Do you want to attract more clients, but don't know how? Come to us, we will reveal to you the secrets of attracting clients!

By popular demand, I want to reveal the secret, how to attract clients!

To date, to attract clients– we came up with a lot of methods and tricks.

The main thing is to try to constantly expand information about your company, store, salon, in order to a large number of people learned about you, and then it will be possible to stimulate your customers (make win-win lottery in your store, make sure that people see small savings when buying your product, etc.).

All these tricks will definitely attract people to you!

How to attract clients?

Initially, expand information about your brand!

You can use quite common and simple methods in this matter!

They are not very expensive, and for some they may even seem very effective!

So, what do you need to do to get people to know about you?

    Hand out leaflets.

    To begin with, you need to come up with a bright and memorable leaflet design so that a person becomes interested and thinks to himself: “Let me take it, maybe I’ll find something for myself there? What are they offering here?

    Be sure to have all your contacts on your flyer: addresses, Contact phone numbers, interesting information about your product that you are selling, and it would also be nice to come up with some benefit for the client!

    You can hand out leaflets on the street, put them in doors, or put them on tables in supermarkets!

    This good way, to attract clients!
    People who are interested in your services will not bypass you!

    Post advertisements.

    This is one of the most simple ways, to attract clients!

    But, it has quite significant disadvantages!

    First of all, few people look at bulletin boards!

    Secondly, the nature of all the advertisements that hang on the boards is predictable for many; people may think that there, as always, there is an offer to buy real estate, offers for loans.

    Quite often, people have a bad opinion about companies that post information about themselves and their services on boards, poles, and trees.

    If your company has a good name, this method is not for you!

    This is one of the most worthy ways to express yourself!

    You can place attractive information about your product: on Billboards, on trolls, in the media, and advertise on television.

    You also have the opportunity to choose any color and size, as well as type, for your advertising - it can be either a banner or a video.

    Tell about your product through your friends.

    You can ask everyone around you: be it friends, classmates, classmates, various acquaintances, relatives, to tell you about your product!

    This method has good advantages!

    The very first thing is that it is very simple! And secondly, any buyer trusts his environment.

    If, for example, your friend tells you: “Darling, I advise you to go to that handbag store, they have great discounts, a huge selection and reasonable prices! I have never seen such a huge assortment of bags anywhere!”

    After these words from your friend, won’t you want to visit this store?

    Want to attract clients– use this method as additional option in promoting your name!

    Incentivize your customers.

    I want to tell you one interesting story, You will immediately understand what will be discussed in this paragraph :)

    “My husband and I arrived at a hotel that was located on the ocean to relax. In the evening we decided to go to a cafe. In the very first minutes the waiter came running to us, he asked about our preferences and a few minutes later brought us 2 beautiful cocktails! The most amazing thing is that he didn’t charge us a penny for these cocktails and said: “This is a gift from our establishment for a charming couple.”

    We were pleasantly surprised and of course did not hide our admiration!

    After this incident, we now constantly went to this cafe just to enjoy its atmosphere!

    But this time, for money;)"

    So let's analyze this story now!

    What did the waiter achieve?

    He showed his respect as well as his interest, thus gaining himself regular customers.

    This method is called client stimulation!

    Remember, my dear future businessmen, the buyer is attracted by only one thing - the opportunity to save his money.

    When you evoke this instinct in him, in the future, you can easily manipulate him.

    Most people will choose the product that will be discounted!

    We are all looking for benefits!

    Take note of this!

    Showcase your product.

    How attract clients– show them your product!

    People who travel on trams and subways see every day how sales representatives walk around the cars and perfectly demonstrate to everyone how great the flashlight works and how it can be easily mounted on the ceiling.

    After such a funny sight, people begin to be interested in this product!

    Give the opportunity to taste your product.

    You must give people the opportunity to try your product so that they are eager to buy it!

    If, for example, you are the owner of a sports club, give your clients the opportunity to attend their first swimming or belly dancing lesson for free.

    It is clear that if a client is interested in this service, he will definitely purchase it!

    Schools and beauty salons use this method!

    Buy a coupon.

    Want to attract clients– take advantage of discounts through the purchase of a specific coupon.

    You buy a paper coupon for ridiculous money - and you are given good discount for some service!

    Discount cards, promotions, sales.

    Your customer saves, and thus you get regular customers!

    Give your customers the opportunity to win a prize.

    This gets people excited and many people like to compete)

    Some service or product is given to the client as a gift, or at a big discount.

    For example, “Order 2 pizzas from us - and the third one - we will deliver it to your home completely free of charge!”

    Let your imagination run wild :)

    Two packs for one price!

    For example, you sell a body scrub at a price of 125 rubles, but for some reason no one buys it, especially since it is already dusty in the warehouse.

    And next to it on the shelf is a cream soap for 25 rubles, which is popular among customers.

    You combine these 2 products into a gift set and set a price of 140 rubles.

    The buyer will immediately think: “Oh, I finally found an economical, and most importantly, wonderful gift! It would be more expensive separately!”

    So you have solved the problem by killing 2 birds with one stone: make a profit and get rid of the “dusty” product!

How to attract clients? A few tricks!

    Pamper your regular customers.

    This applies to restaurants, cafes, various salons, etc.

    Your staff can offer a regular customer a cup of coffee with a piece of candy while he waits in line, or while he walks around and chooses a custom-made kitchen for himself.

    Be sure, he will come to you very often and will also bring his friends to you!

    And this is what we are trying to achieve :)

    Your staff must be polite.

    Remember, no discounts and no bright advertising about your product will make up for the guilt if your staff treats your customers with disrespect and irritation!

    All your achievements, as well as your efforts, can be thrown into the trash! All this will give your business a bad name and bad information will spread about you.

    Try to choose your staff carefully!

    Bright sign.

    Make an attractive sign for your restaurant, beauty salon, store!

    It will be good if it can be seen from afar.

    There is no need to skimp on light bulbs that will beautifully illuminate the name of your business at night.

    Queue at the checkout.

    Many shoppers are very annoyed by the queue at the checkout.

    Try to think through this moment in advance to prevent this from happening!

    The smile of your cashiers + a free gift = will cheer up your customers and they will forget how long they stood to buy this item.

    The smell is important.

    For most customers, the smell in stores is very important.

    It happens that your staff decides to have lunch with a sausage sandwich at work - I assure you - you will lose 30% of customers because of this little thing!

    Don't let this happen!

    Create a separate office for staff so they can have lunch in peace, or use products that neutralize unpleasant odors in a minute.

    In my practice, there was a case when I went shopping and picked out a bag for myself!

    I saw a beautiful sign for one of the stores, which lured me to go in.

    As soon as I entered this store, probably not even 5 seconds passed before I flew out of there like a bullet, and with a cough too!

    There was such a mixed smell of onions, sausage and socks that I couldn’t eat at all for half a day.

    So judge!

    It seems like a nice little store, but because of such a little thing it could lose a real customer!

Want to cheer yourself up?

Be sure to watch this positive video!

Perhaps it will be an impetus for you in promoting your product!

Don’t be stingy, it’s better to try to implement all the methods to promote your name into reality: leaflets, tastings, lotteries, media, discounts!

All your money spent will pay for itself, and the effect of this powerful complex promotion will be noticeable immediately, and success will not be long in coming.

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There are rituals of white magic that help attract customers to your services. This is especially important for those people who directly depend on their customers: hairdressers, manicurists, massage therapists, salespeople, repairmen, etc. They work 100% and will help ensure an uninterrupted flow of people, their increased interest in your work, and therefore Money in your pocket.

Most rituals can be performed at home. The main thing is not to tell anyone about the ritual of attracting clients, so as not to scare off your luck.

Strong bell spell

To perform the ritual you need to purchase a small bell. You should like it right away, since it determines how successful your business will be. To carry out the ritual, you should wait until the new moon and in the evening pronounce the words of the conspiracy over the bell:

“Ring the bell, long and loudly! Invite guests, invite rich people! Wake up all the animals in the forest, let the client come to me!”

After this, the good luck charm needs to be hung outside all night. Then bring the bell to workplace. Thus, the little assistant will attract the necessary and rich customers for your services.

For money (ritual with a bill)

This ritual will especially help when business becomes stagnant and the influx of visitors does not increase or begins to dry up.

The ritual is performed on the waxing moon:

  • must be taken banknote(the larger it is, the better);
  • open the window at night;
  • Taking the bill in your hands, say the words of the spell: “Just as there is a lot of water and salt in the sea-ocean, and there is no counting of sand at the bottom of the sea, so may I never stop receiving customers, and the flow of money to me will not dry up forever. Let it be so!".

After this, the bill should be placed as far as possible in the work office, preferably hidden in the table. In just a few days, your business affairs will improve dramatically, as if by magic.

Honey spell

The ritual is carried out when there is full moon. You need to purchase a jar of natural honey in advance, open it on the full moon and turn the following words to the Moon:

“Luna-Beauty, my clever girl and assistant! Give me good luck in business! Let it be sweet and healthy, like this honey! Let people flock to me, to my work, for the sweet smell and brilliant appearance!”

After this in the morning before work, you need to lubricate it with a little honey. front door, through which clients come to you. The result will surpass all expectations.

This ritual is useful in trade, so that customers are more willing to come to your store and take goods. To carry out the ritual for sugar, you need to perform a number of such actions:

  • prepare a candle in advance, a little granulated sugar, any light, clean cloth and a strong green thread;
  • in the evening at home, light a candle, spread a cloth, throw in exactly three pinches of a sweet product and say a spell: “My sugar is sweet, an excellent product! Sweetness from your purchase to you, goodness and wealth to me. Let it be so!";
  • After that, roll up the fabric with sugar and tie it in a triple knot with green thread.

Bring the resulting bag of sugar to work and hide it in your workplace so that no one sees. People will start visiting your store more often and making larger purchases.

Spells for hairdressers and salons

White magic will help attract visitors to your beauty salon and increase the influx of customers if you work as a hairdresser. These rituals will also protect your business from the machinations of competitors and “take away” from them potential customers services.

To the comb so that clients come in droves

This simple ritual can be performed any day of the week. For him you will need to buy a new comb, pick it up and solemnly pronounce the spell:

“Tooth comb, bring me the people with ridges!” My hair is smooth, all my clients are attracted to me. For man - beauty, for me - wealth and praise! It will be good for the client, and money in my wallet! Let it be so!".

It is advisable to use the comb several times a day. A month later effective action The magic will begin to weaken, so you will have to repeat it, but with a new comb.

For salt

With the help of this famous magical product (salt gets rid of negative emotions and the machinations of evil competitors), you can secure your business and attract many customers.

The ceremony is carried out as follows:

  • in a glass clean water you need to add a pinch of salt;
  • before the beginning working day pronounce the words of the spell over a glass of salt: “I will speak salt and water, I will call all clients. Just as there are so many salty drops in the sea and ocean, I have so many clients that I can’t count them. Bring good, rich people to me, and take the evil and unkind people away from me! Amen".
  • then you need to splash a little water on yourself and around your workplace.

This way the master will be protected from attacks unpleasant people and at the same time will attract many conscientious customers of services.

For scissors for nail salons

Scissors have long been known in magical rites, therefore they require compliance with a number of necessary conditions. Among them:

  • you should not click scissors in vain: in this way you break the thread of luck;
  • During the ritual, the scissors are held in right hand, even if you are left-handed;
  • After the ritual, your scissors should under no circumstances be picked up by another person: this can lead to the “loss” of profits.

The ritual is carried out in this order. On a piece of paper you need to write down all the comments that, in your opinion, interfere successful business. We must try not to forget the slightest detail. Then use nail scissors to cut the paper into small pieces. At the same time say the following words:

“I cut out all troubles and obstacles, I accept only money and rewards.”

After this, small pieces of paper should be burned, the ashes should be thrown out in the toilet or scattered over a pond.

To trade in a store

For a long time, rich merchants enlisted the support of black and white magic and used the most various ways for successful trading and attracting wealthy buyers. Many mysterious rituals have reached our contemporaries. The power of ancient words and actions remains unchanged to this day and brings real success at work.

Large revenue

So that business goes uphill and customers buy large goods, you must perform the following ritual:

  • at midnight on the waxing Moon, stay alone at your workplace;
  • obtain financial documents;
  • lay them out on the table and say the following text:

“Moon and Sun, silver and gold, share your strength, bestow favor on me. Fly to me, large bills, like moths to a flickering light. Let me be lucky in all matters, and let my competitors be the envy of me. Sun and Moon, Moon and Sun, thank you! Amen".

After that, you need to put the documents back in your place and go home. From the next day, the proceeds from the sale will become larger every day.

Help from evil spirits

Brave people resort to this ritual when they urgently need to improve business in trade. It will be especially useful for those merchants who need to sell stale goods and not be left at a loss.

“Damn, damn, come to me, help me. We need to sell goods, convene people and collect money. It’s a prank for you, it’s prosperity for me.”

Prayers to attract clients

People often turn to Orthodox saints for help in business. However, you should remember: prayers to heavenly intercessors need to be read when things have really gotten worse and people have stopped coming to you for services or goods. If things are going well enough, it’s better not to bother the saints in vain and ask them for excess income - the result may be such that you will be “taught” to live within your means.

Prayers for help should be offered at home in front of the image of the saint, and a candle purchased in the church should be lit.

Nicholas the Wonderworker

“Saint Nicholas the Pleasant, our intercessor and helper! Help me in my affairs, protect me from dashing misfortunes. I am not lazy, I work for the good of people and for the glory of God. Protect me from troubles and worries, protect and multiply the work of my hands! Amen".

Seraphim of Sarov

“Saint Seraphim, bless me and my righteous works! Give me support and give me your wisdom, a clear mind and strong strength to work for the good of people, so that clients come! Show me mercy, a sinner, hear my requests for help! Amen".

Use these conspiracies for your own benefit, but don’t be lazy yourself, but provide your customers with quality goods and services.

Good afternoon, readers of my blog. I am sure that those of you who decide to open your own store, or already have a business selling various goods, have wondered: “How to attract customers?” We all understand that the number of sales depends on the number of people in the store. Of course, there are also other factors that influence your profit, for example, internal marketing, which we have already discussed in the article. Today we will figure out how to attract customers, set them up to buy and force them to buy the products you offer.

Of course, I won’t take advice off the top of my head, and I’m not going to invent anything either. All recommendations are based on Urban Outfitters' experience and knowledge. For those who are little familiar with this chain of stores, I will say a few words. Urban Outfitters is an American brand, a chain of well-known stores that sell clothes, shoes and accessories from emerging designers. IN this moment the company has more than 140 stores in 8 countries - the USA, Canada, Ireland, Great Britain, Denmark, Sweden, Germany and Belgium.

You may ask why I chose this particular network? It would have been possible to take something more global (Adidas or Nike, for example). Firstly, I heard very often about this network from friends who had visited other countries. I’m sure they were in Adidas, and Nike, and dozens of other stores, but they talked specifically about Urban Outfitters. Secondly, I liked the concept of the stores, their idea, and approach to working with clients. Well, thirdly, after reading the article to the end, you will understand that this company’s methods of attracting customers deserve attention.

Unique atmosphere and color

If you want a customer to stay in your store for more than an hour, then for this you need strong arguments that can distinguish your store from hundreds of others. Urban Outfitters has stepped far forward in this regard and has vast experience (namely with capital letters). Their stores have a unique combination of assortment, design, internal atmosphere and a number of others important factors, making the company’s brand recognizable and loved by hundreds of thousands of customers.

In order to attract customers, Urban Outfitters does not open stores in modern and popular shopping centers, they chose a slightly different development tactic. In the USA, absolutely all of this company's stores are located in ancient buildings that retain their flavor and spirit of the era. A supermarket built at the beginning of the century, a former theater, an old bank building - this location gives a certain romanticism and creates additional interest among buyers.

No clones

Modern chain stores, in order to attract customers, develop on the principle of universal standardization, when they operate at all points same rules: design, prices, display and location of goods, even the form and style of sellers - everything is formulaic, everything is the same. The trend is gaining momentum around the world, but not in Urban Outfitters stores. None of them are like the other. The product and prices are the same, but the design, display and distribution of goods are constantly changing. It is this uniqueness that attracts more and more new customers.

Constant change

Each Urban store has an art director on staff, whose task is to constantly monitor global trends, rearrange and modernize the store in accordance with new trends. It also refreshes the windows and makes the brand constantly perceived as interesting and relevant.

Every year, the central office allocates good sums for the work of the art director, but does not give any specific instructions; everything depends only on the employee’s imagination. The system is quite flexible, and if one option for upgrading a store was unsuccessful, then throughout the year you can experiment, change, and find the right concept.

To attract customers to your store, try to update it at least once a year, it should look fresh and new, not become boring, and constantly maintain good condition.

Focus on customers, not products

In the section I already wrote that when starting your own business, you are obliged to research the demand of customers and focus more on their desires and needs. They do the same thing in Urbana stores. Though most of goods are women's clothing, but here you can find a lot of things: from cosmetics to books, from cheap little things to expensive and interesting furniture. As one of the store managers in the United States says: “We primarily focus on groups of buyers, not products. There is demand, there will be supply."

Similarity between buyer and target buyer

Urbana has the whole system, I would even say an army of buyers, whose main task is to select goods that correspond fashion trends and the current trend of our time. And most importantly, these products must appeal to the stores' target customers.

Buyers always report on completed transactions, and they must also ensure a certain percentage of sales of purchased products - in all other respects, freedom of action and decisions. Urban Outfitters' ethos and culture allows for, and in some cases even welcomes, mistakes. If I make a mistake correct conclusion and will be able to learn a valuable lesson, then we can allow it.

Sales analysis

Weekly analysis of demand among customers is the basis of good sales, and the ability to offer people exactly the product that is in demand at a given moment. At the same time, each brand of the Urban Outfitters company (and there are already 5 of them) has its own director, its own fashion designers, its own staff, its own development strategy - which allows it to be a separate enterprise in the middle of a large empire. The central office only allocates resources for the development of new stores, expansion and modernization of the network, and everything else is taken care of by local management.

Communication is more important than selling

The primary goal is not to sell the product and forget about the buyer, but just the opposite. Your staff communicate with the client, find out his interests, needs, listen to wishes and feedback. This is exactly how salespeople at Urban Outfitters work. This allows them to attract new customers and retain existing customers.

Also the staff plays important role in creating consumer experience. All designers, art directors, salespeople, buyers, and those who communicate or create the atmosphere of stores are about the same age as the target audience. This allows them to more accurately determine the client’s needs and create a convenient, stylish and comfortable store.

Both experienced and novice businessmen are familiar with the immutable truth of business: without customers, there are no sales, and, therefore, no business. And there won’t be any clients if you don’t use a client acquisition system. Like this vicious circle it turns out.

It is necessary to find different ways to attract customers

Keys to attracting clients

You cannot build a successful business without a proper plan. Everyone knows this too. But in order to attract new clients and not lose old ones, you also need a plan. When opening your business, you plan the required volume of sales that will bring you stable income. But you must also plan the number of required customers for whom your product or service is produced.

You need to know your potential client, not in person, of course. And his desires, his capabilities and needs. What consumer problems will your product solve? Don't spend your advertising money "for everyone" - you will lose it. Spend it on “your” client, and he will definitely hear you.

Now it’s time to solve the dilemma of how to attract customers. It’s no secret that a large number of people must know about you for your business to become successful. And if they like your offers, they will become your regular customers. Moreover, they will also bring their friends to you.

Analyze the activities of competing companies: where they are located, what their sales volume is, how many clients they have, the quality of their product or service, and the advertising they use. The following points are very important to attract customers:

  • location your store or other establishment that you have opened;
  • well built advertising campaign;
  • atmosphere in your work team;
  • image your company;
  • range And prices.

Ways to attract clients

Attracting customers is not a one-time event, but Full time job . Even the simplest and most inexpensive methods can become the most effective. Let's talk in detail about each of these methods.


Distributing leaflets can be an effective and inexpensive tool. Use your uniqueness in them trade proposal so that it hooks the buyer. And for this, take care of appearance leaflets – bright and memorable. Be sure to include all your contact information.

Leaflets can interest a large number of people

If your store or beauty salon is holding a promotion, information about it should also be in this leaflet. Our customer loves to save money, catch him doing it. Where can you distribute leaflets? Yes, anywhere. Place it in supermarkets on advertising stands and in mailboxes residential buildings, distribute to passers-by. If your leaflet is written correctly, it will definitely attract interest. And then your potential client will want to come to you to check how truthful it is.

Advertisements on poles

An inexpensive form of advertising, but not very effective. We mainly have announcements about obtaining a loan or selling real estate on bulletin boards and poles. Therefore, people most often do not consider such advertisements.
It also seems to many that a successful enterprise would not advertise itself in this way. Therefore, use other types of advertising so as not to inadvertently spoil your image.


Tell your friends, relatives, and acquaintances about yourself. It is quite possible that one of them will become your first buyer. But even if this does not happen immediately, they may contact you in the future. People make a deal more easily if they know the person. This creates a certain level of trust. In addition, they can tell their friends and acquaintances about you, and they can tell theirs. And among this number of people there will definitely be someone who will be interested in your activities.

Good at first for attracting clients There are various promotions, discounts, gifts for the purchase of goods or services. Or you can offer introductory services to people, e.g. they are inexpensive and help potential clients get to know your company, creating a certain positive opinion in their minds. For example, if you have your own printing house, you can offer all clients to develop a design as a gift. For such a promotion, think about what will make the most impression on you, what you want the client to buy from you in the future, what service you could provide quickly and at no extra cost, etc.

For search clients you can hire sales managers. Direct are effective way attracting buyers. A good sales manager or sales representative will be able to find you a sufficient number of people who will be interested in your services. Moreover, managers can not only present the company’s products or services, but also conclude deals on the spot, which can be a plus for your business.


  • How to attract new clients easily and simply in 2019
  • how to attract clients to your company in 2019
  • Rituals to attract clients

Attraction clients- a whole science, having comprehended which, you will make your business more successful. Practical knowledge in your field (architecture, cosmetics, fashion) can no longer guarantee you success and prosperity; now it is important to also have the skills to sell your knowledge. Today there are several approaches that can attract new people to your business. clients.


The first approach is based on helping potential clients. At many trainings we're talking about about “conflicting messages.” This is what we tell a potential client does not reflect. You must believe in what you are saying and sincerely want to help the client.

The second approach is “benefit focus.” The essence of this method is to focus your presentations on the benefits that a person can receive from purchasing a product or service. This is very simple to do: 80% of all information coming from you should be, and 20% about detailed specifications and other details of the product offered. If you follow this principle, you will attract more clients, and if you are talking only about the characteristics - new clients It may increase, but it will be much less than in the first option.

The fourth step on the path to success is a network of personal contacts. Any accident can result in close cooperation. Go to all kinds of events and make sure that there are as many such casual acquaintances as possible, introduce yourself and tell them what you do. More acquaintances means a higher chance of success.

Don't forget to use useful information V in the right place at the right time.