Vera Brezhneva is a wonderful singer and mother of two beautiful daughters. She announced that Vera wants another, third, child back in 2014. And this was not a figurative phrase at all. Vera wrote that she wants a third child, namely a son. Unusual rumors began to spread that Vera Brezhneva was pregnant. However, Brezhneva simply wrote about her desires and this has nothing to do with her pregnancy.

Vera Brezhneva is pregnant with her third child

However, even after the star’s statement, the rumors did not subside. And the public firmly believed in the star’s pregnancy. They even began to figure out who the father of this child was. And there were quite a few options. After this, Brezhneva ran out of patience to watch all this and she made another entry on her page: “Gossipers!! Calm down already! Got it!! I'M NOT PREGNANT, I'M JUST FAT." The recording turned out to be somewhat rude and, in some way, humorous.

So what kind of mystery actually lurks around the singer? But only curious journalists remembered the situation when it was discussed that Vera did not want to give birth to a third child, but to adopt. And I immediately remembered Brezhneva’s mother’s comment. Where she said that she would not dissuade her daughter from such an act. And if Vera makes such a decision, then it is correct. Most likely, Vera is not pregnant, but there will be a third child over time.

Vera Brezhneva is recognized as one of the most beautiful and successful women Russia. She walked a long way and the hard way how in creative career, and in my personal life. The singer's biography includes several unsuccessful marriages, which gave the blond beauty two wonderful children. Over the years, the singer’s popularity does not fade, and the tabloids are full of bright photos with the charming ex-soloist of the VIA Gra ensemble.

The large family

Vera Brezhneva, or rather Vera Galushka – that’s exactly what she sounds like real name singer, born in Ukraine in the city of Dneprodzerzhinsk. The family of two ordinary workers raised four children. Like many in those difficult times, the Galushka family lived modestly, but still the parents tried not to deny their children anything.

Vera's love for music and dancing arose in her childhood. preschool age. And upon entering first grade, the girl began to be active creative life: took part in all concerts and competitions. Classmates were surprised by the fervor of her peer; among them she was a real “star”, the leader of the class.

In her youth, Vera Brezhneva looked completely different

After school, the future singer entered college to major in economics. The parents had other plans for the girl: the father dreamed that their Vera would become a good lawyer. But the family did not have enough money for education, so I had to go to study wherever my wallet allowed.

Cinderella story

Everyone knows the story of Cinderella from the fairy tale of the same name. Similar life situation happened to Vera Galushka. One day, the group “VIA Gra” came to a concert in quiet and small Dnepropetrovsk. Vera manages to get to the girls' performance. From this day on, the life of the provincial blonde will completely change. Vera, along with several of her friends, are invited on stage to sing with the group.

Vera passed the casting and the producer liked her almost the first time. This becomes clear when, a few years later, Vera marries Konstantin Miladze, who conducted this casting. The producer soon called Vera back and invited the girl to Kyiv.

The future singer studied dancing and singing

The happiness of the young beauty cannot be described in words: in Kyiv, Vera was advised to take vocal and dance courses. Every day the girl turned into a future star, about whom the entire male half of humanity was delighted.

Producer Dmitry Kostyuk advised the girl to change her last name. In his opinion, Brezhnev sounds more harmonious, while Galushka spoils the impression of the group as a whole.

First steps and leaving the group

Brezhnev first appeared on stage in 2003. Vera’s partners were the incomparable Nadezhda Granovskaya and Anna Sedakova. Vera took the place of Alena Vinnitskaya, who left the VIA Gra group. The group performed the song “My Attempt Number Five” with a new lineup, which the public really liked.

Constant tours, filming, fame - all this was to Brezhneva’s liking. But four years later, Vera left the group. As the singer herself said, she began to get sick often. It happened that VIA Gra went on tour as a duet, without Brezhneva. The girl was moping a lot, her schedule was throwing her off her feet. Moreover, there was another reason for leaving.

Vera Brezhneva as part of the VIA-Gra group

According to the blonde, her daughter was going to first grade at that time, and Vera just wanted to be a normal mother for her child. But he left the team. Vera always spoke well of her partners, and now she’s doing great solo. Perhaps, by taking a step back, the singer discovered the path to new life, filled with solo projects.

Brezhneva's personal life

Today, the beautiful Vera Brezhneva has two unsuccessful marriage. They left their mark on the singer’s biography: the girl had children (see photo below).

While still a student, Vera met Vitaly Voichenko. The man saw a blond young lady in a cafe. Enchanted Vitaly did not dare to approach the 17-year-old girl, and a few days later, realizing that the lady had fallen into his soul, he sought her out.

Voichenko was successful businessman, he lived in Energodar, where he took Vera. At that time, the future star wore short haircut. Long hair- this is Voichenko’s idea. She owes Brezhnev’s successful image change to her first husband.

After leaving the group, Vera built her solo career

Vera left her husband along with their daughter Sonya. She just left a note and ran away. According to Voichenko, he couldn’t find a place for himself - he was worried. That she won't see her daughter again. Fortunately, everything worked out fine. Now Vitaly communicates with his daughter and about ex-wife responds well.

Voichenko only hints at the reason for the breakup. He admits that he has always had many women. Even at the moment when Brezhnev appeared - “the bespectacled man”, Voichenko so affectionately called his chosen one. Yes, the blue-eyed blonde used to wear glasses.

Millionaire - second husband

She met Mikhail Kiperman, Brezhnev’s second husband, after she left the VIA Gra ensemble. This period was not easy in the biography of Vera Brezhneva, things were not going well in her personal life, there was a pause in her career, and children needed to be raised and fed. Therefore, a strong man's shoulder was necessary for a fragile girl. In addition, someone had to pay for the star’s solo projects. In the photo below, the once happy Kiperman and Brezhnev.

The singer with her second husband, a businessman

The relationship turned quickly. Vera was not embarrassed by the fact that Mikhail already had a family. Destroying the marriage union for Brezhneva turned out to be an easy task. Kiperman divorced his first wife, with whom he has two children, and registered a relationship with a lead singer from a famous ensemble.

Money flowed like a river from Kiperman’s wallet: he embodied all of Brezhneva’s ideas, as long as she would shine. But she only shone for him. The Ukrainian oligarch was very jealous. And to be jealous of the soloist " VIA Gra”, although the former, was a justified action. After all, the fans were circling around the blonde.

In addition, Vera began filming films, where she was seen more than once in explicit scenes. What can we say about photo shoots in magazines, where the star posed almost naked. All this happened regularly, and Kiperman’s hot blood boiled with jealousy.

Who knows how it would have ended if Konstantin Meladze had not appeared in Vera’s life again - secret love Brezhnev. Suspecting something was wrong, Mikhail organized surveillance of his wife. When the fact of the betrayal was documented, the deceived Kiperman filed for divorce. Even the birth of their daughter Sarah did not save the family.

The artist with her daughter Sarah

Rumor has it that Brezhnev herself abandoned Kiperman for his multimillion-dollar debts to creditors. After all, according to the law of Ukraine, a legal wife had to pay for her husband’s debts as if she were her own. And Vera then had something to give. The star owned a Hummer car and an apartment.

Vitaly Voichenko defends his ex-wife in front of journalists and asks not to slander her an honest woman. He claims that there is not a drop of commercialism in Vera, and she left Kiperman because she did not love him.

Another marriage

Brezhneva's third husband was Konstantin Meladze. In Vera's biography he plays important role, before this only concerned his career - after all, he is the producer of the VIA Gra ensemble. Now the soloist’s personal life is connected with Meladze, he is raising her children. The photo below shows the happy couple.

The young people had their wedding in Italy. The long-term romance has finally come to an end in the form of marriage. Meladze long years worked on Vera as a soloist of his ensemble. We can say that he himself created what he has now. Constantine made a provincial child a real star, standard female beauty, and then took her as his wife.

Romantic relationship with producer Konstantin Meladze ended in marriage

Daughters of Vera Brezhneva

The stormy personal life of singer Vera Brezhneva gave her two daughters. There is practically no place for a family in the star’s biography, but the girl still manages to spend at least a little time with her children. (see photo)

The first daughter Sophia was born from Vitaly Voichenko in 2001. At this time, Vera still bore her real name, and did not even imagine the dizzying career that lay ahead of her. Rumor has it that when Vitaly found out about his pregnancy common-law spouse, I wasn’t particularly happy. But Vera’s mother was against abortion and supported her daughter during a difficult period of her life.

Sonya bears the surname of Brezhneva’s second husband, Kiperman. But the girl doesn’t advertise it either. She came up with a sonorous pseudonym for herself - Sonya Kiper. The girl dreams of becoming successful model and has already achieved a lot in her young years. She attended modeling school, performed at New York fashion shows, and even became the face of one of the famous Russian brands. Brezhneva's child's achievements include filming a youth series and enrolling in a prestigious British school.

Singer with her children

Sarah is the second daughter of Vera, whose father is oligarch Mikhail Kiperman. Brezhneva does not like to expose the details of her biography to the public; her personal life is partially closed to journalists, so for a long time no one could find out the name of the star’s second child. But it’s too long to hide any information to a public person still impossible. Pictured below is Sarah Kiperman.

While still pregnant, Sara Brezhneva starred in the film “Love in the City,” although it is impossible to see the star’s rounded belly in the frame.

Sarah found herself in studying languages, sports and ballroom dancing. The girl strives to be like her mother, loves to dress up and wear beautiful dresses.

According to Vera Brezhneva herself, it was the children and their spiritual connection that helped the singer survive all the hardships, separations and troubles. Thanks to the girls, the lead singer of a famous and popular ensemble found the strength to move on with her life, open new doors for herself and boldly move forward with her head held high.

The real name of the celebrity is Vera Viktorovna Kiperman, her maiden name- Galushka.

Vera Brezhneva before Via Gra: childhood and early career (with photo)

From the biography of Vera Brezhneva it is known that she was born in Dneprodzerzhinsk on February 3, 1982. It was in this small Ukrainian city that Vera Brezhneva spent her childhood. The father of the future singer worked all his life at a chemical plant. Tamara Vitalievna, the singer’s mother, also worked at this plant along with Vera’s father. Now the singer’s parents live in Boryspil, near Kiev, in this city Brezhneva bought an apartment for them.

IN adolescence Vera went in for sports, the girl became seriously interested in handball, basketball, karate, and also rhythmic gymnastics. The future celebrity spent a lot of time on lessons with tutors foreign languages, V school years I dreamed of entering law school.

It so happened that Vera Galushka graduated extramural Dnepropetrovsk Institute of Engineers railway transport majoring in economics.

There are not many photos of Vera Brezhneva as a child. On one of them she is with all her big family– parents and three sisters:

Now the girls are well familiar with the work not only in Ukraine, but also in Russia. Vera Brezhneva did not appear on stage before Via Gra; in 2003–2007. she was the lead singer of this all-female pop group.

In 2002, Vera was invited to audition for the Via-Gra group to replace Alena Vinnitskaya, who was leaving the trio.

In 2003 general public The trio was presented in an updated composition with Nadezhda Granovskaya, Anna Sedokova and Vera Brezhneva.

She remained the group's permanent soloist for more than four years. In December 2007, Vera Brezhneva left the pop group and began pursuing a solo career.

The girl was born into a simple family, so the beginning of Vera Brezhneva’s career was quite complex and difficult; the future celebrity had to achieve fame and success on her own.

The creative path of Vera Brezhneva

Brezhneva is also known as a TV presenter; in 2008 she appeared on Channel One with the program “Magic of Ten”. This year, fans of the celebrity’s work saw the “I Don’t Play” video; at this time, the 2nd single “Nirvana” was also released.

The creative path of the singer and TV presenter continued beyond the stage - she took part in the show “Ice Age 2”.

In 2008, Vera Brezhneva spent a lot of time filming the film “Love in the City,” which premiered in 2009. She recorded the soundtrack for this film and shot a video for it. After a while, the celebrity starred in the sequel to the comedy “Love in the City 2.”

The singer’s popularity increased after the premiere of the song “Love will save the world,” for which she was awarded the national Golden Gramophone award. In 2011, the singer won the nomination “The Most beautiful people Ukraine 2010" and was named the most beautiful woman countries.

Soon fans of Vera Brezhneva were singing along with her new song"Insomnia", which premiered in 2012.

The general public also knows such best hits as “My Girl”, “Good Day”, “ Good morning"", "Mommy".

Family, husband and children of Vera Brezhneva, photo from the secret wedding with Konstantin Meladze

The personal life of Vera Brezhneva interests many fans, because the singer carefully hides it. The biography, personal life and children of Vera Brezhneva - all this interests her fans. The singer has two daughters. The eldest is Sonya, her father is Vitaly Voichenko, Brezhnev lived with him for several years in civil marriage. In 2006, Brezhneva married Ukrainian businessman Mikhail Kiperman. In 2009, the celebrity became a mother for the second time and had a daughter, Sarah.

Vera Brezhneva is a stylish singer and a happy mother of two daughters. IN Lately Vera pleased fans with a change in her image. The luxurious head of blond hair was replaced by an elegant long haircut, which Vera demonstrated at the Heat festival in Baku.

In addition, Vera took a series of photos in a stylish black outfit.

Girls and daughters do not lag behind their mother. Senior Sonya - exact copy his famous mom, and the youngest Sarah, obviously, went after her father’s relatives.

Vera, by the way, is calm about her daughter’s growing popularity on social networks. “She is a grown girl and understands what responsibility is.

Sonya already knows that there are people who follow her page very closely. In this sense, she is a fairly reasonable person. Of course, it’s hard not to pay attention when people write nasty things in the comments. Even Vera Brezhneva, after 14 years in show business, only recently stopped reacting to such things and is now teaching Sonya not to react to it. Star family cannot live outside of society and will still come into contact with opinions every day different people, unless he goes to live on a desert island. It is impossible to please everyone, and Vera’s children had the fate of sharing with her both the love of different people and the absence of it. And to be honest, it is impossible to like everyone in the world.

Little Sarah is growing up to be a laughing, mischievous girl.

But then Vera Brezhneva shared with her fans a tender portrait of an incredibly serious and matured Sarah.

“Oh, and this daughter is a copy of her mother!” - Brezhneva’s subscribers were surprised.

The girls adore each other. And they find time to be close.

I must say that the entire female part of Vera Brezhneva’s family is very similar to each other. Her mother Tamara Vitalievna, three sisters - Victoria, Galina and Anastasia, are simply copies of each other.

And everyone, despite their poor childhood, got on well in life. Vika is married to producer Alexander Tsekalo. Galina lives happily abroad, and Anastasia, although she remained in her native Ukraine, married a businessman. Each of the sisters has a daughter, Vera even has two. And the female kingdom is “diluted” by only two boys. Cousins By the way, they are all very similar and will definitely grow up to be real beauties!

A member of the “golden lineup” of the legendary group “VIA Gra” amazes fans with her appearance. The mother of two lovely daughters looks younger and more attractive with each clip. At the same time, Vera Brezhneva’s parameters remain at the same level.

According to Wikipedia, the beauty knows the secrets of eternal youth:

  1. With a height of 171 cm, the singer’s weight remains unchanged at 53 kg, which, combined with the proportional size of her figure, looks advantageous on the screen.
  2. Two marriages and the birth of children did not affect the artist’s figure in any way. Her volumes impress the most demanding fans of the blonde - 90-62-92. This proportionality of the parameters conceals the artist’s somewhat large shoe size, size 40.
  3. The celebrity was born on February 3, 1982, becoming a prominent representative Aquarius sign. Now the artist is in ideal age- at 36 years old, she has achieved a lot, and at the same time she has enough strength and capabilities to realize the most ambitious desires and plans.

At the same time, it was the stage and the incredible desire to change her life for the better that helped the young woman get rid of her youthful complexes.


Vera Brezhneva does not like to remember her early years. Celebrity grew up in large family. Parents who worked at a local chemical plant were forced to raise 4 daughters in very modest surroundings. Parents found it difficult to raise children during the breakup Soviet Union due to unemployment. The changes of modern times forced the family to go to the Russian capital with homemade products.

Hopes of making money on the resale of popular goods were not justified. Then the father was hit by a car and for a month the parents had to live in the Russian metropolis. All the proceeds were spent on his father’s treatment, and the failed businessmen returned home empty-handed.

Due to poverty in the family, the girl in shabby clothes with old-fashioned glasses on her face was not liked by her peers. In adolescence, outfits are of paramount importance, which is why Brezhnev was not a star in Brezhnev’s class. The artist remembered this state for the rest of her life, and even after the prom, Vera Galushka (the celebrity’s real name) did not participate in a single meeting with her offenders.

Family relations were very warm. The artist did not lose her friendship with her sisters even with her growing popularity. Now that everyone has worked out adulthood, and their paths diverge, they often arrange peculiar get-togethers over Skype. Elder sister Galya is calling from Greece, Vika from Russia, Nastya, Vera and parents from Ukraine.


Like all the girls of that time, Brezhneva dreamed of stellar career and even studied at the acting studio of the local Youth Theater. In addition to regular visits to secondary school No. 71, Vera Galushka different time I was involved in sports clubs and participated in theatrical productions.

She dreamed of becoming a lawyer, counting on decent earnings in the future, but her parental salary was not enough for this. Therefore, Vera graduated from the economics department of the Dnepropetrovsk Railway Institute.

Carier start

The future soloist of VIA Gra received her first money at the age of 11. Dneprodzerzhinsk authorities, hometown Brezhneva, decided to conduct an experiment and allowed teenagers from 11 to 14 years old to take part in the improvement of the city.

Then, during the summer holidays, boys and girls could earn pocket money by weeding flower beds, washing swings after winter, or collecting garbage on the streets. Galushka did not spend her salary on herself; she gave everything to her family. Then she got a job as a nanny and spent the first $100 in her life on English courses.

As the singer said in an interview for popular magazines, more than anything else she wanted to escape the hopeless poverty of the Ukrainian industrial town with its gray everyday life and dusty streets. Therefore, no work scared the girl.

Rise, popularity

In 2002, the famous female trinity came on tour to Dnepropetrovsk. By chance, Vera was among the volunteers invited to the stage. Several young listeners were invited to sing the song “Attempt No. 5” together with the members of the ensemble. Dmitry Kostyuk, co-producer of the group, wrote down the phone number of a funny blonde girl who enthusiastically sang along with the celebrities.

When, three months later, the casting to replace Alena Vinnitskaya gained momentum, the project managers remembered the girl with the characteristic surname “Galushka”. So the provincial girl was invited to Kyiv.

The main condition for participation in training and rehearsals was the desire to improve singing, stage movements and external appearance. Over the course of several months, Vera had to lose weight, learn to more or less hit the notes and move with mesmerizing grace. Then the producer suggested changing her surname to the pseudonym “Brezhneva”, guided by the fact that the girl was from the city that gave the USSR the legendary Secretary General.

The first performance took place with great success, who proved that a hardworking young mother fits perfectly with Nadezhda Meikher and Anna Sedokova. So, dramatic changes took place in the biography of Vera Brezhneva.

The busy tour schedule was exhausting, but neither could stop the future celebrity gossips, no heavy workload, no longing for my little daughter Sonya.

An interesting fact: the artist spent the first $1,500 on surgery, since she had vision problems since childhood. Brezhneva's debut concerts had to be performed in lenses. Then the fee increased, which allowed the woman to make repairs in her parents’ apartment and help improve the life of her own sisters.

And here's to plastic surgeons the artist has not yet contacted. Numerous websites and forums trumpet Vera Brezhneva’s rhinoplasty. But comparison with photographs of children and teenagers indicates natural origin this very remarkable part of the singer’s face. And her trained body proves that she can maintain perfect figure even after the birth of my second child.

Then the career of the singer, who successfully fit into the well-established popular team, went from strength to strength. As the artist herself recalls, the period of her work in the group became the springboard on the basis of which she was later able to create her own projects.

For a long time the public could not believe that the “little white one” from the popular trio of incredibly beautiful singers of love songs left the group in 2007. Then Brezhneva took a sabbatical to reflect on her own future.

The savvy singer realized that the time had come to perform solo, and began to work hard in this direction. Popularity and savings allowed her to almost painlessly become independent from the team and strict producers. At the same time, the artist did not lose contact with the Meladze brothers.

After leaving the group, almost every year the singer presented her new works in the form of videos and soundtracks, where the blonde’s backing vocals were performed by the most famous performers:

  1. "Pronto" with Potap.
  2. “Petals of Tears” in a duet with Dan Balan.
  3. “Say” with the rock group “Druha Rika” and many others.

Almost every song takes first place on the charts and becomes a hit.

Personality and character

The artist says that she has a kind of battery inside her that allows her to do many things at the same time. Even in her early youth, after school Vera managed not only to help her mother with housework, but also to dance at the local disco until midnight. At the same time, it is difficult for her to moderate her energy. More than once I brought the young woman to the psychologist’s office.

For more than 10 years, the artist has been resolving her most pressing issues with a permanent specialist, claiming that such therapy helps her collect her thoughts during difficult periods of her life.

As the artist admitted, foreign stars are close to her in terms of energy. In relations to life and people, Brezhneva has been a model for many years Julia Roberts. And the standard of restraint and style for the singer is Victoria Beckham.

A former soloist of a popular ensemble, she is currently a quite successful solo performer of popular songs. She hates laziness and believes that success comes only to those who work hard.

Vera adores her loved ones and loves to give gifts. At the same time, she is quite demanding in her work and does not hide it. He believes that in a family a man should be given the right to captain the family ship and not stifle him with his independence. The artist knows how to be grateful and sincere, but she does not want to expose her most tender feelings to everyone.

Brezhnev approaches difficulties with a sense of humor. Many years of practice in the image of an attractive blonde on the domestic stage have taught the artist to the idea that it is best to respond to ill-wishers with complete ignorance. Like any woman, the singer loves compliments and the best recognition of her own merits for Vera is an offer to live their life together.