Strategy for the use of human potential- a strategy for developing the potential of the organization's personnel in order to ensure its strategic competitive advantage, presented in the form of a long-term program of action. The strategy should aim the personnel to achieve the goals of the organization of its long-term development.

At the present stage, the creation and effective use of the high potential of the organization's personnel is the main factor in achieving business success and winning the competition. Building a strong management team with a good mix of personal qualities and skill sets is one of the first steps in implementing a strategy. Staffing for the implementation of the strategy includes the selection of a strong management team, the selection and support of highly qualified employees.

The basis for creating a strategy is an adequate understanding of the main types of decisions that are made by an organization in the field of personnel management strategy:

1) selection, promotion and placement of personnel for all key positions of the organization; "create" - the formation of the personnel of the organization, based on the possibilities of the process of attracting, promoting, placing and developing personnel; "Buy" - attracting new personnel of exactly the quality that is necessary for each level of the organization. The strategy for each situation is selected individually, depending on the specifics of the business.

2) assessment of the position of a person in the organization; the personnel assessment system can be focused on the "process" - the circumstances that are part of the process of achieving real results are important; or "result" - the candidate for the position must meet pre-established special professional indicators.

3) a reward system that provides adequate compensation, clearly defined benefits and motivation for employee behavior; "position-oriented compensation system" - remuneration is dictated by the nature of the work performed; “compensation system aimed at individual results and effective activities within the entire organization” - the remuneration system is built on a very differentiated assessment of activities.

4) management development, which creates mechanisms for advanced training and career advancement: “informal, intensive” - used by companies that consider management development as the most important task in the field of human resource management; formal, extensive.

Motivation in personnel management of an organization

Motivation is the process of inducing a person to act in order to achieve goals. Also, motivation can be defined as a structure, a system of motives for the activity and behavior of the subject.

There are four main stages in the process of motivation.

1. The emergence of a need.

2. Developing a strategy and finding ways to meet needs.

3. Determination of tactics of activity and phased implementation of actions.

4. Satisfying needs and receiving material or spiritual rewards.

Maslow's theory of needs

The need for self-expression

The need for recognition and respect

The need to belong to a social group

The Need for Security

Physiological Needs

Alderfer's theory of existence, connection and growth.

The needs of existence;

communication needs;

Growth needs.

McClelland's acquired needs theory

associated with the study and description of the impact on human behavior of the needs of achievement, complicity and domination.

Porter–Lawler theory

So, according to the Porter-Lawler model, the results achieved by an employee depend on three variables: the effort expended (3), the abilities and character of the person (4), and also on his awareness of his role in the labor process (5). The level of effort expended, in turn, depends on the value of the reward (1) and on how much the person believes there is a strong relationship between the effort expended and the possible reward (2). Achieving the required level of performance (6) can lead to internal rewards (7) - such as a sense of job satisfaction, self-competence and self-esteem, as well as external rewards (8) - such as praise from the manager, bonus, promotion .

Expectancy Theory

A person must also hope that the type of behavior he has chosen will actually lead to the satisfaction or acquisition of the desired.

Stimulation of staff. Material and moral stimulation of labor activity of personnel

A stimulus is a stimulus to action or a reason for a person's behavior. There are four main types of incentives.

Compulsion. In a democratic society, enterprises use administrative methods of coercion: remark, reprimand, transfer to another position, severe reprimand, postponement of vacation, dismissal from work.

Financial incentive. This includes incentives in material form: wages and tariff rates, remuneration for performance, bonuses from income or profit, compensation, vouchers, loans to buy a car or furniture, loans for housing construction, etc.

moral encouragement. Incentives aimed at satisfying the spiritual and moral needs of a person: thanks, publications in the press, government awards, etc.

Self-assertion. Internal driving forces a person that encourages him to achieve his goals without direct external encouragement (writing a dissertation, publishing a book, an author's invention, shooting a film, etc.). This is the strongest stimulus known in nature, however, it manifests itself only in the most developed members of society.

Coordination of strategy and position of the company. Setting strategic priorities

The task of adapting the company's strategy to the current situation is quite difficult, because thus it is necessary to weigh a set of external and vnutr. factors. However, while the number of different indicators and variables that need to be taken into account is large, the most important factors influencing a firm's strategy can be divided into 2 groups:

* Factors characterizing the state of the industry and the conditions of competition in it.

* Factors that characterize the competitive capabilities of the company, its market position and its capabilities.

When formulating a strategy, first of all, it is necessary to take into account at what stage life cycle is the industry, the structure of the industry, the essence and power of competitive forces, the scale of competitors. The assessment of the position of the firm itself to the greatest extent depends on: 1) whether the company is a leader in the industry, an assertive contender for leadership (challenge), constantly on the sidelines or fighting for survival, and 2) on the strengths, weaknesses of the firm, its capabilities and the dangers that threaten her. 5 classic. options for the situation in the industry to bring the strategy in line with the environment:

Competition in emerging and fast-growing industries.

Competition in mature industries.

Competition in stagnant and fading industries.

Competition in fragmented industries.

Competition in international markets,

as well as 3 classic types of company position in the market:

The company has a leading position in the market;

The company pursues leaders;

· The company is weak in all respects, is in a state of crisis.

Origin and rapid growth:

Uncertainty of the situation in the new market (number of competitors, market size, growth rate, etc.)

Big variety technologies applied to production, marketing and distribution

Uncertainty of consumer requirements for new products

There is no well-functioning system of work with suppliers and intermediaries


Slowdown will buy. demand and increased competition in the market

Human development is a strategy for success.
The concept of increasing the pace of socio-economic development of the Saratov region.

sprouts of consent

Today, political stability has been achieved in society, which can become the basis for qualitative changes in the life of the population. The Russian Constitution proclaimed the idea welfare state. But it has not yet been fully implemented. Before ideal conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of man, we are still very far away. Unfortunately, the package of state social guarantees is too thin. It is gratifying that the state policy in recent years has set tasks shared by the population. There is no doubt that the citizens of Saratov supported the actions of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, aimed at solving specific and understandable tasks: strengthening the vertical of power, accelerating economic growth, raising the standard of living of people.

The state power is fully strengthened in order to actively come up with initiatives to solve the most pressing social problems. Today, these initiatives are clearly not enough.

In the face of United Russia, a political force has appeared that is ready to take responsibility for everything that happens in the country. Unfortunately, party building in the region is difficult, not without contradictions. We proceed from the principle that if there are no large influential parties, there is no democracy. Only then will our parties turn into a real political force when they take responsibility for everything that happens in the region. Parties, together with other institutions of civil society, should become, on the one hand, the limiters of bureaucratic omnipotence, and on the other, partners. state power to solve many social problems. The next elections to the Saratov Regional Duma will be held under a mixed system. Therefore, I consider it not only possible, but also necessary to form the government of the Saratov region on a party basis. If any party gains more than 50% of the vote, then it must form a one-party government. If none of the parties wins a simple majority of votes, then a coalition government may be formed. In this case, we will achieve the unity of actions of the authorities, the responsibility of the parties to the voters and the conscious motivated participation of citizens in the electoral process.

One of the components of success is the constructive interaction between the executive and legislative branches. The work of the deputies of the regional Duma deserves the highest praise. Real politics is based on finding a compromise and solving problems. Both the regional Duma and the regional government have mastered the art of reaching a compromise.

An important result of the joint work of all branches of government was that we were able to avoid social upheavals and confrontation in society. The process of public discussion of contentious issues is in the nature of working discussions and helps to determine the best management decisions. With all institutions of civil society, the government conducts and is obliged to conduct a dialogue.

It should be noted that in the difficult political situation on the territory of the region there are not only conflicts on a national basis, but also the prerequisites for them. The region was, is and will be a home for everyone who lives and works here, who considers himself a citizen of Russia. The rights and freedoms of a citizen, the security of every person must be guaranteed by the force of law and the effective work of all authorities. The state of public order and security causes concern. Only coordinated actions of law enforcement agencies, government agencies, and the public will allow us to ensure the safety of everyone's life. We must not allow destabilization of the situation in the region.

The current model of the relationship between spiritual and secular authorities seems to be close to optimal. This is an open, constructive, mutually beneficial dialogue. In the consolidation of our society, the role of the union of commodity producers, the regional federation of trade union organizations and the Civic Chamber of the Saratov region as a whole is very important.

However, it should be recognized that there are still no mechanisms for developing agreement on what are our goals and true priorities, the problems of today. Both the regional government and the regional Duma, the Public Chamber need to work on this.

The image of the region is our capital

The Saratov region has played an exceptional role in the socio-economic development of our state. One hundred years ago, the region was the third largest in Russia in terms of population in its modern borders. It developed as one of the centers of business activity and culture. Since then, both the region itself and its role have changed, but we managed to preserve and increase our best traditions.

One of the tasks that the authorities have been solving for the last eight years is the formation of the image of the region. Along the way, there were mistakes and unconditional successes. Today, the Saratov region is known as a region with a high industrial and scientific potential, strong human resources, and rich cultural traditions. We are known for innovation in lawmaking and in the field of reforms: we were the first to create and test new land legislation, form a land cadastre, and test the introduction of a single agricultural tax. One of the first in Russia to start developing draft laws in the innovation sphere. The Saratov Public Chamber is now seen as a model for creating a similar structure at the federal level.

We managed to establish a constructive dialogue with the federal authorities: the government of the Russian Federation, Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Volga Federal District S.V. Kiriyenko, deputies of the State Duma and members of the Federation Council Federal Assembly RF. The result of this, on the one hand, was the participation of the region in federal targeted programs, on the other hand, the fulfillment of federal tasks: the construction and launch of a plant for the destruction of chemical weapons, the construction of a bridge across the Volga near the village. Pristannoye, etc.

The formation of the image was not an end in itself. We had to convince the public and business that the Saratov region is not a depressed region, but a territory open to innovation and new ideas. And we succeeded. Today, the perception of the region outside it has more positive aspects than the assessment of the situation by the inhabitants of the region themselves. Time has shown that the initiative of the authorities is not always converted into the quality of life, does not cause response initiatives from the population. Our initiatives do not give the desired return, which would be expressed in possible economic growth.

Results of the development of the region: from survival to development

Looking back at the years that have already become the history of the province, one cannot but recall that by the beginning of 1996 our national economy was in a severe decline. Almost half of industrial enterprises did not work, a third of agricultural land was not cultivated, the work of builders practically stopped. The standard of living of the population fell sharply. Unemployment rose. The crime was of a massive nature, really threatening the life, health and property of every person. The society was dominated by a state of fear, confusion, apathy, loss of hope for a worthy future.

According to the main indicators of socio-economic development, the Saratov region of the "1995 model" was in 60-67th place among 89 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The province in the first years of the last decade year by year lost its face, pride, former glory and greatness. Today the Saratov region is one of the dynamically developing and well-known regions of Russia. This is convincingly evidenced by the dynamics of indicators of socio-economic development of the region over the past eight years. GRP in comparable prices increased by 50 percent, industrial production - by 87 percent, agricultural output - by 40 percent. Average per capita cash income increased by 8.5 times over eight years, while prices rose by 5.7 times. The average monthly nominal wage for this period increased by 9.4 times. In terms of wage growth, the Saratov Region today ranks first in the Volga Federal District. Growth rates in the Saratov region are higher than the Russian average in many indicators. We have much to be proud of and something to think about. 10 years ago, it was hard to believe that 100 new schools would be built in the region, 8 years ago, few people wanted to hear about the Saratov law "On Land", 5 years ago, the commissioning of a new bridge across the Volga seemed an unrealizable dream, and last year no one thought that every rural school will have a computer. The authorities must set ambitious goals and ensure their achievement. The Saratov region can and should become the best in many ways.

Already today, the region is one of the 20 Russian regions with the highest investment potential, and ranks 15th in the country in terms of investment climate. This is evidence of the quality of administration in the region, financial openness, as well as high and stable economic growth over the past years. In terms of investment potential, the Saratov region is quite capable of being in the top ten regions of Russia in 5-6 years.

From crisis management to perspective management

A new stage of regional development should be based on a qualitatively new approach to public administration. The administrative reform clearly defined the measure of responsibility of each level of the power vertical. The task of regional authorities is pragmatic - management of the development of territories, increasing the competitiveness of the region, providing conditions for improving the quality of life of the population. Not so long ago, the authorities were expected to participate in absolutely all processes. The policy of "plugging holes" corresponded to the crisis management style. Times have changed. We have been working for a long time not according to the program of anti-crisis actions, but according to the strategic development plan, which was adopted in 2000. It is being successfully implemented. But there are also many unresolved questions.

On the agenda - sustainable dynamic development, effective use of the region's potential and its growth.

A vision of prospects, a competent analysis of the situation and a more active participation in the regulation of economic processes - this is what society expects from the authorities. We need to get away from authoritarian forms of government, from direct participation in the economy, from methods of coercive influence. But this does not mean self-removal of power. Its task is to determine the rules of the game, recognized by all participants in the processes. We need new principles for evaluating the performance of the authorities in terms of simple and understandable indicators that are easy to measure and compare.

Changes in the administrative structure of the region have begun. Over the past two years, the number of officials in the regional government has decreased by 400 people. It should be recognized that this process is incomplete. Administrative reform in the Saratov region has stalled, but we will continue it. It is necessary to optimize the management system, abandon unnecessary functions and structural units, transferring some of them to civil society institutions. It should be recognized that while there is ground for abuse. The number of complaints about administrative barriers on the part of businesses is not decreasing. It is necessary to fight corruption by protecting the interests of people, and not based on momentary political conditions. Today, the authorities need people from the real economy, managers with a modern style of thinking and experience in practical work at enterprises. Unfortunately, many officials have only a certificate of higher education behind their backs. Lack of real knowledge and experience. And as a result, they are not able to prepare a competent solution. The personnel replacement process has started at the highest level of the region's administration and should cover the entire administrative structure. The authorities should create a system of personal responsibility of officials for the final results of their work. Failures in solving assigned tasks should be openly discussed in society and lead to the resignation of officials. Good governance will help increase the competitiveness of the region and increase confidence in the authorities.

Bet - on human potential

Today we all need to understand what the competitiveness of the region is. I think that this is, first of all, the attractiveness of the region for life, business, investment in comparison with other subjects of Russia.

Economic growth in modern conditions cannot be a super-goal. An increase in production indicators, the volume of GRP is only a means to achieve a normal standard of living, improve the quality of people's lives. All our thoughts and efforts should be aimed at improving the real well-being of the inhabitants of the region, increasing their income and quality of life. Indeed, in terms of the purchasing power of residents' incomes, the Saratov Region ranks 58th in Russia. In terms of wages - only the 70s. A year ago, we set an extremely important task - to increase the average salary to 5,000 rubles. She's done. By 2009, the average salary in the region should correspond to the all-Russian indicators. The dry figures of economic growth will only come to life for our people when a person in his pocket feels an improvement in the economic situation.

The quality of life for each of us is a good job, comfortable housing, affordable education and medical services, opportunities for self-realization and recreation. Betting on human development is a strategy for future success.

According to the Human Development Index, the Saratov Region ranks 34th. It takes into account three important indicators: life expectancy, income level and level of education of the population. The task for the next 5 years is to enter the top 20 regions of Russia in this indicator. This will make our region truly competitive, and people's lives worthy. And there is already progress in this direction.

In terms of life expectancy, the region exceeds the average Russian indicators. Over the past five years, our birth rate has increased by 20%. At the same time, the average Saratov man does not live up to retirement for half a year, the life expectancy of women is less than 73 years. Totally agree last year the population of the region has decreased by almost 21 thousand people, which is comparable to the size of a medium-sized municipality, for example, Lysogorsky district.

According to forecast estimates, if current trends continue, by 2015 the working-age population of the Saratov region will decrease by 182,000 people, or 11 percent. Beginning in 2007, the region will experience a labor shortage. This means that the current rate of economic growth is not enough to ensure decent life and overcoming the demographic crisis.

One of the main tasks is to overcome the demographic decline, preserve and develop the existing human potential. Without solving this problem, any forecasts for the development of the region lose their meaning.

Overcoming poverty

In 2000, there were more than 1.2 million people in the region with incomes below the subsistence level, 44% of the population lived below the poverty line. For 4 years their number has decreased by 2 times. Nevertheless, even now 620 thousand people in the region are barely making ends meet.

Today, the goal of raising the minimum wage to the subsistence minimum seems unattainable to many, but it is this goal that must be guided by considering certain issues of the social policy of the region. The poverty of the population is a defect of power.

Low income is a serious barrier to economic growth.

Since 2005, the regions will have the authority to regulate the level and system of remuneration in the public sector. The transition to sectoral systems will ensure fair wages depending on the level of education, qualifications, length of service, the complexity of the work performed and its result. The task of the authorities is to gradually bring the salary of a teacher, doctor, cultural worker to the average for the region.

In the extrabudgetary sector, the level of the minimum wage can and should be higher than the subsistence minimum. In the meantime, however, many heads of enterprises give out a significant part of their earnings in envelopes, and in agriculture - in the form of payment in kind. It's time for them to understand - the time of feudal lords and serfs has long passed. Every working person should think about what kind of pension he will receive from the salary "in an envelope." How high-quality and free will medicine, education and other public services be?

One of the main reserves for poverty reduction is the elimination of wage arrears. In 1999, it amounted to 1.15 billion rubles. For 5 years, these debts have been reduced by almost 5 times. Over the past 2 years, there is no debt in the public sector. Nevertheless, the problem of timely payment of wages remains acute for 47,000 employees. Serious work with debtor enterprises is ahead. The region is obliged to enter 2006 without wage arrears. It is worth recognizing that the paternalism of power has become one of the key reasons Russian poverty. The authorities should take care, first of all, of the environment in which a person can realize himself, and be responsible for creating the development infrastructure.

Those who cannot cope with the situation on their own need help in real, not nominal terms. And therefore, one of the main functions of the social protection authorities is to reduce the negative consequences of economic reforms for the least protected groups of the population.

The prospects for social protection lie in a shift in emphasis from "universal social security" to targeted support. And this means the concentration of budgetary resources on helping the most needy, the lonely elderly, the sick, the disabled and orphans.

Increasing the availability and quality of healthcare, education, and social services is a significant factor that can help solve the problem of poverty. One of the best systems of social protection of the population in Russia has been created in the Saratov region, which ensures almost complete satisfaction of the need for social services for veterans and the disabled. Residents of even the most remote villages receive assistance from social service workers. The emphasis in providing these services should gradually shift from stationary forms of service to low-cost home-based ones. The property of socialism - hospitals of the barracks type - will become a thing of the past and will be replaced by small boarding houses of the home type. Unfortunately, practically nothing is being done to ensure a barrier-free living environment for disabled people: sidewalks, transport, clinics, theaters, shops remain inaccessible to them. A social taxi service has not been created to transport them. This issue must be resolved. On the eve of the 60th anniversary of the Victory over Nazi Germany, the participants in the war need special care. There are only 21,360 of them left. We are all indebted to them. They risked their lives on the front line, gave us their youth and health, deserving a peaceful old age and the gratitude of their descendants. The authorities are simply obliged to resolve to the maximum all issues related to their treatment, home renovation, telephone installation and social protection.

One of the most exciting issues for veterans is the monetization of benefits. Some see this as another deception of the population. But if you look, many veterans enjoyed benefits only on paper. Today they are offered to receive real money.

Yes, the amounts for which benefits will be replaced are small. But not only this worries our veterans, they are "killed" by the heartlessness of officials. Social services are obliged to minimize the temporary inconvenience associated with paperwork, provide practical help to every beneficiary in need. The Duma and the government of the region, when carrying out the monetization of "regional" benefits, should bring their volume to the average Russian level.

Economic growth is impossible without changing the principles of social policy and moving from a paternalistic model to a partnership one. When the state does not reproduce citizens dependent on itself, but encourages the activity of free people in a free country. The monopoly of the state in the social sphere hinders its development. It is necessary to gradually transfer to the non-state sector functions that the state should not or is not able to perform. Especially if it leads to cheaper and higher quality services.

Educational potential of the region

In the new century, our future victories in the scientific, cultural and economic fields are laid by today's teacher. Its material security, a decent standard of living is the most important state task. Today, every citizen of Saratov has the opportunity to get a higher education. Over the past 10 years, the number of students has increased by 2.4 times and reached 121.5 thousand people. According to this indicator, we are ahead of the Samara and Nizhny Novgorod regions, the Republic of Tatarstan.

Universities are one of the most significant resources of the region, capable of producing economic returns. It is necessary to bet on strengthening this resource, not being afraid of serious systemic innovations. It is not in vain that the authorities in highly developed Japan set the goal of achieving universal higher education by 2010. We need new and extraordinary proposals to attract ambitious youth to the region.

It is time to reconsider the practice of admission to universities and go for a bold experiment. And in this case there is no need to reinvent the wheel, but to use the best European experience. It is necessary to offer our universities to accept everyone without exception and, already in the course of the learning process, to determine to whom to pay a scholarship, and who should compensate for the costs of his education himself. Moreover, this issue should be considered at the end of each semester. It is a new form of organization of admission and training that should make higher education more accessible, the system of payment for it more fair, and our region attractive to young people.

At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the connection between education and the labor market, and these are long-term forecasts of the need for personnel, contracts (enterprise - university and enterprise - university - student), career guidance from elementary school. In the training of narrow specialists today, business must determine what and how to teach. An important priority for higher education in the region should be the concentration of training of specialists in specialized universities, only they can provide the necessary quality of knowledge.

The main priorities in secondary education are increasing accessibility and quality. To solve the first task, a lot has already been done: over the past 8 years, more than 100 new educational facilities have been introduced in the region. countryside is one of the most serious problems. And here we will follow the path of creating basic rural schools equipped with computers, connected to the Internet, having all the necessary visual materials and equipment. A separate issue that needs to be addressed is ensuring the delivery of children from remote villages.

There are many questions about the quality of education received. What did the experiment with the exam show? This year, 2/3 of the region's eleventh-graders who took the unified state exam received "triples" and "deuces" in the Russian language. From 2006, school education should be transferred to per capita funding. This will make teachers think about the quality of teaching. Schools, at least urban ones, will compete with each other and fight for each student.

Healthy population - strong region

There are two priorities in the health care system. First, it is the provision of an ambulance medical care. Secondly, prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis, oncology, diabetes, cardiovascular and other socially significant diseases, which are the main causes of disability and death.

A program for the development of emergency medical care has already been adopted in the region. During 2005-2008, it is planned to restore air ambulance and strengthen the disaster medicine service. 173 modern ambulances will be purchased. In 2005 alone, 48 million rubles are allocated for these purposes. These measures will make the "ambulance" really an ambulance.

Currently, the regional government is developing a comprehensive program for the prevention and control of socially significant diseases, and construction of modern regional oncological and tuberculosis dispensaries, a children's infectious diseases hospital is underway.

But our health care system, designed to prolong life, now does not stand up to scrutiny. The free medical care provided by the State Guarantee Program is often provided to the population of the region at their own expense, and most of the funds pass by the health insurance fund. The greatest criticism from the population is the lack of medicines in hospitals and the ambulance service.

Apparently, this situation was beneficial to the previous leadership of the health authorities. The industry needs serious structural and personnel restructuring. The first step has been taken - the Ministry of Health and Social Development has been created.

The united ministry is faced with the task of providing free and high-quality medical care within the framework of minimum standards, regardless of the place of residence of citizens and their property status. Only additional medical care and more comfortable conditions for receiving it should remain paid. It is necessary to shift the emphasis in the provision of medical care from inpatient to outpatient forms of treatment, to move away from focusing on costly beds. The number of doctors and the number of beds per 10 thousand people in the region is the same as in the developed countries of the world, but the quality of medical care is extremely low. It can't go on like this anymore. Money must be paid for a specific result. The entire medical system must be reorganized to serve the patient. To do this, it is necessary to launch a full-fledged health insurance system and increase state funding for this system. To work in the new conditions of the industry, not only qualified doctors are needed, but also competent managers.

Health care must solve the problem of increasing life expectancy. Reducing the rate of premature mortality from alcohol and other poisoning, accidents, injuries and occupational diseases is a real resource for increasing average life expectancy. Due to this resource, it is possible to increase the average life expectancy of men by 8 - 9.5 years, women - by 4.5 years. Whether this will become a reality depends largely on the citizens themselves. While the expenses of the region's population on alcohol consumption are comparable to the budget of the city of Saratov, the responsibility of the state is limited to supporting social promotion of a healthy lifestyle.
Today, only 17% of children go to sports schools. The provision of the region with health-improving and sports facilities is only 19% of the need. The task of the authorities is to make sports mass. In 2005 - 2006 we will launch a full-scale program for the construction of sports grounds and family sports centers. It is necessary to create conditions for attracting private investments into physical culture and sports.

Family - the basis of moral development

The institution of the family is beginning to regain its former positions. Over the past two years, the number of marriages in the region has increased by 6.5%, divorces have decreased by 23%. The number of marriages exceeded the number of divorces by 1.6 times. These numbers are encouraging.

The regional authorities have decided to increase the monthly child allowance by 43% since 2005, and introduce additional allowances for families with many children. By 2010, the amount of child allowance should be brought to half the minimum wage.

It is in the family that the connection between generations is ensured, respect for the elderly, love for work and native land, and the need for a healthy lifestyle are brought up. But 3.5 thousand old people live in the region's boarding schools, half of them have children. Such a situation cannot be imagined either in the Caucasus or in China, where every Chinese knows his ancestry up to the fourteenth generation. And we often do not want to recognize our father and mother! The attitude towards the elderly is an indicator of civilization. And in our case - an indicator of lack of spirituality and immorality.

But there is another indicator of immorality - more than 8 thousand orphans with living parents. The existing system of their education and upbringing has long outlived itself. Slightly more than 1% of children end up in foster families. Family orphanages can be counted on the fingers. More and more often our children find shelter in foreign families. Even during the war and the terrible famine, people accepted orphans and raised them as their own children. Where did our kindness and mercy go?

Not a single orphanage, no matter how good it may be, will replace a family for a child, will not teach him to be in the future a good husband and wife, mother and father. Due to the development of family forms of upbringing, by 2010 we can reduce the number of children in orphanages and boarding schools in the region by at least 2 times.

It's time to put an end to the shame of the 21st century - homelessness and neglect. There are 11,000 neglected children in the region, who annually commit over 2,000 offenses. The emphasis in the work of social services should be shifted towards the prevention of family problems. It is necessary to return the educational functions of the school. The task of the ministries of the social block is to reach every student interesting leisure, take in free sports sections, clubs and circles, especially during the holidays.

The ideology of the priority of the family and children in the system of human values ​​should become dominant. And this is a task not only for the authorities, but also for the media. The solution of social problems will allow us to solve the problems of economic development.

Focus - on the final product

Economic growth is possible only in the conditions of production of competitive products. The task set requires, first of all, overcoming the one-sided fuel and raw material orientation of the region's economy. A necessary condition for its achievement is a more than twofold increase in production in the manufacturing industries, construction, processing of agricultural products and some service industries. The most promising is the development of housing, transport and communal services.

In order for the intended goal to become a reality, both the authorities and the business community need to work very seriously.

During the period of economic recession and subsequent revival, the region's economy has undergone serious and irreversible structural changes. This must be taken into account when analyzing the situation. It should be recognized that it is impossible to revive the lost production and return sales markets with the old product range. Yes, you probably don't need to.

Although comparisons with 1990 are not always correct, we have something to think about. Over the past 13 years, oil production has increased by almost 50%, while gasoline production has decreased by more than half. Compared to 1990, the current level of production of paints and varnishes is 5%, trolleybuses - 6%, machine tools - 2.3%, refrigerators and freezers - 35.2%. It's not just about the volume. A significant increase in the production of all kinds of semi-finished products, which are then delivered to other regions, where the final product is produced, which ensures maximum profit, causes concern.

We are proud of good grain harvests, but we are silent about the fact that this grain is processed in other regions. Today, the region's enterprises produce flour only 27.5% of the 1990 level, cereals - 17%, animal feed - 12.6%. The production of sausages decreased, according to official statistics, by 2/3, and semi-finished meat products- 26 times.

We need economic growth accompanied by structural changes in the economy. We need a complete cycle of production of goods and services, as well as a stable financial system.

Priorities in the financial system

There are two priorities in the budgetary sphere of the region: providing state guarantees and reducing costs, including debt obligations. The current state of affairs allows us to look to the future with optimism. Despite the policy of centralization of tax revenues at the federal level, the region's budget revenues are steadily increasing. Compared to 2000, it increased by 8.6 billion rubles, or 2.3 times. This made it possible not only to provide financing for the social sphere, but also to reduce the volume of public domestic debt by more than 2.5 times over the past three years. Today it is 1.1 billion rubles. At the new stage, it is no longer enough to have funds for a minimum level of state guarantees. We need to move forward and develop. But there is a catastrophic lack of funds for this. Incomes should be increased, not divided. To reduce costs in the public sector, it is necessary to introduce a new financial resource management system - to move from budget financing to financing focused on the final result.

But the authorities should not be removed from the management of the system of financial flows of the region as a whole. Otherwise, imbalances arise and the available resources do not serve economic growth.

So, for example, over the past three years, the savings of the population have almost doubled and amounted to 19 billion rubles. The amount of savings of the population is almost equal to the consolidated budget of the region. On the one hand, this indicator pleases. A significant part of the population has ceased to live paycheck to paycheck, real opportunity save money. There is another side of the coin. Money is not spent, it does not work. The reason is that market offers do not meet the needs of people. They lag behind the financial capabilities of Saratov residents. People today would be happy to invest in housing, real estate, but so far not everyone can afford it. And the market does not offer favorable conditions for mortgage loans for housing construction. That is why the accelerated introduction of mortgage lending is an urgent task of the authorities for the coming years. This will attract free funds of the population to the economy.

We need to develop a clear and understandable policy to stimulate demand at the intersection of the interests of the state and the population.

Signs of Growing Entrepreneurship

The implementation of the demand stimulation policy will inevitably lead to an increase in the entrepreneurial activity of the population and the development of small businesses.

The competitiveness of the region largely depends on the freedom for entrepreneurship, the transparency of rules, and the openness of power. Our task is to initiate a boom in the entrepreneurial activity of the population. So far, this area of ​​the regional economy seems to be problematic. If in terms of the number of small enterprises and the number of employees in them, we rank 4th in the Volga Federal District, then in terms of the volume of output per employee, we are also in 4th place, but from the bottom. The conditions for the development of small business in the industrial sector have not yet been created. The current industry structure, the structure of proceeds from the sale of products and services indicate its predominant development in the field of trade and public catering. It is necessary to make the production activity of small enterprises no less profitable than trade and intermediary.

Entrepreneurs name three reasons for this situation. The first is administrative barriers, constant checks, bribery. Per past time the transition to the notification principle of business registration and paperwork "in one window" has not yet been carried out. Administrative barriers destroy the spirit of entrepreneurship, hinder the formation of a new generation of businessmen. The second problem is access to credit resources. And the third - the possibility of renting real estate.

The current situation does not suit either the authorities or the business community. The result of a constructive dialogue between business and government was a targeted program to support small businesses in our region. Unfortunately, this program with an annual funding of 8.6 million rubles has become a real bone of contention. It's a pity. In Samara, for example, more than 30 million rubles are annually allocated for the small business development program, in Chuvashia - more than 40 million rubles, in Perm - more than 50 million rubles, in Nizhny Novgorod almost 100 million rubles. The task of the authorities is to expand the access of small businesses to the financial and property resources of the region, economic information, provide qualified legal assistance, and provide training opportunities.

It is necessary to create advantages for the development of small innovative entrepreneurship. Here the development budget should play its role, which, unfortunately, is still focused on the business interests of the deputy corps. An important aspect of this problem is the territorial uneven development of small business in the districts of the region. Small business must develop locally. It is necessary to support the idea of ​​creating centers for the development and support of entrepreneurship in municipalities. Together, these measures will allow us to increase taxes collected from small businesses to 25% of all revenues.

Do not forget about the social function of small business. Nearly 200,000 residents of the region work in this area. The average salary barely exceeds the living wage. This is a topic for a serious discussion about the social responsibility of business and the efficiency of tax structures.

Personnel is really everything!

We have to talk about the inertia of our business. You can nod to the all-Russian situation. Owners can be blamed for management inefficiency. We can talk about the imperfection of the legislation. However, the regions higher than us in the ratings operate under the same conditions.

The financial resources in our banks are comparable to the resources of the banking system of the Samara and Nizhny Novgorod regions. There is an opportunity to attract resources from Moscow banks. Money is too much. However, in Samara, for example, the volume of loans issued to businesses is 4 times greater than in Saratov. The reason is our lack of real, justified business projects.

Today's managers of many companies are not able to provide competent marketing research, carry out effective management, and develop new market niches. The most common diagnosis is acute marketing failure, chronic management lethargy. It is no coincidence that Moscow businesses are increasingly becoming the owners of our enterprises.

New revolutionaries in the economy can only be companies, teams, managers and employees who are constantly in the process of education, training, self-learning. As the analysis showed, it is with this that we have a big problem. Who teaches business managers in Saratov? "Dipol" and "Tritek"? Their niche is small and medium business. However, a small business grows into a medium one, and a medium one into a large one. And this is not only the scale, but also a different style, methods of thinking and management.

The personnel problem has become a cornerstone for the Saratov business. Its solution will make it possible to give economic development a new quality. We need consolidation of business, government and the population in generating ideas and points for a breakthrough in the economy.

Competitive Industry

The high growth rates of the Saratov industry, even exceeding the average Russian level, are no reason for complacency. This growth is largely of a recovery nature and is due to an increase in the utilization of existing production capacities, changes in market factors on the world market. We have not yet reached the level of 1990. In 1997, industrial production was only 40% of the 1990 level, in 2004 it was already 75.8%. Despite the fact that the development of industry as a whole inspires optimism, today's growth has specific limits, real threats.

Unfortunately, many of our enterprises were not able to work in the conditions of the new economy - the economy of knowledge and communication technologies. They are in the dark about what is happening in the world, they are not ready for competition. We have already lost the market for chemical fibers and fertilizers, refrigerators and freezers, aircraft and building materials.

A communications technology business has been established in our area. Each district of the region has cellular, in the majority - the ability to use the Internet. However, these opportunities are not fully exploited by our business. We need to work towards the formation of a new economy in the region, built on global competition and innovation.

We have formed legislation that develops the innovation process. This creates conditions for the conversion of the scientific potential of the region into new technologies and production.

The Saratov region is doomed to be a territory of innovative development. We rank 17th among Russian regions in terms of the number of students per 10,000 people. This is comparable to the level of highly developed countries. Not factories, but universities should become the engine of the region's economic development. Management of the innovation process is another priority of the authorities.

We have already created science and technology parks at leading higher educational institutions. An example of successful integration is the interaction between JSC "Saratov Bearing Plant" and SSTU. As a result of cooperation, developments have appeared that increase the durability of bearings up to 6 times, speed - by 25 - 35% and reduce rejects by up to 30%. Today, innovation and production complexes are being formed to implement major innovation programs and projects. There is an Agreement on cooperation concluded between the government of the Saratov region and the Fund for Assistance to the Development of Small Forms of Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere. But this is not enough.

The problem of innovation is too often talked about, reduced to the creation of projects, and our innovation legislation, unfortunately, is declarative. In the very near future, it is necessary to review the adopted laws and make adjustments to them, taking into account the new tasks of the authorities. The issue of industrial development priorities is the most difficult one in the formation of a regional development program. Industry gives 51.8% of all taxes. At the same time, 23 largest enterprises of the region form our budget by 40%. These enterprises will develop even if we do not call them priority ones.

In the new decade, the main points of growth, the basis for the formation of a new economy will be high-tech industries, and, above all, a renewed machine-building complex. It is they who are able to ensure both the growth rate and the quality of its content. The development of innovative production should lead to a change in the foreign trade turnover of the region. In 2004, it grew by more than 40%. At the same time, exports exceed imports by 6.5 times.

We export our products to 70 countries of the world, and we import from 50 countries. The 1.5-fold increase in exports was due to an increase in the supply of fuel and raw materials. Its share has already reached 78%. This trend, unfortunately, is typical for the whole of Russia.

The priorities of the industrial policy of the Saratov region in the medium term should be: the development and massive breakthrough of engineering products to new markets in the Central Asian region, penetration into highly specialized niches of the world market; transition to the formation of long-term cooperative ties, the development of subcontracting processes in the region in the interaction of small and large enterprises; formation of mechanisms to stimulate the development of innovative and service activities through the inclusion of regional enterprises in all-Russian holding groups, the development of "industrial districts", technology parks, venture funds. The formula for restructuring the industry of the Saratov region will look like this: from local markets to open markets, from industries to groups of interconnected industries - clusters.

The competitiveness of the region will largely be determined by the implementation of quality standards developed for each industry. During the year, it is necessary to draw up a regional program for the introduction of international ISO standards at the enterprises of the region. We can form the necessary vector of changes right now. In particular, to reorient the possibilities of the development budget from commercially profitable projects to projects with high regional and budgetary efficiency, infrastructure projects that have an important multiplier effect for the region.

Investment promotion

To increase the efficiency and competitiveness of production, a transition to a new investment model of economic development is required.

Until 1990, the benchmark in the structure of investments was the ratio: 80 percent in industrial construction, 20 percent in non-production. With such a structure of investments, income from the production sector was enough to maintain the social sphere.

Ten years before 2000, the ratio was fifty-fifty. For a long time, we received an increase in one unit of GRP with less investments than in Russia as a whole. We have already made the most of the opportunity to grow without capital investment. But there are no more prospects for such an economic model.

The investment maneuver should include the forced growth of investments with an average annual rate of at least 10 - 12%; a shift in favor of sectors that ensure the release of the final product with high added value, a serious increase in the innovative content of investments.

In 2003-2004, 45 percent of the total investment in fixed capital was directed to the purchase of machinery and equipment, which is a prerequisite for technical re-equipment at the enterprises of the region. The share of construction contracts reached 50 percent.

The "portfolio" includes major investment projects: the construction of the fifth and sixth blocks of the Balakovo nuclear power plant, the construction of the Saratov section of the Blue Stream gas pipeline through the Lysogorsky, Saratovsky, Atkarsky, Petrovsky districts, the construction of a modern airport, and the modernization of an oil refinery. But this is not enough for an economic breakthrough. We need systematic investments in medium and small manufacturing businesses focused on final products.

The regional laws "On state support of investment activity in the Saratov region" and on granting property tax benefits to investors have been adopted in the region. With their help, we plan to attract the attention of investors, to interest them in investing in our economy. In 2005, the concept of "Open Saratov Region" should be developed.

It is required to create a powerful financial system that, by generating and accumulating resources, will effectively invest them in the economy. It is necessary to create "instruments of growth" - special mechanisms formed by the government together with business to attract investment. We need to understand the role of government in the investment process. And it certainly should not be reduced to a simple statement of what happened. We need an investment incentive program.

The fortress that the Bolsheviks could not take

In the coming years, an urgent task will be to ensure the affordability of housing through its reduction in price, increase in terms and lowering the interest rate of housing loans. The constant growth of incomes of the population, the existing construction infrastructure make this task feasible.

We have identified our priority - the family should be able to live in decent conditions. Only then will the family be strong. Today, more than 45,000 Saratov families need to improve their living conditions. To solve this problem, it is necessary to build almost 2 million square meters of housing. Half of all those in need are beneficiaries. In 2003, only 20 thousand meters of housing were built for beneficiaries. If we continue to go at this pace, it will take 100 years to fulfill the obligations given by the state to all beneficiaries. The pace of solving this problem must be accelerated.

In 2003, a real breakthrough was made in the construction of housing for young families, public sector workers, residents of dilapidated and dilapidated houses. 869 young families were able to improve their living conditions at the expense of budgetary funds, 65 families of public sector employees celebrated housewarming, 560 families finally moved out of dilapidated and dilapidated housing. This year's figures are no worse - the housing stock has increased by 600,000 square meters. The regional government has developed a housing construction program. We expect the rapid development housing construction within 5 years will double the GRP in this industry.

The implementation of the program will bring the annual commissioning of housing to the level of 1 sq. m per inhabitant. By 2015, the provision of housing per person is planned to increase to 25 square meters. m.

If the mechanisms of mortgage lending to the population are launched in a short time, the volume of construction will increase significantly. Each person will be able to purchase an apartment or a house. This will be followed by a whole chain of effects useful for the economy.

The social aspect of this task is obvious.

Genuine, not fictitious, public utilities reform

Our pain continues to be public utilities, where a unique situation has developed. 25 percent of those employed in the repair and maintenance of the housing stock are managers, supervisors and employees. There are only three workers per manager. A network of intermediaries has emerged. They do not produce anything themselves, they only resell services, winding up tariffs.

Today it is impossible to determine the real consumption of utilities due to the lack of individual meters. As a result, it is assumed that we consume 4 times more water and 5 times more heat than in Europe. Service providers are not interested in increasing the efficiency of production, but in maintaining bloated regulations. Saving resources turns out to be unprofitable, because it is known that, regardless of the state of affairs in the industry, prices will still be raised once again without any additional costs and efforts on the part of monopolists. For the majority of the population, the reform is associated only with an increase in the amount of payments for housing and communal services and a decrease in the quality of the services provided.

It is necessary to complete the inventory, markdown and registration of utility infrastructure facilities, to optimize the management system in this area. Housing and communal services should turn into a market sector of the economy, attractive to investors and producing high-quality and affordable housing and communal services.

In order to create a competitive market for utilities, it is necessary to truly open access to this market for private utility companies, with the separation of the functions of customers and contractors, and to stimulate the creation of homeowners' associations. All this is necessary so that the tenants themselves can determine the service providers who offer favorable service conditions at the lowest prices. It is not the owner or tenant of the home who should run after the plumber, but the plumber behind them, offering to make preventive repairs to faucets. Think it's fantasy? No, quite real things that take place where there is a genuine, and not a fictitious, reform of public utilities.

We have sprouts of the new in our region. Boiler houses are being transferred to private hands, prerequisites are being created for lowering tariffs through the full loading of some facilities and the conservation of others. Demand of the day: accounting, accounting and once again accounting for consumed heat and water. Implementation of the "Energy Saving" program by 2010 should complete the installation of heat, gas and water meters in every house and in all institutions of the social sphere of the region.

Rural Development

The Saratov region makes a significant contribution to solving the problem of food security in Russia: in terms of grain production, the region ranks 4th in the country and 1st in the Volga Federal District, sunflower - 6th in the country and 1st in the Volga Federal District, meat and milk - 8th and 7th place in Russia. In terms of gross agricultural output, the Saratov region is steadily ahead of the average Russian indicators (144% growth against 119% in Russia as a whole over the past 5 years).

The regional agrarian policy is aimed at increasing the competitiveness of agricultural production and the social development of rural areas, most of which today can be called depressive.

The main sign of competitive production is decent wages for workers and high incomes for farms.

The number of unprofitable farms over the past three years has decreased by 2.5 times. But a quarter of agricultural producers still remain problematic, they have not learned how to survive in difficult market conditions. The existing system of payment in kind is often evidence of management inefficiency. The implementation of the region's competitive advantages is hampered by the high cost of agricultural production, due to the use of outdated technologies and the shortage of qualified personnel, including managers. In order to maintain positions in the agricultural market in the near future, it is necessary to solve the problem of saturating agricultural production with modern equipment and technologies. This requires a technological revolution in agriculture and the processing industry.

Today, the region has every opportunity to integrate the accumulated scientific potential, create on its basis a scientific center with the status of an Agro-Science City, which performs the functions of seed production, the development of resource-saving technologies, biotechnologies and new food products. In the agricultural economy of the region, we have to combine well-established tools with new ideas that ensure the stability of the food market and meet the requirements of global trends. We are talking about providing resources to the village using the mechanism of concessional financing, insurance instruments, targeted product programs that are to be developed. We need programs focused on the final result, and not on "conditional" production, hectares and "conditional" heads of livestock. Budget spending on financing and supporting agriculture almost doubled over the year. Specific gravity of these costs in the budget amounted to 5.1%. The receipt by agricultural producers of all forms of ownership of preferential resources should be associated with the efficiency of their use.

Normative-legal acts on the issues of land reform led to the reduction of land ownership of collective farms and state farms and the expansion of private land ownership of peasants. If in 1990 there were just over 800 agricultural producers, today there are more than 9,000 of them, not counting personal subsidiary plots. Formed new class owners in the village. Income from personal subsidiary farming in rural families has increased significantly and for many has become the main source of income. This is evidenced by the results of a trial agricultural census conducted in the Saratov region. Will our collective enterprises, farms and private households alone be able to withstand the conditions of fierce competition? Should they compete with each other, driving down the price and losing profits? I am convinced not. The region can already be proud of the fact that it is really returning to Russia its heritage - Chayanov's agricultural cooperation, which sprouted in the west and proved its worth, becoming the basis of prosperity. Cooperation has a great future, it should consolidate our agricultural producers, control not only the production stage, but also develop processing, trade, take on the functions of lending, insurance, go into the social sphere.

The primary task of 2005 is the Program of cooperation between peasant farms and personal subsidiary plots of the population.

New questions, new tasks arise before the system of management of the agrarian sector of the region on the eve of Russia's accession to the WTO. It is necessary to have a clear and precise understanding of real market niches, mastering new tools for regulating agricultural production. There are questions that require an immediate response, a regional initiative. Just one example. The two years allotted for the owners to formalize their rights to the land are expiring. Out of almost 300 thousand land shares in the region, only 50 thousand are registered in the prescribed manner. This means that most of the owners may legally lose their land shares. And this despite the fact that it was our region that was the initiator of innovations in land legislation and was the first to create conditions for the formation of the institution of land owners. According to research, more than 80% of rural youth plan to leave their small homeland in the near future, most of them want to leave the region, 40% of those leaving for study do not return to their native places. The problem is the lack of work with a decent salary and social infrastructure. But every fourth inhabitant of the region lives in the village.

We have done a lot to make life easier for the villagers. Over 40 years of gasification of the region, 9,000 kilometers of gas networks have been laid, and over the past 7 years, more than 10,000 kilometers have been laid. Today, in terms of the level of gasification, the region is significantly ahead of many gas producing regions. The volume of gasification of the territory of our region is 2.5 times higher, for example, than in the Tyumen region.

Over 8 years, we have built more than 200 social facilities, most of them in rural areas. We have made a real breakthrough in rural education. In recent years, almost 6,000 computers have been delivered to rural schools and libraries, including 4,000 in 2004. But this is not enough. The biggest problem is rural health care. 39 feldsher-obstetric stations in the region do not have a single doctor. What should people do? Reforming outpatient care on the principle of a general practitioner and a family doctor will largely solve the problem of access to primary medical care for residents of remote rural areas. How many years have we been talking about this. And nothing has changed. Our village is empty. Today, the number of specialists under the age of 30 in agricultural enterprises is only 7 percent, although the output from agricultural enterprises annually educational institutions- almost 3 thousand people. At the same time, there are about 500 vacancies in agricultural enterprises. If we fail to reverse this situation, in 5-7 years the village will turn into a monastery for pensioners, and agricultural production will completely stop. We must understand that the problem is more acute than ever, and we must talk about the survival of the village. Without solving the issues of employment of the rural population in the off-season, without the creation of social infrastructure and appropriate living conditions, the economy of the village will lose the main thing - a person. And therefore, any investment in agricultural production is, first of all, an investment in the social development of the village.

The main objective of the rural development program is to provide rural residents with equal opportunities to fulfill their needs, regardless of their place of residence. Prospects for the development of social infrastructure in the countryside are the creation of socio-cultural centers that combine a school, a library, a club, and a medical and obstetric station. We have already adopted a program of rural social development up to 2010. Now it must be done.

Transport system as a resource for growth

The geographical position of our region has provided it with competitive advantages. We have conditions for the development of the region as a major transit base for European partners, as well as a supplier of our own industrial products and foodstuffs.

Two most important motor transport corridors for the Russian Federation pass through the territory of the region: west-east and north-south. In addition, there are two important railways: Volga and South-East, providing access to the entire space of Russia. There is the Volga River with access to five seas. But the infrastructure of river transport is more likely to be gone than it is. This is an area of ​​missed opportunities. As well as the quality of strategic highways. The existing disproportions, bottlenecks in the region's transport system are becoming a significant brake on economic development, making it difficult to solve the problem of increasing competitiveness.

In order for the intra-regional transport infrastructure to cope with a large cargo flow, it is necessary to reconstruct the roadway, bridges and interchanges, build campsites and car repair bases, new loading and unloading terminals for automobile and railway transport, industrial refrigerators and warehouses, product pipelines. Solving the problem of improving passenger and cargo transportation requires an urgent transfer of the airport outside the city limits of the regional center.

The time has come to develop a program to increase cargo flows through the Saratov region. This is big business. Here you can count on serious extra-budgetary capital, including foreign.

The proposed concept will make it possible to solve the most important tasks: to ensure political stability, economic progress, and improve the living standards of the population.

To solve these problems, we have identified priority areas of government activity: the formation of an effective system for managing the region, the development of human potential, the development of the region on the basis of innovation and investment activities.

Today we have every chance to implement the stated policy - high economic, resource, cultural and intellectual potential. This concept will work only if a total of at least 40 legal acts, amendments to regional laws, new programs dictated by the time are developed and adopted in the region.

If we don't take these steps now, tomorrow it will be too late.

Patriotism and statehood are the basic principles that can ensure the successful implementation of the presented strategy. Let's together - government, business, society - realize the importance of implementing the proposed strategy, think it over and start implementing it in our daily activities.

We count on the initiative of every resident of our region. Responsibility for the fate of our region, for the socio-economic situation should be a generally recognized norm.

I hope for the participation and support of deputies of all levels, local governments, for the active position of the business community and civil society as a whole. Only together we will make our big and small Motherland stable and prosperous.

And I am sure that we will succeed.

Governor of the Saratov region

The key characteristic of the current stage of civilizational development is a sharp increase in the role of man in the system of factors of production, which dictates the need for a deep social reorientation of economic priorities. A person is placed at the center of the socio-economic system, the fullest possible satisfaction of the entire spectrum of his needs, including the need for self-realization, becomes both the ultimate goal of production and a condition for its sustainable development. At the forefront is the provision of the fullest possible development and realization of human potential.
Until recently, when analyzing the reproductive role of a person in the economic process, the emphasis was on labor potential, i.e. the totality of those properties, abilities, knowledge and skills of people that they use or can use in social production on this stage its development. Human potential characterizes the population in all the richness of its abilities, knowledge, skills and personal characteristics.
Considered in relation to an individual, the labor potential corresponds to his labor force, the human potential corresponds to the personality. With the growing role of creative labor and the increasing share of creative and personal elements in labor processes, the range of abilities, knowledge and skills that an employee uses in the labor process is constantly expanding. Many modern workplaces in various fields of activity make demands not only on professional skills, but also on the personal characteristics of the employee. As a result, the line between labor and human potential is gradually losing its former meaning, becoming more fluid and blurred.
The difference between labor and human potentials appears in an explicit form when considering the issue of their implementation. The sphere of realization of labor potential is the production of material and non-material goods and services. In modern society, the main place where production is carried out is occupied by the market sector, and most of the productive population is to some extent included in labor market relations. At the same time, there is a sector dominated by non-market production (including intra-family), as well as sectors, . tse weakened market relations (non-commercial, state). Thus, economic inactivity in the traditional market sense does not necessarily mean a lack of realization of labor potential.
Human potential is realized in a variety of areas, the leading of which, in addition to production, are consumption and leisure. In this regard, we are talking not only about effective demand as an incentive for production, but also about the complexity of consumption, the formation of the structure of needs. The most important function of human potential is the initiation of long-term needs that set the incentives and direction for economic development. The spheres of realization of human potential simultaneously act as spheres of production of labor potential.
The quality of human potential must be assessed on the basis of both individual (average) criteria and its characteristics as a whole, including the structural aspect and the quality of interaction.
Considered from the point of view of its economic return (actual or potential, predictable), human potential takes the form of human capital. The knowledge and skills accumulated by a person in the process of education and work, the abilities that he possesses by nature and which he managed to develop in himself, i.e. his individual potential, are able to bring returns in the labor process, being realized in higher labor productivity and higher earnings. For the first time, an approach from the standpoint of the concept of human capital was proposed in the 1950s-1960s. and quickly entered the main methodological arsenal of both theoretical research and applied development.
In Russian economic literature, human capital is sometimes characterized as a non-economic component of social wealth. Such an interpretation is inaccurate, since the very fact of the capitalization of labor potential speaks of its equal inclusion in a single system of economic, moreover, market (value) relations. In this case, it is more correct to speak of the intangible component of social wealth, which includes, along with human capital (education, health, work skills of the population), accumulated scientific knowledge and social capital.
A different approach to assessing the level of human development has been proposed within the framework of the UN. A methodology has been developed for calculating the internationally comparable human development index (HDI) based on indicators of life expectancy, education enrollment and GDP per capita. For all the imperfection of this index, its absolute advantage is the desire to comprehensively reflect human development, the rejection of the approach to a person solely as an economic resource, a factor of production.
Along with individual averaged characteristics (level of education, culture, state of health, psycho-emotional state
individual people) an important aspect of the quality of human potential, which determines the possibility of its effective implementation, are structural characteristics that reflect the ratio of various professional and qualification categories of the labor force (for example, representatives of technical and humanitarian professions, senior and middle managers), the balance of the corresponding proportions with the needs of the economy in a workforce of varying quality. A shortage of one or another category means a decrease in quality, an excess hinders effective implementation. With overall high rates of accumulated human capital (measured by summing up individual savings), it is structural imbalances that come to the fore and can lead to a significant decrease in quality.
The most important aspect of human potential, which goes beyond direct production and covers all spheres of people's life, is the quality of interaction, relationships between people in society. Numerous studies show that the quality of relationships - the most important factor development, allowing some countries to use the resources at their disposal much more efficiently than others. Recently, this aspect, described by the concept of "social capital", has attracted increased attention of researchers.
The abundance of social capital significantly reduces the cost of business and, through the strengthening of trust, coordination and cooperation at all levels, leads to an increase in labor productivity. The consequence of a lack of social capital is an increase in conflicts and a decrease in efficiency. The transition to the production of individualized and knowledge-intensive products fundamentally changes the content of competition in comparison with the situation of predominantly mass production and sets the economic imperatives for the socialization of business. For all the importance of education and qualification of individual workers, the formation of effective social relations, developing the ability for mutual learning, teamwork, facilitating the transfer of information across the economy and thereby increasing the amount of human capital and contributing to its more efficient implementation. Thus, the formation of intra- and inter-firm social capital becomes a more powerful factor in the innovation process than market competition.
This circumstance makes it necessary to reconsider the ideas traditionally shared by liberal economists about the ratio economic efficiency and social justice and dictates the need to strengthen the social orientation of modern economies. The less evenly distributed property and income, the greater the obstacles to the formation of relations of mutual trust. The inequality generated by the free market can negatively affect efficiency, as it destroys social capital.
Today, in developed economies, insurance and fiscal mechanisms of social protection cover the vast majority of the population and ensure its basic socio-economic security. Through the state budget in most developed countries, it is redistributed from Uz (USA, Japan) to 1/2 (France, Italy) of GDP. The share of state social spending in the United States accounts for more than 20% of GDP, and in European countries - at least 30%.
An equally important direction of state policy is related to its role in ensuring the production of socially significant benefits created in the sectors of non-material production, primarily in education, health care, and culture. The product of these industries not only has independent value for direct consumers, but also provides a social benefit for society as a whole and is an investment in a person, the return on which sometimes exceeds the return on investment in the material base. The importance of social capital for competitiveness is an incentive for shareholders and corporate managers to enter into a dialogue with the state on ways to avoid an unproductive balance based on low-skilled labor, in which the low quality of education and training and, accordingly, the unsuitability for professional activities in the knowledge economy doom the population to vegetate . There is an increase in the role of the state as a strategist that determines the main priorities and directions of development, the formation and development of a vast non-profit sector along with the market sector and the socialization of business, which assumes a significant part of the functions related to the development of employees.
The presence of a significant positive externality and the long payback period for a significant part of investments in education and health necessitate corrective state intervention in the operation of market mechanisms. Being left at the mercy of the market, the volume and structure of these areas would lag far behind the real objective needs of the economy and society. This circumstance largely explains the priority of the corresponding expenditures in the budgetary policy of developed countries, including those that are traditionally classified as countries with a predominantly liberal model of social policy. In the United States, investment in human resources development accounts for more than 60% of federal spending and is almost four times higher than defense spending.
The investment role of the main social sectors is different. From an economic point of view, investments in health care are infrastructural in nature; create conditions for the normal participation of workers in the production process (physically healthy people take sick leave less often, can work with full dedication, not only live longer, but also stay longer in the labor force). Investment in education, by generating a higher quality workforce, generates a direct economic return through higher labor productivity.
The key function of the state as a subject of social policy is to form a socio-economic environment conducive to the active self-realization of each member of society in the economic sphere itself, guaranteeing a sufficient level of stability and development opportunities. In a socially oriented economy, all elements of the economic
politicians to the best of their ability solve this problem. Antimonopoly policy, support for small and medium-sized businesses, programs for the balanced development of territories, and the creation of a favorable investment climate have a pronounced social aspect. The maximum burden lies with employment policy and wage policy. Thus, the functions of the state include both the direct implementation of measures to develop human potential, and the general regulation of the social parameters of the economic process.
In Russia, one of the leading, if not the main reason that initiated the reforms, was the impossibility of ensuring, within the framework of the Soviet system, the effective realization of the human potential of the population and the possibility of its sustainable balanced development. This does not mean that during the Soviet period human potential was not in demand and its development was not given due attention.
The achievements of the Soviet-type model in the field of human development were due primarily to the fact that the increase in the level of general and special education of the population was included in the system of strategic priorities at all stages of the country's development (starting with the solution of the triune task of industrialization, collectivization and cultural revolution). As a result, in a relatively short period of time, it was possible to achieve relatively high values ​​of basic indicators of human development by international standards. In the twenty years before the war, approximately 60 million illiterates were educated. The 1959 census showed that illiteracy in the country had been almost completely eliminated. According to the 1994 microcensus, the proportion of people with higher (complete and incomplete) education in the adult population was about 15%, while the proportion of people with insufficient education (no more than 8 years) was 34.5%. For comparison: at the start of the reforms, the corresponding figures were in Poland - 5.3% (54.6), in Hungary - 5.8% (66.9), in Bulgaria - 5.7% (75.7), in Czechoslovakia - 3.5% (57.3) . The high level of education of the population is a huge potential advantage for Russia in international competition, and it is worth spending some effort to preserve and implement it before it is completely lost.
The social contract also played a certain positive role in the development of human potential. First, the stability of the system of basic guarantees ensured, albeit a minimally acceptable, but steadily growing level of consumption of workers and their families, and also created confidence in the future. Secondly, the same system acted as a prerequisite for the diversification of motivational mechanisms in the sphere of labor (at the present stage, wages “crushed everything”).
The most significant shortcomings of the human potential formed in the Soviet period, with which the country entered into the transformation process, are connected, firstly, with the specifics of the mentality of the population, which was formed not only during the Soviet period, but has deep roots in the history of Russia. This specificity is manifested in the dominance of the public, including the collective, over the individual, the habit of delegating the right to choose and make decisions (together with responsibility) upward, and the tendency to opportunistic behavior. All these features were “nourished” by the Soviet system, and their negative component became especially aggravated during the period of “developed socialism”.
Secondly, the structure of human potential, with which Russia entered the reform process, was formed in accordance with the tasks and needs of a militarized centrally controlled economy, focused on accelerated industrial development, increasing the means of production, strengthening defense capabilities to the detriment of development and diversification of current and future consumption. . Hence the inevitable "technocratic" bias: an excess of scientific and technical personnel with an underproduction of specialists in the humanitarian, economic, and managerial profiles. In the post-war period, engineers consistently made up more than 300 specialists with higher education employed in the national economy. At the beginning of the 1970s in the USSR, students in engineering specialties accounted for almost half of all university students, while in the USA - only 7%
Negative phenomena gradually accumulated in the sphere of realization of human potential. Of these, the least painful for the system was the excessive extensive expansion of employment in social production. However, its reverse side was the impossibility from a certain point to solve the problem of shortage of labor resources in specific industries by attracting additional resources from the family sector and personal subsidiary plots. Since the 1970s the problems of the accumulation of latent unemployment within enterprises, the decrease in the motivation of workers, and the low return on labor have become significantly aggravated. The gap in the level of labor productivity between the USSR and the developed countries of the West increased. All this served as an argument in favor of the need for a radical reform of the economy.
Apparently, one of the reasons for the exacerbation of these problems was the inadequacy of the existing type of employment, in its main features corresponding to the needs of an industrial society, the imperatives of further economic development. By this time, in the most developed countries of the world, there was a transition to a new type of employment, involving a different distribution of the roles of factors of production and other forms of organization of labor relations. In Russia, the growth of negative trends in the sphere of labor also set the economic imperatives for the transition to a new employment model, characterized by an increase in the role of creative labor, an increase in the flexibility of labor relations, and an increase in the share of people employed in non-material production and services.
If the former type of employment, characteristic of mass production, where labor was subordinated to the material and technological factor, very well, one might say, organically combined with the centrally controlled economy, then the new type of employment did not fit into it at all. This is the reason for the lag in the competition between the two systems, the crisis of intra-production relations, and hence the inevitability of the collapse of the totalitarian system and cardinal changes.
However, the transition to market relations in the sphere of labor is not an end in itself, but a means of building a new employment model that can adequately use human potential. As the ten-year experience of Russian reforms has shown, a fairly successful market transformation of the sphere of labor relations in itself does not imply significant progress in solving this problem. In Russia, the spontaneous liberation of the market was not accompanied by either the formation of a viable system of social shock absorbers, or
the development of a consistent state policy aimed at developing the non-material investment complex and stimulating the effective realization of human potential. As a result, a contradiction has arisen and is gaining strength between the still fairly high level of education and professional qualifications of the population, on the one hand, and the deterioration of the conditions and quality of employment, on the other. The inevitable growth of social problems in these conditions is largely due to increased underutilization, depreciation and gradual degradation of human potential.
Throughout the reforms, productive employment opportunities narrowed. At a superficial glance at the dynamics of structural changes in employment, one can catch seemingly progressive changes associated with an increase in the share of the service sector, which brings the ratio of employment in large sectors in Russia closer to the corresponding ratio in the most developed countries. However, the change in the ratio of employment in large sectors is a formal, uninformative criterion (Table 42.1). For a meaningful assessment of trends in the development of the employment structure, two interrelated circumstances are essential: the reasons that led to certain changes, and the specific content of large sectors.
Table 42.1
Distribution of employed persons by large sectors (1990-2001), % Sector 1990 1995 1997 1998 1999 2001 2002 Agriculture 13.2 15.1 13.7 14.0 13.6 13.4 12.7 Industry 42.3 35 ,2 31.8 30.2 30.3 30.4 30.5 Services 45.5 49.7 55.5 55.8 56.1 56.2 56.8 Calculated based on: Social status and standard of living of the population of Russia. M.: Goskomstat of Russia. 2002, p. 74; Social status and standard of living of the population of Russia. M.: Goskomstat of Russia. 2000. S. 69.
With the normal progressive development of the economy, a change in the structure of employment occurs as a result of productivity growth and the saturation of needs of a certain level. This makes it possible to release part of the workers to meet higher needs and causes changes in the sectoral and professional-skill structure of the labor force both in the economy as a whole and within large sectors. In particular, in the sectoral structure of industry, science-intensive sub-sectors of mechanical engineering are developing, in the vocational qualification - categories that stand outside the production process and are engaged in meaningful creative work to service it (specialists, managers). In the tertiary sector1, the leading role is shifting to the sectors that form the intangible investment complex underlying the modern economy - science, education, information technology, and health care.
In Russia, the process followed a completely different pattern. The reduction in the share of people employed in industry was caused by the crisis decline in production, which most affected this industry. At the same time, distinct regressive shifts are observed in the structure of industry, the direction of which did not change with the onset of a period of economic growth. With an increase in the share of people employed in the primary industries (from 12.5% ​​in 1990 to 21.2% in
1998 and 23.0% in 2001), the share of the industry where scientific and technical progress materializes first of all, mechanical engineering, decreased (from 38.2% in 1990 to 30.1% in 1998 and 27.2% in 2001) and the industry aimed directly at meeting final needs - light industry (from 10.9% in 1990 to 6.7% in 1998 and 6.1% in 2002).
Changes in employment generally reflected changes in the structure of production. Domestic production of basic foodstuffs and consumer goods per capita has declined significantly. There was no saturation basic needs. Workers were forced to leave the industry in search of work. In general, the sectoral structure of employment changed in the direction of a reduction in the share of the manufacturing industry due to an increase in the shares of extractive industries, primitive agriculture, and primitive services. The growth in employment in the tertiary sector occurred primarily with an increase in the number of people employed in trade and public administration, the share of which increased by more than 1.5 times.
The share of non-material production sectors that ensure the quality of economic growth - the generation of new knowledge and the dissemination of information, the development of human potential and demand for the most qualified creative labor, has been steadily declining with a gradual decrease in their already insignificant funding. Annual total state investments in the social sphere during the last decade did not exceed 20% of GDP, and in 2001 their share decreased to 15.6%. At the same time, investments in education and healthcare decreased by 2001 to 3.1% and 3.0%, respectively. For comparison: in the United States, direct government investment in health care (excluding investment in research and construction of medical facilities) in 1999 amounted to 6% of GDP, and taking into account the costs of insurance funds, this share exceeds 10%. State investment in education in 1998 amounted to 5.6% of GDP, and total investment in this area was also approaching 10%.
During the years of reforms, employment in the fields of education and culture has decreased, the share of science has fallen sharply, the stability of the share of people employed in health care, social security and sports is associated with the growth of the administrative apparatus social security in the context of more complicated procedures for the provision of social transfers (Table 42.2). Thus, for some outwardly
Table 42.2
Share of employed in certain sectors of non-material production and services (1990-2001), % Industry 1990 1995 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Trade and catering 17.5 20.2 24.7 26.1 26.0 26.0 27.2 Finance 1.2 2.5 2.2 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 Management 4.8 5.7 7.3 7.8 8.0 8.1 7.8 Health, sports, welfare 12 .6 13.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.4 12.3 Education 18.1 18.7 17.1 17.0 16.6 16.2 15.9 Culture 3.5 3.4 3 ,2 3.1 3.1 3.2 3.2 Science 8.4 5.1 4.1 3.7 3.4 3.3 3.2 Calculated based on: Social status and standard of living of the Russian population. Moscow: Goskomstat of Russia, 2002, p. 74; Social status and standard of living of the population of Russia. Moscow: Goskomstat of Russia, 2000, p. 69.
A positive shift in the sectoral structure of the economy is not worth qualitative transformations. On the contrary, there is a primitivization of employment.
An extreme form of manifestation of the primitivization of employment is the growth in the share of labor spent in subsidiary farming. The most important source of livelihood for the population of the country is the work on personal plots and summer cottages, which accounts for a significant part of the total fund of working time. According to the labor force survey of the State Statistics Committee of Russia, in the spring-summer period, employment in subsidiary agriculture reaches more than 40 million people, of which 17-18 million are employed only in this. In terms of fully employed conditional workers in the season (May-August) - this is 16-17 million people. about 1/4 of total official employment
One of the key reasons for the underutilization and gradual degradation of human potential is the low price of labor, combined with distorted wage differentiation that does not correspond to real differences in skill levels. In Russia, the low price of labor has developed historically as a result of the late abolition of serfdom, numerous wars, revolutions, natural disasters, which over a long period of time have formed underestimated claims of hired workers. However, given the freedom of action of market levers, the low price of labor leads to consequences opposite to those expected. The threat to the formation and development of the country's human potential is posed by at least three circumstances that distinguish the current situation from the pre-reform one.
First, during the Soviet period, a significant part of labor costs was reimbursed centrally. Labor was cheap for enterprises, but the state provided free education and health care, cheap housing, consumer services, transport, as well as access to cultural values ​​- museums, theaters, cinema, books. It was much cheaper to have and raise children, and the principle of equal starting opportunities was implemented much more consistently than today. The sharp decrease in the free and subsidized components of labor costs in the process of reforms posed a threat to the normal conditions for the reproduction of the labor force, and most of all this affected its most qualified categories.
Secondly, the economy has become open. The most qualified, meeting the requirements modern production workers enter the world market, where labor prices are incomparably higher than in Russia. Preserving the elite of human potential is possible only with a significant increase in funding, which makes it possible to ensure wages and working conditions comparable to socially normal ones (maybe a little lower - minus compensation for the costs of migration).
Thirdly, back in the Soviet period, the low price of labor had a discouraging effect on the substitution of capital for labor. However, in conditions where investment decisions were made centrally and market levers played a subordinate role, the significance of this factor was not as tangible as it is at present. In modern conditions, in full accordance with the laws of a market economy, the traditionally low price of labor leads to a weakening of market incentives for technological transformations, and, consequently, to the consolidation of disproportions, the conservation of a backward production structure, and the accumulation of suppressed unemployment within enterprises. This trend is most pronounced in industry.
According to a survey of employers in the framework of a survey on labor relations conducted by the Center for Labor Market Research (CIRT) of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 1999, the wages of employees corresponded to the labor contribution at 35.7% of state-owned enterprises, at 46.9% of privatized and at 61 .1% private. The wage scale is leveled. According to the labor market flexibility survey (OGRT), during 1994-2000. there was a steady trend of convergence of wages of skilled and unskilled workers. The wages of specialists are not much higher than the wages of skilled workers and lag far behind the wages of even middle managers. The conclusion suggests itself that an excess of specialists has formed in the Russian industry, associated with the simplification of production.
The deterioration in employment conditions was accompanied by a threefold reduction in average real wages as they were redistributed in favor of rent-accumulating export-oriented extractive industries and the financial and credit sector. As a result, the fall in wages in the sectors financed primarily from the budget and responsible for the reproduction of human potential and innovative development was much deeper than in the economy as a whole. In some periods, the entire tariff scale of state employees fell below the subsistence level. In 2000, workers in such important professions as doctors, paramedics, teachers, teachers, educators, earned almost at the subsistence level). According to the survey of social security of the population (PSS-2002), conducted by the CIRT IE RAS in 2002, among workers with wages below the subsistence minimum, 28.8% had higher education, and 43.3% had specialized secondary education. Thus, there is a clear trend towards the depreciation of human potential, primarily among the most qualified part of the workers.
The decline in income and living standards of a significant part of the population as a result of underutilization and depreciation of human potential is the most obvious negative consequence of the reforms. However, there are other aspects of the problem. Significant losses are associated with the possibilities of self-realization of the individual, the simplification of motivational mechanisms in the sphere of work and the formation of "survival strategies". This leads to a primitivization of the structure of needs, which sets the guidelines for economic development. A serious threat is the undermining of the principle of equality of starting opportunities due to the reduction in the scale and quality of free education. A sharp decline in the social security of the population is accompanied by a sense of the injustice of what is happening, the loss of faith in oneself and trust in the state. According to PSS-2002, only 8% of respondents believe that their interests are protected by the state, while 56.4% rely only on themselves and their families, and 33.6% said that they have no one and nothing rely.
There is a point of view that explains the growth of negative phenomena in the social and labor sphere of employment by the slow pace of market transformations and classifies them as "a manifestation of non-market elements of development" . In our opinion, the point is not in the insufficiency or inconsistency of transformations, but in the fact that the liberation of the market in itself is not enough for a breakthrough into the new economy. To solve this problem, a purposeful state policy of reforming the key sectors of the economy that form the system of reproduction of human potential, as well as a consistent employment policy, is required.
In the crisis situation in Russia, market levers, combined with the weakness of the state, were bound to stimulate undesirable processes. The liberation of the market in the face of serious structural imbalances, the monopolization of the economy, the immaturity of civil society, the lack of skills for workers to defend their interests at an underestimated wage level, already at the start of reforms, led to a crisis, the destruction of human and social capital, the replenishment of which is increasingly problematic.
Correction of disproportions involves the development of a system of measures to prevent the degradation of accumulated knowledge and skills and the adaptation of the labor force to the changing needs of the economy and society, a targeted impact on the structure of both demand and supply of labor, employment conditions for various categories of workers. At the same time, the policy of employment and human potential development is naturally "embedded" in the industrial policy and strategy for the development of infrastructure sectors. The latter largely operate within the public and non-profit sectors, and therefore the direction and pace of development of each of them largely depend on the political choice. Giving the correction of structural imbalances to the mercy of the market, we, firstly, close the road to taking into account long-term needs (the market does not look ahead), and secondly, we doom a significant part of the human capital accumulated in the population to degradation and depreciation, voluntarily refusing to modernize, quite real when choosing an alternative strategy; thirdly, we lose the “cream” of human capital as a result of the brain drain that is inevitable in an open economy.
In the current critical situation, the main efforts of the state should be directed to the preservation and restoration of human and social capital. Without solving this problem, it is impossible to prevent the outflow of either financial capital or elite human resources from the country. Solving these problems requires revising both the place of social policy in the system of state priorities and its general concept and, consequently, the proposed forms and methods of implementation.
The question of the subjects of social policy, the distribution of their roles and the mechanism of interaction is fundamental. The specific solution to this issue depends on the socio-economic situation in a particular country, the maturity of civil society and the level of well-being of citizens. In a stable and dynamic economy with a large share of innovative enterprises, sufficiently high and evenly distributed incomes of the bulk of the population, investment sectors of non-material production can
be largely incorporated into the non-state sectors. However, even in this case, the relevant structures of the non-profit and private sectors receive significant subsidies from the state budget and tax benefits. In Russian conditions, when a large number of enterprises are pursuing a survival strategy, civil society institutions and the non-profit sector are underdeveloped; outside the sphere of direct state influence, there are not enough resources and incentives for long-term investments in the development of human resources. That is why the social sectors of the public sector are so important.
It is necessary to consistently strengthen the social component of economic policy and restore confidence in the state on this basis. The key components of such a policy are a focus on ensuring productive employment, protecting weak partners in the social and labor sphere, regulating the general principles of wages, and implementing the principle of equality of starting opportunities through facilitating access to high-quality free education at all levels. The first step towards the formation of an active social policy should be a radical review of budget priorities in the direction of increasing social investment and improving the general conditions of employment of the population.
Priorities in the distribution of budget money are the most important indicator of the social orientation of state policy. Over the past few years in Russia, funding for such areas as public administration at all levels, defense, service has been in the first place. external debt. As for the social sphere, it is seen rather as a kind of reserve for saving budgetary funds, which can be redistributed to other, more important needs of the state.
An increase in state investments in the main investment sectors of the social sphere in accordance with the norms of federal legislation, which generally meet international standards, but are ignored in practice, will allow us to solve a number of key tasks to ensure sustainable socio-economic development. First, expanding access to education and health ensures the accumulation and, no less important, the equal distribution of human and social capital. Secondly, it will make it possible to significantly improve employment conditions and wages in the public sector, where about 20% of the total labor force is still concentrated, the bulk of which are highly skilled. Thirdly, by raising wages in the public sector, the state, as the largest employer, gives impetus to the overall strengthening of the position of skilled labor in the labor market, including outside the public sector. Thus, mechanisms will be launched for gradually overcoming the social crisis, restoring public confidence in the state, and laying the foundation for the system of reproduction of human potential, adequate to the requirements of the current stage of civilizational development.

8.1. People are the wealth of an organization

The basis of any organization and its main wealth are people. There was a time when it was believed that a machine, an automaton or a robot would oust man from most organizations and finally establish the primacy of technology over the worker. However, although the machine has become the absolute master in many technological and managerial processes, although it has ousted man almost completely or even completely from individual departments of organizations, the role and importance of man in the organization not only did not fall, but even increased.

At the same time, a person has become not only the key and most valuable "resource" of the organization, but also the most expensive. The promotion of firms to new markets and new regions is often caused precisely by this fact. The quality of labor resources directly affects the competitive capabilities of the company and is one of the most important areas for creating competitive advantages. A good organization strives to make the best use of its employees, creating all conditions for the fullest return of employees at work and intensive development of their potential. This is one side of the interaction between a person and an organization. But there is another side of this interaction, which reflects how a person looks at the organization, what role it plays in his life, what it gives him, what meaning he puts into his interaction with the organization. For the strategic management of an organization, both of these areas of establishing interaction between an organization and a person are very important.

The vast majority of people spend almost their entire adult lives in organizations. Starting with a nursery and ending with a home for the elderly, a person consciously or unconsciously, voluntarily or under duress, interested or with complete apathy, is included in the life of the organization, lives according to its laws, interacts with its other members, giving something to the organization, but also receiving from it. her something in return. Strategic management is designed to ensure both the effective interaction of the organization with the external environment, and the mutually beneficial interaction of a person with the organization.

When interacting with an organization, a person is interested in various aspects of this interaction, relating to what he should sacrifice for the interests of the organization, what, when and to what extent he should do in the organization, in what conditions to function, with whom and for how long to interact, what the organization will give him, etc. This and a number of other factors depend on satisfaction human interaction with the organization, his attitude to the organization and its contribution to the activities of the organization.

8.2. Human-Organization Interaction

One of the most important tasks of strategic management is to ensure the harmonious and effective inclusion of employees in the life of the organization. To do this, it is important to correctly build the interaction of a person and the organizational environment. This requires a lot of work and special knowledge.

In order to understand how the interaction of a person with an organization is built, it is necessary to understand not only what the essence of the problem of this interaction is, but also what in a person's personality determines his behavior in the organization and what characteristics of the organizational environment affect the process of including a person in the activities of the organization.

1. Approaches to building interaction between a person and an organizational environment

If the starting point in considering the interaction between a person and the organizational environment is a person, then this interaction can be described as follows.

1. A person, interacting with the organizational environment, receives stimulating effects from it.

2. A person under the influence of these stimulating signals from the organizational environment performs certain


3. Actions carried out by a person lead to the performance of certain work by him and at the same time have an impact on the organizational environment.

In such a consideration to the organizational environment those elements of the organizational environment that interact with a person are included. Stimulating influences cover the whole range of possible stimuli: speech and written signals, the actions of other people, light signals, etc. In the model, a person appears as a biological and social being with certain physiological and other needs, experience, knowledge, skills, morality, values, etc. Response to stimuli covers the perception of these impacts by a person, their assessment and conscious or unconscious decision making about response actions.

When considering the interaction of a person with the organizational environment from the position of the organization as a whole, the description of this interaction can be given in the following form. The organization as a single entity input, converter and output, interacting with the external environment, in a certain way, corresponding to the nature and content of this interaction, includes a person as an element of the organization in the process of information and material exchange between the organization and the environment. In this model, a person is considered as an integral part of the input and acts as a resource of the organization, which, along with other resources, it uses in its activities.

Actions and behavior include thinking, body movements, speech, facial expressions, exclamations, gestures, etc. Work results consist of two components.

First- this is what a person has achieved for himself, reacting to incentives, what his own problems caused by stimulating influences, he solved.

Second- this is what he did for the organizational environment, for the organization in response to the stimulus that the organization applied to him.

Strategic management is characterized by a view of the consideration of the interaction between a person and an organization from the position of a person.

Siberian State Aerospace University

named after academician M.F. Reshetnev

Faculty of International Business

Department of Management


on the course "Strategic Management"

"Strategy for the use of human potential"

On the example of "ALPI"


Student gr. BMSh-31

Koroleva A.S.

Gradebook №0314


Sokolova E.L.

Krasnoyarsk 2006

Introduction ................................................ ................................................. ........ 2

1. Basic concepts .................................................... ............................................... 3

2. Principles and problems of using human potential in an organization 5

2.1. Interaction between a person and an organization .............................................. 6

2.2. The process of entering a person into an organization .............................................. 8

2.3. Personal foundations of human behavior in an organization ................................... 9

2.4. Interaction between the individual and the group ....................................................... ... ten

2.5. Changing human behavior in the process of adaptation .............................. 12

2.6. Strategic personnel planning............................................................... 14

3. Proposals for solving problems in the use of human resources for JSC "ALPI-city" .................................................. ................................................. ........... 16

Practical part .............................................................. ........................................ eighteen

Conclusion................................................. ................................................. ..24

List of references .............................................................................. .............. 25

Applications ................................................. ................................................. .26


The basis of any organization and its main wealth are people. There was a time when it was believed that a machine, an automaton or a robot would oust man from most organizations and finally establish the primacy of technology over the worker. However, although the machine has become the absolute master in many technological and managerial processes, although it has ousted man almost completely or even completely from individual departments of organizations, the role and importance of man in the organization not only did not fall, but even increased.

At the same time, a person has become not only the key and most valuable "resource" of the organization, but also the most expensive. The promotion of firms to new markets and new regions is often caused precisely by this fact. The quality of labor resources directly affects the competitive capabilities of the company and is one of the most important areas for creating competitive advantages. A good organization strives to make the best use of its employees, creating all conditions for the fullest return of employees at work and intensive development of their potential. This is one side of the interaction between a person and an organization. But there is another side of this interaction, which reflects how a person looks at the organization, what role it plays in his life, what it gives him, what meaning he puts into his interaction with the organization. For the strategic management of an organization, both of these areas of establishing interaction between an organization and a person are very important.

In this course work, the issues of the strategy of using human potential are considered on the example of the ALPI hypermarket chain - the largest in the Siberian Federal District and the most dynamically developing retail chain in Russia, which, however, does not have the best reputation in terms of using human potential.

1. Basic concepts

Before proceeding to the presentation of the subject of this course work, it is necessary to define some concepts that will be used in it.

Strategy- this is a long-term qualitatively defined direction of the development of the organization, relating to the scope, means and form of its activities, the system of relationships within the organization, as well as the position of the organization in the environment, leading the organization to its goals.

Strategic Management, considered as the activity of top management in managing an organization in a competitive market environment, is the most important component of the life of a modern business organization.

We can point to several constructive definitions that have been proposed by authoritative developers of the theory of strategic management. Schendel and Hatten viewed it as "the process of defining and linking an organization to its environment, consisting in the implementation of selected goals and in an attempt to achieve a desired state of relationship with the environment through the allocation of resources that allows the organization and its units to operate effectively and efficiently." According to Higgens, "strategic management is the process of managing with the aim of achieving the organization's mission by managing the interaction of the organization with its environment", Pierce and Robinson define strategic management "as a set of decisions and actions for formulating and executing strategies designed in order to achieve the organization's goal ". There are a number of definitions that focus on certain aspects and features of strategic management, or on its differences from “ordinary” management.

Human resources (or human potential) represent a combination of various qualities of people that determine their ability to work for the production of material and spiritual goods, and are a general indicator of the human factor in the development of social production. At the same time, the human resources of an organization, region, industry, country and, accordingly, different levels of human resource management are distinguished, which is reflected in a specific personnel policy (enterprises, ministries, states).

2. Principles and problems of using human potential in an organization

2.1. Human-Organization Interaction

The main problem that may arise in the interaction of a person and an organization is the “inconsistency” of the expectations of both parties, the discrepancy between the expectations and ideas of the individual about the organizational environment and his place in it and the organization’s expectations regarding the individual, his role and his place in it.

The group of basic expectations of the individual make expectations about:

Originality and creative nature of the work;

Enthusiasm and intensity of work;

Degrees of independence, rights and power in a given job;

Degrees of responsibility and risk;

prestige and status of the work;

The degree of inclusion of work in a broader labor process;

Safety and comfort conditions at work;

Recognition and encouragement of good work;

salary and bonuses;

Social security and other social benefits provided by the organization;

Guarantees of growth and development;

Disciplines and other normative aspects regulating behavior at work;

Relations between members of the organization;

Specific individuals working in the organization.

The organization expects the person that it will show itself:

As a specialist in a certain field, with certain knowledge and qualifications;

As a member of the organization contributing to the successful functioning and development of the organization;

As a person with certain personal and moral qualities;

As a member of a team, able to communicate and maintain good relations with colleagues;

As a member of an organization who shares its values;

As an employee striving to perform his functions better;

As a person devoted to the organization and ready to defend its interests outside;

As a performer of a certain work, ready to carry it out with due dedication and with due quality;

As a member of the organization, able to take a certain place within the organization and ready to take on the corresponding obligations and responsibilities;

As an employee who follows the standards of conduct adopted in the organization, the routine and the instructions of the management.

In other words, the individual enters into interaction with the organization, assuming to occupy a certain place in it, to perform certain work and receive certain remuneration.

The organization, in accordance with its goals, organizational structure, specifics and content of the work, intends to take an employee who has the appropriate qualifications and personal and so that he plays a certain role in the organization, performing a certain job, giving the required result, for which a certain remuneration is due.

The ALPI-city hypermarket chain, being the most dynamically developing retail chain today, has long managed to earn a reputation as a bad employer. When hiring staff, the management of the organization pays little attention to their interests and expectations, putting their own in the foreground. This behavior can be considered logical, since the organization is currently in the growth stage. But in the matter of problems of interaction between the individual and the organization, such logic is inappropriate. An employee, by and large, needs two basic conditions - acceptable working conditions and decent wages. So far, ALPI cannot provide this in full. In most cases, employees are hired only for the period of "training" and subsequently fired. Hence the high level of staff turnover, and, accordingly, a bad reputation as an employer.

2.2. The process of getting a person into an organization

The entry of a person into an organization is associated with such mandatory aspects of this process as: adaptation to a new environment; correction or change of a person; changes in the organization associated with the arrival of a new person.

1. Adaptation. The success of joining an organization depends on motivation. If a person has a motivation to work in this organization, then he will try to overcome the difficulties of entry and ensure that, despite the pain of this process, he adapts to the organizational environment. Psychologists say that adaptation occurs when a person communicates with other members of the organization.

2. Correction. At the stage of entry, the organization destroys the behavioral norms of the incoming person, uses various techniques to interest him in working in the organization, and thereby instills new norms of behavior. Such methods can be long-term material support, going beyond salary, communication in the future promotion or providing interesting jobs, providing through the organization of training and development opportunities, providing non-preferential housing conditions. Among the powerful means of retaining a new member in the organization are conversations with management, explanations and recommendations given by management. Yu.A. Tsypkin, emphasizes that such meetings and instructions give the newcomer a sense of confidence, reduce the feeling of being lost and useless, and increase the sense of involvement in the affairs of the organization.

3. Changes in the organization. In the process of "getting used" to the organization, managers involve a new employee in discussions and various events held by the management of the organization. In doing so, they instill the norms and values ​​of the organization. This is how a person's involvement in making important decisions from the point of view of the organization is formed, and gradually he has a sense of responsibility to the organization. And this, as O.S. Vikhansky, A.I. Naumov, "improves the functioning of the organization as a whole" .

Let's consider each of these processes, based on the situation in ALPI

At the stage of adaptation, a person does not have a clear motivation. Only abstract ideas about the future salary, bonuses, incentives, etc. There is practically no time left for communication with other employees due to the heavy workload during labor day. Accordingly, the adaptation process is too slow.

At the stage of correction, the situation practically does not change. The complete absence of a corporate culture and a well-functioning system of motivation leads to a negligent attitude of the staff towards their work.

2.3. Personal foundations of human behavior in an organization

Since in strategic management a person is the starting point in its implementation, then, naturally, the strategy for working with personnel should be based on individual characteristics people, from their personal characteristics. For strategic management, there are no personnel in general, but there are specific people who are very different. Their differences are manifested in all the diversity of human characteristics. People have different heights, weights, ages, genders, educations, use different languages, do the same actions in different ways and behave differently in identical situations. This diversity makes man a man, not a machine. It also significantly expands the potential and capabilities of the organization. And this same diversity gives rise to difficulties in managing the organization, problems and conflicts in the interaction of a person with the organizational environment.

In our organization, the situation is just the opposite. If management personnel is still perceived as a group of individuals with their own personal characteristics, then ordinary personnel (cashiers, loaders, store managers, merchandisers, etc.) are perceived precisely as personnel whose composition is constantly changing.

Three types of location are important for effective management and good team relationships:

job satisfaction;

Passion for work;

Organization commitment.

The extent to which these dispositions are developed among employees significantly determines the results of their work, the number of absenteeism, staff turnover, etc. in our situation, employees of the ALPI hypermarket chain do not currently experience these conditions.

2.4. Interaction between individual and group

There is no canonized definition of a small group, since this is a rather flexible and subject to the influence of circumstances phenomenon. However, a fairly general, well-established view of the small group is widely accepted (hereinafter, the term “group” will always be used in this sense):

A small group is a relatively isolated association of a small number of people (usually no more than ten) who are in fairly stable interaction and carry out joint actions for a sufficiently long period of time. The interaction of group members is based on a certain common interest and may be associated with the achievement common purpose. At the same time, the group has a certain group potential or group capabilities that allow it to interact with the environment and adapt to changes taking place in the environment.

Group Features

The characteristic features of the group are as follows.

1. Members of the group identify themselves and their actions with the group as a whole and thus act as if on behalf of the group in external interactions. A person speaks not about himself, but about the group as a whole, using the pronouns “we”, “we”, “our”, “us”, etc.

2. Interaction between members of the group is in the nature of direct contacts, personal conversation, observation of each other's behavior, etc. In a group, people communicate directly with each other, giving formal interactions a "human" form.

3. In a group, along with the formal distribution of roles, if any, there is necessarily an informal distribution of roles, usually recognized by the group. Individual members of the group take on the role of generators of ideas, others tend to coordinate the efforts of group members, others take care of relationships in the group, maintain a good climate in the team, fourth make sure that there is order in work, everything is done on time and brought to end. There are people who act as structurizers, they set goals for the group, monitor the influence of the environment on the tasks solved by the group.

These and other roles of group behavior are performed by people in accordance with their abilities and inner calling. Therefore, in well-functioning groups, opportunities are usually created for the person to behave in accordance with his abilities for group action and his organically defined role as a member of the group.

There are two types of groups: formal and informal. Both of these types of groups are of great importance to the organization and have a significant impact on the members of the organization.

Formal groups usually stand out as structural units in an organization. They have a formally appointed leader, a formally defined structure of roles, positions and positions within the group, as well as formally assigned functions and tasks. Formal groups may be formed to perform a regular function, such as accounting, or they may be created to solve a specific task, such as a commission to develop a project.

informal groups are created not by executive orders and formal regulations, but by members of the organization in accordance with their mutual sympathies, common interests, the same hobbies, habits, etc. These groups exist in all organizations, although they are not represented in the diagrams that reflect the structure of the organization, its structure. Informal groups usually have their own unwritten rules and norms of behavior, people know well who is in their informal group and who is not. AT informal groups ah, there is a certain distribution of roles and positions, usually these groups have an explicitly or implicitly expressed leader. In many cases, an informal group can exert an influence on its member that is equal to or even greater than formal structures.

As mentioned earlier, the process of a person entering an organization to a certain extent depends on communication with other employees of the organization, on interaction with the very groups that are described above. In the conditions of huge trading areas and a large number of personnel employed on them, the process of forming informal small groups is much more difficult. The very process of communicating with someone is also difficult. Given the presence of only formal groups, it is difficult for an individual to behave uninhibitedly, in accordance with his skills and knowledge, it is difficult to interact with the team. A person comes to work without much pleasure and zeal, knowing that only a workplace and bosses are waiting for him there, who will constantly control him. Hence the general dissatisfaction with their position.

2.5. Changing human behavior in the process of adaptation

One of the main results of the interaction between a person and an organization is that a person, analyzing and evaluating the results of his work in an organization, revealing the reasons for success and failure in interaction with the organizational environment, analyzing the experience and behavior of his colleagues, thinking about the advice and recommendations of superiors and colleagues, makes certain conclusions for himself, which in one way or another affect his behavior, lead to a change in his behavior in order to adapt to the organization, in order to achieve better interaction with the organizational environment.

Obviously, the perception and evaluation of one's experience, as well as the process of adaptation to the conditions and requirements of the organizational environment, are largely individual in nature. In the same environment, people behave differently. A person, as it were, has two degrees of freedom in constructing his behavior in an organization. On the one hand, he has the freedom to choose forms of behavior: to accept or not to accept the forms and norms of behavior existing in the organization, on the other hand, he may accept or not accept the values ​​of the organization, share or not share its goals and philosophy. Depending on the combination in which these main components of the basis of behavior are combined, four extreme types of human behavior in an organization can be distinguished:

First type: values ​​and norms of behavior are fully accepted. In this case, a person tries to behave in such a way that his actions do not conflict with the interests of the organization. He sincerely tries to be disciplined, to fulfill his role completely in accordance with the norms and forms of behavior accepted in the organization. Therefore, the results of the actions of such a person mainly depend on his personal capabilities and abilities and on how correctly the content of his role is defined. This type of behavior can be described as the behavior of a dedicated and disciplined member of the organization.

Second type: a person does not accept the values ​​of the organization, but tries to behave in full compliance with the norms and forms of behavior adopted in the organization. Such a person can be described as an opportunist. He does everything correctly and according to the rules, but he cannot be considered a reliable member of the organization, since, although he is a good and diligent employee, he can nevertheless leave the organization at any time or take actions that may be contrary to the interests of the organization, but correspond to his own interests. For example, such a person will readily go on strike in order to get a pay rise.

Third type: a person accepts the values ​​of the organization, but does not accept the norms of behavior existing in it. In this case, a person can generate many difficulties in relationships with colleagues and management, he looks like an original. However, if an organization can afford to abandon the established norms of behavior applied to individual members and give them the freedom to choose forms of behavior, they can find their place in the organization and benefit it.

Fourth type: the individual does not accept either the norms of behavior or the values ​​of the organization. This is an open rebel who constantly comes into conflict with the organizational environment and creates conflict situations. It would be wrong to think that this type of behavior is absolutely unacceptable in the organization, and people who behave in this way are not needed by the organization. However, in most cases, "rebels" give rise to many problems that significantly complicate the life of the organization and even cause great damage to it.

In the case of ALPI, representatives of the second and third types of behavior are mainly observed among the personnel. Representatives of the first type, if any, are in very small numbers. Representatives of the fourth type stay in the organization much less than the rest.

2.6. Strategic personnel planning

The term "personnel planning" includes all the problems in the field of personnel that may arise in the future. This is targeted planning, firstly, of the needs in the field of personnel, and secondly, of the activities that must be carried out for its creation, development, retention, payment, and also for release.

Personnel planning, as one of the most important functions of personnel management, consists in the quantitative, qualitative, temporal and spatial determination of the need for personnel necessary to achieve the goals of the organization. Personnel planning should be considered in conjunction with the organization's human resource planning and career planning for its employees.

The following principles apply in the planning process:

§ performance appraisal of personnel - the more precisely the expected results are formulated, the more accurately it is possible to evaluate employees;

§ open competition - the more the organization strives for success, the more actively it will encourage open competition between candidates for positions;

§ continuous training and improvement of personnel potential - in the conditions of survival, competition and obligations to society, the organization cannot “baby” with those who are not interested in improving their professional skills;

§ succession of personnel.

The need for a planned, targeted policy in the field of personnel is due to the fact that it is not always possible to find employees with the necessary knowledge and skills, and excess personnel cannot be used with full efficiency.

The purpose of personnel planning is the short, medium and long-term determination of its quantitative and qualitative composition, which ensures not only the development of the enterprise, but also its economic growth. This goal is achieved through the optimal structure of personnel and the most complete realization of the potential of employees and the personnel potential of the company. The best use of labor power is achieved when the following conditions are met:

performance motivation;

Development of production skills among employees through training and self-study;

Ensuring collaborative work through the optimal structuring of groups of collaborators.

Structurally defined direction - planning within the framework of the production process based on the division; the main provisions on the use of labor force are determined. First of all, it is about how individual places are formed, what applications are received for an individual employee and how coordinated cooperation between individual employees is achieved.

Individual planning - not a community or a group, but an individual employee is taken into account. Such planning is necessary due to the fact that, firstly, the employee, in contrast to the machine, is not static, but develops through obtaining additional information and gaining experience; secondly, the number of possible positions in the management hierarchy of the enterprise is constantly decreasing, therefore, forward-looking personnel planning aims to provide the necessary employee for each position at any time.

Collective planning - not a single member of the team is brought to the fore, but all employees or their separate groups.

All elements strategic plan are interconnected and often perform a double or triple function, despite the fact that they can be located in its various sections. So, for example, career planning can and should be simultaneously present in motivation and certification, and in the formation of a system for attracting personnel, and in plans to improve the organizational structure, and in corporate culture, and in the formation of a personnel reserve.

As for ALPI, at the moment the system of strategic personnel planning is catastrophically poorly developed. There is no clearly developed and corrected strategic plan.

3. Proposals for solving problems in the use of human resources for JSC "ALPI-city"

In order to regain the reputation of a good employer and improve the system of strategic personnel management, the management of the ALPI-city hypermarket chain should pay special attention to solving the problems associated with this issue.

1. First of all, it is necessary to debug the system of strategic personnel planning, draw up a clear strategic plan, and, since its characteristic feature is flexibility, constantly adjust it.

2. Next - the development of programs to stimulate and motivate staff. Motivation in personnel management is a key element. Here it is better to follow the path of developing the “Regulations on Staff Motivation”, which combines the criteria and principles for increasing the motivation and incentives of staff. The regulation may contain clauses on material and non-material motivation, current and long-term. This can also include career planning for employees, monitoring their personal aspirations, problems, desires, and expectations. Motivation and retention of especially valuable and promising specialists can be singled out in a separate subsection.

3. continuous development of personnel, training and retraining. Personnel development is understood as the improvement of personal characteristics that contribute to the implementation of professional tasks may include training, retraining, advanced training, development of related specialties, additional skills required in production.

The section of the plan should include:

Studying the company's internal training needs (preparation of a staff training plan),

Monitoring of the personnel training market (higher educational institutions, courses, trainings);

Identification of internal opportunities for training and creation of a corporate center for advanced training, mastering knowledge and skills, mastering related professions and specialties;

Development and dissemination of constantly updated internal guidelines and a system of briefings;

Trainings of professional skills, personal growth, team building, customer-oriented behavior;

Fundamental training of managers in higher educational institutions;

Analysis of the learning outcomes of each employee individually and the entire learning process as a whole, preparation of recommendations for adjusting the plan.

4. Do not forget about the corporate culture. In fact, corporate culture is one of the cornerstones on which the personnel management system is built. After all, the main relationships in the team and production processes. To begin with, it is very important to assess the existing corporate culture, identify specific positive and negative aspects, and develop options for correcting them. To do this, it is necessary to develop methods for identifying and emphasizing individual characteristics and traditions, to consider the possibility and necessity of introducing and consolidating new useful traditions, developing them and raising the rules of conduct, the laws of the company inherent in it alone. The constituent element of this section should be plans and programs aimed at uniting the team, creating a single team. For example, you can arrange some kind of internal “ALPI employee day”, which employees will celebrate together.

5. Well, and, perhaps, the last is the establishment of a system of values, the formation of commitment and devotion to the organization among employees.

Practical part

1. Brief description of the organization

1.1 Name:

Network of hypermarkets "ALPI-city".

1.2 Organizational and legal status:

Open Joint Stock Company (OJSC).

1.3 Description of the main products, services:

Alpi is one of the largest retail chains in Russia, which presents the widest range of food products, household goods, household appliances, sports goods, clothing and footwear. In Alpi, every customer can buy everything and at the best prices.

1 . 100 types of semi-finished chicken products.

Agroholding ALPI is the No. 1 poultry meat producer in Russia. More than 300 types of products from chicken meat, semi-finished products are supplied to hypermarkets daily, dumplings and sausages.

2. Turkey meat - hit number!

Turkey meat is the new and most promising line of work for the ALPI agricultural holding. High-quality, tasty, dietary and healthy meat very quickly gained popularity among buyers and became a sales leader. You can buy new meat only in ALPI. It is always presented in the widest assortment and at manufacturer's prices.

3. 20 tons of bread per day.

Each hypermarket has bakeries that provide ALPI with fresh, hot bread, pastries and pizza. Already today, bakeries produce 20 tons of bakery products per day, and in the near future, production volumes will double.

4. Menu of 200 dishes.

Kitchen factories that specialize in the production of semi-finished products, salads and ready-made dishes from meat, fish and chicken daily provide hypermarkets with the widest range of finished products.

5. 100% pleasure.

ALPI confectionery shops daily produce a wide range of pastries and cakes. The entire range is prepared according to original recipes, from high quality products. Particular attention is paid to the appearance of the finished product, so all ALPI confectionery products are as beautiful as they are tasty.

1.4 Description of the main markets:

Scale of activity:

Regional. The ALPI hypermarket chain is the largest in the Siberian Federal District and the most dynamically developing retail chain in Russia. Per3 years(since April 2003) was built in7 cities of Western and Eastern Siberia with a total area of ​​over400,000 sq. m.

1.5 Position and image of the company in the country, region, local scale:

Hypermarkets "Alpi" are the largest shopping malls in the cities where they are located, with the largest turnover, assortment and the largest volume of customer flows. AT major cities the attendance of Alpi hypermarkets on holidays and weekends reaches 100,000 people a day.

1.6 Key events in the history of the company (market breakthroughs, mergers, change of owners, arrival of new managers, etc.):

OJSC ALPI includes a chain of hypermarkets of the same name, an agricultural holding specializing in the production of poultry meat, as well as a construction company Sibagrostroy, which is engaged in the construction and reconstruction of the chain's hypermarkets. Currently, the network includes 17 hypermarkets and 10 more are being built in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Kemerovo, Novosibirsk Regions, and the Republic of Khakassia. The owners of the company are not disclosed. The turnover of the retail network in 2005 amounted to 6.3 billion rubles, the plan for 2006 was 12.6 billion rubles.

The ALPI hypermarket chain has been in existence for only two years, so there has been no change of owners or new managers yet.

Alpi's market breakthrough - regular "Price Impact" promotions

Recently, significant events are the following:

The Krasnoyarsk retail network "Alpi" follows the fashion of federal networks, which are actively acquiring their own trademarks (private labels). The Siberian Gubernia holding, which develops the network, bought the manufacturer mineral water and juice company "Tagarskaya", which today produces juices under the brand name "Alpi". Experts say that the products of their own brand will push the chains of other manufacturers on the shelves.

1.7 Organizational management structure:

Matrix control structure.

1.8 Scope of activity:

The turnover of the retail network in 2005 amounted to 6.3 billion rubles, the plan for 2006 was 12.6 billion rubles.

2. Analysis of the environment

2.1 External environment

The external environment of the organization consists of two parts - micro and macro environment. The macro environment, or environment of indirect influence, creates the general conditions for the work of the organization, both for the organization itself and for its competitors. This includes such factors as political-legal, economic, socio-cultural and technological. The microenvironment, or direct impact environment, is the industry environment of an organization that directly affects its activities. The main factors are suppliers, competitors, consumers, labor resources, and government and local authorities management.

Assessment of the impact of macro-environment factors on JSC "ALPI-city" is given in table 1 of the appendices. Opportunities and threats from the action of the main factors are defined in table 2 of the appendices.

Based on the results of the analysis of the impact of opportunities and threats on the company (appendices, tables 3, 4), we can conclude that at the moment there are quite good opportunities for ALPI, the use of which will have a positive impact on the organization. There are some threats, but they are not so significant and are unlikely to lead the organization to a critical state or to destruction. But in any case, do not forget that some threats still exist.

An important part of the analysis of the microenvironment is the analysis of competitors. To begin with, you should analyze the competitive environment as a whole. For this, in this case, the Porter model is used (applications, Figure 4). The following conclusions can be drawn from the analysis:

1. The intensity of competition within the industry is weak, as the number of competitors remains stable and the financial and other capabilities of competitors are inferior to those of ALPI. But at the same time, the complexity of leaving the business increases for ALPI.

2. The pressure of suppliers is also low, as ALPI is a fairly important buyer for suppliers, making the largest orders. There are many suppliers, hence the competition between them is great. In addition, the goods provided by suppliers are not unique.

3. The power of buyers is due to a greater extent to the fact that products are standardized. otherwise, their strength is low, since there are many buyers and the product occupies an important place in their acquisitions.

4. The threat of new competitors at this stage of business development is mitigated by economies of scale, understanding of consumer preferences, significant capital investments and access to distribution channels. The only negative in this area is the lack of experience and knowledge.

5. Products are practically not inferior to the quality and cost of substitute goods.

The next step is to identify the main competitors. For this, a map of strategic groups is used (applications, Figure 2). The main competitors of ALPI, judging by the map of strategic groups, are Karavay and Bigsi. Next, after competitors have been identified, the strategic strengths of the organization and competitors should be compared. (appendices, table 5).

Based on a comparative analysis of the organization's strategic strength relative to its competitors, it can be concluded that ALPI's total strategic strength is greater than that of Karavay and Bigsy. Therefore, the organization should remain at the same level.

2.2 Indoor environment

The internal environment of an organization consists of factors such as production, finance, technology, marketing, personnel, and general management. Table 6 of the appendices presents a qualitative assessment of the positions of the strengths and weaknesses of ALPI-city.

As a result of the analysis, we find that the main strengths of the organization are finance, product, cost structure, material structure, ability to trade, the ability to lead the organization's first person, the level of production, production workers, marketing and quality. trademark. The main weaknesses are the organizational structure, the ability to lead the organization's personnel, the quality of the personnel, the reputation as an employer and the corporate culture.

3. Formulation of the vision, mission, long-term goals of the organization

3.1. Formulation of the vision of the organization

We want to become the largest hypermarket chain in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

3.2.Mission Statement

The mission of ALPI is to ensure economic growth and solve the problems of providing the population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory with high-quality food and non-food products of domestic production through the production and sale of poultry meat and meat semi-finished products, as well as the sale of more than 200,000 types of products that meet the requirements of standards. This will allow the shareholders and partners of the organization "ALPI" to receive optimal profits, and its staff - a worthy and fair remuneration.

3.3 Formulation of strategic goals

Þ Increase real wages by 15% by reducing production costs by 2008.

Þ Increasing the efficiency of personnel work by 20% by introducing modern information technologies into the practice of working with clients by 2008.

Þ Construction and opening of 10 hypermarkets with a total area of ​​150,000 sq.m by 2010.

Þ Introduction of an additional set of goods and services by 2007

3.4Identification of the main groups of influence and their interests.

To determine the main groups of influence and their interests, the Power-Interest matrix is ​​used, which is displayed in Figure 3 of the appendices. On it, depending on the level of the person concerned and depending on the level of the degree of interest, the main groups of influence are displayed. In this case, they are:

1 - Owners

2 - top managers

3 - staff

4 - investors

6 - consumers

7 - competitors

8 - suppliers

Judging by the matrix, the main influence groups are owners and investors. They have the highest levels of GL and the highest degree of interest. The main interests of the owners are the size of the annual dividend, the growth in the value of the company, shares and the image of the organization. For investors, the main interests are guaranteed interest payments, low risk, high profits and a balanced investment portfolio. Both of these groups are in the zone the greatest influence Therefore, special attention should be paid to these groups.

4. Development of main directions of action based on the SWOT method.

For further business development, the organization should determine the main strategic directions of development based on a comparison of the results of the analysis of the internal and external environments. Table 7 of the appendices compares the most significant strengths and weaknesses of ALPI-City and the most important opportunities and threats. Based on this comparison, possible strategic directions for business development are formulated.

After compiling the SWOT matrix and formulating possible strategic directions for business development, a preliminary selection of strategies and activities is carried out. (appendices, table 8). This table identifies potential activities, activities for immediate implementation, the results achieved in the implementation of the activities, and the difficulties that may arise during implementation.

As a result of the selection, we obtain measures for implementation, such as:

Specialization in semi-finished products. The impetus for this is given by a change in the lifestyle of the population.

Introduction to the assortment group of goods for children and baby food. In 2005-2006, Krasnoyarsk experienced a sharp population explosion, therefore it is quite logical that the demand for such goods will also increase.

Discounts on expired products. This event should be carried out continuously to avoid problems with various checks.

Training of staff, both basic and managerial. This includes, first of all, training in customer-oriented behavior, as well as various trainings and seminars to improve skills.

Improving the motivation system. At the moment, ALPI has a high staff turnover due to a poor motivation system.

Strengthening relationships with suppliers (long-term contracts, buying up suppliers). ALPI is a rather large organization, the management of which must always be confident in its suppliers. Plus, ALPI can afford to buy some of the suppliers.

This is followed by the development of functional strategies, such as a product-marketing strategy (applications, table 9), production strategy (applications, table 10), a strategic program of broad personnel action (applications, table 11).


1. Strategic management proceeds from the fact that a person is the basis of the organization, its essence and its main wealth. And on the extent to which it can use its potential, its success in the competitive struggle essentially depends.

2. From the standpoint of management, it is impossible to talk about a person in general, since all people are different. People behave differently, they have different abilities, different attitudes to their work, to the organization, to their duties, people have different needs, their motives for activities can differ significantly. Finally, people differently perceive the people around them and themselves in this environment. All this suggests that managing a person in an organization is an extremely complex and responsible business. The manager of any organization, in particular the managers of ALPI-city, must know a lot about the people they work with in order to successfully manage them.

3. The problem of managing a person in an organization is not limited to the interaction between an employee and a manager. In any organization, a person works surrounded by colleagues, workmates. He is a member of formal and informal groups. And this has an exceptionally great influence on him, either helping him to more fully reveal his potential, or else suppressing his ability and desire to work productively, with full dedication. Groups play a very important role in the life of every member of an organization.

4. Management must take this fact into account in building the work of the organization, in personnel management, considering each employee as an individual with a set of certain characteristics, as a specialist called upon to perform a certain job, as a member of a group performing a certain role in group behavior, and as a person, who learns and changes his behavior in accordance with the principles of learning behavior.

List of used literature

1. Birkus VN, Strategic planning? And why? // Directory of personnel officer. – February 2005 – No. 2, p.84

2. Big encyclopedic dictionary. - M., 1998.

3. Burmistrova I. Retraining of personnel: trainings at the workplace// Education and career. - 2004. - No. 29.

4. Butorina A.A., Modern trends in personnel management//

5. Vikhansky O.S., Naumov A.I. Management: Textbook. 2nd ed., revised. And extra. - M.: Gardariki, 2002. - 296 p.

6. Vlasova Anna, Vision, values ​​and strategy for the use of human resources / / Personnel management. - 2005. - No. 1

7. Alexei Nepomniachtchi, Alpi will grow with supermarkets // Kommersant. - 2006

8. The official website of the hypermarket network "ALPI-city" -

9. Fatkhutdinov R.A. Strategic Management: Textbook. - M.: Delo, 2001. - 448 p.

10. INTERNET forums.


Figure 1: "Scheme of personnel planning"

Personnel planning

Structurally defined personnel planning



Planning teams of departments

Staffing planning


organizational structure enterprises

Employee Career Planning

Personnel renewal planning

Short term operational

medium term

Long-term strategic


unit needs

Planning for the acquisition or development of

sonala for subdivision

Planning related to ranks and new jobs

Cost planning for


Table 1. Identification of key environmental factors and identification of opportunities and threats.

environmental factors


for the industry

Impact on the organization

Orientation of influence

Degree of importance

Income growth

Reducing the rate of inflation

Stable unemployment rate

Rising energy prices

The emergence of new products

Population growth

Rise in the level of education

Life style change

Providing loans to the population

Exchange rate change

Change in tax policy

Change labor law

Tightening customs policy

International law

Tightening quality control

Table 2. Opportunities and Threats.

key factor

The nature of the impact of the factor on the organization

Possible reaction of the organization

Opportunity Statement

Threat formulation

Income growth

Slight price increases, economies of scale

Reducing the rate of inflation

Supplier price cuts

Purchasing a larger number of goods from suppliers, increasing their number

Rising energy prices

Rising prices, => low purchasing power

The emergence of new products

Range expansion

Population growth

Growth in demand

Supply increase

Life style change

Specialization in the sale of semi-finished products, finished products

Tightening customs duties

Rising prices for imported goods

Tightening quality control

Loss in profit

Table 3. The impact of opportunities on the firm.

The impact of opportunities on the firm



Offer a larger number of goods

Supplier price cuts


Organization's income opportunity

Range expansion

possible -


Growth in demand

Table 4. The impact of threats on the firm.

The impact of threats on the firm





Imposition of fines for expired products

Rising prices for supplies, reducing their level


The threat of increasing customs duties for the import of goods

Misunderstanding by the buyer of the need for a new product


Figure 2. Map of strategic groups.

1 - "ALPI"

2 - "Commander"

3 - Ramstore

4 - "Loaf"

5 - "Red Yar"

6 - "Elysian"

7 - "Bigsy"

8 - "Orlan"

9 - "Ten"

10 - "Russian Troika"

11 - "Five"

12 - "Dixon"

Figure 4. Competitive environment analysis, Porter model.

Table 5. Comparative analysis of the strategic strength of the organization relative to competitors.





qualification of workers



Table 6. Identification of the strengths and weaknesses of the organization.

Name of the strategic position

Qualitative assessment of the position


Organization strategy

Business strategies in general, including:


Production of meat semi-finished products, bread products


Household chemicals

organizational structure

Finance as a general financial position

Product as overall competitiveness

Cost structure (cost level) in general

Distribution as a system for selling the product as a whole, including

material structure


Information technology

Innovation as the ability to market a new product

Ability to lead in general, including

Ability to lead the 1st person of the organization

Total staff

As a set of objective factors

The level of production in general, including

The quality of the material base

The quality of key production people

Quality of production workers

Marketing Level

Management level

Brand quality

Staff quality

Market reputation

Reputation as an employer

Relations with authorities in general, including

with the federal government

With the government of the subject

With local governments

With a tax control system…

Corporate culture

Figure 3. Matrix "Power - interest"

1 - owners

2 - top managers

3 - staff

4 - investors

5 - state and municipal authorities

6 - consumers

7 - competitors

8 - suppliers

Table 7. SWOT analysis.


1. Stable financial condition

2.Low cost

3. good material structure

5. brand attractiveness 3

Weak sides

1. Fuzzy organizational structure

2. Low qualification of workers

3. Weak staff motivation

4. Bad reputation as an employer

5. Advanced corporate structure

6. Low level of management


1. Income growth of the organization

2. Reduced prices from suppliers

3. Growth in demand

4. Ability to offer more product

5. Expansion of the range

Opening of new hypermarkets in various cities of the region;

Purchasing a larger number of goods from suppliers;

Increasing the volume of products offered, in particular semi-finished products;

Specialization in semi-finished products;

Introduction to the assortment group of products for children and baby food.

Improving the organizational structure, taking into account the interests of suppliers and customers;

Education, training for key personnel (salespeople);

Improving the motivation system;

Competitions, certification of managerial personnel;

Development of corporate culture (holidays, motivation);

Invitation to the organization of qualified, experienced and creative managers.


1. Rising prices for supplies, reducing their level

2. Misunderstanding by the buyer of the need for a new product

3. Increase in customs duties for the import of goods

4. imposition of penalties for expired products

Influencing suppliers (setting your own conditions at the expense of your profitability for suppliers);

Slight price increase;

Discounts on expired products.

Training of key and management personnel in customer-oriented behavior;

Discounts, promotions;

Strengthening relationships with suppliers (long-term contracts, buying up suppliers).

Table 8. Pre-selection of strategies and activities

SWOT-matrices for implementation

Strategic activities

Achieved results in the implementation of activities

Difficulties and risks of the event implementation

Adding an event to the list

Measures for implementation


possible activities

SO strategies

1. Opening of new hypermarkets in various cities of the region;

2. Purchasing a larger number of goods from suppliers;

3. Increase in the volume of products offered, in particular semi-finished products;

4. Specialization in semi-finished products;

5. Introduction to the assortment group of goods for children and baby food.

Market share expansion.

Income growth for the organization.

Attracting more buyers.

Attracting a group of consumers leading an active and "fast" lifestyle.

Income growth for the organization.

The high cost of building new hypermarkets, the need to invest a large amount of funds.

The risk of a large number of expired products in a situation of incorrect calculation of the required volume of purchases.

The risk of losing a large number of such products due to the short shelf life of semi-finished products.

The risk of incorrect selection of goods for children, the wrong choice of supplier.


1. Influencing suppliers (setting your conditions at the expense of your profitability for suppliers);

3. Slight price increase;

4. Discounts on products with an expiring date.

Gaining control over your suppliers, identifying the most reliable suppliers and long-term contracts with them.

Formation of a positive image among consumers, attracting more consumers.

Increasing the organization's income without causing tangible harm to the wallets of customers.

Reducing the volume of expired products.

The risk of losing profitable suppliers, the threat of deterioration of the organization's image in the eyes of existing and potential suppliers.

The risk of losing such a competitive advantage as low prices.

Loss of some expected profit by reducing the price of a part of the available goods.

WO strategies

1. Improving the organizational structure, taking into account the interests of suppliers and customers;

2. Education, training for key personnel (salespeople);

3. Improving the motivation system;

4. Competitions, certification of managerial personnel;

5. Development of corporate culture (holidays, motivation);

Invitation to the organization of qualified, experienced and creative managers.

Strengthening the positive image of the company in the eyes of suppliers and customers.

Higher level of quality of the main personnel, formation of a positive attitude of consumers towards the company.

Decreased staff turnover, formation of a desire among staff to work in the organization.

Improving the quality of management personnel.

Formation of staff commitment to the organization.

Improving personnel management in the organization, improving the image of the organization as an employer in the eyes of potential employees.

Lack of qualified specialists in the field of organization management.

High additional costs for education and training.

Lack of funds.

Lack of qualified specialists in the field of personnel management, high costs.

A large number of workers, the complexity of covering all categories of personnel.

High labor costs for such workers, the risk of misunderstanding on the part of existing staff.

WT strategies

1. Training of key and management personnel in customer-oriented behavior;

3. Discounts, promotions;

4. Strengthening relationships with suppliers (long-term contracts, buying up suppliers).

Formation of a positive attitude of customers towards the organization, a positive image of the organization as a whole.

Formation of a positive image of the organization, attracting new customers and, as a result, the growth of the organization's income.

Attract more consumers.

Getting contacts with reliable suppliers, a well-established supply chain.

High costs for expensive high-quality advertising.

The risk of losing some part of the planned profit in case of low consumer interest.

Risk of error in the selection of suppliers.

Table 10. Production strategy.

Name of strategic positions

Strategic Goals

Strategic Directions

Specific actions and activities

Production capacities (focusing on parameters)

focus production capacity on the following parameters:

a. Optimal maximum capacity utilization of production assets (limited by the composition and performance of equipment)

b. Priority release of the most demanded products on the market and additional loading of capacities with other products on a residual basis (limited by the provision of raw materials in the proper amount).

in. Placement of types of products (assortment) and the creation of stocks (restriction - sales requests and forecast of marketers).

study, develop and approve the plan for focusing production capacities for 2007.

Coordinate all positions of the document "Requirements for the production capacity of the enterprise for 2007-2008." until 31.12.2006

1.1, to study, 1.2 - to develop a plan for focusing capacities - 1.01.2007.

1.3 - approve the plan for focusing capacities by 15.01.2007.

Location geography

Product groups

Generality of Technology

Product life cycle stage

Volume of production

Productivity (for specific capacities and groups of equipment)

Other Options

Technological processes

using the most effective technologies available in production and introducing new ones, in accordance with market trends and innovations in the industry.

create a division for the development and implementation of new technologies and recipes, a mechanism for its work, involving equally with specialist technologists financiers and marketers.

To determine the production possibilities, to reconfigure the equipment before 31.07.2007.

To study the problem and develop a solution for automating the process of producing semi-finished meat and bakery products using existing equipment without significant capital investments.

To study the problem of the occurrence of a possible marriage and reduce it to a minimum.

Vertical integration

Move to regressive vertical integration

Discuss and formally approve a strategic plan to gain control of suppliers

Negotiate with the main and most important suppliers;

Select suppliers to buy;

Sign supplier purchase agreements.

Production scale of traditional products

Increase the scale of production of traditional products

Study the demand for traditional products, calculate production volumes

Conduct marketing research on the demand for traditional products;

Scale of production of new products

Increase the scale of production of new products, in particular semi-finished products

Conduct marketing research on demand for new products;

Conduct a survey of consumer attitudes towards new products;

Use of production personnel

efficient use of production personnel for the implementation of the production program.

1. - identify specific specialists whose departure will lead to irreparable personnel losses. Contribute them to the gold fund, in order to consolidate until 12/31/2007.

2. - Set a task for the personnel service to ensure the recruitment of workers and develop measures to reduce staff turnover, stimulate it and effectively pay before 12/31/2007.

Production quality management

production of products with a quality that satisfies consumers and allows them to maintain a competitive advantage.

organize an integrated quality control system in production.

1. - organize a consumer quality committee and its work until 1.01.2007.

2. - move to a higher quality standard.

Production infrastructure

ensuring the overall efficiency of production and reducing costs for it.

develop a program for optimizing the production infrastructure

1. - oblige the chief engineer service to study the possibilities of improving the production infrastructure and propose ways to implement them - until 1.03.2007.

2. - develop and approve a program for optimizing the production infrastructure - by 01.03.2007.

Relationships with suppliers and other cooperation partners

establishing long-term, sustainable and interdependent relationships with suppliers based on profit and trust

formation of a competitive approach to building relationships with suppliers of equipment and auxiliary materials.

1. - to determine the strategically important suppliers and the policy of relations with them - until 1.03.2007.

2. - determine the list and quantity of necessary products - until 31.12.2006.

3. - to carry out market research of suppliers in order to fully meet the needs of production and procurement on a competitive basis with an optimal price / quality ratio - from 1.01.2007 and permanently.

4. - develop and implement an efficient supply system for the enterprise by 01.01.2007.

Manufacturing control

create an effective production coordination system with high quality management:

improve the efficiency of production management and its interaction with other departments.

1. - to introduce a system of operational planning and control of material costs in 2007.

2. - introduce the procedure for operational weekly planning of products and sales plan by 1.03.2007.

Table 11. Personnel: broad-based strategic program

Solution type

Specific programs of action



1. Selection, placement and promotion of personnel

Upgrading existing staff through training to achieve the desired position in the future

Formation of individual plans for advanced training for all categories of personnel

Personnel development plan (for all categories). Universal training programs.

Analysis of professional skills that are required in the future. Corporate programs for training managers of the organization.

2. Personnel assessment

Transformation of the assessment system into a "trainer-training" system

Turning the evaluation system into a tool for improving management efficiency

Carrying out career seminars with the joint participation of superiors and subordinates. Seminars on the correction of the current functioning (on specific areas of the organization's work). Seminars on relationships within the staff. Seminars on management development. Seminars on customer-oriented behavior for all categories of personnel, especially for salespeople.

3. The system of remuneration of personnel (compensations)

Implementation of the principle of differentiated remuneration

Deepening the differentiation of remuneration among all categories of personnel

Seminars for senior management professionals related to performance evaluation and remuneration. Reward system for the quality of work and services rendered. Reward for good service. Incentive system for ensuring profit growth. The program for bonuses and bonuses by shares of the organization.

4. Development of personnel management

Increase market share, improve service, improve quality and productivity

Prepare managers for current business changes

Development programs for senior managers. Seminars dedicated to personnel development at the corporate level. Training in management skills in small groups and large groups. Projects for personnel growth of the organization. Preservation of the system defect-free functioning.