As a rule, friends crime bosses, and just criminals of those years became various kinds of “miss” of something. Simply put, long-legged beauties hungry for money. We won’t say for sure – maybe there was a place for sincere love there. For the most part, their lives ended as quickly and tragically as those of the bandits themselves. And sometimes at the same time as them.

Corpse in a suitcase

Perhaps the most big story on our topic - this is a terrible murder of a killer Alexandra Solonika and his mistresses Svetlana Kotova.

Sasha Solonik, aka Macedonian (he received this nickname thanks to his ability to shoot in Macedonian style - with two hands), belonged to the Kurgan organized crime group. In 1987, he was sentenced to eight years in a maximum security colony for rape. Then he ran away.

In 1990, the killer carried out his first murder order - he shot the head of the Ishim group - Nikolai Prichinich.

Solonik was detained on October 6, 1994 at the Petrovsko-Razumovsky market in the capital. At the police station, while trying to escape, Solonik wounded three police officers and was wounded in the kidney. From the hospital, Makedonsky was taken for investigation to Matrosskaya Tishina. But eight months after his arrest, Solonik escaped from the pre-trial detention center. By the way, throughout history famous prison he became the only person who succeeded.

Under a new name, Solonik settled in Greece, where his people from the Kurgan organized crime group were already located. In Langonisi, near Athens, the bandits rented three luxurious mansions.

Macedonsky, according to his neighbors, was greedy for women and brought a new lady into the house every week. But the longest was Solonik’s affair with a fashion model. Sveta Kotova. And for her it was also fatal.

The girl worked with the famous Moscow agency Red Stars and participated in the finals of the Miss Russia-96 contest. On January 25, 1997, Kotova performed at the international exhibition Consumexpo. After which Svetlana asked her superiors for leave and left for Athens.

As it turned out later, she went to Solonik, who had previously invited the model to Greece more than once. They say that Alexander even came secretly to Moscow under the guise of a Greek showman Vladimir Kesov to convince Sveta to leave with him.

From Athens, Svetlana was going to go to a beauty contest in Italy. The girl talked about this on the phone to her mother. Kotova called home every day until January 30. After this date the model disappeared.

On February 2, 1997, in the Varibobi forest, near Athens, operatives discovered Solonik’s body. He was strangled with a nylon cord. There were no documents with the killer.

The search for Kotova continued for another three months. The police established that Svetlana did not cross the borders of Greece - she was eliminated as a witness to the murder of her boyfriend.

In May, residents of the resort town of Saronida came across a suitcase lying under olive tree. Inside, in plastic bags, lay the dismembered body of a woman. The identity of 21-year-old Kotova was established because the decomposition process had not yet fully begun.

There are many versions of who committed both murders. From involvement Italian mafia and even to the point that Solonik is even alive. However, the investigation agreed that Makedonsky and Kotova were killed by members of the Orekhovskaya organized crime group.

Mother predicted her daughter's death

On the evening of September 16, 2000, a resident of one of the Cheboksary Stalin apartments heard a strange noise in the entrance. She opened the door, but they immediately put the barrel of a gun to her forehead and pushed her back into the apartment. When everything was quiet on the staircase, the husband of the frightened woman decided to go out.

Two men and a beautiful girl lay in pools of blood. 20 year old Alexandra Petrova she was still breathing, but the doctors could not save her. Sasha died on the way to the hospital. In two days she had a noisy holiday planned - her birthday.

At the age of 16, Sasha Petrova went from Cheboksary to Novgorod to conquer the Miss Russia competition, which “left” the capital for the first time. A childhood dream came true - in 1996, Alexandra became the new beauty queen.

The work began to boil, offers from various agencies began to pour in. They even invited me to act in Hollywood, but my mother opposed it. Sasha completed two courses at the faculty foreign languages and abandoned the institute. Her common law husband - Konstantin Chuvilin- I wanted to see the girl next to me, and not behind books.

Kostya was not an ordinary guy. And 18-year-old Sasha liked “bad boys,” especially with “grandmothers,” because in her childhood and youth she lived modestly. Chuvilin was listed as unemployed, but in fact he was a member of the Chapaevskaya organized crime group - the most influential in Cheboksary. This easily explained the availability of money for a luxurious European-quality renovation in an apartment on Kirova Street and a Lada of the latest brand.

Kostya’s close friend and “colleague” was the director of the central market - Radik Akhmetov. It was because of the market that the conflict arose among Anatoly Doronitsyn who previously owned trading company, and the local city hall. According to investigators, Doronitsin hired a killer to eliminate Akhmetov, who framed him.

The killer caught up with Radik in the company of Petrova and Chuvilin. At the entrance of an elite house, a mercenary shot all three at point-blank range with a machine gun. The criminal could not be found, which is not surprising for that time.

This is what someone writes about Petrova on one forum Katya Katya: “She really stood out. So modest, tall, all in black. Then I got confused with this common-law husband. I started hanging around restaurants and abandoned my studies. But in furs. The whole city saw her off, everyone loved her.”

The worst thing is that Sasha’s mother predicted a tragic fate for her daughter and was terribly afraid for her life.

I knew this would happen. I read by hand: in Shura’s palm, the line of fate intersected with the line of mind by the age of twenty, and at the intersection there was a dot. A blow to the head at twenty years old. True, I didn’t tell her anything. There is also a sign: if you see a cockroach, it’s not good. And then they simply began to fall from the wall, and no matter how much they were killed, they continued to fall... It’s unnatural the way they fell. And after what happened, everything, not a single cockroach,” Tatyana Nikolaevna recalled with horror.

Innocent victim of war

In the dashing 90s, the city of Tolyatti was compared to the American Chicago. This happened because for ten years there was a bloody war there. crime war in pursuit of control over AvtoVAZ. According to some estimates, more than 400 people were killed in Togliatti during that period.

The start of the war was facilitated by a conflict between the largest Volgovskaya organized crime group and a gang Vladimir Agiya And Alexander Voronetsky. By the way, during perestroika, Volgovskaya was one of the first to start selling stolen spare parts from AvtoVAZ.

In the 2000s, Togliatti was mired in the third “great racketeer war.” At the head of the Volgovskaya organized crime group was Dmitry Ruzlyaev. Another leader of the group was considered the cruel, frostbitten bandit Sovok - Evgeniy Sovkov. By that time he was wanted and lived in Moscow on a “left” passport in the name Pavel Lizunov together with a 28-year-old bride from Togliatti - Lyudmila Matytsina.

Sovkov often visited the Krasnopresnensky baths - a favorite place of authoritative criminals. On December 26, 2000, Sovok went to the “arrow” to these very baths, taking Lyudmila with him. The meeting took place in Stolyarny Lane. Let's jump ahead and say that a few steps from this place in the 94th killer Lesha Soldier the authority was shot Otari Kvantrishvili.

...The conversation between Sovk and a certain man in black did not last long. When Evgeniy turned around and walked back to the car, shots rang out. Matytsina jumped out of the car in horror and immediately received a bullet in the forehead.

The killer turned out to be Sovka's longtime enemy - Andrey Milovanov, aka Green.

Sovkov, seriously wounded, managed to get to the driver's seat, but four hours later he died in the hospital. Before leaving, the killer fired a control shot at Lyudmila in the head.

Green was generally famous for the fact that he could absolutely calmly kill a woman in the most brutal way. He also shot the widow of the general director of the Tolyatti fish plant Oksana Labintseva.

1 October 2018, 21:39

Miss Iraq 2015 recently died; a bloody body was found inside a car in Baghdad.

It turns out there is a sad statistic that Taru Fares is not the only Beauty Queen to die tragically.

SANIA SHAKIROVA, "Mrs. World 2018"

This summer Sania Shakirova died, she was 30 years old, she was the mother of three children. The girl was riding in a taxi, the car lost control and drove into the cemetery fence. The girl died immediately, the driver died in the hospital. Sania represented Kyrgyzstan.

MONICA SPEAR, Miss Venezuela 2004

Monica was divorced from her daughter's father, but they maintained a close relationship and raised their 5-year-old daughter together.

The couple lived in the USA, but visited relatives in Venezuela. In 2014, everyone came together to new year holidays. Their car ran over something sharp, 2 tires burst at once, they called the police for help and began to wait. Expensive car attracted the attention of robbers, they were attacked and shot. Only the daughter remained alive.

MARIA JOSE ALVARADO, Miss Honduras 2014

Photo with sister

She was 19 years old when she and her sister went to her sister’s boyfriend’s birthday party, but neither of them returned home. The birthday boy reported the loss and provided all possible assistance to the investigation and supported the parents. But the police were alerted by the activity of Ruiz Plutarco, they began to interrogate him, unexpectedly quickly obtained a confession, he showed where he hid the corpses.

In the photo with a cap there is a killer, next to him is his friend who helped bury the bodies of the girls

It turned out that he was jealous of the beauty’s sister and shot her. Maria was an accidental witness and tried to escape, but she failed. Maria was supposed to participate in Miss World. As a sign of respect for the family of the victims, Honduras refused to replace Maria and skipped the competition.

AGnieszka KOTLARSKA, Miss International 1991

A certain Jerzy fell in love with a girl when she was recognized as the most beautiful girl Poland. He bombarded her with threats and declarations of love for 6 whole years. When Agnieszka got married, according to the killer, she “ruined his life.”

Agnieszka with her husband

They never had direct contact, but Jerzy studied all the habits of the family, their daily routine. In 1996, he attacked a couple outside their home as they were getting into a car. First he wounded Agnieszka’s husband in the leg, and then stabbed the girl in the chest 4 times. For murder, the quiet programmer was given 14 years in prison.

ALEXANDRA PETROVA, “Miss Russia 1996”

In 2000, she was shot dead in a gang fight. Since the mid-90s, the girl has been in a relationship with crime boss Konstantin Chuvilin. They “ordered” her friend, Alexandra was wounded by a ricochet, and she died on the way to the hospital.

SVETLANA KOTOVA, finalist of “Miss Russia 1996”

Svetlana had an affair with the legendary killer Alexander Solonik. They went to celebrate New Year 1997 at his villa in Greece, which seemed like a real paradise to the girl. The Orekhovskaya group broke into the villa, Solonik’s body was found in February, and 3 months later they found a suitcase with the dismembered remains of Svetlana.

LAINA KEZA, Miss Africa 2010

In 2013, the girl was stabbed to death by the father of her 3-year-old daughter. A few days before the tragedy, Laina finally broke up with 38-year-old club promoter David Kikawa. He tormented her with jealousy and scandals. Early in the morning, neighbors called the police, saying that something terrible was happening in the house. The squad arrived and found David with a knife in his hand, Laina’s body lying in the bathtub.

This “handsome guy” killed her.

MELODY GERSCHBACH, Miss International 2009

This Filipino beauty died in a traffic accident in August 2010. A minibus crashed into her minivan at full speed due to a technical fault.

GENESIS CARMONA, "Miss Tourism 2013"

The girl participated in rallies against Nicolas Moduro. Suddenly a shot rang out, Genesis was wounded, she did not survive, the bullet hit her head. It is still unknown who shot the beauty queen.

MICHAELA MCARIVY, beauty queen of Ireland

Michaela got married in January 2011 and went with her husband to Honeymoon. On this day, the newlyweds had dinner at the hotel restaurant where they lived. The girl needed something in the room, where she found two hotel employees. There was speculation that they were robbing the room. Michaela was found strangled in the bathroom, but the jury acquitted both hotel employees due to lack of evidence.

LESLIE MAZZARA, "Ms. South Carolina»

In 2004, Leslie and her friends celebrated Halloween, then went to bed together. One of her friends, Lauren, heard strange noises, slipped out the back door and called the police. The patrol arrived and found Leslie and Adriana dead. 218 DNA samples were taken but did not identify the culprit. The $100 thousand reward didn’t help either! Lauren identified the criminal. She regularly looked through photos from the murder scene and noticed the butt of rare cigarettes, Adriana’s fiancé was smoking them. DNA was taken from him, the samples matched, but the motive for the murder is still unknown. Eric Koppla claims that he remembers absolutely nothing. He received a life sentence.

This is not the entire list. An Austrian beauty queen crashed in the Alps, a Mexican one died in a shootout between police and drug dealers, she shot from a Kalashnikov assault rifle, in the USA she died from burns from fuel that her groom doused the girl with, 22-year-old Miss Kyrgyzstan died of cancer, Miss Great Britain 2009 was found dead, circumstances are being clarified. This is not a complete list.

A famous proverb says: “Don’t be born beautiful, but be born happy.” And the fates of the world's first beauties confirm this wisdom. Their beauty became an obstacle on the way to happy life, and they all died tragically.

Monica Speer, Miss Venezuela 2004

In 2004, Monica Spear won the Miss Venezuela competition, representing the state of Guarico. In 2005, the girl represented her country at the Miss Universe pageant in Bangkok. The winner then was Natalie Glebova, a Russian emigrant from Canada. Monica Spear became the fourth runner-up.

After the end of the contract with the organizers of the competition, Monica studied theater arts at the University of Central Florida. Her efforts were not in vain - in 2010 the girl was given main role in the series Flor Salvaje. Last years During her life, the girl lived with her husband and daughter in the USA.

On the evening of January 6, 2014, when the family went to New Year holidays to Venezuela, a misfortune happened. Their car ran over something sharp and two tires burst at once. The incident itself did not result in injuries; the family called the police and waited for help. But local robbers got to the scene earlier. An expensive car on the side of the road attracted their attention, and they shot Monica and Henry. Their 5-year-old daughter miraculously survived. The police arrived literally a few minutes later and arrested the killers, but this was little consolation. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro called the tragedy “the loss of the decade” and personally supervised the investigation.

Genesis Carmona, Miss Tourism 2013, Venezuela

The girl who received the title “Miss Tourism 2013” ​​died in the same year as her fellow countrywoman Monica Spear. Genesis participated in a rally whose participants demanded the resignation of Nicolas Manduro and his government. The peaceful protest ceased to be so after the first shots.

The bullet hit the girl in the forehead. The beauty died in the hospital. It is still unknown who killed Genesis. The authorities blame opposition political forces for this, while the opposition shifts all the blame to the police.

Maria José Alvarado, Miss Honduras 2014

In April 2014, the title “Miss Honduras 2014” was awarded to 19-year-old beauty Maria José Alvarado. In December, the girl was supposed to be in London to represent the country at the Miss World competition, but, unfortunately, this never happened.

On November 13, 19-year-old Maria and her 23-year-old sister Sofia disappeared. Then they attended a party in honor of the birthday of their friend Plutaro Ruiz, but did not return home. Ruiz himself contacted the police, saying that the girls had disappeared right from his birthday.

The sisters' bodies were found buried on the river bank. The police found out that Ruiz himself killed the beauties. He admitted that at the holiday he had a serious quarrel with Sofia, because, in his opinion, she flirted with his friend, showed him signs of attention and too often agreed to dance with him. Enraged, Ruiz shot Sofia and suddenly saw that Maria had witnessed the murder. Maria tried to run away, but the killer caught up with her and shot her on the spot. At the moment when Ruiz was burying victims' bodies, Maria was just supposed to fly to London to prepare for her participation in the Miss World competition. As a sign of respect for the family of the victims, Honduras refused to replace Maria and skipped the competition.

Agnieszka Kotlarska, Miss International 1991

Agnieszka Kotlarska is a Polish fashion model, winner of the Miss International 1991 contest. After winning the competition, Agnieszka continued her modeling career in New York, and later returned to Poland, where she settled in the city of Wroclaw.

Even when Agnieszka was recognized as the most beautiful girl in Poland, a secret admirer and stalker Jerzy appeared in her life, who bombarded the model with threats and declarations of love at the same time. Since he never made direct contact, the girl did not pay attention to him, not suspecting that six years later he would take her life.

The turning point was Agnieszka's marriage. In a court Jerzy said that by doing so “she ruined his life” and he had to take revenge. He spent hours wandering around the house where Agnieszka's family lived, studying their schedule and habits. In 1996, as the family headed to their car, Jerzy jumped out of ambush with a huge knife and rushed at Agnieszka's husband, Jaroslaw. He wounded the man in the leg. Agnieszka rushed to help her husband, but the killer, enraged by the failure, turned all his anger on her and stabbed her in the chest four times. The police arrested the 36-year-old programmer on the same day, and he was sentenced to 14 years for murder.

Alexandra Petrova, “Miss Russia 1996”

In 1996, the final of the national Miss Russia competition was broadcast on the Rossiya channel on December 14 at live. For the first time, the competition was held outside the capital - in Veliky Novgorod. Of the 40 participating winners of the regional rounds, 16-year-old Alexandra Petrova from the city of Cheboksary was recognized as the best.

In 1997, Alexandra took part in numerous television shows, show programs, presentations, and worked seriously as a fashion model. Over the course of a year, Alexandra visited many countries around the world, took part in three international competitions. She also received gold medal World Arts Championship in the “model” category and a job offer in Hollywood. But she did not accept any of the invitations from foreign agencies.

In July 1997, Alexandra Petrova was recognized as the best at the international modeling competition “Miss Model International”, in which representatives of 53 countries took part. At the end of 1997, in Chuvashia, Alexandra Petrova won the “Person of the Year” competition. In 1999 she participated in the Miss Universe competition.

On September 16, 2000, Alexandra was killed in Cheboksary with one shot in the head, two days short of her 20th birthday. Two businessmen were shot along with her: Konstantin Chuvilin, the girl’s boyfriend, and his friend Radik Akhmetov (director of the central market). They were shot at the entrance of Konstantin Chuvilin; according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the girl became a victim of a showdown between local crime bosses over spheres of influence.

Svetlana Kotova, finalist of the Miss Russia 1996 contest

On May 10, 1997, about three kilometers from Athens, Greece, in the town of Saronida, a suitcase containing the dismembered corpse of 21-year-old Svetlana Kotova was discovered under an olive tree in a shallow grave. A Red Stars agency model and Miss Russia 1996 finalist, she was allegedly murdered on January 30, 1997.

The girl connected her fate with Alexander Solonik (Sasha Makedonsky), a star criminal world. They met at a nightclub in Moscow on New Year's Eve, and on January 25, 1997, Svetlana flew to Greece at the invitation of a new friend.

She was greeted at the plane's ramp with armfuls of flowers, and the driver in a luxury Mercedes took the girl to a fashionable villa, the rent of which cost $90,000 a year. Starting from January 26, she called her mother every day and never tired of admiring the miracle that had happened to her. In Greece, Solonik was hiding from Russian authorities and from personal enemies.

The investigation established that on January 30, the crime was committed by Orekhovsk bandits Alexey Gusev, Alexander Sharapov and Alexander Pustovalov (Sasha the Soldier) on the orders of Sergei Butorin (Osya). On February 2, 1997, Solonik's strangled body was discovered in a villa in Baribobby. Kotova witnessed the crime, for which she paid with her life.

Laina Keza, Miss Africa 2010

Miss Africa 2010 was killed three years after receiving the crown. The dark-skinned beauty was deprived of her life by her common-law husband and part-time father of the model’s daughter. The man was terribly jealous of his beloved and did not let her live in peace. When Laina decided to end the relationship, her husband did not forgive her for this and three days after the separation he stabbed his wife to death.

Melody Gershbach, Miss International 2009

A year after winning the Miss International 2009 title, the Filipino model tragically died in a traffic accident. On August 21, 2010, a passenger bus crashed into the girl’s minivan at full speed. The bus driver said that vehicle got out of control due to a technical fault. Melody was only 24 years old.

Michaela McAreavey, Irish beauty queen

In January 2011, the Irish beauty queen married John McAreavey and went with him on a honeymoon to Mauritius. The couple enjoyed their honeymoon. On the fateful day, the newlyweds were having dinner at the restaurant of the Legends Hotel, where they were staying, when in the middle of the evening Michaela needed something in her room. When she got up, she found two hotel employees in the room, who allegedly entered the room for the purpose of robbery. Frightened, they dragged Michaela into the bathroom and strangled her, as the investigation suggests. However, it was not possible to collect enough evidence, and the jury acquitted both suspects.

Leslie Mazzara, Miss South Carolina

In 2004, three friends - Leslie Mazzara, Adriana Insogna and Lauren Mianza - celebrated Halloween. Together with local children, they went around houses, begging for candy, singing songs and inventing pranks. All three went to bed quite late and slept soundly. Lauren woke up from strange sounds: she realized that there was a burglar in the house, and slipped out the back door, grabbing her phone. Having called the police, the girl did not dare to return to the house, which saved her life.

The patrol arrived and found Leslie and Adriana dead. The investigation stalled as DNA samples taken from 218 suspects failed to identify the perpetrator, and even a $100,000 reward yielded no results. Surprisingly, the culprit was identified by... Lauren. IN Once again While reviewing photographs from the crime scene, she noticed a detail that experienced detectives had missed: a cigarette butt from a rather rare cigarette brand. These were the cigarettes that Adriana’s friend’s fiance smoked. Eric Kopple was arrested, DNA testing confirmed the samples were a match, but despite the obviousness of the evidence, he continued to insist that he was so drunk that night that he didn’t remember anything at all. He was sentenced to life imprisonment, but the motive for which he killed two girls remained unsolved.

Eva Ekvall, Miss Venezuela 2002

Eva was crowned Miss Venezuela in 2000 and competed in the Miss Universe pageant the following year. Later she worked as a TV presenter and wrote books. In February 2010, Eva was diagnosed with advanced stage breast cancer, the girl underwent an 8-month course of treatment. Ekvall bravely fought the disease and encouraged other women to take care of their health. The treatment did not help Eva, and after a year and 10 months of fighting the disease, on December 17, 2011, the 28-year-old model died in Houston.

In the nineties, getting into model business automatically promised a connection with some “new Russian”. Those who wanted to avoid dangerous affairs were sometimes severely punished: what authority likes to be refused? But also among the girls who were ready to take risks in search of better life, fate was sometimes very tragic. tells the stories of models who were killed by bandits.

Alexandra Petrova - “Miss Russia 1996”

Sasha Petrova I was born in Cheboksary into a very ordinary family and had never even flown on an airplane until I was 17 years old. Of the cities by this age, she managed to see only Moscow and Veliky Novgorod. The local fashion house sent the girl to the capital to participate in a hairdressing competition, and in Novgorod she defended the honor of Chuvashia at Miss Russia 1996 and even won there.

Shy Shura, who was teased by her classmates for being too much, entered the modeling business. high growth, I got there by accident: I came along with a friend to the casting and unexpectedly stayed. In a fifteen-year-old girl with long, almost knee-length hair and a face without an ounce of makeup, the selection committee saw great potential. The bets on Petrova really paid off: having won Miss Russia, she confidently conquered one competition after another, gradually becoming a desirable object not only for foreign modeling agencies, but also for the “new Russians.” In the nineties, people in crimson jackets specifically looked for titled beauties as companions; all kinds of “misses” emphasized their success and omnipotence. Entrepreneur Konstantin Chuvilin was no exception. True, Sasha became for him not just an attribute of a good life, but true love. He was very kind to the girl and supported her entire family. Petrova did not think about where the man got so much money, although the whole city knew that Chuvilin “protected” many enterprises in Cheboksary. The young people were preparing for the wedding, but did not become spouses. September 16, 2000 Alexandru, Konstantin and his friend Radika Akhmetova killed by competitors. It all happened in the entrance of the house where the couple lived, at the moment when Sasha tried to open the apartment door. Shura was shot in the head, just two days shy of her twentieth birthday; she was buried on her birthday.

Svetlana Kotova - finalist of the Miss Russia 1996 contest

In the nineties, many models made money not only on the catwalks, but also in nightclubs. In one of these establishments Svetlana Kotova met with Alexander Solonik. In appearance he was an ordinary young man, but behind his ordinary appearance he was hiding professional killer, who specialized in eliminating crime bosses. He has about 20 kills to his name. In 1994, operatives were able to detain a criminal at the Petrovsko-Razumovsky market. In the police room, Solonik took out an air pistol and, having shot three representatives of the law point-blank, tried to escape, but did not have time. The killer was put in Matrosskaya Tishina, from which he managed to escape. Of course she is complex operation could not pass without external support. According to one version, Alexander was helped by a warden who was specially introduced by a criminal group into the ranks of employees of the correctional institution; according to another, he was helped by a bribed guard. After escaping, Solonik hid abroad for several years, and in 1997 he settled in Greece in a luxurious villa, taking a new name: Vladimir Kesov. The fugitive was then accompanied by 22-year-old model Svetlana Kotova. And while Russian special services were unsuccessfully trying to find a killer in another country, leader of the Orekhovskaya organized crime group Sergei Butorin did this with the help of three of his “fighters”: Alexey Gusev, Alexandra Sharapova And Alexandra Pustovalova. The trio settled not far from the killer, and Pustovalov once invited the couple to visit. Neither Solonik himself nor his companion saw anything suspicious in the offer to meet. But when they came to the Orekhovskys, they killed both of them. During interrogation, Pustovalov insisted that Svetlana was given a chance to escape, hinting that she should leave. The girl actually went to the toilet for a while, but returned just at the moment when Solonik was being strangled, and thereby signed her own death warrant. Her dismembered body was found in May 1997 under an olive tree near Athens in a buried suitcase.

Svetlana Kotova. Photo: Shot from TVC channel

Eleonora Kondratyuk - “Miss Charm 1998”

In November 1998 Eleonora Kondratyuk I decided to try my hand at the Miss Sochi competition. She didn’t expect to win and even took handkerchiefs with her to wipe away the tears that inevitably happen at such a young age due to minor failures. But they were of no use to her. Kondratyuk received the audience award and the title “Miss Charm”. When it came to voting in the hall, the girl received such a standing ovation that she did not leave her competitors a single chance to take an honorable third place.

Six months after the competition, a well-known authority in criminal circles suddenly became interested in the young beauty. Ruben Grigoryan named Cyclops. It all started harmlessly. The man tried to persuade the model into a relationship, but she was unapproachable. Having suffered another fiasco, Ruben decided to change tactics: almost with tears in his eyes, he began to say that if Eleanor refused him, he would commit suicide. When this technique did not work, the obsessive gentleman turned to threats, assuring that the girl would soon cry bloody tears and she herself will crawl to him on her knees. Of course, Kondratyuk was worried about her safety, but she didn’t want to dedicate either her friends or her parents to this story, especially since one fine day Ruben disappeared from sight. Later it turns out that he really went to another city in order to provide himself with an alibi. The people he hired constantly watched the girl, waiting for the right moment to take revenge on behalf of the rejected admirer. On September 2, 1999, as the model was walking down the street, they grabbed her by the hair and doused her face with highly concentrated sulfuric acid mixed with oil. This composition was made specifically so that Eleanor would not be able to wash it off with ordinary water and would probably remain disfigured. Kondratyuk received a fourth degree burn, almost incompatible with life. In addition, several drops of the deadly solution got into the girl’s mouth, which caused a burn to the trachea, esophagus and stomach, making it impossible to eat normally. It took her 19 years of rehabilitation and 200 surgeries to survive. At the same time, the organizer of the crime, Ruben Grigoryan, received only 11 years in prison, and his two accomplices received even less: 6 and 7 years. In 2017, Kondratyuk wrote the book “Eleanor. I chose life,” in which I honestly told about everything that happened to her.

On September 27, the car of Miss Iraq 2015 Tara Fares was shot at in Baghdad. The girl died on the spot...

An expensive car was the reason for the murder of Monica Spear

This beautiful woman in 2004 she won the Miss Venezuela competition. 10 years after the event, Spear was killed.

By this time, Monica had married Irishman Henry Berry and gave birth to a daughter. The family lived in the States. For the New Year holidays, they went to Spear's parents in Venezuela. On the way, the car got a flat tire. An expensive car on the side of the road attracted the attention of local bandits, who shot the beauty and her husband. Only Monica and Henry's five-year-old daughter survived.

Monica Spear was the victim of a robbery

Maria Jose Alvarado - victim of double murder

This girl was only 19 years old when she was killed. Maria won the national Miss Honduras competition and was supposed to represent her native country at the world level.

But a day before flying to England, where the beauty contest was taking place, the girl went to a birthday party for her sister’s boyfriend. During the holiday, the birthday boy killed his girlfriend, and then dealt with Maria, who witnessed the crime. The killer took the sisters' bodies to the outskirts of the city and buried them, and then helped the detectives in the investigation.

Maria Jose Alvarado was killed along with her sister

The body of the beautiful Svetlana Kotova was found in a suitcase

In 1996, 22-year-old Svetlana took part in the Miss Russia beauty contest. She did not take first place - in the final she lost the crown to Alexandra Petrova, but after the competition the killer Alexander Solonik drew attention to her.

The girl fell in love and in 1997 went after the bandit to Greece. A few days later, the couple was killed: the killer was strangled, and Kotova’s dismembered body was found two months later in a suitcase that was buried under an olive tree.

The body of Svetlana Kotova was dismembered and buried in a suitcase

The first beauty Alexandra Petrova fell in love with a bandit

The girl who beat Kotova in the beauty contest also ended badly. Her lover Konstantin Chuvilin was shot by a killer. The bullet ricocheted and hit Sasha. She died on the way to the hospital before her 20th birthday.

Alexandra Petrova at the age of 16 became the first beauty of Russia, but did not live to see 20

Maniac stalked Miss International 1991 for six years

A year before winning the Miss International 1991 contest, Polish woman Agnieszka Kotlarska won the national beauty contest. Then a secret admirer appeared in her life. The guy wrote letters to the girl, in which he either declared his love or threatened to kill her.

Agnieszka did not pay attention to her admirer, believing that she would never meet him in real life. When the beauty got married, the maniac tracked her down and stabbed her to death...

Maniac stalked Polish woman for six years