ten years ago this singer was considered one of the most promising and attractive girls on the foreign stage. Now, after many difficult life situations, she turned not just into a world-class star, but into loving mother, an exemplary daughter and owner of one of the largest bank accounts among celebrities. The only status that Britney Spears is still missing from her “piggy bank” is caring wife, who could give all her love and tenderness to a loved one.

Britney Spears repeatedly tried to build relationships with men, but all her novels ended in failure. Even in her youth, the singer met with, her longtime friend and colleague at the Disney club. In their love story The whole world believed, but after several years of relationship the couple broke up.

Later, Britney Spears was seen in the company of Limp Bizkit lead singer Fred Darst, actor Colin Farrell, Wed Robson, Jr Rotem and other celebrities. And each time the press persistently attributed the status of “too serious and promising” to her novels. It seemed that just a little more and Britney would finally jump out to marry one of these men.

Jared Leto and Britney Spears dated for only a short time

Once it happened: after a noisy party in Las Vegas, Spears married her high school friend Jason Alexander, whose marriage lasted only 55 hours. Just a few days after the ceremony, the singer realized what a mistake she had made, and that her ideas about the wedding did not at all coincide with what happened in Vegas. Fortunately, the divorce passed without complications and just a few hours later the pop diva again became a free and enviable bride.

The artist even performed on stage with Calumbus Short

The second time, Britney Spears' wedding took place in a more conscious atmosphere, for which the singer prepared in advance. Her boyfriend, Kevin Federline, was a dancer in her group, which is how they met. Despite the fact that this marriage also did not last long, Britney gave birth to two beautiful sons from her second husband - Sean Preston and Jayden James. It recently became known that Britney Spears and Kevin Federline are back together for the sake of their children: the former spouses now often meet on the football field to watch their sons play.

The divorce of Britney Spears and Kevin Federline has become one of the most notorious

The singer's last serious romance was her relationship with Jason Trawick. Former manager the stars even made her official proposal, and the whole world was looking forward to a magnificent wedding after the news of the engagement. However, shortly before the ceremony, unexpectedly for her fans, Britney announced that she had broken up with Jason Trawick. The former lovers remain friends and communicate often.

Britney Spears (December 2, 1981) is a charismatic singer and dancer who took 12th place in the list of the richest women in the world. Britney is famous for her turbulent personal life. In the period from 1999 to 2002, Britney's chosen one was Justin Timberlake However, despite the actively developing romance, the lovers broke up. After a short break, Britney started dating her childhood friend - Jason Alexander, in 2004, their wedding took place in Las Vegas, but they were husband and wife for 55 hours, then annulled the marriage.

Soon Spears married Kevin Federline, decided to devote herself to her family and gave birth to her first child in 2005; another boy appeared in 2006, but a few months after his birth, Britney unexpectedly decided to end the marriage. The fact is that immediately after the birth of his son, Kevin Federlein went on a heavy binge, and, as it turned out, not the first. The young mother falls into severe depression and “goes off the rails.” Her life went downhill. In February 2007, Britney Spears goes to the hair salon and cries in her car for a long time before going inside. At the salon she says she wants to shave her head. The hairdresser refuses to fulfill Britney's wild request because he is afraid of lawsuits for damaging the pop star's appearance. The singer herself grabs a shaving machine and shave her head. She then heads to the Body & Soul tattoo shop, gets a small tattoo on her thigh, and drives home.

Everyone thinks she's crazy. She is admitted to a rehabilitation clinic. followed scandalous divorce And trial for the right to custody of children. On October 1, 2007, Kevin Federline was appointed guardian of the children. Control of her finances was transferred to her father, who also became her guardian (after another nervous breakdown). On October 28, 2008, the court extended guardianship for an indefinite period.

After this, the singer spent several years climbing out of the abyss where she ended up through her own fault. She gained a lot of weight and, with a height of 163 cm, began to weigh more than 65 kilograms. True, the star was not at all shy about it, she wore short shorts and people constantly discussed her cellulite on her thighs.

Gradually, Britney came to her senses, began to take care of herself, and her career took off.

At the 2011 MTV Video Music Awards, Lady Gaga presented her with the Michael Jackson Generation Recognition Award, then she tried to kiss Spears, as Madonna kissed her in 2003, but Britney refused it. In 2012, Lady Gaga took revenge on Britney by wishing a fan a happy birthday and saying, “Are you all 14? How old are you? You are 15! To give you an idea, this is what I was like at 15 years old at a Britney Spears concert.”

At the end of 2011, Britney became engaged to a forty-year-old Jason Trawick, your manager. In an interview with an American publication Elle magazine Justin admitted that Britney was the first to seduce him. “Britney and I communicated as boss and subordinate, because I was her agent. But one day, while discussing a project, Brit turned sharply towards me, and we found ourselves face to face, and then... You understand... It all started!”

Spears and Trawick lived together for three years, and everyone was sure that they were madly in love with each other: touchingly hugged and kissed at social events, and spent romantic vacations. Travik got along well with Britney's sons. They say that at her insistence he even lost 20 kilograms!

The singer once wrote on Twitter: “OMG. Last night Jason surprised me with the gift I was waiting for. I can't wait to show it to you! I’m incredibly happy!” It was a 3 carat diamond ring. The wedding was planned for December 2012, but in January 2013, Spears and Trawick broke off their engagement. “Jason and I broke up, but I will always adore him!” – wrote Britney. Travik, in turn, also assured of tender feelings for ex-girlfriend: “I will love Britney and take care of her sons. We will remain close friends forever."

It is noteworthy that people considered Jason Trawick to be the “savior of Britney Spears”, since he lent her his shoulder in Hard time, and a year after the start of her affair with Jason, Britney managed to return to the stage and restore her maternal and partial property rights.

The American magazine People suggested that the reason for their separation was that Spears became bored with Trawick. Some believe that the ambitious Jason felt that he was losing his individuality and was tired of sitting next to his bride. It should be noted that he left with nothing, leaving all his property to his friend.

Soon the singer had a permanent boyfriend - a lawyer David Lucado with whom she spent all her time free time. Friends noted that it was easy and fun for Britney to be with David, as the guy had a great sense of humor and he could always find a topic for conversation. They go shopping, buying toys for Britney's sons. Spears' acquaintances are sure that David is suitable for the singer: he also gets along well with Spears' sons, including good relations with her parents.

Despite obvious improvements in her mental and physical condition, Britney is still considered incapacitated and her father has the right to control visits to his daughter by others, give orders to her servants and bodyguards, and has unlimited access to her “medical history.” The court called for monitoring the implementation of these duties, which will last for another 2 years.

Apparently realizing that he would soon lose his feeder, Britney's 61-year-old father recently said that $16,000 a month was not enough for him to manage his daughter's property. This is the amount that was established by the court 6 years ago. He writes: “I continue to protect and protect Britney. I am conscientiously engaged in her affairs in managing her property in her own interests.” He asks for another thousand dollars for conscientious care. In addition, James Spears asks the court to increase the monthly amount of payments for office rent, from $1,200 to $2,000 thousand. "Due to the fact that my rent has increased over the past three years, I am asking for an additional compensation of $800 monthly towards my office expenses. I am asking for permission to spend $2,000 every month to pay rent for the premises where Britney Spears' business is conducted."

Journalists found out that, most likely, the secret of the father’s increased appetites lies in his daughter’s 15 million contract for 96 shows in Las Vegas.

For your information, Britney speaks much warmer about her mother. Her father James is a builder and was often on the road away from home. In 2000, the marriage of Britney's parents broke up, but in 2008 it was James who became Britney's trustee and managed all her property. Perhaps a misunderstanding with his father led to him becoming offended that big money could pass him by.

Participation in the TV show “The Mickey Mouse Club” at the age of 12 became fateful not only in the career, but also in the personal life of Britney Spears. It was then that she met Justin Timberlake, her first love. After performing together on a children's television program, their paths diverged, but not for long: Justin soon became a member of the boy band N'Sync, while Britney warmed up the public before their concerts. Britney and Justin have had a romantic relationship since 1999 - it was then that young Britney Spears gained popularity and became a real pop star. Individually, Justin and Britney were idols for teenagers and young people, and together they seemed to be an exemplary couple - in this light their cloudless relationship, which was still not destined to end in wedding and family happiness, appeared to society. Their union lasted four years, until Justin accused his lover of treason. After Britney and Justin broke up in 2002, many hoped for their reconciliation, including Justin’s parents, but the former lovers remained friends.

Jason Alexander

East News / Splash News

The next page in Britney Spears' personal life was her first marriage. However, it was not at all a long-awaited event for the singer herself. The thing is that the decision to get married was spontaneous and unexpected in the wake of nightlife in Las Vegas. So, in 2004, Britney became the wife of her childhood friend Jason Alexander for 55 hours. This marriage was considered one of the shortest star marital unions. Not yet completely out of parental care, 22-year-old Britney Spears received a severe reprimand from her mother about her drunken wedding.


Kevin Federline

Single mother Britney Spears was deprived of the right to see her children for some time, and custody of her was entrusted to her father. The singer's devoted fans never tired of cursing Kevin Federline as the culprit of Britney's deep depression.

Jason Trawick

After rehabilitation and returning to the stage, Britney again started an affair with a colleague. Jason Trawick was Britney's manager. and in the end he became her “savior,” as the man was nicknamed in show business. Jason was able to restore not only peace of mind his ward, but her reputation and career. It was thanks to Travik that Britney managed to return to the stage and regain the right to manage finances and custody of her sons. Romantic feelings between them flared up in 2009, and Britney became so dear to Jason that he even sacrificed his career for her: Travik decided to leave the agency, thanks to which he was able to work in Britney Spears’ team, and found a place of work to spend more time with his beloved. In 2011, Britney and Jason got engaged: the lovers planned a lavish wedding for the next year, but... The couple broke up without exchanging vows. “Jason and I have decided to end our engagement,” Spears told People magazine. “But I will always admire him and consider him a friend.”

What caused the separation of Britney Spears and Trawick? According to rumors, the singer wanted to give birth to a third child - from her fiancé. Jason, who quickly found mutual language with Britney’s boys, he didn’t want to add to the family - the role of an adoptive father was enough for him.

David Lucado

Britney Spears and lawyer David Lucado, whom the singer met at a golf club, dated for a year and a half and broke up at the end of August 2014. The reason is as old as time: Britney accidentally came across a video of David kissing a friend. Just a week before this event, Spears openly declared her love for unfaithful David on her Instagram!

Charlie Ebersol

East News / Splash News

Yesterday, June 22, it became known that Britney Spears had gone through another breakup. The singer broke up with 32-year-old television producer and screenwriter Charlie Ebersol. whom I had been dating since October last year. Charlie got along well with his children, 8-year-old Jayden and 9-year-old Sean, but today it became known that the couple decided to separate. Spears even deleted all her photos together with her ex-boyfriend from Instagram. History is silent about what caused the separation. Maybe Britney's desire to become a wife and mother again is so great that it scares off indecisive guys? Or Spears steps on the same rake again and again, choosing the wrong guys...

As one of the best representatives of this genre of art. She is only 35 years old, but the list of her achievements is such that even Madonna herself, who is the singer’s idol, could envy her. The biography of Britney Spears has been studied far and wide.

Each of the nine studio albums and their accompanying track lists always sold millions of copies in the first months after their release. Total in her track record about 200 songs.

5 films were made about the singer’s life and work documentaries, she also constantly posts on her Instagram page.

We are offering to you short description life of Britney Spears, in which we tried to cover all the most important milestones the life and work of this wonderful woman.

From Cinderella to princess

The release of each new Britney Spears album, starting with the first, has always been covered by the press in almost all countries of the world. Her personal life, childhood, marriage, marriages and scandals almost from the very beginning of her stellar career became constant fodder for newspaper headlines. The biography of Britney Spears is the biography of Cinderella who became a princess. That's what they call her: the pop princess. Britney's life story is interesting because it seems real for any person: you just have to want it, and you can easily become, if not a princess, then certainly rich and famous. Perhaps such transformations are actually possible?

Britney was born in a small town in the USA with a population of about 2,000 people. Her parents are just ordinary, not rich and not famous Americans. Britney Spears was brought to the pinnacle of fame, which in the music world is symbolized by the presentation of the Grammy Awards, by the girl’s irrepressible energy, her talent, the support of her parents, as well as famous social elevators The United States, giving the opportunity to make a career for any citizen of this country.


The appearance of a pop star cannot but interest the public. Britney Spears was no exception. Fans collect information about how tall Britney Spears is, how much she weighs, what diet she follows, whether she plays sports, what dishes she prefers, whether she plastic surgery, why she shaved her head bald, etc. It’s not surprising, because the young woman is constantly in full view of the whole world.

In childhood photographs, the singer has beautiful long, straight, light brown hair. From the moment she turned 19, they began to lighten slowly but surely. At the same time, her style of performing songs and behavior on stage also underwent dramatic changes - from a modest schoolgirl to formal dresses to a half-naked sex bomb shocking the public. Only Britney Spears' height remained unchanged - 153 cm and shoe size - 39 (EUR).

The singer served as a model for a children's doll, but the chiseled figurine of a plastic toy is not quite what Britney had after giving birth and after severe depression. The question of how many children Britney Spears has is also on the minds of many. So far she has two sons, but they say that the appearance of a third is not excluded.

Britney is currently in in great shape and returned to her ideal weight- 56 kg.

Parents and childhood

Britney's birthplace is McComb, Michigan, USA. The Spears family did not live there for long and soon after the birth of the future pop princess they moved to Louisiana, to Kentwood. It was this city that became a small homeland for the singer.

Britney Spears' birthday is December 2, 1981. Fate endowed her with a purposeful character and great willpower. Perhaps it’s all about the horoscope: by year she is Rooster, and by zodiac sign she is Sagittarius. Both signs characterize her as an artistic person, endowed with remarkable energy, as well as a tendency to shine in public, the ability to present herself beautifully, attract attention and ignite those around her.

Britney's mother is an aerobics trainer and teacher. primary classes. The first lessons on how to move beautifully and rhythmically on stage were given to the girl by her mother, Lynn Irene Bridges. Then she sent her daughter to a rhythmic gymnastics school. Britney learned to sing while participating in the local church choir.

Britney Spears' father, James Parnell Spears, has two professions - he is a chef and a builder. James did not devote as much time and attention to his children as their mother, but supported her ideas for her son and two daughters. The eldest son, Brian Spears, became the manager of the sisters - Britney and Jamie. Brian is four years older than Britney, and Jamie is ten years younger than Britney. She is an actress and appears in television series. Jamie took her mother's name as a pseudonym and began working in films as Jamie Lynn.

Carier start

Britney Spears' public biography began at age 8, when she came to New York to audition for The Mickey Mouse Show. The producers liked the girl, but she was not suitable for the project due to her age. This turned out to be a good thing, as she was sent to school acting skills, where she studied performing arts for three years and even performed on stage in small roles. At the end training course she returned to The Mickey Mouse Show, where she was happily accepted. This is very famous show- such world-famous stars as Christina Aguilera, Justin Timberlake, Jaycee Chasez, Keri Russell, Ryan Gosling and others began their careers there.

In 1993, The Mickey Mouse Show ended and Britney returned to Louisiana. She started going to school again, and at the same time she sang in an ensemble with her friends. Their group was very popular in the city and the girls were often invited to perform at various events and on holidays. However, Britney dreamed of more. Three years later, she recorded a demo disc with her songs and sent it to the record company Jive Records. They became interested in the girl and sent a reply with an offer of cooperation.

Britney began performing in supermarkets and working as backup singers in various ensembles.

Rapid success

World fame came to 19-year-old Britney Spears with the album Baby One More Time. It came out in 1999. More than a year the album was on the list of the most popular not only in the USA, but throughout the world, and already in 2000 the second collection was released: Oops!...I Did It Again. In the first week after the release of the record, the number of copies sold exceeded 1.3 million copies. This broke all known records. More than 20 million copies were distributed around the world, but this time the Grammy Award did not go to Britney.

Britney Spears' fourth album, In the Zone, or more precisely, the musical composition Toxic, received a Grammy. This happened in 2003.

Relationship with Justin Timberlake

Now Britney Spears is free, but ten years ago her divorce, and before that her marriage, made a lot of noise in the press. Her marriage, which produced two sons, lasted only two years. The personal life of Britney Spears is still of interest to her fans and journalists, and in 2004-2007, when the singer’s star was shining with all its might, young Britney even became despondent and plunged into depression with drugs and alcohol. She got out of it only thanks to the support of loved ones and her own willpower.

Britney met Justin Timberlake on The Mickey Mouse Show. Their friendship lasted four years. Rumor has it that their relationship was not platonic and Justin became her first man. This is confirmed by Timberlake himself, however, after breaking up with him, Britney repeatedly told reporters that she would have sex with a man for the first time. intimate relationships only after marriage registration. She was raised in the strict Baptist Church. Britney Spears' biography is told in detail in four books that she wrote with her mother. There are moments there that explain the moral character of the singer and her ethical principles. Being very sociable and open, Britney Spears does not like to talk about her personal life.

First marriage

Shortly after breaking up with Timberlake, Britney got married. Britney Spears's first husband, with whom the marriage was officially concluded, was the singer's husband for only 55 hours. This is Britney's longtime friend Jason Alexander.

It is difficult to say why Spears carried out this adventure; it is only obvious that the shocking trick has nothing to do with the official ritual of starting a family.

Britney Spears commented on the strange event with a desire to check for own experience what a woman feels when she gets married. May be so. The wedding took place in Las Vegas, where the wedding procedure is simplified as much as possible. Many Americans who want to get married quickly take advantage of the benefits allowed in this city.

One way or another, after the fictitious wedding and divorce, Britney changed her stage image. Having parted with the image of “America’s last virgin,” she embarked on the path of becoming another American sex bomb. Confirmation of this is the candid shooting at Harper's Bazaar, a kiss with Madonna in the Me Against the Music video, a completely naked body in the Toxic video, for which she, by the way, received a Grammy statuette in the category “Best Dance Composition,” etc. .

Marriage to Kevin Federline

Real family life Britney started after her second marriage. Her chosen one was rapper, dancer and model Kevin Federline. They decided to get married three months after they met. Federline was not stopped by the fact that his former passion was pregnant and was expecting the birth of his second child from Kevin in a month.

The wedding was magnificent and beautiful. Several dozen guests congratulated the newlyweds at the mansion of one of Kevin and Britney's friends. The initial stage of the couple's relationship became the subject of a reality show that was shown on television and was a great success with viewers. A year later, in 2005, Britney gave birth to her first son, Sean Preston Federline. The second pregnancy did not take long to happen and a few months after Sean was born, Britney became pregnant again. In September 2006, the couple celebrated the birth of Jayden James Federline.

The constant attention of journalists and paparazzi, which Britney initially liked so much, began to irritate her. The woman was followed everywhere, and the most minor incidents involving children were called into action. mass media such a fuss that Spears' nerves began to fray.

She was supported by her friend and idol Louise Ciccone. Following the example of Madonna, Britney became interested in Kabbalah, but under pressure from her family, which professed Christian values, she soon left the Jewish faith, declaring that now her only religion would be her sons.

Divorce from Federline

The marriage to Federline lasted about two years. Spears cited the insurmountable dissimilarity of characters as the reason for the divorce. The divorce process was long and full of scandals. Britney Spears and Kevin Federline could not come to a mutually acceptable decision regarding children for a long time. Kevin insisted on depriving Britney of parental rights, explaining this by addiction ex-wife to alcohol and drugs. Ultimately, Britney was admitted to a clinic, but doctors denied Kevin's accusations. Britney's father, who by that time was divorced from her mother, intervened in the quarrel between the ex-spouses. He insisted on giving custody of his grandchildren to him. As a result, he achieved his goal, as well as the right and responsibility to manage his daughter’s financial income.

This was a reasonable step, since Britney remained with her children, and Kevin, having cooled down after the divorce battles and acquired new girlfriend, established good friendships with both Britney and her father. He often meets with his sons and is always aware of their interests. Kevin is currently the father of six children from three different women and maintains good relations with all of them.

According to Britney Spears herself, 2007 was the hardest year of her life. Wanting to get out of the tangle of problems, she alternately tried to distract herself in the company of Paris Hilton, where calming her nerves with alcohol and drugs was welcomed, then she visited a psychoanalyst, and in the end she shaved her hair off her head. She explained this gesture by her desire to “cut off problems” along with her hair. One way or another, Britney Spears emerged victorious from the crisis.

Britney and Hessem Asgari

Currently, Britney Spears has been dating Iranian model and fitness trainer Sam Asghari for almost a year. There are rumors that she is expecting a child from him. Asgari does not deny this possibility. He says that he will be happy if his relationship with Britney moves to a new stage. The singer herself does not speak out on this topic, but she writes on Instagram that she would like to give birth to a girl.

I met Sam at a casting for the video for the song Slumber Party. Sam is 12 years younger than Britney, but this age difference does not bother the singer at all; on the contrary, it encouraged her to take care of herself and restore her former self. perfect shape. Next to Sam, Britney simply glows with happiness. Even skeptics noticed this when they saw the couple at a fashion show of Costello clothing. Britney and Sam came to support younger sister Sam, who appeared on the catwalk for the first time as a model.

Spears and The Smurfs

Britney Spears voiced the video for the soundtrack of the animated film “The Smurfs 2.” She admitted that she has loved this cartoon since childhood and is very happy to work on its advertising. Moreover, in early years she has starred many times in short clips presenting products and various supermarket sales promotions.

Her sons performed as artists, which Britney is very proud of. She commented on the boys' work as very professional. They behaved well in front of the camera, clearly followed the orders of the director and cameraman, and both had good telegenic abilities. Britney hopes that when they grow up, they will certainly devote themselves to music, like their father and mother.

other hobbies

Britney Spears is a creative and passionate person. In addition to music, she channeled her energy into other areas. At the dawn of her singing career, Britney tried to master the restaurant business, since her name itself served as an excellent advertisement, but soon after the opening of the restaurant the woman lost interest in this business. By the way, Britney's favorite foods are pizza, hamburgers, chips and Pepsi. The Pepsi company even signed a multimillion-dollar contract with her to advertise their drink.

Some time later, Britney Spears released a lingerie collection. Probably, the young woman was inspired by her success in getting her own body into shape, which had become pretty blurry after the crisis ten years ago. Photos of Britney wearing lingerie named after her are impressive. The collection is distinguished by good design, chaste sexuality and, most importantly, affordable prices. Spears is doing quite well in this business. Apparently realizing that criticism of her outfits was not entirely unjustified, she assembled a team of real professionals and completely trusted their taste. The fact that Britney Spears has a poor understanding of style and fashion has been known for a long time. However, oddly enough, all the mistakes when choosing an outfit for a social event, initially criticized by snobs, became mainstream among millions of not only fans of her singing talent, but also among those who had never even heard of the singer Spears. We are talking about an open stomach, ostentatiously see-through underwear, torn sweaters, elongated sweaters, over-the-knee boots, etc.

Succumbing to the passion of many representatives of the art world, Britney took up the production of perfume products. Perfume with its logo does not stay on store shelves for a long time. Since 2004, she has released more than 20 fragrances.

A doll was released in the singer's resemblance Britney Spears, who sings it in her voice. Includes the world's most popular model doll real star the world of art - clothes and other accessories corresponding to the images of Britney from her videos.

Five of Spears' most popular songs were used to create computer game. As the game progresses, you need to press the keys in accordance with the melody of the song. The ultimate goal is to get into the singer's virtual concert tour as a dancer.

Currently, Britney Spears' net worth amounts to billions of dollars, and the singer herself is in the best shape and is full of enthusiasm for bringing new ideas and projects to life.

What's going on in Britney Spears' life right now? Already at the age of 17, she was called “the most gifted minor” and “pop princess” and since then, for 20 years, fans have been interested in the news of her life.

Light, fragile, with angelic appearance and a puppet voice, at the same time incredibly plastic and flexible - she instantly became the idol of millions of teenagers.

Not limiting herself to one activity, she tried herself as a choreographer, producer, composer, and took part in television shows as a judge on vocal projects. She also starred in 13 films, published several books about herself, released a perfume line, tried her hand at restaurant business and presented her own designer lingerie collection.

Britney's life clear example saying “the rich cry too.” Worldwide popularity, a million-dollar fortune, life under the guns of the paparazzi turned out to be too much of a challenge for the young girl.

The result was two unsuccessful marriages, nervous breakdowns, alcohol and drugs, long-term depression and suicide attempt, treatment in psychiatric clinic, loss of the right to dispose of his property and custody of his two sons.

Now the singer is 36 and she still has to prove her right to happiness every day.

To get her life back under control, she needs to undergo a major medical examination. Relatives and friends claim that Britney is ready for this step. Her new boyfriend provides her with tremendous support in this.

Britney Spears and her new boyfriend Sam Asghari

In 2016, on the set of the Slumber Party music video, Britney met Iranian Sam Asghari.

The sizzling brunette, fashion model and bodybuilder, managed to melt Britney’s heart, and she again began to think about simple family happiness. Rumors about their relationship first appeared after a photo posted by Sam on Instagram.

On Christmas Day, Britney posted joint photo, thereby confirming that they are dating.

Britney's father, mindful of her past unsuccessful romances, is in no hurry to bless their relationship. In addition, Sam is 12 years younger than Britney. And although the daughter glows with happiness and posts photos together everywhere, and Sam gets along well with children, the elder Spears believes that there is no need to rush into a new marriage.

Britney with her boyfriend and children

Love helped Britney get back her old self physical fitness. During the years of depression, the girl either gained weight or suddenly lost weight, changed her hair color and even shaved her head.

Sam helped the girl find inner harmony and organized joint training.

Britney Spears and Sam Asghari workout together:

Today, Brit looks slim and fit and happily posts photos and videos of joint workouts with Sam on Instagram.

She is not shy about posing in revealing outfits and beach swimsuits, showing off her toned abs.

New career breakthrough

A new round of creativity occurred in 2016 with the release of the ninth studio album “Glory”, which received high marks critics. A year later, in April 2017, Britney received a special music award - “Pop Music Icon”. The award ceremony took place in Los Angeles at the Radio Disney Music Awards.

With sister and sons

Immediately after this, Spears went on a tour of Asia, visiting Japan, Thailand, and Jerusalem.

In Jerusalem, due to a large crowd of fans, the singer had to go to the Western Wall, surrounded by guards.

With the children's father and ex-husband Kevin Federline Britney tries to maintain friendly relations.

During her tours, the children live with their father, and when Kevin is busy, they move in with her. Kevin states that all the quarrels and disagreements are in the past, he and Britney have learned to negotiate and find a common language, although there was recently a scandal over alimony. Federline wants to increase the amount of alimony he receives from Britney, arguing that he does not have enough of the amount paid to live on. Let us remember that he has 6 children.

Britney attaches great importance to charity. In 2017 alone, the singer spent $1 million to open a new children's cancer center.

Britney helped victims of the terrorist attack in Las Vegas: she sold her painting for $10,000.

You can often see the singer at events supporting the LGBT movement. Britney believes that love has no barriers, and even published a letter expressing her gratitude LGBT community for his inspiration and “willingness not to judge.” On April 12, 2018, the singer received the Avangard Award from the society.

The singer is currently working on her tenth album. Britney admitted that she does not yet know what style it will be released in, but we hope that it will delight us with new hits.

With Father

With niece

With son

With Sam