These actors, the sex symbols of the modern Russian screen, in life, as well as in the cinema, make up a brilliant family and creative tandem: he always plays the main character, she is his lover. And this joint "series" has been going on for more than ten years.

This married couple is undoubtedly considered the most beautiful in modern domestic cinema. The future spouses met in 1991 quite trivially: at the audition of the film “A Walk on the Scaffold”, in which they were supposed to play lovers. For two months of filming, the actors got into the role so much that they soon felt that in real life they miss each other. They began to meet, and then live under the same roof.

Friends, having crossed surnames, wittily nicknamed the spouses "singing blackbirds." At first, Olga's seven-meter room in the dormitory of the Sovremennik Theater became their "birdhouse", where they had to live surrounded by numerous neighbors, cockroaches and crumbling ceilings. They endured the "charms" of the hostel for three years, until they moved to an ordinary one-room apartment, which they called nothing more than a "bed with a refrigerator." And this "hut" turned out to be small. Now they have a place to roam - in the center of Moscow, the couple bought a huge former communal apartment and have been doing repairs in it for the second year ...

Once in the film "Gangster Petersburg", Drozdova at first behaved in such a way that members of the film crew began to be wary of her. After she, who had never trained in martial arts, played a fight scene in prison from the first take, director Vladimir Bortko even said: “Olya, you are so tough, sharp. Probably even Pevtsov is afraid of you. Chasing him, I suppose, at home from corner to corner ... "But the actress did not agree with this opinion:" I specifically tuned in for the role. I am not like that. Although I have a character, and it was forged for a long time. And she added with a smile: “Most of the time, my life reminds me of a roller coaster, and my own actions are bouts of insanity without a hint of any logic and common sense. It's hereditary, family."

Olga was born on April 1, 1965 in Nakhodka, in the family of a sea captain and an agronomist. Father, Boris Fedorovich Drozdov, a descendant of impoverished Russian nobles, and mother, Maria Ivanovna, from a wealthy gypsy family. They lived next door in the Kuban city of Temryuk, and once they met, a few days later they fled to the ends of the world, to a distant northern port. The seventeen-year-old girl left in what she was: a light dress and shoes. She married a handsome sailor and very soon gave birth to a daughter.

Until the age of four, Olya fenced herself off from the world with a wall of silence: she neither cried nor laughed and did not utter a word at all. And when "adult uncles and aunts" asked the "little beauty" to sing a song or read a poem, the girl silently went to her room. Firstly, even then she did not like noisy gatherings. Secondly, I was sure: they are lying about the “beauty”, despite the fact that she really was born amazingly beautiful. But the complexes are tenacious: “Compared to strong classmates, I seemed scary to myself: thin arms, legs - some kind of worm!” To hide her childish fragility, Olya put on several pairs of warm pants, three or four loose thick sweaters, and thin waist, which later became the envy of more than one woman, tied a downy scarf.

At the age of fourteen, she began to hide her face. In an attempt to hide the hated pimples on her forehead, she first grew a long bang, up to her eyebrows, then her mother's powder was used. Gradually, three layers of mascara, blush (the brighter, the better) and other “paints and varnishes” from my mother’s cosmetics were added to the powder. “I started the day with war paint. I didn’t even go to the bakery without makeup, ”Drozdova said and laughed at how famous directors were indignant:“ You look like something indecent with your mascara! She herself understood this, but she could not help herself: with unpainted eyelashes, she felt undressed. This "game of hide and seek" lasted twenty-six years and ended on the same day when Pevtsov appeared in her life. His love made Olga realize that there was no need to hide her face and soul under a thick layer of theatrical makeup.

As a child, she had many friends. Drozdova adored them all, made friends to the fullest, kept her soul wide open. But over time, their interests no longer coincided: “Especially when I started attending a theater studio. And before that there was also mountaineering, archeology, geology, sports, ballet, singing. And who would like that?" At this time, the first in her life happened to her. Detective story, which she still considers "a good school of life". The fact was that the classmate really liked the spectacular Olga, with whom, unfortunately, all the girls were in love: “And it began. A complete boycott was declared. Around our desks with him, the rest were demonstratively empty. Some nasty things were constantly thrown into the windows of my apartment. They knocked on the door. But I have learned to deal with circumstances. First, I realized that you can’t be afraid of anyone: neither people, nor dark alleys. Secondly, you need to overpower yourself and learn to rise above insults, not to notice demonstrative smirks and not to hear deathly silence. I remember they pushed me at the rink, and when I fell, they beat me. I quickly mastered the skates, and a month later I was hitting back on the offenders on that ice. Well, then she simply left her hometown.

Although Drozdova was engaged in a drama circle, she never seriously thought about the career of an actress. On the advice of her mother, she was going to become a teacher of Russian language and literature. But after the Khabarovsk Drama Theater came to visit them in Nakhodka, where Olga first saw real artists, she decided: “I will be an actress!”

However, at first the gold medalist nevertheless entered the Vladivostok Institute of Arts, where she conscientiously tried to study as a philologist, from there she went to work as a storekeeper at a shipyard in order to gain life experience. Then she recovered in the same first year, and a year later she left anyway - Olga and her friends decided to go to Sverdlovsk, to enter the theater. But on the day of departure, one came to the airport - the girlfriends got scared and stayed at home ...

In her second year at the Sverdlovsk Theater Institute, she already played one leading role and rehearsed another. Then the holidays began, and Olga decided to visit Moscow - in company with the storming metropolitan theater universities girlfriend. After watching how others take exams, Drozdova realized that she could do just as well. After that, she transferred to the Shchepkinskoe school (workshop of V. Safronov). In 1989, after graduating from college, she was taken to many theaters, but she chose Sovremennik, on the stage of which she played in the performances Three Sisters, Anfisa, The Cabal of the Hypocrites, The Steep Route, The Merry Wives of Windsor and many others.

Once, more than ten years ago, Olga starred in the film "Split", played the wife of the revolutionary Bauman and traveled with the film crew throughout Europe. Then she met Stash, a fun and interesting director from Switzerland, who helped the group work on the film. Once, after a noisy feast, Drozdov, Evgeny Dvorzhetsky and Stash drove around Geneva at night, went from club to club, swam in the lake.

From that walk they began to meet. Once Olya came to the hotel, but her things were not there - Stash dragged them to his apartment. So she moved to him ... Then the film crew went to Germany, to Belgium, and Stash followed his beloved everywhere. He said to Olya: “Do you want me to buy you an apartment in Moscow, but do you want in Paris or London? We will live where you say. He had an apartment in the city center overlooking Lake Geneva, but he himself repeated: "My home is Europe." Young people were about to get married, but then Isaac Friedberg invited Drozdova to star in his film "Walk on the scaffold." And then, as you know, it was on these samples that Olga met Pevtsov ...

Colleagues call him the darling of fate and consider him lucky, and the public once again assigns the honorary title "Actor of the Year" ... At performances with his participation, crowded halls, in serials he is given the main roles, and the press and fans do not let pass ... C light hand Leonid Bronevoy Dmitry Pevtsov was assigned the definition: "Our Stallone with steel muscles and the soul of a child." For millions of viewers, he is a noble "Beast", one-on-one fighting with the mafia, for others - exclusively sexy man With beautiful body and sad eyes.

He is recognized always and everywhere. And on the Sochi beach during the Kinotavr festival, as soon as Dmitry got out of the sea, he was immediately surrounded by people armed with notebooks and soap dishes. And during a short break between filming scenes from the series "Stop on Demand" in the unheated depot of the Kievsky railway station, real conductors handed him some old magazines left by passengers in the compartment to perpetuate the "star" signature. Dmitry satisfies the desires of his admirers without the slightest irritation and discontent. In response to the fans - always a smile, friendly, but a little tired. And then it is felt that popularity for him is still a kind of burden.

Dmitry was born on July 8, 1963 in Moscow. His mother, Noemi Semyonovna, is from the ancient Jewish family of Ashkenazi, and his father, Anatoly Ivanovich Pevtsov, is from Ryazan. The boy has been involved in sports since childhood: “From the age of six I was sent to figure skating, then - gymnastics, skiing, judo, karate. I swam a lot, rode a horse. My father swam in his youth, but went to the pentathlon, was the champion of Georgia. Later he became a master of sports, Honored Coach of the USSR, worked with the Union's pentathlon team. Matushka was an equestrian, then she graduated from medical school and was a sports doctor. Now her work is also related to horses: in the Ecological Center she uses special therapy, teaching children to ride horses, and treats children with birth injuries.”

Dmitry graduated from the regular high school. Then he tried to enter the Moscow pedagogical institute, but was expelled in disgrace from the exam in chemistry - he was caught with a cheat sheet. For four months and twenty days he worked at Almaz Central Design Bureau as a milling machine operator. There, in the workshop, together with the food order, I bought a ticket for the performance for the first time. And after several visits to the theater, he wanted to become an artist, absolutely not understanding what kind of profession it was.

In 1981, Pevtsov came with a friend to enter GITIS at the acting department, and the unexpected happened there. The friend failed, but Dmitry successfully passed all the exams and was enrolled in the workshop of Professor I. I. Sudakova and Associate Professor L. N. Knyazeva. Soon the student was called to military service and sent to the "most dangerous area" - to the Moscow Theater Soviet army, after serving in which he returned to GITIS. In 1985, having successfully graduated from the institute, Pevtsov was invited by Anatoly Efros to the Moscow Taganka Theater and was introduced to the performances "At the Bottom" and "Fedra" (staged by Roman Viktyuk). After the death of A. Efros, the young actor came into conflict with the new chief director N. Gubenko, thereby falling into the category of "traitors to the motherland and democracy."

Since that time, Dmitry began to actively act in films. The first real success came in 2000 - with the role of the former Afghan Savely Govorkov in A. Muratov's action movie "Nicknamed the Beast." The following year, for the role of Yakov Somov in G. Panfilov's film "Mother", Pevtsov received the European Film Prize "Felix" for the best performance of a supporting role. After that, Mark Zakharov invited him to participate in new edition performance "Hamlet" in Lenkom, where the actor transferred his work book.

The first wife of Pevtsov was a young actress Larisa Blazhko, who in the early 1990s. bore him a son. However, as is often the case in youth, family life did not work out. Larisa went to Canada, to Vancouver, and there she remarried. And Dmitry met Olga in Moscow ...

The screen test was the most ordinary, at the end they were supposed to kiss. There was no flash of lightning between them, no illumination. We kissed and everything. The shooting is over. A day passed, another, and Olga suddenly realized that she missed Dima. Apparently, he also felt it and on the third day he called, invited to his performance ... And soon Olga went to Belgium, where she was supposed to meet with Stash to decide on the wedding day. And there she felt that something incomprehensible was happening to her, not the way it should be before the wedding. And although about no new love she hadn’t thought about it yet, but still asked Stash to postpone the marriage for a while ... Then someone told the Swiss that Olga was often seen with Pevtsov. The groom was furious and even came to Moscow to talk to the bride, but at that moment she was filming with Dima in Dombai ...

Dmitry looked after Olga touchingly. Gave burgundy roses, saw off. When she had an attack of gastritis on the set, he cooked oatmeal for her every morning (by the way, now, when Olya gets sick, he always takes care of her). “When I met Olga,” Pevtsov recalled, “she was silent all the time and smiled enigmatically.” At first they walked silently through the streets, and then it broke through, she began to tell something excitedly all the time, and Dima listened ...

Only thanks to Pevtsov, she starred in the film "Walking on the scaffold." “The script did not indicate that my heroine should be naked in some scenes,” Olga recalled, “and when it came to filming, I categorically rebelled against this, quarreled with Friedberg, threw a tantrum and called Dima into allies. And he suddenly said: "The people should see the beautiful." I walked the streets all night and cried. But she failed to resist both the director and Dima. Thanks to the make-up artist, she made me long hair, and even the whole body was thickly smeared with makeup, so it seemed to me that I was a little dressed. But all the same, on the screen you can see how I am clamped, even my fingers are twisted in horror ... "

At that time, she was terribly offended by Dmitry, she didn’t talk to him for three days: “I just needed to fly to the shooting in Paris, and I thought: that’s it - since we have such differences in views, then only a gap! Forever! I’ll call Stash again, he will come to me, and everything will be fine. But when Dima saw me off, he said at the station: “We met with you not to part. I won't let that happen." I remembered these words all the way and, of course, I didn’t call Stash. ”

They got married only four years later, when they starred together in the film Queen Margo. They were forced to sign by the wife of Dima's older brother, saying that it was simply indecent to delay the wedding for so long. Pevtsov himself was constantly making offers to Olga, but she could not make up her mind. She recalled her first unsuccessful marriage (Drozdova's first husband was a drunken actor), which she does not like to talk about. And it all seemed to her that she needed to check her feelings.

They registered in the usual regional registry office, early in the morning, hastily, and immediately went to the set. Olga was then still filming in the series "On the Knives", where the shooting of her heroine's wedding scenes was soon to begin. Dima asked permission to wear the suit of the groom from the film. The suit turned out to be tight and short for him, but they were nevertheless photographed in these luxurious wedding dresses. They sent this wedding picture to Olya's mother in Nakhodka.

Olga is grateful to her husband for "clearing" her complexes from her. Made me free and happy. And now, if she suddenly becomes sad, she says to herself: “Olya, look around, stop, be alone with this moment.” And then peace comes to her soul and peace of mind. And with them the thought: “If I died now, I would die happy.” And she's not scared...

The actress has more than twenty film roles on her account, among the most notable films with the participation of Olga Drozdova are Alice and the second-hand book dealer, Love, a harbinger of sorrow, and the serial television film Queen Margo. Among recent works- a film by Alexei Sakharov "In a Busy Place" and a film by Marta Meszaros "Daughters of Happiness". In 1999, at the festival of feature television films "Mountain Echo", the actress was awarded a special diploma from the Union of Cinematographers of Russia - for her role in the dramatic film "On the Knives". In addition, together with Dmitry, she starred in the series Gangster Petersburg and Stop on Demand.

Her husband, playing in Lenkom Hamlet, Figaro, Treplev, Chichikov, continued to cooperate with Alla Demidova in her "Theater A". He played with her the play "Quartet" based on the play by Heiner Müller, directed by T. Terzopoulos (Greece). He took part in the fate of the "Theater of the Moon" under the direction of Sergei Prokhanov, playing episodic roles in the performances "Tender is the Night" and "Charlie Cha ...", in which he opened as a sharp-character artist. In 2000, he unexpectedly came face to face with the musical Metro and its production team, "fell in love with everyone and felt a passionate desire to sing." Now People's Artist of Russia Dmitry Pevtsov is performing the role of Van Horn in the musical The Witches of Eastwick at the Moscow Film Actor's Theatre.

Pevtsov and Drozdova believe that all the tragic love duets they played in the films (“Walk on the scaffold”, “Alice and the book dealer”, “Queen Margot”, “Gangster Petersburg”) balance their happy present. All problems remain there - in the cinema. There is no problem of jealousy in their family. Dima is not jealous at all, and Olga, however, sometimes allows herself to be jealous of her husband, and then only to remind him that she cares about him.

By the way, the actress is sure that it was thanks to Pevtsov that she began to perceive life optimistically. Previously, suffering from many complexes, Olga was a pessimist: “Once, for fun, I showed my hand to a palmist. He recoiled with the words: “According to the lines, you should no longer be in this world.” Olga did not ask him at what age she was supposed to "pass into another world." In general, spouses consider themselves fatalists. Drozdova explained to reporters: “Somehow in school years I was given a ride by a private driver, in his car we crashed into a pole - the driver died, and I didn’t even have a scratch on me.

Spouses rarely rest together: “Now resting, relaxing is a great luxury, we are not original in this,” says Olga. - But we manage to see each other and be together, and what do we need for this? In general, there is such a law: the more I work, the more I do at home. If I sit for some time without work, I don’t want to do anything at home either. This is familiar to many artists. At home, I have time to clean and cook, I have no servants, an absolutely normal family. Dima can do everything at home with his own hands when there is time.

They have very different friends, among them there are actors, and businessmen, and artists, and ballet dancers. And the general commercialization inherent in our time did not affect the relationship of spouses with loved ones: “Everything is simple at home, we lead a rather Spartan lifestyle, we are not fixated on houses, on mansions.” The fact that Drozdova uses the services personal driver, so this is just for convenience: “To be in time everywhere, so that I can limit communication and concentrate on the script or learn the text on the way, and not see the displeased faces of men who do not like that a woman is driving. It takes a lot of nerves and effort. I can take the subway too. I am in this sense normal person, and those who are sick of money and wealth, well, they probably had a difficult, moneyless childhood. In my childhood, in this sense, everything was in order, and therefore I do not have a complex of material insufficiency. Pevtsov, on the contrary, likes to sit behind the wheel himself and famously drives a car, and in recent times even began to participate in the ring road racing for the "Polo Cup".

Drozdova says that there are no conflicts in their house: “We have funny quarrels. Single sided type. I enter the apartment, speak out, but ... All this is a one-way game. My impulse does not cause any response. It has become even boring to swear ... "As a cure for boredom, she plans to increase her family:" What woman does not dream of children? I need to hand over the grandchildren to my and Dima's mothers - so that they do not fight. Therefore, we will have many children.” The husband does not mind, once he confessed to reporters: “You know, I have seen a lot in my lifetime, but one day I dreamed that I was left alone, without Olga. I have never experienced anything worse in my life.”

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Elisha Pevtsov - the son of the famous Russian actress theater and cinema O. Drozdova and People's Artist of the Russian Federation D. Pevtsov. Growing up, the boy becomes very similar to his mother - Olga Borisovna. How old is the son of Pevtsov and Drozdova - Elisha? What are the boy's interests and hobbies? We will talk about this in our article.

The love story of star parents

Olga and Dmitry met in the early 90s during the filming of the film "Walk on the scaffold." It was then that the first kiss of the star couple took place. At that time, Olga Drozdova had a fiancé in Switzerland, as well as a not entirely successful marriage behind her. Pevtsov was married to a classmate. Together they gave birth to a son, Daniel, who tragically died in 2012 at the age of 22.

The relationship between the actors developed gradually. At first they were only colleagues in the shop. Dmitry did not tell Olga that he was married and that he had a son, the actress learned about this from their mutual friend.

formalize the relationship celebrity couple was in no hurry. Drozdova was already married, so she did not want to repeat the mistakes of her youth again. Then Pevtsov decided to deceive: he told his beloved that they needed to get to the shooting of the film "Queen Margo", and he himself brought her to the registry office, where friends were already waiting for them.

The couple were dubbed "Singing Thrushes". Olga and Dmitry are perfect for each other, their relationship has only become stronger and stronger over the years. The only disappointment of the actors for 15 years was the absence of children in their family. Long-term studies led nowhere, and the couple had already ceased to hope that they would have a child.

The long-awaited baby

The boy was born when he was supposed to come. The artists have been married for over 20 years, and, of course, they have long been waiting for replenishment in the family. It should be noted that Olga Drozdova and her husband dreamed of a child, but in their family life there was no opportunity to make this dream a reality. Judging from the interviews given by the star couple, it can be seen that both Drozdova and Pevtsov tried not to raise this topic and avoided it in every possible way in order not to injure each other.

When Drozdova found out that she was in a position, for some time the actress hid this news from loved ones and colleagues. Only Dmitry Pevtsov knew that she was pregnant. The couple was afraid to jinx the long-awaited happiness that had become so desirable for them. Date of operation caesarean section was determined in advance - the spouses independently chose this particular day, considering it the most favorable for the birth of a baby.

Information about the child

The date of birth of Elisha Pevtsov is August 7, 2007. The boy was born weighing 3850 grams. Blue-eyed blond, the owner of a fabulous name was able to do married couple really happy.

On this moment child 10 years old. The boy has a calm and balanced character. The son of Pevtsov and Drozdova, Elisha, is an observant and intelligent boy who tries to be attentive to everything that happens around him.

The first time he took the stage a few years ago, when the award "Own track" was held, which was held in memory of Vladimir Vysotsky. The boy's parents sang the song, and Elisha was on stage with them. However, then the son of Olga and Dmitry was very worried, but the star couple tried to do everything possible to make the boy feel as comfortable as possible on stage. Elisey Pevtsov held hands with mom and dad even at the moment when Dmitry handed him a microphone so that he sang a little.

School education

The boy is in 4th grade. Olga and Dmitry decided to give him to a regular general education school. In the event that they notice in Elisha a craving for some specific subject, then they will translate it into educational institution with the appropriate bias.

At school, the boy is very popular with classmates. Once he even announced that he decided to marry. Only with the choice of the bride, the child has not yet decided. He has so many fans that once the girls even tore his shirt - pulling him in different directions. The boy calculated that he would have to marry every year, until graduation, to new darling so as not to offend any of the girls.

Then Olga Borisovna decided to warn her son that in this way he would have to not only carry the bride's briefcase, but also share the available toys with her. After these words, Elisha became thoughtful and postponed the wedding with a classmate for a while.

Boy's hobbies

While the 10-year-old son of Olga and Dmitry has not decided on the choice future profession. When he was 8 years old, he thought that he would become a footballer, but now he decided that maybe he would become a musician. His mother Olga Drozdova believes that the main thing here is for her son to grow up. a good man. The actress claims that they will not intentionally make him an actor with her husband. A task married couple- raise a boy in love and give him freedom of choice in actions.

Elisha attends almost all theatrical performances with the participation of Olga and Dmitry. And even sometimes gives advice to parents. Most of all, Elisha likes the rock opera "Juno and Avos" with the participation of Dmitry Pevtsov.

Elisha's speech

The boy is just beginning to develop as a musician, but he does it quite successfully. Not so long ago, he and his dad went to the capital of Georgia to perform on the stage of the Tbilisi Drama Theater.

According to Pevtsov, it was not by chance that Tbilisi was chosen as the first venue for his son's performance. First of all, the capital of Georgia is the city in which the father and mother of Dmitry Anatolyevich were born. Also, the choice was influenced by the fact that the artist did not want to subject his son's performance to increased attention from the press. If the concert were held in one of the capital's Russian theaters, this would be talked about in the media mass media even before the event, and so they learned about what had happened only after.

According to Olga, the main purpose of the performance was to understand whether Elisha could keep the attention of the audience. The young pianist, having performed the composition of A. Gedike, was able to conquer the audience of many thousands by playing a musical instrument. After the performance, he was applauded, and Pevtsov Sr. could not hide the fact that he was flattered to share the glory with his son.

Child education

Elisey Pevtsov is growing up as a real gentleman. When a boy with his mother comes to the Sovremennik Theater, where Olga Drozdova works, he tries to compliment every actress. He pays special attention to the artistic director of the theater - Galina Volchek. Elisha repeatedly presented Soviet actress theater and cinema bouquet of roses, which he personally chose.

Papa Elisha does not want his son to follow in his footsteps and become an actor. In an interview, Dmitry said that he dreams of Elisha becoming a monk. The artist believes that this way he will be much closer to God.

They are called the most beautiful and most harmonious couple Russian cinema. Them love affair at work became fate, and they share all the glory and success in half. Dmitry Pevtsov and Olga Drozdova went through serious trials together, but managed not to break down, to keep the most important thing in their life: their family of “singing blackbirds”, as friends call the couple.

Office romance on set

They met during auditions for the film A Walk on the Scaffold, where they played lovers. In the frame they looked at each other with loving eyes, but in life, it seemed, each of them had his own way.

Dmitry Pevtsov by that time broke up with his student girlfriend Larisa Blazhko and categorically refused to communicate with his son Daniel. It seemed to him that he had nothing to do with the boy. He was called the darling of fate, but for some reason his eyes were always filled with inexplicable longing.

Olga managed to survive a bad experience family relations. Her marriage to Alexander Borovikov lasted only a year and a half, but a lot of dirt was thrown at her after that. The spouse's mother also played a role in the divorce. She was sure: Olga would take away from them what they had acquired throughout their lives and leave them with nothing.

However, at the time of her acquaintance with Dmitry, she had an affair with Stash, a Swiss director. He offered her a hand, a heart and a house anywhere in Europe, she only had to choose where she wants to live with him. Olga was in love and even dreamed of a wedding when fate gave her a meeting with Pevtsov.

It wasn't love at first sight. Just a few days later, Olga suddenly realized that she was missing Dima. And he, as if feeling, called her and invited her to a performance with his participation in the Taganka Theater.

When Olga met Stash in Belgium, she asked him to delay the official registration of the marriage. And a little later, someone told the director about her affair with Pevtsov.

Upon learning that Dmitry has a son, she put forward a condition: if you want to communicate with me, restore relations with the child. Later, Dmitry will thank his wife more than once for this ultimatum.

He beautifully looked after the actress, who was more and more silent and smiling mysteriously. When she developed gastritis, he cooked oatmeal for her in the morning and touchingly looked after her. Then the silent Olga broke through, she began to speak incessantly, constantly telling something. Dmitry listened, and his heart was filled with warmth and tenderness.

“We did not meet in order to leave!”

Escorting her to Paris, he firmly said: “We did not meet in order to part!” And she always remembered those words. Her affair with Stash seemed now something insignificant and distant.

But Olga was in no hurry to accept Pevtsova's offer. It always seemed to her that they did not know each other well enough. This could go on indefinitely, but once a relative of Dima said that it was simply indecent to delay the marriage for so long.

They signed in the usual registry office, and film set the film "On the Knives", where Drozdova was supposed to play the bride, they took a photo in luxurious outfits.

Love Through Trials

They turned out amazing Friendly family. Olga became friends not only with the mother of Dmitry Pevtsov, but also with his son Daniel. The couple did not have their own children for a long 15 years. The actress considered this a retribution for her once unborn brother. She was very jealous of the pregnant mother for the unborn baby, and then the pregnancy was terminated at a later date.

But 15 years later, fate gave them the happiness of becoming parents: a son, Elisha, was born. It seemed that their happiness would be endless. But in September 2012, disaster struck. 22-year-old Daniil Pevtsov, during a meeting of graduates, unable to keep his balance, fell from the balcony.

Dmitry Anatolyevich felt how his world was collapsing. Daniel was a very promising actor, and his father believed that his son was much better and more talented than himself. But a tragic accident ended his life.

He came to his senses painfully, saving himself by reading Orthodox literature and visiting the temple. Then Olga almost by force took him abroad, away from prying eyes and questions. She and Elisha became the support, thanks to which Dmitry Pevtsov returned to life.

Olga does not hide: Dmitry simply cleared all her complexes and allowed her to become happy. They don’t even know how to quarrel, it’s just boring for them. Olga, how emotional person, trying to say something passionately right from the doorway, but immediately stumbles upon Dima's calm look, his warm smile. And all the fuse disappears somewhere.

They still have many plans for the future, both creative and family. In April 2018, it suddenly became clear that a girl lives in their family, whom they consider to be their adopted daughter. They didn’t draw up any documents for Alena, since she has a mother and her own family, but the girl often rests with her spouses, she was a student at Dmitry Pevtsov’s studio, and now she works as an actress at the Pevtsov Theater.

They have been together for a quarter of a century and cannot even imagine that they could not meet at some point. Dmitry Drozdov calls himself professional henpecked with experience and does not hide the fact that without Olga his life would not have been so complete.

Dmitry Pevtsov and Olga Drozdova became happy parents when they were both already in their early 40s. Many argue that their life with the birth of a baby has found new meaning and painted with bright colors.

Dmitry Pevtsov was born in July 1963 in Moscow. He is Soviet Russian actor theater and cinema, in 2001 he received the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation. Also engaged pedagogical activity, declared himself and as a singer.

Dmitry Pevtsov is a Muscovite, he was born in the Russian capital on July 8, 1963. His family was not simple. My father was a well-deserved coach, he trained future pentathlon athletes, and my mother reached great heights in medicine and developed a completely new direction for the country: the treatment of people with disabilities with the help of hippotherapy, that is, horseback riding and communication with these amazing animals. Already at the age of 3, Dmitry also began to master horseback riding, he also became interested in martial arts at the suggestion of his father. Such a versatile upbringing and an excellent home education greatly helped him in his future career.

Childhood and first steps in art

Dmitry drove confidently, knew how to fend for himself from an early age. Plus, he also tried himself in figure skating, diligently went in for swimming, confidently kept on skiing. He always loved risk, later reckless auto racing was added to his hobbies. As the artist himself recalls, he was already born with a love of risk and even, secretly from his parents, rode on the steps of freight cars to give himself a magical feeling from the surging adrenaline.

About acting career he dreamed not from childhood, but planned to go in for sports, physical education. He decided to devote himself to a coaching career, combining it with exciting car racing. But circumstances developed in such a way that he did not enter the institute as an athlete and, in order not to lose a year, went to work at the plant as a milling machine operator. This year of work had a good effect on his worldview, he listened to himself and understood what he wanted to do. Unexpectedly for himself, he decides to enter GITIS.

Everything happened by chance, but at the same time in accordance with the classics of the genre.

A friend asked Dmitry to support him in the entrance exams, and they went to act together, as often happens in such cases. But the selection committee did not consider the comrade, who was diligently preparing, to be worthy of admission, but drew attention to Dmitry, an almost random person among the applicants.

Undoubtedly, the examiners noted his excellent physical shape, posture, self-confidence, charisma, and interesting appearance.

Acting formation

He successfully completed GITIS and was immediately invited to the Moscow Taganka Theater. This was another proof of his talent. In this theater, the actor was involved in the productions of Roman Viktyuk, who singled out the talented artist. In one of the performances, the actor was entrusted to play several characters at once. He also played in the classic "At the Bottom" based on the play by Maxim Gorky. He was equally successful in roles in classical productions and in innovative, even somewhat scandalous ones.

Real popularity came to him along with the cinema. Of course, the directors could not ignore such a colorful character. The first to see his talent was the famous director Tatyana Lioznova, the one who directed the cult series about Stirlitz. At that time, she was already completing her directorial career, so Dmitry starred in her last movie"The End of the World with a Follow-up Symposium".

This is a very interesting and original picture, however, like all films of a talented director. This is a Soviet three-part television movie, which, unfortunately, was not shown on television too often. It was shown once in 1987. This is a complex picture that raises the question of the inevitability of a global nuclear war with the destruction of mankind. Moreover, the emphasis is not on special effects, which were very few at that time, but on the philosophical component of the tragedy. Dmitry Pevtsov in this film was not the main, but a very serious role, with which he coped perfectly.

But real fame came after 4 years, when the era of action movies, crime, military dramas began. Many people remember the action-packed action movie “Nicknamed the Beast”, it was in it that Dmitry Pevtsov shone in all its glory. This role allowed the audience to demonstrate the amazing physical abilities of the artist, because his love for martial arts has not gone away with time.

Affirmation on starry Olympus

We can say that, since that time, the artist has firmly established himself on the starry Olympus and became one of the first-rate domestic celebrities. In 1991, when the USSR collapsed, he invited the performer to his theater Lenkom.

The great director decided to build the activities of his theater in a completely new way. He felt the need for change. The country has changed, the audience has changed, and theaters must be different if their management aims not only to stay afloat, but also to succeed.

The director made the right bet on the famous and talented actor. Interest in the theater on the part of the audience has only increased. Dmitry himself also benefited from such a transition, because they began to trust him with the main roles in the best performances. For example, he played Hamlet in Shakespeare's play. He also played the role in the play "The Seagull" by Chekhov. Many people remember the artist in the rock opera "Juno and Avos", which some called scandalous, because it does not quite fit into the traditional canons of the theatrical genre. Dmitry Pevtsov also starred in Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro - this work also does not need advertising. These roles are the envy of many other artists.

In view of texture, expressiveness, the artist became popular in a variety of musicals, which literally flooded the stage and TV screens. The artist fit well into them, for example, in the famous musical "Metro". Then participation in television series was added, for example, “Queen Margot”, “Countess de Monsoro” and the legendary “Gangster Petersburg”. Such productions went with a bang, plus, soon spy series and melodramas were added.

Feature films also succumbed to the actor. So, everyone remembers the famous "Turkish Gambit", which is an adaptation of the novel by Boris Akunin. Dmitry Pevtsov looked great in the role of a hussar. The directors, colleagues in the shop and the audience noted that the military uniform suits him surprisingly.

Merit recognition

Thanks to such a rich biography, they drew attention to the artist and politicians. In 2007, the actor was awarded the Order of Honor, then the Order of Merit for the Fatherland. In addition, he received numerous prestigious theater awards, in 2001 he received the title National artist Russia.

In 2018 he received a medal from the Russian Orthodox Church, and a little earlier, in 2015, he became the Laureate of the Russian National Acting Prize named after "Figaro".

The performer is not afraid to firmly express his Political Views. In particular, he was very honest and specific when he expressed his opinion about the conflict in the east of Ukraine in no uncertain terms. For such statements, he was included in the database of the infamous site "Peacemaker", and in the Baltic countries declared persona non grata.

Personal life

It is worth mentioning the personal life of Dmitry Pevtsov. His first actual wife was the actress Larisa Blazhko, whom they met at the theater institute. In June 1990, their son Daniel was born, but soon after that the couple broke up. Unfortunately, as a result of an accident at the age of 22, Daniil died after falling out of a window. Dmitry experienced this loss very hard and carefully guarded all the details and details of the funeral from the press, providing serious protection.

Photo: Dmitry Pevtsov with his wife and child

In December 1994, he married an actress whom they met back in 1991. In 2007, the couple had a son, Elisha.

Dmitry admits that faith in God gives him great moral support. He has his favorite quotes from the Bible, he does not hesitate to emphasize that Christianity is the main thing in his life. However, he respects people of all faiths, because his mother has been practicing Judaism for many years.

The actor is full of energy, is in good physical form. His films are released annually, in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018. In particular, in 2018 films with his participation are released: “To Paris” and two television series at once: “Men and Women” and “Gangster Petersburg: Time Distribution”.

Selected filmography

  • 1986 - End of the world followed by a symposium
  • 1990 - Witch's Dungeon
  • 1992 - I trust in you
  • 1993 - Mafia is immortal
  • 2001 - The lion's share
  • 2006 - First Ambulance
  • 2007 - Election Day
  • 2011 - Boris Godunov
  • 2017 - About love

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The sports genes of the parents reminded the actor of themselves. Since 2001, Dmitry Pevtsov has become seriously interested in racing, the man took part in the Volkswagen Polo Cup competitions as part of the Sport Garage team, as well as in the RTCC racing championship in automobile circuit racing as part of the RUS-LAN racing team.

Pevtsov became an actor quite by accident. His friend persuaded the company to submit documents to GITIS. Pevtsov supported his comrade, only now Dima was successfully enrolled in the first year, but there was no friend.

In the movie Dmitry Pevtsov first appeared in 1986. He got the small role of Jim in the last film by Tatyana Lioznova, the detective story "The End of the World followed by a symposium."

Dmitry had good data for an actor, he also had good vocals. Dmitry was in great demand among musical directors. In addition to the sensational "Juno and Avos", he easily took part in the first Russian musical Metro, as well as the Russian production of The Witches of Eastwick.

The actor also successfully starred in TV series, including "Queen Margot", "Countess de Monsoro" and the legendary "Gangster Petersburg". He also starred in two seasons of the reference service melodrama Demand Stop and in the spy series The Fall of an Empire.

He starred in the feature film "Turkish Gambit" - an adaptation of the work of the same name by Boris Akunin. The role of the brave hussar Zurov was to the liking of the actor, he played it excellently, and his remark “what a bellevue, madam” became a household word.

In 2007, Dmitry Pevtsov was assigned to the Order of Honor, and in 2013 he received the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree.

While studying at GITIS, Dmitry lived in a de facto marriage with his classmate Larisa Blazhko, who in 1990 gave birth to a son, Daniil, from the actor. After a while, the couple broke up, and Blazhko emigrated to Canada. They managed to maintain friendly relations, Pevtsov took an active part in the fate of his son Daniel, helping him at the beginning of his acting career.

In 1991, the actor began an affair with his partner on the set, the actress of the Sovremennik Theater, the beautiful Olga Drozdova during the filming of Walking on the Scaffold. Three years later, Dmitry Pevtsov and Olga Drozdova got married.

There was a rumor that the actors divorced in 2002. This was a lie, which was refuted by both family friends and the Lenkom actors. The relationship of the spouses is stormy, they often swear, not embarrassed in public and on the set.

In 2007, a son was born, who was named Elisha. Spouses are always together, support and help each other.

Five years ago, the actor suffered a tragedy: his son died from his first marriage. It was an accident, he fell out of the window of the third floor, the doctors could not help his son, Pevtsov's son died in intensive care. The accident happened to a young man at a meeting with classmates, there were a lot of rumors about the cause of death. Nobody knows the truth now.

Many people think that Daniel fell out of the window not by accident, but because of the abuse of alcohol or illegal drugs. Friends and colleagues do not believe all the slander, since Daniel led healthy lifestyle life and was a very positive young man.

Dmitry Pevtsov decided to hide his son's funeral from prying eyes. There were no journalists at the funeral, no cameras, nothing. On Troekurovsky cemetery were only friends and relatives of the deceased.