IN rare case They attack marine mammals. When a group of killer whales discovers a school of fish, the entire group herds it into a dense ball close to the surface of the water. After this, the predators drown out the fish with blows of their tails, diving in turn. Usually a group of hunters consists of 5-15 individuals.

Transiting killer whales are the most dangerous; they are called “killer whales.” They hunt the following animals:

  • whales,
  • sea ​​lions;
  • pinnipeds;
  • dolphins;
  • sea ​​otters.

The pods of such killer whales are much smaller. In them can gather from 1 to 5 individuals. When they hunt sea ​​lions, then they are thrown ashore. This is the most spectacular method of hunting sea animals. When hunting seals, they set up ambushes. If a seal is on an ice floe, then the cunning killer whales try to make the seal fall from it into the water. They use various maneuvers to do this. During the hunt, "vagrants" practically do not make sounds, because marine mammals have excellent hearing.

Killer whales have a good appetite and are voracious. They eat from 50 to 150 kg of food per day. The only enemy for the killer whale is the dolphin. The shark is not a rival for them, but rather prey.


Puberty Males start reading at the age of 8, and females 2 years earlier. The mating season occurs from the beginning of winter. Scientists have collected little information about killer whale mating. It is known that in mating season males are very aggressive and fight fiercely for mating rights. Cubs are born in spring or early summer, and a female can have only 1 cub. The playful baby weighs only 260 kg and is 2.1 -2.7 meters long. The mother feeds the baby with her milk until the age of 1 year. She will be ready for the next mating only after 3-4 years.

Killer whales are considered very smart animals. They perfectly trainable. When they end up in aquariums or dolphinariums, under these conditions they perform the most difficult tricks. There are acts where the trainer puts his head in the killer whale’s mouth, and the predator carries the trainer on its back in front of the audience during the show. When they have to live in captivity, they behave differently. Aggressive and menacing animals become favorites of the public because they are peaceful and do not pose a threat.

The killer whale is the most terrible and skilled hunter in the sea. Killer whales dominate the ocean just as man dominates the land. Their high intelligence allowed them to explore all the oceans on Earth. It belongs to the large dolphin family. But compared to her relatives, she is a giant. Adult males grow up to 9 meters and weigh over 5 tons. Even the young ones are huge. A newborn calf reaches almost 180 kg. Killer whales They hunt in all oceans of the earth, from the polar regions to the equator. After humans, these are the most widely distributed mammals on earth.

Like all mammals, killer whales breathe air. As they dive deeper, their heartbeat slows down, conserving oxygen. Dark body color makes whale killer invisible in the sea, while the white spots are noticeable. From the outside, the victim sees only white stripes, and may mistake a school of whales for a school of smaller and harmless fish.

Killer whales live in family groups up to 40 individuals. This is a matriarchal structure. Females assert dominance by striking the water with their tails, pushing their heads, chattering their teeth and biting. But when hunting, they often work well in groups, communicating with each other and tracking down prey using various sounds. The whale makes vibrations that strike a school of herring. Sound waves return to the whale, informing it of the size of the school and its exact location. Using this sixth sense and keen vision, the group locates their prey. First, they work together to knock the fish into a tight ball. Then follows killer whale attack on the school - they hit the ball with their powerful tails, and the dish of stunned herring is ready to eat.

Nothing can be saved from killer whale attacks- neither the smallest herring, nor the largest seal.

The killer whale, armed with an arsenal of devices, will take on larger prey. There are few people who are not threatened by this apex predator. Even agile porpoises are no match for a pod of killer whales. With zigzag jerks they try to get away from the pack, but killer whales are one of the most fast mammals on the ground. They catch up with the victim at a speed of 45 km/h. Like a pack of wolves they surround porpoise and take turns inflicting fatal bites.

These versatile predators hunt not only in the sea. Some of them collect food from the shore. It's risky. If he doesn’t calculate the jump and runs aground, he will die. But successful hunt worth the risk. Killer whales With their 10-centimeter teeth they capture and hold seals, and with a brutal shaking they quickly kill their prey.

Killer whales are the largest and strongest of their kind, patrol the ocean in organized gangs, and use their weight and power to kill their prey with extreme cruelty. Orca attack always so sudden and swift that it is almost impossible to escape from it alive.

What do these whales have? high intelligence is clear from the fact that each population in different areas of the world has developed its own set of sounds, its own skills and traditions. When we observe them, we may think we are noticing signs of irritation, pleasure, or curiosity in their behavior. Killer whales should not be treated as cruel or merciful. They are what they are, magnificent animals that must kill to survive.

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