It turns out that the squirrel is an excellent builder! How cleverly she arranges her nest, which, by the way, is called gayno!

The animal weaves a nest from thin twigs, deftly working with its front paws. She does this very carefully. First he folds the twig to the twig, and then presses them tightly against each other. After this, the busybody bends the ends of the twigs and weaves them into a large ball with side holes for entry. The guy, as a rule, has two such holes for safety. On frosty days, the housewife closes them tightly with moss. The squirrel insulates its nest for winter soft wool, down, leaves and bird feathers. It’s warm in such a nest even in the cold.

A squirrel usually has several such houses: for cubs, for sleeping, and for hiding from bad weather. The animal likes to spend frosty days in its nest. She covers herself with her fluffy tail like a blanket and sleeps sweetly.

About what forest animal do they say: “It will fool anyone”?

Well, of course, about the fox! By nature, she has rather short, thin, even graceful legs, not adapted for long running. Therefore, the fox is forced to take prey thanks to its cunning and special tricks. The cheat easily deceives gullible birds, animals and even people. In winter, the fox most often hunts voles. How interesting she does it! If a red-haired cunning one smells a mouse smell in some place, then it very quietly creeps up to it, and then jumps up and hits the ground with its paws. Having heard loud sounds and not understanding what’s going on, the frightened mice jump out of the hole with great horror. And that’s all the cheat needs! It is very difficult for mice to escape from the dexterous fox and its sharp teeth. There is another trick - a fox can lie in front of its victim's hole for hours, cleverly pretending to be dead. The mice, believing that the fox is dead, lose their vigilance and easily fall for this trick.

How do parents take care of little wolf cubs?

I can’t even believe that wolves - caring parents! The number of wolf cubs born can be from 5 to 8, but sometimes there are 12. Therefore, it is difficult for one mother to cope with such a litter. The wolf always helps the she-wolf raise her babies. He goes hunting and brings prey for the whole family. The she-wolf keeps a watchful eye on the children, the slightest sign danger takes them to another place, more reliable and calm. Sometimes young wolves help raise and feed wolf cubs. IN wolf pack there may be nurseries in which one-year-old wolves “work” as nannies. They play with the kids and teach them to hunt.

What and how does a bear eat?

Yes, practically everyone. Her favorite plants are: nuts, acorns, mushrooms, raspberries, blueberries, blueberries, lingonberries, rowan berries and viburnum. He will not refuse chicks, small animals, ants and, of course, fish. And, if he is very hungry, he can even attack an elk. Interestingly, the bear hunts for ants. He sticks his tongue into the anthill and waits for the ants to stick around him. It swallows everyone en masse. Toptygin is an avid fisherman and can sit for hours on the bank of a river. The paw is raised in anticipation of the fish. As soon as the bear notices the fish, he deftly and accurately hits it with his strong paw, pulls it out of the water and feasts.

What about honey? A colony of bees will find a sweet tooth in a hollow tree, put their paw into it, pull out the sweet honeycombs and eat all the honey. The bear doesn't care at all about bee stings. A thick fur coat protects the bear from the sharp stings of angry insects.

For what wild pigs dirt?

Interesting but difficult to watch marten

The fact is that the animal does not build a permanent home, but moves through the forest, hiding, each time in a new shelter. There during the day she rests in one of them, and at night she goes hunting. The marten has everything that a good hunter should have: tenacious legs with membranes of skin in order to more conveniently grasp tree branches. The animal can climb up even an absolutely vertical and smooth trunk. The large tail serves as a rudder and parachute when jumping. With the help of such a tail assistant, the marten can jump far standing tree or boldly rush with high altitude straight to the ground. In addition, she has excellent vision, hearing and smell. Marten dangerous enemy for hares, squirrels, rodents, as well as hazel grouse and black grouse.

The woodpecker knocks and knocks on the tree, but when does he have time to eat?

In summer, the bird feeds mainly on insects. At the same time, the beak and tongue become the main tools for obtaining food. The woodpecker's beak is a real tool for chiseling hard wood. By the way, when a bird hammers a tree, the wood dust does not interfere with its breathing at all, since its nostrils are protected by special bristles. Having hollowed out a small hole in the bark, the woodpecker sticks its tongue into it, which is also unusual. It is flexible, long, covered with sticky saliva and like a grater. set with small teeth directed backwards. The tongue can protrude 12 cm from the mouth. With this tongue it is convenient to get insects from under the bark and narrow holes. And he will have lunch and treat the tree.

The animal world has its own champions. These are animals the most the largest and the smallest, the quietest and the noisiest. Everyone has their own flavor, but we don’t know everyone. Therefore, we will try to introduce you to the most outstanding representatives of the animal world, with the most interesting facts about them.

1. The biggest bee

In 1859, naturalist Alfred Wallace discovered the largest bees in Indonesia. The world's largest Megachile pluto has a wingspan of 63 mm and a body length of 39 mm

2. The biggest shark

The biggest is whale shark (Rhincodon typus). Interesting fact is that under the name whale shark there are two species hiding at once, both belonging to different families. The first - southern - inhabits tropical and subtropical waters, the second - northern or giant - lives in cool waters. Both of these sharks feed on plankton and are not at all bloodthirsty, although they measure an astonishing 23 meters in length and 15-20 tons in weight.

3. The largest rodent

Capybara lives in South America and is the world's largest rodent. She is also called capybara for her love of water procedures and similarity to domestic guinea pigs. But the dimensions of capybaras are not at all tiny - weight up to 65 kg, height - 60 cm, and length - 135 cm.

4. The largest dinosaur

The most big dinosaur according to the latest data it is considered amphicelia 50 m long and weighing 150 tons. Interesting fact- Amphicelia was a peaceful herbivorous lizard.

5. The longest cat

Robin Hendrickson lives in Nawada (USA) longest cat Mymains Stuart Gilligan. The cat belongs to the Maine Coon breed, is 6 years old and 123 cm long.

6. The largest crocodile alive in captivity

In Queensland, Australia, you can see Cassius - himself big crocodile , living in captivity. The giant from the city park is hard to miss with its 5.48 meters in length and 907 kilograms in weight.

7. Longest insect

Chan's megastick insect is recognized as the longest among insects. The record holder was discovered in the forests of Kalimantan in 1989. It was one of only three megalobids discovered and was estimated to be 56.7 cm in length, of which 35.7 cm was on the body.

8. The most a large number of cats with one owner

In 1981, Linea Lattanzio from California adopted the first stray cat into her home. After this, the cats somehow began to accumulate and now there are already more than 700 of them in Linea’s house.

9. Tallest dog

Dave Nasser from Arizona (USA) lives most tall dog - 108 cm at the withers. George belongs to the Great Danes, which are famous for their small size. Other parameters of the dog match the height - weight 114 kg and body length 213 cm.

10. The longest tongue of a land mammal

Among land mammals the most long tongue has big anteater. The body length of the anteater is 120 cm, while the tongue reaches 60 cm in length!

11. The loudest cat in the world

Ruth Adams is the proud owner of Smokey the cat. A 12 year old cat has interesting Feature - she can purr with a volume of 92.7 decibels. This noise is comparable to the roar of an airplane landing. Ruth often can't talk on the phone or watch TV when Smokey is purring nearby.

Incredible facts

This article contains 10 interesting and amazing facts about animals about which we know little.

There are about a million in the world various types representatives of fauna, fish, birds and insects.

Most of them can still be found in wildlife, however, some of them are endangered.

1) Panamanian golden frog

This frog differs from its relatives in that it does not have ears. They capture sounds with the help of their lungs, which replace the frog's hearing organ.

It is noteworthy that this type frogs are not unique in this sense. There are several species of fish whose lungs function in exactly the same way.

2) Scientists call a group of school fish, while A flock of owls is considered to be a parliament.

These are the names used by zoologists to designate certain groups fauna representatives.

3) Every day one cow releases into the air great amount methane, which is considered almost the most harmful gas.

Scientists have calculated that a cow can fill about 400 liter bottles with this amount.

4) Black Widow considered one of the most poisonous spiders in the world. The venom of this insect can kill in a matter of hours if the victim is not given the necessary assistance.

Everyone knows this. But about what from strong poison Even birds can suffer, little is known. The thing is that a bird that eats a spider can be poisoned by it. The poison will almost certainly cause performance problems gastrointestinal tract, which, in turn, can lead to the death of the bird.

5) Woodpecker practically the whole day is busy knocking and knocking on wood. Experts have calculated that the bird can hammer on a tree 20 times per second.

On average, a woodpecker makes from 8,000 to 12,000 such strikes per day.

Shark skeleton

6) Sharks are recognized predators depths of the sea. Despite the fact that this is one of the most large fish in the world, this is a completely boneless animal. The shark's skeleton consists only of cartilage (the so-called flexible bones).

The human ears and nasal septum are made of such cartilage. It’s hard to believe, but if the shark were on land, it could easily be crushed by its own weight, since the complete absence of bones in its body makes the animal’s skeleton weak and poorly protected.

Snail Dream

7) In the mouth garden snail there are about 14,175 teeth. It is noteworthy that all the teeth are located on the tongue.

Another interesting fact about the snail is that it can sleep for 3 years without waking up. What determines the duration of sleep, what external factors experts are trying to find out.

How many legs does a centipede have?

8) Scientists have found that centipedes appeared on our planet about 400 million years ago.

Although the insect's name suggests it has 40 legs, people have estimated that the centipede has over 300 legs.

9) Daman is a small rabbit weighing from 2 to 5 kg. However, what is surprising is that experts attribute family ties to this small animal with no one else, but with the elephant itself.

This is indeed true: the hyrax is the closest relative of the elephant.

10) Dodo is one of national symbols Mauritius. However, in fact, such animals no longer exist; they disappeared back in 1681. Although we can see the dodo's image documentaries and various educational programs, but we do not know exactly what the animal looked like.

Its description is complicated, first of all, by the fact that only fragments of the animal’s skeleton were found. Scientists piece by piece recreate the image of the dodo and give only a vague description.

The animal world is so diverse that no matter how we study it, we always learn something new. In this list you will learn about unusual, strange animals, some of which are sometimes very similar to humans.

1. In Sweden they hold a jumping competition among rabbits, and it is called “Kaninhoppning”.

The atmosphere is quite tense - just look at those faces.

2. The furry paws of the fennec fox (miniature fox) play the role of skis or snowshoes, protecting them from the hot desert sand.

3. The snow leopard uses its tail as a portable fluffy scarf to keep warm when it's very cold.
In addition, its tail allows for better balance and contains fat. When he sleeps Snow Leopard puts his tail on his head to make it warmer.

4. If you shave guinea pig, she will look very much like a hippopotamus.

5. Tail red panda can reach a length of 48 cm (the length of a normal domestic cat).

6. Young macaques can make snowballs for fun.
When it snows, these cute creatures start making snowballs just for fun.

7. Squirrels can adopt an abandoned baby squirrel if its parents have died or are unable to care for it.

8. Bees communicate with each other through dance.
Bees perform a waggle dance when they want to inform their comrades about the location of flowers.

9. Gentoo penguin proposes to his partner using a pebble.

10. Couple seahorses lives together for the rest of their lives. When they swim, the skates hold each other's tails.

11. Bristletooths also form a lifelong alliance. If they separate for some reason, they float above coral reef and look for each other.

12. Chicks that have not yet hatched communicate with each other and with their mother.
About a day before it hatches, you can hear the chick squeaking. When mom hears a squeak, she begins to cackle in response, thereby calming the excited chick.
There are about 24 sounds that chickens make from eggs when communicating with each other.

13. Otters hold on to each other while sleeping so as not to swim away from each other.

14. Due to the fact that squirrels forget where they hid the collected nuts, up to several hundred nuts can accumulate in trees.

15. Arctic bears rub their noses together to ask other bears, for example, where they can find food.
This gesture is considered good manners and is often shared with those who use it.

16. Cows are the most best friends, and they spend most time with friends.

17. Dolphins have names for each other.

18. Crows can play pranks on each other for fun.
These creatures are very smart and even know how to play a joke on someone, not only on another crow, but also on another representative of the animal world.

19. In Japan, macaques know how to use vending machines. They can buy various goods using the coins they match.

20. During a mock fight, the male puppies allow the girls to “win.” They do this to get to know each other better.

21. Baby chimpanzees play with sticks and stones the same way children play with dolls. They imagine babies to look after.

22. Rats and mice can laugh. In addition, they are afraid of tickling, which means you can only see them laugh by tickling them.

23. Otters have a flap of skin that forms a pocket. In this pocket, the otter can store a favorite pebble, which it uses to get shellfish for food. Some otters carry a pebble with them throughout their lives.

24. Ants are very polite creatures - they bow to say hello.
When one ant passes another, they give each other a slight nod to indicate each other's presence and say hello.

25. Once in Norway, a penguin was knighted and given the name Colonel Sir Nils Olav.

26. Goats have accents, just like people.

27. This baby is called pig-nosed bat, and this is the smallest bat, and the smallest mammal in the world - body length 2.9 - 3.3 cm, forearm length 22 - 26 mm, weight 1.7 - 2 g.

28. Dogs sneeze to tell other dogs that they are being friendly.
When one dog gets into a friendly fight with another, it sneezes to tell its “rival” that they are just fooling around. This prevents the situation from getting out of control and turning into a real fight.

29. Some freshwater turtles They breathe partly through special anal sacs.

30. When a cat “butts” a person, it thereby shows its trust so that the person knows that the animal is not dangerous.