Date of publication: 06/06/2011

Hello. Today I want to announce a new section Life Hack, in which I will reveal the secrets of self-motivation and efficient work online. Often, beginners (and old people too), trying to make money on the Internet, make a number of mistakes, one of which is the poor use of time. If you also suffer from this disease, then read below.

  • Many of us keep diaries, writing down plans for the day, week, month. How do you write down your tasks? “Buy this”, “do this”? This approach is fundamentally wrong! You need to write your goals in complete form., that is, “ordered content for the site”, instead of “order content”, or “bought a domain”, instead of “buy a domain”. This seemingly minor change will help you focus on the end result rather than the process.
  • Set yourself 15 minute goals.! Figure out what you can do in this period, divide your to-do list into short sections, take a stopwatch and go! Each of us knows that when there is an emergency at work or school, then in one day you can manage to do as much as you can’t always do in a normal day. working week. The main condition for 15-minute goals is strict adherence to the selected time periods - you didn’t have time, you put it off, next time you will be more active! If you deviate from this rule, the method will stop working.
  • Get started write down your “wins” and “losses” per day! Every day you succeed in some things and not in others. Make it a rule to write down your main victory and main failure in your diary. What will this give you? After about a month of conducting such reporting, you will have an excellent basis for analysis! For example, among your failures in a month, “overslept for work” is written three times - this is a relapse that you need to do something about, either buy a new alarm clock, or start going to bed earlier - the choice of solution is yours, the main thing is that you now know the problems in person . Why record victories? In order to see your progress forward, if you focus only on failures, then it won’t take long to fall into depression.
  • Measuring goals. It often happens that you set goals for yourself, but day after day you don’t start fulfilling them. This is possible for two reasons:
    • The goal is too grandiose and you don’t know how to approach it. For example, you want to create a mega SDL with a traffic of 10,000 unique visitors per day. You can’t tackle such a task in a hurry, so it’s important to divide it into several small ones - decide on the topic, sources of traffic, content, etc. In this case, the goal will go from being abstract and impracticable to simply difficult, but quite real, and all you have to do is start taking action.
    • The goal may be small and uninteresting. As a rule, if the task you must complete does not have an immediate return, if the process itself does not bring you pleasure and seems petty, then in this case additional motivation is required, decide why you need to do it. For example, “check site positions”, why? To “evaluate the effectiveness of promotion to the top”, why? To “make adjustments”, why? To “increase traffic”, why? To “earn money” more money" I think the idea is clear.

In general, it is important to remember the principle - if it’s difficult, ask yourself the question “how?”; if it’s not interesting, ask yourself the question “why?”

  • Goal "I can't". If the goal you set seems impossible, then try to imagine in what case you would be able to achieve your plan. Perhaps to achieve your goal you need professional advice, large financial resources, or a lot of free time. Try to imagine that you have all this (realism plays a role in this case last role). Great, what are your actions now? Think through everything to the smallest detail, train your brain to think that the goal is achievable and a realistic solution will arise by itself.
  • Do everything on time and not be late. As practice has shown, being late is not a matter of traffic jams and workload, all the problems are hidden in your head. You wouldn’t be late for an Oscar ceremony, would you? The next time you get ready for a meeting, imagine that there is not a client waiting for you, but, say, the mayor of the city, find a way to motivate yourself!
  • Finally, another technique is called "15 minute dream". Make it a rule to devote 15 minutes a day to your dreams - places you would like to visit, people you would like to meet, etc. It is important to dream, and not to go through possible solutions. current problems. This technique will help you not become rigid in today, but constantly strive forward and grow above yourself.

That's all for today. I hope you made it through the article to the end and it will help you use your time wisely. If you have something to say, please comment.


  1. Marusya wrote:
    07 Jun 2011 at 2:36

    Thank you! 🙂

  2. Tatiana Kasumova wrote:
    07 Jun 2011 at 14:56

    Very good article. Nowadays, many people who do business lack time. If you don’t analyze where your time is going, you won’t be able to get anything done. And this, of course, makes one give up. Thank you.

  3. Olga wrote:
    07 Jun 2011 at 15:03

    There is an old parable about working with goals: a sage was asked how to achieve a global goal, the sage answered - in the same way as you would eat an elephant, that is, in parts. Small steps. I have never seen a 15-minute training before. I'll try to fit it into my day.

  4. Olga wrote:
    07 Jun 2011 at 17:09

    Thank you for the informative article!

  5. Valentina Zaporozhets wrote:
    07 Jun 2011 at 18:05

    Thank you, Igor, for the post! At one time, no one taught us that we need to set goals, we need to write goals, we need to work with them. And we lived as God dictated. But it turns out there were wise people who did this long before us.
    Do you remember the Arctic explorer Otto Schmidt? At the age of 14 he managed to determine his life goals. Schmidt wrote them, and when he calculated how much time was needed to achieve these goals, it turned out to be -240 years! He understood that it was physically impossible to achieve all these goals, and crossed out the secondary ones. Schmidt calculated what was left again, and it turned out that he needed about 120 years to implement them. But these are the only ones left important goals, and he could no longer cross out anything.
    So, he died at 64 years old and by this time he had achieved almost all of his goals that he had thought of setting in his youth!
    Goals are a powerful incentive for us to move forward.

  6. Salima wrote:
    08 Jun 2011 at 11:51


    Thanks for the good advice.
    What I liked the most was the point “Do everything on time and not be late”, this was just written for me.
    I would like to stay longer on your blog, but sorry, I’m late for the Oscars. 🙂


  7. Igor wrote:
    08 Jun 2011 at 19:25

    I would state the point of victory and defeat as follows: “When starting the next event in the plan, put a bold “minus” at the end of the day, summing up the results, answer yourself as honestly as possible whether you completed it or not. If you have completed the “minus”, we cross it out with a perpendicular rosary, we get a “plus”, and we transfer the minuses to the next day.” Next is an analysis of what has been done and the motto of A. Suvorov - solve tactical problems like in checkers, think one move ahead.

  8. Victoria wrote:
    09 Jun 2011 at 23:50

    Hello) thank you for such valuable advice. Tomorrow I want to test them in real life!!! not a standard approach. I’m such a person that I want to do a lot of things, I know where to start, I don’t do anything, I understand the breed, but I can’t bring myself to do it, I don’t know, maybe I don’t have the willpower.
    so I'll try to put this into practice

  9. Lena wrote:
    10 Jun 2011 at 17:51

    Good article, you should try it))

  10. Tatiana wrote:
    03 Jan 2012 at 14:07

    Thank you, the information is interesting and useful

  11. Sonny wrote:
    29 Jun 2015 at 19:13

    The article is not bad, it was written with meaning, I liked the content, all that remains is to put everything written above into practice.

For 90% of people, the work process is chaotic. It would seem that, working according to schedule or according to plan, they still do not have time to do the most important thing and, as a result, remain dissatisfied. In the struggle for effective activity and achievement of set goals, only rational use of working time can help, and we will tell you exactly how in this article.

Awareness and understanding of priorities

In work, what is important, first of all, is the result: the problem solved and the goal achieved. But in order for it to be achieved, it is important to build a work process, allocating time for force majeure, which happens to everyone. To do this, you need to introduce rational working time planning into your life.

Time management

Many employers and business owners are implementing a system to help staff work more efficiently. Its use has the following advantages:

  • Saving employee time and effort.
  • Minimizing employee stress and increasing the level of stress resistance due to preparedness for force majeure.
  • Increased self-organization and personal responsibility.
  • Increased productivity of each employee and organization.
  • A beneficial atmosphere in the team thanks to a properly scheduled work process.

The basis of time management is. Before you organize work time, it is necessary to decide what to this moment is really important and what should be addressed first. But don’t forget about secondary tasks and little things that affect the result.

Before organizing your working time, you need to decide what is really important at the moment and what should be done first.

Thanks to the right choice priorities, a person, both at work and in life, will be able to achieve his goal faster and easier, spending time, energy and money on what he really needs.

An organization that has implemented the basics of time management will not have problems with the efficiency of employees, as a result of which it will be at a minimum level, and the implementation of projects and the achievement of strategic goals will be carried out faster and with limited financial losses.

Tools and Techniques

To begin implementing time management, as a result of which an employee or the entire organization will use working time rationally, follows the choice of methods and.

Working time planning

Almost every entrepreneur has heard about this tool, but not everyone plans their time correctly. As a result, there is a loss of time, and the result of the work is unsatisfactory. There are simple ones, but effective ways time planning.

It is important to plan your working day in the evening, summing up the day, and write a plan for the next day, taking into account force majeure. You can do this in a notepad, in a table on your personal PC or smartphone, using Google or an email calendar. It is important that you see with your own eyes what you need to do and what you did not have time to do. The “keep everything in mind” option is not suitable - there is too great a risk of missing an important meeting or urgent matter.

It is important to plan your working day in the evening, summing up the day, and write a plan for the next day, taking into account force majeure.

Planning is the number 1 tool in human time management. Indeed, thanks to this method, efficiency increases by at least 25% in the first days, which has been proven by research.

Eliminating time wasters

Every person in life and labor activity there are these habits or constant influence from the outside, which takes up a lot of useful time. It's about about talking on the phone with a girlfriend or boyfriend, frequent breaks for coffee or smoking, playing games online or gossiping with colleagues. It would seem that this is innocent fun, but you should know that it takes up a lot of valuable time and does not allow you to complete your plan on time.

It is important to discover, for example, write down on a piece of paper, useless time expenditures during the day and get rid of them one by one.


This key moment planning working hours. An excellent tool for its implementation is . Using a simple square, divided into 4 more squares, in 10-15 minutes a person will be able to determine what is really important to him, dividing the tasks into 4 points:

  • Urgent and important.
  • Not urgent and important.
  • Urgent and unimportant.
  • Not urgent and unimportant.

All tasks will be before your eyes throughout the day, prioritized. This will allow you to complete urgent and important tasks without being distracted by lower priority tasks.

Pareto's 80/20 law

It is that 20% of the effort spent brings 80% of the results. It is necessary to filter out the ineffective and unnecessary ones from the total mass of tasks in order to concentrate your efforts on 20% of the truly effective and efficient points of the plan.


Motivation is very important in any job. When setting goals for the day, you need to understand what you will get as a result. Intrinsic motivation– this is the strongest lever for achieving your goals.

There are a lot of tools and methods for planning work time. We have described the most significant ones in this article. But no matter what methods are used, it is imperative at the end of the working day to sum up the results and identify weak spots and clearly formulate a plan for the next day, taking into account the result of a particular day.

Many families do not know how to properly spend the money coming into the family budget. Millions of people spend thousands of rubles every month on things that are completely unnecessary to them, but you can only afford extra expenses with large incomes. However, making spontaneous purchases is common to everyone. Therefore, the question of how to spend money rationally worries almost everyone. The answer to this question can be found in our article, in addition, learn how to distribute your budget and plan all your expenses.

How to learn to save

In order to learn how to save family money, you should not limit your needs; you need to competently manage your existing finances. So, how to learn to spend money rationally and save:

  1. Constantly keep records of all your expenses and analyze them. Accustom yourself to highlight priority expenses, and secondary ones that you can do without.
  2. Plan your expenses within the limits of the funds received (earned).
  3. Accustom yourself to saving money for unforeseen expenses, this will allow you not to take out loans during a crisis (loss of job, illness, and so on).

General savings rules

If you exclude unnecessary expenses, this does not mean lowering your quality of life. How not to spend a lot of money or saving rules:

  • Never visit stores hungry or immediately after receiving your salary. You need to plan your budget first and then go shopping.
  • Always go to the store with a list of products you need to buy, prepared in advance, and visit only those departments where these products are located. These measures will allow you to avoid buying absolutely nothing necessary products and little things.
  • Buy things out of season. Thus, you can significantly save your family budget on things such as down jackets, leather goods, sheepskin coats, boots, and so on. The only rule is not to lose your head over the discount system and not to buy completely unnecessary things.
  • Do not use when paying in store credit cards, that is, use only cash, and immediately after making purchases, count the remaining money.
  • If you decide to make a large purchase, you should not give in to impulse; it is better to postpone the time of purchase, weigh everything well and then only purchase this product.
  • Whenever possible, try to buy in bulk. If there are any goods that are purchased regularly, you should try to buy them in bulk, this will save costs on it, for example personal hygiene items, food products long period storage, animal feed, household chemicals and so on.
  • Try to use discount cards and cashback opportunities for discounts.
  • It is wise to approach various promotions and protect yourself from the temptation to buy unnecessary things.
  • Do not be tempted by advertising, it is the main enemy family budget. You can completely do without many advertised items or buy a cheaper and not necessarily bad product.
  • Constantly take care of your health and do regular examinations with a doctor so as not to trigger any disease (not to introduce your family into illness).

Ways to save money

You can save money in your family using several simple ways:

  • Separation method. It is necessary to divide the entire income into 5 equal parts, four of which are intended for four weeks of the month, that is, only one of the four parts is allowed to be used per week. The fifth part is for the last remaining days of the month and for accumulation.
  • Analysis of costs for all purchases and payments for services. All expenses can be recorded in a notebook, notebook, or an Excel spreadsheet on your work or home computer. At the end of each month, analyze your spending. This method helps to identify unnecessary costs that can be reduced or completely eliminated.
  • Complete waiver of loans. Loans for vacations, for the purchase of household appliances, a computer, a telephone - these are completely unreasonable decisions. It is much better to save up money and buy the thing you want than to overpay for it in the form of bank interest.

What is the money spent on?

Before you start creating a financial plan, you need to figure out where all your money is spent:

  1. Write down how much each of you puts into the common piggy bank.
  2. Write down how much each of you spends on your hobbies and entertainment (cars, salons, crafts, fishing, etc.).
  3. Calculate approximately how much your family spends on food monthly.
  4. Rational spending of money also implies that only one spouse will have to go to the store, and not both.
  5. Try not to buy ready-made semi-finished products, but cook your own food at home.
  6. Calculate your family's expenses on gasoline, health insurance, and the Internet, review them and identify which expenses can be reduced.

How to spend money rationally and how mandatory expenses differ from non-essential ones

For the purpose of saving and rational spending Money compose financial plan families for a month. First of all, you need to enter all the expected expenses (in descending order of their importance). Sort all expenses into categories:

  • Urgent payments or mandatory expenses are food, utility payments, loan payments (if any), treatment.
  • Secondary payments - training, household appliances, clothing, vacation, savings.
  • Unimportant payments - restaurants, entertainment, smoking, alcohol, expensive clothes, spas, new technology.

You need to carry funds with you only for current needs. But the question arises: “How much money should I spend per day?” Everything is very individual. You need to sit down and calculate the amount that can be safely spent on the family budget per day. Desperate shopping lovers need to empty their wallets of credit cards and buy strictly only what was planned.

Where can you save money?

So, how to spend money wisely or where can you cut your expenses? Let's figure it out. You can reduce costs by:

  • utility bills if you install gas and water meters;
  • household appliances, that is, do not buy goods with a huge amount additional functions, this significantly increases its cost;
  • clothes, buying them at sales or at the end of the season;
  • nutrition, reduce meat consumption, reduce the number of desserts, buy food in bulk or favorable prices; but you shouldn’t skimp on vegetables and fruits, as they are needed for proper nutrition and are rich in all the vitamins and microelements necessary for the body.

We save electricity

To do this you need:

  • purchase energy-saving light bulbs;
  • turn off the electricity when leaving the room;
  • purchase household appliances of class A, AA or A+, they consume less electricity;
  • do not place the refrigerator or freezer near the stove, radiator, radiator; in addition, they must be defrosted periodically;
  • disconnect all electrical appliances from the network after using them.

Saving on bad habits

How to spend money wisely? Oddly enough, this question is asked most of all by smokers, beer drinkers, and fast food lovers. If we analyze all the expenses of this population group, we can find that expenses for bad habits such as cigarettes, alcohol, chips, hamburgers, they eat up several thousand rubles every month. By eliminating these costs, you can easily save money and stay healthy.

How to save on a small salary

Small income is an incentive to streamline all your expenses. You need to learn to plan all your expenses according to the funds received. You should abandon loans, identify more important ones and adjust them depending on real income. Reduce spending on non-essential needs.

Compose sample menu for a week and make purchases strictly according to the list.

What to spend big money on

The opposite situation also happens, when there is a lot of money, but a person does not know at all where to put it and what to do with it. So, examples of where you can rationally invest your big money:

  1. Journey.
  2. Your own health and that of your loved ones.
  3. Education.
  4. Buying and furnishing a home.
  5. Rest.
  6. Buying quality goods.
  7. Charity.
  8. Investing in real estate.
  9. Bank deposits.

How to start saving money for your dream

In order to start saving money, you need to determine the goals for what exactly you need it for, for example, buying a car, housing, home renovation, vacation. Then start saving a certain amount of money every month, and you can use additional sources of income, for example, putting the accumulated money on deposit in a bank and receiving interest.

Instead of withdrawal, or saving without fanaticism

In any case, the main thing is not to overdo it. You need to save, save or spend wisely. Often cheap goods lose in quality, and this promises additional expenses, because it is not for nothing that people have a saying - “The miser pays twice.”

When purchasing a product on sale, you need to find out the reasons for the markdown. After all, it may be an expired product, and if you consume it, you can get serious problems with health and, as a result, extra costs for treatment.

You shouldn’t skimp on children and buy low-quality ones. Chinese goods and toys that can provoke various diseases at the baby's.

It’s better to give up an extra handbag or pair of shoes, but don’t skimp on your health.

Rational spending of funds should be without fanaticism; you should not deny yourself everything while collecting money for a bright future. You just need to follow Golden Rule- do not be influenced by your surroundings, compare prices, do not succumb to emotions and advertising influence, be moderate in everything.

You need to live here today, you shouldn’t deprive yourself of joys and pleasant moments, but always think about the next day and the next opportunities.

Who among us has not wondered what is the greatest value? Quite often, opinions differ on this matter. Some believe it is information, others believe it is time. Although modern society has enough opportunities to save time, but for some reason there is just not enough time. And immediately thoughts come to mind: “Why technical progress is he playing a cruel joke?”, “How to have time to do everything and do it well?”, “How to distribute and plan your day in order to at least partially relieve yourself?” Everything is very simple. You just need to learn how to plan your time correctly.

Rules to follow if you want to do everything

To keep up with everything and have time to relax, you should:

  • develop a specific plan;
  • prioritize matters that are minor in importance, without leaving them for later;
  • do not waste working time on unnecessary things;
  • analyze completed tasks daily;
  • depending on the importance, correctly distribute priorities;
  • to keep order;
  • develop the willpower to follow new habits.

How to learn to plan your day: stages of planning a manager’s time

It seems that it is not difficult to correctly distribute working time and determine the sequence of daily work, however, not everyone can do this. If thoughts come to mind about how to do important things on time and not get tired, it is important to learn how to plan and manage time correctly. A properly drawn up daily routine plan plays an important role here.

Don't forget about this important factor as limited time. Time cannot be stopped, changed, or returned, which means the same applies to work, business, and our lives in general.

There are the following stages of working time planning:

  • developing discipline (learning to control your day is an important task for a successful leader);
  • determining the degree of importance of matters (it is allowed to plan no more than 3 urgent matters per day);
  • rational distribution of tasks into important, urgent, easy, simple, insignificant;
  • drawing up a step-by-step work plan;
  • getting rid of simple, small, easy tasks that take less than 10 minutes to complete (unloading the next days);
  • the manager’s refusal to do activities that “steal” time (watching TV series, spending many hours communicating on social networks, hanging out with friends);
  • determination of each thing in the house and at work its place;
  • getting rid of work trash (10 minutes a day is enough to sort through documents and throw away unnecessary things);
  • choosing a hobby for leisure.

In order not to lose friends and properly save time, you need to follow the rule: visit pages on social networks 2 times a week, set aside weekends to meet with friends, plan personal meetings in advance, reduce the time of “empty” telephone conversations to 15 minutes a day.

How to make a work plan

Fruitful planning is possible if you adhere to the following sequence of work:

  1. Determine goals and objectives on the basis of which to develop a work plan. It can be short-term (for a week) or long-term (for a month, quarter, year).

Attention: A successful leader cannot deviate one step from the plan. You can make adjustments to it, for example, swap things, days important meetings, plan events for another time, but under no circumstances should they be radically changed.

  1. Distribute tasks and determine deadlines for their completion. It is important to learn to first carry out tasks that have a limited time frame and those that require a lot of effort. You can then plan for mid-term tasks and work that requires standard functions. Low-value work should be done last.
  1. Mandatory marking of urgent matters that arose on the eve of execution in your diary or calendar (allows the manager to manage to do everything on time, without missing important points).
  1. Analysis of all tasks, reducing the list of tasks (as far as possible).

To unload your day, it is important:

  1. Follow the limitation of completing tasks: no more than 3 urgent ones, no more than 10 in total per day.
  2. When planning, adhere to completing complex tasks at a more favorable time, preferably in the first half of the day, and performing easy tasks at the end of the work shift.
  3. Do not carry out the next job without completing the previous one (it is important to plan tasks step by step, completing those previously agreed upon).
  4. Do not leave unfinished tasks, do not postpone them to the next working day.
  5. If there are still unfulfilled tasks, it is recommended to make a note about them in the calendar of important tasks, where you especially note them. If the same task “lives” stably in the diary for several days in a row, it is worth thinking about how to refuse it or simply transfer it to another person performing it.

Secrets of rational planning

You can plan your day correctly by:

  • assessing the work plan, adjusting tasks, creating a daily routine;
  • monitoring the execution of tasks, eliminating the simultaneous performance of several tasks (otherwise there is a risk of low productivity);
  • completion of started tasks;
  • eliminating obstacles that prevent the manager from completing assigned tasks, distract attention, and affect plans;
  • alternating work with rest;
  • time planning analysis;
  • continuous improvement of your work results.

Secrets of saving time for a manager

  1. It is important to combine similar tasks, for example, combine negotiations, sort out correspondence, answer emails.
  2. Creating a calm environment is equally important. This is necessary so that nothing distracts you from your work.
  3. Limiting your working time will help you avoid unproductive results from business meetings.
  4. Ability to prioritize – important indicator rationality and consistency of affairs, which affects the achievement of goals.
  5. Doing exceptionally important things allows a manager to achieve high performance in his work.
  6. Distributing tasks among employees will help save a significant amount of time.
  7. Step-by-step work is no less important. It is much easier to move towards your goal if you climb the ladder, starting with small things and reaching great heights.
  8. Keeping a diary of important tasks will help eliminate the overlap of some tasks with others, and the accumulation of tasks at the end of the month.
  9. It is better to make important decisions in the morning. This way you can create a feeling of success throughout your working day.
  10. When making plans and schedules, it is important to take into account the true level of ability to work, since it is this that affects the final result of the work.

Hello! In this article we will talk about the rational use of working time.

Today you will learn:

  1. How to plan working time and how to use it wisely;
  2. What is meant by the term “rational use of working time”;
  3. What results can be achieved if you prioritize correctly.

According to studies, very most of people do not know how to plan their working time. It turns out that even when working according to a strict schedule, people do not have time to complete the amount of work. In such situations, rational use of working time helps. This is what we will be talking about today.

Staff working time and efficiency

Working time is the period during which employees must perform their job responsibilities at work. The question is how effectively the staff's working time is used, because it often turns out that things just turn into an endless string.

Factors influencing the effective use of time

This indicator is influenced by quite a few factors:

  • Working hours;
  • Labour Organization;
  • Employee performance;
  • Working time planning.

What is the priority

In any work, the result is important: how much the goals and objectives that were set were achieved. But in order to achieve the planned results, you need to start building a workflow. That is why the principles of rational planning are introduced into the labor process.

Methods for implementing time management

is a phrase that means nothing to many people. Therefore, we will simplify it somewhat and clarify that it includes organizing working time and increasing the efficiency of its use.

Worth listing positive sides of this tool:

  • There is a favorable and calm atmosphere in the team;
  • Increases stress resistance of employees;
  • The level of performance of each employee increases;
  • The level of personal responsibility and self-organization increases.

Planning work time.

Every entrepreneur has heard about this tool at some point. But not everyone knows how to apply it in practice. As a result, time is simply lost, but it is irrevocable, it cannot be accumulated and returned back. For planning there is simple ways, which do not require huge costs.

Let's look at the planning process step by step.

It is better to plan the coming working day the night before. At this time, you can analyze what has already been done, and also draw up a plan taking into account all important circumstances. For planning, you can use both the old proven notepad and modern gadgets. It is important that you see which tasks have already been completed and which are yet to be completed.

You still won’t retain all the information in your head, but you may well forget something important. So write it down.

Setting priority tasks.

This is very important point in planning. You can implement it simply: on a piece of paper, draw a square, which needs to be divided into 4 more squares.

Then scatter all the tasks that need to be completed into 4 points:

  • Urgent and important;
  • Urgent and unimportant;
  • Non-urgent and important;
  • Not urgent and unimportant.

This way, all the tasks will be before your eyes every day and you will see what needs to be done first, and what can be postponed for a couple of hours, or maybe days.

Setting goals.

Any successful entrepreneur understands that setting goals is a condition for achieving good results. However, often managers do not explain to employees what the company's goals are, what each of them must do to achieve success.

As a result, people do work that is mostly meaningless and not productive. practical benefit to no one. And all because they simply don’t know why this is needed at all. How can this situation be changed?

  1. Clearly formulate what the company’s goals are and why they need to be achieved;
  2. Explain to employees how important the functions they perform are to achieving common goal: people must understand that their work is important and beneficial;
  3. Record the goals that were achieved and the results of each employee.

Correctly set goals motivate employees and increase their performance.

Pareto's law.

Its essence is the following principle: if you spend only 20% of the effort, you will get 80% of the result. At the same time, it is important to exclude all unnecessary tasks from the list and focus only on the important ones.

Factors that distract from the main work

Most of them are simply the root of evil in any company, from large holdings to small firms. Therefore, we will pay special attention to them.

Stressful state.

Every person at least once in his life has been in a state when work simply does not come to mind. It is difficult to concentrate at such moments. Have a little drink herbal tea and get to work.

State of fatigue.

To be productive at work, get enough sleep. Lack of sleep has a bad effect on the general condition of the body.

A real horror for any employer. Employees constantly check their page during working hours, read posts, but do not concentrate on work at all. Therefore, management has to resort to radical measures: prohibit access to the Internet by written order, and then check the visit log of each employee. Although it doesn’t always help either.

Cellular telephone.

If you don't expect urgent calls, just turn off the sound.

Multitasking mode.

When an employee tries to complete many tasks at one time, a failure occurs and nothing happens. To prevent this from happening, organize your working time correctly.

Feeling bored.

One of the most hazardous factors. If a person is bored, it is natural that he will look for a way to escape from work. Stimulate your interest in work: for example, if you submit a report ahead of schedule and receive a bonus, you will be able to make the purchase you have long dreamed of.


It may seem strange to some, but if you are hungry, you won’t be able to work normally. There is only one thought in my head: when will I eat? To prevent this from happening, have snacks and watch your diet in general.

How to stop getting distracted

To work productively and efficiently, you need to get rid of the habit of constantly being distracted. Colleagues, gadgets, and just thoughts can distract you. How to become the ruler of your time, we will discuss further.

Get rid of time wasters.

Try not to be distracted by personal matters or extraneous conversations during working hours. In addition to the fact that your time is wasted browsing the next site or phone conversation with a girlfriend, you will also incur time costs to get involved in the work process again.

Of course, you need to take breaks from work. We are not robots, there must be rest. But a specific time must be allocated for this.

Another simple tip: Leave home problems outside the office. This will only be for the good. It is necessary to separate personal problems and work process.

Don't be distracted by your colleagues too often.

Imagine: you are completing a complex task or writing a lengthy report that needs to be submitted to soon. And you’re so afraid of not being on time, and then your colleague asks unnecessary questions. They may be within the scope of work, but it is catastrophically at the wrong time.

If you have to work in a noisy environment, still distribute the work so that you are not constantly distracted. If you know for sure that you won’t be able to concentrate, try changing your office for a while. The measure is effective if you appeal to the reason of colleagues discussing New film, useless.

Do some planning.

Write down all the things that need to be done. And look through this list from time to time. You can set a reminder in your phone that will help you not to forget something important.

Distribute all work by time of day. In the morning and evening, do the most complex tasks, and during the day, when you can be distracted at any moment, do those tasks that do not require particularly serious attention.

By sending correspondence or checking Email work in batch mode.

Instead of being distracted every hour, set a specific time to check the contents of your email. mailbox. And if you need to send several faxes, collect them throughout the day and send them all at once.

In the next part of our article, we’ll talk separately about organizing the manager’s working time.

How can a manager rationally organize working time?

Do you manage to get everything done in a working day? If not, then you represent the vast majority of managers. A number of analysts have studied the working hours of the average manager. The findings were disappointing: only 8% out of 100 implement all their plans during the day.

The reasons for this are as follows:

  • Rush;
  • Lack of time planning;
  • Improper organization of work;
  • Low level of motivation.

Formula 60:40.

If you follow it, then the part of the working time that you plan should not exceed 60% of the total working time. This is a period of planned activity.

The remaining 40% of the time should be divided into 2 parts, the first is reserve time for unplanned work, the remaining 20% ​​is allocated for management work.

Thus, if you plan your working time correctly, you can significantly gain time. This means there will remain the opportunity to engage in self-education and fruitful activities.

Staff motivation

Important for everyone: you are a manager or an ordinary employee. When setting goals for a day, a week, a month, you need to understand what the result will be. Motivation is an excellent tool for increasing the performance and efficiency of staff. In this case, you can use both motivation in material and intangible terms.

Example. Management of a large oil company in the Russian Federation has set itself the goal: to create a solid business reputation, while involving employees in this process. A motivation system was developed, which implied the following: if within six months all departments of the company fulfill the tasks assigned to them and at the same time exceed the plan, employees will be offered bonuses of a choice of material or non-material nature.

As soon as the system was implemented, staff turnover decreased by 20%, and employee loyalty to management increased by 50%, becoming almost 100 percent.


To summarize, I would like to note that there are many methods that teach the rational use and planning of working time. We talked about the most popular ones.

But whatever method or tool you use, be sure to plan, analyze, and take stock of your daily activities. This will allow you to identify all shortcomings and use your working time with maximum efficiency.