This talented TV presenter, charming, beautiful woman has become an idol for more than one generation of television viewers. She's still in in great shape, leads an active lifestyle and does not lose optimism. Personal of Angelina Vovk was always rich and interesting. She dreamed of becoming a translator and was preparing to enter the institute. Maurice Thorez, but as a child she attended not only courses foreign languages, and also a drama club, and her passion for theater was quite serious. Therefore, when the time came to enter a university, she decided to try her luck at the entrance exams at GITIS, which took place earlier than in Foreign Languages. This attempt was successful, and Angelina Vovk became a student in the acting department.

In the photo - Angelina Vovk with her first husband

The pretty student had a lot of admirers, but she immediately liked her classmate Gennady Chertov, who captivated her with his romance and mystery. Despite the fact that he had a girlfriend at that time, the attention of such a beauty as Angelina could not leave him indifferent. A whirlwind romance broke out between them and soon they had a student wedding. But the actress’s career was not as successful as Angelina Vovk’s personal life. Having starred in her first film, “Goodbye,” the young actress did not receive the expected success or fame and was completely disillusioned with cinema.

In the photo - Angelina Vovk and Jindrich Goetz

Angelina decided to try to become a director, but after studying for a short time at the Institute of Television at the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, and having worked in practice, she realized that this was not her thing either. Then, together with her husband, after graduating from announcer courses, she got a job at Central Television. Her attractive appearance had a positive impact on the development of her career, but at the same time, it played a cruel joke on her. Having rejected the advances of one of the television executives, Angelina fell out of favor and began having difficulties at work.

Despite this, she always remained faithful to her husband. However, they gradually, after living together for eighteen years, began to move away from each other. One of the reasons for the discord in the family was Angelina Vovk’s inability to have children due to her health condition. Even before the divorce, Angelina Vovk came into her personal life new love- during the recording of one of the programs that took place in Czechoslovakia, she met the Czech artist Jindřich Getz, whom she later married. But living in two countries did not help strengthen family ties. After living with Getz for thirteen years, Angelina separated from him.

On September 16, famous TV presenter and People's Artist of Russia Angelina Vovk turns 76 years old. Programs " Good night, kids" and "Song of the Year" it was impossible to imagine without her participation, but for many years she has not appeared on screens. It turns out that her television career did not end of her own free will, and her departure from television was forced. Angelina Vovk is still having a hard time experiencing these events and only recently spoke about who was involved in this drama.
Angelina Vovk in her youth | Photo: and Viewers might never have seen TV presenter Angelina Vovk - as a child she dreamed of a completely different profession. She was born at the height of the Great Patriotic War, and her father, a military pilot, went missing during the fighting. Angelina's mother long years did not lose hope for his return, but later it became known that his plane crashed and he himself died. The daughter also dreamed of heaven and wanted to become a flight attendant. However, for the mother, all conversations about flying were extremely painful; she was worried that her daughter might repeat her father’s fate, and therefore Angelina had to abandon her plans.
Still from the film *There Lives a Guy Like This*, 1964 | Photo: One day, a friend invited her to submit documents to GITIS for company - and unexpectedly for herself, Angelina entered the acting department. And during her studies, she tried herself as a fashion model - then she was invited to the All-Union House of Models on Kuznetsky Most. It was in this image that she first appeared on the screens - she was offered to play a fashion model in the film “There Lives a Guy Like This.” Then she starred in war drama“Farewell,” but that was the end of her film career—she did not become an actress.
Central Television announcer Angelina Vovk | Photo: and Angelina Vovk was also unable to work in the theater, and in 1968 she again became a student - this time she entered the Institute of Television at the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company in the directing department. But a year later she realized that with her character she would never become a director - for this she needed to be much tougher and purposeful. It was at this time that she learned that enrollment had been announced for a broadcasting course, and decided to complete it.
There were few announcers then, and there was a huge demand for this profession. Even during her studies, Angelina received many offers to host various programs on television. After she received her diploma, she was accepted into the announcer department of the USSR Central Television. Her television career began with news, but Angelina had poor eyesight, and she could only read the news with glasses. Moreover, the cheerful girl constantly smiled in the frame, which did not at all correspond to the image of the news show host, so she soon changed her activity profile.
Angelina Vovk in the program *Good night, kids!* | Photo: Angelina Vovk was transferred to the children's broadcast department. This is how “Aunt Lina” appeared, whom more than one generation of young TV viewers remembers. “Alarm Clock” on Sundays and “Good Night, Kids” on weekday evenings, many children watched only for her - when these programs began, they froze in front of the screens, as if hypnotized. And when in the 1990s. Difficult times had come in cinema and television and the program was about to be closed due to lack of funding. Angelina Vovk, speaking at a corporate event in a bank, turned to bankers with a request for help, and they fully paid all the necessary expenses, since they themselves grew up watching this program .
Adult viewers soon fell under the charm of the famous TV presenter. She hosted “Morning Mail” together with Yuri Nikolaev, “Blue Light”, “Song of the Year” together with Evgeny Menshov. For her many years of participation in the music festival, the name of Angelina Vovk was included in the Guinness Book of Records. She became one of the most popular domestic TV presenters, women in hairdressers asked to have their hair done like hers, and men bombarded her with letters.
Hosts of the program *Song of the Year* Evgeniy Menshov and Angelina Vovk | Photo: Together with Evgeniy Menshov, they looked so harmonious on the screens that many viewers were sure that they had more than just a professional relationship. In fact, they never had an affair, and at first they couldn’t find one at all. mutual language. Angelina was irritated by the fact that Menshov was used to learning the text for a long time and sticking to the script, but she grasped everything on the fly and easily improvised.
They remained the permanent presenters of “Song of the Year” until 2006, when Alla Pugacheva suddenly expressed a desire to host the program with them. At first, she acted as a co-host, but as the show progressed, she took the reins into her own hands, constantly changing the script and, as a result, removing all episodes from it with the participation of regular hosts. And when they realized that they were being relegated to the role of “voices behind the scenes,” they had to leave. Then no one asked Angelina Vovk and Evgeny Menshov for forgiveness, they didn’t even explain anything to them.
Hosts of the program *Song of the Year* Evgeniy Menshov and Angelina Vovk | Photo: The TV presenter only recently spoke about who was involved in her departure from “Song of the Year”. True, she was not used to complaining about fate and was laconic in her confessions: “I can only say: it’s sad that Krutoy and Pugacheva acted very incorrectly towards me and my co-host Evgeny Menshov. This is in the spirit of our times...”
After she was taken away favorite child, she appeared on screens for some time, broadcasting “ Good morning, Russia!”, “Good health!”, “In our time” and the talk show “Your Business”. However, nothing could replace her program, without which she could not imagine her existence - “Song of the Year”. The audience gradually began to forget about her, she stopped feeling needed and in demand. The presenter said bitterly: “Unfortunately, today’s television does not need professionals. My time is up." But even in the most difficult times, Angelina Vovk did not give up. In 2012, she again made people talk about herself, at the age of 70, becoming a participant in the television project “Dancing with the Stars.”
Angelina Vovk was married twice, but both marriages broke up. She had children in none of them, but the TV presenter became a godmother 11 times, so she doesn’t feel lonely. And at 76 years old, Vovk takes care of herself and looks great, she is still full of strength and energy. She visits the pool, swims in the ice hole in the winter and goes ice skating. The TV presenter is actively engaged social activities, for 4 convocations in a row she became a municipal deputy, dealing with issues of children's education and leisure. Under her leadership, the international children's festival “Song of the Year” was held. In addition, the TV presenter teaches and heads the department of stage speech at the Institute of Culture.

Angelina Vovk is a famous Soviet and Russian TV presenter, who became famous thanks to the children's programs “Alarm Clock” and “Good Night, Kids!”, as well as the popular music program of the 80-90s “Song of the Year”.

Angelina was born at the height of the Great Patriotic War in the city of Tulun, located in Irkutsk region. The father of the future star, Mikhail Nikitich, was a military pilot. When the girl was barely two years old, her father's plane crashed over Yugoslavia and the pilot died. Then Angelina was raised by her mother, Maria Kuzminichna. The woman moved her daughter to Moscow, where she got a job in the accounting department of the capital's Vnukovo airport.

Since both Vovk’s father and mother were involved in aviation, the girl also wanted to get a romantic profession related to the sky - Angelina planned to become a flight attendant. To achieve this, the girl diligently studied English and planned to enter the Faculty of Foreign Languages.

My mother unexpectedly opposed her career as a flight attendant, who, remembering tragic death my wife did not want a similar fate for her daughter. As a result, Vovk submitted documents to GITIS and on the first try became a student in the acting department. The teachers of the course where Angelina studied were students of Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko - people's artists Grigory Konsky and Olga Androvskaya.

The young student was surprised when one day she received a call and invited the girl to his course. But Angelina loved her masters so much that she did not decide to move to Leningrad.

First professional activity the actress was involved with modeling business: bright girl invited to the All-Union House of Models on Kuznetsky Most.


After graduating from university, Angelina dreamed of working in the theater. But immediately after receiving her diploma, the actress had to leave for filming. IN debut role in the cinema, in the romantic comedy “There Lives a Guy Like This,” where main role played, Angelina Vovk played the role of a fashion model. Then the actress starred in the action-packed war drama “Farewell,” but various reasons Vovk did not have a film career.

Vovk’s filmography ends with these pictures. Much later, the TV presenter will play herself in the musical “Old Songs about the Main Thing-2” and the New Year’s musical melodrama “Fairy Tale Boarding House, or Miracles Included.” But there will be no more acting roles in the actress’s life.

In 1968, Angelina sat down at an institute desk for the second time, this time at the directing department of VGIK. True, after studying for only a year and passing industrial practice, the girl understands that this profession is not for her. Leaving directing, Angelina goes back to school and completes a voice-over course.

Having received a new diploma, Angelina Vovk was assigned to the announcer department of the USSR Central Television. At first, the presenter was entrusted with reading the news, but this job was not suitable for a woman. in the best possible way: She could only read from a piece of paper or from a screen with glasses, as she had poor eyesight. In addition, Angelina, as a positive person, constantly wanted to smile, but such facial expressions were not suitable for a serious program.

Vovk was transferred to the children's programs department. Surely many would consider such a change a step back, but in entertainment programs for the little ones, Angelina became famous throughout the country. Sunday “Alarm Clock” and nightly “Good night, kids!” many children watched almost for the sake of “Aunt Lina,” who for a Soviet child occupied the niche of Pushkin’s kind nanny Arina Rodionovna.

Children's programs became the platform on which he honed own style TV presenter, which predetermined her future creative biography.

In the 90s, television, as in other areas, fell on hard times. Guide "Good night, kids!" was already preparing to close the program. There was not enough money to update the props or buy new dolls. Then Angelina Vovk managed to change the situation. Speaking at a corporate event at a bank, the presenter turned to bankers for help. Adults who grew up on the children's program gladly responded to the request and paid the necessary costs in full.

Later, Vovk stepped into adult programs. “Morning Mail” with, “Blue Light” and the “Song of the Year” festival together with turned the presenter into one of the most recognizable and popular media personalities of Russian television. For many years of participation in the music festival, the name of the presenter was included in the Guinness Book of Records. The popularity of the TV presenter was so great among her compatriots that fans of the TV presenter asked at hairdressers to have their hair done like Angelina Vovk’s.

Angelina Mikhailovna appeared in “Song” until 2006, and later hosted the program “Good Morning, Russia!”, as well as “Good Health!” s, “In our time” s and talk show “Your Business” s.

Once Angelina Vovk appeared on television as a participant. This happened in 2012, when a 70-year-old woman participated in a pair with professional dancer Oleg Vechkasov in the top-rated show “Dancing with the Stars.” According to the TV presenter, dance classes are especially necessary at this age. Thanks to choreography, health improves and overall vitality increases.

Personal life

Officially, Angelina Vovk was married twice. Her first husband, actor and announcer Gennady Chertov, studied with her at GITIS. The young people married in 1966 and lived together for 16 years. Angelina still considers Gennady the most great love in personal life. Unfortunately, family misunderstandings led to a breakup, and the TV presenters separated.

The second husband turned out to be a foreigner. The Czech artist and architect Jindrich Goetz proposed to Angelina in 1982. The couple were officially in a relationship for 13 years, but did not live together - Jindrich could not move to Moscow, and Vovk did not dare to leave his homeland forever, so the husband and wife saw each other no more than 4 times. 5 times a year.

Later, the TV presenter had another serious affair with a non-public person, but this relationship quickly ended. By the way, many compatriots were sure that Angelina Vovk and partner in the “Song of the Year” program Evgeny Menshov were connected not only by work. Their tandem was considered one of the most beautiful and charming on Soviet television. In fact, there was no romance between them, and at first there was complete coldness in the duet.

Unfortunately, none of them family relations did not bring Angelina the joy of motherhood. Vovk does not have her own children, but the TV presenter became a godmother 12 times, and considers her godchildren to be her grandchildren. Angelina Vovk is especially close to her close relatives and granddaughters sibling- Angelina and Anna.

TV presenter leads healthy image life. Angelina Mikhailovna follows a diet, regularly swims in the pool, rides alpine skiing and even swims in an ice hole in winter.

Angelina Vovk pays special attention to the care of prolonging youth. Two years before her 70th birthday, the presenter decided to undergo beauty injections. After the procedure, abscesses appeared on the TV presenter’s face, which had to be removed with a laser. Since Vovk continued to work at this time, she had to apply an additional layer of makeup.

Troubles did not stop the TV presenter from using cosmetic procedures. Angelina Vovk chose the non-surgical CMAS lifting procedure, which allows you to painlessly correct your appearance.

Angelina Vovk now

In addition to working on television, Angelina Vovk devotes a lot of time to social work, teaching. For four convocations in a row, the TV presenter became a municipal deputy and dealt with issues of children's education and leisure. Now, under the leadership of Angelina Mikhailovna, every year at the All-Russian children's center"Eaglet" on Black Sea coast The international children's festival "Song of the Year" is taking place. At the Institute of Culture, Vovk heads the department of stage speech.

Angelina Vovk – active user Internet, her microblog in " Instagram» is regularly updated with new videos and photos. In 2018 on new year holidays the TV presenter went to Thailand, which she announced from her page. Fans of the presenter were pleasantly surprised by the video file in which Angelina appeared in a beach suit, emphasizing the slenderness of her legs.


  • "Alarm"
  • "GOOG night kids!"
  • "Morning Post"
  • "Music kiosk"
  • "Visiting a fairy tale"
  • "Blue Light"
  • "Song of the year"
  • "Nanny to the rescue"
  • "Good morning, Russia!"
  • “Good health!”
  • "In our time"
  • "That's your business"

listen)) - Soviet and Russian film actress and TV presenter, announcer of the USSR Central Television in the 1980s. People's Artist of the Russian Federation (). Knight of the Order "Key of Friendship" () - one of the highest awards of the Kemerovo region. In March 2012, she was elected as a deputy of the Council of Deputies of the Arbat municipal district in Moscow for a period of five years.


Angelina's father, Mikhail Nikitich, served as a military fighter pilot during World War II. He died in the fall of 1944, crashing his plane during a flight to Yugoslavia, when Angelina was only two years old. Mother, Maria Kuzminichna, after the death of her husband, moved with her family to Moscow, where she worked as an accountant at Vnukovo airport.

While a student, Angelina worked part-time as a fashion model at the All-Union House of Models on Kuznetsky Most in Moscow.

After graduating from the theater institute, in 1966, she starred in the Soviet war film “Farewell” directed and written by Grigory Pozhenyan.

IN Lately Angelina Vovk is involved in a lot of social activities. Every year in the summer at the All-Russian Children's Center "Orlyonok" on the Black Sea coast, where children come with free vouchers, she holds a children's music festival "Song of the Year", the author of which is.

Angelina Vovk is the President of the Russian Foundation for Culture and Art, support children's creativity. She leads great job on propaganda and revival of Russians folk traditions, crafts, trades, oral and musical folk art.

Personal life

It so happened that Angelina Mikhailovna does not have her own children; she considers the children of her godchildren to be granddaughters:

  • Angelina (born 2001). The girl was named after Angelina Vovk.
  • Anna (born 2002).

Labor activity

Working on television

In 2012, she participated in the show “Dancing with the Stars” paired with Oleg Vechkasov on the TV channels “Russia-1” and “RTR-Planeta”.

From December 3, 2012 to March 28, 2014, she hosted the program “Good Health! "with Gennady Malakhov.

From September 2, 2013 to December 20, 2014, she hosted the program “In Our Time” on Channel One together with Tatyana Vedeneeva and Yuri Nikolaev.

From March 31 to May 30, 2014, she hosted the talk show “Your Business” with Lyudmila Khityaeva and Zinaida Kiriyenko.


  • - “There lives such a guy” - fashion model (episode)
  • - "Goodbye " - Galya Chudakova
  • - “Old songs about the main thing-2” - cameo

Working in advertising

  • Advertising of Super-Vision glasses


State awards and titles

  • honorary title “Honored Artist of the RSFSR”.
  • - honorary title"People's Artist of the Russian Federation."

Public awards

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An excerpt characterizing Vovk, Angelina Mikhailovna

“There is still a lot ahead, there will be a lot of things,” he said with an senile expression of insight, as if he understood everything that was happening in Bolkonsky’s soul. “If one tenth of his detachment comes tomorrow, I will thank God,” added Kutuzov, as if speaking to himself.
Prince Andrei looked at Kutuzov, and he involuntarily caught his eye, half an arshin away from him, the cleanly washed assemblies of the scar on Kutuzov’s temple, where the Izmail bullet pierced his head, and his leaking eye. “Yes, he has the right to talk so calmly about the death of these people!” thought Bolkonsky.
“That’s why I ask you to send me to this detachment,” he said.
Kutuzov did not answer. He seemed to have already forgotten what he had said and sat thoughtful. Five minutes later, smoothly rocking on the soft springs of the stroller, Kutuzov turned to Prince Andrei. There was no trace of excitement on his face. With subtle mockery, he asked Prince Andrei about the details of his meeting with the emperor, about the reviews he had heard at court about the Kremlin affair, and about some common women he knew.

Kutuzov, through his spy, received news on November 1 that put the army he commanded in an almost hopeless situation. The scout reported that the French in huge numbers, having crossed the Vienna bridge, headed towards Kutuzov’s route of communication with the troops coming from Russia. If Kutuzov had decided to stay in Krems, then Napoleon’s army of one and a half thousand would have cut him off from all communications, surrounded his exhausted army of forty thousand, and he would have been in Mack’s position near Ulm. If Kutuzov had decided to leave the road that led to communications with troops from Russia, then he would have had to enter without a road into the unknown lands of the Bohemian
mountains, defending themselves from superior enemy forces, and abandoning all hope of communication with Buxhoeveden. If Kutuzov had decided to retreat along the road from Krems to Olmutz to join forces with troops from Russia, then he risked being warned on this road by the French who had crossed the bridge in Vienna, and thus being forced to accept battle on the march, with all the burdens and convoys, and dealing with an enemy three times his size and surrounding him on both sides.
Kutuzov chose this last exit.
The French, as the spy reported, having crossed the bridge in Vienna, were marching in an intensified march towards Znaim, which lay on Kutuzov’s retreat route, more than a hundred miles ahead of him. To reach Znaim before the French meant to have great hope of saving the army; to allow the French to warn themselves in Znaim would probably mean exposing the entire army to a disgrace similar to that of Ulm, or to general destruction. But it was impossible to warn the French with their entire army. The French road from Vienna to Znaim was shorter and better than the Russian road from Krems to Znaim.
On the night of receiving the news, Kutuzov sent Bagration’s four-thousand-strong vanguard to the right over the mountains from the Kremlin-Znaim road to the Vienna-Znaim road. Bagration had to go through this transition without rest, stop facing Vienna and back to Znaim, and if he managed to warn the French, he had to delay them as long as he could. Kutuzov himself, with all his hardships, set out for Znaim.
Having walked with hungry, shoeless soldiers, without a road, through the mountains, on a stormy night forty-five miles, having lost a third of the stragglers, Bagration went to Gollabrun on the Vienna Znaim road several hours before the French approached Gollabrun from Vienna. Kutuzov had to walk another whole day with his convoys to reach Znaim, and therefore, in order to save the army, Bagration, with four thousand hungry, exhausted soldiers, had to hold off for a day the entire enemy army that met him in Gollabrun, which was obvious , impossible. But a strange fate made the impossible possible. The success of that deception, which gave the Vienna bridge into the hands of the French without a fight, prompted Murat to try to deceive Kutuzov in the same way. Murat, having met Bagration’s weak detachment on the Tsnaim road, thought that it was the entire army of Kutuzov. In order to undoubtedly crush this army, he waited for the troops that had fallen behind on the road from Vienna and for this purpose proposed a truce for three days, with the condition that both troops would not change their positions and would not move. Murat insisted that negotiations for peace were already underway and that, therefore, avoiding useless shedding of blood, he was offering a truce. The Austrian general Count Nostitz, who was stationed at the outposts, believed the words of the envoy Murat and retreated, revealing Bagration’s detachment. Another envoy went to the Russian chain to announce the same news about peace negotiations and offer a truce to the Russian troops for three days. Bagration replied that he could not accept or not accept a truce, and with a report of the proposal made to him, he sent his adjutant to Kutuzov.
The truce for Kutuzov was the only way to gain time, give Bagration’s exhausted detachment a rest and allow convoys and loads to pass through (the movement of which was hidden from the French), although there was one extra march to Znaim. The offer of a truce provided the only and unexpected opportunity to save the army. Having received this news, Kutuzov immediately sent Adjutant General Wintzingerode, who was with him, to the enemy camp. Winzengerode had to not only accept the truce, but also offer terms of surrender, and meanwhile Kutuzov sent his adjutants back to hurry as much as possible the movement of the entire army's convoys along the Kremlin-Znaim road. The exhausted, hungry detachment of Bagration alone had to, covering this movement of the convoys and the entire army, remain motionless in front of an enemy eight times stronger.
Kutuzov's expectations came true both regarding the fact that the non-binding offers of surrender could give time for some of the convoys to pass through, and regarding the fact that Murat's mistake was to be revealed very soon. As soon as Bonaparte, who was in Schönbrunn, 25 versts from Gollabrun, received Murat’s report and the draft truce and capitulation, he saw the deception and wrote the following letter to Murat:
Au prince Murat. Schoenbrunn, 25 brumaire en 1805 a huit heures du matin.
“II m"est impossible de trouver des termes pour vous exprimer mon mecontentement. Vous ne commandez que mon avant garde et vous n"avez pas le droit de faire d"armistice sans mon ordre. Vous me faites perdre le fruit d"une campagne . Rompez l"armistice sur le champ et Mariechez a l"ennemi. Vous lui ferez declarer, que le general qui a signe cette capitulation, n"avait pas le droit de le faire, qu"il n"y a que l"Empereur de Russie qui ait ce droit.
“Toutes les fois cependant que l"Empereur de Russie ratifierait la dite convention, je la ratifierai; mais ce n"est qu"une ruse. Mariechez, detruisez l"armee russe... vous etes en position de prendre son bagage et son artiller.
"L"aide de camp de l"Empereur de Russie est un... Les officiers ne sont rien quand ils n"ont pas de pouvoirs: celui ci n"en avait point... Les Autrichiens se sont laisse jouer pour le passage du pont de Vienne , vous vous laissez jouer par un aide de camp de l"Empereur. Napoleon."
[To Prince Murat. Schönbrunn, 25 Brumaire 1805 8 am.
I can't find words to express my displeasure to you. You command only my vanguard and have no right to make a truce without my order. You are making me lose the fruits of an entire campaign. Immediately break the truce and go against the enemy. You will tell him that the general who signed this surrender did not have the right to do so, and no one has the right to do so, except Russian Emperor.
However, if the Russian emperor agrees to the mentioned condition, I will also agree; but this is nothing more than a trick. Go, destroy the Russian army... You can take its convoys and its artillery.
The adjutant general of the Russian emperor is a deceiver... Officers mean nothing when they do not have authority; he also does not have it... The Austrians allowed themselves to be deceived when crossing the Vienna bridge, and you allow yourself to be deceived by the emperor’s adjutants.
Bonaparte's adjutant galloped at full speed with this menacing letter to Murat. Bonaparte himself, not trusting his generals, moved with his entire guard to the battlefield, fearing to miss the ready victim, and Bagration’s 4,000-strong detachment, cheerfully laying fires, dried, warmed up, cooked porridge for the first time after three days, and none of the people in the detachment knew and did not think about what lay ahead of him.

At four o'clock in the evening, Prince Andrei, having insisted on his request from Kutuzov, arrived in Grunt and appeared to Bagration.
Bonaparte's adjutant had not yet arrived at Murat's detachment, and the battle had not yet begun. Bagration’s detachment knew nothing about the general course of affairs; they talked about peace, but did not believe in its possibility. They talked about the battle and also did not believe that the battle was close. Bagration, knowing Bolkonsky to be a beloved and trusted adjutant, received him with special superiority and condescension, explained to him that there would probably be a battle today or tomorrow, and gave him complete freedom to be with him during the battle or in the rearguard to observe the retreat order , “which was also very important.”
“However, today, probably, there will be no business,” said Bagration, as if reassuring Prince Andrei.
“If this is one of the ordinary staff dandies sent to receive a cross, then he will receive a reward in the rearguard, and if he wants to be with me, let him... come in handy, if he is a brave officer,” thought Bagration. Prince Andrei, without answering anything, asked the prince’s permission to go around the position and find out the location of the troops so that, in case of an assignment, he would know where to go. The duty officer of the detachment, a handsome man, smartly dressed and with a diamond ring on index finger, who spoke French poorly but willingly, volunteered to escort Prince Andrei.

Angelina Vovk. The woman who leads. Having once become an announcer on central television in the distant 1960s, this charming girl overnight took the entire male territory into her, as they would say today, fan zone. Quite soon, women joined the army of Vovk fans, followed by children (and it turned out that the whole country).

You can buy fame, but the love of the entire people is unlikely. And Angelina Mikhailovna knows this well. Her fans don't let her forget her. Even today Angelina Vovk looks so amazing that people continue to fall in love with her. And she gives her admirers a mysterious smile and leads them away with her. After all, she is a woman who leads. And this is her story. People's Artist of Russia Angelina Vovk.

Dmitry Kirillov: If it weren't for your mother, would Angelina Vovk be a flight attendant and not a TV star?

Angelina Vovk:Hard to say. The ways of the Lord are mysterious.

Dmitry Kirillov: You lost your father early. And he will take care of you all his life.

Angelina Vovk: This is true.

Dmitry Kirillov: After GITIS, the great Tovstonogov himself noticed you. And you refused to work with him.

Angelina Vovk:Not that I noticed. I asked to see him myself.

Dmitry Kirillov: You married your first husband, the famous central television announcer Gennady Chertov, out of convenience, thinking: “Well, maybe he’ll get a job on television.”

Angelina Vovk:If that was the case, he wouldn't even know about it.

Dmitry Kirillov: Did filming in “Blue Light” turn out to be fatal for you by March 8th?

Angelina Vovk:Yes. I felt bad. I ended up at the Sklifosovsky Institute.

Dmitry Kirillov: You have experienced clinical death. Is this something that is forgotten over time?

Angelina Vovk:Over time it is forgotten.

Dmitry Kirillov: Prince Charles was in love with you.

Angelina Vovk:It was not he himself who told me, but representatives of some services.

Dmitry Kirillov: Have you ever kissed on the Charles Bridge in Prague in the rain?

Angelina Vovk:It was wonderful. It was recently. It was a long time ago.

Dmitry Kirillov: You sold scarce Czech clothes to your colleagues to pay for telephone calls with your husband.

Angelina Vovk:I loved talking to my husband on the phone.

Dmitry Kirillov: At the highest point of Prague, your loved one built luxury mansion, in which you never lived.

Angelina Vovk: Yes.

Dmitry Kirillov: Were your colleagues jealous?

Angelina Vovk: Certainly.

Dmitry Kirillov: Is it easy to live knowing that people envy you?

Angelina Vovk:I could somehow put up with this.

Dmitry Kirillov: Chairman of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Sergei Lapin never called you into his office?

Angelina Vovk:I came to see him once myself.

Dmitry Kirillov: Your trademark smile became an obstacle, for example, to you becoming the host of the “Time” program.

Angelina Vovk:Well, what does obstacle mean? I myself did not want to conduct information programs.

Dmitry Kirillov: In the 1990s, you saved your programs “Good Night, Kids” and “Song of the Year” from closure.

Angelina Vovk:Yes, I put a lot of effort into this.

Dmitry Kirillov: Do you have friends in show business?

Angelina Vovk:You know, I wouldn't say. I don’t have any close friends in show business.

Dmitry Kirillov: You dive into an ice hole in the cold and go skiing. Are you that fearless?

Angelina Vovk:I dived and rode.

Dmitry Kirillov: Have you finally bought a house by the sea? Has your dream come true?

Angelina Vovk:No. My dream didn't come true. But in my next life, someone will definitely give me a house by the sea.

Dmitry Kirillov: Angelina Vovk. Angelina is a name that is not so common in Russia. And Vovk is generally, in my opinion... I haven’t seen or heard Vovk. Please tell me where this surname and such a beautiful name come from.

Angelina Vovk:At the institute, my teacher asked: “Vovk, what is your nationality?” I say: “Russian, Grigory Grigorievich.” He says: “Why do you have such a surname?” I say: “My father is Ukrainian.” - “What about mom?” - “And my mother is from Belarus.” - “What about grandma?” - "From Poland". - “Why are you Russian?” - “I don’t know, Grigory Grigorievich. I’m Russian.” Well, actually, that's my father's last name. He was born in Ukraine, lived in Ukraine. Then he graduated from Kharkov aviation institute. The war has begun. And he was a military pilot. Flew on missions. And already in October 1944, he flew with a group of generals to a meeting on the front line and did not return. Their plane went missing in the mountains.

Well, Angelina Vovk. I continue. Why did I leave my last name after being married twice? I wanted the surname Vovk not to disappear. Let her live. But as for the prevalence of this surname, you are mistaken. I once came to the store and wanted to buy something (with seed). I say: “Boys, look, I’m there on your computer.” They started leafing through, and there were probably about 100 of these Vovkas there. I said: “What are you talking about! Are there really that many Vovkas?” - "Yes". Some especially smart young people, when they take exams, ask them: “Vovk, isn’t your mother Angelina Vovk?” They say: "Yes, yes, yes, Angelina." And they get an A. And the men who are stopped by traffic cops say: “You violated”, look at their rights: “Isn’t Vovk your wife?” They say: "Yes." - “Oh, okay, go.” So my last name sometimes helps people out.

Dmitry Kirillov: How come, while dreaming of the sky, dreaming of being a flight attendant. It was still so prestigious back then Soviet times profession.

Angelina Vovk: Of course yes.

Dmitry Kirillov: Fly. What if I were a flight attendant on international airlines?

Angelina Vovk:You know, this is what I strived for. I studied quite seriously English language. Submitted documents to the Maurice Thorez Institute. I was planning to follow this path after all. But by chance I was walking in this alley near GITIS and saw that they were accepting students. And since I was studying in a drama club, my friend says: “Listen, why don’t you try? Come in and see how, what.” And Grigory Grigorievich Konsky was recruiting the course. And everyone said how brilliant he was in his previous course, and everyone tried to get to him. Well, I also decided: “I will learn from him.” And, you know, I was accepted, I entered. We were sent to the potatoes. When I got on the bus, my first husband got on after me. And, of course, my heart was pierced at that very second by Cupid’s arrow.

Dmitry Kirillov: Love at first sight?

Angelina Vovk:Love at first sight. Can you imagine? But he was in love with another girl. Of course, I tried to draw his attention to me. I couldn't do anything for a long time. But I still achieved results. He still paid attention to me. And we got married after college. Then he worked at the Gogol Theater. But he didn't really like the atmosphere of the theater. And he switched to television. When I learned that television announcer courses were being recruited, I decided to try my hand. Gena knew nothing about this. It was a surprise for him. But then we worked together and held concerts. And everything developed very well for us, it was wonderful. Everything has happened in life. But we never quarreled, we loved each other very much.

But gradually some bad forces began to creep into our lives, I would say so. Still, with age, I come to the conclusion that many women were in love with him. It was my birthday. Someone brought reeds. And the reeds, they say, are some kind of very bad sign.

Dmitry Kirillov: Reeds are not worn as gifts.

Angelina Vovk:They don't wear it. But someone... Even now I can guess who did it. But I pray for health for this man in church. This is always my protection from evil people. And, you know, gradually somehow our life began to change for the worse. It was, of course, a difficult time. I was very worried about this. But gradually we grew apart from each other. And I went to shoot the film. A Czech filmmaker came. And I was chosen to shoot a film in Czechoslovakia. And I went there, completely unaware that something could happen to me there.

Dmitry Kirillov: Some kind of documentary?

Angelina Vovk:No, it was a film for television, for those who study Russian.

Dmitry Kirillov: And they chose from the announcers, right?

Angelina Vovk:Yes, they chose from the announcers.

Dmitry Kirillov: Browsed and selected you.

Angelina Vovk:Yes. And mine future husband, when he saw my photograph (he later told me this himself), he thought: “It would be better if she didn’t come.” And I arrived. And, you know, filming went on day after day. And I felt some kind of excitement, I couldn’t understand. I felt like someone was watching me closely. Someone is sending me some absolutely incredible vibes. But I couldn't figure out who it was. But, you know, my intuition worked very well in those years. And one day, when we were already in the final shooting, after 2 days I was already flying to Soviet Union, and suddenly I met the eyes of my future husband. And, you know, Cupid struck me again.

Dmitry Kirillov: So your heart started beating?

Angelina Vovk:It’s just that at that moment everything collapsed for me, and for him too. And in the end...

Dmitry Kirillov: What to do? We have to leave.

Angelina Vovk:Yes. That evening we walked along the Charles Bridge and it started to rain. And he decided to cover me with his cloak. And when he covered us with his cloak, we were so close that it was impossible to do otherwise. Two days later he flew here for me. They could move around calmly. And this is how he flew all the time. And one evening, when the guests were sitting, and he arrived, and I thought: “Well, I’m sitting here, and he’s standing there under the windows.” I got up from the house and left. This was, of course, a very cruel act on my part. But that's how it happened. Lord, forgive me, a sinner.

Dmitry Kirillov: It was necessary to just tear it immediately, and not cut it into pieces.

Angelina Vovk:Well, yes. Then, you know, it was so painful for me. I never thought that I would divorce my first husband. This is such an indescribable pain. And, you understand, I couldn't. I tried to stop myself. And I felt sorry for my husband. And I couldn't leave Indra. These sufferings of mine lasted for a very long time until we parted. God forbid anyone ever break up. The divorce was very painful. Both for him and for me. And yet we separated. I married Indra. Indra came to see me here in Russia. One day, when the Velvet Revolution had already begun for them, and unrest began for us, and, remember, the tanks went and started shooting, he called me and said: “Urgently take what you want, what is dear to you, and come here.” Well, what does it mean “take everything that’s valuable and come here?” when there’s a border between us? He could have flown here. And in order to fly there, I had to go through a lot of authorities, where they looked at me as an enemy of the people.

Dmitry Kirillov: “Why do you often go there?”, right?

Angelina Vovk:“What is this?”, yes. And I suffered so much, I’m such a coward. I suffered when they looked at me with such a look. And it was so hard for me. But I still passed these tests.

Dmitry Kirillov: The noise started at work. They understood that your husband is Czech.

Angelina Vovk:But Sergei Georgievich Lapin, when my flight was canceled for some reason and I was one day late for television, the next day Sergei Georgievich Lapin called me. I even had the feeling that this flight had been delayed on purpose, and he asked: “Are you an Honored Artist of which republic – the RSFSR or the Czech Republic?” I say: “I am an Honored Artist of the RSFSR.” He says: “But it seems to me that you are an Honored Artist of the Czech Republic. I think that you should leave.” I say: “Whether I should leave or not, I’ll decide that myself.”

Dmitry Kirillov: Was it difficult to live in two countries when you have to pay for insanely expensive telephone calls?

Angelina Vovk:Certainly. My salary was not bad. But I still couldn’t afford it. Telephone conversations abroad were very expensive.

Dmitry Kirillov: And they talked for hours.

Angelina Vovk:And she spoke for a long time. At that time I admired Alla Pugacheva. She let him listen to Alla Pugacheva’s songs on the phone.

Dmitry Kirillov: And the money flowed.

Angelina Vovk:Yes. But they had to be taken somewhere. But when he came to me, he brought suitcases of toilets for me, knowing that I was an announcer, that I needed to get dressed. Well, I was slowly selling these toilets.

Dmitry Kirillov: And my colleagues in the shop: “Oh, Lin, give me this, sell this.”

Angelina Vovk:Certainly. Yes Yes Yes Yes. They said: “She has a lot.” “Oh, sell me this dress. He’ll bring you more.” And I, not because he would bring me more, but because I had to talk to him on the phone, I sold it on the sly. Because the next time he came, he again brought me suitcases of dresses. So somehow I kept changing toilets all the time. And, of course, my colleagues didn’t like it. And even some ladies said: “Well, why do you need Indra? Everything is so good in your life. Give him to me.”

Dmitry Kirillov: Just like that, right?

Angelina Vovk:Directly. And, you understand, I think: “Is this a thing? I took off my dress, now wear it.” Do you understand? And, of course, they envied me, of course, there were all sorts of conversations behind my back... Someone told me. You know, there will always be a person who will tell you what your colleagues are gossiping about. I tried not to pay attention to it. I have never sorted things out about this. I’ll go to church, pray for their health and continue. I acted independently. Because I felt like they surrounded me with some kind of coldness - “I jumped out to get married abroad.” In general, there were different conversations. It's all on their conscience. Of course, I tried to convince myself... that I would go there to live. I say: “Indra, how can I come here? I’m here alone. They hate Russians here. How will I live here?” He says: “Well, where are you alone? Do you see the forest? There is your military unit with tanks. You’re not alone anymore,” he joked. In general, in the end, this war separated us on opposite sides of the barricades. And I already understood, he said: “Now we have a very difficult situation in our country.”

This is after he told me: “Come urgently.” Then some time passed. He said: “It’s better to wait a little.” Well, we came to the conclusion that he stayed in his country, I stayed here. And gradually our paths diverged. If I can blame anyone, it’s only myself.

Dmitry Kirillov: Have you had any troubles at work when everything under your feet is on fire? There was something like that in life when you were either framed or something like that...

Angelina Vovk:You know, of course, there were such moments. Apparently, my successes in the television field aroused the envy of my colleagues. And, you know, behind my back there were all sorts of slander, accusations of something. For example, suddenly, for no apparent reason, Sergei Georgievich Lapin disliked me. Even before my marriage, before I became an Honored Artist of Czechoslovakia.

Dmitry Kirillov: And I already disliked it.

Angelina Vovk:And I already disliked it. And he once watched my program. And I had a lace-up dress. This dress is from the House of Models at Kuznetsk Post. And he says: “Why do you have lacing and not buttons?” Here’s one phrase – that’s it, there was a rumor on television that Lapin doesn’t love me, don’t put her on the show. Our boss, when they came to order me, he said: “Do you know that Lapin doesn’t like her? And you take her into your program.” And I was removed from Channel One, from all European channels (the fact that we worked for European part Russia), and I worked in Siberia.

You know, there were also men who showed attention to which I did not respond. This also made them want to prick me, take revenge, or do something like that. Everything was.

Dmitry Kirillov: There are some men, of course, who cannot survive.

Angelina Vovk:You know, men are very vindictive. I know this from my own destiny. If you refuse a man, beware, there will be a lot of trouble. I experienced them too.

Dmitry Kirillov: Your career was still slowly going up. And then “Blue Light”, March 8th. That's it, the ultimate dream.

Angelina Vovk:And suddenly this misfortune happened to me.

Dmitry Kirillov: What happened?

Angelina Vovk:I felt bad. An ambulance was called. AND ambulance took me to the Sklifosovsky Institute. They took me through some corridors, they put some kind of someone else's hat on me. First they drove along the street, then through these terrible corridors, there were some winding pipes. It was so scary for me. Something incomprehensible. The doctor who admitted me said: “We’ll make an incision now and see what’s going on there.” My temperature is already below 40. I say: “What? With anesthesia?” - “Why? Without anesthesia.” - “How can I do without anesthesia? I can’t stand it.” - “If you can’t stand it, write a note saying that if you die, I won’t answer.” And I foolishly signed this note. And they threw me into the ward. And when the next shift arrived in the morning, they, of course, grabbed me and, unprepared, immediately dragged me into the operating room. Well, that’s where it all started. You know, everything is one after another. Apparently someone wanted me to die. But the Lord decreed otherwise. I survived. Although, when I left the hospital, the doctor looked at my extract. She said: “Listen, from every diagnosis that is written here, you should have died.” And there were probably 8 or 10 of these diagnoses. I say: “Well, I didn’t die, I stayed alive.”

Dmitry Kirillov: Clinical death was it then, at that moment?

Angelina Vovk:Yes. One day I suddenly felt so good. I think: “Oh my God, finally I feel easy and pleasant.” But my mother was sitting next to me and screamed (apparently, this was reflected in my appearance). Doctors came running, then called intensive care. And I was already leaving. And, you know, I realized that dying is not scary. I even think: “Why are they fussing at all? If only they would leave me alone.”

Dmitry Kirillov: “I feel better now,” right?

Angelina Vovk:Yes, I already feel so good. But they brought me back, of course, to life. It was very difficult. When we started talking now, I remembered all these terrible moments. It was terrible.

Dmitry Kirillov: She endured everything.

Angelina Vovk:I survived with the help of the Lord God. And my grandmother came to me. She is no longer on this earth. She also protected me from there. One day, when I felt better, I was standing in the corridor to call the machine. There were no mobile phones back then. And suddenly my grandmother comes. You know, I couldn’t even believe my eyes. I think: “Oh my God, she’s not here, she’s already dead. Why is she coming?” I was so dumbfounded. And she so calmly and busily walked past me and went into the room where I was lying. I froze. And then, when she passed and I came to my senses, I thought: “Why didn’t I stop her?” I rushed after her. I say: “Where is the woman?” They say: "Who? Nobody passed here." And I had a dream, as if I was standing in a dressing room where there were black clothes, and I was choosing clothes for myself. And my grandmother flies in, snatches all these black clothes from me and throws them away. That is, you see, we don’t know anything. But they are there. Therefore, we must always pray for them, always remember them and continue to love them.

Dmitry Kirillov: To host “Song of the Year” for 35 years in a row. The Guinness Book of Records is there, everything is already recorded there. And suddenly at some point they say to you: “Thank you very much. All the best to you.”

Angelina Vovk:Yes, if they said “thank you very much, all the best.” They parted with us, one might say, without compliments, without apologies. You know, purely Russian. Because they didn’t act like that in the Soviet way.

Dmitry Kirillov: Now this happens often.

Angelina Vovk:Yes. You see, it would be possible... I understood that someday we would still have to cede our roles to younger presenters. And I wasn’t against it at all. But this must be done beautifully and with dignity. I saved this show. I brought a lot of money there.

Dmitry Kirillov: It looked like they were going to close it.

Angelina Vovk:Yes. And I did everything to keep this show alive. And at least thank you for this. Just call Zhenya and me and say: “Zhenya, Lina, thank you. We decided to restructure the program a little. We will now have different presenters. You remain with us as honorary ones...”. Well, you know, it's beautiful to do. But they didn’t do it that way. And, of course, this wound did not heal for a long time. Zhenya too. Gradually we got through this too.

Dmitry Kirillov: Now, if there were Alla Pugacheva and Sofia Rotaru on the stage, but in the concert work there were Svetlana Morgunova and Angelina Vovk. This is absolutely accurate. What is your relationship like? Just like Pugacheva and Rotaru?

Angelina Vovk:You know, yes. To a certain degree. Svetlana Morgunova did not like it when I was taken to her site as a presenter. And she made scandals there. The editors told me that we can’t... I say: “Why do you take me to such concerts, and not take me to some evening.” They say: “What are you talking about! Sveta will give us such a rush that you won’t know which way to run.” Yes, she really pulled me out of this situation.

Dmitry Kirillov: Although outwardly they kissed and hugged.

Angelina Vovk:Well, you know, I can’t say... I sometimes treated her very warmly and sincerely. But, of course, when they told me that a person was saying not very pleasant things about me, it was unpleasant for me. I didn't say bad things about her. Therefore, I believe that in relations between colleagues there should still be some kind of more human, more respectful relationship. We must accept: “Yes, today you are on a horse, and tomorrow I am on a horse.” Well, what will you do? That is life.

Dmitry Kirillov: What are your dreams?

Angelina Vovk:I dream of having my own program. There were broadcasts recently, but not now. Therefore, I would like to have our own program. Moreover, there are themes. But sometimes, you know, we offer such topics. Suddenly you look - they are already doing it, but with a slightly different sauce, as if it were intellectual theft. That is, you can change it a little - and you won’t find fault. The idea is yours, but I rearranged everything a little, changed the name - and you get a different program. And there is no one to file a claim with.

Dmitry Kirillov: But let's hope.

Angelina Vovk:Yes. Wish me success.

Dmitry Kirillov: Good luck. Thank you very much.

Angelina Vovk: Thank you.

Famous TV presenter frankly - about his personal life and work on television