John Forbes Kerry - politician, former Secretary of State (until January 20, 2017), formerly a senator of several convocations, head of the upper house of Congress committee on international relations. Member democratic party USA..

The former head of the foreign policy department, who replaced Hillary Clinton in this post in 2013, is a Vietnam veteran, a supporter of pacifism, and a participant in anti-war movements, including an action near the Capitol to return awards received to the government.

The highest government official is a politician who has seen a lot and is of more than extraordinary intelligence, possessing his own charisma and aristocratic origins. He knows how to convince an audience in public speeches and, if necessary, skillfully play “undercover” games.

On his mother's side, the roots of the royal houses of many countries go back to him. Among his relatives are four US presidents, and his ancestors are Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible, King Henry I of France and his wife Anna Yaroslavovna, daughter of the Grand Duke of Kiev Yaroslav the Wise, English monarch Richard the Lionheart, Emperor of Byzantium Constantine IX Monomakh.

John Kerry's childhood and family

The future statesman and politician was born on December 11, 1943 in the Aurora military hospital, where his mother was and his father, who served in the air force at that time, was treated. He was the second of four children in the family of diplomatic service worker, lawyer Richard John and social activist, nurse Rosemary Isabel.

The youngest of the children was Cameron, born in 1950, his sister Diana was 3 years older than him, and his parents’ first-born was Margaret, born in 1941.

John's mother came from the noble Forbes and Dudley-Winthrop dynasty and was a parishioner of the Episcopal Church. My father's ancestors were Austro-Hungarian Jewish migrants who converted from Judaism to Catholicism. The children were raised in the faith of the head of the family. IN adolescence Kerry helped at the altar, the main part of the temple, facilitating the performance of the service.

In 1949, the father of the family was sent to Washington to serve in the State Department's Bureau of United Nations Affairs. The boy's relatives belonged to social group average income, but his wealthy great-grandmother on his mother’s side took care of him getting a decent education, paying for his studies in elite boarding schools.

In 1957, the father was transferred to work at the US Embassy in the Norwegian capital, and the eldest son was sent to Fessenden, an elite private school located in Newton. He later moved to St. Paul's Concord School, where he gained public speaking skills and developed a keen interest in politics.

In addition to playing guitar in school music group, whose album was subsequently sold on eBay for $2.5 thousand, playing hockey with the future FBI director Robert Sven Mueller III, he entered the history of this educational institution thanks to the founding of the D. Winant Society, which is still active in it. It is named after a diplomat and former teacher of this school and was a place for students to discuss current issues.

John Kerry's Yale Study

In 1962, the young man became a student in the political science department at Yale University. He excelled in studying specialized disciplines, although he almost never received an “A” or “excellent” grade. John managed to become president of the university political union.

The young man devoted a significant part of his leisure time to sports, which has always been of great importance in the student life of young Americans. His sports interests included hockey, football, and lacrosse. He took flying lessons and was a member of a fencing club.

In addition, he achieved great success in oratory. Possessing a brilliant ability to convincingly argue his position and the truth of his judgments, the young man repeatedly won parliamentary debate games, popular among students, organized between universities and colleges. Later, as the best, he was given the honorary right to deliver a speech at the university graduation ceremony.

After entering Yale, John volunteered for Edward Kennedy's election campaign for the upper house of Congress. During the campaign, he was introduced by Janet D. Auchincloss, stepsister First Lady of the United States Jacqueline. The socialite invited him to their family estate in Rhode Island, where he met John Kennedy.

Service in John Kerry's Navy

After being refused a deferment from conscription in order to continue his studies in Paris, in 1966 the young man entered service in Naval forces USA. After completing his training in the center of Newport, he received the rank of officer.

In 1968-1969, he fought for 4 months in South Vietnam on patrol boats, considered the most dangerous vessel of the river patrol. For a number of successfully completed tasks assigned by the command, he was awarded medals - a Bronze and Silver Star, and a Purple Heart three times.

Having participated in hostilities and skirmishes, John was wounded 3 times, and, according to regulations, earned the right to leave for the United States. He was transferred to the Brooklyn-based Naval Transport Service, where he continued to serve until 1970.

The beginning of John Kerry's political career

In the early 1970s, Kerry was actively involved in anti-war actions, took part in demonstrations, testified about military operations before Congress, and appeared on television calling for an end to the war. His bright speeches and oratory skills turned young man into a leader.

In Massachusetts in 1972, he ran for Congress, but lost to Republican Paul Cronin. After the campaign ended, he attended law school at Boston College. Having successfully completed his training, he was hired by the Middlesex District Attorney's Office in 1976.

John Kerry and Sergei Lavrov: “Yes, everything is fine, John. Don't worry!"

In 1982, he was elected to the post of deputy governor. He was then elected to the Senate and remained there through re-election for 4 terms. In 2004, he was nominated for the presidency of the country, but John lost to George W. Bush.

In 2012, Barack Obama nominated a Democratic senator to serve as Secretary of State. By secret ballot, the Senate decided and approved the appointment of the head of one of its committees to this high post.

The head of American diplomacy supported the Ukrainian authorities, considering Russia’s annexation of Crimea and the distortion in the media of events taking place in eastern Ukraine a flagrant violation of international law. He excludes the possibility of the presence of anti-government sentiments there, believing that they are all the result of the activities of the Russian special services.

Video about Kerry and Obama in retirement, translated by Goblin

In January 2015, at the World Economic Forum in Davos, the Secretary of State said that after the implementation of the Minsk agreements, the lifting of sanctions from the Russian Federation that were imposed in connection with the situation around Ukraine is quite achievable over the coming months. Until then, American goods, investments, technologies will remain illegal, just like whole line domestic banks, companies and high-ranking officials.

Personal life of John Kerry

In 1970, John Kerry first married Julia Simpson, the sister of his Yale friend David Thorne. The girl was an excellent match for John - her family owned a fortune of $300 million and had a worthy pedigree, including the ancestors of the country's first president, George Washington.

They had two daughters: Alexandra in 1973, Vanessa in 1976. Over time, the role of the wife of a rising star in the world of politics, which allegedly also indulged in flirtations on the side, began to weigh heavily on her. She began to suffer from bouts of depression. As a result, in 1982 they separated, and 6 years later they officially divorced.

Later, Julia remarried. In her book about depression, Change of Heart, she wrote that after her first marriage, politics for her by association became akin to anger, horror and loneliness. But, like her daughters, she supported her ex-husband in the election campaign and called him in private conversations “the future great president.” In 2006, she passed away from cancer.

The eldest daughter of the Secretary of State is a graduate of Brown University, has a Master of Fine Arts degree and works as a director. documentaries. Junior - after elite private school Phillips Academy, Yale University, Harvard Medical School works in the field of health insurance in London.

The politician's current wife, Teresa, whom he married in 1995, is a native of Mozambique, philanthropist and businesswoman, the widow of John Heinz, his longtime colleague senator, heir to the Heinz sauce enterprises, who introduced them in 1990. A year later, he died in a plane crash in Pennsylvania. Spouse older than husband for five years and has three sons from a previous marriage.

John Kerry met with Vladimir Putin in Moscow

The Secretary of State enjoys hunting, cycling, windsurfing, playing hockey and playing the guitar. He likes The Beatles, Hendrix, Buffett. In 2003, he managed to defeat cancer.

John Kerry today

After the inauguration of the 45th US President Donald Trump, John Kerry left the post of Secretary of State and Republican Thomas Shannon became his successor.

Jim Carrey, a Canadian actor known for his roles in the films “The Mask”, “Liar Liar”, “Almighty Bruce”, “Ice Ventura” and many others, is going to announce the end of his acting career in the near future . Such sad news recently spread among numerous fans comedian And although all this is still only at the level of rumors, it becomes a little sad from the realization that perhaps we will no longer see the famous signature grimaces of Jim Carrey, thanks to which he became recognizable throughout the world.

  • Real name: James Eugene Kerry
  • Date of birth: 01/17/1962
  • Zodiac sign: Capricorn
  • Height: 188 centimeters
  • Weight: 89 kilograms
  • Shoe size: 45 (EUR)
  • Eye and hair color: Brown, brunette.

Childhood and adolescence

James Eugene Kerry was born into the family of an accountant and a housewife. The youngest of four children, Jim was a very outgoing child who early childhood had an extraordinary sense of humor. Already at the age of 10, the boy sent his resume to the famous comedy show Carol Burnett, and at the elementary school where the future actor studied, teachers gave him a few minutes after school to perform in front of his classmates in order to give vent to the frantic energy of their student.

But if you look at the biography of Jim Eugene Carrey, not everything in his life gave him a reason to be cheerful and funny. His father lost his job as an accountant when Jim was 14 and the Kerry family fell on hard times. They were forced to move to the Toronto suburb of Scarborough, where the head of the family found work as a cleaner at a local factory. Young Jim Carrey, helping his family, worked eight hours after school, which is why his grades deteriorated significantly, although before that the young man studied well.

The already not brilliant situation worsened when Jim’s father once again lost his job and Kerry’s parents and children lived for eight months in a shabby camper van parked on the lawn of distant relatives.

Our hero was persistent in his endeavors and Jim Carrey began to be regularly invited to comedy clubs. Ultimately, the young man dropped out of school at age 16 to pursue his dream of becoming a professional comedian.

Way to success

In 1979, Jim Carrey's biography changed for the better. Future actor in search better fate, moves to Los Angeles, where, during his next performance at a club, he caught the eye of Rodney Dangerfield, the famous comedian, and he invited Jim to perform at his concerts as a warm-up. This helped young Jim Carrey feel financially confident and gain valuable experience.

While performing with Rodney, Carrey simultaneously took part in numerous castings on television and film studios, and in 1984, another fateful event took place in the biography of Jim Carrey. He gets his first role in the TV series "Duck Factory", where he plays a young cartoonist. Lacking sufficient ratings, the series lasted only four months, but Jim Carrey was noticed and his acting career began to gain momentum. In 1985, he starred with Lauren Hutton in the film Once Bitten, and in 1986 he played a supporting role in Peggy Sue Got Married.

Kerry's personal life is also undergoing changes. Also in 1986, he met his future first wife, Melissa Wormer, a waitress at a club who dreamed of becoming an actress. A year later, the couple officially gets married and Jim Carrey becomes a father for the first time; they have a girl named Jane Erin. Kerry will not have any more children, only a grandson, who will be born in 2010.

Star roles

It should be noted that looking at the biography of our Jim Carrey, it seems that all he did was act in films. No scandals, fried facts from the personal life of Jim Carrey, no scandalous headlines in the yellow press, such as “Illegitimate children of Jim Carrey!” A real workaholic. Well, what can you do, we will continue to get acquainted with Jim Carrey’s filmography. Moreover, what is really ahead of us is good work, in fact, it was they who made our hero a world-famous comedian.

So, Jim continues to act in various, unnoticeable films and in 1989, on the set of “Earth Girls Are Easy,” he met the famous comedian Damon Weyans. Friendship with him leads Jim Carrey to the sketch series “In bright colors", which is produced by Damon's brother and the actor played various quirky characters for four years, from 1990 to 1994. These Jim Carrey roles are loved by children, and his departure from the show was very sad for young viewers.

And finally, Jim’s hard work leads him to real success. He plays a funny detective in the film “Ace Ventura: Pet Detective” and after the film was released, Jim Carrey gained worldwide fame. His unique antics and grimaces made people laugh, but the critics had the opposite impression and the actor was nominated for the Golden Raspberry Award in 1995 as the worst actor. But what do all these offensive titles mean in comparison with popular love! All over the world, both adults and children adored Jim Carrey.

The success was consolidated in two more super-grossing films: “The Mask”, where the comedian played a humble clerk who miraculously turns into a cartoon character who defeats evil, and “Dumb and Dumber”, where he and Jeff Daniels play two funny and unlucky idiots, getting into various funny situations. The films easily grossed $120 and $127 million, respectively, and firmly established Jim Carrey as a star.

During this period, significant changes occurred in Jim Carrey's personal life. After mutual scandalous accusations, the actor’s marriage with his first wife Mellisa broke up. And in 1995, he tied the knot again, this time with the star of “Dumb and Dumber” Lauren Holly. The union did not last very long and, a year later, a divorce followed, the reason for which was said to be the infidelity of the newly-made spouse, but there was no evidence of this. The marriage of Jim Carrey and Lauren Holly did not bring children.

After the unsuccessful film “The Cable Guy”, in 1997 Jim Carrey had another commercial success. The comedy, in the actor’s signature style, “Liar, Liar,” collects $180 million at the global box office, and a year later Jim opens up a new facet of his acting talent to viewers by playing in the more serious film “The Truman Show.” The film received several Oscars, and the actor himself was awarded a Golden Globe as the leading actor. Another similar semi-serious work in the film “Man on the Moon” brought Kerry the same award.

The actor returned to comedy roles in 2000 in the Farrelly brothers' film Myself and Irene. Critics were hostile to the work, but the audience liked everything, which they confirmed by actively buying tickets. But the main thing that attracted the attention of the public was what happened to Kerry in her personal life. On the set, the comedian began an affair with the leading actress, the famous Renee Zellweger. Fans of both actors wished the couple long relationship, but, unfortunately, they broke up very soon.

Starring opposite Jennifer Anniston in famous film"Bruce Almighty", our hero once again demonstrated his extraordinary talent as a comedic actor, who deservedly made the actor a real star genre. There were several more less successful works in subsequent years, so everything developed well for the actor in the professional field, which cannot be said about his personal life. In December 2005, Jim began dating actress and model Jenny McCarthy, but unfortunately this relationship did not bring children to Jim Carrey and the couple separated in 2010.

Jim Carrey now, at 54 years old, gives the impression of a man tired of fame and experiencing another depression. And we can only hope that this wonderful actor will delight us with his roles.

John Kerry is an influential American politician who served as a Massachusetts senator for almost 30 years and is now the US Secretary of State. In Russia, he has become widely known to the public since 2014, as he took a tough anti-Russian position due to the internal Ukrainian conflict and stood out for the general instability in US policy in the Middle East. The assessment of Kerry’s activities is ambiguously assessed not only in the United States, but throughout the world: some consider him an experienced player in the American political team, while others, on the contrary, see in him an indecisive “chameleon” statesman who has never shown any signs of its unambiguous position on any controversial issue.

John Forbes Kerry was born on December 11, 1943 in the family of diplomat Richard Kerry and Rosemary Isabelle, a representative of the wealthy Forbes dynasty, who worked as a nurse at a military hospital. The politician's parents were Catholics and belonged to the middle class, but thanks to the support of wealthy relatives they were able to give their children a privileged education in prestigious educational institutions.

Due to his father’s diplomatic career, the Kerry family often changed their place of residence, either in Europe or in America, so during his school years, young John was forced to change seven schools, which did not leave a negative imprint on his academic performance. At St. Paul's School, which was the home of the future politician from 1957 to 1962, he was one of the most talented and gifted students with a reserved and serious character. It was during that period that his first interest in politics awoke, which prompted Kerry to organize a school political club, at the meetings of which “current” problems of society were discussed in the conditions of the protracted Cold War, the consequences of which made life difficult for people.

Having demonstrated his remarkable talent in oratory, the future US Secretary of State was elected a member of the editorial board of the student newspaper Pelican, which awakened in him serious ambitions in political direction.

After graduating from school, John Kerry entered Yale University, where he joined the student political union. A year later, he became president of this union, which allowed him to get a job at the campaign headquarters of the future US president.

In 1966, Kerry volunteered to serve in the US Air Force - he served in Vietnam and was the commander of a "fast boat" equipped with heavy weapons. Already in those years he had a clear anti-war position, but at the same time he boldly and professionally carried out his duties. combat missions, for which he was awarded three Purple Heart medals, and also received a Bronze and Silver Star. After being wounded for the third time during a military operation, Kerry was honorably discharged to participate in the congressional election campaign.


John Kerry's political biography dates back to 1971. Then he became famous throughout America for his loud anti-war speeches regarding the Vietnam War, which, in his opinion, was dominated by the criminal nature of military actions on the part of American soldiers. But this did not help the novice politician get into Congress, so he decided to master the laws and prove himself in the legal field.

He graduated from Boston Law School, after which he joined the Massachusetts Bar. Having demonstrated his professionalism as a prosecutor, John Kerry received the position of first deputy district attorney in 1977, after which he created a private legal practice. Despite his successful work in the field of law, the future US Secretary of State continued to be interested in politics, which prompted him to participate in the elections for the post of deputy governor in 1982, in which he won a landslide victory.

Finest hour John Kerry's breakthrough in politics began in 1984, when he was elected senator of Massachusetts, a post he held for almost 30 years. Senator Kerry's achievements are highly regarded both in society and among his colleagues. He is the author and initiator of several dozen important acts of Congress, which are devoted to problems of health care, education, small business, terrorism, and military issues. Also, thanks to the persistence of the diplomat, Washington restored economic relations with Vietnam.

Kerry's political views regarding US domestic policy have always been liberal: he constantly opposes the privatization of the social security program and the death penalty, and promotes the right of representatives sexual minorities engage in civil marriages, support legislative controls on guns and trade relations, and actively participate in international discussions about combating global warming.

US Secretary of State

At the end of 2012, the US President nominated John Kerry to replace the country as Secretary of State. During a secret vote, the Senate approved the candidacy nominated by the American leader, as a result of which Kerry became the first white man in the last 16 years to hold the post of head of the US foreign policy department.

The American “Minister of Foreign Affairs” gained wide popularity in his position due to his tough anti-Russian position. He zealously supports the new Ukrainian government, which has taken the helm of the country, considering Russia an “aggressor country” that has encroached on the territorial integrity of Ukraine. The diplomat believes that it is the Russian military that is “running riot” in the Ukrainian southeast, calling their activities a carefully planned operation of the Russian special services. Kerry fully justifies the actions of the Ukrainian army in Donbass, which resulted in the deaths of several thousand civilians. That is why he supports America's allocation of military assistance to Kyiv.

The head of American diplomacy speaks out in support of the EU introduced by the United States and 28 countries of the European Union, which, by his own admission, only worsened the economic situation in Europe. At the same time, he continues to insist on the Russian Federation fulfilling its obligations to implement in Ukraine, which are the only way to end the war in Donbass.

Despite this, John Kerry considers Moscow an important diplomatic ally in a wide range of global world problems. Therefore, he believes that the United States must certainly return relations with Russia to a high level.

Personal life

The diplomat was married twice. His first chosen one was Julia Thorne, who, after 14 years of marriage, could not stand life with politician and asked for a divorce, because she got into serious trouble from loneliness depressive state. Julia gave birth to the US Secretary of State two daughters, Alexandra and Vanessa, who today actively support their father’s activities.

John Kerry's second wife was Teresa Simoe-Ferreira Heinz, the widow of the founder of the major food brand Heinz. They got married in 1995 and have been living a happy family life for more than 20 years, which includes their five children from their first marriages (John's two daughters and Teresa's three sons).

In his free time from politics, US Secretary of State John Kerry enjoys extreme sports - surfing, windsurfing, and is also known as an avid hunter and cyclist. In addition, he loves to play bass guitar and is a fan of the rock groups The Beatles and The Rolling Stones.


According to general estimates financial condition US Secretary of State John Kerry's personal assets amount to almost $2 million. He also owns four concerns that he inherited from the Forbes dynasty. At the same time, his wife inherited more than $3 billion from her first husband, which she separately owns with her husband, which was taken into account in their marriage contract.

John Kerry Career: Governor
Birth: USA, 12/11/1943
Little-known facts from the childhood and school years of future US Presidential candidate John Kerry. He always kept to himself from elementary school and college to the Vietnam War and the Senate. However, wherever he was, he stood out for his seriousness.

He won debates, did well in school, and played sports. He was known in a small isolated world where such qualities were highly valued. However, during his five years at St. Paul's School, John Kerry stood out more from the general mass of students for his academic success than for his popularity among his peers.

Danny Barbiero, Mr. Carrey's best schoolmate from a middle-class family, recalls the times when they stuck together at boarding school, where children from such noble families as the Pillsburys, Peabodys and ), Pierponts and Pells. One day, Mr. Barbiero visited his favorite teacher, the first black teacher at the school, and found another student with him.

I went to his apartment, recalls Mr. Barbiero, who currently works as a benefits consultant, and he said to me: Meet Johnny Curry. He feels a little uncomfortable because he thinks that others don’t like him. I said then: What a difference what people think! He's a really great guy.

Now Mr. Kerry is 60 years old, and he wants to become not the president of the class, but the president of the whole country. However, the character traits that now carry him forward and pull him back began when he was only 16 years old, and he was trying his best to succeed at St. Paul's School, that harsh enclave for boys. He came here to study in the eighth grade, and this was his seventh educational institution.

Mr. Kerry remained consistently aloof in every world he visited, from elementary school and college to the Vietnam War and the Senate. For critics, his ambitions were constantly too obvious, and his behavior too calculating. His friends invariably had difficulty accepting his kindheartedness and complexity of character. However, wherever he was, he stood out all the time and everywhere for his seriousness.

Unfortunately, I have nothing new to tell you, says Max King, another of Kerry's high school friends, who became editor of The Philadelphia Inquirer and is currently also president of the Heinz Endowments, a wealthy charitable organization in Pittsburgh, with Mr. Kerry's wife, Teresa, presiding. At the age of 13-14, he was the same serious and convinced idealist that he is now.

Life is a lot like high school. As a result of this alone, Mr. Kerry's early years deserve more detailed study. However, in his case, the skill of early life takes on even greater importance because, as the son of a diplomat, Kerry grew up in various temporary homes in America and Europe. From 1957 to 1962, the educational institution of St. Paul became his home, and it was in this place that his character was formed.

I was a stranger at school, sharing my memories with Mr. Kerry in one of two large talks he gave at the end of last year. The students behaved differently there and used a sign language that was unknown to me. Where I lived before, they didn’t use such gestures. It took time to master them.

In a Year 11 or 12 production of Julius Caesar, Mr. Carrey gave an unforgettable performance as Cassius, declaring in his already booming voice: The blame for our mistakes, dear Brutus, lies with us, not with the stars.

He still looks the same skinny and hungry, says his only other classmate, Philip Heckscher, a teacher and Chinese calligrapher who played Mark Antony in the play. He was a very good actor. He was also very goal-oriented, which may be why he seemed ruthless towards some people. He was very goal-oriented in a society where most people speak very superficially, and this greatly distinguished him from others.

Even then, Mr. Kerry had opponents, but even then he could do a lot, says John Rousmaniere, a maritime historian who played on the same hockey team with Kerry. The captain of this team was top-notch athlete Robert S. Mueller, now chief of the FBI.

"I think hate is too strong a word," Mr. Rosemanier says. "Disgust, too. Perhaps at that time he seemed overly calculating to some. I probably had the same opinion about him at that time. He wanted to be after people's hearts, and perhaps this seemed overly obvious. For a politician this is not at all bad trait. He craved recognition, but in a place like this, anyone who wanted to stand out without resorting to sarcasm and eccentricity evoked similar feelings.

What happened to those boys

St Paul's School was founded in 1856. From the very beginning, it became an elite school, unlike, among others, President Bush's alma mater Andover School, which began offering education to all classes of youth during the Revolutionary War. It was the first American educational institution to play hockey and build squash courts. At school, classes were called grade in the American manner, and not form, as is customary in the UK. There were six classes in total, and the first one was equivalent to the seventh grade of a regular school. Teachers were called masters. Pupils wore jackets and ties, each start of the day began with a church service, and on Sunday it was held twice.

The names of the school's alumni are carved into the oak panels of the school's vaulted cafeteria. Past graduates running for president include William Randolph Hearst and John V. Lindsay. The latter was a congressman and a national role model while Mr. Kerry was in school. In the lobby, where the autographs of every U.S. president since Washington are displayed, Theodore Roosevelt's 1917 proclamation to the school's students contains advice to treat life as a game, like a player on a football field. Don’t move away, don’t break the rules and always hit the target exactly.

Mr Kerry entered the school at a time which his classmate Piero Fenci described as the last breath of a dying era. The winds of change, the battle for civil rights, the student rallies, were beginning to blow a little. Mr. Kerry's younger brother graduated from this school eleven years later. With his protests in high school, he and his classmates achieved the introduction of additional scholarships and co-education for boys and girls.

The same school Mr. Kerry attended was in some ways more consistent with its description in an angry 1968 leaflet written by his younger brother's class: Spontaneity, openness, honesty and fun are generally not encouraged. Relationships are often based on the most brutal competition. Sincerity is often met with cynicism; and as one of the teachers noted, expressing sympathy for someone is easily unthinkable.

Mr. Kerry had to marry his own at this point for many reasons. His mother was from one of the first families settled in Massachusetts, and his father graduated from Andover School, Yale and Harvard Law School. However, everything turned out to be not so simple. Mr. Kerry was not rich (his scholarship was paid for by his great-aunt). He was not a Republican (his dad was a passionate internationalist and a staunch liberal). He was not a Protestant (he was raised Roman Catholic, and had to travel to the town by taxi to preach).

Growing up in all respects

Mr. Kerry's mother, Rosemary, came from two of the oldest families in New England. On her mother's side, her ancestors were the Winthrops, whose leader, John Winthrop, took part in the founding of Boston in 1630. On her father's side, she came from the Forbeses family, which stood at the origins of trade with China and had extensive land holdings in Cape Cod. However, Rosemary's international business family included 11 children, and by the time she met a young Boston College Law student named Richard J. Kerry on the eve of the Second Great War, her family's fortunes had already declined.

Richard Kerry arrived on the coast of France in the province of Brittany in 1938 to study at a summer course in modeling marine vessels. The Forbes family lived in a house on a hilltop near the town of St. Briac. He fell in love with Rosemary Forbes, who was studying nursing. When Richard Kerry graduated from Harvard Law School two years later, the battle began in Europe, and he entered army aviation test pilot. Later, Rosemary came to him, they got married, and a month before Pearl Harbor they had a daughter, Peggy.

Their second child, John Forbes Kerry, was born on December 11, 1943 in Denver, where his dad was hospitalized with tuberculosis.

After the end of the war, Richard Kerry began to act as a private lawyer. His family at that time lived in a suburb of Boston. This was followed by service in the Navy and later in the State Department in Washington. In 1954, he became legal adviser to the US legation in occupied Berlin. For John, the joy of racing bicycles through a ruined city in one breath gave way to a more severe ordeal: at the age of 11, he was sent to boarding school in Switzerland.

You know, I apparently cried for three weeks, Mr. Kerry told his biographer Douglas Brinkley. I whined around the house like a puppy. In his second year of study, he was quarantined due to scarlet fever. All this time his parents remained in Berlin.

In a conversation last year, Mr. Kerry shared his memories of that early independent life outside the home. I missed my parents. “I clearly remember their absence,” he said and quickly added quickly, but I was not angry with them. I easily understood that they could not do otherwise. However, more than once I wished they were near me.

William Ducas, a Boston money regulator and another former classmate of Mr. Kerry's, recalls knowing little about John's family.

When you go to a school like this, you typically have a good idea of ​​your friends' families: where they come from, who their sisters are, their whole environment, Mr. Douglas says. I knew John for five years, but honestly, I haven't heard anything about his family. I heard fragmentary information about the huge Boston family, but this part of his life was covered in complete darkness. We didn't know where he spent his summer holidays or where he went for Christmas.

By all accounts, Richard Kerry was serious, but heavy person; introverted, secretive and, according to his son, more inclined to discuss theories and politics than family issues and people. In his book of foreign policy analysis, The Star-Spangled Mirror, published in 1990, Richard Kerry did not mention his wife or children in his words of gratitude. Instead, he wrote: I prefer not to list by name all the members of my family who assisted me in the preparation of this book.

In fact, Richard Kerry lived his entire life with a painful wound: when he was 6 years old, his dad, Frederick A. Kerry, an immigrant, shot himself in men's restroom Copley Plaza Hotel in Boston, presumably due to the collapse of his shoe business. Richard never spoke about it until his death in 2000. It remains unclear what he actually knew about this.

What is clear, however, is that while John Kerry always knew his grandfather had shot himself, according to his campaign spokesman David Wade, it was only last year that The Boston Globe gave him press clippings from 1921 about his grandfather's death. From them he learned that his grandfather shot himself exactly in the hotel where he himself was raising funds for election campaign and celebrated their birthdays.

An investigation by The Boston Globe yielded another discovery: Frederick Currie, born Fritz Koch, was born in what is now the Czech Republic into a Jewish, not Catholic, family.

This discovery had a big positive impact on me, Mr. Kerry says. It filled a void that was in my past, a kind of dark hole.

Richard and Rosemary Kerry continued to raise their family. Over time, they had another daughter, Diana, then a second son, Cameron, who was often called Cam. The family moved from Germany to Norway, where Richard Kerry became head of the political section of the US Embassy in Oslo. In the end, he became disillusioned with the atmosphere of bureaucracy and money-grubbing that reigned around him, and left the leadership without achieving his goal of rising to the post of ambassador.

According to his brother's recollections, young John was the leader in the family. And moreover, if he was not strong in geography and was ignorant of relatively certain aspects of the family inheritance, many other family traits were dazzlingly manifested in him. As a student at St. Paul's, Mr. Kerry started a political club that discussed not ancient history or past wars, but current Cold War-era events that affected his own existence.

The name he chose for the club paid full tribute to both his diplomat father and his grandfather, whom John had never known. He named the club the John Winant Society in honor of his favorite St. Paul's alumnus. John Winant worked as a school teacher in the twenties and thirties, later became governor of New Hampshire, and under Franklin D. Roosevelt, at the very height of the second major war, was appointed ambassador to Britain. After the war ended, he returned home to New Hampshire, where he committed suicide in 1947.

Curiosity, energy, ambition

In 1956, the Kerry family, then living in Europe, decided to send John back to school in the United States. He attended Fessenden, a boarding school for junior boys in West Newton, Massachusetts. The motto of this school was: Labor omnia vincit (Labor conquers everything). A year later, John Kerry entered St. Peter's boarding school, where, according to his recollections, he was at first small and undersized, and then suddenly stretched out to his height. full height at 6 feet, 4 inches (190 cm).

He enjoyed sports and the scenery of New England, but he also loved schoolwork and extracurricular activities. He was a member of the French Club Le Cercle Francais, and was also a member of the editorial board of the student newspaper Pelican, on the pages of which a few years later the budding cartoonist Garry Trudeau would try his hand. Mr. Kerry was a great speaker and won a school competition oratory. He also played bass in the band Electras, whose album cover featured him as the source of the pulsating rhythm that gives the band's songs a tremendous power.

He said to himself this way: I belonged to the type of artisans who know how to do a lot of different things, but do not achieve outstanding results in any of them.

Some of his classmates and teachers paint a more vivid and complex picture. No one else had as much curiosity and drive as John, says Lewis Rutherfurd, a Hong Kong venture capitalist who roomed with Mr. Kerry during his final year. He was an extremely loyal and funny friend.

But, as Mr. Rutherford said: In such a conservative environment, in order to be considered tough, you had to hide your ambitions. And John wasn't good at it.

Alan Hall, an English teacher who advised the Concordian Literary Society during Mr. Kerry's senior year, recalled that the club's weekly meetings began with the Clock Report. These were brief summaries of school news and the latest world events, called current affairs reports: Most of the students, assigned to take turns speaking, got off with a quick recital of a half-dozen events, moved on to read short stories or essays, and began discussing the main event of the evening, the debate.

I remember with what enthusiasm and skill he always presented these reports, Mr. Hall said. I don’t remember him ever making jokes in his speeches. Many were puzzled by his seriousness, openness, active interest in the confrontations between Republicans and Democrats, world poverty or trade unions. I think John was a mystery to a lot of people.

During a visit to the school last year, Mr Kerry said: This is where I was instilled with a serious attitude towards work.

Among Republicans

A very important mentor to Mr. Kerry was John Walker, the school's premier (and at that time only) black teacher, who arrived at the school the same year as Mr. Kerry and later became archbishop in Washington. . Mr. Walker introduced Mr. Kerry to the world of civil rights and social justice, and he helped his teacher learn to ski. When Mr. Walker married a young woman from Costa Rica who spoke little English, Mr. Kerry found it difficult to communicate with her in Spanish.

“I remember how my husband talked about John all the way,” recalls the bishop’s widow, Maria. He said that Kerry would become a politician - senator, congressman or president at any cost.

By 1960, Mr. Kerry's favorite politician had become John F. Kennedy. On the eve of the fall election, he spoke on behalf of Kennedy in the school debating society, and the class president, D. Lloyd Macdonald, spoke in support of Richard M. Nixon. In an overwhelmingly Republican audience, Mr. Nixon won, but Mr. Kerry's eloquence and ambition were undeniable.

I wanted to become president of the United States when I was 17, but at that age no one would admit it, says Mr. MacDonald, who now works as a lawyer in Boston. In 1962, if you wanted to be awarded something, you were not allowed to ask someone, much less say that you deserved it. Then you should have expected support and approval of your candidacy. I think it was very difficult. Therefore, any problems that John had at that time must be considered in the context of the hermetic and artificial environment in which we were then located. He lived there from 13 to 18 years old; for the first two years he was not allowed to leave school for a single day, with the exception of vacations.

Mr. MacDonald took strong exception to a view expressed in the April 12 issue of The New Republic that, when he toasted distinguished classmates at the 40th graduation anniversary two years ago (Mr. Kerry was not present), the audience reacted to the name Kerry with obvious dissatisfaction. This is an absolute lie, he said.

But more than that, Mr. Kerry's ideal schoolmate, Mr. Barbiero, confirms that old youthful differences still remain. I'm trying to form a support group for John from former classmates class of ’62, and I can’t say that among them there are a ton of John’s supporters.

Mr. Barbiero himself is a Republican, having voted for Bush in 2000. But not at that very time. Now he wants to more people His old friend could figure it out, moreover, nicely, how he understands him.

I think what people don't see is what I saw in him when we first met, that he's been through a lot and that he's an effortlessly vulnerable man. He has extreme sensitivity. I don't think it shows in his political image. Sometimes he closes down, as if he doesn’t need anyone. But that's not true.

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The talented comedian Jim Carrey has become a real salvation for millions of people on our planet. Films with his participation literally save you from depression. After a hard day at work, or problems in your personal life, try coming home, turning off your phone and just turning on some of Jim's comedies. In half an hour, when the smile will not leave your lips, you will understand all the miraculous properties of his comedies. During his career, Kerry became not only a good actor in the comedy genre, but also showed himself as a dramatic actor, which he also succeeded in doing very well, he also became famous for his charity work, and recently presented his talent as an artist to the world.

Height, weight, age. How old is Jim Carrey

In addition to good acting, Kerry has always been very handsome man. Tall stature, good body proportions, pleasant face and good-natured smile make him a real magnet for women. But it would seem that Jim Carrey, who is always laughing and so smiling, knows no troubles at all, but is this true? As often happens, those who give people smiles suffer deep down in their souls. This is the fate of our today's hero.

There were many moments in his life when he wanted to lock himself in his apartment and burst into tears, but he still went to work and continued to smile. If you are interested in all the details of his life, where he is now, and even questions such as: “Height, weight, age. How old is Jim Carrey”, in which case you need to continue reading this article. The actor's height is 187 cm and his weight is 85 kg. Jim was born on January 17, 1962, which means he is now 52.

Biography and personal life of Jim Carrey

Our today's hero was born in Newmarket in Canada. The guy's childhood was, to put it mildly, not very good. His mother was a housewife, and his father worked as an accountant. The family lived quite modestly and moved often. Plus, the mother was a very religious person and taught her children to do the same. For the first two years of school, Jim attended a Catholic school, where children were taught faith and order. Then Jim changed schools many more times.

When the guy was 14, his father was fired from his job, the family had to move to a smaller and poorer town, where his mother found work as a cleaner and his father became a security guard. But the children also had to work, since the income was not enough. For a very long time, Jim worked 8 hours a day as a security guard, and in the evening he went to wash toilets and floors. Thus, he took on part of the parental responsibilities. The guy slept very little and studied poorly, but such difficulties only strengthened his character.

Jim dreamed of a big stage since childhood. He recorded humorous monologues and sent them to various film studios from the age of 11, but often no one even watched them. A couple of times the guy tried himself as a comedian in competitions. At the age of 17, he began performing at the Litrais Spivak club, where the public really liked him and even gained particular success. Then the guy moved to the Comedy Store club, where he was noticed by Rodney Dangerfield, who offered to perform as his opening act. This step gave the guy recognition. Later he managed to move to Los Angeles and pursue a solo career.

Filmography: films starring Jim Carrey

But then the guy had a streak of bad luck. After moving, Jim decided to take his family to Los Angeles. And he was so busy with these issues, as well as with the health of his sick mother, that he stopped performing and working altogether. They stopped inviting him to films and to the stage, and then Jim began to experience real depression. And a friend named Tom Shadyac helped him get out of it, who, seeing the actor’s difficulties, invited him to star in a new film called “Ace Ventura.” And although there were no special hopes for this film, thanks to Kerry’s charisma and great acting, this film became one of the most popular around the world and brought in large fees. Everyone found out about Jim and now they started vying to invite him to films. It is worth saying that all films with the participation of this actor are glorified and loved by the public. The actor’s filmography is rich not only in comedies, but also in dramatic films with deep meaning, such as: “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind”, “The Truman Show”, “Man on the Moon”, “Fatal Number 23”.

The biography and personal life of Jim Carrey is filled with both ups and downs, but our hero never gives up and copes with all the failures. Kerry's personal life is very rich and full interesting women, although it also had its tragedies. Not long ago, news emerged that Jim's ex-girlfriend Catriona White committed suicide a week after their breakup. This was a real shock for the man and all he could say was that Catriona was very sensitive.

Jim Carrey's family and children

Jimmy Carrey's family and children are a very important part in the actor's biography. Despite all the popularity and love of the public, Jim never forgets about his family and helps them at every opportunity. Jim is very attached to people and in general is a person with a fairly fine mental organization, who cannot do without the support of a loved one. Perhaps this is why the actor had a lot of novels and two legal marriage, and judging by rumors, a third marriage is not far off. But each of us has the right to search true love, and a person with such mental organization as Jim will always have problems with the search, because not every woman can tolerate his character. From his first marriage, Jim has a daughter, Jane, who has already married and given birth to Kerry’s grandson.

Jim Carrey's daughter - Jane Carrey

As the actor himself admits, before the birth of the child, he was very afraid that if a girl was born, they would simply have nothing to talk about in the future and that the daughter would not be interested in her father. But he was very mistaken, because he still found a common language with Jane. Jim Carrey's daughter Jane Carrey created her own rock band, and then married one of the members and gave birth to a son in 2010. Jim is very glad that there is another man in the family and he already dotes on his grandson, dreaming of his happy future.

Jim Carrey's ex-wife - Melissa Womer

His first wife was a waitress at the Comedy Store club, where Jim performed. Literally a year later, Jim Carrey's ex-wife Melissa Womer gave birth to his daughter Jane. Their relationship has never been too smooth. Constant quarrels and misunderstandings, as well as Jim's strange attitude towards his wife, led to divorce. The divorce took place in the period immediately after the death of two of Kerry's parents, so for a long time the man was severely depressed and even took pills.

Jim Carrey's ex-wife - Lauren Holly

After his first divorce, Jim managed to cope with depression thanks to vitamins and constant exercise. Then, having gotten into shape, he fell in love with his colleague in the film “Dumb and Dumber.” Ex-wife Jim Carrey - Lauren Holly got along well with her husband's daughter, but their relationship did not work out and also did not last long. The couple were married for only 10 months. Then Jim met many more women along the way, but so far the actor remains unmarried.

Jim Carrey's former common-law wife - Jenny McCarthy

Another woman in Jim’s destiny, who, as he himself said, was the first woman about whom there was no doubt. He loved her for a long time. They were together for 5 years. Jenny works as a fashion model, and just like Kerry, she is an activist in the charity organization Help for Generations. There were rumors that after the breakup the actor paid ex-lover a tidy sum so that the facts of their personal life remain secret, but the former common-law wife Jim Carrey - Jenny McCarthy denied these rumors.

Instagram and Wikipedia Jim Carrey

Now the actor continues to act, only he is moving away from the role of a comedian and starring in deeper and more dramatic films. He is one of those actors whose talent is honored both during his life and after it. The truly great and talented Kerry will be an example for young actors for several generations to come. Not long ago he introduced his new hobbies to the world. It turns out that Jim has been drawing and sculpting with clay for several years now.

And it's worth saying that talented person, talented in everything, because his works simply blew up the Internet, they are so beautiful that I can’t even believe that this can be learned. Jim Carrey's Instagram and Wikipedia will tell you best moments his life. Jim has official page on Instagram, and although posts don’t appear there often, those that do appear make fans very happy. Recently, the actor has completely changed his image, from a constantly smiling and grimacing comedian, he has turned into a bearded and stern man who is not afraid to open his soul to the world. We all hope that Jim will not cease to delight the public with his creativity, and will give the world both new films with his participation, and new films.