The British Royal Family is the most popular royal family in the world. And the most secret thing. What happens at Buckingham Palace should not go beyond its boundaries: this motto of Queen Elizabeth II has been fulfilled for many years.

But how interesting is it to find out what Kate Middleton, for example, does? Is her life all about formal meetings, balls and charity events, or is there something else to it? British journalists took this issue seriously and compiled an approximate life schedule for the nation's favorite Kate Middleton in the role of the Duchess of Cambridge.

On the surface, it may seem that Kate and Prince William only “work” one or two days a week.- with such frequency they usually appear in public. But this is a misleading impression. " We are like ducks: it seems that we are swimming calmly, but under the water we are quickly moving our paws "William once remarked.

To ensure that there are no discrepancies in receptions and visits, in order to keep up with everything planned, Kate and William really have to “row” hard. Only the public does not notice this “underwater” activity.


Kate Middleton's morning begins at approximately 7 o'clock. Morning routine, jogging in Kensingt Park, working out in the gym - everything is the same ordinary people. After the family breakfast, the Duchess devotes an hour or two to her children. Prince George and Princess Charlotte have nannies and governesses, but Kate tries to spend as much time as possible with them while they are little.


After "family hour" comes business correspondence time. The Duchess is physically unable to answer all letters. She is assisted by the royal office and a personal press attaché, who sends her only the most important letters or invitations that require a personal response.

Planning and preparation

In the life of such a famous and busy person, everything must be carefully planned.: from going to the gym to planning visits to top level. This is what he does The Duchess's private secretary, Rebecca Deacon, who plans and schedules personal meetings, attending charity events and Kate's other social commitments.

This activity should be coordinated with her husband's secretariat- Prince William - and the security service, so that it does not turn out that the couple is going to the same meeting at different times.

Kate should be well informed about the purpose of the visit or meeting, know the topic of the event, be up to date latest events in politics, social and cultural life to promote small talk or intellectual discussion. Each event requires a good study of the subject and takes a lot of time in preparation. Kate Middleton is known for being an intelligent and deep conversationalist - so obviously preparation takes up a lot of time in her schedule.

Official events

Official events attended by members of the royal family usually take place in the afternoon - unless they are official visits or events of national importance. Their visit is also planned long before the event. About preparation - see above.

Kate Middleton and her husband are actively involved in charity work and are patrons of several non-governmental foundations. In particular, the Action on Addiction fund for those suffering from various addictions, East Anglia Children’s Hospice, The Art Room center, aimed at developing creative abilities in children. In addition, the couple are official patrons of the National Portrait Gallery and the personal Royal Foundation of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry.

Over time, responsibilities that are already difficult for Queen Elizabeth II herself are transferred to the Duchess: for example, Kate, who is passionate about tennis, became the curator of the Wimbledon tournament - previously this privilege belonged to the Queen.

Maintaining style and image

Any extra fold on the dress and any gray hair in Kate Middleton's hair is an event that with 100% probability will end up on the front pages of newspapers and in special editions of television programs. The Duchess of Cambridge needs to take care of her appearance and keep herself in shape.

Therefore, on days when there is no public events, Kate works out with a personal trainer, conducts cosmetic procedures and meets with court stylists, hairdressers and tailors.

The Duchess's style should follow etiquette, but also reflect her preferences. Kate's stylists are probably getting overwhelmed trying to reduce the problem to one solution. But the result is clear: The Duchess of Cambridge is considered one of the most... stylish women in the world.


In the evening, Kate Middleton and Prince William have another “family hour”, which they dedicate to their children- personally reading them bedtime stories and putting them to bed.

And now you can compare how far the fantasies about the lazy life of a princess in the palace are from the real one. Many of us have never dreamed of such a tight and strict schedule and such loads!

Photos in text - RexFeatures.

Cambridge family on children's party in Canada, September 29, 2016

Like his late mother, Princess Diana, Prince William has long made it clear that he values ​​family happiness above royal protocol. And although the famous spouses are today the main representatives of the British royal family (of course, after Elizabeth II), they are not at all embarrassed to periodically turn a blind eye to the centuries-old traditions of the monarchy. The "rebellion", however, clearly plays into their hands: in this way the couple gained national love. After all, where they live and how they raise their children definitely makes William and Kate closer to people.

We talk about eleven “crimes” famous couple against royal protocol.

1. Were in a close relationship before marriage

Student photo of Kate and William

Kate and William met at the University of St. Andrews. They had the opportunity to first make friends, get to know each other better, and their romance for a long time developed away from prying eyes. Even later, they began to live together, actually breaking the taboo on close relationships before marriage, which the British royal house adhered to since time immemorial. And despite the family’s skepticism, William, although not immediately, still managed to receive a blessing from Elizabeth II, and Kate had the patience to wait (for which she even managed to receive the offensive nickname Waity Katie from journalists).

2. Both received higher education

William at graduation

Kate at graduation

It sounds incredible, but when Kate and William ascend the throne, they will become the first King and Queen of Great Britain with a higher education. “Graduating from universities” was not before them royal business. For example, Princess Diana, who under different circumstances might one day become queen, higher education Did not have. Actually, Elizabeth II was also homeschooled.

3. Married for love

Wedding of Diana and Charles VS Wedding of Kate and William

Unlike his famous ancestors, William did not support the tradition of marriage for the sake of political or economic gain. Unlike his father, William did not allow his elders to choose his bride. Perhaps not last role The story of his parents, whose arranged marriage did not bring happiness to anyone, played a role in this. Sincere feelings for Kate, the absence of public pressure and the blessing of her grandmother led to the fact that the wedding of Kate and William became both a celebration true love and a holiday for the subjects, before whose eyes the fairy tale about Cinderella became reality.

4. Live away from the Royal Court

Anmer Hall, seen from the outside of the house

Anmer Hall, view from the courtyard

Traditionally, members of the royal family must reside in London. Most often, the official residence of the Queen's relatives becomes Kensington Palace in the western part of the city. It was he who was intended for the young couple after their marriage. But William and Kate decided to break the glorious tradition and settled in the ancient Gregorian mansion Anmer Hall (Norfolk). The decision to move to the province is again dictated by the couple’s desire to protect their personal life from prying prying eyes. “It’s no secret that William does not welcome the constant interference of the media in his personal life, and outside the city he can take a short break from the intrusive flashes of cameras,” admits one of the friends of the royal family. “He and Kate lead an ordinary life and raise their children like an ordinary one.” family".

5. They prefer to stay in the shadows

In March 2016, William, Kate and their kids escaped from the island to the continent, on ski resort in the French Alps. Everyone only found out about it after the fact, when the Cambridges returned home and published a series of photographs, including this one.

As important public figures, Kate and William are required to attend a certain minimum of social events each year. The Cambridges, however, violated this immutable rule. Once a year when Buckingham Palace publishes reports on each of its representatives, the Duke and Duchess begin to be accused of laziness and unwillingness to work for the benefit of the image of the Crown. However, William and Kate stick to their line: their children need their attention now. It even led to the conclusion special agreement between the Prince and Queen Elizabeth, according to which she temporarily allows her grandson and his wife to remain in the shadows. So, William and Catherine can skip some social events with a clear conscience.

6. Celebrate Christmas separately

The Cambridge family at the Christmas morning service at the Middleton estate, December 25, 2016

Kate and William violate royal protocol even on Christmas. According to tradition, the Queen and all members of the royal family should gather together at Sandringham Palace, but here the couple decided to ignore the centuries-old rule in order to celebrate a family holiday in a narrow circle, to the delight of the children.

Kate, William, their babies George and Charlotte, as well as Kate’s parents have been celebrating Christmas together for several years in a row at Anmer Hall, or at the elder Middleton’s estate. Sometimes the Duchess's brother and sister, James and Pippa, also join the family. According to the latter, Christmas at Anmer Hall, in contrast to the strict holiday at Sandringham Palace, is much calmer and more fun. Kate and William, in turn, are sure that George and Charlotte will like the family holiday much more, and they have nothing to do at the protocol celebrations at Sandringham yet.

7. They try to provide their children with a normal childhood.

Photo of Prince George taken by Kate on his first day of kindergarten, January 2016

George at a children's party in Canada, September 29, 2016

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have also broken up with long-time family tradition send the royal offspring to a specially selected kindergarten in London. Instead, Kate and William decided to send George to an ordinary kindergarten in Norfolk. The parents themselves take turns bringing and taking their son from there. Moreover, Kate even invited George's kindergarten friends to visit. William previously explained that he and his wife just want to live ordinary life like a “normal family”. Now the usual safety considerations have been added to the list of reasons, because the son’s kindergarten is located far from the dangerous and unpredictable London.

8. Raise children on their own

Kate and little George at polo competition, June 2014

Kate and William are strongly opposed to their children being raised away from their parents by an army of nannies. Despite the fact that they did hire one nanny, it is known that Kate and William prefer to raise their children on their own, resorting to a nanny only when necessary. as a last resort. Locals Kate and George are often seen in shops, as well as in the farm park, where little George feeds the pigs or plays with his mother and sister in the sandbox.

9. Be your own photographers

Prince William does not hide his dislike for journalists and paparazzi. Of course, it was annoying photographers who once killed his mother, Princess Diana. It is not surprising that the Duke of Cambridge does not always approve of journalists’ intentions to photograph his wife or his children. Instead, the young couple decided to refuse public filming and allow themselves to be photographed only on their own terms (sometimes they do not even allow inviting professional photographers). Thus, the photographer of the first official portrait of Prince George was Kate's father Michael. Most often, Katherine takes photographs of her children herself and posts them on official account Kensington Palace whenever it deems necessary.

10. They are not afraid to dress in mass-market stores.

Kate in a £75 Topshop dress, 2016

Kate in £50 Glamorous maxi dress, 2016

Unlike many of her predecessors, Kate does not wear designer clothes 24 hours a day. The Duchess of Cambridge loves (and most importantly, knows how) to dress in stores located on the High Street (as a rule, these are ordinary middle-class brands). Kate loves clothes from brands such as Zara or GAP, and selects jewelry from stores like Accessorize. In addition, Kate often violates the royal “shoe” dress code, preferring not an elegant stiletto heel, but a comfortable wedge heel. The Queen has repeatedly advised her daughter-in-law to give up such shoes, but Kate obviously doesn’t want to think about it.

The prince's full name is William Arthur Philip Louis Windsor. In order to inherit the right to become Prince of Wales, he needed to learn the Welsh language. In general, the prince, in addition to his native English, is fluent in French, Latvian, and Spanish.

From birth, the prince was not like all the other children born into royal families. He was the first child to be born not in the royal palace, but in St. Mary's Hospital in London. The child immediately became a coveted object for the paparazzi from the moment the young parents, Diana and Charles, carried their first child out of the hospital. The best of the best “predators” fought for the right to take the first photo.

On December 4, 1982, the heir was christened at Buckingham Palace under the name William Arthur Philip Louis.


Naturally, the parents wanted to give their first child the best education and the finest upbringing. Diana and Charles abandoned the habit of royal families to educate their heirs at home - little William was sent to primary school. Although, according to royal customs, it is assumed that teachers are hired to study with children, and they study within the walls of their home. This is how, for example, Prince Charles himself studied.

William did everything on par with his peers: he studied at schools, lived in the same barracks with them, played sports, and then entered the famous Eton College, where he studied geography, biology and art history. It was only in college that he began to live in a separate room and use a separate shower. But even this decision was made not because of the stately title, but because of security considerations.

When the boy turned 14 years old, a great shock awaited him - his parents’ divorce. Princess Diana devoted a lot of time to her elder William and younger Harry and continued to be a member of the royal family, living at Kensington Palace.

A year later, on August 31, 1997, Diana died in a car accident. She and her lover, billionaire Dodi al-Fayed, crashed in a car when their driver tried to escape from being pursued by paparazzi.

Prince Charles forbade his children to have a radio; William learned of his mother’s death only the next day. Children took part in the funeral of Princess Diana, they followed the coffin all the way to Westminster Abbey, where the ceremony took place. After the grief that befell Prince William, he needed sessions with a psychologist, whom he invited personally. He blamed the paparazzi for his mother's death, and then he hated them.

Princes Harry and William, 2005

After graduating from college, William wanted to take a break from his studies and began to travel a lot, continuing his mother’s work - charity. But a year passed - and the first heir to the throne entered the prestigious University of St. Andrews in Scotland. There he met his beloved. Their relationship lasted the entire five years that they studied at St. Andrews, and after graduating from the university, the couple began to live together at the residence of Prince Charles. For a very long time, the press spread false rumors about their wedding, then about their separation, and then again about the wedding.

About Kate Middleton

Kate Middleton became famous thanks to her royal boyfriend and now husband, but she does not come from a noble family.

Her father Michael is from the middle class, and her mother Carol is a hereditary native of an old family of Harrison coal miners from County Durham. Kate's parents met in the sky. Michael was a pilot and Carol was a flight attendant. Over time, the family founded their own company, Party Pieces, thanks to which the couple became millionaires. In addition to Kate, the parents also have a middle daughter, Philippa and younger son James.

Kate received her secondary education at a prestigious boarding school - Marlborough College in Wiltshire.

And to obtain higher education, she went to Scotland to enter the University of St. Andrews, after which she received a bachelor's degree.

The girl quickly became friends with the young prince and was among the few guests who were invited to Windsor Castle to celebrate Prince William's coming of age. During the holidays, the couple went on trips together, and even then it was clear that the “simple” Kate and the “difficult” prince were together.

Official exit of Kate Middleton and Prince William after their engagement, 2010

When William went to a military training camp in Dorset in 2007, rumors began to spread about their separation. This is due to many factors, as well as the fact that journalists put more and more pressure on Kate. In April 2007, it was officially announced that the couple had broken up. But already in July, Kate and William appeared together again at one of the concerts, which was dedicated to the memory of Princess Diana. None of the official sources commented on the status of the couple, not to mention the “heroes of the occasion.” But nevertheless, already in August, Prince William and Kate decided to renew their relationship, which they officially announced through their sources.

About the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton

On November 16, 2010, the engagement of Kate Middleton and Prince William was announced. And almost immediately the wedding date was set.
There were two dresses for the wedding celebration: one for participation in the ceremony itself, and the other for the wedding dinner, which was hosted by the prince’s grandmother, Elizabeth II.

About two thousand people were invited to the celebration in Westminster Abbey, including the most famous people not only around the royal couple, but throughout the world.

Formal invitations are white cards with gold leaf inserted in pale brown envelopes. On top they are embossed with a crown and the Queen's initials. Below is the text: "The Lord Chamberlain has been directed by the Queen to invite [name] to the marriage of His Royal Highness Prince William of Wales, Knight Commander of the Order of the Garter, to Miss Catherine Middleton at Westminster Abbey on Friday 29 April 2011 at 11:00 am." Invited men are also asked to comply with the dress code, namely to appear in military uniform, a frock coat or a pair of jackets.

During the ceremony, Queen Elizabeth II and her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh, Prince, sat in the most honorable places during the ceremony. Welsh Charles with his wife Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, and the groom's brother Prince Harry. Nearby are Kate's parents, Michael and Carole Middleton, the bride's sister Pippa and brother James.

But, despite the fact that several thousand people were invited to the wedding ceremony (among the guests were spouses Elton John and David Furnish, British Prime Minister David Cameron, spouses David and Victoria Beckham, photographer Mario Testino and other celebrities), the reception at Only 600 guests went to Buckingham Palace, and only 300 remained for dinner. After dinner, according to tradition, a ball followed.

The royal wedding in Great Britain, and throughout the world, is still remembered. For some, the celebration brought not only pleasant memories, but also income. For example, in November 2013, two years after the holiday, the auction house Julien’s Auctions sold a piece of an eight-tier sponge cake from Kate and William’s wedding for almost five thousand dollars.

About little Prince George

Jason Bell/Camera Presses

Around Christmas 2012, Prince William and now Duchess Catherine announced on their official website that they were expecting their first child. The kingdom was delighted. Subjects bet on the gender and name of the royal first-born, and in distant China they even issued souvenir mugs on the occasion of the imminent birth of a son to the royal couple (although until recently, most were confident that a girl would be born).

Baby George, the son of Duchess Catherine and Prince William, was born on July 22, 2013 at 16:24 local time (19:24 Moscow time) at St. Mary's Hospital in London. The heir weighed approximately 3.8 kilograms. The birth of the child was solemnly celebrated with 62 volleys of fireworks from the Tower Fortress over the banks of the Thames. The fireworks were made in the colors of the national flag: white, red and blue.

Londoners and residents of the island, who specially came to the capital in honor of the birth of the heir, besieged St. Mary's Hospital and Buckingham Palace from early morning, when the duchess was taken to the hospital with the first contractions. Subjects British crown We prepared in advance greeting ribbons and balloons for children of both sexes.

The first photos of Prince George were taken by Kate's father, Michael Middleton.

At the same time, the press duty began at the hospital gates a week before the birth, when Duchess Camilla, the wife of Prince Charles, recklessly let slip that the birth of the baby should be expected in the coming hours.

All the excitement around the birth of Kate Middleton’s first child in the Kingdom has already been nicknamed “The Great Kate Wait.” Under this definition, this period will certainly go down in British history. At the same time, the waiting hours were fueled by the British media, many of which conducted live online broadcasts of what was happening in front of the hospital walls. The popular National Post on its website launched a Twitter feed of celebrities on the topic of the birth of their first child, as well as memories of how Lady Diana’s birth took place, when Prince William, Queen Elizabeth’s first grandson and heir, was born 31 years ago after 16 hours of labor. Prince Charles.

Three months after birth, the little prince was baptized in the Royal Chapel of St. James's Palace. Royal heirs It is supposed to be baptized at Buckingham Palace, but Prince William and Kate Middleton broke this tradition. In the chapel where the sacrament of baptism took place, Kate received communion before the wedding, and in 1997 the body of Princess Diana lay here.

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Home like a king: Kensington Palace

Although Kate Middleton and Prince George are now in a country mansion in Bucklebury, all of Britain is waiting with bated breath for the royal family to move to Kensington Palace, where the royal couple will have 21 rooms at their disposal. It is located in the western part of London, in Kensington Gardens, in the Royal Borough. This will be the first full common Home Prince William and his wife Duchess Kate Middleton.

It became known that Kate Middleton's parents Carol and Michael will also receive their own at Kensington Palace in order to be closer to their grandson. Before this, Kate decided not to seek the services of a nurse; it was her mother who would help her care for little Prince George during the very first steps of his life. The open spaces of Kensington Palace, which includes 21 rooms, will allow mother and father to be close to their daughter. Their two bedroom apartments are fully tastefully furnished and are complemented by a luxurious living room, dining area and bathroom. IN this moment The apartment is undergoing a £1 million restoration. The Middleton family
There is already one £1.2 million apartment less than two miles from Kensington Palace, in addition to a charming mansion in Bucklebury, Berkshire. However, rooms at Kensington Palace will allow them to visit their grandson without undue public attention.

Kate and George are currently staying with Kate's parents in Bucklebury, where they are waiting for the palace to finish restoration work. The mansion in the picturesque suburb of Bucklebury is set on 18 acres of land and boasts a tennis court, swimming pool and a rich library. Such a vast area immerses the whole family in an atmosphere of complete privacy. Official representatives The royal couple reported that at the moment William and Kate just want to spend a little time with each other and get to know their son better, in a more family atmosphere than what it can offer royal life at Kensington Palace, full of formalities and restrictions. The move is further evidence that William and Kate are not ready to let royal tradition dictate how they raise their son.

When the royal couple returns to Kensington Palace, updated interiors will await them. Last time this part The palace was restored back in 1960, after Princess Margaret married Lord Snowdon. In addition to extensive cosmetic repairs, replaced most of roofs, wiring. The Countess and her mother showed keen interest in the creation interior decoration, with pleasure thinking through every detail of the interior. 21 rooms are located on 4 floors. Kate in Once again showed off her good taste, decorated in soothing pastel colors with sophisticated details and furnishings.

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Text: Alena Kostina

Photo: Splash/AllOverPress; Rex/

Prince William and his wife Kate Middleton have decided to make Kensington Palace in London their official residence. And they have already started a £1 million renovation. However, the British warn them: a curse hangs over the palace.

Prince William and his wife Kate Middleton, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, have decided to make Kensington Palace in London their official residence and have already received the consent of Queen Elizabeth II. However, the young couple will be able to move to a new place of residence no earlier than in a year - the building requires repairs, which, according to preliminary estimates, will cost the treasury £1 million.

The British media, discussing the decision of William and Kate in editorials, warn the spouses: a curse hangs over the palace where they are going to build a love nest. One queen died of smallpox a week after moving to this residence, another lost 17 children... Marriages collapsed one by one, notes The Daily Mail. Will Kate be able to avoid such a fate?

One of the most tragic figures associated with Kensington Palace is Queen Caroline, wife of George II. She died within the walls of this building in agony: the crowned lady suffered from an umbilical hernia and severe spasmodic pain of gynecological origin. In 1737, without anesthesia, she underwent surgery to remove the tumor, but the bleeding continued. On her deathbed, Caroline asked her husband to remarry after her death, to which he replied: “Why? I have mistresses."

Over the entire 320-year history of the palace, its walls, courtyards and corridors have witnessed many tragedies. It’s surprising that William and Kate decided to make it their home, society columnists are perplexed. According to the chief curator of royal palaces in Great Britain, Lucy Worsley, there were at least seven princesses whom Kensington received very unfriendly. “Some of them became depressed, and some even went crazy...,” Worsley said. Long list misfortune indicates that the palace is cursed, and besides, a ghost lives in it, says DM.

The history of this palace began in 1690, when William III and Queen Mary commissioned the architect Sir Christopher Wren to renovate and extend the house they had bought in “rural” Kensington as an escape from the hustle and bustle of Whitehall Palace. In those days the British called Kensington, famous for its clean air, nothing more than a “health resort without drugs.” Alas, this “health resort” did not help 32-year-old Mary - as soon as the couple moved into the renovated residence, the queen died of smallpox.

But the palace's troubles had only just begun. In 1702, William III died and the throne was inherited by his sister Anne, who also moved to Kensington. She was married to George of Denmark. “I have seen him drunk, I have seen him sober, there is nothing special about him,” Charles II wrote about his uncle. Despite Georg's lack of charisma, Anna was pregnant by him 17 times, but not a single child born lived to adulthood.

When the queen died of gout, Sophia of Hanover's eldest son, George, ascended the throne and became King George I of Great Britain. He was the first to try to dispel the mystical curse that hangs over Kensington Palace.

If you are lucky enough to visit this residence, then, going up the main staircase, you will see on the walls portraits of footmen, maids, and children, painted by order of George. He wanted to make the residence more intimate and welcoming than the “favorite of monarchs” St. James's Palace. By the way, William and Kate first looked at St. James, but still chose Kensington.

Family life George I, who was busy restoring Kensington Palace, suffered a crisis: his wife cheated on him, and he locked her in a remote German castle. Then, in this residence, Queens Caroline, Charlotte and Victoria were each unhappy in their own way.

In 1960, Princess Margaret moved into the palace. After her marriage collapsed in the 1970s, Margaret lived alone in Kensington with her only companion being “the ghost of a mysterious woman in blue,” The Daily Mail writes. At that time, Princess Diana was Margaret's neighbor, but they did not communicate. However, Margaret, of course, knew (and could observe) about the most poignant incident associated with the residence: the stillborn daughter of Rose Monckton was buried in the palace garden, best friend Princess Diana.

Princess Diana herself, who lived in Kensington, also did not escape misfortune. Her marriage was a disaster: Prince Charles was twelve years older and did not share Diana's interests. She dreamed of love and wanted to see a reciprocal feeling in her husband. But brought up in strict rules The prince is not used to expressing emotions.

Soon after the wedding, the princess fulfilled her duty as a wife by giving the nation an heir, William, and then gave birth to a second son, Harry. Charles stated that he dreamed of a girl, not a red-haired boy. Diana, who passionately loved her children, was hurt. The crack in the prince and princess's family boat was widening.

After some time, the English press started talking about the fact that Charles had resumed his relationship with Camilla Parker-Bowles, whom he later called “ only love all my life." Desperate to find understanding from Charles, Diana entered into intimate relationships with other men. Newspapers literally reveled in every new scandal in royal family, since since 1981 the spouses have almost continuously accused each other of infidelity. In 1993, Buckingham Palace officially announced the separation of the prince and princess. On August 29, 1996, the official divorce took place.

Last love Diana became the son of an English entrepreneur Egyptian origin Daoud al-Fayed. On August 31, 1997, Diana and Dodi got into a Mercedes that was supposed to take them to the Al-Fayed family's Parisian mansion. Intrusive paparazzi waylaid the loving couple at the entrance to the hotel and began to chase them on motorcycles. The driver, trying to escape the pursuit, increased his speed, and in the Alma tunnel the car crashed into a support pole. Dodi and the driver died on the spot; doctors fought for Diana’s life for about six hours, but to no avail. Perhaps the curse is to blame.

And although William and Kate are set to spend £1 million to restore Princess Margaret's shabby apartment where they plan to live, they will have to work hard to banish unpleasant memories from the palace.

We sincerely wish Kate to be happy in Kensington with William! We hope that their love will dispel all curses and help the palace enter a new golden period.