Why earthworms crawl out when it rains

Earthworms play an important role in our environment. They convert large chunks of substances into substances that can make the soil fertile. They perform this important function by pushing substances deep into the soil. Earthworms are often visible on the surface of the earth after rains. They crawl out and bend their bodies as if enjoying the water. Many scientists believe that several factors influence this behavior of worms after rain. These include: temperature, pH balance, as well as their natural instinct.

1. First possible reason why earthworms crawl out after rain is the change in soil temperature they sense when rain falls. Most earthworms live deep underground, thanks to warm temperature under layers of soil.

2. The second possible reason why earthworms crawl out after rain is due to a change in the pH level of the soil. Other experts also believe that some types of soil tend to get more wet when it rains. high concentration cadmium

3. The third probable answer to the question of why earthworms crawl out after rain is phenotypic inconstancy in nature. There may be some worms that cannot be submerged in water for a long time.

4. The fourth reason why earthworms crawl out after rain is the fact that some worms need little air. Water saturates the surface of the earth big amount oxygen. However, P. corethrurus is a worm that can not drown in water unless it crawls out during rain.

5. The fifth reason why earthworms crawl out after rain is due to their natural behavior. Perhaps they crawl out after rain because that's what most of them do, and not because they need more or less oxygen.

6. Another possible reason why earthworms crawl out after rain is because they love moisture. Worms like to come to the surface to enjoy the moisture on the ground. Isopods also behave in the same way. rainy time that rise and climb plants or trees.

Habitual earthworms are found throughout the world. In Australia, there are even strange ones up to 4 meters long, or, for example, worms similar to fish. But the question is, why do earthworms crawl out of the ground after rain? Scientists have several versions on this matter, but an exact answer as to why this happens has not yet been found. Many believe that worms crawl out of their habitat because there is not enough air in holes filled with rainwater and they can drown there. But it was found that the worms can live for several days in water. In addition, you often observe how worms that have crawled out of the soil to the surface lie quietly in a puddle and are in no hurry to crawl out of it.

Another opinion is that earthworms can move faster on the surface and therefore crawl out of the soil. This version is supported by English professor Chris Lowe from the University of Central Lancashire. The next assumption is that during rain, drops hitting the ground create vibrations similar to the sounds made by moles and other predators. Trying to escape from predators, earthworms crawl out of the soil. It is also believed that worms crawl out of their usual habitat to communicate and form groups. Scientists who have observed the worms on the surface claim that they communicate and interact with each other by touching each other.

Despite the existence different versions, a clear answer to the question of why earthworms crawl out of the ground after rain has not yet been found. By the way, these worms are called “earthworms” because of their ability to climb to the surface after rain. By the way, for a prank you can make an original fake of a completely edible

We have all repeatedly observed such a spectacle when, after enough heavy rain Worms appear on the asphalt or ground. Most people have long been accustomed to this phenomenon and do not pay much attention to it, but if you are interested in why worms crawl onto the surface of asphalt or ground after rain, we will consider information about this issue in our article today.

How do earthworms live?

The usual habitat of earthworms is the earth. Or rather, the tunnels that worms dig under the surface of the earthen cover. That's where they spend most time, since the conditions in the ground are most suitable for the habitat of this type of worm.

Like most other living organisms that live on our planet, earthworms require oxygen to function. If access to air was limited, they would simply die. And here we come exactly to the essence of the issue we are considering today.

Why do earthworms crawl out after rain?

When the amount of evaporated moisture reaches its apogee, having accumulated in the clouds above us, precipitation begins. With sufficiently heavy rain, during downpours, we have the opportunity to observe quite a large number of earthworms on the surface of the earth, on asphalt. AND this phenomenon is directly related to the worms’ need for constant access to oxygen.

The fact is that when it rains, the ground is flooded with water, and the tunnels that animals have made in the soil are flooded. It should be emphasized that worms use the technique of skin respiration. Accordingly, underground the worms lose access to oxygen, and the instinct of self-preservation leads them out to the surface.

It is noteworthy that they are called “earthworms” precisely for the reason that they appear “before our eyes” precisely after rain. As for the more formal and scientific name to this detachment annelids, then it sounds like “Earthworms.” And the etymology of this name is already quite obvious, because animals live directly in the soil, in the ground.

It is interesting to know that earthworms perform a rather important function - by creating burrows in the ground, the soil is not only better moistened, but also mixed. It is noteworthy that the average size burrows dug by worms reach approximately 80 centimeters, but some particularly large individuals are capable of making tunnels up to 8 meters long.

Is it true that earthworms love rain?

No, that's not true. Indeed, when it rains, worms crawl out of the ground, but of course this does not happen because they love it. Rainwater displaces air from voids in the soil. As a result, due to lack of oxygen, the worms crawl out. And the stronger it is on the street it's raining, the more earthworms you can see crawling on the surface of the earth.

And from here follows the answer to another popular question - can an earthworm live in water? No, he can not. Earthworms, like humans and all animals oxygen is needed for breathing, only fish and some mammals that have adapted to being under water for a long time, such as dolphins or sharks, can live in water. Amphibians - commonly known as frogs, are distinguished here as a separate form; being born in water, they then lose their gills, and with them the ability to live only in water, although they retain a partial ability to breathe under water through their skin.

Yes, this is true, but this is why it becomes clear if you carefully study the composition of the ash.

There are three main components in ash: phosphorus, potassium and calcium. The first two fertilizers are very useful, and the last one is calcium; we commonly call this element lime. And it can be up to 80% in the ash, on average 27-30%. As you probably remember from school, and many from your own practice, our body gets burned when it comes into contact with lime. Let's not get into the point chemical reactions, just imagine the surface of the body earthworm The sensitivity of the surface of our intestines is approximately similar, imagine what will happen to the worm if it falls into the ashes - why would it love it, if only it could stay alive.

This article presents the most common and proven hypotheses. The opinions of experts and their assumptions are given. The article contains Interesting Facts. The article tries to give an objective answer to the question. Rain or whatever they are called earthworms are called worms that live in the ground. Their name is determined by the fact that they tend to the surface after rains. Their length averages from three to fifteen centimeters. But sometimes up to forty centimeters. And sometimes the worms are longer (up to two meters). More than a thousand species of all kinds of worms are known. Basically, worms live in the tropics. Worms feed on organic matter that decomposes.

Since childhood, everyone has noticed the fact that worms crawl out. This is what happens and has always happened. This fact will amuse many. What is the reason for this behavior? These questions are asked by many people, as well as professional scientists and researchers of the phenomenon. The reasons for this behavior are not known. But the fact still exists.

Reasons for worms coming to the surface

Earthworms crawling to the surface is a familiar sight for people since childhood. This especially happens after recent heavy rain. There are all kinds of opinions and guesses. The worms are probably worried about their well-being. Every curious person or adult racks their brains. At school, biology courses do not always cover all issues. But a school biology teacher cannot always answer students’ questions and explain the principle of worm behavior.

As such, there is still no unambiguous scientific answer. Previously it was believed that worms crawl out because they can drown in water. Then this hypothesis was refuted, since worms breathe through their skin. According to experts, worms are able to survive for a certain period of time (up to several days). But there are a number of assumptions that are put forward by scientists from time to time. Here are some of these hypotheses:

First guess is that the soil temperature changes. Worms feel this strongly. When it rains, the temperature changes by several degrees. At the depths of the earth where worms live, the temperature is comfortable for their existence.

Second guess is to change acid-base balance. After precipitation falls, the soil becomes more acidic. This forces the worms to come to the surface so as not to die in changing conditions. Increased cadmium concentrations may also have an effect.

Third guess in changes weather conditions. There are worms that cannot exist in water and die accordingly.

Fourth guess consists of a lack of oxygen.

There is one more point that interests observers. Why do worms get onto asphalt? Is it a footpath or something else solid. Worms gravitate towards something solid because there is less moisture there. Asphalt or concrete, from which paths are made, get less wet. If you look closely after the rain, you can see how the worms move from the ground to the asphalt.

Which countries are participating in the study and have achieved success.
Listed above are the main hypotheses put forward by experts different countries. There are some more thoughts. This may be the so-called herd instinct. Zoologists have different points view on this issue. There are different approaches to studying.

English and scientific zoologists achieved major successes in the field of research. Different specialists adhere to different methods of study and scientific approaches. These experts are of the opinion that worms need oxygen. And from time to time, they take advantage of the opportunity to choose.

Everyone knows that a worm breathes through the skin. The worm has gills, but they are not so developed. Worm burrows are usually about eighty centimeters long. In large individuals they can reach up to several meters. When rainwater falls into a hole, the worm suffocates and crawls not down, but up (trying to escape and not die).

On the surface, those who were able to crawl out of the puddle remain alive, and the rest (who could not) simply die. Because oxygen is better absorbed through the surface of the skin under these conditions. There is also an opinion that worms mistake the sound of rain for the approach of a mole. Mole is the most main enemy for worms, which poses a danger to them. The raindrops that fall resemble the sounds of the approach of this predator. This creates an atmosphere of certain danger for the worms. They are trying to escape as best they can.

There are many opinions and discussions here. All everyday ideas develop historically and are passed on from generation to generation. Some even argue on this topic. Some people think that worms want more moisture (). The soil in which worms live does not retain moisture. And asphalt does not absorb moisture.

This explains the desire of the worms. After heavy rain, you can see the movement of worms. Some of them die under the wheels of a car or under the feet of passers-by. Perhaps this version has some meaning. But someone says that they should have enough moisture (since it rains in winter and in summer and in the off-season). The phenomenon occurs especially after heavy rain.

Why do worms crawl to the surface? The people give their answer. Folk sign, many people say that this happens before the rain. This opinion is especially shared by villagers who are accustomed to following nature. And you can definitely trust them. We can say that there is no unambiguous explanation for the phenomenon. There are opinions. Some of them provide more insight, others less. At the same time, research by specialists continues and perhaps the answer will be found. And everyone will know why worms crawl to the surface.