All of us, graduates of Soviet and post-Soviet secondary schools, at least we can remember something about the famous historical figures. Well, for example, that Gaius Julius Caesar was killed as a result of a conspiracy involving a certain Brutus. Or that Albert Einstein is the author general theory relativity. However, there are a number interesting facts about famous people that they are unlikely to tell you about at school.

1. Once upon a time, a famous physicist had a chance to become the President of Israel. However, he refused this position with the caveat that he would not be able to decide state affairs due to their significance and scale.

2. Perhaps, while dying, Albert Einstein finally put forward another brilliant theory or said something equally significant. Alas, we will never know about this, since he died in the presence of a nurse who did not understand a word of German.

3. The last wish of the founder of the Nobel Prize was a request not to be considered a promoter of violence due to the fact that he invented dynamite.

4. British Queen Anna was the mother of 17 children and outlived them all.

5. Elizabeth the First introduced a tax for those men who wore a beard.

6. She also passed a law obliging everyone, except very rich people, to wear special hats on Sunday.

7. One can only guess what happened during feasts before Catherine the First issued a law stating that no man had the right to get drunk during a feast before 21.00.

8. For her wedding, among other things, Queen Victoria received a “piece” of cheese weighing half a ton and three meters in diameter.

9. Lady Astor is credited with saying the following to Prime Minister Winston Churchill: “If you were my husband, I would put poison in your coffee.” They say that a worthy answer was received to this: “If you were my wife, I would drink it.”

10. And the British Prime Minister himself smoked about 15 cigars a day.

11. The autograph of a famous Roman emperor is valued at $2 million. The problem is that no one has been able to find it yet.

12. The appearance of a laurel wreath on the head of Julius Caesar is associated with his attempt to hide the beginning of hair loss.

13. The loving Israeli king Solomon had about 700 wives and at least a hundred mistresses.

14. The sex icon's bra, which Marilyn wore in Some Like It Hot, fetched $14,000 at auction.

15. Famous writer Charles Dickens slept exclusively facing north. He firmly believed that this would help improve his writing talent.

16. What would US President Thomas Jefferson think of his descendants if he learned that the house in which he wrote the Declaration of Independence is now... a diner?

17. George Washington can be proud that his birthday is the only birthday that is an official holiday in all states of America.

18. During World War I, the future Pope John XXIII served as a sergeant in the Italian army.

19. Isaac Newton was interested in occult and supernatural ideas.

20. John Rockefeller gave away more than $500 million to charitable causes during his lifetime.

21. Personally, I am filled with bewilderment at the fact that the two-time winner Nobel Prize was unable to become a member of the prestigious French Academy solely because she was a woman.

22. Mozart never went to school.

23. There was a payphone in the mansion of one of the richest people in the world.

24. First Chairman communist party China worked as an assistant librarian at Beijing University before taking power.

25. Three most famous names in China they amaze with their modesty and originality: Jesus Christ, Richard Nixon and Elvis Presley.

26. John Glenn became the first American astronaut to reach Earth's orbit.

27. This professional illusionist claimed that his extraordinary abilities came to him from the distant planet Huva.

And finally

28. Italians owe their national flag to Napoleon Bonaparte.

There are many famous people that I admire. Most of them are talented in one or more fields. They lead a busy life, traveling from one place to another to meet their fans. My favorite celebrity is Johnny Depp. Although he had starred in many interesting movies, his best role was Captain Jack Sparrow in the Pirates of the Caribbean.

In my opinion, he is a multi-talented person. Apart from being a famous actor, he is a film producer and a musician. At the moment he is 51 years old, but he doesn’t look his age. I would assume he is only 30 or 35. He was born in Kentucky, the USA, in a poor background. His family often moved from one place to another, because of his father’s job. When he was 15, his parents divorced. He started dreaming about the career of a rock star at the age of 12, when his mother bought him a guitar. He then joined various garage bands to come closer to his dream.

The first big movie where he starred was “Nightmare on Elm Street”, although he had taken some smaller parts before. He became really popular after appearing in television series for teens “21 Jump Street”. I also liked his performance in “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” and “Alice in Wonderland”. I know that Johnny Depp has been nominated for major acting awards many times, although his best achievement is the Golden Globe Award. He has a certain style of acting, which distinguishes him from the crowd of other actors. I like his manner of conduct at the ceremonies or during the interviews. He seems to be a level-headed and reserved person.

By the way, acting is not his only passion. He also grows grapes and makes his own wine. translation I admire many famous people. Many of them are talented in one or more areas. They lead a busy lifestyle, traveling from one place to another to meet their fans. My favorite celebrity is Johnny Depp. Although he starred in many interesting films, he best role Captain Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean is considered.

In my opinion, this man has many talents. Besides the fact that he famous actor, he is a producer and musician. On this moment he is 51 years old, but he doesn't look his age. I would give him 30 or 35 years. He was born in Kentucky, USA, into a poor family. His family often moved from one place to another due to his father's work. When he was 15 years old, his parents divorced. He began thinking about becoming a rock star at the age of 12, when his mother bought him a guitar. Then he played various groups garage rock to somehow get closer to my dream.

The first major film he starred in was A Nightmare on Elm Street, although he had some small roles before. He became very popular after appearing in the teen television series 21 Jump Street. I also liked his performances in the films Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Alice in Wonderland. I know Johnny Depp has been nominated for major awards more than once, but he best achievement became the Golden Globe Award. He has a certain acting style that makes him stand out from the crowd of other actors. I like his demeanor at ceremonies or during interviews. He seems to be a balanced and reserved person.

Once, Henry Ford, while traveling in his company's compact car, saw on the road exactly the same car with a bad engine.

He immediately gave the unfamiliar motorist necessary help: supplied with spare parts, adjusted the motor. When the grateful owner of the stuck car handed over five dollars, Ford smiled: “No, no, no money needed. Things are going well for me as it is.” “I don’t really believe it, sir! - he answered. “If you succeeded in business, you wouldn’t be shaking in a pathetic Ford car...”

Galileo Galilei spent his wedding night reading a book. Noticing that it was already dawn, he went to the bedroom, but immediately came out and asked the servant: “Who is lying in my bed?” “Your wife, sir,” answered the servant. Galileo completely forgot that he got married.

The German mathematician Peter Gustav Dirichlet was very taciturn. When his son was born, he sent his father-in-law a telegram, perhaps the shortest in the history of the telegraph: “2 + 1 = 3.”

The outstanding American scientist Thomas Edison, author of many inventions in the fields of electrical engineering and communications, film technology and telephony, chemistry and mining, military equipment, never worked without an assistant. For a long time in conducting laboratory experiments and demonstrations new technology Edison was helped by one of his assistants, a former simple sailor. When he was asked a question about how Edison made his inventions, he was sincerely surprised every time: “I can’t imagine it myself. After all, I do everything for him, and Edison only frowns and makes comments about me. And in general: I work, and he rests!”

Once Voltaire was invited to a dinner party. When everyone was seated, it turned out that the maestro found himself between two grumpy gentlemen. Having drunk well, Voltaire’s neighbors began to argue about how to properly address the servants: “Bring me some water!” or “Give me some water!” Voltaire unwittingly found himself right in the middle of this controversy. Finally, tired of this disgrace, the maestro could not stand it and said: “Gentlemen, both of these expressions are inapplicable to you!” You should both say, “Take me to water!”

While traveling around France, Mark Twain traveled by train to the city of Dijon. The train was passing, and he asked to wake him up on time. At the same time, the writer said to the conductor: “I sleep very soundly.” When you wake me up, maybe I will scream. So ignore it and be sure to drop me off in Dijon. When Mark Twain woke up, it was already morning, and the train was approaching Paris. The writer realized that he had passed through Dijon and became very angry. He ran to the conductor and began to reprimand him. - I have never been as angry as I am now! - he shouted. “You are not as angry as the American whom I dropped off in Dijon at night,” answered the guide.

After the first telegram from Europe to America was successfully transmitted, Alexander Stepanovich Popov made another report in one of the capital's clubs about his invention of a wireless telegraph system. Representatives of the royal court were present in the audience in the hall, some of them were very skeptical about Popov’s message. Thus, one of the high society ladies, not understanding a word from the report, turned to Popov with what she thought was tricky question: “However, how do you still explain that this telegram, while passing through the ocean, from continent to continent, did not sink or even get wet?” Alexander Stepanovich just shrugged his shoulders, and the lady, looking around, smiled smugly.

At the closing ceremony of the 1896 automobile exhibition in Paris, French physicist and electrical engineer Marcel Despres proposed a toast to the future automobile, which would reach a speed of 60 kilometers per hour. In response, one then famous car designer responded dissatisfiedly: “Why is there always someone who will ruin the whole celebration with his stupid predictions!”

One day, an acquaintance of Alexander Pushkin, officer Kondyba, asked the poet if he could come up with a rhyme for the words “cancer” and “fish”. Pushkin replied: “Fool Kondyba!” The officer was embarrassed and suggested making a rhyme for the combination “fish and cancer.” Pushkin was not at a loss here either: “Kondyba is a fool.”

“There is no great man for a servant.” An interesting confirmation of this old rule was the opinion of an old gardener who served Charles Darwin for several decades. He treated the famous naturalist with love, but had a “minimal opinion” about his abilities: “Good old gentleman, it’s just a pity that he can’t find a worthwhile occupation for himself. Judge for yourself: he stands for several minutes, staring at some flower. Well, would a person who has some serious occupation do this?

Once, speaking at a debate on proletarian internationalism at the Polytechnic Institute, Vladimir Mayakovsky said: “Among Russians, I feel like a Russian, among Georgians, a Georgian...” “And among fools?” - suddenly someone shouted from the hall. “And this is my first time among fools,” Mayakovsky answered instantly.

The English theoretical physicist Paul Dirac married Wigner's sister. Soon an acquaintance came to visit him, who still knew nothing about the event. In the midst of their conversation, a young woman entered the room, calling Dirac by name, pouring tea and generally acting like the mistress of the house. After some time, Dirac noticed the guest’s embarrassment and, slapping himself on the forehead, exclaimed: “Sorry, please, I forgot to introduce you - this is... Wigner’s sister!”

Bernard Shaw, already a famous writer, once collided with a cyclist on the road. Fortunately, both escaped with only fright. The cyclist began to apologize, but Shaw objected: “You're out of luck, sir!” A little more energy - and you would deserve immortality as my killer.

One day a very fat man said to the skinny Bernard Shaw: “You look as if your family were starving.” - And to look at you, one might think that you are the cause of this disaster.

The Prussian King Frederick II, considering himself an erudite man, loved to talk with members of his Academy of Sciences, sometimes asking the most ridiculous questions during these conversations. He once asked academics: “Why does a glass filled with champagne produce a clearer sound than a glass filled with Burgundy?” Professor Sulzer, on behalf of all the academicians present, replied: “Members of the Academy of Sciences, with the low content assigned to them by Your Majesty, are unfortunately deprived of the opportunity to carry out such experiments.”

Once Ilf and Petrov were asked if they had to write under a pseudonym. To which they replied: “Of course, Ilf sometimes signed himself Petrov, and Petrov Ilf.”

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, as a joke, chose the addresses of 12 of the largest London bankers, who enjoy the reputation of exceptionally honest and respectable people, and sent each of them a telegram with the following content: “Everything has come out. Hide." The next day, all 12 bankers disappeared from London. By the fact of their flight, they all recognized the criminal and antisocial nature of their activities.

Alexandre Dumas once dined with the famous doctor Gistal, who asked the writer to write something in his book of reviews. Dumas wrote: “Since Dr. Gistal is treating entire families, the hospital needs to be closed.” The doctor exclaimed: “You flatter me!” Then Dumas added: “And build two cemeteries...”

Guy de Maupassant worked for some time as an official in the ministry. A few years later, in the archives of the ministry they found a description of Maupassant: “A diligent official, but he writes poorly.”

In 1972, a young Indian wrote to John Lennon that he had a dream to travel around the world, but had no money, and asked him to send the necessary amount. Lennon replied: “Meditate and you can see the whole world in your mind.” In 1995, the Indian nevertheless went on a trip around the world. He received the required amount by auctioning Lennon's letter.

Once, a customs officer, inspecting the luggage of the British playwright, poet and writer Oscar Wilde, who was widely known for his wit, arrived in New York, asked the distinguished guest if he had jewelry and art objects with him that needed to be included in the declaration. “Nothing but my genius,” answered Oscar Wilde.

When the current heir british crown Prince Charles studied at Cambridge and had a bodyguard accompany him to all his classes. The Cambridge education system allowed the bodyguard to participate in discussion and debate. And at the end of the training, the teachers asked him to take exams. As a result, the bodyguard scored more points than the prince himself and also received a diploma.

Once at a reception, Charlie Chaplin performed a very complex opera aria for the assembled guests. When he finished, one of the guests exclaimed: “Amazing!” I had no idea that you sing so wonderfully. “Not at all,” Chaplin smiled, “I never knew how to sing.” I was simply imitating now the famous tenor whom I heard at the opera.

While Vladimir Vysotsky was vacationing in Sochi, thieves looked into his hotel room. Along with their belongings and clothes, they took all the documents and even the key to the Moscow apartment. Having discovered the loss, Vysotsky went to the nearest police station, wrote a statement, and they promised to help him. But no help was needed. When he returned to the room, the stolen things and a note were already lying there: “Sorry, Vladimir Semenovich, we didn’t know whose things these were. Unfortunately, we have already sold the jeans, but we are returning the jacket and documents safe and sound.”

I found the photo on the Internet

Interesting stories from life famous of people .

the site believes that each of us can become famous person, the main thing is to always believe in yourself and move forward. We have collected stories and facts from the lives of famous people around the world.

The Roman Emperor Julius Caesar always wore a laurel wreath on his head to hide his progressive baldness.

To the Great Khan Mongol Empire Genghis Khan died while having sex.

And the author of the stories about Sherlock Holmes, Arthur Conan Doyle, was an ophthalmologist by profession.

The creator of Mickey Mouse, the famous Walt Disney, was afraid of mice all his life.

The famous Dutch post-impressionist artist Vincent Van Gogh sold only one of his works during his lifetime - Red Vineyard at Arles.

And the Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart began composing music at the age of 3. Over 35 years, Mozart created over 600 works. But after his death, his widow did not even have money for a separate place in the cemetery.

Theoretical physicist Albert Einstein did not speak a word until he was 3 years old, but by the age of 12 he understood Euclidean geometry.

German poet statesman, the thinker and naturalist Johann Wolfgang von Goethe once tasted Franconian wine from Bavaria, and was so impressed that from then on he demanded that 900 Franconian liters be sent to him per year.

Many of Remarque’s characters, like himself, prefer Norman apple brandy to Calvados.

Macedonian king from the Argead dynasty, commander Alexander the Great? knew 30,000 soldiers of his army by sight.

On May 24, 2000, the Clay Mathematics Institute (Cambridge, USA) offers a million dollars for solving each of the seven mathematical “millennium problems”, including the Poincaré conjecture, formulated in 1904. On November 1, 2002, Russian mathematician Grigory Perelman posted on the website of the mathematical archive the first of three articles, based on the results of which he will be recognized as a scientist who won one of the most difficult problems topology. In March 2010, the Clay Institute awarded Perelman a million-dollar prize. On July 1, 2010, Perelman refused the prize, just as he had previously rejected the “mathematical Nobel” - the Fields Medal. The refusal is explained on ethical grounds: Perelman believes that he owes his success to the mathematician Hamilton, on whose work he relied.

Literary success came to I. Goncharov only at the age of 40.

And the English physicist, mathematician, mechanic and astronomer Isaac Newton wrote the preface to his works when he was 72 years old.

The Ser-Russian empress from 1762 to 1796, Catherine the Great (Catherine II), loved beer. It was for her that the British brewed especially strong beer - so that it would not spoil on the road. This type of beer is called “Russian stout”. It is not pasteurized, but matures in barrels for 2 months, after which it is aged in bottles for a whole year.

The German historian Theodor Mommsen once rummaged through all his pockets to find glasses. The little girl sitting next to him handed them to him. “Thank you, baby,” Mommsen said, “What’s your name?” “Anna Mommsen, dad,” the girl answered.

T pack Shakur is an American rapper, film actor and public figure.
He was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most successful hip-hop artist, having sold a total of more than 75 million copies of his albums.

The late Tupac Shakur is the first member of the hip-hop world to be honored with a monument. The seven-foot bronze statue of the hero of black America was unveiled on September 13, 2005 at the Tupac Amaru Shakur Center in Stone Mountain, Georgia.

One day, young Thomas Edison returned home from school and gave his mother a letter from his teacher.
The mother read the letter out loud to her son, with tears in her eyes: “Your son is a genius. This and the school is too small, and there are no teachers here who can teach him anything. Please teach it yourself.”
Many years after the death of his mother (Edison by that time was already one of the greatest inventors of the century), he once reviewed old family archives and came across this letter.
He opened it and read:
“Your son is mentally retarded. We can no longer teach him at school with everyone else. Therefore, we recommend that you teach it yourself at home.”
Edison cried for several hours. Then he wrote in his diary: “Thomas Alva Edison was mentally retarded child.
Thanks to his heroic mother, he became one of greatest geniuses of his century."

The sculptor Lina Po, completely deprived of sight, created more than a hundred wonderful works by touch.

The influential 16th-century statesman and philosopher Francis Bacon died because he stuffed a gutted chicken with snow (it occurred to him that snow could be used instead of salt to preserve meat, and he tried to test his theory). As a result of the experiment, the chicken did not freeze, but Bacon himself froze.

King Solomon had about 700 wives in Israel, as well as hundreds of mistresses.

Justin Timberlake is afraid of spiders.

In 1972, a young Indian wrote to John Lennon that he had a dream to travel around the world, but had no money, and asked him to send the necessary amount. Lennon replied: “Meditate and you can see the whole world in your mind.” In 1995, an Indian man, having sold Lennon's letter at auction, set off on a trip around the world.

Einstein adored Charlie Chaplin's films and had great sympathy for both him and his touching characters. One day he sent Chaplin a telegram:
“Your film “Gold Rush” is understood by everyone in the world, and I am sure that you will become a great person. Einstein.”
Chaplin replied:
“I admire you even more. Nobody in the world understands your theory of relativity, but you still became a great man.

Charles Dickens always slept with his head to the north. He thought it would improve his writing skills.

The house where Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence now sells hamburgers.

Marilyn Monroe's used bra sold at auction for $14,000.

During the reign of Elizabeth I, there was a tax on men's beards.

The national flag of Italy was designed by Napoleon Bonaparte.

Tesla had neither his own house nor apartment - only a laboratory and land. Great Inventor I usually spent the night right in the laboratory or in hotels in New York. Tesla never married. According to him, a solitary lifestyle helped the development of his scientific abilities.

The myth that Marilyn Monroe had six toes on her left foot arose from one photograph. Photographer Joseph Jagura photographed young Norma Jeane in 1946 at Zuma Beach. In one photo, due to the accumulation of sand that stuck to her foot, it appears that the actress has six toes.

The father of Russian aviation, Zhukovsky, once, after talking the whole evening with friends in his own living room, suddenly got up, looking for his hat, and began to hastily say goodbye, muttering: However, I stayed too long with you, it’s time to go home!

Laconically about famous people(part 1) updated: February 26, 2017 by: website