graduate work

1.2 Principles and methods of social work with youth

social leisure youth

Today, social services for youth carry out their activities in more than 30 areas. Only psychological and pedagogical counseling for adolescents and youth is carried out by 206 centers; 10% of services provide emergency psychological assistance by phone; about 6% of the centers are engaged in social rehabilitation; 19.5% provide sociocultural services; 13.5% are engaged in career guidance and employment of young people; about 1% provide legal and almost 5% - informational assistance to young people.

The main areas of work of the youth social service bodies are:

Educational and preventive;




Information and advisory;

Employment promotion;

Social support for the younger generation.

In the educational and preventive direction, the content is built in the logic of promoting the self-realization of children and youth, which means helping them in the conscious expedient disclosure and use of their positive capabilities, aimed at free choice of opportunities for new growth.

To implement this direction, the following tasks should be solved:

1. Acquisition and updating by adolescents of important socio-psychological knowledge.

2. Disclosure and implementation by adolescents of subjective qualities in various activities.

3. Development of a reflective position and feedback skills in adolescents.

The rehabilitation area includes issues of drug prevention, the consequences of vagrancy, unauthorized departures of residents of boarding schools (ICI) who have been treated for drug addiction and alcoholism and are in remission, etc.

The following methods are used in the work: conversation, observation, interviewing, individual counseling, individual psycho-correction, group psycho-correction, skills training.

The purpose of the direction is the activation of non-specific adaptive reactions of the body and the achievement of emotional balance and deep mental relaxation.

The health direction includes the improvement of the nation, the formation of a healthy, physically strong generation, clearly identified in the Concept for the Development of Physical Culture and Sports of the Russian Federation, the task of maintaining and strengthening health in a mass secondary school is paramount in the educational process. This task is multifaceted. One of the reasons for the decline in the health of students is their overwork in an educational institution, low physical activity outside of school hours.

The basic principle of working with young people is the rational organization of their leisure time outside of school hours. Implemented here:

1. Educational activity (aimed at obtaining the initial skills of the profession or artistic skill) - classes in circles, electives, pre-profile training courses.

2. Game leisure activities (active recreation in the form of a game, aimed at expanding the horizons of young people and organizing free time) - competitions, quizzes, game programs, matinees, collective creative activities, discos. This also includes many forms that are actively implemented in cultural and leisure institutions.

These are mass events (KVN, educational competitions, - musical, historical, literary, concerts), evenings of communication (disputes, press conferences, briefings, talk shows, conference-disputes), meetings with interesting people(professional-oriented, valeological, creative, meetings with veterans), festive musical and dance or theatrical events (balls, carnivals, evenings, matinees for children).

3. Recreational leisure (aimed at switching the attention of young people from school (institute), communication, familiarization with nature and cultural values) - hiking, excursions, trips out of town, visiting museums, concerts, social clubs of interest.

The whole variety of forms of communication among young people in the context of leisure activities can be classified according to the following main features:

By time (short-term, periodic, systematic);

By nature (passive, active);

According to the direction of contacts (direct and indirect).

There are two main forms of youth leisure: organized and unorganized. The sphere of organized leisure includes teenage and youth organizations, houses of culture, social centers, art and sports clubs, clubs, sections, etc. Formally formed organizations involved in the leisure of youth contribute to the inclusion of boys and girls in new social relations, their self-realization, the socialization of the individual, assist the family in educating the younger generation, and help prevent neglect and deviant behavior among minors.

Unorganized leisure is a spontaneous formation of youth groups united on some basis, for example, these may be similar interests. Belonging to an informal group provides a young person with a certain social status and satisfies the needs for social protection due to a high degree of intra-group solidarity. Often this leads to self-identification with the company of peers, the rejection of individuality, complete submission to the norms, values ​​and interests of the group. In such informal groups, the unifying core is the way of life, one's own morality, spiritual values, paraphernalia, slang, that is, a kind of subculture that is different from the generally accepted culture of adults, which applies only to members of the group, regardless of the rest of those around them. To declare itself, the society should be surprised, amazed. This is embodied in clothes, manners, jargon, specific hobbies. Quite often, everything is limited only by eccentric behavior, violation of moral standards, interests around music, parties, destructive manifestations. The difference between a spontaneous group as an agent of socialization lies in the fact that it is not regulated by any legislation, is unpredictable and often poses a danger to both boys and girls, and to others.

An unorganized form of leisure, communication in the company of peers, to be a member of which a young person needs organically, is a natural process. Indeed, according to many surveys of young men and women, preferences for spending leisure time are given precisely to informal communication with friends and peers.

In modern Russian conditions, the organization of youth leisure by the state is developed at an insufficient level. Free circle associations, sections, studios, usually existing at institutions of general and vocational education, institutions of additional education, Palaces of Culture, have either disintegrated or are not able to interest young people. Institutions that organize free time on a commercial basis, many young people cannot pay. In addition, special attention should be paid to youth informal associations, formed according to the "yard", microdistrict affiliation, as on the subject of socialization, but in such companies a negative impact is possible - the use of alcoholic beverages, familiarization with tobacco and drugs, participation in asocial manifestations.

In this connection, one of the directions for the prevention of deviant behavior of young people is, firstly, the creation of more opportunities for the implementation of various taste preferences in the field of leisure, the "legalization" of young people's hobbies, the provision of free choice of leisure activities; secondly, expanding the network of leisure institutions for young people, and strengthening control over those institutions whose activities are associated with the presence of such forms of social deviation as alcoholism, drug addiction, prostitution (discotheques, night clubs, etc.); thirdly, the identification of teenage youth companies and groups in order to use the desire of a young person to belong to an informal group, to direct their activities in a socially significant direction.

The activities of a social and leisure institution and its improvement depend not only on the skillful organization of leisure, but also on the consideration of psychological and pedagogical factors. The activity of young people in the field of free time is based on voluntariness, on personal initiative, on an interest in communication and creativity. In this regard, there are questions of communication in teams, and the typology of leisure behavior. Therefore, one can speak about the content of events, about the forms and methods of work only when the psychology of the individual and the psychology of groups, the psychology of collectives and the masses are taken into account. Realizing the goal of developing creative abilities, taking into account personal initiative and voluntariness in leisure conditions, the type of activity of people, leisure organizers create such events that include programs for self-development and creativity. This is a fundamental difference between activities in the conditions of a cultural and leisure institution, from regulated conditions, where the development and enrichment of the individual are of such a voluntary nature.

Information and advisory activities include:

Enlightenment of youth in the form of "round tables", disputes, conversations;

Promotion of healthy lifestyles;

Prevention of asocial phenomena in the youth environment;

Improving the legal culture and literacy of young people;

Preparing youth for family life;

Consultative activity of specialists: psychologist, narcologist, obstetrician-gynecologist, lawyer;

Conducting sociological surveys among young people;

Organization of temporary summer employment for adolescents and youth.

Social service bodies assist in the employment of young people. Employment is carried out in the following areas:

1. Organization of public works.

2. Organization of temporary employment for unemployed citizens experiencing difficulties in finding a job.

3. Organization of temporary employment of graduates educational institutions vocational education up to the age of 25.

4. Organization of temporary employment of minors aged 14 to 18 years.

Social therapy is a branch of scientific knowledge focused on solving social and therapeutic problems through overcoming anomalies in life orientations, social values ​​of subjects public life(including young people), their ideas about justice and injustice.

Common technologies of social therapy include the following technologies:

1. Consulting - establishing contact through verbal communication, identifying client problems, assistance and interaction in finding their solution.

2. Art therapy - "art therapy" through the involvement of a young person in cultural and leisure activities, visiting various cultural and leisure institutions.

3. Music therapy - the socialization of the individual by referring to any musical culture, subculture, attending concerts, rallies, competitions, themed discos, regular listening to musical compositions.

4. Bibliotherapy - the impact on the consciousness of the individual in the process of forming meaning-life orientations through the selection of special literature.

5. Socio-pedagogical technologies - the active participation of a social worker (teacher) in the upbringing of the client and the formation of his meaningful life orientations.

6. Creative technologies - involving young people in collective creative and constructive activities, promoting the development of individual creativity.

7. Logotherapy - (from the Greek logos - word, therapeia - care, treatment) treatment with a word. Social logotherapy deals with the study of methods, means, methods of influence (mutual influence) on people's ideas about social processes, the meaning of life, and social values.

Exploring the real needs of young people in social services - key element in the formation of a system of their social services. According to research, young people need, first of all, a labor exchange, points of legal protection and legal advice, the work of "helplines", a sexological consultation, a center for helping a young family, a hostel-shelter for teenagers who find themselves in a conflict situation at home. One of the main problems of youth is employment, well-paid and interesting job. Market relations presuppose a radical transformation of the incentives and motives for the economic activity of people, the formation of the willingness and ability of the younger generation to live and work in new conditions. The study of the attitude to work of various categories of young people showed that a radical reorientation took place in their minds from the preference for non-material values ​​to material ones. The solution of many socio-economic problems of young people is facilitated by youth entrepreneurship, the development of which is helped by a whole complex system of organizations, including regional educational and entrepreneurial centers, business incubators, business support centers, etc.

Society and the state consider youth as a basic strategic resource, as a real subject of socio-economic policy. This means increasing attention to the problems of youth, a fundamental change in attitude towards them at all levels of government, as well as building a public-state system of youth work.

The main principles, directions and standards of social work with youth, state policies regarding youth should be formulated and defined at the federal level in the form of main strategic directions and priorities, which should be reflected in the regulatory framework, in decisions and documents of federal executive authorities .

Social work with youth should be based not on guardianship and paternalism, but on stimulating the activity of young people themselves, creating conditions for independent decision the problems they face. Social work with youth is not focused on creating benefits for young people. This is a targeted and systematic investment policy that provides for investing in young people through the organization and stimulation of work initiated, organized and carried out, primarily by the youth themselves. Financing of youth work should be carried out from the budgets of all levels and from extrabudgetary sources, based on the principles of investment, through the creation of effective mechanisms to ensure the effectiveness of this work.

There are various reasons for the emergence of different types and forms of social work. One of these grounds are the spheres of social practice, and in this case we can talk about social work with young people in education, healthcare, leisure, etc.; others - the socio-psychological characteristics of social work clients - young people in general, social risk groups, suicidal people, etc.; the third is character and other grounds. In all cases, the goal of social work will be specified (from prevention to correction).

Thus, this concept also includes social services, the role of which in society differs in many respects from the activities of ordinary state institutions. social services act as the institutional basis of social work, it is through them that the mechanisms for implementing social projects into practice are implemented in order to protect and support various groups of the population.

In this regard, it is important to expand the content of old and develop new methods, organizational forms of social and youth work and social support for young people, attract specialists armed with new knowledge, leading the search and testing of innovative technologies of social work with families, street social work with adolescents, development of socio-psychological counseling methods and programs, taking into account the type of settlement.

Thus, the use of various principles and methods of social work with youth makes it possible to solve a wide range of problems covering the younger generation in a difficult period of time for them.

Methodology of social work with youth

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Youth as an object of social work

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Before 1920 in many countries, the state youth policy was not singled out as an independent sphere and was limited to the protection of minors in the labor sphere. Care for the youth was perceived as Christian help to the poor...

Technologies of social work with youth

Social therapy is a branch of scientific knowledge focused on solving social and therapeutic problems through overcoming anomalies in meaning-life orientations, social values ​​of subjects of public life (including youth)...

Technologies of social work with youth

Technologies of social work with youth

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Information sheet

Effective work with youth is one of the most important tasks of our time. The library, taking into account the strategy of the state youth policy aimed at developing the potential of the youth of Russia, strives to build appropriate, priority areas of work with young readers. This is the education of citizenship and patriotism through the formation of interest in the history of the Fatherland and local history; promotion of education, including self-education, of young people; cultural and spiritual and moral development; environmental education; promotion of healthy lifestyles; involvement in various forms of intellectual leisure.
In 2016, the main areas in the work of libraries with youth were the following areas:

- promotion of books and reading,
- patriotic, spiritual and moral education,
— legal education,
- promotion of local history knowledge,
— environmental education,
- promotion of healthy lifestyles,
- aesthetic and creative development of the personality,
– development of tolerance and culture of interethnic communication,
– issues of information support for education,
- questions of professional orientation,
– support for the social activity of young people,
- organization of her leisure.

Particular attention is paid to the creation of the image of the library as a platform for active and creative social practice among young people. The youth audience prefers more active forms of work: intellectual games, quests, discussions, quizzes, lessons in various areas using modern technologies.
The main task of the library in working with young people is to promote, through books and reading, the formation of a harmoniously developed, educated, socially active personality, freely oriented in the information space. This is a complex and long-term process that requires purposeful work.

The relationship between youth and libraries has become somewhat more complicated. Today their preferences are given to information technologies, the Internet. At the same time, half of the users of the rural library are young people: students local schools, students of special and higher educational institutions. Among this category of users, educational literature, encyclopedias and reference books on various branches of knowledge are in demand: economics and law, pedagogy, history, natural science, technology. The percentage of references to fiction is much lower. But still, there are readers who turn to both classics and modern literature.
The main areas of work with this category of readers are assistance in obtaining an education, choosing a profession, patriotic and aesthetic education, promoting a healthy lifestyle, increasing environmental awareness, and leisure activities. It is becoming more and more obvious that the younger generation, the youth, consider the library more as a place of comfortable communication with peers.
School students are the main audience at our mass events. With this category of readers, it is more expedient to hold events where the students themselves take an active part: quizzes, literary hours, etc. For organizing and holding events, technical capabilities are actively used: computer slide presentations, films. This combination of traditional forms and innovative elements makes it possible to hold an interesting and bright event, and most importantly, it justifies the expectations of young people.
Currently, in working with young people, the main thing is free access to information, the most complete provision of it, taking into account their needs, etc. first of all, in the educational process.
Of no small importance in the relationship "library - user" is the process of learning the rules for using libraries, the ability to competently and independently navigate the funds. Open Days have become mandatory for young people. The more young users know about the library, about the specifics of its activities, about the structure and services provided, the more trusting their attitude towards it will be.

Veselov Library No. 3:

The most difficult category of users to service is youth. The heavy workload in the educational process, the passion for Internet resources does not contribute to their frequent use directly to the library. For the most part, they take books on the school curriculum, special literature to prepare for exams. The younger generation looks at the world through a PC monitor. Therefore, the library should not only be “friends” with the computer, but also actively use the Internet space as a platform for popularizing reading, arouse interest in literature not in spite of, but thanks to modern technologies.
Library services for young people are characterized by a combination of traditional and innovative forms and methods that contribute to the socialization of the personality of a young person, the formation of an information culture.
The library has accumulated considerable experience in working with the younger generation. School students are the most active participants in events organized by the library. Local history lessons, hours of courage, literary evenings, disputes, quizzes are in demand among the youth audience. Usually activities with youth include several forms of mass work. These are conversations and messages on a certain topic, exhibitions and reviews, quizzes and competitions. The event turns out to be more interesting if the children themselves take an active part in it. They prepare a short performance, read poetry, showing their erudition in competitions and quizzes. All this contributes to their intellectual and spiritual development.
In organizing and holding events, technical capabilities, the Internet, computer slide presentations, and films are actively used. This combination of traditional forms and innovative elements makes it possible to hold an interesting and bright event, and most importantly, it justifies the expectations of our young readers.

Nedvigov Library No. 9:

It is in youth that character and attitude to the world around are actively formed. There is a search for his "niche in life", his "I". During this period, there is a deeper interest in the inner world of man, in psychology, the desire for independence. Where should they go so as not to get lost at the crossroads of difficult life roads? So that not a gateway or a basement, not a hangout for drug addicts, but a library was waiting for them?
Unfortunately, in last years boys and girls have little desire for reading. The principles are known: they spend most of their free time at computers, talk on the phone, go to discos. In the scale of life values, they give the book far from the first place.
The main tasks that we strive to solve in working with this category of our users:

– creation of conditions for education and personal development;
- introduction to the book, to reading;
- the formation of a stable need for knowledge, in the library.

In our services, we strive to be young people's interests and try to subtly instill in them an appreciation for the value of reading. For this, traditional forms of work are used: book exhibitions, information hours, open viewings, oral journals and thematic lessons and modern forms of educational activities of libraries: actions, flash mobs, etc.
The library strives to interest young people with a variety of the best works of various genres: classics, detective stories, science fiction, adventure, natural science literature.
Bright, innovative forms of work to promote the book attract young people. In our work, we are looking for something new, creative approach to holding events for young people.
I would especially like to emphasize the importance of joint work with the school. Indeed, in addition to assistance in the educational process, it is important to combine efforts in educating a person prepared for life (socialization of youth, identifying capable and talented children among students).
The game entered the library activities as one of the ways to attract young people to reading. The introduction of gaming forms has led to an increase in the number of people wishing to take part in our events. And this fact makes us very happy, we manage to convince high school students that reading is not only interesting, but also prestigious.
In the promotion of books and reading among the youthful audience, we have deliberately singled out a local history orientation. We see our primary task in educating worthy citizens of our Motherland who know and respect their roots, culture, traditions and customs of their people.
Attracting young people to read books on the history of our region, we introduce them to the works of Don writers and poets, we provide materials from local newspapers.
Recently, young people have become interested in the life of their ancestors, in their ancestry. Therefore, our library diligently collects and stores publications and materials from our region, village, about the traditions of the Cossacks and our countrymen.
Work on local history is inextricably linked with historical events Rostov region and Myasnikovsky district.
Interesting material is collected in the information dossier "Here my Motherland began ...", in the folders "History of the Myasnikovsky district", "Russia's bright corner" (On the Rostov region), in the "Chronicle of the village".
A modern young person is, first of all, a consumer of computer products, a person focused on the perception of virtual rather than verbal information. Today's boys and girls need information to be presented brightly, dynamically, and preferably short. Therefore, the main thing for a librarian is to attract attention, evoke an emotional reaction, a desire to pick up a book.
Library slogans and slogans that attract the attention of young people to reading and books, which are widely used in the design of the library and events, have proven themselves well in this regard. The most popular of them:

“The new book is a fresh-cocktail for thought”
“A person who reads is a successful person!”,
“He who reads thinks! The one who thinks lives! and etc.

It should be noted that young people really like slogans for their unusualness and creativity. We strive to connect in the minds of young people the image of a modern successful person with a person who reads.

From the experience of libraries in 2016:

Intersettlement Central Library:

"The Way of Generations"
Zonal stage of the regional forum
on the prevention of delinquency among adolescents

On the basis of the Intersettlement Central Library, on April 13, the zonal stage of the awarding ceremony for the participants of the regional forum on the prevention of delinquency among adolescents “The Way of Generations” was held.
The forum was attended by 6 districts of the Rostov region.

The forum participants were welcomed by the leading specialist, secretary of the KDN and ZP of the Administration of the Myasnikovsky district O. S. Kheygetyan, vice-president of the all-Russian youth organization "Association of Honorary Citizens, Mentors and Talented Youth" Z. P. Bolotova, senior assistant to the prosecutor of the Rostov region I. A. Silina, director of MBUK MR "MCB" L. S. Sekizyan, chairman of the veteran organization of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Myasnikovsky district G. M. Arakelyan, veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, youth mentor E. R. Minasyan and others.

In the second part of the event, sports competitions were organized for the children, performances by pupils of the Children's School of Arts. M. Saryan.
The awards ceremony for the forum participants was held.

An agreement was concluded between the “Criminal Inspectorate of the Main Directorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Rostov Region” and the Intersettlement Central Library in order to establish and develop cooperation in the direction of educational and preventive work with persons convicted without isolation from society. Young people on probation are invited to various events conducted by the library

Bible Twilight
Youth Day celebration in Chaltyr

The doors of the library are always open, even on holidays, and on Youth Day on June 24, traditionally, the library invited its readers and youth to the Biblio Twilight. This evening, everyone had access to several sites for an interesting and informative pastime.

From small to large gathered on master class "Shape your dream" for the manufacture of crafts from salt dough, namely, beautiful and bright "cupcakes".

Simultaneously with the master class was presented book-subject exhibition creative works of masters "Fantasy and your handiwork", thanks to which you can find all the information on needlework - from decoupage to embroidery, as well as get acquainted and admire the presented works.

In the reading room was meeting with eminent sports journalist A. A. Mitropolsky. There were teachers of sports schools, athletes and our readers. Mitropolsky presented his book "Honorary President" - about the role of P. A. Chinibalayants in the formation and development of Greco-Roman wrestling in the Rostov region, spoke about his activities, spoke about famous and successful champions. At the end of the meeting, the journalist kindly handed over his own books to the library, among which was the presented one.

On the square in front of the library was presented "Bookmarket": book trading company "Rostov-kniga" launched a fair-sale of the most interesting and new book publications with very affordable prices, among which were both fiction and trade literature. As a rule, the fair-sale is in demand at our events.

Opposite the fair, on a small stage, was opened creative photo studio "I am a star!", with the help of which everyone could try on various accessories, take pictures with a professional camera, posters of domestic films and just have fun.

During the evening acted Master Class in arts and crafts - the design of a curly wooden nesting doll.

The youth could measure their strength - on the square were deployed sports grounds, behaved arm sport competitions, weight lifting and push-ups among all comers, and there were a lot of them.

Simultaneously with the aforementioned sites, also took its place "Alley of Masters": exhibition and sale of author's works of craftsmen - handmade dolls, figurines, badges, design cards. Here you can find everything for yourself or as a gift to dear people.
All the festivities were accompanied by an incendiary two-hour performance by the famous Rostov musical cover band "DENDY".

The evening ended with festive fireworks.

Youth Forum "Myasnikovtsy 2016 - Territory of Development!"

During the August days, the youth forum "Myasnikovtsy 2016 - Territory of Development!" united more than 100 children from the Myasnikovsky district.
For several weeks, the organizers of the forum - the Department of Culture and Youth Policy of the Administration of the MR, activists of the youth movement of the district, specialists from cultural institutions, specialists from rural settlements planned and prepared interesting events within the framework of its work. The work was carried out for 2 days on the so-called "shifts".

One of them is volunteering.
It was attended by activists of the volunteer organization "Helping Hand", as well as young citizens who are not indifferent to the problems of society. (Leaders - Olga Chernyavskaya and Asya Shalunts).

On the shift "Volunteering" the guys had the opportunity to learn about the origin of volunteering, what it includes, to get acquainted with the leaders of volunteer organizations in the region. The shift participants held a "round table" with veterans of the Great Patriotic War and labor together with the chairman of the council of veterans T. D. Puchenkova, M. Enina, the head of the volunteer corps in Rostov-on-Don, O. Lozina, the head of the public movement "EcoFuture" in Moscow. Tananrog. The meeting was held on the basis of the Intersettlement Central Library of the Myasnikovsky District, after which the children held a master class together with the creative studio "Boom Ideas" in the orphanage "Arevik", where they were able to make unusual crafts and arrange a photo area for children, as well as spend them games and just chat.

Assistance of the library to the patriotic education of youth.

The task of the library is to, in addition to a sense of love and responsibility for their land and their loved ones, instill in young people a desire to know their history, to interest them in the life and exploits of the great people of our Motherland, and thus, through events, to attract them to reading relevant literature. The library, which is engaged in patriotic education, is constantly looking for such forms of events that will be both informative and emotional, and, most importantly, interesting for modern library users.

(to the 71st anniversary of the Great Victory)

On May 6, the MCB hosted an event dedicated to the Day of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, to which students of the 8th grade of the secondary school No. 1 were invited.

A person who does not know the history of his people has no future for himself or for his children, he is doomed to inner emptiness and impotence. Russia has a rich history, an important milestone of which is the Great Patriotic War. Every year our country loses more and more veterans of that terrible war. With their departure, we lose a direct connection with that time, and, worst of all, some begin to interpret history in such a distorted way that it becomes insulting for their homeland.

Memories of the Great Patriotic War must be tremblingly passed on from generation to generation from parents to children.
The children were told about the feat of the generation of Heroes, about the hardships and hardships of the war. The students learned why the St. George Ribbon is so called and what it symbolizes: during the Russian Empire, the Order of St. George was supplemented with a ribbon, and during the Second World War, the Order of Glory and For the Victory over Germany. The history of the tape has found a continuation in the present time, it is a symbol of memory and a tribute to the winners. St. George's ribbon adorns clothes, cars and accessories, it is tied to strollers, inserted into lapels. The ribbon is worn so that others can see that a person remembers, knows and is proud of the Great Victory of his people, his grandfathers, his country. This is the great meaning of the tape - it unites people and does not allow to forget the feat of heroism.
Each of the guys received a St. George ribbon as a gift, which was immediately pinned to their clothes, then all those present honored the memory of the fallen with a minute of silence.

Today it may not be clear why military triangle letters were sent. This form seems meaningless and not practical. As the practice of the war years showed, this is absolutely not the case. The uncomplicated form allowed to refuse the letter with a triangle. Even a novice in military affairs knew how to fold it. The students were given recommendatory bibliographic lists of literature dedicated to the Great Victory, rectangular in shape, from which they were asked to fold the soldier's letter. The guys folded triangles with interest, and each of them thought about the cost of this Victory for us!

Another part of the meeting was a master class on making voluminous greeting cards for veterans. The children were able to show their creative abilities by making a bouquet of scarlet carnations from napkins, wire and paper. With interest and love they made postcards for their relatives and friends of the Winners.
We must know the history of our people, be proud of the feat of our great-grandfathers, otherwise it is impossible to truly learn to love our Motherland.

Career guidance

Choosing a profession is an important and responsible step in the life of every person. Senior school age is the time for the formation of life plans and prospects, ideas about the future profession and career. The task of the library is to form in the younger generation the value of labor and labor traditions, a serious and timely attitude to their own choice of profession, which is what the library's activities are aimed at.
For libraries working with the younger generation, an important task is to provide effective assistance in matters of choosing a profession. To make the right choice, you need to have information.

Assistance in career guidance

The peculiarity of the library, as a vocational guidance institution, is that vocational guidance is carried out mainly through sources of information, primarily books, periodicals. Particularly significant is the role of libraries in providing career guidance to young people in cooperation with educational institutions, social and psychological services, employment and career guidance centers.

On April 11, in the reading room of the Intersettlement Central Library, the event "Crossroads of Professions" was held for 9th grade students of secondary school No. 1 in the village of Chaltyr, aimed at helping them choose their future specialty.

The guys received diverse tasks in a test format, which were filled in anonymously, the methodology of which is designed to help in revealing the student's personal characteristics, discovering his potential, identifying motivating factors that affect their future choice. As visual aid the presentation "The most unusual and profitable professions" was demonstrated.

Trade Fair

On November 22, in MBOU secondary school No. 3, as part of career guidance events, a “Fair of professions” was organized and held. It was attended by 130 students in grades 8-10.

The guests of the event were educational institutions of primary, secondary and higher vocational education in Rostov-on-Don and Taganrog. They showed films and talked about their educational institutions, about the conditions of admission, handed out information booklets and invited to open days.

The Intersettlement Central Library of the Myasnikovsky District also took part in the work of the fair, which organized an exhibition of thematic literature - interesting and rare professions, psychological tests (determining the type of personality, identifying motives in choosing a profession, discovering a person's unique inclinations). The children received accurate tests according to individual methods that can help students in choosing a profession.

Moral and aesthetic education of the younger generation

It is safe to say that the spiritual and moral education of the younger generation is the basis of their further actions, it determines their character and system of values, shapes their personality and sets the vector for the development of society as a whole. The library aims to develop the skills of adolescents and youth effective communication, spiritual, moral, family values, mercy and kindness, using such forms of work as: meetings, conversations, discussions, reflection lessons, politeness and etiquette lessons, various programs, games and competitions.

(on the Day of Slavic Writing)

May 24 for students of the 8th grade. MOU Secondary School No. 1 held an Hour of Information “Where did Russian writing come from”, dedicated to the Day of Slavic Writing, at which the history of the emergence of world and Slavic writing was presented.

Who would we be without writing? It is difficult even to imagine what humanity would be like without an alphabet. The enormous work of the great educators Cyril and Methodius, the founders of the Slavic alphabet, cannot be overestimated. This is the property of all Slavs, the greatest merit of the brothers in the history of the origin, enlightenment and uplifting of the common culture of the Slavs. This was the subject of an unusual lesson that took place the other day at the WCB.

The library staff presented the history of the emergence of world and Slavic writing. The children listened with interest to the story of the librarian L. Kh. Anapalyan about the creation by Cyril and Methodius Slavic alphabet accompanied by a multimedia presentation. The students had at their disposal a book exhibition on the topic, thanks to which those who wished could expand their knowledge of the history of Slavic writing.

The event ended with a small survey, during which the students demonstrated their knowledge in the field of history and cultural studies.

Mother tongue lesson
"My tongue is my friend"

On February 24, the Intersettlement Central Library held a lesson “My language is my friend”, dedicated to the International Mother Language Day.

Students of grades 7-9 of secondary school No. 1 were invited to the event (teacher of the Armenian language Vartevanyan R.A.). MCB librarian Arzumanyan M. S. told the story of the holiday and the importance of the language for the nation. Language is the history of the people, hallmark belonging of a person to his people, to his culture, as to the memory of the people, transmitted from generation to generation, from the past to the future. There is no nation without language.

A fascinating virtual tour of the Matenadaran was made. The students got acquainted with many exhibits of the museum, saw the process of restoration of damaged books. After that, the teacher of the Armenian language Vartevanyan R.A. spoke, she noted that now the Armenian language is one of the richest literary languages ​​in the world. He is proclaimed official language Armenia, but is used among the Armenian population of many other countries: Russia and Georgia, Lebanon and Iran, the USA and France, etc.
At the end of the lesson, the students read the poems of Armenian writers in their native language. The competition "Best Reader" was announced. The three best readers received diplomas.

Alexander Library No. 1:

"The Bitter Trail of Terror"
Youth forum dedicated to
Day of solidarity in the fight against terrorism

The event was held at the Alexander School No. 19 for students in grades 4-9 on September 3.
There were 72 people present.
The Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism is dedicated to the tragic events that took place in the first days of September 2004 in the city of Beslan (North Ossetia).

Purpose of the event:

- the formation of public consciousness, civic position in the younger generation; negative attitude towards nationalism, extremism;
- formation of a critical attitude towards informal youth movements;
- education of tolerance and prevention of interethnic hatred and intolerance.

Librarian Veziryan O. G. prepared a chronicle story about the events in Beslan in 2004, once again emphasizing the grief and suffering that children, parents and teachers endured. During the conversation, the concepts of such words as: "terrorism", "terrorist attack" and the reasons that give rise to the desire to commit terrorist acts were revealed.

It was also told about how to behave in the event of a threat of a terrorist attack and in the event of hostage-taking. The slides of the presentation showed scary footage against the background of the song "About Beslan".

All those present listened with bated breath to the story of the terrible consequences of the Beslan terrorist attack. Poems were read about those tragic days. In conclusion, all those present honored the memory of the innocent children who died at the hands of terrorists in Beslan with a minute of silence.

Veselov Library No. 3:


To the 73rd anniversary of the liberation of the Rostov region, Myasnikovsky district, Kh. Cheerful from the Nazi invaders during the Second World War, a patriotic literary and historical event "Where battles thundered once, there is now majestic granite" was held at the memorial to the fallen soldiers in the farm.

In a solemn procession, the participants of the event with wreaths and flowers went to the memorial to the fallen soldiers, where Bolkhovskaya E. M., historian of secondary school No. 17, spoke with a historical note on the days of the liberation of the region.
Here, at the memorial, a poetic marathon "Steps of Victory" was held, prepared by the library with high school students of the Veselovskaya school. The children read poems by K. Simonov, M. Isakovsky, A. Tvardovsky, V. Vysotsky. The event ended with the laying of wreaths and flowers.
The lessons of courage by June 22 "Memory of generations" became integral in the work on patriotic education. On the occasion of the 71st anniversary of the Great Victory, an exhibition-viewing "These days glory will not cease", a book exhibition "Chronicle of the Great War" were arranged and a literature review was held at the exhibition.

Among the events that attracted the attention of children to books on military subjects, those in which the children themselves took part were successful. So, an example is the competition for the best reading aloud of the work of A. Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin", which took place on the eve of Victory Day on May 4, 2016. The children themselves chose this work, and themselves suggested the theme of the event: who will read the passage from the poem better and more expressively. Everyone read well, with enthusiasm, but Anna Petrosyan won.

MKUK "Library of the Crimean rural settlement":

The main thing in working with youth is the revival of spirituality, morality, military-patriotic education. In this direction, we conduct conversations, lessons of courage, morality.
So, for the Year of Reserves for high school students, correspondence tour "Reserves of the Rostov region", designed the exhibition "Pearl of Russia". The guys learned that 69 natural monuments were approved in the Rostov region, we introduced the participants to the main ones:

- State natural reserve "Rostovsky".
- natural park "Donskoy"
- State natural reserve "Tsimlyansky".

The children learned special terms - "reserve", "reserve", "natural park". They learned a lot of new things, for example, that in the Myasnikovsky district there are natural monuments, such as:

- Azov steppe,
- stone beam,
- Chulekskaya beam,
- Tuzlov slopes.

At the end, we got acquainted with the rules of conduct in protected areas. The purpose of the event is to teach children to love, appreciate and protect the great national treasure - natural monuments.

MKUK "Library of the Krasnokrymsky rural settlement":

We live in such a difficult time when life values ​​and priorities are radically changing in society, and not always for the better. That is why such great importance is attached to working with young people. The library must do everything in its power to ensure that today's youth do not become a "lost generation".
We work with young people in several directions - this is local history, a healthy lifestyle, career guidance, and patriotic education. This year, many events were dedicated to historical events: the liberation of the region, the region from the Nazi invaders in the Great patriotic war, the 90th anniversary of the Myasnikovsky district, election campaign and etc.
The main audience at mass events are students of school No. 12. Basically, students are attracted by the very atmosphere of the library, as well as the convenient location of the library - in the center of the village. We constantly arrange various book and thematic exhibitions, present literature on various topics and genres, as well as to meet all the needs of young people, of course, free and free access to Internet resources in the library.

Nedvigov Library No. 9:

To the 30th anniversary of the accident at Chernobyl nuclear power plant, in MBOU secondary school No. 16 was held memory lesson "Chernobyl disaster: life before and after". The fellow countrymen-liquidators of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and the librarian of the Nedvigov library were invited to the events.
Schoolchildren learned about the largest environmental catastrophe of the 20th century, about its scale, about the consequences for nature and man.
We heard a story about the feat and courage of thousands of servicemen and persons from the reserve, who protected the world from a terrible radiation disaster and stood in the way of the spread of radiation. The story was accompanied by a display electronic presentation "Chernobyl is the greatest ecological catastrophy XX century", video "Children of Chernobyl".
With words of gratitude and good wishes, the librarian A. G. Belogortseva turned to her countrymen-heroes. She spoke about the installation in Rostov-on-Don of a new monument to the Chernobyl liquidators on April 26. On the day when trouble came to our country and the world 30 years ago, and which today is called the International Day of Remembrance for Victims of Radiation Accidents and Catastrophes.
The students were very attentive to the theme of the event, listened to the stories of the liquidation participants, asked them questions.
Attracted the attention of those present book and illustration exhibition "Chernobyl in our memory", prepared by the Nedvigov Library. The event ended with a minute of silence in memory of the victims and deceased liquidators of the consequences of the disaster.
On April 26, in the Nedvigov Library, videos, presentations, films about the Chernobyl tragedy were shown and exhibition "Chernobyl in our memory".
For the children who visited the library, conversation "The Address of Courage - Chernobyl".

Another joint event with the school, hour of the applicant "Listen to everyone, let's think together - you will choose for yourself!" turned out to be very informative. It took place in the assembly hall of the school, attended by students of grades 8-11 of the school. 10th grade students and classroom teacher Nesvet Anna Pavlovna prepared a meaningful story about professions, which was accompanied by a show presentations and videos “What should I become: the formula I want - I can - I must”, “Professions of the future”, “You and your future profession”.
People of such professions were invited to the event: doctors, teachers and librarians. Each of them told their own story. life choice. Among the guests was the librarian of the Nedvigov Library, Belogortseva A. G. She interestingly told the students about the specifics of her profession, about the most popular professions, about whether reading can influence the choice of a profession, gave her recommendations on choosing a profession.
The exhibition “My profession is my future” with books and youth magazines attracted the attention of the children.

The most successful events were the warning lesson “Choosing life: life without alcohol and cigarettes” and conversation - training "Peace to the soul - war on drugs" for students in grades 8-11.

The librarian introduced the children to the concepts of "alcohol", "smoking" and "drug addiction", spoke about the signs by which one can judge the use of alcohol, cigarettes and drugs. Together with children and teachers, they discussed, sought to understand why teenagers drink, smoke and use drugs. The children were read excerpts from books telling about the fate of drug addicts, about their treatment in drug treatment clinics.
At the end of the lesson, those present made a conclusion: each person is the blacksmith of his own happiness, the master of his own life. Each of us has a choice - to say yes or no. And the guys made their choice, saying: life - YES! NO to drugs, cigarettes and alcohol!

Illumination of the activity of mun. libraries on the pages of "Zarya" and "Rayonka":

- Vasilyeva, L. “Here is the homeland of Heroes” [Text]: [Local history quest orientation for the 90th anniversary of the Myasnikovsky district] / L. Vasilyeva // Dawn. - 2016. - No. No. 123-124. – 15 October. - p. 3.

- Vasilyeva, L. “We live! We have to choose!” [Text]: [intellectual and legal evening of the Young Voter's Club in the Literary Cafe of the Moscow Central Bank] / L. Yu. Vasilyeva // Zarya. - 2016. - No. 18-19. - February 20th. - P. 2: ill.

– Youth Day in Chaltyr [Text] / photo by M. Soghomonyan // Dawn. - 2016. - No. 77-78. – 2 July. - P. 2 .: ill.

- Celebration of Youth Day in the Myasnikovsky district [Text] // Rayonka. - 2016. - No. 13. - July 1. [Culture. - 2016. - No. 5. - July. – S. 1.]

- Acharyan, I. Conference of young historians [Text]: [on holding the XII regional regional historical conference at the MCB] / I. Acharyan: // Zarya. - 2016. - No. 64-65. – June 4th. – S. 2.

social leisure youth

Today, social services for youth carry out their activities in more than 30 areas. Only psychological and pedagogical counseling for adolescents and youth is carried out by 206 centers; 10% of services provide emergency psychological assistance by phone; about 6% of the centers are engaged in social rehabilitation; 19.5% provide sociocultural services; 13.5% are engaged in career guidance and employment of young people; about 1% provide legal and almost 5% - informational assistance to young people.

The main areas of work of the youth social service bodies are:

Educational and preventive;




Information and advisory;

Employment promotion;

Social support for the younger generation.

In the educational and preventive direction, the content is built in the logic of promoting the self-realization of children and youth, which means helping them in the conscious expedient disclosure and use of their positive capabilities, aimed at free choice of opportunities for new growth.

To implement this direction, the following tasks should be solved:

1. Acquisition and updating by adolescents of important socio-psychological knowledge.

2. Disclosure and implementation by adolescents of subjective qualities in various activities.

3. Development of a reflective position and feedback skills in adolescents.

The rehabilitation area includes issues of drug prevention, the consequences of vagrancy, unauthorized departures of residents of boarding schools (ICI) who have been treated for drug addiction and alcoholism and are in remission, etc.

The following methods are used in the work: conversation, observation, interviewing, individual counseling, individual psycho-correction, group psycho-correction, skills training.

The purpose of the direction is the activation of non-specific adaptive reactions of the body and the achievement of emotional balance and deep mental relaxation.

The health direction includes the improvement of the nation, the formation of a healthy, physically strong generation, clearly identified in the Concept for the Development of Physical Culture and Sports of the Russian Federation, the task of maintaining and strengthening health in a mass general education school is paramount in the educational process. This task is multifaceted. One of the reasons for the decline in the health of students is their overwork in an educational institution, low physical activity outside of school hours.

The basic principle of working with young people is the rational organization of their leisure time outside of school hours. Implemented here:

1. Educational activities (aimed at obtaining the initial skills of the profession or artistic skills) - classes in circles, electives, pre-profile training courses.

2. Game leisure activities (active recreation in the form of a game, aimed at expanding the horizons of young people and organizing free time) - competitions, quizzes, game programs, matinees, collective creative activities, discos. This also includes many forms that are actively implemented in cultural and leisure institutions.

These are mass events (KVN, educational competitions, - musical, historical, literary, concerts), evenings of communication (disputes, press conferences, briefings, talk shows, conferences-disputes), meetings with interesting people (professional-oriented, valeological , creative, meetings with veterans), festive musical and dance or theatrical events (balls, carnivals, evenings, matinees for children).

3. Recreational leisure (aimed at switching the attention of young people from school (institute), communication, familiarization with nature and cultural values) - hiking, excursions, trips out of town, visiting museums, concerts, social clubs of interest.

The whole variety of forms of communication among young people in the context of leisure activities can be classified according to the following main features:

By time (short-term, periodic, systematic);

By nature (passive, active);

According to the direction of contacts (direct and indirect).

There are two main forms of youth leisure: organized and unorganized. The sphere of organized leisure includes teenage and youth organizations, houses of culture, social centers, art and sports clubs, clubs, sections, etc. Formally formed organizations involved in the leisure of youth contribute to the inclusion of boys and girls in new social relations, their self-realization, the socialization of the individual, assist the family in educating the younger generation, and help prevent neglect and deviant behavior among minors.

Unorganized leisure is a spontaneous formation of youth groups united on some basis, for example, these may be similar interests. Belonging to an informal group provides a young person with a certain social status and satisfies the needs for social protection due to a high degree of intra-group solidarity. Often this leads to self-identification with the company of peers, the rejection of individuality, complete submission to the norms, values ​​and interests of the group. In such informal groups, the unifying core is the way of life, one's own morality, spiritual values, paraphernalia, slang, that is, a kind of subculture that is different from the generally accepted culture of adults, which applies only to members of the group, regardless of the rest of those around them. To declare itself, the society should be surprised, amazed. This is embodied in clothes, manners, jargon, specific hobbies. Quite often, everything is limited only by eccentric behavior, violation of moral standards, interests around music, parties, destructive manifestations. The difference between a spontaneous group as an agent of socialization lies in the fact that it is not regulated by any legislation, is unpredictable and often poses a danger to both boys and girls, and to others.

An unorganized form of leisure, communication in the company of peers, to be a member of which a young person needs organically, is a natural process. Indeed, according to many surveys of young men and women, preferences for spending leisure time are given precisely to informal communication with friends and peers.

In modern Russian conditions, the organization of youth leisure by the state is developed at an insufficient level. Free circle associations, sections, studios, usually existing at institutions of general and vocational education, institutions of additional education, Palaces of Culture, have either disintegrated or are not able to interest young people. Institutions that organize free time on a commercial basis, many young people cannot pay. In addition, special attention should be paid to youth informal associations that are formed according to the “yard”, micro-district affiliation, as the subject of socialization, but such companies may have a negative impact - drinking alcohol, familiarizing with tobacco and drugs, participating in asocial manifestations.

In this connection, one of the directions for the prevention of deviant behavior of young people is, firstly, the creation of more opportunities for the implementation of various taste preferences in the field of leisure, the "legalization" of young people's hobbies, the provision of free choice of leisure activities; secondly, expanding the network of leisure institutions for young people, and strengthening control over those institutions whose activities are associated with the presence of such forms of social deviation as alcoholism, drug addiction, prostitution (discotheques, night clubs, etc.); thirdly, the identification of teenage youth companies and groups in order to use the desire of a young person to belong to an informal group, to direct their activities in a socially significant direction.

The activities of a social and leisure institution and its improvement depend not only on the skillful organization of leisure, but also on the consideration of psychological and pedagogical factors. The activity of young people in the field of free time is based on voluntariness, on personal initiative, on an interest in communication and creativity. In this regard, there are questions of communication in teams, and the typology of leisure behavior. Therefore, one can speak about the content of events, about the forms and methods of work only when the psychology of the individual and the psychology of groups, the psychology of collectives and the masses are taken into account. Realizing the goal of developing creative abilities, taking into account personal initiative and voluntariness in leisure conditions, the type of activity of people, leisure organizers create such events that include programs for self-development and creativity. This is a fundamental difference between activities in the conditions of a cultural and leisure institution, from regulated conditions, where the development and enrichment of the individual are of such a voluntary nature.

Information and advisory activities include:

Enlightenment of youth in the form of "round tables", disputes, conversations;

Promotion of healthy lifestyles;

Prevention of asocial phenomena in the youth environment;

Improving the legal culture and literacy of young people;

Preparing youth for family life;

Consultative activity of specialists: psychologist, narcologist, obstetrician-gynecologist, lawyer;

Conducting sociological surveys among young people;

Organization of temporary summer employment for adolescents and youth.

Social service bodies assist in the employment of young people. Employment is carried out in the following areas:

1. Organization of public works.

2. Organization of temporary employment for unemployed citizens experiencing difficulties in finding a job.

3. Organization of temporary employment of graduates of educational institutions of professional education under the age of 25 years.

4. Organization of temporary employment of minors aged 14 to 18 years.

Social therapy is a branch of scientific knowledge focused on solving social and therapeutic problems through overcoming anomalies in life orientations, social values ​​of subjects of public life (including youth), their ideas of justice and injustice.

Common technologies of social therapy include the following technologies:

1. Consulting - establishing contact through verbal communication, identifying client problems, assistance and interaction in finding their solution.

2. Art therapy - "art therapy" through the involvement of a young person in cultural and leisure activities, visiting various cultural and leisure institutions.

3. Music therapy - the socialization of the individual by referring to any musical culture, subculture, attending concerts, rallies, competitions, themed discos, regular listening to musical compositions.

4. Bibliotherapy - the impact on the consciousness of the individual in the process of forming meaning-life orientations through the selection of special literature.

5. Socio-pedagogical technologies - the active participation of a social worker (teacher) in the upbringing of the client and the formation of his meaningful life orientations.

6. Creative technologies - involving young people in collective creative and constructive activities, promoting the development of individual creativity.

7. Logotherapy - (from the Greek logos - word, therapeia - care, treatment) treatment with a word. Social logotherapy deals with the study of methods, means, methods of influence (mutual influence) on people's ideas about social processes, the meaning of life, and social values.

The study of the real needs of young people in social services is a key element in the formation of a system of their social services. According to research, young people need, first of all, a labor exchange, points of legal protection and legal advice, the work of "helplines", a sexological consultation, a center for helping a young family, a hostel-shelter for teenagers who find themselves in a conflict situation at home. One of the main problems of youth is employment, well-paid and interesting work. Market relations presuppose a radical transformation of the incentives and motives for the economic activity of people, the formation of the willingness and ability of the younger generation to live and work in new conditions. The study of the attitude to work of various categories of young people showed that a radical reorientation took place in their minds from the preference for non-material values ​​to material ones. The solution of many socio-economic problems of young people is facilitated by youth entrepreneurship, the development of which is helped by a whole complex system of organizations, including regional educational and entrepreneurial centers, business incubators, business support centers, etc.

Society and the state consider youth as a basic strategic resource, as a real subject of socio-economic policy. This means increasing attention to the problems of youth, a fundamental change in attitude towards them at all levels of government, as well as building a public-state system of youth work.

The main principles, directions and standards of social work with youth, state policies regarding youth should be formulated and defined at the federal level in the form of main strategic directions and priorities, which should be reflected in the regulatory framework, in decisions and documents of federal executive authorities .

Social work with youth should be based not on guardianship and paternalism, but on stimulating the activity of young people themselves, creating conditions for independently solving the problems they face. Social work with youth is not focused on creating benefits for young people. This is a targeted and systematic investment policy that provides for investing in young people through the organization and stimulation of work initiated, organized and carried out, primarily by the youth themselves. Financing of youth work should be carried out from the budgets of all levels and from extrabudgetary sources, based on the principles of investment, through the creation of effective mechanisms to ensure the effectiveness of this work.

There are various reasons for the emergence of different types and forms of social work. One of these grounds are the spheres of social practice, and in this case we can talk about social work with young people in education, healthcare, leisure, etc.; others - the socio-psychological characteristics of social work clients - young people in general, social risk groups, suicidal people, etc.; the third is character and other grounds. In all cases, the goal of social work will be specified (from prevention to correction).

Thus, this concept also includes social services, the role of which in society differs in many respects from the activities of ordinary state institutions. Social services act as the institutional basis of social work, it is through them that the mechanisms for introducing social projects into practice are implemented in order to protect and support various groups of the population.

In this regard, it is important to expand the content of old and develop new methods, organizational forms of social and youth work and social support for young people, attract specialists armed with new knowledge, leading the search and testing of innovative technologies of social work with families, street social work with adolescents, development of socio-psychological counseling methods and programs, taking into account the type of settlement.

Thus, the use of various principles and methods of social work with youth makes it possible to solve a wide range of problems covering the younger generation in a difficult period of time for them.

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culture leisure youth society

The relevance of the study is due to the fact that the formation of a culture of youth leisure is one of the actual problems modern society, since the use of free time by young people is a kind of indicator of their culture, the range of spiritual needs and interests of a particular personality of a young person or social group. Leisure centers play an important role in organizing youth leisure. The main task of the centers, as social institutions, is to develop social activity and the creative potential of the individual. Organization of various forms of leisure and recreation, creation of conditions for full self-realization in the field of leisure.

The greatest value is the acquisition by a person of space for self-realization, the social field of which is free time, leisure time. However, in itself, free time is only a condition for the development of personality. In order for it to become an effective accelerator of social progress, it is necessary to form in all members of society an appropriate level of culture for its use, which meets the tasks of both modern and future civilization.

It must be stated that the transition to the market has further complicated the social tension in society, especially among the youth. On the one hand, there is a rapid process of social and material differentiation of young people, which is accompanied by the emergence of a larger number of young millionaires from among entrepreneurs, brokers and an increase in the number of poor and unemployed young people. On the other hand, there is a process of formation of more and more new youth subcultures, reflecting the social status of various social groups of young people, which is accompanied by a complication of their leisure interests and needs.

At present, the orientation of young people towards passive activities, the acquisition of a pronounced form of consumerism by leisure, which is adjacent to manifestations of deviation, and sometimes delinquency, are alarming. Many do not know how to occupy themselves: old traditions have disappeared, new ones have not appeared, a dangerous “leisure vacuum” has formed, which, according to world experience, can only be filled slot machines and other attractions (preferably in the complex "amusement parks") plus interest clubs.

Today, in the view of most young people, culture is a way of spending leisure time. Namely: discos, concerts of "stars" who are not distinguished by a high professional level, etc. Consumption of a surrogate instead of a real cultural "product" leads to the rejection of genuine art. Moreover, joining the best examples national and world culture - this is mental work, self-improvement. It is necessary to accustom to it from childhood, and the role of clubs in this direction can hardly be overestimated. Therefore, the problem of preserving and developing leisure institutions - state, departmental, others, and attracting young people to engage in them is more relevant today than ever.

Conducting a survey on youth preferences n. Zarechensk, regarding the organization of their leisure time, is caused by a decrease in the attendance of this category of citizens of the rural house of culture "Cosmos". The reason for this is that at present, a large share in the leisure of modern youth of the settlement is watching TV shows, videos, as well as computer games.

Thus, the main task of the house of culture should be the maximum implementation of leisure programs for young people. The activity should be based on the structure and nature of the needs of young people, trying to include in practice new, non-traditional forms of entertainment, education, communication and creativity of young people.

The research problem stems from the contradiction between the needs of young people regarding the forms of leisure activities and the opportunities provided by rural clubs.

The purpose of the study: to study the culture of youth leisure and propose a project for the activities of a youth club based on the materials of the club institution KFOR "Cosmos" in the settlement of Zarechensk.

Research objectives:

1.Consider youth culture as a phenomenon of subculture.

2.To reveal the features of youth culture.

.To study the culture of youth leisure.

.Consider the activities of the club institution SDK "Cosmos".

.To study the preferences of the cultural leisure of the population of N. the village of Zarechensk.

.Develop a project for the activities of the youth club "Next".

The object of the research is the formation of a culture of youth leisure.

The subject is the project of the youth club.

The degree of scientific development of the problem

Theoretical basis steel research scientific works well-known scientists in the field of leisure culture as: L.I. Mikhailova, Zh.T. Toshchenko, L. A. Akimova, S. N. Ikonnikova and others, as well as scientific articles and developments published in periodicals, including: "Pedagogy", "Education and Society", "Humanities", etc. Research in the field of youth leisure culture are considered in the works of L. I. Mikhailova, Z. V. Sikevich, S. I. Levikova, V. N. Kuznetsova, V. Ya. Surtaev and others.

The studies of these authors are of great importance for improving the theory and methods of cultural and leisure activities of young people. Thus, the literature concerning the problem of studying youth leisure has been studied and worked out. However, with all the richness of theoretical materials containing an analysis of the culture of youth leisure, the specifics of the work of village clubs with young people has not been studied enough.

Hypothesis of the study: formation of a culture of youth leisure n. The village of Zarechensk can be effective if a youth club project is developed, which involves the implementation of programs of civil-patriotic, environmental and local history orientation.

Research methods:

Method of socio-cultural design.

Method of analysis and synthesis.

Questionnaire method to identify the main preferences of leisure.

Practical significance of the study:

The study of youth preferences in the field of cultural and leisure activities will allow the club institution KFOR "Cosmos" to properly prioritize the demand for cultural services.

The results of the research can become the basis for the development of new cultural services and the activation of cultural leisure, in addition, the data obtained on consumer preferences can help attract an additional segment of consumers, namely young people.

Research base: club institution KFOR "Cosmos".

The structure of the work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and applications.

1. Theoretical and methodological foundations for studying the culture of youth leisure

.1 Youth culture as a phenomenon of subculture

Culture is a space of upbringing, which, by its inherent methods, contributes to the formation of not only an aesthetic, but also a political, legal ideal. Through a screen, a book, a stage, a platform, halls of museums, a person realizes the creative activity of the people, their culture, their future. However, violation of the measure in the presentation of this material seriously distorts the work of cultural institutions, undermines faith and devalues ​​the values ​​of the humanistic way of life.

Subculture is part of the general culture of the nation, in certain aspects noted or opposed to the whole, but in general terms consistent with and continuing the culture of the nation, which received the name dominant culture. The subculture differs from the dominant culture in language, outlook on life, behavior, hairstyle, clothing, and customs. The differences can be very strong, but the subculture does not oppose the dominant culture. It includes a number of values ​​of the dominant culture and adds to them new values ​​that are unique to it.

If we specifically touch on the culture of youth, then it is customary to talk more about the youth subculture, thereby emphasizing in youth a certain stage in the development of a person who has not yet reached the highest examples of world culture, but is trying, where openly, and where latently, to introduce something into his habitat. its own, not always culturally appropriate. Over time, this passes, like youth itself, but every generation must go through this stage of subculture. This does not mean that young people do not have high cultural standards of the classical type. As a rule, in adolescence there is a reassessment of values. And behind this phrase is precisely the fact that the young man begins to measure the patterns of behavior, activity, thinking, feeling, etc. that he has. with "adults", or accepted in world culture.

The concept of "youth culture" in a broad sense is used as a collective term for the phenomena of " youth subculture”, “youth counterculture”. In the narrow sense, it is a partial, relatively coherent cultural subsystem within the basic culture of society, cultivating the youth system of values, norms and behaviors, attitudes towards fashion, etc.

On the one hand, youth culture is a mirror of the culture of society with its inherent values, worldview, sociocultural attitudes, on the other hand, it is always a greater or lesser denial of generally accepted positions, at least due to generational characteristics, and in this sense, elements of counterculture are naturally present in the content. the culture of the generation as a whole.

Sociologists usually emphasize that the position of young people and their role in society, functions and activities, as well as needs, value orientations, worldview, interests are largely determined by the nature of the socio-political system, social relations, and traditions. At the same time, young people are a significant part of the population that is in the process of socialization, that is, it is included in the process of mastering a certain system of knowledge, skills and abilities that allow young people to function as full members of a particular society. The complexity of her intermediate position is known: “no longer children, but not yet adults”, a peculiar and contradictory combination of material and psychological dependence on the adult world and, along with it, liberation from many life burdens and responsibilities. Life puts a young person in front of the need to make a number of important decisions in the face of a lack of personal experience. The choice of a profession, a life partner, friends is by no means a complete list of problems, one solution or another of which largely forms the way of later life.

All this imposes certain difficulties in the study of youth as an object of leisure space. S.N. Ikonnikova notes that “despite the fact that the social category of youth includes young people from 16 to 30 years old, it is important to single out separate stages within this period corresponding to early, middle, and late youth. It is clear that the age of 16-19 is different from the age of 25-29 in physical, mental and social terms. Different interests and needs, the level of education and achievements makes them different and even hardly comparable.”

The main socio-demographic events in the life cycle of a person fall on the youth age: completion of general education, choice of a profession and obtaining vocational education, beginning labor activity, marriage, having children. In a relatively short period of life, representatives of this age group experience a change in their socio-demographic status several times. Boys and girls under the age of 18 are mainly students of secondary general education and vocational schools. They, as a rule, are dependent on their parents, continue or complete their general or special education, and do not have full civil rights (voting, marriage).

Youth aged 18-24 brings together young workers, students and young people who are mostly completing or completed their professional training. Some of them have already separated from their parents and live on their own income. This age is the age of active marriage, the formation of young families, the birth of children.

Young people aged 25-29 are people who, as a rule, have already made their professional choice, have certain qualifications, some life and professional experience.

In modern conditions of extreme mobility of all social processes in Russian society youth culture should be considered in several planes, equally determining the level and direction of cultural self-realization, which we understand as a content side cultural activities young man, the embodiment of motives, needs, skills of a cultural nature in objective actions. Among the main factors that determine the state of youth culture are the following.

Society. The systemic crisis that affected the social structure of society with the beginning of perestroika and aggravated in connection with the collapse of the USSR and the transition to a market economy, naturally led to a change in social guidelines, a reassessment of traditional values. Competition at the level of mass consciousness of Soviet, national and so-called "Western" values ​​could not but lead to a state of social anomie and frustration of the population, which directly affected the value world of young people, extremely contradictory and chaotic. The search for one's own path in the new socio-economic conditions, the orientation towards accelerated status advancement and, at the same time, progressive social non-adaptation - all this determined the specific nature of the cultural self-realization of a young person.

Modern Russian culture, both at the institutional and subject-activity levels, is today in a state of crisis, as is society itself. On the one hand, the importance of the cultural development of the population for the successful implementation of social projects and overcoming the crisis is not fully recognized by the authorities, on the other hand, the commercialization of the cultural process, an increasingly noticeable departure from the norms and values ​​of "high" culture to average examples of aggressive mass culture, which is most clearly manifested in electronic means mass media, also cannot but affect the system of attitudes, orientations and cultural ideals of a young person.

Levels of humanitarian socialization. Attempts to implement a comprehensive program of humanitarian socialization on a national scale were unsuccessful. Today, there is practically no unified system of humanitarian education, and private initiatives in this area, carried out in experimental or non-state educational institutions, cover only a few groups of young people in large Russian cities. In most schools, however, humanitarian socialization is limited to a standard set of humanitarian disciplines and the so-called "extracurricular work", which not only introduces young people to cultural values, but turns them away from them in favor of recreational and entertaining self-realization. Often, humanitarian socialization is commercial in nature (the so-called "elite education"), and the nature of humanitarian socialization is increasingly determined by the level of income of the parents of the student or the youngest person.

Age features of youth. Adolescence (15-18 years), and to some extent the entire period of growing up, is distinguished by features of impulsiveness, instability of desires, intolerance, audacity, aggravated by experiences of ambivalence social status(no longer a child, not yet an adult). It is this specificity that brings young men into peer groups that are homogeneous in age and social class, which satisfy typical youthful needs in behavioral style, fashion, leisure, and interpersonal communication. 4Peer groups perform a socio-psychological therapeutic function - overcoming social exclusion. Naturally, such groups develop their own cultural norms and attitudes, primarily due to emotional and sensory perception of reality and youthful nonconformity.

Generation features. It is in this plane that we are talking about a youth subculture that has not so much age as generational characteristics. In this phenomenon, youthful forms of consciousness and behavior are most clearly manifested.5

Speaking about the youth subculture in Russia, it is necessary to take into account the presence of significant regional and national differences. In addition, since the 90s, the value and property stratification of young people has been aggravated. So, in particular, it is hardly correct to speak in the socio-psychological sense, for example, about the "Petersburg youth" as a single group of the population. Of course, both the behavior and values ​​of, for example, a young businessman, on the one hand, and a young unemployed person, on the other, cannot but differ from each other. Nevertheless, there is a certain subcultural “core” that is inherent in one way or another to the entire young generation of Russia.

1.2 Features of youth culture

Youth culture differs from official culture and many other subcultures in knowledge, goals and values, judgments and evaluations, mores and tastes, jargon and demeanor. Young people as a social community are quite homogeneous, have similar positions and moods, common symbols, tastes, values, which, as a rule, manifest themselves in the sphere of leisure and do not affect labor and family relations. This is a kind cultural autonomy which forms the inner world of the individual.

What features characterize the youth subculture as a whole? Scientists characterize one of these features as alienation from the older generation, its cultural values, ideals, and samples. It did not arise today and looks like a lack of meaning in life. Against this background, the youth subculture is turning into a counterculture with its own ideals, fashion, language and art. In the mass consciousness, the perception of youth subculture often has a negative character, although the majority of young people are not metalheads, extremists, racketeers, etc.

Features of youth culture can be seen from the materials and various studies of leisure. Leisure is increasingly becoming the main sphere of life of young people. True life for her begins beyond the threshold of a school, technical school, university. Young people go into leisure as into a protective shell, where they are truly free. The main elements of leisure are: rest, active physical activity, entertainment, self-education, creativity, contemplation, reflection, holiday. For youth, the leading ones were communication, entertainment and self-education. The communicative, aesthetic, emotional, cognitive, entertaining functions of culture and leisure are most fully realized.

An important feature of youth culture is the predominance of consumption over creativity. The role of consumption in the development of a person's culture is significant, but truly familiarization with cultural values ​​occurs only in active, independent activity. The results of the study show that the consumption of cultural values ​​by young people is in second place among leisure activities, and creative activity is only in tenth place even for students.

One of the characteristic distinguishing features of youth culture in present stage is its increased isolation, detachment from the official culture, traditional cultural values. It increasingly dominates consumption over creativity, passive forms of consumption over active ones, while genuine familiarization with cultural values ​​occurs only in the process of active, independent cultural or creative activity. Under these new conditions, such personal characteristics as individualism, egocentrism, and the desire to obtain the maximum of life's blessings and pleasures began to develop exaggeratedly. Lost interest in community service. It should also be taken into account that young people have a fairly high conflict potential, which may or may not be realized depending on certain circumstances and influences.

Youth culture and culture for young people are not identical concepts, including different, sometimes opposite content. Youth culture is a multidimensional phenomenon, a system of values ​​that is a powerful and heterogeneous flow from within the youth part of society. Culture for youth is a product of civilization, a list of services, proposals of the state and society for the younger generations. It is no coincidence that a young person finds himself in one or another socio-cultural environment, in one or another cultural situation. This is due to both his social position and personal characteristics. The period of young people's lives during which they are members of subcultures begins at school and usually continues until the creation of a family. This is a period of strong emotions, the choice of the meaning of life, the inconstancy of the initial stage of labor activity. During this period, there is a search for a comfortable living environment, the choice of cultural patterns, the formation of behavior patterns, the search for like-minded people. Youth culture is a subculture or culture within culture, a cultural subsystem within the "official" culture, the basic culture of society, one of the means of social adaptation. Youth cultures always contain both pro-cultural and counter-cultural elements, just as youth culture partially incorporates both general cultural values ​​and components of subcultures, countercultures.

In this regard, the main task of the state bodies of cultural upbringing, enlightenment, education is to counteract the development of negative phenomena in youth culture, stimulate the development of its positive elements and familiarize young people with traditional national and world cultural values. Programs for the development of youth culture should take into account that in a developed society the emergence of alternative forms of culture is inevitable, it is generated by the very fact of social relations. The culture of any society, and democratic society in particular, must absorb, assimilate, rethink these offshoots. Attempts to ignore, prohibit or destroy them give rise to the most ugly and aggressive forms of subcultures. In general, alternative forms of culture lead to the enrichment and rejuvenation of the national culture, absorbing, mastering new, progressive forms and phenomena, including those offered by the youth subculture.

The process of delegating positive elements into the normative national culture by youth culture has nothing to do with flirting with a certain part of cultural and art workers in front of the younger generation by introducing elements of anti-culture, pseudo-culture into their work. Vicious, destroying the youth audience is the thesis about the intellectual and spiritual inaccessibility of high culture for the vast majority of adolescents and young people, which justifies the base, vulgar, corrupting crafts of mass culture.

The process of cultural, like any other education, cognition involves the advancement from the elementary, simple to more and more meaningful and complex. This is confirmed by the fact that the outstanding figures of modern Russian culture, art, politics, economics, in the overwhelming majority, have achieved success, making their way along the steps of culture from abandoned villages and working outskirts.

Informal youth associations give teenagers and young people something that existing cultural and leisure institutions often cannot offer them - the opportunity for self-realization, creative (in the broad sense) self-expression, self-development. State and, especially, commercial institutions of culture and leisure are mostly focused on passive consumption of cultural at best, and at worst - anti-cultural, pseudo-cultural, mass-cultural, not taking into account individual characteristics and individual needs of an individual. The informal youth culture, which draws its directions, forms, genres from below, is closer to the needs, interests, needs of adolescents and youth, the specifics of various social groups than the modern official “culture for youth”, with its largely destroyed infrastructure, outdated methods, the lack of an ideology for the development of national culture in general and youth culture in particular. Hence the mutual isolation, and misunderstanding, and rejection, and reduced opportunities for state regulation processes in the field of youth culture. "Youth culture" and "culture for youth" exist and develop unacceptably separately, in parallel, touching and intersecting spontaneously and not always with a positive result.

1.3 Youth leisure culture

Leisure culture is characterized, first of all, by those activities that a person prefers during leisure hours.

Leisure culture is associated with all the attributes of free time: content, structure and quality. If the amount of free time is determined by a whole range of socio-economic factors (the level of development of productive forces, the level of development of the non-productive sphere of society, etc.), then the structure and content of free time are many subjective factors, among which individual choice is of no small importance material support social, personal and family leisure.

Leisure time is an objectively existing time within which various activities intersect; leisure is a period of time subjectively assessed by a person, as belonging to him and filled with purposeful useful activity.

Free time is an integral and significant part of the life of young people. A person spends his free time on education, social work, the media, visiting cultural institutions and spectacles, reading, socializing, playing sports, passive recreation, etc.

Free time for any person is the time that he devotes to himself, expresses himself most fully. Leisure forms of activity contribute not only to the assimilation of the norms of social behavior, but also form and consolidate them in these forms. In this regard, it is of value not only for the individual himself, but also for society as a whole.

The sphere of leisure and recreation is the most important sphere of everyday life, moreover, over the years of economic changes in the country, it is undergoing, in a sense, a kind of “revolution of preferences”. This is expressed not only in the fact that the opportunities for filling their leisure time are significantly expanding for the majority of the country's population, but, in particular, in the fact that there are qualitative typological shifts in relation to their free time, its value as such. Young people, as the most dynamically responding group to everything that is not considered traditional, are most active in mastering new opportunities and forms of spending free time (fortunately, it is this demographic group that has it to the greatest extent compared to the working population). Everyday communication, wide social contacts, leisure preferences that form the type of social life of various groups of modern youth are the most important characteristics her chosen lifestyle, one of the main criteria for self-identification of a young person with a certain group or environment.

Formation of a culture of leisure as a factor in the development of personality. Firstly, it is leisure that acts as the sphere of the most free self-manifestation and self-expression of the individual as one of the main conditions for the development of the individual. Secondly, the social practices of leisure activity represent a space for the implementation of a significant sphere of the sociocultural needs of young people; thirdly, it is in the sphere of leisure that the foundations of the youth subculture are born and take shape.

These circumstances, taking into account the fact that the transformation of the totality of social relations led to a change in both the place of leisure in the life of the youth community, and a radical change in the socio-cultural situation in the field of leisure.

The role of leisure as a factor in the formation of a special youth subculture is increasing due to the decline in the role of traditional institutions of socialization. The process of formation of subcultures, due both to the differentiation and autonomy of social institutions, and the involvement of the individual in various social practices, shows that joint activities are perceived by members of these groups, first of all, as leisure.

Adequate organization of the spheres of leisure and education makes it possible not only to influence the formation of the culture of professional specialists through a more complete inclusion of leisure practices, but also to create conditions for the optimal disclosure of personal potential, which, of course, contributes to the formation of the subject component modern personality.

As a kind of function, the function of regulating the sphere of youth leisure activities should be included in the management of young people's free time. The predominance of external regulation means that a person is guided in his activities by social values ​​that acquire an instrumental character, and the content of cultural and leisure activities becomes not the result of a free choice, the realization of a person’s interests and needs, but an activity undertaken under the pressure of external circumstances. The most important characteristics of self-regulation are voluntariness, freedom to change occupations, orientation to the process of cultural and leisure activities and its results as a value in itself.

Leisure time management is largely self-regulation, no aspect of which is inseparable from the problem of education.

The conditions and institutional forms in which the socio-pedagogical regulation of leisure time unfolds are the main objects of leisure. In this case, the main goal of the regulatory impact in the cultural and leisure sphere is to create optimal conditions for the self-development of the individual, for the formation of its value orientations, diagnosing and realizing its socio-cultural potential.

One of the important objects of regulatory influence in the cultural and leisure sphere of youth activity is the balance of their interests and needs. The balance of interests in relation to professional, family, domestic and leisure activities in a certain way streamlines the attitude of the individual to the main goals of life and the means to achieve them, plays the role inner core value - orientation system of the individual and in this capacity serves as the leading characteristic of its general life position.

The balance of cultural and leisure interests and needs (passive - contemplative and creative) will certainly contribute to the psychological comfort of the individual and its self-realization in social and cultural activities.

The consideration of young people as an object of cultural and leisure influence is most productive from the standpoint of their value-oriented attitude to leisure.

With this approach, V.Ya. Surtaev identifies the following main typological groups:

active-activity type, characterized by a selective attitude of the individual to various forms of leisure and having a clearly defined range of leisure interests, which, as a rule, are aimed at creating spiritual values, at transforming personal qualities; this type of young people's attitude to leisure, under certain formed socio-pedagogical conditions, often becomes an active subject of cultural and leisure activities;

young people who focus mainly on leisure as a time to continue work (study); it often transfers its production, educational, scientific activities to the sphere of non-working time, crowding out all other types of activity; this group of young people, as a rule, has no other leisure interests and hobbies, except for work, limiting themselves in communication;

youth focusing on passive consumer forms of leisure (excessive television viewing, attending sports and entertainment events mainly as a spectator, visiting cafes and restaurants) to the detriment of spiritual communication and participation in socially significant types of cultural and leisure activities;

young people who do not have the formed skills of rational planning of their leisure and are characterized by a spontaneously chaotic orientation of leisure and the structure of cultural and leisure activities.

Characterizing the essence of the subject of cultural and educational work, it should be noted that the subject of cultural and leisure work is a person or a group of persons (a collective subject of education) who carry out the educational process in cultural and leisure institutions. A characteristic feature of the subject of cultural and leisure activities is the presence of a conscious educational goal. Since the essence of cultural and leisure work is the amateur performance and initiative of the masses, its subject is, first of all, the masses themselves, included in this activity.

Indeed, among the variety of subjects of cultural and leisure activities, young people are more influenced by their peers, friends, who are passionate about specific types of leisure activities.

Thus, the uniqueness of the cultural and leisure environment of young people lies in the fact that it is largely shaped by the youth themselves. In other words, young people are the creator and the main subject of the formation of a cultural and leisure environment that contributes to the formation of their material and spiritual value orientations.

One of the important objects of regulatory influence in the field of leisure on the formation of young people's value orientations is the balance of orientation of their interests and needs, motives towards specific objects of culture and leisure, cultural and leisure activities. The balance of cultural and leisure interests and needs contributes to the psychological comfort of the individual and its self-realization in the socio-cultural space.

Thus, free time is an integral and significant part of the life of young people. A person spends his free time on education, social work, the media, visiting cultural institutions and spectacles, reading, socializing, playing sports, passive recreation, etc.

Leisure is perceived by most of the youth as the main sphere of life, and the overall satisfaction with life depends on satisfaction with it. Leisure characteristics of the youth subculture, common in various social and age cohorts, are distinguished by a general content orientation and varying degrees its intensity.

Among the main features, one can single out: the predominantly entertaining and recreational orientation of leisure (the favorite pastime of high school students is “doing nothing”), “westernization” (Americanization of cultural needs and interests), the priority of consumer orientations over creative ones, weak individualization and selectivity of culture, non-institutional cultural self-realization (outside institutions of culture), lack of ethno-cultural self-identification (outside of national culture, traditions, customs, folklore).

Let's consider these features in more detail.

Primarily recreational and recreational. Along with the communicative (communication with friends), leisure mainly performs a recreational function (about one-third of high school students note that their favorite leisure activity is “doing nothing”), while cognitive, creative and heuristic functions are not implemented at all or are not implemented enough. Recreational leisure orientations are reinforced by the main content of television and radio broadcasting, which spreads the values ​​of predominantly mass culture.

. "Westernization" (Americanization) of cultural needs and interests. The values ​​of national culture, both classical and folk, are being replaced by schematized stereotypes of mass culture, focused on the introduction of the values ​​of the "American way of life" in its primitive and lightweight reproduction.

Favorite heroes and, to a certain extent, role models are, according to polls, the heroines of the so-called " soap operas” (for girls) and video thrillers like Rambo (for boys). However, the westernization of cultural interests also has a wider scope: artistic images are extrapolated to the level of group and individual behavior of young people and manifest themselves in such features of social behavior as pragmatism, cruelty, the desire for material well-being to the detriment of professional self-realization.

Priority of consumer orientations over creative ones. Consumerism manifests itself both in socio-cultural and heuristic aspects. According to surveys of students of St. Petersburg universities (1989-1991), consumption within the framework of artistic culture noticeably exceeds creative attitudes in socio-cultural activities. This trend is even more present in the cultural self-realization of young students, which is indirectly due to the very flow of prevailing cultural information (the values ​​of mass culture), which contributes to background perception and superficial consolidation of it in the mind. Creative self-realization, as a rule, appears in marginal forms.

Weak individualization and selectivity of culture. The choice of certain cultural values ​​is most often associated with group stereotypes of a fairly rigid nature (those who disagree with them easily fall into the category of “outcasts”), as well as with a prestigious hierarchy of values ​​in an informal communication group ( reference group).

Group stereotypes and a prestigious hierarchy of values ​​are determined by gender, level of education, to a certain extent by the place of residence and nationality of the recipient, but in any case, their essence is the same: cultural conformism within the framework of informal group communication and rejection of other values ​​and stereotypes, from softer among students to more aggressive among high school students. The extreme direction of this trend of the youth subculture is the so-called "teams" with strict regulation of the roles and statuses of their members, which are characterized by deviant behavior and a criminogenic style of communication.

Extra-institutional cultural self-realization. Research data show that leisure self-realization of young people is carried out outside cultural institutions and is relatively noticeably conditioned by the influence of television alone, the most influential institutional source of not only aesthetic, but also socializing impact in general. However, most of the youth and adolescent TV programs are of an extremely low artistic level and do not destroy in any way, but rather, on the contrary, reinforce those stereotypes and the hierarchy of values ​​that have already been formed at the level of the reference group, the most effective cultural communicator.

Lack of ethnocultural self-identification. This trend, which distinguishes Russian youth to a high degree, is due not only to the Westernization of mass youth consciousness, but also to the nature of humanitarian socialization in its institutional forms. The internalization of norms and values, which takes place precisely in this age period, is based either on the traditionally Soviet or Western model of education, in any case, non-national, while the internalization of ethno-cultural content is practically absent. Folk culture (traditions, customs, folklore, etc.) is perceived by most young people as an anachronism. Meanwhile, it is ethnic culture that is the cementing link of socio-cultural transmission. Attempts to introduce ethno-cultural content into the process of socialization in most cases are limited to initiation to Orthodoxy, while folk traditions are, of course, not limited to religious values. In addition, ethnocultural self-identification consists, first of all, in the formation of positive feelings in relation to the history, traditions of one’s people, i.e., what is commonly called “love for the Fatherland”, and not in acquaintance and familiarization with one, even the most mass, confessions.

In the first chapter, the theoretical and methodological foundations of studying the culture of youth leisure were considered.

The youth culture and its features were investigated. Youth culture differs from official culture and many other subcultures in knowledge, goals and values, judgments and evaluations, mores and tastes, jargon and demeanor. One of the characteristic distinguishing features of youth culture at the present stage is its increased isolation, detachment from the official culture, traditional cultural values. It increasingly dominates consumption over creativity, passive forms of consumption over active ones, while genuine familiarization with cultural values ​​occurs only in the process of active, independent cultural or creative activity.

The features of the youth leisure culture were also noted. There are main typological groups of youth: active-activity type, youth oriented mainly towards leisure, youth oriented towards passive-consumer forms of leisure, youth who do not have well-formed skills of rational planning of their leisure and are characterized by a spontaneously chaotic orientation of leisure.

Youth culture is distinguished by such features as a predominantly entertaining and recreational orientation, "westernization" of cultural needs and interests, the priority of consumer orientations over creative ones, weak individualization and selectivity of culture, non-institutional cultural self-realization, and the absence of ethno-cultural self-identification.

The study and analysis of this literature contributed to the study of the leisure culture of young people. Zarechensk settlement and identification of leisure preferences of this category of the population.

2. development of a project for the activities of the youth club "NEXT" on the materials of the club institution of the Rural House of Culture "Cosmos"

.1 Characteristics of the club institution KFOR "Cosmos"

The legal basis for regulating the activities of the club institution SDK "Cosmos" are the following regulatory legal acts:

-Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 44);

-Tax Code of the Russian Federation (Article 149);

-Law of the Russian Federation of October 9, 1992 No. 3612-I "Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation on Culture";

-Federal Law No. 131-FZ of 06.10.2003 “On the General Principles of Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation”;

Federal Law of January 6, 1999 No. 7-FZ “On Folk Artistic Crafts”;

Charter of a rural settlement (registered on May 22, 2006 No. RU515033032006001 in the main department of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the North-Western Federal District)

Regulations on the basics of economic activity and financing of organizations of culture and art. (Approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 26.06.1995 No. 609 (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 23.12.2002 No. 919).

Federal target program "Culture of Russia";

Federal target program " social development villages until 2010”;

State program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation".

The rural settlement of Zarechensk is located at a distance of 120 km from the city of Kandalaksha. The number of leisure facilities - 5 (auditorium, foyer, disco hall, school No. 11, kindergarten No. 41).

In the settlement (n.p.) Zarechensk there is the only club institution - the rural house of culture "Cosmos". It is a cultural and educational center for the residents of Zarechensk, where it is located. Institution address: 184004 Murmansk region, Kandalaksha district, n. Zarechensk, Kumskaya street, house 2.

Club institution SDK "Kosmos" was built in 1958. The founder is the Administration of the municipal formation of the rural settlement of Zarechensk, Kandalaksha district.

It operates on the basis of the Regulations on the club institution, approved by the decision of the council of deputies of the municipality, the rural settlement of Zarechensk, the city of Kandalaksha, with the territory under its jurisdiction, No. 37 of September 11, 2006. Is not legal entity. There is no collective agreement.

The total area of ​​the building of the club institution SDK "Cosmos" is 1015.4 sq.m:

-number of rooms for circle work - 2

-number of seats in the auditorium - 190

The equipment of the club institution of the KFOR "Cosmos" is presented in Table 2.1. (Attachment 1).

In 2008, funds allocated from the district budget were used to purchase:

Computer - 1 pc.

-theater chairs - 100 pcs.

video projector - 1 pc.

synthesizer - 1 pc.

sports simulator - 1 pc.

director's office furniture

water heater - 1 pc.

These acquisitions do not meet the needs of the institution. Computer equipment is 2 units.

The main tasks of the club institution SDK "Cosmos" are:

-Organization of leisure for children and youth

-Organization of leisure for an adult audience

-Leisure activities for the elderly and disabled

-Organization of family leisure

-Development of amateur creativity

-Development of forms and methods of cultural and leisure activities

-Preservation and development of national and cultural traditions

The club institution SDK conducts cultural and educational work among the residents of the village. But, besides this, social events are held in the House of Culture: studies and meetings of public activists, solemn meetings, amateur art reviews, exhibitions. The House of Culture attracts residents from other settlements to participate in amateur performances (including those who have their own clubs, but are within the boundaries of the House of Culture), becomes the center of sports work carried out with the adult population of the economy, professional theater teams.

The activities of the House of Culture are full of a wide variety of cultural programs. In its work, the House of Culture tries to cover all age groups of the population.

Organization of meaningful leisure, development of creative abilities, patriotic education, promotion of a healthy lifestyle are the main areas of activity. The club institution SDK "Cosmos" is the organizer of holidays, competitions.

Club institution SDK "Cosmos" in 2008 took part in federal, regional municipal target programs:

-Regional target program "Children of the Kola Arctic"

-Regional Target Program "Family Support in the Murmansk Region"

-Regional target program "SOS"

-State program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation"

-In May 2008, events dedicated to the Victory Day were held

-In December, events dedicated to the Day of the Disabled were held.

In 2008, 134 - 3691 people were held in the club institution of the KFOR "Cosmos". cultural and leisure activities, of which for children under 14 - 47 - 586 people.

One of the main tasks in the work of the club institution KFOR "Cosmos" was the organization of leisure for children, adolescents and youth.

During the year, 9 groups of amateur artistic creativity worked in the club institution of the KFOR "Cosmos". The teams work in the following areas:





Theater groups are divided into adult and children (under 14 years old), the number of participants is 10 and 6, respectively. According to the choreographic direction, the teams are also divided into adults (8 people), teenage (6 people) and children's (6 people). Teenagers (9 people) are engaged in the instrumental group. Three groups were formed in the vocal direction: an adult 8 people, a teenager (6 people), a children's group (5 people).

Amateur associations and interest clubs have also been created:

-Club of sports aerobics lovers (9 people, contingent - adults)

-Club of fans of weightlifting (10 people, contingent - adults).

Thus, 83 people were engaged in clubs and collectives (19 and 64, respectively).

Comparative characteristics of the performance of the club institution SDK "Cosmos" for 2007 - 2008. presented in table 2.2. (Appendix 2).

In total, during 2008, 64 people were engaged in collectives, of which 17 were children under 14 years old. In comparison with 2007, the number of teams has not changed. One children's choreographic group stopped working. With the purchase of new equipment, an instrumental group began to work, where children and teenagers learn to play musical instruments: a drum kit, a synthesizer, a piano, an accordion, a guitar. The number of participants has changed due to the fact that the number of children, adolescents and youth has decreased. Collectives take an active part in the preparation and holding of theatrical performances, ceremonial holidays, amateur art concerts held in the club institution of the KFOR "Cosmos" and in agreement with the leadership at school No. 11 and kindergarten No. 41. In festivals, reviews and competitions for the reporting period did not take part.

At the end of November, it was planned to hold an anniversary program dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the construction of the club institution KFOR "Cosmos", but due to the repair of the roof and electrical wiring, the program had to be canceled.

In 2008, two alumni meetings were held in the club institution of the KFOR "Cosmos": in May - "10 years later", in June - "20 years later".

To preserve the traditional folk culture, the revival of Russian holidays and rituals, ceremonial holidays and celebrations were held in the club institution of the KFOR "Cosmos". In January, a theatrical performance "A Christmas Tale" was held. In April, a ritual holiday “How Ivan Saved Spring” was held.

Among the residents of Zarechensk, it has become popular to use the services of the club institution KFOR "Cosmos" in holding anniversary programs and weddings. In 2008, three weddings and two anniversary programs were held. The programs included elements of the old rites and modern skits, games, contests and pranks. In the staff of the club institution SKD "Cosmos" 6 people. At the head is the director of the club institution, who is authorized to receive all final decisions relating to the activities of the House of Culture. Directly subordinated to the director are: artistic director, cleaners (2 people), watchmen (2 people). The organizational structure of the enterprise is shown in Figure 2.1.

Rice. 2.1. Organizational structure of the club institution SDK "Cosmos"

The organizational structure of the firm can be described as linear. The linear management system lies in the fact that all functional divisions of the enterprise report directly to one leader. As of 2008, the staffing of the club institution of the KFOR "Cosmos" is as follows, table 2.3.

Table 2.3. Qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the staff of the club institution SDK "Cosmos"

YearTotalAgeEducationUnder 30 years old30 - 50 years oldOver 50 yearsHigherIncomplete/HigherSecondary/Special General20078251--3520086141-114

Thus, based on the above data, the following conclusions can be drawn:

) with a staff of 6 people (as of 2008), 1 person has an incomplete higher education, 1 has a secondary specialized education and 4 people have a general education.

) the age of employees of the club institution KFOR "Cosmos" is mainly 30 - 50 years.

The working hours of full-time managers are established in accordance with the requirements of the Labor Code. During the working hours of the heads of creative teams, work on the selection of members of the creative team and educational and educational work with the participants are counted; selection of repertoire; work on the study and collection of folklore; learning parts, learning musical and choreographic works, theatrical roles, rehearsal work; events for the release of performances (concerts; maintaining documentation of the creative team, attracting sponsorship funds for the development of the team; production of performances, concert programs, organization of exhibitions.

For creative success and social activities to popularize traditional folk culture, participants and leaders of folk art groups can be presented with various types of encouragement, namely: a diploma, a badge of honor, the title of an honored worker of culture.

Funding for the staff and creative activities (stage expenses, purchase of costumes, instruments, participation in competitions and festivals) are provided for in the estimate of the cultural institution. Funds earned from ticket sales at paid events of the team, sponsorship funds and donations, other income from entrepreneurial activity are taken into account in accordance with Article 161 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation. The institution has the right to make additional payments to staff members, as well as to persons involved in staging events under civil law contracts, subject to the conditions for drawing up an estimate in accordance with the requirements of this article of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation.

Based on the nature, volume and specific conditions of work and subject to the availability of funds, additional positions of specialists, workers, junior service personnel may be introduced into the staff of a club-type cultural institution with the permission of the founder in accordance with the established official duties and the size of the official salary (tariff rate).

The head of a club-type cultural institution independently distributes the number and type of necessary specialists, based on the nature and volume of work within the institution's payroll.

The remuneration system, in addition to salary schemes, includes remuneration for work in special conditions and in conditions that deviate from normal, as well as incentive payments:

-maintaining increased wages for cultural specialists working in the countryside;

-maintaining the increased wages of workers of culture and art, employed in adverse climatic conditions, established by the current legislation.

Reception of employees is carried out on the basis of the Labor Code.

With rules internal regulations employees are familiarized with when applying for a job.

The internal regulations consist of the following items:

1.Procedure for admission and dismissal.

2.Basic rights and obligations of an employee.

.The rights and obligations of the employer.

.Working time and its study.

.Penalty for violation of labor discipline.

As of 2008, there were no performance appraisals of employees. Refresher courses were not taken. The director is studying at the St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions, Murmansk branch at the faculty of SKD at correspondence department.

The club institution of the KFOR "Cosmos" lacks specialists, namely: a choreographer, a vocal teacher, and a cultural organizer.

2.2 Studying the preferences of the cultural leisure of the population of n.p. Zarechensk

In order to identify preferences for cultural leisure of the population, a marketing study was conducted in the village of Zarechensk.

The first task of choosing methods for conducting marketing research, which is the initial stage in developing a marketing plan in the field of culture, is to familiarize yourself with the individual methods that can be used in the collection and analysis of marketing information. It should be noted that the most acceptable methods of marketing research for the field of culture are consumer survey methods, expert assessments and experimental methods. In this study, a written survey of the population in the form of a questionnaire was chosen as a method for collecting primary information.

The rural settlement of Zarechensk is home to 770 people. Including children - 66 people, teenagers - 25, youth - 33, elderly - 266. The sex and age structure is shown in fig. 2.2 and 2.3 (Annex 3).

As a result of the survey, 90 people were interviewed. The gender and age structure of the respondents is shown in fig. 2.4 and 2.5.

Fig.2.4. Gender structure of respondents

Fig.2.5. Age structure

Thus, the majority of respondents are women (61%), the age of the majority of respondents was 30-59 years (34%).

The structure of the questionnaire (Appendix 4):

1.What cultural products do you consume most often - this question allows you to determine the rating of cultural products in general.

2.How often do you visit cultural institutions - allows you to determine the activity of the population in the use of cultural products.

3.With whom you most often visit cultural institutions - allows you to determine the reference group.

4.For what purpose do you use the media and visit cultural institutions - allows you to determine the motivation of consumers of a cultural product.

5.Indicate the reasons why you do not visit / do not visit cultural institutions as often as you would like.

Consequently, the main task of marketing in the field of socio-cultural activities is to identify different types of people's participation in cultural life by the degree of activity and track the changes in these types among various social groups and society as a whole. The accumulated research experience shows a clear differentiation of cultural needs and preferences of the population depending on a number of socio-demographic and geographical features, which is directly related to the division of the audience and consumer behavior.

For the first question of the questionnaire (What cultural products do you consume most often?), the following results were obtained (Fig. 2.6):

Rice. 2.6. Most Popular Cultural Products

Thus, among the inhabitants, as can be seen from the diagrams, different cultural products are in different demand. The most popular are TV, radio, cinema visits.

The situation with reading is currently determined by a number of factors. Among them should be attributed, first of all, the lowering of the level of knowledge and the general culture of the population. With the development of market processes in our country, the professional and qualification structure of the population is becoming more complex and changing, the number of students and scientists who need reading to successfully fulfill their social role is sharply decreasing. As a result of the impact of the above reasons, now reading is gradually ceasing to be one of the most important means of assimilating spiritual values ​​and knowledge.

The intensity of reading is also contradictory and ambiguous. The decrease in the rate of growth in the intensity of reading is directly related to the widespread use of audiovisual mass media (radio, television, audio and video systems, computerization).

As for attendance at exhibitions, the picture is as follows. Exhibitions are attended by only 3% of respondents. Such a low figure is due to the lack of exhibition halls in rural areas.

The second question of the questionnaire reveals differences in the frequency of visiting cultural institutions among residents of a large municipality and rural areas. (Fig.2.7).

Fig.2.7. Frequency of visiting cultural institutions

As can be seen from this diagram, the majority of residents visit cultural institutions once a month.

When answering the question “With whom do you visit cultural institutions most often?” received the following data, Fig.2.8.

Fig.2.8. Preferences when visiting cultural institutions

Thus, most residents prefer to visit cultural institutions with friends.

The goals pursued by consumers of cultural products when visiting cultural institutions (question 4 of the questionnaire) are presented below, Figure 2.9.

Fig.2.9. Goals when consuming cultural products

So, the main goal is to relax, as well as spending time with friends.

The following answers were received to the fifth question “Specify the reasons why you do not visit / do not visit cultural institutions as often as you would like”, Fig. 2.10.

Rice. 2.10. Reasons why they rarely visit / do not visit cultural institutions

Thus, most residents do not have enough free time to visit cultural institutions more frequently.

So, on the basis of this study, we can conclude that the main consumers of socio-cultural services are young people (18-29 years old) and adults (30-59 years old). Most of the respondents prefer to relax with friends. The frequency of visits to cultural institutions is approximately once a month. Weak involvement of people who are on a well-deserved rest, i.e. of the older age group, as well as children and adolescents, in the network of events organized by cultural institutions suggests that when organizing events, it is necessary to take into account the interests of residents of different age and social groups.

Thus, the following can be noted as strengths in the activities of the club institution KFOR "Cosmos":

-Professionalism of the staff: the team coped with the tasks set, despite the lack of specialists in leisure activities.

-Extensive work experience.

-The presence of a variety of programs and teams.

-Lack of competition in this settlement.

Weak sides:

-Weak material and technical base: the volume of appropriations allocated from the budget for technical equipment lagged behind the real needs of the club institution KFOR "Cosmos"; lack of equipment with computers and other modern technology.

-The institution needs specially equipped premises for choreographic and vocal groups. The building is in need of a major overhaul.

-The lack of planned monitoring of public opinion and, as a result, the lack of predictive conclusions about the current demands and needs of the population in the socio-cultural sphere.

-Lack of personnel for the work of the club institution KFOR "Cosmos".

-Insufficient funding.

Practice has shown that a mass visit to a cultural and leisure institution has already exhausted itself. People began to unite more in small groups in order to satisfy their needs for communication.

Questioning of visitors can become an innovation for the club institution KFOR "Cosmos". A survey of regular visitors to the KFOR and those who never come here can also be attributed to ways to improve the activities of the club institution of the KFOR "Cosmos". Because, when there were no problems with financing, with attendance at events and amateur art classes, the questions “Do you visit the Cosmos KFOR?, how often?, what circles and events do you think are few in the Cosmos KFOR?” were not particularly acute. But today reality forces us to work in a new way.

The club institution KFOR "Cosmos" needs to promptly and adequately solve the tasks dictated by life. Therefore, it is probably necessary to start with the creation of data banks - both about people and about leisure groups, to form a center of initiative, for example, youth, because young people know the tastes and interests of their peers better, therefore they can better organize their leisure time, i.e. it is necessary that the initiative comes from the youth, leaders are needed. It is important to skillfully use the ability of young people to self-realization and self-organization and the bank of ideas. You can offer to involve young people: they can help in the distribution of advertising and tickets in the design of the stage, in holding events and other important matters of the club institution of the KFOR "Cosmos". They themselves can act as initiators of many leisure programs.

It is necessary to improve the qualifications of employees. Of course, you learn a lot of new and useful things for your work from professional journals, from various methodological literature. But no publications can replace live communication with colleagues, direct impressions. It is necessary to travel more to other regions, to exchange experience.

You can also offer the introduction of paid services of the club institution KFOR "Cosmos":

-short-term lease of premises and halls;

-the work of individual circles and teams;

-rental of stage costumes and props, sports equipment;

-compilation and development of scenarios to order.

Increasing the set of offered cultural and leisure services for different categories of the population. Among these may be salon meetings: musical, literary, local history, theatrical, legal, etc., with an appropriate program).

The motive for holding a salon can be a meeting with interesting people, evenings of memories of famous poets, musicians, artists, writers with viewing or listening to their works performed by guests or participants of the salons.

Also, the study revealed a weak involvement of children and adolescents in the network of events of the club institution KFOR "Cosmos". In order to attract this category of the population, it is necessary to find out the preferences regarding cultural and leisure activities that are most attractive to them.

In order to identify the most preferred types of cultural and leisure activities, a study was conducted among young people.

The target group aged 15 to 18 was singled out as respondents. The total number of respondents was 30 people.

The survey was conducted face-to-face high school No. 11 n. the village of Zarechensk.

The structure of the questionnaire (Appendix 5.):

1.Are you interested in organizing your leisure time?

2.How do you usually spend your free time?

.Would you like to spend your time differently?

.What would you suggest to organize for the leisure of young people?

.Are you ready to visit the club you like?

Your age

What's your gender.

The results of the study are presented in the form of diagrams. In Fig.2.11 and 2.12. data on the gender and age structure of respondents are presented. (Appendix 6). Figure 2.13 shows the results of a survey of the cultural and leisure preferences of young people. (Appendix 7). Thus, it becomes clear that young people are interested in organizing their leisure time, many were attracted by the opportunity to visit the youth club.

Thus, as a cultural and leisure event for young people, it is proposed to create a youth club.

.3 The project of the activity of the youth club "NEXT"

The expediency of developing the project of the youth club "Next" is due to the following.

Work with youth has its own specifics, its own forms and methods, its own problems. It's about about a very active, but not yet hardened by life experience, category of the population, about career guidance for young people, about educating the younger generation in the spirit of high citizenship. On expanding the horizons of young people, their physical and spiritual improvement

The name of the youth club is "Next".

Goals and objectives of the youth club - "Next":

-Involvement of youth in the implementation of socially significant projects.

-Formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle among young people.

-Formation of love for the native land among young people.

-Formation of an active life position.

-Formation of an active life position in matters of nature protection.

-Establishing friendly relations between youth groups.

Any young person living or studying in the settlement can be a member of the youth club. Zarechensk. Access to the club is free.

The main activities of the youth club "Next".

) Ecological direction

The main activities in the environmental direction:

-ecological education and enlightenment;

-participation in public actions, events;

-propaganda and educational work;

-landscaping and landscaping of the territories adjacent to the club institution KFOR "Cosmos" and houses;

-carrying out practical measures to preserve the environment.

2) Patriotic direction

The main events in the patriotic direction:

-activation of heroic-patriotic, pre-conscription work with youth;

-promotion of healthy lifestyles

-acquaintance with the heroic past of the Murmansk region and Russia;

-propaganda of the best human qualities possessed by the defenders of the Fatherland;

-involvement of young people in activities to perpetuate the memory of those who died for the Fatherland and further development of the traditions of helping veterans and invalids of wars and military conflicts.

) Local history direction

The main activities in the local history direction:

-study of the history of the native land;

-familiarization with the folk epic;

-propaganda of love for a small homeland;

-organization of excursions around the Murmansk region in order to get acquainted with the culture and history of the native land.

The action plan is presented in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1. Action plan

No. Name of events Performers Deadlines 1 section. "Patriotic education" This section improves the activities of the club in the formation of spiritual values ​​in the minds of young people, the education of patriotic feelings, civil-patriotic worldview, as well as respect for the native land.1 Orgyu and holding events aimed at educating a patriot. (sports holidays, promotions, quizzes, competitions, ex., etc.) 2010-2012 2 Organization and holding of seminars on issues of civil and patriotic education. .2010-2012 4 Conducting excursions to monuments, visiting the reserves of the Kola Peninsula 2010-2012 5 Conducting conversations on the history and culture of the native land 2010-2012 2 section. "Sports work" The main goals and objectives of this section are to promote a healthy lifestyle, attract young people to sports, prevent morbidity through sports, and improve health by organizing a good rest.1 Formation of a healthy lifestyle, cultivation of sports among the youth.2010 -2012 2 Conducting cultural - mass and sports - recreational events at the place of residence (yard holidays, competitions, concerts, sports competitions, etc.) 2010-2012 3 Organization and conduct of conversations on the prevention of a healthy lifestyle. 2010-2012 .3 section. " Information Support» The purpose of this section is to cover the activities of the youth club through the media. 1 Issue of articles, notes through newspaper products. 2010-2012. "Organization and holding of cultural and leisure events" Formation of an optimal system of youth leisure, as well as the creation of conditions for the effective development of a system for organizing youth recreation, intellectual and physical development, the formation of moral stability, social activity.1Organization and holding of the event "Valentine's Day".2010-2012. February 14 annually2 Holding events dedicated to the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland. 2010-2012 Annually3 International Women's Day. 2010-2012 March Annually4Organization and holding of events dedicated to Children's Day.2010-2012. June 1 Annually 5 days of humor and laughter. 2010-2012 April Annually6Organization and holding of events dedicated to the Day of Russia.2010-2012. June Annually7Organization and holding of events dedicated to the International Day of Older Persons.2010-2012. October Annually8Organization of events dedicated to Teacher's Day.2010-2012. October Annually9Organization and holding of events dedicated to Mother's Day.2010-2012.10Organization and holding of New Year's youth events.2010-2012. December

Expected social effect:

-the range of educational and leisure services provided by the club to the population of the settlement has been expanded. Zarechensk, which will increase the number of young people covered by organized forms of leisure, satisfy their interests and needs in communication, personal formation and development, life and professional self-determination;

-the pupils of the club actively promote the style of a healthy lifestyle, which will positively affect the moral improvement of the social environment of the village;

-the tasks of educating citizenship and patriotism are systematically implemented, business and social activity will increase among the youth in the implementation of their own life plans, social socially significant projects.

An approximate estimate of income and expenses is presented in table 3.2.

Table 3.2. Estimate of income and expenses

No. Item of income Amount, thousand rubles 1. Income from the local budget 2500002. Income from paid services provided by the club institution 200003. Income from paid services provided by the youth club "NEXT" 300004. Other income 50000 Total 350000 thousand rubles


In the second chapter, an analysis was made of the activities of the club institution of the KFOR "Cosmos" and a project of the youth club "Next" was developed based on the materials of the club institution of the KFOR "Cosmos" n.p. Zarechensk.

In the village of Zarechensk there is the only rural house of culture "Cosmos". It is a cultural and educational center for the inhabitants of Zarechensk. KFOR conducts cultural and educational work among the residents of the village. But, besides this, social events are held in the House of Culture: studies and meetings of public activists, solemn meetings, amateur art reviews, exhibitions. The activities of the House of Culture are full of a wide variety of cultural programs. In its work, the House of Culture tries to cover all age groups of the population. Participates in regional and federal programs.

The staff of SKD "Cosmos" is 6 people. KFOR "Cosmos" lacks specialists, namely: a choreographer, a vocal teacher, a cultural organizer. The institution needs specially equipped premises for choreographic and vocal groups. The building is in need of a major overhaul.

According to the results of marketing research, we can draw conclusions about the weak involvement of people who are on a well-deserved rest, i.e. of the older age group, as well as children and adolescents, in the network of events organized by cultural institutions suggests that when organizing events, it is necessary to take into account the interests of residents of different age and social groups.

This analysis made it possible to draw conclusions regarding the work of the club institution of the KFOR "Cosmos", the strengths and weaknesses of the club institution were identified and, on the basis of this, the development of a project for the activities of the youth club "Next" based on the materials of the club institution of the KFOR "Cosmos" n.p. Zarechensk.

Club Directions:

1) Ecological direction.

) Patriotic direction.

) Local history direction.

Funding for the creation and operation of a youth club should be comprehensive and include revenue from the local budget, funds received from visiting the club, private capital and revenue from interested individuals and organizations, income from paid services provided by the club institution.


Based on the analysis of the literature in the field of studying the culture of youth leisure, the following conclusions can be drawn.

Youth subculture is a partial, relatively coherent system within the overall system of culture. Its occurrence is associated with uncertainty social roles young people, uncertainty about their own social status. In the ontogenetic aspect, the youth subculture is presented as a phase of development through which everyone must go. Its essence is the search for social status. Through it, the young man "exercises" in the performance of the roles that he will later have to play in the world of adults.

Factors that determine the state of youth culture: society; modern Russian culture, both at the institutional and at the subject-activity levels, is today in a crisis state, like society itself; levels of humanitarian socialization; age characteristics of youth; generation features.

One of the features of youth culture is alienation from the older generation, its cultural values, ideals, samples. Features of youth culture can be seen from the materials and various studies of leisure. Leisure is increasingly becoming the main sphere of life of young people. An important feature of youth culture is the predominance of consumption over creativity. The role of consumption in the development of a person's culture is significant, but truly familiarization with cultural values ​​occurs only in active, independent activity.

Youth culture and culture for young people are not identical concepts, including different, sometimes opposite content. Youth culture is a multidimensional phenomenon, a system of values ​​that is a powerful and heterogeneous flow from within the youth part of society. Culture for youth is a product of civilization, a list of services, proposals of the state and society for the younger generations.

The most accessible social platforms for specific activities of young people are leisure, where you can show your own independence: the ability to make decisions and lead, organize and organize. Leisure is not only communication, but also a kind of social game, the lack of skills in such games in youth leads to the fact that a person considers himself free from obligations even in adulthood.

Leisure began to be perceived by young people as the main sphere of life, and the general satisfaction with the life of a young person depends on satisfaction with it. Therefore, at present, the educational impact on the social practices of youth leisure should be directed to the formation of such a type of leisure behavior, which, on the one hand, would meet the needs of bringing the main type of youth activity - its cognitive and educational movement with leisure practice, and on the other hand, socio-cultural needs. the youth itself.

The following main typological groups of youth are distinguished: the active-activity type, youth oriented mainly towards leisure, youth oriented towards passive-consumer forms of leisure, youth who do not have the formed skills of rational planning of their leisure and are characterized by a spontaneously chaotic orientation of leisure.

It is also noted that youth culture is distinguished by such features as a predominantly entertaining and recreational orientation, "westernization" of cultural needs and interests, the priority of consumer orientations over creative ones, weak individualization and selectivity of culture, non-institutional cultural self-realization, lack of ethno-cultural self-identification.

The study of literature on the formation of a culture of youth leisure and analysis of the activities of the club institution KFOR "Cosmos" contributed to the study of the culture of youth leisure n. Zarechensk settlement and identification of leisure preferences of this category of the population. The data obtained as a result of the study served as a motive for the development of a youth club project with a patriotic, local history and environmental focus. It is assumed that the youth club will contribute to the formation of a leisure culture for young people. Zarechensk

The following provisions are put forward for defense:

The results of the study of the activities of the club institution SDK "Cosmos".

Analysis of the activities of the club institution SDK "Cosmos" made it possible to draw the following conclusions. The club institution KFOR "Cosmos" is a cultural and educational center for the residents of Zarechensk, conducts cultural and educational work among the residents of the village, but, in addition, social events are held: studies and meetings of public activists, solemn meetings, amateur art shows, exhibitions. The activities of the club institution SDK "Cosmos" are full of a wide variety of cultural programs. In its work, the club institution KFOR "Cosmos" tries to cover all age groups of the population. Participates in regional and federal programs. An analysis of the organizational environment of the Cosmos KFOR was also presented. The staff of SKD "Cosmos" is 6 people.

The results of the study of cultural leisure preferences of the population of the settlement Zarechensk.

Marketing researches of preferences of cultural leisure of the population n. The village of Zarechensk made it possible to draw the following conclusions: the main consumers of social and cultural services are young people (18-29 children) and adults (30-59 years). Most of the respondents prefer to relax with friends. The frequency of visits to cultural institutions is approximately once a month. A weak involvement of people who are on a well-deserved rest was revealed, i.e. of the older age group, as well as children and adolescents, into the schedule of events of the club institution KFOR "Cosmos", which indicates insufficient consideration of the interests of residents of different age and social groups.

In order to attract this category of the population, it was necessary to find out the preferences regarding cultural and leisure activities that are most attractive to them. In order to identify the most preferred types of cultural and leisure activities, a study was conducted among young people. The target group aged 15 to 18 was singled out as respondents. The total number of respondents was 30 people. After the study, it became clear that young people are interested in organizing their leisure time, many were attracted by the opportunity to visit a youth club.

The project of the activity of the youth club "Next".

Based on the research, a project was proposed for the activities of the youth club "Next".

The purpose of the club is to attract more teenagers and young people to go in for sports, international communication with peers from countries near and far abroad.

The main tasks of the club are to create optimal conditions for social adaptation, personal development, health promotion, self-education and creative work of adolescents and youth, their professional self-determination, organization of reasonable and meaningful leisure, recreation and entertainment.

The main activities of the youth club "Next":

) Ecological direction.

) Patriotic direction.

) Local history direction.

Financing of the youth club.

Funding for the creation and operation of a youth club should be comprehensive:

-Revenues from the local budget.

-Funds received from visiting the club.

-Private capital and receipts from interested persons and organizations.

-Income from paid services provided by the club institution.

Expected social effect.

The creation of a youth club will make it possible to involve the youth of the settlement. Zarechensk to a healthy lifestyle through sports, to form spiritual values ​​in the minds of young people, the upbringing of patriotic feelings, respect for their native land. It will allow to form an optimal system of leisure for young people, as well as create conditions for the effective development of a system for organizing recreation for young people, intellectual and physical development, the formation of moral stability, and social activity.


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Attachment 1

Table 2.1. Equipped with equipment

Types of equipment Availability (available, not available condition - satisfactory, not satisfactory, % depreciation) NeedFurniture Available, condition not satisfactory 100% depreciation Comp. table-1 pc., theater chair-100 pcs., semi-soft chair-24 pcs., writing table-3 pcs., chair-2 pcs., bookcase-2 pcs., cabinet for telephone-2 pcs., wardrobe wardrobe-4pcs. Vehicles--Intruder alarm equipment--Special stage equipment-head microphone-4pcs, acoustic complex-1pcs, music center-1pcs, microphone stand-6pcs, music stand-1pcs, projector- bsht.Prof. Sound. and lighting equipmentAvailable, satisfactory condition Lighting device-4pcs., smoke generator-4pcs., ultraviolet. lamps - 6 pcs. Musical instruments Available, not satisfactory, 100% wear Bayan - 2 pcs., piano - 1 pc., acoustic guitar 12-string-1pc.,

Annex 2

Table 2.2. Comparative characteristics of the performance indicators of the cultural institution of the KFOR "Cosmos" for 2007 - 2008.

Indicators 20072008 number of club formations / participants in them11/8211/83 for children under 14 years old inclusive / participants in them 6/363/17 Folk / exemplary groups - number of cultural and leisure events / number of visitors 150/4782134/3691 for children under 14 years old inclusive / number visitors 65/84647/586 on a paid basis / number of visitors - incl. for children under the age of 14 inclusive--number of visits per year per inhabitant77number of leisure facilities55Amount of money earned--

Appendix 3

Sex and age structure of the population n.p. Zarechensk

Fig.2.2. Sex structure

Rice. 2.3. Age structure

Appendix 4


Dear ______________

As part of the monitoring of the cultural sector of the club institution, KFOR "Cosmos" conducts research on the cultural leisure of the population. We kindly ask you to fill in the questionnaire provided by us. Thank you!

No. Question Answers1 What cultural products do you consume most often?TelevisionRadioMagazinesNewspapersBooksInternetCinemasExhibitionsDiscotheques2How often do you visit cultural institutions? 1 time per year 1 time per month several times per month 1 time per week several times per week3 Husbandwhole family4What is the purpose of your visit to cultural institutions? RecreationImprove your cultural levelSpend time with friends5Specify the reasons why you do not visit / do not visit cultural institutions as often as you would like?Lack of timeFinancial difficultiesOther6Please indicate some information about yourself Age Gender Are you married Do you have children ( if yes, how much)

Appendix 5


Dear (s) ____________

As part of the monitoring of the cultural sector of the club institution, KFOR "Cosmos" conducts research on the cultural leisure of young people. We kindly ask you to fill in the questionnaire provided by us. Thank you!

No. Question Answers 1 Are you interested in organizing your leisure time? Yes No 2 How do you usually spend your free time? youth club?Sports clubVideo club (with disc exchange)Dance clubYouth club5Are you ready to visit the club you like?YesNo6Please provide some information about yourselfagegender

Appendix 6

Fig.2.11. Age of respondents

Fig.2.12. Gender structure of respondents

Appendix 7

Fig.2.13. The results of the survey on the cultural and leisure preferences of young people n.p. Zarechensk


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