Anton was born first in large family hereditary actors in Penza. His grandfather was a famous dramatic actor, and his parents were not far behind. After their eldest son, they also wanted to have a daughter. To fill the cup, two of them were born - Asya and Shura.

The girls adore their older brother and always say only good things about him, especially when the eldest of them was born, Anton was already 12. The sisters claim: his leadership talent and soft, alluring energy have always allowed him to occupy the main positions at school, in the yard and in the theater studios.

It was clear to the teachers that the son of an actor and music teacher, Makarsky, would most likely enter theater school. And so it happened. After graduating from Penza school, the boy rushed to the capital and was right. Submitted documents to several theater universities and was enrolled in three of them. I chose Pike, believing that it provided the best acting education.

He graduated enchantingly: frantic energy and the desire to be everywhere at the same time allowed Makarsky to take part in four of the five graduation performances, as well as create seven musical numbers. Most of all he liked to sing and play at the same time. He dreamed of becoming a musical actor.


Drilling (2002)

However, after graduation he was accepted into the troupe of the Theater at Nikitsky Gate. He remembers his first steps as not being the most successful. He notes that he regularly received leading roles, but he was uncomfortable being an ordinary dramatic actor with the talents that nature had endowed Anton with - he simply was not fulfilled.

After some time, Makarsky decided to join the army. He was drafted into the convoy company, but literally a month and a half later, a certified actor with unique talents quickly noted by the command and transferred to the song and dance ensemble at the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

During the allotted period, the actor sang and led concerts, and at the end of his service he became convinced that it was worth trying himself in a new role - not only as a dramatic actor.

His thoughts were confirmed at the casting of the musical “Metro,” which began soon after Makarsky’s demobilization. He went there with great hope and inspiration, and fate smiled at the bright young man twice that day.


At the casting, he not only showed all his talents, but also noted a bright blonde who also came to the audition. As a result, Makarsky received the role and Vika Morozova’s phone number.

Rehearsals went on as usual, but the newly made partner, Vika, did not show her sympathy in any way and did not seem to notice Anton’s beautiful courtship. The actor, however, admits: on the first day of the casting he realized that Vika was the woman of his dreams, and was not going to back down.

Vika, who raved about music and dedicated her entire life before meeting Anton to polishing her skills, came to the musical specifically to work. She liked Makarsky's courtship, but to start such great job with office romance did not want.

The actress admits that several years before she met Anton, she was at a reception with Pavel Globa, who predicted her fateful meeting with her husband. He clarified that Vika, who dreams of becoming a star, will ultimately be so happy with this man that she will leave dreams of stardom in the background and devote herself to her family. But the husband will achieve some success.

But the musical “Metro” was the first work for both spouses. It was almost impossible to think that the unknown Makarsky was that same fate.

The man, meanwhile, tried: he sang romances to her, read poetry, and came up with various surprises. But that’s not what she appreciated. Once Vika talked about the romantic relationship between Marc Chagall and Bella Rosenfeld, and Anton was so moved that his eyes became moist. “This is the romantic I was looking for,” the girl thought then.


A year later, Makarsky, who, in parallel with his work in the musical, began acting in films, received some fame, as well as Victoria’s consent to the wedding.

Vika’s mother gave the go-ahead for her marriage to Anton. She rushed to Moscow from Minsk at night, barely hearing that her daughter was going to marry “a handsome man.” She was afraid that the girl would repeat her unhappy fate. She also married a handsome man - against her parents’ word, but after two weeks she realized that a man with such appearance was too loving.

However, Makarsky managed to completely charm his future mother-in-law, and also convince her that he was a real monogamous man, head over heels in love with her daughter. This is how Anton became Vika’s mother’s favorite and won her trust forever.

And they got married only three years after the wedding. At that time, “Notre Dame” was a success in Moscow, and the video that made Makarsky famous, in which he, together with Petkun and Golubev, performs the famous “Belle,” was not watched except by infants.


Breathe with me-2 (2012)

A few hours after the painting, the newlyweds were already in the capital of love - Paris. Alexander Golubev, who played the role of Captain Phoebus de Chateaupert, was also there. Having drunk and had fun, the actors began to laugh and climbed the outside of the Eiffel Tower.

At this moment, an excursion from Yakutia was exploring the surrounding area. The guide, accustomed to everything, was not at a loss: “And this is the Eiffel Tower,” he said in a staged voice, “On which the performers of the roles of Frollo and Captain Phoebus from the famous musical are now hanging.”

This is not the only joke that happened to the Makarskys. They are generally a cheerful family. Among the secrets happy marriage invariably cited is a sense of humor and creativity.

For example, when a couple begins to quarrel and reaches the boiling point, Anton takes a guitar and plays a romance: “Let's burn, Morozova! Dance! No matter how offended and angry Victoria was, this way to relieve anger and tension has never failed.

The Makarskys quarreled and made up many times. It even happened that they were planning to divorce and move away, but they came to their senses in time. The actors emphasize that they love each other and are well aware of this. What else is needed for a happy marriage?

The Makarskys had their first-born daughter Mashenka only thirteen years after their marriage, and after her son Ivan was born. Now the Makarskys openly talk about their love and are considered one of the most beautiful and happy couples Russian show business.

Fate Called Love (2016)

Adam and the Transformations of Eve (2005)

August 26, 2015, 11:04 pm

I wanted to make a post about a couple that I really liked, it seems that their story was not discussed here, so I hope someone will find it interesting. I want to talk about Morozova and Makarsky until the moment when they, in a rather ambiguous and public way, came to faith. I want to warn you in advance that I liked both of them, especially him)

“How Metro was born, that’s how the novel was born, there was no such thing as gossip, well, it’s kind of clear that Makarsky is with Morozova. Morozova is with Makarsky. That is, there’s nothing even to discuss. It’s like a conductor in a pit, a drummer playing on drums, Morozov and Makarsky, that is, it was not discussed. Why? It was clear to everyone that it was not possible to pick off one or the other and drag them into some other hands, because it was already destined to be so. They could not get unstuck from each other friend, they were constantly hugging and kissing. We are doing a dance warm-up, and our warm-ups were like this: half standing, and half in a porter, that is, lying down. And, God forbid, if lying down they ended up next to each other, and the teacher I turned away for a second, then they kissed, then they hugged, then they were doing almost, I don’t know, right here at the rehearsal. Therefore, our director, Janusz Yuzyfovich, at first as a joke, but then he was very angry with them and all the time said: “Ich go home, ich go home!” Rabbits!" - Evelina Bledans.

These programs tell in more detail about how eyewitnesses perceived these relationships:

I watched a lot of interviews and in all of them Anton says something like this “I immediately singled her out from everyone. She doesn’t look like anyone at all. But I must honestly admit that in the first minute I noticed the legs on high platforms and in mini -a skirt, and a very beautiful belly in a short top. And only then I saw her eyes...” But printed text is printed text, if anyone has time, watch the video file below. He talks about meeting her SO that I envy her) And a reasonable question arises, WHAT IS SO ABOUT HER? Anton at the very beginning.

As for Vika, I personally think that she somewhat overestimates herself, since until now, in almost all of their joint video interviews (which I watched), she reminds Anton that the oligarchs promised her mountains of gold, invited her to marry, offered houses, cars, yes and of the Metro actors, many “attached” to her, but she chose him unknown and poor, even if everything was so, it’s ridiculous to remind about this at every opportunity years later. But I want to note that overall I like it or liked it.

One of Wiki’s examples of coquetry is the program “While Everyone Is Home” for 2007. By the way, I highly recommend comparing it with the entry “While Everyone Is Home” for 2014. It’s like two different couples.

Well, the story about “two grilled chickens,” which probably everyone who has watched or read at least one interview with Makarsky knows. It feels like this grilled chicken is in Anton’s nightmares.

“I remember one day, when we were walking from the Operetta Theater for the first time to the house on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, where we lived at that time, Vika said: let’s buy grilled chicken. I thought: “Wow, requests! Grilled chicken! Yes, I’m on I’ll live with this chicken myself for a week and feed my entire dorm!” But, of course, he said: “Of course, go ahead, no question!” I scraped out of all my pockets everything I had there for a month in advance, and suddenly she said: “Let’s buy two, otherwise guests will come." This was a terrible blow for me! I said: “Vika, what two chickens, I have no money!" And she: “I have it!” And thus, without wanting it, in Once again punched me in the gut. I had a terrible complex then!”

About money

Anton: The biggest problems were due to the fact that I was a poor actor, and Vika was a popular singer with, as it seemed to me, big claims. In the first year, I left her three times precisely because I could not provide financially he couldn’t live off his beloved woman either. Well, I’m used to a moneyless, easy life; even 200 dollars was enough for me. And suddenly, next to me is a woman for whom these 200 dollars are nothing! Go to a restaurant a couple of times.

Victoria: They came up to me: “I’ll buy you a house in Switzerland, why the hell should you work?” Some suffering millionaire always came to my concert with a huge bouquet of roses: “Come and visit me! I’ll do whatever you want for you.” No, why? I didn't like them as men. Almost all rich men are unattractive. Anton left me three times. He fell into despair: “I don’t have a penny of money, and there’s such a woman next to me! He didn’t eat at home, because the groceries were bought with my money, he basically ate oatmeal... He didn’t go anywhere with me. It was a very difficult period of my life, I could not quit my job and thereby reassure Anton, because I had a team that had to be fed. And I was forbidden to cook. He always said, “I’ll find something to eat.” He always spent everything on me. His first decent fee was $350 from Alla Pugacheva. "Christmas Meetings" took place at the Metro, and she personally paid all the lead singers of the musical. Anton immediately went and bought me a mink hat with earflaps.

About jealousy

Victoria: In front of Anton, coming closer than a meter to another man is very dangerous (smiles). His grandmother is a purebred Georgian. Jealous is scary! My great-grandmother taught me: “Vika, don’t be jealous of your husband and don’t follow him. If you want to be happy, let him be jealous of you. It’s the husband who has to think and worry about where you are, who you’re with.” It was as if she foresaw what my Anton would turn out to be like

Anton:Vika knows: will change - I'll stab you

Anton: I am not a jealous person, but a very fair one. But if I find out anything, I’ll kill him (laughs).

About the environment:

Vika: Everyone around me kept repeating to his face: “By what right are you next to her? Who are you?" I had to break off relationships with many. I really regret that I haven’t communicated with my teacher since then. I owe her a lot. But listening to nasty things about Anton was beyond my strength. That's why we went to get married in church - so that God would protect us.

Anton: Everyone around Vika said why you need a provincial actor who is poor and unemployed... I had a lot of complexes because of this. I must pay tribute to my wife - at that time she broke off relations with many friends because they did not accept me. Only a few from Vika’s circle were for our union. The fact is that Victoria was already quite famous singer. Therefore, her friends dissuaded her: “Why do you need this poor actor, he has neither a stake nor a yard. You need a person who can financially provide for you and support you.” I had a complex. The last straw was an incident at some New Year's party. Seeing us, the famous satirist Lion Izmailov spread his arms and turned to Vika: “So this is what you have, Morozov!” I don’t remember how I jumped out into the street... When, four years after the date of our meeting and three years after the wedding, we were signing at the registry office, Vika took one look from me to declare that she wanted to take the surname Makarskaya.

About love:

Victoria: - Anton seduced me on the very first day, after the party. This had never happened to me before: they always courted me for a long time, it took me time to fall in love... The next morning they told me that he is the biggest Casanova and the girls are standing in line behind him. In general, he is a male. This was a big blow for me. She immediately told him: “I won’t be your chick. What happened between us this night doesn’t mean anything.” He didn’t answer and asked to walk me home. And he pounced right from the doorway! Just some kind of sexual maniac! (Smiles).In our feelings with Anton, of course, there was love, desire, and passion. Invincible passion. We couldn’t live without each other; after a second we began to feel bored in body and soul. Recently our director Janusz Yuzefovich recalled: “You are like rabbits! Kissed non-stop! You play them at rehearsals in different ends scenes, just gape, they - hop! - already together, kissing. IN ballet class you’ll move to opposite corners, turn away for a minute, and look - Anton has already crawled up to Vika on his belly, they’re kissing again.” And when there are no words, everything is fine with us, love is carrots. That is, to avoid quarrels, we don’t need to talk. As soon as we opened our mouths, the struggle of opposites began. Those people who are attractive to me, he does not like at all. On the second day he proposed to me:

While I have nothing but jeans and a T-shirt, I understand that I have no right to ask you to marry. But I promise you will have everything.

What exactly? - I flirted, I was wildly interested in what “everything” meant to a Penza guy who had just come from the army.

Dresses, a fur coat and a house - this is what Makarsky imagined then could attract a woman.

Anton: At first I was just really into beautiful woman... Vika claims that on the second day I proposed to her. But before her, I had never confessed my love to anyone. And then suddenly these words came out against my will: “I love you.” I was even a little scared. Vika looked at me in surprise and replied: “I love you too.”

Victoria: Antosha always says that he loves me much more than I love him. But who can measure love?

P.S. I won’t be offended by criticism, I know that the post was not written very correctly and this couple set many people on edge, but still..))


Updated 27/08/15 08:38:

Anton: The main thing for me is that this blonde feels good, that's the main objective life. Therefore, let Vikochka do what she wants, I will fit in everywhere. The same thing happened with the renovation of this apartment: I still can’t look at the color of the bedroom walls without trembling! (Laughs.)

V.M.: I approached Anton and asked: “Can I paint our bedroom bright green?” - knowing that it is him that my husband hates. He said: “No way! Anything but green!” - "Fine". And in one picture I saw an orange bedroom, and composer Laura Quint said in an interview: “Peach color has a good effect on relationships.”

A.M.: When I saw this bedroom, I just sighed heavily and cursed quietly. What could be said? Seeing how I grimaced, Vika exclaimed: “Don’t you like it?” - “Vikochka, the main thing is that you are happy!” (Laughs.)

Victoria: A woman should never, no matter what the scandal, leave home. A man can slam the door and leave, but a woman should always wait at home, says Victoria.

Anton: Because when she is about to leave, especially if there is a quarrel at night, the man will not let her go anywhere alone, and then a fight is inevitable, and a fight from the woman, because the man will only restrain her, gently press her against the wall and say: you are not going anywhere “You’ll go, believe me,” Anton agreed.

Updated 27/08/15 08:47:

Victoria: Every time Anton told me: “I don’t want to ruin your life. I'm not your match", I, literally, on my knees with tears, using all feminine tricks and methods, I managed to drag him home back and not let him go again. And I advise all women who want to save their marriage and family to do this, understanding that men can really have complexes, especially on financial grounds.

Victoria Makarskaya - successful actress, loving wife and a caring mother. Do you want to know how she built her career and personal life? All necessary information you will find about her person in the article.

Victoria Makarskaya: biography

Our heroine was born on May 22, 1973 in Vitebsk. Her maiden name- Morozova. In what family was Victoria Makarskaya raised? Parents had nothing to do with cinema and stage. My father was a military man.

Victoria spent her childhood in secret Baltic garrisons. Therefore, her circle of contacts was limited. WITH early years the girl demonstrated her creative abilities. The baby organized home concerts.

At the age of 15, Vika became a soloist with the Belarusian orchestra. The parents were proud of their daughter's achievements. And she dreamed of continuing musical career in the Russian capital.


At the end high school Victoria Makarskaya, as planned, went to Moscow. The girl took a taxi and went to the Bolshoi Theater. That's where she wanted to work. But that day, the office in which the personnel department was located was closed. Vika had to return to the Belorussky station. She sat on the bench and cried quietly. And then he approached her unknown man. He turned out to be English. In broken Russian, this gentleman invited Makarskaya to become the lead singer of his group. Oddly enough, the blonde immediately believed him. And for good reason. Thanks to this producer, she became a professional singer.

New Horizons

Victoria Makarskaya was not going to stop there. The girl understood that without higher education there's no way around it. Vika began to intensively prepare for admission to GITIS. Her choice fell on the directing department. Our heroine successfully passed the exams and was enrolled in a course with one of the best specialists.

Love story

Victoria Makarskaya (see photo above) pushed her personal life into the background. She spent almost all her time promoting her singing career and studying at GITIS.

In 1999, the creators of the musical “Metro” offered her cooperation. At that time, the girl was in her last year of directing. She needed practice. And Vika agreed to take on the project.

While auditioning for the musical “Metro,” the blonde met the young actor Anton Makarsky. The young people liked each other at first sight. The guy began to beautifully look after Vika. He gave her huge bouquets and cute trinkets. The lovers walked through the city at night and made plans for the future. Soon they began to live together.

Envious people

Victoria Makarskaya, whose biography we are considering today, was popular with the opposite sex. But you can’t call her a flighty person. In interviews with printed publications, the singer has repeatedly said that Anton is her first true love.

Victoria's friends did not approve of her choice. Some did not take the guy seriously, while others openly mocked him. The only one from Vika’s circle who supported Anton was director Boris Krasnov. He saw in Makarsky natural talent and enormous creative potential.

A year after they met, the lovers underwent a wedding ceremony. It was their mutual desire. They swore to God eternal fidelity to each other. The couple had their real wedding only 3 years later. Colleagues of Vika and Anton, as well as their relatives, were present at the celebration. It was decided not to invite envious people and deceitful friends.


In 2002, our heroine had problems with her voice. She had to leave the stage. But she quickly found herself new job. Vika became the producer of her own husband. Anton was only glad of this.

Victoria Makarskaya: children

What married couple necessary for complete happiness? Of course, children. Anton and Vika Makarsky had problems with this serious problems. They consisted of legally married 13 years old. The singer and actor dreamed of children. The couple was regularly examined by the best Moscow specialists. Vika and Anton traveled to holy places. They made donations and made one wish for two - for an imminent addition to the family. This is how year after year passed. And one day God heard their prayers. A real miracle happened.

At the beginning of 2012, it became known about Victoria's pregnancy. Fans of the famous couple literally jumped to the ceiling with happiness. Anton and Vika never ceased to thank the Lord for such a wonderful gift. Although the word “miracle” would be more appropriate here. Indeed, not every woman manages to get pregnant for the first time at 38 years old.

To save his wife from dirty gossip and prying eyes, Anton Makarsky took his wife to Israel. The couple already had their own property in this country. Throughout her pregnancy, Vika lived in comfortable conditions. She visited the beach, which is a 10-minute walk from their apartment. Future parents turned to one of the best perinatal centers.

On September 9, 2012, Vika and Anton’s first child was born. The girl weighed exactly 3 kg. As for height, it is not customary to measure it in Israel. The new parents couldn't stop looking at their long-awaited child. The girl was named with a beautiful Russian name - Maria.

Anton Makarsky canceled filming and tours in Russia in order to spend more time with his wife and daughter. He bathed and swaddled the baby himself. Vika looked at him and realized that it was difficult to imagine a better father for a child.

Soon the young parents returned to Moscow. Anton earned money for the family. And Vika devoted herself to caring for the baby and the house.

In November 2014, at a concert in honor of his 39th birthday, the actor announced the imminent addition to their family. Victoria carried their second child under her heart.

Anton again took his wife to Israel and enrolled him in the same clinic. An ultrasound scan was performed within the time period specified by the specialists. The Makarskys learned that they were having a boy.

On May 31, 2015, Vika gave birth to a son, whose weight was 3 kg 400. The boy was named Ivan. During childbirth, Anton was next to his wife. He was the first to take the baby in his arms. Now Victoria and Anton have double happiness - a sweet son and a sweet daughter.


Now you know how the career and personal life of our heroine turned out. Victoria Makarskaya - beautiful and Strong woman. She went through many trials and tribulations, for which she received a huge gift from fate - the joy of motherhood.

Anton and Victoria Makarsky, who are expecting the birth of their second child, spoke about the long journey to becoming parents and about the relationships in their family. About how the exclusive photo shoot for HELLO! in Paris, we have already told you, now we present the shooting itself and the interview with Anton and Victoria.

They didn’t see each other for almost three weeks - Anton was in Moscow recording the part of Aladdin for ice show, Vika visited the doctors in Tel Aviv and was only surprised: well, it’s impossible to be so healthy in the fourth month of pregnancy that they wouldn’t even prescribe vitamins? All this time we communicated via Skype, and here was a gift - a meeting in Paris, which both consider the city of love not just because it is so customary: 11 years ago, having barely become a family, Vika and Anton flew here a few hours after registering their marriage and since then Since then, they have loved the French capital almost as much as their native one.

True, in winter, when the wind pierces through and the rain reaches even under the famous local bridges, it is much more pleasant to look at the Eiffel Tower hidden behind the clouds from the window of Le Cafe du Trocadero, taking coffee with cream in cups more reminiscent in size of soup and surrounded by delicious tarte de framboise and krambol, which in this place match the drinks - each serving is quite capable of replacing breakfast.

- Victoria, Anton, you first flew to Paris 11 years ago, on the same day that you got married.

Victoria. We have the most fun memories of Paris! Antosha and Sasha Golubev, who performed the role of Frollo in the musical "Notre Dame de Paris", having drunk cider, cognac and wine, climbed the outside of the Eiffel Tower.

Anton. Then “Notre Dame” was just taking off, the song sounded from every electrical device. And here comes a delegation from Yakutia, the guide says: “On the right is the Eiffel Tower, on it are the performers of the role of Frollo and Captain Phoebus de Chateaupert.” The Yakuts were not surprised. They only asked: where was Quasimodo Petkun, who played, because the three of them sang the Belle aria... (Laughs.) But in general, for me, going to the registry office was only to make it convenient to travel: they often asked at international airports why Vika and I were together all the time, especially in Israel we suffered.

- There is another version. It’s as if you, Anton, went to Victoria’s concert, where satirist Lion Izmailov called you Morozov, and it offended you so much that almost immediately they took the girl to the registry office.

Victoria. This is the correct version!

Anton. Well... It happened. Under New Year For the first time I accompanied Vika to a concert. I had never gone before because of stupid youthful complexes that it was not I who provided for the family, but my wife. And everyone knew that the singer Morozova had a husband - some kind of artist of Penza origin. And so we walk, hugging each other, and then Lion Izmailov - he conducted that concert - comes towards us: “So that’s what he is, Morozov!” I'm already green!

Victoria. And only after that Anton took me to the registry office. This is not a joke or an anecdote. Thank you, dear Lyon!

Anton. Coincidence.

Victoria. And it's not a coincidence. I just started asking at the registry office: “Antosha, can I sign up at least Morozova-Makarskaya?” He looked at me so that, without even finishing the sentence, I said: “Okay, just write Makarska.” But at the same time, what’s funny is that my husband still calls me Morozova.

- Anton, did you really earn so little at that time?

per month in best case scenario I received 200 dollars and immediately paid them for a rented apartment near Arbat, in Starokonyushenny Lane. And he paid so little only because the owner was a big fan of the series." Poor Nastya", which was incredibly popular then. The rating reached 70 percent, cities died out when a new episode was shown. And the woman, coming for payment, became the queen of the court, having learned from me all the details: who will be with whom in the next episode and who from whom gets pregnant.

- Life is still much more interesting. Did you really think that by the age of 40 you would become a dad for the second time?

I only dreamed about it. Judging by all the signs, it will be Ivan Antonovich.

- Why didn’t they do an ultrasound for a long time?

Victoria. I didn’t want to go to the doctor without Anton, and we just met him in Paris, we haven’t seen each other for almost three weeks.

Anton. I was recording songs for the new ice show "Aladdin and the Lord of Fire". He voiced the role of Aladdin, and the role of the princess was performed by singer Jasmine.

- Victoria, how did you live without your husband for so long?

Victoria. I do not know. Before, separation was completely unthinkable for us; we were together all the time, 24 hours.

Anton. As in that joke: “She followed him into exile - and ruined his entire hard labor.”

Victoria.(Laughing.) Joker! You yourself constantly drag me along on film expeditions...

- But now it turns out that you are the one running away from your husband all the time.

Victoria. Because he is a despot and a bore! (Laughs.) You see, we couldn’t get pregnant all our lives, although we both wildly wanted children. And when, after 13 years, this happened and we skipped and ran to the doctor in Moscow, we were killed by the very first question: “Are you going to save it?” I was almost 39 years old, and the doctor hinted in every possible way that a defective child would be born and at that age I shouldn’t give birth, and it was time to go to the cemetery. When I took the tests, she said: “You are in a pre-miscarriage state - nothing will definitely work out.”

Anton. Vika left the clinic in tears. And our friend, a monk from the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, who was visiting us at that time and later became Mashenka’s godfather, bought her tickets to Israel. Vika came with all her fears to the Israeli doctors, and they said: “What are you, girl? What kind of old-timer are you?”

Victoria. I flew to Tel Aviv for just a week. But Anton’s mother didn’t let me go from there. As in that joke: “Why is a Jewish mother worse than an Arab terrorist? At least you can come to an agreement with the latter.” And so I live in Israel for a month, I live for two, and my Moscow anxiety begins to go away, the stress goes away, I look around and think: “Yes, I live in paradise.” Every morning I walked along the seashore for six kilometers on foot, and that’s why I kept my waistline before the maternity hospital.

- Is this where the rumors started that you used the services of a surrogate mother?

Anton. This gave rise to ridiculous rumors. Who in Russia will believe that 11 days after caesarean section Is it already possible to bounce on stage for nine concerts in a row?

Victoria. Medicine in Israel is completely different. It is impossible to explain to anyone who has not encountered this. They even gave me a special injection so that my stomach would go away instantly, and not in six weeks, as usual. I fit into concert dresses, but I had to embroider eight centimeters in the chest area... How I fell in love with Israel! Although I couldn’t imagine that I could ever leave Russia. And when I returned after giving birth, I realized: I can’t live in the center of Moscow - my daughter immediately turned green under her eyes.

Anton. But the Israeli climate doesn't suit me. I'm cold-loving. I love winter, I love snow, I dream of a beard and I want felt boots. In Moscow, our windows overlook Butyrsky Val. That's where I come to life, and as soon as I get to environmentally friendly places, I ask you to bring me to the exhaust pipe...

Victoria. And in Moscow, after the sea air, I’m just dying. She cried for a month and three weeks, and then said: “Masha is running out of baby food, I urgently need to fly to Israel!" Anton: "Keep in mind, we're only going for three days, we'll get vaccinated, buy everything - and go home." We arrived, and I quickly rented an apartment with windows overlooking the sea: I knew that this was the only thing possible. will attract your husband.

Anton. Even if I insisted that they stay in the capital, I would still be constantly running around filming. So let them live better where they feel good. And where do they bloom?

- It’s amazing: the blonde feels good in Israel, but the brunette talks about his love for Russia and felt boots.

Victoria. Appearances are deceptive: according to local laws, I am considered more Jewish than Anton, despite my Siberian dad! Plus I have Lithuanian, Latvian blood and a little Tatar.

Anton. And in addition to the Jewish quarter, I have Georgian, German, Cossack and Polish blood. It’s not surprising that they ask: who did Masha turn out to be so big-eyed? She has absolutely Georgian round eyes.

- If it’s so nice on the seashore, why did you buy yourself a large townhouse in Sergiev Posad?

Victoria. We really hope that God will send us many children! The house is huge, we will equip everything there: a studio and an office, so that we can leave less often. Our children, Anton is sure, will go to school only in Sergiev Posad.

- Anton, are you ready to travel from there to work for three hours?

Anton. Cinema now for the most part They are not filming in Moscow. And our apartment in the center is not going anywhere, we can stay sometimes. But I don’t mind standing in traffic jams in order to see my family every day. The main thing is that Sergiev Posad is the spiritual heart of Russia, Masha, as I already said, has a godfather - a monk from the Lavra. Plus an Orthodox gymnasium and a monastery with own production, where you can buy quality products without chemicals. Our windows overlook the church at the boarding school for deaf-blind children, with whom we came here to Paris.

Victoria. This charitable pre-Christmas event is dedicated to the memory of the Baptist of Rus', the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir; celebrations in honor of the millennium of his repose will begin in Russia in January. In the meantime, we brought the kids to Paris, where they performed with us in Russian center science and culture. Masha stayed with Anton’s mother because of the Parisian cold; usually her daughter flies with us.

- Victoria, how does your husband sometimes allow you to live for a long time without him in a country where every blonde is worth its weight in gold?

I love my husband very much, and Antosha trusts me. And his mother is nearby all the time. (Laughs.) In Moscow I was a completely average woman, but in Israel they explained to me that I, it turns out, was the standard of beauty. As soon as I came, I was offered to be the face of two leading companies - a cosmetics company and a clothing manufacturer. If a woman like me arrives, she immediately gets married, and on the very first day. (Laughs.) I have a week before giving birth, and men kept coming and coming and making proposals. They thought she was lonely: it was so hot that due to swelling they had to take off their wedding ring.

- Not everyone will understand why, having the opportunity to choose, you chose not a luxury clinic, but an ordinary Jerusalem clinic, where you will give birth for the second time.

Anton. We came to give birth, not to relax. Plus we wanted there to be as few people as possible who recognize us. And in this hospital no one recognized us except the head nurse and the doctor, who turned out to be Russian. In Israel, all the most talented doctors are from Russia! My dream is that people all over the world, when planning to undergo treatment, would say: “No, I will only go to Russia.” So that the best minds and hands remain in their homeland. Yes, Vika and I now have two citizenships, but we have one homeland. And personally, I want to live only in Russia.

Victoria. I grew up in damp and cold, in Baltic military towns. All my life I considered myself a very sick person. And in Israel it turned out that I was absolutely healthy. I haven’t even been to a cosmetologist for a year and a half, and I look like I’ve never been able to look in Moscow... But as much as the Israeli climate suits me, it doesn’t suit Anton. He can't stand the heat at all.

Anton. I immediately swell up, start mumbling loudly and become a mega boring person. Only horizontal bars and alcohol can save you.

Victoria. I have already resigned myself, I understand: I will follow my husband, even to Siberia, even to Sergiev Posad. My life near the sea cannot last long. But for now...

Anton. Until I started the year of henpecked again. (Laughs.)

Victoria, the official record is pregnancy at 67. Try it again - you can live where you want for another 25 years.

Victoria. There is no other way out. (Smiles.) In Moscow, I was missing half of the periodic table, and now they don’t even prescribe a single vitamin. They say: you can be plowed, you are as healthy as a horse. So I’m gaining health, so that later I can bring joy to every small town in Russia with our positive concert.

Anton. Without bargaining and without making money. Despite the fact that our “Live Concert” is always sold out, in Russia everything is structured in such a way that almost all the money is spent on simply organizing the concert with dignity and at a high professional level. My main income is from cinema. And concerts are an outlet. I tried to leave the acting profession a couple of times, but they didn’t let me. Those people whose opinion is valuable to me said: you have no right to serve people in the place where the Lord put you.

- Maybe acting is like a marriage? You tried to leave Vika too.

Three times in the first year. I thought I wasn’t worthy of such a “princess”. But Vika brought me back with everyone possible ways, and sometimes completely trampling his pride. Do you know what helped us overcome all the obstacles? The fact that after the very first most difficult year we got married and realized that now we are one, regardless of any circumstances.

Text: Kirill Litmanov