BIOLOGIYA MORYA, 2011, volume 37, no. 3, p. 229-232

Brief messages


breeding and larval development of saucer

LOTTIA PERSONA (RATHKE, 1833) (GAsTRoPoDA: LoTTIIDAE) 1 © 2011 K. G. Kolbin, V. A. Kulikova

Institution of the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Marine Biology. A.V. Zhirmunsky FEB RAS, Vladivostok 690041 e-mail: [email protected]

The article was accepted for publication on November 25, 2010.

Reproduction and development of the sea saucer Lottia persona was studied for the first time in laboratory conditions (Rathke, 1833). Molluscs breed in the second half of July, have external fertilization, pelagic lecitotrophic type of development. The larval shell is transparent, symmetrical, saccular in shape, with well-defined lateral depressions and a large rounded aperture. The sculpture of the protoconch is characterized by wide wavy lines separated by radial ribs; on the ventral side of the shell, the lines become narrow and directed perpendicularly to those of the dorsal and lateral regions. The duration of development from the moment of fertilization to settling at a water temperature of 19-20 ° C is three days.

Key words: sea saucers, reproduction, ovum, trochophora, veliger, protoconch.

Reproduction and larval development of the limpet Lottia persona (Rathke, 1833) (Gastropoda: Lottiidae).

K. G. Kolbin, V. A. Kulikova (A.V. Zhirmunsky Institute of Marine Biology, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok 690041)

Reproduction and larval development of the limpet Lottia persona (Rathke, 1833) were investigated in vitro for the first time. The limpets breed in late July; they exhibit external fertilization and a pelagic lecithotrophic type of development. The larval shell is transparent, symmetrical, bottle-shaped, with well-marked lateral fossae and a large rounded operculum. The protoconch sculpture is characterized by broad wavy lines and radial ribs at the dorsal side. Ventrally, the lines become narrow and are directed perpendicular to those of the dorsal and lateral regions. Development from fertilization to settling lasts 3 days at a water temperature of 19-20 ° C. (Biologiya Morya, Vladivostok, 2011, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 229-232).

Key words: limpets, reproduction, egg, trochophore, veliger, protoconch.

The Far Eastern seas of Russia are inhabited by 27 species of sea saucers, of which 21 species belong to the Lottiidae family (Chernyshev and Chernova, 2005). Currently, there is practically no information in the literature on the reproductive biology of patelllogastropods in this water area. There is only brief information on the reproduction and development of Erginus sybariticus (= Problacmea sybaritica) (Golikov, Kusakin, 1972; Golikov, Gulbin, 1978); Niveotectura pallida (= Acmea pallida) (Korenbaum, 1983); Iothia sp. and Erginus moskalevi (= Problacmea moskalevi) (Golikov and Gulbin, 1978; Golikov and Kusakin, 1978; Sasaki, 1998); Erginus rubella (= Problacmea rubella) and Rhodopetata rosea (Golikov and Gulbin, 1978); Erginus galkini (Chernyshev and Chernova, 2002); Lottia versicolor and Nipponacmea moskalevi (own data), Testudinalia tessellata (Golikov and Kusakin, 1978). The larval development and morphology of the protoconch of Limalepeta lima have been studied in most detail (see: Kolbin, 2006).

This work contains the first information on the reproduction and larval development of the sea saucer Lottia persona (Rathke, 1833) from the family Lottiidae. It is a widespread Pacific boreal species. It is found in the western and northern parts of the Sea of ​​Japan, distributed from the coast of Korea in the south, off the coast of the Kuril Islands, in the coastal waters of the Okhotsk and Bering seas, off the Pacific coast of America to the bay. Monterey in California in the southeast. Predominantly littoral species, inhabiting

It is found in the middle and lower horizons of the littoral and is rarely found in the uppermost sublittoral at a depth of 4 m.Inhabits mainly on hard and stony soils at water temperatures from negative values ​​in winter to 20 ° C in summer with a salinity of 30-34% o ( Golikov, Kusakin, 1978).

Material and methodology. Individuals of Lottia persona were collected at a depth of 0-1 m in the hall. Vostok (Peter the Great Bay) in mid-July 2009. Mollusks ready for spawning were kept in an aquarium with sea water at a temperature of 19-20 ° C and constant aeration. Soon after spawning and fertilization, the embryos were transferred into 300 ml glass containers filled with sterilized seawater, which was changed after 48 hours. On the 3rd day of development, a substrate was introduced into the container for settling of the larvae. During development, the larvae were not fed.

To study the general morphology of the larvae, an MBS-10 binocular, a Leica MZ 12.5 stereomicroscope, and a Polyvar light microscope were used. The study of the sculpture of larval and juvenile shells was carried out using scanning electron microscopes Leo-430 and EVO-40. The shells were fixed in 70% ethyl alcohol, dried in alcohols of increasing concentration and acetone, then glued on tables and sprayed with gold or platinum.

Results and discussion. Lottia persona is a dioecious species, in the pre-spawning period the gonads of males are milky or creamy, females are dark brown. Spawning mol-

1 This work was supported by grants from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (08-04-00929) and the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (10-Sh-V-06-122).

Morphology of the larvae and protoconch of Lottiapersona. A - a fertilized egg; B - trochophore; B - veliger; G - pediveliger; D - lateral side of the protoconch; E - dorsal side of the protoconch. Legend: ap - apical bundle of cilia, vl - velum, zn - leg bud, lu - lateral depression, n - leg, prt - prototroch, prk - protoconch, p - ribs, tlr - telotroch. Scale, μm: A - 50; B, D - 25; B - 30; D-E - 20.

luskov occurs in the second half of July at a water temperature of 19-20 ° C. Fertilization is external. Males release sperm in the form of dull white strands, which soon disintegrate, and the sperm are dispersed in the water column. Females spawn large, yolk-rich eggs of light brown color with a diameter of 145 μm (see figure, A). Trochophores with a size of 145 μm develop 12 hours after fertilization. By this time, a powerful proto-troch had already formed, encircling the larva almost in the middle and consisting of trochoblasts and bundles of long cilia (see figure, B). On the apical plate covered with short cilia-

mi, a bundle of long cilia is clearly visible, the telotroch (anal bundle of cilia) is visible on the opposite side. Such a larva actively swims due to the work of the prototroch. In 38 h, veligers develop from trochophores. The veligers L. persona typical of Patellogastropoda have a simple, not divided into lobes velum, equipped with long cilia, a transparent, symmetrical saccular shell (protoconch) with well-defined lateral depressions and a large rounded aperture (see figure, C, E, E). The length of the protoconch of the early veliger is 174 µm and the width is 145 µm. The sculpture of the larval shell is presented by shi


on the ventral side of the shell, the lines become narrow and directed perpendicularly to those of the dorsal and lateral regions (see figure, E, F). On the second day of development, a leg begins to form in the larvae, and individual larvae are already able to attach to the substrate for a short time (see figure, D). On the 3rd day, the larvae completely settle on the substrate, the leg begins to function actively, the velum is reduced, but its cilia remain mobile for several days. The tentacles of the eye appear. Such larvae are able to separate from the substrate and swim for a short time, after which they again sink to the bottom and attach to the substrate. The length of the protoconch before settling of the larvae is 180 µm, the width is 145 µm. During the period of metamorphosis, the teleoconch (juvenile shell) grows.

Sea saucers are one of the most ancient and primitive groups among the living Prosobranchia. Almost all representatives of the order Patellogastropoda have a simple structure of the reproductive system and a completely pelagic lecithotrophic type of development (Fretter and Graham, 1962; Ivanova-Kazas, 1977; Sasaki, 1998). The exception is viviparous species of the genus Erginus, in which embryonic and larval development takes place in the brood chamber (Lindberg, 1983).

Among the studied species of patelllogastropods in the hall. Peter the Great, the smallest eggs (130 μm) in Nipponacmea moskalevi (own data), and the largest (200 μm) in Niveotecturapallida (= Acmaeapallida) (see: Korenbaum, 1983). In Limalepeta lima, the egg size coincides with that of the studied species (145 μm) (Kolbin, 2006). The duration of development of sea saucers from spawning to settling is short and at a water temperature of 19-20 ° C is 3-7 days. An exception is N. pallida, in which the eggs are rather large, and the larvae develop at a water temperature of 16-19 ° C and settle on the ground after 2-3 weeks. after fertilization (Korenbaum, 1983). A short development (3-4 days) is characteristic of species with a relatively small egg diameter; however, in Lottia versicolor with a large egg cell 175 μm in diameter, development lasts 7 days. The shortest period of larval development is in Lottia persona, its duration is 3 days. Development of L. lima (Kolbin, 2006) and N. moskalevi (own data) lasts 4 days, L. versicolor - 7 days (own data). The rate of pelagic development of molluscs is determined not only by the size of the egg, but also by the ambient temperature. Thus, Lottia digitalis and L. asmi from the coastal waters of Oregon with egg diameters of 155 and 134 μm, respectively, at a temperature of 13 ° C, complete development in 7-8 days, and at 8 ° C the pelagic phase increases by 2-3 days (Kay, Emlet, 2002).

Family Seafood saucers - Patellidae- molluscs with a characteristic conical shell. They inhabit rocks, preferring areas periodically washed by the surf. Looking at the shells frozen in motionlessness, one might think that the saucers are sitting in one place all the time. But this is not so, just the period of their activity falls on the night hours. At this time, they dare to travel several tens of centimeters long. At the end of the walk, the snail invariably returns to its old place and takes its previous position. The shape of the edges of the shell exactly repeats the unevenness of the stone. At low tide, the animal snuggles against the rock and retains water until the next high tide. The saucers are perfectly adapted to the harsh living conditions in the surf zone. The thick shell protects them from the encroachments of predators and from the blows of the waves, and the wide leg acts as a sucker. Tearing off a saucer from a stone is not an easy task for a predator

Sea saucers are similar in appearance but profoundly different anatomically from Fisurellids. At the same time, they are very similar to other representatives of sea saucers, tecturids and lepetids. Snails of this group are characterized by a simplified symmetrical shell, shaped like a cap or a saucer turned upside down. An important anatomical feature characteristic of sea saucers is the presence of not two, but only one atrium in these snails, which is associated with a change in the respiratory system. In representatives of the family of sea saucers, both gills are reduced, remaining only in the form of rudiments; instead, secondary gills develop on the lower surface of the mantle. The family of sea saucers includes a relatively small number of forms. Patellidae are widespread in various seas, and some species are also found in highly freshened inland seas. Some types of seafood saucers are edible.

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Sea saucer

marine gastropods, which have a cap-shaped shell and are able to stick with their feet to a solid substrate, which unites them into a special life form. To M. b. include representatives of the family Patellidae, Tecturidae (a subclass of prosobranchs, more precisely circulars), Siphonariidae (subclass of lungs), etc.


Sea saucer

Sea saucer is a common name for various salt and freshwater snails (aquatic gastropods). It refers to snails with a simple shell, usually conical in shape, not coiled.

Sea saucers are most often called representatives of the treasure, real sea saucers that live in sea basins; however, conical shells arose several times during the evolution of gastropods in various clades with gill and pulmonary respiration. The name is associated with the characteristic "saucer" shape of the shell. Many molluscs with such a shell belong to different taxa:

    For example

    For example,

    For example

  • Heterobranchia, the Opisthobranchia group, for example
  • Heterobranchia, group Pulmonata, e.g. Siphonariidae, Latiidae,

Examination of the teeth of a platter has revealed that they are the most durable biological structure known.

(Patella) - genus. gastropods from the group of orbogillus, and in a broader sense, the family Patellidae (which is divided by other researchers into several closely related families: Patellidae, Acmaeidae, Lepetidae) - see Roundgill and Fig. Patella algira on tab. III Molluscs.

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  • - marine gastropods, which have a cap-shaped shell and are able to stick with their feet to a solid substrate, which unites them into a special life form ...

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  • - SEAFEDER - the international legal regime of the seabed and oceans and its subsoil beyond the continental shelf and national jurisdiction of states ...

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  • - see. On a silver platter ...

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  • -; pl. blue / dechki, R ....

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  • - BLUDECHKO, saucer, many others. saucers, saucers, saucers, cf. ... 1.fondling. to the saucer. 2. Small saucer. Jam dish ...

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  • - bl "...

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  • - Serve on a platter with a blue border to anyone. Spread. Leave smb. desired without the slightest effort on his part. NSZ-84; BTS, 216; F 2, 58, 87 ...

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"Sea saucer" in the books

V. Law of the sea

author Cullini John

V. Law of the sea

From the book Forests of the Sea. Life and death on the continental shelf author Cullini John

V. Law of the Sea More than any other natural phenomenon, the ocean is recognized as the greatest unifying system of the Earth. Taken together, the World Ocean forms a dynamic, integrating force of enormous complexity. He transforms powerful external influences,

2. "I will sink to the bottom of the sea ..."

From the book Against the Winds the author Dubinsky Ilya Vladimirovich

2. "I will sink to the bottom of the sea ..." On December 24, 1919, Denikin ordered General Schilling to occupy the Yekaterinoslav area. From here, according to the plan of the "supreme ruler" of the South of Russia, the offensive of three infantry divisions - the 13th, 34th, 5th, the group of General Sklyarov and the 3rd


From the book Half-Eyed Sagittarius the author Livshits Benedict Konstantinovich

246. SEA CEMETERY How this quiet shelter, where the dove splashes its Wing, trembles among the pines and tombs! The righteous South is ready to lay down fires Into the eternally emerging sea! O gratitude following the thought soon: A gaze contemplating the rest of the gods! How pure labor gnaws at lightning


From the book Frosty Patterns: Poems and Letters the author Sadovskoy Boris Alexandrovich

SEA BATHING Sailing lazily day after day. And every day at the appointed hour, Crunching hot stones, I can see the waves closely, you. Here is the same smoky-green Misty-hazy waves of space. How fresh and pure is their salty sigh, Flying to the heights of the yellow mountains! Light green

Naval battle

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Patella ulyssiponensis Gmelin, 1791 Taxonomic position Class Gastropoda. Order of ancient gastropods (Archaeogastropoda). Family of sea saucers (Patellidae). Conservation status Endangered species (1).


The Atlantic coast of Europe from Norway to Mauritania, the Macaronesian archipelago, the Mediterranean, Aegean, Marmara, Black and Azov seas.

Features of morphology

The shell is cap-shaped with a sharp apex, slightly displaced to the anterior margin, base size up to 35–40 mm and up to 14 mm high. Sculpture of frequent radial ribs of unequal height and frequent thin concentric growth lines. The shell edge is finely serrated. The color is yellowish-white with reddish-brown rays; the inner surface of the shell is porcelain-white, without a pattern.

Features of biology

They live in the surf zone on a rocky substrate at the water's edge. Attached to the substrate using a strong, muscular leg. They belong to the group of predominantly herbivorous mollusks (unicellular and multicellular algae, detritus), which use a special organ - the radula - to scrape off the growth on the rocks. At night, they make food migrations with a return to their former habitat (homing). They are protandric hermaphrodites - when the sexes change, the gonad first goes through the male and then the female phase of development. Spawns in late autumn and winter. It has a lecithotrophic larva with a short pelagic development.

Threat factors

Eating with rapa, pollution of the lithocontour, preventing the settling of the larvae.

Security measures

The last sighting of the sea saucer dates back to 2007. Given the rarity of the species and its local distribution, special attention should be paid to the protection of its habitats.

Sources of information

Milashevich, 1916; Keys to the fauna of the Black and Azov seas, 1972; Chukhchin, 1984; Tsikhon Lukanina, 1987; Zaitsev, 2008.

Compiled by: Revkov N.K. Photo: Revkov N.K.