Roots. This seemingly ridiculous statement is completely true.

Hollywood stars are Russian!

For example, the famous Hollywood actress Milla Jovovich, who to this day increases the number of fans thanks to her talent, was born in Kyiv, and her parents have Russian roots. English language She first heard it at the age of 5; before that she learned to speak Russian. The star's mother, Galina Loginova, was a popular Soviet artist; among the films with her participation was the famous “Shadows Disappear at Noon.”

Another beauty - actress Mila Kunis - not long ago shocked the public with the message that she is from Chernivtsi, in Ukraine, and her parents have Russian roots.

David Duchovny, best known for his work on The X-Files, is also somewhat Russian. David's father was Jewish, but was born in Russia, then lived for some time in Ukraine and emigrated to the States.

Natalie Portman, an actress who received her Oscar in 2011, generally has roots of different nationalities. Born in Jerusalem, she has Jewish, Polish, Romanian and, most importantly, Russian roots. Natalie's ancestors on her mother's side once immigrated to the United States from Russia and Hungary, and on her father's side from Poland and Romania.

Gwyneth Paltrow is an actress with Jewish roots. Gwen's father is a descendant of himself famous family rabbis - Paltrovich, they once lived in Minsk, but then they had to move to the USA and change their surname to a different style, more convenient for American pronunciation.

Ancestors are very famous actor Harrison Ford also moved to America from Belarus, having Russian and Jewish roots.

Bright funny black actress Whoopi Goldberg, who delightfully plays any role, is no exception to this list, thanks to her, who is from Odessa. Now it’s easy to understand why she was able to play roles so well.

Hollywood is proud of its roots!

Sylvester Stallone, a recognized action star, calls himself Russian, since his great-grandmother was a Jew who was born in Odessa before the revolution.

Steven Spielberg, without whom Hollywood would not be Hollywood, is also partly Russian, because two of his grandfathers were from Russia.
The same can be said about other actors, for example, Leonardo DiCaprio, Winona Ryder, Michael Douglas, Nicole Scherzinger, Helen Mirren, Dustin Hoffman, etc.

Many of the best actors have Russian ancestors in one way or another, but the most interesting thing is that they appreciate it and talk about it loudly with a sense of pride and love for their people.

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Tip 2: Which Russian actors have starred in foreign films?

Russia is rich talented people who have proven themselves in various fields of activity. Cinema is no exception. Representatives of the domestic acting school are in demand not only at home, but also abroad.

Soviet and subsequently Russian actors starred both in joint films produced by domestic film studios in collaboration with foreign ones, and in those that were entirely created by foreign film companies.

The famous actor Georgy Vitsin starred in two joint films. In the Soviet-Polish film “The Journey of Pan Blobs,” based on the fairy tales of the Polish writer J. Brzechwa, he played King Apollinaris. Another film with the participation of this actor is the American-Soviet film adaptation of M. Maeterlinck’s fairy-tale play “The Blue Bird”. In this film, directed by the American director J. Cukor, G. Vitsin starred in the role of Sugar, one of the companions of Tiltil and Mytyl. The Soviet artist’s partners were such famous American actors as Elizabeth Taylor, Jane Fonda and Robert Morley.

Vladimir Vysotsky starred in the Hungarian-French melodrama “There Are Two” (1977). This is the only film where he played with his wife Marina Vladi.

Oleg Vidov starred in foreign films. In 1967, he played Prince Hagbard in the Danish film Red Robe, based on the romantic plot of the Scandinavian ballad. In 1990, the actor played the cameo role of Otto in the American erotic melodrama “Wild Orchid”, and a year earlier O. Vidov and another famous Soviet actor– Savely Kramorov – took part in the creation of the American film “Red Heat”, where their partners were A. Schwarzenegger and J. Belushi.

O. Vidov’s career in American cinema continued in the post-Soviet period: “The Ice Runner” (1993), “ Love story"(1994), "Immortals" (1995), "Wishmaster 2: Evil Never Dies" (1999), "Thirteen Days" (2000).

Savely Kramarov also did not limit himself to “Red Heat”. In 1984 he starred in science fiction movie"2010: A Space Odyssey" as a Soviet cosmonaut. Other American films with the participation of S. Kramarov are “Moscow on the Hudson” (1984), “Armed and Dangerous” (1988), “Double Agent” (1987).


Modern Russian actors are also in demand abroad.

The American film “The Turning” (1997), based on the novel “Stray Dogs” by J. Ridley, starred Valery Nikolaev, familiar to the Russian public from the TV series “Bourgeois’s Birthday.” That same year, he starred in another American film, “The Saint,” and a year later, in the thriller “The Insidious Enemy.”

In the American action film "The Peacemaker", created in 1997, he played one of the main roles Russian actor Alexander Baluev, his partners were George Clooney and Nicole Kidman.

In 2001, the film “Behind Enemy Lines” was created in the United States, telling about the Bosnian War of 1995, and Russian Vladimir Mashkov played one of the roles in it.

Many Hollywood actors, who are familiar to literally everyone, have Russian roots. The parents or grandparents of these actors and actresses were from Russia or the USSR. Furthermore, many actors are really proud that their part belongs to Russia. Next you can see 16 American actors who have Russian roots.

Hollywood actors with Russian roots

Sylvester Stallone is Russian on his mother's side. The actor’s great-grandmother on his mother’s side, Rosa Leibovich, was a native of the seaside town.

Kirk Douglas and his son Michael Douglas are of Russian descent. Few people know, but Kirk’s real name is Issur Danielovich-Demsky. His father, Hershel Danielovich, was Russian and lived in Russia, from which he left to avoid participation in Russian-Japanese war.

The famous actor Leonardo DiCaprio is partly Russian through his grandmother. DiCaprio's grandmother's name was Elena Smirnova. It is worth noting that Leonardo DiCaprio, in a conversation with Vladimir Putin, said that his grandfather was also Russian.

Who would have thought that David Duchovny is also half Russian, but his father was from Russia. David's father's name was Amram the Spiritual.

The famous "Columbo" actor Peter Falk is Russian on his mother's side.

Agree, the least likely person to suspect Russian roots is the dark-skinned beauty, singer and actress Nicole Scherzinger, but this girl also has Russian blood flowing through her. Grandmother Nicole was from Vladivostok, and full name celebrities - Nicole Praskovya Elikolani Valiente.

Anton Yelchin, who tragically died in 2016, was Russian by origin. He was born in St. Petersburg, but when he was six months old his family moved to Los Angeles.

Milla Jovovich was born in 1975 in Kyiv. Mother famous actress— Galina Loginova is Russian by nationality.

Legendary action hero Steven Seagal has a Russian grandfather. His paternal grandfather, while still a child, moved with his family to the United States from St. Petersburg. It is also worth noting here that in November 2016, Steven Seagal received citizenship of the Russian Federation.

Gwyneth Paltrow is Russian on her father's side. Her father is the heir of the Paltrovich family from Russia, who lived in Minsk.

The famous director Steven Spielberg is Russian on both grandparents. My paternal grandparents emigrated to America from Kamenets-Podolsky in 1906. My maternal grandfather emigrated from Odessa.

Winona Ryder has Russian roots on her father's side. The actress's father's family came from Russia. The real surname of her paternal ancestors was Tomchin, but upon entering the United States, the emigration service mixed up their surname, after which they began to live under a new surname - Horowitz. The actress's real name is Winona Laura Horowitz.

Helen Mirren is Russian through her grandfather. Few people know, but the real name of the actress is Elena Lidiya Vasilievna Mironova. Her grandfather, Pyotr Vasilyevich Mironov, remained in Great Britain because he did not accept the revolutionary views of the new government.

Margarita Vladimirovna Levieva is Russian by origin. She was born and lived until she was 11 years old in Leningrad, after which she emigrated to the USA with her family.

Edward Furlong, who is known to everyone for his roles as John Connor in the Terminator films, is Russian on his father's side. Even though Edward has never met his father, he considers himself half Russian.

Blonde beauty Pamela Anderson also has Russian roots. Her maternal great-grandmother was Russian, emigrated from Russia to the Netherlands, and from there to Canada.

Natalie Wood is recognized as one of the most significant actresses in classical Hollywood, but the star's real name is Natalya Zakharenko, and her parents are from Russia. Although Natalie was born in San Francisco, she never forgot her origins. The actress brilliantly mastered the language of her ancestors and more than once said that she felt “very Russian” in her soul.

In fact, if you take a closer look at Hollywood, it turns out that there are still many extraordinarily talented and famous personalities with Russian roots. To confirm this, we present to your attention 14 of the most striking examples.

Gwyneth Paltrow

The actress can safely be considered our compatriot - Gwyneth’s father came from the Russian Paltrovich family. After moving to the United States, the family members slightly adjusted the surname to make it sound American - the result was Paltrow. Like Natalie Wood, Gwyneth was born in the States and remembers her origins. The actress always speaks with great respect about the Russian people.

Michael Douglas

Michael Douglas also has Russian roots. The actor’s grandfather lived in Russia and bore the last name Danielovich-Demsky. He left the country to avoid military service and participation in the Russo-Japanese War. Michael's father, already a full-fledged citizen of the United States, decided not to stand out from the crowd and simplified his name: from Issur Danielovich-Demsky, he “retrained” to Kirk Douglas.

Mila Kunis

Mila was born in the Ukrainian city of Chernivtsi, then her name was Milena Markovna Kunis. The actress's parents emigrated to America in search of better life, when she was only seven years old. The first years in the USA became a real test for the girl, because she did not know a single word of English. Of course, now Mila is fluent in this language, but she speaks Russian with her parents and daughter. The actress admits that although she has spent her entire life in America, Russian is still the most beautiful and native language for her.

Winona Ryder

At birth, Winona received the surname Horowitz, but it is not her real name. In reality, the performer should have been called Winona Tomchina. The fact is that the stars’ grandparents, when moving from Russia to America, became victims of an accidental mistake by the emigration service. The employees confused the last name of Winona's relatives with the last names of other emigrants, and as a result, they entered the United States not as Tomchins, but as Horowitzes.

Harrison Ford

The ancestors of the famous "Indiana Jones" come from Minsk, which formerly belonged to Russian Empire. Harrison Ford's grandmother left the country at the beginning of the 20th century. Anna Lifshitz moved to New York, where she gave birth to the actor’s mother, Dora. Ford believes that knowing your roots is very important, so one day he even set out to find his overseas relatives. He also came to Russia during the filming of the film "K-19", in which he played submarine captain Alexei Vostrikov. Afterward, Ford admitted that he noticed in the people around him the same traits that his grandparents had.

Nicole Scherzinger

Looking at dark-skinned Nicole, it’s hard to believe that Russian blood flows in her veins, but nevertheless it is so. The singer's father is from the Philippines, but her mother has Hawaiian-Russian roots (the singer's grandmother was born in Vladivostok). Admittedly, the parents paid tribute to the origin of their daughter, giving her the name Nicole Praskovya Elikolani Valiente Scherzinger. As for the singer herself, she often says that she feels more Russian.

David Duchovny

Star" X-Files" - David Duchovny is a second-generation emigrant. The actor's ancestors are Russian Jews. His grandfather Moishe Duchovny moved to the United States from Ukraine, and he still has relatives in Russia. Previously, David was proud of his origins and spoke with pleasure about the homeland of his ancestors, but after In 2014, he radically changed his position. The actor said that before the events in Ukraine he considered himself Russian, and now he realized that he had always been Ukrainian. “It’s never too late to change,” Duchovny concluded in an interview.

Milla Jovovich

Milla Jovovich is an American actress with Russian-Serbian roots. She was born in Kyiv, but her mother Galina Loginova is Russian, and her father Bogic Jovovich is from Montenegro. Milla spent the first five years of her life in the USSR, and then moved to England with her family. Now the actress lives in the USA, but does not forget about who her ancestors were. Milla says she owes her willpower to her roots. It is noteworthy that she still speaks Russian perfectly.

Sylvester Stallone

American actor Sylvester Stallone is related not only to Italians, but also to Russian Jews. His grandparents were born in Odessa, in pre-revolutionary Russia, and in 1888 emigrated to Washington. Charles and Rose Leibofish probably never imagined that their grandson would one day become a Hollywood star. However, they would probably be proud of Sylvester, just as he is now of his origin. Stallone claims that he likes the Russian people and their strong spirit.

Natalie Portman

The parents of this performer are Moldovan Jews. Avner and Shelly are originally from Chisinau, but even before Natalie was born, they moved to Jerusalem. When the girl was three years old, the family Once again changed her place of residence. Portman's parents moved to the USA, where their daughter later became famous. By the way, real name Natalie sounds a little different - Hershlag.

Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio's grandmother's name was Elizaveta Smirnova. She was born in Russia, but during the formation of the USSR, her parents took her to Germany. She got married there and her daughter then moved to the United States. It is interesting that Leonardo, already famous, came to Russia and in a conversation with Vladimir Putin stated that his grandfather was also Russian. Thus, the actor is not a quarter Russian, as everyone thought, but half.

Helen Mirren

This Oscar-winning Hollywood actress known in all corners of the world thanks to the role of Elizabeth II from the movie “The Queen,” however, not many viewers know that Helen Mirren came from the family of a Russian aristocrat, and her real name is Elena Mironova. Helen's parents emigrated to Britain after the Bolsheviks came to power. They never returned to their homeland, since the actress’s father, Peter Vasilyevich, was a staunch supporter of the monarchy and could not come to terms with the fall of the tsarist regime. Only after sixty years did Helen Mirren come to Russia to look at her father's estate in Smolensk region and find your relatives.

Steven Spielberg

The creator of the series of films about the adventures of Indiana Jones comes from a family of Polish and Russian Jews. The director's grandparents, Samuel Spielberg and Rebecca Chechvik, are from Russia, and his mother's father, Philip Posner, is from Ukraine. It is noteworthy that the husband of Stephen's sister Susan is a distant relative of the poet Boris Pasternak. Spielberg, like many of the celebrities in our roundup, is very proud of his heritage. The director has repeatedly admitted in interviews that he considers himself Russian.

Anton Yelchin

Anton Yelchin (in the main photo) was born in St. Petersburg, and when he was six months old, he went to the USA with his parents, professional figure skaters. During his lifetime, this actor had just begun to conquer Hollywood and would probably have achieved great success in his career, if his life had not been taken by an accident in 2016. Anton was buried in the Hollywood Forever cemetery, where all people associated with the Hollywood film industry are buried.

How much do we know about Hollywood stars with Russian roots? Of course, we all know Milla Jovovich, and many have probably heard of Natalie Wood and Peter Ustinov. Actually list Hollywood celebrities, whose ancestors were from Russia, can be much longer. In today's review, OK! - actors and actresses with Russian roots.

Photo: All Over Press

Leonardo DiCaprio DiCaprio)

Leonardo DiCaprio is a star of modern Hollywood cinema and a favorite actor of American director and screenwriter Martin Scorsese. DiCaprio's pedigree includes not only Italian, American, German, but also Russian roots. His grandmother's name is Elizaveta Smirnova. During the formation of the USSR, little Elizabeth’s parents took her to Germany, where she grew up and later got married. Her daughter, the mother of a future famous actor, moved to the USA. Leo, already popular, asked his grandmother to move to America, but she preferred to stay closer to her native place.

Helen Mirren

Helen Mirren is a famous English actress, winner of the Oscar and Golden Globe awards, best known for the role Queen of England Elizabeth II. Mirren is also known to everyone as a British subject. Another interesting fact was that her grandfather, Pyotr Mironov, was also an aristocrat, only Russian. He was a colonel in the tsarist army, and during the revolutions he moved his relatives to Britain. His son, Vasily Mironov, succeeded Russian name in British - Basil Mirren. The colonel's granddaughter, Elena Mironova, by her father's decision turned into Helen Mirren. For the actress, her Russian aristocratic origin is a real pride.

Steven Seagal (Steven Seagal)

The American film actor, director, screenwriter, and action hero boasts Irish, Jewish, Mongolian and Russian ancestors. Very unexpected, right? After all, Stephen comes from a simple American family. However, it turned out that his paternal grandfather's family moved to America from St. Petersburg when he was a little boy. In one of his interviews, Seagal shared with reporters that he feels the Russian spirit within himself and is very proud of it. In addition, his wife speaks Russian well, and he has many close Russian friends in the United States.

Gwyneth Paltrow

We can also safely consider the famous American actress Gwyneth Paltrow to be our compatriot. Her father is a descendant of the noble Paltrovich family, who lived in Russia before the revolution. After moving to the United States, the spelling of their last name was slightly changed to make it sound more American. That's how they got the Paltrow name. Gwyneth calls Russians a wonderful people and does not forget about their roots.

Dustin Hoffman (Dustin Hoffman)

Famous Hollywood actor and director, Oscar winner for his role as Raymond Babbitt in the drama "Rain Man" and the role of Ted in the film "Kramer vs. Kramer" Dustin Hoffman was born in the USA, but does not deny the fact that his parents are from Kiev, which was part of the USSR . Dustin's family was forced to emigrate from Soviet Union to America in the 20s of the last century, after my grandparents were shot by the Bolsheviks.

Winona Ryder

American actress, Dracula star Winona Ryder is also known as Winona Laura Horowitz. Only this is not quite her real name. The actress's ancestors had a Russian surname - Tomchins. When her grandfather fled Russia with his family, the US authorities mixed something up, and the emigrant family was recorded under the name Horowitz. If not for an accidental mistake, the world might have known the actress under the name Winona Tomchina.

Sylvester Stallone

Sylvester Stallone is an American actor, director, screenwriter and living legend of Hollywood, who has a direct relationship with both Sicilians and Russian Jews. His great-grandmother on his mother's side, Rosa Leibovich, is the heiress of an eminent Jewish family. At that time they lived in Odessa, which was then part of the Russian Empire. For Sylvester, his roots are a source of pride, which he constantly mentions in his interviews.

Natalie Portman

The parents of American film actress Natalie Portman are from the city of Chisinau. True, even before Natalie was born, they left for Jerusalem. Some time later, when little Portman was three years old, the family decided to move to the United States in search of a better life. There the actress became famous, playing one of her first roles in Luc Besson's film "Leon". The actress is also known for her role in the famous psychological thriller Black Swan, as well as in the German-American feature film in the dystopian genre "V for Vendetta".

Harrison Ford

The parents of American actor Harrison Ford were born and always lived in America. But Harrison’s grandparents were from Minsk, which at that time was one of the cities of the Russian Empire. During the revolution in 1907, the family had to emigrate to New York. This is how Ford became an American.

Whoopi Goldberg

It is difficult to suspect anyone, but the American actress Whoopi Goldberg, of having Russian roots. Goldberg, best known for her role as psychic Oda Mae in the film Ghost, said in an interview that her great-grandmother was a native of Odessa and lived in Tsarist Russia. Whoopi was born in New York, but kept the surname Goldberg to preserve the memory of her Russian-Jewish roots.

While politicians are making plans and thinking about how to increase their ratings by international arena and take their place in the sun - They have already done everything. Millions of people submitted to them different nationalities and faith. They are Hollywood stars with Russian roots.

Natalie Wood

Perhaps the most famous star Hollywood, who never hid the Russian part of history in her biography - Natalie Wood. The actress was nominated three times for the most honorable award - the Oscar.

Real name is Natalya Zakharenko. Parents were emigrants from Russia: mother - Maria Zudilova from Barnaul, father - Nikolai Zakharenko - a resident of Vladivostok. Having received US citizenship, they changed their last name to Gurdin. Natalie Wood spoke fluent English and Russian, and considered herself "very Russian".

Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio is an American actor and producer.

He was nominated four times for the Oscar, the same number for the BAFTA Award and eleven times for the Golden Globe Award. In 2016, he won the Oscar in the category “Best Actor” and won three Golden Globe awards. The idol of millions began his career in the first half of the 1990s. Leonardo DiCaprio's grandmother's name was Elizaveta Smirnova. After the revolution, the parents took little Lisa to Germany. She, in turn, then moved to the USA. According to the actor, his grandfather was also Russian.

Mila Kunis

Mila Kunis is an American film actress and model. One of the most successful roles of the 33-year-old native of the USSR, ballerina, is Lily in the film “Black Swan”. For this role she was awarded the Saturn Award and was nominated for the Golden Globe and the Screen Actors Guild Award.

Milena Markovna Kunis was born in Chernivtsi. When she was still young, her parents immigrated to the United States.

Milena is one of the most Russian-speaking Hollywood stars.

Many people are also known for her role in the film “Sex for Friendship”

Natalie Portman

Natalie Portman is an American actress, director, screenwriter and producer. Known for the films “Leon”, “Closeness”, “ Star Wars" Winner of the Oscar, Golden Globe, BAFTA and Saturn awards in the category “Best Actress” in the film “Black Swan”.

The actress's parents are Jews from Moldova. They moved from Chisinau to Israel, and from there emigrated to America. Natalie's real name is Hershlag.

Gwyneth Paltrow

Gwyneth Paltrow is an American actress and singer. Winner of the Oscar and Golden Globe awards for the leading female role in the film Shakespeare in Love, as well as an Emmy. Last name of this Hollywood star has also been changed. Gwyneth Paltrow's father was a descendant of the Paltrovich family from Russia, who lived in Minsk. Having left for America, they became Paltrow.

David Duchovny

David Duchovny is an actor, screenwriter, producer, director, writer and musician. Two-time winner of the Golden Globe Award for his roles as agent Fox Mulder in the television series The X-Files and womanizer writer Hank Moody in the television series Californication.

The X-Files star has a Russian father. His dad's name was Amram the Spiritual. At one time, he changed the letter “x” in his last name to “k” - so that it would be easier for Americans to pronounce it. However, David returned the letter "x" to its place.

Milla Jovovich

Milla Jovovich is an American actress of Russian-Serbian origin, musician, model and fashion designer.

Milla Jovovich was born in Kyiv. Her mother, Galina Loginova, was famous actress, and his father is a doctor from Yugoslavia. Jovovich spent the first five years of her life in the USSR and still speaks excellent Russian.

Harrison Ford

Harrison Ford is an American actor and producer. Nominee for the Oscar, BAFTA, four-time nominee and winner of the Golden Globe Award. He is best known for his participation in the Star Wars film series and the Indiana Jones films.

Harrison Ford's mother's name was Dora Needelman. Her mother Anna, Ford's grandmother, left Minsk in 1907. At one time Ford using public organizations was searching for great-great-grandfathers and distant relatives who live on the territory former USSR.

Helen Mirren

Helen Mirren is an English actress, Oscar winner. She is known for playing the role of Caesonia in the film “Caligula”, performing the role of the English Queen Charlotte, as well as Elizabeth I and Elizabeth II. In fact, the actress's name is Elena Lidiya Vasilievna Mironova. Her grandfather, Pyotr Vasilyevich Mironov, being a convinced monarchist, did not accept the revolution and remained in Great Britain, where he served as a military engineer. After the death of Pyotr Vasilyevich, the actress’s father changed his name to the English version - Basil Mirren.

Michael Douglas

Michael Douglas is an American film actor and producer, winner of two Oscar awards: 1976 as a producer of the film One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, and in 1988 as an actor for main role in the movie "Wall Street".

Michael Douglas's grandfather emigrated from Russia to avoid participation in the Russo-Japanese War. His last name sounded like Danielovich-Demsky, but Michael’s father (actor Kirk Douglas) chose to become simply Douglas.

Winona Ryder

Winona Ryder is an American film and television actress and producer. She was twice nominated for an Oscar for her roles in The Age of Innocence and Little Women.

Winona Laura Horowitz is also not her real last name, she should be called Winona Tomchina. But when my father’s family left Russia, US emigration services confused their last name with the data of other emigrants: they left Russia as Tomchins, and entered America as Horowitz.

Yul Brynner

Yul Brynner, born Julius Borisovich Bryner, is an American theater and film actor, winner of an Oscar for his role as the King of Siam in the film “The King and I.”

He once stated that he was half Swiss and half Japanese. In fact, he was the son of engineer and inventor Boris Brynner and the daughter of a Russian doctor, Maria Blagovidova. They named him Yul in honor of his paternal grandfather, Julius Brynner.

Steven Seagal

Steven Seagal is an American film actor, producer, screenwriter and director.

Born into the family of a mathematics teacher, Samuel Steven Seagal, and an administrator at Patricia's clinic. Information about the nationality of Seagal’s ancestors and origins is contradictory, but the likelihood that the actor’s ancestors were Russian is high. So, according to one version, his father’s parents - Jews Nathan Ziegelman and Dora Goldstein - came to America from St. Petersburg while still children. Seagal himself claims that his paternal grandfather was from the “Buddhist” regions of Russia and is a Mongol, Buryat or Kalmyk.

Sylvester Stallone

A modest Jewish girl, Rosa Rabinovich, who lived in pre-revolutionary Odessa, could not even imagine that her grandson would become famous. Sylvester Stallone has starred in more than 50 films, including the Rocky, Rambo and Expendables series, in which he had a hand as a screenwriter, director and producer.

Pamela Anderson

American actress and fashion model Pamela Anderson was born in the town of Ladysmith, her father has Finnish roots, and her mother is Russian (her great-grandmother emigrated from Russia to Holland, and from there to Canada).

Robert Downey Jr.

American actor, producer and musician. Star of the films "Sherlock Holmes" and " iron Man" Received two Golden Globes and two Oscar nominations.

Born into the family of Robert Downey Sr., actor, screenwriter and director, and actress Elsie Downey. Among the paternal ancestors are Russian Jews, as well as Hungarians and Irish.