Vera Brezhneva(Vera Kiperman, maiden name Galushka) - Ukrainian and Russian pop singer, actress, TV presenter, former member of the pop group " VIA Gra"(2003−2007). UN Goodwill Ambassador for HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS program).

Childhood and education of actress Vera Brezhneva

Father - Galushka Viktor Mikhailovich (1954−2015) worked as an engineer at the Dnieper chemical plant.

Mother - Galushka Tamara Vitalievna (maiden name Permyakova, born in 1954) graduated from a medical school and worked at the same factory.

In addition to Vera, there are three more daughters in the family: the eldest Galina (born May 10, 1977, went abroad) and the younger ones, the twins Anastasia and Victoria (born December 22, 1984). Victoria Galushka became the wife of a famous showman Alexandra Tsekalo. As Vera Brezhneva described her relatives in her biography on the official website, she “grew up into a big friendly family with three beautiful sisters.

In the photo (from left to right): Vera as a child; twins Vika and Nastya with their parents

Vera turned out to be a kind and grateful daughter. In the future, the singer bought an apartment for her parents in the city of Boryspil, not far from Kyiv.

Vera Brezhneva graduated high school No. 41 in Dneprodzerzhinsk. Vera was a very active schoolgirl: she went in for rhythmic gymnastics, played handball, basketball, for some time she was fond of martial arts, in particular karate.

At the same time, as noted in the biography of Vera Brezhneva on the 24 media website, the girl "did not have the opportunity to attend vocal, theater and choreographic circles."

While studying at school, Vera Brezhneva was also an active participant in school amateur performances. Teachers, friends and classmates admired her artistic talent. Even the role of Baba Yaga Vera made original. Brezhnev introduced an element of good nature and sympathy into this fabulous image.

Vera Brezhneva dreamed of becoming a lawyer. However, there was no money for such an expensive education. Brezhnev graduated from the Dnepropetrovsk Institute of Engineers railway transport with a degree in economics.

Vera Brezhneva combined her studies with the courses of the assistant secretary and the English language. Vera also graduated from computer science courses and a motorist school, after which she successfully received driver's license.

Vera Brezhneva was an amazingly purposeful girl. Unfortunately, her parents could not help her in financial terms, and therefore the money additional education Vera earned money outside of school hours: in the summer she weeded flower beds at Zelenstroy, and in the evening she worked as a nanny.

“Since childhood, I know the value of every penny. I started earning very early and I think that any work should be paid. I'm generally quite a frugal person. In addition, I studied to be an accountant. And this is very convenient in my work! ”, Vera says in an interview now, having become a pop star.

Career of Vera Brezhneva in show business

Significant event in the fate of Vera happened in 2002. On the holiday of Ivan Kupala, the VIA Gra group arrived in Dnepropetrovsk with a concert. The singers invited everyone to the stage to sing the song “Attempt No. 5” with them. Beauty Vera with an excellent figure, excellent plasticity and good hearing attracted the attention of the producer Dmitry Kostyuk, and he invited her to a casting in Kyiv. Vera (then still Galushka) did not believe such a sharp turn in her life.

Dmitry Kostyuk suggested that Vera change the dissonant surname Galushka to another. And having learned that Vera is a countrywoman Leonid Brezhnev, offered her the pseudonym Vera Brezhneva. Vera was asked to sing instead of a member of the group Alena Vinnitskaya.

In the life of Vera, now Brezhneva, came finest hour. The updated line-up of the group first appeared on stage in January 2003.

In the photo: popular singer Philip Kirkorov and members of the VIA Gra group - Anna Sedokova, Vera Brezhneva and Nadezhda Granovskaya (from left to right) - at the presentation of the group's new album, which was called Stop! Taken!, 2003 (Photo: Konstantin Kizhel/TASS)

In February 2003, the song “Do not leave me, my love” was aired, and then the video, which did not leave the first lines of the charts for 7 months. Photos of Vera Brezhneva and the whole group got on the covers of Russian and Ukrainian glossies.

In the photo: pop group "VIA Gra", 2005 (Photo: Vasilii Smirnov / Russian Look / Global Look Press)

In April 2003, the album Stop! Taken!" The album was awarded the Golden Disc award. It was another breakthrough in the career of Vera Brezhneva and VIA Gra as a whole.

The group went on tour abroad, enjoyed great popularity.

In the photo: soloists of the VIA Gra group, 2005 (Photo: Vasilii Smirnov / Russian Look / Global Look Press)

In 2007, news began to appear that Vera Brezhneva was leaving the VIA Gra group for the sake of a solo career. This information turned out to be true.

In the photo: members of the VIA Gra group Albina Dzhanabaeva, Meseda Bagaudinova and Vera Brezhneva (from left to right) before the start of the Muz-TV 2007 award ceremony, which took place at the Olimpiysky sports complex, 2007 (Photo: Alexander Saverkin)

Solo career of Vera Brezhneva

After leaving the VIA Gra group, Vera Brezhneva took a sabbatical. In 2008, Vera was invited to Channel One as the TV presenter of the Magic of Ten show. But Vera did not part with music. Soon Brezhnev releases videos for the songs “I don’t play” and “Nirvana”, and in parallel with musical creativity becomes a member of the show ice Age-2".

World Fashion Awards 2009 in Moscow. In the photo: singer Vera Brezhneva (Photo: Anna Salynskaya / Russian Look / Global Look Press)

2010 was marked by a new song in the career of Vera Brezhneva - "Love will save the world." The singer received her first Golden Gramophone for her. After Vera recorded the first album with the same name, and then released two tracks in a duet with other performers.

In the photo: TV presenter Vera Brezhneva (right) on the set of the new game show "Magic of Ten", 2008 (Photo: Maxim Shemetov / TASS)

With the song "Petals of Tears" together with Dann Balan Vera topped four charts compiled by the popular music portal Tophit.

In the photo: singers Vera Brezhneva and Dan Balan before the start of the Muz-TV 2010 awards ceremony at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex, 2010 (Photo: Alexei Filippov / TASS)

2011-2014 in the solo career of Vera Brezhneva, the songs " Real life", "A good day", " Good morning" and others.

In 2015, listeners got acquainted with the second solo album of Vera Brezhneva "Ververa". Also in 2015, the singer presented the song "Floors", which Brezhneva performed together with rapper T-killah, and a video for this song.

In 2017, Vera Brezhneva presented music video for the new song "Close People". Clip directed by Alan Badoev.

Speaking about her songs, Vera says that there is an ethno influence in her musical style. “Folk instruments bring her songs closer to nature and give strength to the sound,” says the singer’s biography on the site.

In the photo: Vera Brezhneva on the pages of MAXIM magazine (Photo: / Anton Zemlyanoy / MAXIM)

In the photo: actors Alexei Chadov as Artyom and Vera Brezhneva as Katya in a frame from the film "Love in the City" directed by Marius Weisberg (Photo: Leopolis Film Company / TASS)

Great importance in the filmography of the singer had the comedies "Yolki" and "Yolki-2", where her partners were associates of a relative Alexandra Tsekalo— presenters Ivan Urgant and Sergei Svetlakov. The roles of Vera Brezhneva in these films were small, but remembered by everyone.

Although Brezhnev herself keeps out of politics, the film "8 Best Dates" caused a scandal in Russia. Activists of the National Liberation Movement held a series of pickets in many cities of the country with posters " Vladimir Zelensky- a bloody jester" or "Zelensky is a sponsor of the murders of the inhabitants of Donbass." Many were offended that a Ukrainian actor with an anti-Russian position helping the ATO wanted to make money on films in Russia. Like, the film with Zelensky and Brezhneva failed at the box office.

In the photo: Vera Brezhneva in the film "8 Best Dates"

Personal life of actress Vera Brezhneva

Vera Brezhneva lived in civil marriage With Vitaliy Voichenko. At the age of 18, Vera gave birth to his daughter Sonya. But the couple soon broke up.

In 2006, the singer became the wife of a Ukrainian businessman Mikhail Kiperman. In 2009, Brezhnev gave birth to a second daughter, Sarah, but joint child did not strengthen the family, and in 2012 the couple divorced, and Vera returned her own pseudonym surname.

In October 2015, the media reported on the secret wedding of the stars. Wedding ceremony Konstantin Meladze, who was the producer of VIA Gra, and Vera Brezhneva took place in Italy. Brezhneva's biography on Wikipedia reports that Vera's relationship with Konstantin Meladze has continued since 2005.

At the same time, a stormy personal life and a wedding with Konstantin Meladze did not prevent Brezhneva from continuing her solo career - the singer is now one of the most sought-after performers in Russia and Ukraine.

Unlike colleagues, Vera Brezhneva does not hide the parameters of her own body. The singer posted a photo of the scales on Instagram. The weight of the artist is 53.5 kg with a height of 172 cm.

Vera loves children and says she is thinking of having more. “Sarah appeared when Sonya was already eight. By that time eldest daughter I no longer wanted a brother or sister. She felt good alone, everything more than suited her. “Why do I need someone else to be loved, besides me?” said Sonya. Thank God, selfish inclinations quickly dissipated ... Sonechka is already 16. A couple more years, just about - and she will fly away from under her parental wing. Sometimes I think: “How is it, will Sarah be alone? Then I want more!“, Vera Brezhneva said in an interview with

In the photo: Vera Brezhneva with her daughters (Photo:

Social activity Vera Brezhneva

Vera Brezhneva opened her charitable foundation "Ray of Faith" to help children with oncohematological disease.

In 2014, Vera Brezhneva became the UN Ambassador for the rights and discrimination of HIV-positive women living in countries Central Asia and of Eastern Europe(UNAIDS programme).

In the photo: Vera Brezhneva - UN Ambassador (Photo: video screenshot /

If you move a few decades back, during her childhood, it is impossible to recognize in this 15-year-old ugly duckling today's sultry beauty, which is now Vera Brezhneva. Among other things, the future singer went in for sports. She had a dream to lose weight, which she achieved by the age of 16. Verochka sang and danced well, so she became a celebrity of the school. She is a sought-after singer, actress, and more recently a TV presenter, so many people want to know everything about her.

It’s hard not to recognize Vera Brezhnev, because you just need to hear her name, and you immediately remember the singer of the Via Gra group. Bright, beautiful and slender, men dream of her and women envy her. She has a wonderful voice and an outstanding talent as an actress. It's not so easy to sing, move beautifully, always smile, be positive. But Vera does it all the best. But where did it start creative way? How did she get on the screens and won the popularity and love of the audience, won the hearts of thousands of fans? This article just talks in detail about life path Vera Brezhneva, about her creative ascent, obstacles and problems that the charming girl had to face.

Height, weight, age. How old is Vera Brezhneva

Vera Brezhneva is celebrating her 35th birthday this year, which she has repeatedly stated in various interviews, not hiding her age at all, although she looks younger than her biological age.

Once upon a time, Vera Brezhneva considered herself very ugly. She was forced to walk, constantly stooping, as she was taller than all her classmates. Then she was worried about this, although her height was average. Now, based on official information, he is 168 cm. With a weight of only 53 kg, Vera looks not just thin, but very tiny, and it seems to many that her weight is even less. Therefore, in recent times users fill in a query in the networks: "height, weight, age, how old is Vera Brezhneva."

The figure of the singer is so perfect that nothing seems to be able to spoil it. Excellent physical form Vera Brezhneva supports by doing fitness and adhering to a healthy diet.

Looking at this slender, stunningly beautiful and charming young woman, it seems that she knows the secret eternal youth. It seems that she always remains young, graceful, slender. It is difficult to imagine that she is already 35 years old, because she looks much younger. And no wonder, because with a height of 171 centimeters, she weighs only 53 kilograms. That is, the figure of the singer can only be envied, however, this is not only good external data, but also everyday work on herself.

So, if you type in the search engine the query “Height, weight, age. How old is Vera Brezhneva ”you can immediately get photos of a slender and beautiful singer. Whatever song they sing, you can't take your eyes off it.

But how, after all, did it all begin? After all, once this young, self-confident woman was an ordinary girl who, perhaps, had completely different dreams that were not related to the stage. But let's talk about everything in order.

Biography of Vera Brezhneva

The biography of Vera Brezhneva amazes everyone who gets to know her. It is full of events that elevated the singer to Olympus.

Vera Brezhneva was born not far from Dnepropetrovsk, in the small town of Dneprodzerzhinsk, on February 3, 1982. It was in this city that the former Secretary General of the USSR Leonid Brezhnev was born.

The family had many children, there was no money for anything, so the father was first involved in the musical development of the daughters. Seeing the musical inclinations of her daughter, she was sent to a music school. But while the singer did not think about musical career. After graduating from school, Vera enters the sought-after economic department of the Dnepropetrovsk Engineering Institute of Railway Transport. But after graduating from it, she could not get a job in her specialty.

In 2002, fate smiles on a talented girl. Vera goes to the concert of the famous group "VIA Gra". The whole evening the girl enjoys songs and dances performed by burning beauties, and then she took part in the doubles competition organized by them, singing with the participants “ VIA Gra"The song "Attempt number 5" and dancing.

In the same year, Vera participates in the Miss Dnepropetrovsk contest. Initially, the organizers rated Vera for having an extraordinary appearance, blue eyes and blond hair. Most likely, they wanted to see her as a "stupid blonde." But she wasn't. Verochka played handball, basketball, karate and most of all loved rhythmic gymnastics. In addition, she loved crocheting and dancing.

Some time later, Konstantin Meladze invites talented girl for a casting in a group, and Vera was able to take advantage of the chance given to her. She sang and danced so that she was invited to the vacant position. The singer from 2002 to 2007 worked at VIA Gre. Many in their native Dnepropetrovsk were surprised to hear her last name - Brezhnev. But it was Meladze who suggested taking such a sonorous stage name, and not the ordinary Galushko.

The girl becomes very famous and popular, but at the end of 2007, Vera decided to start a solo career. She managed to maintain friendly relations with the producers, so they began to invest in the promotion of a young singer who is in free swimming.

Since 2008 Vera begins to broadcast "Magic of Ten", which reveals her talent from an unknown side, but after a while the singer decides to leave the project.

Vera Brezhneva in 2009 also becomes a TV presenter in the show program "Southern Butovo", authored by Alexander Tsekalo. Soon the singer returns to the top of the starry sky, having recorded the song "Love will save the world", which brings her the "Golden Gramophone".

Since 2010, the singer has been working at Russian Radio, hosting the Dembel Album program.

In 2014-2015, Vera Brezhneva hosted the program “I want to go to Meladze” on the NTV channel. In addition, the singer has a very busy tour schedule. Spectators are waiting for her throughout Russia and neighboring countries. Vera receives awards every year in the Golden Gramophone, Song of the Year and others.

The biography of Vera Brezhneva began very simply and uncomplicated. She was born on February 3, 1983, in the small Ukrainian town of Dneprodzerzhinsk, which is a suburb of Dnepropetrovsk. Her parents were simple factory workers who had four children. Vera turned out to be the middle child, she had a sister, Galina, who was five years older than her, also three years older than her two twins, Vika and Nastya. The family reigned a good relationship She was friendly and caring towards each other.

The girl's love for the stage manifested itself in early childhood. When she was four years old, the family went to rest in a sanatorium. There, the father put his daughter on the platform and said to dance. Vera tried and ... it started. The little girl simply fell ill with the stage, dreamed that someday she would really perform in front of a huge number of people, get a standing ovation and applause. And this dream was destined to come true.

She began by joining a dance club, where she constantly performed in school productions.

When she was eleven years old, a tragedy struck the family. Her father was hit by a car while he was in rehab, the family had hard times. But Vera, realizing that her family needed help, decided to start working. She worked part-time in a cafe, traded in the market, was a nanny. Every penny went to the family, because it was very difficult, but the future singer did not give up, she learned to overcome difficulties, she knew that sometimes you need to go against fate, the only way you can survive. All these difficulties could not break the girl, only tempered her character.

Since childhood, Vera devoted a lot of time to her appearance and development. She was constantly involved in sports, dancing, learning something new. But to pursue a career in show business, she did not even think about it. After the girl graduated from school, she entered the university, where she studied foreign languages ​​​​under the supervision of tutors.

The first fame came to the girl in early 2002, when she was at the Via Gra concert. She was then among the ordinary spectators, expressed a desire to climb the stage and sing "Attempt No. 5". The producers liked what they heard, and they decided to give her a chance. They invited me to a casting, where a new member of the group was chosen, instead of Vinnitsa, who then left there.

The girl successfully passed the casting, she was approved and she made a revolution in her life. From a small provincial Ukrainian town, she moved to the capital of Russia. There she took the pseudonym "Brezhneva" instead of her native surname Galushko. Already at the beginning of 2003, the newly-made Brezhneva made her debut in the group along with her other colleagues Nadezhda Granovskaya and Anna Sedakova. Then this composition was recognized as the “Golden composition of Viagra”, although the group then changed several times.

Active work began new life. The clip "Don't leave me, darling" for a long time took first place in the music charts, fascinated listeners, gave more and more popularity to young performers. After that, the success of the group only increased, including the time when Valery Meladze was engaged in the group.

Three bright, unique girls were at the pinnacle of success, but not everything was so simple. They were forced to lead a literally nomadic life, constantly go on tour, there was not a moment of peace. Constant tours, shootings, team changes, because the group constantly changed members. All this affected the way of life and peace of mind Faith, and in the end, in 2007, she simply stunned everyone by deciding to leave the group.

After Vera Brezhneva left Via Gra, she simply decided to relax and take a sabbatical. But then, when I came to my senses, I felt that I had fallen into a blues. She clearly lacked the eternal dynamics and haste, universal recognition, and, most importantly, dances and songs. After all, this was life for her, it was not easy without a favorite thing. And she missed the girls left in the group, because they became almost sisters for her.

Therefore, Vera Brezhneva returned to the screens, but already a little in a new way. She began to lead the program on Channel One. She coped with her duties so well that offers from TV people began to come one after another.

In 2008, she became a participant in the show "Ice Age-2" and recorded her own clip, in general, continues to lead vigorous activity, declare yourself. And although she could not reach the final, the audience could not help but appreciate the gracefulness of the beautiful blonde, her abilities and persistence.

Vera continues to be active, becomes a member of various projects, releases her own works, videos, sings songs.

It must also be said that Vera Brezhneva has proven herself not only as a singer and TV presenter, but also as an actress. Her first role was the role of Motry in the musical "Sorochinsky Fair", where she showed herself excellently and brightly. After that, she continues to take part in various musicals, but she also wants to act in a full-fledged movie. And she does it in 2009, in the film Love in the City. She also played herself in the movie "Christmas Trees". That is, wherever it appeared, it left a bright mark and long memories About Me.

Personal life of Vera Brezhneva

Vera Brezhnev is extremely popular and famous. She has many admirers and admirers of her talent, so the personal life of Vera Brezhneva is of interest to many.

Relationship with her father eldest daughter, Vitaliy Voichenko, are considered a taboo topic for everyone. Neither the singer herself nor her inner circle talk about them.

The next lover of the singer is Ukrainian businessman Mikhail Kiperman. They registered a marriage, but after the birth of their daughter Sarah, they broke up.

Since 2012, Marius Weisberg, who directed the film "Love in the Big City", has been ranked among the beloved by many media. But neither Vera nor Marius commented on these rumors.

The personal life of Vera Brezhneva is quite diverse, we can say that the girl does not deny herself anything, but as they say, you should not judge without knowing someone else's life for sure.

Vitaly Voichenko became the first chosen one of Vera when she was nineteen years old. His daughter Sonya was also born from him. But instead of becoming closer to each other, the young people broke up. At the same time, the man claims that it was she who left him, packed her things, took her daughter and was like that. She believes that Vera simply found a more profitable match, but it is impossible to say for sure.

The next chosen one was a millionaire, whatever you say, but Brezhnev knows his own worth. The name of the rich groom was Mikhail Kiperman, with whom legal relations were eventually formalized. Then their daughter Sarah was born, and a year later the couple officially formalized the relationship. But the marriage did not last long, after two years the couple divorced. There were rumors that Vera left her husband because the latter had financial problems, but the singer herself refutes this information. Another source says that the reason for the divorce was the husband's jealousy for his wife, he reacted very aggressively when he saw Vera in the company of another man.

However, most likely, jealousy had every reason, because Vera already warmly treated Konstantin Meladze. A similar theory was confirmed by the ex-wife of Konstantin, claiming that he cheated on her with the singer. But the producer himself rejects all this and says that all this is nonsense and machinations of the yellow press.

Vera Brezhneva and Konstantin Meladze eventually decided in their own way, because in 2015 they secretly got married in Italy, after which this news was announced to the world. Vera Brezhneva and Meladze got married, the photo of the wedding was the most popular request on the Internet at some point.

Today, Vera Brezhneva continues to work on new projects, acts in films, sings songs and lives with her beloved husband and children.

Family of Vera Brezhneva

The family of Vera Brezhneva today is her daughters, Sonya and Sarah, and husband Konstantin Meladze. According to the singer herself, she always assigns the main place to her family in her busy life.

In addition, Vera Brezhneva has a mother and father who permanently live on the territory of Ukraine, in a house bought for them. In addition, the singer has twin sisters Anastasia and Victoria, as well as elder sister Galina, who now lives abroad. Victoria is now married to the famous showman Alexander Tsekalo, whom she married after his divorce from Lolita Milyavskaya.

The sisters communicate, relax together abroad, celebrate holidays and children's birthdays, visit their parents together.

Vera Brezhneva is now legally married to Konstantin Meladze, raising two daughters from previous marriages. Despite the fact that the woman continues to be actively involved in creative activities, she still finds time to devote time to her family and raising her daughters. The family of Vera Brezhneva is very important for her, as well as her career.

Children of Vera Brezhneva

The singer has two children - Sonya and Sarah. Vera Brezhneva loves them, although she keeps them strict. Because of the busy schedule, a specially hired governess brings up children. The singer is trying to give her children everything that she herself was deprived of at their age.

When the children were very young, Vera Brezhneva tried to hide them from prying eyes, but more recently she began to appear at all children's musical events in the company of her daughters.

In addition, the children of Vera Brezhneva are pupils of the Kyiv Orphanage, whom the singer helps financially. When she is in Kyiv, she always visits her wards, gives them gifts for New Year and other holidays.

The singer does not exclude that, perhaps, she will become a mother for other children who may appear in marriage with her current husband Konstantin Meladze.

Daughter of Vera Brezhneva - Sonya Kiperman

The daughter of Vera Brezhneva, Sonya Kiperman, was born from the first lover of the singer Vitaly Voichenko, but at the age of 5 she was adopted by Ukrainian businessman Mikhail Kiperman, whom she considers her real father.

Loves the dramatic arts, but more recently she has become a celebrity in modeling business. It is in demand by fashion designers in many countries of the European mainland. The singer is proud of her daughter and puts her photo in in social networks.

More recently, information appeared in many newspapers and magazines that Sonya began dating American businessman. These rumors by Vera Brezhneva and her daughter are neither confirmed nor refuted. They refer to the young age of the young model, saying that sane people should think for themselves whether it is possible for a young girl to be in a relationship with an adult man.

The daughter of Vera Brezhneva Sonya was born in 2001 in an unregistered marriage from Vitaly Voichenko. Now this is a young girl who may follow in her footsteps. star mom. However, Vera gives her freedom of choice. Now the girl is studying in an elite school, enjoying rich life and the glory of their parents.

Daughter of Vera Brezhneva - Sarah Kiperman

The daughter of Vera Brezhneva, Sarah Kiperman, was born from the union of the singer with a businessman from Ukraine, Mikhail Kiperman. The girl is now studying in one of the Moscow schools. For a long time mother hid her from the omnipresent eye of journalists.

According to the stories of Vera Brezhneva, the girl went to her: she dances and sings well, so her mother sent her to a ballroom dance club, which Sarah attends with pleasure. The girl goes to a music and sports school, wanting to be like her mom. In addition, she is an excellent student at the gymnasium. She is especially given the exact sciences, in which, according to the singer, she is like the famous mother.

The second daughter of Vera Brezhneva Sarah was born from millionaire Mikhail Kiperman in 2009. The girl goes to school, tries to show herself worthy of her star mother, grows strong and healthy. Perhaps she is destined for the same stellar fate as her mother, but time will tell.

Former husband of Vera Brezhneva - Vitaly Voichenko

First civilian ex-husband Vera Brezhneva Vitaly Voichenko was with her even before she began her career as a singer and actress.

He was engaged in politics, a daughter was born in a marriage with Brezhnev, but this did not bring them closer, because the young wife at one fine moment simply took her things and her daughter and left.

Former husband of Vera Brezhneva - Mikhail Kiperman

The meeting of the singer and Mikhail took place at one of the social events in Kyiv. Soon Vera and Mikhail realized that they could not live without each other. They start living together. Mikhail left the family, soon registering a marriage with Vera Brezhneva. Michael - successful businessman Ukraine, whose interests extend far beyond the borders of their native state. He recognized the daughter of Vera, writing her down and officially becoming her father.

Vera was so happy that she soon decided to bear him a child. For this, the singer even left VIA Gra, devoting herself to her daughters and husband, but soon realized that she could not live without show business. Scandals began to arise in the family, which led to an early break in relations.

The second ex-husband of Vera Brezhneva, Mikhail Kiperman, is no less than a millionaire, however, this did not help him build a strong and reliable family with the singer. They officially formalized the relationship, they had a daughter, but two years later they divorced.

The ex-husband of Vera Brezhneva, Mikhail Kiperman, although he divorced the singer, continues to participate in raising his daughters, whom he loves madly, by his own admission.

Husband of Vera Brezhneva - Konstantin Meladze

Since 2012, many yellow press publishers have been writing about the romance between producer Konstantin Meladze and singer Vera Brezhneva. They denied these rumors. In addition, Konstantin was married, which also confirmed the falsity of the rumors.

But in 2015, Konstantin leaves the family and officially registers his relationship with Vera Brezhneva, about which the singer and producer themselves told everyone.

The husband of Vera Brezhneva, Konstantin Meladze, is her producer, who helps his wife in her creative activity. Young people do not part for a moment, everywhere showing their love to each other. Together they appear at all events, social events and concerts.

Third and last civil husband Faith Brezhnev Konstantin Meladze, who is enough famous person. To date, the two stars have found each other, live together, formalized the relationship legally. The composer, poet and singer are a compatible duo, so they are not only good in personal relationships, but also in creative activities.

Vera Brezhneva is very thin. She works out every day in her personal gym, so her figure amazes the imagination of many admirers of her talent and ill-wishers. The singer leads healthy lifestyle life.

Recently, Vera Brezhneva, in an interview, said that she was not against the services of a cosmetic surgeon, to whom she could turn if necessary.

By virtue of its professional activity Faith must always look beautiful and perfect, which she does.

If a photo of Vera Brezhneva before and after plastic surgery appears on the networks, then you should not believe them, as these are false rumors. Beautiful appearance, according to the singer, you can have without resorting to the services of a beautician, which she does.

A photo of Vera Brezhneva before and after plastic surgery is perhaps the most common search engine request from those who want to know as much as possible about the singer. It was talked about great amount rumors that they say the celebrity changed her appearance, corrected her face and so on. But the star herself refutes such rumors, and sharply stating that she simply lives her life, deals with her face and body, wishes this to everyone.

So it’s impossible to say for sure whether Vera Brezhneva uses the services plastic surgeons. Is it possible to see only the result in the form of a young and beautiful woman. Perhaps she does not need it at all, she is good by nature.

Instagram and Wikipedia Vera Brezhneva

Instagram and Wikipedia Vera Brezhneva today contains many photos of her family, friends and relatives. Vera talks about all the events of her life, posting pictures from the holidays on social networks, family gatherings and musical events. She shares her happiness with everyone, showing everything that may be of interest to her fans.

In addition, the singer provides each photo with her comments, sometimes humorous, but always truthful. Recently, the singer posted photos from the celebration of her birthday, which she celebrated in a close family circle visiting her parents. In addition to the singer, you can see her sisters, parents, Konstantin Meladze, Alexander Tsekalo and the children of both the singer and her sisters on them.

Fans and those who are interested in Vera Brezhneva will first of all be helped to find information about her by the Wikipedia page (,_Vera). It contains general facts about the work, personal life, plans of the singer. But if you want to learn about all this personally from her, then go to the Instagram page (, which the woman is active in, communicating with fans, posting photos from life, sharing plans for the future. She is also on Vkontakte, where you can also find information of interest.

Instagram is replete, as always, at the service of those who seek to know more about a celebrity than is publicly available. Of course, there is always a risk of getting into a fake account, but we guarantee only the truthful data that users need.


Vera Galushka, now known as Brezhneva, was born on February 3, 1982, in the city of Dneprodzerzhinsk in Ukraine. Faith is not only child in the family, she has an older sister Galina, and twins Victoria and Anastasia. The parents of three wonderful girls, who worked at the Prydniprovsky chemical plant, tried with all their might to ensure a good future for their children.

While in kindergarten, the girl began to play her first small roles, at matinees she was well able to play the role of Baba Yaga.

Vera Brezhneva in childhood

Vera grew up as a versatile child, she showed interest in basketball, gymnastics and even karate. When the girl was 11 years old, her father tragically died. Difficult times began in the Galushka family, Vera began working in a local cafe, and worked as a nanny in the evenings. However, all these difficulties did not break her character in any way, but on the contrary only made her stronger.

As a student at the Faculty of Economics of the Dnepropetrovsk Institute of Railway Transport, the girl attended courses in English and computer science at the same time. At the end of her studies at the university, Vera received a diploma in economics, but she no longer wanted to work in her specialty.


In 2002, the group "VIA Gra" came to the city of Dnepropetrovsk with a concert. Everyone was invited to the stage to perform the song "Attempt No5" together with the girls from the group. Vera immediately took the stage, a good ear, a sonorous voice and a slender figure helped the girl stand out from all the other participants. Producer Dmitry Kostyuk immediately saw an unlimited talent in the girl, and invited her to the group "VIA Gra", instead of Alena Vinnitskaya.

The surname of Vera - Galushka did not fit the image of the group, Kostyuk decided to replace it with the pseudonym "Brezhnev", since the girl was a fellow countrywoman of Leonid Brezhnev, the former Secretary General of the USSR. The new line-up of the group first appeared on stage in January 2003. Later, the trio Vera Brezhneva, Nadezhda Granovskaya and Anna Sedokova were recognized as the "Golden composition of VIA Gra". In the same year, they presented the single "Don't Leave Me Darling", the clip stayed on the charts for seven months. Listeners recognized this composition as best song decades.

The golden composition of the group "VIA Gra" Vera Brezhneva, Nadezhda Granovskaya and Anna Sedokova

In the following years, each song of the VIA Gra group instantly became a hit, collaborations with Valery Meladze ("Ocean and Three Rivers", "One Hundred Steps Back") also brought considerable success.

"VIA Gra" and Valery Meladze frame from the clip "One Hundred Steps Back"

The girls were at the peak of popularity, constant tours, rehearsals, filming ... performances exhausted the participants very much. In 2006, changes began in the team, first Nadezhda left the group, then Anna also left. permanent shift the situation and changes in the composition of the group began to bake Vera, and a year later she decided to leave the legendary group and went on a solo voyage.


After leaving the group, the singer decided to take a vacation, decide on the musical direction in the future, and indeed plans for the future.

In 2008, Vera returns to TV screens now as the TV presenter of the new show "Magic of Ten". A few months later, the singer released the single "Nirvana", and at the same time became a member of the TV show "Ice Age".

In November 2010, the singer presented a new song "Love will save the world" and released her self-titled debut album. Six months later, the singer received her first Golden Gramophone for her. Among the 13 tracks in the album, the listeners noted "Pronto" teamwork with Potap and "Petals of Tears" joint creation with Dan Balan.

Vera Brezhneva and Dan Balan frame from the video "Petals of Tears"

In 2015 the second album "Ververa" was released, business cards which were the songs "Good morning", "My girl" and "Real life".

One of the most striking works was the composition "Mommy", the future husband of Vera, Konstantin Meladze, became the producer of the video.

Vera Brezhneva clip "Mommy"


The first work was in the musical "Sorochinsky Fair", Vera played the role of Motry, the premiere took place in 2004.

In 2009, Brezhnev was invited to play the role of Catherine in the comedy Love in the City, her partner was Alexei Chadov. The soundtrack recorded by Brezhneva sounds in the film.

Vera Brezhneva and Alexei Chadov frame from the film "Love in the big city"

In 2011, she starred in the film "Christmas Trees", where she played herself. A year later she played the main role in the adventure film "Jungle" together with Sergei Svetlakov.

Vera Brezhneva and Sergei Svetlakov still from the film "The Jungle"

It is worth noting several more successful film works by Vera, "8 Best Dates" and the series "Major - 2".


In her youth, even before the start of her career, Brezhnev was in a civil marriage with politician Vitaly Voichenko, from whom she gave birth to a daughter, Sonya, at the age of 19, after some time the couple broke up.

Vera Brezhneva with her daughter Sonya Voichenko

Vera met her next chosen one in 2006, she became the wife of businessman Mikhail Kiperman, and took his last name. A few years later, she gave birth to a second daughter, Sarah, the relationship between the spouses did not work out, and they soon divorced. Rumor has it that Mikhail himself is to blame for the breakup, as he repeatedly staged scenes of jealousy of his wife.

Vera Brezhneva with her daughter Sarah Kiperma

In 2014, the media started talking about Brezhneva's romance with producer Konstantin Meladze. Almost from the very beginning of their cooperation, journalists have repeatedly attributed the novel to them. A year later, in October, their secret marriage ceremony took place in Italy.

Vera Brezhneva and Konstantin Meladze


Vera Brezhneva at home

At home, Vera Brezhneva has equipped a real greenhouse and grows orchids. The singer not only collects plants, but also knows the art of growing them. This skill deserves worthy praise, because orchids are recognized as very capricious plants, and yet Vera does an excellent job with them. Passion for orchids can be called a hobby of the main sex symbol of the country.


Vera lived in poverty and in order to exist, she had to work in the first half of the day, and then only study. Sometimes she skipped school, and at that time she worked as a nanny - her mother helped to sit with the children.

The future star does not remember her childhood, as she matured very early. Vera's mother was a cleaner, and her father, having got into a car accident, became disabled. In addition, the family had many children, which greatly aggravated the situation. The salary of the parents was not enough to support four daughters. When the artist shared her story for an interview, she even burst into tears. In addition, Brezhnev could not always boast of her beauty. As a child, she had the surname Galushka.

Interests at an early age

she wore short haircut“like a boy”, big glasses and, of course, could not dress beautifully because of her financial situation. Vera recalls that she always wanted to be feminine. In addition, the girl had complexes about a small bust, so in the photo she is mostly in baggy things.

The girl did not sit idle:

  • went to tutors in foreign languages;
  • attended the sports section;
  • completed ICT courses;
  • got a driver's license;
  • to get more education, she worked as a cleaner and watered the park.

The kids at school bullied her as she was from a poor family and didn't live up to their appearance. The star did not even have a graduation, as the parents did not have the opportunity to pay for it. After graduating from school, a few years later she gave birth to a daughter, Sophia, father Vitaly Voichenko, with whom they were not married. Vera still does not like to talk about it.

Fateful meeting

  1. The nightmare ended with the arrival of the popular group "VIA Gra" in their city of Dneprodzerzhinsk. The soloists invited their fans to the stage to sing along with them. Vera was also not afraid to go on stage, and producer Dmitry Kostyuk himself noticed her. It was he who gave the future star the new name of Brezhnev.
  2. General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev was born in the same city, so the producer suggested that she take just such a surname. By the way, now the artist is suing for the right to have his pseudonym. Faith left her hometown. And so began another story of Vera - Cinderella, similar to a fairy tale.
  3. She says that she spent her first savings wisely. For courses foreign language she spent $100. I did the installation in the house for 1000 dollars. And laser vision correction cost her $ 1,500, and before that she had to perform in contact lenses.

The beginning of the creative path

Already in the winter of 2003, VIA Gra updated its team, and now Vera Brezhneva is in it. A month later, in February, the team released the hit "Don't Let Me Go, Darling", which took first place in the ranking for a long time. According to the audience agreement in 2003, this musical composition is the best in ten years.

Experts believe that this is the ideal composition. In the middle of spring, an album called “Stop. Removed”, it was possible to provide it in Moscow. In just 6 months, more than 500,000 copies were sold, and the album was awarded the Golden Disc. Since then, Vera has become even more successful. The following month, they groaned to conquer Israel and performed the composition "Good Morning, Dad!". The single was broadcast for several days in a row, and after a while the whole CIS knew about the girls.

Brezhnev's popularity is gaining momentum

According to a 2007 Maxim poll, Vera Brezhneva was recognized as a desirable woman in the CIS. A year later, Vera works on Channel One as the TV presenter of the Magic of Ten program. In the same period, he began his solo career. She released clips for the singles “I don’t play”, as well as “Nirvana”. She took part in Ice Age 2 in 2008. Almost all autumn, she starred for the film "Love in the City", and also recorded the soundtrack for it. After the release of the first part, she starred in the second. Before the film adaptation of the video "Disco Crash", she starred with Khodchenkova and Zadorozhnaya

In September 2009, she became a permanent participant in the South Butovo project, broadcasting on Channel One. However, she starred in only four issues after she went on vacation. As her daughter was born, Vera returned to the project, and also worked in the Ukrainian show "Superstar", where she was a judge.

Album presentation and first award

Fans saw the premiere of the song "Love Will Save the World" in the spring of 2010. On Muz-TV of the same year, she appeared with Dan Balan, where they presented the song "Petals of Tears". Hello magazine rated Vera Brezhneva as the most stylish in Russia. In the fall of 2010, she presented the album Love Will Save the World to the world, and for the same song she received the first award - the Golden Gramophone statuette.

In February of the following year, Vera was recognized as the most beautiful woman in Ukraine, according to the Viva! magazine. Released in March new song"Real life". Vera also recorded her beauty secrets on a disc, which is popular with both young and old ladies.


In 2012, it can be seen in leading role adaptation of "Jungle" with Svetlakov. The plot is as follows: the spouses have a collapse in the barque, so they decide to go on a trip around the world. Unsurprisingly, there were rumors about their romance, but the actors claimed that they only played love on camera. Vera Brezhneva also starred in Elki. Her role was to play herself.

In the fall of 2014, a new single "My Girl" was released. In the spring of next year, composer Konstantin Meladze announced the release of the next album called "Ververa", which included 14 wonderful songs. 7 days before the release of the album, Vera presented to the public the composition "Mommy", the author of which was Meladze.

In 2016, Vera worked tirelessly and released the following singles:

  1. "Floors".
  2. "Number 1".

In the same year, she starred in the second part of the comedy 8 Best Dates.

Personal life of the artist

The first spouse was Vitaliy Voichenko, with whom she cohabited for a couple of years. On March 30, 2001, they had a common daughter, Sophia, who later took the name of her stepfather Cooperman. From an early age, Sofia began to advance in the fashion industry as a model. According to Voichenko, Vera changed it to a more profitable party, took her things and the child, and simply left.

At the end of autumn 2006, her official husband became Ukrainian businessman Mikhail Kuperman. And after 3 years at the beginning of winter they had a common daughter Sarah. However, in 2012, Vera told the media about the break with Mikhail. The process took place without noise and the division of acquired property. The ex-spouses did not tell the media about the reasons for the quarrel, but soon they began to talk about Brezhneva's close relationship with Konstantin Meladze. The informants said that her ex-husband established surveillance of the star and his guesses were confirmed.

Marriage ties with the composer

  • In the winter of the following year, rumors began to circulate about an affair with Weisberg, whom Vera met on the set. The beginning of Vera's relationship with Meladze, which one could guess, dates back to the same year. Yana Summ has long noticed that her husband is cheating on her, he has been married to her for 20 years;
  • she has been accusing her ex-husband of cheating since 2005. And although the couple denied the rumors, in the fall of 2015, the young people got married without fuss - Brezhnev and Meladze. The solemn day passed nicely, they were painted by the mayor of the Italian town, and they went together to celebrate in a restaurant nearby. On the program with Malakhov, he spoke with love and awe about his new wife, who brought a lot into his life;
  • Vera's eldest daughter Sonya is skeptical about her new stepfather. This can be seen on her instagram, where she posts a lot of photos with her mother and Mikhail Kuperman and not a single one with Meladze.

What do you think about Vera Brezhnev? Write your answers below.

The biography of Vera Brezhneva deserves respect, since the fate of this wonderful singer was not always favorable to her.

The childhood of Vera Brezhneva

Vera Brezhneva is today recognized as one of the most successful and sexy women in Russia and Ukraine. She captivated millions of viewers with her beauty and spontaneity.

She was born in Ukraine, in the small town of Dneprodzerzhinsk. The future star was born on February 3, 1982 in a family of workers of the Prydniprovsky chemical plant. It was in the suburbs of Dnepropetrovsk that Vera Brezhneva spent her childhood. At that time, she was known as Vera Viktorovna Galushka. He will take Brezhnev's pseudonym, already participating in the VIA Gra group.

Vera's childhood passed in a simple working family. She was not an only child. In addition to her, there were three more sisters. In her youth, Vera was all-round developed child, attended a choreographic studio and was actively involved in sports.

After leaving school, she completed the courses of a secretary-assistant. At the same time, I went to a driving course in parallel. Higher education Vera Brezhneva received at the Dnepropetrovsk Institute of Railway Engineers. Graduated from the Faculty of Economics.

Singer's family

Vera considers her parents and sisters her closest and dearest people. The middle child in the family is Vera Brezhneva. The biography, photo and personal life of the singer have now become public. She does not hide her family and details difficult childhood. The older sister's name is Galina, and the younger twins are Victoria and Anastasia.

Even at an early age, Vera realized that it was necessary to help her parents. The mother of the star worked as a cleaner, while his father was on the disabled group after a car accident. The family did not live well and was forced to deny themselves in many ways. So school age Vera worked as a dishwasher at a local cafe. She also gained experience as a nanny from an early age. Often, in order to earn money, she had to skip school, but this in no way affected the girl’s academic performance.

Today, Vera's older sister lives abroad. And one of the twins became the wife of a famous Russian TV presenter and comedian Alexander Tsekalo. The singer moved her parents to the Kyiv region, to the city of Boryspil.

Implementation in "VIA Gro"

The biography of Vera Brezhneva is full of all kinds of gifts of fate. One of them can be considered a visit to the casting of the group "VIA Gra". The spectacular blonde was immediately noticed by the producers of the group and offered to participate in it. It happened in 2003, in the middle of winter. The new participant was taken instead of Alena Vinnitskaya, who, according to own will left the group.

The producers of the project decided to increase the number of participants from two to three people. The new composition, which includes three young beautiful girls, began to operate in 2003.

Because real name Vera did not quite fit the canons of show business, the producers decided to give her the pseudonym Vera Brezhnev. The star received this name due to its place of birth. After all, it was Leonid Brezhnev who was born and raised in the city of Dneprodzerzhinsk. The main initiator of the change of pop name was Dmitry Kostyuk.

Group life

With the entry into the group, she acquired not only the new pseudonym Vera Brezhneva. Biography, her personal life has changed dramatically in general. Vera became popular in just a few months, she got into the so-called golden composition of the group: Anna Sedokova, Nadezhda Granovskaya and Vera Brezhneva. Until now, many believe that it was this composition of the participants that led the team to incredible popularity.

The project quickly gained momentum and was soon known in Europe and Asia. Thanks to the English-language clip "Stop", the Land of the Rising Sun learned about the girls.

In 2004, Anna was replaced by Svetlana Loboda, who has an unusually beautiful and unusual jazz voice. Due to misunderstanding within the team, the new member is removed. In her place, they take Albina Dzhanabaeva, the former backing vocalist of Valery Meladze.

It was in this composition that the group lasted until 2006. Nadezhda Granovskaya and Vera Brezhneva informed the people about their departure for free swimming. Each of them wanted to solo career, the start of which was laid precisely in the VIA Gra group.

Career after leaving the project

The biography of the singer Vera Brezhneva is filled with a lot of surprises and sharp twists of fate. In 2007, she began a new stage in her life. Her individual career started very well with the song "I don't play." The first solo creation of the star was the album "Love will save the world", which was released in 2010.

Immediately after leaving the project, Vera was recognized as the most sexy woman Russia according to the magazine "Maxim". In 2008, she realizes herself as a TV presenter in the Mania of Ten program. The program airs on the first national channel.

Since 2007, more than 50 songs of the star have been recorded, which are of great popularity. And also filmed about 25 clips. In 2011, Brezhneva was awarded the title of the most beautiful woman in Ukraine. She is awarded this award by VIVA magazine.

The singer is also actively involved in charity work. She holds the post of president in the All-Ukrainian charitable foundation"Ray of Faith" He helps children with blood diseases.

In 2015, a star was appointed official ambassador United Nations on HIV/AIDS. She is actively involved in various campaigns to combat and prevent the disease, helping people with a positive HIV status. This is how it helps people difficult situations Vera Brezhneva. Biography, personal life, the career of the singer were not cloudless. She achieved everything she achieved only thanks to her diligence and determination. She went to her goal, not paying attention to the difficulties encountered in her life. With this in mind, Vera tries to help and support people in difficult moments of their lives.

Singer's personal life

The biography of Vera Brezhneva has always interested the press. The star carefully hides his personal life from the media.

Her first husband was Vitaly Voichenko, with whom the singer lived for only a few years. Then the official registration of the marriage did not happen, the spouses lived in civil. From this union, Brezhnev at the age of 19 gave birth to a daughter, Sofia. In the family, the girl is simply called Sonya.

The second husband of the singer was businessman Mikhail Kiperman. The wedding was celebrated in 2006, and in 2009 Brezhneva's second daughter, Sarah, was born. But already 3 years after the birth of the baby, the couple announced the breakup of the marriage. The reason was the too tight tour schedule of the singer and the constant jealousy of her husband. The couple divorced amicably, agreeing that the joint child would live with the mother.

After the dissolution of the marriage, she is in no hurry to advertise her next beloved to show business. It is known that Vera has been in a relationship for about a year, but has not yet announced the name of the lucky one.

Vera Brezhneva is not only a singer with a wonderful voice. She successfully realized herself as a TV presenter and actress, stubbornly does charity work and attends various events. She considers the birth of her two daughters the greatest achievement in her life.

The people have always been interested in the biography of Vera Brezhneva. Children, former spouses and her relatives are not so public figures. She protects them from the media in every possible way.

The biography of Vera Brezhneva confirms that with the desire and desire, you can reach any heights.