
We invite you to join the tour “A toi” / “For You” Julien Dassin dedicated to the 60th anniversary creative activity Joe Dassin. Magnificent hits of French music performed by the maestro's son. Viewers will be transported to Paris, walk under Eiffel Tower and feel the romance of a real Parisian evening! Tour dates are November 2016.

The son of singer Joe Dassin and grandson of director Jules Dassin, Julien was born on March 22, 1980 in Neuilly-sur-Seine near Paris. Julien grew up in Fecherol, on the family estate that Joe built, with his mother Christine and brother Jonathan, who is one year older than him.

In 1995, he learned of his mother's memoirs, which she was working on with the record company (Sony Music) that was still releasing his father's records. But the 15th anniversary of the singer's death was especially sad because Christina also passed away in December.

In 2000, he took an active part in commemorating the 20th anniversary of Joe Dassin's death, collaborating with Sony Music to create a compilation album that would go on to sell over 500,000 copies. He participated in the recording of several television shows. Thus, he met important people in the world of music, who provided him with the necessary support in developing his artistic abilities.

He has recorded numerous songs after studying singing and body language, notably with Rejane Perry (Starmania, Romeo and Juliet). But since most of them, as it turned out, did not correspond to Julien's artistic aspirations, he decided not to publish them!

He devoted the entire 2005 to creating and promoting the Best of Songs Collection in honor of the 25th anniversary of his death, which included 4 new songs by Joe Dassin, miraculously found the year before, and which had never been released before. He constantly attended television and radio shows, Julien was more and more under close attention public (starred on magazine covers, took part in French and international TV documentaries). This was highly appreciated by viewers and television professionals. The success of the "Eternel" compilation was exceptional: more than 300,000 copies were sold within a few months. Now, the means mass media and his fans began to closely follow the career of Julien Dassin!

Four years later, Julien first appeared on the stage of a famous theater, where he played a young journalist in the play "La Parenthese". In parallel with this, he worked closely with Barratier (director of Choristes, Faubourg 36, etc.) on the tribute show "Il était une fois Joe Dassin" ("Once upon a time there was Joe Dassin"), which was presented on the stage of the Grand Rex in Paris, and then toured other cities in France.

Julien continued to train his vocal abilities, and began creating a tribute to Yves Montand's songs, "Monsieur Montant", which he then released around the world, as well as in Russia. This album was very important to him because his grandfather, Jules Dassin, who fled Hollywood due to the terrible witch hunt led by the notorious Senator McCarthy, was met in France by Yves Montand and his wife Simone Signoret!

Joe Dassin was loved in Russia almost more than in France itself. The news of his untimely death in August 1980 shocked everyone. On November 5, 2008, he would have turned 70. And the other day, Joe Dassin’s son, Julian, performed for the first time in Moscow at the “Legends of Retro FM” festival. The Trud-7 correspondent managed to talk with Dassin Jr.

How would you define your father's place among famous chansonniers? After all, he was neither a pure performer, like Yves Montand, nor a bard, like Jacques Brel.
- It seems to me that my father was, so to speak, a folk singer. He passionately loved his work and people. He sang to help people live, that’s what he said himself.
- What kind of relationship did your father have with his colleagues - Montand, Gainsbourg, Adamo?
- I don’t remember that he had any particularly close relationships with them. His friends are, first of all, Carlos, Jeanne Munson, Henri Salvador (colleagues and close people of Joe Dassin, who often performed with him and starred in his videos. - “Trud-7”). Artists who radiated the joy of life.
- The French are often cruel to their own stars. They say that Mireille Mathieu was often received much warmer around the world (and in Russia) than in France. Did this cruelty also manifest itself towards the father?
- It was not the French who were cruel to my father, but some part of the press, the so-called “intellectuals”, who reproached my father for often singing songs that were too frivolous for their taste.
- Is it happiness to be the son of a great artist?
- First of all, it’s pride. It will never replace the possibility of live communication with your father, but it allows you to continue to live with him in your soul.
- Do you love him? Or is it some other feeling? Aren't you annoyed that he spent so much energy on divorces and other personal conflicts?
- How can you not love your father? I love him first of all as a person, and, of course, as an artist. I was only six months old when Joe left us, and I have no right to judge what he had to experience. I am not interested in what the press of that time wrote about him, I want to preserve in myself his image of a man in a white suit and with a radiant smile.
- Joe Dassin gave the impression of a prosperous man, but inside he was not entirely confident in himself. Have you inherited any of his traits?
“Like him, I’m pretty self-absorbed and shy.” I think I inherited his keen sense of duty and perfectionism. And like him, I love people, I love singing for them.
-What do you condemn about him?
- Of course, I don’t blame him, but it seems to me that he was too absorbed in his work. I gave him everything and, perhaps, missed some moments of my own happiness.
- I read that he was buried according to Jewish laws - was he a devout Jew? Why was my father buried in Los Angeles?
- Joe was not so much religious as he was inclined to observe traditions. He wanted to raise us in these traditions, because he gave great importance spirit of family, clan. He is buried in Los Angeles because his parents lived there at that moment and in this city he once grew up. Joe said: "I'm French at heart, but American by passport."
-What is your relationship with your brother Jonathan? Are you close friends?
- We are very close, we see each other regularly. We are currently working on a new play, which will be released in 2010 on the 30th anniversary of Joe's passing. This will be the only official performance with our participation associated with the name of Dassin.
- How do you imagine the Russian public?
- I can’t explain why, but it seems to me that the Russian public especially responds to beautiful melodies and songs about love. Perhaps it’s all about the cold climate from which she is trying to escape? I was in Russia at the age of three and have no memories of that time. I am very happy that I was invited here again, and I hope to find new friends here... I also hope to visit the places that dad especially loved.
- Does Joe Dassin have grandchildren?
- Unfortunately, not yet. Neither my brother nor I have found our other half yet. Maybe this will happen in Russia?
Joseph Ira Dassin (the singer's real name) was born on November 5, 1938 in New York in the family of Jewish theater actor, future famous film director Jules Dassin, and violinist Beatrice Lohner. During the McCarthyite witch hunt, the family moved to Europe. Joseph achieved his first success in France in the 1960s with the song "Les Champs-Elysees". Sang about 300 songs in French, English, German, Spanish, Italian and Greek languages. He was married twice and divorced twice. The second wife, Christine Delvaux, gave birth to the singer's sons Jonathan (1978) and Julian (1980). Joe Dassin died on August 20, 1980 in Tahiti from a heart attack.

Dassin Julian Dassin Career: Musician
Birth: USA
November 5 would have been the 70th birthday of French singer Joe Dassin. But he died suddenly in 1980, before reaching forty-two. Dassin was born the same year as Vladimir Vysotsky and died less than a month after the death of the “Tagan bard”.

Valentin Gaft in one of his poems then exclaimed in his hearts: “And let the radio tell us that Joe Dassin has died, and let him remain silent that his own Vysotsky has died. What do we need Dassin?! We don’t know for sure what he was singing about... “The frustration was understandable in relation to the times then standing in the Soviet courtyard. But a charming lyricist French stage, frankly speaking, fell into Gaft’s hand without any fuss.

Dassin's intonation was consonant and understandable to our audience (moreover, without knowledge of the language of Hugo and Dumas) no less than the syllable of Vladimir Semenovich. She was responsible for certain reservoirs of the soul. For something painful, bright and sometimes unrealizable. For example, Dassin's "Champs-Elysees" sounded for fellow citizens the same saga about an unattainable dream, about a fairy-tale world, as later the famous "Nautilus" "Goodbye America!" The demand for Dassin in Russia today is beyond doubt, and it is not surprising that we have not missed his date. On the eve of November 5, the TV channel "Culture" showed the only one of the singer's last triumphal concerts in 1979 at the Paris Olympia, and on November 8, at the popular festival "Legends of Retro FM" at the Olimpiysky, Joe's 28-year-old heir, Julian, will perform as a special guest Dassin. On the eve of his arrival in Moscow, he spoke with an Izvestia columnist.

Question: Julian, I think you won't be surprised if large quantity The questions addressed to you will touch your famous father. Moreover, November marks the 70th anniversary of his birth. How was this date greeted in France?

Answer: We do not have a tradition of extensively celebrating birthdays. Rather, we pay sensitivity to death anniversaries. On such days, people remember departed artists, their work, the times when they performed.

Q: Is Joe Dassin still popular in his homeland? Or is he still in the shadow of the names of the legendary French chansonniers - Brassens, Beko, Brel?

A: My dad, in my opinion, during his lifetime, under no circumstances was he as popular in France as he is at the moment, in the last five years. His songs are often heard on television, radio, they are used abundantly in various films and commercials. Many of our modern popular performers - in particular Roc Voisin - include compositions from the repertoire of Joe Dassin in their repertoire. And Mika ends his concerts with the hit "Les Champs-Elysees".

Q: Why did you and your brother Jonathan stage the musical dedicated to your father two years ago in Canada, and not in France?

A: A Canadian producer contacted us, the one who was interested in this project. And we remember that our father really enjoyed touring in Canada and premiering his songs in this country. So we happily agreed to set the musical there. However, today he is no longer on stage.

Q: Joe Dassin died when you were only six months old. How does he currently appear in your thoughts, and are you in contact with any of his friends and acquaintances?

A: My father is still a noticeable presence in my life. I recreated his work office in my apartment - complete with his gold records, his paintings and favorite photographs. When you walk into this room, you get the feeling that dad is still here. I still often see Claude Lemel, his friend and the author of many of the lyrics of his songs. But, unfortunately, many of my father’s friends are no longer alive.

Q: As you grew older, did your mother, Christine Delvaux, try to ask her about her father and why her relationship with Joe became so strained towards the end of their lives and led to a stormy divorce?

A: My mother under no circumstances discussed this topic, and my brother and I have no desire to ask her such questions. Moreover, much about her relationship with her father has already been said in the press, and, in my opinion, the number of these testimonies and stories is prone to exaggeration. It is difficult to judge any romantic story if it does not concern you personally, if you have not experienced it from the inside.

Q: Do you think the producers pushed you to musical career, counting on an attractive PR stunt: did Joe Dassin's son follow his father's path, or did they actually see extraordinary performing potential in you?

A: I think having the Dassin surname at your disposal if you want to get on the stage is more of a minus than a plus. Because you are doomed to be compared with the one who glorified this surname. Besides, I don’t have a producer, I only have a manager. And, in the end, the public always makes the verdict on the artist, no matter what his name is.

Q: Your dad is still very popular in Russia. Do you want to define a musical based on his songs in our country? We had a similar performance based on the songs of the group "ABVA" happy moment, and in Russia in general current time I have a craving for retro. You will quickly see this for yourself, because you are going exactly to such a festival. By the way, what attracted you to “Legends of Retro FM”?

A: The play about my father, the one we are currently preparing, will be presented to the Russian public in 2010. On Internet forums of fans of Joe Dassin, like dogs, there are uncut registered users from Russia. My dad loved your country, and we really want the Russian public to see a play about him. An invitation to the Retro FM festival is another opportunity for me to promote my father’s songs, to present them the way he himself would have done if he were alive. I am proud that the organizers of such a large festival remembered him.

Q: You will have to perform in front of an audience of thousands at the Olympic Stadium. Have you ever hummed in stadiums before?

A: This is the first time I will sing for such a large audience. This is an honor for me and I admit that I’m already a little worried at this time.

Q: What song will you perform as a “virtual duet” with Joe Dassin, and who came up with the idea for this number?

A: I will sing “Et si tu n"existais pas" ("If you weren't there") in a duet with my father and will sing "Salut" solo. In France, I recorded the TV program "Impossible Duets". Representatives of "Retro FM" liked it. , and thus the idea was born to build such a room at the Olimpiysky.

Julien Dassin (Julian Dassin)

Children of talented parents do not always have the opportunity to fully realize their inner potential. Several things can interfere with them. Firstly, it is difficult to get out of the shadow of a famous father or mother. Children can long years evaluate not on their merits, but from the point of view of the degree of similarity or dissimilarity to eminent parents. Not everyone is able to withstand such a test.

Secondly, not all children are ready to make efforts to achieve their own results, having everything literally at hand. A pleasant exception to the rule was Julian Dassin, the son of the famous French performer Joe Dassin, who is rightly compared to the famous “Tagansk bard” Vladimir Vysotsky.

The producers were skeptical about the chances of the son of an eminent father to ascend to the French stage. Joe Dassin's manner of performance and style were so unique in form and content that the public could simply not accept anyone else. As often happens, life has put everything in its place.


Parents always help their children, literally and figuratively, take their first steps in life. Julian Dassin was no exception in this regard. In order to tell the French public about himself, he decided to give this public a gift. In 2011, previously unpublished recordings by Joe Dassin were released, and with them the music world heard several compositions by the chansonnier’s son.

It is not for nothing that they say that good deeds are rewarded. The French assessed the work of the young musician so positively that the producers decided to try to work with him. The biggest difficulty was in selecting the repertoire for Julian. On the one hand, I didn’t want to make him a double of his famous father. On the other hand, too much difference could alienate the public.

Solomon's decision was prompted by fate itself. Several amateur recordings of Julian Dassin have leaked online. In just a few days, the audience liked them so much that further searches for a creative image for young man turned out to be unnecessary. Young, handsome, lyrical, charming - all this was said about Julian. Many famous performers of the French and European stage wanted to perform with him.

The first successful duet was a concert with Florence Xote, held in the suburbs of Paris. The vocalists, completely different in type and style, complemented each other so well on stage that it was impossible not to notice. Over the next three years, Julian recorded several MP3s, all of which reached high positions in the national and European charts.

Julian Dassin at your event

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Joe Dassin. Sons of Joe Dasen.

Joseph Ira Dassin was born in New York on November 5, 1938. His father, Jules, a Russian by birth, was a supporting actor trying to make a name for himself in the theater world. His mother, a violinist originally from Hungary, barely supported her family by playing in a women's orchestra.

The baby in the center is future singer Joe Dassin; to his left is his father, Jules Dassin, and in the photo on the right is Joe Dassin with his mother, Beatrice Launer

Gradually, things for the Dassin family began to improve: father Joe achieved success and became a famous director. Joe had two sisters, Ricky and Julie, whom he cared about very much. The family lived in a beautiful house in Los Angeles. Unfortunately, this idyll did not last long. After leaving the United States political reasons The Dassins were forced to seek refuge abroad. Thus, while still a child, Joe visited many countries and changed about 14 schools.

Joe and Ricky with their mother Beatrice

From the early childhood Joe can communicate in several languages. Colleges barely have time to add his name to the list before he hits the road again. “I loved this wandering life, I saw many countries.” The Dassins settled in Europe when Joe was seven years old.

Joe, Ricky and Julie with their aunt Molly Brown and her son Richard

When Joe was 12, the family moved to Paris. He discovers France and realizes that he would like to stay here. Joe enjoys sports, especially skiing and swimming, and spends much less time studying. But since his father promised him a motorcycle, Joe makes up for lost time and manages to graduate from the lyceum with a “good” grade. in Grenoble and receive a bachelor's degree. Joe was 17 years old.

The boy's mother taught him music, and his father took him to Broadway productions. At first, cinema won. When Jules Dassin returned to his homeland, France, after the war, eleven-year-old Joe became his father's assistant.

Soon the parents divorced, but the son continued to have close relationships with both his father and mother. Joe remained a cheerful, lively and at the same time modest, well-mannered guy.

Joe with sisters Ricky and Julie

At some point, Dassin decided to become an ethnographer and went overseas to the University of Michigan. While studying at the university, he had to earn extra money to support himself. Joe's studies were easy.

As the son of a director, he is naturally attracted to cinema, but his father dissuades him: “Study first.” Carefree by nature, Joe continues to live with a family that constantly moves from place to place.

Joe with his sisters and parents. On the right is school friend Karen

The guy also had time to play the guitar. He also had his own listeners. The young Frenchman made his debut in one of Detroit's night cabarets. His songs immediately attracted the attention of the public for their dissimilarity with well-known samples: he tried to combine in them the traditions of chanson with elements of American folk music, which seriously fascinated him. But true birth how is it professional singer It still happened on French soil...

After graduating from university, Joe is still not sure that pop music is his calling. He returns to France and works at one of the radio stations. Then Dassin Jr. played two independent roles in films, which, to tell the truth, did not bring him fame. It was after this that he began to think that his future was not in the cinema, but on the stage - before that, the song for Joe was just entertainment. However, friends did not miss the opportunity to listen to him perform songs from the repertoire of French chansonniers, especially the famous Georges Brassens, his idol. Time passed, and Dassin still had not made his final choice.

“Chance, as usual, resolved everything,” writes L. Pishnograeva. — At one of the parties, Joe met a pretty French girl named Maryse. It turned out that the girl really liked his singing - simple American country songs that he learned while living in America. Whenever Dassin sang, Maryse listened with admiration, and one day she recorded his songs on a tape recorder. Joe, who is soft and indecisive by nature, just needed an energetic and lively girlfriend who could inspire him to heroic deeds. Maryse introduced the young musician to the right people— employees of the CBS radio station. Dassin was persuaded to appear on air.

Success did not come immediately. The first record with American music aroused interest only among fans of Westerns. But when Dassin sang French chansons, the audience was delighted. Perhaps because in the music of those years his songs stood apart. There was no politics or “social” sound in them. At the same time, they differed from one-day hits in the expressiveness of the melody, impeccable taste and style. And one more thing: Dassin created joyful, bright music. He believed that a song should encourage a person and help him live.

“I’m trying to entertain the audience, make them forget about their worries and sorrows, take them away to beautiful world“where love reigns, I try to instill hope for a meeting,” the singer admitted.

And he quickly found like-minded people - the poets Pierre Dellanoe and Claude Lemesle, who began to compose poems for his melodies. IN short term Dassin captivated a wide audience. His songs were whistled by street boys, they were heard at student parties, on radio, television and, of course, at concerts.

You know, I missed you so much...” Dassin sang, as if addressing each of those sitting in the hall. The natural, trusting manner of singing, the softness and sincerity of the voice captivated listeners. The public saw him as a modern knight. Dassin's cheerful, mischievous, fiery songs were also popular. He was the same in life as on stage - smiling, romantic, sometimes shy, sometimes unbridled in his fun.”

Maryse truly became a guardian angel for Dassin. She inspired Joe to write beautiful love songs and helped him in everyday life.

“He wanted me to drive the car while he read,” she later recalled. - And to monitor his health and hairstyle. I had to style his hair several times a day (he hated his curls). I answered correspondence myself, washed and ironed his snow-white concert suits...

On January 18, 1966, Joe and Maryse got married. Dassin's concerts are a huge success. Within a few years he became the most popular singer in France.

The audience adore him, and he loves the audience, who, of course, feel it. It is enough to hear enthusiastic greetings in concert halls to understand the love that the audience felt for Joe - so complete was his perfection.

Children and adults, everyone wants to see Joe Dassin perform. The jukeboxes in cafes constantly order his songs, such as Siffler sur la colline, which can be called one of the most successful. A singer with a friendly but slightly sad smile, he was the ideal that everyone wants to be like, whom everyone would like to meet.

Over the next few years, Joe becomes a veteran of Olympia, where his concerts create a sensation every time. Due to such popularity, the Joe Dassin club is founded, where thousands of fans sign up. Even if not everyone likes his songs, everyone recognizes the obvious: the Joe Dassin phenomenon exists. And that's not putting it too strongly.

Joe and Christine

Joe Dassin was 38 years old - enough mature age. The main theme of his songs, with which he made such brilliant career, there was love. But he himself, it seems, has not found it yet. But then one day...

In 1976, Joe Dassin was on tour in Rouen. In one of free days he went into a photo shop to have the film developed. A young girl was serving the customers. She looked after her father's store during her lunch break. Joe took notice of her and wasted no time in inviting her to lunch.

They liked each other, fell in love and decided not to part again. They are everywhere together. It seems that after a long search, the singer finally found his happiness when he met Christine. When Joe is on stage, the girl is waiting for him backstage; when he is recording, she paces the corridors of the studio.

Family life, which began so successfully, later became the cause of sorrows and, most likely, death for the singer.

So Christina and Joe became lovers, and for several years Dassin led a double life. He broke up with Maryse in 1973 after the death of his first child, who lived only five days. “It wasn’t success that separated us. Life simply separated us,” Dassin will say about the divorce.

The wedding took place on January 14, 1978 in Cotignac, a small town in the Var department in the south of France. Joe Dassin performed here ten years ago. This concert was free and, to thank the singer, the festival committee offered him a plot of land for development. Over time, Joe built a magnificent home there in the Provençal style. So he decided to have his wedding there.

The day before the wedding began heavy rain. Everyone hoped that by tomorrow it would stop. But these hopes were not destined to come true: the lovers met in the rain. However, this could be the title of Joe's next song. Bad weather did not prevent the residents of this charming village from attending the star’s wedding.

Joe and Christine appeared surrounded by friends who had specially come from Paris for the occasion. Among them are Serge Lama, Jean Munson, Carlos... Joe's witnesses were Pierre Lambroso, his manager, and Jacques, his artistic director; on Christine's side - A. Atta and Isabel Regamey, her childhood friend. Joe and Christine signed the marriage license. Tears of happiness appeared in the bride's eyes when Joe put it on her finger wedding ring.

Before the big reception, to which approximately 500 people were invited, the newlyweds dined with their parents and loved ones. Christine, wearing a romantic dress that Joe had lovingly chosen for her, was glowing with happiness. How long has she waited for this day!

Joe was expecting happy news: he was going to become a father. At this time he was 500 kilometers from home: on a tour of Canada. As usual, in the afternoon the singer and his impresario went to a golf course in Quebec. He used these hours to relieve stress before meeting the public.

That day, as soon as he returned to the hotel, the phone rang. He picked up the phone and heard his wife's voice: Everything is okay, Jonathan was born. The eighth letter J in the Dassin dynasty. Joe was happy and an hour before the concert he was still talking on the phone. The next evening, Joe and all his friends and musicians celebrated the joyful event with champagne.

To everyone Joe and Christine are perfect couple. In a beautiful house in Saint-Nom-La-Bretèche they lead a happy family life. They often have friends who share their happiness.

Then, in late 1978, it was like a cat ran between Joe and Christine. It seems that there is a crack in their relationship. If earlier they loved to go out, visit dance floors, and visit small cozy restaurants, now they appear in public less and less.

Dassin toured constantly, and Christine's frequent separations drove her into despair.

“Once, in search of solace, she tried drugs,” writes L. Pishnograeva. “Soon Dassin began using cocaine, and the couple found themselves in a trap. The reckoning did not take long to arrive: Joe’s health deteriorated sharply, Christine simply could not control herself. In this excited, hysterical woman there was absolutely nothing left of Christine, whom Dassin fell in love with. Once their rare meetings were the greatest joy for him, but now he wanted to get a divorce as soon as possible.

However, it turned out that Christine was pregnant again. Joe rushed about like a hunted animal. He believed that his unlucky wife was to blame for everything. She is unable to build normal relationships, run a home, or raise children. Only God knows what bitterness and pain Dassin experienced...

In March 1980, their second son was born, but their marriage was already doomed.

The very next day, Joe filed for divorce. And he began a grueling struggle for the children. Dassin tried to convince the court that Christine could not be trusted with children. He managed to achieve a temporary solution in his favor, but God punished him for his arrogance and cruelty. Joe left heart attack, and he was bedridden for a whole month.

Christine with sons Jonathan and Julien

As soon as the singer felt a little better, he took his sons, the youngest was only four months old, to Tahiti. He wanted to take them away from Christine as quickly as possible and not see this woman again. Truly, from tender love to blind hatred there is only one step!

Thus ended the love story of Joe and Christine.

From love to hate...

Joe Dassin was undoubtedly one of the most popular singers, and his records were almost the most sold in France.

Giving concert after concert, he moved from country to country, he was given a standing ovation wherever he performed, he was admired numerous fans and fans.

To lead the hectic life of a star, it was necessary to have excellent health, or at least to rest more often. Joe often had trouble with his heart, which indicated excessive stress.

He needed rest, and he went to the island of his dreams, Tahiti, where he owned three kilometers of a wonderful beach. The sand there was so fine it looked like it had been put through a sieve. Having reached the age of forty, Joe intended to leave the stage and settle there.

He did not want to become an aging chansonnier and therefore was going to stop in time.

In order to pay more attention to his growing sons Jonathan and Julien, he decided to give concerts less often before stopping them completely. My children are growing up quickly, and I don't want to miss anything, he often said.

Joe was literally obsessed with perfection and worked 12-15 hours a day. He felt his strength leaving him day after day. All his dreams of eternal happiness were shattered. His divorce from Christine ruined his life.

After this, Joe makes the wise decision to vacation in Tahiti. He seemed happy as he talked about the upcoming holiday, which he planned to spend with his children and with his mother - with those whom he loved most in the world. There he could relax for a while, forgetting about the grueling tour and the divorce. He rejoiced at this unexpected respite.

He sought salvation on this paradise island, but found death.

August 20, 1980, Tahiti. Joe is in great shape. He is going to go with friends to a distant atoll. No comfort, no hotel - real contact with nature...

“We agreed to meet at 10 am and discuss everything,” said Claude Lemel. - Joe prepared for this excursion as carefully as, for example, for a concert. We had to stay on the atoll for four or five days. At a quarter past twelve we went to the restaurant, but someone told us that our friend, Dr. Paul-Robert Thomas, was in the cafe downstairs.

Joe with Claude Lemel.

We went to him, then went upstairs again. I took the escalator, but Joe didn't think it was fast enough and went up the stairs, jumping four steps at a time. He was on top in two leaps and I thought he was in amazing shape. His mother, Beatrice, was with us. We chatted for a minute or two, suddenly Joe fainted... A doctor who happened to be in the restaurant gave him a heart massage, we called an ambulance, but it was on the other side of the island. When Joe was brought to the hospital, it was already too late...

“He loved Tahiti so much... I’m sure he died happy...” Beatrice said through tears.

Father at his son's funeral

A year before his death, Dassin visited the USSR

In the summer of 1979, the artist performed at the opening of the Cosmos Hotel in Moscow. And already in August 1980 he was gone.

Who could have known that that last concert on July 11, 1980 would end the incredible career of a great singer? A vacation to Tahiti turned into a terrible tragedy. All dreams and plans were shattered on an August day in 1980, leaving nothing but emptiness for everyone who loved Joe...

Photo album

1. According to legend, when Father Dassin, who knew little English, was asked about his surname at the time of registration of immigrants, he did not understand the question and replied that he was from Odessa - this is how the surname “Dassin” appeared.

2. The world recognized the Italian singer and composer Toto Cutugno after Joe Dassin performed his compositions “Et si tu n`xistais pas” and “Salut”, as well as “L`t Indien”, which became a hit in the summer of 1975.

3. In his younger years, Joe Dassin worked as a cleaner, mechanic and cook. At one time he also wrote articles for Playbo magazine

4. The song “Le Petit Pain Au Chocolat” (“The Chocolate Bun”), performed by Dassin, contributed to an unprecedented increase in sales of chocolate dough buns.

5. During his performances, Dassin gave his best full program. For each concert he lost several kilograms of weight.

6. Joe Dassin made amendments to the lyrics of each of his songs. As a rule, they took up an entire school notebook.

With Father

With mom.

7. Joe Dassin’s favorite sport was golf, the artist also loved to fish. Dassin loved to cook, and often staged entire cooking shows for family and friends.

8. Dasen’s masterpiece “Et Si Tu N" Existais Pas” (Russian version - “If you weren’t there”) is dedicated to the singer’s second wife, Christine Delvaux.

9. During one of the photo sessions that took place in New York, Joe is photographed against the backdrop of a Harley-Davidson motorcycle that happened to come to hand. This photo would then appear on the cover of an album, and “Joe’s Harley” would become the object of desire for an entire generation.

Joe with his wife Christine and son Jonathan

With mom

Joe with his sisters Julie and Ricky

Joe with his parents - Jules Dassin and Beatrice Launer

Joe with his first wife Maryse Massiera

His children became musicians.

Joe Dassin's sons Julien and Jonathan with their mother


Popular Kazakh performer Meruert Musrali and the son of the legendary singer Joe Dassin French musician Jonathan Dassin recorded joint song and shot a video clip in Almaty ( 2015)

Like him famous father, 35-year-old Jonathan Dassin writes the lyrics and music for his songs. His style is melodic compositions with elements of light folk and jazz.

Already at the age of 13 he created his first music group, and over time, Jonathan’s passion for music grew into a profession. As the singer, who already came to Kazakhstan at the beginning of this year, previously noted, he is not an exact copy his father, since the famous singer has his own special and unique style of performance, and Jonathan has his own.

Joe and Jannathan

He fundamentally does not want to popularize his father’s work and prefers to go his own way.

A show dedicated to the legendary French singer was held in Moscow

In the concert hall "Crocus City Hall" as part of the world tour called "Once Upon a Time Joe Dassin".

The spectacular conclusion of the concert was the joint performance, using multimedia technologies, of one of the show’s compositions by Joe Dassin together with his son Julien, who became not only a participant in the show, but also its ideological inspirer.

Julien Dassin and Florence Coste

Although Joe died when his son was only 6 months old, it turned out that he had a lot to tell about his famous father.

Singer and actor 30-year-old Julien Dassin is very similar to his father, the legendary French singer Joe Dassin. He smiles just as charmingly, gestures the same way, and even in conversation uses the words that Joe loved to say so much...

Julian Dassin onon Retro FM

From an interview with Juien

- He was a great perfectionist. He wanted to improve people's lives with his creativity. My father loved to read, talk and study as much as possible. He was a very bright person.

- Does the name Dassin help or hinder you in your career or in life?

- No. The surname Dassin does not bother me. I'm proud of my last name. And by my father. Your last name is not only you, but also your ancestors. It is very important for me. I would like people to not forget my father and pass on their love for him from generation to generation.

The house where Julien Dassin lives is located in the most prestigious area of ​​Paris. From the windows of his apartment on the sixth floor one can see the Arc de Triomphe and the Champs Elysees, the song about which made his father, the French singer Joe Dassin, famous throughout the world.

Julien says that he will drink coffee: “Probably already the one hundred and tenth cup of the morning! This is a family thing for us. Like my father, I cannot live without coffee and, unfortunately, without cigarettes. This habit greatly undermined my father’s health—he smoked like a locomotive. What he was absolutely forbidden to do. Father had serious problems with his heart: doctors discovered a murmur in his heart as a child.

When father diedJulien was also at the table at that moment. More precisely, he was in the arms of his grandmother. Julien was only six months old at the time. And everything he knows about his father today was told to him by people who knew Joe Dassin well. “I searched for the image of my father for a very long time, collected it literally bit by bit, and as a result, I put it together like a mosaic in my heart,” says Julien.

I can only say one thing: my father is always next to me. As a child, I imagined what lullabies he could sing to me, how he would smile when I first started hitting on girls, how he would worry about all my rebellious antics... And to this day, no matter what I do, I constantly think : “What will father say?”

He has his father’s corner in his Parisian apartment. In one of the rooms he tried to recreate his office. The table is real, exactly the one that belonged to my father.

His own family I don't have one yet, I'm single.