Sergei Svetlakov is a well-known comedian and actor throughout the country. As many people know, his first fame came back in the days when he was a KVN player. Afterwards he became a screenwriter and began to come up with jokes for the major league of KVN and more famous comedians, like Garik Martirosyat. He became a presenter and then an actor.

Svetlakov’s comedic talent, born in his childhood at school, is truly difficult to underestimate. Thanks to his own versatility, Sergei was able to achieve these heights and become what he is now.

Height, weight, age. How old is Sergei Svetlakov

Thanks to his fame, Sergei was able to win an entire army of fans during his concert activities. Many of them, as well as fans of any other artist, are interested in such facts about Svetlakov as his height, weight, age. How old Sergei Svetlakov is is absolutely no secret - he is exactly forty.

With a height of 189 cm, Sergei’s weight is 80 kg. And looking at photos of Sergei Svetlakov in his youth and now, we can safely say that he is very similar to his father.

Biography of Sergei Svetlakov

Sergei Yuryevich Svetlakov was born on December 12, 1977. The future star of the world of humor was born in Yekaterinburg. His parents were hereditary railway workers. In fact, the Svetlakov family worked for railway tracks ever since tracks were laid in Yekaterinburg and trains started running.

Father - Svetlakov Yuri Venediktovich - held the position of assistant driver. And her mother, Svetlakova Galina Grigorievna, is a freight transportation engineer in the management department of the Yekaterinburg Railway. Sergei also had an older brother, Dmitry Svetlakov.

The biography of Sergei Svetlakov does not stand out as anything out of the ordinary. In the summer, the Svetlakovs went in full force to the village, where his father taught Sergei to fish. By the way, the artist still has this passion from childhood. At the age of seven, as expected, Svetlakov entered a regular secondary school. And he quickly became the leader of the class. He could easily win over any person and lead him along.

Often, schoolboy Seryozha encouraged others to engage in mischief and even truancy. In addition, already in childhood he showed a real talent for telling jokes. Even the girls from his older brother’s company often paid attention to the cheerful first-grader. At the same time, despite his mischievous character, Seryozha Svetlakov studied only “excellently”; studying at school was quite easy for him. At school, the comedian decided to connect his future with sports. He loved football and basketball. He could even boast of being a candidate for master of sports in handball. But his parents, who saw him exclusively as an official, were against their son’s wishes. That’s why they insisted on education at a “serious” university.

After graduating from school, Sergei entered, as his parents wanted, into Ural University communication routes. Already in his first year, the guy decided to take part in the “Knight of the Institute” competition, and, to everyone’s surprise, he won a landslide victory. According to Svetlakov himself, this was the first impetus for a different path.

Victory in this competition instilled unprecedented confidence in the guy, and in the same year he became a member of the university KVN team called “Barabashki”. And very soon he became its captain. In 1997, his team changed its name to “Current Period Park” and went to Sochi. This was the first serious performance within the framework of a real, serious KVN. They failed to win, but they began to be recognized in hometown. After one of his regular performances, Svetlakov was unexpectedly offered to become a screenwriter for the famous “Ural Dumplings”.

After graduating from university, the guy decided to first listen to his parents and go to work at the railway customs. Where I filled out declarations on the arrival of goods. After a few years of such a life, he was offered a place as a member in the team for which he had previously composed numbers. Sergei faced a serious choice: a stable job or KVN with a “floating” salary. Having decided to take a risk, Sergei Svetlakov decided to choose KVN. The present time shows that the risky decision made more than fifteen years ago turned out to be correct.

Filmography: films starring Sergei Svetlakov

The filmography of Sergei Svetlakov has its epic beginning back in 2009. From the time when the artist made his debut in a film associated with a comedy program created with his assistance: “Our Russia. Eggs of Destiny."

It is impossible not to mention that at the same time as this film, the already promising actor was able to complete the parallel shooting of the New Year’s film “Christmas Trees,” which many probably remember. Svetlakov also starred in the following films: “Bedouin”, “Bitter!”, “Jungle”, “Groom”, “Stone”, and “Southern Butovo”.

Personal life of Sergei Svetlakov

This is not to say that the personal life of Sergei Svetlakov is completely uninteresting. The artist had two novels, each of which ended in a wedding ceremony.

It is known that Sergei still maintains friendly relations with his first wife, Yulia, even despite the breakup. With his second wife, Antonina, he has been living in happy marriage. Moreover, one cannot help but notice that the decision about a second marriage was made absolutely spontaneously. And, in fact, no magnificent celebrations were held.

Family of Sergei Svetlakov

The family of Sergei Svetlakov is, first of all, his beloved wife Antonina, and two beloved children born in each of these marriages. Sergei’s first-born was the girl Anastasia, who, by the way, the comedian’s first wife gave birth to exactly on Svetlakov’s birthday. And the second wife, just a year after marriage, gave Sergei a beautiful son, whom they decided to name Vanechka.

We must also not forget about his closest relatives - the artist’s parents, who remained in Yekaterinburg, and his older brother - Dmitry Svetlakov.

Children of Sergei Svetlakov

As mentioned earlier, the artist has two children. The children of Sergei Svetlakov are his real pride. With his first wife, Yulia, it was not possible to conceive children for a long time. But, finally, little Nastenka was born, becoming a real birthday present for her father.

In the second marriage, everything turned out much more successfully, and baby Ivan Svetlakov was born just a year after his parents’ wedding. Sergei adores his children and tries to pay them enough attention. Despite the divorce, Svetlakov takes an active part in raising his daughter.

Son of Sergei Svetlakov - Ivan

The son of Sergei Svetlakov, Ivan, was born in the comedian’s second marriage, on July 18, 2013. Now the artist’s first son is four years old.

Vanechka, to the delight of his parents, grows up as a smart and cheerful child, periodically showing artistry, just like his famous father. Probably, when he goes to school, he will become the same ringleader that Sergei himself was in his time. Whether his humorous talent will be revealed is still unclear. The boy is growing up in a friendly, prosperous family, and this is the main thing in any case.

Daughter of Sergei Svetlakov - Anastasia

Sergei Svetlakov’s daughter, Anastasia, became the first child in the family, after her parents’ long attempts to have children. She became a real gift for her father, having been born on his birthday - December 12, 2008. Now the girl is nine years old. It is impossible not to mention that little Nastya followed in her father’s footsteps and has already performed in Comedy Battle more than once, and at her debut she was able to impress the judges with a successful pantomime.

Nastya loves her father and enjoys spending time with him, even though her parents no longer live together.

The ex-wife of Sergei Svetlakov - Yulia Malikova

The ex-wife of Sergei Svetlakov, Yulia Malikova, became Svetlakov’s first love. They met at university. Julia for two years younger than Sergei. And she married him while still a freshman.

Subsequently, Julia, as the wife of a Decembrist, traveled with him on KVN tours. Together with him, I decided to move to Moscow, where I decided to start building my own career as a realtor. When they divorced, they common daughter Nastenka was only four when the couple divorced. The reason for the breakup turned out to be trivial - lack of time.

Sergei Svetlakov's wife - Antonina Chebatoreva

The wife of Sergei Svetlakov, Antonina Chebatoreva, became the second and so far last love artist. Sergei met her in Krasnodar, at the presentation of his new film “Stone,” filmed in 2012.

According to Svetlakov, in Antonin he immediately saw his man. It is known that the lovers were vacationing together in Riga when they both made a spontaneous decision to get married. They quietly signed at the Russian Embassy. And they live happily to this day, raising their common son Vanya, who was born just a year after they met.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Sergei Svetlakov

Many fans of this talented artist are interested in whether their idol has such popular pages on the Internet as Instagram and Wikipedia of Sergei Svetlakov. The answer is yes! Of course he has them.

Sergei already has almost two million subscribers on his personal Instagram profile! All his photos are actively commented on by users. And his Wikipedia page will tell you about his short biography, filmography, existing awards, and very briefly - about the personal life and children of the former KVN player. Article found on alabanza

Sergei Svetlakov is a well-known and beloved Russian comedian, showman and TV presenter by many television viewers.

Sergei was born in Sverdlovsk into a family of hereditary Ural railway workers.

All his relatives had one thing or another to do with railway transport: Father worked as an assistant driver, mother was engaged in freight transportation by rail.

Sergei was also predicted to continue dynastic traditions.

At school he studied well, even almost excellently. But at the same time he was a well-known ringleader, an organizer of good and not so good good events, could cheat the company into “smoking”, “drinking” and “kissing girls”. He loved telling jokes and was generally the life of the class.

Sergei was also seriously involved in sports, namely basketball, football and handball. IN latest form he even became CCM. The young man was seriously thinking about tying future life with sporting achievements, but my parents insisted on entering the University of Transport.

Career growth and development of an avid KVN player

While studying in his first year, Sergei took part in the “Knight of the Institute” competition, in which he unexpectedly won.

His photo appeared on the student's stand, and that's where it all started. He was chosen as the captain of the KVN team “Barabashki” assembled by the union.

The team performed within the walls of their native university for 2 years, after which they decided to go on the big stage and, renamed “Current Period Park”, went to Sochi.

The team became a star, Svetlakov began to skip lectures, but he was not expelled from the university.

Sergei graduated from the university with the profession of “Businessman”. After college, he got a job at a freight forwarding company. While working there, he simultaneously played in KVN and wrote lyrics for “Ural Dumplings.”

After several years, Svetlakov had to make a choice: either leave the company and devote himself entirely to KVN, or continue to deal with cargo clearance all his life.

Sergei preferred KVN, although he still vaguely imagined his future; you won’t be an eternal KVN player, and hosting a humorous program on local television also seemed joyless to him.

Having become the KVN champion in 2000 together with the Ural Dumplings, he decided to move to Moscow and start working as a creator of humorous numbers.

Soon the program appeared Comedy Club, Friendly team wrote lyrics for her too.

A few years later, the Comedy Club became so popular that the team of authors was asked to create another program, “Our Russia.” The program aired for six years and became incredibly beloved.

The project received the Humor of the Year award.

And since 2008, the program “ProjectorParisHilton” started on Channel One.

She wondered how pilot project, but as a result, it became very popular with television viewers, who every Saturday waited for four comedians to impromptu discuss the news for half an hour.

Unfortunately for viewers, the program stopped airing in 2012, since Svetlakov and Martirosyan were bound by a strict contract with the TNT channel. The program was awarded TEFI three times.

At the same time, Sergei participated in other TV projects and also acted in films.

Personal life is no joke

Currently, Svetlakov is married for the second time. He met his first wife, Yulia, while still at the institute.

Sergei Svetlakov with his wife Yulia

They were together for 14 years, experienced many sorrows and joys, ups and downs, she was a true comrade-in-arms.

In 2008, their long-awaited daughter Nastya was born. And in 2012, the couple divorced, and even Sergei’s closest friends did not believe this news.

In 2013, Svetlakov married a girl named Antonina.

They got married in an atmosphere of secrecy in Latvia at the Russian embassy. And literally a few days later their son Ivan was born.

Life public figures of our century

November 8, 2012, 06:33

“My wife and I made the decision to become free from each other and give ourselves a chance to start over. Let two live better happy person, but separately, than two unfortunates, but together…” says Sergei Svetlakov. - Sergey, over the past few years you have turned into an eternal wanderer - you can change several time zones in a day. Hotels and rental apartments are your home. So today you came straight from the airport for an interview and made an appointment at the Baltschug Kempinski Hotel. - It’s more convenient, you can relax and chat. First we’ll talk to you, then we’ll discuss a new project with a colleague. Then - back on the plane...- But your summer was much calmer - three whole months of vacation. mineral spring in the mountains, looking at the starry sky. All this time there was indescribable beauty around me, but I hardly perceived it - unresolved questions got in the way. In any case, being in nature helped me come to my senses. It was actually strange year: very happy and very unhappy at the same time. With victories and defeats both in personal life and in the profession. Everything negative and positive was tied into a tight knot that I could not untie. - And the divorce followed?- Yes, it became the apotheosis of everything... And I absolutely did not expect such unimaginable activity around me about this. I thought it was enough for people to be interested in creativity. No, it turns out they need to look into other people's windows. - People just love you so much that everyone is interested in how you live.- And everyone thinks that I should have an ideal life. - When you gave interviews about your personal life, you got the impression that everything was fine with you.- No. I said in an interview: I will never believe that people can have ideal relationship, no problem. Those who wrote that everything was quiet and smooth with me were lying.
- Sergey, why didn’t you manage to save your family?- We have come to such a point life together when they could no longer exist together. Yulia and I lived together for 14 years. During this time, everything happened: good and bad, ups and downs, quarrels and reconciliations, poverty and the test of the first big money, and childlessness, which hung over us like the sword of Damocles for many years, and the birth of a long-awaited child. We are grateful to each other for this period of life, but... In recent years it has been very difficult for us. We existed in parallel and began to irritate each other. I devoted little time to Yulia because I was incredibly busy, and she stopped being interested in my creativity and thoughts. One thing clung to another, and it turned out to be a snowball of claims and accumulated grievances. It was becoming more and more difficult for two self-sufficient, proud people to get along together every day. Someone needed to bend over backwards, but no one wanted to - neither I nor she... Perhaps divorce could have been avoided if we had been wiser and in right time were able to stop and agree on something important. But we made it to the end, when there was no turning back. It's probably for the best. Because not immediately, but a clear realization came: we are little parts that will never get used to each other. A single mechanism did not work out. There was no harmony in our relations and there will never be again... This is how many families live in our country. They think: getting a divorce is bad, if you endure it, you will fall in love, and so on. But Yulia and I are not old people, we have not stopped believing in miracles, in the fact that it is possible to find your soulmate, with whom it will be easy and simple. Therefore, we decided to become free from each other and give ourselves a chance to start over. Let it be better to have two happy people, but separately, than two unhappy people, but together... - Or maybe it would be more honest to say that love has passed?- It would be more honest, but it did not completely clarify the situation. It’s one thing to get a divorce after two or three years of marriage, when the passion goes away and people can’t replace it with anything. But instead of passion, we have tenderness, respect, and gratitude for the years we have lived. There is no one specific reason for our divorce. And most importantly, this did not happen because of anyone. The fatal supermodel from America with whom I fell in love did not appear. After all, these are the headlines that appeared in the press: “They met on the set, it was love at first sight, and they could no longer part.” With Vera Brezhneva in Thailand on the set of the film "The Jungle"- Yes, for example: “Sergei Svetlakov and Vera Brezhneva began an affair on the island during filming.” It looks plausible, especially since it was after the filming of the film “Jungle” that both you and Vera actually divorced. - Yes, exactly after this film. Such a fatal coincidence. There is some truth in your joke: the film “The Jungle” really influenced the decisions about divorce - both for me and for Vera. She and I have been friends for a long time and are absolutely open to each other. In between filming we talked a lot about life and our family situations. Vera was practically the first person I told that I was going to get a divorce. I was also the first to know about her decision to leave her husband... In the film, in addition to funny situations and action, there is a similar story - a conflict between a man and a woman. Often Vera and I spoke not according to the script, but the way we might react in life. For example, my wife, played by Vera, and I are quarreling. She touches me: “Tell me, who is she? After all, you have someone, right?” And at some point I break down and scream, just to cause pain: “Yes! Eat! And she’s better than you!” Everything was very similar to what happened in Vera’s and my life. Only the ending is different - our heroes save their love. Vera and I, on the contrary, realized that we were not able to sacrifice our dream for the sake of family life, which is still going head over heels... I think that after the divorce it will be better for me, Yulia, and the child. We have put an end to our common life, but we remain in good relations. We constantly call each other, see each other, and kiss each other on the cheek when we meet and say goodbye. Yulia and Nastya do not need anything. I have provided for them, am providing for them and will continue to provide for them.
With his wife Yulia, 2009- How does Yulia look at becoming more independent from your help and going to work? As far as I know, she is an active person and before moving to Moscow she built successful career In Ekaterinburg. - Yes, and in Moscow she was not always a housewife. I tried to get involved in real estate, but I was against it. Yulia received pennies and at the same time drank valerian with me every day before going to bed, because she was faced with big amount inadequate people. I didn't want her to do such stressful work. But I never said “no” to Yulia about her new ideas. She’s just still in a creative search: she wants to realize herself, but doesn’t know in what way. Now Yulia can not count pennies and calmly look for a business that would bring her professional satisfaction. He can graduate from any institute, come up with any dream, and I will help make it come true. By the way, one of her dreams has already come true - her wife received driver license. She is now beginning to experience an upsurge in life, I can see it. Julia sat in my shadow. She is an ambitious girl, and being just Serezha Svetlakov’s wife was no longer enough for her. But I just need a wife. The work of an actor, screenwriter and producer is energy-intensive and nervous, and in my life I need a person who will be there and help. In this sense, it didn’t work out with Yulia. -You haven’t been together for a long time?- Since December last year. The first months were the most difficult, everything was experienced very acutely. We are quite comfortable now. Formally, we are still husband and wife; there was no trial. It takes some time to complete the paperwork. But we are at the finish line: material issues have been resolved, all contracts have been signed, and we have no complaints against each other. In short, complete mutual understanding in everything. - Including in matters of raising your daughter?- Of course, first of all! We had no disagreements in this sense. Here we could always agree. I try to build my schedule so that I can be with my child longer. When I fly to Moscow for work, I take Nastya with me for an overnight stay. If I’m going to Jurmala, where I have a house, I take her there. We will soon be spending three weeks there. I will manage Nastya on my own. My daughter already lived with me in Jurmala for a month in the summer, and she really liked it there. When Nastya is with me, Yulia is absolutely calm. - Means, fashion trend, when a successful, wealthy father takes away his children or a mother tries to forbid the child to see his father, is this not your option? - In no case! We love Nastya very much and are not trying to make her an instrument of revenge. We have no goal of winning the championship for our daughter, we just want her to feel good and to grow up to be a well-mannered and correct person who would never be offended by us. It was main topic our conversations when we realized we were getting divorced. - Tell me, how did your parents react to this decision of yours?- Hard. There is nothing pleasant about when in a small town they knock on Yulina’s grandmother’s door. wooden house correspondents and ask: “Your granddaughter is getting divorced, what do you think about this?” But she doesn’t know about it yet, and it happens to her heart attack... There is nothing good in gossip, but it flourishes in small towns, which include Zuevka, where my mother-in-law and father-in-law live... Washing bones is a special entertainment, a favorite attraction, especially if a family that seemed happy and prosperous has fallen apart. In Russia there are a lot envious people. It wasn't easy for my parents either. They were very worried, our families grew together by roots, and, as for family relations, everything was great with us. And it remains so to this day. For me, my mother-in-law still remains my mother, my father-in-law remains my father, and my grandmother remains my grandmother. That's what I call them, and that won't change. I will still continue to take care of them. If everything goes well with me, then they will too. - Did you manage to finish the house in Zuevka, which you started building for Yulia’s parents when there was no talk of divorce yet? - Almost everything is ready there, all that remains is to buy furniture. And I will help with this too. I don’t throw words into the wind, and if I said that I will finish everything in the coming months, then it will be so. By the way, I recently spoke with my mother-in-law and promised that I would come to the housewarming party with Yulia and Nastya... Of course, I understand that with our divorce we caused trauma to our family. But there's nothing you can do about it. They can only understand and forgive us.
Sergei with his mother, father and brother- In one of the last joint interviews You said with Yulia that everything in your life is too planned and you miss the wind in your head and new sensations so much that sometimes you want to stick two fingers into a socket. Is divorce the fulfillment of such a desire? - This was said during our joint trip at the end of last year, after which Yulia and I had a serious split. The so-called “last tour”. Divorce is not a consequence of longing for the wind in your head. By nature I am not a flighty person. I don’t have any “star-bitten” condition. We would have divorced a long time ago if I were an idiot whose head was turned by the desire to have 18-year-old girls and live in a state of permissiveness. - But was there a temptation?- Was and is in connection with my work. I get attention from girls as a bonus without any effort on my part. This is the dream of many men. My friends say: we need to court, give gifts, flowers, conquer, but everything is given to you simply: take your hand - and it’s yours! I'm flattered that I have this opportunity, but I don't take advantage of it. - Come on!- Well, I can’t say that I don’t use it at all... I don’t want to lie and say that it didn’t happen. But I'm not focused on it. A small bachelor party is enough for me to relax. - And confirmation of this are photographs from your house in Jurmala with a brunette from Kyiv?- By that time, I had not lived with my wife for six months, the divorce process was going on, and morally I was free. If I were caught kissing a hedgehog, it would be a sensation: they got divorced because of the hedgehog! I can already see the headlines: “Svetlakov’s barbed betrayal.” And then they saw me with a girl at my house, I don’t understand what’s strange about this?! In a month there could be another photograph, in another month - a third. - Is it because a month later there was already another girl?- Yes... The emphasis was placed incorrectly. Because the girl who was photographed was given too much great importance. We were together, but very briefly, and then we broke up. Articles appeared in the press: “Svetlakov left his wife for the sake of a model from Kyiv.” Lies!
- How do you see your future life?- I will definitely have a family. I need a hearth, I need a woman waiting for me at home, unlike large quantity my good friends who have been divorced two or three times and now enjoy their freedom, not wanting to lose it under any circumstances. They realized that they were vagabonds in life. But I understand that I’m not like that. Very little time has passed since I began to live freely, and I’m already tired of wandering around and changing girls. I don’t want to be distracted, but to concentrate. Sharing everything I have, making plans for the future with one person. So that all feelings, experiences, joys, love go to him. This is the only way there can be a return. - When did you come to this?- Intuitively, I always felt this. But I was finally convinced in China, from where I had just returned. There I completed a program to restore health, overall body tone and energy. Among other things, I talked there with psychologists who helped me say goodbye to past life and see new perspectives. This helped me a lot. I have heard many wise answers to the question of why I lack energy. It turns out that everything is made up of a million things, a little bit is broken off from you, so for half of the day you still somehow hold on and work, and for the other half of the day you can barely crawl. And after short connections and cynical relationships, approximately the same thing happens - energy is lost. And only if you make love with the woman you love, she comes back... By the way, I also sent Yulia on a similar trip. She went to Bali and also studied with serious masters. After the trip she felt better. It turns out that sometimes you just need to talk it out and get some wise advice.
- You said that, having moved from the provinces to the capital, you became an anxious and gloomy type, constantly thought about death, periodically fell into depression and even took antidepressants, which only made things worse. - So it was. Moscow is a large office, completely unsuited for living. When I arrived here, I did not feel sorry for myself; the workload was colossal, sometimes simply inhuman. And I almost drove myself. Now I lead a more relaxed lifestyle. I finally have a home where I feel safe. True, he is not in Moscow, but in Jurmala. I write there and am going to arrange my life so that I can spend more time there. Perhaps I will invite friends there to work on projects as a whole team. It was on the Riga seaside that I found my point of peace. I am a person born in the USSR. And Jurmala is Soviet Europe, and this gives me a feeling of comfort. Everything there is familiar, understandable, in your own language, but only more intelligent, more environmentally friendly, calmer and slower. There is the sea, and rivers, and fishing, and happy child running barefoot on a large lawn near the house. There you cook your own food on the street, and at night you sit by the fireplace with a glass of wine. And the next day you get into the car and drive around the small cozy towns of Latvia and Lithuania. I received a residence permit there. Now all of Europe is open to me without a visa. A few years ago I thought that I would never settle somewhere: why, if you can travel, rent houses and live in hotels around the world? But it seems that I have already found my ideal home. Myself, in terms of profession, too. All that remains is to find your love and your happiness. I hope I still have time, I’m only 35 years old. - For now I’ll be 34, I’ll only turn 35 on 12/12/12…- Yes, it’s great that the numbers line up. By the way, my daughter will turn four years old on the same day... These 35 years have been incredibly difficult and interesting. I'm glad that I didn't live them like a shrimp. The stage is over both in my personal life and in my creative life. It happened completely by chance at the same time. The avalanche of life carried me, I hope, to Right place. I left a lot behind in my past life.
- What else will not happen in your next life, except family life with Yulia?- Unfortunately, there will be no “ProjectorParisHilton”. I can’t even believe it... Some people on the Internet and on the radio say that this happened because they could not come to an agreement with me and Garik Martirosyan. It’s just that we, they say, signed a contract with the TNT channel for a lot of money, which did not allow us to cooperate with the First. This is stated by people who do not know the situation. Technically everything looks like this. No new agreement emerged. The contract with the TNT channel existed for several recent years, we re-signed him every year. All this time there was a formal clause in the papers according to which we should not cooperate with other channels. But every year we bypassed it, since the management of Channel One and TNT agreed on an exception to the rules. And this year, two serious men could not agree. We found ourselves hostage to the situation. Creative luck crashed into the television structure. But I have confidence that the situation will be resolved sooner or later. It’s not too late to start this television format either in a week or in a year. Yes, even after 50 years wheelchairs! Of course, we really regret that this project does not exist now. We are used to being in the mode of a weekly humor exam. The four of us feel a serious loss. We not only met at the program, we spent time together free time, went to the bathhouse, made family friends... Now it’s difficult to get together - everyone has their own job. Luckily, I'll see you soon - in four days for dinner. Let's eat deliciously, discuss our problems, maybe come up with some kind of joint creativity- a play, a film or something interesting on the Internet. There is a desire to do something with the same composition. When the four of us get together, an unpredictable reaction begins, like in a chemistry class: substances change color, smoke comes out, an explosion is about to happen... and then suddenly bam - and instead of an explosion, strawberry syrup pours out.
- They say that you are coming up with a comedy under the working title “Ambulance “Moscow - Russia””, however, not with colleagues from “Prozhektor”, but with Igor Voloshin, the director of the film “Bedouin”, in which you previously starred. - Yes. We are already at the stage of improving the script. Filming will begin in the spring. This is an unconventional comedy with a lot of unexpected twists. I will play the main male role there, but we have not yet chosen an actress for the female role. - In cinema you are thrown from one genre to another: now a psychological thriller, now a drama, now a comedy...“I’m trying to combine everything and understand what I’m good at and what I’m not.” You need to keep yourself in creative tone and experiment. It's sad to do one thing for more than four months. And this doesn’t only apply to genres. While studying cinema, I manage to miss watching television. When doing television - at solo concerts, when people come to see you. - What are the biggest venues you have performed at?- Stadiums. This is such an adrenaline rush! - Don’t you get the feeling after such performances that you are the chosen one and you can do anything?- It comes, I won’t lie. But, fortunately, he leaves. And I saw people who didn’t get away with it. This is scary. To prevent this from happening, you need self-control, a sober look at yourself from the outside. And also the right environment, which should lift you up or down at the right moment. It is also important to travel around cities and see normal people, shop at regular grocery stores. - When you appear somewhere, people immediately rush to you, ask for autographs, approach you, even if you are clearly busy or, for example, relaxing, eating... - Well, yes, that’s back side popularity. I try to choose places where they pay less attention to me. True, I have to spend a lot of money on this, but I don’t save. For example, I travel in business class and ask for VIP access at airports. Otherwise, I won’t arrive anywhere on time, and for me this is unacceptable, because I am a punctual person. Well, if the audience comes up, I will never refuse an autograph, for example. The issue here is behavior. If a tipsy guy with whiskey in his hand slaps me on the shoulder, turns me around and says: “Hey, look here, we’ll take a photo!” - here you can run into rudeness on my part. And when a person comes up to me and apologizes for interrupting him, for example, from eating, I will always meet him halfway, even if it is five in the morning or my temperature is below forty. True, one day my fans were left without an autograph. I arrived in one Asian republic, very tired, and also seriously ill. The hotel staff, as soon as I checked in, asked me to sign autographs and take pictures. I said: “Let’s do it when I wake up.” Early in the morning I open my eyes and there are four people standing: a cook and three administrators. And they say: “You’re awake, let’s take pictures!” And I’m lying naked on the bed - this is how I always sleep. I was shocked and launched into this fun company ashtray. It's a shame that I didn't make it. - In the ratings of one well-known financial magazine, you overtook even Ivan Urgant in terms of income, is this a sign of popularity? - It seems to me that everything that is written in this magazine is greatly exaggerated. But I would like to comply. I have never earned a penny in my life without working hard. And I’m very happy that now I can afford a lot... But in general, if you measure Vanya not by money, but by time on air, here he powerfully “makes” me, filling almost the entire television space. - They say that any shake-up can be an impetus for something new... You got divorced, closed successful project, did it change you somehow? - I started writing poetry.

The actor and TV presenter knows how to surprise the public, regularly appearing on screen in new roles. The next TV season is no exception: Svetlakov will present a humorous show where he will show himself from an unexpected side.

IN beginning of the year television world I was shocked by the news: Sergei Svetlakov is leaving the TNT channel, with which he has collaborated for many years, and becomes the face of STS. The details of his future projects were kept secret, but a priori everyone expected to see something bright and funny. STS lifted the veil of secrecy in July: Svetlakov, together with his colleague Alexander Nezlobin, is relaunching the show “Thank God, you’ve come!”, which previously aired on the channel. On the eve of the first release of the program, scheduled for today, October 26, Sergey met with HELLO!.

Fame came to Sergei Svetlakov after he began playing in KVN as part of the Ural Dumplings team. This was followed by such projects as “Our Russia”, “ProjectorParisHilton”, Comedy Club, “Dancing” and others

When you're in last time did you say the phrase “Thank God you came!”?

When I was recently at the Petrovsky market and wanted to buy nuts, but I waited a long time for the seller. On our show, of course, I say it regularly.

How a new version Is the show different from the previous one?

The scenario is similar: four guests come and act out skits. But the format has changed. If earlier among the guests there were mainly theater actors, now - stars from absolutely different areas: in one program Vanya Urgant, deputy Milonov, Basta, Alexander Rosenbaum can meet, and in another - Mikhail Boyarsky, rapper Feduk, Fyodor Bondarchuk, Garik Sukachev. The plots are mostly modern: one of the sketches can be a rap battle, another can be a parody of some popular program. In the show, I act as a judge who will stop the madness happening on stage and give it an assessment.

Igor Vernik welcomes the guest of the program - Ivan Urgant

Are you planning to be a strict judge? After all, in a dance show that you judged on another channel, you were considered one of the main good guys.

In the new show, I also don’t see the point of being a bitch. ( Laughs.) Our main goal is to allow the guest to open up and improvise to the delight of the audience. Therefore, the symbol of the program is a butterfly, which, on the one hand, personifies intelligence, echoing a bow tie, and on the other, reminds that sometimes it is worth getting out of your cocoon, your comfort zone, and showing yourself in a new role.

In addition to Sergei Svetlakov, who acts as a judge and producer of the show, in the work on “Thank God, you came!” Alexander Nezlobin - creative producer, as well as Igor Vernik - program presenter are taking part

How did viewers perceive your transition from TNT to STS? Have you written angry letters?

They wrote, but not angry, but more pleasant: “How will your favorite shows be without you?” Of course, I also felt some regret when parting with the programs that were part of me. But now I stand on the threshold of another stage. From time to time, creative people just need to do this - try to create something new.

“Now I am on the threshold of the next stage: periodically creative people need to create something new”

Everyone who was my friends remains so. They're just working in a different trench.

Will you invite them to your show?

Of course, we will invite you. True, given the laws that reign in our media space, I don’t think this is possible. I'm trying to work on breaking down these fences, but it's very difficult: many channels are driven by, let's say, the manager's thoughts, not creativity.

Weren't you afraid that when you switched to another channel you wouldn't live up to your expectations?

I am now in a complete upgrade, and if I screw up, it will be very difficult. We do the show at the level of our own feelings, we try our best. STS believes in us, the audience believes in us, but it is impossible to predict the result.

According to the script of the show “Thank God you came!” guest stars participate in improvisations, without knowing in what role they appear before the audience. Selects the winner of the program, the symbol of which is the butterfly, Sergei Svetlakov

The audience really adore you: it is difficult to find an artist who is loved by both the Moscow elite and all the housewives of Pyatigorsk.

What about Policemako? What about Monetochka?

Seriously, is it difficult to live being so popular?

I have adjusted and love my life. I’m not a very public person, I don’t go with my family to all the social events where free cocktails are poured and photographs are taken for the back pages of publications. We protect our lives as best we can, we have our own routes, people, places. We accept reality as it is.

Do the kids already understand how famous their dad is?

to my youngest son, Maxim, a little more than a year. My son Vanya is five, but so far it seems to him that all adults are doing the same thing as his dad. Our daughter, Nastya, is almost ten - she understands perfectly well why we hide somewhere, behave differently somewhere, don’t go somewhere, but, on the contrary, go somewhere.

Does your daughter study at an elite school?

She studies in a good school - quality is important to us, not elitism. I want children to have a decent education, so that they grow up in the right environment, where there is no permissiveness. My wife and I are very worried - God forbid majorism develops in our children! We don’t allow the idea that they will do something out of pull.

“I have adapted to popularity and love my life, although my family and I are not very public people.”

Did you manage to relax with your family before the new TV season?

Round-the-clock work began in the summer, and before that there was just a break - a transition from one channel to another. We visited Spain, Thailand, Latvia. Then we returned to Moscow: our son went to preschool - this preschool education, and I plunged headlong into a new project.

Does rest help you look like this? You are like Benjamin Button - getting younger every year.

I like this comparison, but the ending of the film is not very good. ( Laughs.) I hope to grace the cover of HELLO! in 20 years as a chubby baby weighing 3200 grams. In fact, all a person my age can do is slow down time a little.

Not long ago you posted a photo of yourself on Instagram with a bubble mask on your face. Do you have a personal cosmetologist?

Yes, this is my wife. When we travel, she loves to find interesting means. We bought Korean and Japanese masks in Vladivostok, some products were brought from Thailand. I don’t inject Botox or other things, so I try to prolong my youth at least with natural algae.

"IN this moment I’m in a complete upgrade, I’m working as hard as I can. If I screw up, it will be very difficult."

If we’re not talking about algae, but about “Yolki,” is it true that the final part is coming out this year?

Yes, and, on the one hand, Vanya and I were glad that the story had come to its logical conclusion. But when they filmed the final moment, which was very touching, nostalgia came flooding back. Are we really not going to film again in August in winter clothes? And then, under New Year, won’t my daughter drag me to the movie? "Christmas trees" are already perceived as an integral part of the holiday. Therefore, I don’t even know whether this news is good or not. For me, this is news that must be accepted, understood and forgiven.

What do you cook besides “Yolok”?

Sasha Nezlobin and I have our own studio - "Sverdlovsk", several shows, series, as well as two films are currently in development. But for now we put everything on hold to launch our first creative “child” - “Thank God you came!” So that he goes out into the public, so that every Friday at 22.00 he stands on a stool and performs, and the audience listens to him, applauds and rejoices.