Actress, Singer, TV presenter Actress, singer, TV-speaker, model, international travel blogger KNOW THE REAL ME❤️ Follow into my real life❤️

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I wrote about the sea and you all answered, well, the majority, of course, that they love the sea. And how do you feel about the dead sea? In general, the very understanding that something, even the sea, can be dead and alive at the same time. So are the people whom we meet may seem to be alive, but inside nothing can survive there. So are relationships 😳 So people live in a family and don’t understand, they really endure for the sake of preservation, but why save????? Or maybe it’s already dead Oh and no is there any point in gluing? How do people, some of us admit, manage to maintain a marriage and a Family and a team and everything else for decades 😳Here is the Dead Sea 🙄beautiful and useful, but still dead and doesn’t get along with anyone. What do you think about this? ? Have you been to the Dead Sea in Israel, what was it like? Well 😂do you like the photo?!😜 Photo by @dmitriygreenph Model @makeevan Makeup and Hair @nevo_tok Luxurious fiery dress from @caterinaleman ❤️ By the way, do you like the dress? Am I thinking about buying this? Is it worth it?🤩 #makeevaanastasia #israel #deadsea #photography #thoughts #relationship #dress

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Sea!!! How do you feel about the sea? There is an expression “only mountains can be better than mountains,” but the sea drives me crazy 🙈And the sea and mountains are just my universe. I dream and ask the universe to give me a chance to buy a house from seas in Greece😂😂😂😂😝Well damn, I enjoy everything here 😩I want to live here in the summer Where would you like to live? Photo by @dmitriygreenph 🥰 Makeup and hair @nevo_tok 💋 Lingerie @estelle_adony 💋 Model @makeevan 🤪 Do you like the photo? #maryanmehlhorn #photo shoot #lingerie #thoughts #Greece #want a miracle #sea #summer #makeevaanastasia #maisonlejaby

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I will start this morning with thoughts about nature and the animal world! Why do we love nature? My answer, because nature doesn’t ask for anything and only gives 😝 Well, yes, she can be harsh, but she doesn’t ask for anything!!! Why do we love the animal world? He is honest👌He is sincere and sometimes naive and funny. Why do we love people? Answer:😂😂😂some of them are sometimes similar to nature and Animals!😂😂😂✊ You know, I love people, but over the years you understand the psychology of hermits, because getting along with people is really diplomacy and work and not everyone has the patience to realize their desires and they retire. Do we have enough wisdom and the notorious patience to learn to love each other and forgive little things? Do you have such thoughts? Photo @bulavina Hair @alinayartseva Location @_avanpost_ Model @makeevan Style @from_cali_with_love Makeup @svetk1ss #makeevaanastasia #photography #loneliness #thoughts #friendship #nature

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Sometimes it seems to me that all people are very understandable, because what they do is really the same. What do people want? Money😂 Happiness (everyone has their own concept of happiness) Sex 🤷‍♀️ Recognition by society 😩 But damn, why is it so hard for us to agree sometimes? Why do we Do we quarrel so easily? After all, we know when and how to stop and yet we poison both our lives and those of others.😳 Any thoughts on why this is so? P.S. I'm fine 😂✊I'm not sad, I'm just thinking and I recommend that you think sometimes 🥰To live consciously and not go with the flow. Photo by @angela_brulova_photographer Model @makeevan #makeevaanastasia #Sochi #thoughts #feelings

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What does Greece mean to you? Ooooh, for me this is unique nature, the crazy color of the sea, enchanting sunsets and most importantly, the people. This is the place where I would move to live in my old age! This is the place where I dream of having a small house by the sea. These are the people who respond in my soul and where it tastes good and soulful to me. While I don’t have my own house😂I happily take advantage of all the benefits of humanity’s achievements in the field of service and tourism. And here there is a place @crystal.resort.chalkidiki ❤️😎, which makes it possible to feel like you’re at your own dacha, but at the same time the charming staff performs all your desires. I’m just wildly delighted with local products and Macedonia is famous for its bread and honey and..... There’s so much delicious stuff here 😝😱 I just lost weight 😂😂😂😂 in short, in the evening I’m going shopping for cross-country shoes and sportswear 😂😂😂😂🤷‍♀️What should I do?😩I want to eat everything and I need it all somewhere😂😂😂😂to go. So tomorrow from 5.00 go for a run 😎🤪Who's with me?😉👌😱‼️ #makeevaanastasia #ot breath #villas #Greece #Chalkidiki2019 #family

Every time I pick up a script, I read it and immediately see what role they offer me😌 Hmm, it’s 99% aristocracy, intelligence, toughness and an impeccably sharp mind and beauty. Oh yes, all directors think that luxury suits me 🙄Do you think this is true? My film roles: “Georg” - the beauty Asta Saar “Anna Karenina” - Betsy Tverskaya “The Horseman Called Death” - the aristocrat Elena “And yet I love” - the diplomat’s daughter Katerina And so on, 40 more roles 😂😂😂 😂 For me, as an actress, of course, there is a wild desire to reveal myself in different guises😩but it’s so hard to convince directors of these experiments😝 Who has seen the movie “Cherkizon”? Do you think it was the right decision of the directors to invite me to play the roles of beauties? Our photo experiments with the coolest team 🤪✊ Photo @antonyuk_photo 👌 Style and inspiration of the project @katrin_erdman 🥰 Make @beshenova_olga 💋 Blouse @malina_fashion 🤩 Suit @beribegi How do you like Model @makeevan 😝❤️ #makeevaanastasia #morning #style #photo # thoughts #photography # Moscow region #cinema #actress

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A post about how @achekhova 😂 and @makeevan got up at 2.00 having arrived 130 km from Moscow to kiss a llama😂😂😂😂 Do you love sunrises as much as I love them?😂😂😂 I have 8 Tickets for today’s concert and I I'll give them to those who come up with a cool title for this video, preferably one that rhymes 😝😜 (info about the concert, erase my story!! ️) Dresses on me and @achekhova From @ilonabisultanova_ateliermoscow ❤️ Makeup @svetk1ss Hair @alinayartseva The photomaniac who brought us here @bulavina 😂😂 😂 ✊ And the place I missed and haven’t been here for 7 years @_avanpost_ #photo shoot #concert #avanpost #today #dawn #lama #makeevaanastasia

Good morning! June 12 😜what a wonderful day our President established “Russia Day”. I remember my feelings as a child, when I thought about foreigners abroad, I had a painful feeling of delight🤪 I remember that in the fifth grade, when I came to our lesson in English an Englishwoman came, I even took her autograph 🙈only because she is from England😝25 years have passed and I have traveled half the world and the more I travel and I wildly like all countries and new places, but with every voice I love Russia more and more🙈And I’m incredibly offended when people living in Russia call it disparagingly “Rashka”. Yes, I want to see the world, but with such a buzz I return home❤️Look at the photo, do you think this is France or Italy? No, these are tea plantations in Sochi at 5 km from the coast and I arrived at 4.30 am in the mountains to see the birth of a new day. I love you, my Motherland❤️ Have your feelings and attitude in your Motherland changed over the years? Do you like the photo? Have you been to tea plantations? Photo by @angela_brulova_photographer 😘 Dress 👗 @caterinaleman 🥰 Model @makeevan ❤️

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I was thinking, when we understand our roots and if there are people with Jewish roots among us, they say: my grandmother is a Polish Jew or my grandfather was a Russian Jew. Is there another nation that has such a concept as a double homeland according to by birth and by blood??? I’ve been to Israel twice and both times I was impressed by the diversity of cultures and the mixture of history, by the contrast of views and the preservation of one’s own traditions. In reality, you can spend a week in Jerusalem calmly and discover a new Jerusalem every day. This and the historical center and parties on the roof overlooking the city and small private colorful hotels, both budget and very expensive. But main value Jerusalem for me is the history of the city and the people we met. Where would you go now? Where have you been and would you return? Of course 😂😂😂depending on how old you are, but maybe when you arrived somewhere you thought: “Yes, this is where I would like to spend my old age”😂😂😂😂✊ Which photo is bigger? like? Do you like the combination of green moss and red polka dot dress? Photo

In a recent interview, Anastasia admitted that she does not consider herself beautiful. She finds a lot of shortcomings in her own appearance that it would be desirable to correct. And in adolescence An inferiority complex was a real problem for Nastya.

To change something negative attitude The girl decided to try a modeling fashion show. Catwalks and flashes of professional cameras restored the future actress’s sense of confidence. She began to participate in beauty pageants and can now be proud of the titles “Miss Krasnodar” and “Vice Miss Universe. Russia".

But Anastasia’s advantages are not limited to her attractive appearance. The girl has excellent vocal abilities. In her youth, Makeeva hoped to make a career as a singer, which is why she entered the Krasnodar Music College. And none of her vocal teachers doubted that the provincial student was destined for a brilliant career.


After graduating from college, Makeeva set off to conquer Moscow. And the capital welcomed her with open arms. The girl entered GITIS, took a course with Mark Zakharov himself and graduated with honors. It seemed that the future path of the charming actress would be strewn with fragrant roses.

On the set of the TV series “Network,” the actress met Pyotr Kislov. Lovelace, widely known for his whirlwind romances, paid attention to his beautiful partner and began to court her. But Anastasia did not give up right away. Passion flared up only a few months later. Now the actress considers this marriage a mistake of her youth.

“It was complete stupidity, bucking. The girl just wanted independence, and she was curious to take a walk at her wedding, White dress try on. The one who proposed first, without much thought, went for it,” Makeeva admitted in an interview with the publication “7Days”. But very soon she was to find out that family life does not always look like a beautiful holiday.

Peter turned out to have a difficult character. He preferred a free lifestyle, endless drinking sessions with friends and walks around the city in search of adventure. Anastasia was categorically not happy with this. Ultimately, the couple decided to divorce.


At the premiere of the film “Countdown,” Anastasia noticed a handsome, charming guy. It turned out to be famous artist Alexey Makarov, who at that moment was going through a difficult life drama. His mother, actress Lyubov Polishchuk, was seriously ill, and Alexey could not come to terms with her impending departure.

A week later, Makarov called Anastasia and asked her for a meeting. “He arrived with a huge bouquet of roses, took my hand, looked at me with his eyes full of longing and simply said: “Stay with me.” I suddenly felt needed. And she stayed. We fell in love when we both needed support. And in this state, two unfortunate people clung to each other,” the actress recalled the beginning of a new relationship.

A crazy romance began between them. The actors appeared together at social events, shone with loving eyes, kissed in public and looked absolutely happy. Fans were already speculating about the date of their wedding. But the relationship between the couple was far from being as cloudless as it might seem from the outside.

Anastasia’s parents were happy for their daughter, seeing her happy eyes. But after some time everything changed. Makeeva immediately found it strange that Alexei was avoiding meeting her parents. As a rule, this step means the seriousness of your chosen one’s intentions. But Makarov, apparently, did not want to take responsibility for the future of these relations.


Soon Nastya was no longer satisfied with the relationship, which was more like a swing. Periods of passion gave way to sudden cooling, quarrels arose literally out of nowhere. Makeeva recalled that every time she left her lover’s apartment in the morning, she took with her all the little things, including slippers and a toothbrush.

It is clear that this could not continue for long. And the last straw in this relationship were the events that occurred during filming in Tunisia. The film crew worked on the continuation of the series “Officers”, where Makarov played one of the main roles, and Makeeva played an episodic role.

Nastya received a frivolous message from some mysterious admirer. According to the actress herself, she did not intend to continue the indiscreet dialogue, she simply ignored the text message. And then Makarov appeared at the door of the trailer where the actress was putting on her makeup. “Let’s go and talk,” he suggested.

“We go to the seashore, next to there is an Arab cemetery. He takes out his phone and shows me that ill-fated text message. This is the last thing I remember. When I woke up, he broke my mobile phone, tried to lift me up,” said Makeeva. Anastasia was taken away from the set by an ambulance. Naturally, after this brutal assault, the actress left Alexei.


Photo: VKontakte

Anastasia Makeeva met actor and composer Gleb Matveychuk during the production of the musical “Monte Cristo”. The actress played the main female role in it, and Gleb played her unloved husband, Fernand de Morcerf.

This musical has become one of the main characters in their beautiful story love. During the performance, Anastasia and Gleb played the scene with almost no words. And suddenly the artist quietly said: “Nastya, I want you to become my wife.” Makeeva was in seventh heaven.

Photo: VKontakte

As Anastasia later admitted, new lover did not try to capture her imagination, to win her with the help of the brilliance of his talent. He was simply always there to help and support. And at some point these masculine qualities turned out to be the most important in life.

Communication with Gleb helped Makeeva understand one thing important thing: If you value relationships, they are worth working on. The actress tamed her fiery temper, became more restrained and understanding, and learned to accept her chosen one for who he is.


Photo: VKontakte

Anastasia and Gleb lived for six years in happy marriage. But this family did not stand the test of time. The young musician’s career rapidly took off, and there was a catastrophic lack of time for the woman he loved. In one of her interviews, Makeeva said that the person she loved so dearly is no longer there. He became a complete stranger.

“Gleb began to be constantly invited to different shows. And our whole life became “behind the scenes” of these programs - I was completely subordinate to my husband’s new schedule and his mood, which changed radically depending on his ups and downs in the show. He started having problems from stress. And the wife was to blame for everything,” says Makeeva.

This marriage also ended in divorce. But Makeeva is not going to lose heart. As the actress herself admits, now the whole huge and diverse world. She actively communicates with her fans on in social networks, talks about himself and answers questions. On Instagram and Vkontakte, Anastasia Makeeva can be found at the following addresses:

Instagram of Anastasia Makeeva:

VKontakte of Anastasia Makeeva.

In the personal life of this actress there were periods of unbridled happiness and moments filled with endless despair. She was never deprived of male attention, but it did not help her to find “the one and forever man” among everyone, despite the fact that she had been married more than once.

First husband of Anastasia Makeeva

Nastya was born and raised in Krasnodar, and for her creative abilities she should be grateful to her father, who instilled in her a love of music from childhood. For some time he was a member of the vocal and instrumental ensemble, in which his daughter made her creative debut.

After school she entered the Krasnodar Music College named after. Rimsky-Korsakov, and at the same time began attending modeling courses, which helped her in 1998 to successfully perform at the first beauty contest in her life and become “Miss Krasnodar”.

In the photo - Anastasia Makeeva’s first husband Pyotr Kislov

The success inspired Makeeva, and she continued to take part in similar competitions, achieving success each time. After graduating from music school, Anastasia went to Moscow, where she became a student first at the pop-jazz school, and later at GITIS.

While still studying, Makeeva began participating in musicals and acting in films, and on the set of the TV series “Network” she met actor Pyotr Kislov, who fell in love with the young beauty at first sight. Anastasia reciprocated his feelings, and a month later Peter proposed to her.

However, this marriage was doomed from the very beginning - the young people mistook the passion that flared up between them for love, so their relationship was caused rather by emotions rather than strong feeling, and very soon they became dull. Later, Anastasia Makeeva’s first husband said that they did not need to start a family then - ordinary meetings would have been enough. Their marriage fell apart even before filming ended, and since there were no children in their young family, they simply fled each in their own direction.

New novel by Anastasia Makeeva

In contrast to her personal life, the actress’s career was quite successful, and at the premiere of one of the films in which she played the main role, Makeeva met Alexei Makarov, who became her common-law husband for some time.

In the photo - Makeeva and Alexey Makarov

Their acquaintance happened by chance - she asked Makarov, whom she had not met before, to photograph her next to Andrei Makarevich, and for this Alexey asked her for her phone number. The new acquaintance didn’t have to wait long and soon called Anastasia and invited her to the cinema, and that’s where it all began new novel actresses.

The relationship with Makarov was like a “roller coaster”; Makeeva said that she had a lot of fun with him, and in the first months their romance was going perfectly. At that time in life common-law husband Anastasia Makeeva happened tragic events– his mother, actress Lyubov Polishchuk, passed away, and Nastya, as best she could, tried to ease Alexei’s suffering. Then Anastasia did everything as Makarov wanted - they only went where Alexey wanted, met only with his friends, and when Makeeva invited him to meet her parents, he delayed this moment as best he could, and when this happened, he did not try to establish close relationship with them.

Alexey was not against throwing in his lot with her and proposed to Nastya several times, but she did not give consent because she felt that they would not be able to have a normal family. Gradually, the relationship between the lovers began to deteriorate, quarrels and scandals followed one another, and after three years of relationship the couple broke up.

Second husband of Anastasia Makeeva

While still in a relationship with Makarov, Anastasia met Gleb Matveychuk, with whom she began working in the play “Monte Cristo” at the Moscow Operetta Theater. At first they communicated as colleagues, and only a year later a romance began between them.

In the photo - Anastasia Makeeva and Gleb Matveychuk

However, Makeeva was in no hurry to start a serious relationship - she had been going through the breakup with Makarov for a long time and did not want to tie herself to family ties again. But Gleb was determined differently, one day he called Anastasia and said that he did not want to share her with anyone and was determined for more than a fleeting romance.

In 2010 they got married, and Matveychuk became the husband of Anastasia Makeeva. At first, everything worked out great for them - they accepted each other as they were, without trying to change each other. Nastya came to terms with the fact that her husband was not used to keeping order at home, and Gleb with the fact that his wife could not and did not like to cook, and all their household chores were done by a domestic helper.

The only thing that upset Anastasia was her unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant. She had wanted children for a long time, and the time when Makeeva was completely immersed in her career had passed. But with time family idyll began to fade. Anastasia felt that she began to lose her husband after he began to actively participate in television projects. At first it was the show “Two Stars”, which became very successful for Matveychuk. Nastya saw that for her husband, communication with her faded into the background - preparations for programs became much more interesting for him.

He quit the theater in which they worked together; he did not care what was happening in the life of his wife. In addition, Makeeva’s relationship with her mother-in-law, who always had big influence on my son. In the end, Anastasia told her husband that she wanted a divorce, but he did not object, packed his things and left. She had a hard time with the divorce, because when she got married, she thought that she would live with Gleb all her life.

Actress Anastasia Makeeva gained fame not only due to her bright appearance, but also the versatility of her talent.

Creative biography Anastasia Makeeva's career began on the stage and continued in the world of big cinema. The public knows the woman as a theater and film actress, singer and model.

Childhood and youth

Anastasia was born on December 23, 1981 in Krasnodar, in an ordinary family. Mom worked as an engineer, and father realized himself in law.

In addition to his main profession, dad Vasily Makeev always gravitated toward creativity, so at one time he led a vocal and instrumental ensemble and worked as a toastmaster. The daughter began performing with her father’s band as a child, and as a schoolgirl she joined the Harmony quartet. At the same time, Anastasia Makeeva studied at the Krasnodar Music College and studied at the city House of Culture and Creativity.

When Anastasia Makeeva turned from an angular teenager into attractive girl, she took her first steps in modeling career. The young beauty participated in beauty contests, worked as a model, and starred in magazine covers and commercials.

IN modeling business the girl succeeded. In 1998, 17-year-old Anastasia Makeeva became the winner of the prestigious Miss Krasnodar competition. Later, Nastya’s personal piggy bank was replenished with the titles “Vice Miss Universe - Russia”, “MK Europe” and others.

Anastasia Makeeva at the beauty contest "MK Europe"

In 2000, Makeeva’s Moscow biography began: the beauty from Krasnodar entered the capital’s State Music School of Pop and Jazz Art (GMUEDI). In 2004, she graduated with honors. And in 2007, Anastasia Makeeva received a honors diploma from GITIS, where she studied in the workshop.

Music and television

Also in student years, while studying at a prestigious school of pop and jazz art, Anastasia Makeeva began to regularly appear on theater stage. In 2000, the aspiring actress made her debut in the musical “Dracula” in the role of Adriana. The actress recalls that the salary she received for each performance in this performance helped her take her first steps into an independent life. Soon the girl joined the acting troupe of the musical “The Witches of Eastwick”.

A musically gifted girl with a model appearance turned out to be in demand in the world Russian show business. In 2005, she was noticed by the producers of a popular group and invited to star in the video for the hit “If you want to stay.”

Group “Disco Accident” - “If you want to stay”

In 2008, the singer and actress, who was rapidly gaining popularity, was cast in the main role of Mercedes in the musical “Monte Cristo”, where she played brilliantly with.

After the success of Monte Cristo, the bright brunette played many unforgettable roles in the theater. But most notable work became the musical "Zorro", rehearsals of which took place in California. The actress passed the tests and was approved for the role of Louise, the protagonist’s lover. Due to being busy in the new musical, Anastasia Makeeva left the role of Mercedes in Monte Cristo and from 2010 to 2011 appeared on the stage of the Moscow Youth Palace, playing Louise. She shared this role with Valeria Lanskaya and Natalia Bystrova.

Anastasia Makeeva in the musical "Chicago"

Anastasia Makeeva did not stop working in musicals even when her career in cinema began to develop. The singer and actress appeared in the musical performances Mamma Mia! and Chicago, in which she again played the main characters.

In the summer of 2014, Makeeva was invited to play two central roles – Marquise de Merteuil and Madame de Tourvel – in the musical and dramatic production “Territory of Passion”. The performance ran for a long time on the stage of MDM.

In 2015, Anastasia Makeeva pleased musical fans with her appearance in the play “Onegin”, in which she again got the main role – .

Anastasia Makeeva in the musical "Onegin"

In 2016, Nastya was seen in the image of the beautiful Murena in the new musical “Miracle Yudo”. The actress is known for giving herself entirely to the stage, completely getting used to the role. According to Anastasia, after each performance she has to recover for a long time.

The artist's vocal talent is as bright as her acting talent. The audience always listens to songs performed by Anastasia Makeeva with pleasure, so the star is often invited to participate in various music shows. In 2015, Nastya reincarnated in and on the “Exactly Exactly” project, presenting the hit Stumblin`In to the jury.

Anastasia Makeeva and Gleb Matveychuk on the project “Exactly”

Anastasia Makeeva often performs in duets with popular performers. In 2015, she was seen with. The couple soulfully performed the popular composition “Mirrors,” causing a flurry of audience emotions.


Simultaneously with her work in the theater, the artist made successful steps in Russian cinema. The cinematic biography of Anastasia Makeeva started with a small role in the film “Lawyer”. This debut turned out to be successful and opened the actress to viewers and directors.

Soon Nastya was lucky enough to work with the master of Russian cinema. At first, she auditioned for a cameo role in the drama “A Horseman Called Death,” but the director approved Anastasia for the main cast. Makeeva adopted work experience at film set among the stars of Russian cinema and.

The period from 2004 to 2007 was fruitful. At this time, Anastasia Makeeva starred in 9 films, each of which became a stepping stone to new achievements. The most striking works of this period are the films “And Still I Love...”, “Countdown” and “Home Sweet Home”.

Andrey Merzlikin and Anastasia Makeeva in the film “Countdown”

Makeeva’s acting talent was clearly demonstrated in the crime drama “Cherkizona. Disposable People,” which was released in 2010. Nastya appeared on the screen with the young Russian stars And .

Today, Anastasia Makeeva’s filmography consists of dozens of TV series and full-length films, in many of which the talented artist got key roles. Among the memorable film projects recent years, in which Anastasia Makeeva starred, can be called the films “Mom under Contract”, “” and “”.

Personal life

Anastasia Makeeva met her love soon after arriving in the capital. She met Moscow businessman Vitaly Fedorov, who was 6 years older than the girl. The couple lived together for 4 years, but Makeeva and Fedorov never reached the registry office. According to Nastya, Vitaly loved her, but the young actress lacked in this relationship Mexican passions and drive.

The couple broke up. The separation was accelerated by Makeeva’s new romance with director Vladimir Nakhabtsev, who turned out to be 17 years older. But the man turned out to be a womanizer, and Nastya soon found out about his infidelities. The girl did not want to put up with such an attitude towards herself, so she immediately left her unfaithful lover. She decided to start life with clean slate. It was then that she met a new admirer, whom Anastasia Makeeva hastened to marry.

The first official marriage with the actor, whom the girl met on the set of the TV series “Network,” lasted 7 months. But almost immediately the newlyweds realized that they were in a hurry with the stamps in their passports, and filed for divorce. Both consider this marriage a mistake and speak unflatteringly about each other when journalists ask about the past. The divorce of Anastasia Makeeva and the events accompanying it did not leave the pages of the tabloids for a long time, until they were “interrupted” by a new news feed.

In the summer of 2010, the model and actress starred in a candid photo shoot for XXL magazine. The men turned their gaze more intently to the sexy girl, but in the crowd of fans, Anastasia Makeeva singled out her colleague, the son of the famous woman. The relationship with the actor lasted several years and was remembered for many scandals, but it never developed into an official marriage. The last straw for the girl was the moment when, during a vacation in Tunisia in 2008, Makarov, in a fit of jealousy, raised his hand to her.

Anastasia Makeeva experienced the break with Alexei painfully. In addition, she suffered another blow of fate - her 27-year-old brother Daniil suddenly died from meningitis. Saved Nastya from terrible depression new love.

Makeeva met the actor and composer Gleb Matveychuk at the conservatory, at a master class on vocals: due to stress, she began to have problems with her voice. Gleb invited the singer to his lessons, where she could listen to how he practices. This acquaintance grew into serious relationship, and in August 2010 Gleb Matveychuk and Anastasia Makeeva got married.

But beautiful wedding did not become the key to a happy personal life for the spouses. They often quarreled and made up. Matveychuk and Makeeva lived together for 6 years, and all this time they dreamed of children. Perhaps the baby could turn just a couple into a real one and strong family, but that didn't happen. The husband never became a support for Anastasia, and later the girl frankly admitted that she lived Gleb’s life and problems, and his career always came first.

In 2016, the couple announced their divorce. The official reason for the separation of the spouses was the constant employment of the artists.

Despite the failures in the relationship, the artist did not give up her dream of meeting a man with whom she could give birth and raise children and wait for grandchildren. But now Anastasia Makeeva claims that she doesn’t even look towards her fellow artists or musicians.

Anastasia Makeeva and Gleb Matveychuk broke up

In September 2016, viewers were surprised to see a joint performance by Anastasia Makeeva and Gleb Matveychuk in new show"Property of the Republic". The couple sang the beautiful song “Flowers in the Snow,” touchingly holding hands and exchanging tender glances. As it turned out, there is no talk of any reunion; the program was simply delayed from airing for a year.

In May 2016, after breaking up with Gleb, Anastasia Makeeva personal page V "Instagram" came to the defense ex-husband, about which rumors spread in tabloid publications and social networks. For example, some ill-wishers claimed that the couple broke up due to the husband’s homosexual preferences, which Makeeva allegedly admitted to.

Anastasia Makeeva and Gleb Matveychuk - “Flowers under the Snow”

Anastasia publicly denied that she had said anything similar and asked to leave her and Gleb alone.

"He is the best man in the world, we just became different,” the artist wrote on the microblog.

Anastasia is engaged in active self-PR. Makeeva has personal profiles on social networks. On your Instagram account, in addition to personal photos Makeeva, advertising posts also appear. The girl also created a channel on YouTube, where all the actress’s performances on television, series and films with her participation, as well as personal videos are collected.

Anastasia Makeeva now

Now the actress is in no hurry to get married, although another chosen one has already appeared in her life, whom Makeeva has not yet introduced to her fans. She recently moved into new apartment, where renovations took place for 3 years. In her new home, Anastasia was accompanied by her four-legged pets – 2 Spitz dogs and her cat Roxy.

The actress does not pursue success on the screen, so she films in exceptional cases and only with her favorite directors. In 2017, Anastasia again played in the film by maestro Karen Shakhnazarov, in his film adaptation of Anna Karenina.

Makeeva embodied the image of Betsy Tverskaya on the screen. Work soon followed in the detective series “,” where they also appeared. The project started on Channel One at the beginning of 2018. The musical family film “New Year’s Trouble,” which preceded its premiere, was also not without Makeeva. new year holidays 2018.

Six months later, Anastasia Makeeva became a participant in the popular urban song and chanson project “Three Chords”.

Anastasia Makeeva on the project “Three Chords”

In the TV show, the actress performed musical compositions from the repertoire in the “My Hero” program. The singer shared with the public her memories of her childhood and youth, as well as unknown facts from her creative life.


  • 2003 – “Lawyer”
  • 2004 – “A Horseman Called Death”
  • 2006 – “Countdown”
  • 2007 – “Network”
  • 2010 – “Cherkizona. Disposable people"
  • 2011 – “Retribution”
  • 2012 – “Werewolf in uniform”
  • 2013 – “Mom under contract”
  • 2013 – “The Sniffer”
  • 2014 – “Mannequin”
  • 2017 – “Anna Karenina. History of Vronsky"
  • 2017 – “New Year’s Trouble”
  • 2017 – “Caviar”