A cult American actor of the mid-twentieth century, he became famous for his roles in the films " Great Escape", "The Magnificent Seven" and "Once Upon a Time in the West". His real name is Charles Dennis Buchinski. But viewers and a million-strong army of fans know him under his stage name Charles Bronson.

Childhood and youth

He was born in Pennsylvania in 1921. The childhood of Charles Dennis, the eleventh child of 15 children of Polish-Lithuanian emigrants, was not carefree. Charles was the first of all the Buchinskis to complete his education at high school. English language he learned it on his own, interacting with local yard boys.

Young Charlie Buchinski's childhood ended at age 10. Father died large family, so the boy had to go to work. At first he worked in the office of a coal mine, and soon in the mine itself. Later famous actor recalled that the poverty in their home was such that one day they even had to wear their sister’s dress to go to school.

Second World War did not pass by the young man. Buczynski went to the war zone. He joined the Pacific Fleet and served as an air gunner. He was awarded the Purple Star for his valor and intrepidity.

After the end of the war, a young man long years looked for myself in different areas life until he joined a theater troupe in Philadelphia. Only after going on stage did he realize that acting was his true calling.

Buchinsky understood that without acting education he would not be able to get to the cinema Olympus. Therefore, he entered and successfully graduated from the Pasadena Playhouse, a theater school in the Californian city of Pasadena.


A cinematic biography of Charles Bronson, the future legend of world cinema, began in 1950, when he was preparing to celebrate his 30th birthday. For the first 12 films in which he starred, the actor was listed in the credits under his real name. But during the McCarthyite “witch hunt” he decided to change his too “Slavic” surname to an Anglo-Saxon one.

Bronson's debut film was the war film “Now You're in the Navy,” where he got the role of a sailor. The film was released on big screens in 1951. 2 years later the films “Museum” followed wax figures", "Miss Sadie Thompson" and "The Stagecoach Security Guard". Everywhere, the artist received supporting roles, which did not bring much popularity, but played an invaluable role in acquiring acting skills.

In the late 1950s, Bronson was entrusted whole line leading roles in films that turned out to be very successful at the box office. The most striking of them are the crime drama “Gun Gun Kelly” and the series “Man with a Camera.”

The breakthrough in his career came after the release of the brilliant western “The Magnificent Seven” in 1960. The role of the shooter in this film brought the artist his first - at that time fabulous - fee: 50 thousand dollars. It is noteworthy that this film gained the greatest popularity in the Soviet Union. Bronson became my favorite actor.

After 2 years, Charles pleased his fans with a new film - “The Great Escape”. Interestingly, the role of a Polish prisoner suffering from claustrophobia turned out to be quite close to Bronson: he himself suffered from this disease.

The peak of this actor's fame was in the 1960s and 70s of the twentieth century. The most striking and beloved films with his participation include the films “The Dirty Dozen” and “Once Upon a Time in the West.”

The drama “The Dirty Dozen” won several Oscar awards, and the cult western “Once Upon a Time in the West” by the famous Italian director Sergio Leone brought the actor to a new level of popularity. The director himself called Bronson " greatest actor, with whom he had the opportunity to work."

Among the artist’s works of the 1970s, the paintings “Passenger of the Rain”, “Red Sun” and “Enemy at the Door” should be noted. This is the time when Charles Bronson already has the status of a world cinema star. His fees were called crazy: for each of his roles he received around a million dollars.

Most often, the artist is filmed in westerns and action films. Viewers and critics are crazy about the films “Cold Blooded Killer”, “Valdez Half-Blood” and “Death Wish”. The action film “Death Wish” turned out to be so successful that the directors decided to make a sequel. It came out in 1994.

In the 1980s, the star acted less and less. One of the most remarkable films of this period is the film “Ten Minutes to Midnight.” Old age takes its toll.

The actor has his own star on Hollywood Alley glory.

Personal life

The Hollywood star, for whom millions of fans sighed, was a monogamous man. When the beautiful Jill Ireland he adored agreed to marry him, it seemed Bronson was flying in the clouds. Their marriage turned out to be long and strong. This love and mutual understanding beautiful couple Many colleagues were jealous. It was an atypical marriage for Hollywood.

Charles Bronson's personal life with Jill was surprisingly happy: his beloved wife gave birth to beautiful children. But the light dimmed for the star when he learned that his wife had cancer.

Bronson fought for her life for 6 long years. He was ready to give up everything he had and throw all his money at saving his beloved, just to bring her back to life. During this difficult period, he refused to film and did not leave his sick wife. Dying, the woman whispered that she would remain with him, like a guardian angel, forever. But Jill asked her husband to definitely find a life partner and try to be happy.

For several years after the death of his wife, Bronson led a reclusive life. When he finally began to go out into the world, Kim Weeks, Jill's former personal secretary, was seen next to him. It seemed that a smile began to flicker on the face of the gloomy Charles, and in December 1998, Charles and Kim got married.

Soon he discovered mental disorder. Bronson told his doctor that he was in regular contact with deceased wife. According to him, once she even saved his life. The man dreamed that Jill asked him to take a taxi. The next morning he did just that, instructing the driver to check the car. It turned out that the car in which the actor went to filming every morning had a serious malfunction.


IN last years life famous artist suffered from . After the death of his wife in 1990, his health deteriorated significantly.

He lived another 13 years and died in August 2003 at Cedars-Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles. He came here with pneumonia, which he was treated for for several weeks without success.


  • 1958 - “Machine Gunner Kelly”
  • 1960 - “The Magnificent Seven”
  • 1963 - “The Great Escape”
  • 1967 - “The Dirty Dozen”
  • 1968 - “Once Upon a Time in the West”
  • 1970 - “Rain Passenger”
  • 1971 - “Red Sun”
  • 1974 - “Death Wish”
  • 1983 - “Ten Minutes to Midnight”
  • 1987 - “Murder”
  • 1993 - “Under Threat of Death”
  • 1995-1999 - “Family of Policemen”

, Bedfordshire, England


Born into a wealthy family of Eira and Joe Peterson in a small town in Wales. Uncle of the future legend criminal world was mayor of the city for two consecutive terms: from 1960 to 1970. Unlike other criminals, Michael's childhood was not violent or terrible tragedy, which could influence his personality. He loved going to school, studied well, was polite to others and loved ones, and had many friends. His aunt believed that it all started with the move of a young family, after which, she believes, he fell under the influence of bad company. After changing the name to a more sonorous name Hollywood actor Charles Bronson, he began to participate in fist fights. He also worked for about a year at the Mini-house escort service chain. At the age of 19, he married a woman named Irene, with whom he had a son, Michael. Some time later, he took up sports and, having pumped up his muscles, began performing in the circus. Despite this, at the age of 26 he goes to prison for the first time for armed robbery, after which his wife divorces him. In the future, he will visit about 120 English correctional institutions.


His most famous crime was the 1974 post office robbery, in which he stole £26.18. He was sentenced to 7 years, but due to regular violation of the regime he is still in prison for 36 years, of which 32 years in solitary confinement. In 1988 he was arrested for robbery, in 1992 he was released, and three weeks later he was arrested again for preparing a new robbery. In prison he became famous for fights with guards. One day he thickly smeared his body with oil, and then attacked the prison guards naked. A cellmate named Taran Vladimir prepared him for this attack; he personally oiled him and undressed him. He inflicted several serious injuries on the guards before the special forces unit, alerted, was able to neutralize him.

During the time he was in prison, Bronson managed to become famous as an artist and poet. And he even received awards for his work, and donated part of the money from the sale of his work to charity. In October 1996, he took his lawyer Robert Taylor hostage, but released him after 30 minutes. The lawyer did not press charges. In 1998, he took several Iraqis hostage at Belmarsh prison. He ordered the hostages to call him General and threatened to eat one of them if his demands were not met. And later he ordered one of the hostages to beat himself when he couldn’t, he inflicted injuries on himself, after which he demanded a helicopter that would take him to Cuba, an Uzi machine gun, 5 thousand rounds of ammunition and an ax. At the trial he declared that he was as guilty as and Adolf Hitler. In February 1999, Woodhill maximum security prison, due to the presence of three dangerous prisoners: Charles Bronson, Reginald Wilson and Robert Maudsley, and in order to ensure the safety of other prisoners, was created special unit.

During his final sentence, Bronson captured prison teacher Phil Danielson, tied him up with rope, and held him for 44 hours. Danielson became a victim of Bronson because he criticized his drawings. Tried to electrocute himself with a washing machine filled with water. In 2007, two Sutton prison guards broke Bronson's glasses while trying to prevent another hostage incident. He was then paid compensation in the amount of £200.

Personal life

Michael Peterson has been married twice. For the first time, on a native of Great Britain, with whom she had a son. The second time, already being a famous prisoner. His future wife, 33-year-old Saira Ali Ahmed, a native of Bangladesh, saw his photo in the newspaper, after which she began corresponding with him. They met 10 times and were married in June 2001 at Woodhill, a maximum security prison. After which Peterson again changed his name, this time to Charles Ali Ahmet, and converted to Islam. After 4 years they divorced. His wife gave numerous interviews about their short marriage, describing him as a racist and a cunning, evil criminal.


On May 13, 2009, the film “Bronson” premiered in Britain, based on the life of Michael Peterson. Main role performed by Tom Hardy, directed by Nicolas Winding Refn.


There is a Bronson freedom movement in the UK.

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Excerpt describing Peterson, Michael Gordon

Only when Bennigsen entered the hut did Kutuzov move out of his corner and move towards the table, but so much so that his face was not illuminated by the candles placed on the table.
Bennigsen opened the council with the question: “Should we leave the sacred and ancient capital Russia or defend it? A long and general silence followed. All faces frowned, and in the silence one could hear Kutuzov’s angry grunting and coughing. All eyes were looking at him. Malasha also looked at her grandfather. She was closest to him and saw how his face wrinkled: he was definitely about to cry. But this did not last long.
– The sacred ancient capital of Russia! - he suddenly spoke, repeating Bennigsen’s words in an angry voice and thereby pointing out the false note of these words. - Let me tell you, Your Excellency, that this question makes no sense for a Russian person. (He leaned forward with his heavy body.) Such a question cannot be asked, and such a question has no meaning. The question for which I asked these gentlemen to gather is a military question. The question is: “The salvation of Russia is in the army. Is it more profitable to risk the loss of the army and Moscow by accepting a battle, or to give up Moscow without a battle? This is the question I want to know your opinion on.” (He rocked back into his chair.)
The debate began. Bennigsen did not yet consider the game lost. Admitting the opinion of Barclay and others about the impossibility of accepting a defensive battle near Fili, he, imbued with Russian patriotism and love for Moscow, proposed transferring troops at night from the right to the left flank and striking the next day on the right wing of the French. Opinions were divided, there were disputes in favor and against this opinion. Ermolov, Dokhturov and Raevsky agreed with Bennigsen’s opinion. Whether guided by a sense of need for sacrifice before leaving the capital or by other personal considerations, these generals did not seem to understand that the present council could not change the inevitable course of affairs and that Moscow had already been abandoned. The rest of the generals understood this and, leaving aside the question of Moscow, talked about the direction that the army should have taken in its retreat. Malasha, who, without taking her eyes off, looked at what was happening in front of her, understood the meaning of this advice differently. It seemed to her that it was only a matter of personal struggle between “grandfather” and “long-haired,” as she called Bennigsen. She saw that they were angry when they spoke to each other, and in her heart she sided with her grandfather. In the middle of the conversation, she noticed a quick sly glance thrown by her grandfather at Bennigsen, and after that, to her joy, she noticed that the grandfather, having said something to the long-haired man, besieged him: Bennigsen suddenly blushed and walked angrily around the hut. The words that had such an effect on Bennigsen were Kutuzov’s opinion expressed in a calm and quiet voice about the benefits and disadvantages of Bennigsen’s proposal: about transferring troops at night from the right to the left flank to attack the right wing of the French.
“I, gentlemen,” said Kutuzov, “cannot approve of the count’s plan.” Troop movements in close range are always dangerous from the enemy, and military history confirms this idea. So, for example... (Kutuzov seemed to be thoughtful, looking for an example and looking at Bennigsen with a bright, naive look.) But at least the Battle of Friedland, which, as I think the count remembers well, was... not entirely successful only because our troops were reforming at too close a distance from the enemy... - A moment of silence followed, which seemed to everyone to be very long.
The debate resumed again, but there were frequent breaks, and it was felt that there was nothing more to talk about.
During one of these breaks, Kutuzov sighed heavily, as if getting ready to speak. Everyone looked back at him.
- Eh bien, messieurs! Je vois que c"est moi qui payerai les pots casses, [So, gentlemen, therefore, I have to pay for the broken pots," he said. And, slowly rising, he approached the table. "Gentlemen, I have heard your opinions." Some will disagree with me, but I (he stopped) by the power entrusted to me by my sovereign and fatherland, I order a retreat.
Following this, the generals began to disperse with the same solemn and silent caution with which they disperse after a funeral.
Some of the generals, in a quiet voice, in a completely different range than when they spoke at the council, conveyed something to the commander-in-chief.
Malasha, who had been waiting for dinner for a long time, carefully came down from the floor with her bare feet, clinging to the ledges of the stove with her bare feet, and, getting mixed up between the legs of the generals, slipped through the door.
Having released the generals, Kutuzov sat for a long time, leaning on the table, and kept thinking about the same terrible question: “When, when was it finally decided that Moscow was abandoned? When was what was done that resolved the issue, and who is to blame for this?”
“I didn’t expect this, this,” he said to Adjutant Schneider, who came to him late at night, “I didn’t expect this!” I didn't think that!
“You need to rest, Your Grace,” said Schneider.
- No! “They will eat horse meat like the Turks,” Kutuzov shouted without answering, hitting the table with his plump fist, “they too will, if only...

In contrast to Kutuzov, at the same time, in an event even more important than the retreat of the army without a fight, in the abandonment of Moscow and its burning, Rostopchin, who appears to us as the leader of this event, acted completely differently.
This event - the abandonment of Moscow and its burning - was as inevitable as the retreat of the troops without a fight for Moscow after the Battle of Borodino.
Every Russian person, not on the basis of conclusions, but on the basis of the feeling that lies in us and lay in our fathers, could have predicted what happened.
Starting from Smolensk, in all the cities and villages of the Russian land, without the participation of Count Rastopchin and his posters, the same thing happened that happened in Moscow. The people waited for the enemy with carelessness, did not rebel, did not worry, did not tear anyone to pieces, but calmly awaited their fate, feeling the strength within themselves to the fullest. Hard time find what was supposed to do. And as soon as the enemy approached, the richest elements of the population left, leaving their property; the poorest remained and set fire and destroyed what was left.
The consciousness that it will be so, and will always be so, lay and lies in the soul of the Russian person. And this consciousness and, moreover, the premonition that Moscow would be taken, lay in the Russian Moscow society of the 12th year. Those who began to leave Moscow back in July and early August showed that they were expecting this. Those who left with what they could seize, leaving their houses and half their property, acted this way due to that latent patriotism, which is expressed not by phrases, not by killing children to save the fatherland, etc. by unnatural actions, but which is expressed imperceptibly, simply, organically and therefore always produces the most powerful results.

“The Magnificent Seven”, “The Great Escape”, “Red Sun”, “Once Upon a Time in the West”, “The Rain Passenger” are the films that made Bronson Charles famous. On account talented actor over 120 roles in film and television projects. He left this world in August 2003, but his name will forever go down in the history of cinema. What is known about the actor?

Bronson Charles: family, childhood

Charles Dennis Buchinsky is the real name of the American film star. Charles Bronson is a pseudonym that the actor took during a time of heightened anti-communist sentiment in the United States. His real name was too “Slavic”, so he changed it to Anglo-Saxon.

The actor was born in Pennsylvania in November 1921. Charles grew up in a family of Polish-Lithuanian emigrants, the eleventh child of his parents. His childhood can hardly be called cloudless. The boy was barely ten years old when he lost his father. The family lost their breadwinner, so Charles was forced to start working early.

Choosing a life path

Bronson Charles did not immediately come to the idea of ​​​​choosing an acting profession. In his youth, he happened to be a participant in the Second World War. The young man served as an air gunner in the Pacific Fleet. His courage and courage were awarded an honorary award; the future actor was awarded a Purple Star.

Returning from the front, Charles spent some time searching for himself. He managed to change several professions until he became a member of a theater troupe in Philadelphia. The audience warmly received the first productions with his participation, and Bronson decided on his choice of profession. He graduated from the Pasadena Playhouse and began looking for roles.

The beginning of a film career

Bronson Charles first appeared on the set in 1951. The actor made his debut in war drama“You're in the Navy”, playing the role of a sailor. He then starred in the films “The Stagecoach Guard,” “Miss Sadie Thompson,” and “The Wax Museum.” Supporting roles did not help him become famous, but they gave him valuable experience.

Only at the end of the 50s. Bronson managed to attract public attention. He played in several famous films and TV series, for example, in the crime drama Machine Gun Kelly.

Star roles

"The Magnificent Seven" - a Western that gave me a taste of real glory Charles Bronson. The actor’s filmography was supplemented with this film in 1960. He coped brilliantly with the role of the shooter and received a fabulous fee for those times, which amounted to 50 thousand dollars. Surprisingly, this film gained the greatest fame in the Soviet Union. After the release of the film, Vladimir Vysotsky began to call Bronson his favorite actor.

Two years later, another successful film with the actor’s participation was released. It's about about the film “The Great Escape”, in which Charles brilliantly played a prisoner from Poland. He easily managed to embody the image of a person suffering from claustrophobia, since he himself faced a similar problem.

In the 60s, Charles Bronson was an extremely popular actor. Films with his participation were released one after another. “Once Upon a Time in the West” and “The Dirty Dozen” are the most famous films with him, presented to the audience during this period. The drama “The Dirty Dozen” won several Oscar awards, and the western “Once Upon a Time in the West” acquired the status of a cult film.

Movies from the 70s and 80s

In the 70s Bronson was still a favorite of directors and audiences. The most famous films with the actor released during this period are listed below.

  • "The enemy is at the door."
  • "Rain Passenger"
  • "Red sun".
  • "Cold-blooded killer".
  • "Death Wish."
  • "Horses of Valdez."
  • "The escape".
  • "The Last Bullet"
  • "White Buffalo"

In the eighties, the actor no longer appeared on the set so often. main reason That's why there are health problems. However, several bright roles He also played at the end of his career; for example, one cannot fail to note the film “Ten Minutes to Midnight” with his participation.

Personal life

In 1962, Bronson Charles met the love of his life. His chosen one was his colleague Jill Ireland, whom he met through his work on the film “The Great Escape.” Jill was married, but the actor was not going to give up on the lady who managed to win his heart. Six years later, Ireland became his wife.

Charles lived with Jill a lot happy years. The wife gave the actor two children. A huge misfortune for Bronson was the news that his wife had cancer. For several years he fought for her life, but the disease won. The death of the other half had a negative impact on the actor’s health.

Michael Gordon Peterson is a famous criminal whose favorite actor was Charles Bronson. The prisoner began to use the pseudonym of his idol, under which he managed to become famous. In total, this man served in prison for over 30 years and managed to change more than 120 correctional institutions. His most notorious act was the post office robbery committed in 1974.

Prisoner Charles Bronson (Michael Gordon Peterson) made history for many reasons. This man managed to attract attention thanks to constant violation prison regime, fights with guards and cellmates. However, he is also known as a poet and artist. Surprisingly, Bronson-Peterson even managed to sell his works, earning good money.

In 2013, the film “Bronson”, telling the story of Charles-Michael, was presented to the audience. The key role in this film was brilliantly played by actor Tom Hardy. It is known that in preparation for filming, he visited the prisoner in prison and formed a positive impression of him.

"Fitness in solitary confinement"

Writing is one of the areas in which the criminal Charles Bronson managed to prove himself. “Fitness in Solitary Confinement” is his most famous work. To the prisoner who most spent his life in isolation, he always managed to keep himself in magnificent physical fitness. Michael Gordon Peterson's strength is legendary.

The author invites readers to as soon as possible get a muscular body without spending money on buying exercise equipment. The book provides a clear daily training program, and a person with any physical fitness can use it. “Fitness in Solitary Confinement” is a work that has gained enormous popularity.

Charles Bronson is a great actor, known for such films as "A Passenger in the Rain", "Red Sun", "The Magnificent Seven" and many others.

Charles Bronson played more than 120 roles, going down in the history of world cinema as one of the outstanding actors. In this article we will take a closer look at this wonderful and talented person.

Brief biography of Charles Bronson

Born in 1921, Charles Bronson's real name is Charles Dennis Buchinsky. He began to call himself Charles Bronson due to the aggravation of anti-communist views in the United States of America.

It’s just that his real surname was similar to the Slavic one, so he decided to take a pseudonym for himself.

Family and childhood

The boy grew up in large family Polish-Lithuanian emigrants. He was the 11th child of his parents. His childhood was difficult and brought him little joy.

When Charles was 10 years old, his father died, leaving the family without a breadwinner. Because of this, the future actor had to start working very early.

Personality formation

Initially, Charles Bronson never dreamed that he would one day become famous actor. In his youth he had to participate in the Second World War.

Charles Bronson

He was an air gunner in the Pacific Fleet.

During his service, Bronson repeatedly demonstrated bravery and courage, for which he was awarded the Purple Star.

After the end of the war, Charles could not decide for a long time on his future profession. At first he worked in different places, but did not stay anywhere for long.

One day he tried himself as a stage actor in a troupe from Philadelphia. In this field he managed to achieve great success.

He soon received recognition from the audience who came to the performances, as a result of which Bronson studied at a theater school and began looking for serious roles.

The beginning of a film career

Charles Bronson made his debut on the set in 1951 in the war film You're in the Navy, playing the role of a sailor.

After that, he starred in films such as “Wax Museum,” “Miss Sadie Thompson” and “The Stagecoach Security Guard.”

And although all these roles were not the main ones, they helped the actor gain invaluable experience. Only in the 50s of the 20th century, Bronson managed to attract the attention of the public by playing in several famous films and TV series.

Star roles

In 1960, the actor starred in one of the most famous westerns, The Magnificent Seven. This film made him truly popular all over the world.

For his performance in the film, Charles Bronson received, at that time, a fabulous fee of $50,000.

After this film was shown in, he called Bronson his favorite actor.

Two years later, another successful film, The Great Escape, was released, starring Charles Bronson, in which he played a Polish prisoner. He masterfully embodied the image of a man suffering from claustrophobia.

His performance was so lively and truthful that it seemed as if he was actually facing this problem in reality.

In the 60s, the demand for Charles Bronson was extremely high. Films with his participation were released one after another. The drama “The Dirty Dozen” received several Oscar awards, and the western “Once Upon a Time in the West” became truly iconic in society.

Charles Bronson films of the 70s and 80s

In the 70s, Bronson continued to be one of the most sought-after actors. The following films with his participation are released one after another:

  • "Cold-blooded killer"
  • "White Buffalo"
  • "The Last Bullet"
  • "Enemy at the Door"
  • "Death Wish"
  • "Horses of Valdez"
  • "Rain Passenger"
  • "The escape"
  • "Red sun"

In the 80s, due to health problems, Charles began to appear in films less frequently. However, during this period of time he managed to star in one of famous paintings"Ten minutes before midnight."

Bronson's personal life

1962 Bronson met Jill Ireland, who was married at that time, on the set. This girl won his heart at first sight, so the actor decided to win her at all costs.

After 6 years, Jill became his wife. Together they lived for more than 20 joyful and happy years. In their marriage they had two children.

However, their happiness was overshadowed by the fact that Jill Ireland fell ill with cancer. For several years she struggled with this disease, but she was never able to overcome it. Jill died in 1990 at the age of 54.

Last years

After the death of his wife, the actor’s health deteriorated even further. He starred in only a few films, and then completely withdrew from public life.

However, Charles Bronson lived to be 81 years old and died on August 30, 2003 from pneumonia in medical center Cedars Sinai, where he received treatment for several weeks.

Criminal Charles Bronson

The famous criminal Michael Gordon Peterson, considered Britain's most violent prisoner, had Charles Bronson as his favorite actor.

Michael Gordon Peterson

He liked his game so much that he even took the pseudonym of his idol.

In total, this bandit served more than 30 years behind bars, having served in more than 120 prisons. One of his most notorious crimes was the robbery of a post office in 1974.

Peterson made history various reasons. He constantly violated prison rules and fought with guards and fellow inmates.

However, along with all this, his interest in art did not weaken.

As surprising as it may sound, he is also known as an artist and poet. Amazingly, Bronson-Peterson managed to repeatedly sell his works, receiving quite a good profit for them.

In 2013, the film “Bronson” was filmed, which showed the story of Charles-Michael. Tom Hardy played the main role in this film. This actor even visited the criminal in prison, making good impressions of him.

"Fitness in solitary confinement"

Despite the fact that Michael spent most of his life behind bars, he was always in excellent physical shape. By the way, this is clearly visible from his photographs.

Prisoner Charles Bronson was able to show his talent in the field of writing. He wrote a book called Fitness in Solitary Confinement. In this work, the author tells readers how to make your body muscular without spending money on purchasing different exercise equipment.

The book provides a detailed diagram of training sessions scheduled by day. The author claims that such a system is suitable for any person, regardless of his physical fitness. “Fitness in Solitary Confinement” became a very popular and best-selling book in England.

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