Venus is the ruler here, but second (after Chiron), so this is a potentially strong position, although it requires some preparatory work. Taurus Venus perceives the world through plastic images, somewhat ponderously, at a low level, very mundane, but clearly and unambiguously. On high level this is the aspect of artists, sculptors, architects and public figures: what is expressed by the developed Taurus Venus is not only beautiful, but also very convincing; if it is an idea, it is almost material; if it is a sculpture, then it may be more alive than those who admire it; if it is a poem, then with such a convincing semantic-rhythmic phonetic synthesis that if you throw it through the window, you risk breaking the glass.

Venus is very strong in the sign of Taurus. Here Venus gives to her wards passionate nature, increased sensitivity, receptivity, impressionability, sensuality. People with Venus in the sign of Taurus have two clearly expressed talents: creative and worldly, in addition, they are spiritually strong. Usually these are quite sensible, practical people, they are sober and logical in their judgments, and decisive in their deeds. Both in business and in love, they show perseverance and perseverance, and have a very realistic view of everything. People with Venus in the sign of Taurus are endowed with excellent taste, they are friendly, benevolent, courteous, and endowed with social talent.

These are self-possessed, patient people with strong self-control and self-control. They are usually distinguished by exceptional honesty and decency, they are loyal to friends and devoted to their loved ones, able to completely devote themselves to the partner to whom they are attached soul and body. True, the feelings of such people arise slowly, but they are deep. Venus in the sign of Taurus portends success in business and love, but people with such Venus require a sense of security, a calm environment and a specific microclimate. Their home is usually cozy and warm; they themselves radiate warmth and maternal tenderness. People with such Venus are distinguished by great love to the arts, especially fine arts, sculpture, architecture, music, vocal art, ballet and dance. They also love nature in all its forms.

Money and property are achieved through business. Venus in Taurus promotes good fortune related to finances, especially in the second half of life. Often inheritance and material well-being comes through marriage. Without elaboration, this aspect gives extreme social pragmatism; any other person or group is considered only from the point of view of the specific material benefit that they can bring; when affected, laziness, complete social apathy and vampirism, aggravated by a demanding taste, especially for material objects, extreme addiction to things and close people.

The words of Taurus Venus sound weighty in society, at least when pure reason (that is, Mercury) is not included, but there is an orientation towards the social subconscious. In a harmonious version, she is unusually attractive in communication with her gentle manners and pleasant self-confidence; the complete impression that this is a person you can rely on (whether this is true, the horoscope as a whole will not tell you, since a person’s reliability is determined not by the absence of tense aspects to Neptune, Saturn and the planets in the moving cross, but by his evolutionary level). Harmonious aspects of Taurus Venus will show areas where a person can do everything beautifully and well; intense - where he must learn it and become unsurpassed.

Venus in Taurus

Venus in Taurus is in its abode, in the earth sign. Here Venus will give strong attachments, feelings that develop rather slowly.

You are likely to have strong habits because Taurus is associated with bodily harmony and you will usually seek balance with your surroundings. Therefore, it may be typical for you high degree adaptability, you will always tune in to environment, wanting to emotionally adapt to her, but this process takes time. That is, you tend to slowly develop your attachments, feelings must take shape and then they will be smooth, inert and harmonious.

Apparently, you are a slightly phlegmatic person, in the worst case, maybe even lazy, but usually it is difficult to unbalance you. You may be reflective, meaning you often think about how others treat you and how you treat them. Venus in Taurus also gives sober earthly love, “thickly mixed” with sex. It should be noted that you may not really distinguish between love and sex, at least at the level of feelings. Most likely, you are inexhaustible and tireless in love and are always ready to indulge in pleasure. However, your love blossoms well only when you feel peace and security.

Based only on the position Venus in Taurus You can't talk about sexual behavior, because there can be quite a lot of big variety approaches. But you will definitely have a desire for strong, stable emotional contacts, connections that are slowly developed, that is, you can adapt to your partner, while getting used to it slowly. Although it may take you a lot of time to tune in, this way you can tune in to almost anyone. Moreover, you are most likely long-suffering; for you, breaking up a relationship is almost always difficult and difficult; this must be preceded by a long accumulation of negative experiences, since Taurus is the sign of a fixed cross. Therefore, extraordinary efforts are required for you to break old strong ties.

Usually you don’t like to part ways, not so much because of great love, but because of a dislike for change. Your attachments are very strong, so it is very difficult to seduce you. You are often characterized by loyalty and a high degree of trust in your partner. Jealousy can only appear in you when Venus is affected by aspects, and certainly not without reason. In general, you are usually not jealous, especially if Venus is supported by good aspects. As a rule, you feel more sympathy and attraction towards partners who are solid, strong and balanced.

You probably love comfort, bodily pleasures and money for their sake. Most likely, you have a tendency to hoard, but not money, but things, because you definitely need to touch it, accumulation for you must be materially formalized. Most likely, you love to eat, and if Venus in Taurus“kind”, then you will simply get great pleasure from food. Since Venus also shows its shape, with “good” Venus, especially if you are a woman, you will probably carefully monitor your figure. That is, you may have conflicting feelings: the desire to eat deliciously and the desire to have a beautiful figure. The latter desire often outweighs, especially with “good” Venus: you agree to any diet, as long as your figure looks beautiful. But if Venus is “evil” in Taurus, then food becomes the main thing and you may have a tendency to overeat, to gluttony, and, as a consequence, to obesity, when the form is already blurred.

So here, attempts to put the figure in order can even be considered as one of the ways to work on the “evil” Venus, which, being in Taurus, manifests itself in women precisely as “problems” with the figure. And as a result, behind external manifestations, internal qualities and manifestations will shift and change for the better.

If you go to sports activities, then probably those that can have a good effect on your figure. You must love movement, since Venus in Taurus gives you a good attunement to nature, love for it, and the ability to feel it, not only externally, but also on the internal plane. You most likely will not move excessively, but only as much as necessary to keep yourself in shape. Venus in Taurus also gives love for animals. And if you don’t have them at home, then there are probably flowers growing on the window. Probably, at the slightest opportunity, you would have some kind of plant or animal.

Naturally, your criterion of harmony develops precisely in a calm environment. Often you even know how to balance different phenomena and arguments. Conversely, a rapidly changing situation that requires instant switching will most likely be disharmonious for you. If you are constantly placed in such conditions, then you will have disturbances in the formation of your emotional world. This especially applies to children, because adults are generally able to find a niche in life so as not to fall into such situations. It is more difficult for children to evade influences, and when they begin to be pulled or forced to constantly change something, they may no longer like anything due to the fact that they cannot get into a state of balance. This neurotic state can remain for life. In this case, your taste may be impaired, and in order to somehow calm down, you can start eating a lot. This is called “Venus protection” and is sure sign that you have problems with emotional sphere, thus protecting yourself from unbearable conditions or stress. In Taurus, in general, “food” protection from an inharmonious environment is very common.

Since Venus is responsible for form, design, and history, many outstanding artists with Venus in Taurus are known.

Venus, entering the sign of Taurus, acquires formalized feelings and stability in their expression. Peaceful, imposing, practical, tasteful, feminine (even in a man’s chart), she strives to provide for herself and strengthen her rear. She values ​​reliable relationships and stability. The choice of a partner is approached wisely and thoughtfully; another thing is that the list of suitable parameters necessarily includes the partner’s sensuality and charm, especially for a man with Venus in Taurus. Both men and women with this position of Venus have a strong desire to establish contact with the opposite sex, they are very sexual, they want to completely own the object of their affection, hence there are often cases of unbearable jealousy among owners of this position of Venus. Their attachments are strong, their feelings are influenced by reason, and they are unlikely to rashly break ties with their partners.
Here Venus forms in the owner of the horoscope strong desires, desires to possess and enjoy, which, if not satisfied, can break out in the form of whims and emotional outbursts. Although in general Venus in Taurus cannot be called capricious, she knows how to gently and unobtrusively push others to fulfill her own desires, so much so that they will do it with pleasure and will be happy to see her charming smile shining with contentment. In order not to fall into the pool of simple sensual pleasures, she definitely needs to realize her gift of seeing beauty and creating beauty with her own hands. Cooking deliciously, dressing beautifully, creating comfort in all areas of life, understanding art, poetic talent - these are far from full list her merits. A person with Venus in Taurus is well versed in financial matters and is unlikely to bring his life to the point of need, with a nose for money and its proper use. But there is a danger of over-accumulating - it is a pity to part with the money and things that so warm the soul of Taurus Venus.

She values ​​comfort, and if, while courting such a woman, you take care of a delicious dinner, comfortable seats in a cafe, a taxi that arrives on time, as well as fairly significant gifts, she will think about you seriously.
A woman with Venus in Taurus is sweet and charming, knows how to listen and charm men, and she listens exactly the way a man would like - fully involved, but without interrupting. Although she can be stubborn on some issues, if something is not to her liking, she can get stuck on this detail and then go nowhere. She is very feminine, waves of some calm warmth and physically felt charm emanate from her. Everything she likes, she immediately wants to touch, smell, feel, possess it. Practical and reasonable, she is measured and at the same time passionate. This position of Venus can be called the most harmonious (the development of this principle depends on the woman herself) and she can truly become a gift for the man she has chosen, since she understands a lot about “women’s things” and is smart enough not to put pressure on a man. Naturalness, grace, a certain slowness makes one pay attention to itself; it seems to show itself, but unobtrusively, moving in space with ease and dignity. But all these delights can be ruined by an elementary fixation on the material aspects of life; she needs to avoid manifestations of stinginess, stubbornness and excessive practicality; in some ways she is sometimes old-fashioned and does not understand modern trends.

A man with Venus in Taurus also has the talent to see beauty in the simple details of everyday life, instinctively feels things and their combinations, wants to create comfortable living conditions for himself and enjoy the simple pleasures of life without leaving home. He can be quite lazy, but it looks quite charming, and you can hardly be upset with him for it. Women are drawn to him, feeling a certain kinship with him, he is very charming and understands the needs of female nature. Negativity can develop traits such as laziness, hypocrisy, arrogance, stinginess, snobbery, and narrow-mindedness.

For a man with Venus in Taurus, the ideal would be a woman with a luxurious figure, a beautiful, traditionally feminine appearance, calm and homely, but attractive and alluring, who will allow him to be a real man next to her. Remember, the chosen ones of men with Venus in Taurus: he himself can be any kind of informal, eccentric and extraordinary personality, but his woman must show qualities traditionally valued in women - femininity, homeliness, a calm disposition and the ability to give in.

Compatibility of Venus in Taurus with Venus in Zodiac Signs:

Taurus and Aries
If in love relationship If the “explosive” Aries enters, who expects everything from love at once, and the calm Taurus, it is quite possible that they will be able to balance each other and form a fairly successful union based on the attraction of opposites. In such relationships, it is very important for Aries to understand that his Taurus partner is different from himself and many of his predictable and balanced reactions help Aries feel like a leader, and this is exactly what he expects from any relationship. However, it will not be possible to completely subjugate Taurus to your will, since he is characterized by persistent, calm stubbornness, which, when confronted with the stubbornness of Aries, can cause a real flurry of emotions. This unusual union is mainly maintained thanks to such situations. Aries completely do not understand their partner’s inclination towards tender and romantic manifestations of love. Taurus, on the contrary, pay special attention to the sensual side of relationships, which helps them feel needed and loved. Aries simply does not perceive various tendernesses and “lisping”, preferring to them a spontaneous, passionate and energetic intimate life. This forces him to constantly seek his partner, who every day is more and more frightened by the overly emotional and often aggressive reactions of his other half. Aries should remember that behind the external balance and even some phlegmatism of Taurus lies an unshakable stubbornness, which Aries cannot break! In order to still establish intimate relationships, which for both Aries and Taurus are very important indicator harmony and satisfaction with each other, you should learn to negotiate with your partner and at least sometimes agree to his proposals, no matter how boring they may seem. Having trusted his partner, Aries will over time appreciate his tenderness and caring, and Taurus, in turn, will be more loyal to the aggressive antics of his partner. Despite the fact that Aries and Taurus are very different in temperament, their relationship can become quite successful, it is only important to learn to truly negotiate, and also in no case hush up your grievances and dissatisfaction with anything. Taurus always chooses a partner based on deep and conscious feelings, and therefore the main task of Aries in this case will be a sincere desire to preserve the relationship by taming his obstinate temper and finding enough time for quality communication with his partner. In general, with mutual desire, the union of Aries with Taurus can be very long and strong.

Taurus and Taurus
In the love union of Taurus with Taurus, true harmony and mutual understanding reign. Difficulties in such a couple can arise only at the initial stage of the relationship, since both partners are quite passive and it is extremely problematic for them to show at least some sympathy for the other person. As a rule, two Taurus look closely at each other for a very long time, then they begin to become friends, and only then their strengthened connection gradually develops into a real love relationship. Such slowness affects the quality of relationships in the most in the best possible way, since during friendly communication partners manage to get to know each other better and finally make sure that this special person truly is their soulmate. But from the very moment two Taurus confess their feelings to each other, their relationship becomes like a fairy tale, because Taurus understands Taurus literally at a glance. In such a love union, the partners feel very comfortable and safe, because each of them is so confident in the love of their other half that they cannot even imagine a situation in which they would have to separate. In everyday life, the relationship between two Taurus is also very successful, because they never argue about who will clean the house, cook food and deal with other everyday issues, but simply do everything one by one, trying to make life as easy as possible for their other half. In financial matters, Taurus also agree, since both are prone to reasonable savings and planning of various purchases. Taurus partners love to spend time in a calm and peaceful home environment, enjoying watching a good movie or just chatting with each other. True, over time, minor disagreements may arise in such a couple due to the fact that both partners are, to one degree or another, prone to stubbornness. To prevent minor disagreements from spoiling the relationship in this wonderful couple, partners should give each other more freedom and more often delight their soulmate with various surprises. Being in a love relationship with representatives of other zodiac signs, Taurus, as a rule, pays much more attention to his partner than if his soulmate is also a Taurus. This is explained by the fact that in the union of two Taurus, each of them thinks that the partner understands him without words, and also knows on a subconscious level that the partner loves and appreciates him. However, in reality it often turns out that both Taurus begin to lack various confirmations of the feelings of their other half. That is why Taurus should pay great attention to maintaining a romantic mood in a relationship with the help of various words of love and little surprises that should be presented to their soulmate as often as possible. The intimate life of Taurus with Taurus is close to ideal, since both partners devote great importance sensual pleasures, without which they simply cannot imagine harmonious love relationships. True, the natural inclination towards a quiet pastime can sometimes slow down the intimate life in such a couple, however, over time, the partners adapt to each other as much as possible and intuitively sense when their other half wants to indulge in love pleasures, and when, on the contrary, she prefers to engage in others affairs. Such harmony allows Taurus not to lose interest in each other over the years. The union of Taurus with Taurus is one of the most successful among all possible combinations of zodiac signs, however, this does not mean at all that there are no problems in such a pair. It’s just that Taurus partners resolve all conflict situations quietly and peacefully, preferring to find a compromise or give in to each other in some small details. Every year the union of two Taurus grows stronger, and the partners become practically family to each other. As a rule, at the end of the life path traversed by two Taurus hand in hand, they more often than other couples evaluate their life together like very happy.

Taurus and Gemini
If Taurus and Gemini enter into love union, then they need to be prepared for inevitable conflicts, since too different worldviews will not allow them to coexist peacefully next to each other. However, at the very beginning of the relationship, the partners in such a couple do not even think that they could ever conflict, because they are so carried away by each other that they literally do not notice any shortcomings or individual characteristics of their other half. However, after some time, Taurus, who treats feelings very responsibly, begins to feel dissatisfied due to the fact that Gemini does not want to take their relationship seriously, but prefers to live for today, without planning anything ahead. The impulsiveness and unpredictability of Gemini terribly irritates Taurus, who is used to feeling comfortable and safe around loved ones. Geminis, in turn, sincerely do not understand their partner’s dissatisfaction, because, despite the obvious difference in temperaments, they do not feel strong discomfort from all sorts of disagreements. Such a tense situation can exist between Taurus and Gemini for quite a long time, however, then a certain limit comes and the usually calm Taurus throws out all his dissatisfaction on Gemini, who are not at all expecting it. As a result of the conflict that breaks out, it becomes clear to both partners that they are simply very different. To prevent the relationship from cracking at this stage, partners in such a couple should learn to understand each other and compromise. In fact, Gemini's wit and optimism can greatly help Taurus in moments of unmotivated sadness that he sometimes experiences, and Taurus's prudence and penchant for planning can greatly help Gemini out when they begin to doubt something or stop enjoying life altogether because of sheer trifles. In general, the differences of both partners, if they learn to treat them correctly, will introduce diversity into their relationship, which will make the love union quite non-trivial and interesting. IN intimate life For such a couple, not everything is going smoothly either. Taurus prefers to resolve most disagreements through physical intimacy, while Gemini prefers to discuss all problems. To prevent Gemini from beginning to associate intimate life with negative emotions, Taurus should avoid excessive aggressiveness and under no circumstances force Gemini to do anything. If Taurus manages to adapt at least a little to Gemini, then they will soon open up and be able to surprise Taurus with their boundless imagination and penchant for experimentation, as a result of which the intimate life of this couple will be painted with new bright colors. If Taurus does not learn to give in to Gemini and takes all their proposals with hostility, then the intimate life of such a couple will very soon turn into a real battlefield, where each partner will try to satisfy only his own desires, completely ignoring the needs of his other half. . Despite the completely opposite characters of Taurus and Gemini, their union can be quite successful provided that both partners have a great desire to be together. If partners in such a couple take into account each other’s needs and do not impose their own vision of a particular situation on their other half, then the balance, constancy and reliability of Taurus will be harmoniously combined with the adventurism, unpredictability and impulsiveness of Gemini, as well as their tendency to have long conversations “no matter what”. about what". If both partners cannot moderate their stubbornness and do not want to give in to each other, then such a love union will face a very quick collapse.


    Taurus and Cancer
    When Taurus and Cancer enter into a love relationship, they immediately feel in their partner a kindred spirit who is able to understand them not only at a glance, but also at a glance. With Cancer, Taurus feels comfortable and safe, and Cancer, in turn, knows on an intuitive level that Taurus can be completely trusted and not be afraid of any trick on his part. At the very beginning, the relationship in such a couple does not develop too quickly, since both partners prefer to first get to know each other better, and then plunge headlong into the pool of love. But such slowness allows Taurus and Cancer to fully experience all the nuances of the emergence of fragile feelings, and over time, discover more and more new facets in their partner. Such a couple knows no differences in everyday and financial matters, since they both love to create a comfortable and cozy space around themselves, as well as plan their expenses in such a way as to ensure a happy and comfortable life in the future. The only negative point in the union of Taurus with Cancer may be that at some point their relationship may become very predictable, which will inevitably lead to boredom and satiety with each other. To prevent this from happening, Cancer should use his natural emotionality, which he usually hides, to the fullest. If Cancer gives free rein to his hidden feelings, he will be able to bring the missing amount of playfulness and optimism into his relationship with Taurus. Also, a little stubbornness, which is characteristic of both partners, can spur such relationships. However, Taurus and Cancer adapt to each other very quickly, which is further facilitated by the presence of common interests, thanks to which partners can see their soulmate in a slightly different light, which “cements” an already strong relationship. If the partners suddenly do not have any common interests and hobbies, then they definitely need to come up with them, having previously discussed with each other possible activities that they would both like. The intimate life of Taurus and Cancer can be called one of the most harmonious among all possible combinations of zodiac signs. Both partners treat each other with special reverence and willingly fulfill the wishes of their other half. For Cancer, as for Taurus, the carnal side of relationships plays a very important role, since with the help of sensual pleasures they express all their most intimate feelings for their partner. Over time, the intimate life in such a couple becomes more fulfilling and varied, despite a certain getting used to each other. This is facilitated by the tendency of both partners to pay much more attention to the needs of their significant other than to their own. own desires. The union of Taurus with Cancer is one of the most reliable and permanent, largely due to the fact that both partners treat each other very respectfully and make every effort possible efforts to preserve your reverent and tender relationships. Such relationships develop most harmoniously if Taurus tries to adequately respond to the whims of Cancer, which do not happen to him very often. But Cancer should definitely get rid of his suspiciousness, which sometimes prevents him from feeling safe in a relationship with Taurus. In general, both partners should, first of all, trust their intuition, which will always tell them the right decision one question or another. In this case, their relationship will only get stronger every year and develop in different directions.

    Taurus and Leo
    The love union of Taurus with Leo is one of the most durable, since both of these zodiac signs prefer to hold on to their relationship to the last, overcoming all possible and impossible obstacles. At the very beginning of the relationship, Taurus simply loses his head from Leo’s incredible attractiveness, and Leo, in turn, admires Taurus’s patience and tranquility. However, over time, partners begin to notice their differences in temperament and experience completely different feelings about this. In such an alliance, Leo is always confident in the feelings of his partner, which cannot be said about Taurus, who, thanks to Leo’s penchant for flirting, very often suspects him of cheating, although in fact such suspicions are completely groundless. It’s just that Leo, as a true “king of beasts,” loves to always be in the center of attention and attract as many admiring glances of representatives of the opposite sex as possible. Sometimes Leo even begins to openly flirt and flirt, but, as a rule, things do not go further than this. Taurus, who is reserved in public, regards this behavior of his partner as a real betrayal, which is why conflicts inevitably arise in the couple. To maintain relationships, it is very important for Taurus to understand that Leo is not at all going to cheat on him, he simply cannot behave differently. Deep down, Leo loves his partner very much and considers the relationship with him almost the most main value In my life. If Taurus can cope with his suspicion and mistrust, then this couple will be able to avoid most conflicts. Also, in the union of Taurus with Leo, disputes inevitably arise on domestic and financial grounds. The thrifty and neat Taurus cannot understand Leo, who prefers to clean up the house only when he is in a certain mood, and Leo, in turn, is irritated by Taurus’ excessive neatness and pedantry. A similar situation in this couple arises with the distribution of finances: Leo can spend his entire salary on a spontaneous purchase, while Taurus prefers to save and spend money as wisely as possible. However, if Taurus manages to understand that with the help of impulsive purchases his partner relieves unnecessary stress and maintains joy in life, including love relationships, then their union will only benefit from this. In addition, Taurus should also sometimes encourage Leo's desire to acquire what he wants, because such gestures of generosity will more than pay off with the immense gratitude of his partner, who greatly appreciates such impulses of his other half. In the intimate life of Taurus and Leo, there is almost complete harmony. Sensual and romantic Leo happily accepts the initiative of Taurus, for whom carnal pleasures are one of the most important components of a love relationship. Strong characters Both partners give their intimate life a piquant “zest”, which helps to maintain the fire of passion between them for many years. However, sometimes Leo’s excessive impulsiveness can bother Taurus, but as soon as lovers take a break from each other for a little while, their intimate life again becomes incredibly passionate and exciting. The love union of Taurus and Leo, despite all the contradictions that arise between them, may well be successful, since both partners trust each other on a subconscious level and feel completely safe next to their soulmate. True, to achieve this, Taurus and Leo must curb their natural stubbornness a little and devote a sufficient amount of time to sincere conversations. However, partners in such a couple very often solve all their problems, guided solely by their intuition, as well as deep and passionate feelings for each other. This does not mean at all that they are silent about the problem in front of each other, they are simply accustomed to trusting their “inner voice” much more than any logical and rational explanations.

    Taurus and Virgo
    Taurus and Virgo enter into a love relationship only after they are convinced that they have a lot in common. Both partners in such an alliance feel quite comfortable, because their main common need for stability and constancy of relationships is fully realized. Taurus and Virgo have virtually no disagreements, since in basic life situations they think in the same direction. True, Virgo is more inclined to introduce various innovations into relationships, while Taurus prefers everything to be as stable, peaceful and predictable as possible. However, Virgo’s perseverance, perseverance and methodical nature very often force Taurus to “move” and do things that he would not agree to with any of the representatives of other zodiac signs. If Taurus begins to resist the implementation of various ideas that Virgo has been thinking through for quite a long time, then this may cause minor problems to arise. conflict situations between partners. However, such situations, as a rule, have virtually no effect on the couple’s relationship, since Taurus in most cases prefers to give in to Virgo and not bring matters to a scandal. Such pliability of Taurus, on the one hand, greatly suits Virgo, who is used to commanding the people around her, but on the other hand, it upsets her a little, since she wants to see much more emotion in her partner’s behavior. Virgo herself, despite her outward coldness, deep down in her soul is a passionate and emotional person who requires communication with the same bright people. Taurus can in no way be called a bright personality, and that is why he needs to make every effort to keep Virgo next to him, communication with whom brings him great amount joy. However, with very great desire Taurus can compensate for their lack of emotionality with undeniable reliability and sincere faith in their partner and their success in all areas of life, since Virgo also greatly values ​​the support of their partner in professionally. Taurus easily puts up with the tediousness of Virgo, which can easily drive representatives of other zodiac signs to a white heat. In intimate relationships, both Taurus and Virgo value simple pleasures without any special frills, which allows them to receive true pleasure from carnal pleasures. In addition, Taurus, with the help of sensual sensations, is able to give Virgo an extraordinary feeling of calm and tranquility, which she so seeks in a love relationship. Over time, Taurus and Virgo get to know each other so much that their intimate life becomes incredibly harmonious, albeit a little predictable. However, in many ways the quality of intimate life between these two zodiac signs depends on Virgo, since she can react to Taurus’ proposal in completely different ways at different times. Despite some differences in character, the union of Taurus with Virgo is one of the most stable and calm, and is also distinguished by seriousness and depth of feelings. Partners in such an alliance try to please each other in every detail, only Virgo expresses this more in psychological and everyday terms, and Taurus prefers to express their feelings with the help of touches and rare frank confessions. At the beginning of a relationship, such a difference in the expression of their feelings can be a little disorienting for partners, however, very soon they begin to understand their soulmate and feel sincere gratitude towards her for the care and attention shown. Any joint business in which they will both be fanatically passionate can “spur” and significantly strengthen the relationship between Taurus and Virgo. Among such couples, most of them are successful entrepreneurs and realized creative people, since Taurus and Virgo know how to support each other in absolutely any situation.

    Taurus and Libra
    A love union between Taurus and Libra is rarely successful, since they are too different and very often simply cannot get along together. Despite the fact that both Taurus and Libra strive to create reliable, calm and peaceful relationships, they do this in different ways. Practical and a little down-to-earth, Taurus pays special attention in relationships to the time spent together, the partner’s willingness to help difficult situation, as well as commonality of views and interests. Libra, on the contrary, values ​​in love relationships, first of all, the elusive sensations of harmony and peace of mind, as well as the possibility of highly intelligent communication. How is it so different people can they even begin any romantic communication with each other? The thing is that at the stage of acquaintance, the obvious character traits of both Taurus and Libra are slightly smoothed out, since both of them strive to make the most favorable impression on each other. As a result of this behavior, Taurus and Libra think that they have found their soulmate and plunge headlong into a love relationship. However, very soon Taurus begins to accuse Libra of insincerity and implausibility of feelings due to Libra’s tendency to “hover in the clouds” and their detachment from everyday problems and worries. Libra, in turn, extremely negatively perceives Taurus’ attempts to talk with them on everyday topics and make any plans about their future together. Taurus should clearly understand that Libra behaves this way because they simply cannot fully express their feelings in everyday settings. Now, if Taurus arranges a romantic evening for his partner with all the traditional attributes in the form of candles, rose petals and similar little things, then Libra will open up to the maximum and be able to express the full depth of their feelings. However, Taurus is not inclined to such “feats”, so the tension in this couple is growing every day. To avoid a breakup, partners should learn to talk to each other, and also understand and accept at least a little the way of thinking of their other half. Oddly enough, it is Libra who is more inclined to compromise in such a couple, since, due to their romanticism, they always hope to save even the most difficult relationships. Taurus, due to its natural tendency to stubbornness, stubbornly wants to impose its own rules on Libra, but is very reluctant to compromise. Thus, the future of such relationships depends mainly on Libra, who must show patience and gentle persistence in the process of grinding the partners together. However, this does not mean at all that Taurus should relax and always act as he sees fit. If Taurus has an ambiguous reaction to all his partner’s attempts to improve the relationship, Libra will eventually consider their efforts unjustified, and will simply interrupt communication with their partner, and even remember him for the rest of their lives as a callous and uncommunicative person, unable to change himself even a little for the sake of preserving relationship with your partner. In the intimate life of Taurus and Libra, not everything is smooth either, since Taurus treats intimate relationships quite simply and never demands any special delights from their partner, but Libra, on the contrary, loves various romantic things and wants to be conquered every time again. Taurus, as a rule, turns out to be completely unprepared for such a turn of events, and Libra is certainly offended by their partner’s excessive balance and lack of ingenuity. As a rule, very few couples manage to balance such incompatibility. The union of Taurus with Libra is one of the most complex and contradictory among all possible combinations of zodiac signs. Short-term romances between Taurus and Libra can be very bright and interesting, but serious long-term relationships can only be built by very persistent couples in which partners, in order to preserve the relationship, are ready to adapt to each other in every possible way and forgive their significant other the most different features character. In addition, in such an alliance, the partners’ respect for each other plays a huge role, without which a love relationship between Taurus and Libra is simply impossible.

    Taurus and Scorpio
    The love union of Taurus with Scorpio can be called paradoxical, since both representatives of these zodiac signs are so different that it is difficult to even imagine them together not only as lovers, but also as ordinary good acquaintances. But, despite such differences between partners, the union of Taurus with Scorpio quite often becomes successful. This is largely due to the incredible strength of character of both partners, which, however, is directed in completely different directions. Taurus conquers Scorpio with his incredible reliability and unshakable confidence in the success of a love relationship with his partner, and Scorpio attracts Taurus with his powerful energy, intellectual emotionality and a penchant for interesting intrigues. At the very beginning of a relationship, Taurus and Scorpio, as a rule, experience a very strong feeling of attraction towards each other, in which love is only one of the components. However, over time, Scorpio may consider many manifestations of their partner’s feelings too primitive and predictable, while Taurus, on the contrary, believes that Scorpio is incredibly difficult person , which he cannot cope with. True, such thoughts do not at all interfere with building relationships between partners, because deep down they value each other very much, despite any contradictions. As a rule, for the sake of their partner, both Taurus and Scorpio are ready to commit any kind of madness, although in alliances with other signs of the zodiac, Taurus would never forgive themselves for rash actions. It is difficult to say who is the leader in such an alliance, since leadership qualities in Taurus and Scorpio manifest themselves in completely different life situations. However, at the most crucial moments, as in ordinary everyday life, decisions are most often made by Scorpio, who, thanks to his natural resourcefulness, can find a way out of any, even the most unpredictable situations. It is precisely the sophistication of the mind that makes Scorpio a rather dangerous love partner, with whom you always need to keep your eyes open. Scorpio always sees insincerity in his soulmate and on a subconscious level can even guess some of his thoughts. From the outside, such qualities of Scorpio are not so easy to notice, so Taurus, as a rule, is completely unaware of the fact that Scorpio knows almost every step of his life and every thought that flashes through his head. In intimate relationships, Taurus and Scorpio experience an incredibly strong attraction to each other, which allows them to fully enjoy their intimate life. However, Scorpio is quite capable of managing his feelings and, if necessary, even blackmailing Taurus by refusing intimate relationships, without experiencing the slightest discomfort. The simple-minded and straightforward Taurus, as a rule, is easily “led” to such tricks by Scorpio and fulfills all his demands, which are presented in a very veiled version. Such manipulation does not in any way harm the intimate relationship between Taurus and Scorpio, and even gives it a certain piquancy. The love union between Taurus and Scorpio can become one of the most durable if both partners are sincerely interested in it. In this case, the peace and stability of Taurus will be harmoniously balanced by the emotionality of Scorpio, as well as his penchant for life changes, which can bring a lot of interesting things into such an alliance. Taurus, for its part, can make a relationship with Scorpio as comfortable as possible in everyday life if it fulfills all the wishes of its partner, on which the “weather in the house” largely depends, since Scorpio pays quite a lot of attention to everyday little things. In addition, Scorpio has no equal in the art of conversation, so Taurus will never be bored with him, and in any company, Scorpio is guaranteed to attract attention thanks to his elegant, intellectual speeches.

    Taurus and Sagittarius
    The love union between Taurus and Sagittarius is quite unusual due to the fact that they approach the same things completely differently. Taurus strives to make relationships as stable, comfortable and predictable as possible, while Sagittarius, on the contrary, tries in every possible way to diversify their relationship with their loved one. At the dating stage, Sagittarius attracts Taurus with their almost childlike spontaneity and optimistic outlook on the world, and Sagittarius, in turn, is very attracted to their partner only thanks to the aura of calm love and security that surrounds Taurus. However, from the very moment when the relationship moves into a calmer phase, Taurus begins to notice his partner’s tendency to be too adventurous and inconsistent in his hobbies, which, of course, begins to worry Taurus very much. At this time, Sagittarius begins to understand that his partner in most life situations is a rather boring and predictable interlocutor, and there is no question of just having fun with Taurus from the heart. As a result, the life-loving Sagittarius begins to “encourage” Taurus to commit little madness, but, as a rule, nothing comes of it, which upsets Sagittarius even more. Taurus, for its part, tries to set Sagittarius on the right path, that is, to force him to become more balanced and constant in his judgments, to which Sagittarius reacts extremely negatively and may even begin to think about ending a relationship in which the partner is constantly trying to impose his vision of the world. To ensure that the alliance between Taurus and Sagittarius does not collapse at this stage, partners need to learn, first of all, to respect the opinion of their significant other and not try to change each other. Taurus should give their partner more freedom and personal time, and Sagittarius should at least consult with their partner and support him in the most crucial moments. If both partners manage to change themselves in this way, then their union may well last for quite a long time. The intimate life of such a couple, thanks to Sagittarius, who is prone to various experiments, is rich and varied. However, the simplest manifestations of sensual desires would be enough for Taurus, however, in this case, Sagittarius would very quickly become desperately bored, so Taurus tries to give in to him, fortunately, for him this is not at all difficult. The only danger that awaits such a couple in their intimate life is Sagittarius’s tendency to cheat, which can manifest itself if Taurus does not fully satisfy his desires or begins to behave too predictably. So Taurus still shouldn’t relax in intimate relationships, since the slightest inattention to his partner can result in very unpleasant consequences. Despite such different temperaments, Taurus and Sagittarius are quite capable of building a successful love union if they themselves want to. However, if only Taurus is determined to maintain relationships while seriously working on himself, then such a union will most likely fall apart, because Sagittarius’s too flighty nature will not allow him to be content with a relationship with one partner, and he will definitely begin to look for that , who will be at least a little better than his current lover. Only Sagittarius himself can cope with such frivolity, for which he will need to do serious work on himself. Not every person born under the sign of Sagittarius is ready to make such efforts to preserve a love relationship, and therefore we can say that the success of such a union depends 90% on how Sagittarius behaves. However, the mood of Taurus also plays a big role in building such relationships, because it will determine what exactly Sagittarius decides to do - maintain the alliance or stop any communication with their partner.

    Taurus and Capricorn
    The love union of Taurus with Capricorn is extremely stable and long-lasting, since the basic life principles of these two zodiac signs are very similar. Balanced Taurus, like the slightly phlegmatic Capricorn, value in relationships, first of all, a sense of security, as well as the opportunity to feel comfortable next to their soulmate. Both of these fundamental principles of the Taurus-Capricorn relationship can give each other their full potential. True, due to the fact that both Taurus and Capricorn carefully choose their life partner, their relationship can develop very slowly, which, however, does not bother them at all. As a rule, Taurus and Capricorn first begin to be friends, and after some time their strengthened friendships develop into a real love union, based on almost complete mutual understanding and respect for each other. The feelings of Taurus and Capricorn are distinguished by their depth and awareness, so that no troubles in life can shake their confidence in their soulmate. Such an idyll seems unrealistic, but in the union of Taurus with Capricorn, there really are practically no disagreements. The only thing that can cause slight irritation in the good-natured Capricorn is some self-satisfaction of Taurus, which he shows rarely, but accurately. However, Taurus himself is well aware of this peculiarity of his and tries not to unnecessarily irritate his partner. Both in everyday life and in the financial sphere, such a couple can easily find general solutions that would satisfy both partners. In addition, Taurus and Capricorn very skillfully support each other in any professional endeavors, thanks to which both partners from this pair quite often achieve career heights or are fully realized in creativity. In addition, among such couples, most of them are freelancers who work from home and experience real pleasure from the fact that they can constantly be close to their other half. Taurus and Capricorn generally belong to those rare people who do not experience any irritation if they have to be near each other for a long time, but on the contrary, are in every possible way happy about this turn of events, since they will always find something to do with themselves and something to talk about with their soulmate. In intimate relationships, both Taurus and Capricorn value proven and sufficient simple ways receiving pleasure, which, on the one hand, creates a certain harmony in their intimate life, and on the other hand, after some time it can provoke a cooling of partners towards each other. To prevent this from happening, Taurus and Capricorn should at least sometimes overpower their natural balance and be sure to diversify their intimate life with the help of some new sensual techniques and techniques. If partners in such a couple learn to surprise each other, then intimate relationships throughout their lives will bring them only joy and pleasure. In a love union between Taurus and Capricorn, both partners know that they can count on each other in any situation. It is the awareness that the partner is at the same time the closest person to whom you can entrust absolutely everything, without fear of being ridiculed or misunderstood, that makes the relationship of this couple so harmonious that they themselves sometimes do not even believe in their luck. However, among strangers there will always be envious people who will prophesy a quick breakup for such a couple or try to quarrel between them all possible ways, so Taurus and Capricorn should always be on guard and under no circumstances succumb to provocations. However, these two zodiac signs may well create a so-called protective energy barrier around themselves, through which no negative emotions other people directed in their direction.

    Taurus and Aquarius
    If Taurus and Aquarius enter into a love union, then they will have a very, very difficult time, since both of these zodiac signs are distinguished by rare stubbornness, which they show in different ways. Despite the fact that both Taurus and Aquarius believe that love relationships should be permanent, long-lasting and reliable, in life these principles are implemented in completely different ways for both partners. Taurus prefers to build calm and stable relationships in the full sense of the word, paying special attention to the depth of feelings and a sense of personal security. Aquarius, although he attaches great importance to peace and comfort in relationships, still prefers that at least sometimes his partner surprises him with something or at least reacts joyfully to his proposals, which are sometimes very extravagant. Taurus, simple-minded by nature, cannot understand how such different life values ​​can coexist in his partner, although at the very beginning of the relationship it is precisely this feature of Aquarius that attracts Taurus, who, deep in his soul, still sometimes craves some kind of diversity. However, over time, Taurus no longer pays attention to his intuition and gets irritated every time Aquarius tries to “stir up” him. However, Aquarius is the only sign of the zodiac that, with great desire and boundless patience, will be able to “pull” out of Taurus his hidden need for diversity. If Aquarius cannot “stir up” Taurus, then conflicts will inevitably begin to arise between partners. To prevent this from happening, Taurus should moderate his stubbornness a little and meet Aquarius halfway, who really simply cannot exist normally in a love relationship in which there is no room for diversity and further development. If partners in such an alliance learn to find a compromise, then their relationship will sparkle with new colors that can maintain reciprocal feelings for each other at the proper level for many years. For this, it is very important for Taurus to understand that he will not be able to change his partner under any circumstances, and Aquarius should become a little softer towards his partner and not demand from him daily innovations that can add variety to their love relationship. However, if Aquarius every day by example will clearly show Taurus what he wants from the relationship, then over time Taurus will begin to perceive these ideas as his own, which, of course, will have a beneficial effect on their relationship. In intimate relationships between Taurus and Aquarius, there are also problems associated with differences in temperaments. Taurus has enough of a stable and predictable intimate life, which brings him true pleasure, but Aquarius, on the contrary, is always waiting for some unusual proposals and original surprises from Taurus. Due to the fact that Taurus cannot give his partner what he wants, conflicts on this basis are quite possible in such a couple. To prevent disagreements from destroying the relationship between Taurus and Aquarius, they should learn to listen to each other’s desires, and also openly discuss all misunderstandings that arise. Then both partners should try to make each other’s wishes come true as often as possible, and Taurus needs to loosen up a little and try to at least sometimes surprise their partner, who so craves variety in their intimate life. The tandem of Taurus and Aquarius is quite unusual and complex, however, despite all the contradictions that arise between partners in such a pair, their union may well last for a long time. To do this, both partners will have to talk a lot with each other and learn to accept their soulmate with all her characteristics, no matter how terrible they may seem. One of the prerequisites for achieving a certain harmony in such relationships is the “taming” of stubbornness, which is inherent in both Taurus and Aquarius to one degree or another. If partners manage to avoid confrontation among themselves and find a compromise, then the relationship will bring them only peace, joy and one hundred percent confidence in the future next to their soulmate.

    Taurus and Pisces
    The love union of Taurus with Pisces, despite some differences in their characters, is, as a rule, very successful and quite harmonious. At the dating stage, Taurus admires Pisces' intelligence, their creative thinking, and their ability to present everyday things in a new light, and Pisces, in turn, is attracted to Taurus's reliability and incredible depth the feelings he has towards his partner. When the relationship between Taurus and Pisces enters a calmer phase, their admiration for each other somewhat dulls as the more real characteristics of the other half come to the fore. From this point on, Pisces notice that Taurus may sometimes not understand them due to his tendency to be excessively peaceful, and Taurus has attacks of acute dissatisfaction with the dreaminess, indecisiveness and variability inherent in most Pisces. In order not to create imaginary problems for themselves and not to provoke the emergence of conflict situations, Taurus should devote time to a deep study of their partner, as a result of which he will definitely notice that the dreaminess of Pisces is often expressed in incredible tenderness, indecisiveness - in sweet modesty, and variability - in the desire to please to your partner in a variety of ways. Thanks to such an analysis, for which Taurus will need to put a considerable amount of effort and time, he will be able to understand his partner and accept all his shortcomings, interpreting them as advantages. Pisces, as a rule, after some time they themselves come to the understanding that the reliability and predictability of Taurus is more of a plus than a minus for them, since it allows Pisces to feel completely safe next to their loved one and not worry about what will happen tomorrow . Such a revaluation of each other by partners in the union of Taurus and Pisces allows them to literally begin to build relationships anew, relying on completely different qualities of their partner. Thus, we can say that such a couple has two main phases of relationships, which are radically different from each other in the intensity of passions and the perception of their partner as an individual with certain characteristics peculiar only to him. Many partners in the alliance of Taurus and Pisces cannot withstand the rather difficult transition from one phase of the relationship to another, which requires them to seriously work internally on themselves. The intimate life of Taurus and Pisces cannot be called ideal, but it has its own advantages, inherent only to such a tandem of zodiac signs. Such advantages, first of all, include the fact that both partners in this fairly calm union fully satisfy each other’s needs, and also try to make their loved one always feel most comfortable. In addition, Taurus and Pisces get used to each other so much that even in their thoughts they cannot admit betrayal of their soulmate. TO negative aspects The intimate life of such a couple can be attributed to excessive calm and lack of spontaneity, which, in principle, does not really strain the partners. The union of Taurus with Pisces is one of the calmest among all possible combinations of zodiac signs, but “calm” in this case is not at all synonymous with the word “boring”. Despite the apparent regularity of relations between partners in such an alliance, they experience truly strong feelings for each other, based not only on mutual sympathy and attraction, but also on a certain intellectual level. Both Taurus and Pisces pay a lot of attention in their lives to creative and mental development, which, of course, brings them even closer. As a rule, partners in such a pair are distinguished by an analytical mind, which allows them to easily make a career in science and other fields of activity that require such knowledge. Taurus and Pisces very often help each other develop professionally, effectively combining their knowledge and using this to form any new concepts. Even if the partners in such an alliance are interested in completely different things, they will still find a common topic for conversation and will definitely support their other half in any endeavors. Taurus and Pisces complement each other very organically, which allows them to form a truly strong and reliable union.

Venus is very strong in the sign of Taurus, especially in retrograde. Here Venus gives her wards a passionate nature, increased sensitivity, receptivity, impressionability, sensuality. People with Venus in the sign of Taurus have two clearly expressed talents: creative and worldly, in addition, they are spiritually strong. Usually these are quite sensible, practical people, they are sober and logical in their judgments, and decisive in their deeds. Both in business and in love, they show perseverance and perseverance, and have a very realistic view of everything. People with Venus in the sign of Taurus are endowed with excellent taste, they are friendly, benevolent, courteous, and endowed with social talent.

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These are self-possessed, patient, purposeful people with strong self-control and self-control. They are usually distinguished by exceptional honesty and decency, they are loyal to friends and devoted to their loved ones, and are able to completely devote themselves to the partner to whom they are attached soul and body. True, the feelings of such people arise slowly, but they are deep. Venus in the sign of Taurus portends success in business and love, but people with such Venus require a sense of security, a calm environment and a specific microclimate. Their home is usually cozy and warm; they themselves radiate warmth and maternal tenderness. People with such Venus are distinguished by a great love for art, especially fine art, sculpture, architecture, music, vocal art, ballet and dance. They also love nature in all its forms.

Money and property are achieved through business. Venus in Taurus promotes good fortune related to finances, especially in the second half of life. Often inheritance and material well-being come through marriage.

Characteristics of Venus in Taurus

in - in the monastery.

Love + guarantee = fidelity.

Keyword: endurance.

Positive qualities of Venus in Taurus: increased passion and sensuality, deep perception of love, power of attraction, sense of beauty and art, increased devotion, good shape communication, winning being, generosity, fidelity and affection in partnership.

Negative qualities of Venus in Taurus: many prejudices, a vindictive creature, too much fixation on external details.

Health disorders: throat disease, goiter, inflammation of the tonsils, nodes in the neck and larynx (secondary: disease of the lower body).

Venus in Taurus in the natal chart

You are a loyal, stable person; you have a heightened sense of touch. You love luxury and elegance, and have an eye for material values. Although you are sensitive, you show this sensitivity passively, you let things take their course. Thanks to your charm, beauty and pleasant voice, you attract the attention of the opposite sex. You have a subtle contact with nature, you love flowers and gardening, and excel in every field of art. You are traditional, sociable and deeply emotional. When you feel insecure, you become jealous and possessive. If there are difficult aspects, then this may indicate stubbornness or a late marriage.

The principle of beauty for Venus in Taurus is realized in specific forms. Here, what is considered beautiful is what is strong, stable, reliable, bright, and juicy. Venus in Earth has a taste for stability. She enjoys everyday joys, sensual pleasures, earthly, physiological. At the biophysical level, she reacts positively to comfort: she chooses what is comfortable, soft, warm, calm.

Taurus's attention is attracted only by what concerns him personally ( personal planet rules in the sign of the biophysical level). The goddess of gardens, Venus gives the sign of Taurus the ability to cultivate the land, grow fruits and flowers. Venus promotes external attractiveness, smoothness, leisurely movements, femininity, graceful poses, and the courtesy of the archetype.

Taurus is highly dependent on his affections; the principle of love (like - dislike) controls his reactions, stability of habits, and impeccable choice. Strengths archetype is the desire for harmony, peacefulness, stability of tastes, reaching the point of conservatism, the ability to create a beautiful, cozy world around oneself.

Venus in Earth has a good ability to preserve and retain values. From her in Taurus there is a craving for hoarding and collecting. The principle of harmony in Taurus governs the ability to rationally spend one’s energy and the desire for material compensation for wasted energy.

Historical figures with Venus in Taurus

Peter I, Catherine de Medici, Princess Diana, Gustave Courbet, Alphonse Daudet, Oliver Cromwell, Gabriel Fauré, Karl Marx, Alexander Herzen, Charles Chaplin, Walter Horn Auld (Sepharial), Adolf Hitler, Salvador Dali, Anna Akhmatova.

Transit of Venus through Taurus

At this time, people become more languid, imposing, and lazy. They want peace, comfort and bliss. At this time, they unconsciously put on things made of fabrics and materials that caress the skin. Women go shopping, where, when choosing a thing, they look at it for a long time, touch it, stroke it with their hands, which gives them great pleasure. They cannot avoid the temptation to buy the thing they like, often not cheap. When Venus passes through the sign of Taurus, people generally tend to buy things, expensive and good ones at that. Main role they are playing at this time material values, capable of providing comfort, coziness and providing material resources. To ensure future existence, people invest money in things that do not depreciate over the years, but increase in price. This is a favorable time for business and financial affairs.

Stability also reigns in partnerships, old relationships are strengthened, new acquaintances are made carefully. Since tactile sensitivity increases these days, you want direct, physical contact with your loved one, and not short meetings and phone calls. A very favorable time for love, courtship and to please your loved ones with an expensive gift, delicious treat– all this will be appreciated. Although these days the feeling of possessiveness increases, so it is better not to give reasons for jealousy and not to test your partner’s feelings for strength - this will be regarded as distrust or lack of love.

Health on such days is usually not a concern. Help in case of illness natural remedies and showing love and care. In general, during this period you should pay a lot of attention to your body: take baths, do cosmetic procedures, massage, visit the pool, etc. The main attention should be directed not to physical activity, but to exercises and procedures that bring pleasure. It should be remembered that a person’s desires at this time are aimed not only at material goods, but also at food. The appetite increases at this time, so you should follow the measure so that later you don’t have to fight extra pounds. Negative aspects bring a feeling of dissatisfaction. Desires at this time often do not correspond to possibilities, which naturally affects the mood. People who, for one reason or another, do not have the opportunity to satisfy their bodily needs suffer especially. If at other times the absence of a permanent partner is experienced more easily, then these days the feeling of loneliness and uselessness is especially oppressive. On the other hand, those who have partners may suffer from the insatiability of their desires, as well as from suspicion, jealousy, or lack of proper attention to themselves, lack of demand. People can become so immersed in their experiences that it sometimes affects their work. Feeling dissatisfied, they begin to compensate for the lack of some pleasures with others, for example, they indulge in sweets or look for sexual adventures on the side, which is fraught with family quarrels. Unlike quarrels during the transit of Venus in Aries, when the scandal can be stormy, but the anger quickly disappears, a quarrel during the transit of Venus in the sign of Taurus can drag on for a long time and undermine the relationship. At this time, everything is perceived much deeper and more seriously. It should be remembered that with negative aspects of Venus, the likelihood of conception increases, but it is undesirable due to possible complications of pregnancy in the future. There is a danger of sexually transmitted diseases. During such a transit, you should not conduct financial transactions or banking operations, buy real estate, borrow or lend money, or carry out cosmetic operations or procedures.


  1. Sergey Alekseevich Vronsky - "CLASSICAL ASTROLOGY in 12 volumes"
  2. Marion March, Joan McEvers - « Astrology »
  3. "Training course at the Munich Institute of Parapsychology"
  4. N. Yu. Markina "Interpretation of Astrological Symbolism"

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Let's analyze the personality characteristics of a person with the astrological aspect of Venus in Taurus: Love + guarantee = fidelity.

If Venus is in Taurus in the horoscope

With negative character development, a tendency towards rudeness and gluttony may develop. Such a person is full of prejudices regarding the sphere of interpersonal relationships. He pays too much attention external qualities neighbor, fixates on his shortcomings and is generally extremely vindictive.

With the harmonious development of character, he lovingly spreads support and sympathy around himself and is filled with the most tender emotions in contacts with others. In the actions of love of such a person one can see his absolute selflessness. He experiences both successes and failures very intensely and deeply.

His feelings are strong, rich and bright. Passion and sensuality are very powerful. Love is perceived deeply and seriously by such a person. It is characterized by an amazing sense of harmony, beauty and rhythm. He spreads an irresistible charm around him and magnetically attracts people of the opposite sex. Such a person strives to communicate extremely harmoniously.

He is devoted and faithful to his partner, deeply attached to his family and home life. He can safely be called a generous, open person, accustomed to overcoming troubles with generosity, nobility and confident hope for a better outcome.

  • A very nice person who knows how to correctly evaluate absolutely everything, from a smile to the general theory of relativity, depending on his preferences.
  • He always finds the right tone with any person and responds to every imbalance with an equal counteraction.
  • Everything he chooses has inner potential and grows in value over time. He has an eye for where to invest his money and is an excellent investor.
  • He never forgets the services rendered to him and is quite generous with signs of attention. He values ​​material rewards and will not deal with a person who has been greedy towards him at least once.
  • Nothing can be taken away from him. Just buy it.
  • He knows how to notice everything that is accessible to the five senses.
  • He adheres to his own point of view on the value of everything, and no one will persuade him to buy a thing just because it is fashionable.

Character of a person with Venus in Taurus

Sensuality is filled with the pristine elemental energy of nature. The person has a rare sense of form and artistic taste. Most of all, he values ​​hard work, perseverance and the desire for harmony in others and in himself.

Self-acting energy takes an active part in his life Feminine. His love is inextricably linked with caring for his beloved; in pleasures and pleasures he never loses his sanity, guided by an unerring sense of proportion.

In love, he values ​​simple joys that are clear to everyone. He does not like bohemian sophistication and pretentious artificiality. Venus in Taurus - he perceives intimate problems easily, simply and naturally, without tension and excessive dramatization, resolving them immediately upon their occurrence.

The house of such a person is full of objects of beauty and is always open to guests. Such people do not tolerate betrayal, betrayal and unreliability - it simply offends their best feelings. This is a sensitive and gentle person who deeply understands nature and adores comfort.

The stability, balance and evenness of his feelings attracts the attention of others. Experiences and passions are harmonized by inertia, slowed down and put in order. In his attachments, a person tends to trust established habits, sometimes simply being lazy to respond to tempting offers “from the outside.”

It is not easy to remove such a person from emotional balance; his attachments are strong and stable, and therefore it is very difficult to seduce him. At the same time, when close to each other, these people are inexhaustible and tireless; they are ready at any moment to indulge in the search for pleasure. Love blossoms in their souls only when peace and security are achieved.

Pros and cons of Venus in Taurus

They are faithful to their partner and, in turn, trust him extremely. Jealousy is not typical for them, and if it arises, it is only when there are compelling reasons. The attraction to a partner is fundamental, powerful and deeply balanced. The character of such a person can be called pleasant and kind, his behavior calm and polite.

This person loves luxury and art, and has an excellent sense of financial matters. He pays special attention to the cleanliness and beauty of his clothes. Sometimes he becomes overly attached to money savings, which symbolize for him life stability and sustainability of prosperity.

This person is caring, has a wonderful imagination and diverse artistic abilities. His emotional states are long-lasting and his feelings are deep. He is loving, precise, attentive and correct in everything that concerns the harmony of form and following tradition in friendship, and in communication, and in pleasure.

In his judgments he shows determination and perseverance, in his feelings - stability and constancy. He loves others simply because they give him pleasure and guarantee comfort and coziness, but he also shows amazing nobility towards them.

For such a person, marriage is often postponed, but family life is calm and joyful. This person is a practical, attractive partner, seen as a blessing. He is compassionate towards those in need, but has a strong dislike for ambitious people. His heart is peaceful, bright and loving. His understanding of the beauty of form, sound and color can serve as a standard for others.

How to communicate with a person who has Venus in Taurus

Often, material well-being is inherited from parents or through marriage. Venus in Taurus - the attachments and feelings of such a person are long-lasting and constant. What he needs most is eternal love and unbreakable feelings. He is loyal and reliable, although a powerful possessive instinct sometimes manifests itself in love.

He is very sensual, but usually passive in intimacy - most of all he wants to be conquered. He loves beautiful surroundings, delicious food and abundance of finances. The house is always decorated with rare artistic taste.

Much attention is paid to jewelry and jewelry, there is a desire to appear younger than one’s age. Great attraction to beautiful and expensive things. I almost always want to do floriculture and cooking. Often such people have a melodious voice and are clearly guided by the quality of the vibrations of the interlocutor’s voice, seeing in their characteristics a certain psychological sign.