Compatibility between Taurus and Pisces in love is not burdened with conflicts and claims, therefore it can be harmonious and strong. There is not just sexual attraction between them, but real passions are raging. Taurus and Pisces know the value of loyalty, so they will not let each other down in this sense.

Taurus Man and Pisces Woman

The couple's compatibility in love and marriage is 80%. A Taurus man will be attracted to the charming and mysterious Pisces woman; he will see in her the true ideal of femininity. She, in turn, will be attracted by his reliability and calm nature. They know how to make each other happy. The love between a Pisces woman and a Taurus man can become truly passionate. He is extremely sensitive in a physical sense, so affection and touch can melt away any tension in a relationship.

Gaining his trust is not easy, because the earth sign Taurus needs a lot of time to get used to a partner and appreciate all the qualities of his character. He can be jealous; under no circumstances should he be given reasons for suspicion. But once trust is established, his chosen one will not have to worry about the future of the relationship. Taurus men are conservative by nature and rarely change their mind once it is formed. The key to the success of this couple will be the correct distribution of responsibilities in the relationship and marriage. He is most likely to take leadership because he adheres to traditional family values and does not recognize the power of women. If his significant other is wise enough and will not challenge his power, then harmony life together they are provided with.

The Taurus guy is the type of man who most closely matches the image of the ideal man from the Pisces girl’s dreams. Since the representative of a water sign is very vulnerable and touchy, she tries to avoid men with tyrant-like habits. The Taurus guy is calm, speaks little, but to the point, and does not allow himself to behave rudely towards his beloved. If it's brewing conflict situation, it is easier for him to postpone the unpleasant conversation until later, and resume it at the moment when emotions on both sides recede into the background.

The young man is demanding and unyielding, but the Pisces girl does not irritate him at all. Sometimes it seems to him that she is wasting a lot of time, but seeing how much joy her hobbies bring her, the guy will understand how important it is for her. Taurus knows how to soberly assess any situation - he sees that the girl is not as practical and responsible as he is, but she knows how to sincerely love and is very devoted. Most likely, the guy will choose this girl, although not right away. Taurus think for a long time before deciding to make serious changes in their lives.

Pisces woman and Taurus man

Love compatibility

A very good combination of desires and possibilities, spiritual and material. A Taurus man can cope well with an obstinate Pisces woman. Of course, an alliance can have a painful impact on the relationships of those who are accustomed to following their own path without crossing the path of others. But they also keep their path clearly and do not like interference and adjustments. Taurus needs a stable job, he is used to doing something all the time with his very capable hands.

Pisces are more comfortable in their own “water”. This creative projects, passion for something mystical and unknown. If a romantic representative of the earthly element is initially impressed by such depths of the chosen one’s soul, then they even begin to inspire fear. It is interesting to observe the general “structure” of everyday life. It’s in vain that men doubt the ingenuity of Pisces women. They can do everything perfectly well, they just sometimes... don’t want to.

And that's it! The main secret of excellent compatibility interesting woman Pisces and Taurus men remain confident in their partner. Taurus never betray, which appeals to an easily vulnerable wife. What will be common is the desire of both partners to invest in the family - some by earning money and maintaining peace, others by raising children and creating romantic setting. These two could be made for each other! So you need to hold your happiness tighter in your hands, because sometimes it is as elusive as the fickle Pisces girl.

Sexual compatibility

On this battlefield, too, everything can happen in perfect order. Compatibility between Pisces and Taurus is at a high level. The “earthly” partner wants to please his partner so much that he agrees to work on this until he is completely exhausted (although Venus shared generous reserves of sensuality and activity with representatives of this sign).

Pisces will be moved to tears by such a sensitive attitude. A girl is even capable of giving in to her beloved, so as not to disappoint. But she can achieve her goal (spiritual unity with her partner) using the “erogenous” technique with her star Ox. As soon as you light the candles and stretch his back, he will go to the ends of the earth for his Vasilisa the Wise, born under the sign of the mysterious Pisces.

At work and at home

An “awkward pause” may arise here, since Pisces find it difficult to work in a team. It is easier for them to work independently, alone with their dual nature. Such mental anxieties are alien to Taurus.

The best scenario is when Pisces leads with foresight and practical extrasensory intuition, and the hard workers of the earthly element perform everything to the highest standard, to the best of their ability. This way, the compatibility of Pisces and Taurus will be able to better reveal astrological talents to the fullest.

This is one of the happiest and most durable unions. The Taurus man tenderly loves his companion throughout his life and takes care of her, and the woman becomes the real keeper of the hearth, the soul of the Taurus house. There are no things that can destroy this couple.

Pisces-Taurus compatibility: how to seduce a Taurus man?

Taurus loves a calm and measured life. He is not against emotions, he is often sentimental himself, but he avoids violent feelings, hysterics, and mental imbalance. A dreamy and non-aggressive Pisces woman, not prone to hysterics, can become his faithful companion. The Taurus man loves to work, but does not expect his beloved to harness the plow next to him. On the contrary, he will be glad that there is someone nearby who will appreciate his work and whom he can take care of. In return, Pisces never dispute his decisions, do not encroach on leadership in the family, give tenderness and love, and generally behave like ideal wives for patriarchal men. And any Taurus sees himself as a father in his soul large family, a real patriarch, reliable, wise and firm. Therefore, the main weapon that helps to conquer Taurus is such traits of Pisces as softness, pliability, and tenderness. Physical attractiveness is also important. The sign of Taurus is ruled by Venus, so it is sensitive to female beauty. The Pisces woman has mystery and style, and this makes her very attractive.

What does an ideal couple look like: a Pisces woman and a Taurus man?

Men envy Taurus, and women envy Pisces. After all, women see how her Taurus man carries Pisces in his arms, how he does any hard or unpleasant work for her, as before gray hair extols the tenderness and innocence of his beloved. And men are jealous that Taurus has such a soft, non-scandalous woman who knows how to forgive. Friends freed from the worm of envy love to communicate with the couple: Taurus and Pisces are calm and friendly. If, with the help of synastry astrology, you look into their world for two, you will notice that both feel absolutely happy. This happens thanks to complete mental comfort in a couple, and psychological and sexual harmony of Taurus and Pisces. In addition, in these couples Taurus often become professionally successful; by mid-life, or even earlier, they gain financial well-being and the perfect home. The Pisces woman is not affected by the storms of life, she lives by the internal interests of the family, although problems are solved by Taurus (more than once I have met Pisces mothers who dearly loved their children, but had no idea what school they were studying at - trips to parent meetings taken upon themselves by the Taurus fathers).

What are the difficulties in a union between a Pisces woman and a Taurus man?

When a Taurus and Pisces couple just started dating, Pisces will face the jealousy of the Taurus man. Pisces needs inspiration and impressions, even if not as frequent and varied as Air signs, but Pisces cannot isolate themselves within four walls. Taurus will have a choice: accompany his lady to creative events that he is deeply indifferent to, or be jealous and try to keep her near him. Therefore, marriage between Taurus and Pisces often takes place soon after they meet - Taurus is afraid of losing their Pisces. The Pisces woman also feels bad in such a situation. She is capable of sincere feelings, does not want to hurt her loved one, and in addition, she has a sense of sacrifice that pushes her to give up her interests to please Taurus. As a result, Pisces become twitchy, nervous, “fade out”; their rich imagination, instead of fresh impressions, is fueled only by their own dreams, fears, and anxieties.

The Pisces woman can solve this problem in two ways. Firstly, she can really limit her fantasy world outside the apartment. A family hearth and a beloved man are a worthy object for creative and spiritual efforts. Small events in life together can become the same source of inspiration as acquaintance with world masterpieces. This path is most suitable for Pisces, who by nature are creators, and not connoisseurs of other people's creativity. Among Pisces there are many talented artists, or at least those who love to create, artists, poets and musicians. Privacy does not hinder these women, but only helps. If the Pisces woman herself is devoid of any talents, but loves beauty, she will not be able to feel good in isolation. Here she and Taurus will have to look for a compromise - she should reduce her “going out”, and he should not prohibit her from doing so in general and not be angry with her. Pisces, with their talent as a psychologist, will be able to convince Taurus.

Compatibility of Pisces woman and Taurus man at work

There is a risk that Pisces will try to shift some of their responsibilities to Taurus. If a woman manages to win over Taurus before this, there will be no objections on his part. In work, Pisces can help with good intuition. But Taurus needs time to learn to trust her: he is a realist and does not believe too much in premonitions.

Compatibility of a Pisces woman and a Taurus man - colleagues or partners

The main merit of Pisces is that it is able to create an excellent psychological atmosphere in a business couple. Pisces is not a workaholic; she can do with complete dedication only what resonates in her soul. Taurus is one of her best business allies, because he is ready to take on part of her work.

When a Pisces woman is a boss and a Taurus man is a subordinate

Pisces will be pleased with an efficient and calm employee. She can rely on him for everything. Taurus will not particularly perceive Pisces as a boss, but he will not let you down in his work. He needs to remind Pisces from time to time that good work should be followed by material rewards: Pisces, in their impracticality, can forget this.

When a Pisces woman is a subordinate and a Taurus man is a boss

Taurus can be very stubborn as a boss. He wants to see the result of his work from his subordinates, and Pisces cannot boast of practicality. Unfortunately, Taurus's stubbornness prevents him from seeing other advantages of Pisces, such as the ability to get along with a team and good intuition. He can be cruel to his Pisces subordinate. In response, she will begin to weave intrigues, in which she is a great master.

Compatibility of Pisces woman and Taurus man in friendship

This is a good friendly couple. Taurus, in communication with Pisces, can open up emotions that they usually hide deep within themselves. In addition, he is flattered by a certain “involvement” in the world of creativity that the Pisces woman gives him. And Pisces in return receives a friend who will help impractical Pisces in everyday matters, and also share calmness and balance. But, nevertheless, friendship between them is rare - having met, most Taurus and Pisces rush to get married. Therefore, friendly couples often occur among people of different generations and between relatives. The “halves” of these signs need to be on their guard. Neither Taurus nor Pisces are inclined to leave their family, but when they meet each other, the power of feelings can be irresistible.

In such relationships, a classic distribution of roles occurs. The Taurus man is reserved, practical, and knows how to earn money. The Pisces woman is emotional, sensitive, romantic, and devotes a lot of time to home coziness and comfort.

Joint relationships are quite durable and are built with a future perspective. Each partner needs comfort and coziness in the home, a calm, homely atmosphere. They can give each other a lot of useful things, each partner can receive the qualities that he needs and acquire useful skills and abilities.

For example, a Pisces woman will become

  • More practical
  • More confident
  • Seriously
  • More responsible
  • More realistic
  • Calm down
  • The Taurus man will
  • Softer
  • More lenient
  • More emotional
  • More relaxed

Taurus Man and Pisces Woman are ideal and harmonious union, which provides long and happy life. Pisces is the keeper of the family hearth, and Taurus will try to do everything for his beloved. what they have in common is that they love warmth and harmony of the soul. in their home there will always be comfort, beautiful things, coziness and warmth.

A Taurus man will be in love

  • Reliable
  • Faithful
  • Permanent
  • Stable
  • Serious
  • Practical
  • Realistic
  • Hardworking
  • Condescending
  • Loyal
  • Natural
  • Calm

A Pisces woman will be in love

  • Soft
  • Tender
  • Romantic
  • Emotional
  • Sensitive
  • Sympathetic
  • Compassionate
  • Good
  • Responsive
  • Mysterious
  • Attentive
  • Impressionable

Taurus man and Pisces woman compatibility in love relationships - cons

There are few cons. Only that the Pisces woman is emotional, vulnerable, impressionable and she wants to speak out, talk about her overwhelming emotions and experiences. But getting sympathy from a Taurus man is difficult.

He looks at everything calmly, calmly, realistically. IN best case scenario will give real advice. At worst, he won’t notice the worries at all. It’s difficult for him with emotions, they are as realistic as his views on life. And often as dry as his element earth.

Sometimes his restraint and indifference can offend the Pisces woman. He may not respond to problems and difficulties. He perceives everything from a position of common sense and sees no point in wasting emotions on something that cannot be changed. And if something is possible to change, it’s better to get to work, and not give in to surging emotions.

Therefore, it is difficult for him to understand the subtle mood of a Pisces woman, how she feels, why her emotions change so quickly. And if you don’t tell him directly about it, he will never guess.

It is in the emotional sense that problems most often arise, but they are not so serious as to destroy the relationship. The Taurus man is just as affectionate as the Pisces woman. And he is not inclined to radical changes.

Negative qualities of Taurus men in love

  • Restraint
  • Emotionality
  • Inertia
  • Boring
  • Dryness
  • Callousness
  • Stinginess
  • Stubbornness
  • Jealousy

Negative qualities of a Pisces woman in love

  • Impracticality
  • Indecisiveness
  • Irrationality
  • Suspiciousness
  • Disorganization
  • Susceptibility
  • Depression
  • Melancholy

Compatibility of Taurus men and Pisces women in love

Despite possible difficulties in relationships, marriage, family, they will find a way out difficult situations. Ready to make compromises. The relationship between them is complementary.

The Taurus man will receive the emotions he lacks, support, sympathy, which will allow him to open up more and relax in home environment. Which will ultimately have a good effect on his productivity. He is a good earner, he knows how to earn money, he will always have money. He can provide well for his family so that the Pisces woman does not need anything.

The Pisces woman will become more organized, learn to look at life more realistically and act more restrained, more intelligently and not be guided by her mood and short-term emotions.

In addition, she is characterized by sacrifice; she can give up her interests, hobbies, her future for the sake of her beloved man. Only here you need to know when to stop so that sacrifice does not harm itself.

see also how a Taurus man loves how a Pisces woman loves

How can a Pisces woman win a Taurus man?

To win a Taurus man, a Pisces woman needs to show her best qualities character

  • Femininity
  • Tenderness
  • Softness
  • Compliance

Only emotionally it is better to be more restrained. He will immediately notice how restrained a woman is and whether she knows how to approach life realistically. He will not like women with an unbalanced character.

It is important for him that the woman is:

  • Non-conflict
  • Didn't fight for leadership in the family
  • Didn't argue with his decisions
  • She knew how to do housework
  • Cooked deliciously

He strives for a calm, measured life, for a stable relationship, and it is important that the woman shares his views.

Taurus man and Pisces woman in bed

The compatibility of a Taurus man and a Pisces woman in bed is almost perfect. Both partners love to receive sexual pleasure, sex is important to them. The Pisces woman is loving, wants to give tenderness, affection, and the Taurus man wants to receive and give bodily sensual pleasures. There will be no conflicts between them in this.

But on the other hand, a Taurus man can show restraint, dryness, callousness, and not respond to the tenderness and affection of a Pisces woman, which can hurt her; in addition, a Pisces woman easily adopts her partner’s mood.

It is worth noting that this article contains only a description of the zodiac sign, that is, only the position of the sun in the zodiac sign is described. When there are many other planets and aspects involved in the formation of character, behavior, habits, and a person. If you need the help of an astrologer or want to know more detailed information about yourself or about a person you are interested in, use astrological services on our website.

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Taurus and Pisces

A Taurus man and a Pisces woman are compatible by nature only in cases where the partner makes concessions to the other and respects his opinion. Sometimes it is not easy for stubborn Taurus to put up with the whims of intricate Pisces; they often have to agree to more and more new adventures of their women.

These two personalities are influenced by the planet Venus. It symbolizes the feminine principle, therefore in such unions, as a rule, the leader is the partner. You should not assume that Pisces women are dictators and leaders in every sense of the word. She does not demand submission, but taking her opinion into account is the duty of any man.

Despite the fact that Pisces women are perfectionists, they will often have to put up with the imperfections of Taurus men. It is imperfections in character and actions that can infuriate women. However, Taurus men do not always intend to give in to their soulmate, and each time they look for new reasons to justify themselves.

Together, a Taurus man and a Pisces woman are a very profitable tandem. This family will never have financial problems. Any business they start will be successful if they do it together.

Advantages of the union: Taurus Man and Pisces Woman

As a rule, such unions last a very long time. A Taurus man is always attracted by the playful mood of Pisces women, their warmth and affection. The desire to conquer new heights may sometimes seem to Taurus an inappropriate pastime, but they will never contradict their loved ones.

Astrologers agree that such unions are almost always successful: there is peace, cleanliness, comfort and prosperity in their home, and balance in their souls. Therefore, they highlight the following advantages of such unions:

  • Stable financial position;
  • The ability to find a common language even in the most difficult situations;
  • Desire to develop and desire to climb the career ladder;
  • The ability to forgive and tactfully point out your partner’s mistakes;
  • Under the influence of Venus, both partners are emotional, showing their feelings in all colors;
  • Both partners do not like to stay in confined spaces for a long time and often look for more and more new entertainment;
  • The ability to find a way out of difficult situations and get as much benefit as possible for yourself;
  • They know how to save money. Together they can achieve great success;
  • Don't turn up your nose. For the whole society, they seem to be the most peaceful couple. However, only the partners themselves know what is hidden under this mask - peace or war.

Disadvantages of the union: Taurus Man and Pisces Woman

Often, Taurus men and Pisces women can declare an unspoken war, because their goals will not always coincide. Although they are loyal to each other’s desires, astrologers highlight some disadvantages of such unions:

Taurus men are quite complex personalities. Sometimes they themselves don’t know what they want. However, despite everything, they always know how to act correctly in a given situation. They often point out shortcomings to others, although they do this only in good intentions. Pisces women will often have to adapt to such men, make informed decisions and often say what Taurus men want to hear.

However, Pisces women are leaders by nature. Although they are not in the mood to subjugate everyone, they welcome it. They like it when they are asked for advice, asked to help in anything, even in the smallest things. They really like to discuss issues that they think are important and appreciate it if someone is sincerely interested in this. You shouldn’t contradict these people, but you can point out their mistakes very tactfully, gently and directly, without focusing all your attention on it.

Compatibility of a couple in bed: Taurus Man and Pisces Woman

Taurus men are passionate in bed, sometimes even assertive. Often women have to agree to their tricks, without being particularly interested in it. In this union, everything will be harmonious in terms of bed: Taurus men and Pisces women have the same desires and needs. Each of them will bring to intimate life something new and interesting.

Men in such a union are always faithful companions and the older the partner, the more faithful he is. It’s a little different with women here: the younger she is, the more faithful she is. They often go outside in search of new sensations and adrenaline, but they always return to their partner. It’s a different matter, Taurus men are possessive by nature and are not able to forgive not only infidelity on the part of a woman, but also awkward glances at other men.

Both partners love and appreciate carnal pleasures, trying to add variety every day. However, in more at a young age astrologers note low sexual desire to each other in this couple, since partners pay great attention to spiritual components. At the same hour, partners understand each other's imperfections and accept them entirely.

Compatibility of a couple in marriage: Taurus Man and Pisces Woman

Taurus and Pisces are compatible in marriage for several reasons: each of them will be able to assert themselves in it, get what they want and develop. Development is the reason why both partners are satisfied with their union. Each of them complements each other, takes into account their opinions and tries to help in any situation.

Minor quarrels and conflicts are possible between partners, but they will not be protracted and Taurus and Pisces can calm down quite quickly. Therefore, quarrels do not resonate in relationships between loving people.

Care and attention are what a Taurus man can give his woman. He is gallant, attentive, with a good sense of humor. In addition, he is prone to self-sacrifice for the sake of family happiness and well-being.

The Pisces woman can be selfish, she is a loner by nature, she likes to do everything on her own. However, in marriage she will learn to make concessions and make joint decisions. She is used to the fact that by the will of fate she gets certain people with their own characters, dispositions and interests.

Therefore, despite her prejudices, she is loyal to the opinion of her loved one and supports him. The personal life of Pisces women, despite everything, does not come first.

Compatibility of a couple in friendship: Taurus Man and Pisces Woman

These people are extremely incompatible in friendship. In some cases, they will support each other, but when their personal interests are affected, they begin to play according to the principle - every man for himself.

Often, Taurus men will refuse to help their friend, citing constant employment. The Pisces woman, as a rule, only wants benefits from such friendship. She is waiting for the right opportunity to take advantage of the naivety of the Taurus man and force him to play by her own rules.

Astrologers do not advise Taurus and Pisces to trust each other with their most important secrets and reveal secrets, because neither of them will be able to stop themselves in time and not tell someone the secret, or even use it not with good intentions.

Pisces women are mysterious and enigmatic, few people can unravel them. Often, two images are hidden in their nature. The reason for this is the influence of Venus and Jupiter, under which they reside. Venus - symbol feminine, nobility, impulsiveness, naivety. Jupiter is a symbol of destruction, emotionality, destructive energy. This also affects Pisces’ communication with people. Taurus is under the influence of Venus and the Moon, a symbol of calm and tranquility.

Compatibility of a couple in business: Taurus Man and Pisces Woman

These people, as a rule, develop a standard relationship - leader-subordinate. Moreover, very often they can change roles. Today one has chosen himself as a victim, the second will lead him and vice versa. It depends on what influence and in what lunar day they are influenced by the planets under whose influence they are.

Taurus men are excellent businessmen. They always know how to get benefits in this or that business, they can manage large departments and production facilities, and they are very well versed in technology. They cope well with routine work, which many people don’t like.

Pisces women are excellent bosses, they are sociable, they get along well with their subordinates, while trying not to suppress their personality. Such people will never resort to meanness towards their colleagues. Absorbed very quickly new information, handle knowledge well.

In tandem, these two personalities complement each other. Each of them is aimed at different results in their work, and in general they receive more successful outcome. However, do not underestimate any of these people; they know very well what they want and how to achieve their goal.

What a Pisces Woman needs to know about a Taurus Man

In appearance it seems that a Taurus man is an ideal person. He does everything right, his decisions are balanced and thoughtful, his mind is clear, his gait is light and in general he is a pleasant person. However, everyone understands that all these qualities cannot be combined in one person.

Taurus men are very good players and seducers. They know perfectly well what every girl wants, and skillfully play on it. At the same time, in the future it turns out that this man is a simple person who has his own shortcomings, is emotional and sometimes very hot-tempered.

It is because of this that Pisces women are often disappointed in their choice. They are perfectionists and demand that everything be done as it should be. The Taurus man is jealous, which is something Pisces women rarely tolerate.

However, such men are very sociable, easy to work with, and such tandems can be successful. Each of them will have to make concessions more than once. However, neither partner will use it very often.

As a rule, Taurus men are straightforward; by temperament they are rarely phlegmatic. Rather, they can be attributed to mixed type sanguine-choleric.

What a Taurus Man needs to know about a Pisces Woman

The Pisces woman is a philosopher by nature, she thinks a lot, makes plans, thinks through situations. If she gets down to something, she can stay in her world for more than one hour, without noticing anyone around her.

She is emotional and can be extremely hot-tempered. However, one of the advantages of her character is that she completely trusts her partner, rarely when such individuals are jealous. Without any confusion, she can point out the shortcomings of any person around her.

She does not look for easy ways to achieve her goal and is not used to retreating. Tries to establish connections with everyone around him and maintain them over a long period of time. Loves any new acquaintances, draws necessary information and easily operates with it.

Does not tolerate people who are constantly spinning on a wheel, obsessed with their problems, who do not know how to find an outlet and relax after working day. It is rare that she will like irony addressed to her. However, she is easy-going, quickly concentrates her attention on the right things, knows how to do several things at the same time and demands this from those around her. Loves order in everything: starting from his own inner world, ending with the environment in his neighbor's house.

Compatibility of Pisces Woman with other signs

Compatibility of a Taurus man with other signs

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