5 years and 2 months ago Comments: 7

The SU-152 is a Tier 7 Soviet tank destroyer with a choice of two guns. Moreover, this choice will have a serious impact on the gameplay and preferred tactics, so it should be taken seriously. So, you will have to choose between the stock ML-20 high-explosive gun with a caliber of 152 mm and the top-end D-25S gun with a caliber of 122 mm. The guns are really very different, so the same tactics will not work for them.

Introduction and characteristics

ML-20 is a standard “high explosive”.

They are available on it, but their penetration is only 135 mm, which is very little at the seventh level. The one-time damage, of course, is simply huge: as much as 700 units. HEAT shells with the same damage and penetration of 250 mm are also available. The main ones for ML-20 are with damage of 910 units and penetration of 86 mm. Since the ML-20 is a high-explosive weapon, this gun takes a long time to bring down (3.4 seconds), and a hit from a long distance due to the accuracy of 0.5 is a real success. The rate of fire is 3.39 rounds per minute, which is not so bad for such a weapon.

The D-25S with a caliber of 122 mm is a worthy weapon for its level.

One-time damage of 390 units with a rate of fire of 3.39 rounds per minute forms a simply magnificent: 3162 units! Naturally, with a rammer this value will increase by another 10%. Damage per minute ML-20 when used high-explosive fragmentation shells is 3084, but do not forget about the low breakout. If penetration is incomplete, land mines cause significantly less damage. If you fire armor-piercing or cumulative bullets from the ML-20, the damage per minute will drop to 2373.

The D-25S can hardly be called an accurate weapon (0.41), and, to put it mildly, it does not fire very quickly (2.9 seconds). Although compared to the ML-20, it, of course, wins in these indicators. The penetration rate of an armor-piercing projectile for the D-25S is 175 mm (217 mm for a sub-caliber), which is not much for a level seven tank destroyer. With opponents of a higher level may occur serious problems.

So, the D-25S is better in almost all respects, does this mean that it is necessary to install this particular weapon? You can't say that. As mentioned above, the gameplay changes greatly when choosing one weapon or another. The D-25S involves shooting from medium and sometimes long range. allows you to remain unnoticed. But the ML-20 is effective only at close range, so stealth can only be maintained until the first shot. But simply huge damage will allow you to often send opponents to the hangar even with one hit.


So here There is no clear answer, it all depends on your preferred tactics. If you prefer to play the role of a classic ambush tank destroyer, then you should install the D-25S. In general, with the ML-20 you can also stand in the bushes and shoot from afar, but due to the terrible accuracy you will rarely hit. ML-20 suggests more aggressive play and close combat. Try driving with both guns and choose the one with which you will show the best results.





When I was preparing an article about my beloved, it suddenly turned out that almost everyone was interested ONLY in the ISU-152 (SU-152). Moreover, the requests are not technical, but emotional - tell me about the POWERFUL self-propelled gun. And be sure to voice the legend about the fact that the soldiers called her ST. At the very beginning of the article, examples of such requests are given.
At first I was surprised, but then I realized that these were apparently apologists for a very popular game in which tanks stupidly fight tanks.
For those who are not aware of the basics of tactics, I will tell you. Air battle this is normal - some fly to bomb, others destroy them. Even a fighter-to-fighter fight is normal - the more we shoot down strangers now (and not so much planes as pilots), the calmer our bombers will be in the future.
But if there was a battle between tanks, then one hundred percent that at least one of the commanders is a fool who does not understand tactics. Why? Read the articles - WHAT HAPPENED TO THE DARK GERMAN GENIUS AFTER THE WINTER OF '41? and T-44 THE BEST TANK OF THE SECOND WORLD WAR.

Well, as for lovers of one tank game, then they love exclusively everything very BIG and POWERFUL, and therefore they are looking for an exclusively POWERFUL self-propelled gun SU-152 (SU-152), forgetting to indicate that it was not only self-propelled but also ARTILLERY.

This is what they think something worthy of attention looks like.
It’s a shame that there are almost no requests for the SU-76 self-propelled artillery mount, although it had a more modern layout and was produced in the amount of twelve thousand versus six hundred SU-152 and one and a half thousand ISU-152. Well, what can you do, because she was not POWERFUL and was called not a St. John's wort but a bitch.
The most important thing is that many people confuse these two artillery installations. And this is not surprising. Both have the same weapons - a one hundred and fifty-two millimeter ML-20 howitzer cannon. These numbers are naturally included in the names of both self-propelled units. The conning tower of both self-propelled guns resembles an armored box. And the box is also a box in Africa.
Well, let's not talk about sad things. Let's just look at the device self-propelled gun ISU-152 (SU-152) and we will try to determine who has a better chance for a tiger or a hunter.

Design of self-propelled gun ISU-152 and (SU-152)

I read the articles in the top ten. The authors have a mess in their heads. One mixed the description of the SU-152 and the modern AKATSIA howitzer, at the same time giving it a rotating turret and an electric gun drive and a wedge breech instead of a piston one. Another, his article on photographs, voiced a legend that goes something like this. The self-propelled gun was created on the basis of the KV tank in the spring of forty-three. She destroyed everyone Kursk Bulge. And of course about the flying towers of panthers and tigers. Below I will explain why this is not possible in principle. The author also confused sighting range operation of a telescopic optical SIGHT with a DIRECT SHOT range of a gun and announced fantastic figures exceeding three kilometers.
Unfortunately, he is not the only one. Now every day on TV they talk about how Bandera’s supporters are DIRECTLY firing at Donetsk, Lugansk, and further down the list, using MORMORS. In general, for those who are not at all literate, I’ll explain - A DIRECT FIRE SHOT is when the trajectory of the projectile does not EXCEED THE HEIGHT OF THE TARGET.

A mortar, by definition, cannot fire direct fire, because any trajectory it has exceeds the height of the target.
And the distance of a direct shot also depends on the height of the target. If the person in the bottom photo gets down on all fours, the direct shot distance will be reduced from six hundred to three hundred meters. When referring to the direct firing range for tank guns, the target height is usually taken to be two meters.

Let's clarify. By the summer of '43, literally several SU-152s based on the KV tank were produced, and they may have participated in the Battle of Kursk. Then they stopped producing the KV tank, replacing it with a tank from the Joseph Stalin series. Accordingly, the history of the SU-152 self-propelled artillery mount ended there. By this time, just over six hundred of them had been produced. Much later, the same gun and almost the same conning tower were installed on the new chassis of the IS-2 tank, and legally the new self-propelled gun should be called ISU-152. But few people know these details and the name ISU-152 did not stick. Hence the confusion in the heads of many authors.

The ISU-152 self-propelled gun has a simple box-shaped body. The IS-2 tank is used as a basis. The tank had a modern chassis with torsion bar suspension and an engine from a T-34, supposedly boosted.

Accordingly, all this was inherited by the ISU-152 self-propelled artillery mount.
The layout of the self-propelled gun was the most primitive - a stationary wheelhouse with a cannon was simply placed on the tank's hull. Moreover, the conning tower was located in the front part of the hull. The designers had before their eyes both German samples and their own developments with a more rational layout. But there was neither time nor opportunity to produce a self-propelled gun of a different configuration.

The photographs show that our designers had an idea of ​​rational layouts. In both cases, the fixed conning tower is located at the rear of the hull.
The weapon chosen was powerful enough to destroy field fortifications. The tiger was the last thing on our minds. What is my belief based on? There was simply a special anti-tank version with a powerful 122 mm gun, but it was not put into production. Apparently at the end of the war the tigers didn’t bother us much.

Anti-tank version of a self-propelled gun based on the IS-2 tank. True, there were cases when, instead of an ML-20 howitzer, a one hundred and twenty-two millimeter caliber gun was installed, but this happened because the ML-20 barrels were sorely lacking.

The barrel with a primitive shel muzzle brake and an equally primitive piston bolt was taken from the ML-20 long-range howitzer

This is an outstanding gun, its barrel was used on many post-war systems.

D-20 gun and self-propelled howitzer ACACIA having an ancient barrel from ML-20. The history of this barrel can be read in the article THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GUN.

The bolt with recoil devices was occupied most fighting compartment. Heavy projectile and the primitive piston bolt did not allow more than two aimed shots per minute. The barrel could deviate twelve degrees in both directions horizontally and eighteen degrees up and five down. This limited the firing range to six kilometers; the ML-20 howitzer, without such restrictions on vertical aiming, fired at eighteen kilometers. The ammunition load was only twenty shells.

Combat use of the ISU-152 self-propelled gun

I don't know if we met self-propelled guns SU-152 with tigers on the Kursk Bulge, there were very few of them.
Subsequently, the ISU-152 and SU-152 self-propelled guns were mainly used against field fortifications. There were cases of its use in battles in the city. True, in the city, along with ISU-152, there was always an infantry assault group that tried to protect combat vehicle from grenade launchers. The main advantage of the self-propelled gun was its powerful projectile, which could bring down half a house or make a passage through the rubble blocking the street.
But what about the tiger towers flying through the air and blocking the sun? The self-propelled gun appeared at the front in the summer of forty-four, when massive tank battles are a thing of the past and encounters with tigers were the exception rather than the rule. But of course there were meetings, what chances of victory did the opposing sides have?

St. John's wort vs tiger

First, let's go over the terms. The real firing distance is the distance at which the hit was meaningful and not accidental. For that time it was approximately one thousand eight hundred meters.
So, at real fire range, the tiger’s cannon easily penetrated the sixty-millimeter armor of the SU-152. The self-propelled gun even more easily penetrated a hundred millimeter frontal armor tiger So both the tiger and the St. John's wort were completely naked to each other. The main thing was to get there first. But here the tiger had a HUGE advantage. First of all, the sight. Zeiss still surpasses the sights of the VOLOGDA OPTICAL PLANT, but there is nothing to say about those times. I read about the moral torment of the commander St. John's wort who knocked out several tanks from a distance of two kilometers, and then drove for a whole kilometer and thought that he would be rewarded or shot. The poor quality of the optics did not allow him to identify the panthers he shot down or the T-34.
Both guns had a muzzle brake that directed the powder gases to the sides and made it difficult to observe the tracer of an armor-piercing projectile. Our muzzle brake still managed to throw dirt from the ground onto optical sight. The caliber and power of the gun had an impact here. When shooting in the city at a distance of fifty meters from the muzzle brake, all the window glass was guaranteed to fly out.
The second point is the rate of fire - two shots from St. John's wort versus at least six aimed shots from a tiger. It's even worse at close range. The ISU-152 self-propelled gun had a low initial projectile velocity and, accordingly, short range direct shot. Many articles indicate a direct fire range of 3800 meters, but this is due to illiteracy. This refers to the range at which the TELESCOPIC SIGHT allowed you to shoot. And direct fire assumes that the trajectory of the projectile does not exceed the target height. For long-range shooting, the HERTZ PANORAMA was used.
True, sometimes it helped. The tiger crew tried to block the forest road and violated the main rule of defense - you cannot take up defensive positions along the border of the forest, since the forest is an excellent reference point for artillery. Moreover, the tiger itself was placed with its stern against a pine tree. Our crew hid the self-propelled gun behind a tiny mound and fired at the trunk of a pine tree without seeing the enemy tank. Due to the steep trajectory of the projectile, the tiger was caught.
Well, the last thing - the tiger’s gun was in a rotating turret with a wonderful electric drive, ours has a gun facing straight forward. And the number of shells is ninety for the tiger and twenty for the ISU-152.
In general, if you take an open field, the St. John's wort had a chance against a tiger, but it was very small.

Why couldn't tiger towers fly over the battlefield?

Blame the damned laws of physics. If the turret does not fly off when fired from a tank, then the turret should not fly off when hit by a shell. It may be objected to me that the ISU-152 self-propelled gun did not have a turret and the gun was very powerful.

Here in the photo is a modern self-propelled artillery mount. Moreover, for the purity of the experiment, it was made on the basis of a tank. The gun is twice as powerful as that of the ISU-152 with the same caliber. The tower has virtually no armor. That is, by definition it is lighter than a tiger tower. And when fired, it doesn’t fly anywhere. Why should the tower fly away when hit by a shell? If I haven’t convinced you, then try to knock out the window frame yourself by hitting the glass with a hammer. The example is, of course, a little exaggerated, but it illustrates the physical meaning of the phenomenon.
But what about the numerous photographs of torn tank turrets, you ask? The towers simply fall off after the ammunition explodes.

The seventh level Soviet anti-tank self-propelled gun has low mobility, so it often has to operate in the same battle formations as heavy tanks.

The predecessor of the Soviet anti-tank self-propelled gun ISU-152.


Lv. gun Breakthrough
Rapid fire
(m/100 m)
VI 135/228/86 700/700/910 3.39 0.5 3.43 2500 49290
VII 122 mm A-19 mod. 1937 175/217/61 390/390/465 6.65 0.43 2.86 2600 94000
VIII 122 mm D-25S arr. 1944 175/217/64 390/390/465 8.08 0.41 2.86 2590 106400

Compatible Equipment

Compatible equipment

SU-152 in the game

Research and leveling

Modules SU-152

The choice of weapon depends on the tactics you followed on your long and difficult (but, I hope, interesting and exciting) path to the “St. John’s wort”:

122 mm D-25S arr. 1944

If you chose a fast-firing and accurate weapon with low damage - 57 mm ZiS-8S on AT-1, 57 mm ZIS-2 on SU-76, 85 mm D-5S on SU-85, 100 mm D-10S on the SU-100 - then your choice - 122 mm D-25S arr. 1944, the top gun of the SU-152, has the highest DPM (damage units per minute) - an excellent ratio of single damage and rate of fire, good accuracy, as well as mediocre armor penetration. For shooting, it is best to use mainly Armor-Piercing shells, since 122 mm High-Explosive fragmentation shells have fairly low damage. This gun is great for "close attack support" tactics.

152 mm ML-20 arr. 1931/37

If you preferred a weapon with high one-time damage - 76 mm L-10S on AT-1, 76 mm ZIS-3 on SU-76, 107 mm ZiS-6S on SU-85, 122 mm D2-5S on the SU-100 - then your choice - 152 mm ML-20 arr. 1931/37- basic gun SU-152. “High-explosive bomb”, “Dryn”, “Jamming”, “Log” - nicknames of this weapon speak for themselves. Forty-eight kilogram shells 152 mm ML-20 arr. 1931/37, despite their rather mediocre armor penetration, they have enormous damage. Armor-piercing shells are capable of penetrating the armor of such “tough nuts” as the KV, Tiger, Royal Tiger, Ferdinand and even the formidable VK4502(P) Ausf. B". However, remember - if you have a loaded AP shell, do not take risks, aim very carefully at the most vulnerable and weakly armored points of the enemy. Otherwise, if the armor is not penetrated, you will be destroyed even before you reload. High explosive shells 152 mm ML-20 arr. 1931/37 still have big damage, but their armor penetration is very low. Basically, these shells are used to cripple and minimize the effectiveness of enemy heavy tanks: often, after a single hit by a HE shell, for example, on the Royal Tiger, half of the latter’s crew is disabled, and several modules are seriously damaged at once: the gun, ammunition rack, tracks, surveillance devices. One last thing: remember that 152 mm ML-20 arr. 1931/37- one of the most inaccurate in the game. However, practically the only “niche” of the howitzer-gun 152 mm ML-20 arr. 1931/37 in the game - firing from long and medium distances. In practice, close combat for the SU-152 ends very quickly - having discovered you after your shot, the enemy first of all tries to knock off your tracks, get closer and come in from the side. In this case, without the support of your comrades, you are doomed.

Combat effectiveness

SU-152 is a powerful argument on the battlefield. When using HE shells 152 mm ML-20 arr. 1931/37 Even level 10 tanks take significant damage from any position and often “stand on the harp.” Which is a good help, since you can wait for a long reload behind cover. However, the real nightmare for the enemy comes if you manage to hit the weakly armored sides and stern: in this case, the absorption of high-explosive damage is minimal, and damage of 600 and above allows you to feel like you are in control of the situation.

Soviet tanks in the game are not ideologically designed to withstand enemy fire, however, starting with the Su-152 (and further down the line) we have a “trollface” - a thick and rather large gun mantlet, which is completely normal not to be penetrated by level 10 guns. Therefore, if there is a choice, we lean out from behind cover on the right. If, nevertheless, a head-on close battle occurs, we watch where exactly the enemy is aiming and “dance”, trying to substitute the tracks or the mask. Sometimes this allows us to “miraculously escape” from certain death, when some IS-3 receives a couple of non-penetrations about us.


  • high damage;
  • average rate of fire;
  • weak armor;
  • high visibility;
  • bad review;

Equipment, gear and ammunition

  1. "Tank destroyer for attack fire support", gun - 122 mm D-25S arr. 1944:


The oil is activated for the entire battle and gives the self-propelled gun a 5% increase in engine power, which is useful when following a strike group.

  1. "Backbone of Defense", gun - 152 mm ML-20 arr. 1931/37:


The limiter requires activation and gives a power increase of 10%, but at a short time. At the beginning of the battle, having already outlined your future firing position, you need to turn on the limiter and take it at maximum speed, turning off the limiter immediately after stopping. Each run from one position to another must be done in afterburner, at maximum speed and with the limiter turned on. However, you should not get carried away, otherwise you can damage the engine and end up with a sad face and looking sad at the most intense moment at the end of the battle.

Known Issues

Inconsistencies with the historical prototype

  • In the game, the base gun of the SU-152 is called 152 mm ML-20 arr. 1931/37 In fact, the SU-152 self-propelled gun was armed with a special modification of this howitzer-gun - ML-20S. The differences between the swinging parts of the self-propelled and towed versions were determined by the need to ensure the convenience of the loader and gunner in the cramped fighting compartment of the self-propelled gun. In particular, the horizontal and vertical aiming flywheels of the ML-20S were located to the left of the barrel (while 152 mm ML-20 arr. 1931/37- on both sides) and the self-propelled version of the gun was additionally equipped with a charging tray.
  • The first weapon available for research is 122 mm A-19 mod. 1937- the same inaccuracy. Firstly, its real name is “122-mm hull gun mod. 1931/37", where 1931 is the year the gun was put into service in its original version, 1937 is the year it was put into service with a modified carriage, with the same swinging part. And that’s all - towed, that is, “wheeled” options. For installation in the self-propelled guns, the same changes were made to the design of the gun as in the ML-20. The differences between the self-propelled version of the gun (A-19C) and the towed one (A-19) were the transfer of the gun guidance controls to one side, the equipping of the breech with a receiver tray for ease of loading and the introduction of an electric trigger. The A-19S was not installed on the SU-152, since it was developed after the completion of serial production of the SU-152 and was proposed as an armament option for the new ISU-152 self-propelled guns. In December 1943 prototype“Object 242” of the new self-propelled gun was built and transferred for testing. On March 12, 1944, the self-propelled gun was officially adopted by the Red Army under the designation ISU-122, and its serial production began in April of the same year.
  • Armor-piercer- for excellent armor penetration performance of the 122mm D-25S mod. 1944

The SU-152 heavy self-propelled gun was developed at the beginning of 1943 and was the first example of a heavy self-propelled artillery unit manufactured at the Chelyabinsk plant on the basis of the KB-1C heavy tank. The design team was headed by L.S. Troyanov.

In connection with the start of preparations for a decisive offensive at Stalingrad? State Committee Defense made a decision in the shortest possible time(pf 25 days!) create a powerful self-propelled artillery unit. armed with a 152-mm howitzer cannon - a new effective means of combating enemy tanks.

For designers and technologists - participants in the ultra-high-speed design of artillery self-propelled guns - it was a time of super-intense work. Many lived right in the offices, slept on beds placed near the drawing boards, without leaving the workshop for weeks. It was necessary to solve many problems in a short time: how to position fighting compartment and a howitzer, taking into account its ballistics, how to reduce the load on the body when firing in order to prevent damage to the torsion bars, how to allocate space for rollback, etc.

And now on February 7, 1943, the newly created self-propelled guns are successfully tested, and by March 1, the first series of 35 vehicles was produced Director Kirov plant A.A. Goreglyad and Zh.Ya. Kotin was reported to the People's Commissariat: "The task of the State Defense Committee... to design and manufacture a self-propelled artillery installation with a 152-mm howitzer gun of the 1937 model ML-20 based on the KB-1C has been completed. The KB-14 self-propelled gun, after factory tests, was transferred to the state commission." In the spring of 1943, new vehicles began to arrive in training units and in active army.

At the same time, she received her new and final index SU-152. During the production process, changes were made to the design of the vehicle aimed at improving its combat qualities. In particular, a turret installation was developed for DShK machine gun. However, the life of these machines in production was short-lived. Already in the fall of 1943, its place in the assembly shop was taken by ISU-152. In total, from spring to autumn 1943, ChKZ produced more than 600 SU-152 vehicles.

By the beginning of the Battle of Kursk, several hundred 152-mm self-propelled guns had been manufactured. The Germans were in the dark and mistook them either for stationary artillery installations, or for batteries of ship guns, or even for supertanks. General layout of the SU-152. like medium self-propelled guns: in the front part there are control and combat compartments, in the stern there is a motor-transmission compartment. In the bow of the hull, next to the gun, there was a driver mechanic, to the right of the gun was the vehicle commander, and to the left of the gun was the gunner. and in the rear part of the hull there are two loaders.

The chassis was similar to the KB-1C tank and inherited all the shortcomings inherent in the engine-transmission group of this vehicle. Onboard
armor, only 60 mm thick, did not protect against German long-barreled 75 mm and 88 mm guns. Another drawback was the small horizontal aiming angle of the gun - about 12" and, as a result, the vulnerability of the self-propelled guns from the flanks. But despite all this, the SU-152 earned the reputation of a very necessary machine among the front-line soldiers. All its shortcomings were covered by enormous firepower.

The SU-152 received its baptism of fire in the battles of the Kursk Bulge, where the greatest effectiveness of its use was demonstrated tank armies as a means of developing success. Self-propelled gun shells not only broke through the armor of German “Panthers” and “Tigers”, but often tore off their turrets altogether, smashed and overturned medium fascist tanks. We walked recent months war. The city and fortress of Koenigsberg were turned into a single powerful fortified area. Path Soviet tanks and the infantry was blocked by a ring of old forts and the latest reinforced concrete pillboxes. Fort Queen Louise proved particularly difficult. Our lungs anti-tank guns, which were transported through the Land Graben Canal. unsuccessfully tried to break through the barricaded gates and walls of the fort.

Performance characteristics SU-152

Heavy guns were needed, which could not be delivered under dense, destructive fire.
The volley that rang out heavy guns forced our machine gunners to raise their heads - 152-mm guns were firing. After the second salvo, a battery of heavy SU-152 self-propelled guns appeared from behind the ruins. The command vehicle stopped and fired at one of the "Tigers", and when the smoke cleared, the machine gunners saw a "Tiger" turned sideways without a turret. The crew of the second "Tiger" left the car in panic. Now the self-propelled guns, firing from short stops at the embrasures, quickly advanced to the gates of the fort. With each self-propelled gun shot, flames flared up in the towers of the fort, the firing points were suppressed, the walls collapsed. Another powerful volley swept away the barricade at the gate, and the battery, together with the infantry, burst into the internal fortifications of the fort. 350 prisoners were taken. 9 tanks. 200 cars, fuel warehouses.

Battery of self-propelled guns SU-152. which suppressed the firing points of one of the enemy’s most fortified forts in April 1945, was part of the 350th Guards Self-Propelled Artillery Regiment. Its commander was senior lieutenant Alexander Kosmodemyansky.
In 1944, individual tank self-propelled artillery regiments (OTSAP) began to gradually rearm with new ISU-152 and ISU-122. These vehicles managed to eliminate the disadvantages inherent in the chassis of KV tanks and strengthen the armor without increasing weight. The turret mount developed for the SU-152 was useful for the ISU self-propelled guns.

The remaining SU-152 self-propelled guns continued to be actively used, so few of them reached the end of the war. Currently, a sample of the SU-152 is on display at the Museum armored vehicles in Kubinka near Moscow.

Data source: author Arkhipova M.A. "Complete encyclopedia of tanks and armored vehicles of the USSR"

The SU-152 has two cool weapons in its arsenal: a stock high explosive with huge damage per shot and a top-end hole puncher with a high rate of fire.

Leveling up

  • To research the SU-152, 31,500 experience points are required. The previous tank was SU-100;
  • First of all, we study the chassis, even though a top-end gun can also be installed on a stock one. We will be able to install optional equipment and we will be able to rotate the body 3 degrees faster.
  • The pre-top gun is a pass-through weapon and does not have any advantages.
  • Engine. Increases maximum speed and dynamic characteristics of the SU-152.
  • The top gun exhibits high damage per second, but it comes with a high price for shells.
  • We study the radio station last.

Top equipment



  • high one-time damage of a stock high explosive, which covers all the disadvantages of this AT;
  • strong and large gun mantlet;
  • acceptable mobility;
  • high rate of fire of the top gun;
  • high penetration by a cumulative projectile.


  • weak armor;
  • high visibility;
  • bad review;
  • extremely low accuracy of the stock high explosive;
  • long reload time for a stock gun;
  • low penetration by armor-piercing projectiles;
  • small UVN.


122 mm D-25S arr. 1944

Choosing a fast-firing and accurate weapon with low damage - 57 mm ZiS-8S on the AT-1, 57 mm ZiS-2 on the SU-76, 85 mm D-5S on the SU-85, 100 mm D-10S on the SU-100 - then recommended choice - 122 mm D-25S arr. 1944, the top gun of the SU-152, has the highest DPM (damage units per minute) - an excellent ratio of single damage and rate of fire, good accuracy, as well as good armor penetration. For shooting it is best to use mainly armor-piercing shells, since high-explosive fragmentation weapons have fairly low damage. This gun is great for "close attack support" tactics.

152 mm ML-20 arr. 1931/37

Giving preference to guns with high one-time damage - 76 mm L-10S on the AT-1, 76 mm ZiS-3 on the SU-76, 122 mm M-30S on the SU-85, 122 mm D2-5S on the SU-100 - then yours choice - 152 mm ML-20 mod. 1931/37 - basic gun SU-152. “High Explosive”, “Dryn”, “Suppressor”, “Log” - the nicknames of this weapon speak for themselves. 48 kg shells 152 mm ML-20 mod. 1931/37, despite its rather mediocre armor penetration, have enormous damage.

Armor-piercing shells are capable of penetrating the armor of such “tough nuts” as the KV, Tiger, Royal Tiger, Ferdinand and even the formidable VK4502(P) Ausf. B". However, remember - if you have a loaded AP shell, do not take risks, aim very carefully at the most vulnerable and weakly armored points of the enemy. Otherwise, if the armor is not penetrated, you will be destroyed before you even reload. In general, it makes sense to load one AP shell at the beginning of the battle, the first enemies you see will most likely be fireflies, and they are usually lightly armored.

High-explosive shells 152 mm ML-20 mod. 1931/37 They have even greater damage, but their armor penetration is very low. Basically, these shells are used to cripple and minimize the effectiveness of enemy heavy tanks: often, after a single hit by a HE shell, for example, on the Royal Tiger, half of the latter’s crew is disabled, and several modules are seriously damaged at once: the gun, ammunition rack, tracks, surveillance devices.

And the last thing: 152 mm ML-20 mod. 1931/37 - one of the most inaccurate in the game. However, practically the only “niche” of the 152 mm ML-20 mod. 1931/37 in the game - firing from long and medium distances. In practice, close combat for the SU-152 ends very quickly - having discovered you after your shot, the enemy first of all tries to knock off your tracks, get closer and come in from the side. In this case, without the support of her comrades, the SU-152 is doomed to death.

Crew skills and abilities

Equipment and gear


SU-152 is a powerful argument on the battlefield. In terms of tactics and combat power, the SU-152 is a bit like a heavy tank. When using HE shells with 152 mm ML-20 mod. 1931/37 even the thickest enemies high level take significant damage from any position and often “stand on the harp,” which is a good help, since you can wait a long reload behind cover. However, the real nightmare for the enemy comes if you manage to hit the weakly armored sides and stern: in this case, the absorption of high-explosive damage is minimal, and damage of 600 and above allows you to feel like you are in control of the situation.

Soviet tanks in the game are not ideologically designed to withstand enemy fire, however, starting with the SU-152 (and further along the branch), the player has advantages - a thick and rather large gun mantlet, which is completely normal not to be penetrated by level 10 guns. Therefore, if you have a choice, you should lean out from behind cover on the right. If, nevertheless, a head-on close combat occurs, you need to monitor where exactly the enemy is aiming and “dance”, trying to substitute the tracks or mask. Sometimes this allows you to “miraculously escape” from certain death, when some IS-3 receives a couple of non-penetrations about the SU-152.

The most ideal tactics are attacks and breakthroughs. The SU-152 inflicts enormous damage, leaving incapacitated half-dead opponents for the allies to finish off. Speaking of allies, never neglect their support. Reloading 152 mm ML-20 mod. 1931/37 very long and at this time the SU-152 is completely defenseless. Although the SU-152 resembles a heavy tank in tactics, this tank destroyer cannot quickly distribute damage left and right while simultaneously taking shells.

It’s better not to stand on defense for the same reason that it takes a long reload. By putting the SU-152 on the defensive, the attacking group will immediately lose the fire support of the SU-152. And 700 damage per shot will never be superfluous.

The choice of weapon depends on the tactics the player follows.

Historical reference

SU-152 - heavy Soviet self-propelled artillery unit (SAU) from the Great Patriotic War Patriotic War, built on the basis heavy tank KV-1s and armed with a powerful 152-mm howitzer-cannon ML-20S. In terms of its combat mission, the SU-152 was equally a heavy tank destroyer and a heavy assault gun.

Construction of the first SU-152 prototype called Object 236 (also KV-14 or SU-14) was completed on January 24, 1943, and began the following month serial production. Due to the discontinuation of the KV-1S base tank in December 1943, the SU-152 was replaced in production by the equally armed and better armored ISU-152; a total of 670 self-propelled artillery units of this type were built.