Despite the fact that human beings have a natural fear of spiders, many are increasingly choosing them as exotic pets. Spider owners claim that this perfect option, if you don't have time to care for your little friend. If you do not suffer from arachnophobia and dream of owning an unusual pet, we will help you understand the features of care and maintenance, types of spiders, as well as all the pros and cons of such a choice.

What spiders can you keep at home?

Not all types of arthropods can be kept at home. Some of them are deadly poisonous, while others have an unremarkable appearance (for example, the gray spider or the haymaker spider, which most often live in secluded corners of houses and apartments). Many people choose tarantula spiders, and there are several reasons for this:

  1. They have a presentable appearance: large sizes, bright colors, shaggy bodies.
  2. This species includes more than a hundred subspecies, from which you can choose a pet to suit every taste.
  3. They live somewhat longer than other species.
  4. They can reproduce in captivity.
  5. The tarantula's venom does not pose a fatal threat to a healthy adult.

Popular types of tarantulas are: white-haired, two-colored, giant, striped, horned and others. In addition to tarantulas, the choice is often made of tarantulas, cross spiders, wolf spiders or jumping spiders. The listed species extremely rarely bite people (only in the event of a sudden attack), but even if this happens, their poison does not cause any serious consequences.

Where to keep

Typically, glass or plastic terrariums with good sealing are used to keep spiders. They can be of horizontal and vertical type: the former are suitable for ground spiders, and for tree species a vertical type of housing with effective ventilation is required. Therefore, it is very important to know the species of your pet in order to recreate natural conditions for it as accurately as possible.

Most species do not require much space, since they spend almost all their time passively, hiding in hollows, burrows and other shelters. However, the length of the home must be at least twice the span of the pet’s legs. In a terrarium that is too large, the pet will experience obvious discomfort and a desire to hide away.

The terrarium should also not be too high, so that if the pet falls from the walls, it will not be damaged. For example, for adult tarantulas a container with the following parameters is quite sufficient: 30*30*20 cm. For young tarantula spiders (up to several molts old) this is quite enough plastic container size 10*8*6 cm. After 7-10 molts, you can buy a larger home, based on the size of the pet.

It is important to understand that the space needs of spiders are fundamentally different from most of the animals we are used to - arthropods do not need much space for walking and activity.

Is it possible to keep several individuals in one container?

Under natural conditions, some species of spiders can live together, and these can even be individuals of different sexes and age groups. However, in captivity, it is not recommended to keep two or more representatives of the same species in one container - this is associated with a high risk of aggression or cannibalism, and as a result, injury or death of pets. It is also necessary to seat the babies after the first molt.

Important!Keeping spiders together different types in the vast majority of cases it ends in the death of one of the pets.

To exotic pet Has pleased you with his presence for a long time, you need to work on equipping his home. When arranging a terrarium, it is necessary to think about lighting, decor and filling, and regulate the temperature and humidity of the air.

What is needed in a terrarium

The terrarium must have a layer of substrate. Firstly, this will help recreate a more natural environment for your pet, and he will not sit on bare plastic or glass. Secondly, the main task of the substrate is to maintain a stable level of humidity inside the container. For this reason, neither sand nor stones are suitable as a filler. The most acceptable options are vermiculite and coconut filler. Both fillers are highly hygroscopic.

The need for decoration is determined by the type of your pet. For example, for spiders that weave webs, no special decoration is required, since soon it will not be noticeable under a layer of beautiful lace. Main - provide your pet with all the conditions for weaving. But for species that like to hide in shelters, you can buy ceramic houses, castles and shards, products made from cork oak or artificial plants.

Sealing and ventilation

It doesn’t matter what you use as a home - a food bowl or a special glass terrarium, it must be securely closed with a lid, otherwise one morning you may find that the spider’s house is empty, and its owner is walking around your apartment. But when sealing the container, do not forget that the arthropod needs Fresh air and high-quality ventilation of the container, so several holes should be made in the lid through which the spider will not escape, but will gain access to oxygen. If your pet lives in a plastic container, it is better to make holes on the side wall in two rows: bottom and top. To do this, you can use a hot nail of small diameter.


The need for decoration depends on the type of spider. For example, for tarantulas there is no need to install additional light, since they are nocturnal inhabitants who are excellent at navigating in the dark. If you want to install light, give preference to infrared lamps - their radiation is invisible to the pet. It is not advisable to choose incandescent lamps, but if you choose this option, install them outside the container to prevent the animal from being burned and the air from drying out.


Spiders are able to tolerate a very wide temperature range. Optimal values ​​are 23-26°C. Additional heating may be needed only during the transitional autumn-spring period, when the heating is already turned off or is not yet working. To provide heat, you can purchase special cords and heating plates, as well as a thermostat. The devices must be installed either under a container (for tree spiders) or on the walls of the house (for terrestrial species).

Important!The temperature in the room and terrarium should not exceed 31°C.


This indicator is very important for the health and well-being of the pet. The required humidity level for each species may vary. You can determine a deficiency or excess of moisture by your pet’s behavior:

  • the spider constantly sits at the drinking bowl, dragging soil into it - the container is too dry;
  • the spider constantly sits on the walls of the container - this behavior indicates excessive humidity (but sometimes this may just be a favorite habit of the pet);
  • the woody species descends to the substrate - the container is dry;

You should not spray the substrate with a spray bottle; instead, it is better to use a syringe without a needle or a watering can with a thin hole. It is important to determine by eye when there is enough moisture (the substrate should be 2/3 wet). Adults must have a drinking bowl in the container; choose its size in such a way that the pet cannot fit into it and drown. Keep in mind that swamp cultivation should not be allowed in the terrarium. In conditions of excessive humidity, midges, mold and fungus easily grow, which can kill the arthropod.

What you need to care for a spider

So, it is obvious that to keep an exotic pet you will need the following accessories:

  • sealed container made of glass or plastic;
  • drinking bowl;
  • filler;
  • air heater;
  • thermometer;
  • decor (depending on the type of spider);
  • small plastic box to isolate a pet (for example, when cleaning a terrarium);
  • long tweezers, 20-25 cm (for feeding and removing debris);
  • long brush (helps when transplanting a pet);
  • additional lighting (depending on type).

Did you know? For Agriculture Spiders are very useful - their main food is insects that destroy crops. Thus, spiders annually save up to 30% of the world's harvest!

What to feed a spider at home

Spiders are representatives of obligate predators, therefore they must feed exclusively on products of animal origin. The most common food for spiders are feeding insects: various types of cockroaches (Turkmen, Argentine, marbled), larvae, mealworms. You need to buy food in specialized stores. It is not recommended to feed your pet cockroaches, flies, any insects or small animals that you have caught yourself.

Firstly, you cannot be sure of their health (many insects can be carriers of diseases), and secondly, it may be difficult for a spider to cope with a large insect, frog or mice, and besides, such food is not familiar to it.

The frequency of feeding is determined by the age of the pet. Babies and teenage spiders need food 3 times a week, adults need to be fed 1-2 times. The size of one serving should correspond to the size of your pet's belly. However, in many cases, spiders are capable of eating much larger portions. Food must be given using tweezers; leftovers must be removed after the meal.

Important!Don't panic if your pet has no appetite. The period of rest from feeding can last weeks or even months for some spiders.

Under no circumstances should you overfeed the spider. This increases the risk of a hernia or injury if it falls from the wall of the terrarium, and such specimens are not suitable for breeding. If the pet refuses food, but its abdomen is of normal size (not sunken), there are no injuries on the body, there will be no molting soon and the conditions for keeping it are good, then you don’t have to worry.

Cleaning the terrarium

Thorough cleaning of the terrarium and replacement of the substrate is necessary every 8-12 months, as well as in the event of mold or mildew. There is no need to clean your home more often. You should always remove leftover food with tweezers after a meal. During cleaning, the resident must be transferred to a container. To do this, you need to open the terrarium and use a brush to push the spider towards the container.

Shedding period

Molting is a physiological, very important period for spiders, during which growth and renewal of the entire organism occurs. Shedding involves shedding the old hard cuticle and growing a new one. The process is started under the influence of special hormones. During the period when the new cuticle (exoskeleton) has not yet hardened, the pet is very vulnerable and defenseless.

You can understand that molting is coming soon by the behavior of the arthropod: the spider stops eating and becomes inactive. Tarantula spiders create a bed of webs for themselves, lie down on their backs and remain in this position until the shedding of the old skeleton is completed. The speed of this process depends on the age of the pet: the younger the spider, the faster the molting occurs.

What the spider owner needs to remember during the molting period:

  • You should not offer food to the spider during this period - live food insects can harm your pet;
  • you need to feed the arthropod no earlier than 2-3 weeks;
  • Under no circumstances should you touch the spider, especially when it lies on its back;
  • do not try in any way to “help” your pet get rid of the old skeleton;
  • You can remove the old skeleton only after the pet turns over and stands confidently on its feet.
Juveniles that experience rapid growth molt more often than adult spiders. If your pet has not shed for a long time, the conditions may need to be corrected.

Did you know? The strength of the web is equal to steel wire. If it were possible to create a rod from a web just 0.5 cm thick, it could stop a tank or a bulldozer. The only reason The reason why this durable and environmentally friendly material is not used in industry is the impossibility of recreating it in laboratory conditions.

How many years do they live

Of course, the life expectancy of a pet will depend on how well you can create conditions for it. However, in general, with good care, spiders of various species have the following life expectancy:

  • tarantulas - live on average 15-20 years;
  • tarantulas - life expectancy greatly depends on the species, some in captivity live only 1-2 years, but there are varieties that can live up to 20-30 years (females live longer than males);
  • cross - they live for a maximum of six months, males die after mating, females - after creating a cocoon;
  • jumper - in captivity, females live up to 3 years, males live 1-2 years;
  • peacock spider - lives a maximum of 9 months;
  • goliaths - females live up to 8-9 years, males - up to 6 years.
The general pattern is as follows: large varieties have longer duration life than small species.

Is it possible to pick it up?

These are the questions most often asked by owners. large species, for example, tarantulas and tarantulas. It should be clearly understood that spiders cannot be considered full-fledged tame animals; they are guided by physiological instincts, which is why attempts to play with a pet, train it, or try to carry it in your arms are completely pointless and doomed to failure.

You also need to realize that for a spider, a change of environment will always be very stressful, especially if the temperature, lighting and humidity of the environment differ from these indicators in the terrarium. Any careless movement can lead to injury or death of the arthropod, especially in the case of small species and babies. Some species can instantly run away from you (for example, jumping spiders), and finding a fugitive in an apartment will be very difficult. A stressed pet may bite you, and although the bite will not be fatal, it will painful sensations guaranteed. Spider venom can be dangerous if you have allergies (which you may not even know about).

All pets have different personalities, so some may calmly react to your attempts to invite him into your palm, while others will strive to bite as soon as you put your hand into the terrarium. Based on this, it is not recommended to attempt to pick up your pet.

What to do if a spider bites you

As mentioned earlier, bites from spiders, which are often kept in homes, are not fatal unless you have allergies. Otherwise there may be anaphylactic shock with the most negative consequences.

A bite is often accompanied by the following symptoms: itching, redness, pain and swelling in the affected area. Occasionally, malaise may occur and body temperature may rise. All symptoms disappear after a few days. The algorithm of actions in case of a bite is as follows:

  1. If a limb is affected, it must be tied with a bandage or rope above the bite.
  2. Wash the puncture site with soapy water and treat with an antiseptic.
  3. Apply an ice compress.
  4. Use a large number of water for speedy detoxification.
  5. If necessary, take an antihistamine.

Pros and cons of content

Before you decide to purchase such a pet, weigh the pros and cons of keeping it.

Among the advantages:

  • does not require a lot of time and money for care and maintenance;
  • a silent, calm and almost invisible animal;
  • The behavior of the spider is interesting to observe.
  • there is always a risk that a spider will bite or run away;
  • some species have a very short lifespan;
  • cannot be trained, and is not a tame pet in the standard sense.

Important!For children, the elderly, people with allergies or other serious illnesses, a spider bite can have bad consequences!

Such an exotic pet will clearly attract the attention of all visitors to your home. If you and other family members do not have arachnophobia or allergies, then it is quite acceptable to have a spider. But if you want to receive emotional feedback from your pet and spend more time with it, then you should take a closer look at more social species animals.

Video: keeping exotic spiders at home

Spiders are all around us. Therefore, it is important to know which spiders are safe and which ones you need to avoid.

Spiders are one of the the oldest inhabitants planets known from the Devonian and Carboniferous periods. It is believed that they appeared approximately 400 million years ago. Creatures Paleozoic era had a characteristic arachnoid apparatus, but were more primitive. Their habitat is the widest - the entire planet, not counting Antarctica.

Spider Science: What is it called?

Araneology is the science of spiders, which is part of the branch of zoology - arachnology. Arachnology studies arthropod invertebrate arachnids. The origin of the name is ancient Greek.

Also, arachnology is the art of weather prediction based on observing the actions of spiders.

Spiders - what are they: types

Researchers know about 42 thousand species of spiders. Spiders can be divided into three large suborders, which differ mainly in the structure of the jaws, or more precisely, in the position of the chelicerae relative to the longitudinal axis of the body.

Suborder Orthognatha

More often, representatives of this suborder are called migalomorphs. Characterized by the presence of dense hairs, large sizes and the primitive structure of the jaws - the claw is directed downwards and grows only on the upper jaw. Respiratory system represented by pulmonary sacs.

The majority of mygalomorphs live in warm climates. They make burrows underground.

Orthognatha includes:

  • tarantula spiders
  • funnel spiders
  • ctenizidae
  • digger spiders

Suborder Araneomorpha

Almost all other species of spiders known to naturalists belong to the large group Labidognatha or Araneomorpha. They differ in that both jaws are equipped with claws. The respiratory system is represented by the trachea.

Types of spiders that catch prey without a net:

  • crab spiders
  • jumping spiders
  • wolf spiders

Types of spiders using a trapping net:

  • linifid spiders
  • web spiders
  • funnel spiders, or house spiders
  • long-legged spiders
  • orb weaving spiders

Among araneomorphic spiders, there are also those that are not capable of producing cribellum - a substance from which spiders produce durable spider silk, and those who produce it.

Suborder Mesothelae

Lyphistiomorphic spiders are distinguished by the fact that the chelicerae are spread out to the side rather than pointing downwards. This position is considered more evolutionarily advanced. But this suborder is considered the most primitive; traces of it were found in Carboniferous deposits. Spiders have archaic lung sacs, four pairs of arachnoid warts that have not yet been moved to the end of the abdomen. They live in earthen burrows that are closed with a lid. Signal threads radiate from the minks. Although one species prefers caves, where it makes web tubes on the walls.

These include:

  • arthropod spiders
  • primitive arthrolycosid spiders
  • primitive arthromigalid spiders

Spider: insect, animal or not?

Spiders belong to a type of animal - the order arthropods in the class arachnids. Therefore, spiders are animals, not insects.

Differences between a spider and an insect:

  • a spider has four pairs of legs, and insects have three pairs
  • Spiders do not have antennae characteristic of insects.
  • many eyes, up to twelve pairs
  • the body of a spider always consists of a cephalothorax and abdomen
  • Some types of spiders have intelligence: they distinguish strangers from their own, can protect the owner, sense the owner’s mood, and even dance to music. No insect can do this, unlike an animal.

Spider body structure

The body of spiders, covered with chitin as an exoskeleton, consists of two sections that are connected by a small tube:

  • The cephalothorax is formed by the head fused with the chest
  • abdomen


  • The cephalothorax is divided by a groove into two sections: the cephalic and thoracic. In the anterior head section there are eyes and jaws - chelicerae. In most spiders, the chelicerae are directed downwards and end in a claw. The claws contain poisonous glands.
  • The lower part of the jaws - pedipalps, are used as palps and grasping elements. Between the pedipalps there is a mouth used for sucking. In some mature males, the pedipalps are also the cymbium - the copulatory apparatus.
  • Simple eyes are also located in the anterior cephalic region.
  • Four pairs of jointed legs are also found on the cephalothorax in the thoracic region. Each spider leg consists of 7 segments. The last segment of each leg has two or more smooth or serrated claws.


  • The abdomen can have the following shape: round, oval with processes, angular, elongated worm-shaped. On the abdomen there are stigmata - respiratory openings.
  • On the underside of the abdomen there are arachnoid warts containing arachnoid glands. The genital opening is located near the base of the abdomen. In females it is surrounded by a thickened chitinous plate, and in males the genital opening looks like a simple slit.

Spiders can grow up to 10 cm in size, and the span of their limbs can exceed 25 cm, it all depends on the species. The smallest representatives are only 0.4 mm in size.

The color and pattern depend on the structure of the scales and hairs covering the body, the presence of pigment and the type of spider.

How many legs and limbs does a spider have?

  • All spiders have four pairs of legs, which are located on the cephalothorax and are usually covered with hairs.
  • Each foot has crescent-shaped, comb-like claws. Between the claws, most often, there is a sticky pad - a claw-like appendage.
  • Spiders that weave webs have auxiliary serrated claws that allow the spider to move freely along the web.

How many eyes does a spider have?

  • Depends on the species. Some species have only two eyes, and some have up to twelve. Most species have 8 eyes, which are arranged in two rows.
  • In any case, the two front eyes are the main ones. They differ in structure from other lateral eyes: they have muscles to move the retina and do not have a reflective shell. The auxiliary eyes are also distinguished by the presence of light-sensitive retinal cells. The more of them, the sharper the spider’s vision.
  • Some spiders can see as well as humans and distinguish colors. For example, jumping spiders. Night hunters, for example, side-walking spiders, see perfectly not only at night, but also during the day. But wandering spiders see best.

How does a spider weave a web?

The thread of the web consists of many thin threads, which the spider glues together with a special liquid that quickly hardens in air. Thanks to this, the strength of the web is achieved so high that spiders even travel with its help, covering kilometers of distance.

The web can be dry, sticky, elastic - it all depends on the purpose of the thread.

Types of threads for webs:

  • for cocoon
  • catching sticky thread
  • for moving
  • to entangle prey
  • thread for fastening

The design of the web depends on the hunting method. When weaving, spiders use a thread that reflects ultraviolet rays, which most insects see. Moreover, the spider weaves ultraviolet-reflecting threads in such a way that they look like flowers, which also reflect ultraviolet. Therefore, insects fly to an alluring and sweet flower and end up in a web.

Stages of weaving a web:

  1. The spider releases a long thread first. Such a thread is picked up by the air flow, rushes to the nearest branch and clings to it (Fig. 1, 2).
  2. Then another free-hanging thread parallel to the previous one is woven. The spider moves to the middle of this thread, which is stretched under its weight, and weaves another thread in a downward direction until it finds a third support (Fig. 3).
  3. The spider attaches a thread to the support and forms a Y-shaped frame.
  4. Next comes the general contour and several more radii (Fig. 4).
  5. An auxiliary spiral is woven at these radii (Fig. 5). This entire frame is woven from non-sticky thread.
  6. Next, the spider weaves a second spiral with a sticky thread, towards the middle of the web from its edge.

Construction may take 1-2 hours.

How do spiders reproduce?

  • Males usually differ from females in size (the male is smaller), long legs, brighter coloring, the presence of pedipalps, which appear in males only during the last molt.
  • First, males weave a special sperm web. Although some types are limited to a few stretched threads. Then the spider applies a drop of sperm to the web and fills the pedipalps with sperm, with the help of which it introduces sperm into the female’s seminal receptacle. And he goes in search of the female.
  • The spider finds the female by smell. Having found a suitable female, the male begins to cautiously approach. If the female is not in the mood for courtship, she will attack the spider and may even eat it.
  • If the female looks at the male favorably, then the male begins to lure the female: he performs “wedding dances”, “clangs” his legs, and brings prey. Having appeased the female, the spider carefully approaches her, touches her with the tips of her legs, then touches her with her pedipalps and retreats. The male also “drums” on the substrate.
  • If the female does not show aggression and “drums” herself, then the male carefully approaches and brings his pedipalps to the female’s genital opening. The act lasts for several seconds.
  • Then the male runs away so that the female does not eat him. Although this happens quite rarely. In one season, a female can have several males.
  • After 6-10 weeks, the female weaves a cocoon into which she lays up to 500 eggs. The female carefully guards the cocoon, holding it between the chelicerae. After another 5 weeks, the spiderlings appear.

How long do regular spiders live?

Most spiders live for a year. But some species, such as Grammostola pulchra from tarantula spiders, can live 35 years. Moreover, this applies only to females; even male tarantulas live for 2-3 years.

Non-venomous spiders: list with names

Absolutely not poisonous spiders does not exist. Poison is necessary in order to paralyze the victim, for protection.

But the venom of most spiders found is not dangerous. In some cases, there is so little that no one will notice, or there will be redness and swelling. Although in isolated cases an allergy to spider venom is possible.

Safe for humansfrequently encounteredspiders:

Common harvest spider. The size of the male is up to 7 mm, the female is up to 9 mm. Long-legged. They hunt in the dark. They like to gather in a group so that they look like a clump of fur. Weaves a non-sticky web. They scare off enemies by releasing an unpleasant odor.

More than 5 thousand species. This small in size A 5-6 mm spider that loves to bask in the sun and is excellent at climbing glass. They are good jumpers, can jump up to 20 cm. They do not weave webs, they attack with a jump, and they have excellent eyesight.

More than 1 thousand species. Size up to 25 mm - females, up to 10 mm - males. On its abdomen there are several white spots forming a cross. They hunt using a round trapping net, which can reach 1.5 m in diameter.

Size up to 10 mm. It hunts from ambush, instantly grabs its prey and paralyzes it with poison. Doesn't weave networks. It has camouflage - if necessary, it changes color from rich yellow to white. Those that hunt on the bark of trees are brown in color, and those in the leaves are variegated.

House spider or funnel web spider, the most famous and widespread. The web weaves in a secluded place: on the ceiling, in the corner, behind the closet. The male is up to 10 mm in size, the female is slightly larger - up to 12 mm. The color is yellow-gray with brown spots.

The size of the female is up to 10 mm, the male is slightly smaller. The color is light yellow, sometimes greenish. On the underside of the elongated seed-shaped abdomen there are two light stripes. They build circular nets with large “holes” designed for long-legged mosquitoes. They build webs near water and are able to run on water.

The size of the male is up to 16 mm, the female is up to 12 mm. A rare spider, adapted to live in sluggish freshwater. Can swim. The abdomen is covered with hairs to retain air, so the spider appears “silver” under water. A “bell” filled with air weaves in the water, where it lives: rests, leaves reserves, eats caught prey.

Tarantula spider (tarantula). Large, up to 20 cm with a leg span. They have a beautiful variety of colors. Weaving a web. Some species are completely harmless to humans; the bite of others may cause swelling, redness, itching, heat, and muscle cramps. No deaths have been reported. They are the ones most often kept in houses; females of some species live up to 35 years. Very easy to care for. Birdeaters can even be trained.

Top 10 most dangerous, poisonous, deadly spiders in the world, on the planet: list with names

A resident of the tropics and subtropics of South America is the most dangerous spider according to the Guinness Book. The size of the spider is 10-12.5 cm. It is fast, active, does not weave webs, and constantly moves in search of prey. Loves bananas. It feeds on other spiders, insects, lizards, and birds.

When in danger, it rears up and shows its fangs. The poison is deadly for weakened people and children. Without assistance, death from the bite of some individuals can occur in 20-30 minutes. In an adult healthy person a severe allergic reaction usually occurs.

The habitat is the deserts of South America and Africa. They can go without water and food for a long time - up to a year. Size taking into account paw span up to 5cm.

When hunting, it buries itself in the sand, lets it get closer and attacks from cover. The poison is a hemolytic necrotic toxin that thins the blood and causes tissue decomposition. The victim dies from internal bleeding. No antidote has been created, but people die extremely rarely.

Habitat - Australia, within a radius of 100 km from Sydney. Size - up to 5 cm. Lives and hunts in stumps, under stones, on trees or open areas. The poison is not dangerous to most mammals, but is fatal to humans and primates.

When in danger, a spider rears up and shows its fangs. When biting, it digs into the victim's body and bites many times in a row. At the same time, it is difficult to tear it off. The poison is dangerous due to large doses. First, your health worsens: nausea, vomiting, sweating. Then it decreases arterial pressure and blood circulation is disrupted, and in the end the respiratory organs fail.

One of the most known species. Habitat - Mexico, USA, southern Canada, New Zealand. They prefer to live in the desert and prairies. The size of the female is up to 1 cm. Females are more dangerous than males. If bitten by a female, the antidote must be administered within 30 seconds.

Spider venom x 15 stronger than poison rattlesnake. The bite site takes up to 3 months to heal. The bite is characterized by acute pain, which after 1 hour spreads throughout the body, causing convulsions. Difficulty breathing, vomiting, sweating, headache, paresthesia of the limbs, fever.

Outwardly similar to a black widow. Originally lived in Australia, it has now spread throughout the world, with the exception of the poles. Up to 1 cm in size. It feeds on insects, flies, cockroaches, even lizards.

The poison is not capable of killing a person, but after a bite one feels pain, cramps, nausea, increased sweating, and general weakness.

6. Karakurt - “black worm”

From the family of black widows, it lives in the steppe and desert zones of Russia. The size of a male is up to 0.7 cm, a female is up to 2 cm. The most dangerous poison is in females that have red dots on their abdomen.

The spider bite itself is practically not noticeable, but after a few minutes you can feel it sharp pain, gradually spreading throughout the body. Convulsions begin, a red rash appears, the victim may feel causeless fear and depression. Without assistance, the bite can become fatal within 5 days.

The second name is violin spider. Habitat: northern Mexico, southern USA, California. The size of males is 0.6 cm, females are up to 20 cm. Not aggressive. Lives in dark, dry places: attics, sheds, closets.

The bite is practically insensitive. After a bite, the effect of the poison begins to be felt after it spreads throughout the body, within a day. The temperature rises, nausea, rash, pain throughout the body, and tissue swelling appear. In 30%, tissue necrosis begins, sometimes organs fail, deaths only a few are registered.

Initially inhabited only South America(Chile), now lives also in North America, found in Europe and Australia. Lives in abandoned places: barns, woodpiles, attics. It feeds on insects and other spiders. Size including paws - up to 4 cm.

The bite is painful, similar in strength to a cigarette burn. The poison has a necrotic effect. The victim feels severe pain. Kidney failure may develop. Treatment lasts many months, and 1 in 10 people die.

9. Wolf spiders

Habitat - the whole world, except Antarctica, but they prefer warm countries. They live in bushes, on grassy meadows, in forests near water sources, in fallen leaves, under stones. Dimensions - up to 30 mm. They feed on cicadas and bugs.

Bite tropical species can cause prolonged pain, dizziness, swelling, severe itching, nausea, and rapid pulse. Their poison is not lethal.

Theraphose Blond

10. Theraphose Blonde

One of the largest spiders, the second name is the goliath tarantula. Body size is up to 9 cm, leg span is up to 25 cm. It feeds on toads, mice, small birds and snakes. Bites only in cases of danger.

The poison has a paralytic effect. But for humans it is only fraught with swelling and itching. When biting large animals or humans, poison is usually not injected. When in danger, the tarantula shakes off sharp hairs from its back, which cause irritation of the mucous membranes.

Although dangerous spiders a lot, they rarely attack. Attack is usually associated with defense, and in ordinary life spiders stay away, preferring secluded places to live. There are few fatalities, but caution is always necessary when handling these animals.

Video. The strangest spiders and unusual spiders in the world

The desire to take care of someone is often expressed in people taking an animal into their home. By the way, everyone’s preferences are different, and the owner’s love can extend to both the dog and more exotic creatures. What they eat, where they should live and how long spiders live in captivity is information you need to know before bringing your “furry friend” into your home.

Briefly about the class

Many people find it difficult to imagine an insect or snake as a pet, but there are still people who find these creatures extremely cute and attractive. Naturally, a special resident is chosen for the terrarium - larger and brighter.

You can keep a spider at home as a pet.

So, arachnids belong to a separate class. Their scientific name arachnida comes from the Greek female name Arachne. Exists ancient legend about how a girl with that name, whose family was engaged in weaving, volunteered to compete in the craft with the goddess Athena and allegedly beat her in skill. In her hearts, the resident of Olympus turned the weaver into a spider and doomed all her descendants to spin until the end of time.

This species is one of the most widespread on the planet, so it is difficult to determine exactly how many years spiders live on Earth. The remains of these creatures were found in Devonian deposits. Their habitat is so diverse that it boggles the imagination. These arthropods are found on high mountain plateaus and near glaciers; they live underground and in tree crowns, as well as in rock crevices. The size of adult individuals ranges from 8 mm to 18 cm.

An exotic spider can easily survive at home

Anatomically, spiders are very different from insects, although until the 50s of the last century they were classified in this class. Their external and internal structure has a lot of features, for example:

  • presence of jaws;
  • cephalothorax (instead of head, chest and abdomen);
  • simple eyes (4 pairs);
  • not very good vision;
  • All pairs of walking limbs have their own special functions.

Spiders feed on liquid food; digested food is removed through the anus.


These arthropods have become the subject of many myths and legends that belong to the category of mysticism and have nothing to do with reality. In fact, a number of factors contribute to the appearance of spiders in a residential building other than as pets:

  • low illumination and high humidity;
  • a large number of insects;
  • uncleanliness of the owners;
  • excessive dryness.

Before you get a spider, you should learn how to care for it.

Folk legends about these animals have existed for as long as ordinary spiders have lived in human homes. Usually, people say being around arthropods brings good luck.

Selecting a view

Since the spiders living in the corner of the closet are already at home, people want to opt for a beautiful animal that has no special care requirements and is fully adapted to life in captivity. The main contenders and simply the most common types of spiders:

  1. Representatives of the tarantula family, specifically Cyclosternum fasciatum and Brachypelma albopilosum. The first is a small creature, the span of whose walking limbs reaches 12 cm. The color is modest - brown with a reddish tint. The second is a very large (legs up to 18 cm) and beautiful specimen, with a surprisingly calm disposition. The main color of the body is the same as that of its brother, but the highlight of this subspecies is given by long hairs, the ends of which are white or black. The lifespan of these spiders ranges from 3-5 years (males) to 15 or more (females).
  2. Antillensis tarantulas are very active and quite large individuals. The span of the limbs does not exceed 15 cm, the color is shades of brown with a pearlescent tint.
  3. The most impressive specimen is represented by the species Cyaneopubescens, also from the tarantula family. The size is the same as the previous representative, but the color is a combination of red, blue and green. Extremely hardy, can live without food for several months.

Some may find it surprising that spiders that are poisonous and dangerous to humans are very popular. The owners of such individuals must have at home an antidote corresponding to the type of animal.

Spiders make not picky pets

Usually these animals are kept in a terrarium, which is selected according to the size of the future resident and his behavioral characteristics. Most members of the class are unable to live with neighbors, so most often the spider is the only owner of its home. In order to maximize the lifespan of spiders in captivity, it is necessary to maintain optimal conditions for the species.

Keeping a spider at home is not difficult

In most cases, they are the same as those that contribute to the spontaneous appearance of these arthropods in homes. Since safety is important not only for the animal itself, but also for its owner, the terrarium should be closed with a lid with ventilation holes.

The spider's home needs to be cleaned regularly. Water is a necessary element that should always be in the container where the spider lives. Various insects are ideal food for a furry pet.

It is difficult to say specifically how long spiders live at home. It all depends on the initial health of the animal and proper care for it.

The tarantula spider, or tarantula spider, is big spider, the dimensions of which, including the legs, can exceed 20 cm. These spiders are often kept at home. Tarantula spiders belong to the phylum arthropods, class Arachnids, order Spiders, suborder Mygalomorpha, family tarantulas (lat. Theraphosidae).

Tarantula spiders got their name from engravings created by German artist and entomologist Maria Sibylla Merian, where a large spider is depicted attacking. She saw a spider attack a bird during her stay in Suriname.

In some sources there is confusion due to incorrect translation, where all large spiders, including tarantulas, are called tarantula. In fact, tarantulas are classified as an infraorder of araneomorphic spiders, and tarantulas are mygalomorphic spiders that have a completely different chelicerae structure, due to which they are distinguished by such large body sizes with a leg span reaching 28-30 cm. You will find a more detailed description of the tarantula at.

Tarantula spiders, types, photos and names.

Currently, the family of tarantula spiders is divided into 13 subfamilies, including many species. Descriptions of some tarantula spiders are given below:

  • Brazilian black and white tarantula spider(lat. Acanthoscurria brocklehursti) It has a rather aggressive, unpredictable character, bright coloring and intensive growth. Body size is from 7 to 9 cm. The spider's leg span is from 18 to 23 cm. It lives black and white tarantula in Brazil, it hides between the roots of trees or between stones, and can also dig holes, although it can often be seen outside of any shelter. The lifespan of females is 15 years. A comfortable temperature for keeping this spider is from 25 to 27 degrees Celsius, air humidity is 70-80%.

  • Brachypelma Smitha, aka Mexican red-knee tarantula spider(lat. Brachypelma smithi)- a species of spider that lives in Mexico and the southern United States. These are large spiders with a body length of up to 7-8 cm and a leg span of up to 17 cm. The main color of the body of a tarantula spider is dark brown or almost black, individual areas on the legs are covered with orange and red spots, sometimes with a white or yellow border. The body is densely covered with light pink (sometimes brown) hairs. Representatives of the species are especially calm and non-aggressive, and have low toxicity of poison. Females live up to 25-30 years, the life expectancy of males is about 4 years. The diet of spiders includes various insects and rodents. The ideal temperature for keeping a tarantula spider is 24-28 degrees with an air humidity of 70%.

  • - a species of South American tarantulas, widespread in Ecuador. The body length of the tarantula is about 5-6 cm. The span of the legs is no more than 14 cm. At a quick glance, the spider looks black, but when caught on it sun rays it can be seen that the cephalothorax, paws and chelicerae are an intense purple-blue color, the bristles on the paws are brick-colored, and the hairs near the mouth are orange-red. The favorite habitat of this spider is pastures, tree hollows, as well as gaps under the roof and cracks in the walls of habitable premises. Representatives of the species are non-aggressive, rather fast and timid, unpretentious in care and food, so they are often kept at home. The ideal temperature for keeping a tarantula spider varies between 25-28 degrees with air humidity of at least 80-85%.

  • - a species of tarantula spider, common in Guadeloupe and the island of Martinique. Representatives of the species grow up to 5-6 cm in length and have a limb span of up to 17 cm. Young specimens are distinguished by a bright blue body with white stripes on the belly. After 8-9 molts, the entire body of the tarantula spider is covered with thin, bright hairs, and the color may appear in red and green tones with a metallic sheen. Tarantula spiders of this species are quite peaceful, they bite only when squeezed into a corner. Unlike most of their relatives, they do not scratch off poisonous hairs, therefore they are a favorite terrarium species and a source of pride for collectors. At home they eat crickets and cockroaches, adult One frog or a month is enough. The lifespan of females is 8 years, males - no more than 3 years.

  • Tarantula spider Aphonopelma seemanni- a typical representative of the fauna Central America, distributed from Costa Rica and Nicaragua to Panama and Honduras. Usually lives in burrows. The inhabitants of Costa Rica are distinguished by their black color with white stripes on their legs; the spiders of the Nicaraguan population are dark brown with beige stripes on their legs. The body size of a mature spider is 6 cm, the leg span is about 15 cm. These spiders are not aggressive towards people, do not have toxic poison (except for burning hairs), and are characterized by weak growth rates and longevity (females live up to 30 years). Therefore, this type of tarantula is very popular among spider lovers. Comfortable temperature for Aphonopelma seemanni is 24-27 degrees with air humidity at 70-80%.

  • lives in Mexico, preferring to live in burrows. The body length of adult specimens with a leg span reaches 15-18 cm, the length excluding legs is 7 cm. In addition to their large size, spiders are distinguished by their exceptionally bright black and orange color. These tarantulas are calm and unpretentious; in captivity they feed on locusts, cockroaches and worms. The lifespan of males is 3-4 years, females live much longer - more than 20 years. Optimal temperature for keeping these tarantulas - 25-27 degrees with a humidity of 70-75%. Due to unauthorized capture and trade, the tarantula Brachypelma boehmei is included in Appendix II of CITES (Convention on International Trade in Species wild fauna and endangered flora) as endangered.

  • - a Mexican species of tarantula spiders, whose representatives are distinguished by a massive body and short powerful legs with a span of 14-16 cm. This type spiders are black and orange in color, like Brachypelma boehmei, but differ in the presence of thick orange-red hairs covering the abdomen and legs. Tarantula spiders of this species live in Mexican semi-deserts and high mountain forests. They are distinguished by an even, calm character. Female tarantula spiders live up to 20-25 years. Comfortable air humidity for these spiders should be 60-70%, air temperature – from 26 to 28 degrees. The tarantula Brachypelma klaasi is endangered and is therefore listed under CITES.

  • - one of the smallest tarantula spiders, the maximum leg span of which is only 12 cm. But, nevertheless, in terms of body size it is in no way inferior to its relatives: females grow up to 5 cm in length with a leg span of 10-12 cm, length males are 3.5 cm with a paw span of up to 9.5 cm. The body of spiders is painted in dark tones with a reddish tint: the cephalothorax is red or brown, the belly is black with red stripes, the legs can be gray, black or brown. The favorite natural habitat of these tarantulas is the tropical forests of Costa Rica and Guatemala. At home, the tarantula spider can be quite nervous and aggressive. The comfortable temperature for keeping the tarantula Cyclosternum fasciatum is 26-28 degrees with an air humidity of 75-80%.

  • Chilean rose tarantula(lat. Grammostola rosea)- a very beautiful tarantula spider, one of the record holders for the number of sales among representatives of its family. The total size of an adult spider, including its legs, is 15-16 cm. The color of the body is various variations of brown: brown, chestnut and sometimes pink. The body and paws are densely strewn with light hairs. The species' range covers the southwestern United States and Chile, including the Atacama Desert. Comfortable daytime temperature for this type of tarantula is 25 degrees during the day and 18-20 degrees at night, with an air humidity of 60-70%. The spider is non-aggressive and scratches its hairs very rarely. The lifespan of females is 15-20 years.

  • Theraphose Blond, aka goliath tarantula(lat. Theraphosa blondi)- the largest spider in the world. The Guinness Book of Records included a specimen whose leg span was 28 cm. The body dimensions of a female goliath tarantula reach 10 cm, for males - 8.5 cm, and the weight of an adult spider can be 170 g. Despite their impressive size, goliath tarantulas have modest in disposition, brown in color, and the legs of the spiders are densely strewn with red-brown hairs. Goliath tarantulas inhabit the tropics in the territories of Suriname, Venezuela, Guyana and northern Brazil, where they hunt mice, small snakes, lizards and frogs. Thanks to the ban on the export of animals from their habitats, goliath tarantulas are a huge rarity not only for terrarium enthusiasts, but also for collectors. The comfortable temperature for keeping the goliath tarantula is 22-24 degrees with an air humidity of 75-80%. The spider is quite aggressive and can bite its offender.

Spiders in a house or apartment are a common occurrence. The only difference is their number: in some places they are rare and singly, but in some places they can live in entire colonies. The lion's share representatives of this class prefer to live under open air, but some individuals are not averse to eating homemade food, so they penetrate into homes. If spiders appear in the house - is it good or bad? Let's look further.

Some information about insects

There are about 42,000 species of these insects in the world, and they live all over the planet, although many representatives prefer to settle in places with warm climate. More than 2,900 species are found in Russia and the CIS. All types of these “pets” are predators; spiders eat small animals and insects. Spiders in an apartment can also eat insects that fly and crawl in summer period. Many insect species prefer to use webs to obtain prey. Killing the victim is carried out through poison - digestive juice.

Types of spiders and reasons for their appearance at home

If spiders suddenly appear in the house, many property owners begin to worry about where they came from. It depends on the species and some other factors.

There are several species of insects that prefer to live in houses, but other individuals are less common. If you know the peculiarities of their life, you can easily identify the cause of their appearance. Usually spiders can be found on the ceiling, and spiders that prefer wet conditions, settle in the bathroom.

Danger of spiders to humans

Are pets dangerous to humans? No, they do not pose any threat to human life and health. And if you believe folk signs, such spiders are designed to bring good luck, money and happiness to the house. But this is if there is one small spider. If insects are infested, they begin to multiply quickly and harm life, so you need to look for a method to get rid of uninvited guests. But before taking these measures, it is necessary to determine what house spiders eat, because you will have to remove their food from the house.

The bite of such an insect is completely safe for humans; it cannot cause serious poisoning or inflammatory process in the body, however, the place of interaction with the individual must be disinfected using peroxide or alcohol. The spider that appears acts as a kind of indicator of how clean the home is.

Measures and actions when insects are detected

Now it’s worth taking a closer look at the question of how to get rid of guests. To do this, a number of serious actions must be taken.

  • The first thing you have to deal with is removing the cobwebs. Many people prefer to solve the problem with a vacuum cleaner, but you will have to ensure that the garbage collector is cleaned immediately, otherwise the insect will be able to get out of the device.
  • If a white, red, black or gray spider appears in the house, you need to collect the web, and the easiest way to do this is with a broom, but it is important to be careful. The caught individual can be shaken out onto the street.
  • If there are a lot of spiders in your home, they have most likely already laid eggs, so you need to remove them. You need to look in places far from the human eye.
  • It is worth understanding whether there are insects in the house that your pets can feed on. If you know how to get rid of them, soon every jumping spider will leave your home before it even lasts a week.
  • House spiders do not tolerate the smell of lime and paint, so an important measure to get rid of insects will be to carry out small repairs with arachnid inhabitants that will stop jumping everywhere and climbing through cracks.
  • Not many people know that regular cleaning of the room helps prevent the appearance of spiders.

Thus, you should not be afraid of insects, they will not cause harm, but in order to avoid the presence of an entire colony in your house, it is necessary to take measures to destroy them.

So, we looked at what house spiders look like in the photo. Any spiders that live in large populations in houses for a long time must be destroyed.

in the world

One of the largest spiders in the world is the Brazilian Wandering Spider, with a paw span of 15 cm. This is not the case, but its poison is deadly. A worthy place among the giants is occupied by the so-called Camel spider, with which a myth is associated that it feeds on camels and even people. However, in reality this is not the case. It is also called a scorpion because it looks like one. The Camel Spider reaches about 15 cm in length. The Brazilian giant tawny tarantula is one of the largest in the world. The male spider is usually smaller than the female, which can have a leg span of up to 26 cm.

The rarest spider in the world is the Hercules Baboon. This huge spider has a leg span of approximately 20cm, but no member of this species has been seen since 1900. Despite his name, Hercules does not eat baboons; his favorite delicacy has always been insects.

The Colombian giant black tarantula can reach 23 cm. This fearsome black spider has brownish hairs and reddish markings on its body. This seemingly extremely aggressive eater is completely harmless to humans.

How long does the largest spider in the world live?

The list of “The largest spiders in the world” is headed by the Goliath tarantula. As its name suggests, this spider is large enough to feed on birds. Goliath's body length reaches 10 cm, and his powerful fangs grow up to 2.5 cm. Its bite is not fatal to humans, but severe pain and nausea are guaranteed. His distinctive feature is the hissing sound it can make with its paws.

How long do spiders that belong to the goliath species live? Males live on average 9 years, with 14 years being average age the female of the largest spider in the world. When answering the question of how long spiders live, an interesting pattern is revealed: on average, females live longer than their partners; for example, one of the most dangerous spiders on the planet lives about 5 years. For known reasons, males live much shorter lives.

You began to notice that there are more and more spiders in your house. At the same time, you always do wet cleaning on time, dust does not accumulate for weeks, and the number of spiders only increases. Naturally, you will think about why there are a lot of spiders in the house and how to get rid of them.

There are many legends and fairy tales that spiders in the house bring good luck, happiness, wealth, etc. However, many people disdain them or are even afraid to the point of losing consciousness (). It is not permissible to kill spiders, as this action can bring disaster to the house. And even non-superstitious people try not to do this, just in case. And if there are a lot of arthropods in the house, then you need a spider repellent that will help you deal with them without assault.

What spiders live at home?

Many different spiders can live in a house, list all their varieties and scientific names doesn't make sense. It is enough that spiders living in houses are absolutely harmless and do not pose a danger. On the contrary, they feed on flies, bedbugs, and even two-tailed fish. One answer to the question of how to remove spiders from your home is to remove all other insects. Then the spiders will have nothing to eat and will leave.

If there are a lot of spiders in your home, you will need to take additional steps. In addition to crayons and aerosols designed to kill other insects (flies, bedbugs, etc.), you must purchase special means, the action of which is aimed directly at spiders in the house. When collecting all the web, it must be burned, as spider eggs may remain in it.

The walls in the basement need to be whitewashed and cosmetic repairs done in the apartment. The smell of lime and paint will help remove spiders from your home. for a long time. Small and big spiders the house will not return to you if you carry out repairs and cleaning in a timely manner. For greater reliability, use a spider repellent in your home that contains chlorpyrifos or boric acid.